Table of Contents:
Starch (Carbohydrate) Digestion and Absorption
Video taken from the channel: Armando Hasudungan
Carbohydrate Digestion And Absorption Carbohydrate Metabolism
Video taken from the channel: Whats Up Dude
What happens when you stop eating carbs
Video taken from the channel: Tech Insider
Jessica Turton ‘Evidence-Based Practice: Low-Carbohydrate Diets’
Video taken from the channel: Low Carb Down Under
Dr. Peter Brukner ‘Why Low Carb?’
Video taken from the channel: Low Carb Down Under
What continues to be a problem is all carbohydrates lumped together as bad for you and considered the reason for weight gain and poor health. There appears to be a lack of understanding about the right kind of carbs to keep in our diet for the body to function well.Also, athletic performance can be adversely affected without an adequate amount of carbohydrates.Because of their numerous health benefits, carbohydrates have a rightful place in your diet. In fact, your body needs carbohydrates to function.When we consume carbohydrates it provides energy to our body at every physiological level.
Our digestive systems break down the carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar). This serves as energy to our cells, tissues, and organs. Energy not utilized immediately is stored in our muscles and liver and used whenever our body requires.
Carbohydrates, or carbs, have recently gathered a bad reputation for their ability to cause weight gain, but not all carbs are unhealthy. In fact, carbs are actually essential to our diets.Common foods with carbs: Grains, such as bread, noodles, pasta, crackers, cereals, and rice. Fruits, such as apples, bananas, berries, mangoes, melons, and oranges.
Dairy products, such as milk and yogurt. Legumes, including dried beans, lentils, and peas. Snack foods and sweets, such as cake.While your body may be able to find other sources of energy, Dr.
Karmally warns against cutting carbs out completely—specifically the complex carbs found in healthy foods like fruits.GENERAL CARBOHYDRATE RECOMMENDATIONS The National Academy of Medicine sets the recommended dietary allowance at 130 grams per day. This is the minimum amount of carbohydrates needed to provide enough glucose for the brain and red blood cells from carbohydrates.Choosing the right kind of carbohydrates and spacing them out evenly throughout the day can keep blood sugar from rising too high, too fast (90% of the carbohydrate calories you digest end up as.
For example, low carb diets typically restrict carb intake to under 26% of total daily calories, or fewer than 130 grams of carbs for someone following a 2,000-calorie diet.Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy. The fruit, vegetables, dairy, and grain food groups all contain carbohydrates. Sweeteners like sugar, honey, and syrup and foods with added sugars like candy, soft drinks, and cookies also contain carbohydrates.Healthy sources of carbohydrates, such as higher fibre starchy foods, vegetables, fruit and legumes, are also an important source of nutrients, such as calcium, iron and B vitamins.
Significantly reducing carbohydrates from your diet in the long term could mean you do not get enough nutrients, potentially leading to health problems.Carbohydrates have become a controversial issue in weight-loss circles. Some diet gurus advocate diets high in carbohydrates, while others caution dieters to avoid them like the plague. Studies.
Carbohydrates provide the major source of energy the body uses to function and to maintain cells and generate heat. Carbohydrates also help regulate fat.If no carbohydrates are supplied in the diet, the body looks to other sources, including proteins and fats. This occurs during low-carb diets, for example.
While carbs are the body’s most efficient energy source, fats are the least efficient. Protein has more important work to do; its main role is.Understanding the need for carbs in the horse’s diet is necessary to choose a feed that best suits your horse. Let’s talk about the purpose of carbs in your horse’s diet and the two different forms.
The speed and duration of movements that we ask of our horses requires energy. The main source for quick energy is carbohydrates. Our horses.
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from How to Open a Financially Successful Pizza & Sub Restaurant | |
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from Living Gluten-Free For Dummies | |
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from Pregnancy Journal, 3rd Edition (ebook) *OP*: A Day-to-Day Guide to a Healthy and Happy Pregnancy | |
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from 100 Questions and Answers about Sports Nutrition & Exercise |
He makes some good points, but I want to say that if someone has a good metabolism, there is nothing wrong with eating 200-300 grams of carbs per day if it’s low in fructose.
He says all carbs break down into sugar. But sugar rarely means glucose, it is usually referred to combination of glucose and fructose. Once your metabolism is damaged by fructose, you can’t metabolize carbohydrate well and needs to go on the low carb diet.
So I can’t see how a healthy person can’t handle real food carbohydrate that is low in simple sugar.
You know Dr. Brukner, perhaps we should test all our food on the ants before we eat it. They clearly have better sence than the average scientist. Vegans could learn an awful lot from them.
Outstanding presentation. Thank you LCDU. I could listen to Dr Peter Bruckner all day.
By the way, the label he shows at 49:35 that’s full of unpronounceable ingredients, about 40+ of them… that label is from baby formula in case you were wondering. That’s what the label looks like on the garbage they’re feeding to babies. It’s just soy, corn, some oil and sugar, and a bunch of synthetic vitamins.
This is why the mother (as long as we’re not talking about an adoptive mother, they obviously don’t have any option to breastfeed) needs to be eating a good diet so she can actually breastfeed for longer than a couple months.
I almost lost my milk supply, it was getting worse and worse and my baby was crying after eating and hungry every hour. It was horrible. I tried every supplement and nasty herbal bars, herbal teas, herbal “candy,” power pumping, etc. Nothing worked. Changed to a low-carb, mostly animal-based diet and I’ve been able to stop taking all the supplements and my baby gets plenty of milk now.
McGovern was a Democrat…the same party that currently has proven to be globalist, incompetents interested in spreading misinformation & stupid ideas about governing….losers all
My Mother paid the ultimate price, she died (heart attack, diabetes type 2) because of the ADA and government Food Pyramid that she followed.
Hello great information about our sad health care providers that I already had a good idea of what they are mostly consisted of… But I’ve been doing a moderate ketogenic diet for the last month and a half,I started after listen to Dr. Eric Berg,and there is a little if not a lot more food to live on and constantly live on for a long time without being hungry all the time. Also at the same time I after listening to his video about intermittent fasting aswelll I got on that too.i just needed to say that. Like steak,bacon,pork chops, rice,eggs (which I usually boil) salt pepper,homemade salad dressing, bay leaf tea with cinnamon and ginger root.
Now I only eat two meals a day,with the odd day I go with just one.and instead of low carb I’m going NO Carb until I clear up my eczema that also along with ackey joints and bad back sore muscles.i am gonna make an attempt to cut all unnatural sugars and sweeteners out of my life for good. I don’t have a house scale,and I’m not interested in the number watch Anyway to much,although it will be nice to get on after another month of this to see what is going on…now I know I started at around 235 pounds. I’m 6 foot male I know that I should be around 185….so thanks for your information, it will help me push on my way to a healthier lifestyle and stay away from the Drs.;) and I’d like to add I’m from and live in Canada, its not any better here. I have heard in the last 5 years on Facebook or YouTube, I’ll need to try and find the video I watched about a female Dr. I believe she was from Germany this was in the 50s she came out with a cure for cancers, and a lot of it was staying away from processed foods,and the store bought salad dressings… she also said that staying away from fish oils omega 3s was a good plan. Instead she suggested organic flax seed oil,the fresher the better and cottage cheese and something like home made milk. I tried that for a while,even though I have my cancer contained like it should be. You see we all have so called cancer,aids,the works…it’s our lovely immune system that keeps it all in check. Anyway,if someone knows of this Drs. Name that would be great for you to let me know so I can have a listen to her again. Thanks!
47:30 Of course autism existed before someone thought to name it, just like Pluto (the dwarf planet) existed before 1930. If you read about his habits, Henry Cavendish was clearly autistic, but lived before anyone bothered to write diagnostic criteria. The myth of the “changeling child” seems to be based on autistic children, when people were superstitious enough to believe in fairies stealing children. When you say silly things like that autism came into existence when the diagnostic criteria were written, you make me doubt the accuracy of the rest of your talk, even though I’m inclined to believe in low-carb.
Half the carbohydrate in coca cola, honey, and table sugar isn’t “just glucose”; it’s fructose, which goes straight to liver and gives you NAFLD.
I am 70 was diagnosed with High blood pressure weighing in at 210lbs middle of June 2018 and offered Statins I asked my doctor what was the alternative and she said lose some weight so I said OK ill do just that I had dabbled with LCHF a few years ago but my wife was not in favour of it but I decided it was the way to go. I discovered diet and I started the two week challenge on the 26th June 2018
the objective is to reduce Carbs down to 20gm a day in order to get into the state of Ketosis two weeks after I started the weight began to come off at the rate of 1-1.5 lbs a week WITHOUT feeling hungry as you can eat as much as you like without worrying about calories
The recipes on are absolutely delicious
today the 23rd November 5 months later I weigh 177lbs I am seeing my doctor next week to check blood pressure
As an aside Statins, according to the original lipitor advert to Doctors stated “Lipitor reduces the risk of a heart attack by 36%” but in the small print it says “That means in a large clinical study 3% of patients taking a sugar pill.placebo had heart attack compared to 2% of patients taking Lipitor “
So the Ad IMHO manipulated the result as only 1% benefited I play poker and I would never bet when the odds of getting a specific card was 100:1 so I have said NO to statins
Can’t place her accent. Is aussie…sort of…but something else mixed in…
I found the right number of carbs that works for me: 0. #Carnivore
Why is the validity of “low card” (however defined) so hard for many to accept? Because regardless of the attempt to be “evidence-based,” much of human judgment is NOT evidence-based. Just look at 9:03. “Encourage gorging?” This a blatantly emotional value judgment that belongs nowhere in a professional program (and does not describe the Atkins diet). I think most of the disbelief regardless of studies is based on deeply felt, even subconscious beliefs about self-discipline and virtue, especially in women, vs. sinful self-indulgence, and tangential beliefs about animal rights and ecology.
Yes doctor, you could change things if only people would listen.
Why isn’t this video being shown in all high schools at least in Australia if not all around the world?
Doctor Brukner, you really are a brilliant speaker and well worth an ear. I’ve been keto for decades but could listen to you for hours.. Thank you.
well… I have been on the keto diet for 2 months. I have dumped 16 pounds. My blood pressure has dropped significantly. It is a challenge, but I am not hungry, mostly just trying to resist influence by others to have goodies to eat. I do believe it is different for everyone, you have to fine tune the fat/protein/carb ratio to fit your body metabolism. After 2 months I am now trying to really focus in on super healthy,nutritional carbs just for the needed vitamins/minerals. But I believe I have broken the sugar ( as in drinks, cookies,ice cream, candy ) addiction….and I was really hooked. The thing that surprised me the most was how sensitive I have become to foods. I am still drinking 2 large cups of coffee in the morning and I can really feel the caffiene and I know this is not good so that is my neck hurdle, dump the coffee or at least get it down to a very small cup in the morning….damn I love the coffee
Since cutting carbs I need to drink much more water (the clue in the name carbo-hydrate), every other side effect is positive. Running on fats instead of sugars means I am in control of my emotions, have increased mental clarity and have better performance day to day.
Its not about cutting carbs, its about cutting on HIGH GLYCEMIC CARBS, found in processed foods. You can still eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
So no carbohydrates diet is good in losing weight and fat loss?
The food industry makes us ill, and the pharmaceutical industry medicate us. I have slashed carbs, lost 42 LBS in weight, and reversed T2 diabetes. I am waiting for a scan, that will show if I still have Non Alcohol Fatty Liver disease.
And my doctor says losing weight isn’t possible. I wish he could watch this. How do we overcome sugar addiction
Anyone over 50 who have eaten high carb their whole life needs to eat as if the have type 2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease. KETO/IF and block fasting in addition to nutritional supplements.
Glucose competes with Vitamin C for absorption, so if you have chronically high blood sugar from a grain-based, carb-heavy diet, your absorption rates will be low. Eating healthy without overloading on the carbs allows blood sugar levels to stabilize, and maximizes Vitamin C absorption.
Apparently the dietary guidelines are designed to provide the healthcare system with ever growing profits.
I’m 14 and 200 pounds at only 5’10 so my doctor basically told me nicely “cut out carbs you fatass”
Well presented and entertaining presentation, looking forward to my first event in Sydney next week.
What’s with the ride cymbal jeez use better moved music please
I’m on a carnivore diet. Would that be considered low carb diet?
After they amputated my mother’s leg they fed her cheese crackers, ice cream, soda, apple juice etc. in the hospital.
Carnivores like Eskimos/Inuit have a lifespan which is 12 years shorter than average Canadian. Mongolians and Masai also do not have long lifespan. Check it out.
On the other hand, the blue zones, world’s 7 longest lived communities, eat predominantly plant based diet. Also based on WHO records, the top 3 countries with the higest life expectancy Monaco (89 years), japan and singapore (85 years) have predominantly plant based diet. Their meat consumption per capita is only 70% or less compared to USA meat consumption of 120kg per person per year.
Ancient china Imperial records also suggest superiority of predominantly plant based diet. Out of 250 Emperors, who feasted on meat, only 4% lived to beyond 70. Whereas out of 400 abbots of Imperial temples, who were vegetarian, 70% lived to beyond 70 years, a great achievement in ancient times.
Which high meat consumption community/country can match above records? We should not confuse high refined carb which is causing obesity/chronic illness with whole plant food eaten by mankind over the centuries.
Human is not designed to eat 100% meat considering
a) our cisors and canine teeth for meat eating is only 12% of our tooth structure.
b) the acidity of our digestive juice is only a fraction that of a carnivore.
c) the length of our intestine is multiples that of carnivore and approach that of herbivore.
d) even fast growing babies protein consuption is only 7% of their diet considering human milk only contain 1% protein.
e) kidney patients are advised to keep a low animal protein diet to avoid further stress to their kidneys.
f) scientists studying microbiome reported that best microbiome is found in diet containing fruits and vegetables.
g) research on anti aging suggest that high protein diet activate mtor pathway which accelerate aging.
h) the way animals are reared and meat cooked introduce too much carcinogens.
I am not advocating a vegetarian diet but just cautioning that a high protein/high fat diet long term may be going to the other extreme which does not promote longevity. Cheers.
Great video, it cleared a ton of things up for me! Thank you!
An otherwise complicated subject made simple. Definitely worth the time. Thank you Dr. Brukner.
can’t u tell me about the active and passive transport of carbohydrates in lumen
Avoid fruit except avocados and olives. Fruit has been modified to increase sweetness (read sugar).
I don’t understand why so many speakers don’t have the common courtesy to refrain from these mouth sucking, lip smacking oral eminations. Once or twice in an hour’s speech can be forgiven, but that’s about it.
Someone convince me that vaccines are good. I don’t trust my government with a glass of water.
It’s too bad that low carb kills libido, suppresses testosterone and worsens sleep quality!
Thanks Jess. Great talk as usual and I for one laughed at your Oprah joke!:)
I know this works for most, but as with any way of eating many don’t stick with it as it gets too restricting to do for “x” amount of time IMO.
I don’t eat carbs (yes, including fruit and carby vegetables) and I experience 100% the opposite. The key is to add plenty of fats. lots of studies to back this up, just do some research. low carb low fat is bad. low carb high fat is good!
Very good! Thank You, very useful video considering the fact that education is all online due to COVID-19
the doc forgot to add fasting as an effective way to lose weight. Im doing both fasting and low carb and my results are fantastic
Brilliant presentation, but why is so few doctors on board? Guidelines have to change, low fat has died, but it is still kept a secret! Why? Popping pills is expensive for our health service, growing cereals, sugar and producing toxic “food” making us sick is crazy. Who sits in government delaying the changes of guidelines? Maybe we need to see how many politicians are farmers or have declared interest in pharmaceuticals.
Finally you see how it works all the diseases like MS, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Diabetes 2, Inflammation can be cured by a healthy diet yes also Alzheimer’s the medical industry everywhere is corrupt to the bone about mental health read the book The End of Alzheimer’s by Dale Bredesen then you know how it works real foods and healthy fats to heal your body logical isn’t it I never saw a doctor I knew this already decades ago sugar is poison ☠️ and low fat is very dangerous
The best food in the world is……… canned sardines yes try it!
if u have a low carb diet and a high work with it you will be fine dont cut carbs tho
Excellent video. Was having trouble clarifying the process for my nutrition class. This video had the detail but was explained simply.
it’s strange that diet advice and even politics seem to be treated as religion today. Evidence that opposes a point of view is vilified. This is a very good talk with evidence and recognition of other points of view and approaches.
The studies of Vernon and O’Neill that kept carbs in that 20 or 30-gram range clearly show meaningful results. If Jessica aims for that target in her Ph.D study she will come up with a significant conclusion. If she messes around with so-called 100 150 gram supposedly “low-carb” diets I feel she will be wasting everybody’s time.
Feel less hungry? nutrients that satisfy your hunger the longest are carbs (especially complex carbs) and protein, you will feel more hungry if you cut your carbs
The problem isn’t that fat was taken out of food and that sugar was put in.
The problem is that the foods were created in the first place. Processed foods are the problem. Not sugar.
Why are processed foods the problem? They can be engineered to be addictive and lead to episodes of binge eating.
Sugar is a red herring.
Food companies will simply start making higher fat, low sugar foods. People will not change how much they eat. They will continue to gain weight. And the cycle will repeat.
Besides quitting smoking, reducing your carbohydrate intake is the best thing you can ever do for your body and mind.
And it’s not a “fast metabolism” that keeps people thin. It’s a “flexible” metabolism. Meaning they can use fat and carbs much more efficiently than someone who is insulin resistant. Their insulin is much lower, so more FAT can be released and used as energy. The insulin resistant person is practically always using glucose as their main fuel and burns virtually no stored fat. Yet they eat the same foods as the the average American.
The fat person is generally eating more because they are hungry!! Of course you’d be hungry all of the time if your body wasn’t properly getting fuel. It’s like filling up your gas tank but half of the gas you bought didn’t get into the tank. So this explains perfectly why “fat people simply eat too much”.
The “just eat less and exercise” mantra can help you lose weight indeed. But when you drastically cut calories (very bad) and exercise more (which just makes you hungry)…its a recipe for disaster. I know because I lost 50 pounds doing that. You will not lose lots of fat compared to a low carb diet and you will constantly be hungry. You’ll have lose skin and have the perfect “skinny fat” body.
8:04 exactly how I felt lol. It feels like it’s too good to be true.
I don’t get it. Do they really need a study in order to figure out that your A1C will improve if you stop eating things that raise your blood sugar levels? Are they really that stupid that they need to waste money on a study to show this? How retarded are these people?
Nice lecture but I think there is an immense different between “sugar” and glucose fructose. Glucose can be metabolized by the body in a healthy person. Fructose actively makes people sick.
I’m Lo Carb (10grams/day). Last week 1st Doctor’s visit since I started. My A1c is 5.3. No longer pre-diabetic officially! And I lost 48 lbs doing it.
Thank you all for the presentations. I am a Female 73 lchf five years down 60 lbs, never look back, but still upset with the medical field big pharm and government for the the years of lying to us. I had to discover and undertake low carb high healthy fat on my own. Thank goodness for U tube with programs like this so We can learn how to live a lchf life and live longer healthier. Most physicians don’t know about this life path to good health.
Perhaps he lost the weight from avoiding PUFA (poly-unsaturated fats) and being in a caloric deficit. It doesn’t mean that carbs or sugar is the devil. There are plenty of lean people on a low fat diet who simply don’t over consume and avoid PUFA.
So why don’t we just consume simple sugars instead of complex? How does the glucose know whether to be stored in the muscles or as fat?
Your vedios are so amazing
Sir please put a picture of whole vedio at the end of vedio
It will be very helpful for quick revision at the time of exams
Fantastic presentation! Gives a great introduction to how to use food to change your life for the better. Should be watched by everyone on the planet.
Excellent video. I’m teaching this stuff to my daughter, and you provided a great visual. Thanks.
This is wonderful…. It covers part of chemistry and food, nutrition and health for me… Thank you
Fluoride I doubt the indigenous people, that Weston A. Price examined, had a bit of fluoride in their back pockets.
good lord you are amazing at drawing! you drew that colon like it was some doodle. also, your videos are informative and helpful. thank you.
Excellent format. Just the right length of time and well drawn / narrated. Thanks
Why does everyone say that Keys was a “good” or “brilliant” doctor? He was CLEARLY a shitty scientist and horrible person.
Peter is a Legendvery good at pitching health concepts in Layman’s terms.
Brilliant info Low Carb Down under. Thank you for sharing this important information with us all. & Take care of yourself to. ❤
Truly… I was in high school 1965-69. We had one fat student.
The video is very helpful it’s awesome!! it made me understand the whole matter. Thanks to the lippincott of youtube!❤️
and ahhhh…I think I’m funny and ahhh….inside baseball and ahhh…proof that MDs are idiots and ahhh…..
Thanks for the video! Did I understand correctly that all monosaccharides after the small intestine enter the liver, and not into the cells of the body as energy?
Let’s not forget the enormous food cravings you would get…
Low carb diets are starvation and that’s sad because of course you’ll lose weight if you starve yourself…
BTW pizza donuts and cake all have lots of fat in them. Of course people will loose weight when they cut them
откуда доктору знать? я доктор я хз. может у диетолога спросить, и то не у каждого. Но к чему тогда вообще это? Закажи себе диету у диетолога вообще всю
Excellent classification system for the low-carbohydrate spectrum of nutrition. This is exactly the type of thing that is needed. Metabolically healthy people can eat quite high carb (from a therapeutic perspective) and be in ketosis through restricted feeding, for example.
I want to make the point that, before 1980, most people were eating around 40 to 45% of daily calories from carbs. This was, low carb by the definition proposed here.
PLEASE DON’T DO FAD DIETS THAT CUT CARBS. if you want to lose weight count your calories and google carb cycling!!!
Low carb is one thing, ketogenesis is something else. Someone with health problems associated with overconsumption of sugars and carbs (that would be virtually everyone, even if their symptoms haven’t manifested yet) would be well advised to go low carb. However their improvement is likely to be FAR more impressive if they go low carb enough to go into ketogenesis. Studying low carb without ketogenesis is all well and good, I am not at all surprised to see benefits. What would be very interesting however would be comparing those ‘low carb’ diets to groups that went full on ketogenic.
when the doctor told me I was “prediabetic” I was relieved because I thought that meant I was doin OK and NOT YET diabetic! The freakin doctors should have actually bothered to explain that it meant I was about to get very sick AND ALMOST DIE! Now I am carnivore for 10 months and down 85 lbs and my chest no longer hurts really badly all the time. I am saving my own life. Last doctor that had told me to lose weight got a real earful as I bawled him out, starting with, “and just HOW do I even lose AND do that where it stays off?! I have tried everytjibg you all say!”. And when he admitted that diets didn’t work, I told him to stop insulting people with pointless advice. NOW there actually is a way to lose to lose weight and so many doctors automatically say it is not safe WHEN it is and it WORKS! smdh at the closed minds and rote behaviors from people paid to think. We pay doctors to think! The word needs to spread and FAST!
Thanks Jessica, great talk and I’m sure more dietitians will start considering low carb for their clients. This is a great review of current evidence.
There was a debate about low carbohydrate diets on Radio 4s (BBC) “The Food Programme” which was broadcast on Sunday the 18th November 2018. Fair to say it was absolutely appalling.
Sounds like she got the typical training and hasn’t had enough real life experience to really see what’s happening
I dont class it as low carb but as normal carb, because the SAD diet or the diet that most westerners eat is in fact a high carb diet and not our normal diet
If you need to make excuses for incompetence, there usually is real incompetence!
I am 30 years old, have been on keto for 2 weeks and feel amazing.
I am super grateful I find that information and I will try to pass it on to people that need help
glucose important? we do not need glucose…
humans are designed to be in an ketogenic state…
A very good review and explanation of these studies…. and it makes me wonder…. what will Mainstream Rx meds do? (ie no drugs needed)…. oops!
one of the best presentations in low-carb high-fat (healthy fat) space.
In April 2015, scientists at the Dr. Rath Research Institute in California published a groundbreaking study in the American Journal of Cardiovascular Disease proving that heart disease is an early form of the vitamin C deficiency disease scurvy . Building on a discovery made by Dr. Rath in the early 1990s, this publication deals a major blow to the cholesterol theory of heart disease and the pharmaceutical industry’s associated $30 billion annual sales in patented cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.
Copies of the study can be downloaded for free from the website of the American Journal of Cardiovascular Disease:
For further information, please see the press release on the website of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation:
I’m taking a nutrition class and sometimes a person NEEDS pictures. I’m a visual learner & this helped so much just the separation of mono/disaccharides made it clearer.
you’re are wrong about the bacon,eggs, and fat in general, in35 years you will see that if you’re smart as you think!!
I heard American Indian women used to eat a bear fat diet when they had trouble conceiving.
What else to eat except carbs to maintain body nutrients and all that.
A balanced diet is the key. Eating only fruits and veggies as a highly active teenager made me feel dizzy
Why is it called being carbohydrate intolerant? I could argue I’m arsenic intolerant.
Remember big pharma wants you to be fat an unhealthy. They dont want any big news outlet telling you the truth and giving you proper advice to lose weight, I cut carbs from my diet 4 months ago and Ive been weightlifting and I have the biggest pecs I ever had in my life and I list 37 pounds so far, Suck it big pharma I know how this works. The body enters ketosis when you stop eating sugar and carbs. And intermittent fasting has changed my life, I no longer have a diastolic blood pressure in just one month of Intermittent fasting and cutting all carbs and sugar. The fat is burning off me at a rate of 3 pounds a week.
Glycogen needs potassium to stored. Insulin was not mentioned. Fructose is not used for energy
this has really helped me with my my competitive exams. thank u, please do make a video on digestion fat to o
Last year my HbA1c was a pre-diabetic 6.1 then early this year rose to a diabetic 6.7 but after 3 months of following low carb and no fructose diet with a bit of intermittent fasting (basically skipping breakfast) my HbA1c is as of last week down to a non-diabetic 5.2 my liver values are also brilliant (ALT went from 65 to 38, basically no longer fatty liver). All other bloods really good. This diet really works. Oh and I also lost 16 kg in 3 months.
his theory for the sandpapergate by the aussie cricket team is the truth. 😉
I always love the tech insider,where there is no one talking. Like its all subs.
DEBUNK #3 continuedin this fat burning emergency mode your body removes hunger pangs so you can slowly die without hunger pains. Why the hell would you want to put your body in default emergency mode? This is an unnatural state and is nature’s second last resort to prolong your life and die painlessly. This is insane.
DEBUNK #4 He correctly states that margarine and cooking in vegetable oils are disastrously bad for you. Why is he mentioning this in a low-carb vs high-carb lecture. Does he actually have the gall to imply that margarine/vegetable oils are high-carbers foods? As a matter of fact, these oils are bad for you even when they are unheated. Why? Because they are 100% fat, so here he has actually shot himself in the foot.
I only could stomach half his waffling lecture, but if I went to the end I can assure you there be plenty more debunks. People don’t be fooled by his melodramatic BS and learn the facts and then you’ll see right through this and all other low carb charlatans who are only puppets for the enormous/powerful/wealthy meat/dairy/poultry/pork/fish industry. He is on some industries payroll and he is pulling the wool over your eyes. And he’s a master at it. Eating fat clogs up your cells, preventing insulin from removing the glucose (carbs) from your blood. So stop the fat not the carbs. And by the way, eating high-carb not only keeps you healthy, it costs about 1/4 of eating low-carbs, so you can see that is not what these powerful industries (including the general food industries) would want. And, barring trauma accidents, you’ll probably never ever have another doctors bill for life. Wow, what a concept. Eat green vegetables, totally avoid animal products and any processed foods (which includes vegetable oils))and get 80% of your calories from starch vegetables and live a very long, very super healthy life, right to the end. Who would have thought Mother Nature actually got it right by putting natural, unprocessed vegetable crops on the earth?
Outstanding presentation… Can’t wait to share with everyone in my circle. These lectures have permanently change my life.
Lol, I cut carbs like a year ago and I have no trouble sleeping, and I drink a lot of water so no dry mouth. Seems bs tbh.
When you focus on obesity rather than insulin, you stigmatize people with obesity. Thin people also are insulin resistant. And obesity is also caused by stress hormones, hypothyroidism, and chronic inflammation (which can be caused by many many non-dietary sources).
This ad paid for by the grain industry. If you stop eating “grains” of any kind, you are still getting plenty of carbs, plenty of very healthy fibre rich carbs in the form of vegetables and fruit. I stopped eating grains in all their forms and the only thing that happened is I felt better for it, lost weight, had more energy. Vegetables have carbs and if you are filling up on those, you are getting more than enough healthy carbs to fuel the body.
well i cut them out without my doc cause they just want me to continue buying meds and keep me coming for their pay. well i searched and watched a lot of videos here yt and lots of people who did and shared their experiences and boy i made it. no more meds for my diabetes and even felt better
I wish I would’ve stayed on the Atkins diet since it came out in the 70s.
Damn Ansel Keys and his collusion with the devil.
can u please explain this. i only eat animal fat or clarified butter. my daily intake of carbs in less than 200g/day. how can my TRIGLYCERIDES be this high. no sugar or processed sugar, my carbs is from wheat.
TRIGLYCERIDES. 210.00 mg/dL.
LDL -CHOLESTEROL (Direct). 131.00 mg/dl
HDL-CHOLESTEROL (Direct). 37.00 mg/dL
VLDL CHOLESTEROL 42.00 mg/dL Calculated
ALT (SGPT) 51.00 U/L
Carbohydrate consumption is an area of nutrient timing that has a great impact on many athletes. Twenty years ago, carbohydrate research largely focused on aerobic endurance athletes. However, studies since then have examined the importance of preand post exercise carbohydrate consumption for resistance training as a means of restoring glycogen losses (Robergs et al. 1991; Tesch et al. 1998), altering hormone secretion, and influencing muscle protein synthesis (Volek 2004). In addition, the types of carbohydrate ingested play a critical role, with a glucose plus fructose beverage possibly the best means of staying hydrated (Jeukendrup and Moseley 2010) and potentially sparing endogenous carbohydrate during exercise (Currell and Jeukendrup 2008). And a unique, high molecular weight starch-based carbohydrate made from barley amylopectin may be preferable to low molecular weight carbohydrates such as monosaccharides and disaccharides for expediting glycogen replenishment (Stephens et al. 2008).-NSCA Guide to Sports and Exercise Nutrition.
I haven’t had carbs in a year and I did not get any of those side effects
I’ve also heard that once you re-introduce carbs into your diet after losing the amount of weight you want, the weight comes back plus more. Fad (yoyo) diets are not a good way to lose weight and keep it off for a long amount of time.
I already had good results with the slow-carb diet of tim ferriss. -6 kg in 3 months without changes in exercise or calorie counting… and sustained afterwards.
Just make sure you have enough legumes and vegetables. Also drink more than enough water.
Most important: Enjoy your cheat day!
Dr. Brukner’s revelation about the lies fed populations is eloquent, truth smooth as butter. I loved this interesting rundown. Thanks.
Just eat what the hell you like and do the appropriate amount of exercise to counter balance this. Obviously don’t eat silly things, like poison. Can’t run that off.
17 brainless ‘doctors’ behind the brick wall disliked this video 😉
I asked for where does the starch end in the body what place????!!!!! F**K You!!!!!!
Carbs? Really? Fat is what you need. The most highly prized food group. Gets turned into carbs. The nervous system needs dem fats.
Those side effects are accurate…. For the first few days. After the 3rd or 4th day on ketosis, you feel euphoria every single day. You lose fat like it’s diesel in a semi. The only two side effects that remain are bad breath and dry mouth. This is only if you don’t brush your teeth and don’t drink enough water.
this makes alot of sense. i have two friends who exclusively eat meats and fats all day. they are so ripped and shredded.
A powerful personal story. Thanks for exposing the journey you have been on
When you cut carbs, your body gets energy from fat, not from protein.
So Michael Moseley’s fast 800 is going to slow down my metabolism?
So glad I found this diet. Just come off 4 years vegan and feeling 100 times better already
i will never cancel carbs from my diet, carbs are so important too, at least im not going to cut bread, a a noway
There’s no proper definition of a “low carbohydrate diet?” Exactly, just like there was never a proper definition of a low fat diet. The low fat diet was an attempt to reduce calories from fat apparently motivated by the calorie model and the erroneous idea that dietary saturated fat caused heart disease. Never was there a greater idealistic folly not based in evidence or science.
A real problem here is, the low carb diet has been, and perhaps always will be, held to a much higher standard than the faddish, idealistic, low fat diet (the latter, to this day, is defended as working “for some people”).
i’ve read marks and harper but this video help me so much more thank youu!!
You’ve earned yourself another subscriber, dude. Keep doing what you do!
Great talk Peter, espicially about the fraud….just reading the big fat surprise by Nina Teicholz, the whole thing really pisses me off, this rubbish is what they are still teaching people at Uni
Eat Keto diet not WFPB diet! Meat have a lot good things in: Blood, bacteria, hormones, vitamin B12, antibiotics…. and lack of Fibers, micronutrients…. so All americans have to eat healthy Meat and fats only. Be on Keto be on cancer promoting protein food! Do not eat carbs whole food carbs will make you sick all china people are sick 😉 Sugar carbs are the same as whole no processed carbs right? Whole food plant based diet is proven to reverse heart problems so do not Use it! Eat fat low carb and it will make you thin and a little bit sick but thin!!! Go Go Keto!
Thank you ROD and your amazing TEAM @LCDU with this presentation of Peter’s I can help to re-educate the many and beyond that I encounter. Peter does a great job of summarising the significant milestones that have shaped our modern diet and addresses them with the correction required.
I am beyond happy to be a member of this community today and into the brighter future.
I find this nonsense. If you cut carbs what do you eat? fats like cheese and oil? or walmart chicken? cheese, oil, walmart chicken injected with hormones make you fat. Carb is a clean energy source. The keto diet is liberal stupidity. high fat for weight loss? this is ridiculous. to lose weight eat sufficient carbs like raw or toast bread, and eat organic chicken or fish as protien, and eat alot of fruits amd vegetables. fat should be avoided.
A good succinct overview of Carb digestion with an amazing amount of detail for such a short video.
I am shredding for bodybuilding. Is there any benefit to eating protein first before carbs? I know it’s a calorie equation at the end of the day to lose weight, but are there any benefits to what to eat first? My dinner is usually a good protein, some rice, sweet potato and a large serving of baby spinach. I do also tend to eat fast. I know I need to slow it down but do you have any idea if there is an optimal eating order preference for absorption thank you!!
Is there any reason for our body to stop producing salivary amylase and pancreatic amylase??? Please please reply
This video was amazing, refined my knowledge completely, except I have one question.
You mentioned the polysaccharide starch being broke down by the amylase. (Then it is broken down to the disaccharide maltose, later broken by maltase into glucose?)
What I’m wondering is that what strands of monosaccharides make up glycogen and cellulose and what enzymes break them down?
It’s scary this video only has 57k views. It should be shown in schools.
I tried eating no carbs for a few days and I felt exhausted all the time and weak and starving
Really? Ice cream sandwich? Don’t eat added sugars or dairy, folks. Eat rice, potatoes, beans, tortillas, whole wheat bread, fruit juice etc.
I have heard how carbs were connected with an increase in weight and so basically to keep clear of carbohydrate, still had under no circumstances thought about utilizing them to shed weight. The most important idea behind the 4 stage fat loss treatment is to teach your body to burn fat for energy as opposed to carbohydrate.
Wow! What a speaker! Fantastic information! Only problem is everything he said was either lies, deceptions, distortions, implied facts or quick-talking, slick manipulation and total nonsense. He spoke for 46 minutes, said nothing and dangerously deceived the public who are not learned in these matters. He forgot to mention some important stuff also. Like Robert Atkins (of the very famous Atkins Low Carb Diet) was 20 lbs (9 kg) overweight when he had a heart attack (due to clogged arteries verified by medical reports) 1 year prior to his death. Really, that’s all he needed to say in the first minute and it would have saved everybody wasting 45 minutes of their precious time. If the Atkins fact doesn’t convince you, then read on for more Peter Brukner debunking. The TRUE problem is consuming carbs and fat together, which is the modern, rich western diet, resulting in all modern chronic diseases. You can go low-carb (20%) or go high-carb (80%) and eliminate obesity and subsequently diabetes. However, long term (decades) a low-carb/high-fat diet (50% fat/30% protein/20% carbs) will result in heart disease/cancer/Alzheimers/chronic disease. Studies show this and you can find all this info on YouTube via lectures by Dr John McDougall (both diet and cancer lectures), Dr Neil Barnard (both diet and Alzheimers lectures), Dr Nick Delgado, Dr Caldwell Esselstyn, Colin T. Campbell (excess protein causes cancer). But conveniently all these references weren’t mentioned. Wonder why? Here’s how he further deceived you.
DEBUNK #1 He correctly states that the recommended (since the 1950’s) diet has been low-fat but then implies that the modern obesity epidemic is the result, so the low-fat diet is wrong. Where’s the proof that obese people are on this diet? He just assumed and therefore very slickly implied everyone’s on a low-fat diet just because it’s recommended. The facts are fast food and animal product consumption (both high fat) have skyrocketed since the 1950’s. So he deceived you.
DEBUNK #2 He correctly states that sugar consumption has also skyrocketed. He uses coca-cola/fruit juices/flavoured milk as examples. So he slickly implies that a high-carb diet is all about sugar and these drinks, which is a false notion. A proper, healthy high-carb doesn’t touch these thing. Again he deceived you.
DEBUNK #3 He correctly states that, in the human body, carbs turn into glucose, which activates insulin. But he is demonising carbs/glucose/insulin. This is another lie because any human biology text book shows this is normal operating procedure for the human body, and in fact, only in emergency times of famine/starvation (I.e. no more carbs) the body will revert to burning fat (which is the basis for the low-carb diet) and when fats stores finish the body reverts to burning protein and when protein stores finish you die. So a low-carb diet is putting your body in emergency mode.
Could you at least provide links to the studies that “show” this?
From a biochemical perspective eating no carbohydrates simply means your body uses the stored sugar (Glykogen) and than fats (as Keton-Bodies) and Protein (muscels) and makes sugar out of it (Since your body cant survive without sugar and can’t turn fat into sugar).
So basicly unless you then eat just fatless meat you “eat” your own mucels 😉
Thank you sir, Although I study and know the process at its core it’s always nice to learn and take in new details and processes I didn’t know before. I really wish they had mandatory nutritional science courses in school.
Great video! The visual mind map works really well and is very clear to understand.
The sodium calcium pump is not explained clearly but anyway awesome video ❤️❤️
I agree with you that we all need to cut out the sugar and processed foods. Here is some food for thought. America’s low carb keto champion Dr. Johnny (Robert) Atkins died obese and riddled with artheroscleros. Ansel Keys was correct.
Drs. Caldwell Esselstyn and Dean Ornish are curing (the number one killer in the western world) ❤️ heart disease today with a whole food plant based diet.
The World Health Organization has listed red meat as a probable carcinogen. The preponderance of evidence from scientific research clearly tells us that a Whole Food Plant Based WFPB diet is the best diet for most humans.
I was all in and on board with your low carb diet but my health did not improve until I went WFPB.
Keep an open mind.
What is the order in which glucose is used in the body? Is it first used for energy then liver glycogen followed by skeletal muscle glycogen?
I lost over 50 lbs in 6 months..quit pop, energy drinks, sugar (as best as we can since its in everything lol) and went on healthy fat 1 big meal a day. Big sald with cruciferous veg, avocado and hemp seeds. Then have a medium rare steak drizzled with olive oil with basted eggs over top. Friends cant get over how much weight ive lost. I work construction as well, so im on the go all day and am still not hungry until 4 or 5pm. Plus all the money im saving eating 1 meal a day
how about fructose and galactose are those absorbed by the small intestine, too? thank you!!
Very very helpful for my Nutritional Biochemistry exam, thank you!
Decrease in blood pressure means you will always feel* sleepy during the day
Edit: Feel
They did it with diet, now they’re doing it for climate, bad science for profit.
Loved it, it was brilliant. The drawings were perfect too. Thank you.
Thank you very much.How can I get the picture of the presentation
Good stuff on carb side… now Need more info on the healthy fat side…
hello sir.. your videos are so helpful for us medicine students.. may i suggest that after your lecture, make a picture from the beginning til the end for summary.. thank you po
I would be careful with the statement at @ 38:38.. “carbs are carbs”. That sounds a lot like “calories are calories” and is also incorrect! (e.g. half of sucrose is fructose, and that makes a big difference.)
cutting carbs means cutting bread, pasta, rice, baked things in general which is very hard to do because every meal has at least one element of these… like.. you eat fish with rice, you eat meat with pasta, you eat chicken with rice or bread, you eat cheese with bread, everything you eat has to contain carbs in it which is just very hard to get rid off…
please make lipids digestion too…thanks for the hard work you put in….
Many thanks for this great video! Do you maybe have a video, or a willingness to make give me at least a brief answer, about what happens when starch is eaten with fats/ oils in terms of its digestion. Does fat somehow inhibits starch digestion?
Many thanks in advance!
I really really need for a good friend a good teacher a good explainer such a you doctor ⚕️ our medical school teachers are explain so bad and so hardly I could not understand anything
You are so amazing… thankyou so much you made 7 pages of my lecture to 1 picture ❤
Low carb diet will cause un employment! U tell me how much people are involved in processed food. World does not benefit from low carb. Why we need to get healthy and happy and effective? No economics will benefit. We will.have almost 80 percent of unemployment and then what?
There’s a difference between fasting and starving. Starving is where your body has one out of all the fat so it starts eating. Fasting is just not eating for a certain period of time. Stop saying that cutting carbs is starving yourself when it’s not.
WOW! Brilliant! Just brilliant! I haven’t seen any kind of lecture like this up yo now. I want to give you my gratitude appreciation for the good job you are doing. #Respect
Aren’t there bacteria in the small intestine as well? If so, how come they don’t play a role in the digestion of starches?
Can you please make drawings available for download??? PLEASE…
Super clear & informative—a vital step in my search for the best carbloading carbohydrate-source.
This was one of the best presentations I’ve seen on this subject. And I’ve seen hundreds.
Amazing your speed was excellent likeable for me respect from Pakistan
Thanks for that excellent video! I think it’s really good and descriptive explained. Really helpful!
Hi Armando I have a question why you are always say alpha (a) what that mean?
Alpha-amylase is responsible for breaking down starch. Amylose is responsible for 30% of stored starch in plants.
That was amazing!
None of my university professors have put this information into such a beautiful format!
Thankyou thankyou thankyou.
Hi i enjoyed your video
thanks a lot….but with the small intestine part i read a book and it said that within the small intestine, only alpha 1 6 glucosidase is splitted….i am a little confused