Table of Contents:
Yoga For Gut Health | 18 Min. Yoga Practice | Yoga With Adriene
Video taken from the channel: Yoga With Adriene
Video taken from the channel: Hemant Ways
The Health Benefits of Yoga
Video taken from the channel: Simon & Schuster Books
The Eight Limbs of Yogic Meditation Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
Video taken from the channel: Arsha Bodha Center Swami Tadatmananda
The Health Benefits of Yoga How Yoga Helps You Stay Healthy Sadhguru
Video taken from the channel: Shemaroo Spiritual Life
Yoga For a Healthy Liver
Video taken from the channel: Yoga With Adriene
What yoga does to your body and brain Krishna Sudhir
Video taken from the channel: TED-Ed
Understanding Yoga and Your Health Yoga is a wonderful alternative treatment for many injuries and medical conditions. Learn about its many therapeutic benefits, including pain and stress relief.With so many ways to engage with yoga, you’re in an optimal position to begin or enhance your practice and tailor it to best support your health and well-being. Takeaway Yoga is a practice with a.
Studies have suggested possible benefits of yoga for several aspects of wellness, including stress management, mental/emotional health, promoting healthy eating/activity habits, sleep, and balance.When done regularly, the physical practice of yoga can help reduce stress and boost concentration, overall health and a sense of well-being. Although balanced health and well-being are an important step towards enlightenment, it is important not to confuse this with the ultimate purpose of yoga: preparing the body for meditation.Hatha yoga focuses on pranayamas (breath-controlled exercises). These are followed by a series of asanas (yoga postures), which end with savasana (a resting period).
The goal during yoga practice is to challenge yourself physically, but not to feel overwhelmed. At this “edge,” the focus is on your breath while your mind is accepting and calm.Exercise that revs up your heart rate isn’t the only kind of physical activity that can help prevent or manage heart disease. The calming exercise of yoga is good for the heart, too. “A large number of studies show that yoga benefits many aspects of.
Some people start yoga to get the thin, flexible yoga body, others to follow an attractive significant other into a hot steamy room with little clothing, and still others in pursuit of health.Sadhguru answers a question on the health benefits of yoga and explores exactly how yoga helps you stay healthy. He speaks about the energy body and its role in maintaining physical and psychological health, and explains how maintaining the vibrancy of the energy body ensures a healthy life.Yoga is a very powerful method of boosting your immunity & strength, becoming more flexible, supple and strong internally.
Millions of people have observed radical positive changes in their health, happiness and overall well-being by accepting Yoga as a way of life. Now it’s your turn and this book is.Talk with your health care provider before trying yoga if you’re pregnant, older, or have a health condition. Let your yoga instructor know about your individual needs and any medical issues. Go slowly to prevent injury.
Avoid extreme positions and forceful breathing. Listen to your body.She is the author of Pick Your Yoga Practice: Exploring and Understanding Different Styles of Yoga a comprehensive encyclopedia of prominent yoga styles, including each system’s teaching methodology, elements of practice, philosophical and spiritual underpinnings, class structure, physical exertion and personal attention.
Many styles of yoga combine meditation with the physical routines, which use controlled breathing throughout the yoga poses. You can meditate without practicing yoga by simply relaxing, clearing your mind and concentrating on controlled breathing. Both yoga and meditation, when used consistently, have proven health benefits.
Deepen your understanding of yoga by reading classical texts and other yoga books. In your yoga journey, there will probably come a time when you wonder just how some Sanskrit termapplies to daily life or how the physical practice of asana relates to yoga’s transformative powers.Modern Medicine and Yoga Although modern medicine and yoga are complementary to each other for the wellbeing of the society but there are some differences in their approach. The difference between Western medicine and traditional yogic methods lie in the.
Yoga is an exercise and fitness procedure that started more than 5,000 years ago by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India.Today, millions of Yoga practitioners all over the world achieve total health in body, mind and soul through its mix of physical poses and meditation methods.
List of related literature:
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from Original Yoga: Rediscovering Traditional Practices of Hatha Yoga | |
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from The Vocal Athlete, Second Edition | |
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from Integrating Traditional Healing Practices Into Counseling and Psychotherapy | |
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from AARP The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit | |
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from Complementary & Alternative Therapies in Nursing | |
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from Yoga Nidra: The Art of Transformational Sleep | |
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from Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs | |
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from The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Transpersonal Psychology | |
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from The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali: A Biography | |
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from Yoga Beyond Belief: Insights to Awaken and Deepen Your Practice |
My experience with yoga has been positive. My day goes much better with low stress the day I practice yoga.
Got a new puppy. My yoga experience is going to be completely different now.
this was the 100th day of yoga with adriene i did without interruption. one of the most rewarding experiences ever. on to 200!
Indeed the pronounciation of yoga is fabulous but that of patanjali is……. . It patanjali (PA-TON-JELY) not pathenjelly
Thank you so much for all your videos. There are making me mentally and fysically so much stronger. I love to see how my body and mind evolve by doing your videos every morning for the past 3 months. Thank you for bringing yoga into my life and routine!
That was lovely to wake up to for day 12! It’s fairly windy both in and out in the UK!! Namaste
Adriene’s laugh at 16.14 is just THE best love, peace and namaste
I was born and raised in LA and moved to the east coast about 2 years ago. This practice took me back home! I loved the airplane sounds. Made me feel right in the city. Loved this practice, feeling great! <3
Finally I found someone Western appreciating India’s contribution instead of blaming for poverty, hunger, all social issues.
The pronunciations in the video were amazing. Although, one majorly overlooked thing is that the pronunciation of YOGA is actually YOG, since it’s a Sanskrit word. Whenever Sanskrit word are transformed into English, there is a pattern of adding an A after the wordlike, AYURVED was turned into AYURVEDA.. GANESH was turned into GANESHA… It’s extremely important in Indian sciences to pronounce words correctly since it believes to improve cognitive functions.
I love you Adriene, thank you so much for your videos, Namaste.
I’m so sorry if I missed this, but is there a specific time in the day to do this?
nice pace! feeling great! I love the little tips you give that make the practice holistic like lifting the the corners of my mouth. thank you!
Little tip, while I’m doing the Cobra pose (or a pose you don’t really need to focused so hard) I like to thank some part of my body it just gives a silly boost.
What a goofball! That was fun and time flew by. The “ahoy!” Comment got a look from across the room from my partner as he practiced Qi gong. So funny!!
Where could I find more information on each of the limbs, I’m particularly curious about Yamas and Niyamas to begin with. Thanks!
I came to this one on day 8 of dry January with a headache, and it massively muted it, kudos! It also made my hips feel awesome, and I loved the stretch towards the end where you go from lying on your front and bring your leg to the side, my back was grateful.
Yet another great yoga session. I enjoy picking random practices and the benefit is incredible. My mind feels so clear and I feel energized. Thank you Adrienne
Well…. “Yoga helps depression ” is the reason it helps depression. everything is in the mind
Yoga has really improved like every area of my life when I consistently do it. I always try to remember its roots in India and sort of thank ancient Indians for making something so amazing So this video was cool! To see the history of it! Edit: yoga definitely helps my depression and anxiety and any mood issues really
That simple seated twist was really yummy and the lunge with the twist was too, I really felt those but I struggle with side twist, I just need more practice and I will get there eventually, thanks for this practice Adriene, love yuh and Namaste ❤
Thank you for this one. Also, love this yoga mat. Which brand is it?
Please, make russian subtitles. I didn’t understand 50% of whole information. thank you
Only After multiple researches, the Yoga was introduced and practiced Widely in India since ancient times. Modern science or people who do not understand it will keep wasting time on researching it unnecessarily, and the irony is someone else will come to approve it our practice.. Ha ha ha. Whatever our ancestors have given,most of them are all used for longer period of times. Now a days, even if you know you are alive, you must get the approval from someone else, only then people believe that they are alive.
Great job Ted Ed! I am living in NJ and follow yoga as for the same step you showed me,with the correct thing as a person following Hinduism i think you did a great job
Another fabulous practice in so many ways! Thank you Adriene xx Namaste
excellent video, for months I’ve been searching for something that’s this clearly stated! I guess everything manifests in it’s due time tho. Namaste:)
Thank you, Adriene for another wonderful practice. I have Recently started having GI problems due to stress and this was just what I needed after a big dinner! Also just want to take a minute to say THANK YOU. I have to tell you, your philosophy on whole body and mind wellness over weight loss or body type is so refreshing. I looked the other day just for something a little more sweat inducing (Pilates or dance type workouts) but I have not been able to find a single YouTubed who I feel is truly body positive, about strength and feeling good, not just about looking a certain way. I think as women we get enough of that pressure daily out in the real world. We need more people like you who remind us that our whole person matters and that it is all connected and all beautiful ❤️
Lately I’ve been coming to the mat really drain and i not sure if it’s my mind or my body but it’s really annoying but still I leave the mat a little better each time. I felt practice in my lower stomach, the twist was very yummy so I off to another practice much love Namaste ❤
_yes a logic thought had yoga doctrine _thank you yoga _sign transsinphinite number theory _archaicxn lord
crazy it is this time we’re living in! because 20 years ago, and going tens of thousands of years behind, you couldn’t snap a finger and boom Swamji manifests in your comfy Canadian living room in full HD, chatting about Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras over fresh Indian tea leaves in high-grade hand-made Chinese purple clay tea cups delivered to your doorstep by Amaz[ing]on. All this as floral smoke of a Nepali incense permeates the air..
it’s a blessing to be alive today with all of you sharing this interstellar spaceship
️ Namah Shivaya
Shiv shambho; Shiv shankar
Everything doesn’t need science approval or logic for it to actually work, changes and positivity can be felt by human being.
Thanks Adriene for sharing your energy and knowledge with us. You often do the boat posture in your video. What alternative posture would you recommend that is an equivalent good abs work? Thanks!
Hi Adriene and (subscribers)! I’ve been active all my life and involved in competitive team sports (beach volleyball, swim team, baseball, softball) and have been dedicated to circuit training (hiit) for 20+ years…and over the past couple of years, I have felt my lower back and right sciatica starting to give me more and more problems-
to the point that I was having a hard time sleeping-and then walking. I started having to back off working out and was even struggling with bending over. My lower back pain increased to the point that it would take my breath away and I would just stop moving and stand still until the pain subsided. I have always heard from my friends how valuable yoga is, but I just resisted trying it…not sure why…maybe just not an “active” way to work out like I was used to. Three days ago, I was frustrated and nearly in tears because I couldn’t believe how badly my lower back hurt, and how my quality of life was starting to deteriorate so quickly. It was on my heart to search on YouTube for a yoga program for my lower back, and “Yoga with Adriene” was one of the first sites to appear. I have an Australian Cattledog named “Prairie” and when I saw “Benji” -I knew I was in the right place! I dedicated myself to giving your class a try, and I am stunned at the positive results! In just 3 days, I am walking with less and less pain…and I am back to circuit training again! And just like you say on your video’s, I have become more and more mindful of how my body is moving and feeling in the walk of life-and now that I am back in the gym, this mindfulness just seems to leap out at me as I move from workout equipment to workout equipment. “Yoga with Adriene” is how I start my day-I then move into the circuit training-and then back to my Yoga mat to cool down and stretch to another” Yoga with Adriene” course. I am feeling better and better with each passing day and am now totally committed to adding Yoga to my day-every day! I wish I would have started Yoga many, many years ago and added it to my workouts. As flexible as I am, there are some positions and movements that I cannot do-yet-or maybe ever. I love how Adriene reminds us to not get lost in being perfect! Lastly, my careers have gone from Beach Lifeguard to EMT to Police Officer-and now I am in the clinical psychology profession where I work with military, law enforcement and paramedic/firefighters. Many of my clients struggle with PTSD, anxiety and panic disorders. I forward “Yoga with Adriene” to these clients who are having panic attacks and the positive results have been wonderful! “Yoga with Adriene” is an amazing mindfulness and grounding journey. I encourage the readers: give yoga a try! Don’t wait as long as I did! Thank you, Adriene for your dedication and heart! Here’s a hug from Prairie to Benji! –Jim McLintock, Southern California http://www.McLintockCounseling.comI have never burped so much in 17 minutes as I did with this Yoga Class
It was so good to be with you today…thanks for a yoga outside..( it so nice especially on this different time right now)…stay healthy and keep smiling Adriene.
Kisses from Parlin Dosia
Meditation is cure of all.
Close your eyes and see the world more clearly.
I used to struggle rocking up to seated while holding my feet so I usually held my thighs, but today I decided to try it holding my feet and I made it all the way up! #ywacourage
A Bit of Historical Humor:..(a) What is Enlightenment? [Love, Laughter & Joy] (heartfelt)! Decades ago!
(b) What is Enlightenment? [Cook a Good Meal] (to enjoy with each other)! Don’t be severe with oneself! 1000 years ago!
(c) What is Enlightenment? [Objective Empathy]! (to enjoy “hope & comfort in doing”! 2020 A.D.!
i.e. Cooking a good meal…Sports…(a) [Fun & Work] (never dullness & severity)…(b) [Rest & Play] (hope & comfort from doing)!
All for [Thankfulness, Spirit & Love]! All for [Feeling & Understanding], Peace (Safe & Comfortable)! And, as important,
[To Recognize Bliss] (Fulfillment & Completion)! The [Gladness & Joy] of the [Heart]! Nibhana, my friend, Amen. 2020 A.D.!
To Note:..Anything Else?..Yes!.. [A Time for Thankfulness] in [Doing]! Why? To enjoy the [Hope & Comfort]
of being [Successful & Loved]! It’s [God’s Love & Spirit], the make up of a [Spiritual Life]!
Never for [Secular Globalisms] & [Agendas] (Kindness repaid with Harm & Hate)! i.e. [Severity & Dullness]…[Porn, Drugs, Opioids]!
Hashish! [Hashish grade Marijuana]! [Rebellion & Compulsion]! All for Enlightenment! i.e. Buddha’ Enlightenment (Awareness)!
“Don’t be Severe with yourself”! All for [Loving Kindness]! [God’s Power]! Forever, Amen. 2020 A.D., my friend!
I didn’t cause kidney disease! It was caused by being exposed to chemicals as a truck driver.
I hope people can spare some of their time to practice yoga.I have heard how stretching the muscles releases a hormone called endorphin and it’s relieves pain.
Why is everyone praising the pronounciations? It’s generic white pronounciations.
I appreciate the focus on gut health. Made it extra enjoyable this time thank you.
Thank you. Now it’s clear what are the goals of meditation and yoga itself.
Yoga has 8 steps. You just talked about the 3rd and 4th step.
3) ASANA (body postures and yoga asanas)
Irony is the mother country of yoga now suffering obese and poor mental health in whole country.
Perfect way to start my day. I’ve been feeling a lot of anxiety here lately enough so that I’m nauseous throughout the whole day. This helped me calm down and move simply. To feel good, to be. Namaste Adriene.
I’ve been feeling painfully bloated and this practice helps a lot. Thank you so much Adriene
I know this was for gut health, but my lower back feels so much better now!!
Is there a tutorial/beginner’s video for the twist at the beginning?
Thanks so much. Well presented and really helped me to tangle out some things.
treating clinical depression and GAD, meditation and yoga gives me “a longer fuse.” with both, i see that i can handle stress better by slowing down and demanding more time so im not as mentally and physically rushed/intimidated
Brain refresher, pls try these –
Thank you Adrienne I have a lot of gut health issues as well as body image issues. I am finally learning to love myself and I do daily yoga with your videos. I am so thankful for the love you put in these! It feels like a friend gently reminding me to breathe and listen to my body. You are with me everyday and you have helped me immensely!
Good going! Looking fwd to more of your vedios. Thanks for sharing
That was amazing. Some spots are harder to do than others but it was very invigorating and I feel very calm and centered. My stomach doesn’t hurt but it does feel like this exercise was worthwhile and I will try again tomorrow.
that was 29 minuts so well spend! Thank you again Adriene and again and again and again…
I hate it when western people think of yoga just as fancy poses for girls and hippies. No it’s and ancient meditative art. And yes meditation for the body and the MIND. A lot of people don’t know that yoga includes many breathing exercises and meditative excersises along with physical exercises. And it’s not just dance flexoviilty poses. It’s a whole range of cardio and body weight excersises. You can’t make a judgement by looking at weed smoking hippies and call it a day.
Considering this was in 2020, i’m surprised he didn’t bring up coronavirus at 3:48
I thought I was really weird for staining mi clothes with toothpaste. Now, I can laugh every time this happens ’cause I’ll remember you Adriene
Adriene, I am really enjoying your videos. I’ve experienced a great difference in my everyday life. Thank you!
As soon my 2 year old son saw you outside he asked, “where did Benji go?”
I literally felt parts of my body pop back into place doing this session! I absolutely loved it and definitely needed this. Thank you so much!
I was introduced to yoga 10 years ago after coming out of coma with an infected leg due to T1 diabetes.
Doctors recommended it as a way of lowering my blood sugar as well as gently exercising my leg to get back to normal. I started 10 years ago, now it’s a part of my life, just like eating and sleeping. Can’t live without it. The benefits are endless both on the mind and body. Thank you for this video. Your articulation is perfect.
Yes but lets remember thst first of all Yoga is not gymnastics or physical acivity in the manner we understand it in the west
Hemant your videos are improving day by day! Very educative and informative. Keep uploading.
Dear Swami! I am trying to buy your book about Meditation from Amazon/Kindle but it is not available yet in Brasil. How can I buy it? Is there any other mean, maybe you can talk to Amazon for them to allow it to be sold in Brasil.
My German ass thought she was saying Yoga for good health
It’s more simple than yoga. Movement, oxygen and water, getting out of your home and into this world, the human machine is built to respond…and will rise.
This session was very helpful for my guts. I already feel much much better
Love you with all my heart forever always smile that’s what you did with me I’ve never never in my life ever felt destihl menu beautiful hearts inside a person’s body just don’t have one. You don’t have two you have seven and they all came down right into you the right person yoga with adriene❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ thank you love always forever
Mam you are doing only exercise, this is not complete yoga, control on breaths sre very important in yoga, and also posture should be right. You learn first mam.
Thank you. I find it really hard to do cross leg. My knees are high. I use a cushion to lift my posterior but I guess it is practice. Loved this video. Definitely felt it in my gut.
CourageDay 12 just what I needed today… Nameste… x
Thank you, Adriene! Nice practice! Nice sunny video! And nice sunny you!
I do hot yoga and I HIGHLY recommend it!! it is very challenging but you feel great after and it is a POWERFUL de-stresser. I always get more deep sleep after a good hot yoga session. If your instructor is good then all the better! as well as philosophical and meditative insight
wow, I can’t believe that’s half an hour passed, I felt so in the moment
Love you with all my heart that’s my girl always and my dog Benji my butt side by side till I die dear father God I say a prayer for us and all the people that dude yoga with adriene love always Your Man
I’m picking up in the middle of the Courage series and I’m so glad I am! Definitely needed this and I’m going to keep prioritizing my daily practice because it always helps to get me in alignment! Thank you Adriene!
Adriene I am so so so grateful for 2020, because it got me to you. Thank You!!
It is a rudimentary way to Look at Yoga as an exercise and it’s health benefits, It is missing the bigger picture of yoga which is a possibility of understanding of different level of existence of a being. These health benefits are just byproducts of practicing yoga.
adriene has this uncanny ability to know exactly what I need in a daily yoga practice like UNCANNY I was not having the best day ever and did yoga later than I usual due (late afternoon versus earlier) and I was like oh ok shorter practice today I can do that and like WOW actual a surprisingly wonderful practice today (definitely got a big ol burp out when we started the coffee grinders lol) but once again Adriene has guided me to a better mind space and now my tummy feels better too which is something I didn’t even know was bothering me bc I was so in my head!
Thank you for this energizing practice! I usually practice in the morning so that forward fold took me a bit lol but it eventually happened! Day 4 of #ywa GRATEFUL & Day 65 of daily practice Namaste
This practice felt so good! I have Ankylosing Spondylitis and my hips and low back are very painful on the daily. I’ve been practicing for 4 years now daily (ok,mostly daily!) and I must say, I would not be able to live the quality of life I do if it weren’t for YWA
Coffee Grinding Pose:
burps well, looks like my hard work has paid off!! 😉
Thank you Adriene. Namaste.
June 12 #ywaCourage with #yogawithadriene and #fwfg
Be happy, healthy and safe
To the Quik:..(1) What is the ultimate “purpose” (goal) of a [Spiritual Life]!..It’s [Doing]…as in [Prayer & Meditation] (Preparation)
(a) in [Gratitude & Thankfulness], (b) in [Spirit & Love]. To Note: “The Importance of Empathy”:
(A) [Objective Empathy]…as in “I called you!”… is a form of [Intelligibility] rather than [Concreteness]!
i.e. “I called you” using a [Charm]…or even more [Subjective]…”I called you” using [Voodoo], a [Charm & Chants]!
(B) To the Point: “On a clear day you can see Forever!” It’s [God’s Love, Everlasting]! It’s an [Expression] of [Hope]!
(1) The [Journey]…(with Purpose & Love)..(2) [To Do] with [Thankfulness & Love], (3) in his Image (Spirit & love), Forever, Amen.
(C) It’s the Ultimate Purpose of a [Spiritual Life]! [God’s Love] & [Everlasting Life] giving us [Hope & Comfort]
in [Doing] & [Leisure Activities]! Sports included. Nibhana, my friend. Amen.
To Add: [I hope I’ve helped to make easier] your [Journey of a Spiritual Life] as well as [to realize & to enjoy] the [Hope & Comfort]
of [God’s Love & Spirit], the make up of a [Spiritual Life]. Never for “False Worship or Witness”!
We don’t know about our true “self”
We just think body is our true “self”
But in actual we can feel our body but we can’t feel that thing that feels the body.
That’s our true self who feels the body but can’t feel ourselves.
Please can you describe the levels of dyana? i practice vippassana and samatha alternating in cycles for 3 years now, im 19.. one of the most incredible experiences as a novice meditator was pilgrimage to a mountain and climbing for hours in silence and meditating for 4 hours in the top… i wasnt practicing more than 30 minutes a day of samatha anapanasati and i progressed to the fourth level of dhyana in that sitting… it was confusing and scaring and felt like a reboote of personality… and hard to integrate in normal life… ive practiced vippassana and samatha since then…. focusing on perceibing nothingness, impermanence and no self as characteristics… but ive never could reach the 4th jhana again… i know that one must not pursue or cling to this experiences. but id like to know why im not able to make it…
I’ve had the worst nervous stomach lately (financial stuff bc of the pandemic and fear bc of that, pressure, everything is going wrong, blah blah) and so I’m doing the June calendar to keep myself grounded and it’s working. I had an especially nervous day today and I needed my guts recalibrated lol. I hope you don’t feel too much pressure when people tell you how much you mean to them and how much we need you, but I am so grateful for you and your channel means a lot to me. So there. ❤️
This was one of the best videos with a great flow. The instructional designer just flows through the content worhout any break. That’s a great set of visuals I’ve ever seen especially among other ted ed videos.
As someone with joint hypermobility syndrome, I can confirm flexibility in the body isn’t all that cool.
After the ab workout the other day, that was the best cat cow of my life! Also, the perfect video to finish up my night because I splurged on Dairy Queen. ♀️
Thanks Adriene, really enjoyed this practice, feeling grounded and whole x
Great stuff….except for the goal….if there is no you….how can there be a goal……
Yay I loved this practice! All these twists are really good for my body!
Each and every day after work set my my mind to relax and go with the flow Adriene closing my eyes and Benji he does a good job Love always♀️
when mouna viradham( the process of practising silence) is suggested as a parigaram(revitalisation methodology) for vakku sani (a stage in 7.5 years of saturn as per vedic astrology)in patanjali yoga sutras vibuti padam sutram 4 states that trayam ekatra samyamah which also suggests silence to perceive knowledge. Then if this mouna viradham is leading to a state of samyama for 2.5 years then he will reap yogic benefits out of it. Hence I feel that yoga sutras are very much interconnected with astrology please provide your views on the same
My mom is in her late 40s and my nan is in her 70s, my nan never fails to do yoga everyday. She looks way younger for her age and has half of the problems as my mom. I never did yoga though, too lazy
Can someone please explain what “NO IMPROPER SEX” (bramacharya) means? It doesnt seem that it means total abstinence, then what’s the Proper way to have sex in Ashtanga yoga?
Can I make a comment for people who want to pronounce Indian words without sounding ridiculous? Whenever you see a ‘t’, just pronounce it as a ‘th.’ It makes a huge difference and makes it sound more authentic. The narrator put discernible effort into pronouncing the Indian words and that makes me incredibly happy as an Indian. Just a tip!
Great cleansing practice today! Plus bonus, did anyone else notice the sweet hummingbird at around the 8:09 mark? I happened to look up and it was checking out Adriene ❤️.
This video explained a lot to me. I will watch again and again until I learn. Thanks for sharing.
I come back to this practice at least once a week. Thank you!
Digestion yesterday and liver today. Hmmmm. Couldn’t do the twist on high lunge or cow legs. But I hope my liver is happy!
so good I did a mid afternoon practice and I feel refreshed and ready to take on the next half of my day!
Adrienne,I am following your yoga practice everyday.Thank you for the comprehensive vdos.
Her “it’s working!” cracked me up far more than it should have xD
Finding all treseaurs every day is such a joy!Creative poses that feels so challenging and good for me.Thank you so much!Now looking forward your new 3o days Dedicate.Happy ending and a wounderful healthy loving new year to you!
Noooooooo only brown people can do yoga!!! No culturalino appropriationinorinos!
I was about to pick a yoga for strenght video, but then my body told me to work today a bit less on outer strenght and a bit more on inner strenght so I chose this video
Umm.. Sadhguru’s has decided to make his videos unlicensed and this channel is earning money of those videos by running ads. Seems very UNETHICAL. Sorry, boycotting this channel, and I hope you guys do it too.
It seems important to acknowledge that the yogic wisdom has been passed down through human consciousness since the beginning of the species itself. The great writings that we have today are perhaps the most recent channeling of this information, but are not necessarily the final word, and certainly subject to the context of their era. Is it blasphemy to expand upon what has been presented by our ancestors? perfection we the natives of the sub continent had to do all the wonderful.. because sudras must do so..willingly my dick I itches when these..was..called DHARAMA…
Few years ago it was my first practice with you Adriene! And today is my birthday so it’s a nice coincidence, that you put it on november playlist:) thanks for everything Adriene I’m so grateful that I found you. Kisses!
I don’t know how I’ve never seen this video, I loved it. Definitely needed a cow pose today
Felt SO good to start the day this way. Good morning, everyone! I hope you all have peaceful, productive, happy days in store today! Namaste.
awesome gentle cooling practice. Thank you, Adriene! Love your show.
Thank you Gurudev… ur a Treasure trove in my journey towards realisation of consciousness… I Love your videos and easy teachings… I also read several spiritual books which I get in the internet. I have read Yoga Sutra s of Patanjali by Swami Satchitananda and also Swami Vivekananda, also I read the book Holi Science written by Swami Yukteswar Giri… found them quite enlightening.. I Love logical scientific deduction to be the basis behind spiritual path… Swami kindly guide me through more enlightening video of yours, your calm and prestine demeanor attracts me towards your teachings with Love, I am practicing meditation twice a day for 20 mins where I focus on complete void and calm between my eyes… I find it rather refreshing and scintilatting…. I am a loner soul who finds peace in solitude… Swami kindly guide me…. be my Guru
So glad you created this channel & have SO much helpful content for us online Yogis.
Oh my word!!!! Thank you so much for this, it’s my favourite YWA practise so far and it’s been my absolute dream practice ♀️♀️♀️ my body thanks you, my soul thanks you and my soul thanks you!!!!! May all of you taking part enjoy this practise too, namaste
Just found a new favourite! This is why I love Adriene’s calendars I discover practices I wouldn’t have chosen otherwise. Namaste!
Today I have been feeling really fatigued, I even slept at the afternoon and woke up at night. I am still tired but GRATEFUL.
#ywagrateful #yogawithadriene
I love you Adriene <3 really wish you amazing life, you are amazing
“Yoga is good for the body and mind by Inhaling the future and exhaling the past” so don’t be talk about past that’s behind you now stare at the bright future
It’s 4:30 on the east coast 6/15/20. Began with Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Relief into Yoga for Gut Health.So wonderful to be able to marry more than one practice together to get what I need. Thank you Adriene! Peace in my thoughts, Peace in my words, Peace in my heart. namaste xoxo
as I was doing the circles sited, on the 2 minutes left til the end of the video, I burped and screamed: IT’S WORKING! I BURPED! haha
This beauty Polish girl is a great fan of yoga:
I started yoga in 2017 when I wanted to get off my antidepressants and my pain medicine. I have chronic pain and a personality disorder so my mental state greatly affects how my physical body feels and works. Yoga, including the spiritual aspects of breathwork and meditation, has helped me to come into connection between my mind, body, and soul. I appreciate this beautiful practice and truly believe that it is one of the most accessible forms of movement for so many different people
What mat do you recommend? My hands are starting to slide in downward dog, but this is a cheap mat from a few years ago. Thanks!! There were a ton of airplanes lol. Hopefully you had In n Out Burger afterwards.
You said it is not related to union,but that is the ultimate result of meditation
This really helped to soothe a painful stomach. Thank you ❤️xx
No more back pain, less sleep, less stress. Yoga isn’t about becoming a believer but becoming a practitioner and experiencing it for yourself.
This practice felt so good today! Loved every single minute. Thank you!
there is another kind of djana and samadhi in patanjali’s system. when the object of dharana disappears and yet you are fully conscious. then what you are looking at is no object, it is your own consciousness. the mirror is clear and it reflects your essence back at you. that is real djana. if you can sustain this state for a certain period of time samadhi happens. up to djana you can do something, with djana and samadhi you just need to prepare and wait. all doings become counterproductive. needless to say, this kind of djana and samadhi are the ultimate stages of your meditation practice. in this case, the samadhi is not absorption anymore it is liberation. you came home.
Useful manual towards permanent happiness. Thank you Swamiji.
I dated a yoga instructor for about 5 years… I admit I still don’t understand… what can I say, my temperament is chill, what can I say?
A bit of a challenge, after a disturbed night but worth every moment. Thank you Adriene xx Namaste
I’ve just done Day 11 & Day 12 practices together. It was an excellent combination.
Wonderful video Swamiji. I have been watching quite a few of your videos lately and they have been very helpful Thankyou so much for sharing. Namaste
Excellent swamiji.. all discourses with logical examples.. simply superb.. thanks a lot
who else is doing this while drunk to lessen the damage whoo!!
One think to correct, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras were much before than starting of CE.
Who doesn’t want a healthy liver? Of course I did this practice. Thank you, it was awesome!
Thank you!
TMI: I burped at about minute 16:16; loved that movement.
Reading all the comments I feel so blessed to be where I am in my life
To all the people who suffer from anxiety and other disorders,keep going
Adrienne will help you thru good times and bad times
Never ever give up
You are all special and gifted in you own way
Namaste to all yogis
I find it helps me with my anxiety as I’m focusing on something rather than my thoughts and at the end I’m really relaxed so my stress goes away
I started yoga when I was 12 and haven’t stopped since. I can’t imagine not doing it. It’s been especially soothing during low moments of my life. Without it, I would likely be a total basket case.
its so soothing to see your beautiful face, every morning:)
Felt so frustrated at the beginning of the practice, but now I feel great afterwards!
the cruelty of the animals in this video(ropes and muzzles thru the noses) is near unbearable, otherwise thankyou for all
Late to the June-party… But today marks dag 101 of daily yoga! The best thing that came out of quarantine was my daily practice.
Hi Adriene, thank you for creating this meridian video! With my health issues at the moment it’s good to work on my liver meridian but I wonder how often I can do a meridian yoga lesson? And are there videos for the other meridians? Greetings from Esther from the Netherlands
Thanks for this one it’s helped losses me up, and I’m now laughing as my legs are all tied up in knots. Have a great day
This practice made me smile
Thank you Adriene! Namaste ♀️
I need to pick up yoga again especially since I have a desk job and was in a car accident.
I am an Indian
I Am Very Proud of my country
Yoga with Adriene is literally a life line for me. 3 months ago I had a kidney transplant. My recovery has been very difficult from the intensity of the immune suppressing medication causing multiple side effects, infection and very low cell counts from lowered immunity and deep struggles emotionally from the trauma of organ transplantation. Finding balance in recognizing the elements that encompass what total healing is, for me begins in learning how to adequately care for myself to nourish physically, emotionally and spiritually in this “new body with very changed needs”. Right now, there is no other way for me to begin overcoming the enormity of the obstacles I’m facing but to put the work in myself. I’m finding these moments on my mat connecting to specific sessions on Yoga with Adriene have given me the ability to better listen to my body, what its saying, asking for, observing my deep breathing (or lack thereof alot) and recognizing where I’m holding my stress and trauma. It’s a day to day practice and one I’m just really starting on navigating my way through without preconceived thoughts about where I need to or will end up. It’s not about getting to the end point its about being willing to consider possibilities about the importance of giving myself the best care I can in however I hear and feel my body talking to me. I’ve already created a playlist of sessions that speak most to me and already feel the benefits of that practice in myself as a whole ♡
Adrienne is the reason why I am doing yoga every day for 5 months now. For someone who never did any kind of workout before, Yoga with Adrienne has changed my life for the better and I’ll be forever thankful for her and for yoga itself.
I want to like this video more than once.. so can y’all like it!
A was so amazed by the Hummingbird that came by to say hi! Thanks Adrienne for making asanas feel so amazing
LOL, Adriene! You had jetplanes and I had helicopters lots of them. It’s summer, it’s Saturday, and lots of tourists want to see Oahu from the air. Okay, here comes another one. BTW, great practice; my liver thanks you.
This was presented so succinctly and clearly, I was enraptured for the entire video. Thank you for sharing!
ISLAM is also need to live in this world
Why You not Search About Islam
SEARCH with Heart
By the end of the weekend I will have caught up with the June calendar. Fell behind a few days due to work commitments but slowly catching up
It’s the best pronounciation of Hindi I have ever hear by non Indian subcontinent narrator.
Love it so much
So happy I stumbles upon this practice!! I’m on day 14 of a 30 day cleanse and this felt wonderful for my gut! Thank you for all the beauty you spread in the world through movement and kindness!
The thing are you talking about is ‘asana’ (one of the 8 piller of yoga)
Yoga is much than just asanas
I’ve been apart of the fwfg community since 2016 so I never saw this one UNTIL today that is. What a oldie but goodie. I Loved it. I also love old school Adriene she is so goofy and funny. Not that I don’t adore now Adriene as well<3<3<3 Thank you team this one is going in my favorites list.
Science can do one. Yoga does not need to measure itself against western science
Good effort with the pronunciations. I hope people would start saying the actual names of the yoga asanas instead of giving them weird English names
incredible…greetings from argentina… a pleasure to hear a dharma teacher like you decompose these terms.. with clarity and wisdom and without a second intention… keep up the great work!!
OPEN day 25
Today was nice and sweet, and a good 30-ish minutes so not too long or short. Just right.
At least yoga is the only sport I am happy and eager to do
I could not love practicing yoga with you more but I will try
My guts are a mess, as my anxiety is messing with them all the time, so I really appreciate this video!
This yoga was the thing that kept india at the top of the world upto 18th century once it got down india got a little down.
Lovely practice today thank u Adriene much love Namaste❤
When I started doing yoga ♂️ my back pain dissolved, mental and physical health improved. Ill do it all my life.
I did a 20 minute introduction to yoga today for the first time ever. It definitely felt great and I’m definitely going to continue and go deeper into it.
i personally havent has sex for years but was curious by what is considered improper sex? does that just mean non consensual sex or something?
Ah yes another gentle and awesome practice. I’m thankful to be able to get up this morning and partake once more thank you Adriene and have a fantastic day
Every time I do the coffee grinder move, I feel a clicking in my hamstring. It ranges from annoying to painful. Does anyone else experience this? Am I doing something wrong?
Dear Adriene, I love you sweetie pie. I wish you a healthy and peaceful life.
Having my roof repaired this morning but still able to enjoy this practice.
Thank you for that reminder to take the time to listen to my guts, because I do need to take this time! Namaste
Does the narrator, who’s name is Addison Anderson BTW, has a podcast channel or read stuff that’s available on Calm or something?? If he hasn’t he should consider doing it.
Iam a Malayali, the pronounciation is not that correct as some comments celebrates
I needed this so badly today and can’t express how wonderful it felt Definitely adding to my favorites.
This is why I love this channel. The pronounciation, and the animation is so beautiful! And how every information is so accurate. I’ve learned more from Teded than from my actual teachers.❤️
Good morning Adriene, How are you?
Thank you.❤️
Always Wonderful.
Have a Most Wonderful day.
See you soon.❤️
Lately, I have to “drag” myself to the mat, but when I do, I remember how much better and calmer it makes me feel. Thank you!
anyone else’s abs still a bit sore from day 10? Hahaha. Makes me really appreciate these shorter restorative practices that are sprinkled in, and goes to show how much thought goes into creating these monthly calendars. Thanks Adriene! Day 12 of Courage 2020!:)
Thank you very much for sharing such wonderful information
I escaped depression thanks to yoga, of course other factors did contribute, but it does wonders to your health
If anyone wants to try proper/authentic yoga(not the bs “yoga” they teach you at gyms/studios nowadays ), check out inner engineering and the Isha foundation.
I got quite lost in the moment with this practice, it went so quick! I loved this practice and really felt the connection with my core and inner organs. I have one of those coffee grinders Adriene, a wooden one with a little draw so it’s easy for me to imagine my inner self so good! See you tomorrow on the mat for another long one, senior yogis unite ♀️♀️♂️
I’ve been getting chemo due to being diagnosed with lymphoma and today in particular I felt horribly fatigued and debilitated like there was sludge in my body. I slept in late and wanted to stay in bed all day but I decided no, I gotta work thru this and help my body feel better proactively. I can not believe how much better I felt after this routine!!! I feel like myself again! I’m new to yoga and I absolutely love this channel.
I’ve been following Adriene for years. This was another winner! I was wondering if Adriene has a video where she has expressed her opinion on how often/how much yoga to do on a daily/weekly basis, and what other forms of exercise complement yoga? I tried to look in the playlists, but I didn’t find what I was looking for.
man i would love this narrator to narrate a meditation video or something! even if the words he’s saying aren’t quite related to meditation his voice definitely soothes my mind.
Someday I’ll have done every video you have ever made on this channel lol
This felt so good to do to kick start my day:D Thank you! ❤
2nd day back to daily practice and everything gets magically sooooo amazing again
Thank you ❤️
Greetings from Brazil. Thanks very much Swamiji and all who worked to make this very enlightening video available. Hare
Am I the only one who never wants to stop the coffee grinder circles ’cause they feel sooo gooood??!
This one’s for you, my friends whether you are post-holiday, in the midst of a transition, or ready to once and for all prioritize that time for you. Enjoy!
Hi Adriene! I’m new here but I have a question can you do yoga for kidneys? I’ve seen those around YouTube but would love to see your version! Thank you!
My cat was laying down next to me in exact the same way as Benji was laying. Perfect <3