Table of Contents:
How To Build Muscle And Lose Fat At The Same Time: Step By Step Explained (Body Recomposition)
Video taken from the channel: Jeff Nippard
Does Being Fat Make You Stronger?THE TRUTH
Video taken from the channel: Mark Macqueen
Video taken from the channel: Juji & Tom
Should Obese/Very Over Weight People Lift Weights??
Video taken from the channel: TrevorsFitness
Is Body Weight Training Safe if You’re Overweight?
Video taken from the channel: RedDeltaProject
Video taken from the channel: Barbell Brigade
Double Chin | How To Get Rid Of A Double Chin | Double Chin Exercises
Video taken from the channel: AbrahamThePharmacist
Getting stronger thighs takes dedication to resistance exercise, aerobic exercise, and changes to your eating habits. Read more about these lifestyle changes that can.If you have to choose one type of exercise, strength training may be best for specifically trimming your gut. In a Harvard study, men who did 20 minutes of daily weight training had less of an.There’s no way around calorie balance; if you want to lose weight, you must be taking in fewer calories than you expend.
When all other variables such as your training, macro amounts, and nutrient timing are in place, you can absolutely gain strength while in a deficit.In fact, getting the right amount of fat doesn’t just make it easier to maintain a healthy weight — if you’re looking to drop pounds, it might actually help. Remember, fat keeps you full longer, so cutting it out will likely backfire.
It also makes food taste more delicious, making your meals more enjoyable overall.HOW TO lose visceral fat: If you’re carrying a bit of extra weight around the waist, chances are you have higher than needed visceral fat levels. If you’d like to drop the harmful belly fat, there.Covid-19 comes as a stark reminder of the extent to which being overweight is a threat to our health. Evidence shows that being obese doubles our.
How Do I Tell If I’m Overweight or Obese? (Without Doing A lot of Math ) In general, you are not considered obese until your body weight is at least 20% higher than it should be. The most common way to determine whether or not you’re a healthy weight is through a little thing called the body mass index, or BMI.You’ve been faithfully working out with leg-specific exercises, including cycling, hiking, squats and deadlifts. Your goal is to become lean, but your thighs and calves seem to be getting larger. If your legs are typically a problem area, it can be difficult to tell if you’re experiencing muscle weight gain or fat.
2 days ago · At the start of the challenge, Will weighs 179.2 pounds with 14 percent body fat. 10 days later, he weighs in at 173 pounds, and his body fat has dropped to 12.6 percent.Having a genetic predisposition to obesity did not seem to matter, however, for people who were active: Their BMIs were no higher or lower than those of people who did not have the obesity gene.
Physical Activity Makes the Difference.To get ripped, lean, shredded, etc. you need to shed body fat. Shedding body fat requires you to consume fewer calories than you’re expending so that your body uses your fat stores for energy.The Women Fitness website recommends shallow-water activities including simple walking or slow jogging in the pool, jumping jacks, side shuffling across the pool and jumps. The Love to Know website suggests overweight individuals work out in the deep water to shield their joints.
A reading at or over 40 is severe obesity. Confused yet? You’re not alone. “BMI can be a difficult way for the common person to know their degree of overweight or obesity,” Shuff told.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults do strength training and 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise a week.
But if you’re a fitness newbie, you don’t have to sign up for a triathlon the minute you plan on getting healthier.9 Responses to “Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Get Strong, and Laugh a Little – Installment 5” Greg R. Says: June 30th, 2011 at 8:18 am. I cried a little today when I witnessed a group of HS football players meet at 6:15a on the football field.
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No doctor has told me anything about losing but I have about that much that I want to take off on my body thanks for the video
I’m 330 and finally decided to get back in my greatest shape. I love that you said really fat people are really strong cause I looked at my calf muscles and thought “goddamn those puppies are massive!”
Thanks for the vid I’m nearly a 17 yo male and I’m 290 pounds I been working out since the beginning of July I went on a 5day rut binge eating and gain weight to my start weight but definitely turn fat weight into muscle what routine should I do rn Ik training every muscle every day and some times I can’t lift as much as the day before.
Let’s see how this goes (for context I’m a little overweight & have a pretty visible double chin)
Day 1: Just started, let’s see
Day 2: Same
What if i do exercises & double chin is gone then i stop doing exercise & bomb again there is double chin
by not eating pizza and fried chicken and burgers every day, with soda and ice cream on top. what sucks about most vegetables is they are absolutely DISGUSTING and will make a lot of people puke even just to smell them. there’s really no fix for that, so have to eat the more desirable vegetables like carrots and celery. thankfully almost every fruit is delicious, and so are low fat, very lean meats.
That’s all you need to know to not get fat, or lose weight if you are already fat.
From a mate of mine applied this diet plan “sowo amazing plan” (Google it) to lose 12 lbs, My partner and i realized a lot about it. I googled “sowo amazing plan” and so should you.
Hi there, I want to know if Custokebon Secrets, will really work for me? I notice lots of people keep on talking about this popular lose weight methods.
Milton is back! Got a few videos coming with him and we’re headed to Australia today. And we lose all of August 21st as a day. bye
Watch Milton’s Stream (it’s amazing)
Great video and I agree 100%! Like you say, I have made both mistakes, been at both ends of the spectrum. Subscribed!
thank you so much sir. i am your new subscriber please make the vedio for Belly fat.
The fact that im skinny but hv the worst double triple chin omg
Looks like I’m gonna try this and note my progress.
Day 1: Completed and a slight stretched feeling on my jaw
Day 2: Complete and same feeling with jaw
Barts looks like an asian batman. Same body as batman in the movies
Matt i forgot how much rest between sets when going to failured?i heard that 3-5 minutes of rest since we are going to failured?thanks
Damn that dude, ate to much all bad, probably dirty bulk lmao. Getting that fat shit boy.
hey,I wanted to ask.a question.I no longer get cramps after I work out,the workouts are still pretty intense when I am in it,however after the workout I have no.soreness ( I know cramps or soreness aren’t an indication for anything but I would still like to know why )
p.s my workouts are still challenging enough
Hey am 21 year old male at440 pounds should I lift weights or solely do cardio as I am now?
Maybe one of the main reasons I lost my self confidence is double chin….ugh
Me: doing these exercises while watching this video.
The FBI Agent in my computer: da fuh?
Great talk and totally agree that is why I will be working on weight loss for next season, might be the same weight or lower but bodyfat is going to be going away..Solid vid MM!
Every time I front squat I feel like the bar is choking me out. Like idk how to get the form right. Tips anyone?
I weigh as much as Juji, but I’m also like six inches taller
0:50 Warm up
1:11 Exercise 1tilting head
1:27 Exercise 2ball exercise
1:49 Exercise 3puckering lips
2:05 Exercise 4tongue to nose
2:20 Exercise 5ceiling press with tongue
2:34 Exercise 6moving lower jaw while tilting head
Just a note for myself:)
if ur a crossfitter and u have a goal quit crossfit thats not a blanket statement btw thats a fact
I have frequent infection that cause my lymph nodes to massively swell this caused my neck to swell under my jaw and effect my jawline any way to reduce inflammation under the jaw I have hsv type 1 was born with it and it causes these btw
Read this comment for my progress:
Day 1: Nothing really happened
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Ok guys I’ll do this I’ll keep you updated
Day 1: I’ve been doing this for 8 minutes every 2 hours I’ve been feeling a stretch on the side of my chin
Day 2 I’ve done it and this time it’s different it feels kinda numb still no changes
Day: 3 Same result as day 2
Day 4: there’s a little bit of a change I’ve been starting to see a jawline
ok guys i only did some of the exercises
but trust me, there was a HUGE difference from my before and after
At first i couldn’t even see my jawline, but after i did this for abt 2-3wks, i could actually see a better defined jawline
Hey guys I found a legit source if anyone wants top quality gears you can txt directly or WhatsApp this
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I have been dealing with this source for 3 years and never had any problems with my package. I did my first cycle from this source and that’s how I got my body transformation he even provides good diet and workout plans.
I don’t even have a double chin but I’m self conscious of it so I’m going to do it anyway
Not gunna lie, my double chin decreased a little after the first day ima keep doing it though to see more change!
It’s been a known fact that the BMI scale is complete bullshit and this just proves it
Has anyone done this and seen a transformation? If so please reply to this and tell me how long you did it and how much you did it
You are awesome. Today’s social media everyone is looking at you to fine what is ugly, bad, or wrong with you….the negatives. How about looking at that person and find what is awesome about that person? So I do not relate to seeing what is ugly about that person. I have been seen as a naive person all my life, a doormat. Now at the age of 60+ I love myself because i do look at people that way…what is awesome about that person but i also now listen very closely and detail about what that person is saying and most importantly what they are doing and I stay clear from those. Oh don’t get me wrong I am nice but they are kept outside my circle. I choose which are close…and these people are my family and friends of my adult children. People think it is sad but I love my personal time. No longer working on a relationship, trying to change that person (cheating, lying, won’t work, stealing, violent, untrustworthy)and hoping that I am doing/saying what they want and feeling insecure emotionally, physically, or financially. And that is how I raise my adult children to be strong and love yourself because they give me the gift of their love daily. Only people in my circle:)
POV: you scorling through the comments while doing the exercises ♀️
Please subscribe to this channel with amazing fitness tips ❤️♂️
Wtf is a twitch streamer? I’ve heard of mechanics, drs, lawyers, engineers, astronauts. I must be archaic
Since people are requesting some updates, here are mine, I don’t know how much this could be useful but I’ll share anyways. I began following this guide video around April, I kept exercising every day until the end of May. I’m pretty average in my weight but I had this hideous double chin that kept showing when slightly tilting my head and I wanted to get rid of it, so I began looking for this type of videos and this is the most complete and effective one I tried. In less than a week I began seeing results in my jaw, it started looking more defined and my chin looked better. I got my results as I wanted, I suggest to alternate this video to other videos like this, like I did, and exercise every day. I got full results in a month
So, I’m gonna do the warmup five times (for 5 secs each) and the rest as mentioned, and then mention my results down below.
Day 1: Okay, my facial muscles (mainly neck and jaw) hurt quite bit (not a lot but enough), and after every exercise I could feel the muscles ache so that’s a good sign. Strangely enough, even my tongue hurts a tad bit. I can’t say there have been any changes ’cause too soon to tell, but I’m gonna take the pain as a sign that it’s doing something.
Day 2: Yup, I can feel the pain (mainly in the jaw/neck area) it’s about as much as yesterday. Also, I’m pretty sure I won’t start seeing results for another week so this week is just gonna be me saying how the pain increases/reduces daily.
P.S. Just thought I’d add that I’m gonna be doing two other facial workouts and a Chloe Ting workout, so that might help fasten the process.
And seeing lots of good comments here, so imma give it a try.
here’s an anecdote from a 52 year old HARD gainer. currently 5’9″ 160. for several years I was working out (used to be in great shape) eating 2700 ish calories a day, I even tried T for a couple years and I got nothing but fat weight. I got lots of advise from people who claimed to “know” how to do it right; I gained nothing. I quit the juice back in December and quit working out for 6 mo. just started back a month ago, I am eating only about 1900 cal per day and not working out terribly hard but I made one change. while I was consuming about 180g of protein per day before it was clumped into bigger portions. For 30 days I have been eating 30 to 35g of protein EVERY 2 hours and it has made an enormous difference. In 30 days at 52 years old i just shed 3 lbs of fat and put on 6lbs of muscle per dexa scan. I am over the moon right now, what a huge epiphany.
The struggle is realbig guys lifting big but needing to cut is tough… you feel that cal deficit on deadlift day most of all
I know that’s Jasmine, but that would be funny af if in another universe she was a shorter Geo
The 2 Week Dietary plan Analysis – Is This Weight loss plan Legit? The 2 week diet regime is the most recent diet routine by industry distinguished writer, fat loss mentor, not to mention personalized health coach B. Flatt
That’s the main importance of walking
for 5 thousand dollars i would just starve myself to the weith within a few weeks
i didn’t have a double chin but i could tell that i could get rid of some fat under my chin and i was looking for a sharper jawline and I GOT IT. it hasn’t even been a week and the results are shocking!!! these work so great and i highly recommend giving these exercises a go! if you do actually have a double chin i recommend doing this at least 2 times a day, good luck to everyone else ❤️
I feel like Power Clean would be a really good weight lifting option for losing weight
Abraham the pharmacist: put a ball or cylinder under your neck-
Me:*looks for a ball or something* sees empty coke can Ahhhh perfect
proceeds to do exercises looks over to see my dog staring
Dog: what in tarnation excuse me what are you on???
Did Milton do it? Did Tom lose? Is Juji overweight? Find out in the next episode of As The World Turn
Imma try and do this for a month or two and give an update.
Day 1: Just started
That was an awesome video. I am currently doing a mix of cardio and weight training, needless to say I enjoy weight training more. I am a female that is looking to lose more than 100lbs and in my mid thirties. People tell me not to weight train all the time but thanks for giving me some solid info into why weight training is a good choice
Do we have to do all these exercises or can we pick couple out of these and do them?
I do both but before I started i got blood tests done to check if my blood sugars and cardiac health were good. When my blood sugars stabilized I started cardio and weightlifting. I’m in a caloric deficit everyday. My gym clothes are getting to big for me.
Anyone know what is Custokebon Secrets about? I hear many people burn their weight with this popular weight loss diet plan.
Newtons law….F=ma….we are producing force when lifting so we increase m….if m is going down, then yiu have to work on a….
Genetics play a big role here.
don’t mind me just keeping track of days of this: 1,2,3,4,5,6
This was great info. I am 47 yrs old, 5’11” and 351 pounds. I recently started eating a low-carb diet and working out 3 days per week. It is difficult as I am not used to using all those muscles but I know in the long run it will be worth it. My goal is to get down around 200 pounds. I cannot wait to regain that quality of life I lost so long ago. I will update my progress on here in the hope that it will motivate others. When I started this about 2 months ago I was 383 pounds so moving in the right direction. Good luck to all of you who are trying to improve your lives by getting healthier.
When it comes to diet, how about alternating (for example) a weekly caloric surplus to caloric deficit? How would this work in relation to body composition? Because I have noticed that when I try to eat more than I normally would (caloric surplus) that my automatic tendency after a while is to start eating less again.
I believe you can get stronger while losing weight, I just started working out last month and dieting, I lost 12 lbs and I have gotten much stronger.
If someone, is cutting to 1,500 then on off days there calories should be 500
I wish I had fat boy abs where my abs just show even tho I’m fat lol
You gotta force yourself wanna keep your strength cause you keep that muscle, and then when cuts over go back into and eat more calories again, gain more muscle
Just weight train and use intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting keeps almost all of your muscle while burning 95% of your weight loss in fat.
I will try this for 30 days, I have a jawline due to my genetics, but a double chin haha so it is not a plus.
day one: done
day 2:done
day 3:
That’s about my body type right now. I’m trying to lose that lower gut man…..
I am 17 and I weigh 200 pounds. My height is 5,7 and I have a fat/obese looking body with big hands, legs and ass. I am also interested in body building. So now I am confused whether to do cardio exercises and lose weight now and then lift weights or start lifting weights right off the bat. My friends say I’ll look buff and funny and I won’t grow tall if I lift weights. Now I really need ur advice on what to do. Hope u see this
I think your advice is dangerous. I read a research about protein intake. The 1.6 g was per kg not per pound. And it is the upper limit. Above that there are no benefits but danger of organ damage.
love watching u play board games. but this shit is hilarious
Last but not least, I came across a diet that is east to understand. Soon, I will probably lose 8 more pounds with “sowo hope site” (make sure to google it! ).
you can lose wight and getting strong bc i was 240 and benching 65 now i weight 194 and benching 125
I been trying to lose chin fat for several months but nothing happened just gained more fat there. I really hope this works
Is it okay to combine weight lifting and cardio? Like for starter maybe just a light walk or jog on treadmill for 30minutes and hits on the machine for weight lifting after that?
I just started trying this today and the burn is definitely there. It’s good tho because it shows that it’s working.
Good stuff as always, I personally dropped from 208lbs to 198lbs, and have increased my deadlift, front squat, and back squat. Not so much my bench though……
In my experience when i cut weight (fat) my squat a.d deadlift stay strong but my bench takes a dive.
I appreciate the message, man. It’s really a helpful reminder to us lifters.
I heard this is perfectly acceptable at any Planet Fitness: 0:05
Your sleep and diet on point, people think you gotta eat like shit, like this dude jk lol.
I recognized his voice from Markipliers playthrough of GTA RP
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Guys I will be telling you guys if it will work or not so like this comment for me to not forget about this for you guys
Day 1:Just started
Day 2:Same
I’m skinnier than this dude and my hr goes up to 185 way too easily lol
I had a very curious question.. is it true that coffee effects muscle growth? I heard that it does but, I’m not to sure if that’s entirely true.
I did exercises like this generally stretching in 4 years ago and after 1 week I got nice results but now I’m too busy
Kinobody has a program for this and it fucking works like magic
shit man!! cant wait to see u ripped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUBB
Thank you AbrahamThePharmacist. The exercises have helped me tighten up my chin and gotten rid of the double chin I’ve begun to develop. I feel like a new woman and I’m more confident about going out now. Thanks again.
Wait… What’s the joint difference between a front squat and a back squat?
I started doing this 2 days ago
Day 1 felt slimmer
Day 2 felt slimmer but idk about the looks
Day 3 my chin was super sore and somehow I think I might have gotten fatter, my double chin got bigger (probably because I ate pizza yesterday and today)
keeping track and updates!
day 1:starts
day 2nothing happens yet
day 3: same
I wish I had some homies to keep me motivated and do things with me
Honestly, it just takes too long to build muscle while getting lean. It’s much much easier to just bulk up with a calorie surplus then cut with a deficit.
he’s been saying 1500 since late 2014:/ hope he gets it sooner or later.
I wish that these packaged, ready-to-eat broccoli and other veggies were available in Germany. Same with Seaweed no clue where to get that. I can get most of it raw and cook myself, but sometimes that’s not an option.
can’t lose fat and gain muscle at the same time unless you’re juiced
Damnit, Thank you sir! There’s a certain skinny black guy on youtube that laughs and says overweight people shouldn’t do. And, what you said about wrong and right excercises, I say that all the time! That’s crazy!
What is your opinion on the hip thrust exercise for glutes? So many people tell me that calisthenics is second rate for the lower body compared to weights.
Just found your channel, really like it so far! keep up the good work:)
Very informative content! Great video bro! Loving the videos!
Hi Matt, what do you think about progressive calistenichs done in circuits vs. straight sets? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Thanks for all the hard work, I found your videos always interesting!
Guys. lost a ton of weight doesn’t need to be hard (I used to feel it did). I’m going to give you some tips now. Look for a popular diet plan called Custokebon Secrets (do a search on google). Thanks to it I’ve lost lots of weight. I probably should not even be speaking about it cause I don’t really want a lot of other guys out there running exactly the same game but whatever. I’m just in a excellent mood today so I will share the wealth lol.
I have been watching tons of fitness and workout videos for months and this is seriously the best one I have watched. That was the most helpful information for me, someone just starting out in the gym and getting mixed answers on the whole cardio/weight training debate. I feel heaps better knowing I have started on the right track adding weights into my routine:)
been checking on Milton’s stream a few times and it doesn’t look good, almost 1 year… can’t see a difference!
I got my diet plan from Next Level Diet and lost 2kg in just 10 days. So far, so good. Can’t wait to see numbers on scale after 20 more days. I am so excited about this.
I have a question about Protein: I’m French and we use kilograms. Over here, it’s said we should take 1,6g/1kg of bodyweight (not especially lean mass). 1kg = 2.2lb. Which means in France I already have to take around 200g-ish protein per day which is very high even with the best will…
So my question is, should I refer to my lean mass only, still in kilos and eat as much as i need protein which will be less than 200-ish and more around 180-ish g of protein. OR, should I convert my lean mass into lb and refer to that for my protein daily intake? Because that way, let’s say my lean mass is 85kg so x2.2 it’s 187lb x 1.6 = 299g of protein per day? That sounds already unachievable with 200g
I am 50lbs overweight. I enjoy working out and weight training. I’ve been counting calories consistently and cutting carbs but I swear this damn scale is reading higher than when I started! I don’t feel bigger but my clothes aren’t falling off either..btw I’ve been doing it for 2 weeks. How long does it take to see a difference?
Very solid points. Would love to see a workout specifically for obese people starting out in the gym
I’m about 250lbs, been goin on about 1600 to 1700 calories a day for about 3 months now, and i’ve been seein results in fat loss, and strength gains. just gotta take it slow, and focus on that movement lol. barbell brigade is the shit. subscribed.
Aren’t obese people usually mesomorphs because they’re already starting with bigger bone and muscle structure to begin with?
One of the positives that came out of a bulk that I pushed too far was that it added some extra resistance to pullups and other bw exercises lol. I still regret it though haha.
Hey, could u please reply to this. I don’t rlly have a double chin but there is something there but very small it’s mostly from my side view and I am skinny in the body. Would u say this will still help with been able to see my jaw line better? Thanks
What do you do when you want to loose weight or what kind of exercise
Im 264 lbs, i i really found this video so helpful. Ill start with my weight training. I wanna be in the 190-200 range
Very interesting. I’m sure it plays out much different for you guys as more professional lifters but when I started out, I was weak as hell. My strength did build up quickly though.
I am trying this since its quarantine.
Day 1✅
Day 2-✅
Day 3-
Day 4-
Day 5-
Day 6-
Day 7-
1 week results-
Ok so I’m on keto diet. I was 340 I’m 286 now. My stomach is huge my tire is huge. I had surgery and have metal in my stomach. Can I lose weight and lift at the same time? Or should I lose more weight then lift?
Thank you very much. This is the 1st day I’m doing this and I can already see the result.
Sorry if I have a bad grammar
I enjoy your channel a lot. Question: NSCA recommends 1.0-1.6g protein per kilo not lb. of LBM. Just wondering what sources you used so I can expand my research? Thanks.
52 yrs old, 6′ 7″, 670 lbs., can walk 200 ft before collapsing legs cramp up then lower back starts to have spasms, can stand for 2 min same problems arise
I’m 6’1 285. I’m a power lifer with some belly fat. I’m a big guy. But the weight scale thing says I’m supposed to be 180-185. I’m going to lose 25 pounds. But shouldn’t the scale be different for body builder’s
I feel like Juji is wrong about flexibility not aiding in fitness and that he also proves himself wrong in the same breath lol. If flexibility is used in everything you do (including workouts) and it increases the effectiveness of everything you do then arguably it will inevitably lead to great weight loss than if you didn’t work on flexibility. Not to mention yoga, although not necessarily intense (with exceptions like that 110 degree heat yoga) it is a recommended beginning exercise for overweight people because it’s something anyone can start doing the basics and the balance and flexibility from it will lead to people being able to do other exercises more effectively.
thank you. this makes so much sense. I’m down 64 lbs since I started my weight loss journey but I’ve lost muscle because I was focusing solely on cardio to get better range of movement. Time to sign up for the gym and get some muscle back!
I thought the skinny guy with the beard was from Borat, was expecting a “veerry nice” at some point in the video
that BMI calculator didn’t help but just call me obese, i’m omw to cry now
Amazing video!!! Solved all my answers I needed. Over 150 pds to lose and I didn’t know what to do but this i needed to hear to know bc I didn’t know if I could exercise alone. All the benefits get me excited too bc I feel so strong that it’s easier to weight train them exercise everyday anyways. THANK YOU SO MUCH
My BMI is underweight, which is 16.3 but I still have double chin. I’ll try this to see if there is any change. Thank you so muchhhh.
Eating in a surplus doesnt build muscle the point is to put on mass to pump more weights thus more muscle i.e it helps builds muscle indirectly, the study at the beginning was stupid
5 years ago, doctor told me I’m diabetic. I’ve been getting more serious about watching my diet and exercising since then. I’ve been pretty good about consistent workouts and eating right. But have been unable to get good sleep. Occasionally, I do succumb to ice cream and potato chips. I believe some of this junk food is affecting my sleep, and my blood sugar levels.
For absolute strength i would agree being fats makes you stronger but relative strength i would be less inclined to agree.
when I was 14 I was 230 lbs fat n strong asf I lost 20 lbs n lost strength the NXT yr but gain 30 lbx of muscle the yr after n came put stronger than ever
I’m on a roll boys, I failed every test…that’s right I aced it. Exercise is the devil and dieting is his crap. I’m good with being mostly dead with my wired and screwed kneecap and my collapsed discs
Hi, what is your opinion on “cycling”, or alternating between a caloric surplus and deficit on training vs. cardio days? A lot of guides have recommended this, i.e. on days you weight train enter a surplus and on days you do cardio enter a deficit.
For some reason, watching Milton paw at his own stomach is uniquely disturbing
What is the best way to lost tons of fat? I read many great opinions on the internet about how Custokebon Secrets can help you lost lots of weight. Has anyone tried this popular fat burn methods?
-Should fat guys lift weights?
-No. Stay the way you are, and die obese…. if people ask its because they dont want to do it.
damn where was this bet when i did my weight loss lol I won $200 by losing 54lbs in 3 months
I lost 50lb in a month and half one time. Then I lay 60lb 70 days. It’s rough but can be done
women do not get menopause at age 30-40 (how about age 50-60?). The fact you would say that makes it hard to take seriously anything else you say in this video.
When’s the last time they updated the criteria the great depression
I made the decision to conduct some study on the diet routine “Yamzoko Weebly” (Google it) after having a close friend shared with me about just how much unwanted weight she dropped I did lost 9 lbs. My fat burning and also weight loss should have been due to this specific program. And I am ingesting healthy food at this moment..
Bruh the whole of my body is completely normal but for some reason I have a double chin and my belly is like huge I can’t even see my private part
Whaaaat! I didn’t even know about safety squat bars. I have a shoulder injury from jiu jitsu that drastically limits my left shoulder mobility. This would help so much.
I hope that this helps to show my jawline only, I still want my chubby cheeks
I am gonna try this for a month and I ll tell you the results
I mean, Milton is actually hot af. He’s handsome, got a nice ass and a fine height
Day 1jaw kinda hurts
Day 2wait I’m already seeing progress (I do this 2 times a day)
Day 3/4/5I still do this twice a day and it’s working really well
Military uses BMI for fitness standards and used to kick out really fit dudes for breaking BMI rules
I really like the “Work hard and be nice”……it’s better that the “Be yourself” saying because you might be an asshole.
So basically the Borat and a giant carrot try to teach us how to cut weight
on situps I was like 80 years old then.. xD but now I am in a good shape:D
Hi Matt,
Can you adress the speed of the rep?Slower reps is harder to perform but is doing slow or super slow better than a non slower rep for muscle grow?Or it do not matters?Is tension and going to failured the real kings for muscle grow?
This is the first helpful video I’ve found in so many google/YouTube searches on this subject!!
I literally just gave a thumbs up because of the yea buddy. Lmfaoooo
barbell plays dope music. most gyms just play some wack shit
Already an insulin dependent diabetic, pancreas pretty much doesnt work anymore, went too long with no treatment. Pretty deep into menopause too…sounds like it might be too late for me.
read as “how to lose weight if overweight fat in prison”….. now i’m sad
Just watched this video! Don’t leave us hanging! What happened to Milton?? Did he do it??
Thanks I too plan to lose over 100 lbs and was wondering this as well
Hes not gonna do it because he simply doesnt need it, if anything, everytime he leaves the pc hes losing money
Lmfao that Ronnie Coleman voice though! Light weight! Yeeaaaah budddyyyy!
that part about the bet at the end was funny as fuck about the 10:1 odds hahaha
I’m a amateur not gonna lie. But am fit with decent muscle. I love sqauts. They make me horny LMAO. But I’ve never seen someone sqaut with a bar on the front like that.
I look like the before version of this guy… I really need to get back in shape, I haven’t been in shape since 2006, and it is very dangerous for me to be this unhealthy because I am type 1 diabetic and I can feel the negative effects it is having on my body. I bet it would even help with depression if I could lose weight..
I usually blow away any baseline fitness tests without any trouble at all, but actually 44 situps is a surprisingly high number to see. I could definitely feel it by the time I got there.
I watched this video after watching them to the APFT and having been in the Army, it was funny watching them grill dude for his push ups after watching theirs. I love your content and upbeat attitudes. Keep it coming!
excelent! So does he win or loose? i am quite curious, i am like him and i realy want to find someone like me that could loose this amount of fat ^^ we could find thousands of vidéo showing fit guy’s that explain how to do beginners exercices but i can’t even do one of them. I am loosing my motivation. help me guy’s!:p
why are always the fat guys good at shot put? More force behind the shot in the circle? More leverage in the “put” some how from extra fat surrounding the muscle?
So if you’re weak but also kind of chubby, should you go on a caloric deficit but with an elevated protein intake?
If the goal is to both lose fat, but also build muscle.
Me don’t have a double chin me watches a video on how to get rid of a double chin
Trevor, its nice to see someone put out info after they actually do the research the topic, ( or your brilliant ) either or great advise again.
Hey guys. If you have any questions about working out or diet, feel free to email me and I will help you guys reach your goal whatever it is
Hey watsupp guys plzz watch you will love it…….
very well said bart. super smart fuckin dude. great explanation
BMI is bullshit finally people get it. Mine is 150 I was sticks when I weighed that.
what if you’re not on the leaner side and also want to gain muscle? is it ok to have a calorie deficit, or should they have a deficit until lean?
i never thought bruno mars would be playing at barbell brigade i always thought they only play westside and eminem
Is it ok if i eat something under 2500kcal, and k ate 210g of proteín (i wasnt trying a lot) 200g of carbs and 75 grams of fat), i worked out for 2 hours in the gym. But with pauses of course. And i am female, 164 cm long and i weight 45-47 kilos. And want to gain muscles..
To the far extreme it’s more harmful then helpful. Agreed champ
Just one exercise? No…you can’t do squats all the time every day…right?
So, he was in the army’s power-lifting team? So he doesn’t need fitness advice at all… that’s expert level.
Great video ive lost a bit of strength while cutting a bit of body fat but nothing major only really on the compound movements though
I cant do sit ups… my tailbone hurts like hell when I do that….
If I do it on a chair so my tailbone is free it feel like I can do this endless…
I think more weight gives more strength! But for me thats not the case lol, im just weak with weight and without.
my body fat pc must be around 14% i am not skinny yet wanted to build more muscle but i have a thick lower belly fat when sitting, should i cut or bulk?
thanks for the Like and sub bro on my transformation bro.
What i think tho is that lean bulk is the only way to go… Its very unhealthy to bulk hard then cut hard… and if you want to do it for a while… only one way to go, the safe way man!
Interesting…I’ve found I’m the exact opposite on a cut. In order to stay in a deficit easier, I have to scale back training frequency. This also allows for more recovery which I need on calorie restriction. So I’ll hit full body hard every third day (Mon/Thurs/Sun/Wed/Sat, etc) which averages out to 2-3x p/wk.
@AbrahamthePharamcist: Thank you for making and sharing this video.
okay so im gonna be trying this out and updating you guys.
Day 1..Just getting started
I need friends like this, I am stuck in the house from corona, I’m trying to get unemployment and I used to workout seriously… I’m not sure what I weight now but when I was working I’d lift 160-200lb items (warehouse) and farmers walk or atlas stone them into places they needed to be into place. I hate cardio that’s mindless (I prefer playing football for cardio or just pushing my car around a parking lot)
Size = strength
Ray Williams
Eric Lilliebridge
Scot Mendelson
George Leeman
Derek Kendall
James Henderson
Andrey Malanichev
Eddie Hall
Zydrunas Savickas
Benedikt Magnusson
Brian Shaw
Bill Kazmaier
Jon Sigmarsson
Tiny Meeker
Eric Spoto
Ranhman Siamand
Eric Spoto
Andy Bolton
Ryan Kennelly
Robert Wilkerson
Pedro Mejias
Terry Hollands
Hossein Rezazadeh
Kirill Sarychev
And on and on and on and on…….
All these men have or are over 300 pound bodyweight some even close to 400..
That’s why i find it impressive to see a man half the size lift around the same weight
Thats where i messed up gained to much weight in my “bulk” I agree with you as well their is some guys in my gym that are fairly large and they cant lift nothing close to a 10th of there actual weight! Great topic
Just subbed!! I have the same goal! Thank, you just gave me motivation to keep on going.
So i’ll start this exercise and keep this updated i guess
wish me luck ^^
Day 1 Start
Day 2 definitely feel the stretch (FINALLY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL)
Day 3 kinda feel the stretch
Day 4 don’t feel much of a difference
Day 5 the same as day 4
Day 6 slight stretch
Day 7 I can kinda see (or feel) a difference
Day 8 nothing new
Day 9 I can definitely see my face being more defined (btw i do like 3 or 4 exercises once a day)
thanks for drawing in those pie charts for me that really helped me get your point
What happened to Milton? It’s been 8 months and the challenge was supposed to be over by now.
gonna be doing this 1-2 time a day starting today for 2 months or when my school starts again i’ll comment on this comment in 2 months wish me luck
After 6 months of planning, researching, late nights writing, tweaking and perfecting, The Ultimate Guide To Body Recomposition is finally live! I’m really proud of the final product and I know you guys are gonna love reading it. Grab yours at 25% off for the next 7 days here:
Damn man, this was an extremely informative and well polished video.
I eat healthy foods. I wanna be bigger but my abs won’t show up even though im working out 6days per wk. I want my abs to show up without flexing it. After wks i try to lessen carbs and it helps my abs to show up but my weight are decreasing. Its difficult for me to maintain it.
Our 5 best Fitness Food! Who are they?
I like AbrahamthePharmacist. He seems like a nice, chill and funny guy.
Is it just me who noticed the dbz reference or am i being stupid?
What’s strange is that I lifted heavier when I went on a Vegan diet.
What was stranger….I lifted the heaviest when I fasted for 3 days….
Xtreme Fat Loss diet review 25 pounds in a month Does it deliver results?
Ok I’ll start today July,16,2020.
Day 1: My double chin feels lighter but no visual difference.
(Also be careful when doing the second exercise,I almost got chocked)
Day 2: Still no visual difference.
Day 3: Ok is it just me or my double chin seems to be improving!
Day 4: same.
Day 5: I think I’m seeing a slight difference but barely visible.
Day 6: Same.
Your dumb ass had Ronnie coleman eating and said that the way they ate was wrong lol, Ronnie coleman in off season was 3% body fat and 3% on stage, stfu you stupid fuck and learn more
Do anybody know about Custokebon Secrets? Does it work? I hear most people lost their fat with this popular weight loss diet plan.
Thanks youtube for this recommendation. On the bright side I’m above average even though I haven’t worked out in two years.
is endurance training bad to introduce in to this? perhaps a battle rope workout or a jump rope session? its more of a muscle toner also…
I calculate it by x1,2g protein for each paund isnt it too much 240g of protein
@ Jeff Nippard While this being a very informative video I’m left with a question. Is this approach aslo possible when you’re not able to commit to exact times? I’ll clarify. I work around the clock in shift work. (7-15)(15-23)(23-7). I’ll never be able to commit to exact times in the day. Hopefully you’ll read this and be able to comment.
Does Custokebon Secrets really help to lost crazy amounts of fat? We have learn many good stuff about this popular weight loss secrets.
Sir I have slim face but I have to shift my lower jaw forward
Does Custokebon Secrets really work? I see many people keep on talking about Custokebon Secrets. But Im uncertain if it is good enough to lost lots of weight.
Hello there, have you considered Custokebon Secrets yet? Simply do a google search engine search. On there you’ll find an awesome tips about how you can lost crazy amounts of fat. Why not give it a shot? perhaps it is going to work for you too.
Hi matt, what do you think about dynamic tension and adding this to let’s say the push up?
Lol 3 to 5 g of creatine a day im over here taking 15-20 a day XD
Okay, so I ran across this through a suggestion and I’m just… Milton is a great guy. I wish him the best. He’s hilarious
BMI is a flawed system it was originally calculated when people were rationing. If you want a good measure, go get it done professionally they can tell you muscle to fat percentages etc.
haha just saw this from a recommended video and tried to search your other uploads i know this happened 9 months ago but how did the bet go?
Did he succeed?
Did he fail?
How close did he get?
Inquisitive minds want to know!
lol Recently lost 160 lbs in 6 months my self with some drastic measures. And hes in alot better position then i am / was wondering how it went! lol
Anyone tried the Custokebon Secrets? I’ve heard several incredible things about it and my mate lost lots of weight with Custokebon Secrets (search on google).
When it comes to eating healthy, you have to try not to fall victim to modern fad diet plans. Extreme diet plans are a risk for your health, especially ones that seriously restrict your daily nutritional intake. While they might induce rapid loss of weight, these kinds of diet plans will never be a long-term answer for your waistline. It is best to check out Custokebon Secrets on google search engine as it isn’t just another fad diet where you starve yourself.
ok so this is how mine went!
Day 1:no change of course iv just started
Damn I’m watching this at 3:30am and when he got to the sleep part I just felt attacked
After listening to this video I went ahead and subscribed and bought your book. Thanks!
Friends, if you want such muscle, i definitely use keratin, i recommend everyone https:// bit.l y/3g3 FACe (You can reach the gap by deleting) I would definitely recommend it
I started this exercise today
Day1: I feel under my chin stretched.hope to see the difference soon.
Day2: I feel my jawline stretch but I’m disappointed of my double Chin it makes me look fat
jeff, your video proves mrfleksnes123/laeffys is still alive
When it comes to eating healthy, you have to never fall victim to modern fad diet plans. Extreme diets are a threat for your health, especially ones that seriously restrict your every day nutritional intake. Many of these fad diet plans work for a short period of time and then the benefits decrease after a while. You should look up Custokebon Secrets on google as it is not just another fad diet where you starve yourself.
I have no idea if you read or respond to comments, but would it be possible for you to do another video for this with a specific focus on the obese side of things?
hello am a vocalist..and i have also double wanna know that..all the exercise if i will do so will be harmful to my vocal muscles or not… plz tell me so that i can also do
me doing all the exercises and be lookin like a hollywood star walking in the school’s hallway
2x10mins a day is great news for me as a trucker! I don’t have many good spots for long runs.
I got muscle just got some fat over it because I eat well. So for me to lose fat and not change my diet much then I have to lift more?
Thanks for the vid… Im a 30yo female and i need to lose a lot of pounds but what if i would prefer to weight train at home? Do you have any suggestions for effective exercise for weight loss that i can do at home..?? Thank you
Swimming is great for fat guys. It’s no impact and they don’t have to feel bad sweating everywhere.
23:07 the lil guy is licking his hand? C’mon, at least give him another piece of the seaweed if he’s that hawngry…
I’m kind of skinny fat so I’ve been doing a lot of cardio to help burn off the fat while also lifting to build muscle. They’re both really important to me right now because I want to build lots of muscle for football season but I also want to burn fat to boost my confidence. So I’ve been doing both the last few months and I’ve definitely gotten stronger but I’ve gained 14 pounds and my body fat % barely changed. I don’t really know what to do.
I actually accidentally proved that eating more than the required amount of protein gives you amazing gains. Not that I’m amazing! But the speed you build is vastly different. Here’s what happened: two years ago, when I first tried lifting, I was reading food labels wrong, and buying certain meals that listed protein per 100 gr, while assuming that it was protein per the whole meal (such as breast + rice and other similar foods). I ended up making much more muscle that year than what I’m doing now while reading the labels correctly. And I didn’t lift at all last year, so it’s not that I’m “slowing down” I’m restarting.
There are people who dont look right skinny. Then there are people who dont look right swole.
Being 15 is hard lmao. I can’t do shit until I can A. Drive B. Get money
Hey guys, I have found an amazing method how to lose weight
in 2020, if you want to know how I did lose weight email me: hosam98k@
So as a male…. 8-12% = lean -> build muscle. 15-20% = not lean -> lose fat. What do you do if you’re in between? Lol. Im currently at around 13% body fat.
For me I don’t have fat in chin but instead too much skin…anyone know how to get rid of it?
Uhh… Can I do cattlebell for loosing weight and keeping scoliosis at bay?
It felt like A knife was slicing through me deeply at 2:46 but did it anyways
Im skinny fat and i wanna be ripped. So should i just focus on losing weight and do cardio until im skinny and than start building the muscle or should i start building the muscle already and i will lose weight in the process. Because im not trying to be big just tryna be shredded(ripped).
Hey I’m Ahmed and It has been a since a started working out I hardly rest during workout sessions I do plenty sets with my workout but the change isn’t impressive.
Kindly Dm me on instagram @arh_med_ to give me your advice please, I really need to hear what I’m doing wrong.
I can say I personally found this to be true. I have been overweight most of my life, but 2 years ago I started hitting the gym and dieting. I would observe my belly getting smaller, while my arms, back and chest were growing in size.
Wow I’m trying to recomp right now and I thought I was eating a lot of protein already around 120 g of protein. But when I did the calculation of 1.2 times my current weight of 180 I need to eat closer to 200g of protein.
Twenty pounds of muscle gain in ten weeks????
Pure BS”, unless he has a Beef genetic in his blood.
If you can lose muscle and build fat, why can’t you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time
My husband is gonna start training to build muscle. Your channel is amazing. Thanks
So that guy gained 20lbs of lean mass in 10 weeks….
Natural people gain maximum around 0.5Lbs of muscle per week (so about 5 lbs in 10 weeks).
Either the guy was on some delicious Juice (which is pretty common for pro athletes?) or 15 of those 20 Lbs were fat.