I’m in Switzerland where the whole situation is also pretty bad right now and we’re preparing for it to get a lot worse. I’m working in a city ED right now and trying to stay as sterile as possible thoughout the day. Fortunately, we still have enough surgical masks that will probably offer a good enough protection against what seems to be mostly a droplet infection.
I’m wondering how I should handle things at home. I have like 4 masks at home and went to the grocery store with one for the first time. The place was quite packed and people at the counter were only a minimal distance away, so the risk of infection is likely considerable. I also curse the fact that 90% of all food is placed in plastic where the virus could survive 72hrs and more. I decided to wash everything with soap when I got home which took like 20 minutes…
Does anybody know of any studies or data indicating that masks could in one way or another be sterilized at home and then be reused safely?
Source: Original link