Table of Contents:
How to remove a wart with cider vinegar!
Video taken from the channel: The Stabber
DEEP Rooted Wart Treatment
Video taken from the channel: Kim Foot & Ankle Center
Does Duct Tape Work To Treat Warts?
Video taken from the channel: Marc Baer
How To Safely Get Rid Of Warts With DUCT TAPE (What Everyone Ought to Know)
Video taken from the channel: Wart Removal Help
Video taken from the channel: Justin Alverez
How to Get Rid of a Plantar Wart FOR GOOD!
Video taken from the channel: Lexington Podiatry
Video taken from the channel: The Toe Bro
Using duct tape to treat warts won’t work for everyone. And the data that we have about treating warts with duct tape is still inconclusive, but it’s probably a.Warts are viral, caused by the HPV virus.
Some plantar warts go away on their own, while others require treatment. Salicylic acid medications and cryotherapy (freezing the warts with liquid nitrogen) are traditional ways to get rid of plantar warts. Covering the warts with duct tape is an alternative method of treatment that has been proven effective.
It may never go away completely with duct tape alone. Occasionally, it takes more professional treatment options to get rid of a plantar wart. However, many report that it can take up to two months to get rid of a wart using the duct tape method.Cover the wart with a small piece of duct tape just like you would use a band-aid. Warts deprived of air and sun exposure sometimes die without the need for topical treatments.
Remove the tape once a week, wash the skin, and rub off any dead wart tissue. After it has.The results: duct tape won over cryotherapy; 85% of the duct tape patients were wart-free, compared with 60% of the cryotherapy group. In fact, the majority of.
Best of all though is the cost involved–which can be as low as free if you already have some lying around. If you don’t, head on over to your local store and grab one for a few bucks. How to use duct tape to treat your foot warts It’s really simple.
You just cover the wart with a piece of duct tape and change it out on a regular basis, or.If you’ve ever experienced plantar warts, you know how uncomfortable this condition can be and how challenging it can be to fully rid your body of these warts. At North Valley Dermatology, a U.S. Dermatology Partners office in Peoria, Arizona, Dr.
Rachel Cetta works with patients to treat plantar warts quickly and comfortably.This involves covering the wart with a piece of waterproof tape (ie duct tape) and leaving it for six days. After removing the tape, rub with a nail file or pumice stone and reapply the tape the next day. Repeat until the wart has gone, but for no longer than two months. These are widely available over the counter.
A person can follow the steps below to use duct tape to remove warts: Cut a small piece of duct tape that is large enough to cover the wart and stay on the affected area. Clean the wart area and.Plantar warts and palmar warts will often eventually go away without treatment. If they bother you, however, you can treat common skin warts in a variety of ways. Duct tape is one home remedy.
Put.There are lots of anecdotal reports about the effectiveness of duct tape against warts, but not much hard science to back it. Common warts (which occur most often on hands and fingers) and plantar warts (which occur on the soles of feet) are caused by certain strains of human papilloma virus (different from the more risky strains involved in.
Among the available treatments for planter warts, duct tape is considered among the safest and effective methods. You can use any color of duct tape. The duct tape is to be left on the wart for 24 hours a day for 6 weeks, 6 days a week.Duct tape may help to remove warts, as preventing air and sunlight can sometimes kill a wart. Cover the wart with duct tape after applying salicylic acid and letting it dry.
The American Academy of.Duct Tape Duct tape has been proven highly effective in treating plantar warts. Duct tape suffocates plantar warts by cutting off oxygen supply.
Just take a piece of tape and cover your warts.Yes, duct tape should effectively treat plantar warts. However, plantar warts are deeper under your skin, so buff the top of the plantar wart with a pumice stone every six days until it goes away.
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Just take 200mg of zinc sulfate for 3 months and it will go away permanently.
I had one of these and somehow I was able to scrape the inside out on my own. It must not have been very deep
Do not take f… Cripoflaxin. This shit could give u Candida, C.diff, SIBO and eventually GERD or Cancer. This antibiotic should be ban.
Is this apple cider vinegar for medical use or did you buy it at the supermarket?
I have In my Feet and It Keep Multiplying
Edit: it’s Goneಠ◡ಠ
I picked the wart out myself it hurt like hell but I still did it
April 30th 2020. I’ll be back here in 2 weeks for an update.
That duct tape would fall off as soon as u started to walk any were…. wouldn’t it?
I had this done, and yes, when they scrape at it it pinches but it’s not that bad. I’d say the only thing that hurts is the knowledge that they are using a scalpel to do so
A have a really small one on my foot and I was cleaning out dead skin tweezers (the thing I uses causes a lot of dead skin) and I realized I could pull part of the wart out so I did. I didn’t think I’d bleed but it did. It gushed blood lmao. Now my foot hurts
(I’m watching this after to see if it’s normal to pull a wart out)
I soaked a cotton ball with apple cider for two. Hours and removed it and it swelled and turned white my skin the podiatrist froze it twice and still hasn’t scabeed it’s a black dot o oh
I had one years ago that was burned. I’m seeing another after 2months of jump rope
I remembered my friend has 24 warts on both of his legs he even got it on one of his knees. He said the procedures almost the same like the video but the only difference is the anasthetic administered to his bone marrow in his spine so his lower part of the body temporarily paralysed.
I’ve had my one for 3 years and they don’t do it in the hospital and nothing is working we have probably spent about 300 pound on treatment pls help
What is the name of the instrument you used to scrape the wart?
I have one exactly where she has it and it’s really brown and gross and Idk what to do with it but I’ve had it for a few years
Wait that’s so smart putting the a piece of plastic between the tape and the wet cotton!!
When I would put the wet cotton with just a tape over it the tape would get soaked and fall off and I was using duct tape! Anyways I’ve got results but haven’t been consistent! I’m making a calendar for 15 day right now!
Iam I the only one that wants to see somebody like dog into a wart
I’ve had these bastard things growing on the bottoms of my feet since I was seven years old. I’m now forty and I’ve got a piece of garlic affixed to one underneath a bandage.
It’s not even a large plantar wart but it causes me discomfort when I run kinda like always having a pebble stuck in my shoe.
Highly annoying.
3:16 the small flap of skin looks like a haribo tangfastic sweet. If you know, you know
i’ve had a plantar wart for literally over 3 years… it spread and now i have a clump on the side of my foot and 2 smaller ones on the ball of my foot at the top. i will try this thank you
I have spent months studying best remedy for warts and discovered an awesome resource at alayziah wart treatment (look it up on google)
Lmaooo he too childish he said “that’s what she said “ lmaoooo shit was tooo funny
It worked for me, but I used Electrical tape cause i had no duct tape, and kept it on for 9 days I changed the tape almost every day after my showers cause obviously with the water it comes off, but Just quickly dry and put new tape back on it
I have a genital wart, have been treating using podowarts but it’s rather proving stubborn.
I had one of these on the bottom of my heel when I was a kid. It was painful enough I was limping. We used laser surgery to remove it in one go. It turned in to a hard scar that I can feel if I’ve been on my feet too long some days. But it’s way better than the pain the original problem caused!
I have tried it and yes it works like magic and leaves no scar, but it takes time so you have to be patient and consistant.
I no longer like feet.GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
very good your work I always watch your videos. congratulations! hugs from a Brazilian fan
I started with one and I didn’t do anything about. Now I have multiple and they’re painful!
hi is this treatment free and what is this treatment called?
My feet were like this as a teen but nothing got rid of them, I ended up ripping them out with pliers never came back thankfully!
While I watch this I wonder what kind of people watch this? Enlighten me please:
I have free medicine of this disease recover without any pain no need cutting
So I started doing this tonight and I my feet have never been in so much pain…how long do I have to do this for to get the wart to go away, because I have tried so many different things to get rid of the wart and it only spread and created 2 more!!!
I dug out a planters wart with nail clippers once ♀️
All I did was eat healthy and built up my immune system but of course that didn’t work and I took a lighter and burnt it
I am 11 Turing 12 in a couple of days and I am in so much pain right now I don’t know what to do I had this since December and I am crying I’m scared
I have 3 and I am scared because I am going to great wolf lodge soon and I don’t want to swim and give people a wart
Hi, when you shower in the morning after it has been soaking in acv do u take the bandages off?! And then let the air get to it throughout the day? Then do it again before bed at night time? My concern is that my feet are not drying out properly and the moisture will make the verrucas spread?? Someone pls help x
i have SEVEN of those on my feet and it worried me horribly so thank you
I have an extreme case of verucca,I have them nearly spread to my whole foot on both feet.I have used bazooka,salactol,freeze method and even went to get treatment.What should I do since it is only getting worse???
Please help
Look put super glue over the top of the wart then a piece of duct tape an keep changing it out whenever you feel the need to, it doesnt take long
I’m glad you clarified what the black was. I thought it was necrotic tissue.
I healed two warts by using turmeric after the vinegar makes the wart swollen. Grate fresh turmeric and put with tape when the skin is white and swollen. The turmeric will kill the wart virus. Turmeric is antiviral. I tried only turmeric but it doesn’t work, I think it cannot penetrate, but the vinegar makes it swell and lets the turmeric penetrate.
I’ve had mine for 5 years.. To the point now stepping on a cord or a rock through my flip flop.. omg.. excruciating Right now Apple cider vinegar sounds like a dream come true..
Do you stop the treatment when the capillaries are gone? Because mine became much smaller (almost gone) but I can still see som capillaries under the skin.
Do you leave the wart covered during the day with a bandaid or do you leave it uncovered?
I had huge plantar warts for 2 or 3 years a number of years back. The underarm and foot deodorant powder I used, Milcu (potash alum, hydrated magnesium silicate) helped remove the wart.
Help. I have a seed hand wart. I took off the hard layer. I took off the black layer that was under that. Now my finger just has like a white base. Does that need to come off as well? If so, how?
I have a new wart that is growing on my finger, but I am basically scraping it so it doesn’t get bigger, so is flat, will it still work if it’s flat and I put duct tape on?
Also, does it work if its dry? Because I heard that you should put in warm water and then put the duct tape on, or something like that.
It took 4 visits at the doctors to get my massive hand wart removed, they first had to scrap some off it off with a sharp blade and use liquid nitrogen which would happen every visit.
Thank you. Worked great. On day 14(?) i put nail polish on it with a band-aid during the day. When I went to prepare it for the apple cider vinegar and cleaned it that night, the wort portion fell out. Never used the polish again but used the apple cider vinegar till day 21.
I will under no circumstance take Ciprofloxacin after seeing what can happen while taking it.
On the other videos when they cut the wart out, the patient always says they went somewhere else first and the treatments didnt work. Looks like I found a somewhere else video.
What I do before this is put you feet in hot water a trying to file the top layer off then I do this
I had a knee wart removed in a Latin American hospital with the waiting time under ten minutes with the laser procedure. The doctors in the California just applied the freezing method, and more time wasted doing the freezing method.
Please reply me, i just watched your video. Please please reply me early ( if its possible). can i use Pure White vinegar instead of cider vinegar
I’ve been doing this for about 10 days now and it seems to be working with no pain and the black capillaries are starting to show. But the past couple of days I feel throbbing and pain on the warts while the acv is on them. Should I stop treatment and wait? Then start again?
I tried it on my son and it didn’t help, his wart spread even more and more with time and small warts were showing up all over his leg! We had a battle for years and it looked bad. Now it’s almost gone, only 10% is left of what it was. I feel like I should upload a video when the skin is clear to share our experience and help other people fight it.
I have a wart on the side of my toe that is bigger and spreading
me, with a plantar wart:
Did anyone else notice that there looked to be a cut in her foot next to the warts?
I had warts on me feet for years. YEARS. Cryotherapy, injections, expensive dermatologists had no effect. Ive been doing the apple vinegar thing for around 2 months and they are gone. You just need to have faith and do it every day. Every. Day. Otherwise it doesnt work. Believe! They can go away!!!!
Each time I cover the wart (in my finger) with duct tape I feel a sensation of progressive pain in my finger and arm. Is that normal?
I really hope this works
I have two though one is on my palm will I just slap the duct tape on there since I can’t wrap around
That wart took up residence on his foot and said, “This is my home!”
I got the same treatment and the wart has almost disappeared but since the skin has started to grow back it has gotten extremely itchy is there any way I can make it less itchy?
Im cutting them out as we speak im getting deeper then I’ma gonna put the cream inside
nOnO I don’t know what happen but on the side of my foot the vinegar somehow got there and now I have this pink looking blob on my foot basically it burned my skin off so much that you can see pink slimy this ( would not recommend )
I ngl would’ve grabbed a pair of tweezers and tore it out. That’s what I did a while ago-
So for two weeks you soaked it I have a seed corn that was frozen I wonder if the apple cider will soften my skin bc my heel hurts the freezing of it I think it what caused the pain plus I have heel spur I think
Can I buy this beetle juice and apply it myself, or do I have to go to a podiatrist?
Always enjoy your videos. Is this the type of laser used to kill toenail fungus?
Does this treatment hurt? It hurt like a bitch when I tried cutting it off with a nail clipper one time. Not to mention the bleeding.
Does this hurt? I have one on my foot and it’s a baby one. The media says I would have to freeze it off.
You’re very good at what you do. Luckily I’ve never had foot problems.
Did you dip the same applicator 2 times is the same bottle?
If so you cannot use it again on another patient?
i cut off my warts but now it’s bleeding and it’s not all gone
Wow!!!! I had plantar warts when younger. My doctor used liquid nitrogen to rid my foot of them.
Unfortunately, my best friend caught plantar warts from me always walking around barefooted. She had her warts ripped out by her doctor.
The liquid nitrogen was so neat!!!
I’m starting tonight. Edit: I have a huge wart same location as in the video.
I used a combination of wart remover and duct tape on my 5 year old sons very large plantar wart on his foot (dime sized). I had been treating it with just wart remover for over 6 months and couldn’t get it to heal. I put the wart remover on then placed duct tape in his foot overnight, I changed the tape every night and reapplied, the wart came off after 8 days. It was remarkable and I really did not think it would work but it did. This was my last attempt before I took him to have it frozen off and I’m glad I did.
I notice you refer to duct tape as also being duck tape. That’s actually correct as it was first used during WWII as an all purpose waterproof tape and was actually called duck tape then. When the war ended, it was found to be very useful when working with duct work.
Funny story: My wife and I were on a long road trip and I needed some duct tape to repair something. My wife went into a store to get some and asked the young girl working at the counter if they had duct tape. The girl mis-heard what my wife said, and replied, “Duck tape? Why would you want to tape up ducks?” She was serious!
It totally worked for me. This was 10 yrs ago. I used to do repos, and clean out gross houses. One day I started getting warts along all the cuticles of every finger of my hands. I was freaking out, and was repulsed. They were huge, hard as rocks, and hurt like hell. They lasted for a couple weeks and nothing worked to get rid of them. I took my wife’s fingernail file, wore them down as far as I could, and wrapped every finger tip in duct tape. Did this everyday. After about a week, I took them off one day, and like magic they were totally gone outta nowhere!!! I was so flippin happy. I guarantee it has to do with the chemicals in the tape, and the fact that it’s pretty much suffocating the area. Definitely do this.
I’ve been using a salicylic acid treatment that you buy at the drug store (Compound W) on my plantar warts for several weeks now, and I’m stuck at a state where the warts are just white colored and doesn’t seems to improve anymore. Does that mean the actual warts are dead, like they’re just dead skin now? Should I stop the salicylic acid treatment and let the warts like that (will they “fall off” or the skin heal into good skin?). Or should I really try to “dig” into the white warts and try to remove them? The instructions are not detailed at all… Just asking before consulting a specialist (which would be a bit complicated wight now with the pandemic)
i started off with a small one and now it several have spread to both of my feet and i have 2 baby ones like that. i am TERRIFIED and couldn’t even watch all of this video. i don’t think i can handle the pain of this and i’ve tried a lot of things too. i feel it and it hurts and i’m scared to go in for treatment but i know it will keep increasing. please help!! what do you recommend? i have EXTREME EXTREME low pain tolerance…
my wart has gone black, i mean, there are not black dots, just a black whole between lots of dead skin, is this normal???? i’m scared
I know you said it worked, but I’m skeptical. I doubt warts need air for anything. The outside of the wart is dead skin anyway. But assuming this method does in fact work, it seems like you could avoid the duct tape and use paint on liquid “New Skin”, nail polish, or even various types of glue.
It does work I had warts on my middle finger it was the mother wart and it took about 3 to 4 weeks but it worked 100 percent
This doesn’t work. Your skin starts painfully blistering from the acid in the vinegar after a couple days and you are still left with a wart
Each time I cover the wart (in my finger) with duct tape I feel a sensation of progressive pain in my finger and arm. Is that normal?
My dumbass yanked out the black dots… I bled… a lot♀️
Thats the problem…keeping it airtight. The tape still has small air bubbles in it and it moves around. I thought of Superglue cos it sticks on the wart SOLID…i will post results forthwith!
Going now 2 weeks with apple cider vinegar. Has only shrinken a little bit but not much. I continue treatment 2 more weeks.
The vinegar is realllllly burning my foot. It’s a bit uncomfortable to walk. The warts are black and raised but not falling off yet. What should I do?
I had mine frozen twice and used apple cider vinegar and all it did was turn my skin white a and swell I may have to get mine removed ughhh
Hello! Have you thought about Wartmoval Wonder (google it)? Ive heard some unbelivable things about it and my work buddy got unbelievable results with it.
I have one on my foot at the side of my thumb. It’s been 6months and it really hurts then… it started to feel itchy and like super dry. Last night i was really shook to find it kinda soft and bleeding. Then earlier today, it popped open. Like, the seeds were no longer there and it’s like super soft. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. It doesnt hurt tho. should i put acv too? Did your wart popped too? Huhu
So I had a plantar wart before. The doctor wouldn’t let me get it cut off so I had to go through painful months of freezing continually…
It has to be changed every 12 hrs. and it has to be used with the drug.
Ayeeee I had warts under my foot but they were called “Ingrown warts” so basically I got it frozed on the first day but few weeks in I couldn’t play basket ball so I went back to my doctor and we went into the room were you get your flu shot or somewhere but I got it burned out but I got this big as needle shoved in my foot to numb it and bro it the needle thingy it self was like (the thingy needle was longer than the lines) but god it hurt after that they had a thingy to burn it off then my doctor found the 3 rd one and then Kaboom after 30 minutes it was finnaly done and that was like 2 years ago. But God hope thus guys foot went well.
I did this straight for 3 months. Guys, please look into a medicine called 5-Fu. I paid a lot of money to seek the best derm and this is what he prescribed to me. Look into it.
I have spent months researching reducing warts naturally and found an awesome resource at Mirykal moles cure (check it out on google)
I’ve had one on my heel for a few years and I’ve cut at it a few times before. This time I’ve been using cleaning vinegar nonstop, but I had to dilute it because it started giving me a chemical burn. Before the vinegar I used cuticle clippers and a sharp knife to cut and shave off the callus until I hit a capillary. This helps the vinegar absorb way easier. I think I’m on the 4th day and it’s turned black. I think I’m finally going to be rid of this thing.
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can i get an appointment cause ihave a big callus on mu foot
So if been doing this for about 1 month and I only see a very small amount of progress I think I have a wart that is about 4 years old and I did EVERYTHING to try and get it to go away but nothing worked so far I am scared to go to summer pool parties because of it I’ll I’m looking for is something that works and not just some ” oh yeah this works” if u have any tips plz tell me I am really desperate
Bro….. If someone says they don’t want to see it.. don’t fucking shove it in their face 5 seconds later
Too much duct tape
Just pur it righ on the wart with excesse of a millimeter of two from both sides
I have 7 because they kept spreading and now I don’t know what to do
Thanks to madidaherbalcenter for curing me of my herpes simplex virus with his herbs.
the best is silver nitrate, you can actually feel progress as it destroys the tissue.
mine dosent seem like it will ever go away…………………. i had mine for a year and it still hasnt been gone for 2 and a half months
My son has a lot of verucca on his feet, tired everything, not tape just won’t stay, fall off easily. How your duck tape stay on foot?
Take 200mg of zinc sulfate for 3 months and it will go away permanently.
2020 and yet there still is no cure for the wart hpv virus. Laughable.
Thanks doc sounds like duct tape works..,……….” I have had surgery…. which failed “… vinegar and duct tape is all you need…
5 July and will be back after 15 days of treating my warts with this method.
nice flute music, thanks for the home remedy trick. Blessings!
Wait, so I don’t have to get it treated by a professional? I can just do this method and it’s gonna go away? And I don’t have to dig or cut in it either? Damn, imma try this!!:D
i have a wart the size of a nickel and its been throbbing with ACV, i see the black dots right now as i file it down but im not sure what to do at this point? any tips? I have booked an appointment with a podiatrist because its hurting a lot and im afraid of anything happening! any advice would help!
Each time I cover the wart (in my finger) with duct tape I feel a sensation of progressive pain in my finger and arm. Is that normal?
I’m on second freeze and it’s still not all the way healed ughhh it hurts
I had horrible warts all along my fingernails on most of my fingers. My pediatrician at the time said to use duct tape, though his explanation on how it worked was different. He said that the fact warts are mostly kinda firm and stiff, means that the virus is more or less contained in that area. The glue from the duct tape, softens the warts and spreads the virus out a bit more, so that your immune system starts taking notice, and eventually kills the main source of the virus at the warts themselves. Took a very long time, but it worked, and they never came back.
Can we use ACV if people have sugar on border that ok??? Pl tell me any budy..
I don’t understand how this is supposed to work considering your skin doesn’t really get oxygen from the air. It’s carried there through your blood.
I got a wart right underneath my toe Breh, been on for like 1 year now
2:52 lollllllll bruhhhh i saw rthe words for a split sec and wondered y u laughed a little until i looked back and went ”reallyyyyyy… reallyyyyY?????”
i’ve had one plantar wart for like 3 years, i always pick at it because I heard that’s what makes them get off, but nothing’s working ughhh
The tape eases the pain but it will not solve the problem. I used duct tape for over 5 years and the wart is still there. Quack.
July 7th 2020. I’ll back here in 1 or 2 months for my genital wart update.
So do you apply the thing at night and take it off in the morning or just take it off after 24 hours and put a new one on?
Take 200mg of zinc sulfate for 3 months and it will go away permanently.
I have 2 on my pinky and I’m not sure if it’s a ward or a veruca
thanks for the cider vinegar tip, i just use vinegar only. the first day I didnt mixed it and the next morning my toe was burning like hell and the skin around the wart got very big… so i just used moisturizer for the skin only. the second day I just mixed 1 table spoon with 2 table spoons of water to get a mixture ( before the mixture it was 55% or so). after the first day the wart got black and the next days with the mixture there is less “healing” process. but the wart and the skin is hurting everytime my toe is touching something but it looks great. Got the wart for one year and tried so much ( cut it out by myself and so one, cut the dead skin off, freezing it once a month, nothing worked…) I think this will work great! thanks!
I did the experience
10 days duct tape on my finger and replaced it whener needed
After 10 days the fu*** wart fell off
It works!
Could you please write when the pain stops? I’m doing this treatment almost one month, it’s healing, but the pain is still present:(
I’m just watching this and I have a wart that hurts when I walk every time! Hopefully it works!! Can I use Apple cider vinegar?
Iv had theses warts on my foot since last summer I dug them out and they keep growing any tips
I had a plantar wart on the ball of my foot and it fell off in the wavepool at Kalahari ✨✨
After each treatment, are you supposed to file the wart down each morning?
After I was clinically determined to have plantar fasciitis a year ago, my doctor never brought up this particular condition can be cured at home. He basically mentioned medicines, podiatrist referrals, and special orthotics. But because I started trying this plantar fasciitis treatment method “Sαnkυnzο Kdα” (Google it), I was able to save lots of money on medicine expenses and acquire efficient outcomes…
I’m doing this, but it’s like white and puffy after every time
I find it disgusting to put food or any other edible substances on my foot but i have two huge warts on my feet that are about 9 years old so if anyone else has tried this please tell me if it worked because I’m really getting sick of them
I’ve did this every day for a month on a wart on my arm and it only looks like your progress pic from 3 days…. What am I doing wrong?
Hello! I completed this, and the wart was gone, (I got rid of the black thing) but the skin where the wart was keeps trying to grow back! Please help!
My youngest son had a big planters wart on the bottom of his left foot. I tried everything, the last thing I tried were the bandages. He was taking a bath and I went to the the bathroom and when I pulled the bandage off the wart came with it. He was 3 years old at the time.
Will this work for anal Warts and it is safe to apply on anal region.
i’ve actually had what i think is a deep routed verruca for 5+ years, honestly i’ve had it so long that i’ve forgot when i got it. The verruca is dead and not on the surface of my foot. However it is now deep in my foot and it looks nasty. I hope this treatment works
Hello, thanks for this,does this work for kids? 12 year girl
Seriously, that is disgusting! How do people let things get this bad? Someone needs to tell this little boy to stop walking around barefoot! I caught a callus when I was nine from my stepdad who had athlete’s foot. I got a callus remover and never walked around barefoot in the house again. I can’t imagine this kid could walk very well with that growth!
This is amazing trearment i saw a video then i applied on myself…seriously mind blowing result. I have been operated twice but unfortunately no cure i applied it upto 2 weeks and properly cured
Yeah, this does work, but to me, at a torturous slow rate!!
The cider vinegar is like acid and it hurts all the time.
Help us!
If you also want to start this therapy, from day one take regularly photos. You can mail this to
I will then share them in a new video on youtube. Various cases can give us a better picture of this therapy.
Thank you very much
Thanks for the video! I did this for a week and was looking at my foot with my camera on my phone and noticed the black speck on my raised skin. I gently scratched at it with my finger nail and the black seed came out!
3 mos of treatment and its starting to heal thank God. What I did is I bought Scholl warts removal system or you can use apple cider vinegar. Every night after I shower put pads in the wart and and leave it for 2 days. Repeat process for a week or so until the warts and the skin turns white and soft. At this point you can now scrape the skin until you reach the bottom of the warts and youll know it if theres a little blood in there. Now Im still putting the pads until it heals and get the skin back to normal. Hope this helps!
PS: I’m using surgical blade btw make sure your hands are clean and it is sanitized. Its a little bit painful scraping when i was near the core of the warts
in my case but its bearable and its ok if you see a little blood.
Ok folks you are in for a nice ride if you use apple cider vinegar (ACV), but it works. Use raw, unfiltered ACV. Soak your wart (in my case planters wart on ball of my foot, which was big and in deep) anyway soak your wart in ACV for a long time 45 min to an hour. This will piss off the wart and you will feel deep pain as its starting to die. The warts legs attach to your nerves by squeezing them. So ride thru it or take pain killer. I almost forgot to mention that as it dies, it leaves dead cells on top of the wart, so you either have to scrap off (everytime you do it) or have a Doc do it. I elected have the Doc do it.
Since the pain was so bad, I would do it once a day. And while not soaking or in pain on the couch, keep applying Tea Tree Oil. This Oil is smelly bad and also kills the wart. I also used a prescription topical acid got it from both ends. Warts breath oxygen and ACV and tea tree oil cut off their breathing supply and it kills um. It takes awhile-stay with it.
Verummal solution worked the best. My warts were gone after three days of applying it
Can anyone tell me what the surgical instrument he uses to prise the verruca out with is called? Great clip by the way!
Had one a lot bigger back in the early 90’s. My 88yr old Dr. said it was the biggest he’s ever seen.
Day million with tea tree oil and argon oil banaged to my foot everynight. And its starting to come to surface now. It tingles and im 99% sure its dying. Yay
I once removed a plantar wart on my foot with some household tools. I have another one now, and I cannot see it well enough to start digging.
Another way to kill it is to shave as much skin off as you can with a razor blade (pinch the skin into a mound, then slice sideways with the blade facing upwards a little so you don’t cut into your foot), then get a fine tipped soldering gun and ever so gently burn the root… THEN apply acid… then cut skin off/acid residue again after a few days… repeat process. i think cutting skin off needs to be done because the acid or whatever you’re doing can get to the root of the wart easier, regardless of if you burn it. you can heat a nail up with a lighter and use the tip of that too. The soldering gun doesn’t hurt as much as you think, you jsut have to be very steady and not jab it into the wart root, just hold it where you can tolerate the pain and eventually the nerve dies (the nerve the wart is living in, yes, it lives in a nerve, that’s why it hurts. it even has it’s own blood supply surrounding the nerve). I think plantar warts are something we don’t understand. How could a virus do something that specific to your body? I did the nail trick once and it made the wart go dormant for a very long time. unfortunately i forgot about it and it eventually grew back, so now i’m burning the root again tongiht but making sure i keep attacking it so it stays gone.
Why didn’t you use liquid nitrogen? That was what I did, no surgery, no pain, 2 to 3 treatments and it never come back.
I have 11 plantar warts in my foot and I started treating it and I hope it’ll work:)
Thanks for sharing and educating us on plantar warts. It was very interesting..
Beetlejuice medicine? Never heard of that.
Thanks for sharing this with us. Looking forward to your next video.
hey i wanted to ask. when u remove them using duck tape does it leave a hole or bump or any of that stuff
Pobrecito este paciente supiera que con esa luz no.Le hicieron nada
Anyone ever hear of toenail clippers and lots of toilet paper?
Hi,, do i need to do this everyday? Or i keep it for longer time? Like every 48 hours or…? Thanks
This actually works!! I saw results in 2 weeks. Mine is completely gone now thank you
Can’t you just remove the skin down to the basement membrane of the tissue, cauterize it, apply acid and neutralize it with a base in one fell swoop, instead of having 3 whole treatments? I feel like that’s a waste of time to do
i have 4 warts and they’re spreading and i have 2 more now!:(
ive had 2 already but they never turned black.. why did they turn black?
Is Noboremed Secrets helpful to cures your skin issue safely? I’ve learn numerous good stuff about Noboremed Secrets (look on google search engine).
Not only does it suffocate them but the warts also don’t like the adhesive
Seriously dear brother it works…coz i am so worried after having treatment for 3 months still condition is same..infect having more warts in my feets
This is the second day that I did the treatment. Is it normal that it stings?
I hope this work for me.:(((.Can I use this method during day time?