Table of Contents:
The Effect of a Gluten-Free Diet on Liver Function Tests Celiac Disease in the News
Video taken from the channel: Mayo Clinic
Gluten Free Diet
Video taken from the channel: GI Kids
Celiac Disease: What Is a Gluten-Free Diet?
Video taken from the channel: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
What Really Happens To Your Body When You Go Gluten Free
Video taken from the channel: The List
Getting Started on a Gluten-free Diet
Video taken from the channel: Children’s National Hospital
Going Gluten-Free After A Diagnosis of Celiac Disease
Video taken from the channel: LivingHealthyChicago
30 Days Of A Gluten-Free Diet • LIFE/CHANGE
Video taken from the channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Most people who follow a gluten-free diet do so because they’re using it to treat a specific health condition. The best-known health condition that responds to a gluten-free diet is celiac disease. When.
The gluten-free diet eliminates foods that contain gluten, which is a protein found in the grains wheat, barley, and rye, and some oats. (Oats are, by nature, gluten-free. However, they nearly always become.A gluten-free (GF) diet is the recommended nutrition therapy for celiac disease. Patients suffering from celiac disease, a chronic inflammatory disorder of the small intestine, cannot consume the gluten of.
If you are a fan of snacks, Gluten-Free diet is surely not for you. Candies, roasted nuts, chips and popcorns are to be avoided Sauces are a no-no. Especially soy sauce and teriyaki sauce Unless labeled gluten free; you have to exclude beer and flavored alcoholic beverages.Advocates claim that a gluten-free diet can ease a number of ailments, including digestive problems, eczema, chronic fatigue, headaches, infertility, ADHD, autism, depression, chronic inflammatio.
To date, a gluten-free diet (GFD) is the only therapy for celiac patients, and a GFD reduces symptoms and restores the well-being of the individual and heals the mucosal damage. Several studies have.54 Foods You Can Eat on a Gluten-Free Diet Gluten is a group of proteins found in certain grains, such as wheat, rye, and barley.
It helps food maintain its shape by providing elasticity and.Keep in mind, however, that minimally processed fresh foods are a crucial part of a healthy gluten-free diet. It is very important to base your diet around fruits, vegetables, meats, and other healthy food.A gluten-free diet is recommended for people with celiac disease, gluten-sensitivity or the skin disorder dermatitis herpetiformis.
A gluten-free diet may be helpful for some people with irritable bowel.On a gluten-free diet, gluten is completely avoided, as any amount of gluten can cause damage to the small intestine of someone with gluten intolerance or Celiac Disease. Learning how to eat gluten-free.The 1940s: The Gluten-Free Diet is Discovered World War II caused devastation and havoc all over Europe, and many children became malnourished, with limited access to fruits, vegetables, and wheat.Gluten-free diet Better Health Channel Subject: Gluten sensitivity can be managed with a gluten-free diet.
Keywords: bowel, coeliac, coeliac diet, coeliac disease, gluten-free alternatives, gluten-free diet, gluten-free food, gluten foods, gluten-free alternatives, IBS, irritable bowel, no gluten diet, small bowel,gluten-free diet.The main component of a gluten free diet is removing gluten containing foods including wheat, millet, rye, and barley from consumption. This can put blended with any other dietary approach.Learn about the nutritional overview of the Gluten-Free Diet. Learn whether this is truly a heart healthy diet, as well as the health risks, restrictions and more.
In this review, we set out to create an overview about the current state of research as regards the definition of a strict gluten-free diet in terms of the gluten thresholds considered tolerable and the indication for a gluten-free diet.
List of related literature:
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Eating gluten free makes you gain weight you guys know that right?
I have been incompatible with gluten for several months. But now I have great recipes to eat without giving up anything.
I was diagnosed with celiac disease last week and this sucks so bad
I have multiple sclerosis and cut out gluten to help decrease inflammation. My pain decreased and my walking improved, and bonus…my gut didn’t hurt every morning. 15 pounds fell off me. Ive been cheating. Need to get back on it.
I am actually allergic to gluten and I am disgusted with people who eat gluten free even tho they dont have to
Two years ago I became very sensitive to gluten, plus can’t have milk or wheat. Now my test for gluten sensitivity was a 67, it makes me very sick, extreme fatigue that last almost a week from just a little bit of gluten, it makes my head hurt, and feels like the worst kind of drunk that I have ever felt and never want to feel like that again. I can stop the feeling or calm it down at all. Gluten causes a prism like spots in my vision, and vertigo type feeling. Milk makes me have very bad headaches. Before all this happened to me, I never had a problem with any of it that I knew of, drink alcohol with no problems eat whatever I wanted. Now it’s hard for me to find good foods that I can eat and don’t mind to eat. Fruits and vegetables not a problem at all but I’m not a rabbit so eating them all the time is hard to do. The stores in my town doesn’t have much of a selection of gluten and dairy free foods and what they do have cost a lot more then the normal foods and when u don’t have a lot of money for foods that u can eat, you get stuck eating crap that’s not very good for you like processed canned meats,ok they say they are meat but sometimes it’s hard to believe. I have lost over 40 pounds just because it’s harder to find foods that I can afford to eat and that’s good for me. Always willing to find new foods so if anyone has a thought no matter what it is of what foods could be good, I’m all ears.
I don’t like it when I see these videos because I’ve been celiac all my life and they are complaining about 30 days
I was born with celiac disease. Been on the strict glutenfree diet all my life. People always say “it must be hard” nah, you can’t miss something you don’t have from the start. I don’t mind.
@kelsey armes you said that the end result of Celiac disease can cause malnutrition. Yes, the United Nations reports that over 7.6 million people die annually throughout the world because of hunger and malnutrition or a malnutrition related cause. These people with genes that have a predisposition to Celiac disease would have died off 200 300 years ago due to issues related to malnutrition because of health problems related to eating bread with gluten. Ancient grain wheat and rye bread with gluten were the only food for 99% of the poor class in England back 300 years ago. Most people were in the poor class (aka, peasants) back 300 years ago in England. Their primary source of caloric daily intake were ancient wheat and rye bread with gluten. No pasta, no rice, no meat, no chicken, rarely fish, and some vegetable. BTW, throughout England (and most of Europe) from 1600 to 1795, potatoes were regarded with suspicion, distaste and fear. Generally considered to be unfit for human consumption, they were used only as animal fodder. In northern Europe, potatoes were primarily grown in botanical gardens as an exotic novelty. Even peasants refused to eat from a plant that produced ugly, misshapen tubers and that had come from a heathen civilization. Some felt that the potato plant’s resemblance to plants in the nightshade family hinted that it was the creation of witches or devils. You’re very ignorant, or you’re a shill, which are you? In countries that ban GMO and where Monsanto related seeds and Roundup (glyphosate based herbicide) are not used, there are no “genuine” indigenous cases of Celiac disease. The only cases of Celiac diseases are those people who immigrated to these GMO/Monsanto banning countries that came from GMO/Monsanto seeds using countries. Go ahead and eat all the GMO/Monsanto/Roundup related food you want. I read that Monsanto has started losing multi-million dollar court cases recently connecting their products to people getting cancer.
First there is no such thing as leaky gut syndrome. It is not a condition. And i want to spit into the face of the person comparing it to heroin withdrawal.
I’ve been Celiac for four years now and it’s not as bad as people think apart from going to party’s I have to bring my own food which was super annoying
I have been trying to do gluten free for 3 months now but no luck. every week I have gluten stuff at least twice. It is better than before, when I used to have gluten food every day. But it is tougher than being sugar free. I love my fried food. best to get fried food made of other types of flour. I cheated twice this week and it has only been six days since I started. I don’t think I would ever be gluten free but I think I will just eat it less often.
You people don’t understand gluten intolerance is a desease not a trend.
Currently eating pasta, on a pita bread lmao, andddd I work in a bakery full of breads and desserts. Rip me.
Im one week gluten free. Is it normal that i’m hungry all the time?
Yeah guys don’t go on a gluten free diet because it’s popular… I’m talking about people who have no issue with gluten. THE GLUTEN FREE DIET SHOULD STOP BEING ROMANTICIZED! As a celiac, I can tell you that it doesn’t make you loose weight. At blaze pizza, you will notice that the gluten free crust literally has more calories than the normal crust. It’s so freaking annoying when people want to go gluten free for no reason! Yes, it has helped produce more gluten free foods, but it also ruins things for people with gluten free diets! I almost became very ill at a bakery, thank god I checked if they actually washed the pans correctly before making “gluten free brownies”.
i went gluten free for a while and i felt really really good…it does take a while to get use to but i can give up bread easily…its all the hidden gluten they put stuff in…its just like when they add added sugar in stuff you wouldnt think…but i found my fibermyalgia went away….not acky all the time and had more energy and did feel more mentally clear
Dominos has the best gluten free crust. It’s just delicious for everyone
How to cook that / Ann Reardon explains why Gluten Free diets are in appropriate diets to take UNLESS you have Celiac disease or Gluten Sensitivity
Things have changed so much. Today I had a gluten free pizza and cookies and they were both great. I got them from a Walmart in Oregon for less than $10 total and they’re as good or even better than their regular counterparts AND I don’t feel sick after eating them! I’m thankful that this has gotten so much more recognition even if it’s because it’s been a fad diet
I literally cried, I couldn’t eat my extremely favourite chocolate chocolate covered chocolate chip donut
Watching him eat pizza at the end made me mad cause I’m gluten free and vary hungry at this moment
For those of us who have Celiac or Gluten sensitivity this is not some fad diet. We can’t eat gluten an function normally. If you don’t have these issues you won’t feel any different going gluten free. Consider yourself lucky.
1-2 years is quite a lot though, requires conviction and dedication.
The components of gluten (glutenin,gliadin) are found in plants besides wheat, barley and rye, and may be problematic for some.
Years ago in summer when I did sunbathing, I
experienced severe abdominal pain with vomiting. As an objective thinker I was
looking for cause and I did a great observation which I experimented. I solve
that situation and never have I experienced that abdominal pain and vomiting. As
a clue I tell you that in Washington State the temperature in summer is max 80.
After that I bought a land in Nevada where the temperature in summer is 98 and
I do sunbathing there. Now I am doing observations about urinary urgency. Just
few days ago I did an observation which now I experiment. I am 75
Anyone got diabetes type 2 because of a gluten free diet?
I recently got celiac disease and Im kinda scared to buy cookies or bread without gluten because it means less fibers which means fast sugar intake which means more at risk for diabetes. Anyone more constipated?
I am celiac and I eat gluten but I have no symptoms, if I continue to eat gluten am I still in danger?
honestly unless gluten makes you physically ill, eat it. Making gluten-free a fad diet creates problems for people who have to explain that they get sick from eating gluten
Belive or not gluten is bad for everyone, if you don’t have any condition this not mean you are ok to eat food, witch is not full absorb in a gut.
I am not on a gluten free diet, but I am gluten free. Yes it sucks
You can actually take a normal shit when you stop eating crap.
This video has nothing to do with facts and realty from biochemical perspective.
Being celiac honestly feels like the worst thing. I can barely eat anything and i’m scared to go near certain things thinking that it has gluten in it. When I found out i had celiac i blew it off thinking I could just tough it out and eat whatever i want then few months later I end up in the hospital. So ever since then I haven’t had anything that contained gluten in it. Its really hard I wish someone made like a list of all the places i can eat at and a menu from each place that gets updated regularly so I don’t go and drive 45 mins away to mcdonalds to eat gluten free food there only to find out that they stopped selling it. I’ve been eating one bowl of salad everyday. With the same stuff in it every single day. I miss eating stuffed rigatoni and regular pizza and calzones.
I stopped eating wheat and the aches in my legs went away. Now i can walk without pain and aches. Pretty amazing.
Don’t say it makes your life more annoying when some ppl are real celiacs who can’t eat wheat.
I miss the old buzzfeeders.. they used to make the videos alot more interesting
I use to eat Italian style (’cause I’m Italian..) pizza, spaghetti bread and so on total gluten diet later on my 60 years it starts strong vertigo and my stomach was out of order since years. Everybody told me it’s normal but when vertigo starts i got really scare! The doctor they would prescribe the usual cure with no effect to me. After more than 2 years one doctor told me to stop gluten, I was shocked at first but I heal vertigo the stomach and I have a different life now. Vertigo never comes back again!!!! Stop gluten even if you are not celiac!!!
All this talk about high fibre,high grain diet is bullshit
whether Coeliac or not
Saying it’s not challenging is an understatement. Most medical doctors say the Managment of Celiac disease is the same as treating someone with cancer.
I’m so glad that you guys got to experience what it is like for me and other people every day. I have Celiac and I was diagnosed when I was 5. I’m glad no one got hurt because some people have to eat wheat for nutrition. Any way hope you enjoyed it!
I was diagnosed with Lupus a couple years ago and since I started just limiting my gluten intake I found that my flare ups became less of an issue and I sometimes barely remember I have it. Im going to try to go completely gluten free because I was just diagnosed with Hashimotos. To anyone who is going through a similar situation know that the fight is long but the road to feeling good again will lead to sweet victory. Sadly we dont have a cure for Lupus (nor do I think we do for Hashimotos) but it doesn’t mean you should give up hope or stop fighting!❤
I ate pizza 2 days ago and havnt been able to move from my bed since, so unless you feel bad like that you’re prolly fine
Gluten free seems stupid to me as a vegan of 9 years who bakes bread normally and hasn’t been sick since going vegan and am in the best shape of all my friends and I’m 29. I get doing it if you have Celiac’s disease but if you don’t it seems stupid. Cutting delicious homemade bread would just make me want to jump off a cliff lol.
if you don’t have celiac disease, stop trying to go gluten free and freaking out about it.
You can turn your favorite foods into healthy foods,
Hi I’m Doctor Lutz nutritionist at St. Anns hospital.
Example (Hamburger)= use gluten free bread and the meat change it for tofu or
Gluten free pizza, use avocado instead of butter, there are great ways to eat yummy and still loose weight.
Stay fit
I’m celiac and my dad’s inside joke remains to be calling me “glutard”
I have celiac disease and I hate that people think eating a gluten free diet is a lifestyle or a fad diet, I don’t have a choice, I get very sick from gluten, I love pasta and pizza and gluten free alternatives don’t taste as good as the real thing unfortunately, I wish there was a cure for this disease but there isn’t. In addition, I hate the taste of meat and dairy and eggs bother my stomach and skin, so I’m left with fruits, vegetables and rice. My gluten free vegan diet makes me feel a lot better, but it takes a lot of discipline.
I’ve been gluten-free for about 2 to 3 weeks and my acne has been like 95% better and I feel so much better.:b
This Vitiligo guide 4VitiligoCure. Com is very useful for my daughter that is why she definitely love it. We have already expended a hefty amount of money trying various Vitiligo cures for over a year now but not one of them had worked. I am thankful that we`ve found out this guide. We observed an apparent distinction within a couple of days and within a few weeks her Vitiligo had cleared up.
I have celiac disease and I get that you are healthier or whatever if you don’t eat it but if I could get rid of this disease I would in a heartbeat, why would you deprive yourself of the wonderful world of wheat?
I am allergic to gluten……I have been doing this for 6 years. “Hey do you know how good pizza is?!” Thanks for rubbing it in my face. I just makes you think how you don’t realize how important something is in your daily routine until it’s gone…..just be grateful
Shout out to all the gluten free people out there when this video ends we can’t just go eat gluten or pizza or other stuff we used to enjoy:(
I’m intolerant to wheat and it’s so annoying because everything is gluten free but not necessarily wheat free
He went gluten free for his girlfriend
My standard has been raised!!!!
Yes.. we know how good pizza is.. and no.. we can’t eat it… thanks for making me sad
“Our favorite foods are our favorite foods because we eat them all the time. ” Wrong, I love sea food more then anything but I rarely eat it. I love crab, crab is my favorite food, but I rarely eat it.
This video is amazing! It helps me remember of the time when my wife used Custokebon Secrets to get rid of 18 pounds and enjoy being healthy again! Many people wish to lose fat, however we also require to stay nutritious, and that’s what exactly Custokebon Secrets gifted.
The gluten free pizza I’ve had doesn’t really taste any different neither to the bake good
00:55 wait a minute, did she noticed that they suddenly change the guy?
Gluten free food has more fat, sugar, calories because gluten free food is disgusting. Facts.
I can’t eat gluten or anything that goes near it because I break out in hives and my throat begins to become tight. Any cross contamination will make this happen too. Please explain what is wrong with me, because doctors don’t know and CHEO (Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario) say that it is one of the worst gluten allergies they have ever seen.
I have celiac disease and can’t eat gluten or dairy, it makes me really sick.
Here too you find gluten-free diet solutions.
people with the disease (gf) will also lose nutrients, if they don’t eat gluten because we’re all human
I am getting the endoscopy next year if I am tested positive my mum is going to put me on the trial or let me get the immunisation so I can eat gluten again
Gluten free is a fad the only reason why people claim to lost weight when they eat gluten free is because they we’re aware of there diet and eat less
Does going gluten free make your voice go croaky like a frog?
I can’t eat it. Stopped in May. However, the substituting is nasty. I’m not eating a chick pea pancake. Or any of that stuff up there except rice and corn. I’ll just eat salad that I’m not crazy about for the rest of my life. Just put chicken on it and be done. It’s hard but it’s making a difference. Gluten issues cause excessive sweating and my sweating has gone completely after stopping this
From what I understand, corn can be a big time trigger food if you have celiac disease. No?
Bitch don’t know bout Pangea = Has apparently never heard of Phatic acid
Just a side note to this: some celiacs are extremely sensitive even to corn & rice. These foods have their own kind of gluten which may be mistaken as wheat gluten by the immune system. People who are extremely sensitive to these foods should also consider avoiding Nightshades as well (potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers…etc.) Look into the FODMAP food just to begin your food experiments. This will help you determine which foods you may be sensitive to.
Do natural popular weight loss method like Custokebon Secrets really work and if so, how effective are they? We have heard several amazing things about this popular weight loss diet plan.
You didnt include or mention Duhrings Disease, aka, Dermatitis Herpetiformis, an auto-immune inflammatory skin disease caused by gluten, with no digestive symptoms. There is also Gluten Ataxia, a brain condition caused by gluten. There is a lot more to gluten than just celiac!
This id all bullshit saying that wheats, breads, pastas and cereals are good for us and they show a box of “Lucky Charms.” hahaha
I find this video nearly offensive? Gluten free diet is not a fad diet. It’s a cure for people like myself living with coeliac disease. I invite them to suffer the pain and cramps we get and then see much we rely on the gluten free diet. Well done to the guy who embraced it and took it seriously.
For Fibre, use Psyllium Husk. Eat fruits and veg and protein.
Hi, everyone on my dad’s side has it to one degree or another.
My younger brother’s kicked in badly when he started puberty, and nearly cost him his life. But me and my older brother’s didn’t kick in til we turned fifty. Then i started getting really painful bloating if i ate just a slice of bread. Have gone gluten-free now, but probably should have done it a decade ago.
Now my Dad’s has been confirmed and he’s in his seventies, and my half sister and one of her children have now both tested positive.
It take about 6-12 months for you to feel the real effects of being gluten free
How much did you receive from the wheat industry for this video? I hope it was worth putting thousands of people health in danger and prevent them from better quality of life! You money thirsty people make me sick
I was diagnosed with celiac disease almost a year ago, watching this video was extremely upsetting. If you do not have a reason medically to go on a gluten free diet, it is not SAFE for you. We are not gluten free by choice but by disease. There is no cure for celiac disease so our medicine is gluten free food. One of my symptoms of celiac disease was major weight loss. It is still hard for me today to maintain my weight because gluten free foods are so low on calories. No one in this video felt more energized because they didn’t have a reason to go gluten free. They were avoiding proper nutrients for THEIR body. I know gluten free food doesn’t anyway taste great but it’s what keeping me alive and healthy. It’s not something to joke about. I don’t have a choice.
Man! I wondered why i was running to the toilet for years! It was absolutely terrible!
I cut gluten and bang! All good!
If you want a leaky gut and dementia, schizophrenia, autism, Osteoarthritis, Bi polar, depression skin and teeth problems, acne. Keep eating wheat,Its just a matter of time till your brain and gut start failing. Wheat is poison. Bone density increases going gluten free, concentration improves, sleep, many benefits, it takes time to heal your gut. So get a quality probiotic drink bone broth, and fermented foods. Collagen helps.
I’ve eaten wheat products all my life. For the majority of my life it’s been whole wheat. After I finished menopause and had my gall bladder out my digestive system has been struggling as well as many other things went wrong with my body. I keep going back and forth about cutting out wheat or slowing down. I did test positive for 1 celiac gene on my 2 3 and me test but my gi doctor saw no evidence of any damage in my colon that would be indicative of a celiac problem. I know that only 15% of people with celiac genes ever actually get the disease but I have, also, read that as people age they can pick up sensitivities. I think what I’ve decided is to slow down on the wheat. I do better with grains every day so I’m not cutting out grains and I won’t worry too much about every little bit of wheat gluten but I’m just curious if I will feel a better. If it is the wheat I think it is more a sensitivity than actual celiacs disease. Aging can be a whole lot of fun sometimes. 5/30/2019
I have celiac disease. For 5 years now and I don’t know why I’m here.
Joy Vanderberg, fat ugly pig, cheats on her taxes, wants to see Trump’s tax returns. Hypocritical loser.
I eat raw veges like cauli carrots cabbage and love them….
“Follow your stomach”
That is the best advice ever for anyone. -Isn’t it funny how everyone wants to “Eat healthy” by listening to “experts” or marketers? Yet they NEVER once consult the best doctor on the planettheir own bodies? Seriously. Nobody is even partially aware of what the heck they are feeling… If there WERE then they would know EXACTY what to eat, and arrive at the perfect diet…just to get you thinking in the PROPER direction….(the perfect diet is one that allows you never ever to become sick… start with cold and flu and the 100 common symptomsyour food choices either turn on or turn off each and every single one of them…“Non celiac wheat sensitivity” to me means diarrhea, vomiting, severe bloating, hives and itching if I get it on my skin and asthma if it becomes airborne, aches and pains for up to a week after the diarrhea has subsided, longer if I’ve really abused myself, a few other things not for polite conversation….all with a negative celiac test. I react to wheat, rye, barley, and to a lesser degree oats. I wish more research would go into non-celiac wheat disorders. Cooking for my kids and husband (all normal) would be so much better and less…exciting if a “fix” for them could be found. On the other hand, it was wonderful to discover what was causing me to feel that way and to be able to learn what normal life felt like as an adult. But I would never recommend a gluten free diet if you have a choice. Gluten and wheat are magical ingredients. So glad my kids don’t seem to inherited my issues.
This video is so wrong in so many ways just from stating that cereal had nutritional benefits….
I have a wheat intolerance but I love to bake….. I’ve known for like two years after being sick since… forever haha
What a joke this video is there’s nothing healthy about living on bread and cereal.
Imagine following a pointless diet (gluten free) just because everyone else does it? A diet that takes nutrients out of food? Reminds me of people who buy almond milk (void of protein) and do keto diets. “Yes let’s take nutrients out of food and promote carb free diets (because we all know it’s the body’s primary macronutrient/ energy source and not calories that influence weight loss) and advertise it as healthy!, then we can get people who are simply too lazy to exercise to buy our products!”
Used to make fun of gluten free proponents. Thought it was a fad. Turns out i have celiac disease after having tests done. Lol gluten free for a week now
I have started a low gluten diet.I eat oat,rice n semolina n lots of fruits n vegetables.I feel very light n energetic.nomore bloating,gas n constipation.
No meat or gluten. I’m not full gluten free but I feel lighter without it
The video was good, i quite liked it.
I have Celiac diasese myself and i can relate to a lot in this video, but 4:00 made me drop a dislike, disrespectful person who should not be in the video.
Ayyyy Celiac here. I was diagnosed about 10 or so hears ago. If you have any questions, I can see if I can answer them
Finally, I created my first bread that is really lovely to eat, and delicious. But I am cooking my way to health, with no Gluten and no dairy, and it is working as I lost 2000g, now let’s see. I am making delicious meals and I am happy with the results.
I have allergies to gluten and other many things. I feel much better once I found out I had food allergies. I am totally gluten free and I suffer with IBS so I do juicing and I eat a lot of veggies. I stay away from junk food. I workout and eat healthy 3 days a week. Gluten free has so many healthy options too. So people don’t freak out. I am allergic to rice so I try to get stuff made with potatoes and tapioca for my self when getting gluten free’s s life style even with food allergies.
mines telling me to drink this Natty hard as fuck, sorry. }:)
Welcome to my world. And no I’m not doing it because of the trend. I get migraines from eating gluten. I haven’t had gluten in two years and I honestly hate it. It’s so annoying. But it’s worth it
My boyfriend went gluten free so we could kiss after eating♥ I love him!
I’m 4 days into a 30 day gluten free diet. I’ve noticed that I’m not as bloated. It’s only a month. After that I’ll limit my intake.
Gluten is hidden in things like preservatives and many words on food labels I have never heard of. Google has helped me.
It is in simple basic terms called STAY AWAY FROM PROCESSED FOODS containing wheat and wheat products. “GLUTIN” I am 55 years old when I was a kid going to elementary school a young girl I knew had Psoriasis extremely bad and she went to a dermatologist who informed her to stay away from wheat her mom did exactly what her Dermatologist suggested and her symptoms went away after a few weeks of not having GLUTIN in her diet. It is amazing what affect something like that can have on a person. Grains can do a number on people better to avoid them really. But if you don’t know these things it can make your life a living HELL! Best foods to stick to so you don’t have inflammation associated problems is basic fruits, vegetables and meat. Cut the junk out of your diet. Its making people seriously ill and killing them. Not worth the suffering.
cereals?? really those high carb/sugar demonds that are the ones to blame for most of the sickness we have now days
I’m allergic to wheat and egg white
It is very hard to find gluten free treats without egg
I feel like I’m watching the NEWS listening to this girl talk lol
Leafy greens, molasses, and red meat have a lot of iron. Cereals have a lot of round up in it too.
Avocado, psyllium husk, sauerkraut, brown rice and sweet potato are your best friends on GF diet.
i was diagnosed with Celiac when I was 10 (13 now) whenever I have gluten I violently puke for a couple hours. Anyone else have side effects like this or are some of you guys like almost dead when you have it. Just wondering.
I cut out gluten for a few days and already I gained a couple of pounds. I thought it would be the opposite.
When people are like oh the mob I’m like you mean modified food I mean I can modify anything you want if I’m in a shop
For more videos on Celiac or Gluten free products pls watch dis video
you ignorant “slot”! just give up life and leave people alone. gluten is the BEST part of cereal. it is the protein. without it, you just eat the starch.
Dang! This is a brilliant resource to explain about GF and coeliac’s! It’s short length and easy to understand, perfect for when people are asking me stupid questions. Now I just need one about type 1 diabetes!
I’ve had Celiac’s for over a decade(diagnosed) and I still dont know why I’m here
We challenged four hipsters that are more suggestible than a four year old to…
You can get vitamins through unprocessed foods, and if you have an issue with gluten you can eat as healthy as you like, you won’t absorb the vitamins you need and risk issues like macular degeneration.
I have a celiac disease and i hate it. I can never eat out because i’m also vegetarian. So I sometimes have to eat gluten even though i know i’ll get sick later, just so I won’t starve
So true I’m a month gluten free and I feel I have so much more energy
I have celiac and GLUTEN IS GOOD FOR YOUUUUU it’s not a bloody weight loss diet. I have to take a load of supplements and vitamins to make sure I grow and don’t get osteoporosis coz I took gluten out my diet. So please just stop and it really frustrates me because I would never choose to go gluten free coz I still hate it and I’ve been gluten free for 3 years now but I have to or I physically can’t get out of bed because I have ever symptoms of celiac under the sun and don’t even get me started on the regular blood tests
I appreciate your video, but I was expecting you to also discuss mental health related to the consumption of gluten. I have friends who have benefited from gluten-free diet and that’s why I want to try it too. Anxiety is an awful mental disorder.
This was a joke and super unhelpful for someone who’s actually interested in the lifestyle
This video is garbage. I never eat grain products, I’m on a low carb high healthy fat diet, and I have never been healthier. Cutting gluten alone is not enough. All grains are inflammatory and nobody needs grains to stay healthy.
Going gluten free is the best thing. Do your research properly before doing such videos.
I’ve gone gluten free and dairy free due to my endometriosis, unfortunately there is only small studies but it’s meant to help the chronic pain! Im only 3 days in so i can’t say a whole lot but i do have more energy but ive also gotten a bit light headed…i probably shouldnt of cut it all out straight away i hope it works because I’d love to go off my meds!
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Nonesense, I eat Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, Rice, Wheat everyday and perfectly healhty..
I discover that I have gluten intolerance years ago…after I went gluten free for months I felt the difference, I was all weak and tired, having brain fog, anxious when I was consuming gluten….
If wheat is the most nutritional thing you eat all day, that’s insanely depressing
My doctor told me that I need to go gluten free bc the inflammation in my joints. I went without for over a month. Still hurts.
Gluten free diets are becoming more delicious and nutritious. Here are some helpful recipes:
Gluten is inflammatory, doesn’t matter if you have a desease ot not. Because they put a lot of it in things.
Gluten… For thousands of years people have eaten it without problems but now go ape shit over the sound of it
eh3h3h hahahhahabha crap i ate somet i shouod have now stomakkkkkk hurts
It’s not the gluten you should worry about it’s the round up they spray the wheat with
hmm i dont trust luckycharms they taste too good like cherios it says its gluten3 in the box but what if the oats isnt
You showed a box of lucky charms as if its healthy. Happens to be my favorite, but its loaded with sugar.
Not challenging? You failed to mention gluten can be found in toothpaste makeup lotions lip balms soy sauce so much more. Household cleaning products air fresheners. It’s not just in food and Celiac patients have to avoid all this. It also can be found in toilet paper paper towels hand sanitizers.
So saying Celiac is easily managed is a understatement.
I think I might try the diet and see if I find a difference on how I feel
if you’re body actually needs to avoid gluten (like me! bc of disease!), then you’ll actually gain weight going gluten free! and that’s a GOOD thing! you’re finally not having symptoms that make eating and digesting so painful! so you eat more:-)
lol i’m here after being diagnosed with celiac for a year and a half…
I hate doing this shit, I wish i never developed Celiac Diesease
I have have it all my life but mine hurt my liver and I only found out four years ago
My 4 year became gluten intolerant after she became extremely ill w/ the roto-virus. She was fine till then. I believe the intestinal bug changed her forever. Now, I wish she would have gotten that vaccine.I am not a vaccine pusher either. My kids are homeschooled so I am behind on all of the vaccines except the main ones. Now I have bought all necessary flours to make our own gluten free food. Baking Gluten free is a Damn CHALLENGE.
Let’s see, I’ve been gluten free since I was two years old, and if I eat gluten, I get really sick
I have Celiac Disease
going gluten free isn’t healthy. they still make sugar full gluten free cake
you dont get energetic! I was super tired and could barely do my job
So interesting! I’m 6 months gluten free and it changed my life
i didn’t know i have celiac!! OMG thats why im not gaining weight i alwqys eat gluten food but now i dont i gained weight finally
Im 13 and gluten free its torture when you’re at a birthday party and the only thing they have to eat is pizza and cake and you’re there for 4 hours
I was forced to be gluten free and IT CHANGED MY LIFE!! Took away depression, anxiety, skin rashes…BUT it also caused such inflammation in my brain (and body) that I have to get neurofeedback treatments to correct brain waves affected by leaky gut syndrome (gut is called “the 2nd brain”) which was caused by gluten!
Diagnosed to be celiac. My only symptom is being bloated (but who doesn’t get a bit bloated??!) so it’s really annoying that I now have to change my whole diet because I feel no different from it
This whole video feels very discouraging to anyone who has a real gluten intolerance or celiacs. “I don’t feel any different” yeah because you already tolerated gluten fine and it never made you sick HELLO??? This is why people think it’s a fad to be gluten intolerant
Cut out grains because grains are hard to digest and eat legumes instead. But legumes have the same problem! It’s all how you prepare the food. Soaking legumes and grains breaks down the phytic acid making it healthier and easier to digest. Eating sourdough bread instead of yeasted bread will make it easier to digest and unlock nutrients making them more bioavailable.
Everyone is seeing through the bs misinformation in this video!
Y’all know you can still have sugary soda, chips, hot dogs, chocolate, etc and be gluten free, right? Not eating gluten is not synonymous with eating healthy. Sure there is a chance you might eat more vegetables in place of pasta and garlic bread, but there is gluten free junk food.
This is some of the worst content I have ever seen from a well known media company. It’s clear why Buzzfeed articles are so lacking in balance; they are written by kids, supervised by kids and edited by kids.
They have over 20 M subscribers
I am less anxious now that I am gluten free. Unfortunately, I am now depressed because I can’t eat pizza. What a great tradeoff.
I don’t have celiac disease but if I eat bread I will always have back and knee pain the next day. Wouldn’t be noticeable if my job wasn’t so physically demanding. It definitely slows my recovery time.
I have it its not a diet its a disease check your wording
Why was this on my recommendation. (I’ve been put in a gluten free diet btw)
Here too you find gluten-free diet solutions.
Had IBS most of my life off gluten for 9 months and now symptom free tested negative for Celiacs??? Changed my life for the better
For those in Canada seeing this, the food law here is that gluten free options MUST have the same amount of vitamin fortification as their non gluten free counterparts. This vid says gluten free options aren’t fortified so you can get deficiencies but the prepackaged foods here, like cereals, cookies and pasta, have equal amounts gluten free or not.
I have been gluten free for over 10 years. It changed my life completely. I sleep all night and have way less migraines. My arthritis is so much better. I could barely get out of bed in the morning. When I gave it up I threw out most of the food in my kitchen. I urge anyone to go gluten free. You will see results within days, but don’t cheat. Even a small bite will defeat the whole purpose. Google symptoms the list is horrendous.
I’ve been gluten free since i was 2. at 2 i was diagnose with Coeliac disease
bread, grains, and sugar, are completely unnecessary for life. we arent cows lol it started long ago during food shortages to eat this garbage stuff
Billions of people have been eating gluten for millions of years. Do the math! The chance that eating gluten would be a “real” problem for you is about as likely as winning a Lotto jackpot.
So bc of constant asma por 3-4 I decided to stay away from wheat products….. not only did my respiratory issues ended but my constant migraines and abdominal bloating and most inflammation also ceased!!
I was sick for many decades and finally found out a gluten free diet stopped me from being sick. Imagine my confusion when I found out I could eat wheat flour if I soaked it over night. So confused.
Great info! I have celiac disease too & so does my son. But with any of those foods you mentioned as being safe you still have to make sure they haven’t been cross contaminated on equipment shared with wheat.
I can’t be the only person with diabetes and celiac that saw this, right?
If you didn’t have Celiac and you are gluten-free, you are simply an idiot.
why are you guys so upset about non-celiac people going gluten free? i no longer get migraines and my skin is smooooooooth. don’t act entitled to something that can be useful to everyone
Beware of some of the advice given here by nutritionists with fake credentials, such as a CNC. A “Certified Nutritional Consultant (CNC)” is a credential given to persons who take an open-book test and some on-line courses. All is required is a high school GED…..“The CNC credential should be regarded as bogus.“ Steven Barrett, MD.
I try to stay away from breads in general (pasta, cereals, etc) simply because A) processed foods are not healthy and B) while I don’t have celiac disease I do have hypothyroidism and gluten is very molecularly similar to the thyroid, which leads to the body attacking the thyroid like it does gluten….leading to thyroid problems. It’s too late for me to reverse it, but I stay away to prevent more damage.
Ladies, keep this in mind when you eat gluten containing breads/grains… it can lead to future thyroid disease AND it aggravates your intestines & joints (arthritis). Just not worth it.
The thyroid is VERY IMPORTANT; it’s not just hair and nails, it‘s involved in the optional functioning of the liver, gut motility, BMR, heart health and they are discovering a connection to diabetes (which I always suspected). Please Google for tons of info.
Here’s a great video that gets into more detail:
I have celiac and is sucks so bad I don’t know how this crap is a trend
Garbage no proof show us the proof the research from real doctors
I’m allergic to gluten and soy, i didn’t know my whole life. I thought because i have asthma when i was a kid.
Hi dr joseph. U know navax is under consider to boost up immune for covid is it hope ghat it is also use maybe in celiac…
I’m 38 and I’m noticing soon after I eat wheat product of drink a beer I start itching on my upper chest, scalp, hands and forearms only. The scratching causes a hives like reaction. My scalp feels like needles pricking it. It’s weird and why is it happening later in life.
What annoys me is that everyone that talks about gluten free diets refer to celiacs ONLY!
People with auto immune diseases such as Hashimotos and also Addison’s disease are also gluten free like myself. I don’t eat processed foods and eat a mostly keto diet which works well for me and others. I eat a well balanced diet and dont miss how gluten made me feel.
Dr.tell us about new research about celiac in 2019.any cure?any tablets,vaccine any new hope?
I was hoping this would include experience of someone who is newly diagnosed with Celiac or atleast has stomach ailments. These participants are full healthy and can eat anything while going gluten free is the last resort of someone who hasn’t known how it feels to be like a normal all their life and fear their next meal because the misery it will bring. Disappointing
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i love gulteni cant eat gulten i barf and be sick for 2 WEEKSmy mother’s friend sustained much damage to her liver as a result of living with undiagnosed celiac well into her 60s