Table of Contents:
HIDDEN SOURCES OF SODIUM Food Facts with Kitty Saint Thomas Health
Video taken from the channel: Ascension Saint Thomas
Reducing Sodium in Children’s Diets
Video taken from the channel: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Why is too much salt bad for you?
Video taken from the channel: British Heart Foundation
Health Tips Low Sodium Diets
Video taken from the channel: Premier Health
Sodium Restriction
Video taken from the channel: Perioperative Interactive Education
Healthy Alternatives to Sodium for Better Heart Health
Video taken from the channel: Sharp HealthCare
Hidden Sodium in Food and Beverages
Video taken from the channel: myUMRhealth UMR
Rinsing canned vegetables and legumes with water can remove some of the sodium. It’s difficult to know exactly how much, as studies and sources seem to differ on this. But if you rinse your canned goods for a minute or so, you may be able to reduce the sodium content by 10 percent to 30 percent.
The average American gets about 3,400 mg of sodium a day — much more than is recommended. Here are the main sources of sodium in a typical diet: Processed and prepared foods. The vast majority of sodium in the typical American diet comes from foods that are.The fact sheets listed below can help you understand how sodium affects your health and the health of your loved ones, including children.
These resources can also help you find ways to reduce sodium in your diet. Facts About Sodium. Sodium: The Facts Cdc-pdf [PDF-161K] Sources of Sodium in Your Diet Cdc-pdf [PDF – 320 KB].
Studies show that cutting down on sodium in your diet can lower blood pressure — reducing your risk of stroke, heart failure and other health.“Hidden” sources of sodium in the diet: The American Heart Association (AHA) is working with federal agencies to determine how to reduce the amount of sodium in the food supply and is also encouraging food manufacturers and restaurants to reduce sodium in foods by.Sodium-smart alternative: If making and freezing your own dish isn’t going to happen, look for organic brands in the freezer aisle—these often have lots of flavor with less salt.
Read the label to be sure it has less than 600 milligrams of sodium per serving. 8 Hidden Sources of Salt.Things you or the person who purchases and prepares your food can do to reduce sodium: At the Grocery Store Buy fresh, frozen, or canned vegetables with no salt or sauce added. Choose packaged foods labeled “low sodium,” “reduced sodium,” or “no salt added” when available.
Sacks et al, New England Journal of Medicine, Jan 4, 2001, pp. 3-10, “Effects on blood pressure of reduced dietary sodium and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. DASH-Sodium.Incorporate foods with potassium like sweet potatoes, potatoes, greens, tomatoes and lower-sodium tomato sauce, white beans, kidney beans, nonfat yogurt, oranges, bananas and cantaloupe.
Potassium helps counter the effects of sodium and may help lower your blood pressure. At.In general, people who reduce sodium, who increase potassium, or who do both benefit from having lower blood pressure and reducing their risk for other serious health problems.
Eating enough potassium each day can help balance out some of the harmful effects that high sodium intake can have on blood pressure.Hidden Sodium. Reducing sodium intake by knowing what to eat and main sources of sodium in the diet is important for a healthy lifestyle.
Most sodium consumed is in the form of salt, and the majority of that is consumed in processed and restaurant foods.Compare labels and choose the product with the lowest amount of sodium you can find in your store. Other little-known hiding places for sodium are over-the-counter and prescription drugs.
Check out the labels and ingredient list on over-the-counter drugs.Awareness campaigns should aim to increase people’s awareness on this “hidden sodium”, and help people understand that there are other sources of sodium in the diet, in addition to salt. Second, the use of low sodium condiments, or alternative forms of flavoring should be recommended.
Advice and Action to Reduce Dietary Sodium Among Adults With and Without Hypertension—Nine States and Puerto Rico, 2015. MMWR. 2018;67(7):225-229. Odom EC, Whittick.Food Sources.
Dietary sodium intake is the sum of the generally small amounts of sodium present in natural foods, the higher amounts added during food preparation in the kitchen and at the table, and the even greater amounts added to many foods during their industrial processing (1 g of sodium corresponding to ∼2.5 g of salt).
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Low sodium is only for people who are already hypertensive. Sodium is very necessary and beneficial for us, especially opposed sodium such as Himalayan salt.
No wonder my blood pressure would still go up after rinsing my canned beans. A lot of the sodium must be inside the beans. I try to buy low sodium but they don’t have as many varieties. I wished they made no sodium added cans of beans. I don’t like making dry beans,
if she didn’t sound like a robot i think i would really like her lol i know it’s her job but even a little personality goes a long way
The funny thing is, if a person is healthy and doesn’t get enough salt… it can lead to Hyponatremia… sodium deficiency.
Kidney pasent li sodium kam huda ke garnu parch sodum ko sline dida pani sodium kam ko kam nai hunch
I’m only here because I have bloating issues. And I read that having too much sodium can cause that. I’m planning on trying being on a low sodium diet
what I want to know is why is everything that tastes good bad for you???? hmm tell me that!!!!!!
Hey doctor…stop eating so much, take a shower and shave every morning.
…is my prescription for you.
I’m browsing videos trying to find out how to make my food taste better. No added salt is starting to get to me a bit. But I will persevere
i feel sorry for patients who dont understand this topic get fed bullshit information from their doctors, like this bloke….
Wow, I wasn’t aware of low sodium diets, Thanks for your tips. I have found this free ebook on diet
low sodium will kill you and cause dizzyness and increased heart rate. high insulin causes the kidney to retain more salt, this is what is occuring in most overweight americans. this is an insulin issue not a salt issue. Japanese and Koreans eat 8-9 grams of salt per day and don’t have high blood pressure.
( 2:00) This is a dr.? and He says the one thousand grams = 1000 MG… SO 1 Kg = 1 GRAM xD QUICK MATHS
I’m not sure why this video doesn’t have +1 Million views. This video is fantastic in explaining salt affects on the heart.
Bread is a BIG issue for me and finding low sodium bread is not easy. 140 mg per serving as referenced in the video, which is per slice I imagine, is a lot higher than I would like. But lots of commercial, prepackaged bread has over 200 mg per slice. You can find bread with 75 to 80 mg per slice, like Ezekiel bread, but the slice is only 34 grams. So it’s important to note the grams per slice.
I have found Pepperidge Farm bread to be a fairly good option (compared to what else is available) and it’s available at many stores. A slice is 49 grams and has 135 mg of sodium, so a little better than the example in the video. It’s not as low as Ezekiel bread, but not bad when you consider that a slice is 15 grams more.
For me, I’m going to reduce my consumption of bread, especially tasty bakery bread, because I have no idea of the sodium content.
I had hope to find a low sodium option at Trader Joe’s but I found out that they no longer offer it. It was not selling. But TJ’s does have a lot of very good low or no sodium options for other foods like pasta sauce and many of their nuts (peanuts, sunflower seeds, almonds) have unsalted options.
Salt is life, animals travel across contents to get salt, human tribes in africa and the Antarctica drink cattle blood to get the sodium they need. It the stupid bread and grains diet what is killing people.
Uh, all due respect, you’re kidding, right? I eat a lot of sodium, and I don’t have any problems,. In fact my doctors have recently injected sodium and it helps me a lot (my diert would contribute…but this kind of thing can be excessive for people (I/m 230 lbs) much more heavier///
I pour on the salt in the summer. Why you ask. I find the salt straining the brim of my hat and dripping into my eyes. If I don’t I get fatigued.
What do you think of No-Salt (Potassium Chloride) as a salt alternative?
It is totally not important.
There is no scientific base
Just eat low carb, low omega6.
Read ‘The Salt Fix’ and learn that sodium does not cause high bp.
I recommend Braggs Alternative Soy Sauce. Better quality, pleasant taste, non GMO, and includes all amino acids.
Avoid pure rubbish salt in general but that’s hard considering people eat out a lot and it’s added into a lot of foods in restaurants
Why did my dr say 2500 mg a day?
But I stay either at 1500 or below by choice.
Maybe the food industry should rethink their “added salt” and “added sugar” philosophy. Many people do not have the money to buy fresh, or even a no salt can of tomatoes at 3.39 a can… And another curious note: Heart disease seems to be on the incline along with Diabetes, for many years now. Back in my day…that wasn’t as big of an issue.
Do whatever you like, I choose to cut salt OUT my diet as when we were cavemen/women did we need salt on the table? KEEP IT NATURAL 😉
Utter rubbish. Just another example of why people are moving away from the conventional medical fraternity. We’ve been bullshitted for decades
Healthy people are the enemy of these doctors. Low salt diets are tragic to the body. They keep pushing low salt diets so you can keep going to them to keep them rich
youre american, everything is full of sugar and salt as youve burnt all your taste buds off so please dont try to educate the world
“From farm to you” will keep sodium levels low. Add sea salt or Himalayan salt at the table sparingly. Tissues swell when they hold too much water caused by sodium. Joints can go out, and pain can increase. I know this is true from my own body. I had to cut way, way down, as I was feeling horrible after a few weeks of indulging.
Sodium is a essential macronutrient, also higher sodium or salt intake has no evidence showing it increases blood pressure. Higher blood pressure is more likely to be caused by a high sugar intake.