Table of Contents:
How to: One Arm Dumbbell Row Alexandra Wilson
Video taken from the channel: Alexandra Wilson
How To Build WIDE LATS With The One Arm Dumbbell Row
Video taken from the channel: ReBuild Your Life
How to Do a Dumbbell Row | Back Workout
Video taken from the channel: Howcast
How To: Dumbbell Bent-Over Row (Single-Arm)
Video taken from the channel: ScottHermanFitness
How To Do Dumbbell Rows: Build a Thicker Back With Proper “Cheating”
Video taken from the channel: Jeff Nippard
How to Perfect Your Dumbbell Row | Form Check | Men’s Health
Video taken from the channel: Men’s Health
Stop Doing Dumbbell Rows Like This!
Video taken from the channel: ATHLEAN-X™
How to Do the One-Arm Dumbbell Row Performing the one-arm dumbbell row. Stand to the right of your weight bench, holding a dumbbell in your right hand with Tips for performing the one-arm dumbbell row. Concentrate on pulling from your back muscles.
The one-arm dumbbell row is a good addition to any dumbbell workout. This movement targets the upper and lower back, shoulders, biceps, and hips while improving core stability. Five different joint actions take place in this compound exercise. Beginners.
Dumbbell Row Variations Symmetrical stance one-arm dumbbell row. Once you’re comfortable with the standard one-arm dumbbell row, you can Gym ball one-arm dumbbell row. Switching out the bench for an unstable inflatable.One Arm Dumbbell Row Exercise MOVEMENT (ACTION): Pull the dumbbell up and in toward your torso (to your lower rib cage). Your elbow should be pointing up at the top of the movement.
Retract your working scapula at the top.Reach down to grab the dumbbell, and immediately resume a flat neutral spine posture Ensure that your neck is also neutral (this means looking down, not up or forward) Keep your core muscles activated at all times.Grab a dumbbell in one hand and place your other hand on a bench in front of you. Let the dumbbell hang at arm’s length, palm facing backward.
Keeping your elbow tucked, row the weight to the side.The BEST Form for One-Arm Dumbbell Row | Ben Pakulski Duration: 5:26. Mind Pump TV 607,088 views. One Arm Row the Right Way Victor Martinez MHP Exercise Tip Duration: 2:59.
Eb says: There’s nothing inherently wrong with the way most people do the dumbbell row, with one knee and one hand on the bench, but that position does invite a.One Arm Dumbbell Row Instructions Assume a standing position while holding a dumbbell in one hand with a neutral grip. Hinge forward until your torso is roughly parallel with the floor (or slightly above) and then begin the movement by driving the elbow behind the body while retracting the shoulder blade.One-Arm Barbell Row Simply stand beside the loaded barbell, reach down and grasp the bar, and start rowing.
If you expect this to feel like a regular dumbbell row, then be prepared to be humbled. These are unique, to say the least.The problem is, the one armed dumbbell row is also one of the most abused and misperformed exercises which can quickly ruin your back up and down your spine if you don’t fix how you’re doing them.Take a Breath, Set the Back, and Row Take a deep breath, then row one one dumbbell upwards by contracting the lat.
Avoid opening the shoulders and.How to Do the One-Arm Dumbbell Row With Perfect Form Holding a dumbbell in your right hand with a neutral grip, place your left hand on a bench or other stable surface that’s about knee height. Step your right foot back and bend both knees slightly, letting the dumbbell hang at arm’s length toward the floor. This is the starting position.The BEST Form for One-Arm Dumbbell Row | Ben Pakulski Duration: 5:26.
Mind Pump TV 607,195 views. 5:26.When you want to start the movement: Bend your hips and put one knee and the corresponding hand on a flat bench.
Stand on the flood with the other leg, right next to the bench. The arm on the side of the knee should be pressing flat down on the bench, other one should hold a dumbbell, hanging down to the floor with a loose elbow.
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When doing flys to isolate the chest better by taking front delts and triceps out of the movement, why don’t we row with stiff arms?
You’ve just helped me fix what could be a serious problem, thank you
There’s always somebody that says ‘their’ way is the correct way… did Arnold do his?
When Jeff is dead and his skeleton remains in a science class he will tell the teachers what positions he want to be in!!!
Can you do “rev” DB row on a bench too or is it better standing and bending at the knees? P
this is definitely women’s revenge for all those men watching girls’ exercise video just for thrills…
Finally! Someone who explains the WHY and HOW of doing a good row. Thank you.
In another video Jeff said, one arm dumbbell rows cause hernia. What do we believe??? Can’t you make up your mind?
Thanks so much, I was only working my upper back and this finally helped me so much to work my lat
My scapula seems to pop out when holding my hand on the bench. Is this normal?
1. Click on 2:43
2. Pause
3. Click right arrow on keyboard
4. Click left arrow on keyboard
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to see contrast between good and bad posture
its hard to make these exercices at the gym without having someone telling you that you are doing them wrong, is annoying AF!
Ughh I have been doing the hunch back row for months now! Thanks for this
I’m extremely pleased with this video, thank you for sharing
Brow brow brow your broat…heavily heavily heavily heavenly lats are but a dream.
Forgive me…
Flash forward two years he said it causes hernia’s bad exercise
Dude!!! I have HATED doing that row because the incorrect way is how I’ve always done it and didn’t realize it until now….I used your correct method, did ONE set and already feel it working that area…PUMPED to do rows now
Camera to close.
Need to see how the workout looks from a further away angle.
Position of you feet matters, as we are trying to use the row to train our lats, not our biceps.
First thing, you need to increase the distance between your leg and hands vertically, reach out a little bit more on the bench. This will fix the position of your thoracic spine and lead to more room for rowing. One way to fix your spine, is to stick your butt up towards the ceiling and at the same time, let your chest stick out as well. Pull with your elbows, get it to about 90, lock it out and then back behind the level of your torso. Here’s a screenshot 2:57
If you have trouble getting into position, see this warm up exercise 4:24, this will open up the chest and increase thoracic mobility. Secondly, roll out your back, not your lower back, just the in the middle of the thoracic spine to mobilize that area.
Super explanation bro…. Unlike Many other fit tubers… Taking it
Suscribed with love from India.
Is there anyway to avoid the trap/shoulder pain on arm that leans on the bench? (not the lifting arm)
Glad I searched this up. I’ve been doing it all wrong. One knee on the bench would of fucked me up and hernias are a scary fucking thing.
Rest of the talk is..something we all know already. But ‘pull with the elbow’, that is new for me and it helped. Thanks!
What a nice guy. I watch this video whenever I have a feel bummed:)
Glad to know I’ve been destroying my spine doing these lol Thnx for the heads up
Today was my back workout, when the coach told to do dumbbell rows he advised me to keep my leg away from the bench to the side and pull the dumbbell to my waist, i told him you’re not serious and I showed him this video, JEFF you’re the best
Usually I think shirts off is douchey but seeing your muscles move properly was informative.
Hy Jeff, thanks alot for this video, it’s been very helpful
Back’s always been the stuff I never knew, always been pretty skinny and didn’t lift at all, now I’m doin some lifting and now I know how to do back
I’ve always loved biceps cuz it’s the easiest exercise for correct form but it’s so not top priority
Thank you for creating all of this content! Your videos have been helping me to understand what constitutes a good workout, very well spoken and great quality:)
ScottHermanFitness This exercise can be dangerous and has a great likelihood of causing hernias. Do like Athlean X teaches instead.
your recent insta video doesn’t suggest this right?
I’ve been doing a seated cable row with 2 separate handles. I do 5 reps at 50kg and then about 8 more reps at 35kgs… Both are to failure, making it a drop-set.
Jeff im so thank for all these free tips. Its because of you im not afraid of working out anymore and also how i overcame an injury that put me out for a whilr. Much love man peace
I’ve yet to see someone in the gym doing these properly. In addition idiots do them off of the dumbell rack practically standing up straight
i feel lile i have such a hard time engaging the muscle even if i do it slow. if i dont feel the contraction in the rhomboids should i keep doing the excercise?
Ok now I’m waiting for ‘ stop fuckking your woman like this “.
Actually you got it wrong my friend..that position you are showing can seriously hurt someone s back especially the beginners because this position require a very strong core..the traditional position is to put knee on the bench to constitute a safe leverage for a person s back..I would highly suggest to delete your’s just dry wrong if a person follow your instructions
Thanks Jeff
Actually whenever I do I feel that I am activating the shoulder and upper traps
you have no clue how often I have to explain this and repeat this.. monkey see is money do in the gym and even as a trainer, if you say, no do it this way, but that person is seeing 20 other people do it wrong.. your fighting an uphill battle
If no one has made a gif of jeff lifting his butt, the internet has failed. I love training my back. I really need to start stretching or rolling before back day instead of just jumping in after core warmuo
01:52 how he says that’s the problem, made me laugh
02:40 omg
when I see this guy I instantly get a bone(r) what can I do? I dont wanna feel blue.
I was literally feeling nothing in my back and my arms were getting exhausted before anything even happened. Thank goodness this guy set my straight.
Ha ha I thought it was goggins he could play goggins in a movie lol
Also i advise everyone to try and not grip a dumbell as much and try to imagine your hand like a hook that is pulled by your latts.
Maybe come closer to the camera so the bench is not in the way of the dumbbell on the way down and you can move in a rotation rather than straight up and down?
I recommend that if you have ever had a Hernia to avoid doing these. Even if you do them correctly you don’t want to go through that pain again
The trainer is all correct but his pupil is demonstrating terrible form.
Should I use the same amount of weight I can (barely) do bicep curls with? It feels like maybe too easy.
Before doing the row as Max suggest (leg to the side), watch the Athlean-X video on this movement. He said this causes hernias (caused one for him). Title of the video is, “This exercise CAUSES Hernias (IT’S VERY POPULAR).
but what about heavy weight for 5 reps max? it’s super hard to have the perfect form for a heavy set with this exercise.
This doesn’t look like its going to turn out very well when you start rowing heavier weights. If you have an absolute TITAN-like core, than perhaps. I Just don’t see how this is fully isolating the muscle group you want, and it looks like it is going to mess you up the heavier you lift.
@athleanx is the scapula supposed to move with this movement? If so how does it move?
God judges the righteous and God is angry with the wicked Everyday.
Psalms 8:5 KJV
God bless you all. We are Soldiers. We are Lions. ❤️
This is grear but let me add keeping your back straight with this is tough, donot follow this if you just began the knee on the bench is still the way to go
When in the vidoe there a tick and a ex I am ex I was at gym the day just watched the videos thanks alot
This is the third way I have been shown how to do this, for fuck sake I going to do it my way
This is just an alternative exercise, theres nothing wrong with having your knee on the bench
Me: Mom I want David Goggins
Mom: We have David Goggins at home
David a Goggins at home
Jeff the Athlean X would hate this lol what a bad form and wrong exercise!
Dunia meinn tu hi ekk styawadi hai baki sabh jhoote hai
sala chaman chutiya lodu parsad
A year from now someone else will say there’s something wrong with these form omg
No this is the bad form for long term although slight more tension on lats knee on bench is the ideal position not to give unwanted stress to body……
Jeff Cavaliere does with his knee on the bench. So thats the correct way.
Every workout video claim theirs as the right way and deny other video. Fuck me as a newbie this is confusing as hell.
I do close grip on the cable. What are the benefits from the wide grip?
Hey, guys. Really hope you can help:
In the past I could do DB bent-over rows with up to 30kg in a hand, without any discomfort in joints/tendons, and was able to keep working out such for multiple years.
Recently I restarted working out, starting with very light weights, however got shoulder pain which is kind of like rotator cuff pain, but somewhat different.
The difference between how I executed the rows before and now is:
Before: pull the weight almost straight up to my chest/armpit.
Now: pull the weight in an arcing fashion with elbow tucked in close to my torso, moving back and up, so as if pulling the weight towards my hip.
Been researching this but couldn’t find any reason why executing the move with tucked in elbow pulling to hip would hurt your shoulder.
Could anybody please help? Will be insanely grateful in advance and thanks!
good presentation with an explanation on why to do it a certain way. You were talking to us and down at us.
Thanks! been doing it wrong my whole(back workout) life!
Yes, yes, yes! So glad I found the MH channel! Your tips are like gold! Love it!
I guess I’m still a little confused on why the strict dumbbell row form ( 6:24) is not advised? You’re not cheating by using momentum to get your weight up so isn’t that a more isolated workout? I’m in this strict form category, but unlike the example shown at the time stamp, I do make the effort to retract my scapula all the way at the top such that I do feel fatigue after 8 12 reps. However, I do try to keep my shoulders square on the eccentric motion to the bottom. Will I just not see as quick of gains by going this way?
Can you also use the weight rack for a better posture position? I found that it works just as well. Everyone usually crowds the benches doing useless workouts
I love how we have Nerd Jeff, Bro Jeff and Jeff Jeff. I can only imagine how tedious it is getting changed each time just for aesthetic purpose but subconsciously it REALLY adds a lot! #Dedication!
Holy shit…a Howcast video that’s useful??? What’s the world coming to?
The best form breakdown of the dumbbell row on YouTube, bar none. So helpful.
Here in quarantine I’m gaining knowledge to come back out stronger when it’s all over
When i do any bent over row, i have slight lower back pain. Is there a way to fix this or is it normal
I am definitely doing it in cowboy style…. Thanks for the correction!!!
4:11 dammit dude youre just going to flex those cinematic techniques on us like it’s nothing huh.
who’s directing these videos, David Fincher?
Whoa. Random YouTube recommendation because of my Scott Herman subscription…I recognized that upper gym..That is my gym
I fucking love how you have different characters and outfits to match.
I think Jeff Cavaliere did a video on why putting your knee on a bench is a really BAD idea. Any thoughts on his comments?
Bro Jeff’s new resolution is to break his back twice a month
extremely dangerous exercise, you are putting yourself in the risk of herniation. there are other alternatives of dumble row, eg a standing bent-over row. I am not sure what kind of formal education you have on bodybuilding. you have an excellent body structure, that does not mean that you are doing it right all the time.
Weirdly, this is what I allready do. Sometimes, common sense goes a long way. Just make sure there is no rotation at the hip and do the movement on the stable axis between your hips and your head while stretching ass much as possible with those back muscles.
This video was shot during a Massthetic Muscle Camp held at Powerhouse Gym in Tampa, FL. Comment below if you are interested in coming to Tampa to attend a camp or work one on one with me for a week.
idk why but your videos are some of the only ones I ACTUALLY hit the like button
Just did back yesterday and complete fucked the single dumbbell row thanks for the video definitely will take this into account next time
5:56 is the funniest bro jeff scene ever lmfao the lips, the fit, the bobbing up n down. fuckin dead bro
3:26 How Jeff looks like caught in a dilemma between his ‘nice’ and ‘mean’ doppelgangers
if you pay for the jeff nippard program, the full version. do you get a taller jeff
The comments on the noise he is making with his mouth are hilarious, but I think he does it to show you how to breathe during the exercise.
5:50 fortunetly I’m not midget and I can do it right way while standing near rack. When I do this exercise standing, I can at least lead the dumbbell to the hip without excessive use of biceps, because that’s not the point here at all.
Athlean-X says this row can cause inguinal hernia. I’m not there’s evidence for this, however.
lol nerd jeff’s strict row looks like a scared/concerned chihuahua
I use 100s for 8-12 reps. I wouldn’t have done it without videos like this.
I predict in a few years, Jeff will be the new Mountain Dog.
Man, this is one of the few times I see another dude and think, “Damn, he’s actually better looking than me!”
I get a burning zipper-like sensation when I do the row with one knee up. I used to love that exercise, but now I can’t do it. DO you have any suggestions on another way to do the row, or reasons why that happens?
Whats up bro. Idk if you have seen Cavallieri’s video about the barbell row. He claims that a wide stance with one foot on the ground and the other one on the bench can cause herniation (inguinal). Please, do you know if there are researches on that subject? I respect him a lot, but you are the literature guy, and i do favor the empirical approach. Personally, i hate this exercise anyway. I don’t feel the lats and I end up with soreness in the rear delts and traps, so I prefer the seated version instead.
Anyone have weird abs that pop out when you mess up on form they just stick out on the side
Perfect timing.. been struggling to get my lats growing and this video helped me realize my kroc row is too strict. Thanks Jeff!
If your not warmed up there is a 0 percent chance you will feel back excercises
I struggle with lat activation, have you a video on doms sir
Do you twist your upper body at the end? Or does it stay flat throughout the movement??
Excellent breakdown got a couple of things to look at in my mechanics with the one-armed row!
Croks, socks, glasses and little dildo weights… comedy gold in the gym
Back work tomorrow,, looking forward to putting these tips to use! I know I don’t retract the scapulas
i see many buff dudes doing bro rows and other bro-technique exercises, yet they are buff and sculpted:(
I feel like you have to pull your elbow back towards your hip or it wont work your lats at all
why are you talking so much? Just show the move and finish the video. Thats it
Would this exercise be better than barbell rows and also better for lower back pain?
I’ve just come across your channel by chance….
Amazing explanation.
My girlfriend: How could you?
Me: Jeff said a little cheating would help my gains! I did it for us!
The dumbell row, with one knee on the bench, is a GREAT way to give yourself a hernia.
Kudos on the proper grammar and vocabulary range/ detailed etiquette in explanation; I see you’ve been working out your mind and body for quite sometime. You’re very articulate in your explanations Jeff.
Question on having your knee on the bench instead of both feet on the floor. Doesn’t having your knee stationary and other leg able to move increase the chance of a hurnea?
Man. You are the best youtuber for information and motivation too. I can see your body change exactly how you say you are trying to change it, which motivates me to watch every video you post and see if there is something new for me to learn, and I was scrolling and noticed I missed this video. It was very helpful for me, I guess I see progressive overload everywhere but my dumbbells and I was doing more than one thing wrong lol I have learned so much and base all my work outs on what I learn from you, and now my entire back, chest, shoulders, legs and glutes are always sore and being felt the next day. It’s a mix of the way you explain things and using science to back it up. God bless you Jeff. You are a really kind to offer this much help to everyone
you are not lowering the dumbbell low enough to get the stretch for your lats. check out back training videos of pros bodybuilders, like Jay Cutler, Dorian Yates, Kai Greene, who have great lats.
I don’t get how people do penlay row with no lower back issues
so the women in my gym have also watched Jeffs videos, that‘s why they execute the rows with perfection
I prefer to think of him as “Basic Jeff.” Nerd Jeff is just normal Jeff.
This form for the back? You should explain people need to pull to their hips!
Got to do them rows if you want to grow!!!:-D
You supposed to pull it towards your hips to work the back and lats more.
I love how Scott’s videos are 10 years old but still much more informative than all these new videos.
“Pinch everything in your back/shoulder blades” What does this mean?
hey I am jangchu pelden, 23 years old. I am 162cm and weigh 56kg. I wanna lose 10kgs and tone my body….how can I do that in within 3months? or more I guess???
And I saw videos where its better to put ur elbow out correct?
is it OK to rest your foot on area of the bench where people rest their heads?
So quick question. Is it normal to feel some tightness in my core/abdominal muscles while doing this exercise? Or is my form wrong?
I have a question, i hope you can see this.
Does it matter if i perform the exercise without bench? Is there any changes
Maybe you could tell us what muscle this exercise works? lol
Does anyone have any tips for keeping your back straight (neutral) during ANY type of workout?? Serious problem I have during any day at the gym, worried i’m gonna fuck my back up bc of this.
Didn’t he do an entire video explaining how doing dumbbell rows with one leg up causes hernias?
guy u are knowlegeable with no doubts….. if u would just cut down 70% of yr talk, would be f” awesome
I always check out your videos whenever I have doubts about my positioning for my workouts, I really appreciate your help man
what is the difference between a one arm arow and a renade row on the knees
athlean x reckons this variation is horrible as can cause injuries. what are your thoughts on this opinion, should i listen or not
should I just shrug my elbow up and use arms just as hooks? cause I feel this excercise in my biceps but when I shrugg it with my elbow i feel it on my arm and lats, like a burn feeling.
Either way is correct as long as you don’t twist or yank…nice slow controlled movements. I put my knee on the bench and keep my head up looking in the mirror to stop from twisting and start and stop at the right range of motion.
I can’t do a single rep of this without my shoulder trembling or feeling pain
Great to see that your skill… Try Unflexal workouts to be more flexal:)
Is that the narcissist from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia?
Was never able to do this exercise correctly until this tutorial, thank you so much man!
Yeah, with this movement lat almost don’t work. Pls man clean you’r technique. Don’t confuse the beginners.
thanks ScottHermanFitness. No sarcasm, just thanks for making the video short and right to the point.
WOW…first time i did it right…as per the video…and i feel it. Thank you.
U should show at least one bad rep of people twisting their back on the way up people can get rly hurt here
Hey Jeff! I was told by the doctor that this type of exercise could have been a major contributing factor to my hernia. What are your thoughts on this? He said it is a better idea to keep both feet planted, but idk if id be able to get the same range of motion. Love the vids man. Thanks for your hard work.
This is great help since my knees don’t like a lot of pressure.
when ever I do this exercise I feel pain in my lower back. why
Hi @ScottHerman,
Does this exercise target lats or traps (I am guessing traps more than lats since we are moving the dumb bell to armpit?
Stop it just till the dues what cycle young on……just saying
Hi Scott, I am stronger on my right side so is it ok to use a heavier weight on my right side and go lighter on my left? Or should I stick with a lighter weight for both sides or use the same weight from my right side on my left and just do fewer reps? This is kind of a longwinded question, sorry.
Watch out for your back when performing this exercise and especially the barbell bent over row. People have screwed their backs for life doing it.
Thanks for the demo and tips I will be doing this and want to make sure i have proper form
hey question during performing this movement I feel like I’m pinching my sciatic nerve in my back causing my down leg to burn and tingle what could I be doing wrong? and what is a way to fix?
Wrong grip.. Dont use your thumb when doing this just, keep the dumbell in your palm
He is not lifting the weight the correctly. This way it will not work out the lats. When lifting the weight up the forearm should always remain perpendicular to the ground.
I have this incorporated into my back workout on back day. However when i do this it seems to be working my lower back instead of my lats. Is this a sign that im doing it wrong or bad form?
I think that’s the exercice most people are doing soooo soooo wrong. Ego bro. Yom sayin’ 😉
SOMEONE HAS TO DO IT! If I can see it, others can see it. but you look unproportional, like your back is to big. or something.
His form is all wrong for activating any Lat recruitment. He should be arching his back, at 45 degrees, and pulling the weight to hips
When I first started watching this video I genuinely thought he was putting that voice on
According to arnold, we should put tension on lower back to build a wider frame
Nice. I was doing it all wrong. Knee on the bench, and twisting the back. Fixed now. Thanks.
anyone else rekon this guy looks like harvey spectre from suites
one of these views is from my bottle, it fell on this video and played it
Add some streeeeeenghhhhh, one knee on the bench other leg out to the siiiiiiiiiiide leg out to siiiiiiiide, when you graaaaaab the dumbbell, now this is a dumbbell rooowwwwww, this an excellent exercissssseee! This guys a legend
He has scapular winging going on and that should be noted and avoided in the arm that’s stabilizing. Bad habit to get into.
I clicked this thinking David Goggins was teaching me how to do this…Im dissapointed.
Thank you, i some how forgot how to do them at the gym today and was puzzle, wondering if i was just doing bicep curling in another angle.
I came here because if i do them i feel any muscle and joint but the lats
If he was bigger then me maybe I would agree.. very skeptical about new or different way to do things… good vid but yeah gotta see proof on the physique that it really works
One thing that really gets to me is I ony feel it the day later, I don’t feel it whilst I’m doing it however, I feel it more in other work outs at the time of doing it.
I hope this made sense.
This workout is to be used on both sides/arms correct? Thanks!
I used to do like this. But now that I can twist and stretch/squeeze my lats without moving the arms much. And I never extend the arm unless I’m going to train biceps right next. Scientifically the lat reacts only to the movement of the upper arms. Thinking the elbow as the object to move will help you feel right in the lats. But I would also say that it will than also become more of an isolation movement. Hence moderate weight would be nice for this version.
P:S To engage the lats perfectly while doing this will require a lot of mind and muscle connections which will come only after a long period of working out and more importantly flexing and posing. I loved the video and thought the additional variation would work for some people too. Love and Regards to all.
I usually wind up jutting my shoulder blade back when I do lat rows
Cool video, what is your opinion on cheat reps with a controlled eccentric. favourite example would be a tricep cable extension, cheat/momemtum on the concentric, strict eccentric
Wtf dumbell rows can tear your shoulders if u will do it like this
Chest and shoulders should be kept still
Bad form
im confused athlean X says the other form is the way to go. I’m confused. I dont know who to believe now. I guess i will listen to athlean X he gets millions of views. Or is Athlean X a controlled opposition. I dont know what to do. Who should i listen to guys.
can u name me a supplement that I can try. my age is 21. and I’m a lean guy.
After watching your video I’ve noticed a huge difference in this exercise. However, when doing the row I feel it a lot in my outer shoulder and slightly in the tricep. Is this incorrect?
Every time I see Bro Jeff I can’t avoid laughing because how he performs movements haha
Guys what should the angle between your torso and arm be when rowing?
bro u made my day… was suffering from APT.. This was some sort of instant relief…
there’s nothing really wrong with the knee on the bench… if you notice any pain of discomfort, just change. People always try to come up with new forms like it’s a revelation and the new thing on the street. As with every exercises, just make sure no other muscle take over (retracting and lowering the scapula for some exercises for example), make sure your back is not in a vulnerable position and try to emphasize the movements the muscle you’re trying to work are for, squeezing at the end of the concentric portion and going slower during the eccentric portion. Then everyone is fine.
is j quelin or a a ron present? please answer before I send u to o shaq hennessey’s office.
Saw a different instructional video for this exercise. Your foot placement and keeping the abs over the floor worked my lats way harder. Thanks bro!
your chest is too on point…i wish i didnt have a space between the pecs in the middle.
Great tips. Hopefully I get better results after watching this.
Then why do people like Dorian Yates do it with knee resting on bench
Seeing a few problems with this technique.
1. He’s pulling too far behind the midline of his body. The lat contracts to the midline, going far past that serves no purpose.
2. Going from #1. while he can pull back that far, this isn’t safe for everyone to do. When pulling past the midline of the body with the arm close to the side, the humeral head has a tendancy to glide forward in the shoulder capsule. Not going to go into details here, but that could mean trouble for a lot of people, especially given that the average man and woman have less then stellar posture to boot. You do NOT want to stretch out the anterior shoulder capsule, this promotes laxicity in that area, making the shoulder less stable and making you more prone to injuries from that. This forward glide of the humeral head also compresses your very tender bicep tendon, which gets enflamed easily and can cause a lot of trouble and pain.
3. Not retracting the scapula fully, nor mentioning it during the instruction he gives. The row is meant to work the retractor muscles of the scapula (Rhomboids, Trapezius), which promote a better shoulder position and posture. Neglecting to do so will first and foremost impede your ability to recruit the latissimus dorsi, promote even more anterior humeral glide and worsen your posture as a result. Retract your scapula and let it protract in a nice rhytm when rowing for optimal stimulation of all back musculature.
If anyone questions this, source is student of Physiotherapy and years of experience in the field.
I wish u had a shot of the actual movement from far with a few reps.
Love all your videos brutha..
The best muscle YouTuber ♂️♂️
Love this guy! Great video! I check back often to this video to make sure I am doing the exercise the way he says. I did it wrong for many years.
So many people do this wrong and teach it wrong. This is exactly how it’s done. This is a perfect lesson on proper form.
Hey, guys. Really hope you can help:
In the past I could do DB bent-over rows with up to 30kg in a hand, without any discomfort in joints/tendons, and was able to keep working out such for multiple years.
Recently I restarted working out, starting with very light weights, however got shoulder pain which is kind of like rotator cuff pain, but somewhat different.
The difference between how I executed the rows before and now is:
Before: pull the weight almost straight up to my chest/armpit.
Now: pull the weight in an arcing fashion with elbow tucked in close to my torso, moving back and up, so as if pulling the weight towards my hip.
Been researching this but couldn’t find any reason why executing the move with tucked in elbow pulling to hip would hurt your shoulder.
Could anybody please help? Will be insanely grateful in advance and thanks!
I like how you have different outfits for each character in the gym hilarious
Last time I seen you was school holiday to Holland and Germany.