Brooke Shoonenberg: Clean Eating Demonstration
Video taken from the channel: Pennington Biomedical Research Center
What is the Schwarzbein Principle for Menopause Treatment?
Video taken from the channel: Menopause Power
Survival of the Smartest (part 2) Dr Diana Schwarzbein
Video taken from the channel: Silicon Valley Health Institute
The Schwarzbein Principle Diet is a health and eating program developed by Diana Schwarzbein, MD, a California-based endocrinologist. The five-part program aims to promotes weight loss and well-being by addressing the connection between hormones and body fat.The Schwarzbein Principle is a diet that was invented and proliferated via an Endocrinologist named Diana Schwarzbein. Her diet is a variation on diets like the Origin Diet in that it is both Low-Carb and High Protein, but there are a number of differences between the two diets as well.The Schwarzbein Principle is a holistic guide to achieving lasting weight loss, normalizing metabolism and maintaining ideal body composition through lifestyle and nutrition.
By bringing the internal systems into balance, the Schwarzbein program has been proven to: reverse type II diabetes; free people from food cravings for chocolate, caffeine and sugar; cure depression and mood.The program is safe, and promotes a number of healthy living principles. Developed and managed by a medical doctor. Ideal for perior post-menopausal women. CON.
The Schwarzbein Principle is fairly strict and could make it difficult for the dieter who travels a lot or dines out by choice.Schwarzbein Principle is to avoid bad fats as she calls them, and keep yourself health. You can eat as many eggs a day as you want on this plan, plus meat, saturated fat, cream, and vegetables.
The book of Schwarzbein Principle includes a four-week meal plan and about 15 recipes.The Beyond diet promises you can lose up to 10 pounds in two weeks by adopting a meal program that’s lower in carbs and that omits grain-based foods and sugar.The program, outlined in the book Beyond Diet by author Isabel De Los Rios, aims to jump-start your weight loss efforts quickly through a fairly restrictive diet, then ease you into what it says is a more sustainable program.*As part of a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and exercise program.
MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If you’re not satisfied with your first order, call 1-800-727-8046 within the first 14 days and send the remaining food back for a full refund, less shipping. Good on new 4-week plans, first order only. Limit one per customer.The ayurvedic diet is an ancient Indian style of eating in which you eat the best foods for your “dosha,” or body type, for better health and digestion.
Jenny Craig is a diet program that provides structure and support for people who want to lose weight and keep it off. The program delivers prepackage.The first person Stockholm Personal Diet Plans helps you burn fat and calories. Your personal diet plan in Stockholm improves hormone levels and reduces hunger.
It helps to reduce the amount of fat. A flexible plan to eat whatever you want teaching by this plan.WebMD reviews the pros and cons of this “plant-strong” diet by former firefighter Rip Esselstyn.
The Fast Diet Review: What to Expect The Fast Diet lets you eat as you like 5 days a week, and then.How it Works. Whether you sign up for their delivery service, or simply follow the original The South Beach Diet: The Delicious, Doctor-Designed, Foolproof Plan for Fast and Healthy Weight Loss book by Dr. Agatston [], you’ll find you’ll pretty much be following the same fat loss plan..
South Beach likes to call it a “balanced” approach to eating, which involves using the “right mix.Intermittent Fasting Explained: How it works, types, pros and cons and much more Intermittent fasting has become a popular dietary method for weight loss.As with any diet, Pritikin Principle Diet has both pros and cons that you should take into consideration. Here are a few of the most common pros and cons that you may want to think about before you decide this is the right diet for you. Pro #1 Focuses on Healthy Eating One of the key pros of the Pritikin Principle Diet is that it really focuses on healthy eating. The foods allowed in the diet are.
The Pritikin Principle is a book written by Nathan Pritikin, and it focuses on both diet and walking in order to shed weight and keep it off. According to Pritikin, those following the Pritikin Principle can lose up to seven pounds of fat per week and do so safely.* The goal of the Pritikin Principle is to eat foods that are very low in fat.
List of related literature:
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from Nutrition Facts: The Truth About Food | |
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from The Hashimoto’s Healing Diet: Anti-inflammatory Strategies for Losing Weight, Boosting Your Thyroid, and Getting Your Energy Back | |
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from Lore of Nutrition: Challenging conventional dietary beliefs | |
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from Handbook of Obesity Treatment, Second Edition | |
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from Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training, Etiology and Assessment of Behavior Problems | |
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from The Nature of Nutrition: A Unifying Framework from Animal Adaptation to Human Obesity | |
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from Clinical Naturopathic Medicine | |
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from Nutrition | |
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from Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Abdominal Obesity |
Please.. stop.. saying “mmkay”. It completely stalls your delivery! Once in a while is okay but 4 times a minute, it’s too much… mmkay?
Jeez I’m so confused so many people endorsing ketosis, and now she’s saying it’s really bad. I’m sticking with it for now..
i wish she’d have talked more about nitric oxide and what it does in our body. i have a vague sense our body needs it, but not much more…. she seemed to assume we knew why nitric oxide is important. (perhaps a fair assumption for that audience, IDK.)
She is totally right in everything she is saying. She really knows her stuff. Regarding ketosis: I am an RN and have seen a lot of people die. If they haven’t been eating for some time prior to death, they will have a sweet odor on their breath: ketosis. They are breaking down or cannibalizing themselves. Think about that next time you think about that low carb diet you are eating yourself.
Or better yet. You sleep next to one of those psycho murderers… leave my babies the hell out of it. PTSD my balls
The medical profession is a joke, like a bunch of economists, one doctor says one thing then another doctor says the opposite, high carb, low carb, high fat, low fat, though it is strange that on a higher fat diet a lot of people feel better, more energy, but this is destructive who knows.
What an awesome presentation. This should make people think twice before saying “no such thing as an essential carbohydrate” again
I’ve been researching health/nutrition and experimenting with all kinds of diets for 10+ years, and I will tell you this: this presentation (even though it was too short to do full justice), is a literal health gem. I’ve seen vegans restrict fat and protein and run around boasting how great their diet is. Then years later they fall off the diet because they have disease states that are causing them great pain and discomfort (like low energy, muscle loss, digestion issues, always being hungry, etc) Same thing for people on ketogenic/low carb diets (insomnia, loss of libido, constipation, depression, difficulty building muscle, etc). Initially they make progress with some aspect of their weight or health but then, they too, reach a point where their bodies become unbalanced and reach a diseased state years later. She’s 100% right. You can’t push extreme states of physiology and expect to thrive in the long term. You can’t be high insulin all the time OR high cortisol/adrenaline. You can’t take macros or calories to the extreme. Your body will compensate for the shock in the short term but eventually you’ll become exhausted. And everyone then blames themselves for “falling off the wagon” when they can’t sustain these extreme forms of dieting. But that’s just their bodies saying “Enough is enough! Cut that shit out! This is throwing me way off balance!”. Diana is correct. We need more balanced macros with only very modest calorie reductions. That’s why diets like the Mediterranean diet or Zone diet are going to be more recommended by dieticians and trainers than extreme diets like 80/10/10 or keto. Then the weight will come down slowly over time and you’ll get to keep your health and your sanity. Fat tissue works like muscle tissue. When these tissues are stressed, initially they break down and get smaller. But they supercompensate/hypertrophy bigger than before you stressed them in order to DEAL with the stress again in the future. Now, everybody likes the idea of bigger muscles. So we’ll consistently stress them in order to make them grow bigger over time. But nobody realizes that dieting triggers stress to fat cells which (if done repeatedly) makes them grow bigger over time too. That’s why 95% of dieters fail. 1. It’s too exhausting on the physiology to restrict calories harshly in the long term and 2. As soon as you stop, your body goes into “over compensation” to protect you in the future from that level of stress. That’s why diets become less and less effective each time you do them. The body adapts to that level of stress. Eventually diets stop working even when you eat almost no calories because of that repeated bout effect to your fat stores. And you can push your body’s physiology even harder by doing things like fasting for weight loss. But again, you will eventually become exhausted and unable to get results from that too. You can get short term results, but it’s not sustainable. Stress works best when it’s brief. Just like Diana said “stress can help your rebuilding rebuild BETTER”. And it does. Intermittent stress on muscles help them grow bigger. But Intermittent dieting on fat tissue makes it grow bigger too. Even intermittent dry fasting is a stress that creates health when done in the proper amount. The problem is people create a “fad diet” out of it and think “more is better”. They forget that stress can kill you if it’s extreme enough or done chronically. I only wish there were more people like Diana out there to help explain this. But maybe in another hundred years, we’ll all finally get it lol. I mean, right now the keto diet community are scratching their heads as to why their diet is at the bottom of the list of diets that are recommended along with Atkins and the Dukan diet. It’s gonna take a long while before people figure out why that is because they’re too blinded by “keto success stories” and “I dropped 30lb in 3 months” videos. It’s just like Diana said. There isn’t anything wrong with keto in itself as a short term, emergency use, system to keep you from dying in a critical situation. But being in that physiological state long term pushes on the physiology too hard for too long. Insulin and carbs (as well as fat and protein) are important for replenishing and rebuilding so that your body can continue to work and be resilient as you age. I truly hope I get to see more of this science awaken in the future. It’s truly exciting to see the real truth coming to light.
Hard bio-chemistry science aside, where is the statistical evidence that long term ketosis is detrimental? There are so many other factors that can degenerate metabolic health that are not addressed in this presentation. GMOs, EMF pollution, environmental toxins, rampant over-use of anti-biotics and other pharmaceuticals that have contaminated our water supply, pesticide over-load, etc, etc. Imagine if our ancestors did not have compensatory metabolic adaptations to survive their environment or if we were so finely tuned that any fluctuations in blood sugar from not having food all the time would have killed us off. Who is to say that evolution is not selecting for us to be more efficient in our survival by becoming more efficient as low carb high fat consumers and that the ones who develop diseases from this approach are only doing so because they are not as adaptable and thus die sooner without passing on their genes? These are just hypothetical questions but things in nature are not static, thus we must assume that what the science of biology is today is not necessarily going to be the same one in the near and distant future given that human habits are also changing and not static. My grandfather lived to the ripe old age of 98 and he never ate breakfast. He went to war, was a prisoner of war for 2 years and was severely underfed during his detention. He also suffered post-traumatic syndrome from his experience as a soldier. You think maybe he knew what stress was all about? He still lived a long life. War aside, he did however, live a more natural and toxin-free life.
She sure has a lot of knowledge, no doubt about, and she’s very articulate. But me too, wanted to see/hear a podium discussion between her and ketogenic diet proponents. Maybe she’s up to promote her own book/program, but it’s a thought provoking presentation.
Never believe in a Doctor saying you have to eat carbs. We evolve millions years without it and sugar.
Thank you. This explains so much about the problems with the keto craze. The diet gives me panic attacks, but many doctors are crazy about it now. When I try to explain the problem, I get ridiculed and yelled at with no substantive response.
Coffee effects my blood sugar and I can understand why now. I did see a report where they gave a woman an MRI before a cup of coffee and after and the oxygen to her brain decreased by 40%. I used to be borderline hypoglycemic and have been stable since removing processed and fried fatty foods.
It’s interesting how hard people want to hang onto their low-carb diet, as witnessed in the participants’ questions in this seminar. As a personal trainer and coach, I am always trying to educate clients about the dangers and repercussions of low carb and ketosis diets. I think I’ll just send them these videos! Thank you! The science makes sense!
Where is actually her new book..? Does anybody know sth.? Should have came out by now, isn’t it?
This would have been a much better discussion had you had a few biochemists in the audience. There are a lot of fallacies in her talk. Her belief of low carbohydrates is less than 100 gm/day. What people talk about it less than 40 20 gms a day. I spent 4 hours last night trying to find research that supports what she is saying. I found all kinds of research supporting the exact opposite. There is a reason why observation is only the first step in the scientific method. You can’t take a biochemical process in a vacuum and extrapolate a whole physiology philosophy. The very first wrong assumption is that there is no insulin activation or is very low in a low carbohydrate diet. That is incorrect. If that were the case people would be dropping like flies. Here is one of the many studies I read last night. Here is another
Who else wants to see photos of everything Dr Schwarzbein eats?:)
I would love to watch/listen to a discussion between Dr. Schwarzbein and Dr. Ron Rosedale? Dr. Schwarzbein mentioned some studies that indicated that blood sugar and insulin that were too low resulted in increased mortality. Dr. Schwarzbein suggested that lower nitric oxide was the problem because of a reduction in blood sugar and insulin levels. I would like to know to what extent were the medications used in the trial/trials the problem? If diet (lower carb/lower glycemic) and exercise were used (no meds) would increased mortality have resulted? Also, what level of carbohydrate consumption would Dr. Schwarzbein define as low carb? This was an excellent presentation that raises a lot of questions.
Post traumatic stress is a mental illness, for broken people that the government still wants to pimp our porn addicted children to…. just call them crazy. Because that’s all they are
I didn’t know indocrinology could be so much fun. Diana talks about all the relevant hormones, not just insulin, not just cortisol, that are involved in health and weight loss. Great counterbalance for anyone on any diet, fad or SAD.