In places where n95s are more valuable than gold, and consideration is being put into reusing/washing them, is there not a possibility of using things like
this industrial style respirator? (Filters come separately, look like little boxes on the sides)
They're rated to P100, which is just 99.7% proof instead of 95%, so better than n95s, and "P"roof against oil aerosols, which n95s are "N"ot.
They're a ton more expensive, but they'll last through more wash cycles.
They might not be fitted perfectly, but they'll fit better than reused and worn out n95s.
If they're not exposed to solvents they're can be used for…I don't know, and I don't think there's any documentation on how long they'd be proof against resp droplets, but the filters says "40 hours continuous use if used in environments containing oil aerosols" so almost definitely at least that long, which is an F-ton longer than an n95 probably is. There's another document that suggests up to 6 months usage, but that would depend on how long you use it for per day.
They'd need to be cleaned, but they'd probably hold up to that better than n95s do, and honestly if you're told to wear your n95 all day, it's not going to be any more contaminated than those, so fine-tuned infection control has already gone out the window at that point.
If your hospital is at the point that they're crafting n95s and washing old ones, surely something like this which is properly constructed, rated to an even higher tolerance, and most importantly available, surely that would be a worthy try.
Also, the CDC has already
said previously that alternate respirator such as these are within hospital guidelines for when n95s run low.
Source: Original link