Table of Contents:
How To Do A Sun Salutation | The Right Way | Well+Good
Video taken from the channel: Well+Good
Sun Salutation A and B Beginner 1 10 Minutes
Video taken from the channel: Yoga with Down Dog
Traditional Sun Salutation
Video taken from the channel: Lily Cushman
Surya Namaskar. Classic Sun Salutation Tutorial.
Video taken from the channel: Mandi Suppan
Sun Salutation Flow for Beginners (Free Class)
Video taken from the channel:
SuryaNamskar #Sun Salutation Illustrated Step-by-Step Instructions
Video taken from the channel: NIY Training acadamy
Surya Namaskar / Sun Salutation for Absolute Beginners (with Breathing Instructions)
Video taken from the channel: Yoga Trends
Sun Salutation Illustrated Step-by-Step Instructions Uttanasana to Flat Back. Release your arms to either side and forward bend over your legs (as if you were doing a swan Plank Pose. Plant your palms and step or jump back to a plank position. In plank, make sure your shoulders are over your.Step right foot forward to Crescent Lunge, then bring left foot to meet right in Standing Forward Bend.
Inhale arms back overhead and exhale hands to heart. Align your knee over your ankle.How-To & Tips: Inhale and raise your arms overhead. Slightly arch your back while keeping your knees straight.
Follow the cues for the pose given above. Gaze at your thumbs.Sun Salutation is one holistic sequential yoga regime that has stood the test of time over the few thousand years since it was incepted by the ancient Indian sages. With a sequence of 12 asanas coordinated with the breath, this one yoga regime is said to be addressing every muscle of the body. Over and above the myriads of benefits in physiological sphere of human existence, it also prepares.
Know how to do Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation step by step. Explore set of poses that massages, detoxifies, and stimulates almost every organ of the human body and brings suppleness to the spine. This is a beginner’s guide for perfecting Sun Salutation.One Sun Salutation is said to take about four minutes. Sun Salutation A has fewer poses than Sun Salutation C, so of course Sun Salutation A will probably take less time.
Some practices of Sun Salutation say to stay in each pose only for a breath or tw.Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) consists of a set of 12 yoga asanas and completing one round of Surya Namaskar requires one to repeat the set of 12 yoga asanas. Which means, one round of the Yoga set requires repeating the 12 yogic postures, once stepping the right leg forward and then stepping the left leg forward in the second half of the round.Step-By-Step Guide To Sun Salutation A + FREE Printable Here I’m gonna share with you the breakdown of the easiest and the most beginner-friendly variant of Sun Salutations – Sun Salutation A. I’m gonna focus on how to get into and transition between poses, tips.Learn Step by Step Surya Namaskar which is a set of 12 powerful Yoga Asanas in less than 3 minutes.
Surya Namaskar provides a good cardiovascular workout. They are.This inner sun is often compared with the embodied Self, the jivatman or “liberated being.” You might dedicate your practice to this light.
If Sun Salutations are your warm-up for a general practice, move slowly and consciously, gradually building heat. If Sun Salutations are your whole practice, do a 2to 5-minute Downward Dog as a warm-up.Suryanamaskar is a very popular practice in yoga. It is a full body workout. If you don’t have enough time for exercises and yoga, sparing only 10.
Sun Salutations, or Surya Namaskar, are traditionally performed in the morning to greet the new day. The sequence of 8 postures can be a complete practice in itself, or can prepare you for a longer asana routine. Sun Salutes are often performed in sets of 5, but if you are.
Chandra Namaskar — Step-By-Step Guide To Moon Salutation. Dr. Cornell explains, “For some women during menstruation and menopause, the more familiar Sun Salutation is too stimulating for the nervous system, and should be practiced gently or not at all.
During pregnancy, several of its postures are contraindicated, as they could injure.Starting your day with a consistent and grounding series of yoga poses can help you approach the day with a calm mind. A sun salutation is a series of yogic movements that warm up the body without much strain on one’s muscles or joints. In addition to increasing your knowledge of different poses, these movements can reduce stress, improve cardio-respiratory fitness and increase flexibility.
Salutation to the Sun Yoga B Yoga Therapy B Reiki B Meditation B Shamanism. Disclaimer. Please Read Carefully before attempting the Sun Salutation Shown.
This is a general instruction for the Yoga routine known as Sun Salutation, and is for those who already practice Yoga and who have attended regu.
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Very nice explanation about each and every pose.. breathing n whole conclusion part
Wow! Fantastic, clear explanations. I look forward to making this a morning routine.
Wow! Thank you for the clear explanations especially to beginners.
I think this is the best sun salutation lesson I’ve ever seen, with explanations, pose names and slow movements so beginners can actually follow along! This is something many teachers forget… So thank you so much! Love from Italy
Anyone know what the instrumental audio track is in the background? I believe it is the Indian instrument “sarangi” but I’d love to download the specific track!
Hello I am not able to do 8th step of sun salutations, I am not able to reach my right leg till my hand, I am trying it everyday, please suggest alternate. Thank you
Can we do sun salutations around 9am to 10am as I don’t get time early morning. I get up at 5am go for jogging then stretching 15 min, total 35 min, then I get busy in cooking and get free by 9am only. Please suggest!!
Can we do surya namaskar after jogging in morning? What is the sequence between jogging, sun salutations, Asans and pranayam? Please suggest, also please make video on weight loss or full body yoga?? Thank you so much!!
Fantastic explanation!! I am new to yoga, I am very slow in sun salutations, do we breathe in and out while holding any pose? Or hold our breathe. Please suggest, thank you so much!! From USA
Thank you for the very clear, detailed process. I want to learn from you.
I have watched ALOT of sunsalutation for beginners videos and although not the slickest video the explanation of how to move through the poses and breath is THE BEST I have watched so far. It is how I was originally taught over 20 years ago by a VERY experienced teacher. Excellent job, thank you. Namaste x
Your explanation is very clear. My upper body is not strong enough, but I am determent to get this right. Bless you for sharing.
I really loved how you explained in simple words. I had back pain since last 2 year, this really helped me. No more medicine or painkiller. Keep doing good work.
And for all you climate change deniers out there, just LOOK at this Brooklyn studio yoga! SEE how tropical Brooklyn has become?! Geez, Louise…!
But seriously, thanks for this very clear depiction of this classic pose. It corresponds closely to what I remember having learned some fifty years ago at what was then simply billed as “Hatha” yoga. I think it was the only one that would now be called “flow”, or perhaps”vinyasa” yoga.
Great video
So interesting to see the traditional version with the step back like that as opposed to how I was taught
Hi can i check if i need to do yoga poses in sequence? Sometimes i just want to do certain poses
Thank you! I am a yoga instructor and a school teacher, and this year I am starting a yoga class at the school I work at. I wanted some extra resources that the kids could go back to, and I am SO GLAD I found this. This is PERFECT! Very informative, detailed, and well explained.
Unusual and refreshing to hear an American voice that’s not shrill or irritating. Thanks
Excellent exercise!!!
I do around 10 to 15 minutes salutations every morning after waking up, or to warm up before my kettlebells training.
Thank you for breaking this down so simply. I’m just returning to yoga after 20 years and this video was so easy to follow!
Sorry, this isn’t going to be popular: Here is another sweet, well meaning young lady… but badly instructed. If you want to practice, do yourself a favor and please seek a true master. Yeah, sure, it hurts a bit… sorry, but i have so much respect for this science, that i just had to speak my mind. This video came up automatically after watching one from Yogi Hari (that’s someone serious, in case you want to practice) Namaskaram
Hey guys…where’s the link for the yoga mat mentioned at the end there? Thanks.
If you are doing sun salutation everyday, beleive me your life will too long and healthy…
It will be more helpful if u are doing this at early morning front of sun…
Thank you for this instruction video. I’m a beginner and this helped me a lot. Just did my first sun salutation.!:) You have a new subscriber:)
Can anyone help with Chaturanga? I feel like crying everytime I do it and sometimes I fall on my face
This is such a fantastic video, thank you so much! I’m a beginner in a bigger body and have always been intimidated by sun salutations for some reason? Not anymore! Sending love
Good morning Ashton I’m coming back to yoga after finding arthritis in my right shoulder, which crunches getting into Chaturanga any advice also have never been good at stepping forward can you advise how to get that foot forward?
This is the clearest most articulate well done yoga video I’ve ever seen! Thank you for posting this!
Thank you for this clear video. I would just like to ask you something about the plank pose. Do the arms and hands have to be directly in line with the shoulders forming a 90 degree angle or can they be further in front towards the front of the mat? I’m struggling a bit with keeping 90 degree angle that I see in your video. Thank you
Thanks for doing this! You have really helped me understand some basics that I have been uknowingly over looking for a long time!
Very helpful since I’ve been out of practice for a while. Don’t forget ujayii breathing! Probably the most important part of practicing yoga.
The first time I was able to flow at the rythm of my breath. Thank you.
Such a good, clear breakdown and explanation of a sun salutation. Thank you Ashton from one yoga teacher to another. Namaste. Xo
In the Mountain pose do I lock my Knees? Because every time I do it I feel a pressure at both Knees.
I did 50 push ups last night. Woke up this morning with my arms is bad pain when i lift them. So i could see it this would help with the pain. Wow and i thought the 50 push ups were hard. I’m going to get a mat and keep doing this. Thanks this was a great help. But now i hurt in more places…
4.09 full flow I’m a bit slow, I like the other commenter’s suggestion to slow to 0.75.
Thanks for your video. Did you realize that almost all yoga/exercise videos on youtube are also free.
TIP FOR BEGINNERS: If you are just learning and find that this video moves too fast for you to keep up with, you can simply adjust the playback speed of the video by clicking on the settings in the lower right side of the video. VOILA!
Perfect! Just what I was looking for to return to my yoga practice. Thank you for the view, the background music and your lovely soothing voice.
Really helpful video! I started to get really bad back pains from doing chatarunga and upward facing dog wrong in yoga videos and this video really showed me how to do it properly. Great instructions and practice thank you so much
What an outstanding lesson! Excellent teaching with very important tips: position of the neck, gaze direction, lower back warnings… Thank you and well done.
So much Kindness balanced with rigour in your voice in all your teaching. Thanks . Lina
Wow…this is the best explanation of a sun salutation flow. The instructions are clear, detailed and absolutely perfect for a beginner! Thank you so much.
This is the best traditional Surya Namaskar video I’ve seen thank you for posting this
The knee on the floor is so nice for people who are a bit overweight or lack strength. Thank you for showing how to connect the individual poses into a flow of movement. I am still not totally clear on the breath with the poses, but I really appreciate this video.
As a beginner I’m completely unable to do a strong plank.
Very Nice Asthon! I’m in a ytt200 now and this video is helping me tremendously!
First time i did it it was HORRIBLE. I was afraid to come back here. Downward facing dog is super challenging for me now, but i tried.
The second time it was hard, but when we entered the flow I actually connected the breaths! Wow!
Definitely will come back to this video again. Thank you for posting
Is there a sun salutation flow with those steps, plus child’s pose and warrior 1 pose (each leg)? I took a semester of yoga a few years ago and I feel like I remember doing those during our sun salutation but I can’t find any videos with what you did in this video, plus those two additional poses. Am I maybe remembering the flow wrong?
You did a great job explaining every movement of the Sun Salutation. Thank you so much!
I guess these were by far the most detailed and clear instructions I have ever watched until now. Thanks!
Chanting mantras with the sun salutations takes the practice to an elevated spiritual level.
Hello dear Ashton! In many videos (I’m taking the Intro to Vinyasa programme on YogiApproved) you mentioned that it’s important to transition from Downward-Facing dog to Plank smoothly. That seems completely impossible to me. I feel absolutely comfortable in Down Dog when transitioning straight from Table Top, but when transitioning to the Plank, I have to move my hands closer to the edge of the mat, and going back from plank to Down dog isn’t comfortable, as my hands feel just too far away from the legs and they start slipping! I sorta checked out my alignments, they seem to be correct, and I just don’t understand what the problem could be. Sorry for this long question and thanks for what you’re doing x
Excelent, very detailed video, every step is clearly explained. Thanks!!!!
Thanks for this. Your video was much better than the local yoga instructor. Now Surya namaskara is both challenging and energizing! Before now it was seemingly pointless!
Thank you so much for this great demonstration of Classic Surya Namaskar. I am going to share with my students, hope it is ok!!! Love & Light x
Really helpful video! Lovely breakdown and explanation of each pose before taking us through the sequence by matching the breath Thank-you!! x
Thank you very much for clear and detailed explanation as well as encouraging tips on what to strive towards. Will be recomending your videos.
Thank you for the excellent instructions, step by step! I didn’t realize that I had been doing some of the poses incorrectly, or not as “actively engaged” as I should have. This helped me understand the importance of proper pose, even while doing the simple mountain pose, which looks like just standing, or the plank pose, which I thought was supposed to be straight from other non-yoga exercise. I’m new to yoga and now I can’t go to any physical classes under COVID, so this is by far the best online yoga instruction I have found on how to do the Sun Salutation! Namaste!
Bless you, teacher. Making me feel safe with your languate, attitude, and intention.
For the last 3 minutes I needed to put the video on half a speed, because I am a begginer:D
Thank you Ashton. This certainly is the best instruction I have researched and now follow. It is central to my morning ritual.
Could you please upload an instruction for series B.
Perfect! You have explained it so eloquently! Thank you. Namaste.
Ashton thank you so much for your suggestion, I love this yoga exercise….My shoulders have been so stiff from my fall when I tore my meniscus…What a relief…Thanks again..
you are not talking about BREATHING. how we do yoga without BREATHING!!!! sorry, Im unsuscribe
the plunk pose you left us 5 min. Im a beginner, and I couldnt hold the plunk pose as you did
Appreciate this video. Finally clear explanation of sun salutation poses to start practicing! Thank you:)
This ritual makes me feel so happy in my chest like butterflies but the best happy kind in my heart! Thank you:)
Love this video on sun salutation. I took a yoga class the spring semester in college and loved it. I’ve been looking for good videos to practice to at home! Thanks!
My 13 year old daughter and I did this together and it was perfect! Thank you!
The most stupid video I have ever c. Why are u talking like a parrot?? Can’t u just show us how to do it!! Idiot
4:49, yes I got your nice extension right here. I shouldn’t said that
Thank you for the lesson. I appreciate the explanations of the details. Is this meant to flow without holding poses very long? Or is it okay to go slowly and hold each pose?
This, so far, has been the best sun salutations instructional video I’ve seen! Very clear instructions and good energy!
Nice job, the pace was slow and steady very easy to follow, without all the cute, perky, girly comments, not that being a cute, perky girl is a bad thing, but as a man I tend to get distracted, just saying.
Subscribed. New to Yoga and I am glad I found you. You are such a great Guru❤
the most articulate and clear instruction I’ve ever encountered. thank you. namaste.
Thank you so much for the effort. This is one simple and clear tutorial.
Is there a time limit for each pose?
If yes can i know how much it is??
I just found this channel, and this is one of the most beautiful and thorough tutorials of sun salutation. Thank you
She is wonderful to watch. fluid and graceful, something to learn, it will take time.
You are lovely. Stop saying “super” in front of every descriptive. It takes your power.
This is a great tutorial! Thank you for sharing you beautiful being of light! I’ve subscribed to your channel:)
You are SO wise in advising students to BEND THEIR KNEES as much as they need to while doing the standing forward fold! Some call it Uthaanaasana, some call it Paada Hasthaasana. (Paada means foot, the root from which English words about the foot are derived like Pedal, Podiatrist, etc) Hastha (pronounced hustha) means hand/s.
But at 01:30 though, the lunge, I was clearly taught to keep the thigh at 90 degrees to the leg and not collapse it forward as you do. That is not healthy for the knee cartilages. The lunge pose is called the Ashwa (horse) Sanchala (movement) aasana:
This is a lovely instruction, precise and graceful in the details, like the assertive foot beat heading back into the lunge. And what a perfect setting to envision in my mind when i work with it on my own. Thank you
Covid Summer 2020 has brought me to experimenting with the Sun Salutation daily, with excellent results. I’ve used a few videos, all a help, and see that this one is my new crush.
I praise Powerful Goodness for you and for all who come here in all your efforts.
Wow, very well explained and excellent demonstrations. Thank you
My height increased after doing it. And I also noticed rapid hair growth because it causes rapid blood circulations in the whole body. I’ve been doing this for almost 2 months (Not everyday but I try to do it everyday). Thank you so so much ❤️ Alhamdulillah I’m very happy Many many best wishes for you guys
Which yoga mat has been used?
Can you give the link of the product or name of product.?
I’m trying to get into yoga, and this video by far is the best explained. Thank you very much!!!
I’ve been using this for a while. Very nice. Handy during lockdown.
Wery good. Real master. Every “master” who can’t explain to beginner, is false master.
i have a very long torso and even with my proportionally long arms i have some problems with my hands, namely in the lunge and cobra positions putting a lot of weight on my fingers and not having enough arm length to roll my shoulders back. is this something i can practice to overcome or are there other solutions?
Wow the best description I found on YouTube. I have been teaching for almost 20 years and I know you are a great teacher! I wanted to do a video like this but you just saved me a lot of time… I will share yours instead:-)
Hey! I’ve been to Brooklyn and i don’t remember trees like that!!:D
This is the best video I’ve seen for the traditional sun salutation. Thank you for posting this!
Yoga is worship of Shiva (“death”, “the destroyer of worlds”). Check the Linga Purana! Spine movement in yoga gives “coiled” Satan permission to control the nervous system (that’s demonic possession!). All yoga instructors, knowingly or not, use the “command” chakra to mind control “students” (victims). Astral projection during yoga can result in death. I’m an expert on the mystical. AVOID yoga!
I know that beautiful voice you taught me to breathe
One of the best Sun Salutation videos that I’ve seen. Very Helpful. Thanks!!
I feel wonderful. What a great place for evermore. Thank you for this video and instructions. I have respect for you. I care.
Beautiful location, Very detailed and clear instruction and a great demo. well done Yoga Trends, All the best for future videos.
Subscribed! look forward to seeing more videos from you.
Much easier if your skinny hehehehe like her. I started at 18 with yoga and have always been thinner until my 50s, and now at 61 I still do a bit of yoga for stretching and flexibility but not like when i was in my 20s, 30s and 40s. But having gained grandmother weight its so much harder to do.
What guides the tempo, the breath or the movement? Because I’d assume depending on speed, breath will increase with effort. Or are you suppose to control\watch your breath, and slow down the movement to not have your breath out of control?
when’s the part where I can harness the power of the sun and launch a massive projectile of pure photon power
I have never seen such a beautiful and clear demonstration of sun salutation. Big thank you. I would like you to make video on yogic breathing techniques i.e pranayam.
oh my god this is hard, i’m in really bad shape. you make it look so easy. i think i should just do a couple postures to limber up since i’m ridged as board
Tried it for the 1st time. I enjoyed it! Your voice is nice and soothing….like a female Bob Ross
I like the way you show the variation of weak body to strong body as you practice everyday
Thank you for sharing
I feel relaxed by just watching:) Definitely subscribed! How long has this individual been practicing yoga?
Shouldn’t we unroll the back and spine when we come up? Or maybe that’s just for me.
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This is the most helpful Sun Salutation instructional video I’ve seen. Thank you so much for posting it
I like this sun salutation. Will endeavour to do it as well as the model demonstratîon.
Fabulous video, calm voice, soothing music, perfect descriptions, beautiful setting. Please could you do more videos like this:)
This is btful version of surya namaskar…wondering btful music
This is great and such a good explanation. Thank you. How many times do you suggest running through this for an early morning stretch out for my back? Thanks again.
I have a query?? should I have to chant Surya mantra with each asana posture??or just controlling breath is enough to get benefits…
Absolutely love this video best example this is exactly how i want it to look.. Striving for perfection this is your vid xx
The most comprehensive, articulate and perfectly pitched yoga tutorial I have ever had. The yoga teacher Ashton August is amazing. Thank you so much. Namaste
Please don’t call this the right way to do Suryanamaskar. It certainly is not the right way to do it, please call it something else.
The whole thing made me cry….by just watching it….effortlessly beautiful
This has truly helped me with my yoga practical exams. Thank you do much. Where you located?
This is one of the best, least pretentious, relaxing sunrise salutations videos I’ve seen. It isn’t exactly as I was taught but that makes sense because, you know, I was taught by someone else. The differences are minute. Can’t please everyone! Thanks for sharing your work with those of us who are at home!
What do people do whose back in the forward fold looks like a camel’s back even with knees bent almost 90 degrees? After my back breaks parallel with the floor (with knees bend of course) I can’t fold forward unless I round my back (especially my lower back) severely. Is it still ok to do? Is it not against the principle of yoga (spine health)?
Thank you so much for this wonderful video Ashton. I’m returning to Yoga after 5 years away from it. Your descriptions are so clearly and concisely explained and I am particularly impressed that you include in your instruction as to how to complete each position safely and also that you include the Sanskrit names. Namaste
really smooth&nice voice! A really good explanation:) thank you!
Very well explained, I appreciate the explanation of moves rather than just running through the sequence.
the breathing instruction is very helpful and easy to understand together with the movement poses, thank you
Explaining how to count the rounds was very helpful to me. Thank you.
Hi there. What is the beautiful song playing in the background?
this is the classical way. You don’t see it often. Its lost if we don’t teach it
havin a good day son well i m on floor doin my yoga and its called hot yoga as im sweatin a bit.
Great video. What music do you have in the background? It is the perfect yoga music.
Well, came here to learn how to cancel sun salutation for smash ultimate, and found this smh
For any beginners who find this too fast, adjust the speed to.75✌️
Hello, the subtitles are hiding your posture like we don’t get to see the right postures on the floor!!
Thank you, that was very good, at least for me. I will be back everyday until it becomes second nature.
Great job with this video! This is perfect to share with some friends who are just beginning a yoga journey. I did sun salutation everyday for years! The best go to for the morning yoga!
I see my yoga teacher making the mistakes you pointed out! Will show her this video