Table of Contents:
How to defend against a dog. Self defense against dog attack
Video taken from the channel: Systema Spetsnaz
How to Survive a Dog Attack
Video taken from the channel: BRIGHT SIDE
The Proven Way to Survive a Dog Attack
Video taken from the channel: BRIGHT SIDE
How to prevent dog bites?
Video taken from the channel: CNN
How to Avoid Getting Attacked By a Dog
Video taken from the channel: ABC News
Preventing a Dog Bite
Video taken from the channel: K9University
How to Stop a Charging Dog (MUST WATCH)
Video taken from the channel: Dog Psychology 101
If a Dog Attacks If you are charged by the dog, get something between you and the dog’s mouth—an umbrella, pack, jacket, or stick If you are attacked by the dog, curl up in a ball and protect your face, neck, and head. How to Stay Safe on Your Walks.Avoid using your body to stop the aggression.
If you are holding a dog that is reacting violently or you are close to them, be careful and never use your leg (or any part of your body) to stop them. This could cause them to redirect their bite to some.Understanding your dog’s body language before a bite. You need to understand the dog’s language.
By understanding these clear signals, the dog sends out, you can avoid making it angry or scared. And as a result, you will avoid being bitten.In this state, dog owners are liable for any bites that their dog causes, provided that that victim was in a public place or was lawfully on private property. This holds even in cases where owners were unaware that their dog would be so dangerous and in cases where owners tried to prevent.
How to Prevent Dog Bites: Dog Prevention Tips. Do not “sneak up” on a dog. Allow the dog to see your approach. Do not bother dogs that are eating, sleeping or providing care for puppies.
Notice the dog’s body language. A tense body, stiff tail and pulled back ears are all signs of an animal.Crucial tips to avoid a dog attack include: Never assume a dog will not bite, do not run, and place an object between you and the dog if it attacks.
Disagreement exists on whether to look an aggressive dog in the eye, as well as about the use of.If you start screaming, your dog will likely attack more. Instead, quickly grab the back legs of your dog and pick them up in the air.
Most dogs will quickly stop fighting if their hind end is in.Never try to approach or touch an unfamiliar dog without first asking for the owner’s permission. If the dog’s owner isn’t present, don’t go near the dog.
Never approach a dog that’s eating, sleeping, or caring for puppies. Dogs in these situations are more likely to be protective and are easily startled.Dog bites can cause serious physical and emotional injuries, and injured victims are entitled to compensation. Dog bites can be superficial or very deep. After a bite, you should immediately stop the bleeding by applying pressure with a clean towel.
We offer a free, no-obligation consultation where we will sit down and listen to you describe the events that led up to the dog bite.Dog bites account for more than a third of all homeowners’ insurance claims, according to the Insurance Information Institute. So the U.S.
Postal Service has asked residents to be responsible by.Fear is usually directed towards strangers such as veterinarians and postal workers or in unfamiliar situations. Never approach an unfamiliar dog and teach your children to do the same. Fear bites can occur when a dog is startled at home therefore.
According to the CDC; Preventing Dog Bites Teach children basic safety around dogs and review regularly: Do not approach an unfamiliar dog. Do not run from a dog and scream. Remain motionless (e.g., “be still like a tree”) when approached by an unfamiliar dog. If knocked over by a dog, roll into a ball and lie still (e.g., “be still like a log”).
Do not play with a dog.Avoid direct eye contact with the dog. Stand with the side of your body facing the dog.
Directly staring or facing a dog can appear aggressive (as a challenge) to the dog. Wait for the dog to pass by or slowly back away. If the dog does attack, “feed” him your jacket, purse, bicycle, or anything that you can put between yourself and the dog.For other people’s dogs and strays, here are some tips to avoid and prevent bites:
Ask the owner. Don’t pet someone else’s dog unless you ask first. Let it sniff you before you attempt to.
The best way to eliminate canine rabies is to vaccinate dogs and prevent bites. Dogs are an important part of our lives.They are our best friends and guardians, they offer us their company and we think of them as part of the family.
List of related literature:
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from Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training, Procedures and Protocols | |
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from Elsevier’s Veterinary Assisting Textbook E-Book | |
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from Between Pets and People: The Importance of Animal Companionship | |
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from Mosby’s Comprehensive Review for Veterinary Technicians E-Book | |
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from Wilderness Medicine E-Book: Expert Consult Premium Edition Enhanced Online Features | |
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from Siberian Huskies For Dummies | |
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from K9 Personal Protection: A Manual for Training Reliable Protection Dogs | |
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from Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant | |
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from Small Animal Internal Medicine E-Book |
“Get vaccinated, remember get vaccinated, and also you must get vaccinated” this video sponsored by the medical industry?
Can i go beast wild? And just kick them and punch them? Or something or ill just get rekt:P
Rear naked choke works too. I had to RNC my GSP cuz it was getting very aggressive with our smaller mut cuz he ate one of his treats. As soon as I locked the choke he stopped barking and moving, i let him go and he was all humble.
4:12 what a pile of bullshit. Everyone research the average of people attacked and killed by dogs you will be amazed
dogs and other animal can sence fear.
when you fear you send out some hormones that is what they sence.
I got chased by a family of doges theyre fast as hell and thrre was a huge puddle i wenit the puddle my pants got wet but atleast the dog was scared of shallow puddles XD
While asserting your dominance over a dog is possibly the answer… In some cases it’s just not possible and you have to fight back, maybe even hurt the attacking dog enough so it runs away.
All you have to do is act like you are going to pick up a rock or something. Works for me everytime. Dogs aren’t stupid. lol
If you use folic acid on any cloth & just hang on any high place dog will forget barking & biting will run romantic looking for she dog! Literally they will go mad to search for she dog
There’s also another option especially if there’s a pack of dogs I encountered about 15 years ago. Just so happen I was going grocery shopping didn’t have a car so I was using suitcase with wheels to do my grocery shopping while using city transportation. Fortunately this incident happened when my suitcase was still empty 3 dogs approached barking and started charging. I use my suitcase fully extended and waved it in front of me. They saw that and turned around and ran away. So if you have anything long or tall maybe a broom even possibly maybe a belt you wave it in front of you. Nine times out of 10 it will prevent them from attacking you. That’s actually nature survival 101. that works on most animals charging you.
If you have no guns to keep you safe then I’m here for you, if a dog coming towards towards you just do as you grabing a stone and they get scared this worked for me then 5 dogs were running towards me(I got this tip from my mom but it helps) but its better to have a knife or better a pistol with a suppresor I’m might spell this wrong but today 2020and our own dog turned agains us and almost killed us and my dad grabbed the shutgun and he did wat he did he shot him so you always gonna stay with dat knife in your pocket or pistol its with it anything can happen in life and you gonna make shured you are ready.
I have been attacked by a few of my friends dogs yet they had all done little harm.
The Trump thing is a CHEAP SHOT…your a DOUCHE!!! I hope a lot of people ignore yur Liberal Democratic sick minded hate ways!!!
If you’re regularly walking in areas where chances of vicious dog encounters are common, best to carry a collapsible steel baton. Or a segment of washing machine plumbing hose (makes a great lightweight “club” device). Use it as a last resort. It’s all about the status of the dog-is it simply anxious & challenging of a stranger, or is it motivated to actually attack? A challenge dog will slow down as it approaches, to initially keep a distance its comfortable with. An attacking dog will keep running towards you, no slow down. If it looks like a dog will attack, best to use your hand weapon & strike it firmly on the nose. It’s very painful and the dog may not want to risk further pain. If it doesn’t withdraw, strike it firmly as it lunges again. The dog who challenges: don’t look directly at it. Don’t raise your hands. Give firm commands without yelling: stop. sit. back away. go home. And wait. It should eventually tire & go away. Or slowly back away towards a busy area with other people around.
I was cycling in the morning by a lake, suddenly a dog chased me and scratched my leg. But I kicked it in the face and escaped♂
If a dog charges at me, I would stand in a fighting pose with my crutch in my hand. As soon as he comes near me, BAM! Nosebleed or a torn rib.
I live in Texas,,we dont walk down the road (or anywhere else for that matter) without a pistol. Dog comes at me and mine Ill put a bullet in his head and throw his carcass back in the yard he came from ( we dont like litter on the roads either)
I got chased by a dog while i was trying to through away the garbage yesterday a black pitball I think with his tongue out. I tried to do this tactic where I stand still but the dog was runnin at me so I ran as fast as i can while wearing my flipflops and managed to hide behind a car and not get injuried
Way too much talkie talk! No one has the time to listen to so much talkie talk!
yea! I got bit by my 26 pound husky… and it huRt…my mom or dad didn’t care all they said is he’s just playing.I don’t think so
I prefer the old tried and tested Caribbean method… stone it like an adulterer
The throwing the child over the car split -second scene just killed me,lol
It’d be better to have mace or a weapon if the dog was intent on attacking you. This is good for knowing the difference between aggression and a dog just being a dog., but an aggressive dog can kill you. Mace can be a very effective option, but some rural have feral dogs, and you should probably carry a gun in those areas and many people do.
I am a cat-lover so I can get my dad to attack them dogs .
I’m a little alarmed at the number of attacks commented on. I shall pay more attention.
If you get surrounded by a group of dogs
Immediately start doing a shinku tatsumaki senpukyaku
This is completely WRONG! Let me share why…having known many mail carriers in my life, the tried-and-TRUE best way to calm and confuse a potentially dangerous dog is to reach your hand into your pocket and then put it to your mouth and start chewing as if you are eating something. Best if you actually have something they can see, but this trick seems to work well over 95% of the time. And it’s not just for for postal carriers!
Funny video clip!! Caught me… Child in the Air!! Lmao!! Great content too
I once read an article about what to do when a dog charges at you and it said to tell the dog, “Stop! Go home!’ The article added “This works even with dogs that don’t speak English.”
I got bitten by a German Shepard it almost ripped my hand I think I’m gonna die
You want to stop an attacking dog?
Three German Shepherds came running at me. Nowhere to get to very quick. I picked up rocks and threw them fast and furious at them; they stopped.
Dude me and my friend ran away from dog two times, we both was going slowly but even if we didn’t mind him he attacked us we both jumped in bush! that was kinda fun that strange dog attacks us always
02:30 I laughed so much at the shot of “throwing the child on the car”.
Seriously, I had a nightmare after watching this video. I dreamed of 3 huge dogs biting my legs not letting go. Must be my phobia (or trauma) unresolved.
Use your rage. a dog attack can mean your death especially if its more than two big dogs. Fight through the pain and kill or be dinner time.
That was badass. It would have worked anyway but the dog knew you werent a threat bc you are friends so a real dog attacking would keep trying to fight you while holding it.
Shit reminded me of Atlanta when Darius shoots the dog poster.
My friend has a cocker spaniel, He’s tame but can go wild and try biting, what I do is try to calm him down while moving my feet dodging his bites, I can tell when he’s getting angry
If you can not avoid being bitten by a dog then do what I did. He tried to bite my hand and I kept a fist as his mouth swallowed my hand Once in his mouth I grabbed his tongue and and did not let go and now the dog was pleading me to let go.
I next then acted like I wanted my hand to go deeper down his throat and that was when he was scared and really tried to get away so I finally let go and then he just looked at me like,”YOU WEIRDO!!” Then he ran away.
What about try hitting the dog with a rod on your hand? Will it back away??
well this happend to me I was very scared but I was with my friend me and my friend walk and there’s a dog following us and my friend said don’t move don’t look at him and we walk slow after that we went back to house
I been attacked by a dog I was running screamingmbut thne it left me alone i wasn’t even harmed dog breeds: Golden Retriever and Labrador
Carry pepper spray you don’t have to even spray the dog just near it. I know it a bs move but there noses are so sensitive they will stop. Not the fake pepper spray but the real type. Preferably the type for use on bears.
I carry a combat knife with me. I know to use it as a bludgeon to deter said dog.
Maybe possible to defend against one dog.But what do you do when it’s multiple dogs?
Ok, it works again a medium-sized (30kg) german shepherd or Malinois, but what about a 60-70 kilogramms caucasian or alabai/kangal etc…if he don’t jump you just bite and back alternately? Or a practised and fast real puma hunter dogo argentino? There are different attack modes by dogs…
I have walked through neighborhoods with lots of stray dogs and pit bulls. Carry a walking stick, preferably something that wont break or shatter, even better is a long slender metal pole capable of lashing damage or you can use one of those extendable powerpoint things. Carry some pebbles or rocks with you. If it comes on you like its going to attack, pelt it in the face right in the nose as hard as you can, every time it so much as looks at you dogs hate that. If it does whap it upside the head as in the eyes and nose. A Dogs entire universe is his face, without that hes powerless and it knows this. When that cat attacked the dog, right in the damn face, cats know.
I had practically experience that of dogs comes to attack simply sit down it will not attack you! Once I was at my relatives farm house & at nite his dog bark too much not let me sleep! It was such a disturbing so I simply gave dogs few sweets & later I just took Auto Grease & put it at the dog exhaust hole then dog tried to bark but as dog was unable to close the exhaust the moment dog tried it turn to be only miss fire houuuu & then rest of nite dog was also sleeping next to door. In the morning I clean it & even then before barking dog was afraid… to bark & was looking back to exhaust…lol.
I have a small dog and I’ve found the best way is to put your hand into a fist and make it bite it ( wont hurt as much) the with your body and your other hand take it down while the dog will move its mouth move your fist and wrap around it with its mouth away from you
I’ve had dogs try to bite my arm. I shoved my arm in as much as possible. That chokes the sucker.
BTW, it’s why I prefer cats. Never been charged by a cat.
Sorry, but a ‘big loud noise’ makes no difference to a dog running toward your dog. What will you do to STOP an oncoming dog that is willing to attack your dog and/or you? Common sense is carry ‘bear spray’ and be ready to use it. NO hesitation and no excuses toward the other dog’s owner. Stay quiet and get ready to go to court. contact your attorney NOW. The law does not demand that you ‘negotiate’ or ‘be nice’… it allows you to protect yourself and your property. Do that and talk to your own attorney.
Once a stray dog came running at me. I kicked it so hard like a football it laid unconscious on the ground.Then I ran off.
me i was riding my motor bike and a dog chased me and i pushed the truddele
Just spray some of Chuck Norris piss and your good to go. No animal on earth will dare to even attack you. They smell Chucks presence and will cower in fear.
So I’m watching this right after I was about to get attacked by three stray dogs. Luckily for me, there was a man watching them and came to rescue me before I got hurt.
Me I learned my lesson when twice my dog was attacked, coming from nowhere, now I never go out with a stick strong enough to kill the other dog if I have to. My dog is a Doberman cross so not a small dog so if another dog is stupid enough to attack mine then it is a bad habit and does not need to lives and he will hurt another dog or human later on!
You can also grab both front legs and spread them outward sideways horizontal from the direction of their head.
I’m 14 and this happened to someone, but only with a single dog. When I went to help the dog turned to me. I knew this was a dog with nothing like rabies or anything and saw a collar. When the dog came for me I pushed it down with my weight then held down his muzzle, so he couldn’t snap at me. Then i called for help and got the owner. I just wonder if I did this right. I’m trying to learn a lot about dog behavior from many books I’ve read. From what I know it seemd this dog did this out of fear. The dog was a boxer. I would like some opinions on if this was a correct thing to do. Thank you.
If it’s a little dog you can either kick it or stomp really hard
I wish that all schools in the US would have a class on how to avoid dog bites. There are are millions of kids that have no clue how to respond when a dog is about to bite them. It would save a lot of lives and injuries too. Great video.
One morning i was jogging, suddenly i saw some street dogs in front of me, it saw me and started barking, i stopped but it came towards me and i couldn’t do anything so i ran backwards but i fell down, the moment i was on the ground the dogs went awat
Anyone here from Unus Annus?
*Excessively thick Russian accent intensifies
I got rushed by a Tibetan mastiff today.
High key the only time I’ve ever actually been scared of a dog.
Make sure you do a few 360s and a rolley polley, that step is crucial.
And if you’re walking and notice from a distance a pitbull, a doberman pinscher, a german sherpard, a rottweiler or a caucasian dog sheperd with out his master coming your way. go the other way, and report it to animal care.. Don’t be those people who think they know dogs and tries to pet it.. Why take a risk.
Just grab it’s tail and start spinning like crazy. I call that one the helicopter
I figured this out when I was 12 years old. I was being charged by a barking German Shepherd. I stepped forward and yelled with a vengeance, “”Back off!” That dog turned around and left.
When the dog is charging you, run directly toward it and stick your finger in its ass as hard as you can, thereby using its inertia against it, a well delivered finger can easily crush the dogs fighting spirit and will stop it in its tracks.
Very BAD advice, following this advice will get you killed. The best advice is practice your right to bear arms that’ll stop a charging dog immediately.
Ok if the dog bit u on the arm, keep elbow and punching it or poke it in the eye.
If a dog bites just bite back it’s the round of life the strongest eats the weakest
I did this, my wife was charging my card and I locked eyes on her! She barked at me but I stood my ground!
Great tips! Though I’m surprised to see a photo of a dog wearing a choke collar in a video featuring a trainer who is strongly against them.
I was chased by 5 dogs I ran so fast suddenly I stopped abit far from the dogs and then they left
Me talking to my friend: Maybe we can go in the pool. My friend: sure. My friends mom: lets dog out dog rush is up to me give me a big purple Broose
If you roll into a ball the dogs gonna chew you and THINK YOUR A BIG HUGE BALL XD
If you suddenly face a big dog and he is braking thn you forgets all those thing and start the runing
I’ve wondered do those electron a dog repellents work. I just bought one and will upload a video using one.
Ive been attacked by a dog today me and my friend were running but then he stopped and he fell but i keeped running but then the dog ran away from me but i dont know why did the dog ran away from me
To avoid dying become the alpha dog and show that dog your the superior
1 day i ride my bike and than a dog chase me and a indian guy save me i’m islam dog is bad we don’t like dog
She said it is a better chance to get struck by lightning two or three times, before being attacked and killed by a dog…
Bless her heart.
My dog was killedhit that if you feel bad for me
A dog bit me once so I killed it. I was young and strong then. What about children cripples and old people?. I did what my warrior instinct drove me to do. I did the morally correct thing.
i was almost bitten by a dog once luckuly it had a cone and rabies vaxinashon phew
Have a lighter always…use a lighter…nothing on earth can stand a flame on the nose or eyes or face for more than a couple of seconds
I was attacked by a dog when I was five. I was on a walk with my parents and then a large disgusting pitbull chased after me I ran into a bunch of nettles then the dog bit me I took of my shoe and slapped him on the head (whilst crying obviously I was 5) I then stuck my finger into the dogs eyes until he let go then ran off
One time at morning I was going to school suddenly 4 big dogs started coming to me, I litterally stopped I did not run at all idk how tf i did that lol then I took my backpack and told them to go then they stopped barking and they ran away
I felt like a hero
If worst comes to worst, you can roll with the dog, pull both of its legs to either side and completely disable it. At that point you’d better be comfortable killing an animal, because that is really hardcore. Nice backing music btw, Silent Partner are great.
All the people who want to learn how to train their dogs and not follow this lady’s advice. Please I advise you watch a couple episodes of the Dog whisperer. He has greats tips that are 100% effective and are not bullshit.
Should have put trigger warning in the title & description…
I was chased by a dog one day but I had some dog treats with me (because I came from a dog bakery) I then gave him some treats and took him to the vet and now he is sitting on my lap so before you hurt an animal think 100,000,000,000,000 times that what will you do if you were the animal won’t you get hurt……the animal is only attacking because he is feeling insecure about something…….so ignore it or give food to it…….STAY SAFE
Pretty sure it’s better to just punch it REALLY HARD while it charges you
This video is fucking awesome!!!
Best advice ever! “You gotta keep moving”
Here’s my advice. Remain calm,, stand still, keep your arms and hands crossed, talk calmly to the dog, so I it knows you’re not a threat and not scared either!!
I was attacked by a dobberman when I was 6.
I tried to pet him from behind as I knew him but he flipped and bite me above my eyebrew and my cheek.
The owner immediately shot him down and we went tot the hospital.
I was ok and lucky..
The owner put the dog in a big bag,hanged him,took a big wooden stick and together we hit the bag saying bad dog bad dog..
Since then I’m not afraid of dogs and had more then 20 in my life.
But if a dog attacks me I know I have one change to put both my hands in the mouth back where no theeth and hold on or grabhis adam apple on his throat..
When I was 11, got chased by a pair of Dobermans at a camping site. I ran into the bathroom. It was one of those drive in camping trips
Animals have feelings I am a dog person but I am on the cats said BAD DOG
Thanks for this now I know how to behave with my friend’s dog
That was me 10 minutes ago, now I’m in the hospital
This is great to know if a capitalist dog attacked me in the 1980s in Afghanistan.
I got attacked by 3 dogs at once and luckily i had a solid stick so i swung it and whacked them in the face and on the nose
Knowing that most dogs are faster than Usain bolt creeps, me out. Even the legend himself can’t beat a dog in race.
and there was more than two dog, and u are done no more control
Ones I was attacked by dog and I run and nothing happens then I notice that the dog want to play with me
You are wrong about dogs not actually smelling fear. Studies have shown that we sweat chemicals they, and even we, unconsciously smell. Look it up.
No way me or my kid are gonna change our behaviour around dogs if your dog bites me i will shoot you and your dog.
Yeah I once encountered a pack of dogs on my way to coaching classes……they surrounded me and 2 of them even bit me but I was saved by my new Parker pen which I poked in the eyes of dog
Practice side stepping at the very last second and kick the sh$t out of it.
Lmao the dogs smile when he pinned it. Like he thinks there playing
I have crouched to pick up a rock, or pretended to be picking up one where none was available. Most dogs know what this means. I have also quickly dismounted my bike and then struck the dog with the rear wheel, swinging the bike, which can function as a shield.
No you gotta say “whosagoodboy whosagoodboy you are you are”
My brother got attacked by a dog so he started to kick it and ended up with a bite on the leg!
As a person who has grown up in the Mexican ghetto with stray dogs GRAB A GIANT STICK AND HIT IT IN THE EYES AND MOUTH (only if it tries attacking you)
I need a part where I can gain a feral animal’s trust & isn’t bothered by me staying around in a few meter radius.
Avoid? Yeh right, dog attacks me I’m going to beat the shit out of it.
Tell me why I just watched this because my brothers dog keep biting my ass
I have been attacked by dog a lot of time but I know something that the dog don’t know
guys yesterday a dog was chasing me and i did something that my dad told me so i didn’t run i walked and acting like i’m gonna take a rock and he ran away
Guy seemed confident because thats his dog, id like to see him try that technique on a raging bull dog who has the intention to kill you. at this scene you decided to hug the dog, if someone did that in real life he would leave his neck open to get bitten leading to more fatal injuries.
i was riding scooter and i just drive near the dog and it barks at me i was in panic so yea i ran away luckily someone see me and shout loudy at the dog and the dog ran away i was like am not goin outta my houe again:C
My brother had this incident in my old house but he survived just by running past him he said it’s to easy to survive it
OK just today when I was out side at my front yard with my grandma and grandpa my mom and my dad and my dog and he was a little wiener dog so there was this big dog that bit my dogs ear and I was so mad but we got him a way
A Doberman came running towards me but luckily I had my dogs which was a rotwiller and a German shepherd
From personal experience treating patients in the ER, I can tell you that even a “nip” from a wild dog can be deadly & expensive due to rabies. I find it irresponsible not mentioning pepper spray, a bright flashlight nor a gun in your video. I have personally stopped an aggressive dog by blinding it with a super bright tactical falshlight. An ambulance ride & ER bill will cost you over $1000 USD. That’s the cost of rabies treatment for a “nip”. A small flashight on your keychain has many uses beyond self defense and only costs $10 to $50.
I cannot believe u said don’t use pepper spray. Irresponsible statement. It works very well and has saved many people.
I live in Melbourne Australia and I pick my son up every weekend from his mom’s. One day I went to pick him up and as soon as he walked outside the house, he was swooped by an angry male magpie. Here in Australia, Magpies are a protected bird. When it is breeding season, the males get protective and attack anything that comes near their nests including little children. The stupid government does everything to protect the magpies but not much to protect the kids. Well, the government officials and law enforcement agencies can take turns sucking on my left nut because my kid’s safety comes first. The funny thing is, my x-wife came out as I was smacking the magpie with my son’s tennis racquet. She yelled at me at me, “What are you doing? It’s only protecting it’s young”. I answered with a massive smile on my face, ” So am I”. It was the best ” in your face moment I have ever lived”. I’ve never seen her so silent. Her footsteps back into the house were not audible to any hi tech device known to man. That was a first.
Kids killed by dogs is sadly not rare. Do the stats world wide on people infected by dog wounds and even in some cases, by rabies in developing countries, and we see why some breeds are banned and locked up.
Yes, I had to deal with my Dog Finn When he was not going to the basement to My husband.
Be the alpha of the dogs. I once was rushed by a group of barking dogs and i stood my ground. I yelled and cussed at them and they backed off. It also helps that I’m 6’2 tall & 240lbs. A giant to a dog. lol
Once when i was a kid a stray dog was blocking the entrance from the alley into my yard. It rushed me and nipped me on my ankle. Then it backed off barking at me. I was pissed off. I looked around for a stick to beat that dog till i realized that would be Cruel. So i just walked around to the back yard and entered my house that way. After that i never saw that stray dog again. My dad probably scared it away. lol
I love dogs, i plan to own 4 Pure bred German Shepherds at my ranch.:) But no Cats, cats turn evil if you pet them too much. lol
Me and my friend were surrounded by 8 stray dogs and i kept calm but my friend pulled out his knife and the dogs ran away as soon as they heard the knife open.
I think this woman is basically saying she is in the same boat as everyone else and these are just a few of her ideas on the subject…………
What do you mean “dominant look”. Do I have to look like Brock Lesnar and tell the dog to go fuck himself?
Dear Angie, I suggest you double-check your info on Google. More people have been killed by dogs each year (And, many more if you add “Seriously injured” or “Long-lasting injuries”.)
There was a year recently where there were NO deaths from lightning. And you even said, “Three times as much as dogs” VERY DUMB WRONG” Please change/edit it out of the video.
I experienced a 2 dog approach towards me, with no vertical safety via car or fence. As I was crossing a intersection I seen a Doperman pincher and a long hair dog walking towards me. In my mind I said I can’t out run a dog, there’s no car, no fence. So I rehearsed what was about to take place, the dog is going to charge and leap, as he leaps I will hold my arm out where he will bite and I will cut him unfortunately. So as the 2 dogs approached, i reached in my back pocket got my knife opened it ( they didn’t see it ) they heard it click open and turned around and left. I guest they sense I wasn’t scared.
After years of selective breeding, docks have gone a little coo-coo.
I do all the opposite u say
I see a dog coming my way and looks territorial or just mad, I stomp my feet, yell, do hand signs to go home and they freak and RUN AWAY FROM ME.
I’ve been working with dogs for a long time, I’ve had a German Shepherd latch onto my arm full force trying to kill me my advice would be what I did which is get it in a headlock with your free arm and then drop down and sweep it’s legs out so it can’t shake and make the wound worse then either wait for somebody to help pry the Jaws off the arm or choke the dog unconscious or dead if you have to. Although usually the dog realizing that you have control over its breathing is enough for it to let go of you and think twice about f**** with you again
And pitbulls who are ripping the limbs off your wife? what then?
There is a leash law here but there have been several deaths in this area by dog attacks. I have no intention of laying down to play dead. I’ll use a 44 and let the damn dog lay down dead.
This video is telling me that when a dog attacks me i should wrestle it and pin it
Hey guys! Have you ever been attacked by a dog?
Here’re some more survival tips
Well i got biten by a 2 dogs and my bite was so big and we call the police and im ok
I have a better solution— do NOT have one or at least, don’t have a dangerous dog.
I’m faster more than the dog when I’m running for my life
Nah nah nah, guys this is the dark side and if your attacked by a dog and its gonna bite or bit grab a big stick, whack him, or run, or punch im sorry but its effective
I Tell that Dog ” TRUMP 2020 M.A.G.A ” And that. Dog run away from me like a little Bitch
Any creature comes at me I take what is taught in Seal training in play. It even works for gators and shark attacks. It actually works on every single living creature on the planet. I take the eyes out with a thumb jab.
When i was 15 i stopped a rottweiler attack, headlocks work wonders on dogs, they growl at first and try to snap but keep it held tight, when the dog realizes he can’t get out it starts whining, then let it go. Don’t do like this guy and lock the dogs face close to yours or else the dog can still bite you in the face.
It’s useless tips. Is it common in US that everyone wear protective suit everyday just in case of dog attack?
How do you protect your dog in the last scenario? My daughter and IS puppy was attacked by a border terrier a few months ago, she basically followed all of these steps but the dog continued to bite her and our dog. It sucks because the dog that attacked them lives right behind our house and barks at all hours of day and night as a constant reminder of their attack. What can she do in the future, besides avoiding that house and block all together, to protect herself and her dog?
keep lighter with you, I have saved my life from 10 dogs in late night.
Pups and peeps reminds me of hey cats and kittens carol baskin ✌
I was trying to give my dog a hot dog he he almost took my finger off:/
I once got chased by a dog, I stopped, turned around, said “No! Stop it! Nooooo! Bad boy!” and pointed my finger at him. It worked like a charm.
This is an example of what is called “news” I watched and all I learned is postman are around alot of dogs. I didnt learn anything from this “news”
Roll up into a ball! Dogs love to chew on bones and balls,, surly a big ball full of bones would scare the hell out of a dog. Great advice, ABC news.
The “pups and peeps” greeting feels a little weird in a post Tiger King world.
So its basicly an enderman from minecraft..
U make eye contact=die
No eye contanct=no die
In my neighbourhood I think I went to get keys maybe and this small, annoying dog chased after me! I was scared but after this video it made sense why I was rushing!
The very fact that there is such danger must lead human laws to ban any potential murderous dog. Living in rural areas you know what mean…your kids or you goin for a walk and a hole in a fence.
I was about 11 with some other kids walking down a country road when a neighbor’s mean collie came barking, running towards us from about a quarter mile away. Everyone took off screaming, except me who knew I couldn’t outrun that dog. He came running all the way up to me then stopped, dead still, like he was surprised. I knew then he was a big bluff, and have never run from a dog since.
pffft.. so many stupid advice i have EVER seen, lay on your belly….. yeah rrright…….foool.
In the Philippines, some people say “sha” to get rid of dogs
A long time ago I was on a quinceañera in Mexico, when the party finally ended (around 2:00am) we walked few blocks to get some hot dogs, and surprise we encountered a pack of about 30 dogs, me and my friends started picking up rocks and to our surprise the dogs weren’t scared at all and actually started chasing us. We ran as fast as we could and all four of us outran every single one of those dogs, so dogs can be outrun if you’re scared enough.
How to avoid getting attacked(or brainwashe) by the Whites.
Just do the opposite of most of what Whites tell you. The chances are that you are right on the path.
Agree in the first part n 3rd but if the dogs being agressive playing dead? Animals are animals. there has to be some kinda way to injure the dog and leave
If you have a botle of water just get him wet and he will be scared and go away
Stab the motherfuckers if nothing works. It is better to be a dog killer than to being hospitalized.
my prefer way it just get nearby large wood stick or just use badminton racket just shoved it into his mouth when he bark or open his mouth then run away. based on real story
Dog comes in hot and bites me, I’ll get my revenge on a hot dog.
What happens if I leave my food in my fridge for so long i’m really confused what would happen??????
I give him a biscuit and now he is my best friend he wait for me to eat the biscuits
I scared far my sister’s dog then I start running but I ran fast than that dog
I read gas meters for 10 years. Charged many times. I’d immediately dropped down to their level. They never continued to charge.
One time a dog think I was suspicious and came after me but my mom was walking with me to and she told me to stand still so she saved me
Grab your thumb and jam it into the dogs eye do it on both eyes if you want then it will know your tough and strong and it will run away
I remember back when I was like a 19 some big pit mix attacked me and my friends, mf latched on my arm and no matter how hard I punched it didn’t stop so like instinctively I bit a chunk out of its back and it cried and backed off.
I was prepared for 1 dog (knife in hand and other jacket wrapped arm) but they were 3 dogs, holy shit. I ran for the nearest truck bed, saved my ass.
I grabbed the dog by it’s mouth and closed its mouth for 2 minutes. He than began begging for help and then I left him. Now, he doesn’t even come near me.
Have a small handgun in your hand and fire some rounds down it’s throat until the threat is eliminated. Sue owner for hospital bills, mental anguish and a box of ammo.
This may be good advise for the frail among us but I will not back down to a dog. If it bites me I will press A, B, down, left, up, up, X and perform my ultimate maneuver. The dog doesn’t stand a chance. Get shit on dog.
Russians take life too seriously…it’s only a joke Klinostikov
When im riding a bike with my brother Dog just came quick and the dog chase both of us so i have to split up with my brother but i don.t know where i am but my brother know so i keep finding and then i meet my father
im pretty sure that only 2 people die from dogs a year. ( I learnt that from the last video i watched by you)
Attacked around 2 yrs. old when neighbors told me it was fine to check out the cute puppies. Again around 10 when owner said dog growling was fine, it wouldn’t bite me. Did not take a third time to realize owners don’t know how their dogs will react, so I stopped listening to them.
I went to my friends house but hes not home but the door is open and he didnt bring his dog with him i did not watch this vid but i stayed calm opened the door slowly and i started running he almost bit me he was the stongest dog ive ever seen i ran when i closed the door and reply if u think my idea was better
I was going home from school and a dog was after me and it looked like and police dog and it bit a few times lol
I was once bitten by my own dog at my wrist, it was too painful to act and I felt no energy to do anything after the bite but to walk backwards while the dog still on my hand.
An annoying dog barked me I never seen one cuz there’s no dog IN Maldives so when I go in India I saw one anooyingly barking at me I punched it in the eye very hardly it ran away
Carry dog spray. I’m a retired mailman and had lots of experiences with dogs. I see a lot of comments from people that say what they would do and it’s obvious they have never been in that situation. Also, if you wanna piss off any mailman in the country, just say “he don’t bite” as the dog is being aggressive to you. We are so sick of hearing that every single time we are about to get bit. He WILL bite!
1 think i ever do get a random cat and let them fight………………..bad boy
ive been attacked by bigdog, 1 punch to its ribs and it was winded and i was ontop of him and pinned him down
What do you do? You slash it’s throat and dance to the sounds of it’s screaming voice. That’s what you fucking do.
I love Dogs but I really love that cat and how he protected his own. The cat is a Super Hero!
А теперь представьте что этих тварей очень много гуляет по улицам наших городов, где ходят наши дети, родственники…
I worked for AT&T as a Installation and Repair Technician in Chicago for years. Shouting at ghetto bred dogs doesn’t work; it agitates them even more. Staring at an angry Pit Bull or Rottweiler infuriates them and provokes an attack. I carried long skinny Phillip’s screwdrivers and drove it deep into their necks as they were extracting their pound of flesh from me. “Checkmate!” When their owners run up on me they see the blood dripping from my screwdriver as I’m licking my own blood from my own wound, they ‘reconsider,’ Fast. “Street Ghetto Philosphy, 211.”
Best way to survive: say his name and let him see that you recognize hin
If a dog barks at you. Bark back at him. He will assume that he can’t fight such a tall dog.
My cat thinks it’s a guard dog and I know it would attack a dog like the 1st clip.
But he’s a big softee with me and in general with people even though he’s just one year old!!?!
Crazy but true.
“How to defend against a dog”
Have pocketknife and stab its neck or head
Yesterday I had a dog attack a little kid, and was trying to pull it away but he was griping hard and the only way for him to let go is to put your arm around the neck and squeeze he let go after 5 seconds and held him there
Do you know fun facts
If we get scared over strength will increase and one time I ran with fear and I ran Faster the dog I almost close to me so someone throw a rock at the dog an I am saved it true
Very informative video. I suggest incorporating the technique of pulling out your GLOCK 10mm weapon and destroying the threat.
If it’s one stray dog I would put my clothes on its face so it can’t see me and start hitting it in the neck with my shoe until it dies or gets knocked out
One time I was walking down an alley and a wild dog started barking not letting me pass, so I tried ignoring it and walked past…but as I was passing the dog, he slowly walked up to me and bit at my leg….so knowing the aggressive instincts I had, I grabbed him by the neck, kneed him in the chest, punched him one the face twice…then picked him up and threw him into a stone wall. Needless to say he didn’t suffer and I was fine, just a little annoyed
Fine grab of the dog but your arm is already fucked… any other way in such a situation with a 100% intact body?
Once i got followed by a dog,well i got scared when i saw a dog so i started runningmy friends said to stop running and hide, after the dog got lost i went home
ps. i was 4 years old
When the dog comes near u just scream like a man at the top of ur lung it will scare him away
No bro u should fight back and run at him and show him who is the real predator
when you`re attacked by a dog, then there is only a solution came to our mind is to compete usain bolt which I know isn`t possible:->
What are Russians who can’t speak English doing in Los Angeles?
I once got attacked by a dog and punched him really hard on the face that I made him bleed
Once a bit bull attached me, got a hold of my shoulder (perhaps it was trying to get my neck), I shook the dog off and kicked it as hard as I could. Turned out I was successful — probably broke a rib as it got weaker. I kicked it more as the adrenaline was rushing, it turned out it died from its broken ribs puncturing its lungs. The owner said he will sue me, he never did. Since then I am ALL for KILLING and/or BANNING all pit bulls out of existence.
I could be searching how to self defend against Gun But i search against dog…
So me and my family got attacked by a pitbull in the park today. My dad took the bulk of it. His arm and hand got ripped to pieces. He wound up having to stab it and the owners (Who knowingly let the thing run loose) threatened to press charges. Cops showed up, owner got arrested. Dad got a pat on the back and a free ride to the hospital. Lol
The dog is a joke, he train that dog so that way he could tackle it so easily without it biting him
I feel like in 6 years this will be in everyone’s recommended
nice suggestion! u can even grab him by the left or right side of his face!! so he want be able to bite u:-)
I as a 15 years old boy going to school with a bicycle a dog started chasing me I got so scared
Or just do like me and either kick it in the nose or grab it by the neck and slam it on it’s butt until it gives up trynna attack.
Imagine mma fighter got attacked by a dog and give them left right left right
Always carry OC spray with you where ever you go it is less then $15 (Fox five point three or Sabre red) really small non-lethal and can save your life against people and animals. So you really have no excuse to not have some.
I’ve been chased by 3 dogs in 1 month
And today saved 10 seconds because a friend and a grandpa stoped it for a bit
If a dog attacks you! Just let it eat you..and go home with whatever you are left with. Simple…
I tried doing that my dog spell attacked me and I am 7
I usually do the last method of lying on my stomach, covering my head, and playing dead, when my wife complains about needing money.
Don’t dogs smell adrenaline from you if you are scared & become frenzy?
When i was 8 and my brother was 13 we got attacked by 2 dogs we ran and a dog almost bite me and my brother turned back and kicked the dog in his face and the dog screamed or something and run away so my brother saved my life
I’ve got out of this trouble by leaving its territory. I veered to the right onto the driveway then to the sidewalk to safety. While the dog was in the middle of the road, and ready for an attack. This all happened while riding on my electric scooter.
As a mailman, usually a boot to the jaw is enough to have a large dog run off
Ooof coooures if you see that the tail is up n in a sccpiky position position then you kno wat im talking abouy
Is the guy who held the dog down the same guy from Unus Annus?
Humans are animals too. We are homosapiens, primates, mamals. We are also homoerect. Which means we stand upright on 2 feet, weened on our mothers’ milk, and we are intelligent critters.
I once throwed the bag and the dog took my phone and called k911 and told them I m a loser….
My dad was cheated by a dog and he kicked it in the throat. The dog went away and died.
Once got attacked by a husky, well, it was running full speed towards me, I just ran.
Another tip: You can pretend to pick something from the ground and pretend to throw something at a dog so it thinks you’re gonna hit it, it actually works, try it:)
Or get some pepper spray… Mace spray. You’ll instantly send that dogs face to hell
Sir why the dog bite me while standing straight and not making eye contact he bite me in my leg, if i know he will bite me i use my karate to asleep him.
Am i the only one not scared of dogs? I let dogs sniff my hand when they stare at me
My friend and I were chased by a huge, black dog. We were nust going to Target to get something for her mum. We are only 12. Everything was normal. The dog was going behind us, hut we weren’t scared, we thought he was kinda cute. We kept walking, he was aboit 30m away from us. She turned around and said: OMG he is chasing us! I thougt she was messing with me, because I am really scared of dogs. He was barking, showing his teeth, he looked very angry. We started running. We split and she ran to a place full of building supplies, and I was going straight to the store. I was above her. He stopped and looked at her, barking, showing his sharp teeth ( at least she decribed it that way ). Then, he saw me running above them, and he ran to me. He paseed about 50m in 2 seconds. I was running, and he walked away. I couldn’t stop running, I was litterally running in slow motion tl the doors of the store. She walked to me so scared. We were both shaking, I couldn’t feel my legs. I have astma and I could barely breathe because we ran about 200m as fast as possible. I just hope that it never happens again….
The best way to fight a pack of dogs is grab the smallest dog in the limb and swinging it while using it as a weapon against the other dogs
Why not just hit the nose or take out the eyes when the dog got a bite on u?
Hi Angel, I’m always out walking WITH my dog. From time to time, there are loose dogs and they come over to us. So far, no dogs have tried to attack either of us. I will usually tell the dog to go home in a stern, loud voice. It would be nice to see you do one of your dog man videos on how to handle this situation.
cartoons and overlaid bad music do not help you if a dog is about to hurt you or your dog. I have seen and experienced dog figst 3 times outdoors and you can just about expect the other owner will not help at all and just make noise. Have an attorney and carry ‘bear spray’ and be ready to use it.
Some dog attacked me when I was 6 months old and that’s why I’m PETRIFIED of them
If it wasn’t his dog, he would have got bitten in the face by trying that stunt on him. Also on a 150lbs Rottweiler they are extremely muscular and would be extremely difficult to keep em on the ground like that.
I would rather stick with the stick what if I don’t have a coat btw and also what if I don’t have a stick
I gave my dog biscuit and he followed me all the way to my house and he was waiting at my door he wanted more dog biscuits
Damn he didn’t have to kick him in the head like that
I was chased by a pack years ago on my farmland… luckily I had a fence to jump…do po’d… I pulled up a fence post and circled back thru attack area hiding post next to my chest… sure enough at initial attack area I was attacked again…a smack with the post ran them
off… hopefully it detered them from future attacks on those more venerable…
I just got attached, i was just walking around my my block, ppl should teach their dog
Weird that you have to learn how to be safe against “man’s best friend”
nutters man
Also…A dogs ribs work in the same way as when trying to break an eggshell between thumb & forefinger…IE….top to bottom, very tough…side to side, very weak…