Table of Contents:
Goal Setting for 2019 My Resolutions for the New Year!
Video taken from the channel: LowkoTV
How to Create an Effective Action Plan | Brian Tracy
Video taken from the channel: Brian Tracy
Goal Setting Workshop 10 Quick Tips for Better New Year’s Resolutions, presented by SnackNation
Video taken from the channel: SnackNation
How to set goals for the new year [2019 Strategy]
Video taken from the channel: Little Might
How to Set Goals for the New Year (+ actually ACHIEVE them)
Video taken from the channel: Lavendaire
A Complete Guide to Goal Setting
Video taken from the channel: The Art of Improvement
Why the secret to success is setting the right goals | John Doerr
Video taken from the channel: TED
With goals, if you find a planned change too difficult to carry out, you can adjust the goal to a lower intensity, or drop that plan but pick a different new behavior to try that will still lead to the same end result, and not lose sight of the goal.This year turns into the next, and the cycle continues. This time, you might be saying to yourself that this year is different, and that you can do this. And YOU CAN! Here are five steps that you can take to help you set – and accomplish – those goals for the new year.
1. Set SMART goals.Goal Setting Strategies for the New Year A New Year means personal resolutions to eat better, work out more, and save more money. But it’s also a time to set goals for your business. How can you make sure that your company is taking.Work goals; Spiritual goals; Health and Fitness goals; Finance goals; 3. Set goals that are realistic and attainable While it would be great to lose 30 pounds, get out of debt, and get a new job that pays twice your salary in the coming New Year, you do want to make sure that any resolutions you set.
Goal setting ensures that the focus of employees and managers are focused on essential tasks. It guarantees smooth transitioning between projects and weekly targets. In fact, a balanced set of goals also improves the efficiency of employees by reducing monotony in work.In the first year that I started to set my goals, I used the most superficial technique. Well, it was the easiest one to begin with.
For New Years’ Eve, I wrote down 10 goals I wanted to achieve in the upcoming year, placed the list in an envelope, sealed it and put it in my drawer.I had read in a book or an article that with such an exercise, you put your subconscious mind to work.And what’s worse is when the end of the quarter or year comes and you haven’t worked on anything (yikes!) or learned anything new. Before we tackle some professional development goals and examples, take a minute and think about why professional work goals and life goals are important. Why set goals for work? 1. Goals.
Powerful Goal-Setting Strategies for the New School Year. Setting goals for what you want to achieve in the upcoming semester is a fabulous way to start the school year! In order to have a “successful” semester, you need to know what success means to you, and identify exactly WHAT you want to accomplish – and that’s what goal-setting is all about. Why is setting goals.What new skills or knowledge would you like to learn this year?
Effective goals are: Personal. Your goal needs to be about you and for you. You can’t set goals for someone else, and it really doesn’t work well if someone else tries to set goals for you.
Positive.Schunk (1985) found that participation in goal setting encourages a search for new strategies to aid success. Finding novel ways to utilize our skills and push our abilities increases task-relevant knowledge while enhancing self-efficacy and self-confidence.This year, look at your career and set some firm, measurable goals that you can actually track and achieve.
Here are 17 workplace goals for the new year that will make it your best work year ever. 1. Do five things to stay healthier at work. Everyone is concerned about health, and losing weight is one of the most common New Year.Seven Areas of Life for Smart Goals. We recommend you set goals for these seven significant areas of life: Financial Goals: Start saving for retirement, get out of debt, or use a monthly zero-based budget.
Spiritual Goals: Pick up a new devotional, start a daily journal, or plug in to a group at your church. Fitness Goals.However, we can look at some examples of goals that you can set in the new year and tailor into SMART goals for your unique situation in these seven areas of your life to improve your wellbeing. 20 Examples of Goals to Set for 2020 to Improve.
Goal setting does not have to be boring. There are many benefits and advantages to having a set of goals to work towards. Setting goals helps trigger new behaviors, helps guides your focus and helps you sustain that momentum in life. Goals also help align.Goal setting step 1: Give yourself six minutes to brainstorm a list of anything you’d like to achieve, create, do, have, give and/or experience in the next 20 years.
Write as many things down as fast as you can in this time.
List of related literature:
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from Now What?: The Young Person’s Guide to Choosing the Perfect Career | |
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from The Biophysical Foundations of Human Movement | |
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from Maximum Climbing: Mental Training for Peak Performance and Optimal Experience | |
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from NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training | |
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from Dynamics of Leadership in Public Service: Theory and Practice | |
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from Professional Practice in Paramedic, Emergency and Urgent Care | |
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from Your Best Year Ever: A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals | |
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from Operations Management in the Travel Industry, 2nd Edition | |
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from The Coaching Process: A Practical Guide to Becoming an Effective Sports Coach | |
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from Handbook of Self-Regulation, Second Edition: Research, Theory, and Applications |
Is the time 1337 a coincidence? I think not
X-File Theme intensify
OKR é muito mais do que só uma estratégia empresarial, mas uma forma de ter certeza de que se está no objetivo certo e uma forma de entender as ações que dão certo e errado para que se tenha tempo de recalcular rota sempre que preciso, sem comprometer o atingimento da meta. Excelente conteúdo!
my goal is to be the most powerful person in the world within 2025..from 2020…
Que vídeo sensacional e inspirados, ficou claro que OKR é um sistema fundamental para alcançar os objetivos. Ele é simples, prático e 100% focado no resultado! Não só grandes empresas (como o exemplo do Google, dado no vídeo) pode utilizar, mas pequenas empresas (como Nuna da Jini) ou indivíduos (como o exemplo do Bono), podem utilizá-lo para alcançar objetivos, se ele for claro e você se atentar a ele, com certeza trará grandes resultados.
I want to serve humanity i want to see people happy and for that i start with being an administrative officer then prime minister of India.
Motivador! Simples! Sucinto! Se quer me convencer de algo me dê pelo menos 2 bons exemplos! Ele me deu 4! 4 incríveis exemplos! Lutar pelo motivo certo é o diferencial!
Remember the moment i ve watched Lowko for the first time, it was for PUBG and not SC2, thinking about, i have SC2 and not PUBG, it’s stupid xD
Really very Inspiring… And a great reminder that OKRs need to be fueled by a powerful why too!!
My goal
Since I have GCSEs this year I am determined to get at least a 7(A) in every subject including maths.
Goal to do today:
Get out of bed and revise for my mock exams!
almost done with writing down my goals and feelings… i already feel so much more motivated and happy from those imaginations of my even more happier and satisfied version <3
Don’t wait for new years eve to set your goal! If you have a goal in mind, figure out the details and write it down anytime throughout the year. Keep up the good work everyone, and remember your strong beautiful and a goal achiever
If you’re interested my channel does animations to bring value on health, wealth, and happiness. Stop by if you have the time
My top 2 goals are
Making my NAFS my slave
Find a good partner in life
Super helpful in creating a bite size approach to big goals! Thanks for taking the time to make this video
Que vídeo esclarecedor!! Aqui mostra claramente que é preciso ter um objetivo pensado e executado de forma correta! O OKR é fundamental para traçar o objetivo e a direção. Metas precisam ser claras e assertivas. Não é somente sobre trazer resultado para a empresa mas sim de como inspirar a equipe para o propósito ( objetivo).
Kudos for the video content! Sorry for the intrusion, I am interested in your initial thoughts. Have you considered Patlarny Ancient Secrets Principle (do a search on google)? It is a smashing one off product for maximising your life using a simple goal setting strategy minus the hard work. Ive heard some super things about it and my good mate called Gray at very last got great results with it.
Hi Lowko this video is actually great and very helpful to both personal and professional life of everyone! I hope you don’t mind that I shared it on more professional-like places, like WordPress and Linkedin. I wouldn’t mind for more inspirational videos from you amongst the gaming ones, and if you are interested in checking out my reference to you, here is the link: cya!
Método brilhantemente simples e objetivo.
Não substitui uma liderança e cultura forte, mas como aliado, é uma arma poderosa para obtenção de resultados.
A simples aplicabilidade também facilita a utilização tanto em âmbitos profissionais, quanto pessoais.
Saber exatamente o porque, onde vai chegar, como chegar e manter a cadência, sem perder o foco, é receita certa de sucesso em todas as áreas da vida.
Incrível!!! Definir o que ligado a um proposito maior (paixão), é o que garantirá grandes transformações em níveis corporativos, educacionais, governamentais. Disseminar OKRs, é sem sombra de dúvidas a melhor forma de se alcançar resultados exponenciais. Ter clareza e ser determinado em relação aos resultados chave!
Throw the best NYE party with the Black Tie Affair New Year’s Party Kit featuring the phrase “Happy New Year!” on 10 top hats, 15 cone hats, and 25 tiaras
Friends and guests will end the year with a bang as they celebrate with the 15 foil horns, 15 squawkers and 20 blowouts
Your guests will love wearing the party leis which come in black, gold and silver; This party kit includes 25 leis
The party supplies set includes all the black, gold, and silver accessories and noisemakers you need to accommodate 50 party guests
Add the final touch to your end of the year celebration with the 25 printed balloons; The balloons come in black, gold, and silver and feature white stars
Excelente! Quando se tem paixão pelo objetivo, um sonho bem definido, todo o processo ganha mais clareza. As técnicas OKR ajudam com toda certeza, a termos previsibilidade da situação em que ela é aplicada, muito bom!
Para mim o aprendizado que tiro deste video é a importância do “Por quê” se conseguirmos identificar o “Por que” de cada um, teremos muito mais chances de atingir nosso objetivos e claro que alinhado com bons indicadores que possam ser medidos com facilidade.
Acredito que muitos lideres aqui, controlam muito as metas, os números que estão por traz e pecamos em entender se “o como” esta sendo executado com excelência e isto pode estar ligado diretamente ao “Por quê”….
Awesome video. I’ve been using the S.M.A.R.T. system for years now, but haven’t heard of the E.R. bit before. That will definitely add a whole new dimension to my next set of goals.
Método sensacional, que pode ser aplicado em varias áreas da vida. para onde queremos ir e como iremos, simples assim…
Excelente vídeo!!!!.. fica claro de que forma o método deve ser aplicado, ter o “propósito” definido!!!
Hi, have you tried looking into W.O.O.P framework in goal settings? great video btw
I really want to connect with some people who will help me stick to my youtube goals!!
Vídeo Excepcional, a essência do método OKR é reponder 2 coisas: o objetivo (o que queremos realizar?) e resultados (como vamos fazer acontecer?), o método serve para atingir qualquer meta, sejam elas pessoais, profissionais, equipe ou mesmo da empresa.
And when you achieve your goal be grateful to your Creator and show your gratitude, that will re-energize you for the next goal. I mean a secret (the power of gratitude)
I rlly love you n your channel cuz everytime I watch you my changes n I turn to a happier person cuz of the positivity u have UWU
I had 13 years to be native speaker in English and French but I’m suffering from the those languages
O que fazer e como fazer, de forma clara e sintetizada do que é OKR.
O mais interessante desse método é que ele deve ser tangível, alcançável e mensurável, então é preciso entender muito bem os objetivos e resultados.
Write your goal, having a look at your written goals everyday forces you to act and helps you to prioritize your actions for the day by asking yourself questions such as “In this moment, is doing what I’m doing bringing me closer to my goals?” I read this from book
Set goal specifically.
Write your goals on paper
Set deadline. Estimate when you achieve goal.
Make a list all Actions and skilld you need to achieve goals.
priority sequencing the list
This is so inspirational! Wow! I’m so glad I found your channel!
Vídeo sensacional!
O método OKR quando aplicado de forma correta atinge de modo simples e claro o objetivo proposto.
E o mais interessante é que este pode ser aplicado tanto no ambiente corporativo quanto na vida pessoal!
Excelente conteúdo! Por meio dos cases apresentados notamos que quando o método OKR é aplicado em uma empresa, de maneira bem definida, com uma cultura forte e tem alinhamento a liderança os resultados são muito promissores. Além é claro, de se tratar de um método aplicável em outros campos da vida, de acordo com o resultado chave que deseja obter!
My goal is to learn about a particular topic in next 6 months
Que vídeo sensacional e inspirados, ficou claro que OKR é um sistema fundamental para alcançar os objetivos. Ele é simples, prático e 100% focado no resultado! Não só grandes empresas (como o exemplo do Google, dado no vídeo) pode utilizar, mas pequenas empresas (como Nuna da Jini) ou indivíduos (como o exemplo do Bono), podem utilizá-lo para alcançar objetivos, se ele for claro e você se atentar a ele, com certeza trará grandes resultados.
Lavendaire, thank you for your content! I am absolutely in love with every piece of content you upload. I also need to point out a fun tip, it’s important not to talk about your goal with others constantly, because it kind of sets off this chemical in your brain and tricks you into thinking you’ve worked on your goal already!!!!
Simple and effective. The big secret to success is knowing how to detail your key results.
Ótimo conteúdo, o uso de casos mostrar o poder de quando é implementado corretamente, gera mais confiança ainda.
Many thanks, I’ve been looking for “setting life goals” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about Conoah Goalify Gotchie (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now )? Ive heard some great things about it and my buddy got excellent results with it.
Hi. I wanted to thank you for this video, and all your content, but this one hit me differently. It’s the first time i actually took notes from a video, and now I’m actually taking the steps to achieve my goals. Since i had a quick encounter with death recently i really want to appreciate the time we have and use it to do something meaningful…
My goal is to make an income of INR 10 Lac (US $ 13115) per month.
Método OKR simples, porém assertivo: o que e como!
Ferramenta extremamente prática para empresas e para vida pessoal! Excelente!
I’ve been setting my goal of learning to drive for about 4/5 years now, but there’s always something that gets in the way. This year, it’s a new job that’s a bit further to travel to. I keep telling myself I need to start an emergency savings fund before driving, then I think about focusing on my health and personal appearance…
Incrível e simples! O método OKR de forma geral demonstrou ser a forma mais eficaz para uma organização! Aplicando o método, grandes resultados e de forma sólida!
Simplesmente fantástico. O resgate histórico deste que é um método incrível. A participação em vídeo de John Doerr, realmente um grande e importante registro deste que é um método que se mostra eficiente e aplicável a qualquer organização!
Do you offer posters of the completed drawings for each of your videos?
Really appreciate the messages your videos present!
You are a bit wrong here, when it comes to “A” and “R”. The rule about SMART goals say Specific Measurable Attractive Realistic Time bound.
Excelente vídeo! Um objetivo sem um propósito não tem vida longa, e um propósito sem um objetivo claro e mensurável também não levará
aos resultados, acredito que o método OKR consiga unir essas duas coisas e transformar na entrega e mensuração do resultado raiz.
Your video is amazing, right now I want to try following your method, my plan for the next year is graduate from fashion school, finish my collection, and I hope my youtube channel will grow as well.
I personally have so many goals but I want to focus on the most important and things that I love to do.
Video fantástico, que traz conceitos atuais e importantes para a gestão, ficou evidente que com objetivo definido, resultado chave, clareza do que e como devemos fazer fazem toda a diferença, que temos que nos preocupar em medir o que realmente importa e ter sempre excelência na execução.
I really hope this helps. I’ve struggled with motivation and the like for years, but I’ve noticed a genuine increase in the skill of goal setting and pursuing my ambitions within the past year or so. I’m far from where I want to be, and I’ve failed and fallen back several times, but the general trend is an uptick and I hope this strategy is the next step for me. THank you.
Sensacional. Histórias de sucesso!!! Porque a técnica correta supera qualquer esforço. Traçando o objetivo certo, vice não se desvia com tentativas “falhas” o processo se torna acertivo e qualificado.
Im so happy sadie aldis talked about you in her last video! I love hearing different ideas on how to set your goals and achieve them. Right now im currently in between jobs and trying to look for one. Im a welder so its hard to find a welding job. But my potential goals are to get healthy and be more active. I started yoga the other day and it helped me a lot. I also want to find a job where I don’t have to worry about living paycheck to paycheck. Right now I only have like 5 or 6 bills I have to pay and I have to pay off medical bills and im trying to build my credit. I have a lot of goals I want to achieve. And I even talked to my bf that from now on we are not going to spend our money on stuff we don’t really need. He likes to collect different things and I like to buy random stuff that in the long run I probably don’t need or will use in the future. So I really want to get my finances in order and build my savings account.
Gonna patiently wait for Warcraft reforged from you. Also maybe we can see you try and get into Starcraft 1 a bit more, maybe some old school Command and conqour
Ótimo vídeo com uma clareza sensacional do “why?” and “how?”, que no contexto OKR é o que rege nossas motivações.
Conteúdo claro com belos casos de uso para mostrar o poder de quando é implementado da forma certa.
Many thanks, been searching for “goal setting app” for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried Seyrayson Startling Scheme (just google it )? It is a smashing one off guide for discovering how to achieve your ultimate life goals without the normal expense. Ive heard some amazing things about it and my colleague got excellent success with it.
Cheers for the video content! Forgive me for butting in, I would love your initial thoughts. Have you ever tried Patlarny Ancient Secrets Principle (just google it)? It is an awesome exclusive product for maximising your life using a simple goal setting strategy minus the hard work. Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my best friend Jordan at last got cool success with it.
Awesome Lowko! All the very best:)
What you mean by mental health? Are you going crazy……………….!! ♥
iam very big fan of you for last 20 years sir.used to listen to your audios and emails.
Thank you so much for all this help.
Write your goals down daily, helps you stayed focused on days you don’t feel like showing up.
Vídeo extremamente valioso, nos mostra em poucas palavras a essência do “OKR”, o que me chama atenção é a aplicabilidade não só e em empresas mas também em equipes e na vida pessoal. O que eu entendo esta resumido em duas perguntas: Sabe onde quer chegar? Fez o que tem que ser feito? a resposta é tão simples quanto o método: Sim ou Não.
Separar um tempo para se dedicar ao objetivo e resulta chave com muito cuidado e assertividade.
Lembrando que o método não substitui uma cultura forte, mas agrega.
Grato pelo Vídeo.
PERFEITO! Traçar um objetivo criativo, inspirador e ousado e desenhar o metodo para chegar até ele.
“O que vc sabe nao é o mais importante, a execucao é o que mais importa”
Great way of breaking down your goals to achieve success and a really good video. Also love when you say ‘now’ and ‘out’, still got the Belfast accent:)
I love how well structured, short and to the point this video is. I think formulating the goals is just the first step. The next steps are creating the plan for achieving it and of course what to do once you set everything in motion. There will be fears and doubts and we all need to know how to deal with it and how to create a successful path once we have set the right SMART goals. Thanks for the video and keep up the good content!
Exemplos de grandes pessoas e empresas que através do método OKR definiram seus objetivos e metodologia para alcançá-los, mas que acima de tudo isso, tiveram seus propósitos com bases inspiradoras, que não se perdem e movem a criação dos novos.
Costumo levar essa metodologia desde de sempre para minha vida profissional e pessoal. Ter objetivos claros com diretrizes factíveis são essenciais.
Muito bom o conteúdo, explica mais claramente sobre o método é objetivos.
Try playing Grey Goo, a high quality RTS you might enjoy:) Love this video, I’m a big fan of pushing your self improvement so this video really rang a chord with me:) Happy New Year
Vídeo Incrível, métodos bem definidos. É importante entender o porque, e criar um objetivo e resultado chave.
A very easy to swallow Tips. Thank you Mr. Brian Tracy! More Power!
Thanks for the useful tips. The 13-week roadmap you showed looks different from the one in self journal. Is it available anywhere as I like the idea of sticking it to my wall?
What is my 90 days goals? I would love to build my own channel that envision both myself and the audience to keep up the mindset of self nourishing through the English learning community. Also, I am going to take an IELTS exam as I postpone the test for years by reading and practicing English every night. Lastly, I am going to eat more healthier and work out with my friends at least twice a week. Love you so much Aileen, your video always sparks my joy of improving myself. I really appreciate what you have created. My English skills is gradually better. Always support you, from Thailand.
It took me about 4 years before i became “good” at goal setting.I think that is another information missing in most goal setting teachings.The truth that just like any other skill, it will take a few years before a person masters the art of goal setting.So stop feeling overwhelmed if you are just starting to practice goal setting, just like any art, it will take time to master.
O senso de propósito é o combustível para alcançar objetivos ambiciosos.
Aliando-nos ao método OKR, desenhando onde e como chegaremos ao nosso objetivo, perseguido-o com muito afinco, podemos chegar a patamares impensáveis.
Esse vídeo é inspirador e nos faz ver quão longe podemos chegar.
O tempo é o único recurso da vida que não se recupera e infelizmente quando estamos mal direcionados para objetivos sem importância nos faz perde-lo expressivamente.
Certamente é importante ter clareza da direção certa e ter a certeza que o esforço empregado consolida o exito e a materialização das ambições, por isso o OKR é indispensável para focar no que verdadeiramente importa.
The way I see it, goals are good, but since things are constantly shifting, you’re gonna have to constantly be changing how you approach it and what you do. Basically, it’s rare that the first idea you get, will be the final goal result. Usually, you’ll make many changes to your plan.
Assisti o video e achei incrível, deixou ainda mais claro o conceito de:Como e porque!
Ë importante ter metas por motivos certos!
Gostei muito do conceito de que o que você sabe não é o mais importante, a execução é o que importa, ter excelência na execução!
OKR é um sistema simples de definição de metas, equipes e ate indivíduos.
OBJETIVO é o que queremos realizar(o que),é a direção.
RESULTADO CHAVE é como vamos fazer aquilo acontecer(como),os resultados chaves tem quer ser medio.
O estudo também nos mostra como definir metas de forma correta:
É preciso responder a pergunta Por que?
Pois equipes realmente transformadores, mesclam suas ambições com suas paixões e motivações e desenvolvem um senso de propósito claro e convincente
Objetivos são significativos, orientados a ação e inspiradores, são um tipo de vacina contra ideias mal definidas.
LEMBRE-SE -COMO: são os resultados chaves, como atingimos os nosso objetivos
Outra boa definição passado foi:Bons resultados são específicos e delimitados pelo tempo,sao agressivos mas realistas,sao mensuráveis e verificáveis, Esses são bons resultados chave
Por fim ele encerra concluindo que teremos bons resultados se pudermos medir o que realmente importa!
Excelente conteúdo.
Thank you Aileen i just discovered your channel and i can’t express how much i love the content, it helps me with the plans i have to build up a new me, GREAT LOVE from Algeria
Taking control of your life is the KEY to happiness and success. We all start
somewhere, whether that be at the bottom or with a little help. Ultimately your
potential is determined by your habits, which will DEFINE Who you are and
what mark you leave on earth.
I want financial Confidence…………………………………
Well very well laid out!
Thank you for this!
Winny out… for now
Definir os objetivos e os resultados a serem alcançados é essencial para o sucesso, agora quando o seu objetivo, sua meta, é pré estabelecida alinhada a um propósito, isso sim te leva a patamares de resiliência e excelência. Excelente conteúdo!
Falta de objetivo, falta de direção e direcionamento, resulta em fracasso no que tange o alcance de seus resultados chave, precisamos saber como e porque elaboramos um objetivo.
A meta certa pelo motivo certo, é o grande segredo de um extraordinário resultado chave.
Não é o que sabemos e sim, como executamos.
A definição de metas corretas são elaboradas porque? Porque estou traçando esta meta?
E depois, como? Os resultados chave, são o como, bons resultados são específicos e delimitados pelo tempo, são agressivos, mas realistas, são mensuráveis e verificáveis.
Conteúdo sensacional, de forma simples mostra como gerar grandes resultados através de um método simples com dois fatores, OBJETIVO e RESULTADO. Quanto mais inspirador for seu objetivo, maior será a força de realiza-lo e maior poderá ser os resultados. Ponto importante do vídeo que destacaria, PRAZO de realização e responder a pergunta, ATINGIU? (sim ou não).
Good luck with your goals Simon, I love your videos and can’t wait to watch your fanbase grow!:)
Great video! Now it’s time to put this knowledge into action.
Show esse conteúdo, ja tive o prazer em assistir esse video em outra ocasião, onde ajudou muito em clarear minha visão,
Anote suas metas diariamente, ajuda a manter o foco nos dias em que não deseja aparecer.
Definir corretamente seus objetivos/metas vai definir seu futuro de sucesso!!
Show esse conteúdo!!
This was the most clear and beautiful 2020 planning video I’ve seen. It helped the missing pieces become clearer for my own planning.
Happy new year for you Lowko and all your awesome viewers, can’t wait for subnautica expansion, I’m going to play it at the same time
Excited for 2020! My 2019 Artist of Life workbook was super helpful for achieving my goals this year. I didn’t quite reach every goal but I made a lot of progress.
I feel bad that I hardly watch your videos now. You’re by far my favorite StarCraft YouTube channel but I just don’t enjoy the game anymore:/
my goal is to get job in abroad to move out of my country,travel alone but im super nervous well cannot concentrate on anything,well its super tough to control my mind from thoughts really ughh.
to pay all my debts.
Start saving and managing my money well.
bro all you gotta do is just kick the ball into the goal then u win. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL!!!
I’m Sharleen Mangeri i’m looking to finish what I have before me, like finishing the race!
Aplicando a metodologia OKR com dois simples princípios de gestão: “O que e como”.
É necessário se traçar uma rota e saber como chegará de maneira objetiva e sem atalhos.
Stretch goals + Smart goals = personal growth and development. As a life and wellness coach. I love this video!
1 I want to be in shape and weigh 170 pounds by next summer. 2 Make 60,000 a year by next summer, 3 Get married in 2 years
Vídeo sensacional! O método OKR é inspiracional, simples, e ele mostra em exemplos distintos que ele pode ser utilizado em todas as áreas com o objetivo de elevar engajamento e promover grandes resultados.
“If the heart doesn’t find a perfect rhyme with the head, then your passion means nothing”
I am very much with you varying games, your resolution is very.. idk what to say but its Right, to me you’re the #1 best yter on yt and twitch streamer( okay that might sound like total bs to a lot of people but to me you are the best yter), on twitch you are wayyyyy higher than the person at second place for me. On yt its hard competition but i see you as best, even if you turn to fucking roblox and minecraft lmao you’ll still be in my top 5
There is tremendous power in goal setting. It helps you plan where you want to go in life and keeps you motivated to turn your vision of your future into a reality.
I read your book change your thinking change your life it is really great book profitable to me
Incrível direcionamento para todas ações que podemos ter na nossa vida, objetivos e resultados chaves, isso é simples desde testar ao ir no mercado fazer uma comprar até direcionar uma grande empresa ou um grande sonho.
Simplemente FANTASTICO método!
Resultados extraordinários acontecem quando se aplicar o OKR. Tudo começa com um objetivo a ser definido (visao clara do que se quer) e quais resultados se quer alcançar. Exemplo do Google, genial! Forma de gestao com método é sucesso na certa.
title seems easier but when it comes to complete will become difficult as hell
I’ve already fallen off my goals for 2020 in the 2nd week of January, but starting Feb I made new goals or reframed them differently in my mind, so I hope to keep those up throughout the month. Annual goals are a little intimidating, so I like setting 30-49 day goals (if your goals are habits, 49 days is the length that best solidifies habits as routine).
We don’t know what the result is until we define the objective. Here John demonstrates how great leaders were able to clearly use OKR. It is inspiring when a human being has the goal of changing the world, that is to dream big.
Very good! First time of hearing about (SMART)ER and they look very effective additions!
Will try your advice for 2020:)
Thankyou so much for this video. Its simply amazing
Definir objetivas e metas são pontos cruciais para se obter resultados satisfatórios, mas também é preciso foco e determinação, persistência também é um ponto de atenção, nada vem fácil, mas podemos visualizar todo o resultado a partir de um método simples, objetivo, que é o OKR, com certeza a visão de uma gestão fica outra quando coloca nesse modelo!
Great tips, some of which I haven’t read/heard anywhere before. Thank you!
2020 will be when i work on me. I was broken up with after an almost 3 year relationship that shattered me. I am slowly mentally preparing myself for the new year.
Need to create a playlist gathering life improvement advice..
more game diversity sounds great…can’t wait! Happy new year!
I loved your video and m an action taker and with a go getter attitude person. My 5 major goals
1. To create 5 lac business models by June 2023
2. School of passion: with a mission of reading a book with nation discussing ideas and implementing strategies by 11 schools by June 2022
3 To travel 18 different countries and 9 different places in India with my parents, my partner and family by June 2024
4. A beautiful home bought by June 2025 another by Nov 2027 in Ahemdabad
5 Creating assets for my clients and for myself mishty learning’s being a first one earning 10 lakh revenue per year starting June 2022
YES, more variety content. I’ve seen too many YouTubers completely lose their audience because they abruptly drop a game they’ve made content for for years. It’s a good idea to ease your audience into a larger variety of games to keep them interested in case anything happens.
Happy new year Lowko!! And keep up the good content! You are, no doubt about it, the best sc caster I have ever seen and I really enjoy almost all the content you upload. Unfortunately I rarely can follow your livestream, but still, I haven’t had this fun with any other SC caster.
I’m getting ready to create my long term goals and vision board for 2019. Great video. I was going to do SMART goals. Thank you for showing me about SMARTER goals. Great insight!
Interesting rules. Thank you very much Mr.Brian. I have got a goal to study abroad to get a Diploma in English Literature, however struggling to find a better way to achieve it. Appreciate your valuable advice on this.
Since you like strategy games, any chance of seeing some Warhammer 40k, out of you?
Mechanicus, for example, could be fun to watch you play.
Or Gladius is about to get its Tyranid (“Warhammer Zerg”) race added this month. Could be fun as well.
Foi incrivel a forma que ele explica o conceito e como podemos aplicar o OKR e o que ele pode fazer com nossa vida e com nosso ambiente, um tema atual desde que se fala sobre ele!
Vídeo vai direto ao ponto! Muito bom! Como ter resultados sem objetivos claros? Muito bom e o melhor ainda é sabermos que existe toda uma forma inteligente e direta de obter o resultado, motivando ao criar metas plausíveis.
i think the first “R” in S.M.A.R.T.E.R. should be realistic instead of relatable. most people can’t realistically lose 20 pounds in just a week, so instead if you make your goal more achievable and set it to at first lose 5 pounds in a week, then you’ll have the motivation to keep it up and eventually lose those 20 pounds piece by piece.
Set big unreasonable long term goals and take small daily steps towards them
Accountability works the opposite for me. I am a private person who doesn’t like being forced to do something. I achieve more if I keep my goals to myself. I do share some information with my husband of course. But by now he knows better than to push me towards it.
Videos like this sweet my mighty divine soul
I assure you
Will share
Is this a video about a book? If it is I’d like to know what book is it
This is great, I didnt know there was an “E” and an “R” because all I knew was S.M.A.R.T.. Very useful video!
I always thought the R was for “realistic” is it actually possible? Nice video.
I’m doing a 52-week challenge where I do one thing every week to achieve a bigger goal. I’m hoping it will work!!!! Maybe someone else will see this comment and do it with me?:P
Hello, great video and ideas. Can you please let me know which agency created the video? Thanks
This is so great! Thank you for sharing….my goal is not to taste all the snacks when the box comes each month!
Excelente conteúdo!
Assim como Andy disse ao John: “a execução é o que importa”. Esse é o motivo do método OKR funcionar tão bem. A excelência na execução do que foi planejado garante que o objetivo seja alcançado.
Mas o método não faz milagres! Sem uma equipe engajada e motivada a atingir os resultados, não há indicador que faça a mágica acontecer, mas ele possibilita que os ajustes necessários, de melhorias e pessoas seja decidido no tempo certo, dando a visão do dia a dia de forma clara e concreta, com números, visível a todos. Mantendo todos em sinergia e na mesma direção.
Saber antes de tudo, o “POR QUE”, para que seja possível encontrar o “O QUE” e então definir o “COMO”, para que o time, inspirado pela mescla de suas ambições, paixões e motivações enxerguem o propósito do que estão fazendo, e o façam com o senso de propósito claro e convincente, muito bem definido.
Não é só o método, mas quem o aplica e a paixão que o faz, que fazem com que ele funcione de forma EXTRAORDINÁRIA, tornando a empresa VENCEDORA.
time to create twitch and watch from there:)
what ya think xD
To your question, my one goal now is to Create an Action Plan. Thank you!:)
Great Video clip! Apologies for chiming in, I would appreciate your opinion. Have you thought about Patlarny Ancient Secrets Principle (should be on google have a look)? It is a smashing one of a kind guide for maximising your life using a simple goal setting strategy minus the headache. Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my work buddy at very last got great success with it.
To chase your dreams, you need to have the discipline to work towards it and not give up
Um material muito rico que nos mostra o quão importante algumas técnicas e propósitos nos levam longe, para se obter sucesso os objetivos devem estar claros, e para que todo esse castelo seja construído é necessário constância e aplicar metodologias. Inserindo nesse conceito o método OKR, podemos elevar os resultados com alto nível e com clareza. O sucesso é um caminho longo porém didático, é necessário aplicações de técnicas e foco com metas claras e bem desenhadas.
I’ve never set goals, dont know were to start. I just feel stuck,blank when I try to think of what I want my goal to be even small ones. Just seem to go day to day just getting through them. This video has made me think more about it.
Appreciate video content! Forgive me for chiming in, I would love your opinion. Have you researched Patlarny Ancient Secrets Principle (erm, check it on google should be there)? It is a great one off product for maximising your life using a simple goal setting strategy minus the normal expense. Ive heard some amazing things about it and my cousin at very last got astronomical results with it.
I had been working towards my goal around 10 years ago, but each time I start closing in on it something happend, like this last time for un example, everything was going fine, then covid19 step in. so i decided that i rather die, than not be able to achieve all my goal. actualy i have achieved 5 of my 7 goals during this time, i wanted to speak English, French, Latin, mandarin, learn some piano, and most of all take my weight and health to perfection, and i have done them all while i was trying to create this amazing proyect/finance. so tell me how is my english. With this information from Mr. Tracy is pricelest. so thank you. next week I’ll put on my protection againce Covid 19, and continue with my plan. to bad i just got to see this video at the recomendation from a friend.-
I think my main goal for 2020 has to be finding a new job. Ideally I want a permanent job in Admin with room to grow within the company, but tbh having been out paid work for over a year now i’d even take a temporary position, even if it’s not ideal. I suffer from low self esteem and anxiety & being unemployed has made these issues so much worse, it’s so hard to stay motivated and positive. But this is another goal I want to aim towards in 2020, challenging all my negative thinking habits so I can develop and replace them with more positive ones.
Lowko! PLEASE do some tutorial videos, like a newbie guide or the StarCraft basics so we can share those with new people… GLHF:)
Why are all the links email based.. can’t I put my email in once and get access to all the sheets?
Vídeo fantástico para o entendimento do conceito do OKR. Como estabelecer metas certas pelos motivos certos. Certamente irei aplicar o conceito de objetivos e resultados chave para nortear toda a minha equipe rumo ao atingimento dos resultados, através de alinhamento e engajamento em torno de metas mensuráveis e dinâmicas.
Good points… “Praise be to God! Man ever aspires to greater heights and loftier goals. He ever seeks to attain a world surpassing that which he inhabits, and to ascend to a degree above that which he occupies. This love of transcendence is one of the hallmarks of man.” Baha’i Faith
Thanks for watching! Would love to hear some examples of your goals for 2019!
One of my health goals is to bike 1200 Miles, which breaks down to 100 a month / 25 a week / 3.5 per day:)
You are truly inspiring. i know u can help me change my life for the better
How to set and achieve your goals in 2020
1. Envision. Start with a clear vision of what you want. (Health, career, relationships, personal growth, spirituality, creativity and adventure)
2. Write down the specific goals in each area. Start with the feeling eg glowy, security
Also focus on the why, it keeps you motivated. Try keep it in your sphere of control.
3. Prioritise the goals according to the impact of the goal. Make a plan on how you will achieve these goals.
4. Take action as soon as possible. Your power is in the now.
♦️Keep the promises you make to yourself.
♦️Work on your goals daily. Link with reward.
♦️Track your progress daily
Lowko you’re an excellent human being. I’ll admit I haven’t watched many of your SC2 videos lately because that’s not where my interests have been, but I’ve popped in on a few of your streams to listen to your banter and see what you’re up to. I’ll remain subscribed here and continue to watch you on twitch. Power to ya my friend, and keep on smiling.
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.
This is very thoughtful, not superficial. I came from the recommendation in Veg News magazine for your channel, and subscribed. TFS!
Hey, just want to drop a feedback here. I used to come to your channel to feel relaxed and sorted but because you’ve started speaking fast in your videos now, it makes me overwhelmed with information and that demotivates me to watch it further.
Happy 2020 New Year all…just thought I’d share this video for all.. prioritizing your goals in life for New Year BE STRONG START SMALL GROW BIGGER…
You have to set the correct goals first, you can be very productive but if you chase the wrong goals, the ones that don’t fulfill you will feel destroyed at the end. After finding the right goals, go for them! Amazing video!
Thank you. Inspiring & insightful. And, a great reminder that OKRs need to be fueled by a powerful why too!
I like the opinion that you start with the feelings of how it feels if you want to achieve your goal.
Unfortunately Vibley doesn’t work on my phone, because I have no option to allow for the Location tracking in the app options:( Does anyone know what to do/have the same problem? (I have the latest iOS Version installed on my iPhone.)
How many goals should you set for a year? I always feel like I set too many goals, and I maybe only achieve 3 of them.
Thanks Aileen, everytime I watch your video I get myself motivated..
1. Achieve great wealth 2. Achieve respect by changing the things that need to be changed in the world 3. Live a long healthy life
Que exemplos fantástico da aplicação desse método. Colocar simplesmente em prática, motivado por ações e objetivos reais. Jini Kim aproveitou a oportunidade e teve resultado esperado que resultou na sua vida como o todo.
আমার জীবনের একটি নির্দিষ্ট লক্ষ্য হচ্ছে ২০৩০ সালের মধ্যে অনুপ্রেরণার ৬৪টি বই প্রকাশ করা।
Hey I love this content, I have my own that I made on this as well, I would love for you to check it out. Thank you so much!
heartiest thanks for a wonderful step by step guide on goal setting
I just subscribed to your channel. So that is my small contribution to your goals!:) I wish you all the best Lowko, and I hope that you will overachieve all of your goals
para que tenhamos um aumento de faturamento em tempo recordes.. Simplicidade em definir metas,
Aplicabilidade técnicas de planejamento estratégico em definir metas
Foco em resultados, fazer com que as pessoas fiquem em resultados para que tenham crescimento em nível acelerado…
O objetivo OKR é realmente um método direto ao ponto. Ele o direciona de forma simples e prática ao foco no que realmente importa, no objetivo real da empresa e de cada área desta empresa.
They are different goals in my eyes:
Sport goals: what do you want to train, and archive in sport.
Learngoals:What do you want to learn, history, biologie.To increase your brain power.
Wheight goals:How much do you want to lose wight?
And painting gaols, what you want to paint.
Language goals: Which new language do you want to learn?
Goals give you a meaning to life.
Please follow the link to watch my 2019 review video
Awsome video full of practical tips & infos thank you Lavendaire..
Hi Aileen. I heard that we should only set one goal in each area. However, what if two goals can be done simulataneously? Such as under relationships, could you have “Find love” and “Fix relationship with parents”?
Excelente vídeo!
Nos mostra com clareza e exemplos a importância de um objetivo bem definido e destrincha, com excelência, o método OKR, que diga-se de passagem, é uma ferramenta maravilhosa e eu utilizarei em todos os âmbitos de minha seja, seja ele profissional ou pessoal.
O objetivo é de suma importância para saber onde queremos chegar. Para isto, definimos quais serão as metas, ou seja, os caminhos a serem seguidos para que este objetivo possa ser alcançado. E tudo isto precisa possuir clareza e fácil entendimento para que facilitar nas diretrizes e na assimilação do propósito. Entretanto, de nada importa se ficar apenas no papel. É necessário que pratique e não deixe estes objetivos no esquecimento.
I will do this mindset daily, first adter waking up and last befor sleepinh….
Excelentes OKR’s devem ser específicos e delimitados pelo tempo, agressivos mas realistas, mensuráveis e verificáveis.
Wow. This video is a masterpiece. Absolutely reccomended. Congratulations.
My optimistic financial goal for 2020:
Answer this question: What is one of your goals you want to accomplish? Leave a comment below with your answer. Also if you need help setting goals, check out my FREE download here
What an amazing video.
I watched once just surfing, than saved it to watch later and watched it at least two or more times with all the going back I had to do because of the density of amazing information. Gratitude and love!
OMG I was JUST thinking about your book!! What a great time for a give a way!
Many thanks, been searching for “how to attain goals” for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried Conoah Goalify Gotchie (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now )? Ive heard some super things about it and my cousin got great success with it.
You are awosome. You motiveted me so much. You are inprational.
Want to achieve
Healthy life and Relationships
Financial Freedom in 10 years.
You have beautiful ideas, beautiful way of speaking and doing a beautiful job. Thank you and good luck.
Ótimo vídeo! Mostra que o método OKR atende aos diversos níveis dentro de uma companhia e também aos nossos objetivos pessoais.Vídeo com conteúdo simples e objetivo, orientado ao aprendizado.
Hi aileen,i am rena and im studying in 10th grade…the goal for the next 90 days of mine is to achieve atleast 98% mark in the annual examination and i really wish i could…i hope your artist of life workbook could help me if its in my hands but in reality i don’t have it…i live in india and its really hard for me to get it…hope i will get it one day and its going to be one of my dreams…❤love you aileen…
My 90 day goal is to make better videos and better youtube thumbnails and titles
You’ve helped me a lot throughout my life since a very long time since around 2013, and I’m very grateful because a person as great as you is part of my life. I said 2019 is a year on wich things have to change, even though depression, suicidal thoughts, hallucinations and others will not go out of my life, I’ve come to accept that it’s fine to not be fine and take life with a grain of salt. So i figured that I’d be good to share and compromise to fulfill the following list of personal goals.
1) I will lose 10kg of fat and gain atleast the same amount in muscle.
2) I will not get a grade below 95/100
3) I will get good at math and get rid of my calculator.
4) I will build a laboratory and workshop in my backyard.
5) I will be less cocky…. That’s a tough one
And that’s it, much love Lowko I hope you nothing but the best
Love the video! I also want to say I miss your pastel coloured hair! Lots of love ❤️
Sensacional!!!! OKRs realmente fazem todo sentido… saber onde se quer chegar e definir claramente como o faremos, de forma clara e mensurável, leva qualquer corporação para outro nível. Basicamente saber ” o que e como ” fazem toda diferença.
This is the kind of stuff that should be taught in school! Life changing! No one has ever explained goals like this to me, and I feel like setting things up like this makes it much more achievable and feels less daunting and impossible. Thank you!!!
I haven’t watched the video yet. But, I’m going to say this, not to discourage anyone setting goals and pursuing things in life. I’m posting it here, because this is the first video that popped up on the topic. I’m also posting it, because I’m feeling fairly irritated right now.
Anyway, has anyone found that some of the people who make it out there are idiots that don’t actually do anything? We all know successful people, who’ve worked their tails off to get where they are. But, have you come across people who you just wonder how they get by? It’s like it works by that saying, “God takes care of fools and babies.”
It’s pretty irritating. I can’t say I’m the hardest working person out there and I can’t say that I’ve had the toughest life. But, I come across people who, I wonder just how they get by with the wits they have. They may either know nothing or someone gives them things they never worked for. In my situation with my narcissistic mother, I did all of the work for all these decades so, my sister, who was never around and never did anything, including help with the family business, is getting a free house and she’ll likely inherit the one I was to get, as well. But, there are other people who, they don’t even think past their next meal. If you asked them what they wanted out of life, what their goals were or what they were pursuing, it wouldn’t simply be that they just hadn’t taken stock of their lives, but that they would have absolutely “0” idea of what you’re talking about. For them, life isn’t a pursuit of anything. It is simply existing. It’s going to a job everyday, only knowing to do what you’re told and that’s it. While I can’t entirely say that I can fully answer that question for myself either, since so much has gone awry, I at least know that I’m SUPPOSED to be pursuing something. It’s like Zombie Land out there. Like, as long as people have Netflix, the only other pursuits are eating and sleeping and they think it’s normal. No fire in the belly whatsoever. If you ask them what they want, you’ve just interrupted their emptiheadedness. The idea seems to be to live, breath, then die.
My guess is also that we’ll never have to worry about GBI becoming a part of our lives as, so many of us are so brain dead now, when you HAVE to pursue earning an income, just why would they do if they didn’t have to?
And I also think that many people either think that, as the human race, we’ve already evolved far enough that nothing needs to be done, at least by themselves.
I’ll say that this mindset probably does save lives, to an extent, though. Because, when you go to a job everyday, and you don’t recognize that you’re losing time, since life’s only value seems to be to exist, you’ve got to be pretty numb. Things don’t frustrate you because, well, nothing actually matters.
There are times when I’d like this form of thinking to rub off on me but, it mostly feels like psychological, spiritual, and emotional soot, which I can’t bring myself to respect.
Any thoughts?
really cool to see how fast you reached 100k subscribers! i know how hard that grind is, but it inspires me to see other personal development channels make it! it keeps me going with my stuff! thanks for the continuous content and motivation
Probably one of my favorite videos of yours! Thank you for sharing your tips, strategies, and words of advice goal setting is always so easy but it’s the follow through and daily action that really makes a difference.
Metodologia incrível! Não é a toa que ela está implementada em grandes organizações. Objetivos definidos e clareza do caminho que será utilizado. Ser motivado pelo objetivo certo…fantástico!
In my opinion focusing on different games is a good idea. It is a good idea to have “”backup plans”. Don’t get me wrong I love Starcraft, but something is happening in Blizzard (see Diablo Immortal “fiasco” for example, Heroes of the Storm e-sports support, etc…). Personally I don’t care which game are you streaming or sharing content, because I like how you present these contents. When I have time I always watch your stream and online videos. So keep up the good work and don’t forget to smile:)
I’m interested in your other goals! I especially think it’s helpful to us listeners to hear how you try to maintain balance in your life.
Thank you this is really motivating in setting own goals. ^^
Thank you so much for everything! You have no idea of how much your channel helped me in my life! Regards!
Your break down of the steps are elaborative and concise. Great message
Great video! Just ordered my first Artist of Life Workbook and I’m pumped!
I know it probably defeats the purpose but sometimes I just listen to you speak instead of focusing. It’s calming. Thank you ❤
at 3:02 lowko mentions this “life” word what is that? I’m pretty sure i don’t have one of those. Is there anywhere i can pick one up for cheap, can you get one shipped over amazon or something? any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Hey! Stumbled on something you have naturally I guess. *your skin*(your facial skin specifically) how? Is this your genes? Your balanced hormones? Your strict diet? Or something else? What? Please make a video on this topic. Please #love from India
Awesome goals, I remember the Frostpunk walkthrough and it was pretty enjoyable, in part because also partially works a podcast, and we have this fun, good-vibe-rich commentary. Also since it is very well narrated that it gives the audience a freedom to not even need to watch what is going on in the game and work as an audio book.
Which leads to a suggestion: Have Lowko produce an audio book
My goal is to buy my home back from the bank this year and to relocate to another country in November. But let’s see about the second part.
idc bout anything else I just want to get my dream highschool
OKR, simples,assertivo!!!Ferramenta essencial para empresa e para as pessoas, terem objetivos seguindo a um propósito!!!
O que fica mais evidente após assistir esse vídeo é a simplicidade do método OKR e como ele pode ser usado para qualquer corporação, seja ela pequena ou grande, dentro ou fora de casa.
Here you go, one more subscriber towards your goal!!
Thanks for the resource, very helpful!
Antes de conseguir qualquer coisa na vida, primeiro você precisa saber o que deseja, definir seu objetivo e fazê-lo acontecer. Acredita-se que o poder no estabelecimento de metas esteja na articulação da diferença entre onde estamos agora e onde queremos estar.
Sensacional, simples e direto!
One of my life’s most important goals is to be able to take very very good care of my parents especially in their old age. I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive myself if I don’t do this to the best.
Hi Aileen, I’m from Vietnam and I watch your video every single day to learn English ❤️ I just want to say thank you so much for everythings. Hope you will have great 2020 ❤️
Great video, thanks for sharing this info! How many goals is it manageable to track per year? I’m reading The One Thing and it talks about how important it is to focus on one goal. I’m applying to Parsons to do my masters in Design Strategy. I have a full time job, I want to apply and network to get a more fulfilling job. Work on planning/developing a business. Also better job at personal care (training, cooking) and taking care of my relationships. Any advice on keeping track and stress management?
I have so many goals and I feel like I didn’t know how to get to my end goal or even start. So thank you for breaking it down into easy to understand terms. I’m starting small and hoping to end 2019 BIG!!!
Sir what importants of visualisation for achieving my goals?
O segredo do sucesso é definir corretamente os seus objetivos, porquê bons resultados são específicos e delimitados pelo tempo.Uma equipe motivada e com o propósito definido, trará o resultado em curto prazo.
Sensacional. O TED Talk foi muito interessante. Falou a respeito do OKR e suas aplicações.
This did not work for me. Luckily I read about systems-over-goals, and lost 10kg without trying to lose weight. My source was Scott Adams How to Fail and Everything and Still Win Big.
Lovely Video clip! Excuse me for the intrusion, I would love your initial thoughts. Have you heard about Patlarny Ancient Secrets Principle (erm, check it on google should be there)? It is a great exclusive product for maximising your life using a simple goal setting strategy without the headache. Ive heard some awesome things about it and my best friend Jordan after a lifetime of fighting got great success with it.
Happy new year!
I fully support your work this year also.
You are a great streamer and will always be.
Keep up the good work man
Thank you so much for all you and your team have done and are doing for people.
Check out the Lavendaire Shop for items to help you create your dream year:
The giveaway post is here → (Giveaway is now CLOSED)
Man you are cool guy
After work shift I’m chilling watching your content
Just keep doing this
God bless you
Hello for you from Ukraine
Lowko, you are so great! I’ve been watching your videos for a while. I really appreciate your emphasis on positivity. There are a lot of streamers out there to follow and like, but your personality and cheerfulness make you my favorite. Good luck on your goals! I’ve now subscribed. You’ve definitely helped me enjoy Starcraft more and get better.
I want to be the best doctor in the United Kingdom and serve my patients and my new found country to the best of my capacity.
Having watched this video, I thought. What should I put down here should I put down my goal or something wrong? but, I wanna put it down correct. So, My one of the most crucial goal is that I wanna become Monk. I want to accomplish this goal.
I want to achieve my goal.Please reply how to eliminate boredsom in any work
Excellent presentation about okr, in fact having just one goal is not enough to engage people and teams to accomplish it, understanding the motivations and reasons for that goal makes the desire to perform is even greater, incredible!
My goal is my E commerce site which I going to launch in few weeks. My first goal is 1000 registration in 3 months.
Achei o vídeo excelente e inspirador! Acredito que além de nos mostrar o PORQUE temos que ter os objetivos claros e estipulados, nos faz refletir sobre sair da zona de conforto e estipular metas desafiadores e com verdadeiro proposito.
you’re always like that
you’re way… you just make it easy and so clear..
it’s not like that other videos that people who talk a perfect talking just like “professional hard way”
but you .. your videos it’s always something that I can do.. you make it by specific and flexible steps that I can do it now.. by my way my vision
And the way you explain each it’s o clear and useful thank you pretty much
Indonesian, Spanish, Thai, and Vietnamese subtitles are available! Click “CC” and check the video settings. Thank you to the contributors listed in the description
Thank you for your valuable hints. My goal is to get to Manger in my company by end of 2020.
ur doing great lowko. even tough im not a big financial supporter, i am glad u keep uploading a lot of cool videos:)
Thanks so much for your vids! As a visual/audio learner they’re perfect for me! And the artist is seriously talented! Question.. How do you feel about bullet journaling??
Great video! More like this please.
Thanks for your awesome channel, and Happy New Year, Lowko!
Appreciate Video clip! Apologies for butting in, I am interested in your initial thoughts. Have you heard about Patlarny Ancient Secrets Principle (do a google search)? It is an awesome one off product for maximising your life using a simple goal setting strategy minus the hard work. Ive heard some super things about it and my m8 finally got excellent success with it.
the reward principle is a great addition. I really liked the fact that I would be able to buy a thing I would never allow myself! Like a very expensive pair of jeans and 100$ in Russia is pretty expensive. Thank you. This is a great video.
Goals for 5 years? I knew it you were comrade all that time:D
Actually I have a goal a very important goal of my life, is to develop a ice cream manufacture company. I don’t have any idea from where should I can start? If anyone is related with this goal than please suggest me how to achieve this my goal. have a good. Stay positive. Love you from nepal
I will:
Be in possession of $5million (05/28/2022)
Reach millions of people(10 million) with my music and my art(01/01/2022)
Be a master in tai chi (05/08/2026)
Lowko, I don’t know if you’re a fan of resident evil, but I would love to see you play resident evil 2 remake!
This is brilliant, true words, anyways if u want to set your mind free check
Goals have helped give me purpose in my life. Without them, my life seems aimless.
Excelente vídeo. Podemos ver o quão poderosa é essa metodologia.
O vídeo é muito interessante. Mostra que para fazer a diferença é necessário saber como e por que devemos definir as metas importantes para o desenvolvimento e alcance de resultados para a empresa.
In my bullet journal I always write five goals for the year, the first step to each of those goals, and how I know I’ve achieved them.
check my Instagram to participate to my challenges:
Conteúdo maravilhoso, um método simples de implementar mas que trará grandiosos resultados se aplicados da maneira certa e com clareza para todos!!
“When you don’t keep the promises you made to yourself, you lose trust, and your self-esteem goes down and finally you stop believing in yourself.”
This just blew my mind. Aileen, you explained the root of my problem.
Thank you so much!
Make $5,000 a month every month from my Gift basket business. Ultimately I want to have a 6-figure a year business
Uma aula de OKR. Não importa se você tem uma grande equipe que consegue te entregar o dobro do esperado, se eles não entregam aquilo que traz benefício à companhia. Como o próprio John diz, é inaceitável traçar os objetivos errados, pois eles que ditam o caminho da companhia. Caso ocorra um erro no plano de estratégia (key result), todo o sonho (objetivo) vai por água abaixo
I am presently working at pharmacy college as a lecturer.. Now I want to be an entrepreneur and start an import export business.. By 1st January I will be financially free and around the world..
I really love your tshirt and thank you for being sunshine to our lives:)
But if you buy anything for 100$ you’ll lose money and that’s not a reward. Does anyone know a good reward for reaching a milestone?
Sometimes this can get pretty confusing, because there are just so many things happening and so many you want to do that you just dunno where to begin.
Find cure to Zergling lemon juice allergy.
Highly irritating.
Not sure if this got across but one of my practices is to make multiple smaller goals as stepping stones. When remodeling my house I made daily small goals to obtain my results. These kept me on task in the correct ranking order the process needed to be done. It kept me very focused on the immediate task rather than getting overwhelmed by the larger goal. I’ve been known to do it even by the hour the important thing is that your process keeps you focused and able to complete your final goal.:)
I set a goal to accomplish daily the night before tye day i have to do it unfortunately my boss always calls me for an important work to do different from what i set which is my daily routine… for a month i did this but it happens repeatedly so i didnt set daily goals again
CRISTHIANE MAIA Video sensacional! Otimo conteudo motivador e reflexivo, metodo bem definido. È importante criar um objetivo e ter resultados extraordinario.
A implementação consiste em uma pratica simples e objetiva, com o intuito de trazer agilidade e aumento significativos nos resultados.
Thank ou Brian for wonderful video, For me my present short term goal is to complete my study successful. and focus on my job and continuous improvement.
What Lowko is doing are called management accounting. Set plan, do it, adjust and control it, then fix the uncertainty outcomes and try to get your goal back to the track
I’ve started my goals in September am so excited to continue this 2020 to make it the best year and take my goals to a new “chapter”. Hope everyone finds this 2020 a happy year.
The one reason I want to become good at goal setting is so that I stop feeling so OVERWHELMED all the time. Without focusing on one or two things and completing them, I’ll be stuck doing everything to a less than acceptable level.
Hey Lowko, when I clicked on this video it said the runtime for 13:37. Intentional or happy accident?
Dear Lowko could you play Mass Effect series. The story of Mass Effect is really interesting. I would like to see your choices.
I must say am wowed to see the Brian Tracy I have been his reading his books
Would love to hear the financial goals. I understand that might be hard to share, so maybe you can change sums to percentages, etc. Just so we have an idea of what kind of goals you set, without necessarily getting the exact info.
Excelente técnica, mantém a direção em busca de resultados de forma simples e prática.
I think that having clear goals will definitely help me out in the upcoming year. It’s such a simple thing, and I’ve been told it before, but never really focus in on any in particular. So often I feel like I’m just plodding on in the general direction of where I want to be. Anyways thanks for the Lowko life advice! Wishing you a great new year:) I’m sure you’ll achieve everything you set out to do and more!
Completamente motivador esse conceito. Um método de fato único para nos dar clareza quando se tratar de direcionamento correto. É desenhar objetivos com propósitos e executa-los da forma certa, mudando de estratégia quantas vezes necessário.
That’s great Lowko! Can’t wait for all of the 2019 content:)
To be more organized with my top 3 areas of 1. Spiritually 2. Career 3. Health & Fitness. By following your method
Método OKR sendo aplicado à várias referências nos faz entender o quão importante é trabalhar com o objetivo e resultado chave, para justamente nos mostrar o direcionamento correto e alcançar o resultado que esperamos e traçamos. O conceito mostra que podemos aplicar em vários momentos e estágios da vida, sendo ela profissional pessoal. Objetividade e a ambição de chegar ao foco esperado.
Wonderful:) please watch this video too:)
My goal is to be debt free so I have five year goal
Ti be debt free before
Thank you for making this video! I think it will really help me!
Exactly what I needed to hear. Perfect timing. Thank you Father❤
1. Set SMart goal.
2. Write it down some people write it down now, some write it down much later. Be the ‘now’ people.
3. Set deadline there’s no unreasonable goal, only unreasonable deadlines.
4. Make an actionable list with obstacles and ways to overcome them.
5. Prioritize your list, put the most impactful actions into your schedule / agenda, and make sure you do them.
Ótimo video, explica de forma bem clara e objetiva sobre os objetivos e resultados.
Who else loves Lavendaires videos? I just uploaded my own way to achieve your goals in 2020 <3.
I think the ability to make self improvement and disciplined habits is more important than goalsetting. But what gets measured gets improved!
This is a book review on GOALS by BRIAN TRACY. Do watch it and share with everyone. It is really very effective.
Very excited to see other games on the channel really loved frostpunk/WoW/cities skyline
do you thing your videos are high quality and entertaining? lul
I would love to see more vlogs that would be sick. And to a great 2019
does lenny have goals? I feel like he should improve his content by having his own pedestal, mics are uncomfortable
Quando estamos definindo uma meta, seja ela uma meta pessoal ou profissional, a primeira pergunta a se fazer, e a mais importante é o porque!
Qual o seu porque………Qual o seu motivo!
Excelente Conteudo!
Obrigado por compartilhar!
My biggest and main aim is to become a great and a very successful Mathematician. Thanks For the nice uploads
there are no bad times, just different oportunities. Stick on a goal year after year, thank you!
So happy for your success and love your content! Thanks so much for providing some insight into your world. I can’t speak for anyone else but I’d be interested to hear about how you’re breaking these big goals down week by week as well as learning about your other category goals. Even if you don’t share that, wish you nothing but the best and cannot wait for more LowkoTV!
Hi Mr. Tracy, my name is Emad.This is the first Video I watched in your great channel. It is straight to the point & informative video, I enjoyed watching and learning from it. I am pleased to watch all your videos & subscribe to your valuable channel & follow you on twitter. I also subtitled (translated ) your video in Arabic -hoping I did not breach your intellectual rights. I am a licensed translator & I post the video to my youtube channel as I post Arabic translated/ subtitled videos. To answer your question: I want to achieve 3 goals: memorize the whole Glorious Quran, do my PhD, and to translate books from English to Arabic.
My Youtube Channel:
Name of Channel in Arabic is: Knowledge Pathways for Translation
hey lowkow, happy new year and all the best for you and your goals 😉 that sounds very good to me, you can play what you want, but please no fortnite or other overhyped crap 😉
Does the community have a group on Telegram? It would be nice since we can interact more easily without sharing personal information on public plataform.
My new goals are stop setting goals
In the end, I might feel bad for not achieving them due to laziness..
My dreams are to own a 1970 mustang boss 302 and a 2009 Dodge Challenger srt before I graduate high school and yes I’m looking at my goals everyday by playing racing games and using those cars
Who doesn’t love the SMART way?! It’s an amazing tool that ACTUALLY works.
Setting goals is the most important thing for every single person who want to be successful. This video is great, thanks.
Here’s an alternative model for goal-setting, more oriented around meaning, motivation, and authenticity:
Vídeo extraordinario ilustrou o conceito e a clareza por que foi criado, método sensacional para as empresas/pessoas terem seus objetivos definidos, seguindo do proposito por que?
Elaborarem Resultado Chave de como fazer? transformando metas alcançáveis e equipes ambiciosas com FOCO, pois vão alem de seus objetivos.
Lowko’s youtube goal:
8-lets talk
Im still waiting for walking dead final chapter playthrough. Lord Lowko pleaseeee
Def love that u will be doing new games too. Huge fan can’t wait to see new stuff.
Nice video
Can you please share software (app) use for white board video making?
Love your attitude and work ethic. You really have earned your success.
That said… WOW, you have 2K twitch subs?! Daaamn!
Keep posting your live games!! I watch a video + of yours a day. Love from CA!!
Holy that timetable and planning makes my german nerves go wild!
I really enjoy your content thank you for your valuable work. Very informative
Excelente conteúdo no vídeo, com casos na prática da execução do método OKR. Mostrando o por que do objetivo e onde chegar com os resultados.
Great video, I like the S.M.A.R.T.E.R. model it is better and it contains the missing components of the old famous S.M.A.R.T. goals setting model
Incrível!! Motivador e reflexivo também nos faz pensar se estamos definindo bem as metas, ou melhor temos realmente uma meta? Ela é grandiosa? Nos faz deixar de olhar para os obstáculos e tentar novamente? Não é só definir as metas, é ter o Objetivo e como esse objetivo será alcançando, como será a trajetória até a conquista, para que de fato seja satisfatório a conquista. Método OKR sem sombra de duvidas tornará um método não só para a minha vida profissional, mas também para minha vida pessoal!
Excelente apresentação. Simples, direto ao ponto, objetivo. A metodologia OKR é 100% adaptável para qualquer empresa de qualquer tamanho, para qualquer família, para qualquer pessoa.
We need goals to moves us to get us out of bed in the mornings! Life would be too dull if we didn’t have them!
Glad to hear new games coming to the channel. Remember us viewers are here to watch YOU. Reach into these new games and be open to the fun and value we see in them. That is what people want to see. I would love to watch you to play slower games and see you experience their hidden value. Do not brush off game play that isn’t related to your world of RTS, or speed.
lowko your doing great.. keep up the good work brother..
also, Can we have more DarkSouls videos?
thanks for the sharing, what do you use for goals tracking? dedicated app? excel sheet?
Yes, end the religion and politics please. We are here to profess our faith to Starcraft damnit