Table of Contents:
Best Electrolyte Drink: Magnesium, Potassium & Taurine Enriched
Video taken from the channel: Myoxcience
The New Nutrition Facts Label: Q&A With FDA’s Susan Mayne
Video taken from the channel: U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Is organic food really better for you?
Video taken from the channel: Demystifying Medicine
Food is Fuel! What to Eat for Breakfast The Doctors
Video taken from the channel: The Doctors
Is Our Food Becoming Less Nutritious?
Video taken from the channel: Veritasium
Lectin-Free Diets: Sciencing Dr. Gundry’s Plant Paradox
Video taken from the channel: Nourishable
Fortified and enriched foods are important sources of nutrients for kids, especially for iron, zinc, and B vitamins. Unfortunately, many fortified or enriched foods are heavily processed and.“It’s always best to get your nutrients from natural food sources versus an enriched food or beverage product, but for those who have busy or active lifestyles, it can help fill in the gaps to.Both terms mean that nutrients have been added to make the food more nutritious. Enriched means nutrients that were lost during food processing have been added back.
An example is adding back certain vitamins lost in processing wheat to make white flour.The nutrients added back into white flour to make enriched bread include thiamine, riboflavin and niacin, according to Purdue University Food and Nutrition Specialist, Sandra D. Simons. These nutrients are members of the B complex vitamins. Thiamine or vitamin B1 aids in normal nervous system functioning.They provide healthy fibers, magnesium, manganese, thiamine (vitamin B1), and several other nutrients.
Protein content: 14% of calories. One cup of oats has 11 grams and 307 calories ( 7 ).Those are relatively healthy foods, but even junk foods can be fortified with a few extra nutrients so that they can display claims of being fortified or enriched.
So be sure to look beyond the claims on the label and examine the Nutrient Facts labels on the back or bottom of the package, because fortification can be an excellent thing, it.The foods on this list are all incredibly healthy. However, just because something is healthy in small amounts, it does not mean that large amounts are even healthier. When it comes to nutrition.
The outcome is quite nutritious, according to Bell. “The sprouting process changes the nutrient profile of the grain by unlocking some amino acids that weren’t accessible before. This creates a higher-protein bread,” she said. Judith Haeusler via Getty Images.Enriched flour is flour in which most of the natural vitamins and minerals have been extracted. This is done in order to give bread a finer texture and increase shelf life.
When the bran and the germ (the parts of the wheat that contain fiber and nutrients) are.If you don’t like dairy foods or are lactose intolerant, calcium-enriched orange juice or soymilk can be a bone-saver. Omega-3 Fats These are the fish oils (EPA and DHA) and the plant oil.Nutritional yeast is a cheesy, nutty, flaky, yellow condiment used mainly by vegans and vegetarians for protein, minerals, and B vitamins. Surely that’s healthy!
Learn why nutritional yeast is NOT vegan health food, what it really is, and if you’re at risk for reacting negatively to it.Enriched vs Fortified Foods. There are also fortified foods, which are something like enriched foods, but not quite.
In the case of fortified foods manufacturers add nutrients that the original food never had – like calcium in orange juice. Other examples of fortified foods are milk with vitamin D and cereals that contain omega-3 fatty acids.They contain healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which may lower your cardiovascular risks and lower blood pressure, and have protein and fiber, both of which help fill you up, says.Both enriched and fortified terms mean that nutrients have been added to make the food more nutritious.
Enriched means nutrients that were lost during food processing have been added back. An example is adding back certain vitamins lost in processing wheat to make white flour.Enriched foods. You’ll see this label most commonly on flour, breads, tortillas and pasta.
What this means is that during the refining process, valuable nutrients are stripped away. vegetables and lean meats are located — you’re missing out on valuable nutrition from your diet.
List of related literature:
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from Sugar Free 3: The Simple 3-Week Plan for More Energy, Better Sleep & Surprisingly Easy Weight Loss! | |
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from The Wild Diet: Get Back to Your Roots, Burn Fat, and Drop Up to 20 Pounds in 40 Days | |
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from Nutraceutical and Functional Food Regulations in the United States and Around the World | |
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from Health Psychology | |
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from Vaccines: The Biggest Medical Fraud in History | |
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from Clean Cuisine Cookbook: 130+ Anti-Inflammatory Recipes to Heal Your Gut, Treat Autoimmune Conditions, and Optimize Your Health | |
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from Williams’ Basic Nutrition & Diet Therapy E-Book | |
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from Nutrition: Science and Applications | |
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from ACSM’s Nutrition for Exercise Science | |
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from Foods & Nutrition Encyclopedia, Two Volume Set |
Eating animal products inhibits your ability to feel full. Go vegan.
Yes, there are studies and advanced cameras that show the difference in your gut when you add and take away certain foods
This lady should do more research:
As long as people like monsanto control the food supply you won’t even be getting real food.
Look into the hybridization of certain plants, such as wheat. Wheat has been hybridized to a point where it is practically void of any nutritional value. When you buy flour, it typically says “enriched”. That’s because they bred the nutrients out, and “enriched” it with synthetic nutrients.
Fortunately, “ancient grains” are available. Just not at your local supermarkets. You can get them online, or at a whole foods store.
It would be interesting to see a scientific comparison of today’s modern hybridized wheat (before it is enriched) with ancient grains such as spelt.
A similar situation exists with corn. It’s been hybridized and/or modified to produce yield, at the expense of nutrition.
Thanks Dr. you clarified what me as a lay person wasn’t sitting right with me.
I’m thinking he’s more interested in selling his product.
I am vegan and I eat a lot of raw foods. But I stil noticed many food intolerances…and hate them. White potatoes tomatoes all nightshades are impossible fir me. All grains including rice…impossible. Legumes…make me sick and bloated. I heard about Gundry and really did not think much of him….mostly because he advocates animal products and tells you that FRUITS are bad. But my body had told me another story. I even feel some tingeling now after cucumber and watermelon…and it drives me crazy vecause that is what I want to eat. I have lots of autoimmune symptoms like joint pain and hashimoto and also histamine intolerance plus insomnia and high anxiety lately. And I really think that people with autoimmumity should look into this. Every time I avoid all the no foods I feel like a different person..within 24 hours. I really hope to reintroduce all fruits and all vegetables…but no grains..after healing my gut.
I am sure she is a fan of those that brought the food pyramid and also the W.H.O I just saw the glasses = man eater….
All these idiots in the comments buying into his snake oil
Big dislike. Lectin free diet helped me to heal my leaky gut.
Yes its good for you. Download and become organic
Hello. We can study the use of microbes such as cyanobacteria, purple bacteria, and fungi in helping to replenish soil.
I like for you to add that this is not for everyone. Adding heat to your body can be dangerous. Hearting foods can cause people to become severely ill such as thickening blood. It’s best to speak to an ND and get a physical with them before starting this high heat diet. I for one have too much heat wheuch was causing inflammation and blood thickening. Personally my body needs more cooking foods. There are other ways to jump start the metabolism such as eating frequently, drinking water in the morning, and many other things.
Its a mixed bag, some food items /products have sure become tasteless /less tasty and nutritious but some other food products especially FMCGs have sure becomes more nutritious and tastier as well!
Dr. Gundry is not a cardiologist… he is a cardio thoracic surgeon…. details are important.
This one lacks crucial factors which reduce the nutrients in food, like pesticides, which kill the microorganisms that live in the soil and break down metals into forms that plants can absorb, or like fertilizers that make plants grow faster but not equally dense in nutrients
On the subject of increasing levels of people with protein deficiency, it may also be the increasing levels of vegans.
I just watched a lecture by Paul Mason about lectins. It seems that lectins as well as gluten and pesticides induce leaky gut.
From my own experience stopping all high carb foods including ‘healthy whole grains’ such as stone ground bread, rolked whole oats, wholewheat pasta etc has helped with weight control and gut issues no more bloating, stomach cramps.
Most of the studies on diet are poor quality observational studies not rct.
Things like the 5 a day idea is not based on science just guesswork. Gov food advice is highly influenced by big food companies and the hidden agenda of it’s panel members.
Prolonged Insulin levels seems to be the cause of many modern disease. Carbs whether wholegrain or not spike insulin. Eating every 2 hours because you need a carb fix is not good keeps insulin high.
Only protein & fat are essential in the diet.
also, electromagnetic fields are disrupted from i phones and wifis effecting bees plants and mammals
What if we sort of cosmic balance this thing? Hear me out here:
This also makes some assumptions about Human-CO2 interactions. If we assume more humans=more CO2, and more co2=less nutrients in our plants/more obese people, then more humans=more obese humans. Now, if we take the next step, and more obese people increases morbidity rates, then we have
more humans=more obese humans=more morbidity=less humans. The universe balances out.
Also, more CO2 makes more plant growth, which eats up more CO2, wouldn’t that eventually balance out the global warming crisis? I mean, maybe the sea levels will rise, more evap creates stimulated plant growth, less liveable area means less humans, then the earth goes into recovery mode and comes out on the other side with a smaller human population. But hey, the universe has a built in recovery mode….right?
People are distracted from the real truth, its how things are done now days by blaming the problems on something else then what really causes them. So many have health problems. Most are told eat more fruits and veggies. And in a perfect world that would surely help. But did you know they now spray phages on fruits and veggies. Phages are virus the FDA approved to be used on foods, even meats. Phages infect and grow inside bacteria, then they burst open the bacteria killing it as countless more phages are released from inside that bacteria to repeat the cycle. The reasons and health problems from this are as such. They spray the phages on the foods to keep them from rotting, so they can withstand longer shipping times and have longer shelve life. But mother nature made foods to rot when they have been around to long and have little nutritional value left in them. You may have heard about gut flora, which is essential to your health. You may have heard about all the new gut problems many people have now days. What you may not have heard is that phages are sprayed on the foods, you then eat the foods and the phages destroy your gut flora. Because that is what phages do they kill bacteria and bacteria is what your gut flora is. What kinds of health problems do you think come from less or no gut flora? You can read up on that easily. But to learn about phages just google phages sprayed on foods, what you discover may shock you. Phages are the new antibiotics. If you did not know what problems have came from using the old antibiotics then read up as such has caused countless super bugs that have harmed many. But phages will cause the same exact thing. As bacteria mutate against the phages to try to survive, thus making them superbugs as well. We need good healthy gut flora to better dissolve and break up the foods we eat so such can pass through the intestines more. Also gut flora will naturally fight off any toxins in foods we eat because after all the bacteria in the gut wont to live as well and not be destroyed by such. Once upon a time all we had to do was worry about pesticides sprayed on foods, but out gut flora would neutralize most of the toxins from that. But now phages are sprayed on our foods as well which destroy gut flora. They will tell you the phages are safe and only kill the bad bacteria. But the problem here is phages just like bacteria mutate all the time and do it very fast even. Thats why they cant stop the common cold right because it is always mutating. So now you know the truth, I dont know who this may help, even if knowing it can because they spray phages on so many things now. Im not saying here phages are not naturally on most foods, they are. But that was natures natural battle between phages and bacteria going on there. As we add more phages to foods we upset the natural balance of things thus leading to more problems as more bacteria and gut flora are destroyed then normally would be.
is that your real voice?
the diet is not based on science and it is nothing more than a revision of the atkins diet which was disproven more than a decade ago. besides, if you paid attention the quack is nothing more than a snake oil salesman trying to get you to buy his crap.
if you follow this diet you will become deficient in micro and phyto nutrients.
Organic is as bad for the environment as it is for your wallet.
Registered doctors kill more patients in a year than Covid-19 and Cops together in the USA every year. There is a reason why people with autoimmune diseases do good on the carnivore diet…
I’m leaning more towards gundry’s…theory… I’m gonna take his advise better. Cause he was fat at one point. And now hes skinny….. I dont wanna take advice from a fat man on how to lose weight if you know what I mean lol.
You can make your claims without using the Dr’s name. I haven’t checked this all out but I think he may be onto something because when I eat tomatoes my arthritis kills me. If you don’t have any chronic pains or unresolved weight issues you won’t visibly or physically understand. What works for one person may not work for another. Certain blood types should eat certain foods don’t doctors know this. Food sensitivities and allergies also play a big role in all of this. I think and in reading these comments tells me Dr. GUNDRY is onto something. The Dr. Is ” twice” your age, a heart surgeon, and has just discovered all of this in his later life. He looks healthier and says he has more energy and feels better and also lost weight he couldn’t lose. So I think you should get your head back into the books and we’ll see you in another twenty years.
I literally just saw Dr.Gundry’s presentation for the first time (that is to say I have no loyalties here) and that’s not what he said. I’m just doing a little digging around for more information before I go trying his product (which if his intentions were what he says they are, he would charge only what it costs to produce). What Gundry said is that Lectins themselves (because of their spiky bodies) cause tears in the gut effectively causing “leaky gut”. He says because Lectins tear gut walls, causing fecal particles to enter the blood stream, they are responsible for many health issues.
I often wonder when it comes to these things about the placebo effect. I’m sure it’s been mentioned in the 380 comments. I am not taking anything away from the people who feel healthier from following the diet. I just wonder if you follow up with somebody over time how many people stick to it and will they continue to feel the lasting effects? Is it possible that placebo if believed strong enough for long enough could have a lasting affect? What would be more interesting is a study on placebo itself. Why is it a thing? Why is it that in a controlled study scientists have to beat out a sugar pill because somehow the sugar pill literally has an affect on the subject? I believe that aside from the China study it is very hard to control a study such as one related to diet. At least with the China study many of the places studied did not have access to Western foods and were within rural areas with people eating the same foods that had for generations. If you try to do the same study in America it is incredibly difficult if not impossible. For example, how do you control having someone not ingest, gluten, for example for a year? Inevitably people are human and will slip up either on accident or on purpose and that throws the whole study off. Also, how can you possibly do a study of significance which would need to look at these items over time and for that over very long periods of time? How do you control for other variables outside of the food? What if someone in one area has conditions in their water supply or a certain chemical on their food that they eat every day. I would say one thing is that an epidemiologist can look at trends in certain foods over time, for example trans fats, and draw causality. It is a fascinating subject and I think a very sensitive topic for a lot of people because there have been so many diets. The amazing thing is that everyone seems to do great on any given diet which is the new fad diet until suddenly they don’t.
Looooove your videos. They are really brilliant and comprehensive!
One link to, one
Got more evidence that’s not in video form?
This video was great and full of info, but now I’m confused between these two people? What should I do? Stay away from Tomatoes now and other fruits?
This poor girls video is misinformed in so many ways. Oh man. I feel bad. Worse for anyone that believes her. LOL
You didn’t even give an answer at the end. You did the usual scientist thing and explained things that no one asked you to explain, but you didn’t give an answer to the question we all came here for.
The closest you got was to say that plants and fruits are putting on more carbs because of CO2, and I guess that their nutrient concentration is going down a bit but that may not matter because the plants are bigger, so having a smaller concentration is expected.
But what you have failed to answer is: are plants and fruits and vegetables going down in nutrient value? Meaning, does a modern day apple have less nutritional value than an apple 100 years ago (taking into consideration that a modern day apple is bigger and has a less concentrated nutritional content)?
I cannot eat any of the lectin foods from my own elimination diet over the last 15years. I was supprised that when i seen doctor gundrys informative video is pefectly accurate to my own diet but i just didnt know it was lectins causiing the issues. Beans, legumes, wheat flour, rice.. i didnt know but i suspected tomatoes, eggplant zucchini…. cooked onions, potatoes, beef, lamb, pork.
People could die coz of your criticisms against dr Gundry theory & Lots of people are benefiting from lectin free diet but u say little about that Lara?
Are you serious misses like this is the problem with the world? Who are you to discredit dr gundry. Have you spoken to the 1200 patients he treated or follow up with them to see the validity of his treatments?? No you are the pseudoscience and I hope you are pleased making our world a worse place because you are the problem!
I am amazed by the quality of the videos this channel produce.
you are not to be trusted, this video is without foundation and you should not attack Dr Gundry as you haven’t spoken to any of his patients!!
Since I am an omnivore and have a high level of activity (hike 8 to more than 10 miles every day), I am not suffering. I drink plenty of water and eat a well balanced diet with high amounts of protein. I feel great and have no illnesses. I am not fat, I am very fit.
Thank you Doc Lara for your grounded approach. People are so quick to turn any preacher with conviction into an absolute guru religion. Many of the health claims may have nothing to do with lectins but in eliminating a food allergen, bad diet, glycemic load or some other element.. Much of nature has this push pull effect, slightly toxic, slightly beneficial.. then someone comes along sells the negative, blows it out of proportion and makes a bundle off a few associations.
Why say food is becoming less nutritious when it’s not? It’s plant based food that’s getting less nutritios, not food in general. It makes the title a bit misleading
After years of heart break and tears unless you personally battle in these issues you speak of then walk a way! I don’t care what science says we will try anything to stop the pain. You have no dog in this fight. You have no Idea. Science isn’t everything. And an honest Dr. will tell you they have don’t have all the answers or any for that matter. They only have a license to PRACTICE. Not on me, no more. I’m tired of educating the medical field on what they should know. I will only see a Dr. IF I can’t set my own broken leg.
Genetic mods and breeding plus no natural organic process in building the soil. No animal waste put back on the ground to add microbes and thus the cycle of soil building. We want fast, cheap, large yield.
You know im watching a youtuber right now who started to eat tomatoes and squash and bell pepper in here deot. Then started to have break out and tiredness all the sudden. She eats no suger unless its in fruits. Im wondering this kinda true now because before she would meater things. Like bacon, chicken and fish. Like she eat chicken or fish rice and she was like fine.
I believe one problem is plant breeding to (1) make plants which produce more kg per season, (2) make them look better (e.g. redder tomatoes) for marketers. Plants that do that, produce more, but with less nutrition concentration. You can try to tell using seeds of old varieties rather than modern varieties.
This guy is a joke! He is trying to sell his products and book. Vegan People like me already are eating very limited eating plan. Now we have to avoid the “no” list foods from this Dr. He so claimed the healthy foods that killing us. What about all the benefit we get from whole food and fruits?? LOL. Funny thing is i eat all the NO list food and yet I am fit for life, lean and healthy woman at 45 year old who look like in my mid twenties. When I work out I am strong and beat the kids in their 20s! What ever this Dr. say has no real facts to fit most people. Such lier Dr who wants to sell his pills and skin care products!
While I understand your point of view, I have to disagree with you. I am a former bodybuilder turned power lifter many years ago. My diet has been the same since I first started lifting seriously at 16 (Now 52). It has been low fat, low no sugar, limiting myself to only one soda a month and only 4 beers a year. I ate nuts, legumes, vegetables and fruits, fish and chicken, occasionally pork and beef (venison when I could get some).
By the time I was 45 I had started putting on belly fat and a peptic ulcer I got when I was a young man (at 21 in the military from medication), flared back up and has been the same ever since. I also developed gout. That surprised me as Gout was referred to as a rich mans disease from eating fatty rich foods, smoking and consuming lots of alcohol. Everything I avoided. Come to find out nutritionist lied to me. Come to find out purines breaks down into uric acid proteins and those little needling crystals build up in the joints. I now battle gout in my thumbs and big toes the most.
As I have been aware of my nutrition almost as long as you have been alive. I know how to conduct my own personal testing by eliminating certain foods, flushing my system and adding in certain things. I did a modified carnivore diet mostly beef, fish with limited chicken and port intake. Cut out all nightshades and legumes. Ate only green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, brussel sprouts and dark green lettuce. Fruits were limited to berries and cherries.
What I found in the first week was five pounds lost, no more joint pain in my toes and a bit more energy. By the end of the end of the month I had lost 15 pounds, NO Joint pain anywhere, and I felt like I was 30 again. I had a healthy glow on my face and the weights in the gym went up easy.
I know this does not fit you “Scientific” analysis and “Proof”, but in my experience, most of the science I see is skewed by the money funding it. I would suggest that we haven’t seen real science for the sake of knowledge, since Nikola Tesla died.
You can keep following the food pyramid illusion. Why dont you go spend quality time with Dr Gundry and go meet his patients then see what you see. That’s called researching which means look again
its not eating anything thats killing us its that we are eating way too much
I wasn’t gonna stop eating healthy because Dr. Gundry theory didn’t sound right. I ran into your video including more conformation. I am transitioning to go vegan and Dr. Steven blew my high untiI I saw your video. Thank you doctor for sharing, researching and confirming lecithin is not gonna kill me!!!
Wow, pseudo science at its best! Nothing said positively has “scientific proof”. My brother, after 16 years of Diabetes, with a septuple heart bypass operation on his 10th year anniversary, went into total diabetic “remission” (not a cure as he could go back to the Exact Diet you recommended which brought on the Diabetes in the 1st place) by using a version of the Gundry diet for a mere 3 weeks. 1 year later still no sign of the diabetes or even metabolic syndrome. After 10+ years of a sore throat with many drug cures tried, and if anything it only got worse. 4 weeks of the Gundry Diet, and no sore throat! I thought the 1st rule of medicine is to do no harm. If you keep people from trying diets that can obviously cause no harm, what’s the harm in that? Especially since most who seek medical solutions don’t get it because they aren’t there. BTW I have 40+ years as a biomedical engineer, working on real cures, not pseudo-cures with no scientific backing like the whole foods diets.
I don’t find your analysis useful. I’ve recently been reading and listening to Dr Gundry and though I don’t always like his mode of presentation I don’t discount all the information he is offering. He opens with a lot of attention getting extreme statements, and because of that I can’t fault you so much for that being the focus of your cheery rant. When questioned he goes into more detail and indicates what most of us who’ve eaten a complete or partial vegetarian diet know, which is beans cooked properly are fine. Tomatoes seeded and peeled or canned are fine.He has a wierd attachment to pressure cookers which are unnecessary but widely used.
I have had an autoimmune condition for fifteen years and have at least 4 friends with variations of the same. We’ve lived with lack of acknowledgement of the existence of our issues to shoulder shrugging who knows, and ending with useless often damaging treatment of our symptoms. Even though western Drs are not extensively trained in nutrition, pharmaceuticals, preventative medicine etc., what they have trained in allows them to explore this better than me starting from scratch. I trust that I can figure out what is working for me, without waiting around for petty professional boundary issues to resolve themselves.
The way you present this material, like you’re on an episode of “Friends” makes it hard for me to take you seriously. Unprofessional. And your dogmatic tone made me question your science. I’m sticking with Dr. Gundry. He is an amazing wealth of hard nutritional science. I like your podcasts, just not this one.
what about transgenic veg or farm animals? is that a myth or what? Suddenly there are fruits twice as big as the common fruit i ate when i was a kid
My guess is that this dr. has not tried this diet. Probably believes that CNN is the most trusted name in news.
one study from 15 years ago, and “other studies” is not an adequate data source.
This might help someone. I noticed that certain vegetables round here looked a bit odd. I googled it and found that they had a boron deficiency. I ordered a pack of boron from Boron in the US. After a short while my teeth lost their sensitivity to cold and my muscles stopped aching and an injury to my ankle that I twisted 50 years ago has healed. I can run now and no pain. You have to take the right amount as I tried taking a bigger dose and I was paralyzed for a day as it sorts where the calcium and magnesium go in the body via the parathyroid.
a raw food diet is the 100% optimal lifestyle, you are welcome
Could glyphosate be contributing to decrease in mineral uptake in plants?
>that moment u think fertilizer is a whole spectrum approach and will put back in all minerals
Wow this did not age well at all. This soccer mom does not belong.
You will kill your self if you eat lectin too much, thats the gundry said and was true
Possibly but here’s the bigger problem. Pesticides. Namely Bayer/Monsantos Roundup Weed Killer. Wash your foods thoroughly before you eat them. If possible dont buy foods sprayed with these chemicals.
Bigger doesn’t necessarily mean healthier. In people, bigger just means bigger. However, all people need basically the same nutrients for health and growth, unless deficits turn up.
Great video, have been asking this question to myself for ages!
The problem is monoculturism. There is no diversity in the field. Its unnatural and plants are natural beings.
Plant your yard with food.
Well, you asked for research and science about Lectin, there are 40 pages at the end of the book with details, since you didn’t read it you might like video more:
This dr lara is actor, tool, useful fool and tries to be cute.
For sure I will listen to some random chick and completly ignore this Gundry guy who just made like 10.000 heart surgeries and transplants.
So, being an M.D. I’m guessing that you had approximately 4 or 6 seminars on nutrition in your 8 to 10 years of schooling. Doctors aren’t trained in anything besides prescribing pills these days, being that the great percentage of medical schools are funded by the pharmaceutical industry.
I eat a keto type diet and Dr. Gundry’s philosophy coincides with mine, minus the lectins. How could it be bad?
I dont think that it is that a farmer “goes against the rules”, but rather that pesticides remain in the soil from previosly grown conventional crops or that pesticides come from nearby conventional farming.
I feel that you skipped over soil health too quickly. When pesticides and herbicides are used they harm the soil bacteria. And how plants get nutrients is through the relationship between soil microbes and bacteria. So modern farming use of chemical is a major consideration to decreases in vegetable nutrients.
You might also talk about how meat is grown from feeding plants and grains there is a downstream consequence to the micronutrients of meat.
You never did mention who would benefit from a lectin-free diet that was unSciencing or Science-free video
Az life’s comment to this lady was kind and professional.
Lady….you will not get that kindness from me.
You are the smartest dumb person on the internet. Lectins create holes in your gut that allow toxins into your blood stream and bad bacteria into your gut.
Your too young to have that hunch in your back. It’s obvious you suffer from micro nutrient deficiencies. I’m sure you are not getting the rda 4700 in potassium, the b complex, selenium and copper.
At the very least ensure you up your water soluble vitamins.
Remember bitch… sound smart to somebody who is dumb.
Do yourself a favor and sell your internet camera.
Get off Dr Gundry’s nutsack hoe. You come off as a damage control agent for the CDC, Pharmacudical companies and all the other fucktards making money keeping Americans in a fucked up health state.
Is this even a question? Like i can feel, that the food is getting more nonsense..
I feel like fixing global warming would solve tons of problems.
You must be a hired shill. Who paid you to make this video? Lectins are soooooooooo bad for you!
Since I’ve been on Dr. Gundry diet my brain fog has left me and also my allergies are so much better
Strange that you didn’t say anything about nitrogen… That has as big an influence on nutrient content of plants as carbon, if not moreso.
so if I understood it right, everything grows fastre and bigger but you won’t get anything more from one such vegetable compared to one from 50 years ago.
Dr. Gundry did NOT invent the leaky gut theory. That has been around since years before his book.
You lost me at whole grains are healthy for a humans. Gundry is one of the world’s foremost heart surgeons and has been awarded for other medical discoveries. His info is built by strong evidence. Sorry Doc
En la misma bibliografía que pones, la conclusión del estudio dice que no se presentó la suficiente evidencia, hay que saber interpretar estudios chavo…
Do cupcakes have lectins? They can’t right because they make me so happy. Eat more cupcakes ppl.
Love Dr Steven Gundry he saved my life
I truly feel that you are a stupid dump cow, you sounds more like a scamer!
Not going to affect me much, My diet mostly contains meat and dairy, The natural human diet, You can live perfectly fine on meat alone and be perfectly healthy Plants are just there if no meat is available
If we breed plants to grow more crops they will have to distribute their (fixed) nutrients on more crops, right? Grapes are known to make better wine if the plant lives in a harsh environment and can make fewer grapes, apples get better is you remove half of the blossoms.
It kind of makes sense for nutrients to decrease if you breed for quantity…
I just don’t believe this anymore. Why not? Because people are striving to eat balanced diets with lots of fruits and veggies, and sufficient grains, and disease and obesity is still prevalent. They only thing that is reversing my health condition, improving my skin and energy levels, so far, has been a ketogenic diet. So this “proven” grains are good for this and that rhetoric is getting tired, as I suspect that it’s just for those truly adapted to it. I’m among an increasing number of people that has come to realize that this dietary advice was just slowly killing them.
That’s why I have decided to buy electric vehicles. I didn’t know that CO2 is changing our food.
I read an article 20 or so years ago that claimed certain modern orange breeds have almost no vitamin c. That breeding for volume and sweetness has led to the need to ADD Vitamin C to the juice.
If true, this is another farming practice that should be stopped. I have also wondered how “greenhouse grown” crops get the micro nutrients and minerals needed.
Lovely video content! Forgive me for chiming in, I would appreciate your initial thoughts. Have you thought about Parlandealey Impetigo Goodbye Process (google it)? It is a smashing exclusive product for finding some amazing landscaping designs for your home without the hard work. Ive heard some super things about it and my cooworker finally got amazing results with it.
As for me, I don’t need science to tell me what to eat. Imagine calling God’s food toxic! So we’re all different, we have variety to choose from. Beware of MD’s, especially ones who tell you what to avoid and then sell you supplements. Clever marketing. The allopathic medical industry is pro big PHARMA industry. Their knowledge is limited on food science because they are not taught that. Naturopathic doctors spend as much time on biology and nutrition as allopathic doctors spend on disease and treatments. Two very opposing disciplines. We have a bigger problem: chemicals in our food. Glyphosate, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, irradiation, etc. Half the crap they use in the food industry is banned in Europe. No wonder people are getting sick here thinking it’s the choices of food. I’m 65, eat in moderation all kinds of foods. My grandmother ate a lot of bread and she fried her pork chops. Lived to be 93. Never bought a convenience food in her entire life. Beware of doctors trying to sell you the idea of removing God given foods from your diets and then selling you a supplement or a book. Besides, plants can’t talk. I never heard of a plant telling anyone to not eat them!!
This woman is trying to kill us all these theories… People are getting well with Dr Gundry… After eliminating the lectin food, that’s the evidence
if you would have made the same video about fast food it would have gotten millions of views:D
@KyClassified exposed a study that took place just before the one you discussed; the decrease in minerals & vitamins of our food’s nutritiontal value, which degenerated in that short time frame is substantial and hard to ignore! Check out ‘How Not To Die’ for full statistics and full detail.
I love how this thumbnail looks like a fancy portrait of a rich plant guy
Am I the only one who gets reminded of a ludacris song here?
Move Bi*** get out the way..
Listen to Gundry, listen to this woman, listen to Dr. Lustig, listen to Jordan Peterson, listen to your own nutritionist, listen to Joe Rogan’s guests… but don’t necessarily believe any of them. Then read, read, read. THEN BECOME YOUR OWN SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT BY MAKING CONSCIENTIOUS CHANGES IN YOUR OWN DIET AND LIFESTYLE, AND CAREFULLY RECORDING PROGRESS & RESULTS. Realize that genetically, psychologically, and biochemically you’re different from everyone else on the planet. If you’ve got even an average IQ, you’ll figure it out. (“Just do the steps that you’ve been shown by everyone you’ve ever known until the dance becomes your own.”)
But the factor soil has been put aside very swiftly… of course farmers try to keep the quality of the soil up, because they now they have to, because it is decreasing. But just because they try to compensate this by using fertilisers, that does not automatically mean that they are 100% successful. And I guess a farmer would choose fertilisers by how well their plants grow and not by the measure of nutrients in the fruits.
And as these co2 experiments show, fast and high growing plants do not automatically come with fruits full of nutrients….
What I conclude: Increased CO2 on the atmosphere indirectly makes human fatter.
MONSANTO HAS BEEN KILLING PEOPLE FOR YEARS!!!! The numbers are wrong!!! The numbers are quadrupled. They don’t want to tell you this because Monsanto and many other people have paid them off. This is why people are hiring goats now to go flourish their soil again
Can a plant (or animal) adapt, so it needs less of some less important nutrients?
If we breed plants to grow on our soil they might adapt to some nutrients missing, which were a lot more plentiful in the past.
Plants are not the best food any way. They are full of anti nutrients and cause lots of other issues, unlike the animal based foods that are way better in every aspect.
Plants are like warehouses.
Just because you have more space, doesn’t mean you have more product.
A smaller warehouse, designed to fit your ‘nutrient’ needs is more efficient.
Unfortunately, Dr. Gundry is not credible. In fact he has not conducted 10 000 surgeries like he claims. Do your own research. There are no really reliable confirmation about his dietry claims. Dr. Gundry just aims to make some money by creating fear.
Wait, so overall the quantity of nutrients in crops has not changed much while the effect of fertilizers has been improved over the time? Doesn’t this imply the decrease in total nutrient?
Hello! I really love this channel and I really appreciate the work of knowledge spreading that you people do. So I wanted to add my humble opinion (as a permaculture and natural agriculture learner) about the arguments that you used in this video. I think this is a very complex topic and this video was way too short and limited. I don’t want to make a scientific essay here about the topic, it’s just a simplistic opinion comment based on the information, books, articles and experience that I accumulated on the study of Agriculture, in order to expand a bit the view about it. (Sorry for my English orthography and grammar mistakes:):
1. “They’re ensuring that soil gets enough fertilizers and nutrients” That exactly one of the main problems about food production nowadays and that’s why even big industry is going back to ecological and natural processes based’ fertilization. It’s not the same that you put 20 grams of pure Nitrogen in the soil than letting agents of nature get 20 grams of nitrogen from the atmosphere, because in this natural way there is a huge number of parallel processes taking place and producing secondary products that goes to different metabolic ways all around the plant and inside the plant. This vision of agriculture was a big failure of glorifying the little knowledge of chemistry that we had one hundred years ago, that saw agriculture as “making a soup”, you just add those ingredients and then you have a beautiful vegetable soup. But nature doesn’t work like that, and has been proven that this vision took our soil to decay dramatically, all the microfauna disappeared with it, plants are more vulnerable to plagues and natural elements (wind, water flows, etc), also the soil’s capacity of holding water falls, etc etc etc.
In the “Wicked Problems” theory (Rittel & Webber) expose that a big thing to keep in mind when we face nature problems is that any solution to a “wicked problem” will bring unexpected consequences, so we should stay in the “heuristics of fear” (If applying some new tech or knowledge can bring negative consequences better let keep going further in the study before applying it).
2. This could sound conspiracy, but unfortunately science is lot of times pollute by market and money interest. Agriculture and Cattle Raising are two of the biggest industries in this planet, and so they are very pollute by money interest, which blocks the advance of learning in the field. Is not like I’m saying that there is a big powerfull head making horrible plans about what you can learn or not, my point of view is that this big head is more ignorant or trapped in the established system than evil, it’s more that people fall into believing and maintaining the habits of humans that thought them how to do agriculture, because it’s a hard thing to change the way of thinking and to accept that a lot of knowledge that you already learned is wrong. Also we fall in the “lock in” effect, so it’s hard to change a system that is so implemented already.
3. That plants are big and look green and healthy don’t necessary means that they’re productive and healthy. Sometimes this actually comes because human fertilizers produce that the plant spends more energy on growing leafs than it needs, and so metabolism gets altered. Fukuoka demonstrated, with his natural agriculture system, that his plants of rice which had smaller leafs than big convencional agriculture producers’ rice plants, were, however, much more efficient in rice production, using absolutely no external products no tilling, no machinery, and relying on crops rotation, compost, etc…
4. About selective breeding, I’m agree. Also with GMO there is the problem that we look to improve one side of the plant but we don’t realize that this will change the other side. Is like when psychiatrist thought that to solve depression you just take off this part of the brain without realizing that you are probably affecting hundreds of other functions from the brain
5. Cattle Rising I would say is the biggest problem of food industry. Let say it more clear; Meat is a problem. I’m not vegan and it’s not a preferences discussion. It’s obvious and proven that cattle rising (in the way we do it nowadays, due to the tremendous demand) is one of the biggest problems we have both for the environment and for humankind (if we can even separate those two).
I don’t want to make a scientific essay here, so as a resume; you take 10 thousand cows, put them in a little room, they don’t develop right, they get weak, they don’t develop their muscles and systems, they get sick, you give them antibiotics, they produce metan, they feel fear and depression (which has been proven that they do feel it), viruses mutate (hello A-flu, Influenza, and probably Covid-19), and well in conclusion you have a very sad, poorly nutritious, medicated and polluting peace of meat that if you eat everyday will increase your chance to suffer various kinds of cancer and heart diseases.
6. Also there is a problem about fertilizers, plaguicides, fungicides, and the infinite list of products that farmers think they need for some strange reason that I still don’t understand as a natural farmer learner. They not only destroys the ecosystem around, but also most of times contains substances that are not digestible both for human body and animal os plants bodies, and so they accumulate and produce various diseases.
7. About the CO2 factor, that’s something I had no idea about, and I think it’s really interesting. Just want point, plants need CO2 to develop but that doesn’t mean that they are able to consume and infinite quantity of it as sometimes I heard. It can cause overdose in the same way that water can cause hyperhidratation and can even kill you.
Dr. Lara, you got dat perky personality, and da hand gestures are mad cool. Word. Let’s hope yo’ research is mad accurate.
Uh-huh, uh-huh.
“On average….”
Then proceeds to highlight sentence from the paper that says “median”
Fertilizers makes plants big. But that do not means that they are full of stuff WE need and measure. 60 years ago we do not even knew lot of nutrients.
And its like kids on fast food. Will live, will grow (too much!), but they have hell of problems with lack of minerals and nutirents they need to live long, without serious health problems.
Fertilizers do sth else – change natural microbiology, which feed our crops. By strong chem ingerention, there is soil holocaust. Monoculture is worst idea ever.
Thats bad. For all of us.
And thats why permaculture is gaining popularity. Feed yourself with land. Simple, but not for all. And this is where I’m coming in. Just starting, but makeing some buzz with “praekologia”.
I haven’t watched this video yet, but I say this all the time.
It’s about nutrient density and food preparation.
I’ve read there are 1/3 less nutrients in the soil than 100 years ago.
And that boiling our vegetables kills another 1/2 of the nutrients.
And that crops are being selected for pest and frost resistance, and crop yield with no regard for nutrients. So basically we get big plants because they are diluted…
Based on all that, we get 1/3 the nutrients from a cooked meal today as a raw diet 100 years ago, and eat larger portions to make up for it. And those larger portions include all that undigestable mass that makes it harder for our bodies to get to the nutrients. I believe that is contributing to our declining health and higher obesity.
And this is why climate change has proven to be bad science as people seem to not understand that Co2 makes more plants grow… Temperatures have stayed almost identical but only look bloated when shown on a chart shrunk down to + or a few degrees total, and set over 80 or so years. Co2 has never lead temperatures and if we ever get away from solar farm, wind mills and fossil fuels that are used to make “green energy” and just away from FF in general, it will take an incredibly short time from the planet to re-balance c02. Past that there will be mass death of plants and thus people will actually starve as we have more people but would be making substantially less food. Yes the plants might be “less” nutritious now but only by small amounts. We’re growing vastly more plants thus the amount of nutrients to consume is waaaay up overall.
No, lower protein is not why we have obesity… People not understanding how to feed themselves is. If you drink your sugars, drink alcohol, like very fatty foods and so on, then you will be obese. Protein in any form is incredibly easy to get, like… you can pretty much OD on it. Eat right and get outside or workout and you can basically be a tricked out porn star.
Cool video though!
there’s been no human studies, because it’s much more profitable to put patients on life long medication
My grandfather knew ‘less nutritious’ way before. He told me that food had little nutrition in 1960. This is not a new phenomenon. Do you honestly think life has gotten any better, when being cheap, makes you a financial king?? The quality of life has gone down ever since. We do little, to use technology, to make life better.. But we sure use the hell out of technology to make a bigger profit!! Just google what technology has done to insecticides. When the insects finally die Birds, dragonflies, ladybugs, cancer people, etc,.. And God forbid IF worms die we die. Worms MAKE soil out of cellulose -> (dead plants) their poop, is called ‘worm castings’. Which is new super soil.
So what’s the solution for the dilution effect? If we can’t take carbon out of the atmosphere, maybe we should saturate our crops with nutrients. That way they will still be as nutritious despite their increased growth rate.
Crops are really doing hard in drought of 7 years in Australia please donate because they feed me and feed millions of other people help them please they deserve it
Smart and beautiful???? You are too good to be true! You have got to be a fembot!!! Thank you for your lecture!
Not sure I trust info supplied by the gov’t and lobbyist not invested in the best interest of people. Our education system also infiltrated by government and globalist. I am guessing this person is a paid actress.
Lost me at ‘farmers put heaps of fertiliser on and the plants grow big’. Commercial fertiliser as plant food would be the equivalent of humans eating a diet of only potato’s. take a look at some videos of biology/regenerative agriculture experts if you want real information.
Our food was selectively bred hence lost nutrient but other wild plants lost nutrient because of depletion in soil
Isnt that a fair argument?
Wow! You sound like BIG PHARMA…do we believe you or a doctor that has operated on thousands of obese people?
All these dislikes show how accurate your analysis is. Lectins are damaging to the intenstine lining of some good amount of people. It looks like you ignored peered reviewed studies he shows as evidence. You are clueless.
so many factors. back then, forest and jungle wasnt touch. animal would die left and right and poop all over each part of the land. thosands of insect corps would be toss all over the ground. no selective breeding what so ever. higher oxygen level also make plants harder to grow but it also makes them stronger by trying to compete against other plants. theres less chemical in the air, less air pollution and less ground water pollution. there’s no fertilizer and makes the plant grow faster. they are simply just natural. plants are just like water in a lake. they multiply while they get eaten. with human in play, we need more plants,veggie,fruits to feed more growing population and also import to other countries during season change. selective breeding, fertilizer, harvesting on the same soil nonstop. all of those things is not natural. so there you have it.
Purpose of this video is probably just trying to leach views through his popularity. He’s obviously got you beat Helping way more people. You both sound good But he obviously has way more experience. If people weren’t so against going against the grain of society and tradition he would’ve helped so much more people. Most people can’t admit they’re wrong and would rather just suffer going with the flow of the norm. Come on sheaple!!
SUBBED. I like the questions asked and the topics covered. Not a common approach to Youtube content.
“those are also packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber work together (??) synergistically to support health (???)”
There are some bold claims, and missing citations. Evolution of other livings does not work to benefit humans, evolution of other livings does work to benefit *themselves*. That’s how they happen to exist in first place, by protecting themselves better than their other cousins to get more chance passing their genes towards next generations (yes i’m talking about plants here).
Plants do not care about human health, nor human success, so i assume that you meant “plant health” by saying “… work together synergistically to support (plant) health.” If you meant “human health” then there is a big problem.
Let’s ask about how are those plant genes that have passed millions of years of evolution till today, working to support plant health. Well, by protecting them from getting eaten! And, how do they do that? Lectins! There is literally no proof out there about that plants’ with lectins, the self defense mechanism of millions of years of evolution process,, does not have any harm to human. None.
I have to assume that you are a religious person, because i yet to see any human with
human centric viewwhom believes that other livings should support human health, without any religious background.Dr. Gundys pseudoscience BS has been disproved by REAL researchers. And this lady’s voice is GRATING!
Prod-ooce. It’s funny because he says literally everything else normal.
Organic is just the latest buzz word like going green was 10 years ago
Correlation is NOT causation. For example, the study claiming that people who eat whole foods like grains live longer does NOT take into account other factors like that people who eat that way tend to be more health conscious, be more likely to exercise, eat less sugar, less likely to smoke, etc.etc. Also, they are more likely to have more money to afford higher quality food, more medical attention, etc. Grass fed meat plus organic fruit & veg is not exactly cheap. Any of these factors, or a combination of them, could be the real cause of the greater longevity. Also, statistics in studies can be made to lie. For example, percentages of increase can be used to make small, unimportant differences look large.
Answer,.,., yes. also people are not mixing enough saliva into it while chewing, also processed foods are bad for your filtering organs. Leafy greens, root vegetables, and fruits are all you need to be healthy. Meat is damn tasty though. By the way, you do not need to ingest protein, your body literally makes protein out of fiber and acidic carbon compounds. Don’t forget to drink the cleanest water you can find. (Plastic leeches into water after 5 days)
Love the comments… it seems most of your audience does not agreed with you… lol
No, it won’t make us fatter. You’re describing a slight or possibly total keto type diversion. Eating more fats will make you leaner. Burning fat is slower/more effective than sugars. They each play a role though.
I don’t know what angers me more: Gundry pushing pseudoscience on desperate people, or profiting off of it. If he really felt he had the answers he claims he does, wouldn’t his Hippocratic oath compel him to make it free and public?
He’s more of a salesman than doctor at this point.
If I can get my health in order and live comfortably will that translate over to the next life to come? What about Tom Hanks and his Corona?
BULL S….! soil depletion is the reason why crops are less nutritious! Fertilizers only contain three elements which happen to promote plant growth. Human body needs 90 different elements to stay healthy. Hey Veritasium! Happy money making on global warming b.s.!
Cost of the bundle? I get bad foot cramps each morning and have been for 3months now. Where may I purchase the electrolyte bundle
gundry doesn’t look ripped and fit if his diet is so great why does he still look fat
Where’s her data? Lots of success stories from Dr. Gundry. She must not have any stomach issues…. I’ve destroyed my stomach and this diet really helps to repair it. I would imagine in the future after I’m healed I’ll be able to handle more foods.
Also, would love to see how this affects other things that eat plants, like livestock and other animals.
Yes it is becoming less nutritious I did not have to watch the video corporate America is very greedy let’s put more salt and sugar and everything the make them want more
We found the video really interesting. Although the point is: organic food is good both for human beings and for the environment too. It is not a medicine, so there shouldn’t be an expectation to be healthier like a sort of “superpower”. It is true that organic products do not contain an always higher percentage of nutritional ingredients comparing to conventional ones, but if we only consider that they are chemicals free and that organic farming reduces greenhouse emissions, so they worth it. don’t you think?
Here is one article from our blog about this topic
Look at your Unlike Ratio…
your audience knows
corporate disinformation
I have had a neurodermatitis rash which gets bloody and I do not scratch! I have found I have many food allergies including an allergy to nightshades (runs in the family) I had the rash all cleared up. Then, I added organic black beans into my diet. Wham! I have a sore gut, bloating, and bleeding rash again! I have already had my colon checked and nothing showed up. But, when I eat certain foods my gut gets inflammed and I break out in a bloody rash! The area of the bloody rash happens to be just below the area of the inflammed large intestine. Any thoughts?
Am really accepted that your’s word’s are really correct…..I found most of the people say the food is organic but when it checked out it consists of nearly more than 30% pesticides
Pseudo-science? How about the Phytohaemagglutinin lectin that is known to be highly toxic to humans?
Oh, i get it now.
Due to the increase in the volume of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, all plants will grow faster in which lead to faster collection in nutrient.
Then cause of faster depletion on its surrounding. Farmer keeps avoiding this situation as much as possible.
There’s another factor like plants immediate growth.
If it mature enough and fill its body(eating more) carbon dioxide than nutrient, this will happened.
Oh wait, its already happening.
I wonder if we’re hindering the cycle by mining more minerals near the surface of the planet which would otherwise dissipate into our food nutrients. Iron, salt, minerals of all kinds near the surface and therefor cheap to reach are certainly taken out of the ground in much larger quantities in the last 50 years.
lectin free diet: breakfast: an apple and water, lunch: a steak with green beans, dinner: a couple of eggs.
I don’t know about nutrition but in just my lifetime all fruits and vegetables have turned from delicious to tasting plain and dull. Safe to say I went from eating vegetables daily to once a month over the years.
Please provide your evidence before discrediting any theory. And yes diet is never a doctors job as they have never been taught in medical schools about nutrition part of the food in detail and how food can heal or break someone s health! While putting fact pls substantiate you basis and conclusions! Someone may not be pc correct but please dont give wrong advice. As i had ibs and gastroenterologist never was sure to propose the right diet and at time the suggestions worked opposite.
One main use of heating (agricultural) greenhouses is to increase CO2 levels. They also import exhaust gasses from electricity plants and the like. In order to boost volume.
I seriously doubt about what he says at the end of the video, that that proteins are what makes us feel full. It is probably a combination of things. Also, I knew that foods full of carbs are more likely to make you feel satiated. As final remark, this is not the first time I notice an error in what this channel says, so I’d say better be careful and critical with Veritasium channel just as we should do for every other YT channel! Awesome video by the way:)
Might not be the lectins. It may have more to do with the ROUND UP all commercial growers use to harvest those healthy whole grains
Not a bad combination. I’ve been using Vegas’s hydrator powder to get my electrolytes on keto. Even with that, it’s hard to get enough potassium on keto without eating tons of greens.
The myo-inositol is also a great product. I take it to prevent hairloss (as a guy) and it is pretty effective. Also supports neurotransmitter function.
So… Yes? Yes with an asterisk. Better for you? Yes, but by how much, we don’t have enough evidence to know for sure. Better for the environment? Certainly.
You kind of glossed over the potassium amount. I have trouble finding a sufficient amount of potassium. Supplements usually only contain 90 mg… That is nowhere near what I need to supplement.
Hi, great info..I am from Malaysia working in Organic food retail line.. Organic food industrial is now developing rapidly in there
Dr. Fraud aka Gundry. Thankyou for this video. Gundry appears to be fear mongering opportunist.
He is lying or know nothing about the subject
It is not co2 actually
It is seeds standardisation, the growing need for prodictivity that makes food has less votamunes and minerals
It is seed lobby..
Watch cash investigation a french program talked about that
It’s a lack of insects fertilizing the ground because we have killed them all
European people should avoid new world foods because they are not adapted to them.
Why don’t we just teach this in school? I believe that this will be a better educational piece for children to learn for their future, don’t you? As well as how not to get into debt, and how to do out taxes? There is so much good information we could teach to our children.
Thanks for the info! I’ve been mostly carnivore for over a year and saw my normally normal blood pressure slowly rise. I didn’t do anything about it until I got pregnant and became concerned about higher blood pressure causing problems. I learned about electrolytes and have been doing the LMNT electrolyte drink packs every day. BP is back to normal! But it is expensive. Would this combo be safe for pregnancy?
Human’s DO NOT regulate food intake according to protein, like rodents do. You’ll feel plenty full by consuming fat. (Try it if you don’t believe me.) I don’t know where Derek got this protein thing from but it’s sadly false info.
Before petroleum assisted agriculture farmer were concern about keeping their soil fertile. It’s the opposite when using mechanical work of the soil and also using fertilizer.
Lovely Video clip! Apologies for butting in, I would love your thoughts. Have you heard about Parlandealey Impetigo Goodbye Process (just google it)? It is a good one off guide for learning how to grow your own organic vegetables using hydroponics minus the normal expense. Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my best friend Jordan at very last got excellent success with it.
Thank you for this! I have trouble justifying the $1 per serving electrolytes.