Table of Contents:
How Long Should You ACTUALLY Work Out? (No More Broscience)
Video taken from the channel: V Shred
How Hard Should “YOU” Train (Chest)
Video taken from the channel: mountaindog1
You Are Not Training Hard Enough!
Video taken from the channel: Jeff Nippard
How Hard Should I Exercise?
Video taken from the channel: Veterans Health Administration
Are you Training Hard Enough (TAKE THIS TEST!)
Video taken from the channel: ATHLEAN-X™
How Hard Should You Workout To Build Muscle? (AVOID THIS MISTAKE!)
Video taken from the channel: Jeremy Ethier
How Long Should Your Workouts Be? (45, 60, or 90 min)
Video taken from the channel: Gravity Transformation Fat Loss Experts
How Hard Should I Work Out? Low-Intensity Exercise. Easy workouts, or low-intensity exercise, will increase your heart rate, but not to the point Moderate-Intensity Exercise.
Experts often recommend moderate exercise for improved health and weight loss. But a High-Intensity Exercise. The most.You actually begin to lose your edge, train just a little less hard from month to month.
You don’t even realize you’re slacking off! On a scale of 1 to 10, your average training difficulty should be an 8, but if you never go to 10 you’ll lose your perception of what an 8 really is.The American Heart Association generally recommends a target heart rate of: Moderate exercise intensity: 50% to about 70% of your maximum heart rate Vigorous exercise intensity: 70% to about 85% of your maximum heart rate.
Simple: as hard as you possibly can and then some. There’s no downside to going hard. Only growth and gains – both physical and mental. Just be sure to pick a workout routine that matches your goals. The best way to make sure you’re actually giving it 100% is to work with a coach, trainer, or motivated workout buddy.
However, if you are working hard now only because it will mean graduating and moving on, if you are working hard now because it might mean a good job, then the job and the freedom are your god. They supply your life with meaning, and if the future does not pan out in the way you think you’ve earned, much of your life will have been spent in a.Several listeners and readers of the Get-Fit Guy have asked how to know if you’re actually working out hard enough, and this is actually a very important question – especially since I recently opened the newspaper to see that an entire team of high school football players in Oregon wound up in the hospital after working out a bit too least 25 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity three days per week (75 minutes per week) If you want to lose weight, consider two days of moderate activity and two days of.Set a goal, work hard, accomplish said goal, rinse, and repeat.
The more you reinforce hard work with a positive outcome, the more you think of yourself as a.What should each day of working out look like? If you want to work out five days per week and are working on both strength and cardiovascular fitnes.Unless you’re an athlete, body builder, or a marathoner-in-training, the average person shouldn’t be working out more than an hour a day. Your workouts should be.
You are sore instantly —then it’s too hard,” she says, adding, “I don’t think that anyone should be working out more than 60 to 90 minutes, four to five days a week.” Jim Pivarnik, Ph.D., a.I get asked often how hard you should be working out when you are working out. The simple answer for me is workout as hard as you can for as long as you can. Lets go into some detail.
Lets take doing weights for an example.Answered February 27, 2011. That’s a question that only you can answer, but if you’re really unsure, then talk to a personal trainer or a doctor. As a general rule of thumb, everyone’s different so listen to your body.
There’s a line between pushing yourself to work hard, and pushing yourself to injury, and you don’t want to go too far.How Hard Should I Work Out? You need to raise your heart rate to a certain level called your Target Heart Rate and keep it there for 20 minutes to increase your cardiovascular fitness. To figure out your Target Heart Rate, use this formula: (220 your age) x 70%.How Often Do You Need to Work Out To Build Muscle?
Or, in other words, the minimum amount of time you need to spend in the gym. By Edward Cooper. 24/07/2019 If you.
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from The Cyclist’s Training Bible | |
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from The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Being Fit | |
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from The Secret Language of Your Body: The Essential Guide to Health and Wellness | |
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from Serious Strength Training | |
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from The One One One Diet: The Simple 1:1:1 Formula for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss | |
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from Your First Triathlon, 2nd Ed.: Race-Ready in 5 Hours a Week | |
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from Matrix Reimprinting using EFT: Rewrite Your Past, Transform Your Future |
Hope you guys enjoy this video. To clarify further I DO NOT say that 45 min is the best workout length at any point of the video. Before commenting please make sure you at least skim through the video . As always thanks for tuning in!
That’s it! Before I didn’t know why I didn’t have explosive results, from now on on, it will be an uncontestable and explosive upgrowing!:-) (No, for real, I think it may be an usefull help), thanks!
Bro your in good shape it seems like you no what your talking about. When you do a video just get to the point stop dragging your messages out
I want to know how to schedule your muscles exercise weekly please?
I do roughly 30 minutes 3-4 times a week. Each time I go, I do 8 sets of 10 and only focus on one muscle group (arms, back, shoulders, chest) per visit. Is it better to break it up and do two muscle groups per visit, probably should be longer than 30 mins too?
Can anyone help because I’m a teenager who is working out for 1 hour and 20 minutes of six packs for 4 days and 45 minutes of chest workout for 2 days in total of 6 days wonkier straight with Sunday off and don’t know if I should do less workout days
is this 45 mins for one muscle groupe? i usally doing 2 and need little over 1 hour but i can also go to the gym every day for one groupe?
I just found out I’m obese class 1. I want to workout but idk where to start.
Anything longer than 45min1 hr means you’re doing something wrong
I do believe overtraining but i also don’t believe overtraining. The reason i’m saying it is if u work out more that 5 days a week. It’s not gonna help you mentaly becaude you will get tired and you won’t enjoy being at the gym since it would to much. 2014 untill 2017 i use to work out 6 days a week most the time. I went from 68 Kg to 96 Kg. I saw incredible results but the beggining of 2017 i stop traning completely. I use to play football too. So i started training again 26 of march this year. I Weight now 116 Kg but when i started i was 123 Kg. I almost do the samme amout of volume because i’ve increased every week. Now benchpress 90 Kg deadlift 130 but can do at extrem level 155-160. So the point is find a way ta fits your workout. Now i workout monday to friday. The Wekeend i walk 2 houes afternoon. I’m seing again who i was tre years ago. Remember Nutrion is the most important thing you should think when you’re trying to get fit. i eat one meal at 2pm in the morning egg and protein. pre workout one banana, 5 grams of almond nauts after workout, i would have a protein shake one panana, sometimes Turkish yogurt or greek yogur since i would be easy to diggest. I hoppe you guys do the right thing. Love this channel to. Got lots of information.❤️
I train between 45 minutes up to 1/2 hours, but the thing you should do is focus on the intensity of you’re training
Me doing chole ting’s workout for 10 minutes & and all these other ppl doing it for 40 and more minutes lmao.
I will stop workout when I’m tired ( usually it takes 1 hour)
I prefer to do one 6-hour workout per week and spend the rest of my week eating pizza and ice cream. Wait, I just thought of how I can be more efficient! “Ice cream pizza”!!!! Thank you for inspiring me!
stumbled onto your channel and I’m so glad i did. the wealth of knowledge and experience you offer for free is rediculous. i really appreciate it!
Me after the watching the video:
Also me: proceeds to eat a biscuit after the video
Well im 60lbs overweight from bad relationships bad eating and eating with pregnant ex….ive been doing hour and 15 min and right now I’m dedicated 30 of cardio just to get rid of the belly fat keeping heart rate about 120…..and then been doing low weight high rep to continue to supplement my cardio as I lose more weight I shift more time into heavy lifting but having so much weight on me is so demoralizing it critical I get it off of me for my mental
Should an 18 year old rest as long as 50 year old between sets? Probably not, we all are different, some can drop heartbeat back from 140 to 100 (just numbers for example) in 45 secs for some it takes 2 mins. We should rest as long as we need to have a quality next set.
Interesting video…. I’m curious how this would apply to someone who trains till failure every set of there work out
I workout all of my arms in like 45 min all of my arms including the shoulders
hmmmm…when I do full body workouts it takes me up to 3 hours, but when I do chest, back, abs, and obliques one day and do limbs (Legs and arms) and takes me 45 minutes to a hour each day. I say listen to your body. Everyone is different. Do what best works for you. Experiment a bit with your routine.
I work out at home… No waiting for equipment… 45 min is my usual followed by 5 kilometres of a power walk/ sprints. 5 days a week… I’ll take a day off on weights sometimes if the body says so. I am not looking to get huge just stay cut and just turned 50.
Any study can be manipulated to confirm what one wants it to show.
i notice john goes very high in his range of motion with shoulder/hand placement
John am i able to hire you as a coach? Just like Greg Doucette
When I started what I considered hard work is what I now consider half assed, but I’m getting into the rhythm and I’m getting significantly better all the time now it’s great
I mean, I don’t wanna be an asshole, but who cares with science?
Just do it!
I train like 2-3 hours and then…
I’ve seen enough. I’m satisfied.
30 minutes workouts, 4 hard/2 light a week is the sweet spot.
People: never exceed hour-long workouts
Dwayne Johnson( The rock ): allow me to introduce myself
a lot of this has to do with your body type. how you work out should be decided based off your body type.
is this only based on the every other day workout plan? does this also apply to the every other other day (i.e. Monday Chest and Tricep/Thursday Chest and Tricep)? thanks
Bro I just follow and finish my plan daily. I don’t care whether I started it this morning and I just finished, or if I
Pushed through in under an hour
Guys. lost a lot of weight does not need to be hard (I used to feel it did). I’m going to give you some tips right now. Get a popular lose weight diet plan called Custokebon Secrets (google it). Thanks to it I have lost tons of fat. I shouldn’t even be talking about it cause I do not want a bunch of other guys out there running the same game but whatever. I’m just simply in a excellent mood today so I will share the wealth lol.
I do mainly Hypertrophy and on average 25 Sets x 20 Reps and rest 15 seconds between each set. Am I over-training?
What if you only break your limit by the last set ” the 4th or 3th set” I feel that works the best 3 normal sets and last one you go all in couple more extra reps.
what people dont realize is muscle tension when you’re pushing those last few reps is worth a lot of money. It beats volume all day long. and experiment guys, but the most important thing is sleep and diet and most people have fucking shit sleep thanks to all the stimulants and shit they consume.
I started going to the gym for the first time with my brother about a year ago and it was about 2 hours to workout and drive like 10 minutes there and back, it was brutal over an hour and a half a day. I always felt like it was too long and that it shouldn’t be this dragged out. We’d do like 6-8 exercises with 3-4 sets max reps each and it was just more annoying that enjoyable. I really like it when I took it down a notch and it became less of a chore
When you train alone (heck, even with a spotter) always leave 1 rep in the tank. An ugly slow grinder is not worth the recovery strain, increases injury risks and could cause imbalances.
As expert, I do believe Custokebon Secrets is great way to lost crazy amounts of fat. Why don’t you give it a shot? maybe it is going to work for you too.
50-52 sets 6 times a week works better for me, mean no workout plan doing best for everyone
I hope god help you to get a better microphone, it’s hard understand what u saying without using earphones.
I feel like this is a dumb question but what does RPE stand for
Just because a certain number of people train for 45 minutes and see progress doesn’t mean everyone will get the same progress. Workout however much you want. Persistence, progression, and adaption.
12-20 sets is this the total of all exercises so if I did 5 exercies each 4 sets 5×4=20 which means 20 sets right I was already doing 6 exercises for one muscle now I should do 5 or what?
My old teacher used to tell me show yourself no mercy. Because I’m the field of battle it’s selfish to be weak when the lives of others are on the line. She was a bit old school.
Now if you’re hitting chest twice a week (say you run a push, pull, legs split) isn’t lifting to failure discouraged so you can recover?
I jus pick a weight (depending on the exercise) I’m able to do at least 12 reps with. The only time I max out is when I do my last set
Best result ever
Chest= 19 min
Abs= 30 min
Leg = 40 min
Shoulders =21 min
95 pounds for a warm up… fuck me that’s some serious motivation
training to failure is the best I fucked up my Bizeps and tricesp when you workout you think you will die but after workout when you go home is the best
This is so true, since i sitck to 1 hour of exercise 1.15 with some rest and stuff, i see how i start to burn the stubborn fat more easilly
I’m a beginner, and especially in bench press I’m afraid of going to failure when training alone. Any good tips?
I do a steady pace workout can last 2-3 hours depending on what workouts I used
Here I agree. Why would working on your legs improve your arm muscles? Time you spend depends on what you do. Workout your whole body ofc takes longer time then just doing some bicepscurls.
When you say work out time you don’t include stretching after the weight lifting right?
When u stop jerking off and take one cup of black coffee before wirkout, you dont know how time passes during workout
is this any good idea to train as natural. im always trying to get stronger in two movements then im doing maybe 1-2 movements to more failure or drop set. but i never know these 1-2 last movements. i always think in car when im going to gym. that what im going to do in these last movements today.?? is there any good idea? its fun way to training because i can change a bit every time. these movements. but usally i dont change too much.
You the best man, love your theory on weightlifting!! Save everything for “last sets”! Couple easy ones then go for it
Is 1 hour so much for training (i don’t rest very much between every workout like 10s if it is easy 30 if it is like push-ups)
And I do like 45 workouts a day
funny dudes that are more fit then me last longer then me in the gym and i last a hour and 30 m as long as i can get like them how long i should be in the gym Doesn’t matter to me this video has been a pail of horse
The real benefit of training to failure is not the biggest buffest gains but more about training the mental and spiritual, giving it all your heart and energy, leave it all on the mat, all on the field, all in the ring, did you give it your 100.
Are you guilty of training too hard or not training hard enough? Hope you enjoyed this one – comment below what other topics you’d like me to cover and I’ll get on it! Cheers!
Just… don’t count the reps. A few moments before you feel tired you quit.
I tried 45 mins and I just can not get everything packed into that short amount of time and have recovery mins between sets
1:48 1st exercise, continuous tension focused dumbbell compound: 2 sets of horizontal dumbbell press:
5:35 2nd exercise, continuous tension focused barbell compound: 2 sets of incline barbell bench press:
10:40 3rd exercise: lock out focused machine compound, 2 sets of incline machine bench press, blood flow & fiber exhaustion with 1 high intensity technique,
8-10@0RIR+1 drop set(or 2)
19:08 4th exercise: stretch focused isolation: 2 sets of machine flies:
8@0RIR followed by forced reps, partials, then an iso hold
There’s a lack of detail to a 4 year + athlete here. Failure within a set vs overall failure. You should never go beyond your muscles failure at one day. As soon as it’s done (you have to know yourself) you stop and don’t go for 5 more sets of curls.. also within a set: failure means you can’t move the muscle anymore and have to chest to move it while cheating you still hit the muscles involved which are not 100% done yet! If you cut reps you gotta ads sets which will add more volume
By forgetting I had committed a triple homicide, I have gained an 8 pack and 32 lbs of lean muscle. Thanks Jeff!
Pro athletes, who dont have a job and training is their full time job are known to workout 6 hrs at a time…. and also if you are a begineer you can get away with 1 hr workout but after a year or 2 you will have to put in more time or else you will not see results…
first day Work out hard & I got muscles fever I was very scared I have a corona virus ;(((( no hard again 😉
The hardest set to failure anyone can do is carrying a new born baby on one forearm and feeding it with the other hand until your your arm goes dead or you start to panic off how uncomfortable you are feeding a baby lol
Well only if you inject testosterone then training to failure maybe beneficial for your self
if you havent damaged your rotator cuff, your not training hard enough.
lol Not bragging I’m not in great shape (2 years of bad health, move, baby, life) I struggle to not overload and not be able to finish the reps I want (hit failure HARD), hitting failure every set and over using (apparently) failure techniques. Watching this guy to learn a more reasonable training loads.
I love the fact that you always use research papers in the videos. It reassures us that you are well instructed and that the information is legit.
Alexander has a lot of talent with that yo-yo! Good job, kid!
A serious upper body workout would take at least 90 minutes. 120 minutes if we include cardio.
Progressive Resistance: I heard if you start lifting a bull calf every day that you’ll eventually be able to lift an adult bull. Diet: I heard that if you want to be as big and strong as the bull then you eat what the bull eats, and don’t eat the bull. When you find out this stuff was first posted on the internet by Abraham Lincoln then you have no choice but to believe it. I like how you say that you can’t keep getting stronger forever. I never hear other people saying that but it’s truth. Staying uninjured is hugely important, but moving up in weight is not.
I never understand how should i train for muscle grow in size. Because some times in see video saying that you should be doing high rep and some says low reps
Hi Jeff, great video!
Does the ten reps of bench pressing refers to the first exercise or to the second exercise in a training plan? Because if it’s the second excercise people would not be able to make as many more extra reps as mentioned in your video.
Hey John I have been watching you for a little bit. I’m new to working out. But my question is after like 3 to 4 different set of 10 or 12 reps. I usually wait a few minutes after my last set, but then I still fill like I can go forever. I go to failure on all my set to. But is it good on the body if I continue? Like I have a day for arms an another for chest an so on..
Play some badass music behind this (Tool Descending perhaps) and repost
How bout this, i give you MY data
And you tell me what science says i should do to look like
Lets go for Marl Walberg from transformers
Feels like he saw my last workout and decided to make this video.
u might as well just shutdown your channel by this point man
So that’s why every coach I knew told me to do sets of 8 reps, adding weights between sets.
Training to failure is a big concept in bodybuilding. And it becomes a stupid concept when used by beginners and intermediates.
i reckon train however the fuck u want to but then only come back to the gym when u feel fully recovered. thats it, simple. people always complicate everything. the workout has to be satisfying mentally and physically. when i dont train to failure it feels like a walk in the park for me. i can basically whistle through my training. Going to failure is awesome, feels so good and is a challenge. if it takes 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 days to recover who gives a fuck?
going to failure is superior. Instead of doing easy workouts, work on your fucking sleep. most people drink caffeine and miss out on DEEP sleep. if u drink 2 cups of coffee a day, second at lunch, that coffee is still fucking u up at 2am in your blood. peace. there’s some professionals that only do intense weight training every 10 days and they pack on the muscle and strength. same goes for all activities like running, always give ur all and then rest and recover for however long u want to. i only train about 2 times a week but i have an impressive physique and im 48yrs young. lol
and I’m here working out 20 to 30 min, 3 times a week
gaining weight is haaard
bro, can you please provide sources? it would be really helpful, thanks
Great video, just have one question, I add extra weight every two weeks on friday, so I do a full week with that weight, then another week but on friday the weight gets heavier. I workout 3 days a week (M,W,F).
If i get to that friday where i will be adding weight, should i push to failure every set since i will be spending the rest of the day, saturday and sunday resting, or this principiple of pushing to 1-3 from failure stills is relevant after friday where i have more rest?
Thank you for sharing your truly useful knowledge. And it is great to listen to you, learn and for sure it totally MAKES SENSE. Looking forward to do a drop set to failure on the fly machine tomorrow:-)
Once again, Steve Shaw. Rep goal system. Fantastic video. I appreciate everything Jeff does. The premise is if you’re doing 3 sets of 10 that’s 30 reps. And you take each set to failure. Maybe the first set you get 14 reps and the next set you get 9 reps and the next set you get 7. That’s 30 reps so you accomplish that goal and you increase your weight. And you do it again next time. And you keep going until you meet your rep goal, this way you maximize every single set to failure. Right before your form would break down or you don’t think that you could do another rep.
31 years old, and for the first time my body betrayed me for 14 years of training.
20min. of lumbering and warming up my back and legs before squats, thrid set hitting hard almost at the finish line perfect form, and I hear a pop in my bad.
3 days in bed can’t even wipe my ass, I can’t even believe this happened to me.
On the 4th day I started moving again yes I’m back baby but the fear of betrayal is always in the back of my mind.
Excellent video! How many days should I workout regarding Hypertrophy per week? Thx
is it needed to failure every single sets? or only on the last set?
pls answer @jeremy
What kind of working mentallity is that? Please guys if you work out like this stay at home and do something better with your time.
I didn’t get how many exercises per muscle we are supposed to do, 8 or 10?
Lol….lol…. and 45min. Lol…. i hawe work,familie and i dont hawe time to go 6 days in sportclub so i go 4 days and spend 70min. So lol your 45 min!!!!!!
As someone that doesn’t workout too long, there is no way working out longer “ruins your gains” lmao what kind of idiot came up with that. Imagine thinking working out longer makes you weaker, sound like a worse excuse than I use
Jone Sir how many Gym you have. Because they’re different types of gym I seen.
What if i am changing the weight for example when i bench press i start with 130lb then 150lb then the last 180lb so my weight changes throught out one exercise so what should i do. Do i count the reps then divide them like u did or something else?
Bench press 3 sets
OHP 3 sets
Incline bpress 3 sets
Hammer curl 3 sets
Bicep curl 3 sets
15 sets 3mins rest each set = 45mins total
That is if you wont use your phone or will do other things and if 3mins is enough for you to rest each set especially hitting 3×12 on heavy load is hard if too short of a rest and time doing the workout is not yet added here
Idk im more likely to believe and listen to a fat chef than a skinny kid in a tank top
I think observation bias is at play here, although it probably won’t explain all of the observed effect. You can sort of see that by 0% making <10 reps, i.e. every subject was conservative enough to do at least 10 reps.
From my experience, when you bring people into the lab (especially at universities) they tend to get the feeling of dealing with something official and want to make a good impression. That’s often enough to bias them. I do come from a different field, but I see no reason why this shouldn’t apply.
Thx for the video, John. Schooling the youngsters….That’s how we do it. The way u work out is exactly how I do. Definitely have to watch my joints cuz they’re done…yeah, from training wrong during my life and maybe worried about lifting heavy ass weight. And also I’m old now. Took me a lifetime to learn to do it like u do.
So if you do not doo the full body work out.Like seperate each part like the legs arms abs to different types of days is this good or not?Its like this,
On monday you will do a wrokout for your arms then on tuesday you will do your legs,Etc. Is this a good thing to do?(Btw i do this)
Edit:i do not go to gym i just do Calisthenics as a workout
Your videos are so informative. Very handy always answer the questions that I have. Do you have any beginner routine videos??
You are giving exemple for only one exercice. I do 13 exercices.
There was a study done a few years back that showed the moment that your rep no longer accelerates and starts to decelerate is the rep you should stop on for best efficiency.
I thought u should do 30+reps in ur home workout vid for quarantine
You have always had a really strong barbell incline press! I notice that your reps are relatively quick, compared to mine. Do you find that worrying about sets being 40+ seconds total TUT, to be something not as important as just consistent tension and feeling of intensity?
Thanks for the video, I think I’m over working out.
I just finish my workout at home where I have my gym, so not time waiting for anybody else to use the machine or bench.
I did:
5 minutes warm up
4 set of 10 rep flat bench press
4 set of 10 rep incline bench
3 set 10 rep flat fly
3 set 10 rep incline fly
4 set of 10 rep double rope cable extension on the lat machine
3 set of 10 rep with the short bar
3 set of 10 rep dumbbell skull crusher
3 set of 10 rep dumbbell quick back
Some time after the workpout I take the treadmill for 30 minutes at 12 level incline walking at 3.0. I think is too much but some how I can do it, but my arms got really tired.
net day is badk and bicep and more or less same set and reps. like 4 exercises for biceps and 4 for back so it is 4plus 4 sets is 16 plus 16 is 32. flick!!!!
I’m endomorph type, 56 years old, 5.9, 214 pounds. Im trying to lose weight ( I just lost 45 in 3 months with a no carbs diet) and also get in shape. I dont want to be huge I rather be like your type of shape, not too ripped either, Im too old for that.
I normally spend one hour and 15 minutes working out and 30 minutes on the tread mill. I jump from one exercise to the other, one tricep, one chest combine.
I don’t know much about weight and trying to learn with youtube videos
I hope with his information you can give me some tips
Any recommendation or correction is really appreciated.
Thanks you very much
What if I’m doing triceps chest and shoulders? Does the 12-20 set range still apply?
Jeremy, i have a question. I am in my late 30s, and have suffered from having a high metabolism, which has now started to slow. I have watched some of your videos regarding calculating maintenance calories, is there a different equation for us afflicted individuals?
2500 hundred years ago..Buddha has given us The Middle Path..
All I know is you must pick up the correct weight, and do max effort at every set, it means until failure (but still at correct movement) in every set. Then take a rest less than 1 minute, then try again as much as you can. Give some shock to your muscles. That’s it.
Lies down and benches a mini cooper as his warm up set. Amazing! After my shoulder op it took me ten years to lift 12’s or a bicep curl. Abd even then it still hurts. Lol
I’m at the gym rn and I’ve been here since 8:30 and it’s 11:00
This video made me feel like I was in church (cursing aside).
Wow the BEST inspirational vid I’ve seen. So real like something my old trainer would say. A lot cleaner language than he’d use hahahah but still a great motivational video. Ps you forgot to tell us which exercise was the best one. I think the 3rd cause you could see he was pushing harder.
I’m the opposite. My main problem in the gym is overtraining myself doing too many sets and doing it 1 rep from failure. In effect I’ve been through injuries in the peak of my form which prevented me to progress. I’m working on it tho.
This video is kinda like Arnold Schwarzeneggers speech, shorter and harsher.
I can remember one camp i went to for 5 days. I have never felt so exhausted and sore in my life, and I have never been able to replicate it, which is goddamn disappointing. For some reason its stupidly refreshing to feel the pain in your body.
My workouts easily is around 1hr 30-2hrs. I’m hitting two muscle groups each time also. There are also times when I would do 6-7 sets of a workout just because I like how it feels. You have to put in the time you have to wait for people who loves to spend 10+ minutes on a machine.
Excelente video, bien documentado y referenciado con artículos, me suscribo. Un saludo y gracias desde España
Thank u for lecture. It is very helpful for my workout routine.
6:14 hahahhahahhahahha you completely switched my mood from serious to can’t stop laughing
What are your thoughts on the video “too much volume” by thibarmy? It makes complete sence to me, but i dont know the exact levels of increase in cortisol and so forth, so it could theoretically be a very minor problem.. or a huge problem..?
Working at construction yard makes it kinda tough for me to exercise, if I give 100% at the gym I have absolutely no energy left for work few days after.:|
20sets per body part? or overall i usually do two body parts per session how does that work
i came here thinking he would give us some indicators: muscle ache/muscle recovery, pain to avoid/pain to try and get but it was just a motivational speech…..
Jeff I’m 54 would you recommend I take rest days or maybe just 1 day off a week thx
Who else is looking down, like we’re being scolded while watching this video?
Work out until your body says enough. Each person will need different time.
Love ur vids but till this over hyped flu or the tyrannical government goes away doesnt look like the gym is practical anymore
As many sets to failure as it takes to reach that set where you can’t lift that weight. A minute between sets.
Workout again when you can.
You will grow if you eat. 20 times calories of your bodyweight in pounds, FROM healthy natural food, and THEN you can eat junk food.
Get atleast two session in a week.
You will grow.
This is the meat and potatoes or frequency, volume and intensity, make sure to get it in, now, on top of it, make adjustments based on the new knowledge you acquire.
On your off days do grease the groove with naked warrior push ups and pull ups.
When you speak statistically you should add your conclusion for better understanding. Thanks
Me:Mom,mom.I’ve passed the test
Mom:Congrats son,I’m proud of you.Btw in which subject?
Me:J E F F
EZ math for hypertrophy:
1. Bodyweight minus 40 lbs. = hypertrophy weight for the bigger muscles
2. Bodyweight plus 40 lbs. = power lift weights for beginners.
Example: I weigh 165 lbs. 165 minus 40 is 125 lbs. for hypertrophy. That is your first set before doing the stairway exercise.
Why do people unlike this video? He’s 100% right, is that why?
This is one of my favorite videos that he has done and includes a great Cavalier axiom: Actively take what your body isn’t willing to give!
Jeff: your not gonna like everything I say in this video
Also jeff: the question I asked didn’t have an answer.
Me: yeah, fuck this guy
I am going to listen to this video as much as I possibly can until I can actually hear Jeff speaking this into my mind before every workout!
This is a video I love to come back to on days I’m not feeling it
i mix them both in a workout, is that fine ill start a high weight for one rep and have like15 rep and the next set dop the weight a tad and do the same amount of reps and continue for 4 to 5 sets
Thank you so much for this video, really really helped me out… Much love please don’t stop to put up such awesome content
That means, old saying “Always give 100 % of yourself” is wrong. Always give 80 % of yourself and you will be better:))
Big fan of The Holy Grail!
But I cannot withstand another frontal assault; that rabbit’s dynamite!!
Silly question, are there tricks or mental exercises to try and push your self into failure? Its one of the hardest things to do is just to push through the pain. Clearly its a individual battle and everyones different.
You look like Adam Ruins Everything with those glasses on I’m sorry bro rip
these videos should be marked… as not to waste people’s time on dubious “artistic” experiments…
2:27 there will be days when you feel weak and dont feel right at all but just do what you can and work the muscles youll get the muscle sorness in the following days and when you recover youre next work out you should be back to normal i only work out once a week, because im sore for around 4 days afterwards thevother three days im eating and sleeping preparing for my next gym visit, i meet the other guys in the gym they say they are in the gym 5 days a week and i think pfffff im way way muscular and bigger and stronger than you, a lot of people go to the gym and play around and do light weight and low sets and cardio and just go there to look like theyre fit and strong but i know they want big muscles and strength when they want to look strong they do squats and dead lifts lol they will be better in the gym than at home on the couch as far as their fitness and well being goes but i know they are jelous of me they tend to put their noses in the air and puff their chest out as they walk past me lol sad sad men, i know theyre thinking that i dont have staying power so when they are doing their set near me as im doing my set i make sure they give up first then i do another 10 reps if im not on my heaviest sets like lat pull downs or seated rows
How often should a female switch between Strength vs Hypertrophy weekly? I’m wanting to build lean muscle and gain strength.
1:13 can you upright row two 20 kg plates on each end of that bar? i could do one and a half reps lol then id drop it down to a 20 kg plate on each end and a 15 kg plate on each end and do 12 reps that really built my traps my traps tend to be closer to my back and not so much on top until i was doing this but its all gone now because of the covid lock down i dont have my own weights
Now this is a professional video, explained wonderfully with no fancy video shooting so as a result I was able to see the entire exercise performed plus the sets were done for real in real time, bravo!
Well what if you consume bcaa which reduces fatigue considerably
I needed this I felt like this today that I hit the wall with my workouts thanks Jeff
thank you a genuine no nonsense truth telling nice guy i have just got back into bodybuilding after a decade off and sum of the videos i have watched is just a bunch of high school bully jocks eg folks who havnt grown out there high school days talking like there on the football field generally guys in the gym you look at and say guess who wants to be centre of attention screaming bam oooh look at this bam etc screaminjg get the pump baby just loud mouth idiots but u my friend are spot on so from a scotsman in scotland i salute u
Is that if u workout everyday? Bcs i spend like 2+ hours at the gym 3 days a week but i also do abs exercise
I hate squats……and deadlifts of any kind, i truly do, and, i despise training biceps and forerams and calves and traps….
I train way to hard and I train the same muscle for up to 3 days I really need to stop
I leave reps in the tank every set. Every set I leave a little less in the tank and on the last set I either go to failure or one rep until failure
“With ATHEAN-X or some other inferior program” Haha Jeff is the GOAT.
Re watching this coming out of quarantine. Let’s get it! May 2020
Is it strange I’m more attracted to Stephan version than Stephanie version?
Nice, but that wasn’t to failure. Sure you could decide that you can’t do with good form anymore and therefore it was to failure, but she didn’t fail.
Fighters workout within a camp depending on what they are focusing on 6 hours a day split into 2-hour sets, or twice a day.
Professional boxers typically do a 6, 8, or 12-week camp before a major fight. They tend to break their camp into different segments, focusing first on a diagnostic, then building ( in addition ), conditioning, strength, then the technique, sparring, then tapering off in the last week with a major focus on making weight via dehydration, starvation diets, in-sauna workouts with rubber or plastic suits on.
This always varies depending on the age, ability etc of the fighter, as well as the trainer’s style and philosophy.
Boxing has in recent times been recognised as one of, if not the most intense and efficient way to lose fat, gain muscle, improve reflexes, and produce pleasing aesthetic results.
MMA, Ballet, dancing, ironmen and women are also considered as comparatively tough, even torturous.
Have you noticed that Stephen and Stephanie are never at the same place at the same time?
how would you consider the factors or getting equipments ready/set up or even waiting for somebody to finish with their machine/bench? also if you want to train 2 muscles groups say, chest and bis, in the same session?
Guys please don’t listen to the advice, watch the other videos! It turned StephAAn into a girl!
I love this video:D especially stephan:D he’s killing it:D
My training everyday Is full body routine I hit the gym. can you recommend a program for me please.I’m on rebuild from a 30 foot roof fall. And coming 50..I start treadmill..then round gym machines
What you do is my trademarked ‘Chopped and Screwed reps’ until failure, then you crank out half a dozen fast reps you still have in there. Minute long sets.
If I do sets of 10 on the bench I’ll be doing 4 sets. Typically my first two sets I don’t know how close to failure I am, I’m bad at guessing, but I do know that my third set my tenth rep feels like I’m really close, and my fourth set my tenth rep is like 1 away from failure or even sometimes makes me reach failure.
These people who are getting 16 reps, it would be their first set. Would it not be reasonable to expect that after like 3, 4 or 5 sets of 10 reps they’d at least be getting very close to failure?
I guess I’m not sure how much your reps are expected to drop over sets, I’d just have imagined that they would get themselves close by the end of their last few sets.
It’s important to nota that the number of energy and effor in the first set is not the same as it is in the last set…
Sir can we take a 1 to 2 hours break after a 45 minutes workout and do another 40 min workout or like in the evening? Plz reply sir
How long should i exercize one body part? I usually do 10 minutes
I do 10 exercises…3-4 sets of each with a rep range of 8-10 reps depending on the weight. I’m in and out in an hour.
I think it would be interesting if they test single males and females and get models pretending to be scientist administering tests. Injuries may or may not happen.
Hey Jeff do you have a video for helping beginners figure out how to find their rpe?
Thanks and also i will do my own pro move in games:afk farm while exsercising:D(sorry my english is bad:c)
Another thing the cortisol levels won’t increase with your method. Stress hormone lowers testosterone levels
I jog for 45 min, 5 ab workouts, & end it with weightlifting.
Perhaps the test subjects were able to perform more reps if they were being spotted. I know for myself I am a lot less confident going near failure on the bench press without a spotter.
This is true not only for training but for everything you do in your life if you want to succede!!! It is really well said!!! I totally agree!!!
You have good information but your videos are too long you need to get to the point quicker
One thing that keeps me from training heaver on bench is not having a spotter. I wonder if that is something that affects other people. I’m not afraid to go heavier unless I’m training by myself and don’t want to get stuck under the bar lol
I find it hard to cram my exercises to less than an hour.
I do push pull legs split with 2-3 exercises per muscle and it always take me atleast 2 hours
lol, do girls really see us guys acting as she portrays it? that’s completely ridicules
Jeff: If u are only doing an exercise u like….throw it and do the ones u hate..
Me: but….I thought u said in other vids that bicep curls are the best for ur biceps
I see what your saying and it makes sense but I will keep training to failure it’s more a physiological thing for me doing power lifting
The other thing:
Leave ego at the gym door.
Ego does more to hurt a workout than anything I’ve seen. Whether it be not smart (too much weight so you get injured) or too complacent (proud of 12 reps benching 225.)
Thats why im training for failure and not for reps. i choose my weight inside a rep average i know i’ve been doing. If i say “i can do 12 reps with this weight” probably rep 10, 11 and 12 will be a struggle and not as fluid as the other 9
Was it indicated whether they trained alone or with a trainer? Having a spotter makes a world of difference in pushing through to get a few more reps.
How many variation workout for this?? We are not only doing bench press and go home.
Recommended rest periods for strength is 3-5 mins not 1-2mins..
Nah! You gotta take at least 1 set to failure. This video doesn’t make sense at all.
Hi Jeff! Please be careful with your titles. New research almost never PROVES anything. You have to look at about three dozen articles to be able to make any kind of conclusion on a topic.
Always been natural and I train harder and heavier than that so that’s how I know I’ve been over training.
Many injuries over multiple body parts
Depending on how the question was presented to the test subjects, they probably chose something a little lighter just to be on the safe side that they can complete those 10 reps.
But shouldn’t you take into account all the sets? Maybe you can do 16 reps on the first set but after that you are burnt out and maybe can only so half
i always go to failure, then wait 10-15 sec and do 1 or 2 more reps.
John is a brilliant man to learn different techniques to Training and get those extra % to improve you’re time and results spent in the Gym
What do you mean “a weight you’d normally choose to do 10 reps with”?? Surely the answer is “more than last time”?!?
lmaao the fact that I was planing on spending like 5 hours there..
What if my workout take a out 2.5 hours? This workout every 3 days
Well yea i can go heavier and do 15 bout what about my next 3 sets. Would have been nice to explain for some rookies out here.
I don’t train with a spotter normally. I’d be curious to know how many of those participants are in the same situation. Fear of breaking the neck parts limits rep count in my experience.
@jeff what would you say to people who are not going near 1rm because they want to hit say a 4×4, yes they may be able to hit 5/6 on the first set but then the subsequent sets would suffer? This also is the case for hypertrophic sets that last longer, hitting your failure on first set results largely in a drop in reps on later sets and therefore decrease in overall volume? No?
3×10 is what i always did
I never got much growth
I got strong
Hey Team V Shred!
The video was an informative one, especially the tempo bit. Is the 4 secs tempo general or for specific body parts?
For me, different body parts (and exercises) have different tempo.
It would be great if you could create a video to explain the tempo for different exercises concerning different body parts.
Well… you tell them a weight that you could for multiple sets. Furthermore, you start at a lower weight than your heaviest last working set? Not just multiple exercises. I could be missing something, but this doesn’t say anything in my opinion
I think the better question is how many exercises do you have to do for each muscle group? The length of time working out does not really equate to the part of the body being worked on and I know it is bad when you overdo it. So can anyone educate me on this.
5minutes ✌i try it flank thing and its totally work for me after a week i see the resulthahaha you know you dont need more time working exercise all you need to do is balance your dayi dont even know how to balance my day but i try like heavy breakfast-work a healthy lunch work again dont be lazy doing stuff and a glash of fresh milk at night.yeah i know what your thinkin now,but you know that every person not alike.✌ before my lbs is 130 losing down to 110 see maybe i was bless to maintain that balance i say earlierahahaha peace
To be honest, I think this research is flawed. Most of participants probably don’t have 10 reps as their work out program, which would lead them to under guess the weight for safety bet. This would not mean that that’s how their workout is like.
I worry about having abs workout only for 15 min but I just followed your Six pack shred program workout sched. Pls reply asap
GREAT channel. John’s experience and wisdom in invaluable and greatly appreciated
Lol I’m so dumb. I was like “damn that dude looks just like Jeff.”
Guys dont take his word for it, alot of people have difrent opinions on this point.
It’s related to training experience. Beginners don’t need to go anywhere near failure. And they shouldn’t, since their technique would be easily compromised with their lack of experience. Intermediates should balance their intensity, as Jeremy says. If you “just train harder than last time” everytime, then in only a few weeks you can accumulate so much fatigue that your workouts begin to suck and you end up having to take an easy week, or deload. If that happens every 4th week you end up pissing away one quarter of the year that you could have been making gains. If you train smart and gradually build intensity up over a period of 6-8 weeks you can have consistently more productive weeks of workouts and only take a deload the week after you take things to failure. This will result in more gains over the course of the year.
I workout 4 hours a day
3 hours and 60 min i spent choosing which music im gonna listen while working out
So you want to grow? This is the playlist for you:
I hope you come back to iron sports gym in delaware county, i would really like to say hello& hangout for a few minutes. I hope and pray you’re in great health as well as good spirits. Bless you brother
Do I focus on strength every month then switch to hypertrophy? or do I do it all every week?or switch every 2 weeks? help?
Really great breakdown and nuance. I think the strong point here is that people at bad at self reporting.
95-pound dumbells for a bench press warm-up? Ugh. I’ve got a lot of work to do.
How many sets do you recommend weekly for Shoulders and back for natural lifters? Loved the other “how hard to train” videos.
U r a boss bro. I gave the video a thumbs up. I might just stop paying my trainer. Thanks a lot for the info.
I take all my sets to failure but miraculously I am able to push 10-12 reps after I failed at 8. Gradual decrease in reps is not a thing, you get accustomed to the strain and can push more, bit by bit… unless you are spending too much time at the gym and your declining performance is due to general muscle fatigue that has nothing to do with the type of exercise you do because it happens with any type of exercise sooner or later.
1:51 i found that if you go past youre pain limit now and then and everyother time just work the muscles full range of motion concertrating on contracting the muscles nicely that it stimulates muscle growth, if you work too hard all the time you will burn up muscle or annihilate your muscles, you want the burn pain when you go past youre pain limit not any other kind of pain like joint pain or tearing pain this will make you undo all youre hard work if you go too hard out you got to stimulate not annihilate youre muscles better to exersize too light than too heavy if its too heavy youre form will be bad and it wont be working the muscles properly the aim is not to just get the weight from here to there its about the stretch and the contraction and stimulation of the muscles
Love this video had to watch yet again for fun. Had to get my daily dose of John Meadows YouTube teachings
Love this guy! He reminds of a family member taking me to the gym and telling me stories. My favorite bodybuilding personality!
I love that John randomly puts his son in his videos. That’s so awesome
Strangely enough I felt this was true in my training sessions. It is almost intuitive because you don’t burn yourself out.
Depends what type of physique you like. If you have a big chest your delts will look small. Personally I kill my delts and triceps and biceps, then back, then legs, chest i do only incline, and higher reps, keeps the physique ‘dynamic’ looking.
Number one factor in this channel’s success besides the knowledge of course. Is the DELIVERY. The thumbnails speak volumes about the view count. Just compare and contrast, wow whoever you hired to do those cartoon thumbnails payed off 100 x over
Sorry this is not me. Idk how anyone could do a set NOT to failure? I just don’t understand how u could have ‘reps in the tank’ like I’d just feel so damn lazy…
Jeff, Jesse, and rest of your team. I truly enjoy your channel, knowledge, experience, and do my best to incorporate what I learn from you all. 7/4/2020.
We just wanna have fun working out this is math now m gonna quick
this comment section is full of fan girls,proceed with caution
I see really no one in my gym training hard, my off days are still 2 hour training sessions and my on days are minimum 3. Some may say its crazy but the golden era guys did it, and I also stick to a high protein diet minimum fat and low carb and I also make gains while the others are small and weak, so you get what your put in. Nobody putting in the work these days
Hey Jeff. Know this is an older video but would you be able do a video explaining the balance of training as hard as you can without overdoing it on volume? I have seen studies which show overtraining can lead to a plateau effect in many cases.
Hey jhon how long would you use this chest workout before changing to different exercises
so if I want to gain muscle mass, I should go for “Hypertrophy” right?
Thanks for telling us nothing conclusive or even solid advice…
Getting some “it aint training unless its overtraining” vibes from this.
Stefan seems like a fun person. Jeff if you could ask “him” if me and him could hang out.
really impressive or depressing… depends on how you see it lol 4:20
Hi Vince. I liked your video on Hypertrophy. I have a problem as I am unable to gain muscle mass. I go to gym @ 12 in noon for less than an hour. In evening I play squash, where I have extensive sweating and cardio. Can you please help me that is this extensive cardio in squash which is stopping me gaining muscle gains when my body maybe wants rest after the gyn. Thanks
hi V Shred i just want to ask you that… I am beginner and I want to gain muscles. Should i do full body workout daily.. Or should i separately do exercises for separate body parts on separate days
Hey John! Your son is getting quite good with the yoyo:) Loved the little clip!!! Respect from Austria young man and keep practicing
I came “How hard” for legs video. Are you doing arms etc. in this series and that shift is awesome, thanks!
I do 30 sets for chest 2 times per week. 15 sets of flat bench and 11 sets incline. then other exercises. 50 inch chest natural. Took me a long time to build up to that much volume. I don’t train super heavy though I use moderate weight about 170 to 180 lbs and always stop 2-3 reps before failure. Joints feel great because I never go heavy and the high volume builds me muscle. I recover fine also, because I use moderate weight. What I do to build muscle is just try to do 1 more rep than last workout. I am up to 30 reps per set right now with 170 lbs. Feels like a nice pump workout, time flys by fast and then The hypertrophy happens due to all the volume.
When I see John Meadows in a thumbnail, I click on that shit.
Now that I’ve leaned down I’ve reached the point to where my lifts are weaker now. When I was doing bench and weighing 220 I was strong, I could hit 315 for my last set of 4. Now that I’m 175 I can only do that twice. I’m proud that I’m leaning down, but angry that I can’t hit as much weight.
4:05– 4:35, so going over 45 minutes does in fact decrease test. levels, but don’t worry about it because that doesn’t necessarily effect your gains? Come on, there’s more to testosterone than just gains, you need it to feel healthy and for sex. Can anyone inform me that I somehow misinterpreted this info? I genuinely want to work out for more than 45-60 minutes, but this vid isn’t convincing me to do so. I’m not going to simply do it for gainz when other things like stress levels and libido are effected
4:20 i always remember what Dorian Yates would say’ “this is the set, all the rest is bullshit” don’t quote me word for word but it’s something like that I always enjoy the content, no ego honest and straight talking, plus great insights.
Could you use cable crossovers for the last stretching sets instead of machine flys?
I get, it’s about how to take your sets to failure. Big thanks for showing, and talking us through. But on your next chest session, do you include upper, lower / incline, decline exercises or hitting it flat pretty much takes care of it all?
editnvm, just watched some more of mountaindog videos on chest that answered my questions. Keep cranking ya’ll
I do like 30 min cardio + stretching+ 10-15 min abs + whatever two muscle groups I’m working out an hour? 30 min each? Unless other people are on the equipment.. then like 90min + 3 sets of 10 curls 5 min? & I work on pull ups for roughly 5 min a day st the end & throughout my work out & then hit the sauna and stretch for 30 min. I be doin the most apparently
Guess I doing a bench press (bar only workout..) To failure…on Saturday now….guess if shoulder fine that day..I put small weight on each set and go up from there…..I got 3 months till my shoulder surgery so this should build it up strong for that….thanks for video.. Jeff…
I think a potential source of reporting bias is that people could underreport the weight in order to avoid failing in front of the researchers.
I’m doing an Athlean-X program, so I already knew the answer before the video started
Thx Mountain Dog! Jeff Nippard recently had a vid that was a real eye-opener, showing impressive enough, recent ”natural” Body Building contestants, with some (not all) of them saying via their social media pages admitting they do NOT train to failure at all (WHAT???). Talk about a major paradigm shift. Sure, these guys aren’t Olympia level Dudes in terms of Mass, etc., nevertheless they are still bigger and more impressive looking than 99% of Guys out there in society, and I think that’s what the majority of Men strive to look like. Then again IF your grand vision is to be one of the rare, mere fraction of a percent of guys out there who want to dominate the Mr. Olympia stage one day, obviously that’s a whole other Animal altogether.
how hard do i gotta train to be as good as ur son on dem yo yo tricks?
Sean N says to leave a couple reps in the tank. I don’t believe that!
Tbh, I am very skinny and weak, its hard for me to be as athletic as everyone else, but no matter the sport or the activity, I always give it my all and push beyond that. I think I over work myself too much xD
Does this mean that techniques to increase intensity beyond failure, like forced repetitions and drop-sets, are counter-productive?
I had such a shitty week but it all comes down to the effort…thanks this is not only for building body but also mind
Holy shit i spend 4 hours daily except fridays and saterdays
After like watchin 20 videos on this channel, THIS, drove my thumb to the subscribe button..BEST VIDEO ON THIS CHANNEL??
John, in other videos you talk about using heavy weight and high reps. On delts that includes doing partial movements in the strong range. Why not do that on squats, benches and deadlifts? Half or quarter reps and lots of them on heavy compound movements. It would seem safer and more productive. Wondering what your take is on that strategy.
mountaindog1 I have stayed away from barbells and have used dumbells and machines only because I am scared of reinjuring myself. I had therapy for sciatica pain but I’m good now. I do all my squats with 55-80lbs in each hand 3 reps of 8, with a warm-up set then increasing intensity. I want to build but I still fear barbells, lol. Thanks for all your info and love the Ultimate Performance Stack!
I do really like your scientific approach as a Youtuber and the fact that you think it through as well. I do, however, have some thoughts on my mind(basically elaborating on what you said, which lowers the validity of the study in my opinion). The studies did not use a lot of spread in height, weight and age, which mainly relates to leverage differences. Also the research set-up, leading to an underestimation of 3-4 reps, leads to the potential of effects that cancel each other out (assuming that the results would remain similar). In concrete, the underestimation leads the average to near the 13-15 rep range(10+3 or 4), such that the 10-12 and 16-18 rep range cancel each other out due to similar weights(22% and 21%) and variation from the average(13-15 reps). Hence, only the seeming outlier (19-20 reps) seems to be an effective forecaster. Yet, as there is a logarithmic component to the correct estimation of repetitions on the bench press and training experience, it is hard to extract valid conclusions out of this(diminishing growth potential at the end, measures elasticity rather than an intuitive effect). Moreover, the fact that 76% was doing bodybuilding limits the validity of the conclusion as bodybuilders tend to leave ‘gas in the tank’ to maximise total volume. I think the conclusion may be limited to bodybuilding and should, even in this spectrum, be taken with a lot of caution. I hope this long remark is not too cumbersome to read haha
0:48 commonly thought as giving best growth? Is it really though?
John’s a great instructor,-teacher,,best advice,on the “TUBE”.
Without a log book, how can you remember week to week and month to month on numerous exercises what was to failure and when not to failure, what weight you did and how much you need to add the next time?
Brilliant subject to cover John. Thank you. From Rider ya mate from Uk
hi john… just wondering if you ever pull the elbows in on dumbbell press… to protect the front delts and get a better range of motion
me jotting down notes on video
“1 set, 1 rep, ripcord yoyo trick”
I wonder if Jeff likes to workout. The time he is putting in to research to workout effective he could save him self and workout less effective but have more time. So I wonder how effective this research video are…
This is why I got discouraged and took up drugs and suicidal thoughts as a hobby instead
I work 8 ours a day in the sun digging raking walking and no results sooooo? Hard work not sitting behind a desk.
This is good information but it sounds like you are talking about a full workout being one single exercise. Are you saying that you pick one exercise and do 12 reps of it? How could you possibly workout all of your muscles each week doing 12 reps of only one exercise?
The point is guys you can do a very effective workout within 30 mins with no distractions or b.s at all, focus its, just you in the zone and short second breaks go all the way or dont go at all work smarter less harder
this is how you should train for the most part. this is how you get the most tear of muscle and best way to get stronger. HOWEVER. 12 reps is not optimal. 5-8 reps is the best, with this kind of intenisty. i have done it for years and i grow like a weed, both in strenght and size. you eventually reach a plateu, you cant add weight or reps forever. the best way is to use rest weeks. to let your body recover and not training whatsoever, you can increase your calories, you can add creatine ( creatine will add strenght 1-2 reps on your max) and you can change reps/excersice for some months and come back at the same weight. what do you think @mountaindog1? im currently plateuing on bench. im adding calories now and taking a little more rest. i think i can add 10 kg more over time. but eventually i will have to change reps/add creatine
What routines would you work on or put together for each day of the week?
Hey, im working out more than 2 hours but im working out every 2nd day and im also doing full body workouts, i start with abs then legs i do pause 5 min then i continue hands chest and little back. can i get some advice for this? Thanks
I work out 2.5 hours…
1 hr running
1.5 hours work out…..
45 mins for chest 45 mins for back = 90 mins in the gym
Am I doing it right?
I love your workouts they have worked great for me thank you
Enjoy your videos John. I use to be able to do flat bench working sets with 315 but at 62 years old using a barbell with even 225 kills my shoulders but I can still go pretty heavy with dumbbells. What is the brand of elbow wraps you use?
do how long your fitness videos should be cuz 14 mins i could work out or get a real meal
I always used to to do reps until failure. What you said is true. It requires huge amount of motivation. I spent atleast 20 minutes each time just get enough motivation for the workout to get started lol. And the muscles sometimes take more than 3 days to fully heal. This video is gonna change a lot of things for me ):
Very interesting!
When you train for strength and the athlete is already quite strong, it can be a good option to ramp the weight up to a really hard top set. For exemple, I did this yesterday:
Clean Pulls with feet on a 1.5-inch riser = 220 lb x 3 x 2 sets, 250 x 3 x 2 sets, 290 x 3, 320 x 3, 340 x 3
Clean Deadlift, feet on a 1.5-inch riser = 370 x 3 (primer set), 410 x 5 (very hard set, about 1 rep shy of failure)
With such heavy weights, even a set stopped with 2-3 reps left in the tank is hard work. Usually, I end the set when I am finding it very hard to maintain proper form (technical failure). In this example, I could have done a 6th rep “with a gun on my head” but it would have been an ugly lift.
Next week I am bumping up the weight to 420 lb… and I am not sure how many sets I will do. If I get to rep #3 and feel I can do two more with the extra 10 lb, then I will do so and it will be my only set, but if I don’t think I am good for 5, I will stop at 3 reps and do a second triple… 2 x 3 instead of 1 x 5… It’s still 5-6 heavy, high-quality reps that adds up to all the lighter pulling I do on my way up.
The intensity gets pretty high, and the overall volume is significant. It’s a demanding session and pushing the heavier set(s) to failure OR doing too many heavy sets would probably become too recovery-taxing. Keep in mind that I am coming back three days later to do Snatch Pulls and Snatch Deadlift from a deficit, which is also quite taxing on my lower body!
Eat moderately and clean, and then train harder and smarter.
You are saying lower weight, higher reps actually build more muscles than higher weight and rep range of 6-10. I have different experience though. Further, a good workout comprising of two body parts usually takes 6075 mins on average.
1 hour of cardio 1 hour of weight training what ina do everyday
I’m twelve is it healthy for me I work out every day for hour except Friday
Maybe if you go 5-6 days a week 45-60 mins is enough. I’m going to get stronger and only 2-3x a week. For me, it’s rare that a workout is less than 2 hrs, which is a given when you’re resting 3-7 mins to maximize strength and you’re doing Fullbody every time.
I usually do push pull legs push pull legs, so I spend 1hour to two hours the most just because I’m training more muscles in one day is that fine?
Also, thank you for your videos, from watching them and following your advice I have been making gains in both size and strength. Great videos, Thank you.
like to train it hard however my *&##$#$@%$^^!! rear delts/rotators get irritated
I didn’t want to watch this but I knew If I watched it I would want to train harder lol
If I worked out one muscle group or two I could probably be done in 45-60min but I do upper body/ lower body splits and one full body for a 5 workout week I cannot get all the muscle groups done in an hour. Biceps, triceps, chest, shoulders, 5 sets of 5. Lower body I do legs, back, abs and cardio it takes me about 1.5-2 hours and full body takes me around 2.5 hours I usually don’t do cardio and lower the sets to 4 sets of 5
I would be if my plates weren’t on back order for three months!
John can you do a video about arching your back vs flat back and the dos and donts of shoulder packing.. i could of sworn you had one video with a little about shoulder packing but cant find it anywhere. Thanks!
Great video! This information is pretty useful to me because I’ve been plateauing even while pushing for failure
I workout with 10-12 reps with long rests like 1.5 hours. Is that bad?
I lift and I do 3-5 sets for 12-8 reps. And I like to do alot of kettle bell exercises after. So I’m usually working out for like an hour. I don’t feel like I’m spending to much time working out.
I do push pull legs rest. Basically 6 days of work with 1 day rest and it works out nice for me, I always train til failure. I just follow AthleanX’s and Jeremy’s recovery guides. Eat well everyone
OK, i am one of those that spent around 3 h in gym twice a week, but….. 1) 15 minutes rolling massage, 2) 20 minutes warm up with one circle of full body mobility exercises 3) Training program full body 60-80 minutes 4) cool down with full body light stretching 30 minutes so all of that takes around 135 minutes (main part training max 80 minutes), brakes between sets as recomended……… I think i do everything right, but sometimes i ask my self, am i over there to long??? What do you think???
Amazing!! Wish I would have known this many moons ago. A big Thanks to you. Keep up the good work.
You watch this video, maybe while you are training, you are focused, concentrate, try to catch up what he says, and all of the sudden…..BANG!!! a kid shows up with a yo yo I love it!
So like 16 sets total right. Like 3 sets of barbell 3 sets if bench press 3 sets of those machines etc? Till i reach 16 sets?
Normally I workout more than 2 hours sometimes 3 hours non stop fullbody workout everyday starting with first 30 min streaching in the gym. Because i will not be satisfied of i did not done this or that before i even think of leaving. But the question how long really necessary comes to my mind is when sometimes i feel tired of my job and some other things with gym. And most importantly saving time.
I do 13 exercices and 4 reps for each. and I rest 2 min between each rep. Which is a total of 113min rest. So how can I workout for 45min -_-
I’m a 90min guy
Don’t give a flying fuck whats optimal, it works for me, and I’m fine with that. =)
Mr Meadows, thank you for being so informative, and a gentleman through and through. You are an inspiration. Question, currently taking test for low T. I work
Shoulder/ legs
Day off.
Watching your programs I am going to work bis and tris together. Should I add shoulders to my chest day as well as the 3 sets of tris. Any help would be great. Thank you sir for everything
in your another video you have said the reps should be like 20+10+5 not 10+10+10 which one is true?
Odd my favorite equipment is the ones that push me the hardest except the stair master it can die and go to hell while jack hammering itself in the pooper. Mind you I am 40 I have smoked since 18 years old never been to the gym to work out till about 7 weeks ago. Up to 15 minutes non stop and up to 45 floors still hate it. Also I am over weight.
Always learning something new from each video. Due to that I go into each of my next w/o’s feeling that much more sure of what I am doing and why. Mad Props shout to Alexander the YO YO SLAYER!
I can’t train not hard, I have to go to failure (sometimes beyond) or I feel like I didn’t really lift that day. I limited my sets of going to failure like you have suggested many times though, now I just do it on my last set for that muscle group, when I’m already warmed and pumped up, and the body is ready to give it all (and the pre-fatigue limits my weight, making it a bit easier on my CNS and joints:) ).
My routine, I get to the gym at 6am, 90min, 3 times a week, full body, no cardio.
Jeremy, I always do total body workout using timer. Example 30 secs of work and 30 secs of rest for 5 rounds. Am I doing it right?
The best thing about this speech is it perfectly applies to everything in life, even job. Doing better every day is a mssion.
Btw, you got my thumb up at “it separates the men from the boys”.
Could you please link some of the papers you base your videos on? I’m really interested in reading about this topic. Thank you!!
Everybody is different because our circumstances are all different. If we work-out at home we have access to all our weights without interruption and the work-out can be done faster. If we do our work-out at a gym, then we are at the mercy of the number of people there and the number of machines available, and this can make the work-outs longer. Since I work-out at home without interruption, I set 30 minutes for my workout. I do weights every other day. My goal is to do 5 different exercises ( bench press, shoulder press, standing curls, tricep curls, and upright rows). I have 4 different weight bars ready to go at each station. I try to do 5 sets with 10 reps per set for a total of 250 reps all done in 30 minutes. If I can do more reps if I have time, I will do them. I have done as much as 315 reps in the 30 minutes. I feel totally winded, and completely spent. If the weights are too light, I can add more weight to keep my reps between 250 and 300. 30 minutes and I am done. Not much rest between sets.
But if you are to lift a given Weight 10 for tree sets, you might not be able to do so you do 16 instead of 10 for the first one. Thoughts?
Pretty cool how he even had the shadow in the window even after he was off camera haha
This vid made me subscribe thanks for the modivation dude
3 1/2 to 4 hours. With 2 rest days which I still hit the gym at least one day out of that and hit the treadmill for 500 calories burned. Unless I have a tournament
Is 15 minutes ab workout every day ok? Or do I need more? Any suggestions?
on days i do the treadmill-yeah-it could be 1.5 hrs.subtract the treadmill-yes-its 45min-1hr.! so-yes he is spot on correct!!!!
Man, you really
1) Know the subject well
2) Explain the subject well
3) Care about us, rather than trying to impress us.
Rare combination of expertise and wisdom at so young an age!
I can’t do 45 minutes thsts no where near enough time to rip my muscles
I usually say no more than an hour and a half is standard if you don’t bullshit including cardio in the mix 15-20min
Been training 45 years and just learned that I’ve been using way too big a range of motion. Thanks for allowing me to only go half as far!
Thank you sir…it’s a new knowledge for a beginner’s like us
It would be a shame for you not to lose body fat while other normal people are able to shed pounds very easily with Custokebon Secrets (search on google).
Does this make the implication that the Professor and nerd Jeff are of relation?
I was going to exersize for an hour today. I did no more than 4 min exersize before needing a real break.
You didnt add in the time to walk to each different machines and grabbing your weights seeing that your bringing it down to the precise minutes hahaga
Lol I’d probably pick a weight I can actually bench for 9-11 times. I tend to leave just one rep in the tank and come sort of rep goals in the later sets
I’m good. My 5 min workout doesn’t scratch any surface. Nice.
min 1:52 chart has no scales, no mesurments nor source of information. Failed exams for less
All people in the comments: so damn strong and badass
Me: a small girl that has just hit 1 week mark of workout to desperately try to lose weight, doing 30 mins of cyclette 3 times this week and 30 minutes of exercises once feeling super week lol
Any advice from you people?
I am glad there has been a study about this, I can see it at the gym, people seem lazy, or rather unable to just.. PUSH, try hard! And usually these same people find working out boring, they are missing out on the fun part
im training till failiure but i still dont think im workin hard enough kinda, does anybody got this feeling aswell, i mean sometimes i cant push anymore and dont have a pump
I be in the gym for 3 to 4 hours, I know that may not be correct thing but I luv that vibe, I luv being at the gym with all those nice girls around, lifting listening to my favorite playlist, then again I know that too much time, but those doctors that smoke they know cigarettes is bad, but they still do it cause they luv it. It’s the same to me at the gym.
Hey great video thank you for that, I never knew I need to do only 16 sets each workout, but what about super sets workout? Let’s say you do 2 or 3 sets in a row and then rest for 1 minute; should I still do only 16 sets? Should workouts like this be longer or shorter?