Table of Contents:
4 Reasons Why Caffeine Makes Workouts Better | Jim Stoppani, Ph.D.
Video taken from the channel:
Should You Drink Coffee Before Running? (FIND OUT!)
Video taken from the channel: jonathanofthenorth
Does Coffee Make You Faster? | The Effects Of Caffeine On Performance
Video taken from the channel: Global Triathlon Network
Effects of Coffee and Caffeine on Running
Video taken from the channel: kitchenbarista
Should You Drink Coffee Before Running?
Video taken from the channel: Solpri
Caffeine For Runners | Should You Run Buzzed?
Video taken from the channel: The Run Experience
How Caffeine Affects Your Running Performance
Video taken from the channel: Jake Abdinoor
Some runners drink coffee before a race, while others delay their caffeine intake until they’re running so they can get a mid-race boost. You can easily consume caffeine on the run by ingesting caffeinated energy gel or chews (or other sports nutrition).In fact, drinking coffee before a run can provide benefits to running times and recovery.
Every runner has different sensitivities to caffeine, and milk (if added to coffee), and depending on the person drinking the coffee it can cause negative reactions in the form of bowel movements or heartburn.Just one cup of joe or a shot of espresso before a run is all you need to reap caffeine’s running benefits. The recommended caffeine amount for improving performance with minimal side effects is roughly 1.2 to 2.5 milligrams per pound of body weight, taken one hour before a workout.
A: As an avid coffee drinker, I would say both! Having a small amount of caffeine 30 to 60 minutes before you run can give you the little boost you need to help you get out the door. Aside from helping you wake up, science shows that caffeine may have a positive impact on speed and endurance.
According to sports nutritionist Maria del Mar Vera, drinking coffee before running is beneficial for the athlete, because caffeine acts at the level of the central nervous system, neuromuscular and metabolic, increasing the performance of the runner by more than 20%.Both Moreno and Thomas agree that the best time to drink coffee is well before the workout actually begins. You shouldn’t drink it when you’re sweating (at that point, your body needs water to re-hydrate—not coffee). Thomas suggests having coffee 30-60 minutes prior to a workout, whereas Moreno suggest having coffee a little before that.I took one every morning 30 minutes before I started running.
That dose may be considered “light-weight,” but put it into perspective: one eight.Not only can coffee be linked to health benefits, but it’s also a potent source of caffeine. And caffeine is one of the most popular ergogenic aids in.
So how many cups of coffee should you drink before running or working out? An espresso or cup of black coffee before working out is plenty to improve your performance. In total, you shouldn’t drink more than three espressos per day. Large amounts can have negative effects on the body.Absolutely, says Rivera.
Apart from its role in helping to emptying your tank, coffee triggers other physiological reactions that are optimal for exercise. ” Caffeine has a thermogenic, or heat.Even the best of the elite runners can easily be beaten without their daily cup of coffee or caffeine before running. Some runners rely on drinking coffee before running to get them up and out the door, while others find caffeine to be the only stimulant protecting them from.
Caffeine Before Running a Marathon Caffeine has been found to increase athletic endurance in numerous scientific studies. For runners, caffeine can be helpful in reducing the effects of fatigue. In the marathon, that means faster speed and greater ability to stay running.
The benefits of Coffee before running The overwhelming scientific evidence is that caffeine improves running performance, probably by up to 2% in real world conditions. Caffeine does not cause dehydration, or have a negative impact on running in hot or humid conditions. The issues with Coffee before running.Abstaining from taking in caffeine before your race may, indeed, make the ergogenic substance more effective.
A review of 21 studies on the effects of.Even the best of the elite runners can easily be beaten without their daily cup of coffee or caffeine before running. Some runners rely on drinking coffee before running to get them up and out the door, while others find caffeine to be the only stimulant protecting them from.
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I have an Idea for a video ya’ll can make… How many days a week should I run? 3:00 goal time Marathon) also what if I am running in prep for 10Ks and Halfs? My basic question is about Rest. How much rest do I need. I rarely take complete days off, rather if I’m not running I’m in the gym lifting on my days off from running (Classic Overtrainer Ugh!)
caffeine is a fucking drug with bad side affects. i can run longer and harder without caffeine. with caffeine it gives u a start and then youre fucked. experiment people. i always envied people who werent addicted to caffeine cause i knew they wud be the most ultimate althletes…. people on drugs that stimulate u are always weak in their mind and body
Sorry guys but that was a poorly conducted test, why didnt you test after the 2 months of no caffine for a base line also leaving it 2 months between tests could have an enormus impact of overall form so by no means a good test. Keep up the good work but please think these sort of tests through a little more first.
Have you tested yourself while in no cafeine at all to see how much cafeine has an impact compared to no cafeine at all?
Caffeine increases my heart rate. If I drink caffeine before a run, I make it half a mile before I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my chest. I wouldn’t think caffeine would ever be considered as an aid to running.
It’s great for you actually you drink one cup of coffee before the run it stimulates fat burning and increases endurance and helps mental performance
Is it the tastiest performance enhancing drug? I’ll typically take a month off before a big race or Ironman. Then one or two cups on race morning and caffeine in my sports drinks. Works for me.
You need to have a control group/person and a placebo group/person. The difference in results being so minute, that perhaps you gave it more since you knew you had the caffeine and not because of the caffeine itself. Maybe a future video? Thanks for the vids.
Is it true that caffine stops working due to tolerance in body and we tend to stop losing weight!!??
Did I hear right that it’s about 45min to feel benefit of caffeine intake? Is it same timescale for effect of gels & foods or do they vary?
Can that pre run cup of coffee cause GI issues or am I looking in wrong place for a cause? Could it more likely be the porridge oats?
If you close your eyes it’s like the Hulkster is right with you in the room
Great content, terrible audio editing. Holy crap! Think my eardrums burst after that intro…
Ik it’s a short video but just incase anyone wants it
1. More energy
2. Increases muscle strength
3. More endurance
4. Less muscle pain
1: You will get more energy in the short term but in the long time it will lead to fatigue an addiction. The more you take in the less effective it becomes.
2: No, caffeine does not make you “stronger”. That’s some genuine bullshit. Your muscles are your muscles. They will not get stronger from drinking a cup of coffee.
3: Again, the reason you “feel” like you have more endurance is because of the short burst of energy that caffeine provides. Believe you me, you will crash afterwards just like a sugar high.
4: 100% Grade A Horseshit.
Also, please show me the study that found that caffeine expands blood vessels. I would like to read it. If it’s actually legit.
Am I the only one who watches this before a run,while preparing for a run?
My heart use to race with caffeine. I eliminated caffeine in my diet and feel better when I run. Now, I wonder if the caffeine dose was too high.
Thank you for the video. Can you please tell if caffeine will be helpful for a 800m race?
Love me some Matcha green tea. I know someone who solely does Monster =)
Over the years I’ve found that coffee increases my chances of have leg cramps, especially in the calves. Because of that I stop drinking coffee at least one week before a masters swim meet or an open water event.
2 runs separated by 2 months. How can you present it like the only variable is caffeine? Like nothing else happen during those 8 weeks (training, de-training, recovery, etc.). It would make more sense to go without caffeine for 2 months, do the test on one day and then repeat another day with a coffee, or caffeine gel before the 2nd run.
Cafeine is not that good especially if you suffer or had heart murmurs in the past in my case I once overdosed on Cafeine which had given me AF.
I think Stoppani and his halt-and-go style of speech would make for a wonderful mafia character in a Scorsese film: I need. To. Get. Some information. And that means. You. Will. Talk.
I rarely have caffeine in my diet (occasional soda and chocolate). I’d like to try it for marathons, and will play around with it like you suggest. I’m just wondering how long the surge will typically last? If I know I’ll need a boost at mile 21, will I have enough juice leftover to finish, or will I feel a crash before the end? I have friends who take caffeine before the race and all throughout. Thanks.
its supposed to reduce perceived effort… which is definitely what im looking for.
i heard from someone that caffeine before a high intensity workout can increase the risk of cardiac arrest. is that true?
I prefer to use more caffeine before interval training. Since it makes you get a higher bpm faster the efficiency increases
That was cool! Fun to watch but obviously so many other variables to take into consideration but like you said…just for fun. Great watts!
Thank you for another great video Elizbeth, I have been following all of these videos and I have got so many tips that’s really changed my nutrition in my training and in general. So I will be taking a lot of things with me to a half marathon tomorrow (precision hydration powder, home made shake with turmeric, ) So thank you so much for all of your tips and wonderful videos.
Extremely helpful video! As someone who has been using a preworkout for a boost in my run, I was curious about whether the rumors about dehydration were accurate.
I’m doing my 1st 50k in 1 week and I’ve been experimenting with Nuun Energy (mixture of B vitamins and caffeine 40mg from green tea) during the ladder halves of my long training runs. I haven’t noticed feeling any better, should I increase the amount of tabs I consume?
Thanks for the info, if caffeine is good, then speed must be awesome. Thanks to your advice I’ll be blowing fat rails before my next race. Thanks again
Hey mark
I know yes a one case study but other than the end feeling of your exertion I don’t believe you had a time difference as you start your computer after rolling and clipped in your first run and on your second run your started your computer before your foot even left the ground so don’t you believe your six second deficit is there and what about a clean base run. I must say that this was quite a shoty attempt at a comparison study
I do apologize about my judgement but you guys have done such better work
Works for 5km parkrun n just enough calories to get you by. Then it’s an easy egg n bacon after!
I always carry a Clif espresso shot gel on a long ride for absolute emergencies only (they are revolting). If I feel I’m near bonk-point that stuff will usually get me home . In general I find caffeine products can cause GI distress all too often for people though so always test those products before race day.
Also interesting to note how you feel when you come OFF coffee did it once and had to leave work I felt so ill! Actual drug withdrawal symptoms, scary!
Was drinking coffee today while doing workout. It was
definitely a more focused, faster and stronger workout.
So im a long distance runner and am addicted to energy drinks do i do the same thing cut back until the next race because i feel like it wouldn’t be healthy drinking a red-bull or monster right before a race but cant give it up
His body is lean but his face is fat, puffy and full of water retention.
Why caffeine doesn’t work with me?
Same with most supplements and drugs
I used 200mg and 400mg caffeine and nothing happened
Its hard to take these videos serious when there supplements are always being advertised
Drank coffee once before a run, felt dehydrated and thirsty. Will never do it it again.
Also took a caffeine pill during a race once and fell asleep at 5 am. Slept for two hours and the next day wasn’t that great.
I was told by the Dr to ease up on Caffeine for blood pressure reasons. It was not an all out ban but advice from him. So I did. Occasionally I have a proper coffee and I really feel the kick. However I feel better from not having that regular kick.
As far as i know only one meta-analysis about caffeine and muscle strength is published. And it was only able to show significant effects of caffeine in upper body, not lower body? So would not say it is a 100% proven tho.
(Effects of caffeine intake on muscle strength and power: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Grgic J, Trexler ET, Lazinica B, Pedisic Z)
What is your sources for this claim?
Hi GTN, I’m Leonardo from Tuscany, off road triathlete, the downside in taking caffeine is muscle cramps. In the summer, with high temperatures and intense sweating, caffeine increases its effect on the muscles and, in subjects who are predisposed and inelastic, annoying and deleterious cramps occur, with a consequent drop in performance. Personally I don’t use caffeine, but I make myself a good Italian moka at home. When I do long training or competitions, but from about 3/4 of the race onwards, I use the coca-cola that I find at the refreshment points to have sugars (many in coca-cola) and the caffeine needed to support the muscles to finish the race. I think the greatest help from caffeine is this… to bring you to the end of the race when muscle contractility fails… good work guys
Ciao GTN, sono Leonardo dalla toscana, triatleta off road, il rovescio della medaglia nell’assunzione della caffeina sono i crampi muscolari. Nel periodo estivo, con temperature alte ed intensa sudorazione la caffeina aumenta il suo effetto sulla muscolatura e, in soggetti predisposti e poco elastici, si verificano fastidiosi e deleteri crampi con conseguente calo della performance. Personalmente non uso la caffeina, ma mi faccio una buona moka all’italiana in casa. Quando faccio lunghi allenamenti o in gara, ma da circa 3/4 di gara in poi, uso la coca-cola che trovo ai ristori per avere zuccheri (molti nella coca-cola) e la caffeina necessaria a sostenere la muscolatura per finire la gara. L’aiuto maggiore da parte della caffeina credo sia proprio questo…portarti a fine gara quando la contrattilità muscolare viene a mancare… buon lavoro ragazzi
According to what I have studied, most of the coffee we buy is usually de-caffeinated proving that it’s probably a placebo. We should have an experiment with pure caffeine, coffee and a control with several subjects……
I hear that optimal dose for performance is 400-500 mg. Any thoughts?
Ran 18 miles after hitting a 12 mile wall after drinking 1 cup of black coffee, it was amazing!
Great video.!!!my questions: should i take caffeine when i dont workout and if not should i cycle caffeine?
Mark, what was your average heart rate for each of the two tests? I find that my HR runs about 5 to 8 beats higher for the same power output when I’m hopped up on coffee.
And let me guess….every caffeine supplement on the market is garbage but JYM have the best formula that will make you lose 1kg of fat and gain 1kg of pure muscle per workout. Am I right?
I really feel like videos such as this should ALWAYS at least mention the most obvious negative effects and risks that come with the subject of the video. While caffeine is widely known, other substances might not be, and people might come to go down the “more is always better” road. Otherwise, I appreciate videos like this one.
4:12 Caffeine is used for migraine attacks because it causes the blood vessels in your brain to contract and thereby reduces blood flow to the brain. The headache you get from NOT drinking coffee, is caused by your blood vessels dilating in your brain. HEALTHY STUFF
Last year as part of my marathon training to cut my coffee out 2 months before the race and then drank red bull on the day… In my last 10k race I had a USN Energy Shot just before the race…not sure if it helped but I ran well, but I couldn’t sleep that night and felt horrid the next day.
Honestly, especially when considering the two months down the road, I don’t see a significant difference.
Plinio Ferraz is absolutey spot on, the test difference for Mark could have been psychosomatic especially with his knowledge of what caffine now can do after a substantial lay off.
Pretty cool you guys doing these kind of tests.
Waiting months to check the actual effect of caffeine to release the video. Thumbs up
I read about drinking coffee for running, I started doing it but I drink mines black no sugar or cream added just straight black and I found it helps me run better, and I drink it cold.
I knew it I swear one day I drank 4 cups wow what a fucking great work out the other day no coffee pfffff terrible today coffee wow I feel great my muscles are shocked o worked out for 3 hours and I will sleep great tonight thanks caffeine
I can’t remember a single day when I haven’t run after 1-2 cups. I do have h20 along w/ it, but realize that caffeine is a secretagogue and cause diuresis, so I’m probably not helping myself there. Not a fast runner not worried about pace time so much. Worked myself to half-caf coffee to allow me to drink more with the same caffeine effect.
hi! whenever I am racing, my heart rate is already above 170-180 bpm (btw i am 40 yrs old male). will caffeine intake make it even higher to a point where it is not safe for my heart? is taking caffeine will do more harm (possibly) than good in this case? thanks elizabeth!
A week without my caffeinated coffee and I was ready to write my last will and testament as I went through the withdrawal.
Like everything in life, it has its pros and cons. So pick the pros that you’re willing to take on the cons as well. He’s focusing on the pros w/c is the point of the vid. Quite informative tho so thanks.
Coffee is like air to me. Is there a way to administer it intravenously?
When on caffeine, I am watching all my daily dose of youtube video on 2x accelerated
Sorry???? The liver metabolises the caffeine which is THEN absorbed by the intestine??? Where is your liver placed? In your stomach? Sorry guys. Get your basic facts right. Coffee has other components to it beyond caffeine. Caffeine is NOT synonymous with coffee.
you should have done a 5K before drinking the coffee too. Thats where the real result would have been, if this is not placebo off course.
I will test it today before I go for a run, and I havent drank coffee for 5 years
Edit: So I managed to run double my usual distance without taking a break. I’ll try keep my caffiene consumption as minimal as possible
Hearing your voice without coffee makes me motivated on gym:D
Great info Jim. Thank you for your verification from an old bodybuilder from the 70’s.
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| 4 Reasons Why Caffeine Makes Workouts Better |
1. More Energy ( 00:34)
2. Increased Strength ( 01:03)
3. More Endurance ( 01:31)
4. Less Muscle Soreness ( 02:19)
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30-40 minutes for it to kick in? I have a sip of coffee in the morning and 30 seconds later it’s time to poop
400 mg caffeine is performance enhancing for me at 70 kg. About 10% more power and endurance is enhanced
But I love muscle pain.
It tells me that I did my best to work out.
while caffeine is beneficial its not a magical drug and im not going to go what you are “likely” going to have, what you will abso-fucking-lutey have is palpitations,tachycardia, forceful heart contractions, dyspepsia, insomnia. i take 200mg caffeine in the morning and before workout. if i miss a dose i get a headache and if i take it and end up idling because something came up and i couldnt workout i get chest pain. yes it works but its not fucking magical. and its not that great
You should have completed the TT before getting back to Coffee to see what you were like pre-caffeine. Also, caffeine mobilizes fat stores so helps you burn more fat apparently (benefit for longer events)
I thought it was bad to run with a high heart rate? If anything you want a low heart rate right??
it never fucking helps u mate. experiment. quit caffeine for 2 to 3 months and your exercise will be taken to a whole new level. trust me. look most people in society drink caffeine and look at them…theyre fat and out of shape and they look and feel shit but what they all have in common is coffee lol.
I think a lot is placebo with increased alertness. In my experience all my pbs were without caffeine
I’m a caffeine fan, but in this kind of study we need to consider the placebo effect. Our mind can full us all. Need a double-blind study in this one.
Another Stoppani BS. Just because you have PhD from 50 years ago doesn’t mean you have always the true knowledge.
Same with Full-Body Workout. When I watch this video i see “partial workouts” in right, For Example: Labrada Back Workout”.
Not Full-Body. If It was that simple everybody would keep doing full-body
I burnt out my neuro receptors long ago. My challenge is taking on enough caffeine DURING a long course to stave off the headaches. One iced coffee bottle on the bike leg is required, at least.
You are very beautiful, Elizabeth. Gonna try some coffee next time:)
Thanks for the great content. The intro is always louder than the video though
haha, loved the video man! what are you filming with, and what program are you editing with? miss you dude!
Everyone once I a while, when I’m not feeling it I’ll drink coffee that day before the work out.
Talk about long term effects though??? Do we definitely know that it is ok long term in your life, meaning, is it much much safer in your life to NOT do it, and see how you do in 50 years? What is the True, not just some report, science???
Great video! So it’s a proven performance enhancer. Want to know my secret? Quit drinking anything with caffeine 2 weeks before your race so you can purge your system. When race day comes, have your coffee or tea or whatever. The experience is all brand new and the stimulant rush is more effective!
I can’t believe he’s actually ENCOURAGING people to take in more caffeine.
Definitely lost some credibility in my book.
I love your video. Its fun and easy to watch. A big shout-out to Jonathan from Japan.
Everyone responds different to caffeine… I rather have a caffeine free workout and a caffeine free lifestyle
Getting chased by an angry bear before a workout will also improve your workout. Both caffeine and an angry bear increase adrenaline thus improving motivation, strength etc.
thats for this.. as well..made my day.. then the next question is why are my legs so fucking sore after running five miles..almost daily..because it not the coffee
300mg or higher before you see any real benefit!! Thats more than any pre workout on the market i know of!
My g looks like Wes Craven. Ollll Freddie Crugar looking self.
This is needed video sir i will better put caffine in my preworkout
Jim what about muscle loss due to coffee.. It harms protein synthesis?
I started drinking coffee before my workout and realized an immediate difference
I wonder what also is the effect on cumulative training i.e. doing your really hard workouts caffeinated over 2-3 months, Arguably, those small increases in intensity consistently “available” have a larger effect down the road than one single large stimulant hit on the day of the race/testsay 6 months from now for a target event.
The air in his lungs sounds like it’s in a perpetual state of going in an out, like the outside air is being held hostage by his alveoli, not knowing if they’re leaving, or coming in.
One of the largest benefits of caffeine in the majority of studies that have been done is that it reduces your perception of pain
i was wrong i thought that caffeine is not good for training
I prefer Matcha. Although there is no kick, the level does not drop off again suddenly. Would be a little better for a long distance. Also find that Matcha is a bit more stomach-friendly.
Bullshit. How can coffeine block dopamin and adrenalin if its boosting these hormones? Please read books before you upload lies.
which coffee do i need for my pre workout Cold or Hot Coffee, & also is it Black Coffee or Normal Coffee? i need to know guys Cuz im drinking Protein Powder after workout. But i dont drink pre workout supplements. But Coffee wil be fine right if i use as a Pre Workout? plz i need respons asap Ty in advance guys!
Coffee? No sorry, does not make me more alert or faster, its just the only comfort during a hectic day. Its the only thing the man the boss cant reprimand us for. We have to walk away for a but, before a meeting, had to get coffee? No problem.
Great content
could you please get into a detail about the frequency of use in a long race?
In my case I use 90mg of caffeine every 50 mins in a marathon or a ultra and so far it has been very helpful
Regards from Monterey MX
see but hmmm ill try to word this. in order to correctly and accurately measure the effect it has you have to have a way of testing in what areas it can have a tangible effect.
like for instance i work in a warehouse. i notice it allows me to stay the course longer anddd it helps me to have more oomph in my lifting. 50 pound potatoe bags feel kinda heavy after awhile, but with enough caffeine they feel half weight. toss them on a pallet like they are weightless. which makes me faster and much more productive.
you on the otherhand are a peak performer. and athlete. im just some guy xD as in id think youd have so much stamina that the end result of time would be more based on efficiency. maybe im wrong. but like i have noticed if i drink too much i can get quite sloppy in my technique.
you get amped up and moving too fast and make alot of mistakes. which mistakes cost time?? i dont know lol
Bro i’ve a confusion…! Should i do full body (upper-lower) workout or split workouts? Which one is more beneficial for me? I’m 72 kgs, 13% body fat…Kindly reply!!
In high school cross country, I took a 200mg caffeine pill before a race (I didn’t ever drink coffee, so I didn’t have a tolerance)…. I cut an entire minute off of my 5k and felt SO FAST. I did it for a few more races, but once my tolerance increased, the benefits decreased. I eventually stopped because I was worried about my heart (it would get alarmingly fast) and didn’t want to become dependant. It was fun, but I definitely don’t recommend. Now I just have tea before a race
So a couple of caveats to this advice: don’t overdo it I’ve seen guys pass out because they had a little too much, and then went too hard in the gym. Additionally, your body quickly adapts to caffeine, so too much will negate the benefits long term.
Other than that, I totally agree!
Bruh the sound of your voice increased my testosterone by 20% by the end of the video
is it alright if i just take Coke Cola during workout?
I want to buy the product, but don’t like the added coloring, do u have a POW without the coloring?
Love to see you do a video on Carb loading. Does it really make sense to have big bowl of pasta night before a marathon? How do you properly carb load before a race?
Caffine also lowers insulin sensitivity for 100180 minutes after consumption?
Yeah it makes you dehydrated… stop complaining just drink water you’ll be fine
i run 17 minute 5k, but after coffee i feel like i can run sub 14
what is the best time to consume the caffeine? is it 20-30 minutes before the workout?
why not just ride on the indoor trainer to remove any external factors?
yea sure.. i’d rather not rely on caffeine like some people do.
Thats why I always go to get my coffee frappe on starbucks before and after my workout.
Dumbest shit I’ve ever heard in my life how do I delete this video
Would suggest decaffeinated coffee during the no period? Asking for a friend.
Hey kitchenbarista I just came across your videos, really enjoy them.. I study sport and exercise science and have studied the relationship between caffeine and endurance performance and have to agree with everything you said!!:) research so far has proven it can be a very positive relationship! which I was very happy about as Im a runner too:) keep up the good work!! enjoying the videos!
I take 1 tablet of 200 mg caffeine 1 hour before a critrace and I feel less fatigue during and especially after the race riding on my way back home.
During an 8 hour event I will take a second tablet halfway, really makes a difference for me ( apart from the placebo effect ).
3 cups of coffee is my average daily consumption.
This channel has the best produced videos. You didn’t had this bunch of information brought so easy to you via the internet in the old days… This shouldn’t be free tbh.
I guess that explains my running proficiency… One cup of coffee in my life! lol
Wow Drax the Destroyer is way smarter than I thought, great job Drax. Say hi to Groot for me!
Not very scientific either…:-)
But when I was racing Ironman, as a non-daily coffee drinker, I saved caffeinated drinks for the last 10k (which is where the race really start for mere mortals).
The “carrot”: looking forward to that coke at mile 20. And the “boost” (possibly a placebo): to close the last 10k fast!
he can barely breathe between words or he can barely read…. either way he’s out of shape or sucks at reading from a poor education…. either way he’s the biggest bullshitter out here
But what about heart rate in these testsstarting HR, peak HR and average HR would have been really useful indicators of caffeine influence?
People ignore fact caffeine is a great nutrient transporter and is actually great post workout.
Coffee has also been shown to help with muscle pain when working out or running. GO COFFEE!
Now that he makes money off caffeinated supplements he no longer tells people to stay away due to adrenal fatigue. Sellout.
Mark, I would be interested to know if you noticed any change in your heart rate? I don’t consume caffeine but experimented with a cup of coffee before a shorter, intense bike session about a year ago. I agree with you about the energy/intensity hit but found that I was amped up beyond my normal state and my heart rate followed suit. Caffeine is not for me personally but I know others who swear by it. My wife has told me for years about the benefits of a good coffee!
What a completely unscientific test; very poor. It’s typical of the cycling “industry” to present results as scientific when they are little more than personal opinion. Why don’t you try presenting data on caffeine from a science journal? Time and again this channel presents pseudo scientific Heath Robinson experiments as fact.
Which time is best for caffeine tablet taking…please tell me brother….empty stomach good or bad…
Amazing never heard this type of benefits gonna workout after the coffenap
Adrafinil’s better, less jitters, less heart attack feeling, more focus, less nervousness. Just don’t abuse adrafinil or modafinil
Thanks for this video. In general I would tend to stay away from caffeine in the time before a run/race because of eradicating water in my body that I would actually need while running. However I’m going to test it during a race/run to improve my alertness when maybe my concentration begins to fade. Thanks. Stupid bus lol
Jim Stoppani sounds like a 80s wrestler..missed your calling brother…ouhhhh yeah!
I always love the content from Jim! He’s such a well studied athlete and definitely knows wtf he’s talking about. I literally don’t have a single argument for taking caffeine before a workout haha, it saves lives!