Table of Contents:
Maximizing Functional Strength
Video taken from the channel: scooby1961
Structural and Functional Strength
Video taken from the channel: STRENGTH CAMP
Daily Strength Training Workout Routine | Improve Functional Strength
Video taken from the channel: Tone and Tighten
Need To Increase Functional Muscle Mass & Strength? Use This!
Video taken from the channel: TappBrothers
FULL BODY FUNCTIONAL TRAINING | Improve your Core, Lower back, Shoulder strength and stability.
Video taken from the channel: Obi Vincent
The Importance of Functional Strength Training | Joe Rogan & Pat McNamara
Video taken from the channel: JRE Clips
Basic Functional Training You should be doing.. Improve your Core Strength and Mobility
Video taken from the channel: Obi Vincent
What Are The Best Methods to Increase Strength HIIT Workouts. Perhaps one of the most misunderstood training styles. Many people view HIIT training as just a random Callisthenics. One of the most avoided workout styles by modern lifters, callisthenics was the bread and butter of the High.
5 Core Fixes to Improve Your Functional Strength 1. Do Get-Ups. The most common core training mistake: too many crunches and sit-ups. People like to feel that abdominal 2. Add Rollouts.
Do you remember those good old abdominal exercise wheels that you always saw in people’s basements next.Functional training expert Michael Boyle says in his book New Functional Training for Sports that it’s a good idea to focus on functional “stability training” that targets three specific areas: Deep abdominals (transversus abdominis and internal oblique) Hip abductors and rotators Scapula.Eccentric exercises like the hamstring curl are one of the most effective ways to build functional strength in your hamstrings and hips and prevent injuries down the road.
To do this exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent and lift your legs up.These three exercises can help boost your sprint performance. In the gym, we are constantly training basic human movements: the squat, the press, the push. Recently, there has been a push towards doing more functional strength training, finding new exercises to target specific movements on the athletic field.And for that, we like to focus on the one thing every guy needs: practical, all-around strength and functional fitness.
Training 8 Compound Moves for Functional Strength. Focus on these basic, multi-joint lifts to manifest massive muscle. Read article. Directions.
The Tactical Physique: A Functional Strength Training & Conditioning Workout Improve performance (and aesthetics) with this functional strength training program. Bodyweight movements, conditioning work, and supersets work together to help you build a stronger foundation for a functionally fit physique.Similarly, a person may perform a strength training activity for 1 minute, such as bicep curls or lunges, then walk at a gentle pace for 2–3 minutes. Interval training gives the lungs time to.
Planks are an excellent exercise for improving your core strength and stability. This exercise can also strengthen the muscles in your back, ches.By functional strength I mean the strength required to walk up the stairs, pick up your grandkids, move deck furniture around, etc. When it comes to increasing this type of strength, make sure to implement compound movements that will help you achieve the results you want. Being functionally strong will allow you to improve your quality of life and it will help you maintain your independence.
This type of training, properly applied, can make everyday activities easier, help reduce your risk of injury and improve your quality of life. Functional exercise training may be especially beneficial as part of a comprehensive program for older adults to improve balanc.Strengthen the muscles. Functional training or exercises that mimic the movements used in biking or other activities can strengthen the muscles of the body, which is needed to perform daily tasks. Enhance agility of the seniors.
Functional exercises appropriate for seniors can improve their agility, balance, and muscle strength.Training to improve functional strength involves more than simply increasing the force-producing capability of a muscle or group of muscles. Rather, it requires training to enhance the coordinated working relationship between the nervous and muscular systems.Dynamic stretches are functional exercises because they are typically performed in positions and movement patterns similar to those needed.
Get outside of the gym, get inside the gym, get on the track, and get out on the trail. Do things that you once did as a kid. Play on a playground with the rings and the monkey bars. Practice handstands, somersaults, bear crawls, frog jumps, and lateral hops.
Grab an agility ladder and play hopscotch with it.
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from Strength Training for Triathletes: The Complete Program to Build Triathlon Power, Speed, and Muscular Endurance | |
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from You Are Your Own Gym: The Bible of Bodyweight Exercises for Men and Women | |
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Out of all the teachings one may learn here during life is that martial arts is by far the most beneficial, for it can be applied to every other aspect naturally and effortlessly. Martial arts is the fastest and most efficient way for one to learn their bodies capabilities and limitations therefore being able to become physically fit, mentally sound and spiritually balanced allowing them to express physical freedom. Which is key for one to start living up to the pleasure, potential and responsibility of femininity and masculinity at this level of body awareness one naturally actually has a self-control, discipline, loyalty, devotion, appreciation, respect, confidence and joyful determination to validate, confirm and signify that the are being true towards love honor and the creation of life. If one makes a conscious choice to live in accordance to validating love to the degree I mentioned it allows the subconscious to systematically coincide with the soul spirit mother Earth and all the various different forms of life that live within this world in the most efficient way that is humanly possible. Thus yielding the best spiritual kickback for one’s efforts accomplishments experiences. Anything less is feebleminded physically inadequate and submissive subservient which it doesn’t get any worse than that living and dying in that mannerism. For when one lives and dies having neglected the physical freedom they have had available all throughout their life a results in them being recognized internally and externally for all eternity throughout existence as spiritually sexually suppressed. Case closed mercy forgiveness spiritual welfare are not changing those facts protecting carrying compensating any wining souls or spirits that are freely connected to a life that does not do its best to improve upon and maintain the quality of it. You might want to take that point to Heart considering if life is not free why the hell would death be any cheaper it’s not. So don’t miss the deadline on becoming physically fit mentally sound spiritually balanced being able to express physical freedom. Obviously high sources of nutrition will greatly increase one’s physical freedom + formal education maybe some hands-on experience with the most extreme situations nursing homes daycare centers critical care units birthing centers. Group homes, jails, prisons, Army,, Navy Marine core, special forces, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, sports and fitness facilities. Whether you believe are not as secondary to the fact that each and every moment is spiritually accounted for. Obviously if you believe in a higher power form of God goddest then you would want to serve him the best life possible. The sad truth is thanks to a diminished quality of life from coast-to-coast globally people have been living dying for the last hundred 50 years or so to a diminished quality of life resulting in the worst spiritual kickback that has ever been manifested throughout the history of mankind. This diminished quality of life is primarily do to dirty low-paying jobs that come from outdated power sources inferior materials poisonous toxic substances pesticides chemicals that never change their killing composition which means whether it is a solid liquid burnt off into our airways atmosphere as a vapor is always going to be poisonous debilitating deadly to the body. At the same time polluting corrupting devastating to mother Earth and all the various different forms of life that live within this world. There is no profit to be made in the demise of the planet even far worse is the spiritual kickback that is manifested from inhaling petrified death 24 seven drinking using contaminated water using wearing the materials that are made cheap and inferior something like corrosive to the body that’s what happens when you conduct business to the lowest standards of quality which is primarily America China India. In layman’s terms You cannot promote life by doing business with material, resources and substances that have been scientifically classified religiously verified as petrified death or worse which all stem from coal, oil, gas and the chemical industry. It’s not all gloom and doom. For we have the man/woman power to offset maybe even fully compensate all the damage that has been caused from dirty low-paying jobs. And that is with clean high paying jobs from coast-to-coast that improve upon and maintain the quality of our air water foods landscapes working living environment every day home products habitat ecosystem plus the lifestyle I mentioned. The goal is to live in a manner that allows each persons generation to naturally and gradually become stronger smarter healthier happier better off physically mentally financially possibly spiritually then the previous generation. Sad to say even undergoes best case scenario circumstances there is still going to be a percentage of people who freely live and die having only used the smallest percentage of a fraction of the true potential of the were first born with. Now I wish and pray for my soul and spirit to be held spiritually accountable to the statements I proclaim to the way of living personally and professionally. I guarantee you never see hear another body man/ woman in power persons of legal religious authority leaders ever freely validate the statements they proclaim with that level of certainty. One reason they don’t naturally instinctively have the best interest of the majority of the population’s needs at Heart another reason could be they come from a breed of cowards or have a lifestyle that suggests, confirms and validates them as being absent-minded frail body. Is quite possible to be a combination of those two worst-case scenarios. For one is genetic hereditary and the other is a generic learned behavior. Either way it is physically mentally spiritually useless to freely live and die in such a low-quality manner. Especially if that ignorance, stupidity, weakness and desperation stems from being soft, lazy, out of shape, over fed, undernourished, overworked and underpaid with the dirty low-paying job. S.R.F
Your a huge Doosh! Hahahahaha all your videos are awkward and cheap! You suck and you have no charisma!
Really appreciating for your resistance exercises for rotator cuff and how to fix anterior pelvic tilt,really beneficial in few days i got amazing results, and feeling comfortable.Just one question would like to ask you,it’s about the range of healthy blood pressure in women,how it should be?
Hi Obi!could you upload more videos?thanks from Hungary you are Great!
To much musclemass make you immobile
The nature know what they do & muscles are not all what is importand!
Functional strength means multifunctional strength. It is strength that can be applied to all movements, not just familiar ones. Farm workers, engineers or construction workers have tons of functional strength. Bodybuilding cannot give you functional strength, since the whole point is to make the exact same movements every time.
That decline plank +resistance is supreme! Adding that to my regiment. My question would be would you incorporate it on a leg day or a chest day? Or specifically a core finisher?
Tomorrow is full body. Going to try overhead kB walking lunges 3-5x. Overhead barbell squats 5 sets. Feet elevated shoulder taps. Decline plank but I don’t have bands. Manmakers 3 to 5 sets of 7-9 reps with the squat and overhead press. Great video
Hey tappbrothers I love your videos! I watched your push up tutorial and tried it. I put my hands back so my knuckles were in line with my shoulder and did a push-up, it really hurt my wrists! Is there a way to avoid this? Any response will be greatly appreciated
Hey tappbrothers I love your videos! I watched your push up tutorial and tried it. I put my hands back so my knuckles were in line with my shoulder and did a push-up, it really hurt my wrists! Is there a way to avoid this? Any response will be greatly appreciated
If you do what you’ve always done you are going to get what you’ve always got
This guy coke snorks like every 30 seconds, oooooo weeee boi.
I was just thinking “If I looked like this bloke I’d never wear a shirt”:D
Practical! Love it. Do you have a video on the stretches, maybe props for good posture while driving? I find the seats are too rounded and force you to curl in the shoulders…
Are any of these exercises dangerous to do for someone that has a thoracic spine strain caused by a car accident?
It would be a shame for you not to build muscle when these people accomplish it so easily with Shape X Booster (go google it).
Hey obi, great video, & I’ll definitely be giving this a go, what reps & sets would you advise on?
Great video. Easy to follow instructions Got yourself a New Subscriber here.
What are good exercises for lower back and knee pain? Had a knee injury….
Sometimes I have about ten minutes to get a workout in, doing Turkish getups or manmakers are worth the effort on busy days for me, thanks!
Awesome. I wouldn’t mind you making a whole series on functional movements
Planning my training for the week and here it is BINGO. Really good video, I will definitely be using some if not all exercises that you have shown. Thank you.
How can I lose all the fucking body fat to show my muscle line like you? You look sexy bro!
Thanks i was watching this and my neighbour came in and we watched this together now our whole village has watched this video and they all appreciate the exercises now ♀️♀️
Just found this channel, really good information and this guy looks great no homo
Great video, awesome workout! Thank you for showing how to improve my funkconal trainings. Good job:)
tapp brothers plz plz make a Webster and cheat gainer tutorial plz I love you too man you are awesum
Wow, this is great information this is motivation to get back in shape. Very professional
The four reasons why we should exercise by McNamara
1. Self preservation Longevity (Stronger longer Motion is Lotion)
2. The ability to save your own life
3. Being Batman (The ability to save somebody else life)
4. Kicking somebody’s Ass!
Now I’m feeling strong because I got 3kg of lean muscle in 1 month. I only visited website called Next Level Diet and they provided me with diet plan, training plan with amazing tips. Believe me!!! #*Next Level Diet*
Just started getting into functional training and this is great!
Obi, Thank you for taking the time to put together this functional, core vid. I am a 50+ male with a desk job and I am benefiting from these movements. For me, to you, the slow mo and voice over are perfectly illustrated, straight to the point and easy to follow, although I cannot do 45 barbells, too heavy for me. I use a broom… LOL. Cheers!
Thanks for a good presentation of functional training, I will definitely test these exercises, but I have a question: should you add a number of these exercises into your usual gym schedule or should you have one gym session where you only focus on functional training exercises?
Love from Sweden!
Can you give us wrestlers some recommendations in training for functional we are need wrestling in competitions 6 minute
You guys are awesome, always love it when you and your brother train together. Keep up on the bro bros videos. Train safe and have fun:)
Hi, I’m from Costa Rica. greetings to everyone in the world; brother you are a great coach and I would like to continue learning from a functional trainer as good as you are, I hope one day I can attend your training center and meet you. you are excellent coach
Top notch stuff. Much love from WA, state.
Are you based out of England?
Your video guy needs a gimbal or stabilizer. Great informative video, just got a little dizzy watching it.
Chuzo man viene ahora a hablar de entrenamiento funcional…
its like torque and horsepower in an engine, one gets you going (power) then strength is repeating or moving forward)
Thank you obi, this is so informative. Keep posting great videos!
love your tips and health info you include in your videos. thank-you for all the variety.
One of the best overall fitness channels. Inspiring and very clear!
Cheers bruv
Good learning for me on functional training. Could you tell us how long is this full routine?
❤️❤️❤️ I love your creativity and cueing. Thanks for elevating training videos.
Great work out. I will put some of that movement on my schedule.
Fam we need to censor out your back they ain’t ready for that. Can you send me a link for your back and lower back routines? Thank you.
Tapp Bros…which one of u where the streaker in American Ninja Warrior?!
Going to dedicate day a week to this functional training im sure it will help
All my other lifts get better and the flow of lifting a lot healthyer
I feel that Joe is a generous guy. Pat Didn’t even want to talk about his website and Ebook. Joe stopped him there and pretty much force promoted it for him.
Pat speaks the truth. Love the mentality. Confidence builds performance. So true.
And yes, I would love to hear Joe and Jeff Cavaliere have a conversation. That would be so enlightening.
If I find a corpse, yep theres a lot a brother can do with that.
never can keep a woman cause they can’t improve on the tiny twig in their panty.
Turn the heat up in that gym man, you’re about to cut pepperoni holes in that shirt!
Im not elliot by any means but being a young experience lifter Id say you’re getting way too technical. Eat clean foods and eat according to your goals. You don’t have to break it down to the very calorie.
Something I’ve really struggled with over the years, is that I have an over-think over-research habit as a result I literally have dozens of pages of notes with dozens of exercises and I end up with too many to actually do. Never knowing what the optimal few are. Do you think you could some day do a holistic exercise programming video?:) Ie how to squeeze it into ones day
In my case I’ve shrunk things down to a few routines 1) Morning spine mobility (cobra, cow/cat, foam roll etc..) 2) General muscle stretching 3) Upper Cross Syndrome correction (stretch & strengthen) 4) Lower Cross Syndrome correction (stretch & strengthen) 5) Gym strength training (compound, deadlift etc). I’ve also embedded my physiotherapy exercises and core strengthening into the above routines/categories.
First of all the greatest boxers rustlers martial artist fighters so forth and so on etc. etc. leave their opponents sexually suppressed after the fight at the same time entertaining educating the common basic average normal population into being more than spectators of health and fitness. Okay anything less is feeble physically inadequate submissive subservient case closed. Mercy forgiveness spiritual welfare death are not changing these facts protecting carrying compensating any whimpering wining souls or spirits that are freely connected to a life that is not doing its best to improve upon maintaining the quality of it in such a manner that each person’s generation naturally gradually systematically starts to become stronger smarter healthier happier better off physically mentally financially possibly spiritually then the previous generation. That type of loyalty devotion to leadership hasn’t been taught instinctively demonstrated sense ancient times may be prehistoric the possibilities are out there.
Great video…if you visit Fresno I would like to collaborate on a training video…I like your philosophy of embracing diff exercise ideas….
i worked at sams club….well since the pandemic, people getting lots of 45 packs waters…i load about 80 a day…
YEA! then i go golf 18 holes
Hey Tapp Brothers can you please suggest the post workout veg diet to increase bodyweight and strength
either don’t do the cardio or do the cardio and add calories.
best thing would be to just try it out for a couple of weeks and see if you gain or lose weight and adjust accordingly depending on your weight gain/loss goals.
Great workout. Quite tough I must confess. Please let me know some core stretches to properly cool down.
That’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Deadlift is not the best workout for rowing. Cables are
imagine robbing some person and you hear “motion is lotion mother fucker” and see Pat standing there.
I think your back is the best I have ever seen, amazing physique
Hey man, thanks very much! Definitely going into my favorites playlist.
Elliott, thanks for the video. I have been a rower for 15+ years and coached at the collegiate level. The first two exercises: deadlift and power clean translate well to the rowing stroke. It is important to distinguish that you want to drive the legs and hang off your skeletal system as the arms are hanging from the oar. Ideally the back does not open until the last 1/4 of the leg drive and then the arms come in. I have found renegade rows are also a great resistance training exercise..
Elliot is looking in some mean fucking shape at the moment.
Would functional strength training involve training the utilized muscles (e.g. arms, legs, shoulders), and not worrying about the appearance muscles (abs, neck, glutes)?
Man, I’ve been utilizing workout channels for years. I believe.I have been receiving a first rate education. However, I must say your training style is the best I have encountered thus far. I did your functional training protocal today and it may be the best work out I ever had. I feel so blessed by it. It is a body healing, strengthening, and balancing work out. Please don’t stop doing what you do. They say “only when the student is ready will the teacher appear.”. I must be ready for that next level because that functional training regiment is out of this world. Thanks again.
Hi Obi I’m a beginner in terms of the whole fitness thing so this video is really helpful. Can I do some of these if not all in a day?
Just watch you dont compress a disk in your back. That shit dont heal
This dudes so jacked up on something he can barely keep his composure! I thought for sure at any moment he was going to jump up and do a Rick Flare and Joe would have to do one of his spinning back kicks and take him out! LMAO! Totally joking of course love the show!
I chose the most tranquil setting I could find for my epic pillow screams:)
Rowing, like golf, is exclusive. You don’t hear of many rags to riches stories in these sports. Even curling is competitive at the Olympic level.
Low reps on any exercise (3-5 reps) are best for building strength. Keep in mind though that you could always cut your body fat. Pound for pound, fat is about twice the size of muscle.
If you converted all your fat into muscle you’d actually be thinner despite keeping the same weight and you’d probably be faster too because the increased weight training will teach your muscles to contract faster.
Inbox me or check my channel if you’re looking for a good workout programme
Thank you for your videos, do you have over 60 strength/ exercises to do please and thanks again..
really cool vid, good job guys keep up the good work i subscribed and liked:):):)
Why would I do Turkish get ups in the gym I can do that at home
Your back!!!!!!!! Oh my gawd!!!! I’d kill for that back
btw love the old intro
Not Elliot, but you should definitely eat those calories. If not, you end up with a deficit that the body cant handle; which leads to a lose in lean muscle mass and a increase in body fat.
I lose a lot of muscle mass between 325 and 250; I just wish i had known better. I’m 208 now, roughly 18% body fat.
These exercises are great I do these all the time at the gym during my workout. Thanks for posting.
I don’t really get the difference between power and strength..?
I find it very hard to believe these exercises built that muscle. Great body nevertheless.
This is a very well explained & calm video to understanding how to train properly. I ‘m gonna use it in my Calisthenics & Functional trainings as well. Thnx very much Obi.
why didn’t you guys try to be spiderman in the new spider man movie
Off topic…can i just say ur CHEEKBONES r everything
Yo Elliot! im having a hard time getting to the gym more than once a week. i was wondering what would be best to do on that one day to work my entire body. ianyone else reading this who can help can share advice too. thanks
Are these exercise distasis recti safe.???
Just realized the push ups and planks are big no no!!!!
6:48 ok this all makes sense now. this guy is jacked mitch hedburg. that’s what’s going on here.
7:43 Joe isn’t even listening He’s just thinking to himself ”Man, I’m high as shit! Is it hot in here or is it just me?”
You know I never thought about this when I was a laborer for masonry for 3 years. Granted people would say I looked stronger, but I never thought that doing more practical work translated to practical muscle. I’m not super versed in fitness.
Yeah, I’ve seen that on quite a few videos recently and not only Elliot’s. Don’t know what that’s about either…^^
It’s one of the best videos about functional training, thank you so much You will definitely go to heaven for doing this for us
If you are looking to burn calories quickly, you should search google for “Windy Fat Loss”. You are bound to get the body you deserve.
The fact that guys do concentration curls is too sad for him at 3:00. Lol.
You could have mentioned sprints and jumps for both power and speed. Also which TKD is important, as the demands of Olympic TKD aren’t exactly the same as non Olympic TKD.
You should watch block layers throwing in 1,000 40 pound concrete blocks a day in a mud filled foundation, now that’s a workout
Hey Tapp Brothers here! Thanks for watching:) Below are the links mentioned:
Get the weight vest from this video (Run Fast):
Get the first weight vest we purchased (Gold’s Gym):
Grab your free Bodyweight Strength Workout:
If you enjoyed the video, be sure to like and subscribe! Oh and a big shout out to the notification squad 😉
7:46 wtf, like im reaaly i.tersted in what ur saying but,wtf
Now I’m feeling strong because I got 3kg of lean muscle in 1 month. I only visited website called Next Level Diet and they provided me with diet plan, training plan with amazing tips. Believe me!!! #*Next Level Diet*
now is “power” only referenced to exercises like “power cleans”? Or could I do “power exercises” with the deadlift? E.G. ‘how fast I could accelerate the weight on my deadlift’. (which in a routine would play out that I’m doing 6 sets of 2 reps on the deadlift, or am I mixing things together?)
OK…..thanks…can you send me some private lessons of park our…..plz!!
Thank you for fresh ideas for my training, I’m enjoying your videos!
There is no way this tool got 0 dislikes. I’m going to dislike right now and let’s see if it shows up!
Obi just wondering if you could give your own personnel advise on your daily meal intake and gym routine that would go along with it thanks
How many sets and rep is recommended? I’m 178cm tall and 85 kilograms, usually I go to gym 3 or 4 times per week.
icecreamfitness has a good beginner workout on his channel. Remember that you don’t necessarily need to go to the gym. Buy a cheap pull up bar and you can do push ups, dips, squats etc at home. You can get enough leverage to make body weight exercises difficult at any level e.g. one armed push ups / planche push ups / pistol squats. Consider reading: “The Naked Warrior” by Pavel. Elliot talks about him often.
You can inbox me if you want me to elaborate on anything
i got better core strength training through beekeeping, 10-16hrs a day:P best part is i did love it lol
Hello Obi, i follow a 5 days a week full body workout routine.Can i implement this workout as a 6th? And still recover properly?I want to work on my functional abilities but i dont find a way to implement them..
Love your videos btw, keep up the good work bro.
Great video!! kb front complex is lit for leg day like fresh crepes
i don’t subscribe to many channels watched your kettlebell vid then this one… great exercises!
Most people should not be doing that type of exercise. Most people do not have the proper core strength to engage the erector spinae, engage hips for stabilization and so forth.
Most people are going to end up with a back injury trying this.
“WHAT DOES THAT LOOK LIKE BROOOO?!” Omar is brushing off on him lol
tapp bros can you guys teach how to fo a horizontal/tic tac wall run for kids
Would you consider the exercises in your video a workout? Could I do these in a circuit?
A police department i used to work for, there is a gym next to the locker rooms in the basement. Id workout before shift and id be doing a shit load of Turkish get ups and other various kettle bell workouts. Eeeeeeverybody used to clown me. I showed them how functional is and how much I was literally stronger than most of the guys. Next thing I know, the whole police department is doing Turkish get ups. I wouldn’t even be surprised if the old ladies in the front desk started doing them too.
I hate how the camera is always moving in his new vids. Shit style and shit cameraman. Please keep the camera still elliot it’s much less distracting:)
I love your workouts. I’m always looking for a change up to keep things fresh and I love your variations and combos
Hey Elliot how to build Strength and Power without gaining muscle mass cuz im a Fighter Muscle mass is going to slow my punches down (except for the trapezius)
Dude you guys are my favorite YouTubers, you guys help me a lot
This information was very helpful Scooby! What you are saying is true. I have a question though. How about individuals who seem to balance multiple feats all into the same body? I’m talking about professional nfl players. Who can squat and bench numbers close to if not equal to powerlifters, but at the same time have amazing agility. You see them able to run 100m times close to Olympic runners and maintain such numbers for a long period. Their long jump numbers too are super crazy. Their training makes them appear like a perfect all-around athlete. Honestly, I’m just dumbfounded by their abilities. How do they lift so much, but maintain such high rep numbers? It is so bewildering!
wow very inspiring for this 65 year old parkour trainee, thanks for posting
Really enjoyed listening to this guy swallow his saliva while stuttering, choke on his words, pause dramatically, and be angry about working out.
You the best bro. Not one training video you have that’s useless. Keep it up great workouts and genuine encouragement and humble at the same time. That makes a world of difference in connecting with all people. Keep it up.
I’ve been doing Wall Angels for some time now and you say butt, shoulders and head touching wall. What about the feet? The heels are also touching or away from the wall? Many thanks for great videos.
YO ELLIOT!!! what kinds of exercises would you suggest for a taekwondo practitioner????
I feel great after doing these. My body didn’t hurt doing them and I have a better idea of where my deficiencies are. I’m still not great at pistol squats tho.
I love the fact that you show the importance of form in each exercise. These are good techniques to perform to help with balance and gait mobility.
Continue to keep up the great work. God bless you always!
You’re both right in your own ways. He’s saying there are more challenging sports. You’re saying that every sport brings about it’s own challenge, and there will always be someone better than you in it.
kettlebell swings and snatches all the way for rowers… and almost everyone else.
It feels like he is just playing with his body when he trains. And that turkish get up he is doing seems great!!
I’d very much like to train with a guy like this. Same reason I like Chris Jones so much, they’re absolutely killing it. But this is just training on a very sophisticated level in my opinion
hey tapp Brothers I am really having trouble with the kip up
my problem with functional training is that its such a broad undefined term. like what is functional. for me who like to bench squat deadlift all my training is functional for my goals. these people just like to spend their time shitting on ppl focused on looks or certain lifts.
I’m flattered that this dude Elliiot assumes that I’m intelligent enough to know what he’s talkin about when he uses words like enalgious….wtf does that mean? anyroad, its not like I’m elliterated and divvent knaw big wrods!
Excellent video. Found and watched stretch yesterday. Will see about incorporating some of you our advise into my routines.
My coworkers laughed when I told them I would get ripped with “Smashing Ripped X”, but then they saw the results. Go Google Smashing Ripped X to see their reaction. (You should see their shock!)
I’ve been trying to get more strength, thank you so much for making this video! Keep being awesome, Tapp Brothers!
I came here because of his crazy shaking ball video but the guy has some really good videos here, I’ve learned a lot.
HI Obi,this is my 1st time watching any of your videos, I enjoyed it. Are you stateside? will you be at the upcoming Fit Expo in LA? like to meet you in person.
I don’t understand your speech because my language is Arabic but I think your video is very helpful
Now l am studying an English language and I wish to understand that in the future
I’m sorry for my bad grammar
likes diagonal lunges laterial squat one leg dumbbell deadlift and one arm pull ups
Pat is a Cool A$$ Brotha, Much Respect ✊ To You…!!! Joe, I hope to see you and Dave Chappelle in Nashville September
Squats,deadlift,pull up and dips there ya go best “functional strength workout”
basic exercises, progressive overload(more weight) and a lot of good food to overeat makes you strong
hey bro, whats up with the click bait… i want to see the shreds!!!!: )
Hi, great stretching excercises I have rheumatoid arthritis and I was wondering what you could do if you can’t get on your knees and can’t put weight on your hands.
Thanks Obi for this wonderful,basic, Practical informative, beautifully crafted work. Happy New Year!!!
If you could do more videos on nutrition, Step by step eating to loose fat, I know you already have a video on that, but new ones have more info and always help. Thanks again!!!
Ive learned a lot more than I expected to watching joe rogan
You need to eat more calories than you burn to gain weight. You need to eat less to lose weight. If you want to gain weight (muscle) your net calorie intake at the end of the day including any exercise should be MORE than your TDEE or BMR. If your goal is weight / fat loss then your net calorie intake needs to be LESS than your TDEE or BMR.
Percentages don’t matter much. Calorie deficit = loss. Surplus = gain
Inbox me or check out my channel if you need any more information
at 46 years I’m crazy enough to develop handstands can’t wait
For me you two are the best fitness instructors and all your training method always work for me.
Interesting because you told your buddy the tennis player not to do moves that simulate his sport in the gym but that’s what you just did with mr row boat.
i am 61… work like a savage.. people might ask…. do you work out.. i say.. no i WORK outside…=]
This guy must be juicing. There’s just no way to pack on mass that big in the back.
loved this-i will be using your youtube a great deal more-thanks
only the most supreme “doosh” writes “hahahaha” on his own comments///
Absolutely destroyed my core in a matter of minutes with a few sets of these. Thanks for the brilliant videos and ideas!!
2 questions, first: for pushups can you do the wall version? You are extended from the wall on your toes hands placed shoulder width then perform the pushups. Second: the last called the bridge, listening to you say about hamstring cramping that is because one is not tightening the glutes when raising buttocks off the surface?
Great vid. I hold hold the KBell with the heavy end up it improves the difficulty and strengthens my shoulder socket imo. even more focus required and much lighter weights (warning can bust your head)
Bullshit, I’ve been lifting old school for years. I feel great. Functional lifting for what? I’m not in athletic competition. I’ll stick with my bench press
Love these exercises my only problem Is that i am not able to do the Wall Angel exercise,is there any easier exercise to do? I cant touch the Wall with forearms and hands, i am blocked…
Bro please tell some exercises and stretches to be fit plsss
Great stuff brotha. I will be doing these and passing it on to my people. Thank you.
1. Kang squat
2. Cossack squat
3. KB windmill
5. KB rack carry
6. KB rack lunges
7. KB complex
8. Turkish get ups
9. Bird dog rows
10. Rotational plank
I think for me it’s going to be two workouts of five each..
We just call this farmer strength in the UK, it is totally different to getting big in the gym.
I’m m definitely going to try the last two! Love your videos and insight
Great stuff! I love using bands to teach pistol squats, bands are great for helping people learn and progress with body weight exercises. KBs are also easy to throw in car and take to clients, I am offering that a lot now in Days of the virus.
Sandbag training is still the most underrated way of
Training try it.
My Feedback Hmmm… Do an open session one day with your fans! It’ll be Sick. PS I use your routines in the gym n get great compliment lol.
Hey man, just stumbled onto your channel.
Great Stuff Obi.
Im a.subscrober now.
Definitely going to be incorporating this into my daily routine
When you do 10 20 reps for 3 sets, do you do the same exercise for 3 reps or do 1 set of all exercises one set three times? Thank you.
This is good stuff. I was in the best shape of my life when I worked construction digging ditches, hoofin shingles and rolls of tar paper up and down a ladder, carry bags of concrete, etc. Now, many years ladder, I’ve finally realized this and I am working to get back to that place with functional training.
Dude’s just swinging a cinder block around like a Texas Methhead, not exactly earth shattering exercises.
If i never hear the term “functional strength” ever again it will be too soon.
I was really bad at parkour but now I can jump a 20 foot wall
This daily strength training routine is simple, yet incredibly effective. Performing these everyday will help strengthen key muscle groups to help you become stronger and more functional. Thanks for watching!
I am doing this f45 training I have the strength to lift heavy weights.
but here I learnt I get exhausted in 15 min and lower body strength is not there
Excellent exercises and very easy to follow step by step! Love it
your awsome!!!! thanks.for your vidios and are helpful.
Make sure to get new audio guy:D or to train this one better
the exercises you show were really effective. you’ve got great content. thank you, and please keep making such videos ✌
Thanks guys for the tip! That’s a really good one! Also Thomas, I like the band on your left wrist! I have one just like it, on the same wrist, right now! Only mine is dark blue. XD
Joe you should invite Devon Larrat, he is the superheavy weight world armwrestling champion. Check him out, he will interest you, prepare some Doritos though.
thanks for the video i am currently doing metashred from men’s health and all those moves are all in there. Great.
Could these exercises in conjunction with the stretches be used to help prevent injuries with weightlifting, martial arts, other physical activity? Can I use these as “prehab”?
Good instructional workout. This is my first time checking out your videos. You are knowledgeable and you explain the movements well. I liked and subscribed to your channel. Keep up the good work and I like you enjoy fitness and helping others get healthy.
My fat ass eating ice cream like a pregnant women and watching this. I should be out there working out but ill start tomorrow… maybe…. or next week
The importance of functional steroids and testosterone injections.
Hey! I was wondering if you guys are going to continue to make parkour tutorials. I still find the current content to be really helpful, but I always learned a lot from your tutorials.
This guy ain’t wrong, but taking it a bit too seriously IMO. How many lives has this guy saved because he swings cinder blocks instead of bench pressing? I’m guessing none. You’re also dramatically more likely to hurt yourself by making shit up in your backyard, then you are by using good technique in the gym.
If “kicking ass” and “saving lives” is why you train, then have at it, but try to keep it real.
Dear Obi, have you looked into barefoot shoes and those walking techniques for a great foundation (the foot)? I can recommend it, but starting slowly and giving the feet time to be revived from decades of being immobilized by shoes who took away the healthy challenge from the foot muscles.
How about a lower body workout for people with arthritic knees
Dont have time to do these exercises now but just stopped by to say Hi and LIKE it. The more the merrier/better, right? I will definitely be back to do them!! As always, thanks for posting them Jared!
Hi Dr Jared, may I know the right way to breathe while doing the plank?
I’ve seen one guy doing turkish get-ups and he was in his late 70’s.
great video Obi! I already do some of those but I learnt few new so I am gonna run to the gym and try them
New video idea! You should create a video showing and fixing old gym class stretches and how to do them more effectively. I think new people who don’t know anything about stretching refer back to their gym class days. You can help and show how to really do them effectively and show what stretches or not good or ineffective.
Do you have any suggestions for modifications for push ups (and other exercises using the hands and wrists) with a sprained wrist?
Guaranteed… Non of you ‘tools’ would disrespect to his face.
Respect son!
Have you heard about “Elite Muscle Formula?” (check it out on Google) It is a quick way to bulk up fast.
I like the moving camera
it make it seem like I am actually there for some reason
Perfect beard length! A refined intellectual badass look:) Great video as usual, thanks a lot!
The people in the comments kill me! This dude was a Delta Force operative and has over a triple digit kill number! This aint no fucking fake rapper tough guy! This dude kills ppl for a living and is probably one of the most dangerous men on the planet not some boxer or fake tough guy etc this man is a hunter of men
the wall angles really are a tough thing for my body to do, should i try to flatten my lower back as im doing them?
Which exercise works the lower back muscles? I want to build a muscle frame from the waistline to upper back but didn’t notice anything for the lower back. Thanks.
I’m really thankful for the tips. Can you help me with exercise to control Carpal tunnel syndrome? It’s killing me!
Hi TappBrothers, what should I do to overcome fear of heights? please answer, by the way ya’ll are the best.
He definitely does not do any cardio by the way he’s breathing
Glad to see a video without the answer “breath into your balls”.. Hahah jk
I’m thinking if I was doing the cinder block exercise my shins would be a bloody mess at the end of one set.
Good to see you guys remembering the old days with that intro and training footage, you should do that more to build more trust from your fanbase in your fitness abilities and because it’s just really cool. And weighted calisthenics is awesome, it’s the way to go when you get advanced. I kept grinding and was adding 1 rep every workout to my push-ups and pull-ups but when I started to use weights I noticed extreme improvement in my explosiveness, let alone strength. Like I could have done a clap pull-up with no problem after training with weights just once. Good advices and keep up the good work Tapp Bros.
I love how you keep your wrists straight when working with the kettle bells such great form, so many people including “experts” get that wrong, gotta protect the wrists! Excellent stuff man!
Will do this for me as my body is paining soooooooo much will follow this next week after office Thanks Ramya
This is an awesome workout man. Functional training, IMO, is really the best way to go to get that body you’ve always wanted AND also that energy you’ve always wanted to. Again, great work Obi!
Pat and Adam ruins everything should be on the show together some time.
The cable exercise with that fast or explosive pull, hmm… not sure they allow it in the gym. Well, unless you are the owner
In boxing they talk about how lifting is bad, for a boxer I mean. Muscle bound, slowing you down, etc. w00t you guys think?
The 2nd exercise is hard on me as its uncomfortable with tense muscles between spine and shoulder blade. It is been tense for almost 2 weeks. I tried yoga and stretching where it helped a little. Maybe too deep to get the knot out.
Do few reps of really heavy weight. It’ll increase your strength and not get you that much muscle mass:) Bodybuilder do the slow controlled many reps for the most time under tension which is what builds muscle mass. Hope that helps, and if you’d like to know more Elliott has some videos about it too:)
It is if you are a small boxer because it doesn’t speed you up but boxers aren’t and don’t need to be strong. They need to be fast so lifting weights isn’t as big for them.
THE MERCENARY 2020 now on amazon and on DVD…………..VIVE LA GUERRE ex 2 REPTILE FFL
new subscriber, great workouts, can’t wait to try them out, all the way from Eswatini,Africa.
cause when you speak thruth to help others, haters just dont have a place
The first time i saw you two together I thought you used a camera trick when you edited the video xD.
Anyway, great video. Well explained and practical examples.
you guys are freakin awesome. Love all the parkour stuff. still trying my best to get up to your level, but I’ll get there haha
Awesome video!! I’m shopping around for a program and I think I might have just found one. Such a soothing voice to listen to, you make everything sound possible lol
you’re going to bust a toe one of these days with just one drop
Great video and advice on functional exercise. I’m excited to give them a try at the gym
this guy seems like he’s struggling to keep mr hyde from coming out
If your marketing is this lame, why would I have any reason to believe that your product is any less lame?
I am prone to neck and lower back pain due to many injuries I tried some of your neck stretches and Gluth strengthening exercises yesterday and now I’m very sore darn it
Deadlift, yes. But not enough hip extension on the power clean.
I love having an easy to follow daily routine. Thank you and I also appreciate the replies you’ve posted that help clarify the exercises.
In cossack squats let the other leg on which there is no weight to point towards the sky…
Great workout video!! I will use on my self and my athletes!!
This became my favorite work out!! A reduced version before running and a full version on in-between-days!!
We want exercises to make waist, hip and legs consistent please
Yo u help my body grow and you don’t even know it! I watch you a lot, I’m trying to get where you at!
I row bro, and yes, posterior chain strength and good hip extension is the most important thing in rowing. I’d also add kettlebell swings as a good training tool.
Hi I’ve been watching your videos and I been learning a lot, good stuff. My question is, I know that a bulging disc can pretty much heal on it’s own, but what about a herniated or ruptured disk, can that heal on it’s own too?
Yeah but he gotta let us know how much trt is enough to do these workouts?
Been wanting to start implementing functional training into my weekly routine. I think I’m going to follow this entire video for a “Functional Strength Friday”. Thanks for the vid!
your TDEE should include you exercise. So if your tdee is 2500 and you want to lose weight you should still eat 2000 by the end of the day when you sleep.
Unless you’re doing functional fitness you arent strong.
I would define it as moving in the 3 planes of movement and the 5 movement patterns.
Most people are doing 2 planes and maybe 2-3 movements per work outs.
I would define core as anything that inserts into your pelvis.
I would also caveat the “3 people doing bicep curls” Arm Wrestlers. so 4.
trying to look pretty gets frowned upon a lot but i think attracting women is a functional thing. it’s part of surviving as a species and being healthy is a huge part of being attractive so if you neglect that entire aspect of nature you might actually be training in a way that isn’t the best for your health.
not sure most people need to follow this guys methods. i personally stick to doing as heavy weights and high volume as posisble. Also changing my attitude from gaining as fast as posisble to “its a marathon not a sprint” means that those weeks where i am weak or flat, i accept that long term i will be stronger, bigger and fitter. For me i experienced a platue for 2 weeks straight but this week smashed through it using exactly the same techniques as i have no choice, just a olympic barbell, dumbells and a simple cable station, and ive managed to make very nice gains on every exercise. Ignore the youtubers who can “do it in 10 weeks” as well, trying this will lead to either mental exhaustion or injury. Steady and slow wins the race. Then switch it up to combat training every few weeks or whenever you feel like for me il be doing boxing bare nuckle heavy bag work with head butts as my cardio rest day exercises
I have difficulty getting up from floor. Are there modifications for some of the floor exercises? Thanks! You are doing a great job!
Just getting back into training after being sick for 6 months….this looks just like what I need. Very cool functional work out.
Love the kang squat! Is there a difference between the cossack squat and a side lunge?
Have you tried “Six Pack Strike?” (Go Google it) It is a quick way to build muscle fast.
Hi. Thank you for ur informative programs. I have a question about my daughter., who had a broken fibula in 2014, dislocated ankle, had surgery in general hospital in Stockton CA, have 7 metal screws + a metal plate in ankle. She was hit by a car and while she was crossing from a side walk street. Now it’s been 5 years n she complains about savers pain, she saw orthopedic last month but they only recommend injections. What is ur recommendation,? What kind of exercises she needs to be done? I really need help.
Hey FRIEND.. I’m a personal trainer in New York City and I use your routines with my clients.. thanks.. anyone who is critical about your form doesn’t understand that everyone’s body is different and we all move differently.. what hurts one person may feel comfortable to another..vice versa.. thanks friend…
I agree. This is all hogwash to sell fancy workout programs. “Squats are more funational than leg presses” for what function exactly? That whole concept is idiotic. You don’t need to work out at all to function well in your daily life. A bit of cardiovascular activity and proper nutrition is enough for most adults. We don’t need insane strength for day to day functionality. You don’t work out to be strong enough to handle your daily life. The only function that heavy squats are going to help you with is sitting at the doctors office with a herniated disk.
Martial artist:*bodyweight*
Pat McNamara:*wall*
Where do you fit this in to your training. I am doing a 4 days split. Pull legs push cardio. I do abs and back for 15 minutes every day. And a day off when I feel like it. Last time I did 14 days without a break. I think this is a great workout but where to fit in. I am 60 years old.
What about for skateboarding? thumbs up if ur interested too!
Ah, interesting, well I just learned something new today. Thanks.
haha I just noticed that. I was about to comment on that til I saw you said it already. So instead I just thumbs up’d:D
power exercises are thought of as being those ballistic exercises where you dont have to exert force on the weight during the entire range of motion.During the power clean for instance, you exert maximum force on the weight during the bottom of portion of the exercise, which generates enough momentum that you can catch the weight on your shoulders.Its a power exercise because it indicates that you have accelerated the weight enough so that it can rise to your shoulders on sheer momentum
I find the entire field of trigonometry easier than a Turkish get-up.
Just came across this video. What do you think about doing this exercises together on a rest day for on overall light mobility recovery workout. My weekends are my days off but I would like to start doing some mobility stuff like this on my rest days and stay active
I did TKD for 6 years, I suggest doing more exercises that increase your flexibility, speed, and power, I wouldn’t suggest going heavy but step ups are good, when you have a platform that’s above the ground couple feet and you have some weights on your back, and then lift yourself, it helps get your legs stronger but also more flexible because you have to put your legs higher then it’s natural position which stretches the groin muscle and the hamstrings very well. Elliot talks about this.
If u r job is to say “functunal is relative” and u get tired fast, u r not functunal (-;
+TappBrothers, hey guys long time no see, i can’t remember but did you guys do a video for bodyweight training that incorporates time under tension or T-U-T for building muscle, if not, I’d like to make a request for one. an aspect that definitely gets over looked in training. Anyway, thanks for the great content, looking Forward to another TBGFC!
arrrgh so sorry for slowing down the voice over i only realised it too late (was only meant to do so for the vids)… i wanted to make sure that my instructions are nice and clear… i’ll avoid doing this next time. my bad:-)
I rowed and medalled (yeah, bronze) at World Championship level. This is excellent advice!
After he started training and got a shitload stronger and more powerful?
strength = your ability to move a given weight
power = your ability to accelerate a given weight
So max strength in a given movement could be expressed in a 1 rep max dead lift.A max power exercise would be a 1 rep max power clean.The dead lift measures the amount of weight you can lift.The power clean measures how fast you can accelerate that weight.
If you have questions, I can be contacted at Sweat4health…
Elliot! Don’t forget to mention the opposites so he doesn’t get routine overload.
Proper functional athletes in the true sense, who also seem like good guys.
The shaved head is giving me flashbacks to earlier Tapp Brothers!
So guys who start bodyweight training while they’re fat have a natural advantage?
DB overhead walking lunges: 2:34
double DB overhead walking lunges: 3:13
Seated DB overhead press (legs straightened out): 3:53
OHD Barbell squats: 4:55
Heel elevated pistol squat: 6:08
DB widesquat: 7:20
Feet elevated shoulder taps: 8:55
Scooby, your nutritional information and advice has helped in the past 6 months, to go from 203 lbs to 166 lbs. I now can see my abs.:). My goal is 155 lb, and 5% body fat, but that might take a little longer.:)
If you want to do a power exercise that is a little more similar to dead lifts, do high pulls. Remember that a power exercise requires you to accelerate the weight enough so that you generate enough momentum to not have to exert force on the weight during the entire range of motion. Box jumps, push press/jerk, any kind of throws etc.
High pulls:
Sweet, definitely gonna get my hands on one. Any tips on how to work up to a hand-stand press? Already have a 10 sec gymnastics handstand down. thanks
I`m very satisfied and inspired all of your videos, god bless and keep doing it♂️(Fr. )
Thank you for the video. I got a few ideas. And you were clear with your instructions.
Nice vid, i will be working through this tomorrow morning. Btw i love your 8 mins plank workout!
When Scooby starts the video off by screaming at the top of his lungs into a pillow, you know it’s going to be good.:)
I’d love to get numbers here.
Like how many reps and sets of each excercise.
2 10ths of a second in 5 minutes! Hah what a mind blowing statistic.
i swear if im going to see a nother six pack shortcut add im going to throw up
I agree re these transverse plane. I had a severe spinal issues with muscles and it wasn’t until I figured out how to do this did things get better. Particularly with the spine it is essential. For those with injuries it is life giving
I am SICK and tired of hearing people claim that their workout is best for “Functional Strength” DOUBLE PILLOW SCREAM!