Table of Contents:
Health benefits of Hibiscus Tea
Video taken from the channel: Australian Gourmet Pantry
Health Benefits Of Sorrel
Video taken from the channel: Health & Food Recipes
“Amazing Health Benefits of Hibiscus Flower Tea”
Video taken from the channel: Dr. Paul Haider
Video taken from the channel: Jenni rren Unedited
Sheep Sorrel Health Benefits Wild Sour Grass is a Powerful Herb Known to Treat Many Health Issues
Video taken from the channel: The Refreshing Point
Sorrel Drink And It’s Health Benefits
Video taken from the channel: KQP Lifestyle
“A New You” Quick Tip The Health Benefits of Sorrel Drink Row Lewis
Video taken from the channel: Engage Life Media
Sorrel is a nutritional powerhouse, providing significant amounts of important micronutrients, 1 including vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that helps you to maintain healthy vision, skin, immune function, growth, and reproductive health. 3 You’ll also get a significant boost of vitamin C, an important antioxidant that helps your body to resist infection. 4 .Each serving is loaded with fiber, along with vitamin C, magnesium and vitamin A. Some of the top sorrel benefits include enhanced immune function, decreased mucus production, improved blood pressure levels and relief from conditions like sinus infections and canker sores.
People commonly take sorrel by mouth for reducing swelling (inflammation) of the nasal passages (sinusitis). It is also used to treat swelling of the respiratory tract (bronchitis). But there is.
Health Benefits, Traditional Uses and Claims of Sorrel Active Ingredients and Substances: The fresh leaves and the leaf juice contain oxalic acid and potassium bicarbonate (up to 1%), tartaric acid and vitamin C. The rhizomes contain a hyperoside, quercetin-3-D-galactoside, anthracene, tannins (up to 25%) and anthraquinones.Sorrel is used for reducing sudden and ongoing painand swelling (inflammation) of the nasalpassages and respiratorytract, for treating bacterialinfections along with conventional medicines, and for increasing urineflow (as a diuretic). Sorrel is also an.Overview Information Wood sorrel is a plant. The whole flowering plant is used to make medicine.
Despite safety concerns, people take wood sorrel for liver and digestive disorders, a condition.There are numerous health benefits to get from sorrel. It can help improve eyesight, keep a youthful, glowing skin, and prevent skin infections. Not to mention, sorrel benefits the immune system, digestive system, and skeletal system as well. Sorrel also gives enough energy levels, prevents cancer, and lowers the blood pressure.
Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea or Sorrel Drink. As a very potent health supplement, hibiscus tea or sorrel drink can provide the different benefits to its user. Many health experts recommend drinking this tea regularly. 1. Control high cholesterol levels.Some of the other health benefits of sorrel are as follows: Sorrel leaves help cure gonorrhea, urinary tract infections, scurvy, chronic catarrh, and hemorrhages Sorrel contains powerful antioxidants that help prevent premature aging Sorrel leaves are dried and used.
Traditional uses and benefits of French Sorrel Leaves are antiscorbutic, astringent, diuretic, laxative and refrigerant. They are rarely used as a specifically medicinal plant. The herb helps to prevent diarrhea and constipation.
Health Benefits. As the plant exhibits antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and diuretic properties, it offers several health benefits. Sheep sorrel root powder is also used to prepare a herbal tea.Other Benefits Sheep sorrel contains antioxidant flavonoids that help remove potentially damaging free radicals from your body.
These chemicals form in your organs and tissues as a result of normal.Sorrel, an herb sometimes used as a vegetable, imparts a sour, lemon taste suitable for culinary use. This is just one benefit, because sorrel provides high quantities of vitamins and minerals.
Eating sorrel does present some dangers, too, so understand the possibility risks to your health.Sorrel Benefit #1: Prevents Cancer Some types of cancer are curable, but many others are not. Still without a cure, we are often left to treat the symptoms to help prolong life and improve quality of life. We are still committing to a great deal of research, though, and we are getting ever closer to the answers we need to know.The health benefits of sorrel.
BY CANDIECE KNIGHT. Monday, December 24, 2018. Tweet SORREL is the drink of choice in Jamaica during the holidays. While some people blend and strain the.
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from A Russian Herbal: Traditional Remedies for Health and Healing | |
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from The Earthwise Herbal: A Complete Guide to Old World Medicinal Plants |
Straight to the point. Brilliant. Keep it up. All the other Sorrel videos take 30 mins to make these points
In Jamaica we don’t boil the sorrel we boil the ginger for a few minutes then add the washed sorrel to the boiled ginger water and turned the stove off immediatly then let it stay until the water is all dark red after which we strain and sweeten
The baby is amazing, highly intelligent. Thank you for sharing. Wonderful presentation.
I had only seen the dried stuff in supermarkets before and ready-made syrups or candies. I never realised sorrel was in the hibiscus family (and okra!) as well as how varied the entire family is as a whole. You get massive differences even between a parent plant and it’s offspring. I assumed it was the actual flowers that made the drink not the fruit that follows. I was a bit weirded out seeing the fruit and expected it to be dry and chewy. You CAN eat it without any preparation. It’s crunchy and sour, not bitter. It kind of reminds me of Malay apple/pomerac. I am going to try making both some syrup and jelly with it. I have IBS and chronic muscle pain so yay, I get tasty medicine.
My Jamaican family puts rum into it! they also drizzle a concentrated version over cake
Sorrel is use throughout the Caribbean and not just Jamaica and it is not a Jamaica thing/drink as many I know seem to claim/think. The flowers/plant are grown all over the Caribbean. The island of Antigua & Barbuda () and the US Virgin Islands () prepare sorrel drink different and it is a popular drink during the holiday, no liquor involve. Items used to make sorrel drink are things like cloves, cinnamon sticks, boiled and strain then add sugar, cool, chill, drink. I know Trinidad uses ginger as well. So different Caribbean islands prepare sorrel drink differently. I grew up in Antigua and USVI drinking Sorrel that my family would make and now as an adult in the New York, I continue my family sorrel drinking tradition and it is truly delicious. Thanks for sharing the Jamaica way of make Sorrel drink. Awesome!!
Not Jamaica alone its all over the West Indies. Including Trinidad where it grow randomly we use it with Rum and spices and don’t forget the Bitters.
I drink it every day. I make a big jug and place it in the fridge and drink it as juice. thanks for sharing the info. I know it has so many health benefits but now I know more!!!!!!
I brought some seeds back from St. Vincent and will start to plant some inside to grown my own plants
West Africa makes it as well. Called Zobo in Nigeria and Sobolo in Ghana. They put pineapple peel in the boil.
They are called Roselle here. I have also seen them called Jamaica or Hibiscus. Easy to grow and the plants are beautiful and love heat. Thank you for the recipe!
Nice. What do you think of my simple way..
Believe it or not this plant also grows in various Counties on the Afrikan Continent and people make healthy drinks from it.
I just started making sorrel… Sometimes I have it hot… Most of the time I like it cold…I also love it with rum….but I leave the rum out and just add it when I want it! I take a glass with ice with me every morning so I can sit in traffic and sip my sorrel…it calms my nerves!!!!
We Jamaican love rum in our sorrel.I stop drinking mine with sugar.
What a great vid and lovely couple! Thanks for sharing your recipe with us. I actually like mine without too much sweet flavours, though I do add a little manuka honey. I also love the taste of fresh ginger, but am really looking forward to trying it with freshly grated turmeric as suggested by one of your viewers! My mom and pops say sorrel should be prepared to your own personal taste and I’d go along that. Looking forward to sampling your recipe!
Jamaicans are not in the habit of measuring ingredients. Eyeballing is their preferred method. When it comes to leaves, they’re used by counting. Odd numbers like 5-7-9 are usually what is used. Take a handful of sorrel and judge the amount of water that will make it just right. If it looks like it’s too strong after preparation, add some boiled water to it
I’m going to make some sorrel today in Barbados is a popular drink
I prepared my sorrel different. I wash it with warm water to remove any insect and put the sorrel in the blender add my ginger and water to it and blend..then strained, add my sweetner..rum or wine if desired and enjoy..I love this couple
If i want to make 14L of sorrel juice how much sorrel would i need? Would it be 8 ounces of sorrel?
Sorrels is very popular in Cameroon
Cameroonians drink sorrels every day just like water is a lovely drink.
I just bought homemade sorrel for the first time ever, and it’s so bad!!! I don’t know how people like this
Thank you, also I wanted to tell you, I when to a farm market and I purchase two jars of the sorrel from a Jamaican couple it was so tasty, they made it with ginger and turmeric. Loved it. It was so funny that I just sow your video and came across it. Thank you again.
Sounds tasty, thank you. I was told that it was good for diabetic
I add fresh ginger to mine also…thanks for the great video! God bless
Did I miss something. It’s not a criticism but growing up ginger was a key key ingredient.
Elsa nevis….. you are false!! we are God’s people and the herbs of the earth is for us. The only time we get sick is when following the Western world
Agave is a terrible sugar replacement. It’s something like 20x stronger than High Fructose Corn Syrup! If you look up the studies about this ingredient, you’ll see that any health benefit you;d be receiving from the sorrel would be undermined by the ridiculous amount of damage you’d be doing with the agave.
Hibiscus Sabdarifa (what he’s calling Sorrel) grows very well in Arizona. It loves heat, is drought tolerant and enjoys full sun. The Mexicans have the beverage “Jamaica” in all of their 24-hour Mexican restaurants. They have three big tanks for easy pouring inside. The big purple one is the Jamaica one. They also sell the bulk dried flowers at the FOOD CITY stores. Mexicans love drinking Jamaica. There are two different kinds of Hibiscus Sabdarifa product. One uses the petals and another one uses the calyxes. In this video, it looks like he’s using the dried purple flowers. I grow the kind that uses the red calyxes.
I’m now drinking thanks for ur sharing I will drink that every day more power to you.
Hi. I’m Jamaican but I wash shocked to find that the Africans use this greatly. They just call it Zobo, or Sobolo. The West Africans use this and make different things with it.
my grandmother would add a few grains of rice in bottle you are storing in so it could ferment a bit and last longer. lol
Nice video but man I can’t get over the accent….don’t wanna sound like dick but I don’t like it. Need someone from the U.S to redo this vid.
Hi about how meany times do we drink it per day.And about how much do we drink? Thank u Dr
You guys are cute and funny. Great video. I like the ingredients. I will try it.
SORREL is another variety of Hibiscus…I prefer this Sorrel variety better than the larger Hibiscus flowers.
God Bless!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks you two. Beautiful couple. Treat each other well, always!
What happen to the ginger? Ginger is also good for upset stomach…
I use tea bags of hibiscus tea and use purified water ice cold and just pour it over the tea bags and let it sit! So refreshing on hot day! Ice cold!
no sugar or anything just the tea I love the taste of it!
What is Hybetez Remedy? Does it work? I hear many individuals treat their high blood pressure issue naturally with this high blood pressure remedy.
What a cute couple. I love to cook with my wife. We are Haitian, and we do not recognize this sorrel flower. However; now that I learn the benifits of the sorrel; I am gonna make us some.
Thanks guys
I Didn’t care for the recipe because you didn’t list your ingredients…
Just bought some sorrel juice from Carribana in Birmingham city centre U.K. along with a mutton curry and as always its amazing!
Oh man! I just made the basic sorrel tea but this looks great!
I love this video and I love that you don’t use any plastic. Opps spoke too soon. Love everything except the plastic bottle at the end!
Consider honey as a much better alternative. Honey also has more antioxidants, so there’s an added plus!
Fi u sorrel no ready yet brother sorrel but boil with ginger until it get thick
Good video. Sorrel is also popular here in good ole Trinidad and Tobago. You do not have to add the rum or any other alcohol.
We mainly use the fresh as opposed the dried sorrel…….tastes waaay better than dried.
After simmering with spices, we strain and then sweeten… waiting for 24 hrs. It is chilled and enjoyed ;D
You two are a cute and sweet couple!
What can I use in place of rum (alcohol)?
This is a drink i love to take especially when chilled.Thanks for the insight
What is the best way to treat my high blood pressure issue naturally? I read lots of great opinions on the net about how exactly Hybetez Remedy will help you fix your high blood pressure issue inherently. Has anyone tried this high blood pressure treatment?
Thank you for this video and the nutritional info as well, I looked particularly for this because I wanted to know how much calcium is in sorrel, I have to refrain from drinking items that have large amounts of calcium and I love sorrel. On the package how much calcium is recorded? Thanks
Thanks for the video, guys. It’s also popular in Latin America. There they call it “Jamaican Flower, Jamaican Water or Jamaican Tea” depending on the country. It’s prepared like lemon tea and has no rum nor ginger. Myself I love the traditional style with the ginger added. Take care!
Lovely, sorrel is also very very popular in West Africa….Francophone Africa. There it’s called Bissap (pronouced bee-sap). I love this drink.
I like the jacket u r u have a link to purchase..thanks✌
Elsa, you need to understand that people from the islands are not sickley people simply because of drinking Sorrel and many other herbs in the islands.Sorrel is one of the best drinks that I know of. How many people from the Islands, Africa, Egypt, or even Japan have been seen with cancer, or any other health issues in the hospital look around and you will notice that it is majority people in the U.S. Read below.
Flavanoids give sorrel its deep red colour and is also recognized as a powerful antioxidant that helps to rid the body of free radicals that can cause deadly diseases. In essence the flavanoids present in sorrel may be a useful deterrent against certain types of cancer and, in general, can help to enhance the body’s immune system.
Studies carried out by Dr. Juliet Bailey-Penrod at Northern Caribbean University in Mandeville, suggest that sorrel could prove detrimental to certain types of cancer cells.
In addition, scientists from the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) have proved that ‘sorrel water’ significantly decreases cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood and contributes to protection against heart diseases. Sorrel also helps to prevent the clogging of arteries resulting from excessive levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.
This is my favorite drink.However, as a clinician and Nutrition professor in Boston, it is scary to see folks making claims that are not true. I hate to have a patient watch this. It ‘does’ not prevent cancer. It has no calcium. Where do they get this stuff (false info?). It does contain some antioxidants, ‘some’ vitamins, and Vit C. But… this is a flower. No, repeat, no clinical studies that it prevents kidney stones, nor cancer. Water prevents stones (uric acid, gout, kidney) due to diluting blood thus stones do not form. Please, stick to your wonderful happy video making this fabulous drink but do not making clinical science claims. Ah yes, the internet (which is not regulated by FDA-but should be ). Sorrel is the best. False claims are not. Cancer is not a joke folks.
Hi, thanks for the video. As I view your recipe I noticed you used rum. Sorrel has some amazing health benefits however, with the rum added the nutrients are destroyed, therefore, what should have been a benefit is now toxic to blood and all our organs. Oh, one other thing, if you don’t use sugar then some of your natural sweeteners are honey, maple syrup, coconut nectar, brown rice syrup, barley malt syrup or evaporated cane juice. Agave is not the best, sorry. I hope this was helpful. Keep up the good work. Please accept this comment as constructive.
And it’s also popular in some countries in west Africa. Thanks for the video
you two are too cute for words…My neighbor has sorrel…woooooo on the sour vitamin C…good stuff! TY TY
Great info, thank you. I like how you told the herb benefits & how they can be used medicinally, even how much tincture to give. This is such useful info. I subscribed. Hoping you are doing this for all the different herbs. Blessings.
The last thing you want to do is consult with an allopathic MD… unless you know they are interested in herbs. Best to talk to a registered (not certified) herbalist along with a functional doc or a naturopath… and even then, they may not know much, but if you are already taking other herbs or pharma products… it might be a good idea. The doctors who sell you pharma products are on the side of the suppressive movement… keep that in mind when you go to an MD.
how did i end up here i was looking up alcoholic Jamaican ginger beer
U don’t have to make tea just get dried flowers cup and put in water in 1 minutes it will turn bloody red i drink with ice
Hi Paul. I have been drinking hibiscus tea a few months and taking before i eat, berberine,cinnamon,and chromium 30 minutes before i eat a meal. I am mostly vegan except some fish. But i am losing weight now because of these things blocking blood sugar spikes. I like Your videos and plan to veiw many more. Brian Mcgowan in Louisiana,thanks Paul
I live in the Caribbean as well and grow hibiscus for tea and it looks great in my garden. I drink it hot and cold. Love it. Thanks for your service.
Hello, Love your energy! Will this get rid of cold sores or just prevent them?
I’m drinking right now salvia officinalis with chamomile, a pinch of artemisia absinthium, cratageus, st John’s wort and hibiscus.
If you have to drink it every 7 days how long do you have wait to start again b
Drinking it right now! So delicious and also beautiful colour!
If you can get Organic Hibiscus Flower, get it. It is so much richer than the tea bags. In Colorado, Natural Grocers has the best dried tea leaves and flowers. My hibiscus tea has the consistency of red wine, it’s truly heaven!
Awesome video!!! Stumbled upon organic hibiscus tea at a food bank a few weeks ago. Can’t wait to reap the health benefits of this delicious tea!!
I just felt peace hearing you
Thank you very much
Both of you guys, make great couple and in addition to that, thanks for the drinks recipe, it is great to have you both making healthy drink. what I am looking for now is how to make “Puerto Rican Mavi” but no one or the one that knows how to do it they don’t want to give up the recipe, anyways, thanks.
Ortiz, Andres ( Andy)
War Veteran disable
Can Hibiscus flower tea help in treating erectile dysfunction? If not, what can be taken to cure it naturally?
How do I handle my erectile dysfunction really troubling me.
does anyone know if this is safe for pregnant women? my sister is pregnant and she loves this
Just wondering if you have any advise for myself regarding onset stills disease
Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year from Australia ☃
Hi paul. Did you ever do one for diabetics? Thanx for all you do!! ❤❤
I found hibiscus tea at the 99 cent store:) can’t go wrong with only a dollar.
Thanks for the info guys. You guys are so cute. Very informative and fun to watch. My partner and I have recently changed out eating habits and lifestyle for the better, we feel fantastic, my skin has been glowing and I just feel a whole lot better. Your videos have been wonderful. Keep up the great work guys!
I like to drink this drink hot. I call it Tea when promoting it
Does Hybetez Remedy (just google it) help me treat my high blood pressure issue inherently? I notice lots of people keep on talking about this high blood pressure remedy.
Roselle tea (sobolo) may not be a treatment for covid-19. But it may stop the corona virus transmission.
I given the link with scientific basis.given in wikipedia.
@Courtney OmegaDeLancy Thank you for watching and your kind words! I sometimes drink it hot when I first prepare it, but for the most part chilled.
I have often eaten sorrel in Poland but only found out the word for it in English yesterday.
I would not put agave in anything by the way as it is not much better than sugar I am sure in Jamaica you could find something better!
Its still shock me just how a lot of people have no clue about Hybetez Remedy despite the fact that a lot of people fix their high blood pressure issue inherently using it. Thanks to my buddy who told me about it. I’ve fix my high blood pressure issue naturally.
God I love you Dr. Paul Haider! I”m sipping a huge iced hibiscus tea right now. I love to hear your soothing voice talk about this tea!! So much peace!
Hello there, have you considered Hybetez Remedy yet? Just simply do a google search. On there you will find an awesome suggestions about how you can cleanse your high blood pressure issue inherently. Why don’t you give it a shot? perhaps it’s going to work for you too.
How effective is Hybetez Remedy? We’ve noticed numerous amazing things about this high blood pressure treatment.
Anybody tried the Hybetez Remedy (search on google)? We’ve noticed many awesome things about this high blood pressure treatment.
Drinking It Now ❤ which is why I’m happy looking this up. Lol
Please which is the best way to extract hibiscus juice from dry leaves, for skin care. Is it with hot or cold water?
I have been drinking Hibiscus tea all Summer! Great Info my video was brief but you broke down the Benefits Wonderful!!
I drink this tea every day,It is super cheap and super tasty.
Has anyone used the Hybetez Remedy to fix your high blood pressure issue naturally? Just do a search engine search. On there you’ll discover a great tips about how you can fix your high blood pressure issue naturally. Why don’t you give it a shot? perhaps it will work for you too.
Wow amazing thank u so much
Do you use the flower or some other plant that looks like it?
if it is the flower, does any color work?
why is it so red when making a tea? Does it have dye color red in it when it is process?
Hi what studies have shown hibiscus to lower blood pressure?
I’m not sure anti-oxydants and anti-inflammatory every day is a good thing, maybe you need to let the body’s defenses do their work regularly?
I have two hibiscus plants growing by my front door which are rarely out of flower.Thanks for the Infomation. ROY Johannesburg
High in Oxalates…. not kidney friendly since kidney stones are made from oxalates…..
i boil my with pineapple its is so tasty you dont need sugar in it give it a try
Any one tested out the Hybetez Remedy (look on google search engine)? We’ve heard many awesome things about this popular cholesterol treatment.
Where do you get your info about it’s health benefits from Taiwan? Can you please provide a link for the studies on the tea benefits? Thanks!
I read that too much sorrel will cause uric acid stones (kidney stones).How about adding ginger, allspice & dried orange peel…???? What do you think,
And it is really cheap. I make a small jar that lasts me 3 days if I drink one glass a day. Love it!