Table of Contents:
EVENT 3 MEN CrossFit Games 2018 Vellner, Fraser, Smith
Video taken from the channel: Mean Productions
Rob Orlando Crossfit Total
Video taken from the channel: B_CO
“CrossFit Total” with Nicole and Zac
Video taken from the channel: CrossFit®
Video taken from the channel: TeamRICHEY
CrossFit Total Dave Lipson, Jason Khalipa and Dave Castro
Video taken from the channel: CrossFit®
“CROSSFIT TOTAL” 1,265 lbs (575 kg)
Video taken from the channel: WODwell
2018 CrossFit Games | Individual CrossFit Total
Video taken from the channel: CrossFit®
About the wod Background: The “CrossFit Total” is CrossFit’s approach to testing absolute strength, deeming these movements the “three most effective lifts in existence for developing and testing functional strength.” It was first posted in the CrossFit Journal on December 1, 2006.The Total is CrossFit’s approach to testing absolute strength, deeming these movements the “three most effective lifts in existence for developing and testing functional strength.”. It was first posted in the CrossFit Journal on December 1, 2006. “The Total reflects an athlete’s functional strength capacity more accurately than any other test.”.Background: “CrossFit Total II” (aka: “The Other Total”) was first posted as a YouTube video by Ty Jones of Fitness Reno (Reno, NV, USA) on November 7, 2010. The workout was also posted (without a name) as the workout of the day on the CrossFit Main Site for Sunday, October 30, 2011 (111030).
The CrossFit Total consists of 3 lifts: the back squat, press, and deadlift. You will get 3 attempts at each to lift the maximum weight possible, and your heaviest successful lift from each of the 3 will be added together for your total. So here is the tricky part.
Our Crossfit WOD aka workout of the day are created by our expert coaches which will incorporate routing testing of strength training, stamina conditioning, lifting endurance and more. We have a WOD guide that can help your maintain your fitness even thoug your away from our gym.Explore CrossFit Total Empowerment. or. START TODAY FEEL BETTER TOMORROW.
We know walking through the door is the hardest part. You take the first step and we’ll meet you where you are. Schedule My Free Intro!
I lost about 42lbs. billy. Out of my comfort zone. stephanie.The Slender Set: Full Body Workout Photo, Images and Wallpaper By Resolution: 897 x 1602 · 369 kB · jpeg Incoming search terms: crossfit total body wod.
CrossFit Total Control is the first and largest strength and conditioning facility with three locations in Jacksonville Beach, Southside, and Riverside. We develop individuals, athletes, and teams to reach elite levels of fitness through constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity.The way to bring more strength to the CrossFit approach is with the CrossFit Total. The CrossFit Total is the sum of the best of three attempts at the squat, the press, and the deadlift, the three most effective lifts in existence for developing and testing functional strength. All.
If you want the dirty details of the CF Total check it out T HE CROSSFIT TOTAL We will be counting your best attempt at each lift. Your total is all three best attempts combined. If you performed the CrossFit Total last time we did it, you score will be posted at the gym tomorrow and we will add everyone’s new CF Totals to the chart.WOD. 4 Rounds.
400m Run 15/15 Single arm DB Overhead Squat (50/35)* * 15 on each arm = 30 reps total * Accessory Work. 3 sets. 20 Pass Throughs 20 Barbell Upright Row 20 Single leg Banded hamstring curl (L&R).
The CrossFit Total is the sum of the best of three attempts at the squat, press and deadlift.WARM UP MOBILITY 500m Run (new athletes, have an experienced member show you the 400 and 800 turn around points) Dynamic hip and shoulder stretch Warm-up/Tech: Thrusters / Kipping pull-ups WOD A DANIEL Hero WOD For Time: 50 Pull-ups 400 meter run 21.The CrossFit Total was first developed in 2006 and announced in the CrossFit Journal Issue 52 as a way to increase the strength base of CrossFit.
Developer Mark Rippetoe said the CrossFit Total is the best reflection of an athlete’s functional strength capacity, and it appeared as an event at the first-ever CrossFit Games in 2007.CrossFit Total. Back squat 1-rep max Press 1-rep max Deadlift 1-rep max. Hopper-Style CrossFit WOD.
For time: 1,000-meter row Then, 5 rounds of: 25 Pull-ups 7 Push Jerks (135/85 lb.) Trail Run.
List of related literature:
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from Optimizing Strength Training: Designing Nonlinear Periodization Workouts | |
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from Glute Lab: The Art and Science of Strength and Physique Training | |
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from Your Body Is Your Barbell: Lose Weight and Get into the Best Shape of Your Life in just 6 Weeks Using Nothing but Your own Bodyweight | |
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i think thats a sport where u dont care if u see men or women
Are the women doing deadifts???…obviously they are not…
tia toomey wants to like matt frasers. can she yell and act more like an idiot. a complete buffoon
Absolutely beautiful examples of how not to do so many of these exercises
4 minutes to find a 1rm deadlift. They have to work up to it. They also have to change their own weights AND clean the bar/platform bc it’s raining. What a circus.
Definitely have them in the burger Craig but just be careful in the outro -> ‘its’ should have an apostrophe and ‘your’ should have been ‘you’re’ but bro amazing video and content as always!
I felt myself screaming for Jas during her deadlift. Great work on the PR!
hate how they didn’t mention brook wells as much. she lifted heavy and deserved more credit.
Please stop using Toomies face as the thumbnail. I find her soooooooo unattractive. Sorry.
Castros from is horrible but for such a scrawny man he is quite strong actually.
Lipson is really strong but his squats are to high (just compare them to Jasons) and these deadlifts were more like SLDL and his back rounds the very second he pulls the bar.
Jason´s squats were terrific, great depht and his posture remained the same all the way through.
im not the kind of guy who bithces on crossfit but jesus… the only one squatting low enough was Jason and he was the only one who deadlifted right as well
5 minute mark.
“Doesn’t make much sense to rush this”
4 minutes to make PR…
Dis makes the 1100lbs deadlift of eddie hall look insane when its almost the total. Specialization of human body is insane…
37:04 “take it to where you know you need”. Tanya Wagner everyone
Wow, I can’t believe they let that bouncing shit fly. I don’t know crossfit rules, but in every Overhead Press I’ve ever seen, that bounce is called “cheating”. Not to say cheat reps don’t have their place, but that’s not in competition.
Fucking lol, your judges don’t even know your rules. I see athletes dropping weights everywhere in the deadlifts, which are a no rep.
lol they are so weak. half a year of proper powerlifting I had them all at -20lbs bodyweight.
Do they factor in the bar weight when showing the weight of the attempt? Or is it just the weight of the plates
You know the best part of this fucking video? The bullshit comments trying to excuse the absolutely fucking horrendous form on display, particularly Castro’s. He can’t deadlift worth a shit, but hey, he was a Navy SEAL and you weren’t. So fucking what? How in the fuck is that even remotely fucking relevant? Answer: it isn’t. Another classic is this perennial favorite: “LOL, you’re just jelly you can’t lift that much”. Firstly, if you are over 12 and you use the term LOL, you should be shot in the face, immediately. Secondly, so fucking what? What I can lift, I lift properly. I don’t hitch for what is seemingly five minutes and then triumphantly strut around, as if I just completed a legitimate lift when I’ve actually just displayed the shittiest form in the history of mankind. Another classic is this one: “don’t you have anything better to do than sit on youtube and criticize people”. This is a public fucking forum, dickheads. If you don’t want to be criticized, don’t post what are some of the worst fucking lifts ever done on a site for the whole world to see. What makes it worse is the fact that Crossfit actually gave the go-ahead to post a video in which one its head honchos looks about as coordinated as a lifter with cerebral palsy.
Toomey can’t squat.
Your knees should never ever buckle inwards. Her knees did just that over and over.
1:02:00 That’s why you don’t lift in the fucking rain. I do CrossFit and I love it, but holy shit the games do everything possible to make CrossFitters look like complete morons. 1RM back squatting on rushed time cap, on an elevated platform, in the rain. Jesus Christ.
Love these videos the editing is sooo good! Ur videos are very inspiring and it’s almost like watching a reality tv show with the quality! Thanks for the videos Craig ur the man!!
Why is it that those bumper plates dont feel the same as regular metal plates…and im referring to the weight..metal plates have always been heavier for me wich is what u use..tried bumpers but they dont feel legit…is that a normal thing…?
i can only imagine Kate Nye (71kg class JR world champ olympic lifter) laughing at these women as she makes 407lb double BS (185kg) ishould not even comment on this since i can not lift nearly as much as these amazing women =(
The women getting that much stronger shows the evolution of the drugs, not the sport.
Racing one rep maxes sounds like a disaster waiting to happen…
They keep talking about how “we have improved since 2007”. In 2007 this was probably a contest for fitness enthusiasts having fun. Now with all the money that came to crossfit it’s natural (heh 😉 ) that it got real athletes interest. Athletes training, eating, living to win. To earn money (and I would be the last one to BLAME them for it, this is not my point). Also, with all the comments here stating “man up!” “tighten up!” (go search for it, it’s not that hard) it’s really funny when you realize that people behind these comments look like “the fittest fans” from (for example) 58th minute:D
1.25 seconds Jesus Christ the girl on the right………………..
fuck watching this is so cringe,hard, i dont have the words for it.
Commentator: That was easy!
While the lifters knees have nearly buckled. Smh.
Lipson, great form. Castro looks at the floor and not at the ceiling!
Ah first event, max squats with no spotter or safety bars. Good way to herniate a disk getting out from under it if its too heavy. But its crossfit so its safe.
Reasons to hate CrossFit: it’s like cardio but fucking worse
Really need to change the name, cross fit just sounds bad, I like cardiolifting as a better name
Craig, please fix jasmines squat! Her knees cave in way to much!
Otherwise shes not as strong as she could be and or will get injured soon.
Ive got some usefull ques that really helped me on my powerlifting.
Tell her to push the knees out and twist the floor with her feet.
Love your videos man, greetings from switzerland!!
If you’re into fitness vlogs go check out my new series “Pain and Gain” Im currently a college student attending UCLA just trying to make this Youtube career work while developing my physique the best I can. My vlogs consist of college living and day to day craziness while also showing you tips on how I grow my natural physique. I love talking to everyone so if you do go check out my stuff be sure to leave a comment so I can add you. All love
This seemed like a combination of 2 things:
1. Who got lucky with their judge.
2. Who got away with cheating the most.
Reasons why i will never respect crossfit.
terrible camera work. cutting from one athlete that’s just about to make their lift to another just standing there deciding on how much weight they’re gonna put on the bar. wtf.
WTF are they seriously making these people do these lifts in the rain!!?! THAT IS FUCKING DISGUSTING!! this event is a fucking joke
Can someone explain to me please how a crossfit total works exactly? This comes up in my crossfit workout app sometimes and I’m not quite understanding what they’re saying.
Does the sum of the best lift mean you lift a total of times equivalent to the maximum amount of weight you can lift? So like 225 would be 9 reps at 225. Or does it just mean you’re lifting as much weight as possible?
lol one of them dosent even know how to squat properly 46:38
Damn, I would hate to live next door to this house. This was filmed from a garage in a residential neighborhood. Constant loud music, slapping, screams, and clouds of dusty chalk blanketing the streets. It was dark by the time they were finished filming. It reminded me of that King of the Hill episode where Bill hurt himself lifting in his garage and was trapped there for days.
The most intelligent athlete is Sara because she uses low bar squat technique instead of the high bar
Strict shoulder press? Since when has CrossFit done anything strict?
2007 must have been crossfit’s version of baseball in the 1980’s.
C’est complètement idiots de laisser le mec s’écraser sans aide, pendant l’échec à son squat
It’s gonna feel so good when someone beats that fucking midget (Fraser).
“the fittest man on earth”…if only this guys could imagine their future injuries due to the bad (quick) execution of the exercises…
That female announce going “UUYRHRGUHGH” in between every other word is really annoying..
the lbs numbers at deadlift make no sense when a blue plate has only 45 lbs
35:24 Why does she bother using knee sleeves if she’s just going to leave them on her shins? Is 300 not enough to justify using them?
Johns strong, but that bar floats away from him on the deadlift. I think maybe he could have ground it out if he kept the bar close to his shins and his lats flexed.
Lipson does legit powerlifting squats, and Kalipa does Olympic Squats. Their lifts in whole are just fine. Mr. Castro though is a different story. This guy needs a T-shirt that says “Mr. No Rep”. I’ve never seen someone come up so short and flaunt it so blindly than this fuckin’ guy. Dave needs to lower the weight and hold the camera. Whoever was holding the camera, I can tell by your breathing, you wanted to make things right. Rock on!!!
The tall guy needs to lower his ass some more and straighten out his back more.
You videos push me…. started crossfit 4 months ago and can’t wait to see how I’m performing a year from now
Oh yea the rain won’t matter in the squat because of the stance they use…..right after a guy was lucky to not fuck up both knees due to lack of grip on his shoes. Clear proof that crossfit doesn’t give a shit about its participant’s even at the top level
I would love to see the all the haters post videos of their PR and totals showing perfect form. When you begin to get into your upper limits it is very hard if not impossible to continue with perfect form through out the movement.
12:06 12:31 this is why this shit sucks, literally 20 other women on the field lifting and yet we’re going to stay focused on this one women taking a rest… wtf
Tall white dude is hitching a lot on deadlifts. They shouldn’t even count.
How can a director of programming know what to program if he doesn’t know how to train efficiently? Oh wait there’s a bigger problem here: WHY IS THERE A DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMMING?!
So much energy wasted because they don’t know how to deadlift. Usually you can get it if you can lift it to the knees, after that it’s a technique problem if you fail the lift.
Why is this uploaded. Do a video apologizing and delete this pls. Crossfit lost my respect in one video. How can castro be the director of he program and do this….
That’s the director of Crossfit? Anyone who deadlifts like that in the future will be referred to as the “Castro” or “Castroing.” For example. “Did you see that poor fella Castroing by the squat racks?”
5 Guys!! I love that you love the Zac Brown Band and 5 guys! Also, two of my favorite things.
only the 515 deadlift of Lipson and the three squats of Jason were good lifts
Poor squat depth, hitching deadlifts/dropping the weight for a grand total if ZEEERRROOOOO!!
castros last deadlift was literally the worst deadlift ive ever seen
jason is the only one with good form, and knows when he fucks up
I just started with CrossFit, and frankly this is the kind of stuff that made me badmouth the whole thing for years. That this Castro guy is one of the higher-ups, with such horrible form and pursuing poundages he should never be lifting, makes me second-guess the legitimacy of the whole thing. Thank God I found a gym with people who care about safety and proper form. Because this is awful.
Se pasan estas quedan cuadradas y parecen cuerpo de honbres se ven muy feas.
…and you wonder why so many people shit on crossfit??? ^^THIS^^
they added a 100 pounds to every single attempt that they made, they should be ashamed of themselves!!!! Theyre are some really strong cross fitters out there and these fools are making the whole company look bad.
camile le blanc acted the same way on her overhead like she must do on her doping tests.
Holy shit, this comment section has got to be the purest form of Internet know-it-all nonlifters that I’ve ever seen.
is anyone even counting the amount of weights on these bars!!!? Castros 345, is two 20 kg bumbers, and 5 kg plates, putting it at exactly 100 pounds under what they are saying, fucking lies!!!!!!
Dude…I watched a lot of video’s by now. You seem to say “ my forearms” a lot:) funny. Keep up the good work.
The only one hitting depth was Jason. Everyone else was either too high or just above parallel.
These guys need to work on their depth. Especially the guy in the green shirt. Maybe some powerlifting classes
Who does Dave and Jason talk about? That almost same strength or something?
Love this content. Not a CrossFitter but i just really enjoy the content and appreciate the editing!
Don’t want to be “that” guy, but a lot of these were no reps, as defined by the crossfit own journal article on the crossfit total. eg someone helping you rerack the bar is a no rep, dropping the bar after a deadlift is a no rep, leaning back for your press like that…you got it…no rep.
How on Earth was Dave Castro a Navy SEAL? Is SEAL training all bodyweight and endurance stuff? He lifts so awkwardly. I would expect him to be lifting lower weight but with much smoother form.
CrossFit has such a great Community!! I wish powerlifting had the same and would grow in the same proportions as CF did. Great vlog btw, Crazy good edits and Stuff.
Castro did not lift 345lbs. Stop the ego lifting, guys. Your spine, back and knees are worth a lot more than high numbers.
Are you supposed to rock back when dead lifting like those two guys at the end? That looked like really poor form to me:/
Hmmmmm, did not know that Dave was that strong………not hatin just sayin
Castro you got some tight as psoas man lol…get that weight under control my man. You are a cool dude, but slipped discs are no joke.
Something I think most people don’t realise is this was in the old days of CrossFit. I’m not saying they’re form was good or they should of done this but what I am saying is we shouldn’t be attacking them for this. The sport was still very new and people didn’t understand the importance of technique and form like the do now
My spine just lost all synovial fluid from watching Dave Castro’s “attempts” at weightlifting.
That School Hitch Rock deadlifting form, that good sqorning, and that standing bench press I mean, overhead press.
Seriously? That’s horrible fuckin form on all parts (lipson especially imo), and they keep pushing each other worst of all! Morons
Khalipa looked pretty good on squat and deadlift everyone else made me cringe on everything.
Khalipa was good. Don’t know about Dave’s ‘good mornings’ though.
There you go rock that shit back and forth… No sorry no 1400.
I’m not gonna lie, a few months ago I was totally against Crossfit and everything it stood for, mainly because of what my peers were saying and popular opinion surrounding it but also to be fair, I knew a few people who did it and treated it as the be all and end all, who preached it and that really irritated me. One of the main things that annoyed me as well was the footage in videos that were circulating of amateur crossfiters with terrible form which only seemed to further validate my opinion. However, over time, I began watching more and more videos from the Crossfit channel of the Crossfit games and other events, and I gained more respect and understanding for and of the sport and have truly grown to appreciate what it is and what it attempts to do. There is no question that the athletes who compete in the games are some of the fittest people on the planet by definition of fitness, in my view and that the spectacle itself is something to behold and is truly inspiring to watch and has really made we want to participate in crossfit myself. Granted in some of the events the athletes’ form is not excellent as you would expect from a 5 rep max for example, however these athletes when they’re forced to do high reps are dealing with a weight which, for them, is light to moderate, weights which would not injure them if their form whilst using it was relatively poor, which it obviously is going to be after already having completed an exhausting amount of exercise. In fact, in reality, the only exercise that I have a problem with whilst watching the Crossfit games is the deadlift as sometimes some of the competitors’ form is not up to standard, and of course they know how to deadlift correctly, they’re just being timed and like I alluded to previously, the weight they’re dealing with is probably no where near their one rep max and therefor unlikely to injure them. You just simply cannot argue that professional Crossfit athletes aren’t fit or strong or whatever, because they are. You only have to look at the athletes themselves to see that they are in near peak physical condition which is further evidence that Crossfit as a sport works. Of course there’s genetics involved, but you don’t look like Rich Froning just because of genetics. Anyway, I’ll get to the point, yes the form displayed in the deadlifts above is quite shocking but overall, crossfit, if performed well as is it in the games is a training methodology that really can lay claim to developing the most well-rounded athletes on the planet and which looks like a lot of fun. Over and out.
Holy shit, everyones form is fucking terrible. I dont even know why crossfit approved of putting this up on the channel. Castro has way too much forward lean. Lipson is not going proper depth. Take some weight off the bar and do it right you meathead.
I hope you threw that coffee mate away, otherwise you are destined to have another cup in 6 years.
Anyone know the weight of the bar for the deadlifts? Because if that is a standard 45lb. bar the weights they are saying are completely wrong. I train for football and am not to familiar with the weight of the bar for the crossfit games.
Pause the video at his lowest point in the very first squat, and look up the definition of parallel. Then get a visional acuity test and an anger management counselor because you’re way too upset over this.
I was afraid she would squat more than I do. I’m somehow relieved as it is not the case:P #ForeverChickenLegs
Compared to their squats their ohp are not very strong. Dont even get me started on dave castro.
9:15 such a body position is the reason this event was cut from Olympic weightlifting during 1970s. too many spinal injuries.
57:15 “rain should’n affect this”? what? you try lifting with your feet sliding all over the place.
CrossFit is the Snap Nation.
Castro’s deadlift fail is legendary, but it’s clear from how his deadlifts go wrong that he didn’t even understand deadlifting and deadlift form.
I love Crossfit, but I have to admit that some of these lifts in this video are absolute shit..Yes they are doing PR’s, but still. I do think it’s rather idiotic to say ALL lifts in crossfit are bad though, some people seem to make a general statement from watching 1 video lol, plenty of regular gym fails aswell
Welcome to No Rep City. Khalipa was had the only below parallel back squat of the group. If I back squatted to the same depth as Castro, my PR would go up by 200 pounds.
the worst part is that even tho their form is terrible, most of their lifts wouldn’t have counted because one: most of them were hitching their deadlifts, making it invalid. and 2. their squats were way above parallel except for khalipa, he should be doing a different sport tho like powerlifting instead of crossfit.
I’m not a Xfit basher but this Castro guy should have no say in how the org is run based upon this vid.
I still really love watching this,over and over again!.
If i know,crossfit exist 10 years ago,im gonna be one of them!.but im to old now! I some of the crossfit workout! doing crossfit! ❤
Crazy rewatching old videos. You guys have Changed a lot, but kept true to who you are. ❤️
And yes to pickles
dave castros 465 attempt was legit the funniest (lifting related) thing ive ever seen
Look like the young lady @ 3:18 checking out Craig when he got to the pull up bar says wow and nods I could be wrong like if you agree.
Love seeing channels use their profile for good causes, donated
Awesome vlog as always…but I got a kick out of the blokes behind you at 5 guys. Looks like when a reporter is doing the news and people are jumping about in the background bahahaha I also assume what I call a pickle in the US you call a gerkin in the UK. Go Team
Gherkins are by far the best part of a burger.
Congrats on the PRs, Jas.
Just created a youtube account purely to subscribe as you deserve more subscribers, your videos are awesome keep it up!:)
Per this
Jason Khalipas press and deadlift has gone down since this video.
Good on ya guys, espech you Jaz breaking them big ’00 numbers is hard (it’s all in your head). Craig, you’d make a poor powerlifter with them numbers. Thank goodness you can mussel-up mate. ;-P
Wow!! Super strong’. 455 at 195!! I’m 207 only back squat 380 lol
Came here from O2B’s channel. Other than all the country music that reminds me of my Ex:'(, awesome content brother love the positivity
Okay, Sara had the cutest face in CrossFit until I just now seen Barnhart! She’s cute as fuck. Sara still has the best personality.
I was dying at the people in the background at Five Guys giving the stink eye to your camera hahaha
Cheers for the heads up at 9:51, God only knows what my neighbour is thinking…
Dear camera man, People wanna watch guys lift. Not load the bar.
Congrats on the PR’s Jas!:D you guys are smashing it at the moment keep it up! Great vlog as always and for a great cause…. Always extra gherkins!!!!:D:D:D
8 months ago i tried “widow maker”(but Deadlift..20 reps without loosing the grip)… Got hernia =(
Hey Richey any advice for someone looking to improve their engine?
Khalipa is the only legit lifter. Broke parallel in squat and no back roundness on the deadlift. The other two are the reasons why crossfit have a bad name…bad lifting. Well crossfit sucks because….well it’s crossfit!!!
do they have seasoned fries at Five guys over seas?
also pickles on everything!
Congrats to Jasmine on her PRs and……..gherkins hell yes!!
Great video would just like to say in the outro it said “Because your awesome” *you’re
castro is pretty impressive, with the legs he has…he’s able to struggle for so long
About to binge watch all your videos now. <3 Time to catch up!
craig! please make a spotify playlist of all the songs you use in the vids
Hey, Craig! Can you go in a bit about your diet? Basically paleo with an off day on Saturday, correct? dairy?
I love how y’all call the Gherkins! it’s Pickles here in Texas, USA! And they belong on the burger! Awesome Fran time mate, and congrats to Jas on the PR!
Thanks for showing Jasmine’s numbers in pounds! She is so strong! I have Jasmine goals now.
Is nobody gonna talk about the thumbnail and how the plates are ordered?!
that was a great effort at FRAN… Congrats to Jasmine on the PR back squat and deadlift! killing it… that box looks awesome… great work both of you…. NO GERKINS! THEY ARE THE DEVIL!
Wow I’m no powerlifter but these lifts have really bad looking form. I wonder what a real powerlifter thinks about these deadlifts positive or negative?
Half the women’s deadlifts should be no reps. They obviously hitched
Craig you had resounding praise on ObesetoBeast the other day. Hope you understand how much you inspire people with your great personality and attitude.
You two are such a treat I know that I’ll always smile when your video is on my list.
that was great… helping other is AMAZING! Greetings from Austria
Every one of those lifts is far more legit than the abominations by Lipson, Castro, and Khalipa that are on here. Cheers to both of you
Except you cant drop the weight on the crossfit total. Why are those 45s so big?
its crazy to think Sarah attempted this with a broken rib, she so deserves to win this year!
Rob Orlando is an awesome CrossBreed of Strongman and CrossFit. HUGE FAN Rob! Specially with the one handed Fran you did. Hope i’m lifting and lifting HEAVY at that at your age! I’m 31, gotta ways to go.
You can’t expect these athletes to perform at their best when your blasting crappy mainstream music during the heats.
Fuck these dumbass announcers. Squatting, putting weight overhead, why not do it in the rain. Dave castro you trash fuck head
Enjoyed this like I usually do from wodwell. Why no spotters on the back squat tho? There was 3 of you there.
They can bounce at the bottom of the squat? that’s illegal in power lifting right?
It’s in pounds the weight? It’s wrong I guess or I don’t right?
Kenney got away with a bit of a bounce and using that momentum on his strict press