Table of Contents:
The Via Dolorosa Tour: See all 14 Stations of Christ’s Path to the Cross, Holy Sepulchre Church
Video taken from the channel: HolyLandSite
Via Dolorosa, Where Jesus walked to His crucifixion Israel Holy Land Tour
Video taken from the channel: World Holidays
Via Dolorosa Audio Walking Tour in the Old City of Jerusalem
Video taken from the channel: JerusalemOldCityJDA
Walking the Via Dolorosa
Video taken from the channel: Appian Media
Jerusalem, Israel: Via Dolorosa and Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Video taken from the channel: Rick Steves’ Europe
Via Dolorosa and Gethsemane Garden
Video taken from the channel: Sergio & Rhoda in Israel
Are millions on the Via Dolorosa walking the wrong way?
Video taken from the channel: PBS NewsHour
The route is in the Old City of Jerusalem. The Via Dolorosa is about a half-mile long, just under one kilometer. What to Wear to Walk the Via Dolorosa Walkers should wear sturdy and comfortable shoes when touring Jerusalem.
The Via Dolorosa (Latin for “Sorrowful Way”, often translated “Way of Suffering”; Hebrew: ויה דולורוזה; Arabic: طريق الآلام) is a processional route in the Old City of Jerusalem, believed to be the path that Jesus walked on the way to his crucifixion. The winding route from the former Antonia Fortress to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre — a distance of about 600 metres (2,000 feet) — is a celebrated place of Christian pilgrimage. The current route has been established since the 18th century, replacing various earlier ver.The Via Dolorosa The Way of the Cross is a winding path through the ancient Old City of Jerusalem tracing the route that Our Lord carried His Cross on His way to be crucified on Calvary.
This is a awe-inspiring and inspirational journey that any Pilgrim to the Holy Land must.Station 1 Via Dolorosa Jerusalem. Station I With my guide book in hand, I left the hotel and walked the short way to the Old City and the entrance to the Lions’ Gate, the starting point of the Via Dolorosa. Walking through the gate, the first station is a few yards ahead at the present day Umariya Elementary School. Each station is marked with a medallion indicating the station in Roman numerals.
The Via Dolorosa is the route that Jesus is believed to have taken as he carried his cross to Calvary. Its history goes back to the days of the earliest Byzantine pilgrims, who trod the path from Gethsemane to Calvary on Holy Thursday.Jerusalem: Walking the via Dolorosa, Jerusalem, Israel (B) The Via Dolorosa (Latin for “Way of Sorrow”) is a street in the Old City of Jerusalem believed to be the path walked by Jesus on his way to the cross.
Walking in the Footsteps of Christ Christian pilgrims who take part in the ” Via Dolorosa ” (“Way of the Cross”) in Jerusalem follow a route of 14 stations that have been used since the time of the Crusades.Above is an Old Jerusalem street sign in Hebrew, Arabic and Latin for Via Dolorosa, which means “Path of Pain,” and supposedly is the route Jesus took through Jerusalem to his crucifixion at Golgotha after His sentencing by Pontius Pilate. Today, Via Dolorosa is covered by a pavement of rocks worn smooth by millennia of footsteps (below).
Although anyone can walk the Via Dolorosa at any time, every Friday around 3pm, a group is lead by the Franciscan monks along the path, offering the best way to experience the walk. This area can be very crowded and the signs a bit hard to find. At spots, the walk backtracks a bit and station IX can be particularly difficult to locate.Walking the Via Dolorosa: Meditations for Good Friday, Read more about spiritual life growth, Christian living, and faith. Located in the Old City of Jerusalem, the Via Dolorosa, according to.
The Via Dolorosa is a street in the Old City of Jerusalem believed to be the path walked by Jesus on his way to the cross. Today, it is one of the most popular places of Christian pilgrimage in Jerusalem, where you can follow the fourteen Stations of the Cross.The path Jesus walked from the place of his judgment to the site of his crucifixion is sacred in Christianity and is known as the “Via Dolorosa” – the Way of Suffering.Via Dolorosa Jerusalem The Stations of the Cross There are fourteen stations along Christendom’s most sacred route each one marks an event that took place during the last walk before the Crucifixion.
Nine of these points are actually along the Via Dolorosa, and five are inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.Via Dolorosa Street in Jerusalem’s Old City Walking tours cover this route but walking the Via Dolorosa independently is possible. Each station is marked by a plaque with roman numerals. Going at your own pace allows for local chat and food pit-stops, two things Jerusalem does very well!It’s probably the one most important thing for any Christian pilgrims to do while visiting Israel.
The Via Dolorosa walkthrough in Jerusalem, which in a nutshell, is walking through the route that Jesus took carrying His cross from the place where He condemned guilty to the place of His crucifixion.
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from The Encyclopedia of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Political, Social, and Military History [4 volumes]: A Political, Social, and Military History | |
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from Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena | |
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from The Encyclopedia of Jewish Prayer: The Ashkenazic and Sephardic Rites | |
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from The Routledge Companion to Scenography | |
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from Mark for Everyone | |
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from Face to Face: The Art of Human Connection | |
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from Late Antiquity: A Guide to the Postclassical World |
Had goosebumps watching the very place where Jesus walked and prayed♥️ My Saviour I Love You LORD!
Very informative, one day is one day that I’ll walk there, thanks.
Thank you two for these intersting and informative videos. God bless you both, Praise Yeshua.
Thanks for this valuable video paster about Via Dolorosa Lord forgive our sins and wash away our sins with his precious blood. Amen
I just started watching y’all videos of Jerusalem today. I have to say they are incredible! I just returned from there so I’m getting to relive my experience thru your videos. Good stuff. Keep up the great shots.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man would lay down his life for his friends.” Thank you Jesus for the love that you show us, For the mercy that you pour out upon us, and for the resurrection that destroyed death and restored life within us.
Sergio& Rhoda: Nice videos it’s just the Jerusalén is the Holy Land because Adonay Elohim say that, to our father Abraham by faith. Zach. 8:23. Shalom. Yeshua haMashiah bless & keep thee.!Hallelujah! Amén. Amén.
Wow, I wish I can visit my Savior’s place in this life. So beautiful.
Thankyou dear Jesus that you died for me and took away all my sin and shame. Love you Yeshuah my Messiah.
Via Delerosa where Jesus carried the cross… prescription..the brothers Grimm..…women want to be saved for Christ..I am getting attacked so thieves peace on the trip..we will visit Christ’s spots with viewing of the Real Christ..…
The lady spoke to the old man selling bread MARHABA, means HELLO its an arabic word, and i saw also writings in arabic while they are walking along old markets and she said about a building that was built by ottomans just for the awareness of everyone that ottomans were muslims and I can sense that there were muslims in that place… am I right?? It feels god that the writings on the walls were both Hebrew and Arabic, the history is right, hebrew language was closely the same in ARABIC and ARAMAIC language were jesus used to sopke and arabic was the latter language developed from aramaic language so these languages are in the same language family called Semitic language.
Wonderful Channel. But WAKE UP! The earth is Biblically FLAT!
Jakes Pizza, Mamilia…I remember all of this. I stayed on Washington street near the King David Hotel and Jaffa Gate. Awesome!
I really don’t know what to say.
Been watching your videos continually for two days now.. just awed.
Everyone who ve viewed your uploads must have already told you this umpteen times..
But I felt I should too.
Amazing amazing work… heartfelt thanks..
You both are the best of the best guides to Israel. God bless you abundantly
hey, it would be great if you would make a video on a tour of Jerusalem! thank u for videos!
It’s very fascinating seeing where Jesus walked and wept. I was having a backtrack in my mind what happened to Jesus while looking at the place
Hi Sergio and Rhoda, Thank you for the way you put together these historical videos on Jerusalem and places Jesus walked & preached. You bring it to life. I have been reading about Jesus last hours in John Ch 18.
1. From the garden at Gethsemane, Jesus was taken to the house of Annas first.
2. Annas had Jesus bound and sent him to Caiaphas.
3. Jesus was then taken to Pilate at the Governor’s Residence.
4. Pilate takes Jesus outside and tells the Jews to take Jesus and judge him according to their Laws. They clamour for Barrabas to be released. Pilate scourges Jesus and the soldiers make the crown of thorns, clothe him with a purple robe.
5. Finally Pilate takes Jesus outside the Governor’s Residence and sits on the ‘judgment seat’ in a place called called the ‘stone pavement’ in Hebrew ‘Gabbatha’.
With all your wonderful knowledge on the First Century ruins, have you been able to pinpoint where Annas and Caiaphas’ house were? And where the Governor’s Residence and the Gabbatha were? From the Gabbatha, Pilate handed Jesus over to the Jews and he is given the stake/cross here and then marched to Golgotha. Im excited to pinpoint the route.
Hope you can reply. Cheers,
Thankyou so much for this video…it is very beautiful to watch especially with the bible scriptures it brings everything to life!
Thank you very very much dear Pastor for this wonderful Via Dolorosa video and accurate Bibilical narrative, very valuable, very much grateful to you all, God Bless!
I started watching your videos a year ago as I was preparing for a holy land pilgrimage. I enjoy them so much I bought your book. My flight leaves in 3 days. Thanks for giving me a great education before i go. I know i will get so much more out of this trip now thanks to your help.
Sure. The place Jesus was arrested by a mob is the one place in Israel that’s been set aside and preserved. The rest have farm pumps, abandoned broken shards, unmarked overgrown trails or blocked off, inaccessible grounds. But Roman temples of human sacrifice? They get great signage, right? Why would ANYONE want to go to Israel? To get arrested again like Jesus?
They crucified him because they didnt want to accept the fact that he was the messiah and that he was telling the truth and they couldn’t handle it. Jesus was a threat because he called them out on their sins. Just as Herodius daughter Solome had John the Baptist beheaded because he told her she was commiting adultery. She didnt want to hear the truth. So my thing is why would you crucify someone who doesnt pose a threat.
Of course Jerusalem will always be the capital city of Israel. It’s already there since God first found the Israel. Why people are against that? It’s strange enough for me to say that Israel’s capital city is Tel Aviv. Ah it doesn’t matter anymore. We are waiting for the new Jerusalem to come and live with the true King forevermore
In preparation for my trip to Jerusalem, I searched related YouTube and landed on your series which are very helpful and enjoyable. So far, I have found one of your series about Via Dolorosa is very brief and the whole episode lasts only about 5 minutes while the others at average of 20 minutes. It didn’t even mention those 10 Stations.
Wow! Seeing the street where Jesus walked carrying the cross, it just gave me goosebumps. Thanks for the video. Can’t wait to visit Jerusalem.
Love this channel,I share ALL your guys videos,may the lord bless and keep you
What year was the Lion’s Gate named? Was it before or after Jesus carried the cross from there?
What is the name of the music who was using in this video? It is kind of remix of Fix You from Coldplay or just sound to familiar for me?
Got me all in tears watching how long our Of a walk Yahshua had to carry the cross for my sins..
Rick Steves Europe: Israel? Europe? Hmm, Israel is an asian country.
The ACTUAL street that Jesus walked on is several feet below the current street. But still good to see. Strong evidence! The Temple in the city of David
What are your (you two) thoughts about Jerusalem being considered the Capitol?
Can I just say. If you like actual facts and seeing actual events from the bible. The naked archaeology series is v interesting as well.
God Bless you both. such a nice video.. very informative esp’ly to us believers of Jesus and the Bible.
I don’t deserve your love but I’m glad you love me so much that you took all that abuse for me and the whole world. I choose you Yahshua be my King, be my Lord and Savior..
Thanks Sergio & Rhoda for your valuable video. It reminds me Lord Jesus Christ dying for our inequity & sinful acts
Oh youre so blessed to be living in so much history!i wish i was there thank you for sharing! Love your videos!
Sooooo Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️I feel so Bless to have viewed your videos ❤️You both have brought your wonderful country of Israel to life❤️I can’t wait to visit where our Lord and Savior walked❤️God Bless sending Love ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you brother and sister, I cried while watching the holy path Jesus YESHUA ✝️ walked in pain to save us through his blood from Denise Blais
Ilive in Rwanda, I love Israel so much and I want to be there one day. May God bless Israel
i wonder how many people died there/bloodshed during the time where they used to go to war. a very beautiful nation! God bless Israel and I pray for peace over jerusalem. God bless you brother! from Philippines.
Long live Israel from all your friends in England
As a person who has found his faith in Jesus I can’t wait to visit this city one day to see where it all began
King of my life, I crown Thee now
Thine shall the glory be
Lest I forget Thy thorn-crowned brow
Lead me to Calvary
Lest I forget Gethsemane
Lest I forget Thine agony
Lest I forget Thy love for me
Lead me to Calvary
May I be willing, Lord, to bear
Daily my cross for Thee
Even Thy cup of grief to share
Thou hast borne all for me
You guys fantastic…..I feel I’m in there with you in Israel. I love that you couples are born again n believer of Jesus. I’m so so blessed to watch all ur videos….its amazing. It’s incredible. God bless you both for all the trouble you take to complete the episodes. From India…
God bless and love you and all you hold dear to your heart. Amen.
Pages: 397-399
Wednesday in HolyWeek
The Crucifixion
28th March 1923
OUR LORD JESUS: “Be attentive, Angelic Spirits, and all ye who love Me.”
{ Our Lord to Josefa }
{…} Jesus: “We have nearly reached Calvary. The crowd is growing excited while I drag Myself along with the utmost difficulty, and soon worn out with fatigue, I fall for the third time.
“By My first fall I obtained for sinners rooted in evil, the grace of conversion…. By My second fall, encouragement for those weak souls blinded by sadness and anxiety, so that rising up they might make a fresh start in the way of virtue. My third fall will help souls to repent in the supreme hour of death.
“We have now reached the summit. Look at the officiousness { means: assertive of authority in an annoying domineering way, especially with regard to petty or trivial matters. Self-important } with which these hardened sinners surround Me… some seize hold of the Cross and lay it on the ground… others tear My garments from Me, reopening all My Wounds… My Blood flows afresh….
“Think, dear souls, of My shame in seeing Myself thus exposed to the gaze of the mob… what physical agony, what confusion for My soul. {just saw a white little angel flash on page here! }
Think of the affliction of My Mother as she witnessed this terrible scene…. How she longs to take possession of the tunic now impregnated with My Blood.
“The hour has come! The executioners stretch Me upon the Cross. They violently seize and extend My arms that My hands may reach the holes they have prepared in the wood. Every shock causes My thorn-crowned head to come into violent contact with the Cross… the thorns are driven deeper and deeper into it. Hear the first sound of the hammer that fixes My right hand… deep into the very earth it resounds. Listen again: they fasten My left hand. The very heavens tremble, and the Angels fall prostate at the sight….
“As for Me, I keep the deepest silence not a murmur escapes My lips.
“Having nailed My hands, they pull pitilessly at My feet; My wounds burst open afresh… the nerves are severed… the bones dislocated… the torture if unspeakable!.. they pierce My feet and My Blood is poured forth upon the ground!
“Stay a while and contemplate these pierced hands and feet… this body covered with wounds…. This head pierced through and through by cruel thorns, fouled with dirt, bathed in sweat and blood.
“Wonder and marvel at My silence, patience, and resignation under such brutal treatment. Ask yourself who suffered? Who is the victim of such barbarity? It is JESUS CHRIST, the very Son of God, Maker of heaven and earth and of all things…. who causes the plants to grow and every living thing to prosper…. Who created man, and whose power sustains all things…. Behold Him unable to move, an object of scorn, despoiled of all.
But soon what a multitude will follow Him, throwing away fortune, comfort, honor, family and homeland… everything that the world can give, to render Him honor and glory and the love that is His due.
“Then while the soldiers inhumanly make the air ring with their blows… the earth trembles… there is silence in heaven, angelic spirits are prostrate in adoration…. GOD IS NAILED TO THE CROSS!
“Josefa, see thy Jesus extended on the Cross, without honor or liberty. He cannot stir hand or foot…. Nothing remains to Him.
No one pities Him, none compassionate His suffering, but instead fresh mockeries, new insults, more and more pain are added to what He already endures.
If you love Me truly what will you do to resemble Me? Will you refuse anything My love asks?.. Will you spare any efforts to console Me?
“And now, Josefa, prostrate to the ground and listen to My words:
“May My will triumph in you….
“May My love consume you….
“May Your misery glorify Me….
You know the via delorasa road where jesus supposedly walk on isn’t the real one. The town has been torn and destroyed several times and also the roads. So we don’t know where the real road is
Yashua Ha` mashiach. They never called him Jesùs.
That name appears 325 years after life
of Yahsua. When the last Greek-Roman emperor
Constantine created Catholicism based on the Mitriar religion, for
to be able to save the fall of Rome, badly I copy the life of Yashua Ha`mashiach. Who spoke Aramaic and not Hebrew.
We must take into account the manipulation of who is against mashiach.Roma. HESUS.
This is beautiful. Thank you two so much for sharing your amazing videos. I feel blessed having seen this today. ❤️. HalleluYah!
Ganda nmn dyan, pangarap ko na makarating din dyan balang araw. Watching from brazil po.
Wonderful video
I enjoy watching your video Sergio and Rhoda God bless both of you.
If president of Turkey Erdogan claims that the Greek Church of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, is a mosque, then the mosque of Omar in Jerusalem is the temple of Solomon. That is why Israel has the right to demolish it. You gentlemen of NATO and the UN, what is it that you do not understand?
I’m sorry to skip the ads because I know it monetizes you but I love you two so much that I can’t wait to see the next episode. I hate youtube/google but I love both of you. Thanks you for bringing us the best videos in the world.
Such amazing videos I would give anything. To be able to walk where Jesus walked and taught and lived our Lord is truly amazing thank you all and God bless every time I see one of the videos I get a major aching in my heart of being home sick. Maybe just maybe one day if the Lord allows it I’ll get to visit israel oh that would be a dream come true
Praise the lord!
So close to the Garden of Suffering is the Way of Suffering! I had a different perspective from the Jesus movies. Perhaps you could do some drone shots sometime to make it more real. So sorry the Arabs were upset about Trump’s announcement. God’s Peace to them.
Thank you for all the great videos! It always puts me in awe of how rich the history are at every inch of this wonderful land. Praise to our Lord!
I ❤ the older lady who stopped to listen around 15:19. How sweet
This church is not the spot where Jesus died. But the place of the scull. Golgotha is clearly seen.
The content and quality of your vidoes, the personal perspective ABSOLUTELY BREATHTAKING! I am so grateful to have found your channel. This brought me to tears.
Guys I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…. Thanks for the best videos it was amazing ➕
Thanks for the amazing videos, God bless you both abundantly, Hope you guys are doing well. With prayers
✠ AVE MARIA ✠ Regina apostolòrum ️️
For those who are interested…️️
(ENGLISH edition)
THE MYSTICAL CITY OF GOD:: Sister Mary of Agreda
STORY OF A SOUL:: by St. Thérèse of Lisieux
DIVINE MERCY IN MY SOUL:: Saint M. Faustina Kowalska
PHILOTEA Introduction to the Devout Life (St. Francis de Sales)
THE INTERIOR CASTLE:: by St. Thérèse of Avila
THE WAY OF DIVINE LOVE:: Sr Josefa Menendez
IMITATION OF CHRIST:: by Thomas à Kempis
THE LOVE OF ETERNAL WISDOM:: St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort
( Italian English Spanish Editions)
Sorry, that’s not the place where Jesus appeared before Pilate…
Thank you JESUS CHRIST for saved me..
and thank you dear Pastor, GOD Bless you.
Sergio and Rhoda if i watch your video you made my day..god bless
Havent stopped watching your videos since Youtube suggested them to me last week. And they have given me an even deeper appreciation for Israel and its history. Thank you Sergio & Rhoda for all you do. May God bless you two continually.
I love the videos, it would be good to add subtitles in Spanish, to those that do not have.
If The Israelis score all of These areas, do they feel like destroying everything to do with Jesus Christ?
it is incredibly easy for me to become very emotional and drop tears when i watch all these videos of the Lord Jesus’ land… makes me wonder what i would be like when i step foot on Israel and go through the many locations… i think i will become a wreck and be a big crybaby
That old man at the gate of the Gethsemane garden is called Frederick, it looks like him, nice little man who showed us around there.
He makes it sound as if Armenians are not Christians! Actually, their’s was the first nation to profess Christianity as the State religion, AD 301. Plus, he doesn’t mention the Armenian and Syriac sections and the Ethiopian roof. Don’t know why these omissions.
Ron Wyatt discovered the Crucifixion site
Are people in Jerusalem now accepting the designation of the capital now?
Interesting that you mention how wide you thought the streets were, because when I was there, I thought they were pretty narrow, so how big were the crowds. Hm. Perspective.
Great vid.
thank you for these amazing videos. I am learning things I never knew.
I love your videos. Wanted to spend more time in Gethsemane via your video, sadly it is too short. Do you have a more elaborate one? May the Lord bless you for your time and efforts. Shalom to you, the most lovely couple. Your sister in Christ Jesus.
What Trump done was what Lord wanted done!! Got start with Peace & love some place. Jerusalem should be capital. It’s a holy place ♡
I personally find the Garden of Gethsemane the most significant location, not just in Jerusalem, but the world. While Jesus died on the cross that we might be resurrected and live again, He suffered the pains and anguish of the world’s sins in Gethsemane that will might not have to suffer if we believe on Him, thus also saving us from a spiritual death. To me, there is no other place in the world as sacred as Gethsemane.
I am speechless but very much grateful. Thank you My Lord Jesus.
Overwhelming to watch the path and the garden…
thank you guys for sharing.. and yes it was really a short cud b a little more to watch
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy Pray at 3pm
Using a rosary make the sign of the Cross
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Optional Prayers
You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls, and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us.
O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You! (Repeat three times)
Introductory Prayers
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.
I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; He descended into hell; on the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
Prayed on large bead prior to each decade
Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.
Prayed on 10 small beads of each decade
For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
Prayed after all 5 decades of Chaplet are complete
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world. (Repeat three times)
Optional Concluding Prayer
Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion—inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself.
Thank you Pastor, I’m new to your channel, just want to say I’m very grateful for all your uploads, also you are doing a great job, I’m learning, these are all wonderful uploads.
God bless you and all your work.
Excellent job. Wow! Sandi Patti sang a song called the Via Delorosa.
Hello Sergio and Rhoda. Have you any opinion on the word “Qesitahs”? Or would you be willing to speak on the Hebrew word, and a possible meaning for it. It’s mentioned in Joshua 24:32 Thanks and God Bless.
As I ponder on the price paid for my sins as Easter is in few days time, this video has had such an impact for me. It depicted for me what Jesus went through the suffering and the price paid. Very professionally done and for me a true yet sad picture painted in this video. Thank you for ALL the effort
Awesome video! I visited Gethsemane and walked through the Via Dolorosa and reminiscing the story of Jesus Christ on Holy Week filled me up with so much emotions that it brings tears to my eyes.
Thers no subway there..?!?
It must be uneasy task for tour guides in such a mosaics
It’s so many layers through history..
Thank you so much especially this vedio has helped to understand the way of the cross well…during this time of passover
Thanks a lot pastor and the whole team I’m blessed by seeing all this I was not knowing this much in detail thanks a lot for showing the suffering of Jesus Christ God bless you more and more
Lent is coming and just came to this video wow amazing editing nice work and feels like the walls roads and trees are talking Savior was here
Mel Gibson’s ‘the passion’ is a work of satan and should never, ever be seen, supported, shown, or promoted by any true Bible trusting Christian.
At the very end of this anti-Christ movie, Jesus is whining and filled with self pity and satan is the victor.
2:14 Fort Antonya is where the entire so called temple mount currently exists. It housed the Tenth Roman legion of over 6000 soldiers. That area you call Fort Antonia is where pilates office and living quarters was. Check this video out:
Another interesting and informative video. It is heartbreaking to think what Jesus our Lord suffered for we sinners. Thank you Pastor. Great video. God Bless You.
I have listened how this Psalm 91 is for our day in which we live for God’s precious protection. I have taken this Psalm and put it into a pray that I hope will uplift others as well.
God bless and love you and all you hold dear to your heart.
ALMIGHTY GOD, SWEET ABBA, let me dwell in the secret place You provide, the Most High I shall abide under the shadow of You, the Almighty.
Indeed, I shall say of you my Lord, “You are my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Whom I will trust.”
Surely I believe and know that You shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.
You shall cover me with Your feathers, and under Your wings I will take refuge; Your truth shall be my shield and buckler.
And I will not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, Oh Lord God.
Nor will I fear the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday, oh my God.
And I believe that a thousand may fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand; but it shall not come near me.
Only with my eyes will I look and see the reward of the wicked.
Because I have made You the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, my dwelling place.
No evil will befall me, nor shall any plague come near my dwelling.
For you my God shall give Your angels charge over me, to keep me in all Your ways.
In their hands they shall bear me up, least I dash my foot against a stone.
And I shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent I shall trample underfoot.
Because You my God have set Your love upon me, therefore You shall deliver me; You will set me on high, because I have known Your Name.
And I shall call upon You, and You will answer me; You will be with me in trouble; You will deliver me and honor me.
And with long life will you satisfy me.
Isn’t the real Via Dolorosa buried beneath the current path people walk today?
Why are you not certain? Saint Hellena discovered the true site, The Holy Sepulchre
Toudi Yahshua for all you have done for me and all those qodeshim who love you and know you are Hamashiach. Praise Abba YHWH!
So weird seeing so many blind people. God calls Himself the Living God. There is no requirement to attend a brick wall to communicate to the Living God. He is present in Spirit to all who call in His Name no matter where you are on Earth.
Why do you not mention the fact that their was a Catholic Church where the Temple Mount is now?
Where would I stay if I visit Israel? I have a bucket list
This was so beautiful thank you so much pastor for taking us along the painful journey of Christ and how he did take on the sins of the world lord have mercy and God bless you and your wife for all theses amazing blessed videos thank you iam also angela♀️
May God bless u pastor and in your ministry toooooo.Love your work Watching from India
Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on your people and reign among your own…thank you for coming down for sinful people like me and dying to save me and purchasing me with your blood…
A very clear and precise video. Thankyou Pastor. Love from South Africa
Hey Sergio and Rhoda, what a wonderful blessing it is to watch your videos! I feel like I learn so much and understand the Bible better seeing you explore the Land. Are you licensed tour guides in Israel? It would be great if one or both of you are, to be able to hire a guide who loves Jesus.
Let God JESUS be Magnified Let God JESUS be lifted up My Soul Magnifies My LORD JESUS hallelujah Praise God Glory to JESUS
The “Holy Rock Cafe” coffee shop name at 10:21 is very clever
Thank you again for this video. I already shared a.couple of your video newphew and I’m going to forward this to.him. God bless.
All your videos i have watched tried to brush off Palestinians and Muslims living in Jerusalem as if they don’t exist! I wonder why?
Thank You Lord for the Cross for the pain you endured for me and the whole world. I love You my Lord Jesus Christ Amen
But if it’s true that he was crucified at place of skull,and laid to rest in the garden tomb then don’t that mean that changes the direction of the stations? I personally believe he was crucified at place of the skull down by garden tomb
I love your videos so much!! I want to follow you guys around, you go to such interesting places!!!:-)
Auto adjust on the I have a 100 percent safe with friends and family.. prescription…the brothers Grimm……
In the late 70s Ron Wyatt cleaned that garden up. Four dump truck loads of trash. Your videos are so wonderful. Thank you
Such pain occurring over and over again. Interesting thanks for sharing.
this place looks very beautiful. thank you for making this video