Table of Contents:
Got Clients with Tight Psoas? How about tight Hip Flexors?
Video taken from the channel: Fitness Education Seminars
5 Hip Flexor/Psoas Release Techniques | End Back Pain, Bad Posture, Tight Hips
Video taken from the channel: ACTIV CHIROPRACTIC
How to Stretch and Release the Iliopsoas
Video taken from the channel: GuerrillaZen Fitness
Learn the Most Effective Exercise to Release the Iliopsoas
Video taken from the channel: Somatic Movement Center
Secret Hip Flexor (Psoas Muscle) Release Exercise
Video taken from the channel: Performance Place Sports Care & Chiropractic
Tight Psoas and S.I. Joint Exercise Routine *How To Fix*
Video taken from the channel: Caroline Jordan
Iliopsoas Tendonitis (Snapping Hip Syndrome) Stretches & Exercises Ask Doctor Jo
Video taken from the channel: AskDoctorJo
According to Koch, the best psoas release for most people, at least in the beginning, is constructive rest. It’s a being (not doing) position, she says. Before you exercise or at the end of the day, constructive rest changes the whole expression of the central nervous system which is inherently linked to your psoas.The psoas muscle has a lot of power and influence, and that’s why releasing the psoas muscle can make such an immediate difference.
When I say release – think stretch, lengthen, and strengthen. If your tight psoas is shortened and contracted it’s going to be dysfunctional and weak.The psoas muscle also helps us walk. When walking, the brain sends signals down to the nerves that innervate the psoas muscle, telling it to move your back leg forward – initiating the back and forth leg movements that allow us to walk.
So every time you take a step forward, you can thank your psoas muscle!Usually, the best way to relieve pain and tension in your psoas is to perform various stretching exercises. Stretching your back, spine, and your leg muscles can help to release a tight psoas muscle and ease lower back pain. In some cases, physical therapy with a specialist is needed to release the muscle and relieve tension.
The psoas muscle is often called the “fight or flight” muscle. It tenses during traumatic and stressful experiences and holds an incredible amount of emotional residue. Trauma-informed yoga, though, is a healing practice to help free this locked tension and trauma from the psoas. Read to learn how.There are 3 steps to a pandiculation: Flex.
Gently contract the tense muscles. So, let’s say you have tight trapezius muscles and a sore neck and shoulders. Extend. Slowly lengthen the muscles you have contracted.
In the case of your shoulders, start to slowly pull them down Relax. Completely.To treat a tight psoas, do this stretch 2 to 3 times a day. 2 Combine the psoas stretch with a quadriceps stretch.
Your glutes and quads help support your psoas muscles.9 Tips for Keeping Your Psoas Muscles Happy and Healthy. Exercise, sitting in your favorite chair, wearing shoes, and even unhealed physical and emotional injuries can cause imbalance in your psoas muscles. Getting things back in balance will give you a greater range of motion and relief from pain.Treating your tight muscle doesn’t have to be cumbersome.
Incorporate easy psoas stretches and exercises, as described by Enhance Physiotherapy, into your workout routine. Hold each stretch for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat three times on each leg.>> The BEST Fix For Your PSOAS Muscle.
The BEST Fix For Your PSOAS Muscle. By Dr. Eric Berg.
August 4, 2016. Our Educational Content is Not Meant or Intended for Medical Advice or Treatment. Most Popular. Pain and Inflammation.
ALL TIME. Your Stress May Be Preventing Full Ketosis.While psoas muscle strengthening exercises are challenging, luckily there are only two exercises you need to complete. It is recommended that you complete 2-5 sessions per week of the entire outlined psoas muscle pain treatment plan—including the lower-body mobility routine, stretches, and exercises.
Supine Psoas Hold.Here’s how to release the PSOAS muscle: Place the ball first on your belly button (don’t press or anything, of course, this is just to help us locate the Psoas), then move the ball about 3-5 cm to the side then about 2-3 cm down. Now, lie on the ball and move it slightly up and down until you feel a tender spot.The psoas muscle is a deep-seated abdominal muscle in close proximately to many of your internal organs. Your psoas major is the muscle that connects your lower spine to your lower body.
The psoas muscle is many times tight and overactive, along with other hip muscles, due to things like chronic sitting and even due possibly due to chronic stress.When the psoas is chronically tight it mostly tends to pull the lower back and pelvis into anterior rotation (hyperlordosis). It is also one of the core muscles involved in the body’s “fight or flight” response in other words, long term stress can have a negative impact on your psoas muscle, making it tight and dry.
More on that below.When one or both of your psoas is tight the effects can be profound. Let’s start by looking at what a well aligned psoas muscle can do for the body.
In general we are tighter on one side of the body so it follows that one psoas is always tighter than the other but when that tightness becomes exagerrated, for any number of reasons, it can lead.
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Hello, great video:) I have snapping hip issue, when I do stretches it makes my hip area groin area worse. To the point where I can’t walk.:( it seems I am fearful of doing any more exercises, any advice would be greatly appreciated
Oh look at your cute little baby! We got three baby pitbull’s at home
has this beauty queen ever had a problem in her life? NO Sick and tire of the beautiful people having everything! the the downtrodded keep getting kicked in the balls
Mam after leg workout i m feeling snapping in external hip can i do this
I’m gonna try this every day. I’ll give weekly updates on the progress. Remind me to update ya’ll❤️
I’ve had episodes of awful, debilitating pain over the past 10+ years, and am just figuring out with my own online research this week that it’s my iliopsoas that’s causing it. This video is a Godsend! I’ve seen multiple physiotherapists over the years, but I can’t recall any of them ever pinpointing it as my iliopsoas. They all gave me exercises to stretch my back and strengthen my core muscles. Those are great, but not terribly efficient at releasing tight iliopsoas muscles! In the last year, it’s gotten so bad that I sometimes nearly double over when I stand up and can’t straighten up until I lie on the floor for a while. I’m still quite young, so this has been especially disconcerting! I’ve felt like a 90 year old in need of a walker (no offence to any 90 year olds!) Now I know what’s going on and how better to address it because of this video. I just tried the ball on the abdomen, and it noticeably helped. Thank you so much Gorilla Zen fitness! I’ll be checking out more of your videos, for sure!
My hip snaps when I am sitting and putting on pants. No doctor will tell me the diagnosis because I feel no pain. Thus, I don’t know how to make the hip snapping stop. I am active in pilates where the class does pilate split exercises on the reformer. Will these exercises help or can you recommend others knowing that I am doing these corrective exercises at my own risk?
This man is going to have at least four children.for just knowing this streching…Some lady is going to have iliopsoas
I’m gonna try this out and I hope it works I can’t do my workouts well I’m tired of this
My complaints are similar. After running It always starts in the groin going to the outside of the hip, hamstring and lower back. Outside of hip and hamstring even switches to the other leg. I donot feel a tight iliopsoas, but the softball massage does releive, but for a very short time. I fear I suffer the iliopsoas syndrome, either tendinitis, bursitis or both.
When lifting my leg perpendicular to my body, like up to the side, it feels like a muscle is snapping or slipping off a bone. Will these stretches help because it is getting extremely painful to dance:( the little work out at 5:25 is what makes it click as well.
if i stand on my left leg and raise my right till my quad is perpendicular to my torso (neutral). Then if move my knee 45 degree outward i hear a pop ((hear it through my spine) and again when i move it back i hear a pop again 10-15 dergees from neutral. After the hamstring stretch exercises i seem to have gained more mobility and the pop starts at only 50-60 degrees. Left leg has more mobility and the pop is very soft. Can i emiminate it it completely. I play tennis and i am right handed. Also strain on lower right back above the glute..
Hi! Anytime I do a deep plié in turnout, my hip pops internally, as well as when I do the butterfly stretch and push my knees down. It also happens in many other stretches with my hips. Do you think I might have snapping hip syndrome? Thanks!
Oh Lawd Jesus. He going full Magic Mike on that soft ball! Hey!!!!
Both hips pop when doin abs workout it only started happening few days ago, anyone know why?
I have hip knee elbow and shoulder popping also ankle wrists but the last two dont hurt too much the rest does its annoying because i dont know if i should continue working out ( at home dummbell workouts) pr not and because of covid situation i really don’t want to go to the doctor as my country is experiencing more and more cases. If anyone knows why all my joints are clicking and popping and some of them are painful let me know thanks.
so, everytime i do leg raises, my hips snap on the inner side of the thigh (both of the hips). Is that normal and is it the snapping hip syndrome? It makes working out uncomfortable
Awesome knowledge! Definitely helped, my isio gets destroyed and hurts next day after every hockey game. Do you have a video to strengthen it so it does not happen?
I’ve had this since I was little. My hips would pop whenever I sit cross legged or even walk. It causes no pain but there have been people who would stare at me when it happens.
Hey Dr Jo, when I was doing the exercise when laying down with leg straight and pulling the heel up first, my hip always popped in a certain place. Is there anything more I can do either right before the popping point or during the popping point to work out whatever it is making it pop? What I just said was all over the place and not written very well I’m sorry hahaha
There are a few tips for relieving hip flexors pain naturally
Gradually build up to walking 3 miles each day
Try an anti-inflammatory diet
Consider starting yoga lessons
Lookup some online guides
(I discovered these and why they work on Fergs Pain Ease website )
I can’t play football anymore I don’t know how to completely treat this
The stretches felt great but sadly didn’t do much for my problem, perhaps you have an idea what my issue might be. Essentially standing or laying on my back, if I stretch my leg all the way up straight and back down I hear a pop in my hip, almost feels like it rides up my spine, if I just raise my knee up an down the same thing happens. It doesn’t hurt but it doesn’t feel right either, any idea what this could be? Thank you.
I have a herniated disc between L4 & 5 (protrusion) and I think it caused snapping hip on the lateral side (it feels like great trochanter and IT band snap)
Can this stretching be helpful for me? I am afraid of acute pain by disc herniation
Nice and clear, Great video!! I am having a vibrating, crunching effect that travels below my hip joint toward my knee when I walk or go up stairs. I do have arthritis in both hips, this came on suddenly in only one hip. Effected leg feels weak overall. Is there stretch/exercise that can help?
Time out for a sec. So I have been running and training for a half the past 3 months. I decided to incorporate yoga in my training for flexibility for the past month. All of a sudden I’m getting this snapping hip on the right. My flexibility has improved greatly in this time. From the research I’ve done this can be caused also by weakness of the hip vs tightness and that stretching may complicate the issue. I’m pretty flexible as I come from a martial arts background. So how do I determine (other than going to a specialist) that it’s a weakness vs tightness issue? Ty ty!
Whenever I lift my left leg and extend it, there’s a snapping sound and feeling deep inside of the hip area. Not painful but I have had lower back pain for years and just recently discovered that if I stretched the left hip it eased the left lower back pain. Is this snapping/dancer’s hip?
My Dr. told me to take ibuprofen. Brilliant, thanks a lot doc.
Great video, thank you! I always appreciate any exercises that help with lower back pain.
Dr Jo I love your videos!
Are these stretches recommended for prolonged sitting? I also feel my inner thighs and quads very tight when I try to work out and this makes it quite difficult
those exercises and stretches should be done to the injured side or both sides doc?
I am doing the stretches and excercise right now at this very minute, my legs are burning like hot LAVA! It is like my butt is breathing for the first in a long time with the IT band stretch:). For the figure 4 stretch, can I lie down on my back and stretch? Amazing video:)
Caroline, this was a godsend. My psoas and hip flexors are literally always tight, especially now that I’ve started running. I’ve done some yoga videos for the psoas but they never really help. This is dope tho! Thank you! I’m gonna try and do this every day!
I have had this snapping hip for a number of years now and it’s making it really difficult to do certain things, I do a lot of stretched etc but I also have hypermobility so I need to be careful, I can do a really intense gym work and be fine but if I try and run I’m in agony, I was signed up to do a race yesterday (10k obstacle course) I had to pull out at 6km because the pain in my knee was so sore, now today my knee feels so much worse as well as my hip flexor, I know the knee pain is caused by the snapping hip, but my question is can snapping hip be fixed through stretches etc without surgery or will this always be an issue?
Caroline please show how to do crunches the correct way in your new video today?
Thank you so much! I got so much relief, especially in the figure 4 stretch. I was like yep that’s the spot. I never knew what my snapping hip was called, and I’m a dancer. I was searching on the internet and found your video! I was a dance major in college, and even my anatomy for dancers teacher wasn’t entirely sure what to tell me about my snapping hip except try to keep it from snapping and that it must need stretched. I feel so much better now! I definitely could’ve used this knowledge four years ago!
There are several tips for treating pain from hip flexor muscles at homeGradually build up to walking 3 miles dailyTry an anti-inflammatory dietConsider starting yoga classesLookup some online guides(I read these and the reasons they work on Fergs pain ease site )
first day and i think i feel already much better! thanks you are amazing
That was amazing, I am going take that challenge, give my Psoas and SI joint some relief! Thanks Caroline.
OMG! Where were you 5 days ago before I ingested tons of pain killers, iced and ben-gayed and paid for a massage? In 5 minutes I solved horrible horrible inmobility and discomfort. THANK YOU!
You are fast becoming one of my favorite you-tubers. p.s. LOVE your Tshirt!
Thnx! Couple of questions:
1. How often should you do these excercises?
2. So it is not wrong to stretch before excercising?
3. What if hips and it band is loose but adductors and outher hip keep hurting while doing the last two excercises?
Thnx, Anne!
I had the hip cracking problem for years, i wasn’t able to do lower ab workous cuz of it and it was really frustrating. After doing the first stretching exercise for the first time, it decreased the tension for 90%! Thank you!
You are amazingly funneh yeeehhhhh hahaha
Honestly, I lost it when you came out in the pink supergirl outfit.
Lol good one O fair maiden
Wow this hurts like hell. Didn’tt realize how tight these areas were.
I have had this for more than a year now and I’m 12, will this help?
Dr jo you are great!!!!!!!!!!
Plz give me some tips for “APT”
I’m suffering from low back pain
Due to APT.
Thank you for sharing this video. I took 4 days off from running so my leg can recover but it never did.After doing this stretch it feels way better.
do glucosamine and chondroitin supplements help with this issue? i got this snapping in my right hip after forcing my joint because riding the bycicle on the uphills but this snapping persists from almost a year now. it is not painful but it’s a little concering
Very informative, thank you very much. What about prone presses? do they do anything for the psoas?
Hi Doctor Jo,
I’ve done this but in exercise form. The single leg split lunge. Now i think i bend the leg too far putting it up on the bench. It resulted in a snapping kneecap and snapping hip
I’m curious what i did wrong. Is it possible to fix the popping?
⭐⭐ Leaving a Question or Comment? ⭐⭐ Hit the SUBSCRIBE button above first (if you haven’t already), and make sure you mention you’ve subscribed because I like to respond to my subscribers if I can!
If just of my hips is popping, is there any real importance to also do these for the “leg”, it’s additional time, or just focus on the hip that’s popping.
Hello! please let me know… can wearing heels a lot cause it?
I wore heels the whole day of my friends wedding and then the next day I walked a long distance in high boots (wasnt anticipating to have to walk in my shoes). this was 3 weeks ago. can this still be the reason why im sore? I also had inflamed lymph nodes in my groin. could this be linked or would my pain be due to something else?
Please tell what are the tests we can perform for popping hip bones. To better get to know what is the main reson for the popping sound in my hip bones.
Please reply.
Just do yoga. Cresent moon pose, Cat &cow pose. (Covers lower back and last pose he did) Yoga asanas cover all muscles.
Doctor Jo when I do leg raises I feel a deep crack in the inner side of my hip,this occurs since I started some hip exercises,would it get better if I do this exercises you suggested? I don’t feel any pain doing them
Hi. Tried this once and felt relief. Thank you. A couple times a day with this or only when we feel pain, or what?
Hi Dr. Jo, love your videos! How many sets should I do of the leg strengthening exercises, and how many times a week is optimal? Thanks:)
Doctor jo
If I’m laying on my back and lift my hips in the air.
With my feet ten shoulders touching the floor I get a snap elastic feeling on the side of my right leg on the outside of it between my knee and but almost in the center.
Also I have numbness in the side of my leg in the same area sometimes it gets worse.
Any idea where I should be and what would fix that thank you
my hip pops but its not painful and it only pops when I am walking. it doesn’t pop when I am running or sprinting. I feel it only while walking on the right side.. will these stretches help and what should I do about it?
Wow! Sometimes we DONT KNOW what we DONT KNOW! Neat little hip flexor article I found. Truth or Click bait?
Good stuff! I noticed a regular snapping sound coming from my right hip during a run a few weeks back. No pain, but not a sound it should be making. It’s been coming and going, a bit more frequently of late. The foam-roller IT massage really hit the spot, just below the hip joint.
BR, Tobias
I hαvε sεαrchεd fοr α bαck prοblεms sοlutiοn fοr fεw mοnths αnd αlsο this bαck pαin gυidεlinε, “Bαkοnοz Kοnο” (ɢooɢlε it) fits mε flαwlεssly. I cοuld nοw rεst withοut fεεling thαt pαin in my bαck. I αm αstοnishεd by thε pοtεncy οf this gυidεlinε. It`s gοοd αnd just whαt I wαs lοοking fοr..
I did this stretching two times already but on the second time i did this after the stretching my hip is getting hurt. Is it okay to continue this?
can i roll on the ball a few months postpartum, as i still have a baby pouch?
How do you know that your psoas is tight? Is there a test? Or does it give you a particular feeling?
I’m going to keep doing this routine. I went through the steps JUST ONCE and my lower back pain went down a lot. Thank you Caroline!
I had a stroke a year ago and have had soooooo many difficulties since then. I have an impinged rt FAI and lt shoulder and tendonitis everywhere in addition to bilateral feet pain and soreness. It’s a process!!!! I have had P.T. and watched your videos. Let me just say that your videos are awesome and very helpful. Kudos to you for taking the time to help people in their homes
Are these stretches and exercises safe for hypermobilty spectrum disorders closest to heds?
Definitely going to try these.
Been feeling my groin pulling when I’m walking suddenly or just getting up from seated/lying position.
I feel the popping in the last exercise. Am I doing something wrong?
Cool videos dude. Direct, easy to understand. Kudos from Yorkshire UK.
Recently I just started to feel snapping hip maybe for few weeks, it doesn’t hurt but I could definately feel that uncomfortableness, fortunately I found this video and it works really really well. Thank you so much for sharing.
I hear and feel cracking in my hips (both) and sometimes in lower back but i don’t feel pain. Are these exercises good for it? Thanks:)
I can feel the muscle burning hard when I stretch it. Does that mean the stretches are working?
Ok this stretch instantly gave me a tight feeling in the muscles behind buttocks and leg. It released without too much Charlie horse type of pain.
Thanks very much. This actually worked for me. Thank you will stick with the exercises!!!
3 am and I can’t sleep because I’m in so much pain. Searched and watched 4 videos before finding yours. I already do a few of the stretches you suggest but they don’t flow and I only do when in pain. I will take your challenge and start in the morning! Thank you for this video! ❤
when I did this exercise, my entire right leg started shivering too much. is it good sign or bad sign?
I have lower back pain since 9 years. Pain goes in both legs, mostly in right leg. My MRI says that Disc bulges are seen at L4/5 and L5/SI levels indenting the thecal sac without any nerve root compression.
Minimal marrow edema is seen in the subchondral portion of right sacral ala. Will This exercises help to reduce pain?
First day and feel better already. I sit so much and can really feel the stiffing of my body. You are amazing Caroline!
When lying on your back with your legs fully extended, shouldn’t you actually have a natural arch in your back? Wouldn’t that be the normal default shape of the spine when lying down?
I have a snapping (popping) at the upper inner thigh when internal rotating my thigh. Often without hurting. When doing some internal rotation reps, it stops snapping but it starts snapping again the day after. I first felt the snapping, without pain, in the deep squat position during the warm up.
So helpful for my ballet classes as an adult returning after a several-year hiatus! my psoas was very tight and strained.
Hey…i have struggled with SI back pain for yearrrrrs….i did these exercise around 4 times a week for a month (as well as other pilate routines)…but these exercises work…i no longer have regular pain…im going to keep doin these regularly thank you!
please do not do the first method it is dangerous. Literally anything else would be better.
Useless video that forces you to click on a link to see another dull video, I am not even sure it’s not against youtube rules to force people out of the site to see another video.
Very very useful guide to unlock hip flexors
Caroline in the first exercise, with the lunge and twist, my right knee has a lot of pain and I cant get through the exercise. My entire right hip flexor is more tight, ive got a lot of lopsidedness going on but do you have any tips for reducing knee pain? I already doubled up my mat under my knee
I am so grateful for this video. It has renewed my hope. I was so frustrated with my limited mobility. I have been using this video regularly for two weeks, and I have experienced incredible relief. I can stand up straight after a full day of work and I don’t have any trouble getting out of bed in the morning. This video is a life saver. Thank you.
Hi Dr. Nguyen, i am experiencing slight soreness around my right SI joint area (just around the dimple) and pain on the outside of my right knee only (definitely IT band)… i also have that popping or snapping sound at the top of the right thigh while doing bicycle crunches….. would these stretches be applicable to my situation? or do you hav any suggestions as to what i can do to help?
Second day for me, just wondering whilst in the lunge position with the left leg forward only my right glute will activate, also performing the mat quad stretch my quads are extremely tight and if I incorporate the glute at the same time the quad get very tight, is this normal? I feel much looser in the hips even from 2 days, I’m definitely going to practice these moves daily
and I appreciate the video you’ve made. Thank you Caroline.
I just discovered your video yesterday. I have an injured iliopsoas for months, seen a body therapist, doing stretch exercises, some relief but not like this. OMG! Your video already helped from Day One (yesterday)! I followed again today..relief! THANK YOU! I plan on doing this for the next month. Question: How many times can I do this each day?
interesting points,if anyone else trying to find out causes of tight hip flexors try Nevolly Hip Relief Nerd (just google it )? Ive heard some decent things about it and my brother in law got amazing success with it.
Hi I enjoyed the sciatica exercises.. Did or do you have a video just focusing on piriformis syndrome?
I would love to chat with you to know if I am able to fix a pain I have on one movement
Thank you for this hip flexor release video. Great exercises and flow. My hip feels much better after only two days of doing this video!
You’re awesome. Felt instant results and relief. God bless you.
After being hit by a car while I was riding my bike, I spent seven years of my life never knowing why I was in so much pain… for the first time, after watching this video, I was able get some feeling back in my left foot and can stretch my leg without burning tightness in my hip. Thank you.
thanks for this. my hip rotation is improving my golf already!
My pαrtnεr suffεr frοm αchεs οn his lεg, nεck αnd bαck. Bεcαusε οf this pαrticulαr lοwεr bαck pαin gυidεbοοk cαllεd “Bαkοnοz Kοnο” (ɢooɢlε it), hε wαs αblε tο trεαt thοsε prοblεms. Hε sαid it givεs thε cοmfοrt hε wαnts whilε αslεεp, εspεciαlly in stαying αwαy frοm bαck discοmfοrt..
Wow! Sometimes we DONT KNOW what we DONT KNOW! Neat little hip flexor article I found. Truth or Click bait?
I couldn’t stand up straight, or walk without severe pain, and limping. After doing this video once, I am standing up straight, without pain. Excellent information, and instruction. Thank you for sharing this!!!
Hi Doctor Jo I have cracking in the groin and also on the side of the hip but with no pain, not sure will these stretches help at all?
Really nice video. I’m trying to figure out what is my problem as I swear it’s my Iliopsoas. I went to the gym, about 2 or 3 days later I had leg weakness purely just in my quads. When I say weakness it was more just tiredness, freaked out totally thought it was MS or ALS / MND or something severe, however neurological tests are all fine etc and way too much coincidence on timing. 2 months later the problem is still there, yet now accompanied with pain all around my hips and depending on how I move my lower back also. Phyio’s have given me static stretches (different than what you have shown) but never said anything about having to do the release prior to the stretching. I’ve still yet to improve though and it’s extremely frustrating and worrying.
Been going this for 3 days and I love it already. I’ll definitely keep doing this everyday. Thank you.
serious question ok. is normal to release son gas while doing the first exercise. it seems that accidently fart like in the first minute or something
Hi Caroline! I have suffered from ilio-psoas tendinopathy, pinching hip and tight SIJs/lower back pain for ages and I found this video today. I’m going to try do it 3 times a week but I feel excited as I did one today and it already feels like it has helped! Thank you so much
I did this for the first time yesterday, and my low back and psoas felt better all day and through the night. I’m going to try and do it everyday for a month. Thanks
I’m studying relieving back muscles pain at home and found a fantastic website at Fergs pain ease (look it up on google)
Did this video for 31 days straight. Along with the other exercises I have been doing, long walks being one of them, my hips have not been this aligned in years. I can’t actually remember the last time they felt like this. Thank you for this video and for challenging me
It’s 2am and i cannot sleep due to my lower back/glute pain. I came across this video and i can’t believe how much release in my hips and thighs you’ve given me. thank you.
GOOD video. HOWEVER, YOU HAVE TO STOP SYAING “K” AFTER YOU MAKE A STATEMENT. This is a very bad speech habit that you have aquired. After awile, the viewer stops hearing what you’re saying and just waits for you to say “K” again.
It’s the same as mrepeatedly saying, ‘Ya klnow, ‘ or ‘Know What I mean?’
Hello dr Jo
My both hips have pain in my groin and snapping. My doctor sad it’s looks like I have tendons problem (all x-rays and MRI done and pretty normal)
Other youtubers saying need geve a time to rest and heal
My Q is what about the streching… is it going to make it worse…what about to go for PT
I’ve watched alot of your videos but just found this one. I’ve had 6 yrs of pain, misdiagnosis, misalignment, chiropractic adjustments and surgery lots of physical therapy too. Last diagnosis was obturator internus and do or don’t stretch hip flexors, etc etc. Back pain and chronic like weekly pelvic twisting sending me to get adjusted over and over and over. I prayed all day today that God would help me figure this out!!! I logged onto youtube and there you were. Thank you so much, this is the missing piece of my issues I am sure of it!!! Only thing is not sure where my belly button is, I’m older, had 3 kids and it’s not where it used to be LOL.
Thank you so very much for this video…I got some amazing relief!
Learn How To Unlock Your Hip Flexors Here:
Looked interesting but I couldn’t concentrate with that annoying (and useless) music.
i had horrible si joint pain 3 months postpartum did this exercise for a week and my pain is almost gone, the poas are still tight tho, will keep doing it
Does this help with hip “catching” and “locking”? I have this in my left hip and it feels unstable:/
Thank you Caroline, my mom does this every day. The stretches are helping her pain and keeping her positive. Thanks so much for your amazing videos!!!!!!
Can the psoas be weak? If you have APT can the PSOAS be weak and not tight?
Jus’ wondering, if I have damage to the connecting tendon should I have an MRI or the like to properly diagnose before embarking on stretching? Note: Had THR 7 weeks ago and probably due to over-activity I am having extreme difficulty walking. Doctor and PT have not adequately addressed. Am 57-years old and “was” in good physical condition.
Oh, and is my surgeon the right one to properly diagnose this issue? I say this because PT and her minions had me doing exercises that created level 9-10 pain and finally I decided to stop seeing her.
Thank you. Are you located in Chicago? Or can you recommend a proper PT here? I thought more of a Core Fitness massage/stretching PT might be a better course of action.
This can lead to a huge problem, dont try without enough knowledge
taking your challenge and doing this every evening after work! Today was day 1 and I feel more relaxed and flexible through my quads and low back already
Sir I love your channel. Keep blessed.
I have a problem when asleep.
My hips hurt alot. My Knees jam up.
Pl let me know the way forward.
I’m wondering….I am just fat that I don’t know if I could get a ball into that area to do it justice, what do you suggest?
Thank you so much for this video! I do it as often as I can it has helped me with my si joint pain a lot! I also saw that you have chair cardio!!! Omg sign me up!
Can a very tight iliopsoas cause movement loss in the foot of the same side, very difficult to externally rotate the leg, slappy gait and difficulty in doriflexion of the foot
As a Massage Therapist I find when working on my clients the best way to access the Psoas is to lay in your side. You can move your knee toward your head to create flexion in the hip and you can feel it tightening and with my fingertips I actually can get very deep rectus abdominis is out of the way and I could feel so as minor major and iliac us and it works amazing so you could try that if the ball is too difficult or if you’re not able to locate it that’s what I’d recommend
Hi Jo! So a couple of months ago i experienced my first injury since going to the gym. I had a groin strain on my right side and the weird thing is after it healed i noticed that my left hip started clicking whenever i would squat or lifted my left knee up. It doesn’t hurt nor did it ever hurt but sometimes my left side feels kind of irritated. Also i did start experiencing lower back aching here and there could that signify an imbalanced hip?? To this day i still experience these symptoms and I haven’t had a chance to get checked out bc i don’t have insurance at the moment ): Do you think these exercises will help?
I walk with limp. Could it be the illiopsoas.
It started about 9 years ago while I was getting a massage on right buttcheek and lower bask. It all happened in 5-10 minutes. Is there anything else that it could be?
Am in Temecula CA and have no knowledge of you location but if you’re is southern ca, I can come to you.
I kept coming back to your anterior pelvic tilt correction video, because your solutions are gentle compared to many of the power lifter solutions. However the video claims to be the “basics”, and I was wonderin of you would offer an intermediate and an advanced one as well. So far, your have the most unique tutorials, such as developing the front of the neck muscles (which I’ve been searching for for over a year. So in grateful.)
I have pain in my lower back and pelvis
A muscle in there feels soo TIGHT i
Got it from doing too many kicks at kickboxing
Wow, I was suppressed HOW painful and undoable this all was for me on my right side. This has helped me know what I need to do to further address the countless health problems that this has led to for me. Thank you so much man. Just got the ebook too, super stoked
Google “Kemzαnο Loni” back problems guidebook to learn why it’s beneficial. It considerably relieved my severe back pain brought on by a recent injury. I was able to position well on my side or back, relieving a few of the spasms…
Got blast doubled by a bigger wrestler in practice and since then I’ve had hip pain
Hey! Thanks for the video. I am looking for a recommendation on how to perform the ‘passive’ psoas stretch while laying on my back. My back, in a passive state, arches like it’s from St.Louis due to an anterior pelvic tilt. To get it flat I need to engage my hips to flatten it. This goes against “letting gravity” doing the work. Is what I need a correct course of action? There is no pain, or discomfort just muscle fatigue shakes… I can certainly feel the muscles working, but not a real stretch. Thank in advance.
I have snapping hip chronically tight psoas’ but stretching them always makes them feel so much worse. I’ve tried doing it very gently and have excellent posture in doing it. Mechanically, what would the psoas be overreacting to for it to be so tight? I have strong glutes but they struggle to fight my psoas’ even with constant glute activation light exercises as well.
Can anyone tell me if these exercises should be done every day, or is it best to leave gaps? Also how long should I expect it to take for these stretches to start taking effect?
hi doctor please help me my hip is snapping and very painful please suggest me
I’ve been doing a lot of walking. I work security so you can imagine how long I’m on me feet. Even though you said sitting is a big co tributor, I can’t say that the soreness that I’m feeling after a shift is anything but this muscle group.
I’ll follow up after trying these stretches and let you/other commentors know if this was my problem.
Hi Sorry I don’t know your name but these are really useful but what if the pain is around the attachments in the back, as all these exercises seem to focus on the frontal attachment? I’m a runner and my issue starts at the back along the spine. thnx
Can a tight psoas be a contributing factor to hip impingement?
I did the kneeling one near the end and I like that stretch as have never done it before, but way better than standing and pulling on my foot next to the glute! thank you! My physical therapist daughter had me search out this stretch.
This has become a regular part of my fitness routine and it is well worth the time. Psoas, hips and most importantly my low back feel great. Thank you.
“Do the release technique on both sides”, you said. Both sides of the belly button?
Caroline, I cannot THANK YOU enough for posting this video! I have been praying for pain relief and a simple video to follow and the Lord led me to yours. I have completed your exercises in this video every day for five weeks…and what a difference it has made! My hip pain has been greatly reduced and I rarely take pain medicine. Thank you!
When I do squats my right hip pops if I ignore this and do like 15 to 20 reps I get a pain in my knee, it only happens in the right side…I had x Ray and that was fine,nothing wrong with my bones, I don’t understand what exactly it is.
Teaching is a real skill…. you’re a great teacher! Thank you Doc, wish you all the best and every success ✌️
My poor psoas has been through all of the traumas Blake described. No surprise it hates life.
Awesome. This was so bad 5 years ago that it healed with my iliopsoas shortened, and I needed surgery to lengthen it. I have multiple sclerosis. I won’t ever let it get that bad again! Great video!!!
this has been extremely helpful, my left hip flexor gets to the point of being so tight that it’s painful just to do a body weight squat. i tried so many stretches and none of them worked (as you mentioned in the video) after doing this i can finally not have pain when doing squats!
I am a karate student.when I do front kicks my left leg hip is snapping.why
The ball combined with the Kettle bell is genius. Its like a guided missile. Note to any watching, it works best with a cast iron bell without the plastic coating, as the rough surface grips the ball very well.
“I’m going to keep my arms as bent as possible the entire video like a squirrel so as to make my guns bigger brah”
Im a gymnast so whenever i lie down and split my legs and bring them back up or do leg raises it pops and its so loud and feels so uncomfortable
Dude! Answer the question already many people have asked how heavy the kettle ball should be. Great video otherwise, thanks.
Hi I believe I have a left SI joint problem however I’m not so sure. Is there anyway I can confirm or have a test to show its a SI problem? Also I’m getting pain in the bottom of my left foot. I have started training again after a few years off due to lower back injury. When running on the treadmill after the workout I get pain in the groin area. Is this SI related? Many Thanks
2:13 i can even not get this pose… Are my psoas too tight?
Stretch you psoas, psoas to not end up with tight hip flexors.
Why would you want to do a release before the stretch?
I would think that it would be more effective to role over the ball on your back, as where you were rolling the psoas is more posterior. It only comes forward as it enters the hip cavity and joins with the iliacus. As you are doing it you’re just crushing your internal organs.
Really helpful. Made a big difference to my prblms. Back pain is no fun. But good pain is soooo good to feel. Didnt know abt these muscles until recently. And still learning hoe to stretch, lengthen & heal them. I wish more therapists have this knowledge to point people in the right direction. A lot of back exercises hurt more than help when one already hv a serious prblm or injury. Thank u so much for ur awesome video. Liked & subbed.
Thank you for the video it worked to relieve pain in my hip and butte area
Hi,I have pain when I turn my leg inward.. really awful pain in my hip flexor. Do you have a video for that. Thank you doc!
Hi Jo, got an issue when I run I get a hot spot in my lower back to the out side of of my SIJ any thoughts. Thanks for the great vids
Just give giving this a go laid on floor going to town on the ball and the wife walkes in thinking I’m getting a bit to personal with the rug
On in seriousness I’ve had a bad arch in my spine and pain in my hip for over 20 years. And it’s hindering my deadlift which as a competitive strong man is no good. For so long I’ve been presuming it was my glutes that needed to he stronger
there is a little pain while exercising should i continue despite the pain?
As a woman, I’m just worried about my ovaries being right in the same area. Any tips? How will I know I’m in the right spot?
Thank you for this! I am a professional dancer and my psoas is always tight. I have been trying to stretch it for months to release tension, but I think I forgot about massaging it. So let’s see how this will work out!
I have a snapping hip, I also have scoliosis, so my hips aren’t aligned together. Does this affect any of these exercises?
Biggest guess is how do I get in the first position? 2 ND maybe possible…?
Thanks for the video. I’ve been icing my hip bone for 3 weeks when I should have been icing my lower right abdomen!!
Would these stretches be good for me, my left hip pops on the side of my hip and I don’t feel any pain only discomfort. Im afraid that it will affect me in the future since i do alot of weightlifting.
Taking the 30 day challenge cause I need something to relief this hip pain!
This is a good video however ball work is contraindicated for an woman with an IUD you might want to mention that. Also the aorta is on the left side any pulsing felt should be avoided.
This is my first time doing this routine and Omg thank you soo much I feel better already amazing simply amazing thank you
Um I literally do these stretches everydayI’m a dancer. My hips have always cracked but just yesterday it cracked and now it hurts. I can’t go to the doctor rn but it hurts like whenever I move it in a way that isn’t walking
I really enjoyed this stretch. You explained stretches through out in so much detail & enthusiasm. Thank you so much!
Thank you so very much for this….I’ve been having severe problems with my tight psoas and related back problems. I couldn’t figure out how to stretch it out. I did your exercises for the first time last night and had a wonderful sleep. I woke up without pain. A first in a very long time. My lower back feels better and my overall well being has improved. THANK YOU!!!
About a hour after doin this I was really stiff is this norma plz l..?
Sir I am suffering from this illopsoas problem since 2009. Hope these exercises may help me out. I will further reply over this. Thank you very much for your kind service!
Both of my hips pop whenever I do my abs workouts. Hopefully this video helps
I had a cycling accident two months ago and fractured s4. I have severe backache and also the feeling that the right hip joint isnt rotating smoothly when I walk/run, there is pain and this weird feeling. Now I have plantar pain too on same side foot. Is this an SI alignment issue due to trauma or psoas issue? I am in physio and working on back and hip strength and flexibility.
Omg..relief after 1 session! My pain is drastically reduced. THANK YOU!!!
Clenching your gluteaus or “butt” is essential or else you will not get the desired stretch!
I currently have an issue where my left hip pops when I lift and lower my leg. I have horrible flexibility issues and in the last week, it has turned into an issue where I cannot actually stand on my toes. I tell my body to toe life and its as if the nerves arent telling the muscles to do anything. I can barely lift my legs, they feel like they weigh a million pounds. I feel paralyzed and Im only 32. No trauma or weird stuff. Pain is in lower back but transitions down through legs. I just am so depressed and gaining weight.
How do you not have more views. You are very knowledgeable and awesome!
Thank you. Had a difficult time putting my socks on.. Weight and ball helped release my psoas.
Rename this video “how to get random people to rupture their appendix by trying to release the iliopsoas.”
Very very useful guide to unlock hip flexors
Really glad I dug back into the archives and found this video! These look like great exercises for me. I am constantly plagued with hip-flexor issues.
I\’m not sure but,if anyone else wants to discover hip flexor pain exercises try Letza Joint Relief Lessons (just google it )? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my partner got great results with it.
Dr Niguyen,
Thank you for the video. I have one question: I feel pressure when I attempt to cross my left leg over my right thigh when sitting. Do you believe that could be a tight psoas?
Your videos help me as a personal trainer and a bjj practitioner thanks bro
I’ve had an inguinal hernia that I have been trying to heal naturally for a while now, and I am about 90% of the way there. I realized that I had anterior pelvic tilt, and once I started working on fixing that by mobilizing my hip flexors the whole area where the hernia is feels different and more normal to the touch. The hernia barely pops out any more, and if it does it is 1/4 of the size that it was before. I’ve been thinking that my psoas is super tight and will not release, and is causing lordosis, but I have a feeling when it does release, things will be situated better to hold the hernia in. I guess my question is, do you think it’s possible the psoas being extremely tight could be allowing the hernia to slide through the inguinal canal? I know it’s a very complex area, but just wanted to get your thoughts on if you think it’s possible. Thanks.
These are good any idea how to incorporate to relase pain in the pirformis and release numbness tingling and pain down the back of the legs? Thanks
Hello! I get a popping feeling when I do for example leg raises and situps in my left hip. It gets really frustrating and can also happen sometimes when just laying down in bed and rotating/lifting the leg up or down a little. Found this video, will these exercises posiblly help? I have no known recent injuries and it started happening when I was doing sit ups at a situp bench a few weeks ago.
The band that you use at the end on a post….is it flexible or like a yoga strap. It looks like it might have a bit of ‘give’ in it but I can’t tell properly.
The leg lifts exercises give me the sensation that my hip is popping out! Any ideas?
How long will it take to get rid of the snapping popping sensation in my hip?
Hello doctor your videos are very useful. I have learnt a lot from them and I often share it with my physiotherapist to learn the finer points. Can you please consider making a video series for patients with limitation. For example I suffer from chronic abdominal muscular pain and I have to find and improvise on exercises for upper body so that I do not strained the abdominal muscles further. I therefore found a way to exercise biceps and triceps by lying down. It would be great if you can perhaps describe more for exercises for upper body which people with back or abdominal pain can do while lying down. You can make similar search series for people with other limitation also. Thank you and may God bless you for taking the time out to share and educate on such important topics:-)
Hi: thanks for this video! Question: How heavy was that kettle bell that you placed on the softball on your psoas?
Nice job and great video. I needed this. This is very unique compared to other videos on the topic. Thanks!
Caroline how do I do the sides of the abs?
Please show how today.
Can you make a video or a loop just saying Zoas Muscle the whole time
I was 38 when I had to get a hip replacement on my right hip due to arthritis…now my left hip snaps…I’m 39 ♀️
Thank you for the stretches. The palm angels jacket is also dope
Good to see videos about this on here as there is not enough awareness. Just seen this pop up in suggestions. So many people out there who think they have a pot belly and spend hours lifting weights or endless cardio and see no improvement. It is all down to this guys.
I lose some rest because of my back pain. I love to rest on my side and this was tossing my hips out of place. I never encountered this sort of circumstance once again after I discovered about this particular back ache guidebook known as “Kemzαnο Loni” (Google it). I can now sleep well again given that my back discomfort is gone..
Omg!! My right hip flexor and thigh were hurting when I started the video and now I feel great!! I have been getting osteopathic manipulation for many years for SI joint and hip and back pain and some of the things we did in this video are things my doctor does to me. Amazing!! I will be adding this video to my workout routine!
I don’t suppose you have a QL release; I find that one to be the hardest to find a good release for without needing an extra pair of hands to do it for me. Maybe you have one already I’m not sure…
Also would you recommend such releases with certain spinal/structural problems-(herniation mainly)
There are a few ideas for relieving back muscles pain naturally
Gradually build up to walking 3 miles daily
Try an anti-inflammatory diet
Consider starting yoga lessons
Checkout some online guides
(I read these and the reasons they work on Fergs pain ease site )
I’m shocked on how well the pressure point makes a difference.
I felt the ice pick feeling and how the pain was radiating to my lower back. Huge relief from what I’ve been feeling for the past 3 months
If the Psoas attaches to the spine then travels over the front of the Pelvis and attaches to the top of the leg how does massaging your belly help? The Psoas muscle lies under your stomach, guts and Abdominal muscles. Rolling a ball will just squish all these body parts before touching the Psoas. The only way to stretch the Psoas is to bend the back at the hips backwards. Lay on the floor on your front, lift your torso off while keeping legs flat on floor. Any bending forward stretch just contracts the Psoas. This muscle contracts to raise the legs so to stretch it you must do the opposite movement.
There are a few things for ways to exercise hip flexors
Gradually start walking further each day
Try an anti-inflammatory diet
Consider trying yoga classes
Checkout some online courses
(I learned these and why they work from Fergs pain ease website )
mate great videos!!! very clear and precise and not too long, going to lay on a ball now:)
In today’s world, most people make a living from a seated position along with sitting in their car and while at home. [Check Details Here=> ] All of that sitting over time increases tightness in the hamstrings. Having tight hamstrings causes the hips and pelvis to rotate back which flattens the lower back causing lower back pain and poor posture.
When i do the last one it snaps a few times (m a athlet) i gonna update on this asap (plz tell me if m doin something wrong)
here’s a few suggestions for relieving hip flexors pain at home
Gradually build up to walking 3 miles every day
Begin an anti-inflammatory diet
Consider starting yoga classes
Checkout some online courses
(I read these and the reasons they work from Fergs Pain Ease website )
Thank you. The kettle bell is new for me! have been aging good success with pressure anteriorly. I always feel a lot of pressure directly in my spine / laterally. I have assumed this is to be expected given the ricin and insertions if the oasis. Do you agree?
Thank you, this is just what I needed. Your positive outlook is catching:-)
I`d like some advice! I did LEG RAISING exercise from lying position
and raising my legs to 90 degrees. I Did 40-50 reps in series.
Three months afterwards I started feeling discomfort in low back
Gluteus Maximus region and popping sounds when walking.
Also popping sound sometimes occurs while I`am straightening my knee. I feel more discomfort on the left side. I`d appreciate any advice!
You got it right just the iliacus massage. The other things you do are ineffective or wrong (expecially the stretch with the band..)
When doing the splits, i was half way down. Almost done it! But then i hear a snap or crack coming from my hip. It didnt hurt at first but now it hurts. It makes me hard to walk. Is this normal to hear the crack when doing the split? Should i rest?
Hey, great videos you got here! I was curious if you can show me some hip abductor exercises. Mine seem really weak, as I have swaying from side to side issues.
Amazing. Suffered with lower back pain forever. Been to see various chiropractors and been told twisted hip etc. Do these exercises and already freely mobile. Thanks very much.
Yo Blake. Just commentint to say your hair looks a lot better nowadays:p
Just did all of these and they really helped. Hope your trip was fun. Are you coming this Sunday starts at 12 at Cookie 10th year anniversary? Sifu
I accept the challenge, Caroline! What was diagnosed as hip bursitis is now bilateral femoral-acetabular impingement disorder. I just tried your video, and it hurt, but felt so good so I think it’s just what I need to help me. Thank you!!
u always remind me Indonesia
but u great
here’s a few suggestions for ways to exercise hip flexors
Gradually build up to walking 3 miles daily
Try an anti-inflammatory diet
Consider trying yoga lessons
Lookup some online guides
(I learned these and the reasons they work from Fergs pain ease website )
Awesome vids and very informative! Definitely gonna be trying these.