Table of Contents:
Mayo Clinic Minute: Look for added sugars in the new Nutrition Facts food labels
Video taken from the channel: Mayo Clinic
Why There’s So Much Sugar In Our Foods | JJ Virgin on Health Theory
Video taken from the channel: Tom Bilyeu
Is Sugar in Fruit Different Than Sugar in Soda?
Video taken from the channel: Fig. 1 by University of California
Mayo Clinic Minute: 3 tips for controlling sugar in your diet
Video taken from the channel: Mayo Clinic
The shocking amount of sugar hiding in your food BBC
Video taken from the channel: BBC
Healthy Eating Tips to Slash Added Sugars from Your Diet
Video taken from the channel: ELLICSR Kitchen
8 Ways To Spot Added Sugar
Video taken from the channel: Bestie
3 Ways to Find Added Sugar. 1. The sugar bowl. Believe it or not, you might be the most common source of added sugar in your food. Sometimes we mindlessly add sugar to our food without paying attention. For example, how often do you add sugar to foods like cereal, coffee, cinnamon toast or fresh fruit simply out of habit?2. Find added sugar on the nutrition label.
The next place to find sugar is in the processed foods you eat. Many processed products, even those that you’d never suspect, contain sugar. For example, many savory foods like peanut butter contain sugar and even some commercially produced salsas and ketchups contain the sweetener as well. 3. To find out if your food contains sugar, start by checking the.
But if you find you have a bad sugar habit, don’t panic. There are simple ways to get added sugar out of your diet and live a low-sugar life. And it’s worth the effort! Without added sugar, you can learn to enhance your enjoyment of food.
And chances are good that reducing your sugar intake will mean reducing your total calorie intake.But if you find you have a bad sugar habit, don’t panic. There are simple ways to get added sugar out of your diet and live a low-sugar life. And it’s worth the effort!
Without added sugar, you can learn to enhance your enjoyment of food. And chances are good that reducing your sugar intake will mean reducing your total calorie intake.Sugar is found naturally in many nutritious foods, such as fruits and vegetables. But, you have to be a bit more savvy with locating foods that contain added sugar. There are more than 60 names for added sugar.
To identify added sugars, look at the ingredients list. Some major clues that an ingredient is an added sugar includ.Easy tips to determine how much sugar is in processed foods. Added sugars lurk in many processed foods. And although more and more food companies are ditching high-fructose corn syrup, their products aren’t necessarily sugar-free.
In fact, they may contain just as much sugar as before, just in a.Added sugar, or sugar that does not occur naturally in food, but is instead added during the production process, is especially harmful. With more than two-thirds of Americans currently battling obesity, health experts are urging men and women to monitor and, most importantly, cut back on added sugar.
But manufacturers are’t required to list how much of the total sugar in a food or drink is naturally-occurring (as with, say, 100% fruit juice) and how much comes in the form of added sweeteners. The majority of sugars in the typical American diet are those added to foods.Natural sugar is found in whole, unprocessed foods. These include fruit, vegetables, dairy, and some grains. Fructose is a natural sugar found in fruit.
Lactose is a natural sugar found in animal dairy products. Added sugar is found in processed foods and drinks.6 ways to reduce your sugar intake. If your goal is to reduce sugar in your diet, an obvious place to start is by limiting your consumption of regular soda, candy and other high-sugar items. But chances are you’re still consuming more added sugar than you realize.
By Jason S. Ewoldt.Enter sugar. Whether it’s naturally occurring from fruit or the kind that’s added to your favorite beverage or yogurt, everyone seems to have an opinion about sugar. In our 2019 Food & Health Survey, 14% of people said they were trying to limit the amount of sugar in their diet, and 67% said they were trying to avoid sugar entirely.Sugars can be found naturally in some foods and beverages or added as ingredients in others.
While flavoring is a common reason sugars are added to foods and beverages, sugars also provide key technical functions by enhancing color, bulk, and texture, as well as safety by ensuring proper fermentation and preservation.. The 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines (DGA) describe added sugars as.So the clever food engineers just put one and one together.
When we associate happy feelings with a product we are very likely to buy it again, and again, and again. Voila. To make us a returning, loyal customer all you need is – just add sugar.
Added sugar is almost in everything. That is why added sugar is in almost everything nowadays.Nutrition per 408 mL: 134 calories, 0 g fat (0 g saturated fat), 0 mg sodium, 34.3 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 34.3 g sugar, 0 g protein. You stop at Whole Foods on your way home from the gym, and your eyes catch sight of that chilled, refreshing bottle of iced tea near the checkout counter.Sugars in your diet can be naturally occurring or added.
Naturally occurring sugars are found naturally in foods such as fruit (fructose and glucose) and milk (lactose). Added sugars are sugars and syrups put in foods during preparation or processing, or added at the table.
List of related literature:
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from Cracking the Metabolic Code: The Nine Keys to Peak Health | |
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from Biochemical, Physiological, and Molecular Aspects of Human Nutrition E-Book | |
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from Medical-Surgical Nursing E-Book: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, Single Volume | |
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from Eat Well for Less: Quick and Easy Meals | |
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from Medical-Surgical Nursing E-Book: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, Single Volume | |
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from Beating Sugar Addiction For Dummies Australia / NZ | |
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from Principles and Labs for Physical Fitness | |
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from The Doctor’s Diet: Dr. Travis Stork’s STAT Program to Help You Lose Weight & Restore Health | |
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from The Sugar Smart Diet: Stop Cravings and Lose Weight While Still Enjoying the Sweets You Love | |
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from Potatoes Not Prozac: How To Control Depression, Food Cravings And Weight Gain |
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Everything in life is about self control and moderation. Food is not an activity or reward it’s for sustenance and energy. Don’t eat out of boredom or addiction. Eat for survival and necessity.
Carbs don’t make you fat, fats don’t make you fat. Eating them together make you fat. Cake, pbj, ice cream, grilled cheese. Buttered toast with jam.
It’s an interesting exercise, but it’s not all about calories. You’d be a darned sight better off eating a good dose of blueberries, raspberries, apples, grapefruit or red grapes (or practically any natural fruit) daily than the equivalent amount of refined sugar cubes. It’s more about processed food vs natural foods. It’s always amazing to look at the contents of people’s shopping trolleys, particularly the amount of white bread and fizzy drinks that people consume; highly processed, carb dense foods with NO nutritional value whatso-freakin-ever. Avoid highly refined products like flour and get a nutrient dense diet and you won’t miss any of the highly-processed industrial food garbage that has increasingly found its way onto our shelves since the 19th Century.
All of us know how to read ingredients labels to see how much sugar is in a product.
Replace the fries with carrot sticks bruh yeet that is so totes obviously different homeie yeet alice
I have just eaten a bowl of old fashioned oats. I’ll check my sugar in an hour but i have heard that oats are loaded with sugar unlike the popular believe that they dont
OMG I use nothing but agave in my green tea thinking I’m going the healthy way What can I use?..
Too bad these folks in this video are spreading disinformation. So sad
add chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its ok.. just make sure u hire a proper Chief who can coOk a Basic RICE..
Why not producing fruit juices that can last longer. So we can forget about sodas.
You can have lots of fruit everyday and you will be healthier because of it. It’s fructose content is irelevent to its fiber content which slows the process.
You know, it’s one thing to forgive. It’s quite another to let someone get away with this just because “we don’t know her story, she may have CHILDREN at home, maybe she is here ILLEGALLY, maybe she’s afraid”. Blame her and judge her? Yes! What if she was texting when she hit your kid? Drunk?What if this isn’t the only crime she’s committed? What if she has committed other hit and runs and other families are looking for her? What if finding her would actually help other victims? What if finding her and calling her to task for what she has done would actually help HER turn her life around if such is the case? Do you really believe that if she is illegal and frightened with kids of her own, how is it ok that she left yours for dead? Forgiveness is a wonderful thing but downplaying the seriousness of a crime is not.
Am sceard to wach this am telling u am on a shuger kick and bet u I hav bean poisoning my systom with this demon shuger
This is shocking to know there’s so much sugar in Carbs! If you want to know why you always crave for sweets after eating a full meal, you can also watch this to find out more:
What a shame that these so called presenters or experts are misleading people and the audience and watching it in awe without questioning.
Not bad information but it is very distracting on closeups of GG, witnessing upper facial paralysis from da Botox. She would look amazing if she was natural. Her contact lens seem to be bothering her. On top of that, her false eyelashes need a bit more getting used to, they appear heavy. -Just saying! Ps. Very heavy use of hairspray. Can’t we be natural? It would be more credible.
But if you don’t eat enough starch you will not have the energy to be fully alert and awake or be able to fully sleep through the night. This information shouldn’t turn anyone away from unprocessed foods like the strawberries, rice and potato
Natural sugars/carbs in fruit and veg aren’t a problem. They come with water, fibre, vitamins, antioxidants etc. Totally different from a bagel or a soda. This of simply fake news. Misleading at best.
i do hope the 200k people who watched this realise that women is a complete moron
I wanted to quite sugar recently and got so defeated because sugar is in everything. Felt very limited to what I could eat.
Thanks for sharing this video. This is really good to know. I’m kind of confused about rice. My knowledge about rice was it contains lots of sugar as the video showed to us. However, I checked the sugar and carbohydrates contents of rice in Woolworths supermarket and then found rice does not contain too much sugar and carbohydrates ( 28g carbs and 0.1g sugar per 100g). It is lower than soy bread etc. why is that?
Nothing misleading about this…. eating too many carbs, whether refined or complex, stimulates insulin production and, consequently, fat storage.
This is stupid, strawberries will be differently processed to a cup cake lol
Diabetes type 2 insulin prevention is don’t overeat any food no matter how healthy,delicious they are.
Very interesting comments on mindset that I didn’t expect. Especially with being able to forgive yourself, this process is amazing. Thanks JJ and Tom!
this is why our country has a high rate of diabetes (Philippines)
It’s because it’s Very Addictive and causes “Diseases that way all the food Companies/Corp’s that are also stock holders in Big Pharma and Hospitals make Money on the consumers/People when they get sick Heart disease, Diabetes, Obesity and Many others! It’s one of the Most “Inhumane” things i have ever heard of. Also remember that many of our Senators and Congressmen know of the “Lethal Dangers of sugar” and still support only Legislation for the Co’s & Corps to help them with “Profits/Dividends ” ( Their (Sen. & Congressmen) campaign donors, hence their motive ) and do next to Nothing to protect the People/consumers. Making a profit is fine but they don’t have to be “Greedy Murderers!!!”
The dietary sugar is not the same as serum glucose. They’re worlds apart. You can’t talk about equivalence because the way sugar (Sucrose) is metabolised and the way starch is metabolised are worlds apart. The fructose portion of sugar is mostly metabolised in the liver. The glucose from starch can be used by virtually all the cells of the body.
Nutritional science here at its worst.
Im trying not to eat sugar for a week to get rid of acne thanks
But the strawberries have more fructose sugar which is not the same as table sugar (sucrose). Although sucrose is made out of fructose and glucose. Plus your body would process the fructose differently because of the fibre in the fruit.
This is just untrue. Please, BBC, get informed and don’t fool people. The number of calories is not tantamount to processed sugar. According to this video, it’d be healthier to eat bagels or muffins rather than real food such as potatoes or rice. Calories are not sugar, let alone processed sugar, which is really harmful for your health.
Sugar is the most addictive drug going and it is legal. Give it up at all cost. Im off it 3 months. Feel great!
I just need to make this clear that glucose, sucrose, fructose and amylum or starch are all very different and all go through different processes to be broken down by the body. Glucose is a monosaccharide and isn’t broken down any further by the body and it’s utilised by the by means of insulin which opens up the cells to take it in and whatever is left is stored as muscul glycogen or liver glycogen and if that glycogen isn’t used up in time for your next meal and you have enough in store then it goes in to the adipose tissue (fat), fructose is a different case it’s a sweet monosaccharide that needs to go through a longer process to be broken down fructose turns in to fat right from the beginning and is usually stored around the liver giving a non alcoholic fatty liver and will need the help of beta hydroxybutyrate (ketones) to back down the fat it also is the reason for low GI foods having a slower spike in insulin production, now sucrose is the combination of the 2 sugars I just mentioned and start braking down when they come in contact with the enzymes called sucrase or asomaltase and return to their former state wich means that they the glucose part will spike the insulin production the fastest all the while opening up the adipose tissue for the fructose but this sucrose (in theory) wouldn’t spike the blood sugar as much as starch in the same amount due it having fructose in it unlike starch with is a long brand glucose structure so what I’m saying is that’s not quite equal eating 20 sugar cubes wouldn’t results in a higher blood glucose mmol/l like a potato would because one is converted in to pure glucose and one is converted in to 2 separate monosaccharides one of which is a low GI carbohydrates that isn’t process and utilised in the same way
What an appalling and totally misleading presentation. The “sugar” in rice and potatoes is in the form of glucose. Glucose is needed by every cell in the body as a source of energy. Excess glucose is non toxic and is not converted into fat, which is why professional athletes carb-load before some forms of competition. The liver can store any amount of glucose with ill effect.
The sugar in the muffin is refined sugar (the stuff of sugar cubes) that has little in common with the carbohydrate in potatoes or rice. Eating any food with added refined sugar, and these days that means 80% of food sold by the local supermarket, results in fat deposits in the liver, and is what causes heart attacks.
If anyone really wants to understand why sugar has caused the current obesity epidemic then watch “Sugar, the bitter truth, by Dr Robert Lustig And to make it easy, start at 45mins07seconds for an explanation of the different effects of consuming glucose, sugar, or alcohol (sugar by another name).
This is so misleading.You cannot compare refined sugar to natural sugars contained in whole foods. Carbohydrates are what humans are designed to eat for energy. I’m not talking about refined carbs but whole food carbs. Starches.
It will never cease to amaze me how people can believe man made is better than naturally grown sugar It is mans greed to make money that fractures make sugar as they do not pay the farmer who grow it
I call bollocks. I can’t imagine a doctor telling you to not eat or cut down on your fruit intake. How many monkeys do you see with diabetes or falling out of trees? From eating to much fruit, with all that sugar. My take on bad ingredients is. If the ingredients list is as long as your arm. It probably ain’t that good for you. Also look in the supermarket. Tesco, Morrisons, Aldi. Majority of the good food is on the perimeter of the shop floor. Because I am useless at explaining stuff. I copied and pasted this.
How they’re the same: No matter what form sugar comes in, it’s a simple carbohydrate that is broken down for energy. The sugar that’s in a piece of fruit is made up of fructose and glucose, just like processed sugar. Most fruits are 40-55% fructose (although this varies depending on the fruit—cranberries have 20% fructose and apples are 65% fructose). Table sugar is 50% fructose and 50% glucose. Your body processes fructose in the liver so it won’t trigger an insulin response, while glucose starts to break in the stomach and requires insulin to be released into the bloodstream so it can be metabolized quickly. Neither glucose nor fructose is better than the other, when looked at alone. It’s how it’s packaged that makes the difference.
How they’re different: The type of sugar (natural or refined) that you’re eating impacts your health differently. Natural sugar—the sugar that comes in fruit—is packaged with fiber, water, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and disease-fighting phtytonutrients and other nutrients that improve your health. (Natural sugar is also found in milk and cheese and is called lactose.) Refined sugar comes from sugar cane or sugar beets, which are both processed to extract the sugar. Usually, this sugar is a combination of glucose and fructose, called sucrose.
Manufacturers add chemically produced sugar, typically high fructose corn syrup, to many foods and drinks. Other than providing a source of energy that the body can use, processed sugar doesn’t provide any benefits to the body—it lacks the fiber and health-promoting nutrients that occur in natural sugar sources. By contrast, processed sugar can harm the body when overeaten and may contribute to inflammation, disease, weight gain and obesity. This is why refined sugar is known as “empty calories”—calories without nutrients that benefit the body.
Is there a difference in how you feel after you eat natural sugar versus refined sugar? Yes! Refined sugar causes you to experience energy highs and lows and sugar cravings. Here’s why:
Refined sugar (think candy and cakes) has no fiber to slow down its absorption, so it’s digested rapidly and enters the blood stream very quickly, causing a (blood) sugar rush/high. This sugar high, in turn, causes the body to release a surge of insulin, which quickly removes the sugar from the blood to the tissues. This is what is often known as a sugar crash or “low,” and is the body’s way of signaling that it needs a quick pick-up and the quickest pick-me-up is more sugar! This launches a vicious cycle of highs and lows that lead to a deep craving for more sugar.
At the same time, sugary foods don’t provide the body any of the nutrients it needs to feel good and to sustain energy.
Importantly, natural sugar provides a longer source of energy without crashes. Natural sugar comes packaged in fruit—and fruit is a good source of fiber, which slows down the digestion of glucose so you don’t get the energy high/insulin spike followed by a sugar crash like you do when you eat refined sugar. Fruit also contains water, which helps to prevent dehydration and the tired, drained feeling that comes with it that mimic blood-sugar dips.
Here’s an important exception to the above: Fruit juice (if the fiber has been removed) will differ from fruit in the way it affects energy levels. While it still provides important nutrients that the body uses for good health, portions should be limited to prevent a blood-sugar spike and also to prevent weight gain.
Our Bottom Line
Overall, there is room in a wholesome, nutrient-packed diet for a small indulgence with added sugar—ideally 100 calories or less. However, the majority of people overconsume added sugars in their diet without realizing it. Truthfully, it’s beneficial for most people to make an effort to avoid added sugars because they can contribute to weight gain and take the place of other nutrient-rich foods. We suggest trying to satisfy sweet-tooth cravings with naturally sweet foods, like desserts made with fruits (as in the two recipes below). This helps people to appreciate less-sweet flavors, while also consuming added nutrients.
One of the easiest ways to avoid added sugars is to look for them on ingredient labels. Be aware that if you purchase a sweet food and don’t see the word honey or sugar or another sweetener that you recognize on the label, this doesn’t meant there isn’t added sugar. Instead, it probably means that the sugar is hiding under a different name. The good news is that added sugars will be listed on food labels by July 2018. Until then, be mindful that added sugars in foods and drinks may be listed on labels as: anhydrous dextrose, brown sugar, cane crystals, cane sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, corn syrup solids, crystal dextrose, evaporated cane juice, fructose sweetener, fruit juice concentrates, high-fructose corn syrup, honey, liquid fructose, malt syrup, maple syrup, molasses, pancake syrup, raw sugar, sugar, syrup and white sugar and more.
That’s right you can get fat by eating potatoes. Great work BBC keep making people eat the Atkins diet or some shit.
hello to mayo clinic. i want to set an appointment but i’m from philippines is it possible to consult? please reply
What if to watch number of calories??? More sugars will have more calories… Dont you think so??? And if some sort of sugars have less to no calories then less to nothing to worry… This is my strategy… Is it a right strategy???
Do the bbc not understand that a lot of people who watch this now think that choosing chocolate muffins and bagels over rice and potatoes is the healthier option. Terrible video ‘Nutritionist’ lol
Fructose breaks down to Sucrose then into Glucose so the point of this video is redundant, Carbs are Carbs, They still have a glyxemic index and should be managed like any other macronutrient, this is such bullshit much like metabolic damage which doesn’t exist.
This is ridiculous, how unfortunate for people that don’t have other information to believe this. All of Asia lives on rice three times a day at least. Do you want to break down billions of people’s life line and food and compare it to some different sugar based upon carbohydrates? It just doesn’t make sense.
Now everyone thinks muffins are better than rice. Bull horse shit combined information…..
Forgot to mention the vitamins, minerals and protein and effect of each product on the body.
So the only food we can eat are meat and vegetables with fruits as a treat? This is the take home message from this video? Absololute nonsense! We need food for energy, over 2000 calories of it! The food in this video are eccellent sources of Energy!
Something doesn’t even taste sweet, but contains tons of sugar. What kind of evil is that?
Rice contains 0.1 grams of sugar per 100 grams, while potatoes contain 0.8 grams of sugar per 100 grams. This lady compared the calorie count to cubes of sugar, which is a very different story all together. This video is very misleading.
Judging by most of the ill informed comments below, you are all living in some kind of wonderland, hoping you can eat as many carbs as you like with out getting fat!! It is simple CARBS = SUGAR = GLUCOSE and EXCESS GLUCOSE = EXCESS ENERGY =FAT, eating too many CARBS makes you FAT if you do not burn it off, eventually leading to diabetes. The point of the video is that 1/3 of a potato turns to GLUCOSE when consumed and is visually illustrated by its equivalent carb value in sugar cubes (each cube = 3 gms of CARBS).
Sucrose is compromised out of glucose and fructose. The latter poses a far greater danger than the former. Starch cant be converted into fructose. Fructose out of fruit will reach the liver not so fast because your stomach has to extract it from the fiber. This short piece I watched here was nether helpful nor educational in these pivotal matters
This is simply not true. Humans can only turn about 20% of the calories from starch into fat. The rest is used for energy.
Cannot overeat?
sorry babe but i would usually eat 20 oranges a day in the winter
although i was looking and feeling very fit at the time
Good grief! This woman oozes confidence and health. She is so articulate and full of compassion… I want to be her when I’m her age!
I don’t think the participants understand that they should estimate how much suger the starch break it’s also not chemically right to show it like this since sucrose is one part glucose and one part fructose were as starch is chained clucose. The muffin has alot of sucrose and alot of starch while the rice primarily contains starch. Some research show that sucrose is bad in high amounts like the Muffin.
Also the strawberrys had the least, that so surprising considering they have no water.
I wish young generations watch shows like these instead of crazy videos in Tiktok which is a bad virus to human beings!
There’s different types of sugars dummies. Those are sucrose cubes. Fruits have fructose.
This is so uninformative and idiotic. Carbs break down into sugar yes to be used as energy but not the same as comparing to refined sugar cubes
dude, the suger in white rice doesn’t make sense… UK u dnt know what you talking about.
This is BS. The amount of rice I eat, I would turn into an elephant by now. BBC, respect real science.
I don’t know how I would feel if a doctor looked me in the eyes and told me that the best thing to do was to let go of one the most important persons in my life, my son and he ended up surviving, Isn’t that the worse medical error possible? Would’t it be my social duty to warn everyone about what really happened? Wouldn’t that help prevent future mistakes? I don’t know but here’s the big one: how long would it take for the words ‘attempted murder’ to stop harassing me, would they ever? A powerful interview, thank you.
Its ok.. just make sure u hire a proper Chief who can coOk a Basic RICE..
They should have at least put the same mass of each food type on the table so that comparison would be simpler. Also, they might have indicated how quickly each food broke down into sugars if the food breaks down very quickly (generally seen as a bad thing), then show the sugar cubes are in one clump, if the food breaks down slowly, put the cubes in a stretched-out line.
The BBC ought to be ashamed of themselves for this ridiculous bullshit. Somehow making out that brown rice and a whole jacket potato is worse than a white bagel or a chocolate muffins. And comparing everything to refined sugar as if the natural foods have the same effect on the body. Arseholes. “Carbs are bad m’kay”
This is a ridiculously flawed and irrelevant comparison. There are many other factors that affect your digestion of foods and sugars, most importantly, DIATERY FIER. It “blacks” up to 80% of your sugar consumed from being digested. Also the Japanese are one of the thinnest people get they eat a lot of rice…. Maybe they should switch to chocolate muffins instead? Lol dumb propagandist video that doesn’t educate, it only confuses people
35:50 “Maybe, that is exactly what was supposed to have happened for Grant, maybe he needed this.” I cried
This is a nice movie I think. However, You should take WooPep diet if you want to learn more about diet.
Actually is not “A LOOOOOOT” like she says… about 2 apples make the same amount of sugar as a can of coke. I’d obviously take the apples which have other benefits but she certainly exaggerated with the “too many fruits to be the same as a can of soda”…
Also, misleading title… I was looking for differences in the “type” of sugar between natural and processed… but I guess I’ll look for a different video.:(
There’s a difference between complex and simple sugars. Also white/ brown rice along with other processed food. And the amount of carbs that are turned into fats is actually very minor and wouldn’t take place unless you’re in a large calorie surplus
Does this mean an apple has the same amount of sugar as a bottle of coke?
So now we’re calling it fruktose?
Of course, because it comes from frut.
There is a likely a strong case to be made here, but to state that the apple has “bio active compounds, some of them probably haven’t even been discovered yet, that do positive things to our health” clearly shows a bias that undermines the point of the video. For all we know there are undiscovered bio active compounds that we haven’t discovered yet that are harmful. Just leave that reaching statement out of your discourse.
Added sugars and trans fats are worse than saturated fat. In some cases, Saturated fat could be healthy such as MCT and Coconut oils
That Butcher Box is so gross…a box full of cut of limps of kind creatures mercilessly butchered…
This is bullshit.
Only sugar you should be worried about is sugar not from food.
The BBC are pumping out anti whole foods propaganda bullshit because they are part of the frigging system that wants people sick
I am so excited to hear you talking about how powerful sugar addiction is, and switching from being a sugar burner to being a fat burner. I have been off and on the ketogenic diet since March in hopes of being able to cut out sugar completely. It has been a real struggle, and I’ve lost weight and gained weight, and now I’m on day 2 of eating carnivore. I know how badly I am addicted to sugar, because every time I fall off keto and eat sugar again, getting back on keto is really hard. I actually got so depressed that it was affecting my job performance. I’ve got some time off work now, so I hope to get through the worst of the detox while I have some time off. I know I feel so much better once I’ve been in ketosis for a few weeks.
Well I guess we’re never drinking soda again! Thanks for the info!
She is mind blowing! I would love to pick her brain or her mentor. Do you have a book on mindset
I agree But everything turns to sugar. It’s not just in sweets. I would love one day to be a guest on your show. My story is helping people. I came from having health problems like type2 diabetes, high blood pressure etc. today I help people. Sugar is an addiction, Its evil that’s what is killing us. It’s a silent killer.
Intermittent fasting and high intensity training and stop eating sugary packaged freak-food.
I somehow missed them address the title, “Why There’s So Much Sugar In Our Foods.”
So, why is there so much sugar in our food?
Drawing an equivalency between rice/potatoes and chocolate muffins/sugar cubes is reductive, overly simplistic and highly misleading. This is just plain bad journalism.
There are no “Rebels” Syria is not in a civil war. It is a mercenary army armed and financed by the U.S. U.K. FRENCH TURKS NATO/SAUDIS and ISRAEL in violation of international law.
The same cabal of evil that attacked and destroyed Libya.
Today I went to the store and one of my item I want to buy was sugar free type cool whip. Yep it read sugar free, but when I looked at the ingredients the very first ingredient was high fritose corn surge. OMG how deceitful. From the same store they carry their own line of organic products, I bought a free range organic chicken broth. On the label for it the ingredients had no chicken in it at all. What it had was organic chicken flavor. Another OMG who ever heard of organic free range chicken flavor. I’m calling the number on the carton on Tuesday to voice my concern due to the deceptive titles on their packaging. By the way the store is Krogers and Frys.
34:35 How to Forgive.
Might be talking about 40 years of Zen.
She looks manly and he looks feminine! lol…That was the first thing I noticed.
sooooo is the sugar in fruit different than the sugar in soda? Or is it chemically the same?
How can you really understand and write a book about sugar addiction if you don’t really like sugar??? I would like to hear from an expert that was a sugar junky and managed to totally transform that lifestyle
If she was an illegal immigrant she has no business in the country in the first place.
She hit him and drove off, she committed a crime and deserves to be punished.
Why would you even make her being an illegal an excuse? That’s the exact reason why people ate against illegal immgrants
My question is who is this mystery mentor that JJ Virgin had?
yeah est celery all day i love my macs and turtle chocolates and
potatoe i love subway
That’s really sad when she brought up the husband and how he started feeling threatened. My significant other would never do that to me but my family will. They start teasing me when I’m on a “diet”. When I feel better, when I lose weight. When i decline all the sugar they offer me when I decline all the carb filled foods they offer me. They want me to feel bad for what they feel is me trying to seem better than them. And I don’t I just respectfully decline. They try and gang up on me to tease me about dieting. Meanwhile we have a history of type 2 diabetes and overweight people. Oh well..I stay strong and stick to my guns. I don’t try and give ANYONE lesson. It’s my personal choice to give up breads, pastas, sugars, and alcohol. If someone declines alcohol or a cigarette nobody bats an eye. But if you start saying no to sugar or carbs all of a sudden people feel threatened. Well we better start declining sugar the same way we would pass on drugs!!!
Words can not describe how AWESOME this interview was. I thought I was watching a video that would help me with my sugar detox. I got an interview that changed my entire life! Sooo thankful!!!
what an amazing and inspiring HEROS JOURNEY. Thanks JJ and Tom for this one, her triumph over what happened is inspiring AF, I won’t lie I shed quite a few tears hearing her story.
Her power of reframe is just freaking amazing. The mindset shift she has made totally change people’s view of everything in life. Totally agree on taking baby steps. Thank you Jj and Tom.
If she was an illegal then her ass should have been deported and who gives a shit if she had kids at home…..
Shes very impressed…. With herself. Dr phel? Not impressed
Thank you so much for this!! I was nearly in years hearing the story of her son. This is really powerful stuff! And what’s she’s said here about forgiveness is hitting home really hard and extremely helpful given I’m struggling with that too here. Thank you so much for these videos and thank you JJ Virgin!! Bless all of you
As long as it’s not added sugar, and you eat a balanced diet you’re good.
That’s no hero’s journey. The heroes journey is when your kid lives but is quadriplegic then you dedicate your life to being a caregiver. You live your life wondering if you could’ve done something to change the outcome. You give up any career goals to care for your kid forever. Sorry but her positive attitude, miracle mindset is baloney. His positive outcome is much more a reflection of your resources and your connections.
Why does he have to keep asking her for suggestions as to what we could do? Does she not want to help us a little.
Great job addressing people who fear their partners rejection
“That amount of sugar will turn into fat unless you burn it off.” Okay dude, you need a huge amount of energy just to survive through the day. Your brain needs a lot of energy, I read somewhere that it can be about 20% from all the energy that goes into your body. Not to even mention energy our muscles need, respiratory system… nothing is perpetuum mobile so we need that start base. After all, potatoes saved many countries from famine. Better eat da potato, yo.
By the way, the pioneer researchers about glycemic index in foods were Dirk Pearson and Sandy Shaw who wrote “Life Extension” back in the early 1980’s. Body builders were using this as their dietary Bible. This what started all the interest in using isolated amino acids. Well worth a read.
Great Interview. I love JJ Virgin. She has overcome so much……created beauty from ashes…….Her tips are simple and easy to follow. At the end of the day it is all in the mindset….
her son didn’t even die and I’m still crying, how the hell did she keep it together like that?
Try coconut sugar. Use less and no insulin reaction.
Processed sugar caused my asthma.
she mentions trailer living a few times like its a bad thing. like living in a trailer or growing up in one makes you lesser of a person. otherwise a good episode.
17:25 It sounds crazy to wake up for an ice-cream bar, but I’ve been there. This is what it’s like being a sugar addict. There’s been times where I woke up in the middle of the night and had to drive to a convenience store to get some ice-cream. If you’re not inclined to get addicted to sugar, consider yourself lucky.
They put so much sugar in food because the meat tastes sweeter. I love sugar.
Amazing Tom. Brilliant questioning as always. Top of your game.
How cold-blooded are the people who disliked the interview?
It must be pointed out that the biochemical action of the fructose half of the sugar molecule is responsible for unique deleterious processes in the liver that accelerate the onset of diabetes and other metabolic ills. It’s not the calories, but the molecule itself. That said, this is a terrific presentation.
Well done. I love the graphics and simplicity of the video.
I connected the dots a long time ago and will tell you why where is so much sugar in our food. It’s to make us sick and die an early death. It’s called Global Eugenics folks. If the sugar and processed food don’t get us, the poisoned water, 5G, Y GIG, vaccines and breathing chem trails will. That is the agenda in a nut shell and that’s a FACT.
“Forgiveness is an active process.” So true.
How does revenge change anything? We are so apt to blaming others for bad outcomes. Some circumstances are out of our control however, what we control is our response. We are not victims.
“Let it all out until there’s nothing left.”
Hurt is internalized and grows in proportion to our personal dialogue.
Our brain changes whereby we eventually house hurt as our identity.
The answer to the question is depopulation they make tons of money from you eating more than medicine from being sick and then you’re bye-bye sooner in life to them they see it as numbers and they’re helping Save the World by keeping the number slow because honestly if we let people populate like crazy didn’t have wars didn’t have all this unhealthy stuff we would probably already be overpopulated so in some ways the Psychopaths that run the world are kind of right
Actually I am not very surprised. I have for about one year without putting in my mouth starchy foods, especially bread. And idk why people tend to eat heavy foods just to make them feel full without worrying about the consequences of that.
Holy camera angle change Batman! The camera jumps around way too much. Good info though.
back to 110% after the accident…is the accident REALLY necessary?
Sugar feeds the unhealthy bacteria in the stomach which effects not just digestion but overall health. Studies are finally linking gut bacteria to an array of problems in modern health including Autisim and Cancer but many lesser illnesses also.
Great tips, we consume way too much sugar so it’s great to spot it. Thanks.
As a diabetic who often check my blood glucose level, I confirm that indeed rice, white bread and pasta raises my blood sugar considerably.
I always listen to your videos for my weekend work commute, but I’m glad this was not one of those. I had to take down notes which I would not have done if I was driving. I learned so much in one video. Thank you for featuring her and for opening my world to these powerful and inspiring people.
So we could stay sick and the doctors could make more money that’s whyThat’s why there’s sugar in almost everything we eat
See, after reading my two comments below, even if you disagree, you can’t help but noticing what I have pointed out. This makes it harder to stay focused on the content because what I said is true.
Change a superstition with another superstition. Impose by force one diet with another. Same government. Same evil. Different profiteers.
This is a load of carp!
Walter Kempner reversed diabetes 2 with, rice, fruits and refined sugar in the 40ies.
And Andrew Tailor lost 50kg on an all potato diet for a year. Links below;
Bravo JJ. Just recently came to terms with my sugar addiction. Thanks for putting a strong light on how unhealthy sugar is.
I did shift from being a sugar and carb addict to a keto diet cold turkey! And WOW! What an amazing difference! The best part is the increased brain power! Then comes the increase in energy! I LOVE that I no longer crave sugar and carbs! Yes, the weight loss is fascinating, as well, but it’s not my reason for going keto.
Because I did a lot of research before I started, I knew to increase my B vitamins, as well as sodium, potassium, and magnesieum to minimize keto “flu” symptoms, and it worked! The transition was smooth, and I’ve never looked back.
This is one of the best ones. She has an aura about her that makes her frighteningly attractive on an emotional, intellectual and spiritual level.
Go buy a book titled “PURE, WHITE and DEADLY” by John Yudkin with a new introduction by Robert H. Lustig, M.D.
I don’t have a sweet tooth but I have a beer tooth………………
This video is irresponsible. Fruit and starches are some of the healthiest foods. No wonder why people struggle to lose weight with misleading information like this.
Why does Tom look so dreadful? Closeups show poor complexion and heavy bags under his eyes. He has a skeleton face. Did he just have surgery or perhaps he underwent an aggressive cleans or does he have allergies? He doesn’t look well. I know someone that has this appearance and you have to stay 5 feet back when he talks because of horrible halitosis. If you look close and examine this poor soul, you can see that his ears seem to be inflamed. Good news is, Turmeric helps reduce inflation. This could help. I like how he does’t interupt.
Miss informed video, how can this even allowed to be on. Wish i was there as i would have grilled the so called expert
I stopped sugar a couple years ago…. a few days ago I ate a doughnut…. wow it tasted great but about an hour later all my skin got hot and my belly got sick and I got a craving for another doughnut…. it was like a dopamine “drug withdrawl.”
ER lol a bit obvious!!! Been like this for DECADES, dumb people are the easiest targets..
Cut off sugar you will lose cravings and lose weight but you will gain your energy.
Come on. This isn’t news. I’ll still eat loads of (brown) rice and other whole, minimally processed carbs. Eat less often, far more naturally, very low on the food chain, and move a lot more. At least that’s my game plan. So far it’s working. Of course, I’m only in my 20’s…
I had a traumatic traumatizing incident and she talked me through it. Thank you for this shes amazing
When I was a baby my mum would dip my comforter in the sugar bowl.
She had no idea she was doing anything wrong.
I’ve been a heavy sugar user all my life I’m 66 now.
I am now off carbs as much as I can see, but its hidden in lots of foods.
So I eat mostly fatty meats and some fruits like avocados and nuts and coconut oil.
I have lost weight and I’m off my insulin. Type 2 diabetic for 10 years.
Okay so there’s less sugar in fruit and fruit has other qualities.. as we all know.. but the title leads me to think you were going to say why the sugar in fruit is different to the sugar in “soda”. Just the sugar aspect alone. Since the title was “Is Sugar in Fruit Different Than Sugar in Soda?”.
I wish manufacturers would label just what percentage of the daily allotted amount of sugar a serving is. Would be appalling to see the sugar percentage in a serving of Mountain Dew.
Another thing to look for..when buying sugars, read package carefully, pure cane sugar on package..well its GMO beet sugar. They are allowed to lie, if you want beet sugar its at the health food store GMO free…say a away from fructose sugar and any sweeteners that are sugar free.