Table of Contents:
Nutrition Insights for People with Diabetes
Video taken from the channel: University of California Television (UCTV)
Feng-Yuan Liu ‘LCHF: From Theory to Practice’
Video taken from the channel: Low Carb Down Under
What’s the Deal With Soy? A Dietitian Breaks Down the Pros and Cons | You Versus Food | Well+Good
Video taken from the channel: Well+Good
The Power of Nutrition Luke Corey, RD, LDN | UCLA Health Sports Performance powered by EXOS
Video taken from the channel: UCLA Health
Best Immune Boosting Foods, According to a Dietitian | You Versus Food | Well+Good
Video taken from the channel: Well+Good
Peanut Butter for Dinner: A Demonstration with a Dana-Farber Nutritionist
Video taken from the channel: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
DOES THE KETO DIET KILL? Doctor Reviews Low Carb Diets and Mortality
Video taken from the channel: Violin MD
If you’re a peanut butter lover, you may want to consider choosing a natural product. The term “natural” generally means that the peanut butter is free of any artificial or synthetic ingredients, and nothing has been added; however, the FDA does not have a formal definition for this term. According to the American Society for Nutrition, this means that natural peanut butter can contain.Below are 6 healthy traditional peanut butter brands, in no particular order.
1. Crazy Richard’s 100% Peanuts All Natural Peanut Butter. This brand offers creamy and crunchy peanut butter.The best peanut butter, according to dietitians and chefs January 30, 2019 November 12, 2019 Summer Yule 0 Comments healthy eating, high-protein, peanut butter, protein I was really excited to be featured on the Today website recently, to give my thoughts on the best peanut butter.In addition to a solid serving of protein, walnut butter also offers alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the omega-3 fatty acid found in plants.
According to Keatley, ALA can help lower your risk of heart.Ah, the old debate between chunky and smooth peanut butter. It comes down to preference, though each has its pros and cons. For what it’s worth, a survey from The National Peanut Butter Board says that 60% of Americans prefer smooth peanut butter over chunky.
You’ve been topping your toast with peanut butter since your kindergarten days. But, fast-forward to 2018 and the nut butter game is a whole new world. No longer is your only choice smooth or.The 12 almond and cashew butters we tested are organized below according to their taste score.
Nutritionally, the best nut butters are those that contain only nuts. A little bit of salt is okay, too.We purchased seven brands of creamy natural peanut butter.
We assigned each peanut butter a letter, then spooned each one into a clear plastic cup, and lined them up on a table. Tasters had a choice of sampling the peanut butter on baguette slices or.When you travel in serious baking circles the way I do—meaning you spend your days at Taste of Home and your nights discussing recipes with your mom—you inevitably start to get into the most minute details regarding ingredients.
You might go in depth discussing the pros and cons of canned pumpkin, or how certain brands of peanut butter are just more satisfying (pssst you can find out.If you’re looking for a healthier peanut butter (or simply want affirmation that your favorite brand is truly the best) here are 10 expert-recommended spreads to consider adding to your shopping list. SKIPPY CREAMY PEANUT BUTTER. Terryl Gavre, owner of San Diego’s beloved breakfast spot, Cafe 222, stands by the classic she grew up with.
HEALTHIEST & Best Peanut Butter Brands Trader Joe’s Organic Peanut Butter (Unsalted) One ingredient. Nearly no sodium. No added sugars. No added oils. Easy to find (in store or on Amazon!) Ingredients: Organic peanuts.
Nutrition: 190 calories, 16g fat (2g saturated fat), 5 mg sodium, 7g carbs, 3 g fiber, 1 g sugar, 8 g protein.Despite all the alternatives, here’s why one RD says peanut butter is the best nut butter: Best low-sugar option: Cashew butter. The TL;DR nutrition breakdown: 6 grams protein, 9 grams.
All in all Teddie All Natural Peanut Butter is not only delicious but also extremely healthy. Gluten and preservatives free, and with 8 grams of protein per serving, it will quickly become your favorite breakfast meal. 3. Peter Pan Creamy Peanut Butter.
Peter Pan Creamy Peanut Butter offers a rich taste in a spreadable and smooth formula.It was put to the test during the low-fat craze of the 1990s, when the big three created “diet” peanut butters that contained less fat, and the FDA blocked the use of “peanut butter” on.”Peanut butter can be a part of a keto diet since it contains mostly fats and protein with very little carbohydrates,” says Dara Godfrey, MS, RD, a registered dietitian.
List of related literature:
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from Jane Brody’s Good Food Book: Living the High-carbohydrate Way | |
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from What to Expect: Eating Well When You’re Expecting | |
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from Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention | |
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from Food: What the Heck Should I Eat? | |
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from The Green Pharmacy Guide to Healing Foods: Proven Natural Remedies to Treat and Prevent More Than 80 Common Health Concerns | |
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from The Glycemic Index Diet For Dummies | |
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from Functional Foods of the East | |
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from The Peanut Butter Diet | |
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from Food Regulation: Law, Science, Policy, and Practice | |
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from Foods & Nutrition Encyclopedia, Two Volume Set |
I’d like to see that study…Until then….this is bullsht. Show me the science!
So helpful, thanks. very good….
I will enjoy a big fat steak so when i die i will tell yall how long i have lived so you can compare to those plant eating guys
Great teaching and information given but it makes no sense eating all those healthy foods to improve your immune system and organs if you’re just going to end up infecting your body by eating pig which is known and proved by scientists to contain thousands of bad bacteria and diseases which in no way shape or form should be consumed by any human. As any professional dietician or health doctor in any field, that should’ve definitely been something you were taught beforehand.
On Carnivore/OMAD, I don’t care how much protein or fat I eat.
Nice presentation:). But I find that some of the comments are borderline sexists:(
This is exactly what I talk about in this video:
Carb4calories protein4calories fat9caloried a 75kg/165lbs person that’s wants 2000calories a day should eat 165g protein 225g carbs 50g fat (mainly monounsaturated and poly unsaturated fats) 1g protein per 1lbs body weight, 250g carbs for anyone is really good, if u want to loose weight drop it to 200g roughly ideally half of them at least is vegetables… fat should be between 40-65g
I looked at the link and from what I can tell all of the “low carb” people were eating on average 6x the amount of calories from carbs as compared to keto. Which means they were still eating a high carb high fat diet by keto standards.
More veggies for me I do like veggies. Plus I’m type-2 so this will add years to my life.
my plan is to eat good amount of carbs, meat and fruits for breakfast..and do keto for lunch and dinner,and do cardio exercise every night..
Amazing stuff. Amazing content. I have some low carb high fat recipes on my channel. Low carb and ketogenic diets are great.
5:29 What is the main take home message…. Eat moderate carbohydrates, enjoy life, just be moderate, like everything else in life. Your final conclusion seems all twisted when contrasted with the data you just presented.
Very creative! But wheres the evidence that this diet is healthful long-term? Short term studies aren’t enough, positive outcomes from population studies are required before this can be taken seriously…
Look for Dr. Ken Berry videos on Keto. Great for diabetics as well. I was on 8 prescription meds. Multiple meds for Diabetes and the rest statin and BP meds. I was miserable. Been on Keto for almost a month now and feel better than ever. My BG is normal without meds. I’ve stopped all my meds and never felt better. This video is from 2018, you need an updated video.
Everyone is living longer anyway, which is facetious. But food borne illnesses are not killing as many as in previous centuries. The one area where we’ve gone wrong is in the thing you mentioned: the exorbitant volume of easily available sugars.
What exactly is Custokebon Secrets? How does this thing really work? I see many people keep on speaking about this popular fat burn diet plan.
Being on different kinds of diet, my advice to you is eating everything in low amount is the best.
The point is to eat small amounts, it is big challenge.
For a doctor I expected more… You based this entire video on a questionnaire.
I hope you realise questionnaires are very unreliable even more when we’re talking about such long periods. What was the death cause anyway?
When it comes to eating healthy, you must never fall victim to modern day fad diets. Extreme diet plans undoubtedly are a danger for your health, especially ones that seriously limit your daily nutritionary intake. While they may induce quick weight loss, these kinds of diet plans will never be a long-term solution for your waistline. You should search Custokebon Secrets on google search engine as it isn’t just another fad diet where you starve yourself.
Agreed with everything until you mentioned that plant base diet is not the best. Genesis 1:29 God is the best Nutritionist because he designed the human body
Spinach = oxalates, please further your education and research before suggesting destructive advice.
Eeer, you realize that someone is paying those studies, doctor? There was also a study during the 70s that claimed low fat, high carb diet is good. Since then, obesity in the US spiked. And pharma profits to treat diabetes went up too. Getting your insulin low is good.
First of all the study is not a “keto” study meaning none of them were in ketosis and getting the benefits from that. So you can’t compare that study at all to being on the keto diet. Further there are healthier and less healthy ways of doing it. But still watching maybe you’ll get to that beforethe end
Australian Medical Association are no different than religious fanatics when they parrot their high carb dogma.
Sadly the mic reverb spoiled this video. Great presentation Feng, thank you!
The study you found where meat eaters lived shorter than plant based eaters is flawed. The meat eaters in this study were eating fried chicken and processed meats with sodium nitrates and toxic preservatives that actually increases heart failure and increase artery clog, along with other unhealthy habits. Science shows that ketones are king. The quality of fats and proteins should be a #1 priority.
1stAs a Registered Dietitian, less than 40% carbs is not low carbs. This study doesn’t correlate to the keto diet at all.
2ndyou’re not eating more protein on keto it’s the same recommendation as a regular diet. (20-25%)
3rdpeople can’t remember what they ate for the past 50 years (the data in the study is almost void)
Amazing nutrition information. Awesome video. Wonderful job.
Listened to this while showering going back to take notes,nutrition is important.The video can help me get into a routine,got a crazy schedule
As a doctor you can maybe really help me with this. I’m about two weeks into Keto and nothing is happening. I’m a 55 old peri menopausal women with hypothyroidism and celiac disease. So all those so healthy carbs I can’t eat and the ones I can,potatoes,rice, gluten free pasta and flours really not great for me. I’m seriously overweight and have many food sensitivities,what do you suggest to help me with my struggle. I’m truly desperate and ready to give up.
Guys, burn fat doesn’t have to be hard (I used to feel it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Search a diet plan called Custokebon Secrets. Seriously, that diet plan has changed my life. I probably should not even be talking about it because I don’t want a bunch of other folks out there running the same “game” but whatever, I’m in a great mood today so I will share the wealth haha.
Nonsense. Are you assuming carbs are the major contributing factor to longevity? That’s not logical. I can’t believe you’re a doctor promoting this kind of pseudoscience that ignores the complexity of lifestyles, genetics, education, access to food, etc.
Keto diets are primarily based around the stimulation of autophagy which has been show to have a wide range of positive health effects such as suppressing cancer and Parkinsons. (The 2016 Nobel prize for medicine was won for autophagy.)
This video is both misinformed about what a keto diet is, but also ignores the key medical justification for it. Doctors like her need to stop pretending to be cell biologists.
Hi,,I’ve also read the. Study,. As ken berry stated you have only. Read the conclusion, as a. Doctor. You are giving wrong info. Your oath, to do no harm please. Don’t make the mistake of a second rate doctor please read evidence thoroughly
so Im comfused… I look 10 years younger doing keto but im gonna die before. I cant trust you doctor but you violing skills are killer
The study that she mentions is cited information from cohort studies. Which is a form of study that samples a particular group of pre-chosen people known as a cohort. It is a panel study where individuals contributing to the panels share certain characteristics. So if we apply unhealthy people to the study, lets say a group of 400 pound men who are in the 50% carb panel. And compare them to another group of men with 10% Body fat who belong to the less then 40% carb group. Who will live longer? HAHA. This is why you need to be real careful when taking advice from people touting their degrees, like a doctors of medicine. Because even they may have either a misconception, a motive or some sort of private interest. Also something to note about the study published by The Lancet. No where was there a No Conflict Of Interest disclosure. So more then likely this study was published by a bunch of lobbyist. Enjoy!
Listen to people who obviously look like they are doing things right and be skeptical of those that don’t. She sounds on point.
Any reliable studies on whether the Keto diet is dangerous to our body, in particular our kidneys, liver, heart, digestive system, etc?
(links would be appreciative thanks).
why is cheese in the “carb” category? an once has like 1 g of carbs, hardly carb dense
classy, informative presentation done by a very pretty, very healthy looking and smart lady.
I found this information really helpful, you break it down to the point where a little baby could easily understand. Thanks and God bless!!
What type of chicken were they eating? was it all deep fried? was it baked? What type of carbs were these people eating? Whole wheat? refined white sugar? or was it sweet potato or yams? was it blueberries? were they getting their carbs from McDonald french fries every day? eating an abundance of carbs with protein raises blood sugars. What were these people’s meal plans? How much water did they drink? did they eat organic? were the meats they ate processed?
Medical professionals should know better she done this video for clout
Hello everyone!!!))Who watched and lose weight ahah?))).
If you need some Russian food you can check my cooking on my channel!)))
The diet industry and yes it is a big corporate industry! These people are not your friends, they are in it to get rich! Or to spread ideology (vegans)! The diet industry is grasping at straws! You can extend your life by about a month on average by eating a low fat diet, but you may not enjoy it because your risk of neurological disease increases by 50%. I do get it that extremism is as American as key-lime pie, but I was not raised here, I was raised in Europe and I do believe that there is a value in moderation. I have noticed that diets to Americans are parts of their ideologies. It is extreme. I follow no particular diet and I have lost weight. I used to be 280 lbs heavy and now, three years later, only 216 as of today. I do count calories a little and I do limit added sugars to 36 grams a day at most. I lost and kept my weight off with small changes over long periods of time. I am not yoyoing! I hate the “slow carb,” “low carb,” high fat ( ketogenic), or high protein diets! I hate them all! I can think on my own. I do not need hyped seller on the TV claiming miracles (everyone jumps off hospital beds and everyone lives up to 90). I rather manage my expectations, but have hope. I do not believe, as many tell me, that when I will lose 16 more lbs, I will be taken off my blood-pressure medication, but I hope that it will be cut in half.
guys care! correlation is naut causation. there are a crap ton of confounds in here. people who eat more vegetable are morw likely to be high SES and a high SES makes you live longer. this is just one of many such confounds which are not nornally distributed and need to be accounted making these generalized results very very inaccurate.
just a warning…
Dont mind losing 4-5 yrs of life if I could feel and look good.
So much pressure on practitioners to follow the pyramid mantra despite the evidence they see that this is not working. Thank you for the brilliant presentation.
Amazing presentation,well done,I was waiting for a long time about this kind of vision,honestly well done.
Nice chit chat but any addition of carbs to my diet causes me great water retention and inflammation of the joints and muscles. I had to go Carnivore and have never looked back as my mind clears and my body started to get health. This will take a long time as I had damaged both knees and a shoulder over the years and presently have these replaced with surgical procedures but it does help with recovery!
I know someone who lost a lot of weight off keto and is a huge advocate for it
I also know a vegetarian who says if it has eyes dont eat it. My personal view is the more plant based foods just feels more natural. Meat and organs and blood seems radical. I eat meat but could give it up. So I’m not surprised by your video. Thanks.
I live in the middle of USA. About a year ago, I weighed about 320#. I was in a lot of gut pain and I couldn’t work at all. I started the LCHF diet at the beginning of June. Practically my whole family attacked. Said I needed to listen to doctor to lose weight. Do you see the conundrum. Today I weigh slightly over 200#. Lost >10″ on my waist, 3″ on my neck. My HbA1c is 5.4. My Trig/HDL went from 8.9 to 2.2. My kidney GFR went from under 50 to 88. I exercise for an hour every day. I can cut my own and neighbors lawns again and do repair work on my house again.My energy level and sense of well beng has increased dramatically. My hypertension 160/110 became < 100/60 most of the time or hypotension because Doctor refused to take me off Lisenopril 10mg (I stopped anyway because I was passing out because of intermittant LBP). All I hear from my family and my doctor about my diet now is the sound of crickets. I think they are examining what they had been told about nutrition and the role of saturated fat and carbs their whole life because all except the grandchildren are more overweight than I am and some are obese. That's how change comes about. Someone deviates from the normal and they see what the results are. My task is to continue what I'm doing less than they be stumbled.. Whether you are religious or not, Jesus said once wisely to his critics, "Wisdom is proved righteous by its works" (e.g. results). I'm 72" Height / 71 year old man and I sense everything this young healthy woman said is probably true and practical. Excellent presentation!!
I did a before and after on chicken, beef, pork and fish, and the weight loss after cooking is actually not 20% as she mentioned or each slide, it’s more like 32-35%. So an easy way to remember it is multiply the raw weight by 0.66, and that is your cooked weight. I just round it to 33% loss. I usually have a scale with me anyway so no worries, but if you don’t just remember multiply by.66
I eat meat (grass fed) 3 times a week (I buy as much as possible when on sale). I eat omega 3-rich fish (low mercury) 2 days a week. The remaining two days, I do eat tofu and vegetables. Every day, however, I do drink 1% milk (no hormones or steroids). Why? I am among people who have 13 copies of a gene for lactose persistence; cow’s milk is like medication to us (it calms upset stomachs). I do agree that majority of people on Earth should not drink cow’s milk as adults, but I am one of exceptions. How did we get these genes in the Europe north from Alpide Belt (north from most major mountains)? Well, West and East Indo-Europeans arrived in Europe about 7,000 and 4,500 years ago, respectively, and kept themselves segregated from the native-European Nomads. They kept themselves segregated because in spite of keeping cows for milk, they were keeping cows to get extra milk for children and as adults ate cheese. Over time, farming must have improved because 3,000 ago, even the adults among the Western and Eastern Indo-Europeans wanted to drink cow’s milk, but they needed genes that the Nomaads had. They had no choice, but to stop segregation and to have babies together.
Been losing weight for a year now. Started Keto December 2019 and started feeling better immediately. Headaches, fatigue, tingling in feet and hands, restlessness all gone. Started at 330 pounds and I’m down to 240. Almost 100 pounds lost! I feel better now at 29 than I did at 18.
You are making fake title of the video.
U are stupid
Keto is normal keto and helps people for lose weight.
U are pretending to say it kills
Who agree with me giving me likes please
First, I love your videos. They are so excellent. You have a fine mind, and it is delight to watch you. But I have a problem with this particular video. You are so right it is a controversial subject! Here are my considerations. FIRST, I don’t have an automatic trust that something published in Lancet is true, so I would never consider an article in a medical journal to be “breaking news.” The editor-in-chief of Lancet himself, Richard Horton, has said that half of the science reported may be wrong. This is on the WMBriggs website. SECOND, it matters a great deal the quality of the food. So a person whose source of animal food is animals that have been fed GMO soy and corn that has been sprayed with round-up in the final week of its growth to boost the harvest may suffer the effects of the GMO corn and soy and round-up. A person whose source of vegetables and fruits is produce that has been raised with pesticides, in a depleted soil, and genetically modified, can suffer from all those situations. A person whose source of oils is transfats will without question suffer health problems. THIRD, so much has evolved about keto. One thing in particular is the benefits of intermittent fasting. A person needs to get to the point where they truly do eat less to give their body time to keep its various processes in good regulation. A typical keto diet with intermittent fasting is 16 hours fast, 8 hours window to eat, and that is every day. That keeps the person in ketosis. And a good keto diet will be super balanced. TO CONCLUDE, my consideration is that unless the study requires food that will not cause health problems in themselves, and is in conformation with good keto practices, and is closely monitored, then the study is too flawed to be reliable. Just my two cents.
I find it hard to believe a woman who’s smiling ear to ear with a “keto diet kills” written on her hand in the thumbnail picture.
I used not only this video but other one that have come out of UCLA sports center. It was helpful for my nutrition 100 course.
Anyone know what is Custokebon Secrets about? I hear a lot of people burn their fat with this popular weight loss diet plan.
If you like it,
fitmd_nutritie my blog on Instagram, so interesting and full of information about nutrition and heathyfood!:))
Thanks for nothing. You just removed all the foods on a ketogenic diet. Now we can’t eat any food. See you on the other side.
Wow, utter propaganda sponsored by the WHO for depopulation purposes
She’s pretty. Awesome as usual from Low carb down under. This channel needs more followers. I recommend it to people. It’s awesome.
Keto is a low carb diet but not all low carb diets are keto.
the best change for labeling is showing information for the entire package not just serving size
Were our ancestors really eating fruit/veg/grains/meat/nuts on a regular basis? Hard to believe. How many animals are not eating grains but still perfectly healthy? I have no issue with grains but the science behind how important it is seems pretty unlikely. This is a refined grain you can’t just pick some wheat in the field and eat it.
Nothing cuter than an Asian with glasses and an Australian accent who does Keto!
So i have a question, i’m 6,6 and i weigh 222 lbs. Since last week i started counting my macro’s and my daily need of calories. If i want to bulk up i need;
3531 calories
258 grams of proteïn
82 grams of fat
440 grams of carbs
If i want to cut i need;
2821 calories
258 grams of proteïn
82 grams of fat
264 grams of carbs
Normally i eat around 2400/2500 calories a day.
My question now is, what will happen if i start eating 2821 calories with those exact grams of proteïn, fat and carbs?
Since i normally eat less, will i bulk up and gain more fat? Or will my body react positively because it truly needs those amounts of calories and grams?
I’m from Holland so i may have made some grammar mistakes
Hi there, have you thought about this diet plan known as the Custokebon Secrets? My mate says it helps people lost crazy amounts of weight. Is that possible? I also read numerous good review about this diet plan. Thoughts?
Guys. lost crazy amounts of weight does not need to be hard (I used to think it did). I’m going to give you some tips now. Get a popular fat burn diet plan called Custokebon Secrets (do a search on google). Thanks to it I have lost a ton of fat. I probably should not even be talking about it cause I do not want a lot of other guys out there running the same game but whatever. I am just simply in a great mood right now and so I’ll share the wealth haha.
can you tell us about vegan diet? and vegan vs keto, which is best for health?
Not of fan of absolute hard numbers on dietary restriction such as 50g of carbs per day as it falls victim to the 2,000 calorie a day mantra. This completely ignores how the body uses glucose. You can certainly eat more than two slices a bread a day as long as you don’t overeat per sitting and eat only when you are hungry. I literally lived on whole grain bread and peanut butter and actually lost weight and my blood-work came out fantastic. That was because I was eating when I was only hungry and only eat a peanut butter sandwich and nothing else.
The key to managing carbohydrate consumption is simply eating to the point you are satiated and not overeating. It is the overeating that triggers excess insulin which triggers food addiction. It is entirely possible to eat bread without triggering insulin reaction. When the body needs energy, the majority of glucose is burnt off immediately, then stored into glycogen. If most of the glucose is burnt off, there isn’t much free glucose for the body to trigger a insulin response. You don’t need the “high fat” in the low-carb diet. Fat is an important macro-nutrient, but no indication you need high amounts of it.
The point is managing your glucose levels as to not trigger a strong insulin response. High-fiber carbs are much better at controlling glucose, thus easier to use them for that reason. They are more filling while consuming less carbs but not necessary. The actual metabolic process is ignored when people advocate for diets. Your actual carb-to-fat ratio can be in favor of carbohydrates and you can still have low blood sugar and excellent lipid profile. People give too much credit to the fat in the diet, when it could conversely just be carbohydrate restriction that really does most of the work.
I’ve heard that staying on Keto more than 3 months produces ammonia in the body.
How do you have a 7 minute video explaining death on keto as an aspiring medical professional?
Thanks for the informative video, I eat very healthy but don’t understand soy as much as I should. Thanks for the knowledge!
I am so happy Ken responded to this video. I am a physician of 36 years with also a PhD in Nutrimedicine and doing the Keto diet. There is an underlying commercial group that funds non-keto programs and boosts the purchase of starchy/sugar products. ken is totally correct with the proper research facts that demonstrate we are more healthy than those on low fat. The Statin drug big pharma has spent millions to validate low cholesterol so they can keep selling billions of dollars in their drugs. Statins kill. Listen to Dr. Ken Berry for this subject.
#WellGoodSquad!!♀️ Definitely need this since it’s Freezing in NYC already.
It still surprises me, how a lot of people are not aware about Custokebon Secrets, even though a lot of people get good result with it. Thanks to my friend who told me about Custokebon Secrets, I have lost lots of weight by using it without starving myself.
Any one tried the Custokebon Secrets (search on google)? I’ve heard several amazing things about this popular weight loss method.
Health Nutritionist Jennifer texting comment to Health Nutritionist sending a message for help….location on east side of Cleveland Jennifer texting comment is occupying is being forced due to restriction to transportation and funds limited to eat high and drink food…Jennifer texting comment is not working due to imposing radiation projected to Jennifer texting comment amongst another imposed hindrance…need help pointy ears and fangs Jennifer texting comment to Health Nutritionist….Depopulate
Robert Atkins, Mr. Atkins Diet inventor, died from heart attack, congestive heart failure and hypertension. The Keto diet, which is pretty much the same as the Atkins diet, which consists of low carb, lots of animal flesh and fat. Robert Atkins died from eating his own Atkins diet. Mr. Keto will also going to die from eating his Keto diet.
Hello there, have you considered Custokebon Secrets yet? Just simply do a google search search. On there you will discover that an awesome tips about how exactly you can lost a ton of fat. Why not give it a shot? perhaps it’s going to work for you too.
Tells about her recent move to LCHF and her boyfriend’s success with LCHF until 9:00 where this great introductory vid begins.
Also, she introduced an acronym and didn’t identify it. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder among women between the ages of 18 and 44.
I will still call it HIGH fat due to the immeasurable suffering and death that LOW FAT bad science and dogma has caused.
“Healthy Fat” just seems like a polite bow of the head to that entrenched bad science and dogma.
NET CARBS = total carbs fiber (this is what you count when totaling your carb intake)
This video would be more helpful if it stated the quality of the food products. Organic vs Non-organic GMO, pesticide etc. Many variables to consider that would make sub groups.
I have yet to see a single pro LCHF/Keto advocate who doesn’t look great. They always looks slim, healthy and fit, and in Feng’s case, gorgeous too.
What always amazes me is how all these supposedly intelligent people never seem to figure out that all long lived and healthy groups of people on this earth have all lived high carb. And, that those small groups of people who have lived close to low carb have life spans of about 50 years. In addition, no group of people have voluntarily gone on a low carb high fat diets. They were forced into it by nature. The longest lived nation on this planet is Japan. These folks are not only high carb, but they eat little in the way of meat. Imagine how much longer they would live if they gave up their high salt intake.
Diet Plan called Custokebon Secrets kept showing up here on different videos and I thought they were scams. However after my mate follow it, and finally lost a ton of weight by using it without starving herself. I’m persuaded. Don’t take my own word for it, search for Custokebon Secrets on google.
Great talk full of practical advice on the topic. Everyone should be aware of this information whether or not they have the modern disease of Diabetes as the epidemic seems to be due to poor diet and lifestyle choices.
What is the best way to lost a ton of fat? I read plenty of superb opinions on the net about how Custokebon Secrets will help you lost crazy amounts of fat. Has anyone tested out this popular fat burn methods?
Wait a minute now. She says I can tolerate up to 3 or more grams per kilogram of body weight per day. I weigh 112 kilograms. That leaves me maybe 350 grams of protein a day to eat? But later on she says I can only have 110grams. Huh? That would be starvation. I only eat once a day. I can’t get by on that without major hunger pain. What am I missing here?
again, pushing false information based on trash science. Vegetables aren’t the way to nutrition and health. Eating less grains, sugars and starches are the way to optimal health as well as increaing your sources of animal product consumption and fiber. Fruits are pretty bad for humans these days and all the plant matter that people are pushing these days calls for monocropping massive areas of land and killing the microbiology and microforests that was once there and chemically farming that razed area which is bad for the atmosphere and the planet as a whole. I wish people that were genuinely interested in their health would actually delve into the research themselves instead of bleating the same old refrain they’ve always heard like some kind of parrot. Eat liver, spinach, eggs and get off the high processed junk and you’ll see improvements in your health and performance like you’ve never experienced and few will.
i think diabetes, inflammation, insulin resistance, low blood sugars, is an issue, i dunno might just be me
i have to say i truly feel more knowledgeable after watching this video the presentation was perfect so simple to understand and very easy to follow thank you very much. I’m a level 5 chef in the Irish naval service and looking to broaden my knowledge of nutrition.
One of the best pratical presentations I have seen in a long time..
Thanks a lot… For a long time I’m so confused about nutritions but after watching all the clear for me.. Love from India
I like this information and a good video! I still like the Smoothie
Diet that works for me in less than a month.
Not saying you won’t lose weight with this, but it isn’t a ketogenic diet. I have a headache now.
I myself have tried a million ways to loose weight. Whether it is
cardio, hitting the gym, cycling or even swimming, nothing really helped
me till my friend told me to try going on a diet. I researched quite a
lot about it and found that a diet is the main thing that helps. I
noticed that nothing works unless you have a proper diet with your
workouts. So I made up my mind and started on a diet. After a few days
with daily workouts, I could see and feel the change. It did wonders for
If you want some awesome diet tips or meal plans for weight loss do let me know. I would be more than happy to send them to you for free and help you try to reach your own weight loss goals. I have enough experience in this, so it will save you guys plenty of time looking for diet plans.
Email me on: sabsgotyou@ and I will send them straight over to you.
Happy Dieting!
hi, with intermitent fasting one should reacomodate the portion sizes in a shorter lapse time? like for example compressing the eating schedule
Great ideal to share this on YouTube video. I like many, when growing up did not have anyone to go to so to ask all those questions we have to improve in our sports, and general health.
It was not until after I graduated high school that I though of going to the local college and go to their book store. So, I could look at the books required for the nutrition classes that semester. I would buy the book and get my information first hand.
Something I suggest for those who may not be going to college for a number of reasons. For me, at the time I just moved put on my own. Freshly married. And, working too alemany hours to go to college. But, i,realize I could buy the book and teas it during my free reading time.
Later when I was able to go to college, I was able to also take nutrition classes.
I,would also suggest for those playing sports to look into the Kinesiology department books. That is the Applied Anatomany and Physiology Sports and Exercise department. They also have nutrition classes that are specific to Sports and Exercise. Usually,those specialized classes like,that in the Kinesiology department such as Sports Psychology are taught by people who are earning a double major. One degree in Kinesiology, and the other degree in the other fild that is crossing over when aligned with to Kinesiology. Such degrees like a Nutrition advance degree or Psychology advance degree.
I do have one question. I never understood why dietritionsxhave said that fried food is bad for us. I looked into itm if we are trying it in a healthy oil. Then we are meeting our healthy fat requirement. When frying food the fat content tends to be 20-15%n That number isnwoth in the RDA, government Recomended Daily Allowance. And, the RDA is,the minimum requirement. It is not the maxamin or medium allowance. Also, if we are eating that for one meal then the percentage for daily,allowance for one meal actually,goes,down when averaged in with all the other meals of the day.
So, why would that be considered bad, when it is actually in allinment with what the Nutrition Science says is ok?
This video is a good reason why you need to find what works for you but also what a ketogenic diet actually is. High fat, moderate protein low carb. Which you can easily achieve eating a plant-based diet. For example a good meal prep for the week would involve a plethora of sautéed vegetables in a homemade curry sauce with coconut cream. Maybe with some shirataki noodles. Meat free, vegan, keto. Full of vitamins and minerals.
One of the most informative and helpful presentations of ketogenic and Low Carb Healthy-High” fat eating presentations I have ever listened to and watched. Thank you..
this was a waste of 40 minutes. this is what online school has lead me too:(
This is a subject that you don’t hear enough about. How nutrition is the cause of multiple diseases, including cancer.
They took surveys over 30 years. That is not scientific. I’m on keto and within 2 months my A1C (blood sugar) went from 6.1, pre diabetic to 5.2, completely normal. My kidney function went from 45% up to 60%. I had been taking 20mg of blood pressure meds daily and now only take 5mg every other day. So, with my health that improved how does that equate to a shorter life span. People just don’t want to accept the truth.
not sure the answer is lots of leafy greens either. They do not have much in terms of vitamins, have no fat-soluble vitamins, have lots of undigestible fiber, and toxins (phytos, aflatoxins, etc). 1kg per day does not seem to be a good idea at all, but it seems like most nutritionists have not arrived at that yet.
I do break my fast with 3-5 eggs and some low GI veggies/ dark lief greens on ghee every day for the last 3 years! I have been on low LCHF with Intermittent Fasting. I eat 2 times within 24 hr. Love it!
Thank you so much for clarifying my questions about LCHF. You just out it all in perspective for me. I love your teaching style, your knowledge and most of all your bravery to speak out about this!
Thanks so much. I really appreciate this video and gave me the help needed for having a healthy and functional ing body. Thanks again
If the DAA is going to kick her out, then the Australian people should at once kick the DAA out!
F..king hell. telling people to eat 5 times a day is modern nutritional advice.
Most of these people talking at this meeting by their own admission worked in the health and fitness industry and for several years were faithful advocates of the conventional pyramid diet until they came across this particular diet. Now if you went to a vegan conference or a carnivore conference there would be people not unlike these people pushing their eating philosophy with just as much sincerity. I have been on a basic Palio lifestyle for the last few years and it makes the most sense to me, a combination of no carbs, meats and high fats in a combination of 18 hours daily fasting and one hour exercise in a balance of cardio and weights and avoiding siting for as much of the day as I can.
that is ridiculous..there is an infinite amount ot other reason why some died early than others wake up lady
This was such a great video. Thank you so much for sharing! 2.4K likes! Think of how many lives you have helped just by this 37 min video… awesome job!
Why would I create a diet plan myself when there are people who certainly do that better then me? Visit NextLevelDiet and get your personalized meal plan.
Thank you I’m an a aspiring soccer player and I’m really wanting to begin eating healthier to help me. This helped a lot
Very informative presentation. I learned a lot! Huge thanks!
“carbs are the main source of fuel for our bodies…” really? how come they are not an essential macro nutrient then? if you stop eating carbs nothing happens, you will be healthy. if you stop eating protein or fat you DIE.
I want to lose weight but I can’t control what my parents buy
Such an Amazing video with excellent content. I love how you built each concept on top of each other. You really put the learner in mind first in this presentation thank you. Quality always stands out.
God bless ya! I really benefited from this video and thank you for all your hard efforts.
I have a recurring sinus condition…all I have to do is use a nasal spray though.
Thank You! Very simple and consistent content. God bless you!!
You’ll never grasp how grateful I am for you and this information. Thank you!
Best video I have ever seen about nutrition. This information is really organized, to the point and well explained!
This was an amazing video, really brought light to a lot of things and now I have a much better understanding of things. Thank you very much bro really appreciate it.
How effective is Custokebon Secrets? I have noticed numerous awesome things about this popular lose weight diet plan.
Ok thank you but please give us the list of what we can eat then! give the list of grocery we need to buy finally
Thanks a lot Mr. Correy, this is the perfect videos to learn and remember the basics components of nutrition. Very clear and understandable layout!
Thank you. I am a disabled veteran. I cannot walk very much. My legs are all messed up, especially my right leg, and neck and back are fused. My ankles, feet, shoulders, and hands are also tore up, and my left hand is mostly paralyzed. I have to get my weight back down now that my operations are done. I am going to diet and just work my arms. I took a lot of notes and I am going to give it hell. I have 3 boys that I have to get healthy for. They have been doing most everything with their mom through all of this, and I am going to try to get to where I can do more.
Anybody know what is Custokebon Secrets about? I hear most people lost tons of weight with Custokebon Secrets (do a search on google).
Good information please subscribe my channel Travel Traveller.Thank you
everybody is a specialist right now, just disregard all the people that have been following the diet for years and got lots of their issues fixed, just trust this “specialist”… hell no
Hello there, have you considered Custokebon Secrets yet? Just do a google search. On there you will discover an awesome tips about how exactly you can lost a ton of weight. Why don’t you give it a shot? maybe it will work for you too.
The Australian Dietitians Association have made some mistakes over the last 10 years. Time to admit this and embrace their member dietitians ( eg Feng Yuan Liu, Vicky Kuriel and others )
who have gathered knowledge about low carb and ketosis and are prepared to share their knowledge with other members. Encouracing members to attend annual lowcarbdownunder conference is a good place to start
Yesabsolutely! “Amen” to your answer about plant based diet and how biased those Netflix documentaries areso obvious they have an agenda
What can you say about astaxanthin?
I’m a pescatarian and I recommend this video to my friends and also recommending to watch The Game Changers in Netflix
The video does not make sense. In his table at @ 22:00 he says for lunch you need 2 servings of protein. At @ 21:00 we are told one serving is 3oz or 1 palm. Then when it comes to putting it into practice at @ 28:00 he says for lunch we should have a piece of grilled chicken for lunch serving of 1 palm or 3 oz. Which is equal to one serving and not 2 servings of protein. Then he lectures on this video “Know Your Numbers!”.
Inspirational.. well presented it’s great seeing side by side comparisons and your case study example at the end was very helpful
Other than fermented soy products, my digestive system does not like soy. I have no problem with tamari, tempeh and small amounts of tofu, and my body reacts very favorably to miso. Even though my taste buds adore roasted soy nuts, they along with other unfermented soy products are horribly bloating to the point of pain. Wheat causes a similar reaction and it’s as if it paralyzes my entire digestive system with horrendous bloating, constipation, and a dramatic decline in my energy. I assume I’m either mildly allergic or at the very least have soy and wheat sensitivities.
On the other hand my menopausal skin absolutely loves products containing soy! It improves elasticity, softness, brightness, and is a powerful antioxidant. I highly recommend it especially for older skin and there are some fantastic Japanese lines of soy based skincare.
Wow this video is so bad you really should take it down. It has nothing to do with the keto diet. If anyone wants to learn the truth about a very complexe subject try Dr. Berry. He’s on youtube as well.
Keto DOES make you live longer. It’s heart healthy, good for blood sugar, your brain, anti cancer and so many other things. Plus it’s one of the two fasted natural ways to lose weight.
For being a medical student this chick didn’t do any real research. 40% carb has no benefits of ketosis. She’s comparing apples to organges
This dietitian is the first person to point out where the average American gets their saturated fat.
So in the mainstream when they’re talking about the ills of saturated fat they’re referring deep-dish pepperoni pizza not steak and eggs.
So any study the mainstream uses to poo poo low carb is actually showing how bad wheat/ glyphosate/ Roundup herbicide is, not saturated fat.
This video tells the failure too
It’s clearly a floop
The Best Product of fat Lose
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The one thing this young lady has yet to learn is that 40 cups of spinach might come close to killing you. Vegetables are worthless and full of antinutrients
KETO is 70% FAT, 25% PROTEIN and 5% Carbs. Read this article to get the authentic information ->
Good talk. Don’t forget about oxalates in those “leafy greens” et al
I think people should try a good and strict keto diet not a dirty one.
Can you tell me about the natures keto boost ketosis weight loss support and natures detox boost do you recommend or should we stay away from that
My mate laughed when I told them I was planning to lose weight with just using Custokebon Secrets, but after I showed them incredible results after I used it they are begging me to share with them about it. Of course I won’t let them know the details about this diet plan, hahaha
The diet was actually popular in the 1920 and 30s as a way of treating difficult to control epilepsy in children. When medications came into the picture the diet was abandoned in favor of medication because of the risks and damage the diet causes. Though there is still a percentage of epilepsy patients who do better on the diet than on the medications. No one stays on Keto for life either, so gaining the weight back is common. I grew up Vegan, thank goodness, because all these fad diets are insane. Diets shouldn’t come with side-effects, and Keto often comes with such side effects as high cholesterol, growth slowing (in children), constipation, acidosis, and kidney stones.
Love the food comparisons. Visual comparisons are very helpful. We’re all aiming for around 20gms. Can you show what that looks like without the bread as I don’t eat this anymore.
What’s up with all this talk about protein?? We get enough in this country. Probably too much….
This practical info is brilliant for people like me. I am not looking to lower my weight but have IBS and need to reduce inflamation and improve my health. Thank you x
Curt here.
I believe keto is the way to go. I did Atkins for a while and my cholesterol went down and my A1c improved greatly. But it was to difficult to keep as a lifestyle.
I will work on developing a ketogenic lifestyle that includes lots of vegetables. No bread or starchy foods.
This is a change in progress.
Nice outdated info, someday maybe they can get beyond research paid for by C&H sugar. Please look up how insulin, and insulin resistance work.
0:55 Ill make my educated decisions based on randomized controlled tests. Thank you very much. With a normal carb diet, i dont consume nearly as much cruciferous vegetables as i do on Keto. Not even by a quarter.
Thanks for the Video clip! Excuse me for the intrusion, I would love your initial thoughts. Have you ever tried Dinanlinson Natural Beauty Approach (should be on google have a look)? It is a good one of a kind product for learning what to eat to look younger minus the headache. Ive heard some awesome things about it and my close friend Aubrey at very last got cool results with it.
Wow under 1400 k calories per day for a 110kg man, I would put that into the starvation diet drawer.
Okay, I am eating once a day. Probably 80% beef chuck roast with butter, 5% cheeses, and 15% salad greens and pecans or walnuts. I still have no idea how much protein I should be eating. I usually eat like 1.75 pounds (793 grams) of meat. Is this too much? I am losing weight, but I just don’t really know. I’m 6-2 and 247 at moment. I was 280 two months ago.
Violin MD is so beautiful. Love the Freckles. My plan is to continue to eat meat, while increasing my Vegetable intake. I will also include more Avocados, nuts, and olive oil into my diet.
I myself I tried the keto diet and it made wonders for me,I lost about 30 pounds in about 2 years and I don’t even want to eat bread or candy anymore, it is amazing, makes me feel happier and with more energy
How can you measure meat and beans using the same serving size? They contain VASTLY different amounts of protein!
I don’t know why she’s so gung-ho about fibers. There is no evidence they help anything, but there IS evidence they sequester micronutrients from the ingested food.
the more they can scar you frum keto the more money they can make!!!
Guys, losing weight does not have to be hard (I used to think it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Search a diet plan called Custokebon Secrets. Seriously, that course has transformed my life. I probably should not even be talking about it cause I don’t want a bunch of other guys out there running the same “game” but whatever, I am in a great mood today so I will share the wealth haha.
This was a really good video with amazing content, here is another video I found regarding similar content,
Not even Bugs Bunny eats seven carrots in one sitting. #amazing. Great presentation! Thanks!
Brooo I did not know that fruits and veggies were carbs… WOW
vegetables? This is America ma’am we eat animals for every meal round here. LMAO jk
This is insane. According to her I can only eat 110 of protein a day? What am I missing here? One pound of beef chuck roast is 140g of protein. One pound of beef will not carry me through the next 24 hours. No way. I am losing weight but I eat double that at least. IDK what to think. I need help here, anyone?
Does Custokebon Secrets really work? I see many people keep on talking about Custokebon Secrets. But Im not sure if it’s good enough to lost lots of fat.
Keto falls inside the category ”low carb”. Everyone complaining about how she uses ”keto” and ”low carb” interchangeably must remember that just because keto falls inside of the category low carb doesnt mean the data isnt there saying that the ENTIRE low carb category (which includes and is not seperate from keto) could be not as good as a more balanced nutritional approach. And for the people saying ”show me the science” the original article is in the description (duh). And for those saying the study is too old… Um… A long term study by definition is going to be old when it is released. Ugh.
The nanny government of all persuasions is void of common sense. The pharmaceutical companies and food companies and other associated protocols with their oodles of cash is a very big gagging and controlling machine when it comes to self determination. It is frustrating beyond belief, Such is the machine of the Australian “My Health Care” which of course I have blocked and run a million miles from. The last thing I want is big brother controlling what I do with my life and my independence. It’s just another way “big bureaucracy” controls your life. The TGA and the AMA need to pull their collective fingers out. Australia is behind because of them in so many ways. You have until next Thursday 31st of January to opt out and my advice is to do so.This is all so refreshing to listen to. Thank you.
Thank you very much! Even more informative than my lectures haa
The real problem with Diets is the DRs and scientists have no fucking idea. That’s what i take from this. Keto non keto moderate keto its all a bit Bullshit,
I just started following you today nice video PS Jillian Michaels is today’s ANSEL KEYS
sent an enquiry to metro dietetics. never received a reply…
Hummm… in 2 weeks it will be a year since I started Keto. I’m down more than 80lbs. I went from a BMI of 41.5 to 29.7 ( I know BMI is not a super number, but is a good indicator) So from morbidly obese to overweight. Even if keto isn’t perfect, it’s 100x better that where I was. So I’ll keep doing it.
This is great information with specific how-to’s. Thank you!
Just watched videos on Okawnawa, Hong Kong and Japan. Plus i spoke to a freind who lived in Japan. They litterly eat white rice n veggies every meal. Okanowan diet is huge with sweet potato. Like 10%animal foods. Hong kong is same. These are places that have lowest disease n longest life expectancy. Im curious how any keto folks with short term health improvements can argue its good for long term.
She needs to do more research about keto diet. Keto diet is a temporary diet ro lose some weight and after that just eat healthy. Done correctly the keto diet is beneficial in the long term..
So helpful understanding Ketogenic eating for those not wanting to lose weight.
As spanish I know very well where colesterol is… animal fats for cooking are hard to find. Butter is available but you supose to eat it in smalll amounts, etc. I am enjoying my butter now along with other very tasty foods while losing wheigh.
Perfect! “Every bite you take is either fighting disease or feeding eat.”
Pre-industrial rural china, which ate a high-carb diet and didn’t suffer from high rates of chronic disease you see in western countries, didn’t portion control or calorie count, in fact they ate more calories than a typical American during the same period. It is not necessary to calorie restrict or portion control on a starch based diet. The comment she makes that people (which I assume she is referring to modern westerners) have been eating a low-fat diet for a long time is factually incorrect. Low-fat cows milk, for example is high fat. A low fat diet is 10% of calories or less…
plant based proteins do not fill me up and leave waning to eat more. So, I would rather enjoy life, eat meat and die younger as opposed to eating plants every day and living an extra 2 years. Also, I did my own study, on my grandfather. It was a 97 year study. He survived serving in a world war, drank and smoked from 15 until he was 60, married 3 times after outliving my grandmother and his second wife, he ate lots of meat, pork pies, sausage rolls and stews, died in 2018 at 97 with a smile on his face. I am following his diet and lifestyle.
Can you at least admit being an ‘elite’ athlete is unhealthy?
Who funded the study. I think it’s impossible to track people that long-term.
Finally got a license to make people listen to my advice no matter what it is
every doctor
She’s a great speaker. Enjoyed watching this and learnt a few things
Excellent practical LCHF diet advice that is often missing or not explained clearly in other lectures!
Such a great speaker. So helpful useful & practical. & gosh.. what a beauty!
your fat list doesn’t include animal fats. this is a joke. you are promoting 1970s science around saturated fat I guess. this is why you guys are so dangerous. none of your list of fats/oils would have been available to humans 200 years ago except salmon. so what, we’ve evolved in 200 years to conveniently be in line with your corporate processed food sponsors. sure.
Look up Virta Health for latest success research and nutrition protocol. Not the advice of this video.
What exactly is Custokebon Secrets? How does this thing really work? I see lots of people keep on talking about this popular weight loss diet plan.
My take away is that you can do keto but just get rid of the meat. Find other sources to get protein. Meat is bad for you anyway.
Check the earth in practice…..there is no down under… is your ruler that put a spell on you-wake up
I was headed over to have an insulin pump put on me. I thought about being with someone and having this thing attached to me. Made me mad and grossed me out. So I lwent home and started the keto diet. I’m 60 year old and had diabetes for 20 years. I was 200lbs an in not so good shape. Keto, although it was hard at first, the more I did it, the more I wanted to know everything about it. Lost 40lbs. Was wearing 38 size pants and went to a 32. Almost my high school size. I could lose more but according to the government, a 5’11’ male shouldn’t be lighter than 160. So to be safe, i went to a 170. Now I stay between 165 and if I see 170 on the scale I panic. BUT THE BEST PART was my sugar went down to a point I’m about done being considered diabetic. From being told to wear a pump to this, I told everyone they should be on it. I love juicy steaks and do think the fats they tell you to have are good. I never ate an avacodo before and have one every day now.
Really enjoyed your video and I’ll be following hoping you delve more into this. All the supermarket junk foods, will never be good for anyone. Same with processed meats. You said nuts are in and I’d eat just trail mix if I had to to stay this way, what about cheeses. I could slice swiss cheese for dinner. I think the keto can now be swapped around and have give you the same effect. Burning body fat feels great. I’ve been on this for 2 years now. Food shopping and decided to look for some other foods I could add so I watched you instead! I do miss fruits and going to add some back today. If a study comes out saying Stevia causes cancer, I’m not listening. Even with this, at my age I don’t think it matters. If I did it all my life I can see it taking off years. But how many years are taken off for being diabetic and drinking heavy all my life?
Excellent video. I love this. I realize how on track I am as I practice almost everything in this video. Thanks for sharing this.
And they keep marching on,.. historical nonsense…….. Most people know this is akin to gravity working only when you look down, Beep, Beep… Sugar is linked to heart disease, not saturated fat. Seriously, this is advice is dangerous and damaging, based on, well, nothing really that stands up to physiology and biochem, and quite frankly scary that “this” is still being put out as medical and nutritional best advice when in fact it is terrible.
Is fish such as salmon and sardines considered bad animal protein? Eggs? I do a low carb diet that most definitely has changed the way i feel ( dont do it to lose weight, since ive never had issues with gaining weight) lots of avocados, healthy oils and.nuts, sardines, salmon,, eggs, no bacon, cheese, animal fat, or beef.
this advice is complete old school garbage. i cured my diabetes by simply cutting out all sugars & refined carbs. restrict your carb intake to real vegetables. no processed fake food. this is not that hard people. Dr. Atkins figured this out long ago. I can’t believe the disease management establishment continues to spew this nonsense.