Table of Contents:
Basic Weight & Height Requirements | Modeling
Video taken from the channel: Howcast
Growth Charts/ Percentile Curves; Are You Tall Or Short?
Video taken from the channel: Medicosis Perfectionalis
Average Height Comparison By Countries | Human Height Comparison
Video taken from the channel: Size Comparisons
Average Human Height by Country (2020) | Height Comparison
Video taken from the channel: 3D Comparisons YAKUP
Top 20 Countries With The Tallest Men How Height Has Changed Over 100 Years
Video taken from the channel: Animated Stats
Where the Tallest People Live In the World
Video taken from the channel: BRIGHT SIDE
Are You Above Or Below Average?
Video taken from the channel: AsapSCIENCE
The average height for women in the U.S. hasn’t changed much over the past 20 years. As of 2016, the average American woman was about 5 feet 3 inches (63.6 inches) tall. Average heights of U.S. women vary some by race or ethnicity: White non-Hispanic: 5 feet 4.3 inches; African American: 5 feet 4 inches; Hispanic American: 5 feet 1.7 inches.
The average height for adult women varies around the world. In the United States, the average woman is a little under 5 feet 4 inches tall at 63.7 inches (161.8 centimeters). This data is reported by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), which was conducted from 2011 to 2014. 1 Average Female Height in the U.S.
The average height of women varies around the world. In the U.S., the average woman is around 5 feet 4 inches. While this is the tallest average recorded in.206 rows · Average male height Average female height Stature ratio (male to female) Sample.The average American woman 20 years old and up weighs 170.6 pounds and stands at 63.7 inches (almost 5 feet, 4 inches) tall.
And the average waist circumference? It’s 38.6 inches.Height in inches: 69.0 Weight in pounds: 197.8 Waist circumference in inches: 40.3; Women: Height in inches: 63.6 Weight in pounds: 170.5 Waist circumference in inches: 38.7; Source: Mean Body Weight, Height, Waist Circumference, and Body Mass Index Among Adults: United States, 1999–2000 Through 2015–2016, tables 2, 4, 6 Cdc-pdf [PDF.Every woman cannot have the ideal body measurement, 36″-24″-36″. But while trying to look more attractive, you should opt for healthy weight loss or weight gain.
Your height, weight, amount of fat and distribution of fat determine whether you would look slim and sexy.On average, women are almost 12 centimetres shorter than men. The global average height of adult women born in 1996 is 159 cm, or 5 foot and 3 inches.
The country with the shortest women is Guatemala, where the average height is 149 cm, while Latvian women are 20 cm taller (at 169 cm). There are also regional variations in the heights of women.If you want to calculate a height percentile for a more limited age range, you can enter other data you get from Wikipedia or elsewhere.
The height percentile calculator also lets you specify male or female gender. Some country specific data was missing one gender. To fill in the missing data, an average 8% gender height gap was used.
123 rows · Even though the metric system is the most common system of measurements, we will.Adult women in the United States had a median and average height of 5’3.6″ in 2016. Average and Median Height for Men 18 year old and older men in the United States had a median and average height of 5’9.2″ in 2016.
Selected Height Percentiles for Men and Women.The average height in the United States is 5 feet 4 inches (162.56 centimeters) for women and 5 feet 9 inches (175.26 centimeters) for men. This makes the United States the 40th tallest nation in the world. Multiple factors contribute to one’s overall height.The average American man stands just under 5 feet, 10 inches or about 5 feet, 9.3 inches to be precise.
That’s roughly 176 centimeters. This measure gives the U.S. its standing in 37th place for male height worldwide.The average height for American males 20+ is 69.1 inches (175.4 cm), or 5′ 9″ tall.
The average height of an American female 20+ is 63.5 inches (161.5 cm), or 5′ 3.5″ tall.Among all women, mean ageadjusted height was 162.1 cm (63.8 in) in 1999–2000 and 161.7 cm (63.7 in) in 2015–2016. No significant linear trends were seen over time in age-adjusted estimates of height overall, for any race and Hispanic-origin subgroup, or among women aged 20–39 or 60 and over.
List of related literature:
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from A Companion to Forensic Anthropology | |
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from Encyclopedia of Body Image and Human Appearance | |
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from Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal | |
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from Dancing for Hathor: Women in Ancient Egypt | |
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from Patterns of Human Growth | |
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from The Analysis of Burned Human Remains | |
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from Growing Up in the Middle Ages | |
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from Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health | |
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from Growth: From Microorganisms to Megacities | |
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from Human Biology: An Evolutionary and Biocultural Perspective |
Does manga count as books because I’ve probably read over 500 books this year
im 27 years old male and my height is 5 feet 2 inch only
I’m in 5th grade and my average wpm with a good accuracy is
70 WPM
90 + %
Just watched this and finally end my dream. 5’6 and not skinny huhu
Question…is it natural to grow about 1cm every month while in puberty?
I’m 1.80 and I just turned 13 so I’m getting worried I will have heart problems if I keep on growing consistently.
Everybody, models have to be tall and slim because all the clothes that they made are made in the same size and also you can see the clothes better on them
I’m 14 and I’m 5’4 almost 5’5. Is that average? Because all my friends are taller than I am.
¡Qué cierto es eso de “Señor, deja de elevar la raza y empieza a mejorarla”!
What a stupid comparison! How the hell do you determine which countries had the tallest people over a 100 year period!?
Now I really want to zoom out….. fake compassion….
I type 58 wpm, and I’m not even in 6th grade yet I type too much
What l can do above average
Still looking?
Just give up
I read 40+ books a year
Oh come on stop looking!!
In India 5″8 is considered tall
And 5″5 -5″6 is average
LMAO ounce me and my friend sawed a European he was 6″5 we though he is somekind of a new breed we were so scared of him
I’m from phillipines and my height is 1.69 M and I’m 14 years old how tall will I be when I grow up???
Omg I’m 19, heigh 4’11 n I wanna be a model I don’t think they’re going to expect me, do you guys think I can be
2:05 I honestly think I’m one of the worst people on the world
#174 india at 3:27
Just in case any indians searching how tall we can get!!:)
0:50 lmao i was able to put up 215 at age 14, straight venezuelan steel baby
I notice many people keep on talking about Rotogenflux Methods. But Im not sure if it’s good. Have you ever try this intelligence boost program?
#149 Pakistan… 166.9 Cm? Dang didn’t expect us to be that below.. but my height is also the same lol..
I’m twelve and i’m 1.75m how tall will i be in the future? I play basketball btw ;3
Am I the only one who doesn’t think about themselves being smart or not? Like I never had that in mind..
It’s funny how the average person in France is taller than in the US but you can be a model from 5″6 there
boy, i get 10 hours, sometimes 12, depending when i went to bed
Asapscience: On average people read 4 books a year.
Me: Retreats into my pile of Harry Potter books
i fart 1-4 times a day……………… im super below avarage
people who are smart under estimate there selves na bro just not the case for me
There’s no such thing as normal!!
I mean she says you have to be like 5”9 but hailey bieber is 5”7 so there is hope for us smaller people
Entweder stimmen eure Daten nicht, oder die Headline ist schlecht gewählt. Ich gehe davon aus, dass es sich um Durchschnittswerte handelt, denn wenn das die jeweiligen Höchstmaße sein sollen, dann stimmt gar nichts. Habe bei 1980 gestoppt, da war ich 18, und hatte meine jetzige Größe von 181 cm bereits erreicht. Der Wert den ihr angebt für Deutschland in 1980 liegt nur bei 179,5!? Ein Bekannter hatte damals mit 17 bereits 201 cm.
I’m 19 years old Indonesian, and I’m 165 cm. I had met some foreign students (most of them are European) in the same age during an exchange program, and I remembered how I feel really intimidated by their height
Im 13 and im already taller than an average american
Welcome to the Netherlands
0:25 I refuse to believe that, or maybe I’m just a sore loser.
I’m a man I didn’t overestimate I’m just above average and I also think I’m even brilliant than Einstein and can even take on players far more superior than lebron jamez
Me during quarantine getting at least 12 hours practically everyday:
….I guess I sleep a lot…
I have done 98 Words per minute.. I read a whole book for 2 nights, (novel) So basically I do more depending on the length, I am underweight and pretty short
Here is my autobiography:
Spoilers about 8 years from now below:
On June 15th, 2020, I decided that in order to fight for the rights of those without money and to fight for a moneyless world (which would especially help kids of single parents, the disabled, and the lazy), I would live without money, going on hunger-strikes until given free food, refusing pay for work and going on strike if they pay me, all starting at age 31 (I would move out of my mom’s house at that time, but would return for bed, but if when my mom dies I am expected to pay property taxes and utility bills I would then sleep along a nearby trail unless attempting to defy eviction). This was already my plan 5 days prior, but now I had set a date for it to begin (June 28, 2028, when I turn 31).
I’m short:( for my age I should be around 5:6 and 100 pounds
So apparently I’m pretty, I’m not as thin as like super models but I’m still quite thin, but IM 5’4!!
I’m going to complete my studies in germany, im 5’10, wish me luck guys!
I am from Pakistan ( Country’s Average:5’6)
Dad: 5’6
Mom: 5’2
Me: 5’10.5 (179 cm) (16 year old)
I think I’ll end up being around 6 feet
Let’s get the video to 5k dislikes!!! Show these judgmental bitches
people: eat beef
indians: worship beef
also indians: y are we 3’11???
tututu intensifies
Balkan have tall people, but countries are poor.
That doesn’t matter.
Tenho que me mudar pra Holanda, é foda ter 1,88 no Brasil kkkkkk
Mom: 5‘3
Dad: 5‘5
Uncle: 5‘7
Me: 5‘10/ almost 11, I‘m 16
Won‘t reach 6ft I think:(
Fun fact: No one cares about you or your family member’s height
Пардонте откуда в 1897 эстония латвия литва босния австрия хорватия словакия взялись
lemme tell y’all something, we don’t care about your age and height and family height
I am 19 years old from malaysia my height 1.55 m and i’m a girl so this is average right?
One question
Why white people are taller than the other races??
I sometimes find it weird how the average male height in the US is 5’9″. That seems a little short to me sometimes. I’m 6’0″, so I’m taller than average.
wait what? how is dutch average 6ft when i littarly dont know boys or men who are smaller as 6.1ft??
Guys I’m surprise that average American heights are shorter than I thought. I have seen a lot of guys who were over 6” (183cm) & hey guys in the US average height is only 5’9”
I am from pakistan and my family is
My dad 5:10
My mom 5:2
And Me 5:7
In short answer= the tallest people on earth are south Sudanese
My parents were shorter than countries average height most of the boys in family taller than it, sister shorter than it but still taller than mother.
Nike is hiring the models for summer season. All nationalities can apply.Book your online audition.Apply now now with latest photos at ( [email protected])
I want to be a model (ramp model) but i’m just 5’3 and 45 kg huhuhu
My family (Filipino|America)
Dad: “6ft3”
He missed Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico and I know it’s part U.S but still
This video needs to be updated the lady it looks so sad seeing all of the requirements to be a model. Now in days we can see all types of modeling. Selena Gomez is 5’5…. And I can make a list of famous and I’m famous people that I modeled the eye short or not thin and are great models. I think it depends what modeling industry you’re trying to go to
You shouldent use feet to meusre south sudanese you should use miles
My Family Philippines
Dad: 5’6
Mom: 5″0
Sister: 5″1
baby brother: 4’5
Me: 5’8.5
Wait!!!!!!!!! that’s illegal!!!!! right
7/18/20 Update I grew 5’9
astonished!even north Korean are tall,compare to other east aasian countrys like jp,taiwan,china!
Can’t believe I watched a 3 and a half minute skill share ad
0:36 i’m like the only person in my class that can do this lol
I’m a 5’11” female in the US. You guys should do a video about foot sizes and how height has nothing really to do with their length. Mine are size 13 in women’s US.
The taller the people the more they’ll consume, but the harsh truth is nature prefers shorter people but on the contrary the modern society prefers taller height
My family
My dad 5’6
My mum 5’3
My brother 5’4
My sister 4’7
My baby brother 3’5
My step dad 5’8
Me 5’7
im skinny and tall but my face is disgusting so um what do i do??
Im from Serbia and my mother is 182 cm tall. Blonde woman are much taller as i can see.
My family height Dad:5’8. Mum:5’7. I’m 13 and 5,7 is this normal.
My Mexican family
Dad 6,4
Mom 5,7
9 year old brother 5,0
My 7 old sister 4,5
12 year old me 5,5
Why you don’t use the metric system,I understand better with metric system!
There ARE only two genders and some mental and physical defects.
In South Sudan the men on average are 6 foot 4 and women are 6 foot
I’m just 14 and indian and most of the teens I know are above 165cm
I’m really skinny, but I’m 5’3 and I don’t think I can be a model
wtf?? italy number 29????:-))))))))))))))))))) i have bever seen a italy men who is bigger than 170 cm
There is a lot of different races in Argentina though, not all are Spanish descent a lot of Italians, Natives and others lol.
Wtf Europe is the tallest you fukkking kidding me
What if you go to Pakistan south Sudan lebanon?
I’m an Indian:
Papa: 5’10
Maa: 5’5
Grandma: 5’3
Brother:5’11(He’s just turned 15)
Me:5’4 (I’m 17, yeah I know I’m not growing any longer)
why is nobody talking about the kid the guy drew cuz it’s giving me the creeps….•-•
Por algo los Springboks (seleccionado sudafricano de rugby ) tiene gente tan grandota
Su sangre Neerlandesa es muy evidente la de estos boers.
OK can somebody tell me if I’m tall or not I am a girl and I’m 13 and I’m 165cm. Tell me in the comments
Those who create and participate in war over the ages, they & theirs are the shortest. War kills off the tall, strong and most of all THE GOOD MEN
I am italian and i am 5’10”, i gotta say that actually i knew really few people that are of my same height, everyone here is either 5’8″ or 6′ honestly.
Just curious. Why were people in the olden days so freakin tall even thigh they endured much harsher living conditions? whenever I walk around all the people in their 70s and 80s STILL TOWER over me! My great great great grandfather (born 1860) was 6’5!
I’m 165cm 68 kg haha I’ll never be a model but I want to look stunning and right now I don’t so I WANT TO WORK HARD!
Sadly I don’t look gorgeous with my weight on, even if some girls look absolutely stunning with it cwc
Let’s see how it goes hahaha
I’ve already lost 30kg, I CAN DO IT!
so, im below average weight for a female in America and above average height for a man in America, I am Australian, I am 13
Asian Countries (Turkey,Syria,Iraq,Iran,Afg,Pak,India,Uzbek,China,Japan Etc) in Top 20 left the chat
Duuuude Humans were so tinyyy, now i get why Napoleon was a goblin
What about the United Kingdom!!!!! Men-5’10 women-5’6
Me-5’11 1/2 (I’m 13)
Brother-6’2 (he’s 14)
Brother-6’4 (he’s 21)
The height in Belgium relates to Flemings. The average height in Belgium as a whole is about 179.5 cm. The height in Latvia and France is overestimated as well. And the height in Montenegro is a pure fantasy. Montenegrins are probably the tallest in the world among young males with 183 cm.
Dutch peoples: We are the talles
South Sudanese: Am I a joke to you?!
Wtf….India rank is 174 only 164.9 cm Where is great khali Infact I am 175 cm above height…
Starts with Europe and U.S. and ends in China and India…… Oops, nope wrong video.
Half asian half white (dutch) man standing at almost 6’5. All my cousins on the white side of the fam are even taller. My grandfather was a tall man too. Being tall is cool. My lowerback hurts all the time though.
anyways why r u guys randomly starting to watch country comparison? but it’s kinda fun for me lmao
stop switching between metric and imperial, just stick to metric
I am 19 years old boy I have only 173cm height can I increase it to 183cm. Is it possible?
Wtf average height has increased 10 cm in only 100 years. So how tall will us be 300 years from now?
I’m 5’3 and 110 pounds but I’m only 12 years old so I’m still growing at least here’s a chance lol
me watching this video
also me wants to be a model but its 5’6 a red head and 9 stone
I actually thought the most of top 10 would be African countries
it’s funny how people are fixed with height… make a living and accept yourself as you are, even if you write in the comments that you are 195 cm and in reality you are 1 and 70 will certainly not change anything… because I see that the average height in the comments is 190 cm…
2:53 well, guess what? Those words are the reason why intelligent people aren’t confident, because they are scared that, if they become confident, they actually would be stupid.
Países desenvolvidos, pessoas altas, países pobres, anões, fato confirmado nesse vídeo, infelizmente.
united kingdom average height is appr 150cm and they are stupid…
I’m Mexican and my grandpa is 5’7 and my grandma is 5’2 somehow my uncles height is up to 6’2 but my mom is 5’1 and my dad is about 5’4 and I’m 14 at 5’4 and believe me I have a y’all family and my family is the shortest of them all
I’m 15 years old and I’m from the Netherlands. I’m 181cm tall. Is that long compared to other countries?
Can anyone help me to get an idea about romanian men height? this book really helped me.
Kudos for the Video! Apologies for chiming in, I would love your opinion. Have you thought about Patlarny Escape Fat Principle (probably on Google)? It is a good one of a kind guide for getting slim without exercise minus the normal expense. Ive heard some awesome things about it and my mate after many years got amazing results with it.
This video didn‘t mention the age group of each country.171 is the data of Chinese aged between 18-24 collected in 2010.The figure for whole Chinese people is lower than 170.
The stature of news generation in UAE is 173.
In india northeast,,,,girls height average is around 5’0 to 5’3ft and boys are 5’6 to 5’9ft
I never really ate that healthy or slept a lot and still am tall
What about Montenegro. Average man is tall 183-184cm there maybe even more
Estonia, Bosnia, Croacia, Island and more countries dont egzist in 1900….
I’m 5’4″. Weight 55kg. Is it OK to be a model. I’m healthy beautiful women I eat 2boiled eggs regularly
Sad that all of elemetary school, I was the shortest kid in class no matter what. But then again, I was the only nerd…
Being short sux, will I still grow more? I’m almost 16 and 5’1″ almost 5’2″ My dream is to be 5’4″ at least, is it possible? My dad is about 5’7 and my mum is 5 foot
0:36 normally my typing speed is 50, but if I try my highest typing speed is 75 words per minute. Weird flex I know but for some reason I’m really proud of that
I am a 28 Year old Hungarian boy. My height is 191 cm (6’3″). But I feel myself very short compared to other Hungarian and European men. There are a lot of 200 cm + guys in Budapest!!!
yeah its not fun being 177cm in Denmark. i know that im only 16 but its still bullshit
It’s funny how I’m watching this at 5’5 feet and probably overweight
Bosnia, Estonia, Slovakia and other at 1970 year? Really? Have you ever heard of geography and history?
Mean height at age “18”. Shows year of birth till 1996 in 2019. Seems legit
I’m straight up busted. I am filipino and I was hoping for at least top 50 countries. BUT I GOT FRIDGING LAST.
Why only Chinese have face masks there? HAHAHA I didn’t see it coming.
That’s why Filipinos are very small and mostly their height even under your shoulder.
Mom: 5’3”
Dad: 5’7.5”
Sister (13) 5’2”:
Grandparents: 5’0, 5’11.5, 5,7, 5’2 (in their primes)
Me (15): 5’6”
Yes I know we are a bunch of American shorties
I’m a smurf here in Paraguay, South America, cause most of the people, men and women are very tall. I’m only 1,83 cms. (6.0 ft.), very short for this land, though I’m an Asian man, born in Vietnam, Chinese grandparents.
what about montenegro invm they get forgotten a lot anyways
I’m from turkey, but my height 1.68m. I’m glad above average.
There’s too many dislikes, and I also dislike because there’s no other countries and especially PH,
Man.. You are very lucky born as caucasian..tall and handsome
It’s bitter when you realized you’re asian
damn good video, but it appears a few of the metrics are wrong but the overall stats/countries are correct!
lol i’m a 14 y/o girl and i am 180 cm… guess what? I’M FROM THE NETHERLANDS-
Why tf are people from the Netherlands so tall? If it’s always cool and cloudy over there??! Shouldn’t places like desert have the tallest people so their bodies can cool off faster?
Me a 12 year old boy ran a mile in 7 minute pls tell me I’m above average
I am 13 years old, i am 5’7.5, and i am 171 lbs, what is my BMI?
Average height of brazilian man 173 cm and with 16 years old i am 170,5 cm
My dad: 6ft, age shrunk him to 5’10.
My mom: 5’5ft
Me: 5’8ft (15 yrs)
My sisters: 5’9, 5’7, 5’8, 5’7
My brother: probably 5’10, 5’11
I hope I am gonna grow over 6ft, but that probably wont happen.
Most of this video is european and their height mostly is the same. Here in east and southeast asia height mostly totally different. What about Africa the mostly tall and Australia.
Wow, Sudan damn near have the tallest men, and they’re not labeled?
Bro this is wrong, Brazilians are definitely taller than Argentinians
I am from Vietnam and we are so small. Wish we will be develop
I’m 1.80 m but in my country the average for men is 1.64 m.. i feel tall but actually not
Meanwhile Africans: can you compare men(countries) with longest p*nis??
Our country the great covid is more taller than eveycountries.
And at the end, it should have been USA. A huge pear shaped human looking figure.
My country: 167.7
Me: 193.4
So That’s mean im tallest than my country.
Be honest 1.83m is still small. And btw WHERE THE FUCK IS MONTENEGRO, WE ARE THE TALLEST
No indonesia?
280 million indonesia people?
And you list out of nowhere nobody know country?
Thumb down
i’m 15 year old girl and about 5’4 lol (1.64 m) and most of my female friends are shorter than me, so they keep telling me that i’m tall ♀️
i feel its a bit disrespectful with the chinese wearing Face Masks, I am watching a cople months after this video being released in lockdown and it is now worldwide!
lol in Netherlands the average size is 1,83 and I’m 1,85 in Austria and considered as normal in height that makes no sense, i think they’re lying so that men don’t get angry or sad
wow this is so amazing whow do you do it omg thia singpfofo omg lol a cant spdml rormt. eehe heleldleld lhb,f t fr f f f d f f ff f
The moment when your country has the tallest people so hahhahahahahhahahahah
I’m Dutch
I am 15 and I am 5’9″, being a male.. Plzz reply and tell me how much I will be at the age of 20..
That moment when you’re below average in all countries except for three.
I’m 12 and I’m taller then most grown ups from other countries:(
Btw I’m dutch
Caucasian woman are taller than southeast Asian man generally
The Dutch do not average 1.83m, it’s a self reported study. They’re actual measured average height is 1.81m
China has people really short but it also has some that are very tall.
I’m Vietnamese and I am 5’4= 163cm. Still 10 cm taller than the average height of Vietnamese woman
I’m from Vietnam and my height is even higher than the average XD
i am a 14 year old girl and i live in the netherlands and i am 180 cm
I’m 177.8cm tall (5’10 ) i live in the US so I’m taller than average by
.8cm lol
I am 13, 5’2, and weigh 104.4 pounds. am I underweight, or overweight?
I am 6ft2 Indian guy I really feel very short these days people’s in India had grown really very tall
Well, I read the articles. Almost every day, and yet I still can’t pass my math test:^)
If the infant was born at 31 week and now he is 3 week old how to calculate the corrected weight??? I couldn’t solve it can any one help me
Que canal Racista los Negro aquí no están sin embargo son por mucho más altos ja ja pero como son negros pasa desapercibidos opacados por los Rubios Europeos!!!
Im in iraq
Im 17 years old iraqi and ny height is 180 cm
I live in baghdad i think the average is deffrent from city to city in baghdad always are shorter than me but in saladin city im average because woman and mans are the same height as me but in kurdstain in dohuk the males is really short and woman maybe 155 cm or 160 average no more
I am 14 years old and I’m a male. I’m 5’6 barely with shoes on. I’m 5’7 barefoot and I’m 5’8 with shoes on now.
I think in fashion, yes its unfortunate that models do not look like the rest of us, but its also a representation of the time as for beauty, and also, its about an entire aesthetic, and garment, and the body type is the canvas. I think what’s the problem is that people are saying models are the standard, or a representation of what you SHOULD look like. When I choose not to interpret modeling standards as expectation, I appreciate the art and the industry much more. It is a job, after all, just like how you wouldn’t be a construction worker if you are extremely small and weak. There’s always exceptions to this, and I think all bodies are gorgeous, but this is industry is literally all about aesthetics.
First video I saw of yours. At first I thought some 80 yo person was explaning it until I clicked on your page. You sound so bored. You need a prescription of lots of exercise and fun activities.
Hi Medicosis, What does it mean when they say: The child height is at the 95th percentile and the child weight is at the 25th percentile? Can you make it easy to understand? Thank you
I am 5’6 with 14 years old, but I believe in myself and I know that someday I will be in one of those fashion shows.
Okay so I wanna model, I know I can be low 120s and I’m 5’10” I have these measurements
Bust: 34
waist: 26
Would they be interested though?
I’m over 170cm, 14, I just need to get a nose job and lose a lot of weight
I have a cute face, I’m 5’10 but I weight like 133pounds..:(
Atleast let tall girls have this damn. Being tall is like a huge insecurity for a lot of girls so modeling gives us that advantage and makes us feel prettier. If there were no requirements, we all know theyd choose short girls.
I’m from USA and my height is 5’10″(1.78m) and I’m a female I’m 30 this year
I’m only 5’7 or 5’8 but I’m still growing, but I’m praying to grow to 5’10.
Heyy so im 17 years old 5’5 and about 120 pounds. Do I have any hope in becoming a model? Somebody let me know so I can change me dreams while I have a chance lol.
hey just wondering why is there a lack of redheads i kinda wanna be a model but ive seen no redheads
All Countries Human Height Comparison 2020
i have al the right measurements and the right height but my face is just not it
I really want to model but sadly i have these like eczema scars all over my legs and arms. They are very old scars and im afraid that they won’t come off. I think my only option is a laser. I’m going to try it but im scared that it won’t really remove the scars and i always wanted to be a model. Anyone who has ever used lasering to remove scars?
Lol my parents are from Africa were I’m considered tall at 5’4
i’m 5’6 (167cm) and 130 lbs (58.9 kg) my goal weight is 119 lbs (53 kg). I want to start my modelling career next year!
Im 15, im 150cm and 40kg, and im male:,c (I look like little kid and everyone threats me like little kid)
But that is not PERFECTION, everyone can be beautiful, no matter are you siknni and tall or short and “fat”. ❤
Yugoslav power
Love from Serbia ❤️
i keep on asking people to tell me if im above avrige or not but people do not answer me i want to know
chinese are getting way taller now im chinese 1.66 14 years old
I average like 2hr 45 min on my phone a day. And below average for a teen is 9
When your face and body cooperates but your height says otherwise…man this 4’10 is killing me
wow what does this girl know about modeling shes like 5’3 and thic
I’m 5’2 13 years old and my weight is 99 pounds.have I chance to model?
I’m 15, 6ft, and slim but puberty is hitting me hard and I don’t even have the confidence to order my own food:/
Philippines is not short
There are medium height
BTW im filipino and Im 5’8.5
Actually Latvia is in 2nd place, because the video creator messed up something.
my grandfathers from both sides about 187cm and i am here with 171cm at least my sons well be tall
We Analbanians would be taller if we wasnt that poor to buy a food
My grandfather from 1900s was 2,10cm and now his grandson is 1,87 who is my ankle wtf.
I’m 12 and I’m 5’6 (169cm)
48 kg
Could I be a model in my twenties?
Is not just me or I’m the only 7″1″ person in the comments
Well i’m 5’2 and not really skinny.. i’ll could model for child clothes
Change your freaking title to ” TOP 20 EUROPEAN COUNTRIES with the tallest men”
The Dinkas are taller than everyone one that list
Eritreans and many other countries outside Europe have considerably taller male populations than almost all the countries on this list
I’ve always wanted to be a model and watching this video made me cry. I always thought that you were supposed to love your body and not change it to meet the requirements of others beauty standards.
I’m 179cm tall and weight 56kg. I’d like to model so bad but don’t know how!
I’m 14 and a half and I’m only 5,25 and it’s my dream to be a runway model
yall dead serious im 5’8 and 15 years old, I measured myself using a measuring tape lol
Coming from a fat woman, this is incredibly sad. I wonder if she is ashamed at all. She seems hesitant talking about being tall and skinny.
Why be a designer when you have to make women’s clothing for man sized women??? Why can’t models be normal sized?
U have to be thin, you have to be tall and blessed with extremely good looks
She’s not going to tell u how tall,it’s 5″7″ and taller,also 115 pounds
Being healthy? Which part of this is healthy? I m not body shamming but unhealthy is unhealthy and being too obese or too much malnutrition is not a good thing..
I am skinny an I used to hate it, but looking at models make me feel way better abt myself because they’re skinny
From Nepal
Me:5’3.5 & 15 years
How Tall Will I Be When I Reach 18 yrs
My parents were both short but sister taller than mother and all the boys taller than father, he claimed we were better feed.
Omg I’m 19, heigh 4’11 n I wanna be a model I don’t think they’re going to expect me, do you guys think I can be
2:29 people with under average IQ tend to overestimate their IQ. I don’t know but the best example i can think of is ruling the US
Me who read the hungry caterpillar 12 times a day I beyond IQ smart Level
i really want to be a model:( i’m only 13 but i am 5’5 and 104 pounds
I’m 5’11 almost 6 ft at 13 but the thing is I’m not very skinny so it just takes away from my height and it’s the worst
I’m gonna be 15 and my height is 5.8 but… They said I can’t be a model since my skin is not fresh nor healthy
When looking at average height between people in the U.S. and some European countries. You have to take into consideration that European countries are generally a lot more homogeneous. The U.S. on the other hand has large numbers of Hispanics (59 million) and Asians (21 million). Who are generally a lot shorter. Hence depress average height nationally. The white and non immigrant black Americans are a lot taller on average.
I don’t know why the hell I’m here…
M 19
Hight 5″ 3
Wait 52 kg
Oh god I just have one problem that’s my height which can’t be helped oh god:(
I don’t understand why designers yearn for one body type if they are trying to sell their clothes to the whole population. This industry makes absolutely no sense besides reinforcing the common societal stereotype that to be desirable and attractive you must be skinny.