Table of Contents:
mr i explains: The Difference between Slow Twitch and Fast Twitch Muscle Fibres
Video taken from the channel: mr i explains
Fast twitch vs Slow twitch muscle fibers
Video taken from the channel: Ali Tajran
Fast Twitch vs Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers (Muscle Fibers Explained)
Video taken from the channel: James Schultz, Ph.D.
Types of muscle fibres fast twitch, slow twitch (GCSE PE)
Video taken from the channel: Teach PE
Myology | Type I Muscle Fibers
Video taken from the channel: Ninja Nerd Lectures
Type 1 and type 2 muscle fibers | Muscular-skeletal system physiology | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy
Video taken from the channel: khanacademymedicine
Muscle Fibers Explained Muscle Contraction and Muscle Fiber Anatomy
Video taken from the channel: PictureFit
You can get jacked or be diesel even if you have slow-twitch or fast-twitch muscle fibers right now. For the uninitiated, your muscles are made up of thousands of individual muscle fibers. “Think of it as a ponytail,” says Dr. Andy Galpin, an exercise physiologist who has spent more than 20 years studying human performance.Most people are born with 50% slow-twitch muscle fibers and 50% fast-twitch muscle fibers. “Only elite strength or power athletes might have 80% type II muscle fibers and endurance athletes have.It’s generally accepted that all the muscle fiber bundles can be broken down into one of two categories: slow-twitch (aka type I) and fast-twitch (aka type II).
Understand that muscle fibers exist on a super micro level. For instance, you couldn’t look at a biceps muscle and say, that’s a fast (or slow) twitch muscle.The two types of skeletal muscle fibers are slow-twitch (type I) and fast-twitch (type II). Slow-twitch muscle fibers support long distance endurance activities like marathon running, while fast-twitch muscle fibers support quick, powerful movements such as sprinting or weightlifting. Muscle Fiber Type Comparison Chart.
High intensity, anaerobic, short-burst activity, engages the fast-twitch fibers, which are lighter in coloring than slow-twitch fibers due to the low levels of myoglobin (the iron-containing protein found in muscle cells that stores oxygen for use in cell respiration) and mitochondria they possess.Key takeaways. Fast twitch muscles are optimal for short, quick bursts of energy. Slow twitch muscles are better for long-term endurance activities and can improve your heart health.
Working out.Fast-twitch fibers can generate more force, but are quicker to fatigue when compared to slow-twitch fibers. The phasic muscles responsible for generating movement in the body contain a higher density of fast-twitch fibers. Strength and power training can increase the number of fast-twitch muscle fibers recruited for a specific movement.
Slow-twitch muscle fibers are fine when you’re walking at a brisk pace or jogging, but if you break into a sprint, fast-twitch muscle fibers take over. Fast-twitch muscle fibers are superior for activities that require short periods of intense activity such as sprinting or plyometric moves that require the rapid generation of force.The Vert Shock program is based on the science of slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers. When we talk about athletic performance, we usually just talk about muscles in general. Muscles are made up of bundles of individual fibers.
When these bundles contract, we get movement.Slow-twitch muscle fibers contract at a rate of 10 to 30 twitches per second, while fast-twitch muscle fibers contract at a rate of 30 to 70 twitches per second, notes Peak Performance. Your.Also known as type I muscle fibers, slow twitch fibers are smaller than fast twitch fibers– measuring half in diameter– and need three times as much time to contract after stimulation. Slow twitch fibers allow us to keep moving or working for prolonged periods.
Muscle fibers can be generally split into two categories based on how quickly they produce tension, though all fibers generate the same amount.Your fast-twitch muscle fibers, also known as Type II fibers, are the fibers responsible for explosive movements, things like vertical leaps, 40-yard sprints, and exercises like power cleans and.Muscle fibers are the cells of the muscles. Their type determines the action of the muscle. In this article, we will be discussing skeletal muscle fibers, which allow the bones of the body to move.
There are 3 types of skeletal muscle: Type 1: Slow-Twitch (Red) Type 1 fibers use aerobic metabolism (oxygen fueled) for less-explosive, sustained.Type IIx muscle fibers (fast twitch glycolytic) So, that’s type IIa, and then type IIx is the super fastest muscle fiber out there. These can produce a lot of force, they can contract very rapidly, relax very rapidly and just keep on going, so the muscle can keep on firing away.
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Thanks for your video, but I am confused.
I just found two explanations where they say that “Type 2” are actually legs, back and bigger muscles, the ones you actually categorize as “Type 1” in your video (you say that Type 2 are your finger muscles). Type 2 seem to be the red ones according to two random searches on the internet (white in your video).
Can you please clarify?
Source here:
Both the above state the opposite of what you are saying. I am confused as your video seem to be quite deep.
Fibers fibers and more fibers!! I love it!! I just posted a smoothie recipe on my page Chancyfit let’s grow and get healthy together. Subscribe to my channel Chancyfit
Wait, if the recruitment order is type 1, 2a, 2x. Then is that true for exercises like sprinting and powerlifting where type 2x should dominate? Pls answer fast.
I also just saw a video saying red fibers are the fast ones! Please answer, difficult to decide who to trust even though I want to trust the K Academy!
Am i the only one who was very distracted by the music in the background, that seemed to change speeds?
This Channel reminds me of asap science.
Its like
Asap Fitness
Hey can you do a video on bands or isometrics? That’d be cool.
Apparently 23andMe told me that I’m mostly on the slow twitch muscle spectrum. On the other hand I’m doing great at sprinting, weight lifting and I suck on endurance exercises. Wtf?
I’m also too bulky by nature to be considered a marathon runner
Thank you, thank you… You explained it so well and easy to understand
i think i might train type 2 a fibres the most, then also put effort into the type 2 x ones.
i was already born with dominant type 1’s
Wow. You are the best teacher I have ever come across. My lucky day finding you. Thank you so much. Wow
Still helping people out! Well done for a short, yet extremely informative video
Christ… can you tell us WHAT muscles are type 1 and type 2?
Are calves type 1? Are abs type 1? Pecs? Forearms?
Why cant people just do a video that gets to the point instead of flooding youtube with “This is how type 1 fibres function” videos?
Fibers fibers and more fibers!! I love it!! I just posted a smoothie recipe on my page Chancyfit let’s grow and get healthy together. Subscribe to my channel Chancyfit
Holler if you caught the “deep breath” after “easily fatigue” (around 6:55)
Thanks Mr. Khan. We appreciate what you are doing for us, greatly.
any power lifter has type 2musle fiber..u mention that typ2 musle hv week power….r u joking dude…wil u explan this
Thank you very much sir, you truly are saving alot of struggling medical students in such hard times
Type A in the building.. you fuckers last 10 seconds in bed! We go miles foo
I had never really heard this until just a few weeks ago when my trainer was explaining it. Thanks for the detailed breakdown!
Wow, didn’t know all this about fast twitch! I’m impressed with how much you know and I love how passionate you are about fitness! Cheers!
Taking MCAT on Saturday so I’m justing brushing up on high yield stuff that is a little fuzzy, and the type 1 and m1tochondi1a analogy is golden. I’ll never forget now!
Sir How Much Tension/Force Is Required To Break A Single Strand Of muscle Fibre?
Would Be A Big Help If You Could Suggest In Units / Mathematical Formula
how do i know if my type 2x has changed into type 2a. HOW DO I GET MY PURE TYPE 2X’S BACK
What kind of cardio and calisthenics would I have to do to develop type-2 muscle/red muscle on my arms? Thank you.
This really helped out to understand this course in my personal training class
Woaaah! You just condensed an entire kinesiology chapter in 3 minutes. Well done man!
You forgot to cover cardiac and smooth muscles and why cardiac muscles don’t fatigue
I really don’t need to lose fat. I’m recovering from cancer and lost a lot of weight. I need the fat
Great info! Definitely new to me but then I love learning new stuff! Thanks so much for sharing!
So do all muscle fibers exist in all parts of ur body? For example on the bicep does it mainly consist of one muscle fiber, or can all three be developed in that area?
arnt type 1 muscle fibers red cause of myoglobin (a red pigment? ):/
Well if u go to deep cardiac and smooth muscles are involuntary but both do not work on their own.
Only cardiac muscles are autonomous (can regulate themselves) and smooth muscles are under the control of the ANS
What would be the type of trainings for increasing oxygen capacity of the type 2X muscle fibers? Endurance, HIIT, Lactate Threshold, or power lifting?
Wait so every skeletal muscle has some of each fiber type in it? What does the distribution look like?
So my bicep would have all three but more of the type II-x????
Does strengh type training lead the body to build up new myfibrils within the muscle cell? Any answers, thanks:)
So this explains why im in risk of being overweight and stil 3rd or 4th place in swimming
Mostly power focused. Always looking for speed, I guess that I train more my fast twitch fibers. Mixed strength/hypertrophy training
I think I have a mixture of both type 2s to a high degree. I plateau very easily so I can’t just stick with one type or another. I guess if I do pyramid sets I’d prosper more than straight sets.
I’m not very fast and cant gain muscle very fast either. My friend on the other hand is extremely fast and can gain muscle easily.
U are amazing God bless u, u a make the whole biology easy for me.thank u
That was really a good piece of information. made me understand better about them. Thanks man!
what about planks and wall sits…what muscle fibers do they workout???
Thank you so much for this easy to understand summarized a whole chapter for me in 3 minutes!!
Since my purpose is to have stamina & strength endurance, I’m training for type I and type IIa mostly, thru exercises such as long distance running and sometimes hiking. Now I’m thinking that somehow I have to train for type IIx as well, so that aesthetically, I’d look better while having adequate strength as well
This makes so much more sense to me now than when I read it in the textbook. Thank you!
Was the relationship between FAST-TWITCH and SLOW-TWITCH muscle fibers new to anybody??? Let me know!
And remember to grab The Fat Loss Formula (FREE):
The simplicity of this video is what made it so easy to follow! Great job
I have a question
A teacher of mine once said that when we get older our muscles become slowly “white” like “tendons” (not literally)
Did he mean that when we are young we have more type 1 mucles fibers and as we get older they transform into type 2? But that does not make any sense cuz marathon runners that need endurance muscles are always older people…..i am confused can anybody explain me what happens to the mucle fibers as we get older?
And if age plays a role in the concentration of type 1 muscle fibers?
Are you sure that with exercising heavy loads the big white muscle fibers get converted to smaller red ones? (Type-two x->a)
i am am 8th grader and i do a lot of track and field. I’m on the relay team and very fast at my 100 sprints but i’m also long distance and get 5 minute miles and 18-20 minute 5ks…. this is so confusing to me because if i’m good at all of them then what type of muscle fibers do i mostly have??
Hey, I have a twin sister, we’re on “different levels” she’s good at long distance but I’m only good at sprinting really fast in a short amount of time (which is useful for me in football). But, I find this kinda cool, because she thinks twins are always supposed to be indentical. But how did this happen?
how the fuck do you write so pretty on a computer?
is it possible to learn this power?
Is it possible to Gain Fast twitch muscle fibers if you don’t have them??
Dr James so what your telling me I have to work harder in the gym? JK. This is a great video and you explained this topic very well. Alot of people don’t understand how rep range will affect what kind of muscle fiber you are working. Awesome job!
You are really good at simplifying and explaining complex topics. Great work sir…!!!
Great video! made perfect sense to me and helped me conceptualize concept for my test. Thank you!!!!
is it possible for type 2 muscle fiber turn into type 1 muscle fiber?? or its just created that way?
Yep I got Fast twitch, I train Kickboxing and when we do speed punches my muscles don’t last long,but I have a lot of speed and incredible power for my hight I’m 5 foot 5 and weigh about 150 pounds, 68KG.
Can u make a Video on on how to build your fast twitch muscle
pls make a video on which is better to build leg miscles, squat or sprints.. thx
Please add a correction to your video regarding the bit about Power.
Isn’t the power of type 2’s high and the power of type 1’s low? Or I am not getting the concept of power correctly.
Type 1 are slow twitch muscle fiber, and they are red because of the myoglobin, which is like hemoglobin, therefore oxidative, using oxygen(aerobic=with oxygen) Type 2 are fast twitch, and are white, because they don’t need oxygen to use ATP, and are called anaerobic.
red muscle taste a lot better than light colored muscle. Just sayiing
I really lost my shit laughing at “*equally descript* type 2 muscle fibers” thank you for starting the video hilariously!
Type I:
Type II:
-Higher Production
-Fatigue Resistant
-Fatigue Quickly
thank you for your amazing explanation, but according to Lauralee sherwood for human physiology, it is saying that muscle fibers type two especially (fast-oxidative) are red in nature, the only type of fibers that is not red is fast-glycolytic which is one of types two muscle fibers.
Gr8 job! You really did make that a whole lot clearer. Thank you.
Sal can you get a pop filter between your mic and your mouth please?
Fantastic! The most logical explanation I’ve ever seen for this subject. You only mixed the things up in the power line.
OH he’s good! I got all that very easily and smooth keep that up!
awesome! but you got the power part wrong. According to your power explanation, Mo Farrah should be able to beat Usain Bolt!
I wish in muscle fibers Type 2 a & b differentiation should have been mentioned with more explanation including type of ATPase activity and oxidative capacity which explains better in understanding of the muscle fibers.
How to identify we have fast twitch muscle fibres or slow twitch muscle fibres
Wait so what about oxidative-glycolytic fibers type 2A?:( I’m confused lol
thanks. but how do u know which one is dominant in your body?
when I compare myself whith someone of the same waight and age group and pretty much the same fitness I am usually stronger but it does not last or my muscles and whole body look bigger than them.
please help me find out which type mine is thx.
There is actually a type 2 muscle fiber that is red because it has myoglobin (like hemoglobin, it stores oxygen), and it actually aerobic. the other type 2 muscle fiber uses glycogen, that is why it is white and is anaerobic.
This guy is the type of guy than HAS to replace my dumb teacher.
and the golden rule is: mitochodria is….THE POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL! im sorry xD
What about size/fibre thickness??
Plz update, i await eagerly
Great explanation! I learned it as type 1 = slow oxidative and type 2 = fast glycolitic, so we didn’t have the problem of the useless names!
Excellent video, I’ve found this is one of the most overlooked and misunderstood principles for many people looking to gain muscle mass.
this is just such a phenomenal video. this guy is very good at teaching.
thanks for all your video helping a lot you explained everyhting perfectly
Pretty descent rip off from minute physics, as in, no added style, just less tight visually, and slightly less knowledgeable on the topic. But most people won’t know this is shameless hack, let alone be able to see its limitations, so: well done!
You explain the most complicated concepts in a very easy to understand way. With a touch of humour!!!
Took a DNA test and I have type II x. Unfortunately it hasn’t appeared to make me a fast sprinter or a good lifter of heavy weights. That said, my muscles definitely fatigue very quickly! So it’s a lose/lose for me I guess.
the bass of your voice is too high i am having some trouble in listening with my headphones. think about it
So how can I get both fast twitch and long lasting? Weightlifting with sprints?
I was struggling so hard with physiology until a classmate recommended these videos. Thank you for the great explanations!
It’s very helpful to me! When i saw this movie, i understand about muscle fiber! Thank you very much!!
god bless u n ur family with good health and peace..will definitely contribute somethin soo through patreon when i start earning as soon as possible…:)…
please try to make a lot more videos in microbiology and pharmacology as well….:)….please…:) tq
thank u so much ninja nerd….ur videos mean a lot to me….:)…love from india….:)….please continue doing this..
Isn’t the red color is due to high MYOGLOBIN concentration in type I muscles?
Sounds like you always want your leg muscles to be type 1, figures
So if I lift the weight fast= more type II, and when I bring the weight down slowly= more type I. More GAINNS
I recently found out I have actn3gene cc I never had a weight issue until after becoming a mother and I struggle so much trying to lose weight so I was hoping I could maybe use this somehow and work with my body so thank you for making this video I’ve never had to watch what I eat or workout so I feel so lost..
How to identify we have fast twitch muscle fibres or slow twitch muscle fibres
Thanks a lot for your fat loss formula…the stubborn belly fat does not seem to go…lets try your way out!
Very interesting! I learned a little about this in nursing school but not this in depth. Thanks for sharing
Hi! I’d like to show your great videos in my Anatomy Class, BUT my school district blocks your video because you categorize your videos as “entertainment” Could you please categorize them as “educational”?
James you did such GREAT job at explaining the difference thank you!!! You rock.
Great information, this relates to all sorts of exercise. Questions number 2 was useful, thank you!
Jim, do you think men and women have the same ratio of the muscle fibers? I know it’s scientifically proven that women’s muscles do better at endurance and men’s are better at power. Curious if our ratios are the same?
I can twitch every muscle in my body at will and make it twitch rapidly. They get tired very easily. Non of my muscles have endurance but a lot of force output. I have at least a 90/10 ratio leaning towards fast twitch. Fast twitch definitely have more power but less endurance
HA! I am emotionally invested in your channel’s success! You go!
I thought my muscles twitching was just the sign that I am out of shape!!!! LOL
This was really helpful. Thanks for helping me start to train more efficiently, engaging those fast twitch muscle fibers from the beginning! So then any idea why they say that sprinters typically have more fast twitch muscle fibers? Is it the explosive nature of those fibers that are grown and developed?
I play a lot of basketball and row at the gym so I think more Type II muscles since I only do short 1 minute bursts of rowing and a lot of short burst of movement for basketball
Ok..this is eventually goals for me to get really fit (not quite like you..ha!). But this was interesting
Power = Energy/Time so Type II is more powerful than Type I
great video re: muscles plus check this video out: How Much Protein Is In Skeletal Muscle? The Structure and Composition
fun fact the best cuts of meats are the ones next to the bones….
Thanks for the refresher on fastand slow-twitch muscle fibers! Time for a squat challenge!
Thanks a lot. Gonna be really helpful for my upcoming ISA on this topic:)