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Home Follow Along Do 100 Push Ups Easy With Variations
Video taken from the channel: RisingDragonSchool
20 Types of Push Up
Video taken from the channel: Jordan Yeoh Fitness
How to do Superman Pushups for Beginners
Video taken from the channel: Vikas Choudhary
SPIDERMAN PUSHUP [Bodyweight Fight Deck Exercise 4 of 34]
Video taken from the channel: Precision Movement by Eric Wong
Spiderman Pushups
Video taken from the channel: LivestrongWoman
Spiderman Push ups
Video taken from the channel: OneRepMan
The 5 Most Important Push Up Exercises
Video taken from the channel: Calisthenicmovement
Benefits Muscles Targeted. Largely, the movement targets the same muscle groups targeted during traditional pushups, but with an Functional Exercise. Almost all multi-joint, bodyweight exercises like the spiderman pushup are considered effective Anti-Rotational Core Strength. As.New variations of old exercises—like pushups— are a great way to challenge your muscles and keep you mentally engaged when you exercise.
Besides their cool name, Spiderman pushups.The Spiderman pushup is a somanabolic muscle maximizer exercise that uses multiple different muscle groups to give your body one intense central workout. Through different variations of this one technique, you’ll effectively work out your biceps, your triceps, your butt, your abdominal muscles, your chest, your shoulders, and your thighs.
The Spiderman push-up exercise is a variation of the standard push-up, that adds in hip flexion. Named as the action resembles Spider-Man climbing up a wall, but just on the floor. The spider-man push-up is excellent for improving hip flexibility and incorporating an oblique crunch.
This exercise is part of the Superhero workout.The Benefits Of Doing Spiderman Pushups. Doing pushups can be a good way to work on your upper body strength, but there are many variations that you can do besides the basic exercises that you learned in P.E. classes in school.
For example, doing Spiderman pushups can be a good way to get more out of your workouts.Who Should Practice Spiderman Push-Ups? The spiderman push-up is a great way to build motor control, mobility, and coordination. Similar to the walking push-up, this is a good variation for grapplers. It also works well for climbing, as we explain in this tutorial.
Variations of the TRX Spiderman Push-Up Hold the Spiderman position for 3-5 seconds. At the top of the Push-Up, push your body backward to perform a Buzzsaw. Bring your leg out to the side instead.The pushup is probably the first muscle-building exercise most guys ever master, and also the first one they abandon. At some point they discover.
As you press up, straighten your right leg and return your right foot to the floor. Repeat on the other side. Benefits of Spiderman Push-Ups. The action of drawing your knee up to your elbow during the push-up makes a Spiderman variation more challenging than a regular push-up in several way.
The push-up is the gold standard for bodyweight exercises that work your upper body pushing muscles (chest, triceps, and shoulders). It’s super convenient due to needing no equipment (unless doing certain advanced variations), and there are so many different variations that it’ll blow your mind.spiderman push-up is a calisthenics and total body exercise that primarily targets the chest and to a lesser degree also targets the abs, lower back, quads, triceps, hip flexors and obliques.
Learning proper spiderman push-up form is easy with the step by step spiderman push-up instructions, spiderman push-up tips, and the instructional.The Spiderman Pushup is an intense core and shoulder workout. Do a standard pushup while touching one knee to elbow during each rep. Livestrong Woman introduces The Livestrong Essentials Series!Muscle Benefits Of Spiderman Pushups Spiderman pushups work to develop the pectoral muscles in the chest, triceps in the arms and delts in the shoulders.
The difference with this pushup variation is that the movement shifts your weight adding resistance and causing your.Touted as the “ impossible push-up,” Spiderman push-ups up the ante on the move by challenging your obliques. As you lower down into a standard push.
Navy midshipman Joe Giannini showed Insider the 200-push-up workout he’s using to stay in shape for the United States Naval Academy. He went step by step on how to do a basic push-up with good form. Then he broke down harder styles, such as clap push-ups, handstand push-ups, and spiderman push-ups.
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Even though I’m not gonna do it,love watching it. Next level fitness, awesome bro. My pushup
Diamond pushuptarget triceps
Regular push-up -target chest
This Spiderman pushup-target you know what?
Please let me know
What’s the difference between spiderman push ups and dragon push ups.
These are difficult and I commend her effort, but please use someone who can do the given exercise in your tutorial videos!
그 handstand들을 누르면 좋은 쉬운 대안이다.
그 handstand들을 누르면 좋은 쉬운 대안이다.
그 handstand들을 누르면 좋은 쉬운 대안이다.
Can anyone tell me what type of music that is in the background?
What genre?
It must be though having to stare at the camera while doing this.
Majy nhi aa rha hai bhai par try kar rha hu u’re best bro keep it up
3:19 if I see that shit on my neighborhood, i’m gonna call the MiB
2:39 Hey guy, let me know one thing: HOW COULD THAT BE POSSIBLE??? KKK! I wish I could do that! One day who knows! Thanks for the video!
Learnt just in 30 seconds after watching this video. Thanks.
Amazing push-ups. Especially handstand and pike push-ups. Excellent work
This push up is not good for your body because you have no control while executing this. People try to do this just because it looks good.
This guy is amazing:) He is motivating me to get in shape:)
This…huh. Okay let me come back to this in a year or so. Or a few months? I guess depending on how my progress is coming along…I’ve only just started to feel lunges in my chest.
when i was like 10 i could do so many of these without breaking a sweat. now, in high school, i can’t even do a regular pushup:( sad life
if you wanted a lot of those just try this its pretty lit  එය ඔබට උපකාරී වනු ඇත
His videos are of supreme quality always. One of the Best on YouTube if not the best.
I hate alternating while doing sets,so I just do side first and then the other side.It’s right around the 60th rep that I feel the exhaustion setting in.
This is the first video I’ve seen from this channel, subbed and liked,!
Great production, awesome info, clear and straight to the point, great job dude!
Thanks for this!
As impressive as those handstand push-ups are, one slip-up and it’s broken neck and/or brain damage city.
Doing handstand push-ups on concrete. Seems like a good idea
Excelente, muy buenos tips para mejorar la calidad de los ejercicios que hacemos.
Please, can you help me? I want to do pseudo push ups correctly but i don’t no how do it:(((
this is so easy. I do Spider-Man pushups without my arms I just levitate up and down.
Does it matter if I do this one side at a time, first left for X reps and then right for same reps??
I subscribed when you take your shirt off just sayin
And i can do first three of these, enough for me
Can do all except the Jack one. Just can’t seem to get it down
better than kther vidoes. please add a few more cameras so the novice can see from different dimensions
Her hands are shaking while doing these push ups.She will injure herself.
Good exercise I will always watch hear, please guy support to my channel subscribe and turn on notification.
Jesus CRIST from all these Spider-Man push ups he must have his legs and arms cracking
I somehow knew it that one arm push up is going to be the last one
Este canal es lo mejor en asesoría calisténica, solo hace falta que suban más vídeos con traducción al español.
You will never reach the level of the legend bruce lee what you are capable of is adding lee to your last name and mimic his appearance
Its not boring you just gotta DO IT FORCE YOURSELF UP to do another.
I used to think I discovered pseudo planche and spinx pushups nobody taught me about them its just things I used to do to add more variation to my workout plan but those back bridge pushups though who the heck came up with that
The per fect one hand pushup I have ever seen with straight back
These are crazy hard. I thought I wouldn’t have much of a problem with this after clearing dive bombers and diamond push ups.. I can’t do more than 5 of these before my muscles giving out..
Can anyone help with scapular cues/position through the pike push up? I’m trying to avoid impingement. It looks as if I should try for depressed scapula through the whole range of motion. Is that right, or should I let them elevate (shoulders up around ears) in the uppermost press position? Thank you!
I do them with my feet planted on a wall with a slight decline. Makes them a bit more challenging.
Aren’t your knee’s suppose to go above your elbow? I guess the dragon walk is different
Alex you are an absolute savage. Plain and simple. Truly inspirational. @calisthenicmovement
wtf man i just did 4 of these and i shit my pants, i had to throw them out and now the neighbors dog found it and is running all over the neighborhood with it in its mouth. fml
Blowing after only a few reps you need to do a bit more CV! 😉 I can’t do these (they’re hard!) which is why I looked for this video. My Muay Thai class does 87 of these as one quarter of its standard “cards” warmup (you do a whole deck of 52 cards, a different exercise for each suit, the value of the card determines how many reps you do). I just do normal press ups (I’m 56), but maybe now thanks to your video I’ll be able to do at least some spider-mans like the rest of the class. Thanks!
boss can’t you give me the link of you use song in the video please please please please .
He already got man boobies
This dude got breasts
He definitely took PED’s, Anabolics, etc
Steroids User
I see that push up being effective to my work out. Plus any time me being Spider-man give me more encouragement to keep going to be that Super Dad I need to be. Lol
Yeah..see I hate the alternating thing so I just do 5 at once on each side and then change sides. I go 1,2,3,4,5, switch, 6,7,8,9,10 stop. Does it even matter as long as I keep placing my feet in place and lifting it as the guy shows??
Be honest, you only clicked in because of the thumbnail and was expecting something else
what about for lazzy & over weight ppl that suck at push ups?
you uys should of make a similar exercise that was easy at the same time functional for us not everyone is fit or is in good physical condition (exercise experts)
I can do 75 push-ups max in 3 minutes, but counting that high does get a bit boring and slow after a while. I recommend maybe mixing diamond and wide-grip push-ups up to 50, 25 each. Take a minute to catch wind and hydrate, then bust out 25 Spidey push-ups. You will definitely work more muscles that way and you will notice quite the difference.
I usually do 120 of the regular ones.
This one killed me already at 40. Dafuq.
Nice exercise!
Sweet heavens, you are gorgeous…… not even the socks were able to ruin you. Keep up the good work with the videos too! ^^
This dude is doing hand stand push-ups on cement next to cacti.
Bone strong is much important. For push ups but unfortunately I have weak bones.
I’ve watched a few work out videos and I’m wondering why it’s so hard for big guys to do regular work outs. I mean, I was in the Army and we were constantly getting the shit smoked out of us. We did a lot more than these so called professionals. I’m not meaning to hate but how can you be so big and so out of shape? That just doesn’t seem natural to me.
Should find someone who knows how to do a pushup before giving an instruction vid on form…..
I never seen any comment box like this,full of different types of people and also different types of situations of human body specifically mens.
This does seem like something Spider-Man would be good at. Probably because he has super strength, this shit is hard.
I hope you enjoy the video! Hopefully it will help a few of you out and keep you entertained during these crazy times we all find ourselves in! Please do share the workout with any family and friends who you think would find this helpful!
Stay safe everyone and don’t forget to comment below what videos you’d like to see me do over the next few months!
Till he actually showed it, I was thinking that it would be a click bait.
I was going to say that this was a pointless video but thankfully you pointed out a way to make the “backbridge push-up” MORE DIFFICULT!!:’D
If we can do that type of push ups we are not here to watch your channel videos
Superman pushup and beginner should not be in the same sentence plz subscribe
Why they had to do her like this, the struggle for her is real
Spiderman push-up
Do a normal push-up but raise one knee toward the elbow of the same side as you rise. Switch knees with each rep. Also add more stress to your abs with 2 second hold. Wiki
Meh, there are few various ways to do Spider-Man push-ups. The way we do them in the Navy is a little different. Like what you were doing with the legs, only planting feet onto the deck and also using our arms. It is a little hard to explain.
Plz subscribe to my channel bro
If calisthenics only you will need to be under 150 for this to be feasible smh
Lmao, This looks more like the Frog-Push ups instead Spiderman.
For this u need a smooth leg motion, timed as one movement together with the push-up.
Great set of challenging pushups easy to go with and hitting different muscle groups at the same time. I struggled with the finger pushups. Will definitely try again!
Holy fuck get to the point this could have been a 5 second video where you just do 4 Spider-Man push ups. Lol!!!!!
Don’t watch this vedio at nigt.
After this vedio, I started handstand pushup..
Old generation still says we can’t be more athletic than British but young generation doesn’t know that.
Fantastic video! This is one of the best instructional videos I have seen. Thank you.
i start this video, i left, when i came back i thought it was a different one
Não sabe hahahaha ta quase morrendo aí mina, passem no meu canal!!!!
great exercise! gonna try it today at the gym. this was very helpful!
man honestly speaking the beard doesn’t suit you, please get rid of it
…So 98% of world’s population can’t do MOST important push ups..good:)
Thank you very much for your great videos Peter! You are encouraging me to be more fit everyday. <3
Oh my god im in love. I know his stoke game is lit. God forgive me.
DO THIS SHIT PEOPLE.I did 100 spidermans as a warmup before my workout everyday for two weeks. On the third week I was doing one hand pushups with 45lbs on my back. I like to go forward with them like I’m crawling but THIS SHIT WORKS.
Ugh!!! The ad was about fries!!! This is the devil talking!!!
my favorite push up besides the regular one also great video and demonstration.
For archer push up is it consider as safe push up, because i think that kind of push up put a lot of stress on your shoulder??? Pliz answer me…….
motivational workout the superman pushup
Superman ban nah means jutaa khrb kar nalike here guys
Thank you so much! This workout is so easy to follow, and it’s not super intimidating. I can actually keep up for once lol. I think this’ll be my new nightly from now on
As soon as he cranked out the 1APU, that’s when I gained respect for my man Jordan.
They made me do this yesterday and it is hard. I can feel the weight of my legs when I push it off the side.
Zen says I am 75 and started this super man flying push ups wait for my video
Incorrect. The spiderman pushup involves your arms too. You should be crawling “across the wall” like spiderman.
This bring back memories from days in RDS China hope your well Scott
You are doing hindu push-ups in wrong way bro❤️,,I know coz I Am a Hindu
Most important?? Important for what, u can build muscle and strength wdout this special kind of push ups
I’m a medical student.. and I’m 100% sure about that…
This is not the right way to do this exercise. It might be dangerous for your joints ligaments.. and surely you’ll feel pain and swelling in those knees ligaments. If those ligaments got raptured then you’ll be never be able to recover. So Don’t try this and please don’t make this type of nonsense videos.
Could you explain how exactly you put your knuckles on the ground? My fingers hurt af when I try to do push ups on the knuckles:( greetings from switzerland
I was waiting for Bradley Martyn to jump out of a pool in the beginning..
Ye dekho ek ye vikas hai or bc vo ek Vikas hai chodu ♂️
Looking fab Peter, all the negative comments are from from jealous people!
Bro please if i record myself doing 3 finger push ups would you do me a shoutout pleaaaaaase
I paused the video at regular intervals to let him take rest.
Backbridge push up?! Handstand push up!?? Hey, this is totally unrealistic. Best is enemy of better. I do some 300 push ups a day, am looking for something more challenging but this (…), no thank you. First thing, improving shoulder muscles like the back deltoid that is neglected by doing simple push ups. Specific exercices with elastics or weights are needed, maybe too walking backwards on a wall or making push ups after laying feet on a seat or a table. This is something possible. The pike push up that I have seen here brings too much blood in the head, which is pretty obvious when we see such a red color in his face.
By far this is the best Indian Channel on YT for all Calisthenics! And Bro You are awesome, I hope I would sooner be able to pull off all that you do…
I was watching this thinking ok I’m gonna do this, Hindu, Boxer, Diamond, then out of nowhere finger push ups. Damn. I tried to do them the way you said but I guess my finger strength is useless. How do I work up to them?
What about his breathing sounds like he holding his breath?
Did chest advanced from home workout had 20 of these too thanks for vid.
Bro how to gain pack and wide shoulders n iam doing 200 push ups daily is it helps to gain wide shoulders and arms
Why they had to do her like this, the struggle for her is real
If these OBLIQUE pushups are called “Spiderman Pushups” wouldn’t that make Burpees called “Superman Pushups”?
if you wanted a lot of those just try this its pretty lit  එය ඔබට උපකාරී වනු ඇත
Me: sees thumbnail
Also me: Ah yes the push up where you just levitate
Short and informative. Perfect. I’ll try that right now. Thanks, dude.
It is amazing to see everything the human body is capable of. Thanks for showing us Jordan. You inspire me to train hard!
What shes doing it differently not the same everytime i dont understand how this works
ہم تو زمانوں کے کھلاڑی تھے ۔ ہمیں محبت نے ناکارہ بنا دیا ۔ ۔ اس کی بے وفائی پر ہم سب بھول گئے ۔ جو یاد ہے تو نام کا اور ان کی بے وفائی
Jeez I felt bad the person showing us how to do them, clearly you would need someone who can preform a few perfect reps before getting them on a demonstration video
Should be supported to the top;) Thank you! This is my dreaming push up style. I’ll keep practicing it;)
Do you have a video on archer pushups? And what are your thoughts on archer pushups?
what’s the value of these? doesn’t really seem to be any difference to me.
Nice video! What would you recommend me when I can not do fingers push up?
Before doing this, please wear proper shoe or else you would hurt yourself
wtf? are you telling me that one arm push up is harder than the flying push up?
This girl in demonstration is just not strong enough to show perfect form…
This push up is more intense than normal push ups but I can do more reps of it
Ok so he’s out of breath just doing a few…what hope do us mere mortals have trying to do these…eeek!
This dude: does a FLYING push up defying gravity and 19 other push ups that just blow my mind…
Me at the same moment: Switches the hand I’m holding my phone with.
This woman did them really poorly and clearly struggled. They’re difficult but you shouldn’t be wobbling and losing balance while doing them. If you want to see proper form, search up “Athlean-X 33 Pushup Variations” and watch the 15th one.
15 down and I am working towards the Handstand pushups very slowly!
Also very impressive that you can peform the “tiger” pushups after done the other ones. It seems like I can peform them before doing any other exercise, but after my triceps won’t allow it.
These planche style pushups seem like just the ticket to regain normal kyphosis of the thoracic spine in those for whom the flat thorax is the big problem.
Does the thumbnail not remind anyone else of that meme of the strong black guy falling on the floor and doing some weird explosive pushups?
You aren’t supposed to drag your foot on the ground like a zombie crawling out from the grave? My life is a lie.
Oye why u called 7 number pushup Hindu…? Don’t insult Hindu…
their called alternating one leg push ups stop giving simple exercises stupid names it’s really annoying and confusing for beginners.
Spiderman, Spiderman, that whatever a spider can, spins a web any size, look out, here comes the Spiderman
I injured my shoulder when doing “Walking geko push-up” so be careful, don’t pressure your shoulder.
my spider push-ups are going in the the position Shrek is in on donkey(in my profile pic) then I move up and down like push ups
My name is also vikas what a nice body he has bro wow
Thank you for the videos and the inspiration. Please make similar videos for different muscles like legs, back, shoulders. Entire India is under 21 day lockdown. Will be a great help to everybody here. Cheers
Great Scott, thanks on my tomorrow workout
Yes home workout / challenges will be welcome these days