Doctors of reddit, whats your’Thank god they came in for a second opinion’ moment? from AskReddit
Im referring to this thread. Honestly, there's a lot of vitriol towards doctors in that thread, pretty explicitly. This is distressing to me, I'm just here wanting to do my job effectively and treat patients well.
There's a lot of pretty terrible anecdotes in there, stuff I can't see a 2nd year med student missing. It seems to be the common theme among threads like this, I've personally seen them crop up quite frequently on reddit.
Wondering how we speak to people who don't have any more trust in the system, or who don't understand it. There's especially many people who have a bone to pick with the ED, but don't understand that the ED isn't the place to handle your nebulous chronic abdominal pain/cramping.
This gets me down a bit. I don't really know what to do when someone presents to me with some of these stories, how can we make them trust the system again?
Source: Original link