Table of Contents:
Daily Swole #1209 SWOLEVENGERS ASSEMBLE! | Every Damn Day Fitness | Obese To Beast
Video taken from the channel: The Daily Swole
German Volume Training In Conclusion
Video taken from the channel: Every Damn Day Fitness
The Instagram Stories of Sonalee Rashatwar | Listening to Your Doctor
Video taken from the channel: Every Damn Day Fitness
Thoughts On Hot Yoga
Video taken from the channel: Every Damn Day Fitness
Suggestions For Lifting Beginners
Video taken from the channel: Every Damn Day Fitness
The Fitness Addict Goes To the Gym After the Club
Video taken from the channel: Every Damn Day Fitness
Yoga Every Damn Day A Yoga Sequence
Video taken from the channel: Tamara Yoga
5 Tips to Yoga Every Damn Day 1. Commit to a few minutes a day.. It’s better to practice for five minutes each day than one hour once a week. You 2. Affirm that your daily practice need not be a workout.. A daily asana practice is highly physically beneficial, but 3. Remember that yoga is more.
Ways to Do Yoga Every Damn Day ( Alex Kaufmann ) COMO MALHAR. Do These 5 Exercises Every Morning 5 Minute Mobility & Stretch Routine Duration: 7:50.I personally have a good, solid yoga practice, doing it on my own or attending classes regularly (three to four times a week).
Until recently, however, I could not find a sustainable way to do yoga every single day. I wanted to do it every damn day, just as I know that you want to do yoga every damn day, but it’s damn hard.Yoga isn’t reserved for gyms and studios. You can do yoga at the park, under the stars, and even in your bedroom floor. “Do Yoga Every Damn Day” will show you how to start a yoga practice at your own unique pace. Buy now and discover What Stress and Zombies Have in Common 5 Really Good Reasons to Start a Yoga Practice.
Thus, I resolved to start 2016 by doing yoga, well, every damn day. Read on, as I share what I learned, as well as valuable insights and advice from the teachers and students I encountered along the way. The world of yoga is vast—and every day is a chance to broaden your horizons.Sure, I talked about doing yoga every day. (These 11 ways to make yoga easier at any size can help.) You can do it literally anywhere. rakoptonLPN/Getty Images.
It was day.Just a few weeks after that first class I was doing yoga every day. Since I was in Florida, I lived a mile and a half from the beach. I’d go there every morning with my yoga mat and do a self-practice. (And doing yoga outside has even more benefits, BTW.) I recorded my flows so I could see my form, got really into meditating, and it became my.I could do this, I could do yoga every day for 30 days and hopefully ease my way into a healthier lifestyle.
For 10 days, I woke up early every morning to do yoga while my daughter slept. I figured that getting up first thing in the morning and getting it out of the way was the best option for me.I love yoga. Along with my demanding job and single-parenting a toddler, I teach a yoga class once a week. Yoga, I knew, was something I could do more of.
Yoga helps me feel connected, present, and calm. So I made a commitment to myself, do yoga every day.8. Yoga helps relieve stress. Prevention states, “During periods of transition, the holidays, or anytime life starts to get a little complicated, a quick yoga break (even just 10 minutes, if that’s all you have) can take the edge off.”.
I can tell you from personal experience that yoga absolutely does reduce stress. I can usually feel stress manifest itself in my shoulders.If you’re a yoga practitioner in 2016, chances are you have had some exposure to the yoga of social media. You may even be familiar with the “yoga every damn day” hashtag that unites a community of yogis in the pursuit of a devoted daily practice.The Self-Love Checklist: 50 Ways to Self-Care Every Damn Day. follow.
Avesha Parker 50 Followers. Facebook Twitter. 18.5k. 169. Sleep at least seven hours a day. Start an exercise routine (yoga, pilates, the gym, take a walk).
Increase those endorphins. Say no, and be okay with it.Yoga “Every Damn Day” just means “using the tools of yoga to work towards becoming your truest self every damn day.” There’s not set of poses you have to do. There’s no length of time you have to “practice.” There’s no telling what you are going to need each day. Try not to let your ego get in the way, as it so easily does.
A little yoga goes a long way. We try to spread the gospel of shorter, more efficient workouts, the less-is-more mentality, and the fact that something is better than nothing.And that includes how we approach our yoga practice. Sometimes, however, when you’re crunched on time, it’s nice to know the poses to focus on to get the most bang for your physical, mental, and emotional buck in.
How to do yoga EVERY DAMN DAY. by KassandraR | Sep 26, 2017 | Uncategorized. Home » Uncategorized I’m an Ottawa-based Yoga Instructor on a mission to help others feel great with yoga. I started practicing yoga in 2008 as a way to become more flexible and learn to manage stress and anxiety.
Little did I know in a few short years I would.
List of related literature:
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from Flowers on the Path (eBook) | |
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from Yoga For Dummies, Pocket Edition | |
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from Pop Culture Yoga: A Communication Remix | |
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from The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali: A Biography | |
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from Lalita Sahasranama | |
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from Oswaal CBSE Question Bank Class 12 English Core Chapterwise & Topicwise (For March 2020 Exam) | |
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from Yoga for Warriors: Basic Training in Strength, Resilience, and Peace of Mind | |
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from The Eight Immortal Healers: Taoist Wisdom for Radiant Health | |
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from The Cult of Tara: Magic and Ritual in Tibet | |
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from Three Hundred Important Combinations | |
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from Yoga for Pain Relief: Simple Practices to Calm Your Mind and Heal Your Chronic Pain | |
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from Garuda Purana | |
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from The Inner Tradition of Yoga: A Guide to Yoga Philosophy for the Contemporary Practitioner | |
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from The New Evolution Diet: What Our Paleolithic Ancestors Can Teach Us about Weight Loss, Fitness, and Aging | |
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from Gaṇeśapurāṇa: Krīḍākhaṇḍa | |
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from Burning the Tables in Las Vegas: Keys to Success in Blackjack and in Life | |
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from Methods of Group Exercise Instruction | |
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from Yoga Beyond Belief: Insights to Awaken and Deepen Your Practice | |
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from The Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies: Yoga: India’s philosophy of meditation | |
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from Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Chakras: Your Definitive Source of Energy Center Knowledge for Health, Happiness, and Spiritual Evolution |
About the Counting thing.. Tom Platz, you know Tom Platz? Biggest Legs ever?
He said himself he does count reps only to 5.
5 5 5 because it’s easier to handle. 15 sounds more frightening than 5 and another 5 and so on.
I’ve seen a lot of tipsy. He is sober. Also his gym is pretty slammed for 4:00am.
can you please answer how you get happy with your body image even after losing lots of weight. How do you learn to like what you look like in the mirror, I still have 7 kg of body fat to loss, but I am not liking how I look, I love how I feel and I love how fit ans strong I am but I do not like how I look one tiny bit.
Paralysis by analysis was my biggest problem. I would change programs or fad diets every week or even every day until I heard Papa Swolio’s message about not complicating your shit. He also said that nobody really knows what the best way to lose weight is and just START, pick one and give it your all. This message just made something click in my head and for once in my life I feel like I’m in control. I cannot thank him enough for helping me get out of my head.
Such a great video. One way I prevent myself from binging is video games. It is hard to eat when you are shooting zombies!
Maybe you should have about 6 different types of body types and do in depth training so people can measure themselves and relate to the guys or gals on your training vids you develop. Could be a great series. Most ppl will not spend the money for a trainer and will then be talked into just non stop coaching from them.
I like counting to 5 three times when I do sets of 15. That’s really the least ridiculous thing.
I know some women who do it all the time, I won’t be doing it myself. I feel that anything that gets people out and doing something fitness wise, is always a good thing. Then maybe they will start to try other styles.
‘Inhaling other people’s asscrack sweat’ hahhahaahaha brilliant:D
Tbf that’s how I count my reps . Like If i am going 6 reps I count to 3 and then count to 3 again
First thought with the boxes in the back was a pack your shit and go home joke. Opportunity missed. As a beginner, and now only a novice as is, I think you should’ve added listen to your body. If it doesn’t feel right, or doesn’t feel “normal” STOP THAT MOVEMENT. I was learning a front squat with a buddy teaching me, on the second rep at 60 pounds I put the bar down because on the movement up the muscles didn’t feel right. Long explanation short, feet were too close and not angled out enough. Trust your body, it knows how to move.
16:00 is he even trying?! There’s no tension on his triceps at all there. 15 reps of 1.5kg?
The whole consistency aspect of fitness, both physically and mentally, is why it transcends to life in so many ways.If you can be consistent with health and fitness, you can do freakin anything…!
I’m going to try a yoga or stretching program soon. I don’t think I need it to get stronger, but I do like the other benefits in terms of stretching tight muscles and joints. The science may say static stretching can cause weakness before lifting, but I still think Dan Green is more right that a little stretching isn’t going to hurt your lifts. Lifting heavy weights damaging muscle. The body’s natural defense against damage is to tighten areas to stop them from moving until they heal. Stretching and moving helps mitigate the reduced flexibility when muscles tighten up for repair, gets them warm, and allows the muscles to move through their natural range of motion. Seems smart for long-term fitness.
Easy solution: Train first, then go to the club. Easy, same results with less risk.
This video was perfect and just what I was looking for at the moment. I am trying to help my brother, who is starting high school in the fall and is overweight for his age, start lifting and this video sums up everything I need to tell him
Did it years ago and the flexibility that comes because of the heat really fucked up my knees.
I dare you to not use the f word in a sentence. Go read a dictionary, dude.
Um… Was this video put on both? Because this is EDDF and you use the intro for your other channel?
Dorian Yates does yoga. Hmm… It must not be manly. Keep it up!
If it weren’t for my weight jumping up, plus the high BP read, I wouldnt have pushed for an endocrine and neuro to check for my pituitary tumor returning. It makes a huge difference
It’s not really that important, weight haha some people don’t even have scale…. knowing she has an eating disorder I don’t know why you got so worked up about this
Your correct about beginners programme. I started lifting only a month ago and I don’t have a trainer and like you said my form hasn’t been the best. So I’ve hired a professional trainer and my training starts tomorrow. I’m excited.
Can we assume you don’t like hot yoga? LOL. Sticking with time-tested methods seem best most times.
Diets don’t work! But the reason is because most of them are geared to loosing as fast as possible, and not to developing a healthy eating lifestyle. We need to realise, this is for the rest of your life. People need to grow up and stop eating as if we are kids eating for the first time without mommy watching us. Teach HEALTH in elementary school. Overall health. How to wash, feed, and move these wonderful bodies we have been given. Diets ruin our health, and screw up our metabolisms, not a study just many many years of person observation. Just eat healthy, cook, pick up fresh foods, most people have a fridge, use it for more than pop leftover take out, and ice cream.
I’ve had lots of medical appointments and have never been weighed. Is that an American thing?
Yeah but the question we all have is… Do you wear yoga pants?
My friends plan their weekend and I plan my workouts and meals.
My friend must weigh himself every day and chart it on a graph. An increase of even one pound is indicative that his congestive heart failure needs attention.
I was making $110 per paycheck in college. It was cheaper to buy food and cook. Like Allen said. Rice is cheap. 1lb of frozen vegetables is a dollar. 1lb of chicken 4 dollars. That is 6 dollars for 4 meals
This is like seeing a 2 y/o holding a torch in a dynomite storage
In terms of medication and weight that is more for peds, because they have smaller bodies, and can hit toxicity levels faster then adults, so dosage is based on weight. For adults, you have to worry more about absorption, metabolism, and excretion, so that is stomach, intestines, liver, and kidneys, so if these are not working as well it can interfere with the efficacy of the drug(s). But you are right about water gain, and health, i.e., lymphedema, thyroid, and diabetes are all linked to weight.
Just another bullshit fuckibg fitness fad that will eventually fade when some dumbass passes out from being overly dehydrated. God Damn!
I’m not going to try this hot yoga. I’ve done traditional Chinese yoga with Shaolin Kung-Fu and Tai-Chi. Mix in strength training with stretching, movement, and the other functional techniques that the martial arts bring and it will help you be a better rounded person.
You’re not supposed to make fun of the slow kids. I guess an exception can be made for this window licking mouth breather.
you are fit I can’t deny it.. but you have to do something wrong because you look very old and tired. no diss just an observation
You made it through a video without calling someone a dumbass!
“protein pr. bodyweight” lol you only need abour 40 50 gram protein per day as an adult male (depends slightly how big you are). Anything over this will just be stored as fat.
ManFlowYoga for me! It’s the best yoga for men, that man will teach you pelvic alignment and scapular stability without candles, sitars playing in the background, chants, or chit chat about your meridians. All the benefits without the fluff. And to anyone who tells me yoga is not manly, I say fuck you and enjoy your creaky joints, brittle bones, chronic muscle soreness and fatigue, and clumsy uncoordinated body movements. Yoga between training days makes recovery a breeze., improves mobility, flexibility breathing, and makes you better at other fitness. A smart man takes whatever advantages he finds, criticism be damned.
But I thought he picks up all the ladies…. so why is he working out after the club?
Glad it did work well for you and Hope you get your 600 lb easy
They need ur weight to determine medication doeses incase she does have something she wants to so badly avoid. like the diabetes she working towards.
She a idiot she says that bariatric patient are committing amputation cause we choose to be healthy
When you can’t tell the difference when Tyrone is sober or not, that’s a problem.
not a single dislike shows your great content keep it up man!
Not safe to drive like that. The boxes obstruct rearward visibility.
i’m beginning to think this is satire… there’s no way a human can lack so much self awareness as tyrone lol…
Truth! Get a strength coach who know what they are talking about started lifting when I was 16, messed up my knees by squatting was avoiding squats for a long time until my trainer told me to reposition my legs and now squats are no longer terrifying
You should develop your own yoga style. Alan robert’s every damn day f bomb yoga. Each yoga position name is modified to include the word fuck.
Imagine going through all this effort to make videos on another man???
you and robertfrank615 should do a video together where you try to talk as fast as you can and he tries to yell over you.
Tyrone is the biggest train wreck on YouTube since Jason Genova…
But…but…but…VSHRED told me I need all these supplements?! He wouldn’t be lying to me would he?!
This women( child) is absurd! For her to be encouraging people to continue to be unhealthy is ridiculous! She says that she refuses to be weighed at a physicians office, as a nurse I would bet money that she is absolutely lying! Weight is such an important number in the medical field. From blood pressure, to diabetes and as far as heart failure weight tells so much about the human body. And this is how prescriptions are calculated. Weight is needed to determine the amount of medications that particular human body can tolerate. She might say to the nurse, please do not tell me the number on the scale but she’s definitely getting weighed!!
Cooking is so important. I cook every meal I eat and I’m teaching my kids
Im trying to help my mother to lose weight. She is 59 years old and i think 220 lbs heavy. Can i recommend her to learn the 3 compound lifts or should she starts with other excercises?
Hey Alan! love this channel and think ur one of the realest guys on youtube! ive seen quite a few of your videos and ur strong as fuck! im assuming ur a lifetime natural?!
My suggestion for lifting beginners is to approach from the back and hook your arms under their armpits. Then lifting beginners is quite easy.
One of your neighbourly Canadians here, not only can I count to ten, but I can do it in 4 other languages.:)
Drinking game take a shot every time he says “fucking”
Disclaimer: I’m not responsible for any death resulting in this drinking game.
Also how many line of cocain did this guy do before making this video? dude talks at the same speed as Eminem in “Rap God”
Alan, have you noticed that every time you make a video, that Nose ring bearded cookie cutter Junkie Ward does a video about the same subject you do? Scrappy Doo does alot also.
Think anyone would be nuts enough to do German volume training with deadlifts or would it be too much?
What do you think about starting off with a single rep of a single exercise for fat lazy couch potatoes who are easily prone to injury then everyday for a week add 1 new exercise so at the end of the week they have 7, and it may not be much but it’s better than nothing and a food start I think but I wanted your advice. Thanks man!!
Plus a patient’s weight, height and age is needed to calculate dosage.
Hey Alan! I reacted incredibly well when I did GVT for 3 weeks. I put on 5kg and my arms and shoulders got so much bigger(Arms an inch more id say) in just 3 weeks! It’s great to add it in if you are injured and can’t lift heavy to keep building muscle or as a deload.
I cried while watching this video. Actually still crying lol. My best friend is very near 500 lbs or there already and it terrifies me. I dont know how to help her because fat acceptance has brain washed her and they got to me too until I realized what was going on and started getting healthy. I dont want to lose her, but she won’t listen. I’m so scared for her. I’ve tried talking to her, but I’m afraid if I’m real with her, she’ll hate me…Watching your videos reminds me that fitness is every day and must be earned. Thank you Mr. Allen. Please continue what you’re doing.
It’s not about dodging death but improving the quality of life.
Sad he even made up his name. Tyrone is African and Africans don’t name their children Tyrone. What a loser just stick to your culture.
No abs with long legs short torso and long arms with terrible nutrition crew checking in.
I’ve got a tip for beginners, hit up a good friend and go with them, they’ll keep ya in check and can most likely help you in lifting.
Vote one Tyrone for the lifetime achievement of the Darwin Award.
I think he was at the club and ran out of money so he had to make another video before going home.
Why people not ever consider barbell rows as one of the main lifts?
It’s interesting to me they find “eating healthy” as some horrible thing people are forced to do..when eating healthy tastes better, and makes you feel better. They act like life is somehow blasé and terrible without Big Macs and fries lol.
I’ve been binge watching these videos all Sunday. Thank you, angry bald man!
What if you don’t have access to a gym? Only a pull up bar and a set of dumbells.
yeah I hate looking at lazy fucks booty juice on a machine and watching them walk away to another machine..cringe as Fuck
“Suppli-fuckin’-mental” Love this channel. Thanks for the great advice.
If you had to choose between 1) Training with Fictional patterns(not squatting for 3 months) 2) Eat Tyrone’s ‘strawberrry’ shake 3 times a day for 3 month. 3) Live Blaha’s life for one day (includes doing mooncookie no protection).. What would you choose..
I’ve done a version of hot yoga unrelated to the Bikram style and have found it not only challenging but the heat forced me to concentrate on my breathing even more.
After the practice and then a shower; I feel like a million $..
I have a genuine question. His form on those skullcrushers, with arm and shoulder retracting so far backwards and then pulling the whole shoulder forward again, is that correct? I usually lock the area and just hinge at the elbows, am I wrong?
I live in Texas so if I want to do hot yoga I’ll just go outside. No ball/ass crack sweat fog.
Hey Alan. I have a question. A bit off topic but I’m thinking about hiring the personal trainer who trained me last time. I told him I wanted to get my arms strong. And I feel we did great with the free trial training but he also mentioned to never stay in my comfort zone. So my question is: as time passes by and I’m supposedly stronger and one day he tells me to deadlift or whatever it’s called, and I don’t feel ready yet, can I just politely decline or would I have to do it even if I’m scared of getting hurt? I guess this girl’s refusal of getting weighed, triggered my fear of deadlifting and such. Thank you!
Seriously, I struggle to get 100 grams of protein per day, how am I suposed to get to 145?
Awesome material gentlemen! Great conversation regarding your unified message and important role it plays in helping to dispell this healthy at every size, fat acceptance nonsense.
i do not understand why they call it fat-phobia, i em not scared of fatys i find them funny specially those new age ones with all this fails logic agenda
I miss yoga. I only ever managed to attend a couple of classes, but it was great. Working nights just completely blocks my schedule from allowing me to attend my preferred (and pretty much any) Yoga place.
I understand there could be a struggle too go on a scale when you Are morbidly obese
do you think that GVT is good for cutting some weight? and how important are supersets (between different muscle groups) and rep tempo?
Alan is agent 47 and those boxes contain the body parts of his fake natty victims!:D
I agree with everything except Allan saying he’s never experienced racism. When those women say you guys are not allowed to speak on their weight because you’re white males that’s racism and sexism all in one. I’m not saying we have it anywhere near as bad as poc but it is there, ESPECIALLY online
As an Indian I love yoga and lifting but hot yoga is just a utter pile of shit. Yoga is meant to rely on your body’s heat not on sweating asscrack heat. Soy boys doing this shit again. I’m glad that world adopted yoga but don’t try to change it into something horrible.
You actually talk with Jeff about your training? I’m jealous.
i wished i knew these when i first tried working out almost 3 years ago, hell when i was in the military almost 10 years ago when i wanted to get in shape then. it was until recently i decided to commit to it fully, weight loss and now building up. could be the fact that some people kept telling me “your 30 don’t worry about it and relax” screw that nonsense going to push myself until i can’t anymore and still go for it.
I’m sur no one looks at ty vids and thinks “ I’m going to train like him”. No way
I’m still looking for a video where I actually see you demonstrating workouts rather than sitting in your car.
There is a lot of people in the gym for 4 am when I go to my gym in the morning there is no one there but me and the overnight manager
Hot rooms and weather shut me down. I literally want to find shade and sleep.
Lol he want you to take your shirt off for 10 seconds
Wait aren’t the 4 lifts are curls, leg extension, bench press and more bench press!! Right?! Right?!
Great vid, you’re built like a brick house! Did you also start off lighter than 60% of your 1 rep max on any of your compound exercises? I started off at 95lbs seated military press and lasted only 2 successful weeks adding weight..I started off way too heavy and failed.. P.s. I stick to the true old school GVT 10×10 (90 second break and NO supersets)
‘1 2 3 4 5′ has 5 syllables. ’11, 12, 13, 14, 15’ has 10 syllables. Ultimately saying 12345 requires less energy. Conserving energy is useful while working out .
“What’s wrong with me?”
Masochism is a thing. You might want to look into it.
Try Mike mentzers heavy duty next. There’s a channel called ultimate performance that did both German volume training and heavy duty, so it will work. I tried it and found all the extra recovery time and less sets made all mY injuries heal and I haven’t been injured since while making great progress.
OMG, look at Vshred’s “How to get bigger biceps video”, around the 1 minute mark, it’s clear he doesn’t know anything about fitness. He couldn’t name the muscles in the biceps so he looks up and away from the camera, he has the longer muscle names above cause he doesn’t know them!
And, he’s small, he really should be giving muscle building advice, END HIM!!!!!!
This is better advice, than vshreds could think of in a million years.
Is it intentional that ‘EVERY DAMN DAY’ on your vest looks like it says ‘VERY DAMN GAY’ in the thumbnail?
I get monthly infusions and you need to get weighed each time to determine the amount of medication you will get.
Every single morbidly obese person knows exactly what the health risks are. This fat acceptance movement is a money grab pure and simple. Tess Holliday and others realize exactly the danger that they are in. And they wouldn’t trade their fame for the world. They don’t believe a word that comes out of their own mouths.
May I suggest the title of your next video, “AthleanX exhales before the Squat”?
If you don’t want to get weighed it’s not the act of getting weighed that’s the problem, it’s the mental hang ups that have you burying your head in the sand that need to be addressed.
You live in Pittsburgh? I’ve trained at life force too. Awesome gym
I saw Bryan Kest (respected, legit yoga guy) in an interview say that hot yoga loosens you up more and allows you to bend more, flex more, whatever, which it is actually intended to do. But he was not in favor of this, as it encouraged you to do more than you were reasonably capable, thereby often leading to injury such as strained muscles. But I like your ‘sweaty ball sack haze’ reason better.:)
Dear Alan, we both are 46 and as much as we could not be more different, I think we are a set of identical twins…sharing the passion for fitness! At 74 kg after having half a dozen Camels and a couple cups of coffee I can do 280 squats…O boy only after I got rid of the pre workouts and the protein shakes, I made massive gains! I have come up with this idea of you and I sitting in a car and broadcasting across the globe our message of fitness! You being the friskier kind going full throttle with obscenities and me being the calmer influence tapping on your shoulder…a massive big shoulder… to calm you down! OMG we can go viral! Kindly consider this one of a kind union! Kindest Regards, your twin, Camel.
Why do you need to bring somebody down just to make your video pop. Tell us why you.joined the fitness rather to talk about somebody else
Have you tried Steve Shaw’s MVT? And how does it compare?
The heat may also give you temporary extra flexibility and that may not be a good thing if you want to protect your joints. If people know what they’re doing, fine. I find that many people who are getting into various (stretch) positions do not actually know what the fuck they’re doing. This is the default position for many in life, though: not knowing what the fuck they’re doing. Anyway, the extra flexibility and maybe some dizzy feelings combined from the heat may not be very good for ya. Just a thought. A room full of tight yoga pants and camel toes that are swimming before one’s eyes actually does sound pretty good. I guess there’s a trade-off.
How are they able to take their meds… without knowing your weight, you cannot take the correct dosis. The wrong dosage can be lethal.
Been following you for a few weeks (because you are authentic, know your shit, and call people out) and LOVE that you do yoga! As a yoga teacher I whole heartedly agree with everything you said here! Also nice thumbnail in Baddha Parsvakonasana! It’s impressive to find guys with muscle that actually have the mobility/flexibility too! Respect:)
My dog gets weighed at every appointment. I doubt the vet is trying to shame her…
Damn. Impressive flexibility there on the thumbnail pic. Good on you.
Sure, everybody dies. But living well should be a priority. Huffing up a flight of stairs or having thighs that are fighting for space while you walk is not the way to live. I lost 22 lbs to get myself to a healthy weight in the last year, and walking is more comfortable, my asthma has improved because of all the cardio I do and mentally I feel lighter but tougher.
I just can’t imagine allowing myself to stay in the overwhelming discomfort of living in a morbidly obese body. I wish those people could feel what it’s like to be in a healthy body. I think if they knew the kind of mobility they were missing out on they’d want to change.
Tyrone is the Soulja Boy of fitness, all what he needs to do at this point is sell bootleg video game consoles on his merch store. Which is something Soulja Boy did.
What if you’re inhaling ass crack and slit sweat of hot yoga babes and you’re the only dude in the midst of hot sexy ladies doing bikram yoga? What then?
I agree about the scale. For example I already have plenty of extra fat on my body. I am now 6 months pregnant and I have gained no weight. I am eating healthier and staying more hydrated than I ever have before, I take my prenatals, I feel great, baby is growing great. Now if I wasn’t eating enough and was maintaining my weight and baby wasn’t doing well then that’s an issue. The scale alone doesn’t tell the whole story. Just like with my first pregnancy I gained 30lbs and I wasn’t watching how I was eating at all luckily I didn’t have any issues with that pregnancy and I actually had a 10lb baby.
Good video as always, but I got a question Alan, should I do yoga in my off days or with my workout? And thanks in advance.
I lost 30 pounds doing it. Really tough on the shoulders. Seems to create a lot of mobility but doesnt seem to grow a lot of muscle. But that is what weights are for.
the difference between Tyrone and the circus…………… there is no difference
I don’t mess with it often for the simple fact that the extra heat also artificially stretches certain muscles and connective tissue and if your instructor doesn’t know what the he is doing you will go to snap city. Had that situation once and never again
Thanks for the advise! I would also like to know your opinion about conditioning( if possible ) for people that haven’t reach 4 plate deadlift for reps / 2 plate bench for reps and 3 plate squat for reps ( I mean 5 reps )! So your opinion about conditioning for people that are not intermediate yet! Thanks in advance I appreciate your help!
How will she get the right dose of medication if she won’t be weighed
“If you are the strongest guy in your gym find a new gym” does that count overall or just one excercise? Because I’m probably the strongest guy in the gym when it gets to smith machine calf raises:)
A sex offender inventing ” hot yoga”…… much trash holds this world?
Hot yoga is stupid. I don’t know how getting cramps from having too high of a body temperature makes anything productive in a stretching routine.
Okay, the reason for being weighed and vitals is for the possibility of medications and as you stated for any precursors of any type of conditions. Just saying.
Yea I went into a hot yoga room right after class once…it smelled like 50 hot vaginas in there. I like pussy as much the next man…but that wasn’t pleasant at all lol
“My suggestion to beginners.”….song starts with the advice.
Alan, you and Jeff are all anyone needs for YouTube fitness. Keep talking that sense and keeping it real
On behalf of Canada’s 99% literacy rate……. you finish the sentence
Can’t argue with that. Considering I break into a sweat when it’s 20° and snowing, I’ll pass on it as well.
I doubt you would do worse via distance, in comparison to Freddie Kruger Jr in person…
Dude…Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is calling you…take the next step
I’m a beginner (5months of lifting)and I’m around 18%bf….. If I eat maintenance can I still make some lean body mass?
This is the kind of guy who will stab you in the back, then ask “why you bleedin”?
If you’re counting large numbers counting in 10s can be helpful. and 15 seems like a large number for him
Never knew that about the man who invented it.. changes my perspective too because i do bikram occasionally for health reasons
I like hot rooms as much as a penguin in a parka, but ass crack and ball sweat breath pretty much tells me I can ignore this trend. Soon as I heard hot I noped the fuck out of Hot Yoga.
Mr Rogers stayed the same weight for decades, like swam daily and weighed himself daily.
Bikram is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever to walk the planet.
I don’t do yoga, per se, but I do practice a regular stretching routine utilizing breathing techniques I learned studying martial arts which I’m told are very similar to yoga breathing techniques. I will never take a yoga class, largely because I can’t stand anything that involves me being crammed into a room with sweaty people. I also have a beef against widespread, mainstream “yoga”. “Doing yoga” isn’t really a thing. “Practicing yoga” is. Going to a stretching class isn’t practicing yoga. If you go to stretching class once a week, and then go to work at your slaughterhouse job, you are not doing yoga. Yoga proper is a way of life, not a class at the gym.
But I digress.
I was in a car accident in 2013 and was told that I would not be able to snowboard again or walk without a limp.
I raced in the Mt Baker banked slalom snowboard race this year and haven’t limped in a year other than when I step on my kid’s fucking Lego. All of this is because of my yoga-esque stretching routine.
But fuck hot yoga.
Don’t get caught on isolation movements either. Because you’ll think you’re strong until you put weight over your head and your posterior/anterior chain will crumble under the weight.
to be honest, i count like that as well…eleven to fifteen gets me out of rythm somehow.
I think that with fat acceptance you just have to wait a bit they ” litterally” die off with this horrible trend
If you’re body positive why should being weighed offend you? Does not make sense. It’s all a facade.
I am an Anesthetic Nurse, I have patients, mostly women, but also men, who refuse to be weighed, or tell their weight. This is dangerous. The dosages Anesthetic medications, like all other medications, are calculated by the body weight. If the patient does not tell their weight, means that they might be given the wrong dose, which means, in the best case scenario, they would be in tremendous pain because they are given too small of a dose, or, in the worst case scenario, could be lethal, if they were given the high dose. Some Anesthesiologists cancel the procedure if the patient insisted on not telling their weight. Also, if the patient is to be put on a ventilator. Both the Tidal volume, the amount of air taken in one breath, is also calculated by weight. Needless to say how critical this information is. Medicine is not a religion. Medicine does not have “Retuals”. In medicine, and in health care, we do not work according to emotions, we work according to facts….
I clean three dialysis buildings in my area. Over 98% of them are type 2 diabetics. I wish that scared more obese people. My boss told me that it costs around 25 grand a month per patient that society pays for. And then the government bullies me to have insurance that I cannot afford.
I know someone else did it but can you please make a video about his “a day in the life” video anyway lol
I’m laughing about it already
I personally can’t believe people pay double for hot yoga when, during the summer, you can do it for free XD XD At least, here in Japan where the humidity is often almost as high as the temperature XD
Yaay! Finally here.:) Wow, a diet that you put a child on is comparable to sexual assault?? WOW….I came in to a weird place. I am a survivor of that…its not the same. I can assure you.
Guys, all three of you have a DM. please check it if you have the chance.
This is ridunculous!!!!!!!!!!! That was done on purpose. Sad
I hate public weight ins, but most of the times I face it and get it done especially if I worked hard for the entire month, I know I have nothing to hide. Offcourse if I have something to hide (haven’t been at the gym, eaten unhealthy for a while) I too don’t want to get my weight ins taken, but it’s because I’m in denial. When I was bigger, my fluctuations weren’t so dramatic so I knew already what to expect stepping on the scale.
Even people with EDs like anorexia get their weight-ins each morning, but they’re not allowed to know their weight.
I like yoga, I like the sauna, but never do both at the same time.
So you’re criticising him for giving bad advice when he specifically told viewers to not try it. The video was quite clearly made for entertainment, not to be taken seriously
Love your videos Alan subbed a few months ago and never looked back.
A quick question about working your abs I’m currently doing a push/pull/legs sort of split, but I currently feel I need to work my core and specifically abs harder. If I want to add a few abs excercises, which day should I add them too? Currently I’m doing them with legs, sometimes with pull. Does it really matter?
Agree with your comment Alan, too dangerous to do hot yoga in a closed environment!! Better to do yoga outside on a nice sunny day with fresh air!!! I can testify on the benefits of doing yoga too and anyone who wants to start, give it try..
Didn’t even need to watch the video, Hot yoga sounds like it smells like 10 pounds of smacked assholes
Speaking of Yoga, you making any progress on starting your streams?
Injuried my lower back and popped a disc out and one day i was so desperate that i bought. Yoga for sports and after 3 session my disc pop back in and havent stop doing since…nice vlog
Allen next time tyrone tells you to take off your shirt ask him to max out on squats bc he doesn’t work legs
You mentioned that Athlean X has a GVT program is it the MAX/SIZE one? Or what is the actual name for it?
I tried to count the amount of F Bombs, and lost count about 2 minutes in. Respect
I have been sexually assulted when I was 15 AND i’ve also been struggling with bulimia and anorexia nervosa since I was 11. So the comparison between a sexual assult and a fucking DIET is incredibly insulting! I Will never understand how People can just casualy say something like that! I’m absolutely disgusted!
I couldn’t… possibly a vegan only hot yoga.. buuut still, not appealing to me…as for a non vegan practice…the stench of sweating flesheaters in a heated, enclosed room… noooo
Nope. Nope. NOPE.
I’d rather just do yoga in the sun ☀️
Fuckity fuck fuckery fawk fucken fucky fawky fawkity fuk fuc fawkery
what kind of rest times did you use? did you keep the rest times consistent?
GVT is brutal, but adding in 8,37 lbs of Jasmine rice and Coke zero boost your recovery by 400%…..just think about Alan.
I’m not certain, but i remember hearing that being in a warm/higher than room temp environment can make people more aggravated because in general, heat makes people lethargic.
What’s with the boxes?:) Are you transporting Kenny KO in pieces?
medications is based on mg/kg so… more weight more medicine…
Nothing against you, but it seems like you’re more concerned with him living with his parents than they are.
Remember don’t inhale the ass crack and ball sweat.. I literally laughed out loud! You rock
This channel is on my every damn day schedule, such good value, always makes me laugh and smile!
Ass crack and ball sweat… I’ll pass on that. HILARIOUS! But if it were all girls, guess it would only be your ball sweat.
Dude rants were funny 150k subscribers ago. I tuned your channel out for months. It sounds the same just maybe a different person now
when i had disordered eating, i was uncomfortable being weighed BUT i still got weighed. i just didnt look at the number, and told them not to tell me the number.
If they are confident in being fat, why would the number stress you out? Clearly you are not confident at all if you have to avoid something you claim to not bother you. The indenial of the fat community is crazy
Awesome shout out to Lifeforce, love that place. Great equipment, great people
She is right about it being useless to weigh her. Just by looking at her, you can see she needs to loss +200 lbs
I hate obesity because John Candy would still be alive today if he hadnt been obese. And I think he would have made more movies
I love how dumb these fat acceptance people are to think that they know more about their bodies than a person who has dedicated a huge chunk of their lives to learn about the human body and has diagnosed and treated many people like them before.
I’m from the UK and I’ve only been weighed at the hospital so they can judge how much medication to give me…is this regular weighing really standard in the US?
Allan, I’m considering doing GVT, but I’m carrying a bit too much fat, so therefore I ask this question. Would you consider it a better too cut some excess weight BF first or just do GVT regardless?
Bro I wanna see you workout in a video need your knowledge and visual demonstration
You can get to a point where you CAN’T reverse your diabetes no matter how much weight you lose.. NOBODY talks about this.
Hot yoga has a place in my practice. With the intense heat it puts another level of difficulty to it. To each their own. Keep up the great videos.
Go back to using the old intro. You used it for the Vshred video but now you’ve gone back to the short one. You need to trash this intro for good.
So I’m a newb…been working at a local gym for about 6 weeks with a small group of lifters and a trainer. I’ve seen a lot of gain, and my form is 90% there on most lifts… can I start supplements now? (thinking just a protein shake and a preworkout) Maybe Jeff C’s Athleanrx stuff…. THOUGHTS???
Tyrone probably calls himself the “epi-tome” of health and fitness. We call him the epitome of stupidity.
Alan’s commentary on Teen Vogue were perfect. They’re dumbing down young women. Another great podcast!
I’m not a real big fan of rap/hip-hop, but I’m likin’ Moccasin Creek! Thanks for the heads up on them, Alan.
“Michelle is dealing with something” you mean the Red Queen? Lmao, but seriously endo is ouchy
“If you don’t like it, I honestly don’t give a fuck”
I fucking love this guy lol
I work in a foundry and actually enjoy working in the heat! Except instead of being around a bunch of yoga pant clad women, I’m around a bunch of old disgruntled men
Diabesity can be reversed through eating little carbs and fasting. Through this you are able to get off your diabetes medication and be at a healthier weight.
OMG I always think of Walle when I see the fat acceptance movement shit. I don’t want to wind up in a wheel chair drinking soda.
No shirt, Tank top and full shirt. Its the evolution of a shirt.
The first thing beginners need to do is figure out their “somatype” and then start with a program of Romanian movements, like Romanian bicep curls and Romanian crunches
Is the volume training in regards to the 10×10 reps? Great video man, I’m definitely going to try it.
Who is in the boxes?
Has Alan gone back to his hitman profession?
P.s. Solid advice as always from EDDF
I like that shirt. I love been sarcastic too. What’s funny is that u can say it seriously, and people don’t get how sarcastic you’re been.
benchpress the squat the deadlift the overhead press. a beginner can do a lot more than this. Rows and pull ups come to mind as pretty vital. your program only has deadlifts for pulling witch doesnt cover enough. this would hurt someone posture potentially being way more pushing than pulling. also there is no reason someone right off the bat cant do some other movements. i like alot of what you say but this is bad advice
Good luck with the 600 squat don’t forget to film it!
Which is better pilates or yoga in regards to mobility? I prefer pilates but for some reason in my area there arent any pilate classes but a huge demand of yoga classes
Bro, your femur is in your arm. You mean Humerus. I went to Vince’s college.
The whole bikram thing is verging on a cult, run by by a gold plated rolls Royce driving self appointed ‘guru’…. guru my ass.
Honestly if I can do it at home I’m set given where I live being in the middle of nowhere basically means if you can’t do it at home your just not gonna do it. That being said I have no idea where to even start when it comes to yoga.
By the way since I took your advice about the dead lift I got it up from 315 to 385 and my goal is to get 405 soon
She should be reported and have her license removed. She is making her client’s die because of her beliefs, and as a counselor myself, you cannot push your beliefs on your clients.
My favorite part, for some reason, is when Papa said the word Infinifat We all need to keep up with all these crazy fat acceptance terms lol
HAES activists are self centered with their everyone dies argument and never address how dying at 52 or sooner affects everyone else around them.
Love the podcast, so many good points, and awesome people who actually know what their talking about.
Love yoga, keeps me “supple”, as it were…but hot yoga, I felt like I was going to die…and even though I was surrounded by incredibly sexy women, the weird soy boys made me feel like I lost 100ng of testosterone by just being around them. I love sexy women but I don’t care how sexy you are, when you stink, you stink, and sweat tends to stink.
Beginners? My suggestion would be to keep things simple. Do basic compound movements and a few isolation movements. Eat right and get plenty of sleep. Get enough volume and frequency but don’t overdo it. Don’t let working out become your whole life. Oh, avoid V Shred, Jerry Ward, Vince Del Monte and the guy with the star tattoos on his chest whatever his name is…..
The “95% of diets fail” argument is also weak because… well, can’t they do some research and find out what the successful 5% did differently, and do that? Just because 95% of people don’t do something perfectly right the first time doesn’t mean that it can’t be learned and mastered eventually.
Who goes to the club. Gets tipsy. Goes back to parents house. Drinks Boones with a straw.
Allen I also count in sets of ten don’t hate on me for that
If being weighed causes you anxiety, you have an eating disorder, and you obviously know there is a problem with your weight.
when I was struggling with body image problems I just didn’t look at the scale. Why can’t she do that?
I have struggled with my weight all my life and I think one of the most important things is to stop being afraid of the scale. It does not determinate your value as a person, it is an instrument to help you to improve.
The ”everyone dies” argument is just so disgusting. As if their life and death have absolutely o meaning or impact on the people around them. As if those people live in a bubble. Your life has an impact on other peoples lives!
Remember articles about obese people dying in their apartments alone and they can’t move the corpse because it’s stuck to the couch or bed? Or them dying in a hospital and they can’t move the body because it’s too big. Or people not being able to operate on them because there is too much fat in front of the organs?
I get it that bodies take up space and that you can be big and healthy but I’m talking about poor people who can’t help themselves and end up dead, not the celebs who can always get lypo but regular people who die because they can’t or don’t know how to eat healthy. My hearth goes out to all of the people who want to get better and live long and be able to move despite what rich obese people and models tell them.
I have the same problem with my left shoulder. I can do shoulder exercises but for some reason the angle for bench press aggravates the shit out of it
So for the record, home made chili with fresh spinach added when you eat it tastes really good. Late night work out after meal! ️♀️
Your weight is necessary to calculate how much of a medication to prescribe you, so it really medically is necessary to prevent you being overdosed, not just as some “ritual”, but okay
Dipping your balls in some guys face!!! GODAMN THATS FUNNY!!!
If they don’t weigh you & you need medication they will not be able to know how much medication to prescribe or how much you can take.
At your suggestion I started taking a restorative yoga class. It’s been amazing. Thank you
Instead of being rude about over weight people. Motivate them. U ain’t gona do that with negative words
People are so mentally and emotionally handicapped now in days. No one wants to take responsibility for their actions.
I pre-prep all the lunches and dinners for the work week for me and my dude. We live in Hawaii where food costs considerably more than it does almost anywhere else in the country, yet we still spend less on food now than we did when we ate out all the time.
Alan Roberts the “Will you try German Volume Training?” question popped up when I was watching this, so I clicked on it as I’ve been doing some reading on it and I find the training protocol very intriguing. When I saw the option for no I was like “Well, there’s only one right answer and it sure ain’t no.
Not looking at the truth doesn’t make your life easier. Staring truth in the face and doing something about what needs to be fixed hurts but not as much as living a lie.
What happened to the other Tyrone videos? I remember the first protein shake video and the Tuna supper/whatever it was being hilarious, really wish I could watch those again.
Thomas Kurtz can do a split at the age of 60 without a warm up. He said in one of his books that he used to see boxers at a gym sit by heaters to warm up and they thought that would help. But Kurtz argued that stretching is more of a neuromuscular connection than a temperature connection. Great video as always.
And anyone that makes fun of yoga, you won’t last long in the gym, you will age poorly.
Jon Hinds is respected yoga specialist and Eischens Yoga is great!
I love that hes over twisting his wrists on that tri exercise when his tris are already fully extended thus just hurting his wrist.
We have global warming, terrorism…but she’s stressed about being put on a weight scale….oook….
Lol maybe if I don’t get on the scale & see that I’m a 350lbs whale, it’ll just go away. Way to ignore your problems ♂️
Does anyone know how Alan feels about Ashley Graham? Has he made a video about her?
Poor people can eat very healthy. And eat very cheap. They have to learn what to buy and how to prepare.
Except clubs in Ontario are still closed from covid… so he’s clearly bullshitting lol
Overweight people constantly talk about how they are more than their weight but then they wrap so much of their identity around being overweight and passing it off as “body positivity”. Idgi.♀️
Squats and deadlifts are my strong suits. 415 x 10 X 10 on both. Bench shoulder press up 20% from former 1RM.
AthleanX did a German volume training program? I’ve done some of his programs in the past, but I didn’t know he had a volume one. Could anyone tell me what it’s called?
Ass crack and ball sweat funny thing is, I bet a gym bro wouldn’t even be able to hang in a basic yoga class.
Some obese elderly women were making comments about me as they passed the gym window ( my gym is in a sheltered housing complex ) firstly, I go once a week not ” all the time “,and I may still be chubby ( ok fat ) but a few years ago I had a brain virus and lost 40lb? without trying ( then put it back on unfortunately ) and lost the feeling down my left side. When I got to the point of not being able to change gears in the car because my knee hurt, I started trying to build muscle, & i’m going to continue regardless.Stuff what anyone else thinks.Btw, there are some really awesome 80 year old men that use the gym. no women though.
Thanks for your vids man, it’s good to have a person like you and Jeff giving us the sauce rather than selling us some crap
You deserve way more recognition
Alan, do you still have the video where he scrapes Teflon flakes into his toona?
I started 9 months ago w/ a bro split, then went full body. Now I’ve decided to hit just the big 4, and their opposing lifts (eg. OHP/Pullup). Looking forward to some strength gains!
Hi Alan
Did you use low bar for squats?
Do you think safety squat bar would work?
I love and eagerly await this content daily. You guys just rock. Love all you three.
Just for the record: magazine demographics tend to skew younger than their intended audiences. So this article is being read by girls starting from preeteen to above
Who’s going to point out that while doing the “exercise” with the rope, he’s primarily using his core not his triceps…..when you bend at the waist as crutch for momentum it is no longer about your triceps
I enjoyed this video. This got me wanting to give this GVT another go around. It’s been a LONG time since Ive done it. Did you use the Charles Poliquin program of GVT when you did this?
Can’t wait to see some vids from the athlean x convention. Post some vids when you do Jeff’s version, I watch a lot of this videos but I’ve never tried his programs.
Hey man, do a youtuber fitness review about the guys of MindPump. And thanks for your great work, keep coming!
These women are insanely insecure about their weight and in deep denial and they lash out at everyone else.
This video inspired me to weigh myself, delete all my delivery/food apps, and do my first workout in over a year. Thank you❤️
Definitely need to look into yoga. Desk job life will ruin the body. Hot yoga doesn’t sound to good at all lol
Since I started caring about my health ( I am per diabetic) walking and eating better I like being weighed it shows all the work has paid off
Man… I need to start commenting more… because my boyfriend has been following you on social media since 2015 or something like that… and I fell in love with you too. But I am just a watcher and never really comment so I’m gona start commenting now too! LOVE your videos!!
I like the way you put this into words and the expressions you use. This is the honesty we need in this WAY too sensitive world. Obese people should feel bad about their habits and therefore change them!
Hahahaha this dude is about to over dose on some kind of stimulant and is talking about building muscle? Where are his muscles?
I am worried about loosing muscle. I am 44, 5’10” and weighed 220 (All fat, no muscle) when I started trying to loose weight. Now I am hearing all this shit about loosing muscle because I am in a deficit trying to loose weight. I don’t know what way to go.
Good morning. I love all your videos and helps keep me motivated to lose weight. I was just wondering when your going to have Charlie to your podcast and make it the facts/truth five
It’s intellectual hypertrophy, you lose IQ points to gain a few more afterwards. His audience is secretly all geniuses.
you’re way too old to be constantly insulting random people on the internet foreal
Awesome. Looking forward to the GVT spread sheet. Also curious about what exercises you used GVT on, and if you increased the weight each session, each exercise. Etc. Thanks!
Why do you hate Blaha when the two of you give basically the same training advice?
Alan Roberts I’ve been going back and forth between doing GVT or the Squat Every Day program. I was wondering if you could give me some pointers on GVT as I was thinking of doing something like this.
Day 1) Shoulders & Lats. Exercises: Barbell Overhead Press & Lat Pulldown
Day 2) Chest & Back. Exercises: Barbell Bench Press & Bent over Barbell Row
Day 3) Quads & Hamstrings. Exercises: Box Squat & Romanian Deadlift
Day 4) Biceps & Triceps. Exercises: Barbell Curl & Barbell/Straight Bar Skullcrusher
For each of these days do only these exercises and repeat for the duration of the program with maybe a few assistance exercises thrown in such as maybe some rear delt work for instance on shoulders and lats day. Is this a good set up or is there a better way of doing it?
Smart car action, i had one, loved it but it was sketch on the interstate
I need to lose my middle aged belly & moobs… how would you rate GVT for burning fat?
U should have a body type test like vshred….that dude has his shit together
I’ve missed your videos!!!!
For some reason YT ain’t recommending them and they’re always A1
Man…I agree with all and know you don’t give a f..k, but that constant using of F… words is hard to keep up with. Just in my opinion. Other than that love everything EDDF
I’m 18, wanting to pursue cooking professionally. Your right no one knows how to cook. I make simple shit for people and they act like I’m gordon Ramsay.
This is disgusting!!! When I was obese I did not believe in fat acceptance and having shredded 85lbs of fat aswell as my lifestyle I still don’t believe in fat acceptance. My sister is morbidly obese and it kills me to watch her struggle to walk. She has to take sit down breaks!!! My daughter is obese and I can’t do anymore than I am doing already lead by example. She has seen how my life has changed mentally as well as physically. It’s seriously distressing knowing that the two people I love in this world have no restraint when it comes to eating and moving more. Love yourself by making those neccessary changes to better your lifestyle and longevity today!!! You see obese people and you see old people but you don’t see alot of obese old people.
you’re assuming that other people are as intelligent as you are… this may unfortunately not be the case…. you have to assume they do believe this but have a ‘feeling’ it may not be [on: do they actually believe in ‘health at every size’]… we live in an age where everyone thinks that facts are opinions and are up to discussion.
Announcing later today… my new channel
Alan Roberts Live Screams
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Alan Roberts being the real feminist hero and saying that women are programmed to think too about their appearances! Thank you Alan! Women don’t need to be beautiful to have value!
Pap Swole, EXCELLENT EPISODE! Just loved this!! You are an excellent host. You let the guests talk, yielding to them first before adding your 2-cents! Bravo. PS They call it Morbidly for a reason….morbid means death.
I’ve been enjoying the podcast so far you all are great, super fun to watch, I’m to where you’re talking about dieting and how it “doesn’t” work it’s dieting mentality that kicks people in the ass they want a quick fix and then going back to their food addiction so it’s not a diet it’s a lifestyle change you can’t go back to eating shit and expect to keep your results those are just facts, and and this point I wouldn’t want to go back to eating fast food and easy meals cause it’s all way over processed and just doesn’t make me feel good at all, I’m mostly carnivorous these days and that works great for me, I know I still have some food addiction issues that I’ll probably always deal with but I am dealing with them not burying my head in the sand. You guys are great keep putting out awesome content
Stop calling him a court jester. I’m not kidding, it’s really an insult to them.
Court jesters were used to give important information to the king and challenge his world view through a comedic medium.
But what if they need your weight to adjust the dosage of your medication or even anesthesia? Or if you take medication that can affect your weight (like antidepressants) and they want to make sure that you don’t gain or lose too much weight?
Is the cameraman his dad? Are his parents using his limited intelligence and him wanted to be shredded as a source for income?
Potato is shit in my opinnion. High on fast carbs = strach= sugar, only thing holding good nutritions is it’s peel.
to put things into perspective, PewDiePie being a fitness newbie, not a professional fitness youtuber, managed to put more valuable advices in a single video, then Tyrone in his whole channel history.
As an obese woman myself, I do not condone being “Obese” If anything…..I encourage loosing weight and these fat positive women seem to be on their period 24/7.
Looking for some advice, Mr. Roberts. I have a lung disease which has reduced my functioning lung percentage to 31%. Because of this, squats are basically impossible since one rep with enough weight to work all those muscles will completely wind me. I’m still a couple of years away from a lung transplant, but don’t want to keep being a pussy on leg day. Any suggestions on the best isolation exercises and rep combo to closely duplicate all the muscles worked in a squat?
Can we get a Swolvengers t-shirt? Or a Swolvengers gym tank? I would wear the shit out of that.
As a black women I find it incredibly offensive that they correlate fitness no white supremism and nazis. I get racist abuse just for being black and female and these people have the nerve to relate that to not fitting in an aeroplane seat. These fat acceptance people are absolutely delusional.
So she refuses to be weighed because the numbers won’t lie, she lacks self control (much like a lot of fat people) and those numbers bring you the reality of needing to lose the weight or start investing in a coffin. People like her are killing themselves and they’ll suffer if they continue with their poor choice in diet/lack of exercise.
Alan’s comments on Vogue and Cosmo are spot on. Equality please.
I feel like if getting weighed increases her blood pressure enough that it’s a concern for her, she probably already has blood pressure or other issues going on. If getting weighed stresses you her out that much I think that’s a red flag for both psychological and physical issues that she should be looking into and addressing instead of trying to avoid them.
I was under a misconception here. I thought you were going to teach us how to literally lift beginners. This content seems much less aggressive. Thank you.
After 5 sun salutation A and 5 sun salutation B, I have trouble gripping on a regular mat. I take liquid chalk to classes if I’m using a plain mat. Add heat to the room and my mat would turn into a slip ‘n’ slide.
You don’t need to say “in my opinion” if you find 550 a little bit heavy right now, nobody is gonna sue you. In my opinion of course. ☺
Yoga is great, keep supple and flexible and as you put it hot yoga not hot
I’m at a 4 0% deficit, lifting, can i still built muscle its 2300 calories? Do i need less ofa deficit
Alan, I love your idea of an obese person getting an injury is a death sentence. I’ve been working on my health again for about a month now so I’m very much in the beginner state, around 215lbs. I just had a cold and was stuck at home with just my thoughts for 7 days and by the last day, my motivation to eat and binge eating issues began to come back. I overindulged a bit but now that I’m back at work, I’m doing better. If just a week off for someone whose really worked on her bingeing issues, how much hope does a morbidly obese injured or unwell person have.
Please do ONE video where you don’t use the F-word…But you can’t, so you won’t…
I used to think yoga was some bitch shit but honestly as I get a little older I’m the strongest I’ve ever been but my mobility isn’t where it once was…
It’s strange to be strong but not have full mobility with stretching etc.
I have to take a stretch test as part of a yearly physical fitness test that includes 1.5 mile run, stretch test and 80% bodyweight bench press and damn I smashed everything except the stretch part of all things.
People overlook the importance of stretching and in guilty of this as well.
I laughed so hard at “we don’t wanna bang in the kitchen!”
Sooooooo I have a history of anorexia and I still don’t like being weighed. Want to know what helped me out of it? Well… it wasn’t this channel, that’s for sure.
I’m from Canada and I can safely say that me and all of my friends, family, and acquaintances, can ALL count past 10
In the medical field heard it all
Refusing to give me their date of birth cause they’re embarrassed of their age
You look 80 tho
Or refusing to answer man or women on a form
Now weight too
People are annoying!
Don’t try this at home. Unless you own a gym, I guess you can’t try this at home.
Having known a few hot yoga studio owners I can say you probably don’t need to worry too much about 1. None of the owners I know give any money to Bikram after all his all his shenanigans came to light and he has to hide in India to avoid arrest. Hell, a lot of hot yoga studios don’t even follow his sequence anymore. Hating the heat is a personal preference and I totally get it but I wouldn’t worry too much about supporting a rapist because, in all likelihood, you aren’t.
I don’t understand why these people make me so mad, but they do. It just reminds me of when I was anorexic and I just can’t with these people. I don’t know why.
There are no medical rituals… everything medical professionals do is based on science, everything that is done has a purpose. Nobody at the hospital has time for unnecessary things. I’m in 2nd year of med school and the more I learn the sicker fat acceptance becomes. The strain that obese patients put on public health care is insane and during my placements at the hospital I’ve seen so many nurses hurt their backs taking care of obese patients…
I second the below statement as another nurse that weight monitoring IS necessary and holds medical relevance. The problem with many of these “activists” is they demand everyone around them buy into and accommodate their egregious alternate reality they’ve created through denial. It’s also proof they haven’t accepted their own weight and health status because if they truly have it wouldn’t bother them.
German volume training is all good but Like I said…You have the lower body and you have no upper body, you got a problem building…wait a minute. You have the upper body, and you have no legs, you got a problem building your legs. You have the upper…you have the lower body and you don’t have the upper body, the upper body, it is easier to build. So if you have the lower body and you don’t have the upper body, it is easier to build the upper body. You have the upper body and you don’t have the legs, you got a problem building the lower body… No, you don’t understand. You have the upper body, but you don’t have the lower body, you got a problem building downstairs. You got the uplegs on the bottom, it is easier to build on the top, so you don’t have much as a problem. Yeah.
GVM German VOlume Training you should start failing and fatiguing at round 7 or so…round 2 i’m going to die q_q. 5 rep range was much more achievable for me. Doing 10 body weight pull ups and 10 35lb dumbbell shoulder press with 4-0-0-0 tempo. Thoughts?
Have u seen Vince’s new shoulder workout?
-First exercise: ” I like keeping my elbow more in front to prevent injuries”
-Third exercise: he goes behind the neck to ” hit multiple angle ” lol can’t wait for ur vids
New drinking game: drink every time he says the word ‘tipsy’
Only supplements a beginner should get is protein and take it after a workout, 1. It helps with recovery 2. Puts them in a routine
1:39:23 Michelle made a video about an entitled ex fan recently….i understand you have a ton of messages…i just like letting you all know how inspiring you all are! As long as you see it that’s good enough for me!
As white guy in NZ The words of the person you talked about were deplorable,I see racism daily and its been worse since christchurch, at least for me.