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CrossFit Benchmark WOD: Filthy Fifty my score: 20:19
Video taken from the channel: Peter Joseph Kuhn
Filthy Fifty Demo
Video taken from the channel: CrossFit®
Video taken from the channel: AO FITNESS
CrossFit 515 “Filthy Fifty” in 13:06 (Bobby)
Video taken from the channel: CrossFit515
“FILTHY 50” CrossFit WOD Demo 32:58 Rx
Video taken from the channel: WODwell
WOD 120111 Demo with CFNE Filthy Fifty
Video taken from the channel: CrossFit®
CrossFit 515 “Filthy Fifty” in 12:56 (Bobby Noyce)
Video taken from the channel: CrossFit515
Score: Filthy 50 is scored “for time,” meaning you complete all of the reps as fast as possible. Goal times: Beginner: 25-30 minutes, intermediate: 20-25 minutes; advanced: 15-20 minutes; elite: less than 15 minutes.Tips for the Filthy 50 WOD. Practice all 10 movements, working on the ones you are least comfortable with. Maintain a good pace.
This is a long workout – use a 30-minute timecap. Scale the movements/reps where needed. There are various options, so speak to your coach for specific advice. Filthy 50 WOD.
Background: “Filthy Fifty” is a popular CrossFit chipper-style benchmark WOD that has been posted on the CrossFit Main Site many times since its first appearance in 2005, but never (as of 2019) actually with the name “Filthy Fifty.”That name came from the CrossFit community and is now well known among CrossFit athletes and gyms. Fun fact: In a 2007 post in the CrossFit Forum about “Filthy.The Filthy Fifty CrossFit WOD Score: Filthy 50 is scored “for time,” meaning you complete all of the reps as fast as possible. Goal times: Beginner: 25-30 minutes, intermediate: 20-25 minutes.WOD #4: Filthy Fifty This alliterative WOD should make you shudder a little.
You’ll be doing 50 box jumps, 50 jumping pull-ups, 50 kettlebell swings, 50 steps during a walking lunge, 50 knees-to-elbows, 50 push presses, 50 back extensions, 50 wall ball shots, 50 burpees and 50 double unders.Goal Times: Beginners: 2 to 3 hours. Intermediate: 1.5 to 2.5 hours. Advanced and elite: Less than 2 hours. Level: This WOD may not be suitable for beginners, as it requires substantial endurance and a strong cardiorespiratory fitness base.
DB 50 Goblet Lunges DB 50 Swings *All repetitions are total (25 each arm) and completed with a single dumbbell Stimulus Goal=Between 20-25 minutes, should be.The Filthy 50. The Filthy 50 WOD has been called a CrossFit staple and is so intense that it’s to be done in 25 minutes or less.
This WOD consists of a full circuit of exercises, including kettle swings, box jumps, pullups, walking lunges, pushups, back extensions, wall-balls (with a 20lb. ball), burpees, double-unders, and knees-to-elbows.20 most effective Crossfit WOD’s are best fat-burning and muscle building workouts that will help you for a quick tone of your body. Keep practicing and you will be there in no time. 2. The Filthy Fifty: The Filthy Fifty is just like its name. It’s hard to.
4 Tips for scoring better time at The Seven. I have done this workout twice, first time it was in year 2014 and my time was 26:50 and second time it was 2 years later and I improved by 3 minutes with time 23:50. I am happy about both my times and I.Not only will this WOD leave you with that awesome feeling, it will also help you get better with your American Swings and Kettlebell Snatches, this is due to the Double-arm Swing being programmed in. Remember, the Swing is the foundation for the American Swing and Snatch, If you’ve not mastered the Conventional Swing, then you can’t be efficient at that which builds upon it.
WOD #5: 5 Rounds, For Time. 10 burpees 20 squats 30 sit-ups 400-meter run (or 500-meter row) What you do: Start your timer and cycle through the burpees, squats, sit-ups, and runs four times.Background: “If a hurricane that wreaks havoc on a whole town can be Fran, so can a workout.”—Greg Glassman, owner and founder of CrossFit Inc. “Fran” is arguably the most famous of the original six CrossFit “Girls” WODs.It was first posted on the CrossFit Main Site as the workout of the day for November 21, 2004, but it was created by Glassman years earlier (in the 1970’s) to help him.The goal of any Chipper WOD is to ‘chip away’ at a large amount of repetitions, performing smaller sets until you reach the desired number. Apply this to your ab work. Try this “Filthy 50” Style Ab Workout, for example: For Time::50 second hollow hold (stop clock when you rest):50 second arch hold (stop clock when you rest) 50 abmat sit-ups.
These 16 essential CrossFit moves will increase your strength, build your lung capacity and make you the best athlete you can be. Don’t forget: Proper form is essential to avoid injury, so it’s smart to try these for the first time under the guidance of a certified CrossFit trainer.
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Anyone who posts a workout video is brave. No rep warriors are always on the lookout!
Badass bro!!! Did my first cross fit class today so I’m researching to develop benchmarks.
It’s gonna take me a minute to be as badass as you but I’m on the trail!!! Thanks for posting this!!!
i would have stopped after 25 box jumps lmao and you weren’t lying when you said you were never doing F50 again
Well I’m inspired…I get to do this for the first time tomorrow and I’m legitimately scared!
“Piss off about form”, what kind of looser talk is that. Come on man, you are better than that, it shows in this video.
“piss off about form” why don’t you do it with good form first THEN you can brag about your 12:56
This is insane when I did the filthy fifty it took me forever
Why am I here.????
The KBS looks frigginh painful. Ouch!!!!!!
Well…..I have nothing nice to say. I better shut up.
So many fucking haters who probably don’t even workout talking shit. Awesome job man, you killed it!
Go read the comments below your video…….LOLerz
Good one JTNORTON06, you’re funny I like you 😉
As others have stated, great conditioning but NO REP CITY on those box jumps. Was not a legit Filthy Fifty sorry Bobby.
Just did the Filthy Fifties for the first time on Friday and I absolutely hated it…I never want to do it again lol. Took me 50 minutes.
For those ONLY who have completed the filthy fifty wod, go to No one takes time to read the descriptions to any videos… they just immediately start raggin. Although, I do believe that having good FORM is better than having a good TIME, mostly from a possible injury perspective, this work out is more of a cardio excersise and I think Bobby did awesome.
The box jumps don’t meet the standard we adhere to at my box but I’m not sure that slowing you down on them is going to impress me anymore. Man, you got heart. What drives you?
dont defend yourself bro… a lot of guys cant complete a FF in 20 min..
Great going keep it up your vids and all the best for your channel
greattt! fantastic men! i have done this wod today in 24 minutes, greats from spain
Lunges Knees keep going beyond foot
Knees to elbow Can’t tell..but it seems you don’t connect your knees and elbows a few times..true?
Wall balls This is more to help with form..hold the bar closer to your chest and your hands closer together. This will take off some pressure on your arms and make the “pushing” of the ball easier
Burpees a few no-reps there. You did tip-toes instead of a jump
Bobby your beast, thought you did it very well, you don´t have to respond to the haters, your an athlete, poor form or not, still in beast mode, if you respond to them, they only get louder, do you!! Good luck..
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What’s the rush? Why can’t cross fitters simply enjoy the form and the movement of the exercises themselves?
Doing this workout again tomorrow I’ve broken 14 minutes before. This was bad ass. The people critiquing you are being ridiculous. If they’d ever done a workout like this close to that fast they would know that you have tunnel vision about 5 minutes in, and are not thinking about perfect movement standards which to my eye looked pretty good. Nice workout.
kudos. my first time was earlier this week and i did 48 min. this just blew my mind! inspiring!
How so? I hear people say that, but I have yet to hear a reason
Just want to make it clear..I’m not hating on your effort at all. Doing it in that time is damn impressive. I’m just doing some simple constructive critiquing
They do in fact scale it down. I’ve always had bad knees and I do what I can. I don’t jump to 24 inches I jump to what I can. The weight and height is as high as ANYONE can go. You do what you can. Also, my knees have gotten stronger since starting CrossFit. Not to mention my entire body as gotten much stronger!
Not MY video, and as you can see, those people are BEGINNERS. Why take the lazy way out?
The comments on here are hilarious. It’s as if nobody read the description, lol
No real explanation for the bar dropping except for that I wanted 12:56 rather than 13:00. That bar is a complete piece of garbage already, I payed for it, I don’t recommend anyone ever drop an empty bar……..maybe that was what the 5 push ups were for?!?
The people complaining about the box jumps are not in CF long enough. The lockout is a standard since the 1st opens. Before it was touch and go. All named wods from before allow thses boxjump. FGB for example.
I didn’t say “scaled” I said modified…. FULL EXTENSION on the box jumps, not hunched over during each “up”…..
Which part is “scaled” Mr. Norton? That is how the workout is written EXACTLY. And my
Correct, the whole thing was wrong. Please try it again and NOT modify the workout. I did this on Friday, FULL RANGE OF MOTION AND PROPER FORM, in 25:37. Plus, slamming an empty bar is a little unprofessional too, respect your equipment.
The box jumps wouldn’t have counted at a comp but overall great job he attacked the workout
dropping an empty bar in my box would be “100 burpees….then DEATH!!!” great job though dude! doing this one today
doing filthy fifty in this time is incredible. my time is 21 minutes and i have a 3 minute fran…
none of them are locking arms out at the bottom of jumping pull-ups
good workout, I pushed myself extra hard (with normal pull-ups, 55 pounds push press and 40lbs kettle bell swings) but i died towards the end and took forever to finish burpee’s [46 mins to finish]
u’re right. we must kill the bad fat and belly first to get the 6 pack. btw!but ye My international body building trainer also recommended this 7 food elements to kill your fat belly. if you are serious go for it now
Box jumps no rep. Jumping pull-ups never had arms extended when at the bottom. Knees to elbow was no rep either. KB swing form was off. And that’s not even the worst part of this video which was easily the camera lady. Can’t just count out every 5 or 10? Jeez shush already.
It looks like a good workout routine, but I’d be concerned about injury regarding the time count. IOW, some of the exercises are done a tad too quickly perhaps.
Great!! Discovering crossfit and dine dit it about 35 minutes, i’m lovin it!
Hey there, have you tried “MUSCleader” (look on Google)? There you will find a great free video featuring the best way to develop visible muscles very fast while eliminating excess fat simultaneously. James and hundreds of guys with the same goal enjoyed amazing success applying this technique. I hope it will help you as well.
every box jump no rep, wall ball too some no rep…if you want compare with others on youtube and flaunt with your time, do it properly please 😉
Those girls look very sexy!!! Hope they do more of that and faster. ahahah
Hello there, have you heard of “MuscLeader” (search on Google)? There you can watch a good free video explaining the way to gain noteworthy muscle very fast while eliminating fat simultaneously. Kev and many other guys experienced good success using this approach. It may work for you as well…
I think this is the most honest video I have ever seen on YouTube till now
Hi, have you considered “Musclegend” (search on Google)? On their website you can watch a great free video showing how to grow noteworthy lean muscle really fast while burning unwanted fat simultaneously. Brian is one of the numerous men who experienced good results utilizing this strategy. I hope it helps you too.
It would be a shame for you not to bulk up when normal people do it so easily with Mega Muscle Method (go google it).
no rep on the box jump… you had too much chalk on your hands! C’mon this is basics
Oh this is nowhere near as bad for your knees as the squats I used to do. Can’t do them anymore, unfortunately.
Hey there, have you experienced MAD Muscle Ripper? (check on google) You will find out about the crimes we commit against our bodies. With MAD Muscle Ripper, you will discover how to build muscle fast.
I always step down from box jumps. And when you do box jumps, remember to stand all the way up. A lot of them aren’t doing that.
They laughed when I told them I was going to burn fat with Fat Blast Furnace, but then I showed them the results. Go and google Fat Blast Furnace to see their reaction.
The whole time I was cheering for Maya. She is definitely a beast! GO MAYA
You know what sucks? Every time we have the Filthy 50 at my box, I somehow miss it. One day I’ll get to try it out lol….
I noticed that too, most of them are not doing proper box jumps.
Fast time. No rep box jumps no rep knees to elbow no rep bupies no rep no rep no rep
0 reps in everyone exercices, no jump full box, dont use deep hip, in burpees, dont jump up… but.. nice i did in 22″
You know what’s worse for bad knees? Being overweight people need to stop making excuses… Besides Crossfit movements can all be scaled down to meet different people’s needs.
Seems like this would be really bad for someone with bad knee(s).
To the people hating on this video, regardless if you like crossfit or not and regardless if it is “no rep” or not, can you do it? Great job man-good effort! People hating on videos like this have no life lol.
@bobpoptart That’s kinda what everybody trains for… destruction or at least fatigue, and then recovery.
I thought its was only my box that did them strict “like boxjump, Jpullupsand and more” when you look at timeruns on youtube, but then i saw alot of comments here complaining on the same thing:)
still I have full respekt for the guy for the time and that he just grinded threw it, without pauses almost, I´m at 116kg and have grinded this on 25min and know how HELL feels like haha
Love the workout and the story around it! Good vid! And i agree Maya killed it
Great workout playlist! Here in Ohio, USA, at my CF gym, all they play is basically a “shake it” mix with music like Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake, Pitbull, JKwon, and Bruno Mars…just horrible, horrible music for CF imho….I like hard rock and metal for CF.
leonidas too hot out of the gate and at 3:01 throws empty barbell on the floor ♀️ and athanasia all no reps on jumping pull-ups; lock out at the bottom!
I would love to work out in that box. Not a single bad song on the stereo!
Poor Leonidas, just shows once is enough for the filthy fifty wod in a week.,Great to see the different boxes that are out there.
Box Jumps: feet not fully planted on box and hips not fully extended at the top… NO REP
Jumping Pull-Ups: arms not locked at at the bottom… NO REP
*So embarrassing why would you upload *
Never seen this type of Hardest Crossfit. You are doing great work, sir.
i think this guy is a CHAMP! this is a killer workout!
Did this earlier tonight, great! Love SEALfit and Crossfit! Only I had a lower bar and had to do regular pull-ups. Is there any way you might be able to tell me title of the background song so I can see if it’s on iTunes or Amazon or something?
box jumps are not legit,,, suppose to come to full extension on the box not in the air
so dont missunderstand me, he is fit, but his Coach should have a better look to his form. there are to much exercises with a noncorrect technique
I tend to dig every day with my iron shovel, is that also CROSSFIT?
No homo
I start sharing this video with my friends for a personal workout.
Never really looked into crossfit before today. Looks like a pretty decent warm up routine.
I went online to see what this routine consisted of which was 50 reps of 10 exercises. I found this video and as soon as I heard this lady starting to count, I muted the video.
all box jumps and wall ball are no reps… so much for nothing..
As everyone else said the BJs were garbage. If he can’t do a regular pull up no point in doing this WOD. Ish no bueno burrito.
There’s no doubt about it, this is an impressive run on Filthy Fifty. Maybe next time you should wait until the third beep of the clock before you begin the WOD, just sayin’.
All the folks saying, ” no rep, ” are ridiculous. Unless this is an actual competition, which it clearly is not then this is more of a personal best type video. At the end of the day the guy is in great shape, better shape than most of us commenting on here, so who care if he didn’t lock out completely or go all the way down on a squat or whatever else someone of you criticize…exercise is exercise!
I see no reason to do this at that speed. So easy to hurt yourself.
hardly being up to get up one stair at a time, I’m truly impressed…. but then they do say that ‘youth is wasted on the young’
Hey there, have you tried “MuscLeader” (have a look on Google)? There you can watch a good free video showing how to build up visible muscles quickly whilst shedding body fat as well. James and plenty other guys had good success because of this system. It may work for you as well…
I like crossfit, but all these uncompleted, weird reps… Such a shame, just do a normal exercise.
13 minutes of pure weight killing…just give me that fake plates…I will use them…just staying there forever…never used…just stayin there on the corner watching burpees to infinity…what a sad story:( This is the the worst thing…to be a fake plate in crossfit gym
all the box jumps are no reps, you have to extend your hip after every jump on the box, you are literally standing on the edge and bouncing back.:)
Wtf, non of his box jump was a rep and he did jumping pull-ups, he could have done those kipping… Not a good wod.
Sure, we can give the guy working out hell for his no reps. Or we could give him extra credit for working his ass off, despite having the most annoying, non-inspirational camera-woman of all time! STFU and let the man work!
Mute is your friend here.
90% of the people does the kettle bell awfully wrong. Like here. Back pain coming…
a question thou, on the knee to elbow,
I also drag me up on a semipullupposition, and then do them, becous i get pain in my shoulder if I deadhang and do the kneerais, is it so wrong? I still get the full workoutmotion for the abs?
great video but everyone is no repping the box jumps. full knee/hip extension at the top of the box (not in air)
Absolutely awesome! I’ve seen both your FF vids and think you can disregard the ignorant comments on form flaws. Anyone who’s ever attempted this workout understands that what you’re doing here, only a “Filthy Few” can do:) Unbroken sets and no rest between excercises that’s just an insane level of intensity!
LMFAO, Jumping pull ups? how about raising the bar 18 inches. couldn’t watch the rest. I know this is old. I’m sure he has improved since then.
If your going to post fast times, your going to be held up to standards.
was thinking the same, your supposed to strech out on top of the box
does body need to be at full extension at the end of the box jump for it to count as a rep?
so much space…used in such a pointless way.Whole building just for that:D
The majority of his reps are NO REPS. He does have great conditioning but if he was doing actual crossfit reps it would easily add 6-7 minutes to his time. If he tried to do these reps in a competition they certainly would not be counting the same as the girl in the video.
this is some of the worst form i’ve ever seen, repetitions doesn’t mean anything, this guy is a clown job
Just curious as to why you would do anything but games standard? Not trying to be a smartass I’m just curious
Girl: One, Two, Three, Four, Five…
Awesome! Tremendous! Very impressive and inspirational! Go Bobby!
this is exactly why crossfit gets a bad rep. #WhenYourCoachNeedsACoach
The guy is clearly a machine, but tons of no reps in there. Even his first wall ball of each set didn’t start in the squat position. If he fixed everything I’d still guess he ends up under 14:30. Box jumps were all no reps hip never opened.
He can’t count on his own? Mirrors in the gym? Are you required to take off your shirt to attend this gym?
Nice time though. Good job
no rep on the boxjumps, no full hip extension. Otherwise awesome workout!
Nobody sees the real effort in this video. The one who counts and says every repetition,such a workout for the vocal cords.
Nice job also the man of the workout.
Terrible form, with a ton of “no reps” For a WOD it’s not bad, but if he were in the open it would be problematic.
CrossfitShirts off, angry generic white music, tattoos, jumping around as much as you can as fast as you can. Am I missing anything?
He did great, you can tell he has great endurance, despite the “no reps” I hope I get to that level of fitness one day:)
As long as he is getting his heart rate up and his form isn’t so bad he’s risking serious injury, nobody has the right to sit on their ass and judge him. lol. I don’t see any one complaining posting a response video of them doing this workout with 100% perfect form. XD
Going to assume you have been doing CrossFit for less than 2 years since you have no idea that “games standard” is not the only standard that exists for box jumps, and unless it says “games standard” this is how box jumps are allowed to be performed, which is called “pogo-ing”. Jump off 2 feet, land on 2 feet, must reach full knee and hip extension on OR at equal height as if you were standing on the box. KNOWLEDGEBOMB
Agreed with most of the comments on here in regards to bad form. This box must not care too much about form. Shameful!
I do standard box jumps in the filthy fifty, so you can’t really say “No One”…. It’s all about form AND range of motion. RX for the Filthy Fifty is 53# kettle bell swings for men, this whole workout has been modified, that’s how you got such a good time. It does suck, don’t get me wrong, doing it for the second time since January today.
His form really wasn’t that bad, it was mostly just not full range of motion on box jumps, knees to elbows, and wall balls, but the burpees were truly awful. However, I shouldn’t complain too much because I wouldn’t be anywhere close to this fast on this WOD.
Impressive effort no doubt but half of the 500 reps don’t count. His toes don’t even leave the ground during the burpee jump.
I love any workout video and AO FITNESS Channel. Thanks for sharing this video with us.
your videos are inspirational. I learned more about the workout.
your videos are inspirational.
You inspire me for a workout.
One of the hardest crossfit ever. You are a good teacher sir.
For Christ sake this video is ridiculous. This video shows exactly why people bash crossfit. The KB swing form was jacked up not to mention all the other no reps on the the other stuff.
I think this is the most honest video I have ever seen on YouTube till now
Hey there, have you tried “MuscLeader” (have a look on Google)? On their website you will find a nice free video featuring how to pack on noteworthy muscle quickly whilst reducing body fat at the same time. Geoff is among the countless guys that experienced great results using this technique. It may work for you also.
jumping pull ups are like elevation training mask. looks cool but you’re not helping your self with it
Really you are so honest and your idea deserves you more subscribers.
I subscribed, can’t wait for the next workout challenge from you.
I like how at the end he does a few push ups like he’s still got some gas in the tank, then he rolls over! Ha!
actually the Girl should Count like this: no rep, no rep 2, no rep 3:D
Nice but you skipped back extensions. I was basically watching the cat though. He got 1 rep.