Table of Contents:
Surgery Morton’s Neuroma Pain in Foot
Video taken from the channel: DrGlassDPM
Morton’s Neuroma Everything You Need To Know Dr. Nabil Ebraheim
Video taken from the channel: nabil ebraheim
What is Morton’s Neuroma?
Video taken from the channel: SaintAlsHealth
Morton’s Neuroma Numb Toes, Burning Sensation, Sharp Pain in Ball of Foot
Video taken from the channel: Foot Geekz
Intermetatarsal Neuroma: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Video taken from the channel: SLO Motion Shoes
Morton’s Toe? What does it mean to have along 2nd toe
Video taken from the channel: EBFAFitness
How to Treat your Morton’s Toe Foot Geekz
Video taken from the channel: Foot Geekz
It is a common variation seen in 10% of the population. 1 Having Morton’s toe may lead to foot pain and the need to find better-fitting footwear. Morton’s toe may also be referred to as long toe or “Greek toe,” as the feet seen on classic Greek statues often have Morton’s toe.
Other foot pain is sometimes associated with Morton’s toe: If a long second toe rubs against the front of your shoes, it can cause a corn or callus to.In Morton’s toe, the second toe takes more pressure than the first and it gradually widens the distance between the two toes. That is why people with Morton’s toe often have wider feet. So wearing tight-fitting shoes will only cause more problems.Morton’s toe causes surrounding bones to be displaced, putting unnecessary weight on the head of the second foot bone.
This extra weight bearing causes stress to the bone, which causes a callus to form underneath the bone. A callus is a hard swelling of bone. This callus can cause moderate to severe pain in the foot.What is Morton’s Toe? A Morton’s Toe is a condition in which your second toe is longer than the big toe.
There is nothing to worry about if you have this condition because it is quite common these days. Some people have this Mortons toe while others don’.by Janet Pearl, MD, MSc | Aug 24, 2018 | Foot Pain, Morton’s neuroma treatment Colin, a 74-year-old avid golfer, experienced foot pain while golfing and walking with pain in the balls of both feet. He didn’t notice it so much at first, but gradually the pain in the balls of.Pain; A feeling that something is inside the ball of the foot, or that there’s a rise in the shoe or a sock is bunched up The progression of a Morton’s neuroma often follows this pattern: The symptoms begin gradually.
At first they occur only occasionally, when wearing narrow-toed shoes or performing certain aggravating activities.Continued Morton’s Neuroma. Do you have a tingling pain in your toes or the ball of your foot? Nerve damage like Morton’s neuroma could be the cause..
Besides tingling or numbness in your toes.The AAOS indicate that although Morton’s neuroma most often develops between the third and fourth toes, it can cause a burning pain in the ball of the foot that may spread to the toes.Foot pain is a broad subject and can be caused by a multitude of problems, so for this to be helpful, we’ll need to be more specific.
Usually the second through the fourth toes. Mallet toes are just a variation on the same problem where the last toe bone remains flat on the ground but the first knuckle is elevated and is often rubbing on.In the foot, the most common occurring neuroma develops at the base of the third and fourth toes.
This condition is referred to as Morton’s neuroma. There are typically no physical signs of Morton’s neuroma, such as a lump or a knot. Instead, symptoms may include: A sharp, achy or burning pain in the ball of your foot.
The most common symptom of Morton’s Toe is callusing or discomfort at the ball of the foot at the base of the second toe. Morton’s Toe typically results in pain or discomfort in the ball of the foot. When walking, a person with Morton’s Toe puts more pressure on the second toe than normal.
Metatarsal pads are an easy way to address Morton’s Toe. A metatarsal pad can relieve pain by adding support to the shaft of your second metatarsal bone. This helps reduce the pressure on the ball of your foot and re-distributing it more evenly across your foot.
The key to making it work is putting the metatarsal pad in the right spot.Morton’s toe is genetic, Sutera says, and it’s typically nothing to worry about. It does, however, put more pressure on the second toe than the first, which can cause foot pain in some people. The.
Morton neuroma occurs when two bones rub together and squeeze the nerve between them. Most often, neuromas develop between the bones leading to the third and fourth toes. Morton neuroma often causes swelling, tenderness, and pain.
If the pain becomes severe, it may cause tingling, numbness, and burning in.
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I am two days out from having this surgery-and I was willing to take this risk! The pain was just too much! Had mine under the fourth toe right foot. Who’d think a stupid toe could hurt so bad! I had tried everything. Surgery was last resort.
@DrGlassDPM No, haven’t gone the injection route just yet. I’ve managed to heal it somewhat by using an insole with about a 1cm moleskin padding just under and behind my big toe. It’s taken the pressure off the neuroma and has allowed me to resume running for less than an hour. It’s been getting progressively better albeit very slowly but the pain is still there when walking barefoot. Your video was very helpful with the diagnosis. Thank you.
Now that you know what it is here is what I do to help make it bearable to walk because it gets so bad at times its like stepping down on a 12 common nail every time I plant my foot on the ground. take a foam earplug (wider the better) and place it between your 2nd & 3rt toe to space them apart and put a sock over your foot as you normally would and use socks that aren’t to small and compress your foot and then put on your footwear (wide toe box if you can) and see the difference it makes! I was at work and it was unbearable and I did this and cant even put into words what a relief it was…give it a try you have nothing to loose and everything to gain! GOOD LUCK!
Infelizmente tenho esse problema. Neuroma de Morton, incomoda e dói as vezes.
@JonathonPetruk @ThePhailed I’m just as surprised as anyone else… Thanks for stopping by
I had it removed and it went well. Unfortunately, I later developed an infection that was resistant to meds, and now I have a central line (through my chest) and intense IV therapy for 6 weeks. I know I’m not the “norm”, but I sure didn’t expect this. And I did everything right! However there’s always a small chance this can happen, and that’s why patients have to sign consent forms, taking responsibility if it happens. Good luck to everyone.
Yes, people go back to regular shoe gear all the time. Be aware, that some neuromas are actually considered to be caused by improper or extreme shoe gear, such as heels.
There’s honestly no guarantee that the neuroma won’t return if surgery is performed, but having said that, regular heels shouldn’t be completely out of the question.
Love all your videos, Dr. Nabil Ebraheim. Thank you so much for sharing. I’m learning so much watching your videos.
What is the name of the physician narrating and demonstrating in this video? What is the difference between “inter-metatarsal neuroma” and “inter-metatarsal bursitis?”
@ThePhailed Just because I’m not dubstep, doesn’t mean I’m not at least a little filthy….
@DrGlassDPM well i jumped and landed will all my weight on my 5th and 4th toe and it felt like my foot bent. it hurt to flex my toes up but now it just hurts when i put a lot of weight on it.
I have heard this described as greek foot.It implies an athletic foot.I have this and have on occasion had plantar facitis.
Hello.. I am 18 yo and I have Morton’s neuroma like 2 years and I did all the things that doctors said but nothing help me.. they said that the last change is the surgery. If you know something that is practically and can help me pls contact with me.. SOS ONLY 18 YEARS OLD
Did nature invent youtube comments? You seem pretty comfortable with using that system.
I have a hard time believing that doctors are nutcase scams from someone who doesn’t even practice what they preach.
If you’d like to have a REAL discussion about “barefoot” mechanics, then let’s do. I just don’t feel its fair or polite to accuse such inflammatory remarks over a topic that is irrelevant from the experience of your wife’s pregnancy.
I had an op for what was thought to be Morton’s neuroma. Turned out to be trapped nerve. They went in on the sole of my foot. This was five weeks ago. My wound hasn’t healed yet and it is still very painful and sore. I don’t have the nerve pain most of the time, but I can’t walk and the top of the skin does not meet and is still quite sore. Not sure if this is normal. Don’t go back to hospital until 14th Aug. Does anyone know if this is normal? I have been to doctors and seen nurses but no joy.
@akropiss Outstanding! Glad it was useful in your recreational adventures
If you are looking into cryosurgery, please check out my channel for my experience with the procedure.
Im trying to figure out if I might have this or a stress fracture. I run and got a stress fracture on my right foot about 3 weeks ago and the past few days I’ve had a weird throbbing feeling in my left foot either on my 4th metatarsal or between the 4th and 5th metatarsals
Ugh…Thanks for the video. I think this is what I have. I’m a runner of 12 marathons and run 50miles/week. The pain is is on my left foot, 3rd toe on the inside part close to the 2nd toe. It’s a radiating shooting pain like a shock and doesn’t happen on every single step. Almost as if it takes a few steps break, then shoots for a few steps, stops. It is excruciating. I have stopped running, since it is impossible. Will this go away with rest, ice and anti inflams or am I dreaming?
You described what I have. Between big toe and the next one in. =( Have had since 2015. Staying off and ibuprofen help. But, if I run or stand for awhile, it hurts.
So thorough and helpful!!! He’s absolutely the most well spoken and informative person/doctor I’ve heard speaking on this subject. I wish I could go to him for surgery!
I was just thinking that I need to brush up on this subject and your video appeared like magic. Fantastic video as always.
Is there any correlation between Morton’s Toe and Hallux Limitus? Please direct me to any information relating the two!
How do you correct the metatarsal pad when it has shifted forward towards the toes?
going on 6th week,a few scripts and injections no real relief yet.
I have had a fusion of my big toe. Since then, I have extreme pain in the ball of my foot. I have been told that I have a neuroma. I have had 4 foot surgies and don’t want to have another one if there is no neuroma. Is an ultrasound the best diagnostic to rule it out or confirm the diagnosis?
When i try to flex my toes up while standing i feel like an electric painful shock between the 2nd and 3rd toes
But when i walk i dont feel any pain at all
Is it morton’s neuroma or something else??
Is it possible to the roe reduced in size and I have no pain from Mortans toe idk what it is
I’ve been having pain underneath the 3rd & 4th toes for the past 4 days now. Feels like I have a rock in my sock or the sock bunched up under those toes. The pain is felt when I stand up or walk; however, when I walk i feel as if some tendon/ligament between the toes is getting stretched to its limit. It starts between the 3rd & 4th toes and shoots to the top of them. I googled and it seemed is was what I have, so I youtube and found your video. After watching, seems this isnt what I have. So..?
That’s great news. I’m glad to hear when people get back to daily life, once again.
I think that you should seek a formal workup from a sports medicine or foot and ankle specialist. It could be more than just muscle cramps.
Just put somtging under your big toe joint to make it hit the ground first
right on, you can’t expect the foot to adjust quickly after a lifetime of being in shoes….low heel shoes but still with a sole might be a good transition. I wish they made running shoes with more absorption in the front/mid foot where one is supposed to strike when running (not the heel)
Repent of your sins turn to God He loves you Jesus died on the cross for you so you can have the gift of repentance this world does not love you but God does He loves you more than you could ever imagine He will always be here for you when no one else wants to be here for you we are all sinners in need of a Savior Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and He is very real guys He didn’t come to die first so we would perish but he came to give us a chance at the gift of everlasting life and He also came to make us have life more abundantly so take this chance and repent of your sins and repentance is rebuking your sin and turning to God and we have to remember God is eternal but people die and we cannot get attached these materialistic things because we cannot take them with us we should cling to God and during these times of chaos we need to pray all of the time not just in these times God does not like to see us hurting because He hurts with us He allows things to happen for a reason turn away from your sexual desires and dreams God he’s more important than that you know if you want to get to know God more you should try to read His word more and pray before you reach His word to ask for understanding and be still and know that He is God
@DrGlassDPM All I have done since then is I bought custom made orthodics, I’m wearing the best running shoes I can afford, I have taken a desk job to stay off my feet. My doctor has basically said” whats done is done” in regards to my surgeryyou can’t undo whats done. I just want people to search out all other means before considering surgery. As I said you can’t undo what’s been done.
Thank you, I have just been diagnosed with this and your video is very helpful indeed. Could you advise me if there are advantages to cryosurgery please Dr Nabil, many thanks to you.
Dear Dr. Ebraheim…I have numbness in my left foot toes (2nd and 3rd from the left) and it gets painful when I walk…it feels like my toes are being run over by the wheels of an office chair!!.and I can barely walk…but when I reach down to massage my toes the pain is minimal and I cannot even identify exactly where the pain is anymore!!…this is the strangest malady I’ve ever had…do you think I have Morton’s Neuroma???..thx, Jack
did you know that Morton’s neuroma was not first described by Dr. Thomas Morton? it was first described by Filippo Civinini.
@BecauseiBactracedit @FTSfuckthesystemFTS I’m sorry to disappoint you both…:-( hehe
Doctor, everything that you talked about in the video os what I have, I tried to tell my parents about it and they say that I am faking it what should I tell them
@Hectorrskates It honestly depends. What sort of injury did you have? The pain may or may not be a result of nerve pathology
This sounds exactly like what I’m experiencing in my left foot. Right in between the 3rd and 4th toes I have a sharp pain underneath and it almost feels like a numbing sensation, or like ThisNamesNowTaken said below, like a rock in my sock. I’m also experiencing hyper-sensitivity on the top of the foot, like the nerves are right near the surface and it sometimes hurts to touch it. I’ve always had narrow feet with high arches and I think my arches are starting to fall as well.
I was told that I have this but I do not experience pain at the bottom or ball of my foot, just on top and between the 3rd-4 toes. I have suffered a herinated disc but haven’t had pain in years. I walk 5-6 hours daily as a letter carrier, which shoe support is best?
Mine is tightness and is going all the way down. Sometimes it feels like am standing on something
Just had a Dr tell me ultrasound was not a good way to find neuromas.
@Hectorrskates You may have bruised your foot, or some structures within. It may not be nerve. How long ago was it?
HOW I GOT CURED FROM HERPES VIRUS hello I’m from USA, I have been suffering from HERPES virus for the past 3 years and i had constant pain especially in my knees, During the first year I had faith in God that i will be healed someday, but this disease started circulate all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came in search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of so many people who has been healed from HEPATITIS B, HIV/AID, MRSA DIABETES,HSV, ALS HPV. LEUKAEMIA,ECZEMA,PSORIASIS,Cytomegalovirus, and Cancer by this Man called Dr, Ekpen, and he also gave the email address of this man and advice we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr. Ekpen telling him about my HERPES Virus he told me not to worry that i will be cured from this deadly disease i never believed it, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man, few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Doctor assured me that i will be cured,after some time i went to my medical doctor to confirmed if i have be finally cured behold it was true,and now i’m cure totally with Dr.Ekpen medication, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email Dr,Ekpen on this email; drekpenherbalmedicine@ or add him up on what-app +2349021966938.for assistance., for more information you can also contact me through this email; dannyalstona@
@kantire I’m sorry to hear your situation. Nerve surgery can have some variable results. How long ago was your procedure?
Mins a big one about 1.3cm in middle of big toe n second toe. I have not seen anyone else with one in this spot -_-
@sylburn22 I’m hopeful for you, too. You drum for a band? Got any video’s online?
Best of luck and a great recovery to you,
It is also called Greek toe or Royal toe too. An old lady friend of my mum said one day when i was walking around home barefoot, “oh you have royal toe”… I started to research it as i’ve always been curious why i have it. Funny thing is only couple years before that i found out my father is Greek, and this name is very ancient. If you look at ancient Greek sculptures you’ll notice most of them have “Mortons toe”, It was actually the desired form for them. Whether or not it’s entirely true who knows, but i don’t see it as a negative thing anymore:)
I suffered with Morton’s Neuroma in both feet for many years, my friend had hers removed 20 years ago an never regret it. I had my right foot operated on in May of this year 2015. I still feel their is something wrong it still aches and burns…. I’m now having my left foot done this month September, I hope I don’t regret it!! They hurt’s so bad I’ll try anything!! I’m 66 yrs. old and still working,…
I would love to have this treatment. who do I go to and what do I ask?
What I would suggest as it has worked for me is to buy a “toe spacer” which you can find online or at walmart and put it in between the toes of the problem area and this may help alleviate the pain. I went from being on FMLA from work for weeks with intense pain to no pain with moderate discomfort after the spacer which I wear all day.
wore high heels with gap at the end of the shoe for 10 hours yesterday, today my foot fucking hills my 2 toes on each foot is numb and the ball on both is numb, not really a burning sensation but it is tingly, i am so worried i have this i am only 18 and probably about my 5th time wearing heels
@drmam17 start with an xray then do mri or bone scanlocation of the pain and clinical picture of tingling
Very informative video. Morton’s neuroma pain is really a problem and around half of patients who undergo surgery for neuroma regret it. At times, pain can be worse than the original neuroma.
When one get this Neuroma, won’t it go away normally with ample rest? I got mine stepping on a hard object barefoot and aggravated it with a couple of days walking with snow boots on in a tour.
@eviljoebob Injury and inflammation, especially after a long time, can present with a wider range of symptoms. Have you received any recent Xrays? Stress fractures will have a maximal point of tenderness on the bone itself, but they are not always easy to localize…
Nerve surgery in the foot, can be result if a variety of results, from patient to patient. There is no clear-cut way to determine this ahead of time, unfortunately. I always encourage people to try a comprehensive course of conservative care, first
Hello, Dr. Ebraheim. I wanted to share with you something I discovered and worked remarkably well for me, that you might be able to use for your patients. A soft cast, silicone, or rubber (in my particular case, I had a… erm… ring of this type in my nightstand, that I placed over my middle toe). It keeps the metatarsals from grinding the nerve between them, it’s easy to use, inexpensive, and for me, anyway, very effective, as it stays on day and night.
I thought i had it, i mean i had all the symptons but i went to a chyropractor and he said that there were nerves on top of eachother and then he put them into their place. BTW my foot was hurting for a whole week i was literally limping. Just in two to days i was able to walk normally.
I went to Dr yesterday I am having surgery soon for this problem. Mine is 2nd 3rd toe left foot. I will also be having nerve removal knuckle removal shortening of metatarsal bone. Thanks so much for helping me understand it a little more
very informative and straight forward video. thanks very much!
We treat many women suffering from Morton’s neuroma at my Michigan podiatric practicethank you for spreading the word. Ladiescheck your feet daily to make sure your feet aren’t damaged!
@DrGlassDPM tomorrow it will be exactly 5 weeks. it hurts most after running.
I’m a runner with Morton’s toe and have chronic swelling in my 2nd MTP joint which is restricting my running volume. Do you have any suggestions how to alleviate the force going through my 2nd metatarsal and perhaps shift weight onto the shorter but stronger 1st metatarsal?
I have also utilised a metatarsal pad like you suggested and I think tis helps, although I’m not sure I’m placing it in the correct position behind the joint as sometimes it can be uncomfortable. Do you have any advice on this please?
unable to submit my query for further information re orthotic management in your web site. Advise please.
I have flat feet and after about 30 mins of running the balls of my feet start to ache and burnany ideas on what this can be it restricts me to running under an hour
@DrGlassDPM My surgery was 4 years ago-and I still cannot feel my toes, My other foot also has a neuroma but I’d rather live with that pain than undergo the surgery again.
I was told I had Morton’s Neuroma today, didn’t really know what it was BUT this video explained everything!!!!! Thank you for making this video!
Thank you. Very informative. It seems like you really care. I like your ethos.
That could depend on a number of things. Based on what your Doctor ultimately believes. The good news is that its a “soft tissue” procedure.
Meaning that these typically take less time to heal than one where bones are cut and need to heal. You shouldn’t have to worry about crutches for too long, if at all.
I had a talus ankle fracture some 18 years ago…. it still hurts in the morning when i wake up walking, and after long standing without walk like when invited to a reception, it also hurts after using a ladder. when i do sports it does not hurt when cycling but cannot run on it. Do you suggest steroidal infiltration?
my foot hurts from the bottom below my 5th and 4th toe when i put weight on that side. but no numbness. could this still be what i have? i was injured and did not just occur out of no where
I had the surgery and wish I hadn’t! I have no feeling in my middle toes and the pain from the surgery was excrutiating. I’d rather they chopped off my foot than go thru this procedure again!!!!
I have this. It irritates the heck out of me. Ive had it years..I do 20 mins of exercise a day then have the pain for hours after. I’ve always worn comfy shoes BUT when I was 13 or 14 I bought a pair of shoes that were too small for me and being young/stoopid and wanting to follow fashion I wore them and Ive never really worn heels since. DON;T DO IT KIDS!
Hi, my name’s Filipe and i’m from portugal…I have pain on my left foot since 2009, i already met 11 doctors (phD) but they cannot help me, i have lot of exams but i need urgently someone in any part of the world that can help me…you think you can?best regards filipe
I have this. I thought I needed surgery.
Until I found it very easy fix. Tape a piece of Styrofoam to the insole of your shoe about in the center of your foot.
It fixed my problem 100%
I would like to know what happens to me because I have a pronounced arch since baby, and all my life I have worn slippers and has been living in Canada for 6 months and here walks barefoot at home, apart from the pandemic because zero heels pure tennis in the street, that thing of not wearing shoes may have affected me? My little finger in the middle is pretty swollen and I’m in a lot of pain, I started yesterday morning and last night I couldn’t sleep
Having tried all other treatment methods, I’m now considering surgery for removal of the nerve. I was just wondering if anyone knows approx. how long recovery time is. Thanks!
I thought I could just strengthen the 2nd toe indirectly via the tib post Ralf raise:(
I feel no pain just feel numb with 2nd 3rd toe.. happened from wearing heels that was high in the heels but low in platform, I think the blood gathered all the way to the front for that reason and caused pressure I’m not sure but its really annoying and scared its permanently damaged..
Walking barefoot may cause some problems of its own. I advise all my patients with caution when deciding barefoot training methods.
I have just had an operation to remove a neuroma from my right foot I have another in the same foot and 2 more in my left foot. This is my eighth day and stitches are still in I don’t believe that this is caused from wearing tight shoes. I am known for not wearing shoes around the house and have stubbed my toes on many occasions I think this started it all. My sister has the same condition and she also has very slim feet with very little padding on them. Is this hereditary
This is a tough choice. Nerve pathology can be quite tricky to treat and not always guarantee 100% recovery. Have you already had injections? Do you follow with a foot and ankle specialist?
This was enlightening, now i know exactly why my foot hurts.
i recently had cryo surgery on my planta faciitis which seemed to work but i think i have this from compensating for that injury by walking on the front of my foot, would this injury over time amend itself or would you need something doing to it, i find that its more of a numb pain but in the exact area where the video shows, your videos are so helpful thank you
Excellent video and thanks I have had alot of recent pain from this condition and this video was helpful! Where are you located?
Thank you for your easy and kind explanation about the Morton’s neuroma!
OMGI am 50 and have been very athletic for all of my life until this un-named condition in my left foot, 2nd and 3rd toes, has been like having an actual “Achille’s heal.” The pain I have experienced daily now for nearly ten years has left me unable to run any more much less even walk my dog around the block, grocery shop, attend outdoor events and anything that required me to walk more then 20 minutes. Even standing in my own kitchen preparing a meal would be interrupted with bouts of rolling sharp pain like electricity out of no where running up my two toes.
Finally, I got insurance and going to a MD specialist (Podiatrist), yada, yada, yada and soon all this will be a bad memory well forgotten. I believe the MD in this video and other “real” medical sites, such as WebMD and Mayo Clinic, truthfully explain the causes of the pain in this condition. Do what you what you folk believe best, but really now, don’t waste any more of your life, money and time chasing Carnival Snake Oil remedies with the Colonel’s secret herbs and spices. Go to a real medical professional and get this condition resolved.
cannot hear you guys. My volumn is full blast even using a speaker with my computer.
@fmatbusiness It would be hard to help without actually seeing you. Why 11 different doctors?
Nerve problems and related surgeries are unpredictable. Recovery times can vary from person to person. Several weeks to several months is what many surgeon’s will repot. “Your Milage May Vary ™”
The worst explanation of Mortons toe and associated problems I’ve heard.
I`ve got a problem with my foot and it most likely isn`t that Mortons Neuroma thing,it feels like it`s one of those yellow things in the middle(showing in the vid) leading up to the toe that has become all tangled up.I get this feeling of something moving around in my foot seemingly in that area and every now and then gives an uncomfortable snapping feeling when walking.Almost hurts,does my fuckin head in.It`s ever since i was doing jogging.WARNING.DON`T DO JOGGING,DON`T END UP WITH MY PROBLEM.
Thank you so much for making this informative video. I really appreciate it.
I had 2 MNs and a bone spur removed during surgery a little over 3 weeks ago. I am experiencing tightness across the top of my foot periodically. Is this normal?
@bboyjkang I think cryosurgery is something newer on the market. It does provide many patients with relief. It’s not 100%, but neither is the traditional surgery. My only concerns would be collateral damage of other soft tissue structures in the area of the foot or damaging vessels. It may be worth a try, especially if nobody in your area has better results with the traditional “open” approach.
So by using a pad and reducing pressure the neuroma will shrink/go away over time or will it remain? Thanks!
Thank you! I have all the symptoms including the click of the toe. The numbness, pain and burning sensation that I feel is horrible. I feel like I’m standing on marbles. Once the pain started it’s impossible for me to walk so I start limping. The pads that my Podiatrist made for my shoes are not helping at all. Thanks at least now I know what my problem is.
hi dr nabil i have a question.
how to differentiate between morton’s neuroma and stress fracture in runner women came with same complain for both?
thank u dr
I just got diagnosed today and got shots in my foot. I’m 26 and have this in two toes in both my feet. I have never warn heals. I always ware boots or go bare foot at home. My doctor believes it’s caused by my flat feet.
I have been diagnosed with neuroma,I might need surgery,I would like info on surgery.I had surgery for tarsal tunnel and was painful.Is surgery for neuroma just as bad.I am in pain and pondering if I want surgery or live with the pain,. And what is recovery time for surgery for neuroma,weeks or momths?
@porksniffer Often, injections will help this. Sometimes an irritated or inflamed nerve will cause those sorts of uncomfortable symptoms. Have you received any injections?
@kantire I imagine 4 years is a long time to deal with the pain; my sympathy to you. What other treatments have you tried?
I can agree that natural is often better than synthetic. I feel that medicine has much “overuse” as an industry, but I do not feel as if the medical profession is entirely tailored towards deceit. Nerve pain is one of many conditions which must first be understood from patient to patient. Many people do well with subtle life style or activity changes. MOST do well without surgery. Doctor’s (in large) do not aim to deceive; that’s all. Your and my opinion may not agree, so be it.
I recently got this from a new pair of dress shoes. Never had it before. I stretch the shoe out with a shoe stretcher and it fits but my foot needs to heal.
this is money making for the doctor…he says u need to come back WEEKLY to get the injections so they can find the right spot where the neuroma is…um…ULTRASOUND and u find it 100% guaranteed. If you think you have one or the specialist does then just ask for an Ultrasound and not bother with the weekly injections. And you CAN get neuromas in between toes 1 & 2. I broke my foot hi up across metatarsals for the big toe and now have a large neuroma in usual spot but toes 1 & 2 and also 3 &4. I have not worn tight shoes in 40 years but i use to walk a LOT everyday on gravel surfaces and then as I said I dropped a large piece of wood on my foot and broke it….otherwise thorough info…
Dr. Glass, I was running for a few years and can’t now as i’ve developed pain in my foot about the 4th & 5th metatarsals; I had some bad cramps close to or above where the peroneus tertius begins in the leg as well and i’m guessing these are related issues. I also noticed that foot suppinating as i ran. Should targeted massage therapy alleviate the issues and is the foot problem most likely a symptom of the peroneus issues? Been off running for 9 months now and foot still pains at times; thx!
I had a neuroma removed and took about a week to be walking again. My down side was I was later diagnosed with RSD/CRPS which causes more pain then I want to imaging. I need another neuroma removed but am fearful from the pain.
@FTSfuckthesystemFTS I just hope you won’t hold this against the system, as well
I have all the symptoms except for the fact that I wear WIDE shoes which allow toe splay (Birkenstocks). When I wear my Birkenstocks or go barefoot a lot my morton’s neuroma comes back! When I switch to my Altra HIIT XT sneakers (which allow toe splay but are cushioned) my neuroma goes away. So, this seems unusual that the ONLY reason a morton’s neuroma develops is when there isn’t enough toe splay happening because this happens to me with I have plenty of toe splay. sigh
Is there anything I can do to allow the free movement of my feet while walking while preventing the neuroma? I just bought Xero Prio “barefoot” shoes in the hopes that I will be able to wear them long-term and still prevent morton’s neuroma.
Very helpfully explained and described to the lay person. Thank you Dr.
I was diagnosed with 5 neuroma’s. 3 in my right foot and 2 in my left foot. 2 out of the 3, in my right foot, are located between the 2nd & 3rd metatarsal, and the 3rd and 4th metatarsal. The 3rd one is close to the heel. The 2 in the left foot are located between the 2nd & 3rd metatarsal, and the 3rd and 4th metatarsal. I suffered with constant burning pain for 5 years! I even went out and bought myself a wheelchair so that I could go out into the community and not have to stand. I finally found a podiatrist who treats them by injecting a solution of Vitamin B12 and alcohol. I just had my 4th round of injections yesterday, and the pain in my feet is about 90% better. I suffered needlessly for 5 years so I want to share this information so other people don’t have to go through what I went through
Thank you Dr. Ebraheim. Excellent animation and explanation. Please continue to upload educational videos!
I went to the Dr. I was in so much pain. I had an ultrasound. I paid attention to what she was doing. My ultrasound tech was wonderful. She explained everything that I asked. This video is SO RIGHT ON. EVERYTHING he talks everything that happened to me., word to word/step by step. Yes i was diagnosed with MORTON’S NEUROMA. Thank you so much for this video.
Hi & thanks for the video.
I have to point out that the dummy foot you used has a short big toe, extremely short to the point of disturbing … sorry, had to be stated ♂️
What if the tingling and numbness is on the 1st and 2nd toes? Is that still Morton’s Neuroma?
I would like to say that “Innervation” itself, does not take place per say. The sensation returns, but the original nerve is still removed.
We hope this doesn’t cause any confusion.