Table of Contents:
The Health Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses
Video taken from the channel: ComfortLifeChannel
The Healthiest Sweetener
Video taken from the channel:
Blackstrap Molasses is a Great Mineral Rich Tonic with Numerous Health Benefits Mineral Deficiency
Video taken from the channel: The Refreshing Point
13 Amazing Health Benefits of Molasses best health
Video taken from the channel: Best Health
Blackstrap Molasses Benefits Explained by Dr. Berg
Video taken from the channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Health & Nutrition: Health Benefits of Molasses
Video taken from the channel: ehowhealth
Dr Joe Schwarcz: The benefits of dates
Video taken from the channel: Montreal Gazette
Bone health. Molasses is a good source of iron, selenium, and copper, all of which help maintain healthy bones ( 5 ). The syrup also contains some calcium, which plays an important role in.Nutrition facts and Information for Molasses. ESTIMATED GLYCEMIC LOAD™ Glycemic load is a way of expressing a food or meal’s effect on blood-sugar levels.
Nutrition Data’s patent-pending Estimated Glycemic Load™ (eGL) is available for every food in the database as well as for custom foods, meals, and recipes in your Pantry.Grape molasses is a molasses that are consumed in breakfast by mixing with tahini. In addition to being consumed for breakfast, it is also consumed for other benefits. The benefits of grape molasses are good for anemia, beneficial for pregnancy and reducing the risk of cancer.
Blackstrap Molasses and its Numerous Health Benefits Rich in iron, dark molasses is a traditional natural remedy for anemia. When a person is anemic, their blood does not have an ample supply of red blood cells and iron, causing the individual to feel tired and weak all the time.Helps prevent or relieve iron deficiency – a significant source of iron, blackstrap molasses can help those who are anemic (including pregnant women). Improves bone health – due to its high mineral content, particularly magnesium and calcium, blackstrap molasses can help promote strong bone health.
Molasses is good for you in moderation because it contains calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and other minerals. The health benefits of molasses have been linked to good bone health, addressing iron deficiencies, and good vascular health.Audio Podcast Medical Nutrition Blog Evidence-Based Eating Guide COVID-19 Resources. All Videos for Molasses.
Benefit of Dates for Colon Health. Seven dates a day for three weeks are put to the test in a randomized controlled trial. Flax Seeds for Hypertension.Pomegranate Molasses Nutrition Facts Pomegranate molasses is a rich source of B vitamins, as well as vitamin C and a variety of polyphenolic antioxidants. This is in addition to a low level of sugars, calcium, iron, no dietary fiber, and no fats or cholesterol.
There are also approximately 40 calories in a 1 tablespoon serving of this molasses.Nutrition in blackstrap molasses Blackstrap molasses is rich in many key bone nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and even the hard to get trace mineral manganese. Some reports suggest you only need two teaspoons of blackstrap molasses to.Molasses Nutrition Facts 100 grams of Molasses contain 74.73 grams of carbohydrates, is fiber-free, is protein-free, 37 milligrams of sodium, and 21.87 grams of water 100 grams of Molasses contain 290 calories, the 15% of your total daily needs.
Health Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses A rich source of iron, blackstrap molasses is of great significance to menstruating women, who are at higher risks of iron deficiencies. Iron, being an integral component of hemoglobin, helps in transporting oxygen from lungs to all body cells.There are 58 calories in 1 serving 1 Tablespoon of Molasses.
Get full nutrition facts and other common serving sizes of Molasses including 1 oz and 100 g.Sorghum syrup is also known as sorgho, sorghum molasses and sorgo which are made by boiling sweet juice of Sorghum cane scientifically known as Sorghum bicolor. Syrup of good quality could be produced from Sorghum genotypes having high percentage of lowering sugars.The most significant part of blackstrap molasses’ nutritional profile is its carbohydrate content. Of the 60 calories found in a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses, 52 of them come from its 13 grams.
It’s also a rich source of magnesium, a mineral that’s important for bone formation, heart health, and over 600 biochemical reactions in your body, such as energy production and protein.
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They taste so good. Natures caramel. Get them more in the uk now. They used to be hard too find. Usually only around Ramadan I’m guessing because the Muslim people break the fast with them.
I believe they have 60g of sugar in a 100g of dates. I don’t think 1 date even weighs 60 grams by itself
Iran is a major producer of this fruit,as are many countries in that region,so scepticism abounds.
Had a good chuckle on your T cubed ( Tortional-Tension-Testis) discussion, and the benefits of eating dates. Put a big grin on my face on a Friday morning. Thank-you….
When is the right time to take molasses in the morning before going to work
or before bedtime?
I read unsulfered blackstrap molasses can cause reproductive harm. Is this true?
If I bake with it, or use it on the stove top does that change the iron or potassium? Does the nutritional value change. I feel guilty using honey or mayple to bake with because I kill the pre and probiotics
My wife is 71. She discovered the BLACKSTRAP back 12 years ago. It has really helped her iron, and energy levels. 1 TBsp a day.
1 tablespoon of molasses 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in cold filtered water every morning is a awesome kick start!
If I have heart palpitations and I take black strap molasses it stops it right away! It has saved my life before I found out I had high blood pressure. Pure coconut water does the same thing, the both stop heart palpitations immediately! Both are high in Potassium.
The unfiltered blackstrap molasses I bought says 1 tbsp contains 110 mg of potassium, not 300.
If I take 2 tablespoons of BSM a day will the residual level of the Iron be ok?
Forget molasses sister, you need some IODINE yourself, your neck is showing symptoms of goitre, for real!!!
What was the name of that store? I wonder if I could buy some online?
I cant seem to find this stuff under $20 Why is it so expensive?
What is the best wayto disguise the taste? It makes me want to Gip.
Current way is a spoonful and run around the kitchen like a headless
i know this is mix with other food as a ingredients but can you drink this like a food supplement w mixing it with other food cause i saw a blog that this is good for gaining lean body mass
@HomesteadProvocateur Interesting this “coca cola” recipe, can you guide as to ratios for each to make it? A recipe maybe? Thanks!
Thank you. Unsulphered Black Strap Molassis from Healthfoodstore is recommended. Also check out earthclinic on the net under remedies/molasses where there are 9 pages of excellent feedback and benefits listed to heal certain ailments by using UBSM
I’ve started drinking molasses with my kefir and apple cider drinks in the morning, if you make it with lime juice, apple cidar vinegar honey and water, it tastes like coca cola. Excellent stuff.
Hi dr berg is date or black strap molasses is ok with keto diet?
Check WooPep handbook if you want to learn about diets much much more.
I like it because it isn’t super sweet. Awesome on pancakes and crepes.
Is the acrylamide in molasses dangerous? Mine has a warning label.
I’m a fan of the doctor but I have learned this. After buying this and that I ended up with what I said I never wanted. A dresser full of pills and liquids. I couldn’t even keep track. Basically I’m not taking all this stuff that is featured in these videos. I take about 3 and the rest I will give away.
Thx Dr., it’s tasty i put half a tsp in my coffee on Sundays. Yum
Actually dates do release their own crystalized sugar after some time. You know what I mean if you’ve eaten enough dates…
I had restless legs only when I about to sleep it was very disturbing prevented me from sleeping,the first night I took molasses I sleep like a baby,
Which brand do you recommend that my be safer than other black strapo molasses brands?
We are used to mixing one portion of tahini with two portions of molasses and use it as a dip dessert. The tahini tones down the sweetness of molasses and gives it texture.
Will adding blackstrap molasses in milk make you gain weight?
My Dad loved this stuff when I was growing up. Enjoyed your vid. Subbed.
But what about the trace amounts of the chemicals that are used to refine the sugar?
Ok, I’m late to the party, but here’s what I do:
Bulletproof coffee? Nah…I make Bombproof coffee…
Start with collagen powder, add pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, cordyceps (mushroom) powder, crushed flax seeds, and mix together…then pour I the hot, black coffee and stir in coconut oil and…. Molasses!
It’s good, powerful, and, Bombproof.
I noticed he said a couple of times, not to take if trying to lose weight (not in those words, but that’s kind of how I took it). I am trying to lose weight, is this somehow going to interfere?
Has anyone else read about the lead warnings for blackstrap molasses?
Just bought some to try for grey hair reversal, and am kind of freaked out…
I always put a tablespoon of molasses on top of my oatmeal with a pat of butter… delicious
molasses is the waste product from the making of sorghum….its all sugar…sugar is sugar is sugar. the insulin spike and the blood sugar surge for a few minerals? come on doc!
I use bakers yeast to ferment out sugar in such things as honey, black strap molasses, and for the sugar they add to natta de coco.
Its the only way I know to get the sugar out without changing the flavor to much.
Only snag is high temperature compounds, I’ve heard, but don’t know.
Wow!!!! I have been using this molasses all my life!!! But I didn’t know it is so healthy!
I started using it about a week ago, for anaemia and vitamins, however, am trying to lose weight at the same time….am mainly on vegetarian diet, so started getting premature greying early, if I use 2tbsp daily will it hamper my weight loss journey?
I think you might be giving him to much. Have you made sure to actual get the doctor to take his iron level and ferric retention. Don’t just give it to your child without knowing that you are not getting him toxic. there is a reason that you need a prescription to take iron. It can be very toxic. I just started drinking this in tea. I think its much safer than taking actual pills. But, just be careful. My doctor monitor me and I am anemic. But, If he is not… may not need to supplement him everyday or anything. Be careful!
I bought some recently and it has a cancer warning on it it. Needless to say I haven’t used it. As a person with a lot of sugar issues in the genetics I don’t think I’ll even try an unsulphured, organic version now.
Date Sugar is like 15€ a kg on amazon, that would be some expensive cake.. even coconut sugar or xylit is cheaper, it’s literally the most expensive one I know. And I guess you would need even more than ‘real’ sugar because date sugar isn’t as sweet?
Doctor,I heard this contains small amount of lead and arsenic which could cause cancer,and also on the product I seen warning note.please through some light on this.
There is completely no sugar I repeat no sugar in proper blackstrap molasses which is a concentration of 42 g per tablespoon now you people can believe whatever you want there is no sugar in black strap molasses and you could take that to the bank
I would never eat that. Most sqare miles of farmland in California is spayed with roundup and pesticides.
Is regular molasses just as good a black strap for reversing grey hair
Thank you for this!!! While I don’t want to gain weight would a 1/2 tsp in hot water be beneficial daily?
I’m in my middle 70’s and love my silver hair. How do I take this and NOT have it darken my hair, or cause it to turn a reddish color.
All those people who disliked videos from Dr Berg doing this for a long time. They love to watch videos and love to press dislike button.
If you are worried about the sugar just add to kefir or kaboocha and will get eaten up and your left with the goodiies
Try molasses in your coffee. All the iron and other nutrients plus the alkalinity to balance out the acidity of coffee. And it tastes great.
That Blackstrap Molasses is carried in tank cars on trains everyday from the United States Sugar Corporation in Clewiston, Florida and is picked up by Florida East Coast Railway at Ft. Pierce, Florida. The bees sure love those tanks lol! Never new it was so good for you! I’m gonna get me some of that goodness then!! Thanks Dr. Berg! Have a blessed day my friend!
It’s been in the Florida diet forever. I’ve got a great pecan pie, cane syrup recipe
People who are going to add sulphured molasses to the bread they’re about to bake will experience very smelly farts so you are forewarned to only use desulphured molasses. Especially if you want a denser bread and let your bread mix rise only once.
Brush your teeth immediately after you take a spoonful. Blackstrap molasses is healthy in small quantities, however, it will rot your teeth.
keith schaedel………………………………………5/29/2020……………..
Is this still okay to take even though my periods have stopped?
I’m obese but I refuse to give up honey. Can I add one Tablespoon to black coffee or plain Greek yogurt daily to get the benefits?
Anybody wonder how there can be ANY nutrients in BSM when it has been boiled 3 times? Just curious.
the sugar is the waste product..molasses is the real product
thank you for the report, it explains so much; I am so thankful.
Thanks for the post. Funny humans, we refine the sugar to eat the poisonous white crystals and give the best part to the stock here in nz.!!!!! I learned this years ago while breeding horses. They used to come onto our property with dry lifeless coats,but after getting rid of parasites and feeding them on molasses and supplying mineral salt blocks we would send them home shining. Good enough for the stock good enough for me!!!! Oats too!!!!! Cheers from Pat NZ
I always laugh when people call it a “sweetener”I can’t stand the taste of it, but use it only for health.
Here in Okinawa, they keep it on the table in small little blocks” The older people swear by it”
My own blackstrap molasses video on my channel led me here! Thanks for sharing
omg wow factor!!!! i got this immediately!! i need it so much wow.. i just stumbled on this
Blackstrap Molasses contains 38% Sucrose, 11% Fructose and 9% Glucose. Also the repeated heating of sugars result in the formation of acrylamide best avoid molasses.
organic molasses, pure maple syrup or honey from the royal hives at Buckingham are all just sugar to your body…insulin response thru the roof…artifical sweeteners also trigger an insulin response so its best to avoid them all.a few blueberries or a bit of 100% chocolate is what l use to satisfy a sweet tooth.
What about Manuka K-Factor 16? I use that in my coffee. But would like to know if it’s ok.
Thanks for making my life so much easier.
I really appreciate all the research you do on such an important matter. What should we be fueling our bodies with? Is there are a more important question. If there are, not many. Shalom.
Jaw dropped when he said brown rice syrup was the least nutritious. That stuff’s in tons of the packaged vegan snacks! Can you do one on alternatives like monk fruit and stevia also?
I like the taste of this sugar made from Arenga nectar, has it been tested anywhere?
I read that blackstrap molasses can bring your grey hair color to its original color
Can you do a video about Blackstrap molasses on the menstrual cycle and anemia? Does it actually work as an iron supplement and can it make periods lighter, skin better, and hair better?
Would date sugar work like sugar in terms of caramelization? Sweeteners like stevia can’t make caramel, so I’m curious if date sugar is the same. Also what are your thoughts on coconut sugar? I feel like it’s just regular sugar w/ a few extra minerals, but if there’s health benefits I’d like to know.
agave nectar is obviously better than table sugar it is unrefined and rich in antioxidants
table sugar has no nutrients and is stripped of vitamins and mineral agave necter has compounds that are beneficial to health and is low glycemic compared to
sugar sugar is bleached and highly refined from excessive processing Agave syrup is unrefined and keeps it self intact without all the bleaching and toxic chemicals they spray on the agave plant there is no comparison Agave syrup is way better than white sugar white sugar is gmo its like comparing fruit to sugar and saying fruit is bad because of sugar contents when fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals and antioxidants its just stupid all sugar is not the same some present positive health benefits to human health! im sorry your just wrong about agave not being better than sugar. im not against sugar or anything but even i can know by looking at the bottle that agave nectar must be better.
left out two Winners, Sorghum and Pure Maple Syrup. Maple Syrup Health Benefits and Nutrition
Manganese (aids in energy production)
Zinc (helps your immune system)
Calcium (great for strengthening bones and teeth)
Riboflavin (aids in metabolic processes)
Magnesium (associated with lowered risk of heart disease)
Potassium (helps to maintain a normal blood pressure)
I like this channel so much value!!! THANKS A LOT… I also try to create content just like this, please check out and support me: ) show some love for beginners:D ( Keep In Mind)
what about coconut sugar or rapidura sugar? Please be coconut sugar…please, please, please
Interesting since agave and brown rice syrup are often marketed as superior or “healthier” sweeteners, especially in the health food industry.
I was rooting for date sugar because it wont dissapear in my tea… but I was blown away by Agave syrup…
About 20 years ago I was very health conscious, but at the same time was hooked on lollies/candies and I used to read a lot of health articles and so on, and after reading about blackstrap molasses, it sounded like it would be really good for my health in general, so I bought some.
Within 15 minutes of taking my first drink of water with the molasses mixed in, I kid you not, I stopped craving lollies and sugar! It was incredible.
And it wasn’t a placebo affect or anything, because it never once occurred to me that it could or would have that effect, and I certainly hadn’t read anywhere that it could.
Was life-changing and from that moment I’ve never really craved or been hooked on lollies/candies again.
Unfortunately a lot of damage had been done by that point though and I now have been told that I should have all my teeth replaced and was quoted $48,000, with another $5K or so every 5 or so years after that! ☹️
But, evaporated (organic) sugar cane is not empty calories! In fact, sugar cane juice from sugar cane contains magnesium and other important nutrients. Sure, not the overly processed stuff but evaporated cane juice is dried sugar cane, which when minimally-processed, has the aforementioned nutrients. What say you to that,
I’m a huge fan of and have learned so much. But I think this is the worst video of any that Greger has done, both in form and content. I hope he would consider revisiting this topic.
this guy’s leaving way too much out of his analysis as to which is best for people. maybe all people don’t have the exact same needs either.
What about Beet Syrup? I have never used it, but it is the most local sweetener around and I was just wondering how good/bad beet syrup is compared to the other sweeteners. Any data on this?
A problem with most sweeteners is not that they are just “empty calories”, but that they also impair the absorption of nutrients, such as iron.
I would like to see how molasses or date sugar measure up.
U dont consider any vitamines or minerals or other elements!!?? Then this is empty info
I like whole dates. I will sometimes chop them up and add them to cooked oatmeal as the sweetener.
I need to hear from you, can i make my bakery or bisuits with honey instead of usual sugar? Does honey become harmful with high temperatures??
This video is good, but limited to antioxidants in sweeteners. I found a video that covers the topic in a more comprehensive way.
Ideally, food should be made sweeter by adding fruit. The less processed, the better.
I use unsweetened apple sauce, but I know that apples would be better, since they are less processed, and include the healthiest part, the peel. Convenience is hard to resist.
Thank you so much Dr. for you information and you time
I can’t find any reliable vegans talking about xylitol. How does that fit in?
Exactly what does nutrition have to do with these choices? Most of these (and I think the exception is date sugar) are not only totally worthless as far as nutrition goes, but worse, they create insulin resistance, and probably contribute to a number of other diseases. Dr. Greger has another video on sugar substitutes, where by he compares stevia, sucralose, etc, And contrary to the worthlessness of this video, it is very good.
Wow! I would have guessed molasses would have been first. Good to know!
Where would stevia or coconut sugar end up on this spectrum?
SugaVida | All Natural Sweetener
Wow this video was so exciting. I was on the edge of my seat! The suspense of not knowing which one was best was almost too much to handle!..
I absolutely love dates, whether deglet noor dates or medjool dates. I can eat so many of em. But the taste is so great that I know I have to work out just to get enough calories burned off to eat more
It’s so deceptive for them to call something ultra refined: “brown rice syrup” as if to connotate it’s healthier or wholer.
If you don’t have access to dates, use dried grapes or raisins, they are. Very very close to dates
I tried molasses recently and I just found it horrible, it may be somewhat sweet but it has other nasty flavours going on that detract from any sweetness. I put a bit in my coffee, my coffee turned like tar black (not coffee black) and it didn’t taste like coffee anymore, maybe I used a bad brand, does anybody like this stuff and what do you recommend doing with it?
Honey is sugar??? That’s bs. Honey is a proven healthy food since ages.
Try this maple syrup, a healthier sugar alternative. It’s really good!
Why did he not address how each one effects blood sugar and it’s glycemic index?? Dr Gregor, please do another video on each sweeteners affect on ones blood sugar and include other sweeteners such as stevia, coconut sugar, xylitol etc. I would also be curious to know the quality of products used. Not all honey, maple syrup are created equal. A lot of it is just diluted with corn syrup. You need to make sure you’re using the real stuff, not just honey bear.
Well…it’s because of the ingredients and nutritional list doesn’t matter.
Could you make sugar from dried raisons? Would it be healthy like sugar from dried dates?
What I got from this is to go for minimally processed sweeteners.
Ya.. Stevia is also healthy but one should choose 100% pure & natural stevia. Just make sure that the ingredient is just stevia extract. I am using this brand called FDS
Pulverized dry dates, peaches, raisings… Simple and brilliant
Part 2… continued from prior post
I am aware of your preference for dates and date sugar… and it makes total sense to me… However, I am not certain that honey is so lacking in beneficial effects… Therefore, I wish to submit the following “evidence” so that you can vet it and include anything that might be of value to me (us) out here in the world of conflicting information. Thank you.
On Honey Health Benefits
… evidence based science… a brief Google search provided the following…
An Evidence-Based Systematic Review of Bee Pollen by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration
ABSTRACT. An evidence-based systematic review including written and statistical analysis of scientific literature, expert opinion, folkloric precedent, history, pharmacology, kinetics/dynamics, interactions, adverse effects, toxicology, and dosing
Athletic Performance Enhancement
Summary: Preliminary studies suggest that the use of bee pollen does not significantly enhance athletic performance. However, well-designed clinical trials are required before recommendations can be made in this
Evidence: No changes in objective measures of athletic performance were reported in a group of athletes taking bee pollen for 75 days. Athletic performance was evaluated in this double-blind, placebo controlled study of 46 normal healthy adults (ages 20–42 years). All subjects ingested similar capsules, one of which contained granulated brown sugar, the other 400 mg bee pollen. Six tests were administered before and after the 75-day administration period. These tests were VO2max, forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), grip strength, percent body fat, and body weight. No statistically significant differences were noted in scores (Chandler & Hawkins, 1985).
The effects of a six-week course of pollen extract administration were investigated on a variety of physiological parameters in a group (N=20) of adolescent swimmers. At the time of the study, all subjects were
training on a daily basis. During the course of the study, maximum oxygen uptake increased in both the treatment group and the placebo group. There were no differences between the responses of the two groups. Vital capacity showed a significant increase in the treatment group, but not in the placebo group. The number of training days missed due to upper respiratory tract infections was less in the pollen treatment group (4 days) than in the placebo group (27 days). It was suggested that if the study had been of longer duration, this may have resulted in an improved performance by the pollen treatment group due to fewer interruptions to training (Maughan & Evans, 1982)
Cancer Treatment Side-Effects
Summary: In a preliminary study, bee pollen was found to reduce some adverse effects of cancer treatment. Well-designed clinical trials are required before recommendations can be made in this field.
Evidence: Bee pollen was effective in reducing adverse effects of cancer treatment in a double-blind, placebo controlled study of 25 women with inoperable uterine cancer. The stresses and adverse effects of radiation, such as anorexia, nausea, alopecia, inflammation, and sleeplessness were less in the bee pollen group. Leukocyte concentrations were also higher (Murray, 1991).
Summary: In a preliminary study, bee pollen, as part of multiplant therapy, was not found to increase memory in an elderly group of subjects. Well-designed clinical trials are required before recommendations can be made in this field.
Evidence (combination study): No significant effects on memory, as determined by Wechsler Memory Scale scores, were noted in a three month, double-blind, placebo controlled, cross-over study of 100 elderly Danish volunteers taking NaO Li Su (a Chinese remedy which contains bee pollen as well as radix polygoni multiflore, semem ziziphi spinosae, radix salviae multiorhizae, fructus schisandrae, and fructus ligustris lucidae) (Iversen et al., 1997).
Multiple Sclerosis
Summary: In a preliminary study, bee pollen, as part of multi-bee product therapy, was found to decrease symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Well-designed clinical trials are required before recommendations can be made in this field.
Evidence (combination study): Apitherapy (including bee venom, bee pollen, and honey) improved symptoms in 92 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Three 20-day courses of bee venom 4.5 mg daily was administered over one year. Honey 30 g twice daily (orally) was administered with bee pollen 10 g daily for six months. No other therapy was given. The forms of MS in this group were cerebrospinal (70 patients) and cerebellar (22 patients). Stage I to II patients represented 72.8% and stage III to IV patients were 27.2%. Clinical improvement was seen in 100% of patients and 72.8% of disabled patients were able to return to work (Krivopalov-Moscvin, 1997). In this study the criteria used to determine clinical improvement and improvement type were not cited and no control group was mentioned.
An Evidence-Based Systematic Review of Bee Pollen by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration (PDF Download Available).
I am aware of your preference for dates and date sugar… and it makes total sense to me… However, I am not certain that honey is so lacking in beneficial effects… Therefore, I wish to submit the following “evidence” so that you can vet it and include anything that might be of value to me (us) out here in the world of conflicting information. Thank you.
On Honey Health Benefits
… evidence based science… a brief Google search provided the following…
Traditional and Modern Uses of Natural Honey in Human Diseases: A Review
Honey is a by-product of flower nectar and the upper aero-digestive tract of the honey bee, which is concentrated through a dehydration process inside the bee hive. Honey has a very complex chemical composition that varies depending on the botanical source. It has been used both as food and medicine since ancient times. Human use of honey is traced to some 8000 years ago as depicted by Stone Age paintings. In addition to important role of natural honey in the traditional medicine, during the past few decades, it was subjected to laboratory and clinical investigations by several research groups and it has found a place in modern medicine. Honey has been reported to have an inhibitory effect on around 60 species of bacteria, some species of fungi and viruses. Antioxidant capacity of honey is important in many disease conditions and is due to a wide range of compounds including phenolics, peptides, organic acids, enzymes, and Maillard reaction products. Honey has also been used in some gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, inflammatory and neoplastic states. This review covers the composition, physico-chemical properties and the most important uses of natural honey in human diseases.
Biological and therapeutic effects of honey produced by honey bees and stingless bees: a comparative review
Honey is a natural product produced by both honey bees and stingless bees. Both types of honey contain unique and distinct types of phenolic and flavonoid compounds of variable biological and clinical importance. Honey is one of the most effective natural products used for wound healing. In this review, the traditional uses and clinical applications of both honey bee and stingless bee honey – such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antihyperlipidemic, and cardioprotective properties; the treatment of eye disorders, gastrointestinal tract diseases, neurological disorders, and fertility disorders and wound healing activity are described.
Neurological Effects of Honey: Current and Future Prospects
Honey is the only insect-derived natural product with therapeutic, traditional, spiritual, nutritional, cosmetic, and industrial value. In addition to having excellent nutritional value, honey is a good source of physiologically active natural compounds, such as polyphenols. Unfortunately, there are very few current research projects investigating the nootropic and neuropharmacological effects of honey, and these are still in their early stages. Raw honey possesses nootropic effects, such as memory-enhancing effects, as well as neuropharmacological activities, such as anxiolytic, antinociceptive, anticonvulsant, and antidepressant activities. Research suggests that the polyphenol constituents of honey can quench biological reactive oxygen species and counter oxidative stress while restoring the cellular antioxidant defense system. Honey polyphenols are also directly involved in apoptotic activities while attenuating microglia-induced neuroinflammation. Honey polyphenols are useful in improving memory deficits and can act at the molecular level. Therefore, the ultimate biochemical impact of honey on specific neurodegenerative diseases, apoptosis, necrosis, neuroinflammation, synaptic plasticity, and behavior-modulating neural circuitry should be evaluated with appropriate mechanistic approaches using biochemical and molecular tools.
The Sweet Science of Honey
Our search of the medical literature turned up several studies over the past few years that have shown a range of health benefits from honey. Those included a number of studies linking honey consumption to reduced risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as blood sugar levels and cholesterol, perhaps due to its antioxidant components.
21 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Honey
Why Honey
If you’re not taking full advantage of the nutritional and medicinal properties of honey, it’s time to begin doing so because honey is a remarkable healing agent for all sorts of ailments.
People have been using honey for its antibacterial and antifungal properties since the ancient times.
In fact, the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians documented the healing properties of honey as early as Aristotle’s mention of it in 384 BC.
Medicinal Uses of Honey
Honey has a long medicinal history. The ancient Egyptians not only made offerings of honey to their gods, they also used it as an embalming fluid and a dressing for wounds. On that last point, at least, they were on to something.
Today, many people swarm to honey for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Holistic practitioners consider it one of nature’s best all-around remedies.
But outside of the laboratory, claims for honey’s healthfulness are unproven except in the area of wound care and, to a lesser extent, cough suppression.
Here’s the truth behind the claims about honey’s health benefits and an important warning.
Preventing and treating colds: The evidence and the anecdotes
”Natural” cold remedies
So now you’ve got a cold. What treatments are effective? If you want to go all-natural, then there is weak evidence showing that honey, just a tablespoon of plain old honey, can help with the cough associated with the common cold, especially in children.11,12,13,14 The physiologic mechanism for this is unclear, but it may explain why we get temporary relief from sugary cough drops. (Note: Never give honey to children under a year of age due to risk of botulism.)
1. Effect of honey, dextromethorphan, and no treatment on nocturnal cough and sleep quality for coughing children and their parents. Paul IM, Beiler J, McMonagle A, et al. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
2. A comparison of the effect of honey, dextromethorphan, and diphenhydramine on nightly cough and sleep quality in children and their parents. Shadkam MN, Mozaffari-Khosravi H, Mozayan MR. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
3. Effect of honey on nocturnal cough and sleep quality: double-blind a. randomized, placebo-controlled study. Cohen HA, Rozen J, Kristal H, et al. Pediatrics, September 2012.
4. Honey for acute cough in children. Oduwole O, Meremikwu MM, Oyo-Ita A, Udoh EE. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, December 23, 2014.
Evidence-based medicine series: The many medical benefits of manuka honey
In my new ‘Evidence-based medicine series’ I take you through the scientific evidence for common, but not always mainstream, treatments and remedies. First up is manuka honey.
The many medical benefits of manuka honey

If I ever have a sore throat I always reach for a spoonful of active manuka honey. I swear by it, as time and again it seems to heal my sore throat and, even better, I don’t go on to develop a nasty cold virus. As a scientist, I know there is a great deal of scientific evidence for the anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of active manuka honey from New Zealand and Australia. Research has demonstrated a strong inhibitor effect of manuka honey against the influenza virus
… to be continued in follow up…
Stevia, one without fillers, is actually used as medicine against bacteria that create biofilm and is useful to treat Lyme and maybe other diseases like MS. He is looking at nutritional value but where I am looking is not feeding infection and inflammation so stevia is a winner. A quality stevia of course. We as creatures do not need all these other sweeteners, they are a crutch and they add to inflammation and overgrowth of the wrong organisms. So what is wrong with living within a less sweet world? If you are drinking a lot of lemon water as part of your detox adoption or two of stevia can make it more of a ” treat”
I knew date sugar would come out on top because the Arabs have used dates for centuries to provide a lot of nutrition with little volume during their trek through the deserts
What about raw honey? Does this not fair better than the heated and processed honey found in supermarkets?
Is date syrup as good as date sugar? Don’t think my local shop sells date sugar, only date syrup.
What kind of honey was compared? Huge difference between the cheap stuff and the good stuff, both in price and in purported nutrition.
As the title is the healthiest sweetener then I think that all health aspects ought to have been considered. Raw honey for example appears to have valuable nutrients.
Banana is the most health promoting sweetener. Try to put a banana in a quacamole, its so good. I love bananas.
what about the Glycemic Index? isn’t agave really low on that?
That’s why I take it… I heard it’s good for my hair… I just started a few days ago….
I like to have a glass of hot water with a tablespoon molasses in it, while drinking my coffee. Just don’t put too much water it makes the taste worse.
Where is daddy bear. Mamma bear.. Baby bear.. Where’s daddy?
I just started using it and now I bought a gallon and we will see if it is as great as they say..
I’ve been taking Plantation Organic Molasses in a glass bottle, for 3 years now every day. And I do feel good. Energetic
Can you take blackstrap molasses very day 1 teaspoon for period cramps???
Thanks for the video, but has it raised your glucose or sugar levels?
What brand u took n how much did u buy it for? I searched on amazon n its pretty expensive
These people promoting this most likely getting a check from the sugar industry, that’s these YouTube channels are all about the dollar, dollar bill they will sell their soul for a buck
Don’t believe the hype,
Sugar CaneCocaine ain’t nothing good about sugar, they cook the hell out of it, what else is cooked that’s ends with the word cane.. you get crack…you can get iron from various herbs like burdock, etc
It’s much healthier for you if you buy one that comes in a glass jar instead of plastic one!
People said that is good for the prostate anyone used molasses for protate
Do you have any personal testimonials with the blackstrap molasses?
Funny how you all act like you found out some thing the Natives Isrealites have used for Centuries & generations: Maple Syrup & Molasses… crooked Liars, the Globe is warming
… if you’re prone to diabetes, R U N from this shit, don’t walk.
I just purchased the exact same product, do I have to place it in the refrigerator after opening it?
blackstrap molasses is great in chai tea and its a very welcome flavor
Yup me to taste like( tira tira) visaya term. filipo local. is a candy made if milted sugar. i eat it everyday and as facial mask. molases blackstrap.
Lovely ☝️ thx I use the organic unsulphured almond milk with a banana
I love blackstrap molasses. To me it tastes like candy. I eat it by the spoonful.
Thank you for video. When should we have breakfast, tea, coffee after drinking molasses? How much time does it take?
Thank you for sharing these info:)
I just wanted to ask some question about massage if there’s no problem
does it have a specific age to practice it on our faces bc i’ve heard that you should be 30years old or more so you can be allowed to do so… plz answer me