Table of Contents:
This One INGREDIENT Will Change the TEXTURE of Plant BASED MEAT!
Video taken from the channel: Sauce Stache
‘Nutrition is the Most Effective Medicine’ with T. Colin Campbell
Video taken from the channel: Plant Based Nutrition Support Group
US: Canned Food Shortages due to Chinese Tin/Steel Supply Chain Failures
Video taken from the channel: Ice Age Farmer
Rich Roll on Self-Transformation, Environmental Impact of Food, and the Plant-Based Diet
Video taken from the channel: FoundMyFitness
Video taken from the channel: Thoughts Of A Free Man
Meat Factories Close From Covid-19! Plant Based Meat Sales Soar!
Video taken from the channel: Happy Healthy Vegan
Surge in plant based diets amid pandemic
Video taken from the channel: CGTN America
Plant-based meats can help fill this gap. Where animal meat contains no fiber whatsoever, meats made of plants typically add at least some of this nutrient. The Impossible Burger, for example, comes with 3 grams, while Field Roast’s grain-based frankfurters add 6 grams and Morningstar Farms’ Chik’n Strips have 2 grams.In the Wake of Food Shortages, Plant-Based Meats Fill the Gap Plant-based meat is big business these days.
Everywhere from your local grocery store to the Burger King drive-thru, you’ve likely noticed an influx of faux beef, chicken, sausages, and other “meats” that grew in the ground, not on a feedlot.In the wake of meatpacking plant closures across the country, fast-food chains, big-box retailers such as Costco and grocery stores like Kroger have started to limit the amount of meat products customers can purchase at one time. But as customers stroll down the meat aisle, they could soon see an influx of alternatives.More than $16 billion has gone into U.S. plant-based and cell-based meat companies in the past decade, with $13 billion of it in 2017 and 2018, according to two recent reports from The Good Food.
For food that boasts about being “plant-based”, actual vegetables are suspiciously absent from most ingredient lists. It’s partially a consequence of the trend toward creating products that mimic the texture and mouthfeel of real meat, and partially because processed ingredients are just so much cheaper and shelf stable than high-quality ingredients.Shortage of protein-producing facilities prompts food companies to stockpile supplies. The soaring popularity of plant-based meat substitutes has shone a spotlight on a new star ingredient.In the Wake of Food Shortages, Plant-Based Meats Fill the Gap More people are turning to plant-based meats during COVID-19.
But how healthy are they, really? Here’s a look at their pros and cons.8/2/2018. There’s no shortage of healthy, tasty, and eco-friendly alternatives to meat these days.
As more people begin to understand the benefits a plant-based diet can bring to their lives, big name retailers are running to keep up!Everywhere from Target to Kroger are carrying more and better plant-based alternatives for you and your family to enjoy.Isn’t is crazy how we take so many things for granted? Even with our country in very obvious crisis, many are oblivious to the coming food shortage and the emergency survival situation that is looming on the horizon..
We get up in the morning, open the faucet and water comes rushing out, we get a pot of coffee going, at the flip of a switch, we grab a quick shower with nice bright lights, of.Food shortage in America. The U.S. is not free of scarcity and shortages when it comes to food.
Here are some food shortage in America facts you should know about: There are over 30 million, close to 40 million people, experiencing food shortage in America. That’s about 11%.Half of the world’s population could face severe food shortages by the end of this century as rising temperatures shorten the growing season in the tropics and subtropics, increase the risk of drought, and reduce the harvests of dietary staples such as rice and maize by 20 percent to 40 percent, according to a study published in the journal Science.
Plant-based meat currently accounts for just 2 percent of retail packaged meat sales; it also costs considerably more than ground beef. Despite what seems like daily media coverage of.Plant-based meat is the epitome of ultra-processed food. It’s these choices that health experts warn people to avoid as their consumption increases the odds of chronic disease taking hold.
Consider that all meat substitutes require the separation of plant proteins from the whole food source.You might expect the diminished availability of animal protein to result in an upswing of demand in plant-based proteins that can fill the gap. At least, that’s what the likes of Beyond Meat and Cargill – who’ve both launched plant-based imitation meat products in China over the past week –.
GFI Director of Science and Technology David Welch took to the stage at The Good Food Conference 2018 to explain why plant-based meat is a big part of the solution to sustainably feeding 10 billion people by 2050 and why we’ve only scratched the surface of plant-based meat innovation.
List of related literature:
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from Globalization of Food Systems in Developing Countries: Impact on Food Security and Nutrition | |
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from Sustainable Diets: Linking Nutrition and Food Systems | |
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from OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2019-2028 | |
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from Meat Processing: Improving Quality | |
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from Occupational Therapy in Community and Population Health Practice | |
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from The Book of Tempeh | |
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from Halal Food Production | |
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from Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling | |
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from Human Development Report 2019: Beyond Income, Beyond Averages, Beyond Today Inequalities in Human Development in the 21st Century | |
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from Sunflower: Chemistry, Production, Processing, and Utilization |
Thank you to Dr. Campbell for all he’s done & keep doing
Finally, somebody from the community saying „vegans don’t really need the fake meat“!!! We do just fine without!, leave the heavily processed foods to those suffering „carnies“. Hearing that slaughter houses are closing is a positive in this otherwise rough situation.
I think definitely you should combine this with your previous recipes. Stability of the former tries with the fibrous texture of this you might have a near perfect steak.
My local supermarket can’t keep rice and beans on the shelf now! What the hell am I gonna eat with protein if the meat disappears?
My thoughts on this shortage of cans.. Most ppl here in the U.S. don’t RECYCLE, REDUCE, REUSE.. Our factories were sold to Chinese & or moved out of the country.. This was ALL PLANNED out, long ago.. MAY GOD BLESS US ALL!!! ♡♡♡
I saw these headlines and I didn’t understand the cause of the shortage. This was an informative video. Thanks.
All meat places are not the same. My son works in one and it is an extremely clean place. The animals are handled very well before and after. No one is sick there. I don’t talk about people being vegetarian because that’s there choice. Same should be said for people who like meat. Not anyone can get veggies because like me I’m allergic to all nightshades. To each there own.
Jar and can your own foods grow grow grow peeps if you can DO IT NOW!! AND LETS PULL TOGETHER AND HELP EACH OTHER OUT BARTER TRADE ANYTHING
“It’s just a no brainer” -ah ok, guess that’s why it took you 40 something years to figure it out.
Even if you did regret certain purchases, you could donate to the food bank.
Vegans are showing their true colors.
A starvation cult of sadistic fanatics.
These places are still killing the animals and throwing them away. They are asking for a billion dollar bailout. Check out Mercy for Animals website to see the video and sign the petition to only give these places money to transition to plant based products.
I mean I’ve still been getting a good supply of meat. Idk where this fake news is coming from? But hey I can go ahead and hunt my own food
Oops! Found an error in your report. You can print food, KFC is going 3-d print chicken. LOL!
I’ve been trying for a year to make a vegan steak with that fibrous texture. I tried so many things but I had no idea about this stuff. I’ve seen other textured vegetable protein but it doesn’t have the strands like this stuff. Thanks Stasheman!
Ive only been animal free for 2 months …..what a great time to be vegan……
I’m not religious, but COVID-19 is like karma against humanity for our treatment of animals
This is the main ingredient in the meat products found in cheap non-vegan tv dinners and microwavable meals lol
There are no catastrophic wild fires in the Ozarks cause grass red beef eats all the brush leaving only grass and leaf litter to feed a fire.
Yes but the vegan p er crossed foods are gmo.. Genetically modified and they are us bad as flesh…
Soy protein is the way forward to make something to taste meaty. In South Africa, we have had soy products to make a vegan minced meat. This verisoy looks really good.
Pfff a shortage of meat. Americans eat double the amount of meat per person compared to the Netherlands. And no we don’t have huge numbers of vegans and vegetarians. Americans eat ridiculous amounts of meat they are nowhere near a shortage if they just eat less of it.
Edit: the beyond meat burger tastes great but it is very expensive. More expensive then most meats out there. So I don’t think that will be seen as an solution by many people.
Smithfield needs to close forever! So this virus cannot be spread from humans back to animals? People need to think again. All that meat handled by sick slaughter house murderers is most likely infected with the virus. Good luck consuming that poison.
The term plant based meat cracks me up! You don’t hear the term meat based plants! Do you want your Rib Eye to taste like Kale? Me either…
“you can’t feed the planet of grass fed animals” no, but so what. 1. not everyone wants to eat meat 2. you can’t feed the planet, but everyone else can still have it once a month 3. and eventually we can have it once a week, because this argument about feeding the whole world is using numbers from the overpopulated underdeveloped world. once they become more developed their populations will decrease, as they have in the developed world. then the everyone in the world can have meat once a week, sustainably.
“i feel no need to eat lab meat. why the meat obsession” because it tastes fucking amazing. because it’s pleasurable. for a lot of people, nothing vegan tastes nearly as good as bacon or a hamburger. and eating it once a week or once a month can be sustainable. and it can be ethical. and healthy. telling someone to never eat meat or even lab meat is like telling someone to never eat sugar again. no. it’s pleasurable. the only debate is over how much moderation.
Life changing! Wonderful wonderful man and brilliant evidence based research.
Some of us cannot handle eating grains and plants without totally disrupting their systems. I know because I’ve been on an elimination diet for the past few months.
What im worried about is what happens to the animals when the plant is shut down? Do they kill them?
The right-wing is going absolutely nuts with conspiracy theories of WHO + Bill Gates New World Order China cover-up bullshit, if they hear about this its going to be all a vegan plan for forcing people to stop eating meat. Don’t you find that the world is now more divided then ever? I think a lot has to do with Trump, he is an extremely divisive president.
I want to believe people would turn to veganism in a meat crisis, but people who aren’t already vegan yet are so deeply brainwashed (which is why they aren’t vegan yet) and probably think they will get sick without “meat proteins”. I think at this point, even with the wealth of information online about veganism people would panic and go cannibal if the slaughterhouses close lol I’m really not joking, people are more addicted to flesh than crack.
So if yourw always telling family members to be Vegan & throwing facts at them, they probably avoid you.
Check out this vid from The 700 Club, chip is in the vaccine,
Hi Ryan Completely agree with what you’re saying, but sadly once everything goes back to semi-normal and the Covid is over, Those meat processing centers, a.k.a. slaughtered animals will just go back to normal and business as usual. Not trying to be a pessimistic but it just doesn’t seem like it’s gonna stop anything once we get back to semi-normal. All it is it’s just a temporary close until everyone gets back to work. Keep it carb!!! ❤️
Famine coming JESUS left me know months ago in a dream
Compared to other nutrition researchers who began their work with a bias toward consuming animal products, such as Neil Barnard, Colin Campbell or Caldwell Esselstyn and who then concluded otherwise I think Dr Patrick is either disingenuous or a little dopey, IMO.
When you look at the research the people who eat the most protein have the best outcomes in terms of body composition, which tends to mean you’re stronger; and the research is also pretty clear that the stronger you are the lower the levels of morbidity and mortality. Strength wins in the big picture.
Even though there’s no conclusive evidence that COVID-19 came from animal consumption, you vegans are still seizing this moment. This makes me sick to my stomach. You vegans are seeing this tragedy as an opportunity to push veganism. It’s been widely reported that Chinese wet markets were responsible for the coronavirus outbreak, due to the trade of bat or pangolin meat. Again, there is no conclusive proof that the coronavirus originated from meat-eating.
49? This guy looks like early 30’s. Brb….. heading to sprouts for an all veggie diet.
It’s not great for the animals though. No one to work in slaughter houses means mass culling of animals.
Lol I kinda have bean growers remorse! We bought the vine beans where the strings need to be removed & they get very chewy.. I like the Bush green beans better. Anyhow IAF I love your channel where you give us the news we really need to know! ❤️
I think this recipe is better to make vegan fish / salmon fillet rather than a steak.
I dont get it. If you’re going to be vegan and not eat meat, then why would you want to eat something that resembles it?
1:19:03 Not sure margarine is ever coming back. Low fat diet has been societally as disastrous as factory farming, just not quite as disgusting, perhaps. Obesity epidemic seems to me largely related to low fat diet (read: adding processed carbs and sugar to practically all “convenience” or “fast foods”).
Would like to buy your cookbook, but I see you don’t ship to Europe, any ideas?
round here its getting difficult to find plant based protein like dried pulses and tofu…
Wonderful!!! Carnism caused this virus and carnism proves itself to be its own worst enemy! More people will learn how good plants are and the millions of ways to make them scrumptious. Veganism is EVOLUTION!
Excellent presentation, thank you! majority of my friends are in their 60’s and 70’s with all the major health problems that go along with meat centric diet and are living in isolation and fear due to covid19. I’ve been vegan for ten years and totally healthy, I view this as a wake up call for all those who fail to make the connection of human well being and the health of the planet and all animals. But sadly most will continue to look for a government solution and vaccines and continue on with their destructive irresponsible ways
The soy fibers makes me think that this is is the main ingredient they use to make Primal Strips vegan jerky.
Perhaps more producers will start working around the Can shortage by Dehydrating or freeze drying instead of letting entire crops rot in the fields.
It can be amazing how people with “addictive” personalities can get drawn in so many directions and seem to go to extreme levels in whatever direction they are pointed. And I said no to the M Dot!
Plant based meat tastes so bad! I’d rather pass than eat this.
Hopefully these meat shortages will help more people try the plant based alternatives
As a vegan I have actually got my husband to eat some vegan meals
I’ve gotten that from an Asian store sold as Veggie Floss. They also have meat Floss as well.
Great news! There are always hidden gems in every situation. Anything that moves us towards plants over meat! The universe has mysterious ways of regaining balance. Perhaps this is a shift towards sustainability long-term
As inflation rises companies will want less inventory on hand. The longer inventory of finished product sits the less the company earns. In times of inflation there’s always scarcity of all products.
I think if you were crazy enough to individually line the soy fibers to mimic muscle fibers it would have a more convincing texture
As a vegan, why would you want to create something similar to flesh? Serious question. I am a vegan, but do not understand the desire for fake meat.
Late frost’s post planting flooding & now extreme heat. #HAARP.
so plants and animals have the same DNA chains. The notion that you are eating something different by being a vegan is moronic.
That’s one of the bright sides of this crisis. One thing I was also thinking about is our overpopulation problem. With the amount of deaths it’s decreasing the population and because of the social distancing not that many people will be having sex so while there are babies still being born this year, next year there won’t be so many births. Not that many unwanted pregnancies and less babies being born. Trying to look at the bright side since I know overpopulation is a huge problem but people dying is still sad. My Grandpa gotten the virus and he’s not going to make it. It makes me sad but that’s life. I’m glad these meat factories are closing. I always hated meat before I took an interest in Veganism.
I have about 1500 cans of quality food and it just doesn’t seem like enough. For my family, that works out to 1 can each for 18 months. I have been rotating my stock for a decade or more. I figure my freezer would run out in 2 or so months. My freeze-dried food would be mixed in to suit but it’s only a few more months. I also grow food and can hunt but I feel I am way to short on what I need once it really stops. I even had to buy bulk guinea pig and dog food and that takes up space
Animal agriculture is the LEADING CAUSE OF CLIMATE CHANGE 51% see the animal agriculture white paper by Dr Sailesh Rao for evidence.
I wish I had your life. Vegan lifestyle healthy relationship goes to Disneyland. The best
What happens if the virus spreads THROUGH the dead animals? Funeral parlour workers have PPE so as not to get infected from dead humans what if dead pigs could transmit COVID 19 into the mourge section of the supermarket?!
God has answered my prayers to shut down slaughter houses, to shut down animal experiment labs and to get rid of any event that involves animal cruelty! Of course I also do my part of not supporting those industries by being vegan and speaking up for animals
The usual environmental propaganda alleging your vote does not count; so, live a life based on the pseudoscience financed by the criminal, oil, banking and drug cartels to feel good rather than doing anything substantial. Typical of individuals coming from an alcoholic, overweight history finding out that they can switch to a healthy lifestyle then think they have all the answers and not needing real scientific research. Criticizing sandwich places like Subway for nitrites not knowing they have had a vegipatty sub for several decades is the height of ignorance.
Future Meats does not produce meat products, rather the company sells hardware that allows small molecules to be turned into either fat cells or muscle. A serum derived from CHO cells (Chinese hamster ovaries) are used to grow the meat products. What’s important to note is that these are not plant-based meats, they are lab grown cultured meat cells. The cells grow in their own excrement, a specific resin is used to remove the toxins and allow the meat to grow in larger quantity.
Bill Gates owns the patent for CRISPR technology being used at Memphis meats. The technology that lets scientists edit the DNA of the meat cell. The technology has the capability of creating real beef tissue. This technology could possibly eliminate the need for “fetal bovine serum” a nutrient rich mixture made from the blood of slaughter cows that is currently being used to nourish lab grown meats.
Yes, I agree there are multiple agendas all with Bill Gates fingerprints. The false narrative of COVID-19, a biometric tattoo delivered with the worldwide mandatory vaccine. WO 2020/060606 and now the possibility of starvation caused by meat shortages.
Check this out. The meat packagers aren’t sick. What a coincidence. Just meat workers? Not grocery store, Walmart and Sams Club workers? This is how and why there will be a shortage of meat… the govt is telling farmers to kill their cows, dump their milk and destroy their crops.
I use Vege Shreds from creative food inc.… Shredded dehydrated seitan. Adds the chewy and mouth feel in my TVP burger recipe.
There’s different types of estrogen, the estrogen that you see in soy doesn’t affect the human body in that way. What you are saying is the result of people eating dairy, because they’re actually is estrogen in dairy product
I tried this once just to see what it was like.
It’s gross! And I know it’s bad. I own my one time try.
Oh it was Beyond that I tried. Not the other.
It’s GROSS! Soy is terrible for women and men and kids.
USE cash people!
And once again, BG advice. NO THANKS!
I’d like to know why the majority of last briefings by the president shows NO presidential seal on podium? Daniel Bishop pointed this out and I haven’t seen it since!
I just hope meat eaters don’t turn to beans and potatoes.. those are my main staples and finding potatoes has been hit or miss
Dude they’re paying $00.015 per pond for steel at the transfer station here. I’ve sold them 2,000 pounds in the last month. Doesn’t even cover the gas. That’s horseshit
I had a moment that changed my health life around 9.
It was in the summer after drinking more soda than normal for a kid. It made me feel sick in my stomach and that was when I decided no more my health journey started on that day. And I’ve never looked back.
I have seen stories of many vegetable crops being wasted cuz schools are closed. Now that is sad
For hardcore meat-eaters:
Start now purchasing plant based products to see which ones you prefer and stock up on your favorites (most varieties and selections are still available).
Look in your grocer’s produce section for your plant-based deli meats, hot dogs, sausages, tofu, tempeh, and vegan cheeses.
Look for your plant-based milks that are shelf-stable. They don’t have to be refrigerated until opened. Try a few different ones and stock up on your favorites.
The freezer sections have vegan/vegetarian sections for plant-based burgers, meatballs and ready made meals. Try the meatiest and hardiest looking products. You’ll be surprised at how flavorful and satisfying these products are.
Most grocery stores now have refrigerated non-dairy yogurt, milk and ice cream sections.
Stock up on nuts and seeds, nut butters, beans, peas and lentils if you feel like you need additional protein.
Woo hoo! Shut them all down! Ani.als are meant to look I’ve, they are not food! I only wish the price of vegan sausages would go down. Oh well.
Nutritional yeast for b12, sunlight and dark mushrooms for vitamin d
We’ve been needing to try bags for grocery items for years. A bag of corn doesn’t scare me
All this stuff has brought out just how much of our stuff relies on China… tin for cans, labels, much of our medical supplies, etc. And, it’s not coincidence that we are challenging global trade… someone realized just how dependent we’ve become!
It’s worth considering how the body & mind can repair a damaged cell instead of kill&cull or alleviate or avoid being damaged in the first place as well as henceforth.
A seed-bearing foods consumer doesn’t kill anything
While I was cleaning out my basement I found a quote on the thank you card that came with my violet flame orgone that reads “may we change the way we operate on an individual level and effect the vibration of the whole this is the dream” while they were discussing micro & micro health around 57:00
Keep rocking Roll 😉 you look great today so that tells us something.
Can shortage, coin shortage, this shortage that shortage….One thing there is no shortage of is stupidity in America.
Sitting on his bleached couch?
If he eats almonds seeds lentils and rice… he’s contributing to all sorts of environmental degredstion and water use.
I trust Gates as far as I can throw his husky, broad shouldered man wife. I want to give him a swirly and smack his glasses off. He is a globalist pawn who will end up in hell for participating in the depopulation agenda.
Now, who didn’t expect this? Wait until the specialty parts are needed and the tools to make them are gone.
I like how Ronda takes his alkalinity/acidity pseudo science and explains really why a high fiber plant diet is good for you.
In case anyone was wondering they make vegan D3 now, ya know because it’s the 21st century and all, it comes from lichen(mushrooms).
Thanks for your support all!
How are people handling the situation where you are?
Find me on bitchute:
This guy look 55. That’s what happens when you cut out animal protein 100%.
I disagree that grass fed is less environmentally friendly. It takes a lot of resources to feed a wolf in a forest over its entire life, but we don’t call the forest “a wasted resource”
Thank you both for an excellent conversationvery authentic, informative and generous.
Rhonda looks a little gaga-happy, mouth open, voice soft, a gentle skin flush. Maybe her pupils are dilated. Is it just me, or do you think she likes interviewing this dude?
The undercover videos that come out of these horrid places are disgusting. Try bacon flavored Tempeh. I’m a tempeh addict. So good. I use it in my sauce or gravy depending on where you live. Also cooking with wine changed my life. I hate drinking wine but love using it in my recipes. Life does go on without meat!
@ 55:55 “We’re the micro-organism, and the Earth is the macro-organism.” Whoa.
Rusty -1-A.N.S. I agree with Heather Holt!!! We must stop eating animals and wearing their skin and fur, to put these “concentration camps/slaughterhouses”, cattle ranches, pig farms, chicken, turkey and ducks farms and butcher shops (sic) retail stores etc. Out of business!!!!!
It’s been 3 years since this interview and I wonder if Dr. Patrick has learned that a proper vegan diet is super healthy and better than a diet that includes meat and fish. I think she’s trying to convince herself that her way of eating is superior or something. That aside, I think she is so incredibly intelligent and love to listen to her.
It’s too bad it took the Wuhan virus to close these slaughter houses.
In these types of interviews, there are often hidden psychological battles that involve other people and even jobs, and finances. People use drugs, alcohol, food, and sex to make themselves feel better. And you can see the sexual tension during this interview:-).
But all joking aside. We all struggle to manage our stress. And this is a very cool interview as it contains some honest descriptions of how the mind can use substances like food and drink to reduce the affects of stress on the mind. But at a sever cost of stress on the organs within the body that affect the mind.
There are many types of mind psychoses and various levels of those psychoses affect our mind…… And I can tell you that most people do die of these psychoses by self medicating with food, drink, and drugs….. because they simply do not have access to Nutritional info nor psychiatrists who can better diagnose their psychoses….the most common of which is manic depression which can lead to binge eating or alcoholism.
It is nice to see another self diagnosis and cure by experiential methods.
But I would like to see some Universities crank out some new types of Nutritionists who also know the related psychoses which commonly lead to poor diet or other substance abuse.
That way these people can be cured with a prescription of Nutrients and some level of psychiatric counselling and suggestion to help them understand and diagnose their personal stresses and help cure the psych part of the mind while tackling the Self Medication or self substance abuse part of it.
This new position might be called Psych-Nutritionist.
And the prescription of nutrients and Psych-Nutritionist counseling would certainly be better than what we are getting now with Big Pharma and doctors getting rich by peddling Opioids.
well they are just going to have to use jars!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great video with really good info. I wrote to Smithfield CEO Sullivan last week “demanding” he close the rest of his animal factories citing the abusive, repulsive conditions for the animals and society. I received a response from one of his lackeys filled w/ the usual doublespeak (aka protein, food chain, etc) as you mention here, never addressing the real problem. I really wish we could confine Sullivan himself to a gestacion cage and see how he reacts.
I find if I do the green smoothie for more than 4 days in a row I suffer from severe bloating and cramping.Any thoughts or similar experiences?
Market place is…mom ok. SPREAD the information you view of read… each narrative differes.
We in Netherland hardly have canned food in the supermarkets. We have food in glass jars which is healthier than that canned shit ( lead poison ) Don,t depend on communist China! Americans are very capable to manage their own food packing! No shortage here. Do it yourelf and u create more jobs too! Let communist China go to hell!
Even at 72 years of age I relate to Rich and his need for change. It’s not too late, even for me.
I stopped watching it about 40 minutes. I started this video to hear a Rich Roll interview, and instead she gets into a lecturing monologue; I’m not sure what her purpose was…. Made her sound insecure and unsure by having to science and fact drop so much. Is she there to interview him and find out about his diet or is she there just to lecture him re what she thinks he should be eating….It was bizarre.
in a word: Unrelatable. Basically a collegiate swimmer is a serious athlete. He took a few decades off to be a lawyer. Then he became “magnetized” or obsessed to do extreme endurance events. No one else has that drive. he’s clearly a type-A weirdo who takes everything to the extreme. Just not instructive to 99 percent of people. his formula is, be driven, and tweak what you’re driven about. Sorry mate, you’re no teacher.
food storage should be in layers…working pantry constantly rotated. Short term storage, (food that lasts 6 months to 2 years) This should also be rotated. and LONG TERM EMERGENCY Storage ( this should be the foods that are forever foods or store for 15-30 years whether you like it or not only certain foods last that long. and then the forever pantry should be what you can grow.
Hey Happy Healthy Vegan you did know that Thousands of acres of fruits and vegetables grown in Florida are being plowed over or left to rot because farmers can’t sell to restaurants, theme parks or schools nationwide that have closed because of the coronavirus. Don’t get too excited. This entire situation is not going to lead to people eating plant based diet. This is about government Corporate control over all aspects of the global citizens lives. The Corporations that farm and slaughter cattle,chickens etc are the same ones that make (in a Lab) the fake GMO, chemical diary and meat stuff some vegans love i.e. Beyond Meat. If you think that animal farmers and slaughter houses are the only farms effected, you need to broaden your news feed. ALL small local farmers are suffering financially, and if this lock down continues your local produce growers may be fine today but in the long term if they cannot recovery from their losses say bye, bye to that veggie farmer you trust. Did you know MICHIGAN GOVERNOR SAYS NO TO GREENHOUSE PLANT SALES IN CORONAVIRUS ORDER. Now these Greenhouse growers are hurting financially. Can you see just a little how Corporations and Government are taking a tighter grip on your food source. Now, Imagine being forced to wait on the Government to supply you with a box on your porch of GMO, Monsanto killer seed carrying fruits and vegetables that glow in the dark b/c they’ve been spliced with the gene of a fluorescent frog. This latter is a real thing. I tell you to broaden you news feed. Some Native American reservations have long been getting boxes of food-sans glowing veggies. Have you seen the tens of thousands of migrant workers across India have to evacuate the cities with no food or money due to the COVID lock down. There is a bigger global game is a foot and your Vegan ideology is a small tool in it and is being used against you too-to say it politely. And don’t think forced government food boxes is were it will stop, aside from being allotted food based on a merit system the food will eventually devolve into Soylent Green. And you youngins out there the latter was not a soybean based substitute reference. If you want to stand-up against something for the human freedom of choice, human liberty and humans right to choose. If you can’t see this isn’t about meat or no meat, animals above human beings. This is about keeping our respective country’s Governments, Corporations in check.
Great video! A whole food vegan diet is ideal for human health, the environment, and the animals. Maybe this pandemic will force long needed changes to the standard American diet.
Almost three years in the future now… veganism goes really strong.
I won’t change a thing… veganism is the best choice in my life, so far.
your youtube contents are great! You are definately making the difference in this unhealthy world. Well this helps my decision to go vegetarian and gradually vegan validated.
Sounds like some left-wing anti-science nonsense related to eating meat. Sure chickens, cows etc exhale CO2, but this does NOT contribute to climate change. The climate is a system. The carbon in the environment is always moving between the atmosphere, animals and plants. The ONLY thing that contributes to climate change is fossil fuels because it is the only source that is adding more carbon to the entire system.
Vegans have more vitamin K? Which kind? I’d wager that most people eating an average paleo diet are getting way above and beyond a typical vegan’s intake of any variety of K2. If you eat hard cheeses, organ meats, pork, or dark poultry meat, you’re getting whopping amounts of K2 in a variety of forms. Sure, you can eat natto, and that’s vegan and has been associated with decreased CVD risk. However, you’re primarily getting MK-7 from natto. Whereas only animal foods will get you MK-4, and only cheeses will give you meaningful amounts of MK-9, MK-10, or MK-11. The literature seems to suggest that many of these menaquinones have unique biological activity in the human body. So, as a vegan, you’re inherently rolling the dice and putting all of your money on MK-7.
Wonderful revelations! On health facts on one hand by honest scientific savants,:
And total obfuscating yellow journalistic ventures by anonymous claimants to scientific subjects
Much credit goes to T. Colin Campbell yet the name of the of the graduate fellow who brought him the China Study data and helped him analyze it, is rarely mentioned nor is the Chinese politician who commissioned the study to begin with. Actually the Chinese leader who was dying of cancer seems to be the one who had the original or at least simultaneous idea that cancer and diet are connected.
Beautiful conversation! Openminded, grown up, curious, totally not arrogant. So much great info on Dr RPs channel ❤️
I think in a lot of ways vegans are probably gambling with their health long term merely on the basis of genetic variation. Without knowing the specifics of your own genetics, you don’t know if you have polymorphisms affecting the actiivity of BCO1, UBIAD1, PNPO, or D6D. All of these are necessary for converting certain precursor nutrients into their active forms. Generally speaking, plants contain the precursors, and animals contain the active forms of the nutrients affected by these enzymes. When you go vegan, if you do not supplement you’re relying entirely on your own genetics as a fallback, and you’re trusting that you’re making all of these metabolic conversions. But, that might not even be true. In fact, you might have really bad luck and have issues with every one of these things. Who knows? Do you know? I doubt it. I certainly do not know my own genetic weaknesses.
BCO1 is the rate-limiting enzyme that converts carotenoids to retinol in your enterocytes. There is massive variation in the expression of this enzyme, and very large proportions of certain populations don’t convert well at all. There is also evidence that high-dose carotenoid supplementation may not be efficacious at counteracting these polymorphisms. It would probably be wise to supplement with preformed retinol instead of relying on carotenoids.
UBIAD1 is the rate-limiting enzyme involved in converting phylloquinone and all sorts of menaquinones to menaquinone-4, the active form of vitamin K. There is very little study on this subject, and it is unclear what the genetic variation is. It is also unclear what a lifetime of preformed MK-4 deprivation does to the body. But we know from prospective data that K2 intake is inversely correlated with heart disease. This research is in its infancy, but it does look like it matters. It would probably be a good idea to get preformed MK-4 in the diet.
PNPO is the rate-limiting enzyme that converts pyridoxine to pyridoxal-5-phosphate, the active form of B6. We know there is substantial variation in this enzyme, and that people with severe deficiencies of this enzyme typically develop seizures and respond to preformed B6 supplementation. There is evidence that deficiency in this enzyme associates with schizophrenia and other mental health disorders, and that schizophrenia symptoms are somewhat relieved when the active form of B6 is administered. Variation in this enzyme hasn’t really been studied, but it would be prudent to at least behave as though it is a concern. Consuming preformed B6 is probably a good idea.
D6D is the rate-limiting enzyme that converts ALA and LA to EPA and DHA. We know there’s variation. Some people convert as little as 5% of ALA to EPA or DHA, and some people convert as much as 25%. I’m not aware of any studies that attempt to quantify the prevalence of factors that effect this, including SNPs or other nutritional factors. Some research suggests that a diet too high in n-6 fatty acids like LA could deplete this enzyme and impair ALA conversion. Again, it would be prudent to act as though it matters and consume preformed EPA and DHA.
Luckily for vegans, there’s mostly good news. There are vegan forms of synthetic MK-4, B6, as well as EPA and DHA from algae. However, I know of no vegan preformed retinol. There are synthetic retinoids, but there are huge toxicity concerns with long term consumption, and I don’t think they’re widely commercially available. You can try to take a high dose beta-carotene/mixed carotenoid supplement and hope for the best, maybe. But, I’m afraid your only option that is guaranteed to meet your nutritional requirements is preformed retinol, typically only sold in the form of cold liver oil.
I have being plat based for the last 10 months and never felt better and lost 4 stone without even trying. Best choice I ever made.
Love these guys! Good stuff, Keep up the great work Rhonda and Rich! Love your proper pronunciations Rhonda!
I fucking love this, awesome interview… i’ve started eating more of a plant based diet ( still meats etc ) but 2 months in and i’m dropping so much weight feeling so much better, loving it, awesome interview
60 new chickens and a newly planted fall garden here, Christian! FULL STEAM AHEAD! And….yes…..planted mostly green beans!!!!!! Love ’em! Most bang for your buck and easy to grow!
at 6:50 he starts to answer why vegetarian… as a recovering alcoholic we go to extremes even as we are sober… This extreme thinking/behaving is another item as us sober folks still need to work on…
Hi Dr. Patrick, Could you clarify your position on how and where to get B-12?
Great interview! At 40:15, Rhonda states that the major source of EPA is marine. She meant to say DHA. Also, there are 3 enzymes (catalytic reactions) between α-linolenic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, not just Δ6 desaturase.They are as follows:
Δ6 desaturase [α-linolenic acid to stearidonic acid]
elongase [stearidonic acid to eicosatetraenoic acid]
Δ5 desaturase [eicosatetraenoic acid to eicosapentaenoic acid].
Then there are 2 more catalytic conversion to derive DHA from EPA:
eicosapentaenoic acid to docosapentaeonic acid via elongase.
docosapentaeonic acid to docosahexaenoic acid via Δ4 desaturase
Perhaps Rhonda means that estrogen potentiates all the desaturase enzymes, not just Δ6 desaturase. Delta 6 is more vulnerable to saturation, as she states.
I’ve seen train loads of steel, in California. Maybe they are going to the cannery.
I love beans and rice and cook them with my pressure cooker.
I don’t listen to NPR anymore, they are beholden to their donors.
Spoiler: eat real meat.
Just eat grass fed steak. Way more regenerative.
This channel is fascinating but it’s a science project channel, not a cooking channel.
A couple of ideas come to mind:
• Pulled Pork (and sloppy joes, or whatever you can do w pulled pork)
• Ropa vieja (that latin dish)
• Salpicón: Shredded beef, potatoes, carrots, lettuce, peas and lots of mayo. It’s like a potato salad w lettuce and meat.
• Beef, pork, chicken or tuna Empanadas
• Lasagna
• Shepherd’s pie
• Meatloaf
It’s a good thing I went whole food plant based 2 years ago for health reasons. So ALL my prep supplies are beans beans good for the heart the more you eat the more you……. lol. Beans and grains and canned veggies and frozen veggies and pastas and flours.
Hope these slaughter house close down permanently! People will then have to eat plant base!
There’s a reason the elites are teaching their children Chinese….
…its a cookie cutter canned mentality of the masses crafted through tv programming ERGO = MY PEOPLE PERISH FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE’
Majority of people don’t realize, even if they don’t like to eat beans, they can still make flour out of them if needed.
If people followed Dr. Campbell’s advice, they would be able to much better withstand epidemics like COVID-19.
We can make tin cans in the USA we have the materials and dies to make them.. companies have just been outsourcing to China for too long instead of relying on our own country and our own labor force and materials that are right here in our own country
I would like to see you doing this out of whole foods instead of chemical mixtures. Use real food.
I don’t feel guilty at all for buying beans. Use glass instead of tin it’s better for us. Let’s see the excuse for the shortage of this material.
Beyond burger uses GMO soybeans. GMO is destructive to enviornment. If you care abt animals you will care abt damn GMO/Monsanto!
Its educating ourself and so beautiful to be in harmony with inner self and nature. Thank you for sharing your insight to us.
When you decide to go plant based, You are beyond the point of wanting to eat Cow flesh. Trying to replicate cow flesh doesn’t really help the cause. Something that Tastes vaguely like beef is the goal, to help carnivores transition to just plants. Vegan Cheese is ok for someone who hasn’t tasted cheese for months or even years. The memory of cheese is wonderful. A vaguely similar experience becomes an acceptable substitute after abstaining for a while. The same should apply for Alll animal products. Not trying to replicate, but finding a “similar” substitute that satisfies the cravings
Why can’t I grow big mac?! ahh.. I make cans go bye bye?.. ah duurrrrrr… I’m brainless con-sumer say NPR
I haven’t been able to find canned green beans or canned corn at Costco or Sam’s Club for over a month now.
It’s so late, Christian! Do we still have time to grow, especially at this time of the year? I’m in the northern part of US
I dont know why im thinking of this but “natto” as a mix in ingredient might do as a binding agent and improve nutrition value
I think they are also covering the fact they are stealing the food coming into the country for their deep underground bunkers
The tin and steel is probably toxic like all their other shlt. If congress didn’t sell us out to the federal reserve, who sold us out to China, we wouldn’t be in this problem. All our enemies are a proxy for a defacto people who claim to be the chosen ones in the Book
In Canada farmers are being hurt, even ones just growing vegetables.
Worried about a cold… but what about when u are starving.???
It does actually say on some canned food items “partially made from domestic and foreign materials”, I mean, a canned bean is made someplace else but US??? C’mon, that’s ridiculous! We need to stop this stupidity.
Zero comments and only 262 views and a sad 14 likes in which one is mine….Come on people wake the fuck up…!
This man is a living legend and Dr. Kahn is a great man..!
I’m not necessarily down for lab meat but when he instantly shoots it down. It’s more than a solution based reason for being vegan. It’s like any other ideology, he can’t change, won’t change. Just my opinion.
We buy all their crap and all they do is blame us for following their directives when they told us to stock up for emergencies!!! Can’t believe there’s still so many Sheeple still wearing masks, everywhere!!! They love their masks.
7:45 reminds me a little of salmon croquettes made from canned salmon
Yeah no food for the people but there’s underground storage with 18 wheelers going in day and night all over the country all them old salt and coal mines are good for the gov to build places to stay and to store food
Beans.the magical fruit the more you eat the more you toot. i like beans
I wonder if you use wide tooth hairbrushes on this wet mixture you probably can align the fibers and make it even more meat-like, instead of it beind mushed in all directions
The soy floss looks exactly like the pork floss in the buns at my local Asian market.
Yes, I am offended by Dr Kahn calling any diet the Auschwitz diet; not something to be cavalier about.
The best reason for eating vegan is that all animal based foods come with an alien bacterial load. This bacteria, dead (cooked) or alive requires the intervention of the white blood cells to dispose of these alien life forms. It is as if they were an implant from another species. Once the leukocytes perform their mission they don’t return to the bone marrow where they originated.
Instead they bivouac to places in the body-the joints, teeth, vessels and organs-where they form inflammation. After eating plant based foods for a few years my arthritis went away. I also overcame my periodontal disease. Having lost 8 teeth after becoming vegan I have lost no more teeth since. Both these conditions were the result of inflammation.
I’ll turn 78 in September. I have no illness, have normal labs and take no prescription drugs. My vegan way of eating keeps me healthy. I rely on the information by Dr. Michael Greger and Colin T. Campbell, PhD. Yet I had to pay careful attention, and have life experiences, to fully wrap my mind around the bacteria-load, leukocyte, inflammation connection with animal based foods.
Krass, er wollte eigentlich gar kein Athlet werden… aber wohin mit der nun freistehenden Energie!?
Since the lock down started, I decided to go plant based. I will never go back to animal product again. I’ve never felt better in my life. Even though I can’t go anywhere and I’m stuck at home, I have more energy, my stress level went down and I sleep great. I am upset I had to wait for a pandemic to begin but better late than never.
I’ve made the decision to avoid using the word ‘slaughterhouse’ murderhouses is what they are.
might be ok as deep fried chicken nuggets since chicken nuggets barely have any resemblence to meat anyways,,,,
At the bare minimum what should be done is welfare for these death industries needs to end and that money should be invested in cell based meat. Factory farms need to die not the animals.
The stupidity needs to end. Truth and science will come out.
WIFE: You bought 100 lbs of pinto beans!?! WTF…you take your ass and your beans out to the garage, you cant even handle a small can of beanie weanie and here you go with 100lbs of FUC^N beans! ME: well we have a closed full of toilet paper so were good!
doesnt shipping back the packaging waste more energy than just recycling it?
Am I the only one who read the headline as “Rick Roll”? I need new glasses
Dirty rotten authoritarians, not liking the people being self reliant
Pretty sick we can’t make a damn can here! Ironic the cans were invented in England.
Oh well, I can my own!
There trying to starve us in to communist power
China is to blame
Use glass and seal lids
Go to antwains world on YouTube and can you address this it is so not good
Rhonda is the real deal. There’s usually so much woo-woo stuff around vegan nutrition. How refreshing to listen to someone so strongly grounded in science on the subject. She knows her stuff!!!
Very good content. Thank you for the valid commentary and not adding to the unprecedented fear mongering that has recently infiltrated our most trusted source of information. Have faith, but be ready when this all falls apart.
At my area stores in Phoenix AZ, there are very little canned foods, barely any vegetables. A few of brands like delmonte but I can’t find any organic brands at all
Whenever I go to the grocery store, I have been noticing things being put into plastic bags. Even baked beans, we don’t need to cans any longer..
I wonder how many people realize that when you empty a can, take off the label and rinse it out and you can take it to the local recycling center and get paid for it… They are heavy in the weight adds up quick..
they add up quick too, you’d be surprised how much stuff in a can you actually consumed..if you live in a city that doesn’t return bottles and give you a deposit back, save them crunch him down and the money adds up quick, take them to the recycle center
I DO RECYCLE everything I can but I am only one person & then I question, WHAT do the recycle centers here in the U.S. do with that STEEL?? Are my efforts REALLY effective?? Thoughts anyone??
When people are hungry what they do or don’t like to eat will not matter…..they’ll eat whatever they’ve got if they like it or not
Ever considered skipping the steaming altogether? Refrigerate until really firm, then into the pan?
I got caught “flat footed” in March, and started new gardens. Had a steep learning curve, but I expect to have much better results this Fall when the new garden is ready for potatoes, and later onions and corn. As far as the can shortage goes, buy canned meat when it’s available, and buy dry beans whenever possible. Another couple of tips: make your own yogurt with powdered milk (it’s available because it’s not popular) and get serious about doing the sour dough bread you’ve been thinking about.
Now you will see what s the communism mean. Ordo something to stop the Democrats taking over the whole country and get back to work and produce in your country.
Veri soy is just a brand of tvp and soy jerky. I’m pretty sure about that.
Excellent discussion. My favorite so far (I’ve listened to about 15). Great, balanced, informative and thoughtful, which is the best outcome of discussions such as this.
It feels like all these fake meat recipes should be perfected already by a civilization who has had access to both. And the reason why we so clumsily make our own seitan is so the big industries can overcharge us for a mass produced store version. I’d gladly pay for a membership message board where all the oldest trustworthy vegan molecular gastronomy experts share their secret recipes because they truly love their cause. Buying the fake hotdogs, chicken cutlets, beef crumbles, and sausage patties cost well over $20 alone and they only last 2 servings, and they are only using pennies worth of food powder. It’s pretty cruel how the perfect meat taste alike recipe and method is not mainstream knowledge yet.
Soy Protein (aka Soy Floss, Veri-Soy) is what we Chinese and anyone who follow the traditions eat to replace a snack called Pork Floss during the Vegan Festival.
These slaughterhouse companies treat the employees pretty much like the animals they murder….as disposable.
What must working in these places do to one’s soul/heart/mind? It’s just awful.
My neighbor mentioned this situation, and said she’s thinking of going vegan, to which I said that’s great!
But then she started on about the whole milk she bought being able to stay consumable for a long time….sigh….
Let dairy die…..and may the slaughterhouses go out of business.
I’ll happily help these folks find a new line of work.
We have been in a tariff war with China since July 2018 over steel and aluminum.. Look up Section 301 and Section 232
I don’t Give a rip about living and would just as soon be dead
I’d rather eat BACON, Heavy Cream, Ice Cream, Steak, LOBSTER, Hot Dogs, and the like than eat the sawdust and pine needles set forth of by the food police.
BS we got plenty of steel here in America, Mexico, Canada,brazil
If you have lots of food on your pantry you do not want, give it to a food pantry. But odds are you may be sorry about September.
TVP was supposed to be the newest best thing around when I was a kid in the 60’s. It was shitty then and its shitty now
But they have a “fund”! Isn’t that all it takes to buy food? a “fund”??? Let them government lackeys EAT THEIR DAMN FUND!
I have a garden and I help my neighbors. I am 72 and still plant fruit trees as well as any thing I can fit in. Here in the VIRGIN ISLANDS I am blessed with incredible weather and a well in my back yard. Please plant and learn about the edible landscape we inhabit! 4️⃣✌❗️
After a long time thinking about it. I have finally decided to go vegan. I am eating what I have left in my home and then buying vegan only from here on. I get stuck on what to do for dinner but I will hopefully figure it out.
US is the 4th largest steel exporter in the world sends the steel to china to make cans lol!!! Then imports containers of tins filled with air back to the US to be filled. I say something stinks real bad about that and you can’t blame the Chinese, its America that has failed nobody wants to be blue collar anymore they all want degrees in feelings a country can’t survive like that!
And, for those who just can NOT give up their meat addiction we will soon have… drum roll, please… clean meat. Can hardly wait for it to hit the “pet” food market so we can start feeding it to our carnivorous rescue companions.
but are those ingredients not processed food?? as along with not eating meat etc going vegan /vegetarian is also about eating clean and unprocessed after all biggest killer of and cause of obesity today is processed food
KFC is planning to 3-D print food so I guess you can print food.
The other side of this topic is that home canning supplies are becoming quite difficult to find and the price gouging is crazy: $600 pressure canners (normally max out at $250), $500 canning books (normally $15-25), $13 for a single box of lids (normally $2-3) along with retailers running out. Talk about things that will just sit on people’s shelves.
Looks like it might be a good pulled pork type of option as well.
B12 is made by a certain bacteria, so I would say that Rich Roll is right in his way of saying it 😉
Beans = lectins -> LPS -> Leaky gut. (per Steven Gundry MD)
People should be buying bean,rice & canned vegetables so they don’t starve
Bring back glass jars and bottles, aluminum is not good for your body
I always liked your so. It would be nice if you can go through and make it a little shorter. And to the point
+Happy Healthy Vegan Buying your E-book right now! ✌️& from Long Beach CA!
It makes me sick that people call animals protein or when people class it as a food group…. it’s a macro nutrient found in all food
Rockefeller, Kissinger industrial transfer to China in the 1970s
I’m disappointed in the interviewer who seems to be ignorant of plant-based diet v the dangerous animal protein diet. She eats a lot of fish (contaminated with toxins and overfished rapidly being depleted marine life) and a lot of CHICKEN (tortured and brutalized animal ag victims) but not red meat (super tortured and brutalized existing in animal ag filth)? Both filed with big pharma antibiotics and hormones. You got to be kidding me. She doesn’t know that both of the sources of animal protein are essentially the same in saturated fat and cholesterol. Hmmm? Not really digging this interview only because of the uninformed interviewer. She can’t extrapolate the destruction of the human body/mind and the planetary destruction caused by humans torturing, killing and consuming animals? What? Why is she interviewing Rich Roll? Rich Roll has got his act together as a vegan. He exposes the animal diet in the interview. Thank you! I would like to hear Rich’s thoughts on meditation and Patrick McKeown’s oxygen advantage breathwork and nose breathing running.
Dr. Campbell, you & everyone else promoting the plant based diet, none of you tell us whether we are to cook our veggies or eat them raw, to fully benefit from their protein & calcium & fiber, etc. This leaves us very confused. I suffer from IBS & have to cook most of the plants. Does that mean I won’t get the health benefits from plants that you talk about?
Is Dr. Kahn seriously saying the keto diet causes ketoacidosis???
LOL! This is Hilarious all you weirdos grandstanding on your delusional libtard moral high ground. All of you trying to FORCE your twisted unnatural beliefs on people. Meanwhile you eat supplements like tic-tacs and do everything in your power to mimic the flavor texture and nutrients you would get by just eating an ANIMAL BASED diet. NO….they aren’t gonna shut down the Processing Plants and this WILL create a larger demand for MEAT. Further more this will probably help the small farmer by putting even MORE money in their pockets do to the increase in demand for meat. Its unfathomable that you clowns would force people to be on your nutrient deficient Auschwitz Diet.
I dont know Ryan those beyond burgers where I’m at are morbidly expensive. Still more expensive than meat. Lots more.
No one wants a voice against the all mighty dollar! But thanks to Mr Campbell for doing it for us! And thank you for putting this video up!
Mad Scientist are ya??? I love it so much!!! Meet Alton Brown Jr.
In my local Harris teeter grocery store, they used to have a section near the meats for plant based burgers/sausages (Beyond meat, Litelife, Pure brand burgers, etc). but recently since the pandemic started, they’ve removed that section and replaced it all with meat They are also not replacing stock of JustEgg or Planet Oat milk. I wonder what’s going on..
This man deserves all of our respect, he is the father of the plant based movement. Thanks a lot for fighting for what is right, the real truth, integrity
Then peanut factories should be called protein plants. Also, there is a lot of fat in animal flesh too, but they constantly want to just call it protein. Call it what it is and stop dancing around reality with your cognitive dissonance, it’s animal flesh! (Speaking to the slaughterhouse people)
Problem: shortage on cans, Solution: gotta learn to can our own/make our own, substitute pop cans for glass bottles like back in the older days
Congrats. My name is Sam I’m 50-yrs old. I at 2008 quit smoking cold turkey, was getting sick of every second-day smoke shop. Anyway, I smoked since starting at putting one in my mouth at 7-yr old. My parents smoked they just said don’t touch ours leave your hands of ours. So, from 10-yrs old for 30-yrs I smoked the money wasn’t the issue. [Anyway’s since 2008 from going into Shopper Drug Mart as I inquired about the quit smoking items, I bought and started taking Thrive Gum, also bought Stride gum. So, when I felt a craving I started going for a gum instead or even a bottle of water.
From 2008 to today has been 10-yrs. I still wake up for the coffee first thing, but the smoking craving is gone.
I really enjoyed your video, as watching I’m tended thinking back to myself. Teaching your body or forcing your body, to walk another bath is very very hard. But, once your on that path as your own choice [It’s all for the best].
There is so much more I can mention but I’m not going to write it here.
But, “Thumbs Up” buddy.
Yes this is “floss”. It comes in mushroom, pork, chicken, etc. Commonly eaten as a rice topping.
Hey Bro. Love Your Videos. Would you consider doing a Carne Asada
Substitute video. Thanks!
sure is a lot of GOYA cans on the shelves…lol…guess its the MSG additive….
I just saw a news story about an American plant and one lady was saying the employees weren’t even given personal protective equipment…and no social distancing? So now meat eaters are getting meat spiked with cancer cells, infections, anti-biotics, psychotropic drugs, plastics, hormones, antibiotics, meat glue, pink coloring…and corona??? I hope this is the wake up call we’ve been waiting for.
I’m glad that Colin Campbell and Caldwell Esselstyn are such good friends.
i think you should recreate this with less moister content!!
Big respect for Rich, but the riporter talked a lot, instead of Rich…
8:13 Sorry to hear that Beautiful, I hope you get through to them, sometimes you just can’t, and it’s not that You Can’t, it’s that they just Won’t allow it, they will not accept it, they will not hear it, they canNot hear it. Depression is a CraZy! thing I’ve lost both a Uncle who had Everything to live for and the Best friend.
All the Best!
: )Tyler
I wonder what percentage of vegans eat organic? I bet I am better off eating grass-fed beef and organic vegetables than a vegan who eats pesticide laden vegetables only.
I am really keen to explore non-meat recipes as my daughter is a vegan and I am looking for new recipes so that I can cook more dishes for her. But I wish people would stop talking about plant based ‘meat’. It isn’t meat. Meat is the flesh from animals. What is being explored here are plant based ingredients to mimic meat. It would sound just as odd the other way round… i.e. cooking meat based ‘plants’. They wouldn’t be ‘plants’. Very happy to look at non-meat burgers, or non-meat goujons, or fishless fingers though! PS: I am an organic meat eater, so only buy genuine local, free range (not factory) but I’ve subscribed to you SS, as this looks like a REALLY interesting channel! Thankyou!
Hi Thanx for a lot of good content just my 2 cents FYI in 2 days the US GDP Q2 is Expected to be announced as 33% the BIGGEST DROP EVER IN THE BIGGEST ECONOMY EVER
even this is expected by experts the SHOCK to the GENERAL PUBLIC as they realise how USELESS even EVIL are our current system of Governance ie the IslamoTalmudicJesuitNaziTechnocracy Protect & profit All You Doomsday sayers THIS IS THE BIGGEST ECONOMIC EVENT EVER other than the Total Implosion
Besides jackfruit can you find another meat substitute other than soy? Do you know?
It’s probably meat. China uses real leather in their faux leather
I would add to the mix a bit of potatoes, maybe potato starch, finely chopped musrhooms sauteed (a mix of varieties), beetroots rather than only beetroot water and a handful of lentils, plus some steak seasoning only very briefly puplsed. also I would stop looking for meat like texture, we need to distance ourselves from the myth of meat. the taste for meat will not be appealing to most vegetarians anyway.
I have thyroid problem I could never be a vegetarian or vegan soy is Kryptonite to my thyroid!!
it’s not meat and it’s not steak…. at all… and if you think any plant taste like meat your an idiot….
I love your videos. It blows my mind just how creative you can be with vegan ingredients. I’ve been obsessed with pork floss since I was a little kid. The fact that there is a vegan version of it is making me cry. Hallelujah!!
Meat, fish, dairy, & eggs have NO fibre, so not sure why this host doesn’t want to say they’re not good other than she eats this. Rich is very informative & the alkalinity he spoke of is also valid so also not sure why the host negated that yes we know about the microbiome & fibre, still the alkalinity IS a factor as well, like Rich said.
these unusual animal/human interfaces breeds covid19. not just the close quarters, but all the blood, feces and wet conditions. carnivores are going to need a lot of money to pay for their meat. switching to fish will only destroy their already weakened gut due to antibiotics and lead. its not looking good for carnivores. this is the new reality
We need to have the term “plant based meat” made illegal, so people looking for meat are not tricked into buying shit. There is no such thing as plant based meat, it is plant based plant.
Where would I find Veri soy? Our soy protein is more like minced meat, in this country. So I would love to try the Veri soy too.
Everyone please watch the Dominion documentary now n share it
this doesnt look very good, steak eaters arent swapping for this meat loaf
Alright, so how about your exact Beyond UnSteak recipe, add in methylcellulose, a tiny bit of pea protein isolate, and then Veri Soy?
Well when it comes down to the absolute worst case scenario the sad part is that we could still go cut open the dumpsters behind distributors, and grocery stores and find literally tons of perfectly frozen and perfectly fresh fruits and veggies and sealed, totally edible not even expired canned, bottled and boxes foods.
Okay I’m curious if you have or are working on a plant based steak using no soy and no wheat
They’re running out of Aluminum too, they’re putting it “all” into their VACCINES!!! It’s a very conducive metal, like MERCURY! 5G/STARLINK!
Useful and terribly sad information about the treatment of animals and workers, Ryan. Such a good time to change to veganism for anyone.
Odd thought: Is it possible to comb this when mixed, before cooking, so as to better mimic the “grain” of steak?
I wonder if that stuff would be good in some vegetarian pulled pork style recipe.
What about glass jar canning. Come on, scaring us is WRONG. Eff the negative, let’s think rationally and positively. Peace
B12 was and is in all the rivers, lakes, and streams we got our water from for billions of years. Renders the ‘B12 exclusive to meat’ question moot.
Who does not like beans? Bad people. That’s who. Lol. Npr can eat a bag of d!cks.
Seems more to me like it’s because China has stopped accepting our recyclables
I really want to see you step up the game and arrange those strands the same way instead of them being tangled. Maybe spreading it on a flat surface, ‘brushing’ (spatula, knife, idk) it to straighten the strands, then cut and stack, maybe roll just a little to bind the layers. This is also the best step to add fat, between the strands.
I’m interested in returning to a vegan diet. I bought forks over knives already. I’m going to have to buy your book. Looks great.
I am paleo but dang this is a good interview. Been trying to listen to more of rich rolls podcast. Good arguments on both sides. Why not try and work together than argue about what is “right”.
Wonder if xanthan gum and vital wheat gluten would help it more
We have moved primary production off shore for years and now we are enbroiled in embargo
It looks like it could be used as a pulled beef alternative. Pull it and add some BBQ sauce on it. Put it in a tortilla with some vegetables =). nomnom
The shamans of the amazon say climate change is due to the human race being divided and separated from their inner selves, each other, nature, all creation here and beyond and the love energy. Mother earth is teaching us lessons that are crucial for our evolution as a species so that we wake up and realize our divine heritage and become loving, peaceful, grateful guardians of our sacred home planet. As the oneness that we are, let’s unite to dispel the dark and bring in the light of love and peace for good. Love and light to all.
Yeah and if this happens there will be major poaching. We might even hunt some species to extinction. No this is not a good thing.
No. Just stop it already. Meat is meat. This is slop. You want to push plant based meat, I’m gonna push for meat based vegetables.
“Seasoning our steaks not our cutting board” ah, a man of culture and fan of Raguse as well.
corn kernel skin might be a good cellulose steak like additive
This does not look or feel anything like steak. Stop lying to yourself.
I don’t get it. Why not just eat regular steak. You know, from a cow
There is no plant based meat figure out a new name for your paste.
It might be interesting to combine the beyond burger or impossible burger with this soy floss.
Does anyone know how I can buy this stuff in Europe? It’s impossible to find on google:(
Hello! I just wanted to say that every video you make is incredible and interesting. I made myself a Playlist of recepes I’d like to try and every other video is one of yours! You deserve way more subscribers and I’m sure you’ll top the million soon enough! Congrats on your amazing channel!
My great grand father lived to be 105 years old.. he was far from eating a plant based diet.. just real food
Meanwhile NewZealand close down our aluminium smelter. Grrrrr. Tiwai Point.
Love all your podcasts! View them on you tube when I can it would be great if you could add interviews and information on how senior athletes (over age 65 and particularly women) can continue training to stay fit and healthy. Especially focusing on workout intensity and recovery with emphasis on avoiding age related injuries (is: degenerative tendon/ligament tears and spine/disc issues) from living an active lifestyle. Many thanks for making us aware all we can do to live happy, healthy lives! <3
Vegans trying to replicate meat is like someone trying to make fine champainge out of sewage water.