Table of Contents:
CLEAN and JERK / Olympic weightlifting and crossfit
Video taken from the channel: Oleksiy TOROKHTIY
Saquon Barkley Power Clean Breakdown
Video taken from the channel: Performance Lab of California
3 Best PULLING STRENGTH exercises for Snatch + Clean & Jerk!
Video taken from the channel: Kristin Pope
Power CLEAN / Olympic weightlifting and crossfit
Video taken from the channel: Oleksiy TOROKHTIY
How to Power Clean (Olympic Weightlifting 101)
Video taken from the channel: Squat University
HOW TO POWER CLEAN: For Strength + Size + Athleticism
Video taken from the channel: OmarIsuf
You will HATE this… but it will IMPROVE YOUR CLEAN!
Video taken from the channel: Kristin Pope
Step-By-Step Instructions. Stand tall with your feet hip distance apart. Place the barbell at your feet.
Use a lift if necessary so that when you squat down your hands can Lower your body into a squat position and grip the bar so that your palms are facing your legs. Hands should be outside of.Power Clean Variations 1. Hang cleans. Where power cleans start with the bar resting on the floor, hang cleans begin with the bar held close to 2. High pulls.
High pulls are basically an explosive upright row. Where the power clean ends with the bar across the 3. Dumbbell/kettlebell power.Start With A Basic Power Clean Stand with feet about hip-width apart, barbell against shins. Hinge forward at waist with flat back, bending slightly to grab bar with an overhand grip.
Any Negatives of Power Cleans. The biggest negative about the power clean is that it can be difficult to get the technique down pat. If you decide to just go it yourself and grab a bar and start doing power cleans on your own there is a good chance you are likely doing some part of the lift incorrectly, and if you are not doing it correctly there is a chance you could get injured.Benefits of the Power Clean.
The Power Clean—and other Olympic Lifts—will make you a more powerful and explosive athlete, essential for those.In response to my article, The 7 Habits of Highly Defective Benchers, I had a few reader requests for a similar article on power clean technique. Fortunately, I knew just the guy to write it for us: my buddy Wil Fleming. Wil did a tremendous job writing up the International Youth Conditioning Association Olympic Lifting Course, and he shares some of his knowledge along these lines with us below.
The power clean is such an effective lift for a variety of sports and events. However, often the power clean can become stale if done too long in the same way. I have decided to include a number of variations of the power clean in hopes to add to your coaching tool kit as a coach. The athlete should master first simple lifts then move to the.
Variation: power clean – Catch the bar in a quarter-to half-squat position. This variation requires bar to be pulled higher than full clean. Once the bar feels steady, slowly stand upright.From the floor, push through your heels/feet, keep the bar close to your shins, and bring the bar to the starting hang clean position (mid-thigh level).
Bend slightly at the hips, push your butt back, maintain a neutral spine, and keep your gaze straight forward; don’t allow knees to come forward.Exercise Sets/Reps Power clean 5/5 Push press 5/5 Squat 5/5 Barbell step-up 5/5 Barbell lunge 5/5 Leg curl 5/5 –Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. David Sandler, MS, CSCS is the director of StrengthPro, Inc., a Las Vegas-based sports-performance consulting group.Variations in the power clean are made by changing up the start position and the receiving position. Different variations can train different qualities and are very valuable to any athletes.
Variations in starting position.The power clean’s benefits are many. I know that a lot of people have their favorite of the big Olympic compound movement style lifts and they usually will say that their favorite is the squat or the deadlift, and, while I like both of those lifts for sure, there is something about the explosiveness of the power clean exercise that I just love.The power clean works to increase the rate of force development across the entirely of the pull, with additional emphasis at the end for the second pull (like the hang clean) due to the lifter.
If you’re looking to improve your power clean and overall clean strength, avoid these three common mistakes! Clean up this lift with the help of former Olympic weightlifter Jeff Wittmer. (0:09.In CrossFit, the hang power clean is found in a few places, usually programmed during the strength training portion of a workout, or build into a metcon.
In this guide, we’ll look at hang power clean technique, set up, benefits, and a few variations like the dumbbell hang power clean and hang power clean.
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Omg I have been stuck at segment cleans for awhile now & the cue of driving through the legs was what I was missing. I didn’t understand the purpose of the movement at first but this video was so helpful! Can’t wait to get back in the garage
Kristina Pope I tried this clean and it worked very good Thank you for the advice!!
Are you really supposed to bend your back like that………really not sure about that
High quality, informative video! You make it look so simple. Thank you precious. Good luck on your competition. I’m your fan from Mexico
It’s hard to rack like that with such a wide grip. Probably just cause it’s my first day
Great, clear advice and instruction. More videos like this would be superb, thank you!
This is great….I’m going to use this to help my son this summer…thnx
I was looking for a housekeeping channel for homemakers….this video came up first in my search lol.
wow! finally something usufull! Just I hope you won’t be advertising these stupid supplements again….
I appreciate the video but athletic ability is the primary factor for his success along with increasing strength the OLY lifts are over emphasized I learned them and the definitely want make a RB a lot more explosive than Natural ability with lower body or plyometrics… majority of the time when athletes get in the pros they actually get away from the oly lifts.. I have a few family member and friends!examples it that to me.
is it just me, or does her lower back look really arched forward?
It’s really hard to type this comment with one hand
Cause the other one’s on the bible, can I get an amen
i’m an amateur so please don;t get offended…. what is the difference of pwer clean and hang clean???
You need to just do some of the Chinese training with heavy front squats to build the leg strength for the clean.
The Dr. is just hip-banging the bar, and cutting his extension short. And lolz at him bashing CrossFit for using the term “squat clean”, while this whole video is a tutorial on HANG power cleans whereas it’s titled just “power clean”. No power cleans were performed in this video, they were all hang powers.
Very strong but technique needs work. WHY?… so he doesn’t get injured.
Great video, of course the girl is easy to look at, Kristin you should post the weight that you’re lifting, Me personally I love to see that. I am pausing to check it out lol. A blue and green on each side is 80kg and 177 lbs. Last lift was 92 kg or 202.4 lbs!! Tough lifts for a 120 lb woman!
I’m so glad you made this video because I tend to shrug my shoulders. Thanks so much
I’m trying to not say anything immature….like how that is an amazing snatch which will cause me to go jerk and have to clean…..but I’m way above such comments.
Damnit….I did it again didn’t I.
Oh well. Great training video!!!
What’s with those horrible little shoes weightlifters wear?
Very inspiring vid though!
The butt is too high in the deadlift.
Lower your butt a little, and put a lot more weight on your back.
The turn was perfect, even on foot.
i have to ask when the bar passes the knees is it still travelling straight up and the thighs are hittting it?, or is there a very slight angle which causes the contact with the thighs?
This guy is slow as hell. 4.66 40 yd dash. Nobody cares about his lifting numbers. He’s a 3 star recruit that will probably go in the 4th round
Great video. Right to the point and under a minute. Plus slow mo. Thanks.
But I don’t have Instagram:( lol, After seeing this video, I don’t think I’ll be attempting this.
Any tips with not horsefu*king the bar? I basically reverse curl it I have a hard time using my hips
I love the vid, I would like to know what the name of the log book you are using? Thanks!!
Thanks for theese great drills. Weightlifting looks so easy and effortless. But is really complex
Thanks For this amazing video. I have a young (13) sprinter that I am introducing to weight training. Slowing breaking these lifts down with video helps him visualize how it should be done…
Too much clean and snatch in this video done by a woman with the body of a teenage boy. The only thing missing is baseball cap.
Great video, really helpfull. The clean is one of my main movements right now and I know I have kinda the same problem over the knee, so I Will try this!
Kristen stop swing your elbows keep, the bar close to your body shurg pull.
man, when you start training this everyday, it’s unbelievable how these lifters get air in their jumps with that much freakin weight.
Can america please stop talking or breaking down oly lifts. This video is completely pointless. Pure bluff.
Form looks like shit numbers don’t matter when your not lifting properly
Well she is mimicing the chinesse style of clean and jerk movement. but its highly prone to failure, of course for middle class weithlifters.
Is it possible to do the catch without resting it on your collarbone because I previously broke it
It’s been a while since I’ve been nervous to try an exercise…
Inspirational. New to this so I’m grateful to have seen your channel as one of the first to view. Hope to work on my technique and fall in line with your form! Kudos!
Nice weight lifting garage! That’s my dream to have one of those!
Interesting variation of the power clean. I don’t know if I’m quite ready for this. I’m still getting used to the clean.
YouTube recommended this. I’ll check if you have a clean tutorial.
Kristin Thankyou…… I think I see where I was going wrong with my Clean technique
I did exceptionally good with the bar, once my appetite started to rise I almost ended up in a hospital. Good video though.
I heard some great advice for collegiate athletes and athletic trainers.“Don’t get hurt” If you train without getting hurt that’s a success. If you train with weights that are too heavy to to properly execute the lift, that’s the most likely way to get injured
I was doing these in a weigh class and I could do them just fine and we continue to do these but for some reason I am not able to do them anymore like I know I am strong enough because just last week we did them and I did them fine
Hi Kris loved the video. So helpful. Because of your hard work and training, you move really well making it easier to see the “good” and “bad” movements when you demo. Thanks for pointing out the common movement flaws so we can train well. Practice makes perfect!
Which is a good rep sna set scheme for vertical jumping help..
Alternate title: “Girl says she needs to learn to clean but has a great snatch”
Алексей, скажите пожалуйста, вот это правильное обучение движения?
I feel this is too much of a “russian style” lower back bent over pull. I’d steer closer to the chinese style which involves more of a quad and glute driven eccentric loading as opposed to this low back, bend over, mainly hip extension style. Weightlifting is a vertical and close sport which is done by last second knee extension done by quads. This can only be done if the knees rebend under the bar. In your description u have him slowly extend the hips then plantar flex and lift bar with arms. Not only is this incorrect, neither of you even did this in fast motion bc it’s pretty much impossible. Overall my point is, focus on spreading the knees and staying more vertical during your eccentric foe the hang positions, and load the quads and glutes by externally rotating the hips..u kno this Aaron! U preach it often. I love your videos they are very informative. Brush up on the weightlifting advanced technique. Read all bud charnigas translations and also his essays of possible. Also read Ma Strengrh book on chinese style weightlifting. Your style you teach is outdated and not used by top athletes anymore as much. Close, vertical, fast, balanced
Practiced this with no bar for the first time. Gotta get my bars up
Lordosis is having an excessive curvature of the lumbar spine. Not neutral.
I can’t quite get my triceps to be parallel to the ground is that important? If yes how can I fix it?
Doesn’t the upper spine naturally curve forward? So in theory when he said “natural spine” he meant “straight spine”.
power clean? I thought I’d finally get my place nice and clean!
My girlfriend said you look like a buff girl with strangely flat boobs
Uhhhh that shit looks like 15 on each side I can power clean that with my dick
So I know that the standard technique is to kind of propel the bar off your quads but I do my power cleans with an upright row movement included, bringing my elbows high and placing more emphasis on the shoulders. I’m not planning on entering any competitions and I know I won’t be able to lift the most weight with this technique but I love the movement as a whole body/shoulder power exercise.
Hey man I think a very important tip you forgot was your hip movement it’s super important I mean I’m sure you guys know that but I’m just starting out and that helped me a lot when my weight coach told me about it
Great video as always, I’ve been into bodybuilding a long time, starting to get into some functional training as I’m learning more about how the body works, which is probably unsurprisingly leading my interests towards olympic lifts! It seems like its one of the best ways to build power and strength… thanks Aaron!
Ok… can anyone tell me what’s the point? Why do this instead of just deadlifts? What is the second half of this doing? Makes no sense to me.
Aren’t you supposed to catch it sooner and deeper into a squat? Seemed awfully high when he was demonstrating the catches
Serious question, but if the bar keeps banging onto my nuts, is my form wrong?
so this tightens up woman’s snatch? nice we need this in the age of the bagie minge/sluts hehe 😉
I think that Asafa Powell speed breakdown can be interresting
I love how the bow on the wall looks like it’s on your head at the beginning
Are we suppose to catch it with our traps or our fingers? It seems painful…
I know I will catch slack, but the clean is overrated to some degree. Yes it has its place, but the clean isn’t a true athletic movement. The are better alternatives, you don’t have to clean to be a better athlete. Its a ok tool have but not a must.
Saquon Barkley is about to be a top NFL running back who can beat you in every drill lmao tryna act like you’re a incredible athlete
I can’t keep the bar on my shoulders at the top. When I front squat I cross my arms. I can’t hold it with my fingers flexed outwards (as shown in this video). How do I learn to do this properly?
Do you lift with your legs and lower back or just legs and use the hip to power it up?
awsome vid! its the best explanation that no one has been capable to give me
Cute gurl… Seems pretty, safe, and effective form and programming
Is the starting position any different from that of a deadlift? Thanks:D
I’m having trouble with the ending position, having problems getting my elbows high enough. Any advice? Mobility wise or what not.
I’m 12 and I do 5 reps x2 and I do 110 powercleaning. is that good
I’m getting wrist pain in this movement. I don’t know if my catch is causing it or how to fix it
good edit/illustration linking your explanations to the examples
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I never did any powercleans until my uncle one day told me how good they are. He was a football player and said powercleans and squats were the best things. When he was a sophmore in highschool he could powerclean 400 lbs. I cant even do 105 smh
This kid had nothing on Nick Chubb! wants to be like Chubb. Won’t happen tho!!
He should quit football, and go into Olympic lifting, his form is total ass but insanely strong. If he masters technique he will dominate
Great tutorial, Pope! Thanks for sharing your knowledge! Love your vlogging evolution! ♀️
not much a techincal issue but muscular. Not using his legs properly and primary mover is the back big NONO! thats why his hips raise too early turns into a stiff leg clean. Needs a training block to work on glutea and hamstring strength, as well as work with exercises to teach him to use his leg drive in the lifts (deficit cleans, clean deadlifts with proper drive etc…) he could clean this weight more efficiently and avoid future injuries etc…
Wait my teacher sais that when lifting the bar you have to stomp
This might be a dumb question but whats the difference between hang power clean and power clean does one of them make your explosive?
she is betiful its very good that she have her body parts still on her becose most of this women after look like men keep on the good work
Literally a perfect demonstration. There are a lot of gymcels in the comments that have obviously never Olympic lifted before.
the final position is the hardest part for me, its hard to get my elbows high
I bet if you trained it properly, you could be like a lot of us and hip thrust more than you squat and deadlift. Kettlebell swings help the faster recruitment of fast and slow twitch fibers, for sure
to power clean that much weight with the bar drifting that far away from his body and without full extension is impressive. Also shows how hard it is to master good weightlifting technique.
Ah no thank you. Looks dangerous and tough, not worth doing without a coach.
A discussion over the hook grip and hand-bar positioning would be very practical for new olympic lifters. Be sure to discuss hand-bar positioning as it pertains to both power cleans as well as snatch.
I always try to upright row it, I completely forget about the hip thrusting the bar up part at times
Rippetoe says you need to have your arms straight the whole time you’re in the air. Is that even possible?
Maybe I’m wrong, but I thought you were supposed to bump it on your thigh? Whats your opinion?
Veeeeeeeery useful! This is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks!!!! ))))
Thank you so much. I need to practice. Havent donr much of these since hs football. I really appreciate both of you.
Thank you for the upload, I am going to try this tomorrow for this first time.
i noticed his stance was different to the typical technique of one leg going back and the other going forward
are they both legal in competition?
sir i am also playing weight lifting
Please tell me how i increase my stamina
Dang I need to record my form, need to get my knees further out
Love this, please do more with other exercises, Olympic and non-Olympic
Perfect form doesn’t exist when you start to move towards ur max. There’s good enough but there isn’t perfect
My buddy just threw his back out doing these! Had to see what all the fuss was about.. lol
He can not do full extension, because he use his back to pull, not using his legs to drive the bar up. His core is strong, while there is a thing called science, since he uses his back to pull, his hip can not extend fully. Strong but not in the mind
So there’s no “jump”? Just violently quick extending hips and feet?
Hi Doc. What are the benefits of doing power cleans as opposed to other compound lifts?
Not to take away from his high skill and explosiveness but he does have shorter levers and therefore an advantage for speed in a lift like this
Awesome tutorial, and huge credit to Darren. He was the perfect demo; as you called out the cues and the dos and don’ts, he demonstrated those differences to punctuate your coaching cues. Awesome
Nice technical advice there…. I’ll use these exc’ to help my deadlift, where I have a tendency to round the back…:)
I’m glad I have a small package. I won’t be smashing it on each rep.
OMG yes!!! This is awesome. #squatuclub
I have a question regarding the snatch grip high pull. Will this lift cause shoulder impingement or is this avoided with the snatch grip hand placement? I’ve heard that upright rows are bad for your shoulders but I see more mixed messages with this lift. Thanks.
Still cute and lifts… dont go higher please.. lol you look great here.
I’d wrestle you to exhaustion…
Nice movement for footwork. Ill try that for MMA.
One question. Sometimes during snatch you seem to actively engage the lats while other times it is not so visible. Kindly advise
Wait isnt clean and jerk done with one leg steped out one behind you
This video is the best tutorial video I have ever found thus far over the many years of weight lifting. I appreciate the instructor level explanations of how to keep proper form.
I absolutely appreciate these weightlifting technique videos. Multi-angle slow motion. Very nice. Thank you!
To clean pull high tto the chest pull with the arm in order Olympic dL Olympic d.l.shurge Olympic dL.shift shurge if you work on this move ment you will see bar improvement
In judging a power clean, does the depth of the front squat matter or just that you can fully extend with then weight after cleaning it?
I can’t get my ‘triceps parallel to ground’ and my elbows point to floor. Wat is my problem? Is it wrist flexibility and if so how do I improve it? Thanks
Hi Dr. Horschig, if you could please make a video about ACJ pain, that would be great, thanks a lot!
What about a video for people who lean forward to much in their low squat
YouTube recommended your video, first video ive seen on your channel and this helped me heaps! Thanks
When there is no bar…..
Saying he has “insane strength” in the ability to keep solid back extension during a 315 or even 405 pull off the floor is not an incredible feat, neither is the shoulder position staying solid. Those are isometric contractions, a 315 or 405 deadlift (same back isometric contraction) is not “insane strength”. The lift is certainly an excellent lift, the impressive part of it is the fact that it’s a clean, that was racked on the shoukders. A light pull like a clean is not a good flag to assess someone’s strength in back extension.
damn. textbook clean. the bar path is basically vertical throughout the movement. skills
should u bounce the bar on ur thighs on the way up when performing the snatch or the clean? also wont there be any shrugging motion along with the triple extension?
Dont train quick
Klokov says
The difference between amateur and pro is the fact that pro can train all weights so slowly that looks like the heaviest weight you ever move
This guy is just a bro trying to define this the best he can
Thanks for the video Kristin❤️
You explained the clean deadlift very clearly, most videos on this are rather vague
This guy does not know what he’s talking about. That is NOT how you perform a clean. You do NOT want to end up in a “straight leg position”. Barkley lets the bar get waaay too far out in front of him, his ass kicks up too high too quickly, the knee and back angle aren’t closing together, and, most importantly, he doesn’t make contact with the thighs/hips. Cleans are not primarily a back exercise. Although they are technically full body, the primary mover is the hips. A better back exercise would be good mornings, or Pendlay rows.
With that said, though, what a friggin powerful athlete. To move that kind of weight with bad form is truly impressive. I would love to see what he can do with an actual Olympic coach
Amazing camera angle please make more from different perspectives
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your snatch! Looks excellent to me:)
ugly form,but good strength.he could do way more is he do it 100%right.
Great info. Perfect time to work on form with limited weights at home #squatuclub. #rockchalkjayhawk
i don’t know how many kilos is his one rep max, but Harry Aikines, a 100m sprinters regularly do 130KGs clean wit 3 reps. it is just incredible for me to believe.
Man, most of the olympic lifts are kinda intimidating. That’s a lot of weight to be throwing around like that and he makes it look easy
What happened to the floor? did you paint the woodenfloor black?
Okay how is this a clean when he’s intentionally bouncing the bar off his hips? I’m not trying to troll, he’s clearly extremely strong. I just thought the whole point of a clean was that the bar went from the floor to your shoulders WITHOUT touching any other part of the body (hence the name of the movement is called a “clean”).
does the bar have to hit your thighs/hips in step 3? im confused on how to do the generating of the power correctly. somebody please help!!!!
Simple and well made. Good to watch someone who does it well do it in slow motion it’s my favourite way to work on my own form.. I hope you make more
I have a cyst in my left wrist that prevents me from catching the bar
do feet really need to get off the ground? it is very difficult for me and feels unnatural to land flat instead of toes first
Isn’t it kinda tacky posting videos like this when everyone except you has no access to weight lifting stuff? You can’t even buy it online. Good for you for not having two months of detraining
WELL! looks like i have alot of work to do. she has impeccable technique.
Àwesome lifts your one extremely strong young lady keep up the good work!!!!
I still don’t understand why he crashes the bar on his tights while in every other video they say that you should litterally do the opposite. Guess every one has it’s own form.
Do you still want those Estrogen-blockers and D-balls? Email me.
I could visualize proper form better if she was wearing a bikini while doing the lift.
The biggest thing for me to remember to get this movement right was to resist “pulling” the bar with my arms. Once I understood that I was jumping with the bar and then getting under it, things fells into place finally. The elbows bend naturally as they pop up to get in the rack position, not by pulling the weight like an upright row. Also, thinking “quick elbows” helped too. It’s one of those movements I became obsessed with because there’s so many things to keep in mind over a period of 2 seconds, but when you’ve done it hundreds (or maybe thousands of times) it seems to happen in slow motion mentally. Love cleans. Everyone should learn how to do them. BTW, great to see a doctor who actually lifts.
You are so beautiful!!! Only seeing you giving motivation to clean!!!!!!!!!
You have big round rear, what exercises are you doing for that part? hip thrusts for glutes mainly, deadlifts?
Pause at 2:27, then watch the shrug that helps her start the movement again even before she begins with the leg drive. I’ve had some success recently with some of the young people that I’ve worked with by telling them to go ahead and start their shrug at the knee, their hips will catch up before the shrug is completed at the top of the movement. I think that cue helped them to do exactly what you’re saying here keep the quads engaged and their hips back a bit longer. I’ve had them doing pulls from the knee, but I think I’ll take them about 2-3 inches lower so they are just-below the knee.
Thanks for good video. Got a question, how long do you take a break between sets? Thanks
Rockin YouTube video your always so cute and pretty in these videos as usual
sees bar hit penis
Ok, this is the confirmation I needed to check my form.
He’s going to the Giants and will run over the shitty eagle’s defense. Can’t stand Philly and their garbage was fans.
Perfect form. Amazing. Thank you for showing me how it’s done correctly.
can you show a full clean? like a squat clean not a power clean.
She looks powerful, but imagine what Clarence is going through when he throws the weight of a car on the bar.
well I subbed! i’d much rather watch and learn from a beautiful women than a dude! lol
This dude gona be stiff arming dudes into infinity on sundays
What is the point of the clean and jerk?
Besides some competition, it’s just throwing weight around. Not even lifting it. It seems cheap.
I gotta first learn how to get outta bed. And maybe not do so much blue magic.
that doesn’t look good for the knees by jumping and landing with so much extra weight
First I love your channel Ive been following for a month now! I was wondering about some advice on someone like me who is beginning her journey with competition weight lifting!?? I actually meet my coach tomorrow but I’m really new with this I’m not the strongest but I’m willing to work for it!! I wish you had a video on your journey!!! Luvvv youuu and can’t wait to see your next comp!!
I was taught this by my mentor: “If your technique is not CLEAN, then you’re only gonna end up looking like a JERK”
0:40….buuut… jewels?? crush’t is part of the clean??
Bar lifting is ok but no interest in kettle bells? They`re a damn good complement to conventional weight lifting.
Your Snatch to Clean ratio is the same as mine. I thought it was normal. Snatching about 80% of your clean, like cleaning around 80% of your squat
Aaron you are banging bar more than your athlete, the way you hit the bar at upper thigh position it is going to be change the bar path, it will not stay close to the body
What type of programming do you think his coaches make him do? Oly weightlifting + powerlifting or what
Poor back posture, you’re going to develop a bad anterior pelvic tilt soon.
Very interesting.
These videos are very interesting also for non professional or post agonistic point of view.
what about snatch and clean high pulls where you flex your elbows and pull the barbell as high as you can toward your face??
hey, i have all the mobility requirered, except the position showed on 4:04, my arms and wrist can’t bend so much, any exercises to solve this?
Every lifter,espiecially beginners should watch this.Good straightforward training advice!!!
There you go ladies and gentleman, this is someone with really high credentials to listen to and follow for the fitness goals you have. Not a botox poison filled social-media pretend fitness expert.
Wtf…who is this guy talking?!? Bruh, your break down of the movements are all way off!! This is clearly a bad technique of the lifts. Learn the 3 main pulls of the cleans and snatches before posting in Youtube. There’s tons of correct info about this! You should contact coach Ben Bergeron to critique his lift instead! This is scary that this is posted! Yikes!
thank you so much! i finally learned how to power clean. this was super useful!!
You should see how the Chinese do it: they deadlift but don’t straighten there legs and when the bar gets to there knees they keep there legs bent so when they hip thrust it it’s like your busting inside your teacher for the first time
Great Cesar’s ghost, you got an ass that a Tennessee walker would be jealous of. Respectfully yours, Matt.
why this dude tryna tell one of the best running backs how to lift right?
I don’t understand why people throw the bar down instead of bring in down in a slow controlled motion and set it down gently.
im not sure if im really just slow or ignorant… I watched him do it in slow mo and still don’t understand what exactly just happened…
you do a lift, like a deadlift, but use your thighs/quads to push the bar up?
He’s got a flat back and his spine is neutral right before the lift and during the beginning. I don’t know what your talking about
Sorry but this guy’s form is bad he’s curving his bar path way outward, probably because he’s triggering his jump too soon. The bar should strive for a straight, vertical path up over the mid-foot, up the thighs, and close to the chest. Not swinging way out.
Some of you don’t understand he’s not training to be a power lifter or anything of the sort, he’s a football player, his primary objective is to gain a explosion and improve his game. You’ll find in different sports core exercises such as these are done differently or “wrong” to produce a different result. Again his overall goal is not to be a record breaking powerlifer, but a better running back.
Imma go ahead and say it, power cleans are the most overrated exercise for sports performance.
And what happens if your ankle cramps up or slips when you’re jumping to push the weight overhead? You die?
There are 10 kg plates in the inside,so certainly not the weight you said it may be. Maybe 125 kg.
I’m not a competitive oly lifter I mainly do power snatches or power cleansbut this really gave me some ideas for my own strength training, especially the Pulls (though I mainly do them with a trap bar)
I always hit my shins with the bar. Ouch! Any suggestions? As a result I start with the bar away from my shins.
Great video series. This will help me coach our student athletes better form. thank you
49ers PLZ…. I may be smarter to wait for Round 2-3 this year since so many RBs but this dude is INSANE
Make up?! Whatever floats your boat…. Much love gratitude and respect, brother!
Awesome tips! Why do you bounce your butt? Makes it seem like you’re jerking on the pull
This dude doesn’t really know what he’s talking about you can tell he’s probably weak but he knows what he’s doing so it doesn’t matter
Omar who is the hotchick in the background when Brian is demonstrating?
Just checked another trainer on you tube and he keeps his back straight not like a banana. Plus he doesn’t through the weights down when he’s done. Common sense surely
The bar sits on the clavicle? Is that actually what Bryan meant or did he mean it’s also supported by your delts?
You say he does a good job through the second pull but he doesn’t get even close to full hip extension.. This is a horrible power clean, dude is just strong as hell which hides his lack of any form of technique
I am torn right now. On one video (if i remember correctly it’s from the California Strength channel with Glenn Pendlay), he explains that during the catch, the barbell should be resting on the shoulder muscles, not the clavicle as explained in this video. What’s the correct catch?
Very helpful and cool video. I already know how to jerk it. Just need to know how to clean it
As a penn state fan I am hoping this guy gets picked by my fav the broncos. I know we need a qb but this is generational talent. Awesome vid on the power clean as well.
Question: So am I trying to hit the bar with my hips when throwing?
He has no idea about Olympic weightlifting no talk about double knee bend,power position,bar path,weight disruption, 1st or 2nd pull etc
Awesome thanks for the tutorial!! That’s awesome and very helpful! I will definitely try those. It would be really nice to explain maybe how a beginner can split their workout and what they should focus on.
I am confused about what exercises i should do, when and how often i should train strength versus technique.
Keep your chin down at the bottom of the movement! Tennis ball under the chin!
I have had a difficult time holding a bar in the “catch” position. It is actually to the point where it is inhibiting my progress on my front squats and in effect my ability to perform a clean. I cannot increase the weight because I am only able to hold the bar in the cross-hands grip. Any suggestions? I am just simply unable to stretch my forearms enough to rest the backs of my hands on my clavicle.
Its terrifying what some focused weightlifting technique could do for his numbers. Insane strength.
Hi Kris! I started WL a month ago and yesterday during a training session I got severe backpain after I performed a snatch complex (I’m not yet great with the wl terms so sorry for that. I did a power snatch, pull and a overhead squat). During the overhead squat I was not very stable and trying to stabilize the bar). I also got a training the day before, couldn’t sleep very well and started saturday with the training were I got severe backpain. Always had a weak spot in my back, once a while it shows up. Me and the coach think that the cause is bad sleep, little lack of stability core and back. Now it feels much better, lucky that I got great coaches and that I study physical therapy. But the question is how to deal with this by this kind of sport, did you also got this once and how to start lifting after this. I also wanted to hear something from an WL expert like you:)) I will gradually pick up training and def train stabilizing excersices. Anyways greetings from The Netherlands!
The floor sounded like it would break Everytime she threw the weights
Perfect form. Great video. No talking, just a great example.
Goodness gracious. This is the content we need!! No talking. Just simple movements, with slow motion to really follow the movement and form!
120kg clean? my 68 year old father can clean over 100kg, u rusky nancy boys
I don’t have the elevation off the floor or the wide stance for the movement. I tend to keep my feet a bit closer and when I thrust into the press I spread my feet one forward the other back. I started doing the clean and press maybe about 6 months ago and im addicted to to it. I work up quite the sweat with these and plus your breathing has to be on-point as well. well done.
You should definitely do the snatch before you do the clean and jerk. But that’s just me.
What about mark ripptoe’s teaching method? Triggering the jump from mid thigh? Im confused because i literally just learned by his method a week ago…
My arms won’t bend that way. I have to do the crossed arm front squat for this same reason.
7:11 That ass is looking hella good . You’re welcome guys!
yeah! Thank you for showing me how to doing correct clean. This video is perfect ️
I gonna challenge to clean 210lbs from now
So is he bending his wrists back to keep his elbows forward before the clean
Practice with low weights, just keep adding 5-10kg until you get the movements right each time
Just found your channel, trying to get my wife into living with me…. great to have someone she can watch and relate to
I’m having a hard time landing it in my shoulders is it suppose to hurt should I quit bein a lil bitch and toughen through it?
This may be a stupid question. But how to you prevent crushing your manhood when you extend your hips??
Tore cartilage in both wrist doing this in cold gym winter time
Does the bar lay directly on your collarbones? Mine stick out a lot and it hurts so i don‘t know wether my form is correct
im 194cm tall and i get conflicting information from my short crossfit coach and my taller weightlifting coach, about whether of not my knees should be protruding past my elbows. thanks Oleksy. also, that black haired russian chick is really hot. i love her.
is the ‘Clean’ bringing it to shoulder level?
And the ‘Jerk’ is the overhead press?
What is it called when you deadlift then clean and jerk? Much easier IMO.
Stop saying over extending on compound lift is bad. It’s not. You need to lever extend because when you use a weight that’s remotely heavy it’s gonna keep your back straight. If not your gonna cave forward.
Ohhh be bütün mesajları okudum nihayet bizden kimsenin izlemediği bir video buldum. (:
This vid is so helpful for beginners like myself, love the angle and slo motion, thanks.
I am very sorry for being too offtopic here, but I just wanted to ask about how high the pressure is supposed to be for myofascial release techniques? When I apply the force with my fingers or knuckles how much pressure am I supposed to apply o nthe tissue? Thanks in advance!
How is this different from a clean? I thought a power clean is just a clean without the squat, but he does a squat in both videos.
Great video thanks Kristin. Just getting back into olympic lifting after a few months of lockdown and still having trouble getting my hips to extend with the clean. I find the snatch much easier as the bar sits in my hip crease with the wide grip
Simple tip: You don’t hump the bar hard. You literally pull the bar upward with a jump and drop under the bar to prevent it from falling.
He forgot to mention one thing. See how his elbows are locked the whole time? Yeah.. don’t do that kids. When you power clean with higher weight that puts wayyyy too much strain on your shoulders and it’ll fuck em up.
This is already impressive. But if you want to see true insanity, check out how Hafthor Björnsson powercleaned over 180 kg at Wow Stronger… and then pressed it.
How should i be gripping the bar? The hook grip or the regular grip
Every body structure has its unique technique. This technique is very good but more adapted for people with short legs and long torso for example.