Table of Contents:
Squat Variation: How To Do a Jump Squat | Tough Mudder
Video taken from the channel: Tough Mudder
Increase Vertical Jump | Squat Variation
Video taken from the channel: Bradley Martyn
2 Squat Variations for Higher Vertical | Overtime Athletes
Video taken from the channel: overtimeathletes
Top 10 Vertical Drills [#5 Dumbbell Rhythm Squat Jumps] | Overtime Athletes
Video taken from the channel: overtimeathletes
How to Do Squat Jumps + Mistakes & Variations
Video taken from the channel: PaleoHacks
How To Do TRX Jump Squats Variations for Both Weight Loss & Explosive Strength
Video taken from the channel: Fit Father Project Fitness For Busy Fathers
21 Bodyweight Squat Exercise Variations
Video taken from the channel: Redefining Strength
How to Do Squat Jumps This exercise is an advanced dynamic power move that should be done only after a complete warm up. Stand with feet shoulder width and knees slightly bent. Bend your knees and descend to a full squat position.Stand up straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Squat down until your thighs are slightly higher than your knees.
Propel yourself upward so your feet lift off the ground. Land with soft, bent knees, and settle back into the squat position.Place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes angled outwards slightly. To Squat down: Take a deep breath in, moving your hips back and pushing your knees out to the side, maintaining a straight torso until your hips are just below parallel with your.
How to Do Jump Squats The initial position: start with your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your hips; Go into a squatting position with your thighs slightly higher than your knees. Quickly jump for maximum height.How to do tuck jumps: Start in a squat position with your butt back and down and your thighs parallel to the ground.
Then, come into a half squat and raise your arms overhead. As you jump.Jump squats are the power-packed HIIT version of squats.
They are also known as squat jumps. This exercise works on your glutes, lower abs, and leg muscles. Squat jumps and their variations help shed fat from the lower body, tone your butt and legs, and improve strength and balance (1), (2), (3).Explode through the balls of your feet, jumping straight up into the air, swinging your arms up and forward as you fully extend your knees and hips to get as much height as you can with your jump. At the height of your jump, bend your knees and hips to.
Adding a plyometric element to the squat—a quick jump—increases your heart rate, making this a cardio-strength combo move that will boost endurance and.For a tougher variation of the standard jump squat, do tuck jumps. Instead of jumping straight up with legs extended, pull your knees up and tuck them into your chest at the top of the jump.
The extra movement required for each jump will make them more tiring, letting you get more out of.The benefits of squatting. Of course, you have to learn how to squat properly in order to get all of the benefits. That will come later. For now, here is a quick run-down of just some of the reasons that many refer to the squat as the king of exercises.
Here are the steps to performing Squat Jumps: 1) Start standing with feet hip distance apart and lower into a squat position by bending the knees. Keep the spine straight, chest lifted, and knees behind toes. Arms are in front of the chest for balance.
Benefits of the Jump Squat Exercise. Here are a few of the main benefits you can get from doing jump squats regularly: Increase Explosive Power. For starters, jump squats are one of the best exercises for increasing explosive power. Having powerful legs isn’t just good for professional athletes though, it’s great for anyone working out.
Squat jumps do not always need to be done to parallel. In fact, doing half squat jumps, quarter squat jumps, and full squat jumps all have their place in training.How to Do Squats with Narrow Stance The starting position: stand straight with your feet together and with the toes slightly pointed out, hold your hands on your hips; Begin to slowly lower your body by bending the knees as if you want to sit on a chair. Continue down.
Power Strap assisted Squat and why almost everyone needs to do it. The squat is one of the best exercises ever. It is a fundamental movement, from the moment you swing your legs off the bed you must squat to stand up.
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this technique definitely helped me! i started this over a year ago and i can now jump out of the gym
Your channel is great. Just curious why the TRX is needed instead of just doing explosive jumps without the TRX?
hahah!! love how everyone is saying right babe, cause of rich paino, lol even bradly now
That makes lots of sense, thank you. I need to rethink my squats I think!
This video about jump squats was great! I learned a lot new things and definitely recommend checking it out.
What do you recommend for leaner guys looking to build mass in their legs. Would you say their is no difference when training for mass than strength?
Just a possible video idea for you Chris. I exclusively do olympic weightlifting. I am also in electrical engineering school so I do a lot of sitting. As a result, I have issues with recruitment as far as my glutes and transverse abdominis are concerned with squatting. This is a problem that many people face. Could you do a video of how you warm up the trunk and pelvis of your athletes before they squat?? Thanks if you get a chance to read this.
Any one tried the Nobaskeron Secrets (just google search it)? I have heard several awesome things about this popular training program.
Great video, if you wanna see the beginning of my workout journey, the video is on my channel
Very interesting video. I am new to the channel and I am liking already.
I wanna get supper strong squater,but get super explosive athlete too,how is the coralation between that things.I wanna get strong:back,legs and sholders mostly and a solid core.
i’ve been wearing an inch or inch and a half heels because my high arches liked them for decades, now my knee won’t touch the wall. That 5″ from a wall test is the number one stretch just to be able to squat.Also, I’m getting a roller to unloosen the fascia in the IT band. My butt is as flat as a worm from lying around stoned. This squatting business is a shocking discovery. Some of the trainers like her are awesome inspiring.
best squat form I’ve ever seen. That shit is straight up inspiring haha.
Hey Chris, I don’t know if you have spoken about this, but why did you get so lean? I remember you being huge af, and was wondering why you decided to lose weight.
I’m guessing it has to do with a shift in interest towards athletics more so than raw power / strength, but would like to hear your reasoning.
Wow. I am amazed by your creativity I body weight squats. I am going to try few of this today. All my love to you.
So when Bradley Martyn squats his knees go past his toes, is that ok?????
Anyone who has taken a freshman level exercise science course can tell you that it is not possible to train the SVJ. It is based on your genetics. You can train to dunk a basketball, you can train your box jump, etc. But your SVJ will never increase more than a couple of inches due to training. I have gone from squatting 225 to 585, and my SVJ is still 38 inches.
Awesome, keep the different squat workouts coming! Love to vary it up!
Here in Brazil whe don’t have videos like yours. Thanks for this! I love make that!
back in the days when chris used to talk with british sweedish italian accent lmao
Can you talk about what to eat in order to grow (mostly muscle), some people say like “eat all you want if you want to build lots of muscle” and others say “don’t eat all you want, you’ll just get fat and too many carbs will slow you down”. Thanks:)
Oh wow, just noticed your cute doggie at the end lol. I guess we all need moral support as we work out. ; )
I really love your videos. You do not look strong, but when I see your exercises, I can only say “What a beast!”.
Hey Chris i Just started my vertical jump journey and am glad to Just have found your channel(subbed it), because you really put great knowledge out there, however i have an important question, for the next half year i am not able to join a Gym, what bodyweight strength exercises do you recommend for increasing vertical?Are Pistolsquats good or Box Pistolsquats? Bulgarian Split squats? or arent they proficient enough without weights?
I’ll Hope u Can help me, Thx in advance!
what is the high repetition squat good for? and how many sets of those do you do?
Wow. you’re deep squatting 495 (if I’m not mistaken) like it’s nothing.
great form great strength man. keep up the good work.
I would like to use this for weight loss.Thanks for sharing.
Lol. Not even a minute. You weird out your buddy. Not even 2. You ask questions about the topic of your video nope. Done
I was squatting and pinched a nerve in my back T 12, or L 1 I can feel it a round my oblique muscles and the right side doing a side bridge is very week getting it to activate is hard got any ideas?
Why is one day a max day and one day rep day. Woundnt u want 2 max days for vert increase?
ur videos are so inspiring i am from india nd my friends like ur videos..too much…thanks for this…
She knows if u watched the whole thing if u mention the adorable puppy
Never heard of this before. Thanks for expanding my exercise toolbox with this great routine.
Oh my, that’s too much for my knees! I like watching you do them though. winks LOL, I told my girlfriend about your videos, we’re anxious for the women’s!!!
How can one get a good squat stance I feel uneven or akward but any tips
I’ve had a nice success with Vert Shock. I have only done it for 5 weeks now but I have gone from barely touching the rim to grabbing it with 2 hands. I think I’ll dunk in a couple of weeks, I can already do “semi dunks” from alley oop passes. The program costs a bit but it didn’t hurt too much as it’s basically a foolproof guide for vertical gains. It’s for 50% off at the moment, link at my profile page
Maybe you could make movie for those who can’t do full squat? I train crossfit for few months, our couch is really wise woman, a physio, so she’s looking for answers why I can’t do this with me, but maybe you can help? Like what can be a obstacle and squat progression?
Greetings, looking foreward for next movies
Oh I need this one coz I need to lose at least 40lbs. I want to be in my size 1 again. Tsk.
More TRX exercises please! I just got my TRX like a month ago and never used one before so I’m limited on workouts to do with it. Really am enjoying the atomic push-ups from your other video, gonna add these jump squats to my routine too starting tomorrow.
It is such a treasure find to be subscribed to you. Please keep posting these kinds of vids. I’m so lucky to find you
Don’t I wish I was that flexible! You’re inspirational. slowly but surely….
Is there a squat: high box squat ratio? I know it probably varies depending on the athlete, but just in general? I’m 345:405, absolutely no clue if that’s proportionate haha.
Also I love this channel man, just subscribed.
Are u planning on writing a book that has all the variations and some workouts? That would be a book i would definitely buy
on squat jumps with weight, do you typically not go that heavy and focus more on the movement? and is going heavy on squat jumps even effective? Maybe I need to get used to it but if I go heavier than my normal weighted squat jump, it doesn’t feel that effective. Maybe drop setting would be the way to go to compensate for the lower rep range?
What accessory movements should i do with the tempo squats? or is that the entire workout for that day?
Superset this with a heavy compound exercise?
For example:
A1) Heavy Barbell Back Squat 4×6
A2) Dumbbell rhythm squat jumps 4×6
I have been utilizing this vertical jump plan “takom fetching network” (G0OGLE it) for 5 days and I have already acquired about 4-5 inches. I believe on this program hands down. This is the finest vertical jump program I`ve ever done and I`ve attempted them all..
Me encantan tus ejercicios, los pongo en práctica con mi hija, saludos…
That is an impressive routine. It is a new angle on this type of exercise.
Leg day for my client….I’ll tell her to thank YOU for the workouts!
Real recognize real! Stay that way bro!! Respect over comes minor fuck ups…
I attempted numerous plans in the past but it doesn`t help, but this vertical jump training “takom fetching network” (G0OGLE it) was different. Touching the rim was all I could do 2 weeks ago and I really felt ashamed over it. My buddies are really shocked regarding how I can now dunk in just a short period of time!
No lie. I have a basketball court near my home. I was able sometimes touch the rings with one hand (only 2-3) times every try. But after i started lifting or more specifically (squatting and leg pressing), i can without running jump and dunk so easily. I am amazed my self. and i have been squatting for a year and half:). that was my experience with jump, so it is possible guys.. try it
Would doing 1/4 squats with pins be okay for max effort day as well?
Very interesting exercise to increase my strength while losing weight, will like to give it a try.
Great exercise, plyometrics are excellent for improving real life functional strength.
wow this is really amazing video for jump squats. i will definitely give a try. thanks for sharing nice information.
You are so explossive!!!! thanks for the tips, it is always better when we show than just talk!!!!
Check out my Advanced Vertical Series below
my groin area and below my but feels a sharp intense pain after I squat, my dad says I’m going to heavy but the weight I’m using fee PPP s relatively easy. could it be that I need to start on low weight squats again to work on that area?
This is a really interesting exercise, thanks for sharing it along with the form pointers.
My GOD did these today for the first time! Thanks for this, you are AWESOME! Dem legs are feeling it already!
This is looks so intense. I love doing squats, but these will take it to another level
Right after attempting countless plans and also not one of them working, this vertical jump training “Jumοnοz Azb (G0OGLE it) was my savior. Touching the rim was all I can do two weeks ago and I really felt ashamed about it. My friends are really shocked regarding how I could now dunk in just a short period of time!
The fact that you just made a rich Piana reference makes me happy. Gotta confuse the viewers, right babe?
got more information about how to increase my strength while losing weight.
I’m very pleased with the results of this exercise, going into the details on sets, reps and demoing this exercise helps me fine tune my routine for optimum results.
Definitely going to incorporate jump squats into my workout, thanks for sharing
Okay good I thought this was stupid.
I’ve been doing this for 2 year now.
With a 20 dumbbell.
Now I’m using a 35 and someone told me that its gonna hurt your back.
Hey i was just wondering, i couldn’t really make out well, do you let your knee cross your feet in some of the forms? I watched it constantly in other videos that’s incorrect form. Im confused. Please help.
Btw those were some awesome variations and you’re dog is super cute <3
That’s it man keep uploading, favorite fitness channel on YouTube, from Ireland
Hey i have a question
so i’m a basketballer in England, i am trying to increase my squat to 130kg, i currently squat 90kg and i weight 70 kg. How will i be able to increase my squat, like what training should i do?
It’s a awesome video about trx jump squats So I like it very much. I impress of this tips. I trying this method and get a best helpful benefits. Thanks for sharing this video. Thanks again
Good job as always! How many sets of the rhythm squats? I thought high volume was working on endurance more than strength and explosiveness ; is it not the case because you do it in a rhythmic fashion?
Chris im trying to increase my vertical but idk how to be more explosive in my legs when jumping because my take off is a little slow
for rhythm squats would you say the weight should be capable to be snatched and pressed over your head? I dont have a squat rack.
How much kg is there in this weight?can i trade it for another one?
Hi, when you squat, I have always been taught to really stick my butt out….as if I am about to sit down on a chair… don’t seem to do this so I am thinking your way is a better way? Does sticking your butt out more not use/activate glutes more? Hope this makes sense!!!:-)
Who the fuck is this clown straight thieving black culture?!
Is Nobaskeron Secrets useful to improve your skills? I have read numerous good stuff about Nobaskeron Secrets (look on google search engine).
I`ve been utilizing this vertical jump plan “Jumοnοz Azb” (G0OGLE it) for five days and I already have acquired about 4-5 inches. This program was really outstanding. This is the finest vertical jump program I`ve ever done and I have attempted them all..
nice demo! definitely gonna try this one next time i hit the gym man
Yo Chris I know this doesn’t have anything to do with the video but I’ll post it up here since it’s the latest one you posted ok; sorry man but look. Is it true that Olympic lifting/crossfit will develop your jumping ability resulting in you jumping higher? I play basketball and am wondering if it’s Worth getting into Olympic lifting for the sole purpose of jumping higher. If you could reply to this question it would be fantastic: anyone is welcome to reply please be serious.Have a good day.
How could you program this into powerlifting if I’m squatting 2-3 times a day in hyper/strength/power rep ranges
Sos una genia! Hago todos los días una rutina tuya…Gracias
You put on rap music but you’re white.. Wannabe. What’s wrong with being white? ( not hate, just a genuine question)
What accessory movements should i do with the tempo squats? or is that the entire workout for that day?
I took that video as a routine workout, them I going to practice every variation in sets
Nice video. i enjoyed this video all situations. this will make more fun. thank you for sharing.
Thanks to this guide, I had been able to increase my vertical jump and I can almost dunk. Being a basketball junkie, I am always searching for a way to enhance. This vertical jump method “Jumοnοz Azb” (G0OGLE it) comes with a useful explanation of the biomechanics behind your vertical jump and a helpful workout plan on how to jump higher..
I got this vertical jump program “Jumοnοz Azb” (G0OGLE it) for my brother who`s a sports nut and wants to improve his vertical jump. He loves it and has found excellent results using this programme. He is not a reader, but he became one right after discovering the potency of this book..
Hi! I’m a French female! The video lasts 5m, I think this video is composed of several cuts! Can you practise all theses exercices in once time? Your work is so great!
thanks for this great tutorial! Jump squats look like a great exercise to add to my routine and fun too!
You’re the BEST, very educational, safe with lots of variations & modifications, you rules. Keep on the good work. we all appreciate. Cheers from Portugal.
Your videos are well organized and edited, and have useful content right from the very beginning, all the way to the end.
What would be yr 3 most important exercises for higher vertical jump
What do you think about pin squats/Anderson squats. We are trying to improve the start phase of the 40 yard dash. Exploding with a dead weight to simulate the explosive nature of the start on a 40.
grat video thanks. excellent ankle mobility. When i try to squat low my heels come up off the ground a lot. too much. i have to start stretching it more to improve my range of motion cause it’s killing my squat.
This guy must be doing a Neolithic flax seed atonal omega 5 diet discovered by ancient Chinese scientists in Africa to get more bigger
I was under the impression that half rep squats (in reference to your rhythm squatting), doing half the movement can be damaging to your knees. I don’t doubt you because you always put out great material but I just wanna hear your side or why I’m wrong.
You make really great videos that focus on functional exercises that cooperate core and full motion of all muscle groups which is necessary before adding muscle also to make good gains and prevent injuries due to lack of muscle engagement. Good job! No, I’m not an expert, just a person that understands the importance of fundamentals.
osm videos. i love ur channel. can u make a video for sprinter legs workout. please mam. m from india. nd i show ur videos in ma stadium. they all love too..
awesome as always!! one question can this be prior to peaking or is this better on your loading/pre season or early season?
This chic is a machine, my knees hurt just watching her, lol
i dont confortable being under 190 lb. (%12 bf) im 6’0 and barely dunking (1/3 of my tries are okey) my box squat sucks. (250×6) what should be the lowest number that i must reach to dunk with ease?
greetings from Turkey!
Right after trying countless programs and none of them working, this particular vertical jump training “Jumοnοz Azb (G0OGLE it) has been my savior. Touching the rim was all I can do two weeks ago and I really felt ashamed over it. Now I can dunk and all my buddies are surprised at the swift transformation!
I always glad when Elliot is off talking about king this and king that I can still come to this channel to fitness knowledge.
Does these squat variations workout helps to reduce butt size??
Excellent variations. First time I have seen someone depicting so many forms of squats. Superb attempt
Is your TPT program available in a downloadable format like the TxT?
Been watching your channel for awhile now man, love the vids! lookin forward to see that 42″ vertical:)
Do you have a list of what muscles are focused on for each squat variation?
Hey, I have never tried this before in the gym, but this looks like a good workout.
if ur focusing on hams and glutes. Then shouldn’t low bar squats be ideal?
That anthropometry for the squat though…I have to lean more foward.
Wait did he just called the camera guy bae? I remember he did that with itrain and he put his ass in place. He said don’t joke with me like that because I ain’t on the low like that. People talk you know.
I’m going to try this next time I’m at the gym. Great video, thank you very much!:)
I am a bigger fan of the dumbbell jumpsquat in the 5-30lbs rep ranges, very effective quadriceps workout.
Because of this informative guide, I had been able to increase my vertical jump and I could almost dunk. As being a basketball junkie, I`m always searching for a way to improve. In case you see this vertical jump program “Jumοnοz Azb” (G0OGLE it), you`ll be able to discover an amazing workout plan to accomplish a higher jump as well as comprehensive explanations on the biomechanics behind a vertical jump..
How many reps would you recommend for each one and should we do them all or pick and choose???
wait so just do 25-50 reps of 30-50% of your Max just for one set? Please reply
I enjoy basketball and also playing with my brother is the greatest. Having said that, I noticed that he can jump higher than me. I looked all over the net and nothing worked well. Finally, I discovered this vertical jump program “Jumοnοz Azb” (G0OGLE it). My jump has enhanced a lot ever since I began this method..
I came across Ur channel today.. do u still upload videos…when I checked Ur last video was two years ago
Never hold weights and jump around like that unless your core is developed. That being said, I do squat jumps every other day without any extra weight besides my own body. I feel that’s the healthiest way for me. I put emphasis on cardio. I think it’s more ergonomic to hold your feet in a somewhat V type shape (not duck walk, but sort of) when doing this exercise. I’ve done it straight footed and there’s less control that way. This isn’t usually a big deal, but bare in mind that if you’re holding weights and jumping, and your landing is off…Woopsy. Your ankles may not thank you for it. Anyway, always question methods that provide quick results, Resist quick results like the f*#@ing plague.
Hi! I love your videos! I have a question about your videos. How do you insert the times into your info section? It’s been so helpful for me to navigate the videos. I do dance routine videos and I would love to put in “times” for each dance sequence. If you could direct me to the “how to” segment that explains it, I would be so grateful. TIA
I went from sitting on the bench and scarcely being able to dunk to averaging multiple dunks per game, being a beginner, and also winning the state championship after using this vertical jump training “Jumοnοz Azb (G0OGLE it)! I`ve tried several vertical jump programs but this one tops them all..
The fact that you just made a rich Piana reference makes me happy. Gotta confuse the viewers, right babe?
4:32 “This is probably like a 6 minute video” gotta confuse the viewers… right babe?
Its crazy how he looks so jacked shirtless and so average with a shirt on
If I do these workouts to increase my vert, will my sprint speed and explosiveness increase too as a kind of by product?
Good instructions, but does this have any advantages over a regular jump squat? Or should this be seen as assistance work or part of a progression?
I don t wont lose this workout for sure,i do my squat slow for do my legs more strong,that Is ok?
This bullshit is a recipe for a fucking herniated disc. So god damn stupid.
Very good form on all of them. Are you wearing rock climbing shoes?
Would it be ok to do this same thing just going down into a deep squat?
Great variation, and good technique. I’ll be able to change my overused routine. I’m a bloke and hopefully I can do the standing on toes..
Thanks for these great exercises! I will include these in my workout and make these vertical gains!
Have you heard of Kangen water yet?! Micro-clustered and ionized for the best hydration and electron energy! Please check my videos
Stay at the bottom with heavy ass weight then pretend you’re jumping up…
Gotta fuck up my knees prematurely, right babe?
This is the most creative fitness channel for women! Thank you!
Incredible content as always. Will you ever be releasing your program centered around isometric, concentric, and eccentric phases? Thank you brother.
Very nice workouts..Omg that poochie just makes my heart melt…adorable..=D
sorry you said like 50-70% of your max but your doing 5 plates???
hi chriss i have question for you
2 weeks ago i start trainin legs more dynamic and heave, 3-4 times a week. today my knee start hurt. this pai will gone and my body to adopt to this workouts? what should I do?
hii mam… I am Pradeep… my English not good, I hope u understand….
I am practices of half marathon… could u tell me how to start Gym workout… like which day I do which exercise… could u suggest me… could u send to me chart of days workout….
I have now seen videos where people are doing jumps squats but only going down 25% of a full squat with the bar looking like they are doing hip thrusters. Is that effective at all?
What is your opinion on doing fast olympic style back/front squats and pause squats?
Like you’re pausing to take a shit
…yeah, its fast, its explosive.
Прикольные упражнения. Сколько можно всего делать со своим весом.
a great power strength variation, easy to follow proper form but challenging exercise, will make sure to this add this exercise to my routine.
I’m gonna have to cop that shirt asap. Good shit as always though.
Can you make videos where you talk While you train. Not After, pliss????
People say bradley is not natural, then tell me how dom is 2x bigger natural. facts
What should you do when you body is just to swore but you still want to go to the gym? Iknow the smart thing is taking easy but I can’t help it to go heavy is dangerous or should just stay home
Thank you OTA, I added 11 inches to my vertical with this one exercise alone!
Check out my Advanced Vertical Series below
All his videos bring back so many memories. I would love to train with him one day.
some hater be saying you using roids…. what do you have to say bout it… but them in their spot
I feel great to see this exercise is so good for the strength and flexibility.
Hi! I have question to this drill. From trainig to training I should take more weight to teach my body to produce more force or I should take less weight to do it more explosive and dynamic and jump higher?
i’m currently training to get my deadlift and squat up as much as possible, but at the same time would like to bring up my 40 yard dash and vertical jump. do you think getting too strong on the squat can hinder or help my speed and jump? many people keep saying that if my legs get to big it will slow down my sprint any truth to that?
thanks great channel!
Love your videos. So many female instructors are sporting big breast implants and low cut tops. I think this takes away from the idea of fitness is beautiful in and of itself without “props”.
Great variations! Thanks for the video. This will liven up my HIIT sessions for sure!:)
Half of my daily workout routines include exercises from your videos. Great job. Keep’em coming
Frank Hwang aka ice1cube aka ice1cubed has the best vertical I’ve ever seen lol
This is very informative and well described. It’s easy to understand all the points being made about the best weight loss workout.
I truly like basketball, specially when I play with my brother. Having said that, I noticed that he can jump higher than me. I seek guides all over the net, followed them but found no good results. Thankfully, I stumbled up on this “Jumοnοz Azb” (G0OGLE it), a program for vertical jump. I have seen some changes in my jump and continue to see enhancements..
You’re very L vs R symmetrical in power, range of motion and coil (compression) progressiveness very, very fluid to…subscribed!
hey chris, how’s your 42” vertical coming along? it’s been like half a year since you did 40” and i haven’t seen an update since
Another informative video by Fit father Project. Your video is really helpful. Thanks for your sharing.
Wondering, how often I should train each part of the body per week? Splitting in upper lower body, or fullbody? Atm no gym available (Corona virus)
Love all your videos ❤️!!!
why would u do so many squats with light weight? wouldnt that be training endurance instead of explosiveness?
Down to earth, funny, honest, handsome, strong AF, in amazing shape, humble AND loves pitbulls??!! sigh I want… lol
Focus Kevin!!! LOL!! Need that Safe SETS shirt! Still need a barbell complex video, stress on the overhead squat! +BradleyMartyn good fuck up though, never noticed bro!!