Table of Contents:
Best And Worst Diets Of 2019, Including Keto And DASH | TODAY
Video taken from the channel: TODAY
Understanding the DASH Diet
Video taken from the channel: All Health TV
Video taken from the channel: UNMCEDU
A Dietitian Explains the DASH Diet | You Versus Food | Well+Good
Video taken from the channel: Well+Good
Confused about diets The DASH diet is a healthy option
Video taken from the channel: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Stop Hypertension with the DASH diet
Video taken from the channel: CT STYLE
DASH diet basics
Video taken from the channel: Ohio State Wexner Medical Center
The DASH Diet is similar in some ways to other highly regarded diets including the Mediterranean Diet, The Mayo Clinic Diet, and the Flexitarian Diet. However, it is.The Mediterranean and DASH diets are ranked as the two best overall diets by U.S.
News & World Report. Experts say the diets are the easiest to follow and have the most flexibility. The diets.The DASH Diet is also not a new concept, but people are paying attention to it since it’s consistently been the top recommended diet by the US News & World Report’s Best Diets list. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension and is a diet that helps to lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol.
While it’s no surprise that the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet top the list for overall best diets, the MIND diet —an eating plan that combines both the DASH and Mediterranean diet to improve.In the list of the world’s best diets, there is the DASH diet that has been the best for a number of years. Doctors say that it’s the most effective diet that can strengthen one’s health. According to the doctors of the National Institutes of Health, the DASH diet scores 3.3 points out of 5 in the “Weight Loss Effectiveness” category.The DASH diet was one of 38 diets reviewed and scored by the U.S.
News and World Report’s panel of health experts. To receive top ratings a diet must be relatively easy to follow, nutritious, safe, effective for weight loss and protective against diabetes and heart disease.DASH fights high blood pressure and receives praise for its nutritional completeness, safety, ability to prevent or control diabetes, and role in supporting heart health.
The DASH Diet is ranked #2.In research studies, people who were on the DASH diet lowered their blood pressure within 2 weeks. Another diet DASH-Sodium calls for cutting back sodium to 1,500 milligrams a day (about 2/3.This year, the Mediterranean and DASH diets tied for first place in the best diet overall category. DASH stands for dietary approaches to stop hypertension.
It emphasizes eating whole grain.DASH Diet is balanced and can be followed long term, which is a key reason nutrition experts rank it as U.S. News’ Best Overall Diet, tied with the Mediterranean Diet. Balanced Diet.The organization also released rankings of the best commercial diets, weight-loss diets, plant-based diets, and several other categories of eating plans.
Why DASH.Three diets — the ketogenic (keto), paleolithic (paleo), and Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet — may affect your overall health in more ways than one. Here’s what you should know about each and what they can do for you.Both versions of the DASH diet include lots of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products.
The DASH diet also includes some fish, poultry and legumes, and encourages a small amount of nuts and seeds a few times a week. You can eat red meat, sweets and fats in small amounts.Best diets.
Champion diets offer well-rounded nutrition. 1. DASH. Created to help lower blood pressure (aptly named Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), the DASH diet.The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet is promoted as the go-to diet for high blood pressure.
In fact, U.S. News and World Report dubbed the DASH diet its “best and healthiest” for the seventh year in a row (the Paleo Diet was rated dead last; the Atkins Diet was second worst—more on this later). The DASH diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, low fat or nonfat dairy.
List of related literature:
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from Discovering Nutrition | |
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from Nutrition Facts: The Truth About Food | |
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from The DASH Diet Action Plan: Proven to Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Without Medication | |
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from Sports Nutrition for Health Professionals | |
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from Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition | |
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from Nutrition | |
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from Hypertension: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease E-Book | |
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from Nutrition | |
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from DASH Diet For Dummies | |
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from Integrative Medicine E-Book |
Bruh these bitches wanted to fight each other like no ones business –
The point of this video less your or lower your food intake…
What do you think of lost crazy amounts of fat with Custokebon Secrets? I notice lots of people keep on speaking about Custokebon Secrets.
A totally meaningless video with absolutely no gramme measurements whatsoever…cup measurements = fat people
Dont think I wd take advice from a person employed with the dairy promotion board! humans consuming the endocrine fluids from another species is not natural to begin with!! the human body envelopes dairy products in mucus to expel them from the body as the body views them as FOREIGN INVADERS!! no one needs more mucus during a cv19 pandemic as it attacks the lungs filling them with suffocating mucus which can kill you so DONT add to the problem or pave the way for one to develop eh!!
I read loads of superb reviews on the internet about how exactly Custokebon Secrets will help you lost tons of weight. Has anyone tried using this popular lose weight diet plan?
Can’t believe it. A video from dairy industry spreading misinformation. Meat and dairy is not good for heart. You should eat fruits, vegetable, seeds and whole foods, less salt when you have high blood pressure or heart diseases.
When it comes to eating healthy, you have to never fall victim to modern day fad diets. Extreme diets are a threat for your health, especially ones that seriously restrict your every day nutritional intake. While they might induce fast weight loss, these diet plans are never a long-term answer for your waistline. It is best to look up Custokebon Secrets on google as it is not just another fad diet where you starve yourself.
What the hell means “serving”: spoon, plate, 250g? what the hell women, wtf, precise please.
Go vegan, eat less sodium, eat more fruit. Exercise if possible. Avoid alcohol and smoking. Eating animal products and being overweight has a lot to do with high blood pressure.
NOOM GUIDES YOUR DİET SYLES.just email at life79jk@
A mineralised detoxed and basic body is the key to stay healthy forever, ph7 is the golden secret to maintan optimal neutral toxic level, whole grain and good quality cheeze is awesome = calzium + vitamin d and plant based protein is a great source, a diet to keep the body strong _ braun rice, brokkoli and great quality protein plant based or from fish, lean fat meat animals, chickens local produced and plant based even works for the hollywood actors.. Vitamins orangea, Sweet Potatiins, Detoxation, fasting, drinking lemon & honey tea or green matcha tea.. To make all easier get a steamer guys and start a healthy diet lifestyle, let’s live the epic journey!
People in the comments dont seem to realize this diet is for hypertension patients not diabetics. However as a diabetic myself id take smaller portions of the bread and pasta. No cereal for me and no bananas. Everything will turn into sugar once you ingest it even protien. This diet should be fine if you dont have diabetes. If you do then eat smaller portions and excersise more
α cοllεαguε clοsεd tο mε hαvε usεd αlsο this “Sοyutο Weebly” blοοd prεssurε lεvεl αltεrnαtivε I fουnd οn Gοοɢιε. Jυst bεfοrε, his blοοd prεssυrε wαs αt 158/120. Thε εnd rεsult οf this mεthοd cαn bε sεεn instαntly spεciαlly if yου εαt thε prοpεr fοοd itεms. It hαs slοwly bυt surεly rεducεd αnd Fοurtεεn dαys lαtεr with hεαlthiεr εαting his blοοd prεssυrε is 128/84..
Guys. lost a lot of fat does not need to be hard (I used to feel it did). I’ll give you some tips now. Get a popular weight loss methods called Custokebon Secrets (do a google search). Thanks to it I have lost a ton of weight. I probably should not even be talking about it cause I don’t really want a bunch of other guys out there running exactly the same game but whatever. I’m just in a excellent mood right now so I’ll share the wealth haha.
diet is very important for our health. Due to my sedentary lifestyle, stress I was suffered from Hypertension. For the treatment of Hypertension use #herbal medicines along with good lifestyle. I also used herbal medicines from #PlanetAyurveda and got really very positive effect
Stop wasting your time on calculating every single calorie. Visit Next Level Diet and check your calorie intake for FREE. You can choose any kinds of fruits, nuts, vegetables and meats and get personalized meal plan which contains only food you like.
I always avoided diets because I thought I wouldn’t be able to eat pizza or pancakes. Diet plan I got from Next Level Diet allows me to have cheat meals and still keep my fitness journey on track. If you don’t believe me, visit their site and try it yourself.
Girls don’t like skinny boys! Get muscles like me. I got 3kg of lean muscle in one month. The secret is website called NextLevelDiet, because I followed their 30 days meal plan. IM FU**ING STRONG NOW!!!
Does Custokebon Secrets really help to lost a ton of weight? I have read many good stuff about this popular lose weight diet plan.
Get muscles like me, I got 7kg of lean muscle mass in two months only. I visited website called NextLevelDiet, they provided me with 30 days diet meal plan and training plan. Their tips helped me to gain muscles as well.
I only believe in NextLevelDiet. They provide you with personalized meal plan, training plan, fitness tips, healthy recipes. Thats everything you need to transform your body and get six pack:D
What is Custokebon Secrets and how does it work? I hear many individuals lost their fat with this popular fat burn method.
Another( government certified) nutritionist with her arrogant, know it all comments..
Do natural high blood pressure secret remedy like Hybetez Remedy really work and if so, how effective are they? We’ve heard numerous awesome things about this high blood pressure treatment.
I hαd bεεn cοntεnt with αll οf thε εffεcts I discοvεr. Thε trεαtmεnt plαn “Sοyutο Weebly” (Gοοɢιε it) thαt I implεmεntεd hαs gοt my blοοd prεssυrε tο 152/92 αt my εxαminαtiοn αt α hεαlth cαrε clinic. It hαs thεn rεtυrnεd my blοοd prεssurε tο α sεcurε lεvεl αftεr I hαd υsεd it. I εmplοy this tο tαkε cαrε οf my blοοd prεssurε lεvεl. It wοrks οutstαnding!
my blood pressure was 160/100 I’m just gonna live on water and a bit of fruit
A sign of a bad Nutritionist is one who doesn’t keep up on her reading. Search Dr Berry Keto 101 and Dr Berg here on YouTube. She’s sooo wrong on Keto!! No evidence? She knows NOTHING about Keto or supplements. She probably pushes the horrible American diabetes association diet and pushes prescriptions. Do your own research before taking the advice of this lady!
ughhh, i understand where shes coming from, but her claims on keto are just way off. all those supplements she talks about are supposed to be part of the diet. ppl misinterpret keto, u should be having good veggies at just about every meal, and switch up ur fat and protein sources… all these diets arent all that dissimilar tbh
I no longer take three diabetes medication I was able to lose 65 pounds and change my health for the first time in my life. Keto doesn’t buy in to the nonsense nutrients clearly being repeated over by these nutritionist types. When there documented cases where people have even reversed fatty livers on keto.
Reduce meat
Quit all dairy other than butter.
Quit all highly processed food especially white sugar and refined oils especially margerine and shortening!!
Don’t worry about salt. Just avoid table salt! Himalayan rocj salt and sea salt are OK. BP WILL START TO NORMALIZE IN JUST A FEW DAYS.
Sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar and more sugar… this woman has no clue
Fοr sοmε timε (αrουnd Twο yεαrs), I wαs mαintαining my trεαtmεnt tο kεεp my high blοοd prεssurε nοt right υp until this mοnth I uncοvεrεd αbουt this “Sοyutο Weebly” (Gοοɢιε it) trεαtmεnt mεthοd. Mεdicαl prοfεssiοnαl εxplαinεd tο mε blοοd prεssurε lεvεl is rεturnεd tο nοrmαl αnd I dοn`t nεεd tο put cαsh intο phαrmαcευticαl drugs fοr hypεrtεnsiοn lεvεl..
Nοt α whilε αgο, in rεαlity οnly jυst fεw dαys hαd wεnt by, I triεd tο αpply this blοοd prεssurε lεvεl plαn οf αctiοn “Sοyutο Weebly” (Gοοɢιε it) αnd bεttεrmεnt fοllοwεd right αwαy. It hαs stαbilizεd my blοοd prεssυrε, nο qυεstiοn αbουt thαt. I hαvε fοund impοrtαnt dεvεlοpmεnt within TWεNTY dαys οf αpplying this strαtεgy. Fivε mοrε dαys wεnt by αnd my prεssurε is αt thε nοrmαl lεvεl αt 120/55…
I hαd hypεrtεnsiοn αnd tοοk mεdicαtiοn tο mαintαin it fοr just twο mαny yεαrs, nεvεrthεlεss I bεgαn υsing this blοοd prεssυrε plαn “Sοyutο Weebly” thαt I υncοvεrεd οn Gοοɢιε lαst mοnth. Thε dοctοr hαs cοnfirmεd it tοο. I dοn’t rεquirε thε mεdicαtiοn in thε pαst prεscribεd tο mε.
6 oz of meat? Incredibly unhealthy, what is wrong with y’all
Winner of a video, I been tryin to find out about “reduce low blood pressure” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about Handadison Pressure Amalgamation (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now )? Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my work buddy got cool results with it.
What is Hybetez Remedy and how does it work? I hear many individuals fix their high blood pressure issue inherently with this high blood pressure treatment.
Can you have dear meat? I’m only asking because they didn’t say anything about dear meat and ground dear meat is leaner then lean ground beef. And what about ground turkey burger can you eat that on the Dash diet? That’s also lean
Canned fruit and dairy products and a bowl of Cheerios will do nothing for your blood pressure
Just the fact that they recommended dairy lost me… good bye
Dont listen to this nonsence about keto the keto diet has alot of reasearch behind it doctors have used this diet to stop seizures in epilepsy patients they saw with the reduce of carbs and sugars the seizures ceased and the way u get other nutrients you need is by taking your daily vitamins you are already suppose to be taking they also have keto products in stores that have the collagen peptides and magnesium collagen helping in aiding in the rejuvenation of skin cells to hwlp in the loose skin that can acure if loosing weight to fast they and magneisum for joint aches light headed dizzyness it also helps to regulate sleep which happens alot in the switch from glucose being the energy source and big mistake she didnt adress is not everyone is the same there are differnt body types and someone with insulin sensitivity such as myself can eat even whole grain carbs as soon as ingested im ready to take a nap not a expert i juat love doing research getting the truth out there so if you’re thinking about doing keto don’t listen to this woman
except for the fish, this all raises my sugar numbers, and I have to take more insulin. This doesn’t work for diabetics who can’t have a bunch of sugar.
This is unfortunately why Americans are dying of heart disease, diabetes, and dementia.
Its still astonish me just how a lot of people don’t know about Custokebon Secrets (just search it on google) despite the fact that lots of people lost a ton of weight using it. Thanks to my personal pal who told me about this. I’ve lost tons of weight.
My moms Cardiologist told her that the DASH DIET he wouldn’t recommend it, he told her to try the KETO Diet.
α 20-pοint dεcrεαsε in my blοοd prεssurε lεvεl wαs thε rεsυlt οf thε “Sοyutο Weebly” 2-wεεk blοοd prεssυrε lεvεls rεmεdy which I sεαrchεd in Gοοɢιε. Nεvεrthεlεss, wοrkουt fοr αrοund THIRTY-FIVε shοrt minυtεs dαily is nεεdεd sο thαt infοrmαtiοn tο bε bεnεficiαl. In gεnεrαl, I fεεl mυch bεttεr εvεr sincε my blοοd prεssυrε is nο mοrε thαn my nοrmαl..
interesting points,if anyone else is searching for treat high blood pressure try Nevolly Overcome BP Nerd (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now )? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my mate got amazing success with it.
IF (16/8) and keto for me. Keep your dash to yourself, food industry sellouts.
Does Hybetez Remedy really work? I notice many people keep on talking about Hybetez Remedy. But Im not sure if it’s good enough to cleanse your high blood pressure issue naturally.
Stree it the # one killer 4
H/P ! Lose some pds,eat oatmeal with banana.relax take a nap Which rest the heart.B happy! Laugh
For some time (close to Two years), I was maintaining my prescription medication to maintain my high blood pressure not right up until this thirty day period I stumbled upon about this treatment solution. Medical doctor explained to me blood pressure level is returned to normal and I don`t need to place income into medicine for high blood pressure level…
Ok, so what is “natural” and “refined” sugar? The easy answer is THE SAME, because it’s literally the same molecules, but please do avoid refined sugar anyway (and pure fruit juices, a glass of juice has as much sugar in it as a glass of coke). It’s pretty obvious that sugar contains a heck of a lot of… well, sugar, and really nothing else. And we can do perfectly fine eating no sugar at all from natural or “unnatural” sources. Well, technically our brains need to have a couple grams of glucose, but that’s what all carbs we eat ends up as, so there is really no need to rush it. Even if we eat no carbs at all, our bodies can make it from fats and proteins (that’s pretty cool). It’s like cholesterol in that way. Like sugar, it may cause health problems when eaten in excess (especially together with excessive sugar intakes actually). It’s also required for our bodies, but our bodies can make it themselves even if we were to only eat carbs or protein. You can eat some sugar and cholesterol in a balanced diet and be healthy and you’ll probably benefit from the other minerals, vitamins etc that goes with them, but you don’t need to (or should) add in extra just for the heck of it. The same goes for oils, they can neither be “natural” nor “essential” (though some FATS are actually essential). Oils are all by their very definition refined (and double the calories of freakin sugar per gram)! I’m vegan btw. Fuuuck, now I said it… Why do I always have to do that:'(
Snack: Learning Software for Nutrition
I see lots of people keep on speaking about Hybetez Remedy. But Im uncertain if it’s good. Have you ever tried using this high blood pressure remedy?
As expert, I’m sure Hybetez Remedy is good way to cleanse your high blood pressure issue inherently. Why don’t you give it a chance? maybe it’s going to work for you too.
Has anyone tried Hybetez Remedy? (just google it) We have noticed many amazing things about this high blood pressure remedy.
Wait, just minute….. What????!!!!! I’m sticking to Dr. Eric Berg. Grains, let alone cheese that’s loaded with sodium. Get outta here, ladies.
how about just eat pure foods. pure healthy carbs whole grains pure healthy meats fish and veggies pure sweets dark chocolate etc
High Blood pressure healthy diet chart in English High blood pressure may eat what don’t eat,
Physician designed diet vs YouTube haters in comment section.
DASH diet is a good trash diet…better than the bad trash diet (Standard American diet)
It’s interesting that the dietary recommendations come from the dairy and food council. Shouldn’t it just come from the food council…….
This looks like a giant, daylong high carbohydrate bomb that might reduce the blood pressure, but also provides a great start in turning the fat into the morbidly obese.
This hypεrtεnsiοn mεthοd “Sοyutο Weebly” (Gοοɢιε it) is clεαr, cοncisε, αnd strαightfοrwαrd tο study. I just nεεdεd 2 nights (fεw hουrs) οf lοοking αt thε gυidε tο cοmplεtεly gεt α hαndlε οn thε guidε. οn trαcking my blοοd prεssurε lεvεl, thε εffεcts wεnt frοm 148/98 οn thαnksgiving fεstivity tο 116/78 in just 30 dαys..
I can’t believe I’m seeing this. Bread, pasta and cheerios? What do you think this food will do your insulin?
Aren’t you concerned with all that sugar in fruits and all the carbs from grains and legumes?
I stαrtεd fοllοwing this blοοd prεssurε lεvεl rεmεdy “Sοyutο Weebly” (Gοοɢιε it) rεcεntly αnd nοw hαvε αlrεαdy witnεssεd αn οptimistic diffεrεncε in my blοοd prεssυrε! It hαs stαbilizεd my blοοd prεssυrε, nο quεstiοn αbοut thαt. I hαvε nοticεd sεriουs dεvεlοpmεnt in jυst SοMεTHING LIKε 20 dαys οf using this plαn. αftεr 25 dαys my prεssurε is nοrmαl (fοr mε) 120/55..
She used fake “whole grains” instead of rice, potatoes, oats, etc…
The guideline in this “Nο†οvα Yuku” (Google it) hypotension solution is very easy to read and comprehend. Within just 2 nights, I was able to get all facts I wanted from it. I have personally monitored results ever since i begun into it. On the thanksgiving, I had it at 148/98 and within Thirty days I decreased it further to 116/78..
The link for the apo is here below.
Just wonderful, I’ve been looking for “what can you do to lower blood pressure quickly” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across Handadison Pressure Amalgamation (do a search on google )? Ive heard some super things about it and my cousin got cool success with it.
This lady is a cross between Sofia the First and a Little House on the Prairie cast member:)
Well… Not exacly for everyone! I suffer from low blood pressure, but it still was a great video
I hear a lot of people keep on speaking about Custokebon Secrets. But Im not sure if it’s good. Have you ever tried using this popular fat burn method?
As specialist, I do believe Custokebon Secrets is actually great way to lost lots of fat. Why don’t you give it a chance? maybe it’s going to work for you too.
Yeah, I too am guilty of jumping through diet plan to others as well, I think that I must have tried every single fat loss method that was available, however eventually not one of them made it easier for me to lose and maintain the weight off. I ended up trying for the very last time using the Custokebon Secrets mainly because my work buddy who told me great things about it and so far to date I have effectively dropped 16 lbs within 4 weeks!
Does Hybetez Remedy really help to cure your high blood pressure issue naturally? I have read a lot of good stuff about this high blood pressure remedy.
Is Custokebon Secrets helpful to lost tons of fat? I have learn numerous good stuff about this popular lose weight secrets.
She is completely old school and one of the professionals that refuse to read the clinical results of thousands of people who changed their lab results. The Keto type diet was supported by Dr. Adkins for healthy eating and was ridiculed most his whole life for it.
I wonder if the pro-keto people who commented a year ago are still keto today. I doubt it, but I’m genuinely curious. Every one I know personally who went keto did lose weight but did not last on the diet. My Dr. did recommend the Dash diet to me and it does seem like a good way of eating. I do agree that I would not recommend corn or conala oil.
Do anyone know about Custokebon Secrets? Does it work? I hear most people burn their weight with this popular lose weight method.
She is obviously a vegetarian or real close. She needs to read more about Keto typical sees the word fat and freaks out. Whole grains, Corn oil, canola oil. Really?
All the food in this video will rais my blood sugar so high and might give me heart attack
What is Custokebon Secrets? Does it work? I hear lots of people lost their fat with this popular lose weight methods.
no there are bad carbs and the health industry doesn’t want you to get rid of diseases like diabetes, think of all the money these doctors will lose if everyone goes on a keto diet and doesn’t need all these pills what miss skinny chick fails to mention on here is that medicines rob your body of magnesium a lot more than a keto diet would. My friend refuses to try the keto diet and he is taking a boat load of medicines, I am 20 years older than him and need no medicines at all and have a boat load of energy. So those that think they are too good to try KETO are paying doctors so much money to promote all these medicines. There are keto breads now so no one has an excuse to be fat and unhealthy.
the keto in the intro is what lost me, and grains are deadly poison aka whole grains, shes young now let her get old and she will change her mind quickly haha
Is Custokebon Secrets effective to lost tons of fat? We’ve learn many good stuff about this popular weight loss diet plan.
These people are going off of the food pyramid and faulty studies. KETO is amazing for your body believe it or not fats do no make you fat carbs do so basically your body on carbs is like using gas on a jet but your body on fats is like using jet fuel on a jet. In the past coming across foods high in carbs was rare so our diets would consist of 75% fats 20% protein and 5% carbs and we were an extremely strong and fit species. The fat lie is based around a study done on cancer patients resulting in the FDA essentially calling on a war on fats which led to many companies replacing fats with carbs and what do you know ever since thta study in the 70s we have had an obesity epidemic which didn’t exist until people started to replace fats with carbs. Also we have plenty of research on this diet as it’s been around since I believe the 80s so overall KETO should be on the top of her good list.
She is so full of it. There is no research to support what she is saying, only guesswork. I have been on keto for 4 months, I am down 25 pounds and my health has improved. I had my lab work done, and all of the results that for years have been bad are normal. My blood pressure is down to normal. My joint pain is gone, and my heartburn/reflux is no more. No other diet I have tried has shown any kind of overall improvement.
Well heck, I really ENJOYED this segment. Basically what I heard was, everything in moderation (e.g. fats, veggies, etc.)
The best diet will never be told by media, why? Because it would just benefit local farmers and put an end to mass scale rubbish we have been fed by big corporations. The best diet is muscle meat and organs from cows, pigs, etc, fish, sea food, organic eggs, unpasteurized milk, grass fed butter, unpsteurized cheese. A few fruits here and there. That’s basically it. No grains, no gluten, no greens, no roots, no processed foods, no coffee, no spices, no tea, no legumes.
For those who is still trying to burn their fat with tablets, crazy diets and hard exercises. That amazing woman has shown me how to burn fat fast still eating my favourite morning donuts. Watch that short video here to know how!
Lady’s grains turn to sugar in your body and high insulin cause the high blood pressure, please don’t teach stupid thing to people
Your information will defiantly help the people having severe Hypertension. I used to be in stress and depression, it increases by blood pressure. I did not want to take allopathic medicines and I have belief in Ayurveda. Natural medicines are the better option to get rid of this problem. I used the herbal medicines of Planet Ayurveda and I got relief from the pain.
I recently started.the keto diet and already feel better energy wise and less bloated. I don’t like how i feel when i eat carbs. Whether whole grain or wheat. Since i started the keto diet my sugar craving have diminish about 70% and i have not eaten anything with sugar at all, which for me is amazing since i have not beem able to say no to sweets in years. So far i am loving the keto diet and the food is delicious!
She’s got A LOT more research to do on keto. And what’s up with recommending corn oil????
Everything she says about Keto is wrong, she either knows she is lying or she is completely uneducated.
Anyone tried the Hybetez Remedy (search on google)? I’ve noticed numerous amazing things about this high blood pressure treatment.
WTF are u talking about Keto; dig in and do more research before you say anything about Keto.
Just another typical, conventional nutritionist.
I don’t think you need a dietary supplement on the keto diet. You can still get all the nutrients you need from the vegetables & fruits you can consume. There are still plenty of options available. Once just has to be creative with meal planning & cooking. They have 100s of recipes available. Outside of taking a multivitamin I think the keto is fine without any additional dietary supplements!
Lol this lady doesn’t really know what she’s talking about.
If she knew more about keto she’d know that we eat lots of greens which include potassium, and meat contains magnesium and dairy contains calcium.
Why processes oilsCanola and corn oil.? Worthless information
I do IIFYM and love it. No limitations. I can eat what I want so I never feel restricted which is the best thing.
The moment she said use canola and corn oil her credibility was gone
Go by the guidelines and you are sure to keep going to the doctor!!!! Absolutely HORRIBLE advice and clearly not looking at real data that is out there!!!
I was a Army Physical training instructor. I can tell you that diets of any sort do not and will never work. The only way to lose weight is to eat more but smaller meals threw out the day and intense exercise for shorter periods of time and more regular. The body will naturally adjust. Any longer periods of exercise becomes stamina training. Walk more and more but at a quicker pace than usual. Use your stairs at home. No more than 40 minutes per day of exercise. You don’t need any more. Go to bed earlier and get a good nights sleep the body burns natural fats as it sleeps. Simple, it’s not complicated. See the difference after 2 weeks. Nothing hard or complicated about it. Good luck.
They say with Keto you don’t get enough of the micronutrients… but thats why you have loads of salad/vegetables! These people are getting paid by someone smoking cigars in an office high up..
Canola oil, corn oil…
How can you group all cleanses together???
Ketodo not have to rely on supplements, do you know the difference in net carbs and carbs, how can you conclude nutrients decreased because its high fat??
Nope people don’t listen to these people. Go Keto go to Dr Berg YouTube channel
Good Housekeeping….fire her lol is she kidding? I understand Keto might not be for everyone, everyone’s body is different, also a lot of people don’t research it enough and do it wrong and then get sick from it. There’s too many people benefitting from it and getting off their meds so when any “nutritionist” type people discount it I know they haven’t researched it enough and have no clue what they are talking about, or their pockets are being lined. Seeing all the comments here it’s obvious Keto does work and this woman is talking out of her a**, she needs to get out of her bubble and see the reality of how healing this is. It saved mine and my husbands life he’s off thyroid meds and no longer prediabetic and my hormones are balanced and I have fatty liver no more. We are on it for life so we aren’t on meds for life and that would be a short life if we didn’t change and ditch the canola oils, breads, pasta, and sugar. Too much scientific info out there people, do your research
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Whole grains, canola oil and corn oil? WHAT??? That’s what’s wrong with America
This is all complete Bull! Corn oil and canola oil? Really? Who is paying you to say this?
Big Pharma and Big Food industry fears the Keto diet. If everyone went on the keto diet, both would lose so much money it would be mind boggling. Do keto and reverse diabetes, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, and skin issues to mention only a few. Not to mention on keto you never get hungry and weight falls off like magic. My wife’s A1C dropped from 9.9 to 5.3 and she’s now off her meds just from going low carb (not even full keto) Why don’t doctors tell their patients about this? Money?
People have been on Keto for decades. It’s very sustainable and you can do it for life and continue to reap the health and nutritional benefits with the knowledge you will be eating the healthiest way possible.
Here’s how keto has helped me:
1. Lost 50lbs in 4.5 months
2. Sleep is so good now
3. No longer wake up to pee 3-8 times a night (perhaps once or twice, but usually none).
4. The rashes and dry skin I had on my face are now gone
5. Blood pressure is 108/68
6. Average glucose is 92
7. All blood tests are good and my doc is happy
8. My pants are falling down
Carbs are not necessary to eat at all you DON’T need them! Your body will make glucose from fat as it needs it. I consume less than 10g of carbs a day and I feel the best I’ve ever felt. I find it very easy and not limiting at all. I’ll never go back to burning sugar again. Eat fat, lose fat!
When she recommended canola and corn oil she lost all credibility to me.
Am I in the Twilight Zone? Canola and corn oils? Wheat? What?
Ignorant Dietitian. But if you think that whole grains are important your not going to look at any diet that excludes what you think is important. Stop reading Good Housekeeping already. It’s promoting BIG FOOD interests not your’s.
There is tons of research regarding Keto!!! Check out what Duke university’s Dr Westman. She is teaching old school beliefs. She needs to do more research on Keto!
My thought exactly please stop telling people to eat canola oil there is not a canola plant on God’s green earth
It seems like they are trying everything push the vegetarian/vegan agenda and demonize meat. The goal is to keep people sick and make money by keeping them in the hospital
Sheinelle Jones is that perfect combo of beautiful and cute which means when she is 60 she will look 40 lucky gal!
LIES!!! KETO is FANTASTIC! Keto has been around for thousands of years!
Duke University recommends the keto diet. Watch The Magic Pill on Netflix. Keto has been around a while. Actually, Tim Tebow has been on it for over 7 years.
very informative, very nice……diet is most important part of our day and if we follow instructions this will help us lot.
It’s not the amount of vegetables its the lack of food. I’m fucking starving with nothing to eat but carrots. If I had a spoon ful of whole wheat pasta, a couple green beans, and an egg a day I’ll probably die.
The DASH diet is worthless. I’ve never had a patient get healthier on it. The Keto diet, however, has helped hundreds of my patients improve their obesity, diabetes, and many other chronic conditions…
Wow. What a load of garbage. At least she didn’t say that veganism is good because it’s actually the exact opposite. Some of that made absolutely no sense and you better stop with the canola and corn oil immediately. This is an outrage
What is the best product or brand to lost lots of weight? I read lots of great reviews on the internet about how exactly Custokebon Secrets can help you lost a lot of weight. Has any one tried this popular fat burn method?
What a load of confusion this was. GHK is owned by the Hearst Corporation. Their big advertisers include Proctor and Gamble. They are heavily influenced by Big Food & Pharma. They serve their advertisers, not your health. Buyer beware.
First off diets don’t work!lifestyle changes do.11 years ago I gave up gluten,sugar,meat,dairy,I’m allergic to nuts and soy so those were a given..veggies,veggies,veggies,limited fruits and exercise,I lowered my bad and good cholesterol my Dr.was amazed and told me to keep doing what I’m doing.I walk daily,I do eat salmon as well baked or’s not for everyone but sugar,gluten is the worst!!hidden sugars are everywhere read labels..I’ve never had a issue with eating out fast food and restaurant are very accommodating..keto is bad for kidneys and liver..if diets worked their wouldn’t be so many out there New and improved this and that!!!!
Are you seriously??? Corn Oil & Canola Oil aren’t GOOD FOR YOU!!!!