Table of Contents:
10-Minute Workout for Teenagers | No Weights, No Jumping! | Joanna Soh
Video taken from the channel: Joanna Soh Official
Teenager Gym Advice to GET JACKED (WORKOUT LIKE THIS!!)
Video taken from the channel: BarbarianBody
Talking Tom Shorts Official Channel | LIVE now
Video taken from the channel: Talking Tom
Should Teenagers Lift Weights?
Video taken from the channel: TheLeanMachines
Increase Height | Grow Taller | How To Increase Height
Video taken from the channel: AbrahamThePharmacist
Teenage Workout Advice
Video taken from the channel: TheLeanMachines
Two Tips for Teen Health
Video taken from the channel: University Hospitals
The great thing about exercise for teens is that just about any activity that gets you moving will work. You should try to get in more strenuous exercise in for about an hour a day at least three days a week and regular, more moderate activity during the rest of the week. 1 Below are the different types of activity to include each wee.If your overweight teenager is not physically active or is self-conscious about her body, it may feel overwhelming.
That’s where you, the parent, come in.Finding it hard to fit in fitness? Just getting through a day of school and after-school commitments can leave most of us wondering where to find time.
You can do these three strength-building exercises at home. There’s no need for special equipment, expensive gym fees, or lots of time. Just check.The early teen years are the best time to explore which activities and sports they like.” Children’s fitness specialist Lucy Miller advises that it is important to get at least one hour’s exercise a day. This could be broken up into four 15-minute sessions or two 30-minute sessions.
Classes should focus o.Teenagers Are Less Active Than Ever and Why. When the New York Times looked at this study, it declared, “Teenagers Aren’t Getting Enough Exercise at School, or Anywhere.” Indeed, taking a cross-section of adolescents (ages 12 to 16) from two large U.S. regions, the researchers examined accelerometers and GPS devices to assess 1) minutes spent and 2) proportion of time spent in.
Stage 4 Prepping Workout. Once you reach stage 4 of physical development, it’s time to transition over to a more conventional style of training. Use this twice a week for 30 days, keeping the weight very light and practicing exercise form. During the next 30 days you will move on to 3 day per week training.
“In general, teenagers are beginner lifters simply because they haven’t lifted weights long enough to really get great at it.” To safely get great at it, he suggests working with a professional.Ask you teenager to: Stand tall with his legs a little apart from each other. Get him to stretch his arms out, lifted in the air. Now touch the right knee with left elbow while exhaling out.In restricting the use of other muscle groups, you’re pretty much destroying the point of a compound movement.
This is why I feel any sort of curl is an isolation exercise. For a lot of people, this will leave you with no exercises left to work your biceps. Allow me to enlighten you.
Biceps Rows. That’s right, biceps rows.When you’re starting out, avoid tossing together bits and pieces of different weight-lifting programs you see in magazines, Arent says. Instead, build a basic core program that includes the bench.Wear reflective material on your clothing and carry a flashlight at night.
Put lights on the front and back of your bike. Wear sturdy, appropriate shoes for your activity that give you proper footing. Walk safely in rural areas.Exercise, exercise, exercise! This is the main factor in losing weight!
Make sure you don’t overdo it though, or else you could risk injuries. Try going for a run when nobody is home, or if there are people home, take your dog for a walk and turn it into a run!A general consensus among health and fitness professionals is for pre-teen athletes to gradually ease into weight training by initially performing multi-joint bodyweight exercises (e.g., Wall.
How to Lose Weight Quickly and Safely (for Teen Girls) | How To Lose Weight Teenagers (part 2). Part 3 Exercising. 1. Work exercise into your lifestyle. It shouldn’t be a chore! Little changes.
Make your exercises last. One exercise session should last at least 30 minutes to an hour. You should burn around 400 calories in a high-intensity workout session.
If you aren’t sweating while doing a high-intensity workout, you’re not working hard enough.
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from The Athlete’s Shoulder E-Book |
This really helped, and gave me motivation knowing that in the future I’ll be able to do more as I develop more. I really appreciate it, thank you
Just some advice from a teenage fitness freak who also loves to eat healthy: DON”T COMPLETELY CUT OUT SWEETS/SALTY SNACKS.
I tried this and I always ended up binging at the end of the week, repeating the same cycle for a while. I was miserable until I realized that completely cutting out the snacks that I enjoy was the main issue. You can still enjoy your chips and cake, just portion it out to satisfy your cravings and making healthier choices along the way:) This kind of stuff takes time, and I’m sure we all have time right now because.. Corona.
Also, try eating a bit of fruit to go with your sweet snack. It lessens the craving for sugary snacks as time goes on. Good luck and stay active! I believe you can do this!!
Huh it’s weird, the dude on the left said that it was embarassing for him not having any hair. But barley any of my friends have hair, i am one of the few who has a lot of hair, and i mean a lot.
I’m 15 and a lil bit skinny and don’t have any weights or anything can someone reply with a home work out for abs and arms for at home
Im searching this because im insecure about my height and w*men’s standards are so high..
Everyone in my family looks like a Greek god/goddess and I’m here looking like a potato. Do we eat healthy? Yep. Do I still look like a potato? Yep. Are your bones meant to click when u workout?
So sad that I cannot do atleast a plank for 5secs n not able to do this whole workout too anyone here like me??
I have no fat issues at all
The doctor told me That I’m basically perfect other then muscle he wasn’t complaining that I was weak but he said sum training wouldn’t be bad later we go another doctor and he like explains puberty even better and by the time I ripped one of my arm muscle by working out to fast without warm up and he was like it’s good that u training but u don’t have to just do it like once a week and if u notice puberty hits u u can Yeet that workout routine cuz ur body be growing like a freaking bomb
i think the guy on the left is gay the way he look at the guy at right
My family will feed me shit dude and when I try to be healthy they tell some bs they found is FB and tell me I’m toooo young to work out even though it’s my prime time to work out and get ripped
this is all nice but the thing is no gym in the city wants me lol bcs of my age
I’m 13 and 101 lbs and want to gain weight and muscle because I am skinny can anyone help
I’ve been getting really serious about fitness the last two years, and I have to say that as a teen still living with my family is that diet is the hardest part. I have no trouble working out, in fact I love it. But getting the right food in the right amount is the hardest part when you don’t control the grocery list.
I’m 15 I turn 16 on April 21st I’m a artist that’s is home schooled and i don’t have any access to work out tools. I’m 5 foot 8 inches I weigh 142 pounds or 64.7 kilograms. Help me please
What if I am really skinny how do I get muscle if I have nothing there?
As someone who played several sports growing up with no strength program (only conditioning) lifting weights if done correctly helps so much with injury prevention unfortunately, it wasn’t until I was injured that I realized I needed to lift haha
I’m the skinniest 14 year old I know, I just wanna gain muscle
But my brother is studying a medicine and they have the best Doctor in country as a teacher and he said that till 18 your spine is soft!So you need to do most of bodyweight workouts!Btw dont listen to everyone on youtube who looks good or they are personal trainer(becaus you can become one in 3 week).I strongly advice to visi a doctor or fizioterapist becaus they now best!Fittnes treiners dont now that!SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH
hii, i’ve one question for u one trainer told me that when i train with dumbbles i dont have to stand up because i am 14 years and because of this my bachbones will be hurted so i wondered is this true? or it’s false please answer me
If we will do this it will bring packs in our belly or it doesn’t
yes, it should be minimum and about technique.. I don’ t think any kid should be allowed to get into protein shakes and hard training etc. until they’re 18. The worst thing to see is young kids believing that their assets are too small or their bodies are wrong. You’re a teenager, mate, you do not have to look like a 20 year old.
I just wanna put on muscle ive been eating healty and working out since late August 3x a week
Scott Herman did a video showing that he’s like a foot shorter than his brothers, he said it was because he started weight training too young before he was fully grown about 16-17. Doing heavy weights at an early age stunts the growth and puts too much strain on the body. Wait until you’re around 18 until heavy lifting.
I only eat when I am hungry. I am hungry most of the time because I’m growing I however still have a half inch of fat on my belly. Maybe my medication contributes to it as well. My parents will never take me off of it.
i never eat sugar and or candy or really anything unhealthy, but my parents always make me eat what we have and they always have things like burgers and pizza, so i dont eat and thats really unhealthy, if i ask for healthier food i get laughed at. please help.
I started workout out at the gym with my huge body builder brother when I was 14. I’m 15 now. I started out 3 or 4 days a week. Working out when you are 15-18 is the best time to workout because your muscles heal faster and it’s actually very healthy for you.
is it bad that i can only lift 8kg at 14 not bench press btw
Your answer about lifting stopping growth was kind of short, i lift everyday but only 5 kilos (around 10 pounds),and i think i stopped it possible?
That means, workout and bodybuilding will not stunt my growth?
Lifting weights when you are not fully grown is not bad because it will stunt your growth but because it cause your body to develop badly
the only unhealthy thing i eat is soda im not on diet an di get a bigger chest in 10 mins 30 push ups a day
And search up muscle/body desmorphia and try to avoid it as much as possible
Summary of the topic,is workout in gym or home harm teanagers’ body?or shorten them?
Thanks guys I’m having a tough time thinking about my appearance as a teenager and you’ve really helped me. Thanks again
I’m 13 and 5 months and I’m about 52 kilograms (I’m a little bit overweight). I head to the treadmill 5 times a week and burn about 1,150 calories everytime. Is that too little, too much, or the perfect amount?
This is a really good video. I am lifting and playing soccer, and i have been worried that my weightlifting has been stunning my growth, but now i am not so worried anymore.
I thought doing heavy overhead lifts could compress the spine and stunt growth
I am 15 years old want diet plan and timetable for bodybuilding
I`m slowly turning sweets into other snacks like grapes and other healthy stuff and it`s kinda working
Hey i am a beginner (teenager)! I have been commenting for many times. I wanna ask pls tell that this is only for strong body and muscles…and not for weight loss right??
So, the “doing weights will not stop your growing” thing is 100%?
I’m fat, I’m in college doing sports and public services and i want to become a police officer but when we do football/rugby I’m embarrassed to get changed In front of my friends, any advice?
For teenagers we fear for the purpose of height that may stop by some exercise
2 runs a week and 2 workouts a week (1.5 hour long) stilll a weakling… rip
I love this exercise routine so much, i been doing the 8 minute one but i want to challenge myself more
I have been a fan of you mam,because your videos were the inspiration for me to workout.thank you mam
I don’t give a fck what other people look like, I just know that I like Reese’s cups too much
Nice advices guys but about the gym and activities maybe his family can’t afford gym or activities could you give some advices for other activities
You hit the nail on the head, that these ideal bodies are out there and you feel the need to compete/be like them. Body dysphoria in men is growing, as we all want this ‘ideal’ body that the media puts out there. I know that I have/am part of that growing number. Thank gawd, I didn’t have social media as a kid as I dare to think how I’d be now.
However, there is nothing wrong with wanting to make yourself look good and healthy. Just learn that you don’t need to compete. As long as you’re happy with how you look then so be it. You don’t need to look like the front cover models. It’s taken me years to be comfortable in my body (though I’m definitely no teen).
I’m 6’1 at 14 and lift everyday I doubt it stunts your growth
When I was 12 I was in the 90s now I’m 14 and weigh in the 150s
I am just crossed 18 and gym of 4 months so can I start thighs exercises
I am a girl and I am 14 so can I grow atleast 2-3 inches????
I’m 13 and I started growing like crazy for like 2 weeks I went from 5 2 to 5 6 but now it’s like a month later but I stopped growing after the two weeks. is that it? Am I done?
im 14 and and im around 5’10 and im also in year 9 and everyone else is 15 and the taller ones are around 6ft-6’3 soi just wanna try and get there
I’m smoking, drinking and eating a lot of caffeine, I never sleep and I eat a lot but I have a high matapilism
My mom is 5’7 and my dad is 5’9. I’m 6 feet 14 years old and get 8 hours of sleep. Can someone please tell me if I can grow taller. My goal is to reach 6’2. Thank you
I am 19 years old
Is it possible for me to still go above 6ft?
Lmfao right outta the gate he goes, smoking and coffee…. i’m out
ps smoking prevents coronavirus and makes you taller, clinically proven
Guys I am 12 years old and about to turn 13 in 3 months currently barely starting puberty but haven’t gotten my growth spurt.Can you guys please tell me if 5 foot 1 is a good height for me?
Age 15.3
Goal:5’10 1/2
I hope I don’t stop growing at 16
Gl for me
Is it genuine?? I am 5.5 boy, 18 years old. Can I get upto 5.8. Any taking guarantee comment fast
Height:5’5 Goal height: 6’1 Age 28 I’ll be back in a few years wish me luck
i’m 5’3.5 and i want to be atleast 5’7-5’8 because i want to model and it would make me look a lot more proportional. i have very long limbs and being short makes me look weird. but the thing is that i literally do all this and i can’t grow at all. i wish i was atleast 5’5 bruh
This easiest way to be taller is just save up your money. If you need proof, take lil uzi as an example. He used to be 5,4 but now his height turned to 9,10 just plain facts tbh.
Says to maximize your height you need to sleep lmao we watching this vid on 4 in a morning xd
I am 5’9 or I am 5’10 and currently 13 im tall i know but not very tall for basketball and there are 6’3 kids i go up against wish me luck my goal is 6’0 by the age of 15
I’m 17 and weight 64 kilos my height is 1,72 cm my mum is 1,65 cm and my dad 1,85 cm, will I still grow
Thank You Ma’am for informing so good exercises
but ma’am will you please tell a good diet plan for teenagers
please comment ma’am
Who would dislike this? It’s such a good work-out…there’s no point in disliking something, just don’t like it if it’s not your thing! It’s simple, just leave the video alone then!?
I’m 13 and I’m 5’9 and I’m still not done growing. My parents think I’m going to be over 6 feet
Cant do the sleep because of school… guess im stuck at 6 foot 3….
i struggle making a program for myself im 15 i wanna workout 5 times a day but do not know what to do i have pull up bar dumbells bodyweight (ofc) and resistance band but have no idea what and how much i should do please help!
Ive been working out since 2nd grade also I workout everyday but today is the day I got intense on working out.
You know what, I hate myself so much because of my height. I’m 17 almost 18 but this height I have is the same when I was 14. It just suddenly stopped. And it’s @($!%!” sucks because I’m a male. I’m sick of people saying be yourself when in fact they’re too damn picky and that height really matters when it comes to relationship. It’s depressing, embarrassing and boring..
For the people who have tried this does it make you sore the next day?
Me wanting to learn how to grow taller (tip sleep) me watching at 5 in the morning
Am 17 and 5’7″, and had a late onset of puberty at 14-15, so is there a chance that I can still grow?
I need help, my arms wack, chest wack, legs meh I can work on then their not that skinny I suck a push ups wack
No second hand smoking
My dad smoked in front of me since I was a kid
As soon as he said a balanced diet and lots of sleep I knew I wasn’t growing
I really loved this video I started working out 2 months ago and I’m loving it definitely subbing
My friends are taller than me and their sleep schedule is more messed up than mine
Me, a 4’ 11” human being: it’s show time
Video: get enough sleep
Me: it’s not show time
This workout is great jonna thanks for your inspiration u are just great at training I love your workout routine I am doing this from last one week and it’s great. I can see results. It must be a bit dificult for beginners but yeah it’s great thanks again love from india
Would this be effective?
Upper body:
Barbell bench press(4 Sets, 5-6 reps)
Bent over barbell row( 4 Sets, 5-6 reps)
Dumbbell shoulder press( 3 sets, 5-6 reps)
Lat pull down ( 2 sets, 6-8 reps)
Barbell curl( 2 sets, 8-10 reps)
Seated triceps press( 2 sets, 8-10)
Side lateral raise( 2 sets, 8-10)
Lower body:
Barbell full squat( 4 Sets, 5 reps)
Stiff legged barbell deadlift( 4 Sets, 5 reps)
Leg press( 3 sets, 5-6 reps)
Seated leg curl( 2 sets, 8 reps)
calf raise ( 2 sets, 10-12 reps)
Hanging leg raise ( 2 sets, 15 reps)
I would repeat this routine twice a week.
I know I shouldn’t be bothered when I’m 185cm (6″1), but I grew only like one centimeter since last year and it kinda sucks when you’re only 16 and not growing anymore.
Im 5”7 and 15 will come back in aba 3 months to update if i grew
Hi I’m 14 but almost 15.I workout everyday but l heard that u stayed teens should workout for 3 days so l want to thank u for that and l hope all e teens out there are doing it right
Should i go swimming instead of gym? (Im playing basketball my whole life)
She is just like a ghost, that she is making me die by doing this workouts
I need to more taller. Can i lift weights when i become more taller?
Does this workout loses weight cause i don’t want too. Pls anyone tell me plsss
I mean you can lift small weights and try make some progress but don’t overdo it
i’m trying to gain weight and be less skinny but i dont want to gain fat because i’m already at a good fat % so does anyone have any tips on how to eat while living with a family?
Zac Effron must of been so fucked whilst filming Baywatch. He didn’t eat a carb for 3 months he claimed
As a teen i found this video very informative and inspiring. A new sub gained!
You know what is less attractive than being short, insecurity and that is exactly how you will come off when you walk around like a damn peacock trying to look taller.
Long time since i was a teen but excellent vlog well put across
Iam 15 year old girl and iam unable to do push up properly? Can you tell how to do push ups
Pls help what kind of exercise can I do for push pull and legs for effective results pls
Im a badminton player. Im pretty skinny but muscular build anyway. Never been gym. Do i need to lift weights?
love your videos guys you really do have great tips and amazing content:)
I’m going to the gym instead of doing track. Track is just depressing.
I’m skinny and want to gain weight but can’t how will i do it
i am yuo enemy one v one me on fortnite this instent yuo insgnifict child
I workout 5x a week and I’m 15 is that ok, I workout chest triceps 2 days a week, biceps 2 days a week and shoulders and legs once
argh I’m 15 and im 173cm i’m aiming for 185(6foot) cause its my dream to be able to dunk
But where I live you can’t go to the gym until you are 16 and I don’t like sports like soccer and Rugby but i do really want to gain some muscle, how do I do that. Can you do that with just weights?
Lol zac efron as the thumbnail:’)
Aw he looked so happy and pure in the left photo, and then in the photo on the right, he looks like A DIRTY OLD MAN hehehe:’):p
Tell me why I thought this was bro science for a solid 2 seconds
White deer with gold antlers
Love you man you’ve got the perfect physique and personality
Your my ideal
Love you
Gonna try this routine! This is the no bs type of advice i seen on fitness type channels thanks bro
is it good to start going to the gym at 14 i did boxing but i just want to look better
So you give the ok for a 15 year old going to the gym just clarifying bc I’m 15 and wasn’t sure
I can’t afford a gym membership, it costs too much and my parents will never pay for one.
I’m the only girl comment here. I just came here to sniff all the testosterones
Weight lifting doesn’t stimulate your mind, better running or playing a game is always better than weight lifting
Age: 11
Height: 138cm
Goal: 145cm Please wish me luck!! Thank you
I start to hate working out.
I loved it at first but then it was just ehhh.
Spinlock dumbbells are annoying as fuck! Just buy the 2″ ones. They are easier and more affordable!
I workout a decent bit. Can I workout 5-6 days a week? Also: White Deer head w/ golden antlers
How much is recommended to lift to prevent bulking at a young age
Dog get a 2nd angle camera for while ur talking shit would be sick lol
I enjoy this one very much! Very inspiring information and ideas. Thanks for sharing.
Iam playing football
But I have stamina and speed and health
But no muscles
So I just started the gym and I’m pretty skinny but I’m in college so we have a gym.. I go 4x a week Monday-Thursday and Friday-Sunday should I not do that am I not having enough time to recover?
teens cant afford memberships than I expect you to have dumbbells at home even though you don’t have them, because you know there’s nothing like push ups or curl ups
I’m 16 and 6 foot 1. I’ve always been growing 2-4 inches per year but last year I’ve grown less than half an inch.. does this mean I’m basically done my growth? I really hope not because I’m trying to be taller (most of my family members are 6’2-6’7 so I’m pretty short compared to them lol)
Or you can do 2x a week leg day 1x a week for back 1x a week chest 1x a week for arms and on the 6th day a full body workout. You wouldn’t build much muscle fast if you don’t tear your muscle so you must work everyday. I do agree on not doing max days and the abs day 3x a week. When you said your going to hate the gym once you see the gains your gaining your going to fall in love with weight training. But I agree on ego lifting. Good video. Oh and stretch before every workout.
Is it advisable for a 14 year old to lift weights at such age? People keep telling me that I wont grow
Hey man, want to try all my workout program & diet plans free for the next 7-days? Cool, head to our site to sign-up:
Is there a specific playlist or set of videos I should watch from you if I only have dumbbells as equipment?
I love your videos it really really helps And a white dear with gold horns❤
hammer curls5 sets of 8-12
twist curls 4 sets of 8-12
bicep curls -3 sets of 8-12
chest press incline -4 sets of 8-12
flat bench chest press 5 to 6 sets 8-12
decline chest press 5 sets of 8-12
Pull down 3 sets 12-21 reps (gives a good pump)
overhead extensions3 sets 8-12 reps
goblet tricep extensions 2 sets 8-12
Military shoulder press 8 sets 8-12 reps.
low row4 sets 8-12 reps
lat pull down 5 sets 8-12 reps
lat machine 4 sets 8-12 reps
leg extension -4 sets 8-12 reps
squats6 sets 8-12 reps
leg press -5 sets 8-12 reps
calf raisers -6 sets 12-21 reps
Can implament these into your workout if you want, took me sometime to write this all
I’m not small and trying to get taller I just want to be taller then all those giant girls in middle school like I’m freakishly tall and there taller then me
Bro tell me if this is ok, I do this and my body is all tight and working hard but I’m not really sweating a lot… I can feel how hard I worked afterwards and my body actually feels amazing but is that normal or should I be working harder?
How many exercises should you be including with each muscle group?
the reason i watch this cuz i feel like my growth has ended i mean i only 16 and my friends last year eas shorter than me and this year hes taller than me like wtf
Would you have to adapt anything for females or would progress just go a bit more slowly
How many exercises per body part should i do? For example if im gonna hit my back, how many exercises should i do?
This is super helpful, I’m 13 and got a rowing machine for Christmas, I used it for 3 months than didn’t like it anymore but now I’m gonna start it up again
Hey bro how do you build triceps?? Im trying to get that V shaped look, curls for the girls
when ur a young teen but have siblings that are much older so u have lots of equipment
mam can you make a 60 min full body workout for teenage girls please mam..
I’m 15 and work out 4x a week for 30 minutes each time, on Monday Tuesday Thursday and friday
Wait guys i do this yesterday and my body is hurting so bad now i don’t know why?
so y’all telling me if i keep working out for a month or sum i’ll see results even if i’m 13?
Hi… Uhm… I just wanted to share that I’ve been doing a workout since quarantine had started and still nothing changes… I tried different workouts but nothing works… I did my diet, I cried for it but I guess it is not enough. Can somebody help me please? I’ve been insecure with my body. I am only a fifteen year old girl turning sixteen this June 27.
Please. Please. Please. Help me guys! Suggest how to properly do a workout and how to keep motivated! Please help me?
I get teased for my friend catching up to my height is that wierd?
Hello..Please make a video of full body workout(in gym)for TEENAGERS..pleasee
Really thanks for this workout. Do you have any advices for teens??
Plz reply
Thank you
Can we do this workout everyday?? Bcs some professions say we can’t practice all exercises everyday.. pls reply
Plz post a video in which you teach how to do push up cause im not able to do
3:40 I can’t keep my legs straight, they are shaking constantly
I’m trying to become taller then start lifting weights I wanna get that Zyzz body type.
This seemed easy until i actually squeezed my hamstring:/ lol
I have a question I been working out for about 14 days now but my thighs and legs are getting bigger!!!!?? What do I do? Is this normal when u workout?
I am 16 year old and I am skinny and thin I wanna build muscle plz help
After doing this my muscles are very exhausted. And I am feeling so weak to write this comment
I can really feel my muscles warm up and let go after this workout! Just amaze! Much needed workout session
The dislikes are the kids that got this for quarantine PE work
I need a workout plan for each day for the push, pull, legs. Not sure good workouts for each muscle group.
Is this exercise reduce our weight? I don’t wanna lose my weight bcoz am so thin.
Him:get enough sleep
Me watching this at 4 am in the morning
Your saying when u we’re 17 you were 5 6 I stopped growing and I am 16 now almost 17 5 4 male
Want to stay healthy and require some tips for doing this? I noticed a place where there are successful healthy tips. Search in Google as: “HealthZap99” for getting suggestions to stay strong.
Mam how many days we have to do..
after done this ex it will be pemanent or we have to do daily….
Mam pls reply..
I’m gonna be doing this for 2 weeks every morning everyone pray 4 mee
Joanna please make more workout vedieos.we are waiting for you
I want to try get skinny bc I am fat even my mum said so witch didn’t help my confidence and I can’t just go up and say I want to loose weight she will say no your perfect size witch is annoying
What is the recommended/preferred diet for this workout to achieve maximum effects in a short span?
what I dont understand is how people squat without falling forwards ;-;
Hay what recommendation do you have for people who have destroyed their shoulders and can’t go through another operation to fix em? Plus I’m a tad elderly and really miss it. Basically is there anything I can do to stop my chest from sagging without bench press? Aside from getting skinny? I guess what I’m asking is a quick video for us elderly old married men sitting out this latest human condition. Hope you and yours are well.
her:each workout will be 45 seconds
me:45! what do you think i am… FIT!!
hlo mam..A warm good evening mam..i am a girl of 18 years old…i am doing ur workout exercises that is beginners fat burning morning workout…i feel difficult in pushups..i am nearly 80-85 kg…plz mam help me out in reducing my current weight plzz mam……plzzz..plz reply me mam…..
“Don’t arch yo lil back”
To min workout “ 10:34” still working out ooo noo
i got this from my Pe teacher! when can i go outside im sick of Quarantine!!!
I tried it and biscuits after doing it, it took me like half an hour of rest before recovering and right now my heart is still raising a bit. Dang this work out is challenging!
I’m gonna send this to my friend. Hope his 12 yr old daughter does it and maybe even her younger siblings.
Who else is doing this in quarantine cause they got too fat eating chips everyday. I also have a question please suggest anyone. Is a teen fat if they weigh 114 pounds (53kg)?
Hey, I know it’s late, but worth a try. Does this exercise help loose weight?
Can we do this on the evening too? Plz reply to this doubt joanna
I really love! Your video and I have just done it for the First time and i did it Before my bed time and i feel awesome!!highly recomended! good nigth
Mam am really very week I dont have strength at all will I get enough strength if I do this and how many days should I do this
Ma’am, after workout my neck and thigh are paining.As I a beginner and should I continue doing this or do slowly by taking small breaks.