Table of Contents:
Vitamin D | Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms
Video taken from the channel: AbrahamThePharmacist
Dangerous Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency
Video taken from the channel: Rise Entertainment
Symptoms of Vitamin-D Deficiency | Dr. Rajeev Verma | Manipal Hospitals Delhi
Video taken from the channel: Manipal Hospitals
8 Signs Your Body Is Begging for Vitamin D
Video taken from the channel: BRIGHT SIDE
16 Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency | Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency
Video taken from the channel: Health and Food
10 most common symptoms of vitamin d deficiency in adults
Video taken from the channel: Medi Lab Health
14 Signs Of Vitamin D Deficiency
Video taken from the channel: BRAINY DOSE
Many people with vitamin D deficiency have no symptoms. However, the deficiency can cause the following issues. Frequent infections or illnesses Vitamin D.It is not easy to determine what causes muscle pain, but some studies suggest that it could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. A lack of vitamin D can cause weakness in the muscles and lead to chronic muscle aches in both adults and children.
Vitamin D deficiency can also increase your risk of depression, certain cancers, dementia, and several other health problems. Think you might be.Vitamin D deficiency — when the level of vitamin D in your body is too low — can cause your bones to become thin, brittle or misshapen. Vitamin D also appears to play a role in insulin production and immune function — and how this relates to chronic disease prevention and cancer — but this is still being investigated.Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency Does vitamin D deficiency cause symptoms?
Yes, deficiency of vitamin D can cause bone pain and muscle weakness. However, mild vitamin D deficiency is not necessarily associated with any symptoms.Vitamin D helps with strong bones and may help prevent some cancers. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can include muscle weakness, pain, fatigue and depression.
To get enough D, look to certain foods, supplements, and carefully planned sunlight.Vitamin D 8 Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency. admin. 0 6 minutes read. Vitamin D is an important vitamin that has powerful effects on many systems throughout your body. Unlike other vitamins, vitamin D acts like a hormone, and it has a receptor for each cell in your body.Vitamin d deficiency symptoms.
2The back and bone are physical signs of vitamin d deficiency, which helps to increase the body’s absorption of calcium minerals for bone enhancement. 3There are many causes of fatigue, but vitamin d in the body has to be confirmed. It often means that it causes stress and fatigue in many people.
Vitamin D Deficiency – Signs and Symptoms You Must Know. Check Price. SKU: 82dc7d756939 Category: vitamins for women. Description Benefits Essential Vitamins for Women Vitamins For Your Age Product Description.
The bones become soft, resulting in bone deformities, short stature, dental problems, fragile bones, and pain when walking. Researchers are looking into whether other symptoms or conditions, such.V D deficiency is not as prominent.
However, there are a few signs and symptoms exhibited by v D deficient people. 1. FALLING SICK OFTEN. Your immune system protects you from bacteria and viruses that can cause illness. V D interacts with the cells that build the immune system.
When your body runs low on vitamin D, it affects your immunity.Not getting enough Vitamin D can leak to muscle weakness, fatigue and even mental health problems. But it’s sometimes not easy to spot whether you have a Vitamin D deficiency, as symptoms tend to be subtle. Here are six signs you are lacking Vitamin D, which you should never ignore. 1.
Vitamin D is involved in maintaining bone health through a number of mechanisms. For one, it improves your body’s utilization of calcium. 3 Bone pain and lower back pain may be signs of inadequate vitamin D levels in the blood. Several large observational studies have found a relationship between a deficiency and chronic lower back pain.
In adults, vitamin D deficiency can cause osteomalacia, which can result in falls, bone breaks, and poor healing following fractures. Symptoms can include a.Without enough vitamin D, your overall health can suffer.
Your bones can become brittle, which can cause easy breaks and fractures and lead to a higher risk of developing osteoporosis. You could also become more prone to certain types of cancer and psychological issues like depression and anxiety.
List of related literature:
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from Vitamin D: Two-Volume Set | |
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from Manual of Dietetic Practice | |
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from Elsevier’s Integrated Review Pharmacology E-Book: with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access | |
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from Textbook of Therapeutics: Drug and Disease Management | |
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from Vitamin D | |
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from Analysis of Cosmetic Products | |
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from Oral Signs of Systemic Disease | |
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from Foods & Nutrition Encyclopedia, Two Volume Set | |
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from Equine Applied and Clinical Nutrition E-Book: Health, Welfare and Performance | |
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from Osteoporosis |
How come monkeys don’t lift weights but are stronger than people who lift weights. Logically humans should be stronger but we got hacked..
5:22 theres a possibility that people could assume that she is experiencing hair loss
The governments drug is not natural its genetically modified or they couldn’t patent it!! They can’t patent a natural product.
I’ve been looking at ways to feel better for the past couple years and finally found Vitamin D… Been taking it for the past week and feel happy again and am already becoming more interested in life! I always wondered why I sweat excessively, had poor mood and energy with terrible sleep and chronic sickness. 1 week later and I feel like I’m a different person. Incredible
I have a successful story to overcome Vitamin D deficiency. Please watch my video.
Another reason to say Fuck you to the lockdowns!! Everyone is vitamin D deficient, especially dark skinned people in the US because it takes more sun for them.
I can’t take videos like this seriously. Hate robotic Voices.
Could it be possible that covid is actually vitamin d deficiency
I think this is a major reason why the U.S. has so many Covid deaths. Vitamin D downregulates inflammation. This is critically important when your lungs are inflamed from Covid. By the way vitamin D is not actually a vitamin, it’s a pro hormone.
Dark skin logic is insane… Contradicting reality… Orange juice one is also wrong….. Anxiety disorder should also get appended to this list…
Hey abraham i am subbed and turned on notifications
Please could you give me a shout out in one of your next videos
Fact:Vegans cant get vitamin D.cant even convert sun light due to low cholesterol. That’s why they all look like dead corpes
And yet we keep our old people with aching bones and muscles in rooms with no access to gardens and sunlight unless a relative takes them out for a walk on medications which depletes bodies of magnesium which is vital throughout the system and also activates Vitamin D vitamin D is currently thought to help prevent damage to the lungs in serious cases of Covid 19 and of course there is the added problems that depletion of magnesium can cause constipation and laxatives will further deplete to body of minerals and vitamins especially potassium which helps regulate the nervous system while magnesium helps relays signals from brain to body and prevents NMDA receptors in nerve cells from being triggered involuntarily unless magnesium levels are low.
I take various vitamins everyday. My body still feels like shit. I have no energy, hairloss, fatigue, headaches and intense tremors all over my body.
I have weak legs while walking..n standing….is the symptoms of calcium deficiency
That amazing view again Abraham The Award Winning Pharmacist/President⭐
विटामिन D क्या है?शरीर में विटामिन डी की कमी के लक्षण और निजात पाने के उपाय
BLM blacks r so angry #1 they dont get enough VD # 2 they are influenced by BLM which is only a chaotic organization that has nothing to do with Black Lives, and is only to promote chaos and Marxism!
Every other day!??! No.. most of the day. 15 minutes every other day. No wonder people are depressed!
Your videos are really educative.I learn so much from your channel.Keep it up.
I think I give more vitamin “D” then I get…. thanks viagra!
Your bones do not stop growing when you become an adult! What he said that they do, that is a lie! your bones will continue to grow as your body produces more muscle.that is why working out is such a good thing for your body.
This is all BS, don’t worry too much. The only way to make sure if you are deficient is by blood test. If you are not taking any vitamin D already then chances are that you will be deficient. Almost every one is. If you are then just go get 100,000 IU injection once every month for 6 months. The Vitamin D will get back into normal ranges. Then continue with supplements because it will start to go down again after a year or two.
I was part of research study on Vit D and initially had only 7 on my first test which after the injections went to 80 in 4 months. The good thing is you will feel a remarkable difference in your mental and physical health. A lot of unresponsive health issues will disappear. Test yourself now. It is worth the money.
all these symptoms are real, I myself have vitamin deficiencies and celiac disease but now I’m in a nutritional program and take multiple minerals, vitamins, shakes and patches, I feel great now I’m in my 2nd week of treatment
IDIOTS< IDIOTS< IDIOTS......what do you expect from a ready made document a robotic voice......MEDICAL EXPERTS......they are all wrong!!!
Thank u so doc suggest me to take vitamin D but now i understand why..
This helps to understand why many Americans in cold regions have died of covid 19. Many luck vitamin D. I am lucky to be on the Equator. I get 100% sunshine.
My bones and muscles hurt so bad.
Thank you I just started a regiment of natural sunlight and a vitamin D3 supplement.
Is it true that if you are overweight you can’t take vitamin d3? Because it doesn’t react?
The 7 dehydro-cholesterol present in our skin gets converted into vitamin D in presence of sunlight.
I find so many patients who are vitD deficient. Education and supplimentation is the key.
Finland: half year complete darkness, half year complete sunlight.
Wow! Had my doctor check on vitamin levels and was recommended to take a vitamin D supplement. I’ve been sleeping better and less sluggish since.
And I had Vitamin D definitely is a Long term condition. Please help
I was low on vitamin D I started taking mega men from gnc although all my guy friends made fun of me when I told them my doctor said I needed vitamin D (Ass holes)I feel better I’m back in the gym and I don’t feel tired anymore
Great location to discuss vitamine D! On the sunny mountain tops
It helps with cv19 check the abstracts regarding vitamin D. Mortality tests show those who passed had low levels of D.
I have low vit d but find if I take it any strength of it I am so tired after that I can’t get out of bed. It is defo vit d and I have read a few people on the net talk about it. Just wondering if anyone else experience this.
If you’re going to get your vitamin D from sunbathing, be aware that you can’t wash the exposed skin areas for a full 48 hours because it takes that long for the D manufactured in your skin to slowly migrate inward, into your bloodstream. And so what you must do for that time period is only wash the parts of your body where, literally, “the sun don’t shine”, to prevent odor growth.
Do you know the reason why people are suddenly short of vitamin D? It because the chemtails, Geo engineering, blocks the suns rays making them almost useless to humans but nobody complains so all is well. take your pills. Plants need sunlite too to provide adequate vitamins. The ROOT of the problem.
Also you forgot to say that losing hair is one of the most important problem
Pain or irritation underneath foot is sign of vitamin D deficiency? And also fainting like experience?
MOST CerealS…are garbage!! They are not nutritious at all!! Don’t be fooled. Look up health foods with vitamin D keep it natural!!!!
Not processed!!!!!!!!!!
Yea I’m not lazy u guys are male nutritioningme by keeping me broke
My blood calcium level is 8.5 which is a bit low. Have not had D levels tested yet. How much D3 would you recommend taking daily to help get my levels up?
I get bad headaches from all the D3 supplements I tried and I have a deficiency:( hard to fix it without being able to take the much needed supplements
You can get vitamin D from specially produced mushrooms, when they expose the mushrooms to Ultra Violet light, the vitamin D increases by hundreds of percent. You can get 100% of vitamin D from 100 grams of these mushrooms. Keep an eye out for them as they are a wonderful product using new Ultra Violet light technology! Also you can get B12 and vitamin D in plant milks! So drink up the lovely plant milks every day! Now plant based diets are the most optimal for health if you learn about vitamins and nutrition you will be fine. You can get omega 3 from flax and chia seeds. You can get β-Carotene (beta-Carotene) that your body will turn into vitamin A from carrots and sweet potatoes. You can get vitamin K (and some E) from kiwi and Brussels sprouts! Delicious! Good health and nutrition is so easy these days, with all the science and knowledge we have, things get better every day.
Also symptoms of low magnesium, potassium, sodium, Calcium, dehydration.
YEP YEP…currently on prescription 50,000 IU’s 2x weekly. Also, niece just Recovered from COVID-19. TAKE VITAMIN D3, MAGNESIUM, FLUIDS and GET ACTIVE!!!
The reason why everyone is so flipping vitamin D deficient is a thing called Sunscreen yes sunscreen that poison that you put on your children when they go out in the sun and blocks them from all the wonderful vitamins they get from the Sun instead take the sunscreen away and give them a t-shirt to put on and a hat or take them out of the Sun and there’s also other routes that you can take that’s actually not got 60 chemicals in it just Google until you find the right thing but please do not put sunscreen on your children it’s poison
I have seen many students depressed because of Vitamin D deffficieny. All became right after 12 dose of 60K vitamin D tablets.
But most doctors will say if you have a balanced diet you don’t need vitamin supplements as if everyone is monitoring their diet..
Vitamin D doesn’t stand for Little Debbies. Only fortified OJ contains vitamin D. Oranges contain quite a bit of fructose. Chronic intake of fructose is scientifically found to contribute to deficiency of vitamins D, C, and the minerals magnesium, calcium and chromium. In order to detoxify fructose, the liver must make an enzyme that just happens to destroy D.
Thank you Maria for the same question I wanted to asked (vitamin D)
Very well explained by our handsome PHARMACIST
Taking 2 tab a day 1,000 IU each. God Bless you ⭐
I am confused because muscle weakness is a symptom of low vit d but then I read that a side effect of vit d may cause muscle weakness. If this is true how do you get around this
Hi i have no one to talk to but I’m a 22 year old female and I’m scared bc i since 3 days i started feeling sudden aches and pains on my joints and I’m just afraid if it’s boner cancer idk what other reason is causing these feelings i just wanted advice on what I’m feeling i know i can’t go to the internet for diagnosis but idk if i just have anxiety do symptoms start like this? pls reply anyone the pain isn’t really strong it’s achy but what concerns me is i suddenly started having these symptoms just on my joints it comes and goes especially at night
Won’t subscribe for more videos if they all have this dreadful computerised voice! It’s so awful that a person who can’t read or see the info, will be confused. And it distracts from the content.
Hallelujah. Get into the SON shine to be super naturally empowered. Amazing the SON shine cures, is a disinfectant against the virus of propaganda.
If you notice yourself having squeaky farts and leaky bones be sure to contact your doctor right away!
Really liking the channel! You ever think about using FollowSM[.]com to help your grow your channel??!??
I will be taking vitamin D for hairloss!! I have a bald spot also low in potassium and elevated lfts levels and who know what else. COVID-19 and low potassium took advantage of my deficiencies, i had no idea two weeks in taking different vitamins and slightly pain in my liver
I have all these symptoms, except that my wounds heal fine. Taking Vit D3 now for 1 month, not better yet.
and with all the rubbish that is spoke about on here not one person has said any thing about soft bone or osteoporosis which is the mean problem of not having enough Vitamin D
which is the biggest problem today as no one going out side any more
Dr. John Campbell says the sun has to be above you for you to get the chance to make vitamin D, that means from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. White skin stay out for 15 to 20 minutes no sunscreen. Do not wash or shower afterwards because your skin needs time to absorb the vitamin D.
My vitamin d level goes to 16 now I’m taking my medicine with suggested me by doctor he tell me for eat 1 month now I test again at 33.8 what can I do to maintain my vitamin d problems solved
Apart from these above mentioned problems, i also am suffering from memory loss. Is it also related to Vit D3 deficiency? I am a student and my age is 24. People of my age are working hard and shining in life but i can not work hard(as i feel weak), i can not sit for more than 3-4 hours in the class(as i start developing severe neck pain), i can not study at home (i feel weak and sleep a lot), i can’t remember my lessons, i feel pain in my muscles. On the other hand friends of my age group are doing 100 times better than me. I am depressed and sometimes want to even die. I am unable to support my family. I belong to a very middle class Asian family. I just don’t know how to keep pace or deal with this life.
Well my vitamin D level is 3.2 and I can tell symptoms are pretty much same..might not have one or two of them. So my doctor prescribed 60k supplements once a week for 4months..will see after test..but it has started to feel better..worst part is what it does to your mood..uuuuh I hate it..
Not completely accurate.
With prolonged, severe vitamin D deficiency, there is reduced intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus and hypocalcemia occurs, causing secondary hyperparathyroidism, which leads to phosphaturia, demineralization of bones, and when prolonged, osteomalacia in adults and rickets and osteomalacia in children. Associated symptoms may then include bone pain and tenderness, muscle weakness, fracture, and difficulty walking.
American Doctor’s Be like whats Vitamin D????…Ohhh here’s some Prozac…..
Most Important Vitamin D Benefits for Men.
Vitamin D benefits for men you must know
Sunshine vitamin is also known as vitamin D. This sunshine vitamin is produce by the body as a response to sun.
Do you know that vitamin D also a consumed in food or supplements. If you wish to make healthy bones and teeth you have to get enough vitamin D supplements.
Read more:
Good, really gr8 info.
Why not use a human’s voice. though? This robot is very distracting.
I think more ppl would like ur video if a real person was speaking to real ppl. There wouldn’t be a distraction from the presentation.
I sincerely ask for even up-to 100 replies. This is my story: At around 8years down the line I started losing myself. I could not concentrate in class anymore, had headaches and flog in my head,neck pains,pain in my waist, withdrawal and not being able to face people confidently nor communicate appropriately.My schooling was affected but I just struggled. Recently I was diagnosed of vitamin D deficiency and I goggled the symptoms and realized that I have been suffering for many years because of this.
My doctor placed me on D3 supplement one tablet per week for one month. A friend also recommended nerves tablets. All this have improved my energy levels and reduced flog in my head but the feeling keeps coming back especially neck ache that spoils my mood and back,joints and muscle pain. Kindly help
Eh I dont mind the voice because it gets to the point, so tired of live people starting videos with “whats up guys, what’s going on YouTube, hows it going everyone sooo in this video I’m gonna be…” just shut the fuck up and start the video jesus!!
@Bright Side You give a very balanced and knowledgable view of subjects.
Doc put me on vit d 5000 1 a day. i have almost all these symptoms
These robotic voices are awful
It sounds like shes never read before, she puts the pronunciations on the wrong letter or word
I have a question: if I get enough UV light but still have several of the mentioned symptoms, can I have a deficiency of vitamin D? Thanks for the video
I got my report of vitamin d and that is too low I am having severe anxiety and depression from last 5 months and breathing difficulties and concentration problems problem with sleeping difficulties i literally can’t sleep properly even for 1 hour per night from last 5 months I have chest infection also that is getting worse day by day I am having a lot of memory issues can anyone tell me how to recover from this situation I am worried alot about it please help me!!
Hey guys! How much time do you spend outside on a typical day?
And here’s what your nails can say about your health
i found these for that extra energy and healthier me.. i feel good
It’s almost impossible to OD on Vit D unless you go nuts.
Just take a multivitamin that provides around 100% US RDA or a little higher and save yourself a ton of money.
This is what I do and I NEVER catch ANY viruses not even the common cold.
Damn I just had my physical yesterday as well, I got super low levels
None of these. Why my doc gave me this weekly blue soft pill. Hmmm. Yeah I’ll ask him.
how to get rid of vitamin deficiancy..what is the treatmnt of this
I got a huge rash on half my body. Essential tremors in my right arm and jaw. Panic attacks and night sweats. I took 2 x 400 Vitamin D2 and all symptoms went away within two days.
Vitamin D toxification is a myth. It never happens except for experimental drugs on patients and infants.
If taking over the counter vitamin D, doc says my stomach not absorbing it, why?? Iv asked…nobody can on a prescription.. I eat healthy, exercise, in the sun…eat levels keep dropping. Have lost weight..following the videos…
Most of my body is numb. From stomach down for about a week now. 2 doctors said it might be low vitamin B12. I got blood work today,so I hope to hear something Monday. I never knew low B12 can make you feel this way.
i am peace love &light work &rock &roll old souls live after death yes in deed universe got my back? i love that saying as we have been threw it haven’t we? universe says yes we have just started 26,000 year journey so D F i am wanting you on this journey
Dr. John Campbell says that white skin makes vitamin D faster from the Sun than black skin or people of colour people.
So because I lack melanin, does that mean I have white privilege because my body produces more vitamin D?
Hey, the best way to get vitamin D is to sunbathe…get a nice tan in the process
What is with these hateful people who are concentrating more on tge voice than tge contents?!? Get over yourselves! Voice is very clear!!!
I have a question can you grow your hair back I’m 14 years old
Use a human! Can’t be bothered to understand idiot machine!!
Natural foods…fish…will provide every necessary vitamin…avoid multi vitamins…too much vitamin A is toxic!
Sir plzzz reply, I m neet aspirant student and I do have Vitamin D deficiency, a lot of mood swings, and I pass sleepless day and night it, effect my mind and my study
Wjrjejdkskskskwkelekemeakeoekekrkrkrakrakekekeka? @?@eh? Iiiqowjwh seed jddkdkddkkdkdakdmdmzbbekelemmnmjwmem @enmenememememmemwjwm @bajjwjwbwjwjejejejwjaejwkekkwkwmammwkw bun nwksnsksnwnwnwn nwkwksmamamb; nbb an smmsskrmdmsmsamemsmsmemememenenenenem3?e? Meeme? N3wnskskemekekekekrkarkekekekeelrkrklrrllrlrrlorrl eksjjdjdjfjdjdjdk$jjdjdjdjdjdjdjddjdjjd
I have very low vitamin d3 12.5 can I take vitamin D3 capsule
2:48…..”sleep penis” im glad im not the only one with this issue!
I suffer from very low vitamin D just been on a very powerful amount of vitamin D from my doctor. I work outside all year around but still don’t get enough. I can relate to constantly being tiered even after a night’s sleep. I have the aching muscles during the day. I hope everyone well who also suffers
What can I do to fix face and neck excessive sweating I’ve tried vitamins, medicine and hyperhydrosis injections and nothing has worked or fixed my issue
yes going outside is one of the biggest things you can do to make Vitamin D
Don’t know why the WHO isn’t saying this might have avoided the trillions the lockdown has cost. In the UK the government recommends people to take 10 micrograms from Sept to April, or all year if indoors or darker skin. However there have been no reminders from prominent officials I am aware of. Vitamin D testing is not routine in UK.
I thought Oak tree leaves were a cure, when I saw the pic! I’m willing to try anything!
Wow! I almost have all 16 symptoms! I hate the robot voice, but there is no need in complaining about it anymore, because they are not going away!
I’m gonna try this cuz I’m depressed all the time. I don’t like going outside or anything so.
You can’t get any vitamin D from an open window unless there’s no glass in that window. UVB rays, which are required to trigger the body processes that make vitamin D, don’t make it through glass.
Here in Australia the sun is so strong we need to put on sunscreen so loads of people are going to be deficient. I’ve been diagnosed needing supplement so I hope it helps.
I have heavy sweating, lethargy, take ages to get over any sickness, aching joints, bad sleep.
Thank you for this informative video.
I experience this signs but I am fast thinker. You forgot to tell that Vit. D increases fertility too.
Vitamin d deficiency is a pandemic and people should draw a higher interest towards it. We recently made a video on 10 major symptoms of vitamin d deficiency.
I have Vitamin D deficiency. Based on the test, I only have 12 (i don’t know to unit) whereas the normal Vitamin D for our body should be at least 80.
7 billion humans on the planet and you couldn’t find one to narrate your video.
Love how the video says to go out into the sunlight yet slather on that sunscreen . That’s the problem people… Put all those chemicals in you and block actually getting any vit D with the sunscreen. Just don’t get sunburned, sit in sun for 15-20 minutes and if you’re going to stay out in the sun, then put a hat on and a cover-up etc you don’t need to slather yourself with sunscreen. Use common sense lol
Please, just read it. Don’t use a robotic voice. It’s so annoying that no one wants to listen to it.
Few days before I got my report and I have huge deficiency of vitamin D and now I’m taking 60000 IU capsules per week. I am feeling pain in back and sides of my neck and all-round my shoulders… sometimes mynl neck pain get worse that I can’t even take deep breath and yawn property. Hoping for the best
talking about my childhood I always have had deficiency of vitamin D because in childhood I frequently get fever cold cough easily and when my teeth came it was not so in perfect way… that have to go doctor for braces
And there’s many times going to doctors many no one suggested me to check vitamin D level that is all symptoms of vitamin D and they even took my blood test but I don’t know what they tested. Any ways now i have to deal with this
We are now in a pandemic! The darker your skin, the less vitamin D you can get from the sun! If you have been staying inside you need to take vitamin D supplements!
They forgot to mention the importance of vitamin K in addition to healthy fats to absorb VD3 (NO vegetable or see oils, they are not healthy).
Hey Abraham love your videos they are really interesting and i especially like how you make viewers happy by responding to their comments
Abraham Im taking levothyroxine 100 mg since 2018 Dec.You think I might be used a higher dosage now its already July 2020.I need your help since pandemic I cant go to doctor.Please thank you.God bless
You should not take vit D3 in isolation. Combine it with K2 and vit A.
Lil trying to trick people into thinking their FB messenger is blowing up with the sound effects. I see you lol.
Another symptom is difficulty loosing weight. Most overweight people have low vitamin D.
hello… first time watching! did a search for vitamin D and thanks for the insight… got some today:)
btw, if you’Re still in need of a video editor…:)) stay safe!
Most Important Vitamin D Benefits for Men.
Vitamin D benefits for men you must know
Sunshine vitamin is also known as vitamin D. This sunshine vitamin is produce by the body as a response to sun.
Do you know that vitamin D also a consumed in food or supplements. If you wish to make healthy bones and teeth you have to get enough vitamin D supplements.
Read more:
After you sunbathe between 10 a.m. and 12 do, do not shower afterwards because your skin needs time to absorb vitamin D through your skin.
Sometimes sun is not enough, especially for darker skinned people.
I just found out that some experts claim that D2 is better than D3. Do your research first b4 you decide. Remember though, that taking too
much vitamin d, can be as worse than not enough. Talk to your doctor first about how much he feels you need to take.
thank u for this good information. vitamin. D.problems hit the how much do I take please?
Most people dont have enough vitamin D3. Eating fish doesn’t fix this and being exposed to sun light only helps in sunny months. Try supplements (vitamin D3 + vitamin K2 all trans Mk7 + Magnesium + all vitamin B’s) or be in the sun for an hour daily between 10 and 14 o’clock before and after only will give you a sunburn
Poor sleep quality? Don’t take Vit D late in the day or this may cause it.
I always look forward to Monday! It’s so good that even though you’re just responding to comments, you’re still giving so much useful information. Oh, and I agree with the comment regarding your editing. It is so SPOT ON! Love how creative your editing can be!
These are the signs often I’m going through
Sweating Excessively, lack of sleep, fatigue, restlessness, muscle cramps, headache, not active, etc
I’ve started my course of supplement as directed by a physician
My vitamin D levels was a 7
I had 3 rounds of iron infusions and it worked.
I was sleeping constantly.
Just felt drained all the time.
After my Iron infusions I was pinging off the walls! Ready to go!
Not falling asleep during the day.
I’ve been taking 10,000 IU of vitamin D for a very long time know and I noticed pretty much right away that I wasn’t getting my yearly winter could and sinus infections or soar trout like I used to. I first started taking it during the winters and then continue because I noticed a huge difference in my health. Now I make sure to take my vitamin with Vitamin K2.
I just literally had my vitamin d and randomly see this video
I think my wife has a vitamin “D” deficiency…. That’s why she married me. ROTFLMAO!!!
I just go diagnosed with it, from a doctor. It takes a toll on your health.
I had that sweaty forehead and no sweat anywhere else. People use to notice it!!
I just took a entire bottle of vitamin D and I have a tummy ache.. is this normal?
The more pills the doc prescribes the more presents they get from the pill makers. What happens when one’s thyroid has died??? How much vitamins should he take?
“Talk to a doctor”
Advice, don’t rely on doctors, learn to be your own. Doctors are just brainwashed pharmacists nowadays that are programmed by the drug companies.
just got a blood testrecently (passed out lol, I always do) and i have a 25-oh vitamin d level of 14. It explains everything that is wrong with my health. gonna start taking meds soon. good video
That is funny. I have a vitamin D deficiency and I hardly sweat even in the sun. I keep thinking I have a thyroid problem like my mom but no one will treat me while my numbers appear normal even with growing thyroid nodules.
As a lot of people in the comments story said i ve been suffering the same symptoms over three months now! ( feeling week, foggy mind, extreme lost of hair, muscle pain, joints pain, being mad for no reason, not sleeping well and waking up with neck pain and feeling super weak, not having the drive to anything.. it can even cause sexual problems like weakness or not having the drive to… ) didn’t know why i was experiencing all of these symptoms and I decided to take blood test and found out i have extremely low d2+d3 levels the doc gave me meds that contain 100,000 ui i take 25 drops every first day of the week! I have to take it for 2 months and then do some blood tests again.. I m on my second weak and i m still feeling weak etc but as I’ve seen in many articles and post it may take more than a year to treat and you have to keep taking low doses of Vitamin D after it to avoid deficiency!
Even though i live in a sunny ☀️ city but yet a lot of people have this problem yet no one knows vitamine D’s the problem so docs and pharmacys should raise awareness but yet no one seems to do so!
Stay healthy and watch over yourself! And good luck everyone
Vitamin D is the most important nutrition ingredient for the human body.
Vitamin D rich foods/medicine:
Why is the symptoms similar to deficiency to vitamin c?i am confused..
UVB white rays blocked by windows so there is no benifit of sitting behind window glass. Also sunlight from windows is bad for u bcz UVA rays passes through it.
Thank you.
People wonder why everyone’s getting skin cancer, well look at the back of your sunscreen SPF 40 and just read the chemical list that’s in the stuff that you’re putting on your childrens skin to keep them from the horrible son that’s going to give your child a sunburn there’s other routes to take and there’s also clothing you can buy, yes long sleeve too that will protect them and you!!!
I’m 27. Ever since I was 13, I’ve had extremely debilitating shin splints. It was so painful to run or jump. Simple exercises like jumping jacks were not an option for me. I’ve also gotten sick more than other people normally do all my life. Looking back, I didn’t spend much time outside and didnt get much sunlight. Let me tell you, after I started taking 5,000 IU a day of vitamin d3, along with a calcium supplement, my shin splints went away almost completely. After a few more weeks, they had vanished. They never came back because I keep taking my vitamin D3 and Calcium every day. I also used to have joint pain, particularly in my knees. That’s gone too. I never thought 20 dollars worth of vitamins from Walmart would have improved my quality of life so much.
Fatigue, constipated at times, feel lethargic and I’m not energetic at all. A small work done and I’m on the bed. I feel I do not have sufficient in take of vitamin D
Such as amazing video as usual…love the responding to comments series!!!
Sir pls give your contact number. I want contact with you…about my health..pls sir I am a student
you would have been better served to pay some homeless person to record this than use the artificial narration.
There are so many of us that are Vitamin D deficient lately due to being indoors so much for quarantine. I need to make my own video on this.
Sir this all symptoms related with me
my vitamin d level is 7
Now what happens with me
Please tell me thank you
Hair fall, fibromyalgia, slow healing of wounds can be symptoms of iron or zinc deficiency as well.
Spf blocks the vitamin d3 from the sum. My dermatologist told me to go into the sun about 20 minutes unprotected every day if possible. Bc of the Grey weather here in Holland during winter time almost everyone has a vitd3 deficiency. The advice is just for everyone to take a supplement during these Grey months. (400ie a day)
I worked out for years and never had energy problems. I could knock out a two hour intense workout 5-6 days per week. HoweverI, l slowly started to miss workouts about 8 months ago because of weakness and extreme exhaustion. I eventually became so tired that I was sleeping 10-12 hours a day with no improvement in energy levels. I almost ran off the freeway several times on my way home from work. I thought I was going to die. I went to the doctor and described my pathological exhaustion. My doctors performed every blood panel you can think of. They also performed physical tests and came back with “we don’t know why you’re so tired.” I refused to believe that my symptoms were age-related. I went to one last appointment and that’s when the doctor decided to test for Vitamin D. The doctor even said that it was a long shot, but we better check just in case. The results showed that my Vitamin D was 4 times below the recommended level. I’m now on supplements with a sun exposure when I have a chance. If you suspect a Vitamin D deficiency, get check out immediately as this is no joke.
No problem im a redhead i have my MC1R gene i get plenty of vit D
Watching this in Lock down here in the UK
Stay safe everyone
Great and much needed info but I just can’t do the robot voice.
Sickness lives in your mind. It gets there from the media. Stop watching the news and you will feel great.
How can we delete the thumbs down numbers! This is a wonderful, fun and informative video 207 thumbs up!
Horrible that robotvoice…I ask myself why you are doing this this matter??!!!!!!! It even cannot read the text in a normal way….I stopt listening after five seconds…..
I have many of these issue, so I’ve been taking Vit D for a year, and it has made no deference, just as my GP told me it wouldn’t.
Is vit d a test booster aswell ive heard its good to boost it an good for sperm levells?
Fibromyalgia used to be a problem. It is really improved now since I started taking Vitamin D.
Honest all things I felt thank you very much now I must look for vitamin D
Several experts say that with sunscreen you only form a small fraction of the vitamin D you would otherwise form. And if the protective factor is too high (above 15 I think) you make none. This is especially bad for old and dark skinned ppl. Plus you need to be outside when your shadow is shorter than you. Then the sun is high enough for vitamin D to be formed.
Worst robot voice I ever heard. Too cheap to buy a good translator I guess.
So sad that so many people on this board are more concerned about the voice used to share this highly appreciated information instead of being thankful that someone took the time to share information that could save their miserable and meaningless lives…
Is there a link between vitamin d and mental health /anxiety? A few years ago I went through sudden severe anxiety and close to suicidal thoughts. Got bloods checked and was deficient in vit D. The supplements cured everything
Robotic voice poorly demonstrates…..
Everything but gum disease I have n doctor say I do have low levels of vit D…. going to try vit D w vit k2 see how that helps.
This is really a fantastic video. I found out through a 4year of research and own observation That very few people were aware of
“The Importance of VitaminD & VitaminB12. Seems to be a grey area. Many of my friends suffered all these symptoms after crossing middle age. But unfortunately they were only misled from one doctor to the other doctor. Yet, after 30 over major test, diagnosis.. still doctors were unable to discover the “Underlying Cause”. I personaly feel you must work on sharing more Insight Videos.. Revealing more depth on how to restore, treat, have a total change in Lifestyle. Many of us are followers of Ayurveda, we look forward to various Holistic Approach in balancing our nutrients through organic diet/ fruit and vegetable platters. We belief in keeping the MindBodySouL balanced. All three must flow in harmony with nature. Please share more contents how we can Intergrade supplements along with specific food groups, well balanced diets and lifestyle changes. I look forward to seeing more of your videos. I love the… tone of expression, clarity, and I found your video extremely beneficial and informative. I had shared it with friends of all ages… who are always curious to learn more, know of deficiencies.
Keep sharing, keep us informed.
May God Bless you. Looking forward to more of Your Upcoming videos.
” Reach In❣️<>❣️Reach Out “
Lots of Loves from Me to You.
⚓ Health is Wealth ⚓
I love sharing informative videos.
I just shared yours with all friends, and loved ones In My Divine Circle.
To get too much vitamin D, you would need to take 60,000 IU every single day for many months.
I’m a HEALTH COACH. You NEED Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin-D. You must Get as As per Your Body Requirements. Give me a call at 9160141474.
You should be telling the people that you could have a vitamin D insufficiency go to the doctor and get the blood test done and then you can determine
Now those sun-worshipping ancestors of ours don’t seem to be that unevolved and backward after all.
You say people need to wear sunscreen when they go out in the sun for vitamin D. Something is wrong with that statement.
Very important if you supplement with vitamin D3 you also have to have adequate K2-Mk7 as well otherwise the D3 won’t be absorbed properly and will build up blockage in your arteries which is extremely dangerous.
i have like 15% vitamin d it was so bad that i was almost hospitalised but now with some help of supplements and nutrisius food its far better
Ugh I have mild vitamin d deficiency and low ferritin levels. You can imagine how bad I feel on the daily
I am vitamin d deficient and have EVERY SINGLE SYMPTOM. Yet I take prescription vitamin d 50,000 units weekly and I’m in the sun every day for work.
You can’t overdose on Vitamin D if you obtain it from the sun. Get your facts straight!
I wanted to check my Vitamin D levels, but Medicare doesn’t cover it. That is what the Dr told me.
What exactly is Erectodom Secrets? How does this thing really work? I see a lot of people keep on speaking about this popular erectile dysfunction natural treatment.
Can anyone please tell me which part of switzerland this is….is there a package I can purchase or a tour group I can go with in this particular location??
Guys, why watch this when you can take supplements of vitamin d?
My wife has all those mentioned… She will be fine till she uses medicines and then same symptoms,pains etc repeats after stopping the medicine…
Whats ur suggestion?
doctors does not test it automatically during the examination, because they like your frequent visits with tons of problems, just business:(
Is probiotics safe for someone with advanced RA? And type 2 diabetes?
l Iiked the video… Sir Abraham Lincoln Well, let me tell you that you look much more handsome Vitamin D is a very important vitamine. I take a supplement every day.