Table of Contents:
Top 10 Benefits of Pistachios Nuts Health Benefits of Pistachios Best Health and Beauty Tips
Video taken from the channel: WELLNESS
Pistachio Nuts for Erectile Dysfunction
Video taken from the channel:
4 Big Benefits of Eating Pistachios
Video taken from the channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
12 Surprising Benefits Of Eating Pistachios
Video taken from the channel: Your Health TV
Pistachios: The Best Snack For Weight Loss
Video taken from the channel: DoctorOz
Health benefits of pistachios
Video taken from the channel: WXYZ-TV Detroit | Channel 7
Pistachios offer multiple health benefits
Video taken from the channel: Penn State University
Health Benefits Pistachios have high levels of unsaturated fatty acids and potassium. Both have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory traits. Enjoying some pistachios can lower your chances for.
Nutrition Facts Pistachio nutrition is truly impressive. They’re truly loaded with all kinds of nutrients, like vitamin B6, thiamine, potassium, copper, magnesium and iron, for starters. Pistachios also contain healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats but are free of trans fat and cholesterol.
Not all people knows, that pistachio nutrition gives so many magnificent health benefits such as, lowering blood sugar levels, reduce cholesterol levels, prevent cancer and many more. According to the International Team of Nutritional Scientist, pistachio nuts are also useful as an antioxidant, especially in a person with high cholesterol levels.Health benefits of Pistachios Pistachios are delicious tree nuts recognized for their wholesome nutritional properties. Together with walnuts, almonds, and cashew, they offer good sources of protein, fats, and minerals to inhabitants living around otherwise dry.
The health benefits of pistachio will include a healthy heart, weight management, safety against diabetes and hypertension, and enhanced digestion. The vitamins, minerals, fats and protein present in pistachio are all excellent for your health. 1.Pistachio Nutrition Power. Research suggests that pistachios have numerous benefits and may help to maintain good health, support an active lifestyle and reduce the risk of nutrition-related diseases.
Scroll down to learn more about the health benefits of pistachios.Nutrition Facts They are truly loaded with all types of nutrients, such as – thiamine, vitamin B6, copper, potassium, iron, magnesium, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, and folate. Furthermore, a 1-ounce serving of these nuts has about 6 grams of protein, 160 calories, 15 grams of fat, 3 grams of dietary fiber, and 2 grams of saturated fat.Pistachio Nutrition Compared to other nuts, pistachios are rich in vitamin K and potassium.
Also, it only contains lesser amount of calories. In a one-ounce serving of dry-roasted pistachios, there are about 160 calories, 15 grams of fat (2 grams of saturated fat), 6 grams of protein, and 3 grams of fiber.Nutrition Facts Regarding the nutritional value of pistachios, in general, we can say that 100 grams of the product contain about 557 calories.
More specifically, it contains 44 grams of fat, 21 grams of protein and 28 g of carbohydrate. Also, pistachios contain water, fiber, minerals, and vitamins.Pistachio offers numerous health benefits as it is rich in fibre, unsaturated fats, key amino acids and minerals.
Rising awareness about the nutritional value and health benefits of pista has turned it into a tasty, healthy alternative to sugary/oily snacks. This has led to a huge increase in its demand.They are antioxidants. According to some studies, the content of vitamin E and other antioxidant nutrients in pistachios means that one of their main benefits is the reduction of cellular aging and thus the possible prevention of some types of cancer.Pistachio Health Benefits The first and foremost benefit of these nuts, that must be mentioned, is associated with a healthy heart.
Because they are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, they are one of the most healthy options for heart. They work to reduce high blood pressure.Alongside berries, red wine, tea, and dark chocolate, pistachios are rich in antioxidants that protect the body, according to a report in the journal Food & Nutrition Research.
More specificall.Pistachios also have a significant amount of fiber and protein. Fiber facilitates digestion and protein helps strengthen muscles. Furthermore, protein is vital for cell function, balancing pH levels in the blood, and regulating metabolism.
Continue reading to learn more about the health benefits of pistachios.Pistachio nutrition facts are mentioned bellow based on one ounce (28 grams): Calories, 159 Per serving of pistachio includes 159 calories. Calories.
List of related literature:
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from Encyclopedia of Cultivated Plants: From Acacia to Zinnia [3 volumes]: From Acacia to Zinnia | |
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from Fruit Oils: Chemistry and Functionality | |
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from Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution | |
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from Becoming Vegan: The Complete Reference to Plant-Base Nutrition, Comprehensive Edition | |
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from The Paleo Cardiologist: The Natural Way to Heart Health | |
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from Functional Foods of the East | |
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from A Guide to Evidence-based Integrative and Complementary Medicine | |
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from Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention | |
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from Beautiful on Raw: Uncooked Creations | |
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from Dietary Patterns and Whole Plant Foods in Aging and Disease |
I don’t think every girl wants to be held by the hand by Doctor Oz
I know someone who is allergic to many things including pistachios.
It’s not a myth AT ALL that nuts make you fat! I don’t care what he says!
I love pistachios this nut is so healthy and good for you sincerely yours Mrs Amber McCutchen
You’re not going to lose weight eating pistachios. They’re too calorie dense, so you should only consume a handful if you want them in your diet. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc or just vegetables would be better because you get more volume from their caloric value. Also they’re high in fiber which will sustain hunger while providing a wide variety of nutrients.
For the guys and maybe the gals, I’m 66, in reasonably good health and
weight and bike ride 20 30 miles a couple times a week. Since late
50’s to early 60’s have noticed a reduced amount of flow. After a few
weeks on pistachios, the flow has gone to a slow river to a gusher,
especially at night.
He says pistachios are not nuts-seeds but then says they are a part of the cashew family. So are cashews “not nuts” either?
Please stop holding every woman’s hands that comes on to your show it is really uncomfortable to watch.
So American! destroy(walk on), waste.. you call this fun? You could make just the same statement, not wasting pistaccio onto the floor! Eco conscious anyone?
does anybody else get stronger erections a couple of hours after eating coconut?
you sound drunk. if you were not inebriated while recording the voice over you may want to see a speech therapist.
You are talking so highly about pistachios then wasting this valuable food.
I eat these an almonds everyday! Salted roasted tho. gorgeous
>100% All Natural And Proven Method For Giving Me The Ability To Enjoy Full ED, Long-Lasting Erections On Demand Literally.
See Here >=>
Why would you walk on pistachios. Have respect for God’s blessings. Disgusting.
That’s what I noticed all these American damn TV shows waste food you know how expensive it is
Guys, burn fat does not have to be difficult (I used to think it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Look for a diet plan known as Custokebon Secrets. Seriously, that course has transformed my entire life. I probably shouldn’t even be talking about it because I don’t want a bunch of other guys out there running the same “game” but whatever, I’m in a great mood today so I will share the wealth haha.
you can’t eat pistachios without a nut… get it? you see what i did there?
Hello there, have you considered Custokebon Secrets yet? Just do a google search. On there you will discover a great tips about how you can lost a lot of weight. Why not give it a chance? maybe it’ll work for you too.
For the guys and maybe the gals, I’m 66, in reasonably good health and
weight and bike ride 20 30 miles a couple times a week. Since late
50’s to early 60’s have noticed a reduced amount of flow. After a few
weeks on pistachios, the flow has gone to a slow river to a gusher,
especially at night.
Dr Oz, I so wish I was there with my vacuum to suck up all those Pistachios, I LOVE THEM
After my triple bypass, doc told me my heart had been getting only 25% blood flow to it OK, I am 65 and had strong erections right to the day of surgery…still have them about the same now…one artery was 95% blocked, so idk about your connections here…of artery flow with erectile function…hmmmm
He could have explained this without making a huge mess Poor person who has to clean this up.
Do nuts need to be soaked due to phytic acid? which does not allow the absorption of vitamins
There are poor who hardly afford eating pistachios all their life and you just thrown them on the floor stood over them.
Pathetic, Disgraceful & Inhuman.
This was one of the most stupid idiot demonstrations that I have ever seen,,why would you dump nuts on the floor…the step into & on them. What message does that send or mean to anyone.. Fxck.
Then the clear plastic tubes that he tells the young girl to dump pretzels into has no meaning????
This guy is a loser … he had to be paid by the NUT INDUSTRY as he keeps telling you to go out and buy some … A 4 year old could have put together a better Video.. I rate it as Piss Ass Poor..
watching about Pistachios while eating Pistachios:D Glory to God The Father for creating everything and those delicious Pistachios in Lord Jesus Christ name:)
You’re are not getting any of those “pistachios “ people
No matter what happens to the dam things
How have we become so sensitive to everything that breathes these days
Doctor OZ and his staff are only trying to point out
The Heart Healthy snack and it’s benefits
OI get it, it’s too clean, not enough drama for you to agree on
Again, patronizing the evils of the world
Only to punish the good in life
Excuse me folks, I just dropped a slice of pizza on the floor
It’s OK everyone, I’ll still eat the dam thing (I believe we”ALL” have become nuts) W0W
And if I’m nuts too,
Can I be a “PISTACHIO “‼️
All yall complaining about them shells on the floor, but yet you throw your McDonalds trash out the window like screw it.
I love Pistachios! They have an incredibly hard shell, in fact if you have a problem with a slightly opened pistachio, just use the edge of another shell to pry it open, it works a treat:)
The very strong tough shell of Pistachio tells the high value of the content.
Foolish I may say.. The most stupid thing I have watched till now. DR. Oz.. What the….
This was a shitty segment. They literally had someone put yellow and blue beads on a plate to symbolize gut bacteria. Who’s the poor fucking soul who made that, I wonder?
I am lucky that in our house we have tones of such dry fruits such as Almonds, cashew, peanuts, pistachio, wall nuts…i feel like i am king of the world in terms of eating them every day approx 700gms early in the morning
There’s kids in Africa starving and these morons just walking all over those pistachios.
I wish I had run into the “Yamzοkο Weebly” (Google it) a long time ago. For 15 days of utilizing the programs, I reduced TWELVE lbs There is still need of exercise routines even only a few times a week and the food to consume must be right. It showed wonderful outcomes for me. Certainly, this plan is recommended and I also do wish this would give good results to you too mainly because it did to me..
i love them but they’re very expensive here. i need to be rich. lol
I wish I had find the “Yamzοkο Weebly” (Google it) a long time ago. I lose 12 pounds in 3 weeks so far. There is still need of workouts even only a few times weekly and also the meals to eat should be best. The actual result shown to me is wonderful. Undeniably, this is highly recommended and I also do wish this would give good results to you too simply because it did to me..
I thought cashews tasted best, but pistachios are heaven, Can’t stop eating them
Why does he grab the women to take them a few footsteps away from where they were before so uncomfortable to watch
Why do they feel the need to be so wasteful, and walk on all those pistachios?
Are they so mentally challenged that they could not find a way to make to make a big impression on the audience any other way?
I just feel that way to many people struggle to afford healthy foods, and for a doctor to be a part of the wasting is a violation of his oath!
This doctor is a quack…
I noticed every time i eat
This….I feel constipated
It doesn’t agree with me!
Am I the only one not thinking about the wasted pistachios but more focused on how creepy it is that he holds her hand to bring her everywhere…
It’s disrespectful to step on something that you eat. Ignorant presenter & the lady
It really shocked me to see him holding her hand so much throughout the video.
Also great info on You Tube videos; Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death by Dr Greger; More Than an Apple a Day: Preventing Our Most Common Diseases by Dr Greger; Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof by Headveg, The Starch Solution by John McDougall MD; The China Study by Dr Campbell; 801010 by Dr Graham, A Life Changing Story, by Joey Borden, How I Lost 100 lbs in 8 Months, by GetYourFruitOn
He did not mention the fat content of pistachios. Eat a lot of of it and you will still get fat
Appreciate God blessings please DON’T STEP ON FOOD THATS AWFUL
He called em “these nuts” when talking about them being an aphrodisiac
I eat them roasted and salted so I guess it neutralizes it gain
Be sure to read honest and real reviews of Doctors Best Weight Loss on my blog before you buy. Go to gohonestreviews. com/doctors-best-weight-loss-review/ Thanks, Duncan.
Dr. Berg. Roasted (as generally available) or raw/ unroasted/ salted..!?! please comment… and thanks always for sharing
Thank you, Dr. Berg!!! I love pistachios!!! I am on Keto/IF and I am glad I can still eat them during my feeding window!
But wait… pistachios have an incredibly high omega 6:3 ratio and heating many handfuls per day would raise the participants ratio significantly. Shouldn’t that cause systemic inflammation and impair artery health and function long term? Anyone?
sooo let me guess, i can’t buy plain pistachios, ive got to seek organic and raw, very expensive, hard to find in stores these days and i still don’t trust the organic industry. i hate living in unhealthy 1st world country
Anybody know what is Enhafallux Secrets about? I hear many people get permanent enlargement by using healthy approaches with Enhafallux Secrets (do a search on google).
I didn’t need pay attention to any of the spam. I’m eating pistachio s right now.
Why does he keep leading that lady around by the hand? Super weird, he wouldn’t do that if his guest was a male!
Until I watched this video, the only information I ever encountered on pistachios was universally negative. I can no longer remember why.
Why would this fool walk on the nuts? And if he thinks pistachios can contribute to weight loss, he must be insane.
the way you enunciate your words is so sickening that i cannot watch or listen to and more of your videos. Why do you speak this way?
Wait I was told that pistachios are not healthy cuz it produces mold in the gut July like peanuts any advice?
What a sin wasting all that food. Could have fed lots of people
Will great information like this change my way of feeling as I shop for the natural or red bag of pistachios, now?
One benefit of living in Iran is having lots of Pistachios. It’s actually a Persian word and pronunciation is.
Can you imagine her practically fainting from sheer ecstasy in bed? You can get as hard as a rock, ANYONE can get as hard as a rock just by reading the new material by Mario Volpstein (google him).
Pistachio, almond and cashew are make you unstoppable while eating them.
Good info. Also add the watermelon (the white part has the most citruline). Brazil nuts, high in selenium can help the prostrate issues, and pumpkin seeds (preferably raw so as not to make the natural fatty acids go bad) are a great source of biologically available zinc. And the pistachios as well. Should include all of these!:)
I’m eating these right now on my break at work.. Lad brought a big bag in.. Its not a big bag now:-p
wish i could eat pistachios but my blood type is A which means they are toxic to my body according to the blood type diet.
You can find it in Turkey.. Probably the best pistachios in the world.. They are so cheap and healthy. We call it ANTEPFISTIGI (This is Turkish name) They are organic..
Thx Doc. Eric. Love Pistachios. the BEST Pistachios in the world comes from IRAN*****( every time my mom comes for visiting brings me and make my day/days:))
Doctor Berg you are one of the best Doctors on YouTube just a plethora of knowledge of the human body thank you sir.
y are they walking on the pistachio nuts??? Just weird and unnecessary
Is it estrogen dominate? Asking due to fibroids. Please answer, thank you
Dr. Berg I always knew you were crazy but now I can see youre nuts!
reducing intake of any fat and calorie is better than eating a lot of food or bad fat…actually not more than 20 nuts a day
I get cravings for pistachios every couple of weeks and eat a entire bag in a night and then don’t have any until the cravings kick in again.
Thank you Dr.Eric Berg DC now I’m going to continue eating pistachios ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Who here eats Kirkland Signature pistachios? Those are the best in my opinion
Who else is eating pistachios while learning the benefits of them?
Great video as usual! Thanks a lot! One thing physical whiteboard in old videos looked better. Picture was more natural. IMHO
I ate too many pistachios and discovered pistachios also contain a compound name “Fructan,”
which in general is not dangerous but it can be bothersome to those who are allergic to it.
Those who are allergic to fructan should avoid pistachios as it can give rise to digestive problems
like bloating, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, and abdominal pain.
Depending upon many pistachios consumed, these allergic reactions can be either mild or severe.
If I need a nighttime snack before bed, I have a small bowl of cottage cheese and add pistachios and maybe some blueberries. I have no idea why, and I’m sure it’s just in my mind, but it seems to help me sleep:) I eat them some days in other things too. I never make a salad without pistachios (that way I can still have the crunch, and lessen or forgo croutons altogether). I have even crushed them for a recipe I have it’s a pistachio coating for Halibut and its AMAZING!
That’s like $100 in pistachios and this guy walking all over them like an affluent prick. Then gonna talk about how great they are.
but aren’t Pistachio are rancid fat of high heated legumes? they are not even nuts…
Thank you Dr. Berg! Your the best and awesome love you for what you do. ❤️❤️❤️
Hi Dr.
I heard some one insisting that I is estrogenic?? How true. Christopher walker to be frank. How to master your T levels
As expert, I’m sure Erectodom Secrets is actually great way to last longer in bed. Why don’t you give it a shot? maybe it can work for you too.
i hope we never ever go to war with Iran. i learned they are the worlds number one pistachio exporter. im so addicted to pistachios, i can crush a large Costco bag in a few days. i am motivated to get rich so i can afford to take my addiction to the next level.
This is glorious, been searching for “how to maintain an erection” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of Meyylan Konophia Theorem (search on google )? Ive heard some decent things about it and my brother in law got amazing success with it.
@ and @Michael Greger, which type is the best, please? Is it the roasted and salted or unroasted unsalted, roasted unsalted? There’s plenty out there in the supermarkets and I would like to get the one with the most benefit. Thanks
But you also say Pecans and walnuts are the best nuts of them all, so won’t they do the same? Does it matter which nut we eat?
My grandmother would share her pistachios with her dog. Smart dog, waited for Grandma to remove the shell.
2 handfuls of nuts a day for women ey? That’s good to know that I’ve been giving my girl what’s good for her
but how many a day should you eat to reap the benefits?? that’s so important for the watcher to know
I would suggest this erection dysfunction treatment method “Jαcοb ramguso” (Google it) if you want action in the bedroom. My girlfriend had never experienced much enjoyment like this with me before. She says I am now much more lively in the bedroom. I truly like the way this guide makes me feel too. The results of this amazing product is certainly remarkable and excellent.
This erectile dysfunction treatment method “Jαcοb ramguso” (Google it) must be used by those who endure similar issue as well since it can offer instant results. This things worked well for me personally. It had been able to improve my stamina. I have taken it for about three weeks now and there is a apparent improvement in my overall performance and the circulation of blood. My lover has noticed the difference as well.
Should I get salted or unsalted pistachios? Will The salted pistachios help with electrolytes while on keto?
In Pakistan Islamic remedy is before going to bed Eat a half bowl of yoghurt with Sugar at night it. TRY this & forget the doctor’s. But yoghurt should eat after an hour of food not with food and before sleep. STOP useing vinegar or lemon in food. Try this Islamic remedy its harmless and happy healthy lifestyle
Well I did my research on this product, an after trying this product I and my wife noticed the results we are both extremely satisfied! And I would most definitely recommend this Prolargentsize product..
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If Pistachio cure Erectile Dysfunction Iwould imagin its good for the entire cardiovascular system
I look up the food I’m eating to really get in the zone. Occasionally that food is celebrated by a doctor; all is right with the world.
Damn, make a video on ED and you get all these stupid spam comments
Can I eat homegrown Jerusalem artichokes from the garden on Keto?
I make homemade Kefir and Kombucha. Can I take that on the Keto plan?
Anybody know what is Fenoboci Diet Plan about? I hear lots of people lost a lot of weight with Fenoboci Diet Plan (look on google search engine).
Sleeplessness, wandering mind, muscle aches. Guess I better buy some.
Eating pistachios while learning about pistachio..this is great
Erectile Dysfunction is a part of every aging man’s everyday life. No matter how seductive and fkc-able my young and fresh partner is, my thing just can’t make it hard. However, after using Superlongnight Male Enhancement Pills for two days, I suddenly felt an urge that makes me want to get laid almost every night. I don’t have problems in getting and staying hard anymore!
I understand that pistachio nuts also have a high level of melatonin, which helps you feel tired so you can go to sleep. So, which is it when you eat pistachios? Will you get it up? Or fall asleep?
prolargent 5×5 extreme works quite well for me. No any side effects. I bought it from their website: erectiledysfunction5x5
>100% All Natural And Proven Method For Giving Me The Ability To Enjoy Full ED, Long-Lasting Erections On Demand Literally. See Here >=>
There is 2 grams of L arginine per 100 grams of commercially available pistachio nuts.
Given that high calorie nuts seem to add nothing to weight (see Dr Greger’s film on that subject), this is a very good reason to eat them regularly!
Superlongnight72 product works great. ( Recommend w…superlongnight…c ) A huge improvement in libido, performance, thickness and length. Overall made a huge difference! This also allowed me to recover quickly and perform again! Awesome product
He did not just throw a bunch of pistachios on the floor, like do you know how expensive that is. What even is wrong with this show. saying,” healthy food, they are so good for you,” but let me just throw some food on the floor cuz it makes it more important or something.
“obviously”? huh? what do you have to say for the fact that pistachios are legumes that are high heated in order to be edible?
Prolargent 5×5 Extreme is amazing. It makes me feel like the real man in front of my wife after years. Thank you Prolargent 5×5 Extreme.
I am a young male and i have been having anxiety issues when it comes to the point where the magic is about to happen. Every time i’d get close i’d lose my woody and be left em barrassed and at a loss for words. After using this prolarg ent 5×5 ext reme pr oduct a few times i am very p leased with how it works. I would recommend it to anyone struggling with anxiety. This amazing p roduct
I never herd mention; If you are talking about Raw unsalted nuts. I can not find “Raw Unsalted” nuts anywhere!!!
Opium and opiates also kill sex drive but no one talks about that!!!
+Amir Amran, pistachios are not a legume. Peanuts grow on the roots of a bush and are a legume; not a nut. Pistachios are a true nut like a cashew and grow on a tree.
More research should be done on this topic. There may be other foods that have a more potent effects that pistachios.
I’m sure that if women gave their men the “two handfulls of nuts weekly” went a long way in helping with the dysfunction.
If I share this on a friends Facebook timeline…is that insensitive?
there are no un roasted pistachios where i live. i couldn’t understand your english obviously.
what in the world are you talking about? i can barely understand what you say. what limitation? you didn’t answer my question. how come pistachios are healthy is they are high heated in order to the edible? high heated = roasted = rancid fat.
Some foods are killing your erections! warning: So-called health foods are turning you into a woman and destroying your LIBIDO…
Thank you Dr. for another great video. L-Arginine, and L-Citruline rule. I’m 45 going on 25. Thank you!
i bet next time they say californian pistachios are even best working, but not for me
Can you OD on pistachios? Lol. Will they knock me out of ketosis?
After the show he cashed his big fat endorsement check for pistachios.
This video is definitely amazing! It helps me remember of times when my spouse used Custokebon Secrets to lose 17 pounds and enjoy being healthy again! Most of us want to lose fat, however we also need to stay healthy, and that is what Custokebon Secrets given.
Good video but no recommendation of how many to take per day and what time of the day is best.
Pistachios are good for health. But this video is so slow that by the end I was 90 years old and I died short after…
why he did not said if what the bowels before it the pistachios nut.why.same like the other vedio he did not said if what is the arthritis like diabites or anything else.if i eat that.that is good for may i like any vedio to said if what is the bowels.or not good for like this like that.because the other he did not like to eat that food because we have i like to said if what is the bowels before eat tje other people.pls.answers may question.if what is the bowels.
But they don,t mentioned should be raw, tossed, salty or not?