Table of Contents:
5 Red Flags for Weak Abs (FIX THIS!)
Video taken from the channel: ATHLEAN-X™
7 Core Exercises for Low Back Pain (IMPORTANT!)
Video taken from the channel: ATHLEAN-X™
Video taken from the channel: Strength Side
How to Fix Tight Hips (WITHOUT STRETCHING!)
Video taken from the channel: ATHLEAN-X™
Stop Stretching Your Hip Flexors! (HERE’S WHY)
Video taken from the channel: ATHLEAN-X™
Core Exercises that Work Abs NOT Hip Flexors
Video taken from the channel: Strength Side
Hip Flexor DeactivatorsDo these first to maximize your Ab development
Video taken from the channel: Mind Pump TV
These basic Pilates exercises can increase awareness and set the foundation for abdominal strength and body mechanics that balance ab and hip flexor use: Knee folds: In knee folds, the abdominal muscles stabilize the pelvis, so you can feel the subtleties of the hip flexors at work.Lie on your back with bent knees and your feet in toward your hips. Press your palms into the floor alongside your body.
Extend your right leg so it’s straight.Strengthening your abs, especially the transversus abdominis, can help to lessen the engagement of the hip flexors. Performing the abdominal vacuum exercise can.Lying Hip Stretch Lie on your back on the edge of a table or bed with the leg you will stretch near the edge. Grasp your other leg under the knee and pull it toward your chest and keep your back flat on the table.
Allow the leg being stretched to hand off the side of the table, using gravity to stretch the hip.Stretch your abs, lower back and hip flexors after your training session to elongate your muscles, relieve any stiffness and to help prevent your hip flexors from becoming tight. Hold the stretches.
Strength train: Your hip flexors can be helped by training other muscles near them, too. “Strengthening your glutes and hamstrings with hip rolls, bridges, squats, and deadlifts—never going.How to Do It. Tie a medium or heavy band around something secure. Then set up for any crunch exercise but have the band pull on the back of your ankles. The band should have adequate tension and you should feel slight hamstring activation.
This will ensure your hip flexors turn off.Even still my hip flexor is grabbing a little bit when I do this, trying to do the work instead of my core. I have had hip flexor pain for a few months now and it’s quite persistent. I suspect they are in an almost constant state of tension.
This exercise actually brings me a bit of relief.Hip exercises can help to strengthen the hip flexor muscles. Most exercises can be done at home and are gentle stretches, which will help to reduce tension and prevent further or.What the Hip Flexors Do. Flexion refers to a bending movement that decreases the angle between two body parts.
When a flexor muscle contracts, it draws two bones together, typically bending at a joint. In the case of the hip flexors, they draw together the bones of the leg and the bones of the hip or spine at the hip joint.Stretching regularly helps your hip flexors stay loose. That can lower your odds of having hip and back pain and help you avoid injuries.
Do the following 4 easy stretches daily. You can do them before you exercise as part of your warm-up routine, after long.Foam rolling overactive hip flexors with a roller or a lacrosse ball before a workout can help chill them out. “Foam rolling helps relax and release the muscle and it can help inhibit muscles that.A couple months ago I did a post about quad and hamstring muscle imbalances. Today, I am going to do the second post on muscle imbalances focusing on the hip flexors and glutes. The hip flexors lay in the front of the hip and act to bring your leg closer to your trunk.
The glutes (or hip extensors) lay in the back of the hip and act to bring.If your abs aren’t firing, it won’t matter how many crunches you do to try and build your abs. To make sure your ab exercises provide you with the greatest benefit, try deactivating your hip.Why Isolates the hip flexors while also improving balance and muscle control.
How Maintain the same position as in the Standing Knee Drive. This time, keeping your right leg straight, slowly flex.
List of related literature:
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from NSCA’s Guide to Program Design | |
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from You Are Your Own Gym: The Bible of Bodyweight Exercises for Men and Women | |
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from 15 Minutes to Fitness: Dr. Ben’s SMaRT Plan for Diet and Total Health | |
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from Essentials of Kinesiology for the Physical Therapist Assistant E-Book | |
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from Opening the Energy Gates of Your Body: Chi Gung for Lifelong Health |
Correct. Hip flexor over activates is the bane of existence (kinda since we still need these muscles) cause back pain, traps overworked and then shoulder and neck pain, knees medically deviated and then the famous overpronsting of feet.
Now I just need to install a post in my flat somehow, since the gyms are closed
I swear I struggle engaging my abs so much and even doing this my hip flexors and hamstrings are holding me up even when I’m squeezing my butt. Frustrating as fuck
Tried doing my ab exercises in my bed and my lower back never came up like it does on the mat, so my abs were in a lot of pain instead of my hip flexors
My hip flexors don’t activate and my lower back is fine but now my upper back takes over what im i doing wrong?
Hip flexor dominance drives me mad. Ive been looking for this tip for years! Amazing!
Guy made so clear
Yes guys I was doing this and which unknowingly doing this with hip flexure weakness and got muscle cramps
Hello! How can I deactivate my hip flexors when I’m doing a choreographed workout in a gym. I do a 9 track workout and track 9 is a choreographed ab workout. Anything I can do while do the workout to deactivate my hip flexors?
Yo, I’ve got an anterior pelvic tilt so I could barely feel any ab workouts in my core, this just helped that drastically
I start feeling it in my neck instead when I do this, can anyone help me fix that?
I’m happy I found this. When doing exercises like russian twists, leg raises etc. my hip flexors would get so tired and it was almost impossible for me to do these exercises and I didn’t know what was the problem or how to fix it. Now I know. Thanks guys!
My knee started hurting when I did this…Am I doing something wrong?
Every problem I’ve ever had Jeff has a video for thanks Jeff!
thank you for this!! my hip flexors kill me after doing any ab exercises and this helped a lot:)
Does anyone else feel like their back is being over worked in the deadbug?
On the deadbugs: 3 x 8 10 each side is a little confusing, but I think it was just an accident and he either meant 3 x 8 or 3 x 10, while reminding people to not count one side as a full rep.
Also, personally, I like working along to these videos, and mid exercise, getting up to stop what I’m doing so I can do the full sets before the next part plays and having the music stop is a bit distracting. Just some feedback, I know this vid is old.:)
What are your thoughts on ab wedges like the ones used in CrossFit?
Finally! I’ve been looking for something to help me stop activating my hipflexors when I’m doing leg raises.
I am def going to try this right before my next abb workout to deactivate the psoas. Thanks for the tip!
The masculinity was threatened when he said touch his butt lmao great video!!! Helped me a lot
Finally! I’m gonna try this and hopefully it works. My TFL is so sore today from doing an ABS day gotta try and deactivate that area and let my core do the work.
Dude this is incredible advice thank you so much man you guys are awesome and im so happy i found this video. Im going to try it but from a body mechanic perspective it makes so much sense as to why this works.
Omg! I have been in the military for going on 13 years. Doing sit-ups for all my APFTs and not able to max them like I should because my hip flexors can not stand to do the whole 82. They give out! I know that if I can reactive them I can go the distance and really max my sits up. Thank you so much for this video. I stumbled on your channel and have been stalking y’all every since. Amazing content!
Is there a video he has on how to fix and strengthen the hip flexors? My hips always fatigue during leg raises
Funny how even the young ones struggle with back pain. Ever since I was in Middle school, it painful to do ab exercises such as leg raises. It wasn’t that I couldn’t do it; it was that pain that would shoot through my lower back. Regardless, I ignored the pain, thinking it was that my abs were weak. Well, it turns out it’s my hips. Thanks for your help
I downloaded the free back pain information from your website talking about how even your diet and overeating affect the back. I am finally feeling better.
Hey guys!! super important info, thank you so much!! I have a question for you if I may, I came across one of those old myths, and I wish to get some insight from you, the myth goes like this: “if someone has a fat belly that person shouldn’t do abs exercises because this cause the fat to solidify under and in between the muscular layers and is more difficult to eliminate”
I can’t quite figure this out, it seems like my hip flexors stay flexed even when I flex my glutes. It’s kind of like my whole body tenses up instead of just my glutes. However I did some different ab exercises in high school and it seems like my body remembers how to do them without using my hip flexors so I’m doing those for now.
Great vid! Quick question though, how many reps of this should you be doing? Or at least till what point should you do these?
I’ve just finished university and nows the time to sort my broken posture so I’m just making a routine using some of these videos. Anyone got advice for how many reps/sets to do of these exercises or is it as simple as 10 reps per exercise of 1 set? Any help appreciated
Hi guys, when you raise your hips off the ground and flex your glutes should you feel absolutely NO tension in your hamstrings? When I flex my glutes it appears my hamstrings also flex too
Interesting, for sure. First time I did it wrong, tried to push myself up with elbows or what. Only if you do both the butt raising and the normal crunch movement, you see the difference: working abs without engaging the hip flexors.
This is actually like magic. Before, All that would happen would be my hip flexors would hurt and it would feel like I couldn’t move after, but today I did this just for maybe 30 seconds before my workout and I don’t know if it’s placebo or what but my abs burned a lot more during and after the workout. Gonna start doing this every day because it’s just so essential.
This is amazing. I’m like three years late to learning about you guys. But, better late than never!
Thank you! This sequence was delightful! One suggestion I have is a little more release of the lower back at the end. I have a very tight piriformis so it was quite painful to lie in corpse pose in savasana. To solve this, I did a few supine, slow camel riders ( ) and a supine twist and then I was able to be comfortable in corpse pose. I hope this helps anyone else with this issue!
Thanks for this tip! I’m trying to rid myself of anterior pelvic tilt and activating the hip flexors can be a problem.
What are some at-home ab exercises that can be done after this?
This definitely helps with my central core but I’m not getting a whole lot of activation in my lower abs, anything else I can do?
Thank you!!! I am very quad and hip flexor dominate so this is really going to help. It has always been a struggle to engage my lower abs
i get a cracking in the hips during the dead bugs is that safe?
Tried the glute squeeze and lumbar flexion at the gym today only took 25 years at the gym to properly activate the abs but hey better late than never I guess! You guys are amazing…
Big up Jesse and Young Jamie. The weight belts of the real Big Cats
This doesnt work with someone with anterior tilt. Its impossible to keep the lower back to the floor when legs are extended
Yooo that intro I was funniest as ASF guys keep the good work
Do you have a routine to fix the problem then because my legs always get tired first
Hm, Bret Contreras “The glute guy”, says that the further you put the feet away the more hamstring activation…best 90 degrees. U can check it at his “10 Steps To The Perfect Hip Thrust” post
Love the simplicity of this move. I will be trying it on my client who is hip flexor dominate. Thanks guys!
Any idea what to do if my left glute won’t fire? My left abs are also very weak. I’m trying to strengthen my left abs so I can hopefully eventually fire the glute. I’ve tried everything in the world to fire up the glute and it won’t work. So I’m going to try to strengthen the left abs to try and give the pelvis some stability first. Any help would be appreciated.
Why do I feel it in my hamstrings? My legs are more than a 90 degree angle like they say, and I even used a mirror to check my position, but I feel it in my hamstrings and it’s too uncomfortable to hold the position…. any ideas why or how to adjust?
Thanks! I’ll be trying this before my next ab workout. Love your videos!
Can some explain why I feel horrible low back pain when I do this like fucking horrible pain
Does the traditional plank or plank arms involve hip flexor?
I understand the hypothesis, and tried it, but incredibly awkward and unnecessary. Plenty of other easier and far more functional exercises that successfully work abs over hip flexors.
In the first test…. what if your leg is flat against the bench but your knee doesn’t bend to the 80degree mentioned. Does this still mean tight RFemoris? If I straighten my leg it doesn’t change that me leg is already flat on the bench
1. 3:15 Janda Sit-Up
2. 3:45 Gymnast Abs
3. 4:26 Rubber/Resistance Band 1
4. 4:56 Rubber/Resistance Band 2
5. 5:22 Rubber/Resistance Band 3
6. 6:00 Suitcase Carry
7. 6:29 Side Plank Leg Lift
i just wanted it at the top, less scrolling.
eating family sized bag of ruffles sour cream and onion Hmm yes interesting…
3:31 NOT elevated there. that’s the purpose of the video, to tell you how to stay in a hollow position, not elevating the lower back. lol
Tried this, felt it in the abs a bit, but still some back pain in the middle of back. Any ideas?? Good channel btw wish this came out earlier haha
This video could not have come at a better time… Incorporating this into my daily warmup!
Hip flexor dominate here, and ever since hearing of this approach on the podcast I’ve incorporated it into my routine. Very good stuff!
So what do you do for lower abs or can you not work lower abs without dealing involving your hip flexors?
When I did reverse crunches, my hip flexers were so sore I couldn’t walk for three days
I don’t have all this shit during the lockdown Jeff. Unlike you I don’t live in the gym
Well you lost me in the first minute because planks absolutely fire hip flexors… if they didn’t, your body couldn’t be held in a straight position and hips would drop to the ground.
All I needed to do to avoid that pain was just flatten my back?! Damn man, now I feel foolish.
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One question: Is it a good sign to feel a little pain in the lower back when doing these exercises xD? (Especially when i do the dead bugs)
This back pain guideline named “Kemzαnο Loni” (Google it) has really surprised me. I had been a bit doubtful but used it yesterday and woke up with a more relaxed back. Considering that I`m content with the final results, Also I sent the guide to my mother and dad. I was told that they cannot imagine how fine maybe it was. The best answer for lower back pain…
hey pllzz tell me what is the difference between hipps squats and thigh squats
Do you want to feeling pain for doing this again and again and drilled and sitting on a seat to get quite a while? Dropped on an important pain of back slowly. But here is the option [Go Here >>>>> ] that the best way to treat of spinal column issue with no operation.
Dude how can he talk and do hanging leg raises with such ease
Damn, where the holy hell have you guys been all my life. This was literally made for me❤
Hey, can I put my legs on a wall and do crunches that way? I feel it works really good since it flattens out my back and I can feel it my lower abs.
I am 13 yrs old and have tried ab exercises one month bfr a 100m dash sprint (nt this exercise) and the sprint resulted in a hip sprain and the docter said it was because my hips were tight..and i am a person ho need one exercise for abs and i think this is the one do you think i am on the ryt path and please guide me..i would like your recommendation
I got anterior pelvic tilt:
what are your thoughts on ab exercises that you feel in your hip flexors, but at same time you can still feel it more in your abs? Should these still be avoided or are these okay since you can feel in your abs?
It doesn’t work for me. When I do this move, my hip flexors get really tight. When I squeeze my glutes, my hip flexors also squeeze.
i will try this exercise now. very interesting. i have hip flexor pain for months thats holding me back when playing basketball and whenever i do scissors and lower abs workout. hope this will work. i will update soon
Hi man, i have anterior pelvic tilt can i do crunch and all exersices for abs if i make good stretching of the hips?
@Strength Side Can you make a video on best exercises for obliques? And one oblique contracts better than the other what can be the reason?
This is helpful, but I wish you showed you feet placement, working with the bands.
Sorry if this has already been asked, but how long do you recommend resting between sets?
When I do this, and allot of ab exercises where my legs are straight something pops in my hips with no pain, but it makes it hard to control the motion of my legs especially when I’m hanging.
So helpful! I was stretching when in fact I should have been strengthening!!
Hopefully the pain will now go away and I can run again ♀️
everything is okay except the first part. When I was going lay back and pulled both knees up and dropped one my leg cannot touch the ground and my knees went close to 75 degrees not 90. The rest of them I can done acceptable. So what should I do?
Question, I can hold my leg up, but I can feel it cramp a bit, and I can feel literal knots in my hip flexors, that means they’re tight, right?
I’m half way through and I just want to say, this is the best muscle and tendon information I’ve ever seen on the internet. This is outstanding information, and presented better than anyone ever has.
The number of videos that say Stop DOING THIS! Most of us end up doing nothing, just to play it safe.
I\’m not sure but,if anyone else
nts to learn about aching hip flexorsbest workout for hips try Nevolly Hip Relief Nerd (should be on google have a look )? Ive heard some decent things about it and my partner got great results with it.
You are awesome bro….
Thanks for doing this.
I think i got both!!! One side need stretching and the other need to be tighten..
Any ideas?? The heavy side effects my shoulder duo to the extra wight
Sir i have low back pain please recommend which video is relevant and which are not
Tried lifting the left leg off of a chair above 90 and something was pulling me sideways. Any idea what that would be?
Can anyone help me? I was able to keep my leg suspended above 90 degrees for 15 seconds and I was also able to pull my knee up and keep the other leg flat against the bench but when I do sit-ups my lower back hurts at 10 sit-ups
Just started adding Sprint workouts to my post HIIT routine and my God my hip flexors ached but before stretching I had a vague memory of Jeff saying something about this very thing and sure enough. Glad my memory held on to that last tidbit of this video otherwise I’d be needlessly stretching right now
Hey I am still not sure what to do, there is a weakness but the front of my hips feel so tight and painful I use to not be able to stand up straight, I kept having to push myself up, as if my muscles had atrophied in a sitting position, I also had a lot of weakness in the core muscles. 9 years ago I was paralyzed when 2 fungi attacked my upper spine. I hv3 been slowly getting stronger but that tight feeling remains. I feel the stretching helps but there is weakness. I feel I need both but from what your saying it is one or the other…..
Incredible and understandable explication!!! Now I really evtually know what to do
I hurt myself right around the time this video came out and i regret not coming here sooner. been doing it all wrong, stretching all the wrong ways bc everyone i knew said thats what i needed. I’ve gone from 155 to 210 and Im not athletic anymore…im so depressed… i hope this helps me
Hey my name’s Matt, and 2 and a half years ago I woke up and my back pain was so bad I wanted to vomit and cry, in short I have never been able to sleep without pain, I have seen osteopaths, physios you name it I have seen them.
Only recently I started to do my own research and it turns out my protruding butt isn’t a great arse it’s APT. I guess after years of having a deep arch in my back it finally went, or something did.
I saw a sports therapist and they have told me I have muscle atropy in my glutes and they have recently given me exercises to do. I’m hoping them and the exercises you’ve been suggesting will one day help me get some sleep and spend just one day without pain.
Sometimes it can be so frustrating to remember how life was like before shit happened and how it is now, but I’m going to work on it, and really try now I know what could be causing the pain I’m in.
excellent video, any advice to reduce hip pain after stretching?
what do you think about this.
Have a headache? You might just need to strengthen your toes
All of those exercises use your hip flexors as well as planks. Your abdominal muscles do not attach to your femur at all, so when there is force applied to your extended leg in a sitting position your hip flexors activate to work against that force.
This is a fun workout there’s no equipment needed doable any where any time and I feel great,Thankyou Namaste
When I lift my left leg I feel a lot of effort from my right glute. I feel like I’m compensating but I haven’t been able to narrow down if its glutes, hip flexors or abs
Thanks for making this video! I’ve been trying to track down the source of some back pain that started out of the blue and I’ve been making progress via stretching for a couple of days now. The check for psoas weakness was something that I’ve been looking for!
Is it possible to have a tightness is the muscles that bring the knee to hip height but simultaneously have a weakness I the muscles that bring the knee above hip height?
Can you do a home ab workout with anterior pelvic tilt? Please I need to put this on my routine it became too painful in lower back.
Thanks for this video. I watched one that suggested I stretch my hip flexors but then saw your video and found out I just have weak hips. Now i know how to get those babys worked out without damaging them. Thanks again ✌
Duuuuuuuuude. I have A HUGE hip flexor weakness and I never would’ve adressed it correctly. THANK YOU. Next thing, I’ll look for info on hip rotators.
watching this in 2020 during the COVID-19 outbreak, at home in self-quarantine!! a good time to address imbalances and weaknesses in the body. this exercise is simple and effective even as a beginner not a bro, athlete or anywhere near as strong any of you and i was still able to do this and feel it in my core, rather than my hip flexors. lol. thank you for the video!
OK so what happens if I do the test, I don’t have tightness in either the quad or the hip flexors, but when I do the strength test, I don’t feel the side of my hip getting sore I feel the same spot that’s sore/tight. right at the front of the hip (where the top of the crease formed by my thigh and torso ends). It feels like there’s a few cables that are running through there. I can’t fire my glute fully either on that side. Also I do have a lot of pain in my lumbar area on the same side as the hip flexor soreness. Help!
Im super tired of stretching with a vid and then finding another that says “don’t do it that way” and AFTER that, found ANOTHER ONE that says “don’t do it THAT way”
Alright… But what if I have fine hip flexibility, and I can catch my knee above 90 degrees, yet still I find my self debilitated from hip flexor pain/tightness?
Thnx my hip kills me to, I’m going to try the hip weakness exercise
Oh my gosh. I’ve been having hip issues and couldn’t figure out what the problem is for the longest. When I laid on the floor and tried to lift my knee, it went NO WHERE! Thanks for sharing this, very eye opening.
When I lift my leg a muscle towards the inside of my leg hurts. What does that mean? Which move should I do?
DUDE, you might have (once again) saved my fucking life. I have been searching for quite a while for a fix to my problem now (right hip is so tight it hurts when i squat even with just the bar). During this video my smile grew bigger and bigger because I finally felt that someone is getting to the root of my problem! I know now what my problem is (probably), and how to fix it. Thank you so much for giving out this information for free, never forget how much this means to so much of us!
Fuck dude I’ve had back pain but always was super flexible in the hips, and stretching all the hip flexors and stuff always felt amazing now I realize it’s just my weak ass ass that’s failing me.
in the first test my leg didnt go down until i straightened it which means i have a quad tightness right? how do i fix this
I don’t think I have either, I have a snapping hip on my right hip. It clicks when I drop my leg down sometimes
I’d say that the stretch you are discouraging if your hip flexors are too weak are fine as long as they stretch your rectus femoris (aka when you have weak psioas and tight quads).
Would it be possible for you to do a full routine video of this workout where you go through the entire routine on camera, uncut, so that the viewers can do the whole thing with you from start to finish?
I have a pelvic tilt which I’m working on fixing and this is very helpful!
Gonna try this today! Been having so much pain in my hip flexors and I haven’t been seeing the ab results I need and I now know why! Thank you so much for this, stuff like this on the internet is invaluable
When I attempted to do the standing test of holding my knee and releasing it, I feel a sharp pain in the groin area… no bueno! What should I do?
Ok I fail to pass the first test, my leg wont drop to the bench. I have tight flexors. Which are the best exercises to do?
Holy fuck somebody summarize this for me. Im lazy ass couch potato
What if I have weakness above 90 degrees hip flex and pelvic tilt at the same time?
I am uncertain what I should be doing. My hip flexors are sharp and tight, especially after I run, and get progressively worse if I don’t stretch them. Once I do stretch them, the pain goes away. However, I have lower back pain whenever I do core exercises, and the ‘try to hold your leg up past 90 degrees’, makes the outside of my support leg feel sharp and crampy. So, should I stretch or are those muscles just weak? Should I stretch AND those muscles are weak?
Broooo WHAT. Thank you so much for this video. I’ve struggled with so much of this. That first one was such a HUGE frustration of mine for years. I’ve boxed for several years and will get in shape to be healthy and fight but my core just seems kinda… not super strong compared to everything else I do. This was spot on. I really needed this. It helps.
good precise info, hips can be a nightmare and you describ well
If you have weak hips and you sit down alot, shouldn’t you stretch them since they get tight?
What does it mean when I am doing the dynamic test and my leg goes all the way down to the floor; so not up or 90? I have pain on the quad where it hinges to lift the leg up.
Surely you have tight hip flexors if you spend 10-12 hours sitting a day?
i love this channel so much but i dont agree with this video. i have been stretching my hip flexors for the fast couple months and i definitley think my hips are way looser than they were before and my patellar tendonitis is almost 100% gone. Not saying that stretching is better than strengthening by any means but i do think its very very important to stretch a lot
I feel more stretch in the quads/tfl when doing the thomas test
What if what’s weak is the internal rotators? Opposite to Jessie’s
I think when most people think of weak abs and trying to fix it, isn’t someone that already has a sixpack
No soy bueno con el ingles, creen que lo pueden traducir. Gracias
i dont think that if you have weak hip flexors you need to stop stretching them. on the contrary, strengthen them at the end range of motion in flexion and extention, thats the only true balance and joint health
I’m not sure if the question has already been asked but here it is; I did the three positions test at the start of the video, I’m really good I get to the ideal point at each time. I have a wide enough stands; I practice often the movement shown with the resistance band and the position and I make sure to properly activate the stabilization muscle, the last test Jeff mention I can do the 3 moves without problem but even without weight at the bottom of the squat I feel a pinch in the front of the hips; what am I missing??
You just talking about my problem, I lost my hope, I need your help
Hey Man! I am just wondering how often i should do this workout, like evreyday routine?
This video is so informative! I’ve had a problem with my right hip for a couple of years now and I have not been able to figure out why or stretch it effectively. I was diagnosed with lumbar scoliosis a couple of years ago and now I’m almost certain that the instability caused by that is the reason my right hip is so funky.
I guess the next part of my journey is to figure out how to minimise the risk caused by my scoliosis and try to reduce the rate at which is exacerbates. Unfortunately it is a problem that only gets worse, so it seems this is a journey I will be taking to the end of the road.
front kicks on the heavy bag also help strengthen these right?
Hey Jeff, trainer here. What if it causes pain on the outside of the hip like you mentioned. Do you have the client still do the test as the exercise even though it’s causing them pain? Explain to them it’s like poking the bear, etc?
I have this problem and was concerned why it did not get better with stretching. Thank you Athlean X!
Is it possible for a hip flexor to be both tight AND weak? Where you would start?
I came from a video of Jeff saying to stretch my hip flexors and I now can’t before i finish watching the video
I will try these, but i cant feel my back muscles, even tho i go to the gym, i did many back exercises with equipment and ive been doing that for the past year, but my back is still super weak, because when i do the exercises i just cant feel my back muscles and my arms are the ones who do the job when its the back which should do the job, and when i need to do pullups its torture, i can only do 3-4 and that only brcause of the arm strenght and when my arms get tired out, that’s it, and i try to activate the back muscles to work but i cant feel them:(
My dominant leg (right leg) feels pressure. What should i do? My left leg is easier to move
Is there an Athlean X video for loosening the hips in the other direction anterior? I don’t see one. Thanks to viewers for your help!
So I failed all the exercises. What can I do. Do I need physio? Do I need to tell my doctor? I have underlying health conditions so I may be overreacting. All I’m saying is I’m prone to joint pains so dunno if it’s part of me or I can actually change it
your left arm is shorter than your right arm when you do the dead bug ex, you should look into it. the left arm doesn’t reach the ground as the right arm
Can you make a video about my weak squat game? I go for repetition so I do light weight but even if I attempt to increase the weight somewhat, I tend to receive some intense hip pain.
My stroke game is only at about 70% right now, so I’m still killin the ass, but I need that 30% back!
So, with gyms being closed, what would you recommend using for the Band on the hip?
Watching these videos is like going to the local speed shop here; much valuable, hard-earned info for Free. Thanks Jeff.
Dear Jeff. I have a problem with very tight hamstrings. Can I ask you what the problems might be? Many thanks Andrew
I’ve had lower back pain for last year and really messed up my lower back, Physio’s said train your abs but my lower back was hurting constantly and the Physio’s didn’t know what the problem was, I went to some expensive physio and she said I have hip flexor dominant and lower back dominant where they take all the pressure and not my glutes, my lower back since been getting better and she taught me how to train abs properly she talked about deactivating hip flexor and how to deactivate hip flexor, these guys talking about the same thing, THESE GUYS KNOW THEIR SHITTTTTT!! Channel needs more attention
Thank you so much!!!
Excellent video.Greek greetings from mayorca
How exactly do you push your lower back to the ground on the first exercise?
Jeff is normally on point but that is not an accurate way to test external rotator vs. internal rotator strength (the test starting at about 13:00). He placed Jesse in a position where his leg was already in an extreme externally-rotated position. Everyone is going to have a much easier time lifting the foot than the knee in that position. You have to do a test starting from a neutral position for accurate results.
This was incredibly helpful! So thankful that you explained this!
Sir im a boy my lower body bigger than upper body a
What is the prob. Nd my thigh hip are look like outside which excercises are better to fix this prob nd sir ur to good
Your videos ALWAYS have valuable content. What the hell are other YouTubers doing?!?
I wanna be friends with Jesse so he can give me the inside scoop to Jeff’s mind
I did these tests and I found my problem.,. Internal rotation is barely barely there…. am I doomed.
My groin has a lol grinding feeling if I try leg raises inner thigh feels tight and causes a zing feeling in flute I’ll try these
13:15 I have the exact problem, I don’t know if it’s from driving long hours or sleeping on my side all the time, probably happened over time, I can’t wait to fix this problem. My hip pops, I feel pain when I try to lift my leg a certain way sometimes, and my squats are suffering,
NOTIFICATION SQUAD GIVEAWAY Alright guys, I’m giving away a complete 30 Day Workout program to 100 lucky clickers within the first hour this video is published! Remember whiners who can’t read, it’s NOT THE FIRST 100, but 100 randomly selected WITHIN the first HOUR the video is published. Don’t b*tch if you’re not one of them:) Just try next time. Click to see if you’ve won. Good luck!
If you don’t win, no worries. Just be sure you have your notifications turned on so you can get to my next video quickly and try again. Good luck and thanks for being a loyal subscriber…
I’m trying to jump higher, I don’t think I have tightness but that cramp you were talking about for weak hips. Will these exercises help my vertical? Thanks for response.
Thank you for this in depth piece on hips (along w all your other videos). I had a 3 level lumbar fusion 4 yrs ago & my hips/hip flexors have never been the same! They are a constant battle. I’m going to add this to my regime..thx again!
great video. I finally undestand the mecanics of using bands.
Mines definitely internal rotation, can hardly move that way… might be why my right knees sore after leg day sometimes.
Love the videos. This one especially is really good. Music is too loud though and it sucks really bad. Also, it would be nice if the videos were full length workouts with timing ques.
If I actually line up my hips properly in the clamshell, I have almost zero range of motion. Whyyyyy????
Holy crap!! I can not believe how much this helps after just a few days. Been stretching these like crazy and the second I would hop on my skateboard I could feel my hipflexors getting so tight. Issue completely gone, I still have ptsd from my hips being so tight though.
Jeff is gonna our physical therapists out of business, and I’m saying that as a compliment
In the test performed around the 12 minute mark, when Jessie has his foot flat on the floor, I assume this foot position is intended to mimic as closely as possible the position of the foot when doing a squat, as was highlighted in the exercise designed to open up the capsule (foot on box, band around front hip). If we’re trying to test the ability of the adductors, is there any contextual validity to the idea that more recruitment of the adductors will be achieved by keeping the foot externally rotated so that the inside of the foot is on the floor? Obviously it’s not very functional, as it is generally less common to use the foot in this way, but would it have any benefits for the purpose of the test itself? Kindest thanks in advance for your answer and even more for the brilliant content you share with us!
I have to do hip flexor stretches for my knee rehab, it was given by a physiotherapist.
Lol I never win anything hahahahaha I still watch you even though I hearing some not so nice things on YouTube about you just hold your head high and don’t let the nay slayers get to you!!!! your the best instructor I’ve seen on YouTube on proper forum!! Your true followers will stick with you!!
Yeah but if I turn my feet out and legs then I’ll tear my asshole in my shorts lol jk
This is another video that legitimately changed my life! Thank you
Very informative and good information. Thank you, this pointed me in the write direction
Thank you athlean x the one using the resistance band worked for me..
I have this problem. Don’t do any leg raises or flat back (on ground) exercises. I use an ab roller. Also do planks, side planks. I believe you can get a full ab workout from these if you’re contracting and and feeling the muscle.
Found this video because I have overactive hip flexors and am looking for a solution because physio hasnt been helping. But I cant seem to flex my glutes without also activating my hip flexors, even in this exercise
I have out-toeing and pain in the foot that I think stems from tightness in the hips.
I’ve already improved my technique ref the abs thing! Thanks!!
Great video!!
Im going to use alot of these to help my core.
I had a question about your squat though.
I noticed that your knees, went past your feet. I was told by several instructors and trainers that knees past the feet is poor ROM and a proper squat should have your knees above your feet, never passing your toes.
Im at work so i could listen to it out loud, so im not sure if you mentioned if you did that for a reason or not.
Jeff which one of your programmes would best suit with problems like these??
I have a problem that’s a bit in this direction but not quite. I have very tight feeling muscles in the left leg, causing difficulties in external rotation.
For example when trying to sit in a simple version of lotus pose, there’s difficulties in getting the left knee against the floor. Some muscle in the inner thigh feels tight and in the outer thigh the connection to hip socket feels limited (when rotating hip around, there’s a popping sound when I believe some longish connective part probably climbs over something in the hip) and faces a block almost. Unless you move it a little so it gets around that block, but then it feels uncomfortable.
I think the same chain also causes some tightness or pain in the back of the hip/lower back, perhaps glutes. And the foot is turned a bit outwards for this. Trying to stretch the left leg sitting like that causes some pain in the ankle and outer side of the knee (probably because the leg doesn’t want to stretch and puts stress on the joints? But also just the muscles or something being tight around the knee all the way to foot, pulling that foot).
It’s probably a big chain of weak and tight muscles, but I was wondering if this is more common and if there are simple ways to develop this structure. Perhaps caused by sitting with legs up and crossed for weak core, abs and glutes.
90 degrres of passive external hip rotation??
Where the hell are you getting that as your reference for normative range?
@Athlean-X, please make a video on FAI (Pincer and CAM type). I have Pincer Impingement and have been suggested range of motion physiotherapy for now by my orthopedic, and if it doesn’t work then surgery. I am not 100% sure if I am getting the proper treatment by the physio therapist. They don’t seem to know my issue and just making me do range of motion stretches for the hips.
After researching, I came across FAI Fix Program by some youtubers. But not sure if that is true or surgery is the only way to truly fix it. Some research papers suggest that FAI doesn’t lead to Ostero Arthritis. I am not even sure who is telling truth. Will physio therapy work or not. Please reveal whatever knowledge you have on this issue
How often would do these excerises if weakness is the reason for hip pain?
Hello… There is a practical called the 10 Key Moves you need to loosen your hip flexors and unlock the hidden power in your body. if you want know about it and see the video for the practical Email me: healthhip1@
Thank you for this video. I used to be a marathon runner but a few ankle injuries from forced boots and UTs runs put me out and I packed on the pounds. This year, I’ve decided to focus much more on regaining my fitness level to my Marine Corps days but my hip has been troubling me and making running, biking or even the elliptical painful. After trying the band for just a minute it released a bit, and the side bridge melted almost all the tension away. I’ll be doing these as part of my regular daily regime. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Amazing Jeff always figures it out! I know ill be better in no time…but i go to work on my inner thigh muscle i overworked my quads
Your videos are so helpful to correct the posture. Thank you so much!
OMG I tried to do the last exercise and one one side I could kinda lift an inch on the other side I might as well have been paralyzed. Thanks for pointing this out!
Excellent video Jeff. I’ve been searching the web trying to research this type of information and I have not found anything that is this complete / concise. Thanks so much greatly appreciated!
Omg my right hip is the one I have pain in and I can’t even get my knee off the ground at all!! 0 external rotation
I’ve started to have a pain in my hip recently on the right side only on a specific movement: when I externally rotate my leg with the knee flexed (knee straight no pain). Basically I can’t look under the sole of my shoe on my right leg: a sharp pain. I found this video because I can’t squat with my heels on the ground, and did the test. Amazing while my left knee lifts fine from the ground, my right knee (the one that’s painful on the move I described) won’t lift off the ground at all despite all my mental efforts! I suppose I gotta train those external hip rotators on that side more then. Which moves to do in particular I don’t know (suggestions anyone?) but I remember hating the clamshells at the gym very possibly because of that weakness. Thanks a lot Jeff this is eye-opening.
Jesse: Yo Jeff, I got some hip tightness!
Jeff: Grab the camera. And Raymond.
A physical therapist told me I might have a deep femur socket and that’s why my right hip external rotation is limited. 30 degree max.
Is there such thing?
Thanks. That’s what I was trying to find. Really good workout + fix pelvic tilt.
This video’s great! I was worried a student shared the video and the title concerned me as we do dance and circus arts and often have strong but tight hip flexors, stretching appropriately is important. I know a catchy title is good for getting views, but it was misleading for the great content in the video:D Just a thought.
I’ve been doing some research because no matter how many ab routines I do, it’s always my hip flexors that walk away burning. Hopefully this helps
So what exercises do you recommend to improve poor flexion and external rotation of my hips?
Great channel thank you for always explaining very important things in a clear and easy to understand manner
So true is the point that weakness in one part of the body causes stiffness and problems in other parts.
The side planks worked wonders for me. I’d picked up a hip flexor / glute medius strain that persisted for weeks to be fair, it was from doing some weighted, seated, twisting abs exercises in another of Jeff’s videos, so I figured he owed me one! and was doing just what Jeff says not to do in this video stretching hip flexors mainly! After the first couple of reps of the side planks (which are damned hard, lifting your upper leg), the pain had gone, and when it came back after a few hours, I did some more and will keep going until it stops… then keep going so it doesn’t return. Thanks, Jeff!
love this channel, every time I have a muscle issue Jeff always has a fix……
Jeff kind of looked like a marionette puppet lifting his knee up real high like that. Haha no idea where that came from but it made me laugh
So in the midst of this quarantine I’ve discovered that I have weak abs, weak glutes, an anterior pelvic tilt, and tight hips. I need to take care of this right now because it’s getting pretty unbearable and I’m only 24 so I can’t have this be a problem for the rest of my life. I wish programming wasn’t such a solitary job
Here’s part 2!
Is it possible to have anterior pelvic tilt without a weak core? Because i can easily do 50 pushups in one set, wouldn’t that be difficult for someone with a weak core? I was under the impression that someone with a weak core would struggle with pushups?
This correction now also seems to be an area of interest for plantar fasciitis..another great video!
Hi, great workout, but wondering if you could re-record the video with softer music. shouldn’t women and men be doing different exercises for this problem due to anatomical differences? If yes, would be great to see a video on that.
It’s a good workout but this shitty, overly loud music completely ruins it for me
Start a cult. I’ll drink the koolaid. Thanks for all the great videos.
Are you supposed to rest between sets? Help im really confused
I sure would like to see more. First time I see something that I feel is accurate and WELL EXPLAINED. My problem is weakness and tightness CENTER front right in the crease of the front of my right leg, a little closer to the groin. I have never been able to get the back of my thigh flat on the bench since my first hip replacement on the right side. this problem comes and goes. A few minutes ago the first time I lifted my leg and place my foot on a chair in front of me, I felt like I had to pick it up manually and place up there. Just from doing those tests I can now pick it up to 90 degree angle? I had one total replacement on that side, about 27 years ago, and a partial re-replacement with two screws about a little over a dozen years ago. I am soon to be 83 years old and still teaching ballet. Where can I see more on this subject?
I have no access to a gym, but I wantttt to stay fitttt. These videos are a blessing. Much appreciated.
Your video is great, but I hope the sound was better so we can follow up
Started doing sprint workouts in addition to my hiit and my hip flexor region is so tight. Tried that final stretch (on stomach with knee bent up tried to lift), and holy shit! Could barely do it. Thank you Jeff for pointing out my weaknesses with scalpel-like precision. Your information is amazing. Keep it up
A db half my bodyweight? jesus that s.o.b would be expensive to acquire
I can’t even imagine how much time this video is going to save me. Only bother trying to start unlocking the hip after you’ve built up the muscle. This video taught me what thousands of dollars of physio wouldn’t teach me
Hi, what do you think about stomach vacuum? It is as good as plank?
On the excersices that we have to be on our back all the back is flat to the ground? When I move mine is not flat
The tip about flexing your lower abs i screamed I said…. This is where you get better
And the first tip about the the thighs too omg welp time to get good
Aren’t most of these exercises involving the hip flexors, which are already too dominant?
I did the hollow body hold just like you said (first progression) but my lower back was still hurting during it and I didnt feel it in my abs
best anterior pelvic tilt workout i have ever seen! (ive seen a lot!)
thanks for sharing, it helped me a lot! your comments during the video: great! compliments!
guys, these are advanced exercises. i dont recommend it for beginners
When I squat only my right leg hip area by the Pectineus it locks or it’s way to tight, do you recommend just daily or twice a day stretching/yoga? I have been doing planks before every workout it feels like it’s stronger but still tight. I also think I maybe should just focus on that one side until it balances with the other side my left which has no issues
I don’t even go anywhere else anymore. If I have a question I just look for Jeff’s video on it.
Tried this in my routine and it made a huge difference. Could only do half as many leg raises and it felt completely different. Think I’m still overusing the hip flexors, but it is a great start. Thanks guys.
To anyone debating on doing this I did this work out one time yesterday I’ve been training the last year I woke up this morning could see my entire six pack like I’ve never seen it before this pretty much fix me in one work out so I imagine if you stay on it and have a serious problem this all definitely work
Def will try this. By the way great work you do mate:D keep on it.
I am playyed cod as i was young from mw to black ops two and now im trying to get my bones into a human looking position again:D!
what is you have both hip flexors and quad tightness/weakness
Why can’t I keep my legs bent at the knees like you? When I try to squeeze the glutes, my legs automatically go straight and there is pain in my knees. What is wrong?
Thank u!
I am a PTA & have been struggling with this exact issue:/
Great video and helpful information! Thanks a lot!
But the shitty EDM-music is honestly painful to tolerate:(
Anyway, thanks for your tips:) So still thums up 😉
Do we really have to do specific reps each exercise? What if some are easy and others too hard? Isn’t it more correct to do them for a specific set of time?
What about the people saying you should never do leg raising exercises with apt because of strengthening the hip flexors even more, thus causing more tilt.
I have anterior pelvic tilt which makes doing abs a little difficult
Can you please explain why it isnt good to stretch the hip flexor if they arent weak?
Absolutely awesome!!!! This is going to be my new morning routine my core is my biggest weakness causing all sorts of imbalances and pain in my left side, hip, shoulder, etc.
but doesn’t the squat build your rectoris femoris which are already too tight with people that have apt? Isn’t that counter productive?
Is this ok to do for someone who has had a interior exterior spinal fusion surgery
Thank you so much for this! Indeed a major lack of exercise regimens like this out there
wow dude you killin it man! got me totally hooked to your channel.
Do you think barbell squat is bad for you? I feel that it ruined my back. I’m not doing it anymore. Instead i do squat without weight like in this video.
I cannot flex my knee to 90 while sleeping, what could be the reason?
also, I cannot posteriorly tilt the pelvis, is it ok to do planks with it?
How often would you recommend doing this routine and each exercise 3 sets? 10-15?
Thank you very much. This channel is perfect for (APT). It’s really helpful. I recently noticed I have some Anterior pelvic tilt.. I was so scared what would happen, so I started searching how to get rid of this, and now I finally found a perfect one.. Waiting for more. ✌
Thank you so much for giving me this information Sal! This video was tremendously helpful and I will never be able to thank you enough for this.
does anything of those exercises also work the hip flexor? cause I know that’s not suppose to be tight
Your vids are very great and informative, but you really should work on your sound quality and design. Having to set my speakers volume to max and than down again every time you play the music in post processing is very annoying.
Great videos man. Always gives me a lot to think about. keep it up!
Learn about the important core muscles and how to strengthen them.
Great material. Lot of information for newbies and beginners. Will definitely help them thumbs up.
Jeff’s videos have done what PT could not do in MONTHS, all they wanted was insurance $$$. My therapist was not nearly as educated as Jeff. THANK YOU, JEFF & TEAM!!!
i am having severe pain in my hip flexor when i do the internal rotation….
how can i stop the pain???
Enjoyed this a lot. Going to see whether some of these can be done without aggravating my sciatica as does anything in that sitting/lying floor position with direct pressure on L5-S1. I have super tight lumbar back muscles and logs so didn’t realize this could be a consequence of weak ab/core muscles which I know I absolutely have. More like this Jeff.
Hi Jeff,
What if I don’t have tight hip flexor and when I test if my hip flexor is weak, when I lift my leg from the box, I feel pain?
What’s the cause and what should I do? Should I keep practice hip flexor or no?
What about hollow body holds? Have yet to find a core exercise that hits the entire core
I’m still getting lower back pain doing janda crunches and band presses. I have ATP and even though I’m keeping my core tight/squeezing glutes and posteriorly rotating the hips, my lower back gets fatigued first.
Should I focus on strengthening the lower back?
This in combo with your anterior pelvic tilt video has finally dimmed down my back pain.
It would be great if you added the option to train the abs without using the hip flexors on your 6 pack app.
i was doing a lower abs routine, and the instructor said keep your feet on the floor, which I am not able to do…. or your hip flexors are doing all the work! Well I have a very bad lower lumbar issue and have been doing pilates for years, but not feeling like I am improving my lower abs. Thank you for this exercise and I will follow you now for more tips and exercises.
Searching home workout guide in youtube is funny…when we started to follow some video, another video pop ups just to tell us what we’ve already done was wrong and danger…..
I’m very impressed with your knowledge and easy explanations. Can you please add the number of reps for these exercises? It’s the only thing that I’m missing. I have lower back pain and am not sure how far to push things.
Hey Jeff love your channel. Just an FYI I am an older male in his early 40’s who quit smoking and drinking since the pandemic started. I love your energy and I hope to learn from your videos. This is great since I do have a bad back stemming from an old work related injury. I love your content and your positive attitude. Keep up the good work bro. I love you and God bless:)
After hearing Sal talk about this on the podcast I was curious on how to do it. Thanks for this and all the other visuals!
Where can I buy a program of exercises to correct this issue?
Athlean x, you know very much so how to do the correct moves for your health, that’s what l call a well taught physical trainer.. you’re great!
My only issue is during the side plank leg lifts, my hip flexors still pop…is there something I’m doing wrong?
Could these be used if you have Lumbar disc issues? My MRI showed Bulging discs with Right protrusions which often irritate my Sciatic nerve. My Dr. Says that the most important thing that I can do is strengthen my core, but core exercises that involve flexion of the spine often aggravate the injury.
when i do planks side or regular i can’t feel anything but elbow pain
I wish you would do some some type of exercises we can do at home for people that don’t go to the gym who may be older but have from injuries back pain weak glutes weak core.. I hate the gym bores me Ridged I join two different gyms hated every minute of it lol
Should I be concerned when my back hurts even while doing the side plank or should I just ‘whatever, f*** it’?
It would be great if you did the exercises and position the camera where you can see full bodyexcessive talking not enough guidance. Hope you can change your style. Not trying to be a dick.
Strengthening and flexibility for dancers…..I teach modern, ballet and some hip hop dance
Thank you very much for this. I’ve had a hip problem for over a year.
Injury from spine can be debilitating někdo další z česka kdo se tomu začal smát:D:D:D
Please help! when I squeeze my glutes, do I tuck my pelvis or should it stay the neutral, slightly curved position.
Jeff I appreciate you form the bottom of my heart! I’ve been working out for 11 years and tried these workouts today, felt some muscles i haven’t felt before! you’re a legend, God bless you
I lost ability to fully engage my lower abdominals after being rear ended by another vehicle.:/
2 years later I wound up with lordosis.
Those side planks really work I’ve struggled with pelvic tilt, tight flexors and tight lower back muscles. God bless you and the work you do.
Hey I love ur videos
One doubt is can v jog with lower back pain
That made a big difference. I don’t even feel my hip flexors while forcing my back down to the floor.
My lower rib is flaring out on my left side and I have terrible pelvic tilt. What would you suggest
Thank you JEFF!! These exercises help. My lower back doesn’t hurt anymore. Rock on.
I’d appreciate if you gave some advice on trigger point on lumbar area. I’ve had pain for over a year now after having visited 3 different doctors and 2 different physical therapists. 35 sessions, including 4 dry-needling sessions were not of any use. Any suggestions?
I have been taking ballet classes for the last year and a half and that made me study anatomy to be able to do the steps. Your channel is very helpful for me to study and correct my posture. I’m almost 30 and there’s a lot to correct. ♂️ Thanks.
As someone with a herniated disc, these have been very helpful. Thank you!
I can finally do three sets without a struggle. Thanks again. Getting some huge gains on my shoulder flexibility too using your stretches combined with intermittent flexing for 10 second intervals. Also, memorized the super set.
If you can’t do ten 360 muscle ups your calves are weak LAMO
I wish you were local to me, could so do with your help. 2 years in and getting frustrated. Any I can do at home?
Nice wish I saw this video a year ago I add this stuff to my training along the year for abs and it got so much better,Here I have some bonus tips.
i must say I’ve watched a few videos there alright but this!!! this video right here truly helpful especially this season randomly nagging hip flex on side and dong some of the test displayed weaknesses as well. Thank you
Pre-Jesse videos are so lonely glad you found your side kick lol
Are those safe to do while I have bulged disc? I have both that and anterior pelvic tilt.
how are you able to do these exercises without a gym and home lockdown?
Somebody help I keep looking for exercises to fix pelvic tilt but I think I am doing something wrong because when I do the exercises I can’t feel myself going back into normal posture.
Thank you so much for these informative videos Jeff. I’ve been practicing Eldoa exercises for a couple weeks now, and these ab workouts are helping with my core tremendously!
I have no pain in my hip flexors when doing ab exercises like the leg lift, but its IMPOSSIBLE for me to NOT arch my back during these exercises. Is it bad if i arch my back?
I’m getting a real nice burn in my abs when doing these but im not sure if that corrects my excessive anterior pelvic tilt. Is it like i train my abs into the apt?
Este video debería estar en tu canal español, está muy bueno.
Hi Jeff. If I do the sledge hammer swings should I alternate sides?
I have been following you since i had back pain five years back. All pain gone & feeling energetic. Thanks
should i do this once per week or would every day help better?
What about someone with long torso/short legs? Can’t do sit ups without anchored feet or sit ups? Still weak abs or physics?
I have muscles spasm (low back) shaking when doing the side plank does that mean theres no strength or activation in my abdominal/ stabilizers?
Thanks Jeff! I can’t pass the Janda movement pattern for trunk flexion because of hip flexor involvement, so I’m definitely going to try the sit-up with the band for recip. inhibition of them
Hi Jeff. When doing the side plank and lifting the leg, I feel most of the tension on the outside/bottomside of my hip and not my abs. Any tips?
My abs are strong, I’m sure I’m good…
Red Flag 1: we have determined that was a lie
AthLean XWhat is the proper way to sleep with low back pain?? When I sleep I feel like my Lumbar is being crushed from so much pressure!
What if you pass both tests but still have an anterior pelvis?
Love this video. Thanks so much for posting. Completely different set of work for me to sort out lower back pain. Thank you.
Love how your not just trying go be some ego driven juice head who shows off, you give real help with real fact based information in all you’re videos. You da man! Thank you.
Want to win an ATHLEAN-X program for free, no strings attached? Click the link below to find out how!
I have a degenerative disc in my lower back. Am I doomed to forever be in pain and not be able to perform these exercises???
Others are making jokes
But what I can here: congratulations you have got all 5 red flags.
I really wish I had my abs again.. I gained 12 kgs in just 9 Months like wtf?
Ok stop telling lies. I’m a gymnast and stretch my hip flexors every day and I’m perfectly fine
BASICALY YOU TUCK THE BOOTY UNDER LIKE YOU’re tucking your tail between your legs
If you lift your head during dead bug, won’t it promote it kyphosis?
Your a legend Jeff! because of you my 8 pack abs are becoming a reality, you helped me reveal 6pack in 3 months!!
So if you can’t do that thing Jesse had to do at around min 13, lying on the back and lifting the knee up (insanely difficult even to lift it a few cm off the floor) it means you shouldn’t do stretched typically recommended by trainers to fix anterior pelvic tilt?
My adductor group always kills me like I’ve torn it after any ab exercise I’m trying to build abs from 0 but cant target them at all just the groin area kills im well aware about the red flags thats why im here so how do you fix it exactly? Not much helpful information to rectify any of these but point out the obvious.
For the last exercise, what do you mean by each direction? You only showed us the forward one so I’m a little confused
I always thought I had bad hips when doing leg extensions. Turns out I’m just doing it wrong!
Another great answer for free, a swear Man anytime I got some serius stuff to look up I get the answer here in ATHEAN-X channel.
I have all flags bcoz I don’t have abs. I have a belly. Gotta work harder
OK my bois here the deal, I think my entire body covers for my lack of core I shit you not I cannot do a single situp using my core and no hip flexors what can I do if I can’t do anything?
You even have your elbows popping out, like mine. Why is it so
I hav overdominance of rectus abdominis muscle while doing workout, like my rectus abdominis pops out unconsciously, i cant activate my deep abdominals like transverse abdominis, i guess its not diastasis recti, my rectus abdominis does the work of other deep muscles (brain finds the shortcut way to complete the rep), i hope you will do a video in this issue to fix it
I come here for the video only to get distracted by comments section
If my hip flexors hurt me after two sets of my ab training, does that mean that i have weak abs and the hip flexors take the most hit?
This person is the best he uses anatomy to explain the problem from the roots
Great video!!!!! but please spare us that silly music. It’s all over you tube and I feel like I’m getting dumber only by being exposed to it.
I’ve always been taught that your knees should not go past your ankles when doing squats…it looks like yours are…have I been taught wrong my whole life? Or are my eyes playing tricks on me?
Now this is a great and highly informative video. Thank you so much.
Why would someone give this factual well presented information the thumbs down ridiculous
Exellent as always Jeff, i will be using this to build a stronger core. Thanks!
His videos always make me question if what I am doing is correct or nah
Even with your tips I can’t perform a sit up, I have severe back pain:/
Is it okay to do a sit up if i have scoliosis..23 degrees on my lower back?
Is it possible to have weak and tight hip flexors and if so, how do you respond to it?
My leg/hips twang like guitar strings when I try to do ab muscles, so I’m looking forward to trying this
Mind blown! Always thought they were tight but, alas, they’re not!!
Didn’t even get to the point until over half the video. Background music makes this painful to listen to!!
stretch everything, strengthen everything, takes the bs out of the equation
Can you make a video touching on abdominal training for people who have recovered in the past? Also, how do you recommend bracing your abdominal wall if you’ve had hernias in the past (there’s a mental block for me —I’m scared to fully brace again). For context, I had a double inguinal hernia repair a year ago.
At this point i’ve seen Jeff shirtless more than my girlfriend….
Pretty soon there’s going to be a doubled version of these videos in all languages
Congrats for the 10mil subscribers!!
Wow so helpful ty. I put my feet under stuff until I saw this haha
My hip flexors are weak, my glutes are weak, my chest is weak, my quads are weak, my arms are weak…. 6 months of working out and mostly I’ve just got injured
I earned all the red flags! Is there a prize, like a golden hernia or something??
Dang, I needed this video. Skinny fat and needing to correct all of these.
Jeff: “All you have to do is pick up one dumbbell that’s about half your body weight…”
Me: [Searches for six weeks for 130lb dumbbell. Finds a pair listed for $770. Um, yeah, I must just have weak abs.]
Bends down to pick up car keys “that is the first sign ur abs are weak!”
I was good until the no hands getting up thing. Not using anything to stand up, is not an exercise; it’s you being pointlessly picky, and slow, if you have the time for that kind of shit, you clearly don’t have anywhere to go in a hurry lmfao i’ve known some pretty shredded guys still require the use of their hands to stand up quickly. In fact, it was such a bullshit red flag that I seriously call into question any of the flags you demonstrated today lmfao
This explains the pain in my back when ever I did crunches and sit ups. Glad I saw this video.
Bruhhh this is legit. Now I know why my legs hurt before my abs. thanks!!
I had to stop playing soccer because of this. I had weak abs and my hip flexors would do all the job, so I ended up injured and going to recovery. I haven’t done any high performance sport or exercise since. THIS IS VERY SERIOUS FOR ANY ATHLETE, WORK YOUR ABS!