Table of Contents:
Plant Nutrition 101: All Plant Nutrients and Deficiencies Explained
Video taken from the channel: Epic Gardening
Why Nutrition Studies Keep Contradicting Each Other
Video taken from the channel: SciShow
5 Classifications of Nutrients: What They Are and Why You Need Them
Video taken from the channel: BetterLife
The Truth About Vitamins: What these nutrients are, why you need them and where to find them
Video taken from the channel: Beyond Fitness Online
3 Reasons Why Nutrients Are Important. They provide energy. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins provide the energy your body needs to carry out all the biochemical reactions that occur throughout the day (and night). The energy is measured in calories (kilocalories, technically, but we.Macronutrients are nutrients that a person needs in larger amounts. Macronutrients include water, protein, carbohydrates, and fats.
Keep reading for more information about where to find.Essential nutrients are necessary for the body to be able to function normally, and include carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water. Let’s take a closer look at what this means for your daily eating routine and what to do if you are not consuming what you need to.Why do you need them? And how can you make sure you’re getting enough?
Let’s investigate. What are micronutrients? Micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function, but can’t manufacture on its own. While there are nearly 30 different essential micronutrients, the ones you’re likely most familiar with are the.Nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and fats can help you stay healthy as you age.
Make sure you get the right amount of each. Important Nutrients to Know: Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Fats | National Institute on Aging.Water-soluble vitamins do not stay in the body for long.
The body cannot store them, and they are soon excreted in urine. Because of this, water-soluble vitamins need to be replaced more often.Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are called macronutrients because they’re large, and energy nutrients because they provide the fuel your body needs to do things. Vitamins and minerals are called micronutrients because they’re much smaller in comparison.
Micronutrients are one of the major groups of nutrients your body needs. They include vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are necessary for energy.
An essential nutrient is a nutrient that the body cannot synthesize on its own or not to an adequate amount and must be provided by the diet. These nutrients are necessary for the body to function properly. The six essential nutrients include carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water. Is Beta Carotene an essential nutrient?Vitamins help your body grow and work the way it should.
There are 13 vitamins—vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and the B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, B 6, B 12, and folate).. Vitamins have different jobs—helping you resist infections, keeping your nerves healthy, and helping your body get energy from food or your blood to clot properly.Some vitamins work together with other nutrients: vitamin C helps us to absorb iron from plant foods, 4 while vitamin D helps us absorb calcium. 5 And the vitamins A, C and E all have an antioxidant effect, which means they help protect our cells from damage by free-radicals.
6 The different types of vitamins.Macronutrients, which are protein, fat and carbohydrates, provide energy, but also have other roles. You need large amounts of these nutrients on a daily basis.
Micronutrients, required in smaller amounts, are vitamins and minerals that are essential components of.Vitamins are compounds which are necessary for our normal growth and function, which we cannot make within our bodies, and so we must obtain them from our foods. Most of the compounds needed for our body cells to function for our health, can be made by our cells from other nutrients.
Vitamins are protective substances that are essential for your bodily functions. 1 Vitamins build up your immune-system and protect you from diseases. Except for vitamins D and K, our body itself doesn’t naturally produce all the vitamins we need. To get your daily dose of.
In addition, if you are eating less than 1,600 calories each day because you have a poor appetite or you have trouble eating because you have been using alcohol or drugs, discuss the need for supplements with your doctor or registered dietitian nutritionist.
List of related literature:
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from Future Foods: How Modern Science Is Transforming the Way We Eat | |
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from Nutrition and Dietetics’ 2007 Ed.2007 Edition | |
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from Handbook of Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder | |
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from Safety, Nutrition, and Health in Child Care | |
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from The Fully Raw Diet: 21 Days to Better Health, with Meal and Exercise Plans, Tips, and 75 Recipes | |
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from Nutrition Now | |
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from Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology E-Book | |
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from Never Be Sick Again: Health Is a Choice, Learn How to Choose It | |
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from Fitness and Wellness | |
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from Prescription for Nutritional Healing |
Long term health: Nobody knows much. Short term results: Bodybuilders and competitive athletes have a long history of intentionally manipulating body mass and composition with a great deal of success. Want long term health? Probably don’t be obese, exercise a bit, and stay away from anabolic steroids and other PEDs. Other than that, they haven’t figured it out yet. Looking for current results in strength, mass, performance, or body composition? See bodybuilders and competitive athletes.
Most videos are talking good sense of deficiencies. But part of the gardening problems could be overdosing for those who are new and showed too much care. I am one.
I learn knowledge and experience from you all and looking forward to learn the subject and effects of overdosing.
Awesome video! I make simular content. Would be great to get your feedback
I have well water. So if I ever have chlorine deficiency I go borrow friends city water to give to plants?
Human nutrition could be as straight forward and scientific as plant nutrition if making a profit didn’t incentivize misinformation and mass confusion. Plus the academic institutions have become corrupt enough that they are sure to silence any discoveries that threaten to expose already established mistakes in any major field, be it in nutrition or any other scientific field a pertinent example being Brett Weinstein’s discovery regarding laboratory mice and their ineffectiveness for measuring drug toxicity in humans, along with the unbelievably unprofessional acts that followed on the part of the academic establishment to silence the discovery; as it would be threatening the profits of the pharmaceutical establishment
All of these things occur from putting chemicalized nutrient solutions in your plant in the first place. I dont agree with none of this bullshit this man is saying. Idgaf how well spoken he is. Sounds like a damn machine to me. Fck outta here
Always talking about deficiency but very seldom on excessiveness
Nicely done!
O/T, but Olivia looks better without the nose jewelry: My attention doesn’t get drawn to it and the weird contortions her mouth makes. (sorry if I offend some, but I’m unashamedly a straight male and believe presentation matters.)
There is something I don’t get…
You say: N-P-K => 10-10-10 means 10%-10%-10% (So far, so good)
Then, you say: 100 pounds of 30-0-0 is exactly the same as 200 pounds of 15-0-0…
While the end result is still 30 (pounds, I guess), you still have 100 (pounds..?) more when using the 2nd, than using the 30-0-0…
Which to me, is still 15%, and not 30%. Am I missing something..?
Learning everyday, but this one tricks me…
Dang, this was a super good episode and really helped give me a better perspective on the science of nutrition in general. Thanks for helping to cut through the misconceptions of science in the media:)
Thank you for doing this. Im more of a visual learner and was searching for this exact type of video. Honestly, it would be nice to have an expansive explanation with pictures (like this video did.) Of each element. The pros and cons of each element and what not.
Great video is very useful. Now that I know what my plants are deficient in. How do I fix each problem? Which brands do you recommend for nitrogen, magnesium, and potassium? Its all different plants.
There should be a study on who sponsors these nutrition studies. This mess may be caused by economic interests, and then most of these studies are actually fake.
Love the video! But, I think it’s important to mention that the macronutrients (NPK) are essential for the plants survival, while the micronutrients are essential for optimal growth, flowering and reproduction. Some of the micronutrients were said to be “extremely” important, which is not the case. They’re just important.
Thank u brother! Definitely needed this because im new and a couple of my plants are showing some of these signs. Great information! Namaste
I think one magnesium was supposed to manganese and traces of other transition metals are needed to, eg cobalt is required for viable seed production and it is the metal at the centre of vitamin B12 with out it B12 can not be formed just like haemoglobin cant be formed without iron. Silicon is a big one I didnt see on that list, it is not absolutely required but is used in many of the structures of plants
This is a really good video though. As someone who has an interest in science based herbalism it is really important to look at the contexts and methodology of various studies to get the right idea. Instead of just being like “Bleh it’s all quackery” like NO plenty of medicines are refined from plants in the first place come on!
It’s complex.
My plants are yellowing in the veins, new growth, rest of plant is very nice, large, massive growth noticable every two days…any ideas? Thanks for the videos!
Doesn’t help when media outlets over-hype certain studies to make headlines and therefore sell more (newspapers, increase viewing figures). Also those with an agenda only promote certain studies so get more followers on their diet/health plan
Mmmm, she looks so cute! I love tomboyish women like her.
This video starts out with having you write down what you think a plant needs. This is why I started watching, I HAVE NO CLUE! WTF DUDE? Also he leave out CO2! That is needed more than O2! WTF?
So, to summarize, if you are a bad researcher, go do nutrition studies, you will do all right by the field standards. In my opinion, it should be called clown’s science. Except, it won’t make you laugh.
Anyone know of some good Utube channels that deal with science based nutrition and health???
So many people cant imagine how insanely complicated nutrition is. Theres literally an infinite amount of variables, many of which we dont even understand yet. Just play around with diets until you find what works best for you.
Awesome video man I love it when people share real knowledge! It is definitely a lot to ingest but well worth the time to learn how to keep your garden fine-tuned. I’ve always been a fan of Harley Smith and he’s with the NPK University. Just a treasure Trove of knowledge!
I am a Cardiothoracic Surgeon who studies nutrition since it has direct effect on my patients. I have found a study that is one the most comprehensive and well done studies that I have read. It is called “The China Study” which is an unfortunate title because China was only part of this illuminating research. Its findings are basically saying that a Plant Based Diet is what humans thrive best in. Have you research this book by Dr. T Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M Campbell II, MD? Society would benefit greatly by its precepts. George C. Robinson
There is definitely a reason to justify yet another study when a flaw exists in a study that was vague or downright wrong. do the study correctly and it wont be needed to run again,hard to get money for a study that doesn’t need to be refined.
Great video man,, awesome content and you’ve explained things in really simple yet accurate terms.. thank you!
i will disband the nutrition department it was all a lie. hey secretary your fired
Now, what happens if the plants gets too much of each nutrient?
You neglected a fourth consideration: the source of funding for the research. What can you expect when in the 70s, Dr. Stephen Kreitzman at Emory University was funded to do a study on the effects of white sugar. The source: Coca Cola.
There’s also a severe problem with isolating substances for testing. For example, some additives may be restricted to 50 parts per million (ppm) when added to food. This is based upon tests to determine the safety of that additive alone, as described early in this video. However, the total of some 400 micro-additives adds up to 1,500 ppm in food for human consumption. The big problem is that interactions between two or more additives that produce adverse effects are constantly being discovered. An example is the caution regarding consuming grapefruit when taking statins. There is yet to be a study that compares a diet free of additives with a diet that includes the 1,500 ppm of additives; the FDA will explain they can’t do that study because it would be too expensive.
One other concept worthy to note: Western medicine is obsessed with “normal” values in blood, with weight, height, and longevity. Here’s the problem: “normal” blood sugar, blood pressure, weight etc. is not normal; it is in reality “average.” You may be aware that the “normal” weight in charts today is quite a bit higher than the charts of 20 years ago. Another years ago event occurred in California in the 1970s. There was concern about strontium-90, a radioactive element, contaminating milk and vegetation. The “normal” level at the time was zero ppm according to the laboratories. When workers went to have their blood taken to determine if they had strontium in their bodies, they found levels unexpectedly high. After a few months of similar results, the labs were suddenly reporting a normal level range from 0 to something greater than zero. The real normal is zero; their “normal” was adjusted to reflect the average levels they were finding.
Testing on animals is cruel and irrelevant. Just test on willing humans.
Very comprehensive and well structured. I will be checking out the site for sure!
It’s because various food industries sponsor research to push their specific products! And alcohol producers are no exception.
I just started this video it will help me alot, did u made any video on climate condition a plant need
My school gave us the link to this video to assist with schoolwork and homework.
Studies once showed that you’re damned if you do.
Then meta-analysis later indicated that you’re damned if you don’t.
But new data is convincing scientists that the damnation cannot be avoided, nor sugar-coated.
Look, here’s all you need to know about nutrition sciences:
Eat and drink whatever the hell you want. If you feel sick, change your diet and see what happens. Repeat for as long as needed.
Dude with all these subs and money… Please ffs buy a Mic. It is cheap….
The way she finishes sentences makes me wanna put my head in the toilet and flush
vid was okay there are some moments you kinda mumbled (like the top lip doesn’t move) open your mouth and move your lips more, this will help with projection and pronunciation.. you have a lovely smile own it
You can’t drink and not drink alcohol at the same time?..
Hold my beer.
So, it’s basically, if not contradictory, virtually impossible for even a pretty smart person to keep track of, let alone us common rubes, and a healthy diet is about as out of our hands as everything else in our lives, and we are all hopelessly powerless in every possible way while being just sapient enough to have the seeming capability of control tantalyzingly dangled in front of our noses.
Good to know.
Our team is [seeking|looking for} highly motivated [individuals|entrepreneurs] to help us kick off the launch of our new DNA Nutrition company. When you join our team, you will receive $8,000 worth of Eric Worre training included at no cost. If you are interested in learning more, please post “info” for more details.
Is it the studies or is it the media reducing the results into a catchy soundbite at the end of the news which the general public then believes as gospel.
where’s my fountain of life miss? here is your beer sir. sir it will kill you.
Your amazing!! I was watching one of ur videos accidentally… And I am in love ❤️ hahaha u should be a professor
Nah, god created us this way and we are supposed to die a horribly and painfull death.
JK i don’t belive in any god..
This truly enlightened me, is like what happened when we were thinking on how to help my uncle with terminal cancer. Some stuff was good for one thing but bad for the kidney disease & antioxidants are worse if you already have cancer… Was horrible & sad & then you understand why is so hard to cure.
Onions are suuuuper healthy, but thanks to my IBS I can go ahead and sit on the toilet for ages the day after I ate a bit, and I’ll have cramps at least as bad as period cramps for the rest of the week. So anyway, it really depends on the person, eh?
I stopped watching when you said 100 lbs of 10-10-10 fertilizer is just the same as 200 lbs of 5-5-5.. man that’s basic math, and they are not the same. You need to take this video down. You are articulate but misinformed. Do better next time.
Alcohol prevents cardiovascular disease? What about if those drinkers also smoke, and smoke more heavily when drunk?
Perform tests on controlled groups of people like children, prisoners, nursing home patients. The real problem with conflicting data is the source of funding and the individual biases of the researchers. Until we address the problems with ethics in the scientific community we wont be able to fully understand the data we are presented with.
you seem to cover every question one can have about our world, and thank you for that!
the only question i have and cannot really google (i tried researching, but no results) is WHY it became so trendy to YOLO, live a moment, becoming one with the universe, etc.
I mean, it’s a very fine concept but it became so mainstream these days! where are the roots of it? what’s the story?
You look tired or stressed in this video Olivia. Are you allright?
Love your smile and quirkiness. You’re a great presenter and among my favorite with Michael and Hank.
humans aren’t rats, dogs, cats, rabbits, pigs, or monkeys……
As a quick example, if we tested chocolates on dogs, then it wouldn’t have made it to human testing because it makes dogs very ill… But the same chemical that causes dogs to be ill, is benign in humans.
likewise, dogs aren’t affected by salmonella when they eat raw meat, but humans get very very ill if they consume salmonella laced meat.
Hi Kevin, hope you’re well! I’ve only recently discovered your videos & as a wee novice gardener, finding them extremely helpful this one is a gold nugget for sure. You have a great manner for teaching. I’m in the west coast of Scotland.
My question is: How available & helpful to plants, would a beaten raw egg be, if poured in the soil? Would it kill or harm the plant at all? I also have some gifted trout I cant eat is it worth burying it for nitrogen or anything? Many thanks for your help so far.. Kind regards, Gill
The food industry (dairy/meat) funds and publishes rigged studies. Eat plants! ! Go ️!
A very good presentation, showing just how convoluted nutritional studies are.
How does THIS study grab you, though?
Not only were the participants monitored EVERY DAY, but they took all their meals in the lab. Yes, they were allowed to go home, but one cannot really “cheat” on this diet without it quickly being detected.
This is the only study I have found so far that I actually trust. In the links you will find the clinical report and I did read the follow-up somewhere, when the men had reverted to a “normal” diet. Both had put on weight and showed other signs of deterioration.
I’ve gone full-on carnivore and now suffer no more from cramps of any kind, nor do I have indigestion, bloat, arrhythmia, blood pressure fluctuations, headaches or flatulence. But that’s just me. Other people may react differently.
If a plant seed comes from the same bed of a deficiency crop, will the seed be devoid of those nutrients or does a plant concentrate enough into the G0 of the seed to keep it growing right? For say Example: micro greens nutrition
the way these studies are done also sucks and are usually funded by the certain food company as well
also different fruits that grow in different place react to people differently especially in their home countries vs other countries
what we need to do is stop saying sugar is horrible for you when its not its the fake sugars and HFCS and HFCS is a GMO that should be illegal like in most other countries
for the few that dont have GMOs illegal they have HFCS very regulated and try to get corporations to use sugar over HFCS
thx for this ha bisky vid i go by what my body wants and now that they add plastic and fish bladders to some wines i have been done with wine for awhile
I’m actually waiting for her sentences to end to hear that manly tone of voice appearing
Hey Olivia, consider some of the gibberish that is being spread over butter vs margarine. What is butter? Butter is a suspension of milk solids in fat. what is margarine? Margarine is a suspension of milk solids in fat. So what’s the difference? By law since 1943 (US) butter must contain animal fat, specifically dairy fat. margarine is a more general, generic term and butter is a form of margarine. so margarine can contain any type of fat, including walrus fat, should you so choose. To be realistic, heart-healthy margarines such as Promise or ICBINB are made with plant fats. Plant fats are liquid at room temperature so we call them oils. To make them more solid they are partially hydrogenated. However even after hydrogenation they still contain less than 1/3 the saturated fat of butter. And, like butter, they contain zero trans fat (read the friggin’ labels!). So, bottom line, is that heart-healthy margarines are much better for your health than butter and neither is “one molecule away from being a plastic”.
Really, there are four things that have plenty evidence and are good for you:
1) Don´t be obese
2) Excercise, sport or any kind of workout
3) Friendship, social life, social contact
4) Don’t smoke
I know I’m late to the party but I have to say that I was looking for exactly this explanation when I started my search today. I wasted 20 mins of my time with all these random videos that just didn’t explain it properly or at least to my understanding. I then came here. Even though I’ve been a subscriber for a few weeks I didn’t look here first. For now on, i’m always coming here first. I learned so much from the other videos here that I really should start here all the time. This was exactly what I needed to learn in more ways than one. Here’s why I was searching for this.
I picked up some tomato plants from home depot. I’ve had them for about 7 days and the ones I haven’t had a chance to transplant from soil to hydro yet have the lower leaves turning yellow and drying up. (I currently do not have nutrients in the ones I transplanted). I’ve been giving them tap water every few days. (no nutrients or PH adjustment) My first search to try to find out why said ” it’s either to much or to little water” WHAT?! How does that help me? Anyway, tomorrow they are getting added to the DWC and i’ll be adding the nutrients. I’m hoping the GH 3 part I have takes care of what they need. The PH in my city water is high even after adding nutrients, so I’m adjusting that too. I’m hoping getting them in water with the nutrients will help resolve their issues.
Your channel should be called Professor of Epic Gardening or Epic Gardening Master Class.
Salt is good, if it is not industry salt (like industry sugar).
Great video! Not being a jerk, but the pronunciation is muh-lib-di-num
I planted a new plant in pot but there is not so ever any improvement and all leaves have fallen what to do
One nitpicky point. 100 pounds of 30-0-0 is the same as 200 lbs of 15-0-0 in terms of nitrogen content, but not “exactly the same.” It just means that the 100 pounds has twice as much nitrogen content as the the 200 pounds. The 200 pounds has more non-nitrogen content. This distinction might be important to people gardening in smaller spaces like pots or raised beds. Thanks for this video!
i think this is a great explanation and it applies also to drugs. Doctors and their patients often don’t want to accept that a drug may have a good effect on one area and a bad effect on another. Take metformin for instance. One of the best diabetic drugs out there. We now know it dramatically decreases vitamin B12 levels (which can kill you as it is essential to human life) and contributes to diabetic neuropathy. How many people suffered because of that? Now it is becoming more recognized and doctors are supposed to supplement patients B12. Lets look at statin drugs for heart disease. Some studies show it reduces arterial inflammation, but it is death to your liver. We need to accept that we are complex systems and we need to treat it as a whole and not as an individual process.
Thank you for Good Presentation.
But can i know this concept. We know that Macronutrients are required in large quantities in plant Growth compared to Micronutrients which are required in low quantities.
Why Micronutrients are required I lower quantities and we normally know that each element is essentially for growth in plant and when one nutrient become deficient the plant growth will be poor ( Law of Minimum). How will you deduce this concept because are uncorrelated.?
I’m a soil scientist and I recently just started a channel all about the science of gardening. My main focus has obviously been on the soil. I just released a video on deficiencies & fertilizer solutions.
Just starting a garden myself. Also molybdenum is pronounced “muh-lib-duh-nuhm”. Im a chem nerd, not trying to criticize you, just pointing it out. Thanks for the garden advice.
10:15 Copper deficiency has the same effect on Humans “hair” turning GREY, who knew… (molasses is the remedy…, not sure if that works for plants… a drop of )
About the study on alcohol and cardiovascular issues: ascorbic acid is commonly used in good quantities to brew at least wine, and I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that, it is also used in beer, but more rarely. People speak about its usage on the internet, anyway. And it is a vital component of the maintenance of cardiovascular tissues, and most people are quite deprived of the stuff. But well, I’m just a random viewer with no diploma, so…
….Bokashi!!..of course!! your vid just popped up on my recommendwho knew?! The universe has a way of providing, always, haha. Love & light Kevin
hi i just need a bit of help i bought a young poncirus trifoliata hardy orange the leaves were nice and green i moved it from a small pot 9cm and planted it in a large plant pot and put it in the shade as i got told with ericaceous soil but the leaves have gone all like a cream colour is it dying or is it lacking some vitamins some advice would help cheers from the united kingdom
One thing to also consider, if the soil PH is too high or to low, the different minerals have issues depending on whether or not the PH is high or low. Most plants do well with a ph between 7 and 5.5. Outside of thy range, and issues arise. So the liberal might be there, but it is not accessible due to improper PH. And then we throw biology in the mix, which makes the nutrients available to plant like through what called nutrient cycling. Lost of info to be discussed here. But you do a great job at showing and explaining the different deficiencies through the photos chosen. I commend you. And I give thanks for the info.
I found that synthetic nutrients may not always mean chemically made. it could mean the organic mater has been broken down in the way the plant can up take.
Just my littls “patch” of knowledge here. It is my understanding that Iron is probs the most important trace element, other than one a plant is lacking obviously. It makes things LUSH deep deep green
Why? Well, the plants you put all that Nitrogen into need Iron to do its turning Green Thing. Sort of like the chain cause effects explained in the vid. I learned this info on a website dedicated to the growth of St. Augustine grass.
this video is great in its succinct completeness! It needs to be made compulsory viewing. That applies even more strongly to journalists
moral of the story: Don’t care about the news on nutrition, eat whatever you like to eat.
I want organic fertilizer. What is the best ingredients since I am just starting?
This was so good! Thank you! I love how you say you’re a simple gardener but you always back your suggestions up with science and evidence.
The answer to your question, “Why” is very simple.
Drug companies pay for roughly 75% all “studies”.
So while some studies are done to try to understand what nutrition is or should be, drug companies are trying to obfuscate what the facts are.
Hence the reason for the conflicting results.
Since many illnesses have been successfully treated nutritionally [see for the studies] the drug companies have to try to hide the facts behind less than optimal studies.
By making the situation unclear, difficult to understand, usually with conflicting, confusing and ambiguous results, the drug companies can continue to amass grossly obscene profits at the expense of the ignorant.
One study conclusively showed that statins only benefit 1% of the patients that take them; another study showed at least 17% of statin users developed a permanent muscle wasting disease.
Yet doctors still prescribe some 23 billion dollars worth of statins each year. has huge numbers of studies show that there a number of natural treatments for cancer.
If those were used instead of the drug companies’ products, it’s possible many more lives could be saved.
But that would be at the expense of the drug companies’s profits. [Typical year’s worth of leukemia drugs costs $130,000US.]
So there you have it, sports fans; the drug companies are incredibly corrupt, killing 100s of thousands of people a year just to keep those profits flowing into their bank accounts.
Any questions?
Have a GREAT day, Neighbors!
Hi Kevin. Where can I find this article on your website? I would like to get transcript of it so I can print. Thanks.
All nutrients are avilable in dried green leaves.keep under tree shade.
This is a great video for a high school Hort or plant science nice job on the video
Thank you EG, this is a really good video. Shows you exactly what to look for in terms of nutrient deficiencies but also the importance of trace elements. This cannot be emphasised enough. Having been in the Diamond Exploration business for over 45 years, over that time I learned that ANY volcanic rock extrusions but in particular Kimberlites (in which diamonds occur), if crushed sufficiently fine enough (say around 0.1mm or less) are sooooooo beneficial to plants when applied as a supplement. It’s like enabling vegetative growth on steroids. Well done mate. Brilliant.
What’s an organic way to increase phosphorus in the soil? I use coffee to increase nitrogen, banana for potassium, egg powder for calcium; what would help with phosphorus?
I was born before WW2. All my life, government nutritional recommendations changed. I can’t recall a single food that hasn’t been vilified or recommended. I remember about 20 years where eggs were considered the deadliest thing that could be consumed. My general health improved after I ignored government advice and just practiced moderation in all things.
Where has been your channel this whole time? Glad to have found you!
Because of course scrutinizing every molocule of everything that goes into our body is a fine use of the limited time we have on this earth.
Many people create content on that topic and I really appreciate your work! But could you please also make a follow-up video on how to amend deficient soils in an organic farming context? I’m not talking compost, PH, etc…. I would like to know how to add e.g. Boron when a Boron deficiency has been detected if you are an organic gardener.
Wrong! A quantum nutricionist could solve all this problems. With this professional its possible to drink and not drink alcohol at the same time. Its simply quantum physics.
Crappy observational epidemiological studies based on food frequency questionnaires, finding weak correlations and reporting them as causitive. See Prof John Ioannidis
and what is good for one person is not good or bad for another. We are really different.
Does Miracle Grow have some sort of liquid nutrients that have all these essential nutrients I can just add to the plants?
Mo-lib-de-num Molybdenum. The miners called it Molly be damned. Excellent run down of the traces and their functions.
Great video!
note. The human body naturally expels excess macro & micro nutrients.
Can you also explain what are the causes for the deficiencies?
Good video but missing a load of things:
#1 a large number of “Scientific” Studies these days are bought and paid for by corporations pharma, food etc. Results tend to favor what these guys want to hear.
#2 You don’t need the media or scientists at all to figure out what’s good for you! Zero confusion can be achieved by some simple deductions.
#3 Anything will have a toxic effect at a certain dosage even things we can’t live without, like water.
#4 Balance is definitely the key, but this statement isn’t very useful on its own: Balance yes, but which foods? This is, happily, where it gets very simple:
#5 You just have to look at what the human body subsisted on in nature, before denatured factory food became available. Animals in the wild never get sick, other than physical injury. Only those fed by humans do get sick. Or those that live in environments humans have altered and polluted.
#6 Look at what we were able to feed ourselves with, before industrial production of food became prevalent. If you ingest mostly packaged food from the American and European food Mafia, you become a customer of the pharma Mafia in short order. Its that simple.
#7 Since we already know that our intestinal system matches that of herbivores, we know that meat is suboptimal meat spends too much time in your system, causing heavy loads of bacteria and various other problems. If you think you must have meat to live, you’ll just have to accept that you’ll be less healthy to a variable degree, depending on individual constitution and other habits.
#8 If you can’t follow the “natural food” train of thought, try the next one:
#9 The last thing our corporate overlords want to do is pay an employee who retired at 60 Years old or pension for another 40 Years, while they’re not working. Do you really believe it to be in the interest of the food industry to keep you healthy? Do you believe its in the interest of the pharma industry to keep you healthy, where every healthy person is a lost customer?
#10 Remember those industries are not separate, they are owned by the same banks. 20 global banks control 140 major corporations, which includes the media. They work together in concert, mostly. And the most advantageous scheme for them is, that you should keel over soon after retirement preferably from cancer, so they can use high cost Chemo-therapy to get you to kick the bucket and for the charges, take your family home from you, that you paid off throughout your working life. There is absolutely zero interest in curing cancer. If there’s something good against it, it won’t be publicized.
Because the food industry, who funds these studies, stand to benefit from muddying the waters and has a lot to lose if they don’t do it. They use these studies simultaneously as ads for their products as well as to intentionally obscure the truth.
I used to be a bodybuilder and obsessed about nutrition and diet. I apply what I learned building my own body, to my garden. (We’re more similar that you think in a certain way)
I would love a list of matter to add to a compost heap, for certain nutrition issues
Nitrogen comfrey, nettle, lawn clippings..
Carbon Branches and woody materials..
Calcium Dandelion leaves..
Iron Spinach and other dark leaves..
I figure that just like taking a multivitamin and eating crap all day, the soil will not be treated by endless fertiliser.
Seems similar to fast food. Good in a crisis but not best practice.
You must make the garden “eat” well (compost and mulch)
I prefer a holistic approach and treat the soil with organic matter more often with fertiliser. Seems to be working well.
I know troubleshooting means using some fertiliser, as issues occur, but I prefer to treat the problem not the symptoms.
Just like in bodybuilding, where I started scrawny and finished at 105kg of muscle;
The plot on our rental property was a neglected hell of rubble, weeds and 3ft of sand.
Been applying permaculture methods to treat the soil up to 4ft deep in places.
Healthy soil healthy food healthy ecosystem…..its all linked.
Brilliant video. Very helpful
Now where did I put that molybdenum….
The “moderate alcohol consumption is good for you” finding is debunked in the meantime as an example of how the question you’re asking inherently flaws the selection of people you examine: the seemingly positive effect of moderate alcohol consumption was a statistical flaw coming from the effect that after dividing a random selection of people into non-drinkers, moderate drinkers and hard drinkers those groups were actually not comparable as the non-drinkers group contained people whose health condition was so bad that they did not drink any alcohol due to that bad health condition. These people decreased the average health condition of the nondrinkers so much that the group turned out worse healthwise as the moderate drinkers. Selecting a non-drinking group and a moderately drinking group of people with the same average health conditions and observing them over some years results in what you would expect: every bit of drinking is bad for you (but moderate drinking does only moderate damage to your health).
Plants require 17 essential elements for growth: carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulfur (S), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), boron (B), chlorine (Cl), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn).
Manganese was left off of your list my OG but it is essential and very important for healthy green foliage and along with iron these two elements are often misdiagnosed as a Nitrogen deficiency because people automatically think if the foliage is yellow it’s a lack of N. Calcium is a Macro nutrient imho as you stated it is responsible for the translocation of nutrients and cation exchange in the root zone.
How about the debate between whether saturated fats can cause heart disease?
Rather than go over the symptoms it would have been helpful to understand what fertilizer to use for what, different types, and how to use them properly
Molybdenum is in chromoly chromium molybdenum is chromoly muh-lib-dun-nuhm
It’s Molybdenum
Let’s not forgot sometimes studies are commissioned by companies to support consumption, regardless if its healthy or necessary.
I know you could grow some big marijuana trees u should give it a shot, I love your videos
It has been said a hundred-million times before, all things in moderation. Water is good but drink 4 gallons and you end up in the ER.
Thanks for the simple explanation with pictures to clearly see symptoms. Much appreciated!
This science isn’t nearly as messy as the science that established radiation & anaesthetics.
Thank you! Awesome nutrient video! Love that you go beyond NPK
I love how educational you are and you have a good pedagogy! Teaching seems to be a calling to u
The Bible actually says that wine is to be drunk in special occasions like celebrations it makes the heart marry, so basically use it once in a while for like a wedding or something but, even think becoming drunk is obviously sinful. Just another reason the Bible is true . Thanks for this info, I will keep tryin different things and experimenting I realized I had a allergy to dairy which I can only assume will cause problems with weight loss if you are consuming something that is toxic to you. So I wonder if I eliminated everything my body has allergies to would I naturally lose weight? Just eating the foods I want? Do my allergies to certain foods cause weight gain I love dairy and eat it often perhaps if I cut it out completely would I lose some of the weight would I feel better? Bread is also something high in carbs but, it never causes me to become sick. I wonder honestly.
This video helped me diagnose my monstera adansonii with calcium deficiency. THANKYOU FOR SAVING MY BABY ❤❤❤
You make NO mention of industry funding at all and the ensuing conflicts of interest. And for Pete’s sake, there’s NO J-curve for alcohol consumption. Drinking a tiny bit every day isn’t somehow magically healthier. A proper review of the research has clearly shown that healthy non-drinkers have the lowest all-cause mortality. You have to separate out the people who were wrongly classified as non-drinkers, but merely quit drinking after contracting diseases. BTW The alcohol industry has crazy lobbying power and they’ve funded plenty of studies designed to create very specific perceptions.
Excellent lecture. Thanks for sharing your knowledge free online. I really like your deliberation on the subject matter.
Use vertically farmed berries, to remove the variable of local variability. Since it is well known that growing environments can change the composition of grapes for instance.
would lazy man’s compost tea (handful composting scraps in bucket of water, let sit a few weeks, no bubbler) give all the nutrients needed? I also have “cow pond tea” made like lazy compost tea, but using what was found in a cow pond and a kitchen few scraps? so far my plants love it
I was called back into the doctors office in October of 2018. Red blood cells dangerously low, internal bleeding. The doctor proceeded to ask me a bunch of question correlating too including which diet I followed. I informed him, Mediterranean diet. His response, I don’t what that is.
I burst out laughing. Not at first. I explained what the diet consists of. He went on explaining that the blood work indicates that I was bleeding internally. Then out of nowhere I burst out in laughter just thinking to myself, he’s a doctor and doesn’t know what the Mediterranean diet is.
I couldn’t contain myself.
Three months later, cause this doctor was like: we will wait and see come back in two months and we will run another blood test and go from there. By then I was so fatigue, in pain so my father took me to A&E and turns out it was a tumour. A fucken tumour causing the internal bleeding and pain and discomfort and so much more.
I’m old enough to remember several changes in official medical “wisdom”: Margarine being healthier than butter until it was “decided” it wasn’t. Coffee, chocolate bad for us, then not so bad. Red wine, as shown here. I now eat cautiously but without absolute policies. Better to stay sane and die a few months sooner than to agonize (unhealthy) over diet, methinks. I’m 78.
“You can’t both drink and not drink alcohol at the same time.” Meet the new brew “Schroedinger” where you can both have your drink and not have it at the same time.
This is painful to watch. You barely know what you’re talking about. This is just for views. Sigh
7:30 well…just like we need salt…it could also cause hypertension when consumed regularly in large dosage.
Thats why large consumption of vitamins, except maybe vit c, will be harmful to human body such as too many carrots might turn you orange.
How to correct iron,calcium, magnesium, molybdenum deficiency organically?