Table of Contents:
Power of Fitness | Vincent Lam | TEDxRanneySchool
Video taken from the channel: TEDx Talks
The psychology of self-motivation | Scott Geller | TEDxVirginiaTech
Video taken from the channel: TEDx Talks
The 5 ‘Musts’ to Sustainable Exercise: Michael Haddin at TEDxPSUAD
Video taken from the channel: TEDx Talks
Natural Bodybuilding: Become the best version of yourself | Mischa Janiec | TEDxHSG
Video taken from the channel: TEDx Talks
The brain-changing benefits of exercise | Wendy Suzuki
Video taken from the channel: TED
Exercise, Nutrition, and Health: Keeping it Simple | Jason Kilderry | TEDxDrexelU
Video taken from the channel: TEDx Talks
Exercise is brain food | Angela Ridgel | TEDxKentState
Video taken from the channel: TEDx Talks
The 22 Best TED Talks for Fitness, Health, and Happiness Inspiration Written by Sarah Koppelkam on August 13, 2013 If you have access to the Internet, you’ve likely seen one: We’re talking.TED, a nonprofit organisation devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading”, is known for its inspirational talks and life lessons from individuals that specialise in various domains, ranging from science to business to global issues. With thousands of TED talks that focus on Fitness.
The best TED Talks make you think, leave you inspired and, very often, make you laugh as well. We’ve been watching Ted Talks evolve and grow over.Here are the 10 best ted talks, which you shouldn’t be missing. All these ted talks are inspiring, motivating and helping you meet the reality. These ted talks focus on meditation, yoga, and sex.
TED Talks have been around longer than some of us have been on this rock. In fact, it was founded in 1984 as a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. TED (Technology, Education and Design) started as a one-off conference which almost sunk under water due to its unsuccessful start financial. The conference.
TED Talks are video presentations that are full of inspirational information for us. Hosted by successful people from various sectors of industry, TED Talks can motivate us to get up, overcome the challenges in our lives and perform at a high level again. Here are the 10 most motivational and inspirational TED talks.
Sandra Aamodt Why dieting doesn’t usually work In the US, 80% of girls have been on a diet by the time they’re 10 years old. In this honest, raw talk, neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt uses her personal story to frame an important lesson about how our brains manage our bodies, as she explores the science behind why dieting not only doesn’t work, but is likely to do more harm than good.Mary Roach 10 things you didn’t know about orgasm “Bonk” author Mary Roach delves into obscure scientific research, some of it centuries old, to make 10 surprising claims about sexual climax, ranging from the bizarre to the hilarious. (This talk is aimed at adults. Viewer discretion advised.).
10 Motivational TED Talks to Start Your Morning One of my favorite innovations in recent years is the idea of TED Talks. Whether you attend a session in person or watch online, you can learn and gain inspiration and see and hear people tell their stories and share their expertise firsthand.10 of the best TED Talks about health and fitness Save D o you struggle to find the motivation to go to the gym? Balcetis contends that this could.Most speakers only have ten to fifteen minutes to talk.
Every Ted Talk is free to watch and download but you can’t possibly go through 2800 videos so I’m laying out my favorite ten that I believe will help you as you’re reading this right now. So sit back, relax, and enjoy The Best Ted Talks for 2019.We’ve included talks by Malcolm Gladwell, Robert Waldinger, Elizabeth Gilbert, Brené Brown, Tony Robbins, Susan Cain, Simon Sinek, Ken Robinson, Amy Cuddy, and Bryan Stevenson.
MsMojo’s Social.What I love about all of the Ted Talks below is how the speakers talk about their own experiences with their mental health struggles. They are proof that you are not alone. 10 Best Ted Talks For Your Mental Health. Here are some great Ted Talks for Your Mental Health anytime you need a reminder that you’re not alone.
12 Short TED Talks That Will Change Your Life Forever Sometimes it’s easier to learn via the printed word; other times a visual and personal delivery of a topic is much more effective. In the case of TED talks, these mostly short, succinct presentations are not only.Watch the 10 Best TED Talks of All Time We can learn so much from TED Talks — not just from their content but also from their delivery.
We conducted our own research on what makes a TED talk go viral and found that the best TED speakers indicate charisma, credibility and intelligence incredibly quickly.
List of related literature:
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from 8 Keys to Mental Health Through Exercise (8 Keys to Mental Health) | |
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from Smarter Workouts: The Science of Exercise Made Simple | |
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from The Guide to Your Best Body (Enhanced eBook Edition): The Revolutionary 12-Week Plan to Transform Your Body and Stay Fit Forever | |
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from The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Being Fit | |
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from Body for Life for Women: A Woman’s Plan for Physical and Mental Transformation | |
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from The Wrestler’s Body: Identity and Ideology in North India | |
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from From XL to XS: A fitness guru’s guide to changing your body | |
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from The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss & Body Confidence: A Woman’s Guide to Stressing Less, Weighing Less, and Loving More | |
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from Iron War: Dave Scott, Mark Allen, and the Greatest Race Ever Run | |
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from The Essential Guide to Fitness |
She looks like she had a pillowfight backstage right before she was on
Brains in adulthood can really be modified…and MOVEMENT is the best way to improve the modifications, cause MOVEMENT is the thing which can cause the major production of BDNF!!!
Motivating myself: 1%
Imagining myself succeeding in painting and dancing: 99%
HOW EXCITING!! I am sure if you have, or you have someone in your life who has Parkinsons Disease, you may want to give this lady a Gold Medal for research! And how sad we need a scientist to suggest exercise is the best medicine for ALL medical challenges. What would happen to our world if we all committed to be fit and strong?
Great video and speaker. Exercise is an important part of living full out.
A good goal! I appreciate the advantage of rhythmic association in exercise personally, but was it tested and measured against a non-cadence control? The Parkinson’s state of mental cognition may no longer be wired such that cadence is significant. Also, I question why invest in motor bike to replace human on the tandem with the Parkinson’s inflicted person, when we have millions of people who could benefit from the cycling — plus the benefit of mutual supportive rapport between two bikers is obvious? Maybe it is not as fast as the designer’s initial performance, but cadence pedaling as fast as you can is beneficial and progressively increasing with practice — beneficial at any rate. I’d suggest designing the bikes to generate electricity, pump water, or operate a clay pot throwing wheel for an artist, etc. allowing the disabled to feel constructive and integrated during the therapy.
Nice but I already know that movment is the best for everything.
Poor sound quality agreed. The presentation with the engaging photos is smart. However, what this presentation misses is something new added to what everyone else is saying.
I have been extremely, extremely depressed for several months now. I felt nothingness, complete hopelessness and emptiness and sadness. Yesterday I decided to workout for 30-40 minutes. And guys, that complete hoplessness and sadness literally after one session it’s gone. I’m so much better. I’m so happy. I had been suffering from insomnia too, but I slept so well. After so long . And that’s the reason I’m going to start working out everyday.
The best american video on health ever. He just mentioned all the thumb rules which are gonna work for hundreds of years more, rather than building some intellectual theories only to be challenged the next day.
There has been shown to be better results with not trailing to failure and adding more volume throughout the long run
The ” rights of Englishmen ” are the perceived traditional rights FOR ALL THAT WANT TO EVOLVE IN OPENED LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT of English subjects and later English speaking subjects of the AMERICANS THAT WANT MORE THAN ONLY BASSIC COMMUNITY.
Everybody, please remember this, these are the basics. If you find that wheat makes you sluggish, cut it out. But you need these fundamentals first, then start making those choices. Make the small steps and find what works for you. Nough said.
This works as it’s how I live my life and I’m a healthy weight and have no illnesses. Too many people try to make drastic changes which are doomed to failure. Educate yourself about good diet and exercise (but keep it simple!), learn to cook, spend more time moving. Yes, it’s all a bit boring and is a long term plan, maybe that’s why many people do not want to hear the message!?
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Maintain Your Weight
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Very good.
Shared importance and need of exercise for keeping fit.
Moderation… not true. Meat and processed food…. Bad choice
Meat (grass fed/ not tampered with) doesn’t make anybody sick. I eat meat although not on a regular basis and I am very healthy.
Excellent speech
Suggest excersice for premuture male at 39 age more improvement enhancement in understanding of excel by self
Thinking in terms of a lifestyle has worked for me. By lifestyle i mean and refined structure with flexible changes such as days i can eat more or variations (mostly the days i work out). Also, explaining people the physics of the body. Putting this into simple terms is about how much energy are you consuming related to the intensity of the activity you are doing (almost like relativity haha). That’s the sad truth people don’t want to accept. Then, after this, people start making up speculations about the psychology of the individual, which i won’t deny it plays an important role in staying motivated, but cannot be used as an excuse for not achieving results (unless of course there is a previous diagnostic of a psychological disease).
Learn the physics, think in terms of energy (thermodynamics in the body), act, repeat…
I don’t have a treadmill desk but I wish I did. Even waking slow is better than sitting all day which happens at a job that is completely sedentary and where you need to be by the phone at all times.
I want to be a pilot and a businessman..and i will become one cause it is worth it..i have the resources..and i will not be driven by negative reinforcement
So, don’t give up, keep trying. Strive for excellence. Thanks
I am gonna downvote because of sound quality. I can’t listen to this.
I enjoyed watching this, hope I enjoy doing the exercises too….LOLs
This video’s audio is crapulent. The sound person should be sent to bed without any supper.
I dont know if it was the accent or he has a lisp but I dont care, hes so inspiring and awesome. plus I couldnt stop staring at those arms lmao
Kudos for the Video! Excuse me for butting in, I am interested in your thoughts. Have you ever tried Millawdon Soundness Program Trick (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now)? It is an awesome one off guide for learning how to maintain optimal health and wellness using a simple app minus the headache. Ive heard some decent things about it and my cousin after a lifetime of fighting got astronomical success with it.
But older people doesn’t exercise that much..but they must do!
Very patronizing! I am watching this on my treadmill I do 6 miles a day (10K steps) on it. It is 95 degree outside. Why put down any exercise especially while working. Everyone should to keep active and productive and use what ever tools are available. His discussion of diet is trivial.
complete misleading! meat contributes to all kind of disease! this guy is clueless.
Moderation doesn’t work for most people. It actually easier to cut out those groups of food we know make us sick: meat, DAIRY (which he failed to even mention), and processed foods (including oil). At the beginning you can ‘moderate’ these things, but elimination should be the goal.
Great points on fitness and exercise, and the importance of working them in to your schedule 12:00
Well… the ketogenic diet is not a quick fix and it has a logical and biological principle behind it. it;s not a fad it;s science.
What an awesome TED talk! Now I’m even more excited to start studying neuroscience this fall!
Her somewhat arrogant sounding remark towards the end of her talk really turned me off when she touts herself as a “memory pioneer”… which tellingly comes just minutes after an earlier remark she makes about herself when she says something along the lines of, “I’m really recognized and known for all the great work I did on memory and the hippocampus.” Slightly ruined it for me.
Thanks a million, Wendy this is helpful and fascinating! As many of us have to deal with some type of depression or low mood especially in these times.
Think of all the doctor appointments you might have and how late the doctors typically run on their appointment schedule. Take that time sitting in the waiting room and convert it into exercise time. Soon enough you won’t need to sit in the waiting room. Own your health!
At least the rehash of well known fundamentals of health and exercise is low calorie and not very filling!
Really inspiring talk Jason. It is hard to maintain a healthy, balanced diet nowadays with junk foods priced significantly less than the healthy ones. This makes it really easy for people to reach out for these unhealthy foods and have negative impacts on their health.
I’m sitting in hospital bed post knee replacement. Cannot move legs right now. But l those exercises sitting up in bed and they are awesome.
What I don’t understand is how all the jacked people in my life are kinda bit imbeciles as well…
The CRINGE at the end was so big that I left before the video ended
How much energy she has, i agree with that point, exercises can chance the trajectory in our lifes.
It’s simple science: When you walk, you’re doing what we evolved to do, to survive. So the brain, knowing it is in its natural element, will focus more, to survive. It’s good.
Do not read this. If you do you will die in seven days if you don’t put this comment on 10 videos in the next hour. If you do tomorrow will be the best day in your life.
I should’ve watched this 1.5 years ago before I fell into deep depressionnow I know xD <3
Amazing. Wendy Suzuki has an infectious smile and energy to transform lives.
There are many prescribed yoga in indian culture.
which already researched by indian ancestors. PROUD be a indian bcz we don’t need to research again and waste time
Break It, that’s amazing concept for learning. Just break it into simplest doable parts and then combine them to make a whole thing.
Can anyone tell me the basic steps I need to do to become a amature professional bodybuilder and get sponsored by vitamin companies/magazines for fitness clothing?
me watching this stuck in bed because of my back couldnt be more ironic
When I go to the gym in a bad mood/a little depressed I feel better afterward 100% of the time.
Watch it on 1.25x speed to save ur time.
Have a great day.
This was precious, couldn’t stop smiling while seeing the public doing the exercises and screaming. This just motivated me to continue my routines. Thank you❤️
I don’t know why the woman was lifting her legs the guy didn’t lift his legs.
Let me give you a million dollar tip… Always watch videos on 1.25x speed..!! It would save your precious time..!!
just scrolling about zumba things, and then this pop out and then i clicked. i can say this video is worth every minutes of my life. definitely im gonna start exercising seriously and in a fun way.
At first, I was motivated to do anything I had planned! But when my family started to schedule everything I had to do all day, I’ve had a feeling of lost until today! I always think why the past me was better than the present me
Hello i was lazy to excercise so came to eat this to perhaps motivate me ☺️
I do think the keto diet is a perfect diet. It just depends on whether you can find the time and effort to afford the transition phase. But once the transition is complete I imagine it would be nirvana.
Joins to learn about self-motivation
Left learning how to drumroll
This talk made me realize why many office/white-collar workers are depressed and unhappy.
ok break down a complex task and find out what you would like to do….. as for community and ‘we need eachother’ funny how people will lie & step over everyone else to get money etc etc etc…….
I have been doing my exercises but this lecture inspired me to do more. thanks, Wendy!
I’m curious about her on-going research about the optimum exercise prescription…
This is exactly what I talk about in this video:
It was 2015,Jan,i used to solve 200 question per day in two sits of 4 hours each.which was incredible.
But later after 9 months i wasnt even to solve 30 question per day, not even 12 question from the very same book.I got so demotivated.
And after watching this vid I realise at that time, i used to excercise for 1 hour daily.
is there only one guy in the audience?
Ted audience gender quota? lol
I enjoyed watching Wendy teach me about the benefits of exercise. She is fun
Sorry but 4 times a week 30 minutes is A LOT. Aint nobody got time for that.
This is so true! I have started doing surya namaskara and it’s been more than 15 days only! I can see the difference!
A Ph.D in neuroscience to figure out that exercise is good for you… wow
Yet at the same time, there are fuckup people going around trying to promote open sexual lifestyles: 419, some, fwb, polyamory, bdsm.. to get “enlightened”, even psychologists . That’s why I’m just gonna stick with my natural science folk like this professor, they’re legit, not hoax.
Not yet watched. Just to share Exercise(after a certain threshold, certain frequency per week) will increase your willpower. Willpower will overcome laziness, tiredness. This is better than motivation.
This guy is way off based when he says “meat is fine.” Extensive scientific research from countless studies has shown that more than small amounts of meat (and that includes fish, beef, pork, and polutry) promotes numerous diseases and reduces longevity. For extensive documentation, read the book Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman.
Really enjoyed this. Excited about reading her book. Heading in to the 2nd chapter and will watch kore of her videos.
Can tell me, who decided to learn new skills Brain or mind?if brain why take so much time to learn
Ma’am, you are the funniest Professor I have ever seen. And thank you for that advice. ☺️☺️☺️
Excellent talk about motivation and how to stick to your fitness goals.
Im on depressed and heartbroken gonna try this and will update. Gee, thank you.
Super super super super spectacular awesome & amazing….splendid!!! Super thanks….
If you have to put “natural” in your title you’re definitely not
Wrong Title There is no information about natural bodybuilding given in this video.
Lmao so many comments are saying this guy is on steroids, I’m like, lol where
I fully agree with what this guy said. The main focus of my YouTube channel is fitness and natural bodybuilding. Please subscribe!
Helping people ;;;very good but you are the best Natural in the World;;;;make me Cry..Im 73 y/o/ and i training from 1962 and I wish,,,you look like me at 73…..try to dream when you are 73 and if you can (like me) than you get your goal…
He’s right about the mirror thing every time I’m in the shower I spend atleast 20 minutes looking at myself lol
I wasn’t going to watch the video for long but she captivated me. Love her energy!!!! ❤️
He had one stipulation from Ted before he gave his talk: “I must stand on carpet I won’t show up otherwise”
unbelievable9 million viewers. the world is always unfairbetter and well-established theorist has fewer views. waste of my time
Thank you for sharing your experience, great talk!:) I’ve started body pump a few years back, and I love it! I could train during my whole pregnancy, until the day before I delivered. I was healthy throughout my pregnancy, it helped with the delivery itself and my baby is super happy and energetic (I like to think it’s because he is “used” to the good vibes coming from exercising). Take care!
Starting at 1:50, was extremely cringy to hear. I understand the point the dude is trying to get across, but he needs to work on his wording. 8 years means over 2000 workouts and 5000 hours? (“eh, unbelievable…”) And bench pressing weights equivalent to whales? Not sure where those metrics came from, and needs to not stroke his own ego. Definitely stopped watching after this… not someone I can listen to sorry.
Funny how he pokes fun at “experts”. What exactly are his credentials?
I see more comments of men rather than women… This talk is only for men. Hahaha
the more important comment we are in this together and we need eachothers.
Natural…bro…your water retention is off the charts, your jawline gives away your steroid HGH use… the thing is, you can’t really test for a lot of steroids (when you can it’s extremelly expensive)…thus a lot of people can claim they are “natural”
So basically move.. Doesn’t matter how, just move.. Just do 20 min of weights then swim 30 laps… Call it day and return to swim the next day, then maybe hike the next day, then back to weights and swimming. Or just surf a few days a week.. Yoga and core exercises are Great too! This is like aerobics.. I’d rather do a skill based moved.
I think part of the hate comes from his accent. He speaks English very well, but there are certain things as a non-native speaker he says that give him a sort of aloofness that many mistake for arrogance. He had a good message and it’s clearly worked for him. Not everyone is going to end up with his body, even if they undertake the exact same routine, but as he said it’s about being the best version of yourself which is different for everyone.
He looks like a buffed version of Pewdiepie
Maybe bcs He is swedish
My mom always helped me with these things but I feel like a lot of teachers nowadays don’t know the first thing about community.
Good talk. The world has many problems judging by the negative comments and excuses below.
One question please. If I take whey protein powder, creatine monohydrate and omega 3 supplement, does it qualify as natural?
Why does it happen, when men builds body their legs means lower portion of the body looks smaller than the upper portion? ☹️.
just putting the obvious out there for those who might still be naive… this guy is on the juice
if this guy claims he is not on roids then I am also dating kendall jenner rn and shes blowing me hard
Oh dear, you had a very difficult life my friend. All the respect!
I’ve been.pumping iron over 30 years, I’m 64 now & I have paid my dues! I guarantee you Jeff isn’t on the juice & by far the best teacher on YOU TUBE! He definitely is intelligent, has broken dwn lifting to a scientist! Your very un-education has caught up to u!,They don’t get any better then providing knowledge I! If he was on the juice he’d be a monster at his weight class! After all the yrs in the gym, I’ve seen it all.! It comes dwn to knowledge, diet, discipline& the dedication to make it a life style! Good luck, because your obviously needing it! Down South of the Border LOVING Life& my hour & a half pumping the IRON!!!
Me: Thinking about going to the gym
Corona virus: ”Are you sure about that?”
Me: Fine, I will train at home…:(
geez the poem touched my heart. Best motivational talk ever.
Instead of gym.. he could have done some social works which involves physical activities..
Comes here to be self motivated. Self motivation begins with having a community. Has no community.
I guess it’s back to twitch to build myself a community. It’s the best I’ve got as a mama soon to be mama of 3, all 3 and under. with a neighborhood of shut ins and people that look the other way when they see someone stepping out of their house or driving by. I need a community…I’ve tried, I’m not rude, selfish or nosey what a great person to add to a community.. Yet, I’ve given up. Anybody else, felt this way. Where a community just slips through your fingers no matter how kind you are. Rant. I’m sorry. I hope I can find support soon. Everyone just wants to send support through a like or text these days. Not even a phone call. It’s hard. But I’ll persevere.
Thanks a lot dear,
There are many Youngsters who had developed a belief that without steroids, body can’t be build. But its just a self belief.
I am from India, i had seen my farmer families they are so big in sizes, and they have no steroid availability. This is like Alien for them, and they were Tall, and too much muscular. Indian pehalwans namely Gamma pehalwan, Dara singh, had not touched such things, but see their health.
It always starts with trying to impress a woman.. lol.. well, unless you’re a woman.
Ja, yo pensaba que todos usaban esteroides, pero ahora ya por fin se que todos son naturales
i dont think fear of responsibility and going out of the norm should be all chalked up all to failing. also the failure he was talking about pushing his muscles to failure is just a term not actual failure. its more of a physical limit. failure isnt desired in real life when its under our control because it makes us look bad and people are such dicks. over compensation is great when something happens that you werent planning for so he has a good point. but his main bridges in logic to wrap up the speech dont really cross waters effectively. man this guy is just high on himself like the rest of them. its obvious he cares too much about confidence. he says he gets it but he doesnt. people dont choose to go work on themselves just for the sole reason of failure.
Wow…stunned and amazed some of the vitriolic language below. I would think that this approach of moderation would work for many. If it doesn’t work for you, fine. Perhaps your diet is what is making you so angry?? Just sayin’. I thought it was an interesting approach.
Great video and all, but is me, or does he look and sound like Walter White?
Said by lord Krishna 5000 years ago… work hard and dont be scared to fail
What is the first thing which pops into your mind when you hear the term “bodybuilding”? BIRLLLL
He did not talk about the energy level but when you train, you actually have more energy to do things at night after your whole day at work instead of just watching tv. You can plan something and actually achieve it because there is gas left in the tank. I always hear people say they are soooooo tired. I’m tired too, but after a training session at the gym, I have a reason to be tired!
Discipline is the KEY to everything we want to achieve. And it’s the hardest thing.
And here we were thinking it was all just protein and bench press…
I’d like to know the average weight of those people who disliked this video
Salah (Arabic term for Muslim Ritual/Islamic prayer) is a spiritual practice performed by Muslim believers which must be performed at least five times a day. Prayer involves physical body movement (like Yoga/Exercise)
im 16, Im having olevels this year and I want to cry because of how unmotivated Ive been in doing work and studying
A really engaging and entertaining TED talk. Its 22:00 in Cape Town, but in gonna go jog now!
What’s not nearly as obvious is how fitness could be made to be environmentally sustainable which is what I thought this video would be about lol! (Like putting energy generating exercise machines in gyms that help power the machines, tvs, computers, lights, air conditioning, and heating.)
By the look of this guy, it’s clear he hardly exercises. Exercise should be painful, it should test you mentally and physically or what’s the point.
Is laying down and getting up again over and over fun? Is lifting a sack of sand up and putting it back in the same place fun? Try a sport. Sports can actually be fun. Bike ride, run trails, climb mountains, go sailing, be outside, do household chores, dig holes for trees in the yard. Try a truly fun athletic event, pickup basketball or a running club? Give yourself permission to exercise any time you think of exercising. This makes exercise an escape from daily life. Now that’s motivation! Don’t want to do your taxes now? You don’t have to if you think of exercising. Don’t want to pay the bills? You don’t have to if you think about exercising. You can get out of anything you don’t want to do, by simply execising instead. Exercise is always allowed. Then with endorphines in your blood from exercise, you can focus more easily on those things you didn’t want to do before you exercised.
Maximize your workout so there’s more free radicals flowing in your blood. Better drink your watercress smoothies every day
This is glorious, been searching for “millennial self help books” for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried Penabriel Noteworthy Precedence (should be on google have a look )?
It is a great one of a kind guide for discovering how to manifest money and success minus the headache. Ive heard some super things about it and my cousin got excellent success with it.
Good ideas and good exercises but I don’t want to look like him, he looks too herbivore though I’m sure he is in good shape. I felt sorry for the girl, he seemed to have a certain arrogance and psychopathy about him, she probably regretted going up there and will not volunteer again at any event.
In general, his points are on target and achievable.
Adding to this basic outline is that sustainable exercise requires the hippocampus of the brain otherwise, no amount of “Must Have’s” will surmount to longterm habits.
Wendy Suzuki has a profound study as a neuroscientist and certified exercise instructor on this topic. There is a wonderful TED talk. I’ve never been inspired by a neuroscientist to exercise. But somehow her research and personal experience is the propellant that I needed.
Exercise!The name itself visualizing it represents something different.Exercise isn’t,,exercise”,exercise is just your daily activity by not just sitting on the chair and working,playing video games,watching YouTube,studying etc….You need to change the perspective of,,exercise”.It is not something that you need to struggle with,it isn’t something hard,it can be just walking,shopping,you don’t need to run,you don’t need to do weight lifting,you can replace these things with something fun like playing a sport,engaging in hobbies.The perspective that we have from all of these,,fitness enthusiasts” nowdays,that you need to go to the gym,that you need to run,that you need to do weight lifting is just wrong.Doing anything more than you can do will simply have a negative impact in any area of your health and on your life.
Hard at times to see the exercises due to shadows or dark pics off side of stage. I would have put her in middle
Simply put, you must move your body. The whole body, move it from where it is now, to someplace else. Move something else as you move your body, to add to your effort. A weight, an item, anything. You must do this with intensity of -work resistance or -speed to increase your breathing and pulse. Vary your exercise to work all parts of your body and do this in different ways. Do this with machines or free movement. Move and twist your body in every direction to work all muscles. Do low and high intensity movement comprising short sprint and endurance exercise.
Can anyone recommend some good literature that expands on the finer details of Nutrition? Particularly for a Vegetarian diet?
Get to the point dude. Interdependence? 7 habits of highly successful people spinoff??
Being big into fitness, I have always struggled in finding a way to sustain exercise I my life. However through the 5 musts, this is completely possible. I wanted to talk about this and give and argument to implore individuals to pay attention to these “musts” that will full benefit exercise and the ability to come up with it. It is so important to have exercise and fitness be enjoyable and that is something that is tough for the average person to think that it is enjoyable. The first must in saying that exercise must be planned is something that is so important. It needs to be scheduled in your life. The second oneexercise must be fun. This is one of the key points because no one like things that isn’t fun. No one wants to do something that they do not enjoy. Looking at the third onemust be easily accessible, there are many people who think that they need weights or to go to the gym to get fit. Things that are implemented into your daily schedule gives us the opportunity get fit while accomplishing the things we normally do. Incorporating all the different aspects of working out is also much more beneficial. Maximizing what we do to get fit is so important. It makes it more enjoyable as well because you are constantly doing something. Something that I didn’t realize until now, I was always getting bored because I would just walk around the gym doing individual workouts. Now that I have started to work on everything at once I am never bored and I’m always doing something. With these musts, I am getting the results I want. Looking at things like intensity and nutrition, it is so important to keep these going to see results. Like Haddin says, our body adapts to certain exercises so it is important to change it up and keep it consistent. Exercising is something that everyone who has the physical ability to do it can do. It is so beneficial to our way of life and using these 5 musts, that can be accomplished.
Exercise must be fun, easily accessible and show results to keep us motivated. Good observations.
As basic as this circuit seems, it actually quite functional. He’s right about focusing on compound exercises, too!
Complete nonsense. That proves that almost all of those so-called fitness experts have no clue what exercise is.
Liked the idea of incorporating more muscle groups in one exercise.
Some of the exercise he mentioned though might hurt your back that picking up something and putting it in the cupboard not that good for the back
I don’t understand the “country music” comment. Please explain
he says “funny story” then follows it with something that’s not funny at all
Edit: 3:44
also.. why did he do all this talking to basically say work out to improve self esteem and self awareness
mens physique? I can tell there is no quad development with the big arms
It isn’t what you know that gets you into trouble, it’s what you know for sure but it ain’t so.
— Mark Twain
Empowerment, positive feedback and community is how big corporations that pay so little can keep help. We are slaves to psychology. But knowledge is power! Great video!
It was a good talk. But if I compare tp few other ted talks I have attended I didn’t quite feel it was a feel flow. But regardless of the fact it is commendable the way they break these psychological concepts in such a structured as well as objective and realistic way. Keep inspiring Scott Geller.
Great ted talk
Famous health psychologist Dr Kelly macgonigal also share the same beliefs about exercise.
My entire education was failure avoidance. I managed to do well but I cant help but think about the poor people who couldn’t avoid failure.
‘Keeping it simple’ not really, he just jibberjabbers on about his own life the whole time
The community lesson was a great one he uses an example to show that people whether they feel they’re are better or have ego, They can still learn from other people as he told his teacher when he was 10 years old.
This is a great video. Love it. Thank you Mr. Geller and Ted Talks!
I was so mesmerized while watching the talk that I was feeling as I am one of the audiences sitting in from of him.
In Quarantine this is the best use of time when you get lost in improving yourself
a diet is for life not just to get in to a dress or look good for your holiday. Create a good eating habit and you won’t even notice your doing it after a while.
I agree except for the overweight. When a large person does these body weight exercises they are working way harder than a slim person. For beginners the weights machines are superb as they allow you to move the same weight as a slim person. Body weight and running is for those already basically fit.
This 10yo kid got more social interactions than me in the past 5months…
Am I the only one who is watching this video for an assignment
I am so inspired by BTS and Jk.Rowling, they are what keeps me writing when I feel like giving up:)
Thanks for your words. I don’t like to ask for help, whenever I got stuck I really feel very low and think how could I fail to do it. BUT after watching it I realized that helping each other is the only key to success. Thanks
Who else is here because they wanna get motivation to animate ️️
Thank you @mischa janiec you look fantastic. But could you explain how you healed your scoliosis?
My father had a motor neurone disease showing up in early 2018. He would exercise a lot. When he stopped in mid of 2019, the disease overtook him and reduced him to bones. A fact he recognised and told us. Hope a miracle happens and he once regains the sensory functions and goes back to being fit and healthy
Question one: Can you do it? Do you believe you can do it: Self efficacy
Question two: Do you believe it will work?: Response efficacy
Question 3: Is it worth it?
I have my AP world history test in 20 minutes and now I know I’m gonna crush it
At no time were any mainstream exercise professionals advocating (let alone insisting on) the Atkins diet (1;18).
You should work at Apple. Your voice reminds me about Apple presentations.
Perfect. The more important book to humanity is spark, from John Ratey. Someday people will understand the power of MOVEMENT!!!!
Honestly i need him as my personal trainer. He is definitely passionate about the subject
When I heard about the Cookies a few yrs ago. It was about a well dressed man and a homeless man. I was on the side of the well dressed man.
i need help, i am having an existential crisis and cannot come up with any reason to pursue anything besides mindless entertainment(i am not spiritual and am not up for a debate rn)
I’ve been working towards aversion of negative consequences for the last 5 years of my life.
Like Springsteen said, I feel like a dog that’s been beat too much
If I’m not even motivated enough to watch the rest of a self-motivation video then I’m in trouble.
Thank you i love ted talks ♥️Im so inspired by this im going to go jump on the bike and do at least 30 mins just what i needed ☺️ When she was giving the excercise and saying those things i got goosbumps. I am strong. I am wonder woman strong. Im inspired
can sum one summarize this cuz i gotta watch this for a class
Awwwwww he’s also terrified of Public speaking. He did an amazing job considering this. Well done!!
Who watches Ted Talks while on Quarantine to fight the spread of COVID 19? Anyone else here?o
sounds to me like self motivation is a combination of yourself and the peers you surround yourself with, i hadn’t thought of that before.
I get angry when I sit down to study.. why? That anger repels me to do other things.. lol
I had to read whole script of this speach on English lesson xd
I am normally working out right now but I felt lazy today so I grabbed a beer and watched youtube instead….
In tears, because this helped me understand why I haven’t been able to be my studious self since I was 17, I’ve had this horrible negative reinforcement that was instilled on me by a chemistry professor who was ruthless and cared little for students. The events that occurred after this class this situation only repeated itself through my young adulthood. Yet in different forms to a point, it became physically and mentally distressing. It’s hard for me to sit alone in my room with my laptop and a long list of assignments. It never fails, the overwhelming feeling that I’m wasting my time because somehow my efforts are futile. Now I know more truth about what happened to me and how I can become me again. Thank you for this message
I have to watch this video for pe and I hate it
end my suffering
This was a beautiful talk, the way spoke, his story telling was amazing, I couldn’t stop watching
I usually read comments as i listen but on this vid theres waaaaaaaay too many negative comments.. Sad with such a good message.
Had to stop watching because I don’t have the time/knowledge/training and also don’t have any autonomy
But the thing is that I don’t have time for exercise… What should I do?
Natural is good but roids are not bad if u know how to use them. Who knows he might even be on a low dose..
This was great, I been tryin to find out about “how popular are self help books?” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of Penabriel Noteworthy Precedence (do a google search )?
It is a great one off product for discovering how to manifest money and success minus the hard work. Ive heard some amazing things about it and my colleague got great success with it.
Turn exercise into a full-time job and pay goes directly to your health
That’s absolutely right.. I feel this experience in my own life
Whatever I had done.
It’s all self motivated because I don’t have any person to motivate me, To stand up while I’m falling..
But still I’m good to know self motivation is the key which drives me each and every thing to do (;
2:02 Dude, if you can bench 10 million kilos, how many plates do you put on the bar for that?
I dont wanna watch it, someone tell me the 5 main points he talks about lol IM TRYNNA GRADUATE
Isn’t starting or practicing a hobby extrinsically motivated, if it is inspired by its potential prize(s) (such as receiving a complete drum set)? And that can ultimately lead to the overjustification effect, in which intrinsic motivation decreases significantly until it is “crowded out”?
Good speech. He is not perfect. But I like his cadence and confidence
This was helpful to stay motivated I am inspired to make more videos to stay fit and healthy to help others love it.❤️
Am I able to use TED Talks video for Distance Learning for my PE students?
Loved it thanku so much for sharing such a brilliant information.
Before buying on gearbest, know that it’s thieves.
They do not repay,
on google search for “Thieves Gearbest”.
I can relate to this because I’ve recently got into fitness, but for the average couch potato I doubt it will motivate anyone to get fit
YES, Absolutely!! Folks in Exercise Science have known this for a long time. I did my graduate research on Aerobic Fitness and Stress perception. Subjects who had high aerobic fitness rated their perception of stress much less, at the time of the stressor and also later they recovered much faster ad better than low fit subjects. There was not significant difference between moderately fit subjects and low/high fit. But once you can high aerobic fitness then the brain is impacted positively. I used Ken Cooper’s times run/walk to put subjects in the fitness categories. This was some years ago, 1980’s. Tons of research supports this. Exercise is the best thing you can do.
im eating McDonalds while watching this, however it inspired me to nect time walk into the store and not get drive thru.
This is an excellent video and message and the speaker is passionate and sincere.
I cannot imagine why there are any thumbs down for this presentation
his whole presentation was perfect
If I hear another American say awesome……… it just sounds bloody ridiculous and childish. Please stop.
Hey To Vincent: I’m diabetic and I have endometriosis its domestic violence in Pascagoula, Mississippi please pray for me
i am doing crunches while watching, still 15 min left for day.
Loved it! Did a talk myself on fitness. (“I want to be fit” TEDxIWU) Thank you for sharing, appreciate your fitness perspective!
Nice speech content! But next time plz stop walking around and don’t check mobile phone every single minute!