Table of Contents:
Video taken from the channel: RxMuscle The Truth in Bodybuilding
Fructose Metabolism: Absorption, Fructolysis, Regulation and Role in Obesity
Video taken from the channel: JJ Medicine
Fructose, Obesity and Fatty Liver
Video taken from the channel: UMC El Paso
Why Fruit is Evil Sugar in Fruit is Bad for Your Health
Video taken from the channel: Dr. Boz [Annette Bosworth, MD]
Fructose What is Fructose Fructose Metabolism Sugar And Fructose
Video taken from the channel: Whats Up Dude
The Trouble With Fructose
Video taken from the channel: health yourself
The TRUTH on Fruit & Fructose
Video taken from the channel: bananiac
Fructose Definition The white sugar (granulated sugar) in your pantry is known as sucrose, which is made of two simple sugar molecules: glucose and fructose. Therefore, any foods that contain sugar will have fructose in them. Both sucrose and fructose are refined from natural sources.
Fructose is a type of simple sugar that makes up 50% of table sugar (sucrose). Table sugar also consists of glucose, which is the main energy source for your body’s cells.The effects of fructose on human health has been the source of much controversy. This is due to the fact that there are different kinds of fructose in foods, some of which are bad for health.Fructose is a monosaccharide and is one of the main types of sugars found in fruits, honey, and vegetables.
It is soluble in water, alcohol, or ether. It is used as a preservative and an intravenous infusion in parental feeding. However, it is more advisable to get fructose from fruits rather than processed foods and drinks.Fructose, or fruit sugar, is a simple ketonic monosaccharide found in many plants, where it is often bonded to glucose to form the disaccharide sucrose. It is one of the three dietary monosaccharides, along with glucose and galactose, that are absorbed directly into blood during digestion.
Fructose was discovered by French chemist Augustin-Pierre Dubrunfaut in 1847. The name “fructose” was coined in 1857 by the English chemist William Allen Miller. Pure, dry fructose is a sweet, white, odorless, crystalline solid, and.Fructose Metabolism. Fructose metabolism differs from that of glucose in two major ways.
First, there is nearly complete hepatic extraction of fructose and second, as shown in Figure 1, there are different enzymatic reactions in the initial steps of the metabolism of fructose and glucose.Fructose is absorbed from the gut into the portal vein and is metabolized in the liver where it.Summary Fructose has been linked to several negative health effects, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and fatty liver disease. Consuming fructose may.
The fructose hypothesis has the potential to distract us from further exploration and amelioration of known causes of obesity. Randomized prospective trials of metabolic consequences of fructose consumption at normal population levels and from sources typically found in the human diet such as sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup are urgently.The leading sources of added sugars in the US diet are sugar-sweetened beverages, grain-based desserts like cakes and cookies, candy, and dairy desserts like ice cream.
3 Reducing the amount of sugary drinks and sugary foods each day and replacing these with plain water and fruit might be a good way to reduce added sugars intake.Net fructose—the amount of fructose in excess of glucose or the difference between total fructose and total glucose—is the amount of fructose that is relevant to fructose malabsorption and intolerance given the facilitating effect of glucose on fructose absorption (Riby et al., 1993).A high-fructose diet can increase blood triglyceride, alter hepatic glucose output, and increase uric acid concentrations. Whether these effects would increase the risk of metabolic or cardiovascular disease independently of an increase in body fat mass remains speculative.Fructose is a sweet tasting sugar that is found naturally in fruits and some vegetables and has been part of the human diet—in modest amounts—for eons.
The increasing consumption of sugar has dramatically increased our exposure to fructose (1). Sugar consumption has risen more than 40-fold since the Declaration of Independence was signed 250 years ago, and more than 40% of the added sugars.In the last decade, intense focus has been placed on sugar and its detrimental health effects. Refined sugar intake is linked to conditions like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
Fructose and glucose are typically consumed together in roughly equal proportions from high-fructose corn syrup (also known as isoglucose in Europe) or sucrose. The purpose of this review is to present data from recent RCTs and findings from recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses related to sugar consumption and its putative health effects.The effects of fructose on human health has been the source of much controversy.
This is due to the fact that there are different kinds of fructose in foods, some of which are bad for health.
List of related literature:
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from The Detox Book, 3rd Edition: How to Detoxify Your Body to Improve Your Health, Stop Disease, and Reverse Aging | |
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from Pediatric Nutrition in Practice | |
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from Biochemical, Physiological, and Molecular Aspects of Human Nutrition E-Book | |
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from Future Foods: How Modern Science Is Transforming the Way We Eat | |
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from Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Abdominal Obesity | |
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from Visualizing Nutrition: Everyday Choices | |
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from Present Knowledge in Nutrition | |
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from Health and Medical Geography, Fourth Edition | |
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from The Philosophy of Food | |
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from Nutrition: Science and Applications |
how about starch rich unripe banana?, does the fructose as much as ripped ones,
What about the Fructose in fruit? Fruit is good for you…….
Smh open your fucking eyes do your own research independent studys NOT!!?NOT!!! GOVERNMENT FUNDED..
At 6:03 and a few other times this Doctor says TABLESPOONS! when the words on the screen say TSP= TEA SPOONS and its correct! 25 grams of carbs equals 5 teaspoons of sugar not TABLESPOONS! That’s a HUGE difference! Come on doctor!
Agree. Fruits have everything we need, tonnes of nutrients, water, vitamins, minerals, fibers also. Compared to chocolate bar? yuck
I tried a complete fruit diet and I apparently gained fat in just 3 days
Eating fruits doesn’t increase blood sugar. I have personally experimented..
I don’t know what to eat now, totally confused.. Can anyone help me here.???
since I stopped to eat fruit, my life became super better, fructose molecule is fructose molecule no matter if it comes from process or fruit, fructose is fructose
I would never eat white bread, even with something on it. I would eat whole grain bread though.
Can you explain why Dr Kempners fruit and rice diet reverses not only diabetes but other chronic illnesses as well such as heart disease, kidney disease and even diabetic blindness if fruit and carbs are evil?
OMG your telling me a100 pound women couch potato liver glycogen stores r the same as a 250 pound man nfl football player, every person man women child all have the same storage limit? Not true at all
Dr.Robert Lustig and other of these guys blame the Fructose used by the FOOD industry, not the fructose contained in fruits; generally, the fiber in the fruits is the one stopping your body from absorbing the excess fructose(down the toilet). FRUCTOSE is really treated as a TOXIC in your body so it has to be prioritized to be treated by your liver as it would treat ALCOHOL.Many of us have a compromised GUT so we tend to absorb higher doses of this toxic( and other plant toxins such as Oxalates)
Look instead for Glycemic Index as a marker for those “Healthy” fruits. Yeah, there used to be a season for eating some fruits in the past but today they are always around so I’m not surprised so many of us end up putting on weight by overeating them.
Your body can’t metabolize fructose as it can with glucose so it stays in the liver unless you use the energy immediately it will be stored as fat. And we do eat a lot more fruit now even if it is one piece a day then we did 100,000 years ago. Think about how often you would find fruit not at all in the winter and depending on where you are in the world maybe never. I’m not saying fruit is bad but if your over weight and don’t exercise you should limit your fruit intake.
I think the main obesity epidemic is related to dairy and meat for sure. Look at how both raise insulin levels and cause inflamtion. Eat your fruits and veggies if you wanna look like a god.
Gen 1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
The Creator knows what he is doing.
Almost every processed package & can food products have process sugar added, which is also added to our daily Intake of natural sugars we receive from fruits and other natural sources. However, the natural sugar from fruits has a positive affect on our bodies. Fruits are nutrients, vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants for our whole bodies that not only fight against inflammation, but helps in our digestive system, which also improves our metabolism. I stop eating process sugar, majority of package & process foods, and eat a lot of fruits/ vegetables, grains, nuts, & fish in my diet for 3 years. I’m the healthiest I ever been. I use to weight 234lbs and now I weight 168. I do not work out at the gym. I only walk everyday too and from work (30min. walk) and regular daily movement.
Watch the diabetic guy test bananas one day and chocolate bars next day then test his levels….bananas nearly killed him. Chocolate was a little better. Plus he looks a lot healthier than your good self.
I eat about 400 grams of pure fructose carbs per day + 200 grams of other carbs.
and all the fructose are 100% natural from perfect juices that are 100% real fruits.
And it give me alot muscles.
Ofcourse everything that God made is bad,we should live on artificial food and pills,and other trash.
You can’t take one part of the fruit and study on that alone. Unlike fucking candy bars, fruit is full of fiber, and fiber counter balances fructose.
Fruit never be evil, it is natural sugar and contain fiber and many vitamins. To much fruits is definitely not recommended and might be harmful for diabetes. Ooooops! The truth! Don’t conflate berries with bananas…. sweetie! LOL
Uhhh, I’m not sure what your background is but it is NOT nutrition or biology. If it were, you would know that you cannot measure fructose consumption via glucose tests. Glucose test are for…ready for this…GLUCOSE! It checks glucose levels in the blood, and insulin reacts only to GLUCOSE. Fructose. which you weirdly said yourself, is not regulated by insulin, it transports straight to the liver (a small portion is metabolized in the kidney and intestines if the liver is overwhelmed).
Yes, we can eat fruit under NORMAL HEALTH CIRCUMSTANCES, however, if you are overweight, suffering from fatty liver disease, low HDL, high triglycerides, and/or gout, fruit should be minimized to allow the body to clear out the liver and lower lipids in the blood and fat storage cells.
What’s the difference between fructose on fruit vs refined fructose? Both are still disaccharides aren’t they?
I think fruits are great, but they shall be eaten in season, because that is how nature gave it to us to begin with. I k know is hard to find but you shall balance the consume of fruits if you can’t get the natural in season
You’re wrong.
But then you’re a vegan, so I’m unsurprised.
You clearly haven’t watched Dr Lustig’s long scientific lectures on fructose. He says similar things regarding eating fructose as nature intended, in the form of whole fruits. So why put him up there? Your NONSENSE (bullshite) views on clean animal protein and fat?? Are just uninformed as hell.
Get going bucko.
She is the dumbest dr. In the eastern and western hemisphere lol. Fruit is evil feed your 6 months old rack of ribs because math @#$%%*:S
Breads and grain = glucose.
White sugar= 50% glucose, 50% fructos
Fruit does have fiber but is naturally designed to make humans fat for the long winter when food is scarce. Similar to a bear. Human DNA has changed very little in 250,000 years so imagine yourself 25,000-200,000 years ago without refrigerators or restaurants trying to survive. You are what you eat….literally.
So goes off and consumes a bunch of grapes, picks some peaches of the tree to eat. Raids the fruit bowl of all its bananas. Peel sit back and enjoy.
Jumex sounded so good in my college years. Normally had it with a burrito or three
I understood it completely. Those fructose comments were my opinion. All calories are not the same, same can be said for sugars.
His and Dr Lustig’s theories would only begin to work if this definition of ‘large portions’ hit at least 2000g of carbs alone a day minimum. Even an obese adult would struggle to hit that.
Thanks a lot man I just bought four dozen apples a dozen bananas no protein whatsoever and I love it I can’t eat enough apples I swear I’m getting ready to do some white rice with sauteed mushrooms
The China study ignores Sweet Potatoes told BS. Fruits are at least from 3000 bc. What about those potatoes in India. HMM
Decent video, but animal products are causing the obesity crisis as much or more than sugary drinks
Fruit is evil? You’re full of shit. If you’re overweight, fine, cut right back on fruit as well as a lot of other things. If you’re a normal healthy weight for your stature and get plenty of exercise, you’re not going to get fat on a reasonable daily intake of fruit which provides loads of vitamins and roughage. Headlines like ‘Why fruit is evil’ are no more than fake news, and suggest the you, Dr. Boz, are a fake medic. Also: while the keto diet is highly effective for losing weight rapidly, it turns out to be deleterious for your health in the long run. Youtube is full of charlatans, and you are full of shit.
If you just eat ONE apple, a WHOLE apple together with yout meat then it’s fine bcs it’s not that much plus you have fiber to it. The rest of your meal will trigger leptin so you won’t overeat. You’ll get some fiber and not that much fructose. Just don’t juice 10 apples and drink that as a meal substitute. That would be a lot of fructose without any fiber. Unnecissary and inducing insulin too much. So yeah.
Your brain sounds a little slow..bananiac is very fitting lol. And that muscle tone? Come on man who would actually take this advice..except…another like you! lol
These comments are absolutely ridiculous! Just eat the damn fruit in moderation and use common sense A balance diet is key!
Fruit isn’t as natural as it once was. It’s been cultivated to look and be sweeter than its natural origin. The world in health is in a bad state. You mite be able to have a piece of fruit here and there but you tell people it’s okay.. they think they can eat more fruit now. We’re can we see the proof of what your saying and the research to back it up. Way of from being convinced from this.. only a small percentage of the population has a good metabolism to handle what your saying.
So if I’m eating fruits alone or with other sugars, am I absorbing less calories? Or just at slower rates?
The more fruit I eat the more weight I lose…
Dude you look fat you need to stop eating fruit. OLOLOL
Every day I eat a kiwifruit with my breakfast then two small apples with my dinner and then two bananas with my supper so I hope that fruit is good to eat rather than bad.
Sure fruit has health properties, but so does wine, tobacco, cannabis, sex. But when you overindulge in them, you will fall victim to addiction. When you’re addicted, you can’t govern your indulgence and you will start to wither. Eating only fruit is plain bad just because u become addicted to sugar. And if you think your not addicted to sugar, try and not eat a single gram for 3 days. I guarantee it will drive you crazy!!!! Lol
Subscribed just cuz ur damn skin is brighter than my newborn son. I just got into this fruit thing like three days ago and last night I slept like a baby and did two hours OT at work and felt great. In a great mood all day. Fruits are energy and so tasty. Win win.
Sugar company begain to loose and now star confusing peoples about fruit well than what we eat?
You can be thin but have a fatty liver which can lead to problems later on.
there is a great difference in sugar level between blueberries wich is low and other fruits
most juices have refined sugar added
orange juice attacks the teeth
mango and strawberry are far better than oranges, less sugar and more vitamins
Someone doesn’t have a clue on how & why the body produces insulin. It’s to keep the blood glucose levels down in the blood. It’s not normal to have high levels of sugar in the blood. Yes the liver stores a lot of fructose that it can but it can NOT store it all if we consume too much or it would give you a liver disease or make you have fatty liver. If you have too much in your blood then you will get a jolt of energy & start burning it off doing some form of exercises or playing or something, like many sugar heads do. Then you might start peeing a lot to get rid of the extra sugar if you have too much. This is the body’s natural way of getting rid of things.. If you’re not a diabetic then your pancreas will send out the hormone insulin to bring your blood glucose back down to normal & then the person would get a crash in energy yet again. This happens with high sugary fruits too. Especially fruits like mangoes, watermelon, apples. Anything over 15g of carbohydrates will raise the blood sugar.
Not true. If what you said was true, then I wouldn’t have needed to take insulin when I was eating a raw Fruitarian diet. I’m a T1 juvenile diabetic (29yrs).. Any fruit over the amount of 15g of carbohydrates is in it, then it will raise your blood sugar. Any carbohydrates turns into sugar in the blood & when you have over 15g then a non diabetic would release insulin from their pancreas. A diabetic would have to take a shot just like I did. This is almost 30yrs of experience as a diabetic myself. Veganism/Fruitarianism is a bad choice
Great job!
… and that’s how too much sugar leads to fatty liver (NAFLD) and excess TGs get exported to extrahepatic tissues leading to deposition of fat in skeletal muscle fibers (>> fatty muscles) leading to insulin resistance which get prossively worse and the patient enters the stages of pre-diabetes and then diabetes (T2DM). Insulin level rises progressively to overcome the worsening insulin resistance. Ultimately fat permeates the pancreas itself (>> fatty pancreas) leading to beta cell failure.
Eat real food in moderation.Eat to live.Stay active.Gluttony kills more than the sword.
Health organizations generally only recommend about 15-25g of ADDED SUGAR a day, not to be confused with natural sugar. Seems you can eat all the fruit you want as l9ng as it fits your macros
4:46 What a load of fucking bullshit.
My family grew up a farm eating meat, dairy, eggs, plants(fermented vegetables), beans, corn….Basically natural food.
And they all lived long healthy lives with no sickness.
When they died, it was peaceful.
No cancers, diabetes, dementia, just pass away in their sleep or something else.
You vegans blame meat and have no fucking clue about anything.
Meat and fat are perfectly healthy.
Great video! I have got into the Keto way and because of my choice to do that I have also CHOSEN to limit my fruit but the fact some of the Keto Zealots seem to label fruit as evil is just ridiculous. Yeah it’s too high in sugar to be compatible with Keto but if you’re not doing Keto it’s one of the healthiest energy sources out there.
My mom just came by and dropped off 15 bananas that were about to go bad. I just ate all 15 because I didn’t want them to go to waste. The feeling I get when I drink a soda or something is a million times different than when I eat a ton of fruit.
I have seen the articles that say fructose in fruit does not spike blood sugar but then I saw this
So what to believe?
FOR A VERY SOPHISTICATED bmi go here: It takes into consideration your sex, age, physical activity. This is much more useful.
Wow so fructose ( sugar) won’t show when you do a dibaties blood test the little machine that pokes ur finger and checked ur blood sugar levels! Wow never knew this so u can have heaps of fructose in ur body stored but the machine will show glucose levels
Calm down folks, Dr. Fung is NOT anti fruit! He IS against added sugars like table sugar (sucrose) and high fructose corn sugar. This interview is just a brief discussion of the relationship between too much fructose consumption and the liver.
His book The Obesity Code is excellent. In that book, he says WHEN to eat is important, so we should “just don’t snack” and consider making breakfast optional. (He discusses occasional longer fasts, with a doctor’s supervision for those taking prescription meds, as something many people should consider too.)
For WHAT to eat, his rules on p. 233 are:
1. Reduce your consumption of added sugars.
2. Reduce your consumption of refined grains.
3. Moderate your protein intake.
4. Increase your consumption of natural fats.
5. Increase your consumption of fiber and vinegar.
Regarding desserts, he says on p. 221:
“Follow the example of traditional societies. The best desserts are fresh seasonal fruits, preferably locally grown. A bowl of seasonal berries or cherries with whipped cream is a delicious way to end a meal. Alternatively, a small plate of nuts and cheeses also makes for a very satisfying end to a meal, without the burden of added sugars.
Dark chocolate with more than 70% cacao, in moderation, is a surprisingly healthy treat….”
On p. 222 he adds:
“That is not to say that sugar cannot be an occasional indulgence. Food has always played a major role in celebrations – birthdays, weddings, graduations, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc. The keyword here is occasional. Dessert is not to be taken every day.
“Be aware, though, that if your goal is weight loss, your first major step must be to severely restrict sugar. Don’t replace sugar with artificial sweeteners, as they also raise insulin as much sugar and are equally prone to causing obesity.“
Is that not simple, common sense advice? I am a big fan! And very grateful he provides a loophole for some forms of chocolate!
Some good points but he lets himself down by making things too simplistic. Keeping things simple is all well and good until you’re distorting the facts just to keep it that way.
Our body does what it does for a reason. So when we eat fruit and that fructose gets stored in our liver, does that mean it’s a flaw in our design, or the liver has its own reason for storing fructose in the liver and not the muscles like glucose. Just like, what is the purpose for having an appendix. I can’t seem to find an answer on the internet.
This is so misleading. If what she says is true then 95% of the popilation on this Earth will have diabetese at very early age.
Eric berg and this man are life-savers. I am now onemonth in Keto and IF.
But dr biswasroop Roy Chowdhury has completely different options about fruits fructose…and he cured many diabetic patients with DIP diet itself (india)…..
Is it all forms of fructose? I know high fructose corn syrup is bad but what about crystalline fructose? Are there any differences or should we avoid anything with fructose in the label?
I remember a chemical warfare seminar where Paul Borrisen said exactly the same thing in 1998 good info.
To those who are confused about the fruits being bad: no, he’s not saying fruits are bad. He used fruits and bread as examples to distinguish the types of sugars and differentiate glucose and fructose. He never once says fruits are bad. He’s targeting table sugar in its pure form and how many food products have them. Ironically, even sliced bread have “added sugar” in them which technically makes them less healthy.
The reason why he says glucose (and hence bread) is “better” than fructose is because every cell in the body has a receptor that can take up glucose and use it. When there’s excess glucose, insulin is released that “forces” all body cells to take in glucose from the blood (except for diabetics).
For fructose, only the liver and pancreas has the receptor that can take it in. If the body has enough glucose and full glycogen stores (during the insulin fed state), all that fructose are converted to fat (hence fatty liver).
Hence why table sugar which gives you a 1:1 ratio of glucose and fructose respectively can lead to fatty liver and metabolic syndrome. When you consume table sugar in forms of sugary drinks\sweets etc, Your body is not just getting glucose from that table sugar BUT on top of that, it’s also getting fructose.
Here is a study published by Harvard. What he is saying is true but does not apply to fruit. You want to cut back fructose from refined foods and specifically says NOT to cut back on fruit. Spoiler alert here. Here is the important part:
“it’s worth cutting back on fructose. But don’t do it by giving up fruit. Fruit is good for you and is a minor source of fructose for most people. The big sources are refined sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.”
Link to the article:
Your body runs on sugar. This is what your 100 trillion cells run on. You eat food for energy and sugar gives the cells energy thus powering your whole body. Fructose is the best sugar for this purpose because it enters the cells without a carrier called insulin (can you say diabetes?)
Put seven Dr’s or Nutritionists in front of a camera, and get seven different views. There are legit medical studies on fructose that show it is bad, but then you realize that they used synthetic fructose, and not consumed whole fruit. Then there are studies that show eating whole fruit metabolizes differently and has a totally different and non-detrimental affect. Whomever pays for the study gets the answer they want, or so it seems. So sad that a simple truth is so difficult to find.
Also you fools are eating fruit that has been SHAPEd by man. Seedless sweeter brighter etc. If you saw…95% of the fruit you eat in its natural state you Should quickly wonder wtf you are wasting your time for.
Well most of the cells in our body can’t actually process fructose so it’s most completely metabolised in the liver essentially the liver converts
fructose to energy this energy can’t leave because of its molecular makeup and if there’s any excess fructose after the energy conversion the liver stores it as
glycogen which can be broken down into glucose and sent to other cells for use, the liver can only store so much glycogen once it’s fully stocked the
extra fructose is used to create triglycerides which can be moved outside of the liver for long-term storage as fat so based on this fruits which
contain a lot of fructose must be bad? well actually no not at all fruits are loaded with water fiber and other nutrients so they take a while to digest therefore their fructose hits deliver. fructose is not unhealthy when it’s consumed in moderation in the form of whole foods like fruits and vegetables Don’t know whats this bread talk all about maybe its good if you were going for a sprint so the body can use that glucose right away. There isn’t such good or bad its just about the quantity and time you consume it.
Fructose found in ripe fruits immediately goes not only into the liver cells but also into all cells in the body why primates have been thriving on fruits diet. Fruits are 50/50 fructose/glucose they both complement each other when eaten as a ripe fruit.
I juiced for years thinking it was healthy, i now realise how i became diabetic with liver disease..
Frictose in fruits is natural so it is ok! It is created by Allah!
No God but Allah!
Oh weird I never knew that. Table sugar is one glucose one fructose? I did not know that. So glucose would be better cos your body can utilize it in energy in your muscles etc?? Ah ha. This is why my mom swears its fine to eat fruit cos she said it doesn’t affect her blood glucose…. Good to know. Why do humans have a desire to eat sweet fruits? What about honey what is that? Also I don’t feel so bad that I friggen hate fruit and find it really hard to eat it.
yes i was watching this documentary called Victorian bakers i think and it said Victorian peoples main food was white bread, and yes there was no recorded diabetes epidemic like now! But thay did not have much sugar and sweets were very very rear
More nonsense from uneducated, unscientific keto promoters! Science she says! How laughable!
And what about the fiber in the fruits?? it helps to metabolize the fructose. I really think that this guy is wrong. I never saw a vegan obese
How a “doctor” mislead information to create a brainwashed consummism.
This video is the perfect example of what it’s like to use the internet.
I am suprise that fructose in food can cause fatty liver…fruit is natural fructose….it not hamfull as much as high corn fructose which is not natural…
then why people in long term high fruit diets don’t have diabetes?
I’ll give up oranges, strawberries and grapes and eat pizza then. He’s full of shit
This guys talking shit. Do your homework Fung. Ive tested fructose on diabetes patience with great success. Have you? Sucrose is bad. Anything refined. Fuctose is in situ. That means if diabetes patience eat fruit they can reverse the disease. Takes some time though. The problem with these allopaths is that they just tell you what medical school tells them. They said that eggs raise cholesterol too. Which is the biggest lie around.
I love Dr Fung
But I disagree with him on fructose.
There is a guy on YouTube who eats
12 bananas a day. He is skinny and healthy and about 50yrs old.
Fructose ain’t the problem.
Sitting on our butts and eating junk food is
maltose has no fructose right? So its much better to eat maltose than sucrose? Right?
Thanks for sharing the video, but it was really hard to watch with the background music. It’s distracting… don’t need it.
Simple, short and clear…Thank you for the video and like to see more videos like this!
I really don’t understand this. What if I only have fructose but no glucose, no carbs?
OK I’m on board with everything you’ve said about fruits, but what about their good nutritional value? Once they’re abandoned, what are the keto-friendly replacement sources of vitamin C, pectin, potassium, etc.?
I followed Dr Fung’s advice on fasting and protein consumption I developed sarcopoenia. It took me more than a year to recover and it permanently damaged my metabolism. BEWARE!! Listen to those people who are against multi day fasting. They know what they are talking about.
How fructose gets into semen then? Is it synthesized from something else?
I don’t dislike often but here it is. For people who might watch this inform yourself somewhere else. Fruit is definitely not evil
What if someone eats a good portions of fruit, carbs and meat and doesn’t eat anything but water every month for a week? What disease will you get from fructose? None at all! So it is not fructose that is bad, but the person is lazy and does not use the energy gained from food. Thanks Doc!
So how is it possible that I lose weight? I ate lots of fruits… caloric deficits..?
Fruits are ok but refine sugar not. Do not juice fruits bec we need fiber to counter the fructose….simple.
so what he’s saying is fruit is bad for your liver. I have NAFLD and will start to avoid fruit at all cost!
Sugar is addictive, it has withdrawal symptoms which demonstrates its addiction, and people make excuses to justify their consumption of it in the same manner as a drug addict. If you explain to people that their lives would be far more improved if they simply ate natural fruits instead of sugary sweets they would react as any drug addict would, by becoming defensive and rationalizing their addiction even when the evidence is right there in front of them. People’s behaviors are often systemic and routine bound, so if they grew up eating a particular type of diet because that’s what their parents taught them to eat, they justify their continuance of the bad diet due to familial relativity until something changes in their routine like a relationship with someone who doesn’t consume the same diet, or a medical situation that bluntly causes them to see the impact of their harmful dietary regiment. Another impactful demonstrator of routine is when people see other people enjoying a POPULAR food indulged in society that often is marketed in commercials to be appealing. The actual sight of people indulging in the commercialized food will cause a popular consumptive reaction by others who want to understand what the fuss is all about, then find themselves partaking routinely with the now popular item. Strength in self control is not a prime character trait in society as was in the past, and over indulgence in instant gratification has taken its place.
I don’t understand why people are complaining about the music in the background what’s more important is listening to his message. I learnt something new. Thank you
2:01 I think steviol glycosides are carbohydrates as well. They occur naturally as far as I’m aware. Or did I miss something?
Wow u r a genius. Do you do tutoring for small groups via Skype? If you charge a small fee per person you can probably make about $150/hr
Do you have skype and a website can u tell us if you can do this for small groups maybe each participant can pay $10/hr. If you hold it at 30 people and keep it at 2hr segments (30 min Lect then 20 min Questions back and forth… then last hour a special topic hour on current research)
I think this would be amazing
Lol reading the comments. Relax people. Its hard to get fatty liver from the fruits, but they are natures candy after all. Too much of a good thing remember? And about the animals who live on fruits yeah, but they dont eat one kg of rice, potatoes and beef with that fruit. Most animals are hungry! lol. There is no time for their liver to store it as fat (not for long anyway). They eat they burn. A lot of humans have forgot what a real hunger feels like.
thank you so much. Supposing that my source of fructose is exclusively from fruits, do I have a risk of obesity? I do eat a lot of fruits, tropical fruits in particular as I am very often in Asia (9 months a year).
My Doctor Never told me to cut down on, or eliminate fruit.
Quite The opposite in fact.
Most people who get diabetes, have never been anywhere near a fruit
I heard the only fruits you should eat is berries, a cup a day
How can we concentrate on what he says when the music is so distracting!
high intake of glucose is the direct cause of type 2 diabetes. glucose and insulin are linked and work together with the liver. fructose does not.
Whatever I believe food in it’s whole form is always good…..just with some exceptions
I hate when doctors give nutrition advice… Very little education in diet and nutrition. In short, Doctors go to medical school to learn about medicine with the purpose of diagnosing and treating illnesses with medicine, and not lifestyle changes.
Here’s the problem with your “science.” Fructose and glucose are different and how your body stores them. You’re claiming all sugar is the same, but refined sugar is different than fructose. Extracted fructose in processed foods is bad, but fructose in fruits is very different. Fruits are a great source of antioxidants, fiber, and micro-nutrients. Fructose is process primarily in the liver, and stored around the liver in the form of glycogen, which our body breaks down and access quickly. Maybe if you ate more healthy berries and other fruits, you wouldn’t look so old.
The absolute poison for my body,my liver gives me clear signs of not enjoying it lol
This guy is an idiot western brainwashed moron. Fructose does not get converted directly into fat. Your liver can store up to 80 grams of Fructose. Later it is released when your body needs it. It is a beneficial sugar. It has its benefits.
I have a question in ketosis we take most of the energy from the fat and insulin is low to start ketosis…fruits neither spike insulin and most of them ie 80% of fructose get stored in the liver in the form of fat so actually both the criteria of ketosis is why canf we take fruits in ketosis please enlighten me
Sir what about fructose which comes from fruits.. is that is also harmful
So he barely mentioned fruit. I mean he said fruit is natural fructose but didn’t detail its effect. Is it bad to eat fruit?? We’ve been told natural food is better than processed. Fruits are full of vitamins and our ancestors used to collect them and eat.. Of course we should limit it, specially those with high glycemic index… Right???
You make chemistry so easy to understand! I get it now. Thank you!
Then why do I feel so good after eating fruits and bad after eating a big dish of meat?
I feel like fruits are ok in moderation. Like with anything, don’t have too much of it. I live with two of my family members who have very low body fat, and they basically don’t snack on fruit that much and eat max three meals a day. I on the other hand, have always bought into the “fruits are good for you so you can eat as much of it as you want”, so I eat more of. than the average person. And it’s no wonder I have had a much higher body fat percentage ever since I started eating more fruits years ago.
It’s not just eating.
Children under 10 used to go to bed EARLIER…until 1980
Life is awesome you see triglycerides are the FAT and Fat gets converted into KETONES for live and the cycle continues until death.
0:56 what is the given name to the first energy, is the Fructose converted to GLUCOSE right away?
I use about half teaspoon or LESS in a cup of my winter Tea. I only use it then. I love the way it sparks the flavor of the herbal tea. I plan to still buy some, If I can find it anymore! lol I have never done any illegal drugs, POT, nor drink. I don’t want to give up this little pleasure.
What happened to a good healthy balanced way of eating. There are no secrets to eating, eating a lot of fruit and vegetables with sources of whole grain carbohydrates, some good fats and protein is only going to do you good. Also when you digest fat it is stored as fat. When you consume a lot of fructose sure fructolysis produce a lot of acetyl CoA which then can be converted to fat if not used in respiration and similar for glucose (although glycolysis is more controlled), yet why are carbohydrates deemed so bad for weight gain even though lipids are absorbed and stored straight into adipose tissue while ‘sugars’ go through various chemical reactions until it can no be readily used and then it can be converted to fat. Also fats are not a preferred fuel source for the body, in order for our bodies to respire (which allows us to function optimally) lipids have to be converted into glucose through gluconeogenesis which requires energy to do so. If ketosis is such an optimal state for humans to be in, based on how complex our bodies have evolved it would surely have been natural to be in that state if it is so advantageous to our health. No one is getting obese eating 3 balanced meals a day with a lot of fruit and vegetables. The obesity epidemic is not caused by people eating too much fruit
I don’t know anyone who died becoz they did not eat any kind of fruit in their life.Fruit is a luxury in many parts of the world.
Studies show bananas don’t stimulate large insulin response though
mate the people advocating limiting fructose all say that raw fruit is good cause of its fiber. And fruit fructose and plant fructose is…in the end…fructose. So it dont matter 😉
Plus u want insulin production after food ingestion, thats one of the problems with fructose, in that it is insulin independent:)
Absolute BS. Numbers are wrong and there is a big difference between processed fruit and whole fruit. Fruit can be “evil” when consumed as a processed food or juice. However, natural whole fruit is very good for you. The fiber is whole fruit negates everything this video falsely tries to tell you. Further, fruit can make you full very fast. This leads to few calories consumed overall.
I eat plenty of sugar, and I have a very healthy body weight. Not in super shape, or anything like that, but certainly healthier and more energetic than most people my age.
This “fruits are evil” crap is nonsense.
No,……….. dont agree.
Food that are high in fiber, resist the sugar go into blood quickly.
So are the fruits. Fruits are, whole fruits and not juices,
so whole fruits are high in fiber, and they dont let sugar go into blood or liver quickly.
In fact, fruits are remedy for sugar pateints.
So you know what: let’s not eat anymore, and just drink water. Because we aren’t supposed to eat sugar, farmed salmon, chocolate, Kellogg’s etc etc etc and no fruit. So only water, and if you really can’t stand not eating, have some fresh green grass. Niam!
Yes, please stop with the background music, very distracting. Otherwise it was great!! Thank you!
I loose more weight by eating carbs from fruit than from white rice
This doc is completely wrong….. Can’t be bothered to waste time on this garbage to explain why
People in Okinawa used to eat 85% carbs and live very long and without diabetes and metabolic syndrome so clearly carbs are not bad! It’s the refined foods that are the problem and excessive fructose (in fruits the fructose probably gets absorbed slower so the liver does not turn it into fat cuz of the fiber slowing digestion).
Respected doc,
Fruit is not at all evil!!!!!
it also contain fibre which tells you when you’re full.
However drinking fruit juice is evil becz it throws fibre away……
Omad is the key for me..nothing else worked..I tried calorie restrictions numerous times.
Omg!!! Fruit is evil!! Avoid fruit at all cost!!! Omg its a devil food
People don t eat that much of fruits compared to cereal fruit loops,candies,hamburger,fries etc…
This is stupid you won’t get weight gain from this thing called fruit it’s healthy and it has fiber so it’s good for you
But Americans are overweight because of urFake sugar. That’s yumadethevideo right.
Thats not true. Calories in and calories out is what matters.. it doesn’t matter which source of calories it comes from. I know plenty of people who only eat sugary lollies and drinks and don’t have any fat because they don’t eat anything else… If the rest of your diet is fine it shouldn’t matter and of course some fats and simple carbs will make you crash or feel sick and lethargic. Has no effect on fat gain.
I eat a carnivore diet, no fruits or veggies. Veggies keep you from absorbing the nutrients from that meat and fruits have to much sugar.
Ha ha ha! Fruit is Evil… ha ha ha! its the same like, the meats is evil or carbs is evil or honey or anything if you eat the same everyday its become the evil! Otherwise the food is only food nothing else, and not an evil! Evil is who say that….!
You are totally wrong and disgrace that lab coat you wear. Fruit and complex carbs are 2 separate items. Shame on yoi
Fructose in fruits is great for you. I am on mainly fruit diet, and solved my fatty liver problem 5 years ago, and never had it again! He talks about China in the 80s, but what hapoened after 80s that all kinds of diseases dramatically increaded in China? Did they suddenly start eating lots of fruits? NO, they started eating the crap we eat in the United States! The cause of their new diseases is a McDonald’s store opening every day in China!
Well most of the cells in our body can’t actually process fructose so it’s most completely metabolised in the liver essentially the liver converts
fructose to energy this energy can’t leave because of its molecular makeup and if there’s any excess fructose after the energy conversion the liver stores it as
glycogen which can be broken down into glucose and sent to other cells for use, the liver can only store so much glycogen once it’s fully stocked the
extra fructose is used to create triglycerides which can be moved outside of the liver for long-term storage as fat so based on this fruits which
contain a lot of fructose must be bad? well actually no not at all fruits are loaded with water fiber and other nutrients so they take a while to digest therefore their fructose hits deliver. fructose is not unhealthy when it’s consumed in moderation in the form of whole foods like fruits and vegetables Don’t know whats this bread talk all about maybe its good if you were going for a sprint so the body can use that glucose right away. There isn’t such good or bad its just about the quantity and time you consume it.
The insulin response of fruit and the insulin response of rice is totally different, not all carbs are the same, do your own tests…
I think the biggest difference is you gotta digest that fruit in order to get the sugar from it.Thus it takes time and your body is probably using that sugar by the time whole process is finished. On the other hand eating or drinking something processed means you can transfer that sugar to your bloodstream waaaaaaaaay faster. It is not just about how much sugar you consume,it is also about how fast you consumed it. Think it like getting drunk. If you drink in one sit you are more likely to be drunk compared to drinking all day long but little by little.
I’m hypoglycemic because I completely avoided all carbs and sugars
The attack against Fructose is misguided. Yes, high fructose corn syrup laced with mercury is horrible for you, but pure fructose from a clean source can be a very medicinal carbohydrate. It’s big advantage is that, unlike glucose, it’s use is not inhibited by elevated free fatty acids aka the randle cycle.
She keeps on saying tablespoon when the video says tsp which is a teaspoon. There’s a pretty big difference
Anyone saying fruit is bad is either evil or stupid. Or both. Keto charlatan!
Hi, what kind of fruit has little fructose please? Because I have fructose intolerance. Thanks for you’re informative video.
The amount of incorrect info in this video is concerning, Dr’s should stick to medicine. Fructose (the sugar in fruit) does not go to fat cells, it goes to the liver, of course like anything else to much is never good, its over works the liver.
Carbs do not make people obese, processed food and added sugar does.
you can be incredibly unhealthy on any diet, including keto.
I eat over 300 grams of unprocessed carbs a day and i’m in better shape and health at 50 years old then most 20 year olds, my labs are perfect, my blood glucose is perfect and my A1c is in the perfect range, why? no processed food or added sugar.
so what is it biologically that allows some people to thrive off fruit and never get fat. They stay skinny or muscular?? But others get obese with carbs.
I am surprise to see this message stating that fruit is evil… is not true?? Any thing which contains carbohydrate is not poisonous. All we need to balnce the intake of such high glycemic fruits.
So I don’t drink soda, milk or much juice. So how did I get a fatty liver?
The title is FRUIT IS EVIL, so Why does she even shows honey, bread or white rice? Dry fruit is fruit without water not whole fruit. Doesn’t take a doctorare to know that. Fructose from whole fruits doesnt even need insulin to be utilazed by the body. HA something new to learn doc! I had never met a person who would get fat on eating whole fruits because thanks to the high content of fiber and water there is not much one can consume but on the other hand there are thousands of people loozing tons of body fat eating just fruit for an period of time healing allmost all their illnesses. Of coarse it should not be a way of life just like KETO diet should not be a way of life just a temporary dietery adjustment to help the body rid of their certain problems.
Isn’t this because science isolates fruit sugar and studies it. When the whole fruit is eaten it is perfect for your health. Pretty sure this Doctor is a little bit ignorate. Why would you suggest eating two cups of sugar to people as an experiment.
I’m sure this has been mentioned before, but when you are talking about the sugar content in an apple, you say 5 tablesoons and the graphic says teaspoons. I think this may have happened at some other points in the video.
Great video and explanation. I was curious about glut 5 receptors in muscle tissue and some research showing that muscles can utilize fructose via glycolysis and gluconeogenesis
I may be wrong and perhaps misinterpreted the study abstract.
I’m familiar with a lot of what you talked about, but still have many questions about fructose metabolism. Some studies show that glycogen replenishment is enhanced when fructose is mixed with glucose. But is this glycogen replenishment enhancement primarily in the liver or also in muscle tissue? Anyway, great video content and thanks for sharing.
Sugar circulates in the blood stream because animal fat is blocking the pathway to the cells.Please relearn the science behind this metabolism
Now society is controlled by bad idiots and this is one of the results.
Fruit doesn’t spike insulin because it has fructose which cannot be metabolized by any cell (missing enzyme). It had to go to the liver which uses it for energy to do its 300+ functions. The fiber gets turned into B vitamins by the gut micro and the water of the fruit is absorbed by the large intestine for a perfect liphatic hydration an cleanup. Fruit = medicine. (except the modern banana which has a lot of glucose, no water and no fiber).
I’ve had the direct opposite happen to myself and my clients the past 20 years. The only people who had any trouble were those who insisted on consuming overt fats ALONG with their fruit diet. Myself personally I have not suffered a single cold, flu, headache, stomach upset, cough, fever, chill, constipation, diarrhea, runny nose (box of tissues lasted me ten years), congestion, cold sores, waking up even slightly tired, foul odors, eye boogers, nose boogers, pimples, rash, or any of 100 common symptoms that those wghi think “fruit is evil” suffer every day. How come doctors, and self-proclaimed diet and “health” experts never discuss how FAT in the blood stream is the culprit of diabetes and “sugar swings” not sugar (refined or metabolized) per se. And certainly not whole fruits when eaten NOT as a token snack on top of an otherwise overly fatty diet (the one most people eat)?
Dear Doctor Boz; The sugar in whole raw fruit, is processed very differently by the body, than the sugar in a snickers bar, and any other refined and processed carb. It is due to the pure high water content, the wholesome nutrient dense makeup, and the rich prebiotic fiber content. If one is concerned about ketosis, there are low ‘glycemic load’ fruits, such as berries etc which in correct portions should not bring one out of ketosis.
I’m trying to understand. Is a calorie deficit (or just the calories needed for weight maintenance) most important to preventing fat storage or is controlling insulin the key?? If I eat nothing but sugar but stay in a big caloric deficit… I’ll lose weight. I’ll feel like complete sh#$ of course but… if a steady high blood sugar and insulin causes fat storage, but calories are low, will I still store fat? I gave myself a headache trying to figure this out.
This is now 2 years old the Keto Diet is over. She needs to listen to Dr. Barbara Oneill and learn about real food and the Bio-Chemistry of antioxidants and how that works in your body. She is also an MD not a naturopath. MD’s do not learn much about health and nutrition when in school. All athletes know that they need carbs to do a good event. Whole Foods Plant-Based is the way to eat Dr Boz
Raw food Christina would totally disagree with you 100%.
Me: not caring just watching dr boz vs raw food Christina with popcorn in hand
Lol, this lady is nutz and doesn’t have any idea what she’s talking about.. clearly
Medical doctors are so full of Sh@!….can’t get their heads out of their @$$ for the life of them.
Do yourself a favor and put yourself on fruit, even if its for breakfast, eat your routine lunch and fruits for dinner, you’ll be surprised.
I recommend watching the video here on YouTube, “An Open Debate on Fruit Sugar”*..By *Dr. Robert Morse, ND he has a complete detailed explanation on the difference of fruit sugar (fructose) in its natural state and table sugar..all other artificial sugars found in processed junk foods and high fructose syrup in most beverages.
The video he made clearly states the chemistry in fruits in relations to our body’s chemistry… Our body is nothing but cells. He originally directed the video to a so called doctor who also went around on public platforms to speak lies about fruits.
Please stop lying to people.
Okay but why did I lose 75 pounds eating a high carb diet then?
1) huge difference between sugar carbs and grain carbs
2) asians eat nothing but rice and boba, you dont see them exploding
3) americans are overweight because they pile on the cheese
r u a real fucking dr? holy shit, you prob sucked your way through school on your knees
dumb bitch
Do tell Loran lockman. That guy is amazing shape and only eats fresh fruit.
Allmost all fruits have a glow glycemic load, meaning they have little impact on blood sugar. That’s because fruit, unlike processed foods, contain lots of water and fiber which slows down the absorption of sugar into the blood. The fact that she didn’t even adress this, even tho it’s the most important argument seemingly, already disqualifies this video as objective. Fruit is almost the only food in nature that we’re attracted to, which should already be a huge red flag for anyone who wants to eat what our bodies were designed for.
Whole fruits have fiber too, so in moderation for healthy people, fruit is good for you. Antioxidants n what not.
Man, people trying all sorts of diet like it will allow them to live forever. Just don’t eat like a glutton and avoid excessive junk and exercise and you’d live as long as any diet expert. Of course, don’t expect chisseled abs either.
I had alot of problems with binge eating etc, i’ve finally gotten my diet together more, i’ve also gotten in good shape again after a few depressing and messy years and fruit is honestly a part of it. It’s a snack that is low on calories, theres also signs that point to how it can be good for your skin, some of them also have a decent amount of minerals and vitamins and most importantly it’s really really tasty.
I think it’s funny how everyone on different diets always have to create propaganda on why their diet is the best and why everything else is bad.
So is he saying don’t eat fruits? Or don’t drink fruit juice??? Is xylitol recommended to add to cream or other desserts? What about honey? Does the body metabolize it like glucose or like sugar?
And why is it evil if you’re at your ideal weight? And how much of it is evil?
Liver only stores 50g of fructose? Must be much more. Dave, can u confirm?
Are you really a Doctor? This is just bullshit. What you are showing us is highly processed fruit made into jams. This has to be wrong for anyone.
Devious and misinforming video. Beef has a higher insulin response than many carb rich foods. The whole keto fairy tale is based on false assumptions. Not even the Inuit are in ketosis, they are genetically adapted to avoid ketosis.
It’s all ‘too complicated’ to grasp. Actually we do understand the pathways. Check out 1.05 where the scientist explains it! Stop spreading mis-information, Bananiac!
BULLSHIT fruits have fiber, minerals and little calories, they can give you a fatty liver only if you combine them with a high fat diet and eat too much.
100percent agreed fruits is a whole food nutrients for our body.
Basically the more pure the sugars are, the more they make you fat, the faster they make you fat, and the worst they are for your health.
yes, you must use fruit as a treat after some meals, like some people use cakes etc… fructose in fruit is the worst thing you can eat, yes you get a lot of good micronutrients with that but this doesn’t outweigh the bad of fructose… you must eat vegetables instead, and most of modern fruits is designed to have high fructose content and be big because that what buyers want… I use only lemons daily, and for treat I grow my own raspberries, blueberries, strawberries… most of low sugar fruits have about 5g of sugar per 100g and if you eat now and then about 70g to treat yourself after meal it is ok… but if you eat the most common fruit in my country apple, and eat 2 or 3 of them huge 200g apples you get so much sugar that is better for you to eat candies, chocolate or cake
Misinformation! Say to Eskimo that meat and fat are bad for them! Say to Indians in Amazonia that fruit and natural carbs are bad for them…these people have perfect health eating what they are prepared to eat! All food from nature! No garbage produced from man and sold in the supermarkets… Humans turn on and off genes depending on the environment they live to correct adaptation. That´s the reason human being is so well adapted in the whole planet! The most amazing machine ever created, human body!
Finally someone who talks some sense about fruit! Thanks for sharing
What about the benefit of the fiber in the fruit. The net carbs is what matters correct? Also you are suggesting that to loose weight one would avoid the fruit temporarily?
Great! Now please do one on maltose metabolism. The irony is that fructose has a GI or 19 and maltose has a GI of 105 yet fructose causes more fat. -teh exception to teh rule that teh lower teh GI the less fattening and less likely to cause type 2 diabetes….
I’m still stuck on the obese woman taken to the zoo for a test!
I had a visit with my gastroenterologist today. He doesnt really believe fructose is the problem with fatty liver. I don’t understand how you can doubt it. Children needing liver transplants!! What does my doc think it is, video games!?
Are you a true fully qualified Doctor? You show very little empathy towards people here. You come over very arrogant and hardly show a caring nature.
This guy is great. This is 6 yrs old. Gonna see if he has any newer videos.
I eat an apple everyday, you’re telling me I cannot eat 1 fruit everyday? I get breakouts instantly I eat sugar, that is mostly table sugar. Also things like whole wheat bread and pasta, how are you telling us that eating bread and white rice and pasta is better than eating an apple a day?
I have had fatty liver for Seven years and I honestly thought there was nothing I can do about this. I`m so happy I found this fatty liver treatment solution FattyLever.4HealthCare. Info (remove space before info and open the website) just before it was too late. My liver is now recovering and my health is enhancing generally, even if I didn`t shed weight.
TTU Alum here, guns up!! God bless Tejas and thank you for sharing your valuable info. ❣️
I have NAFLD and I’m on day 6 of a 42 day water fast and I’ve already lost 20 lbs! Distilled water!
does fructose spike insulin levels? if not then how does it cause diabetes?
fructose can be very dangerous especially if u eat allot of fruit. fruit nowadays is pure sugar and low in minerals. when i was mostly fruitarian for 15yrs i got fatty liver+pancreas and almost died from cardiovascular damage.
remember Steve jobs died of pancreatic cancer and was fruitarian for many years.
choose lower fructose fruits.
So funny, she is so fat that the CT scan can’t be used in the hospital that they have to take her to the zoo to do the scan. Lol
Some good info but this doc still clinging to “fat is bad for you” and “glucose is good” mantra. Sigh.
Close but no cigar,: What’s wrong with whole fat milk, where’s the beef?
Thank you so much for your video. Great info and great delivery. I understand that “liquid” fructose is much worse than solid. How much fruit would you recommend eating and how dangerous if fructose delivered from the fruit? I am suspecting I may have fructose intolerance of sensitivity. Even though I take care of myself and I am slim I spend 7-08% of my life with a big stomach caused by bloating after eating fruits and simply carbohydrates. I may have candida too. What would you suggest to people who react so badly to fruits. I can exclude from my diet cabbage and cauliflower as well as dry fruit and peanuts which also, for some reason, cause me a lot of problems but I would not want to exclude all the fruits and vegies like carrots. what would you recommend. would be so great to see a presentation like this on on these subjects. Thanks again
Start with the food industry, stop sugar promotion, make fruit and vegetables cheaper, poor people can’t afford healthy food…
i feel guilty for eating 5 huge carrots coz of fructose intake.. lol. And these people are having sugary beverages -_-
I also notice, many kids don’t have a decent bedtime.
When kids are up past 9:30 pm, especially in the single digits, they could gain weight.
Kids need to eat at the kitchen table during the week
It’s not the calories, carbs don’t have that much. It’s the elevated insulin levels from the sugars. Other calorie dense foods don’t cause elevated blood glucose levels. Carbs make us want to keep eating.. Other foods satisfy and kill the interest in eating.
Oh look vegan zombies trolling yet another anti fructose video.
Excellent presentation and well delivered. Dr. Maspons is a star in many ways! He is a role model for all Americans.
I “liked” until you mentioned “space”. There is no “space”, What is wrong with you? Haven’t you awakened up from the lie that the controllers have fed us since kindergarten? Watch “200 proofs of flat earth”. I don’t particularly like Eric Duday but many have copied his video and you might watch one of those. Ten minutes into it I guarantee you will see the logic in it and be converted. Don’t just laugh at it like I did at first, that is what you have been taught to do. Go check it out so you won’t be standing on ground made only out of IGNORance.
It’s not just fructose that affects the liver but purine as well. In fact purine is more damaging than fructose will ever be. Can you guess what foods are loaded with purine?
IMO-latin americans along with native american types process sugar differently.
the native americans NEVER were raised with sugar like european ancestors.
similar to native americans not being able to drink alcohol -its the SUGAR!!
USE BRAGGS APPLE CIDER VINEGAR with some water. and then down 8 oz of water afterwards
I wish they wouldn’t just say fructose because some people think they’re talking about fruit sugar natural fruit sugar because fructose in its natural form does not require an insulin carrier. I looked it up. Now I don’t know about this doctor but some people are really afraid of fruit. Also I haven’t listened to the whole thing yet but fat does play a major contributor to diabetes and fatty liver. If you listen to Neal Barnard Dean ornish dr. McDougall and T Colin Campbell dr. Doctor Esselstyn you’ll see that high protein and fat can actually raise blood sugar and activate insulin and what’s more it clogs up the cells so that the sugar cannot go into then.
Thanks for your video; just subscribed to your channel. Fruit is truly evil mostly because of the sugar in it.
I looked like 5 months pregnant, bloating, belching, farting and sometimes, with GERD symptoms; plus some serious digestive problems. So I decided to stay away from processed sugar but that wasn’t enough until I stopped eating every (sweet) fruit. Now I’m in good health. Even though sometimes try to reintroduce fruits like kiwi (to my stomach), I still consider fruits to be dangerous and must be consumed in moderation.
So yes depending on the person, fruit could be real evil, and especially those who don’t know they’re fructose intolerant.
Do you have more videos like this?
I love to pass them on to the world.
Lady get out a here. Where on earth you ever hear fruit is bad. You talking about God natural food. You must be constipated. I wish the next time you eat a fruit it could poison you. Just for talking bad about holy fruit.
It takes more than one doctor to stand up to the food industry!! The more the better!
All sugar, high fructose and refined carbohydrates are killing us!!!
tried to listen trough this, using BMI is so outdated, interesting title, but i would pass on outdated approach:(
all things in moderation, including fruit. A person shouldn’t be eating 6+ portions of fruit a day…etc. Eat your fats, eat your healthy carbs, starches and eat your fruit. Just don’t ONLY eat one thing.
What is given to livestock to fatten them up? Skim milk. don’t drink that slop, flush it down the toilet.
Good presentation but…. I doubt its the fructose is the culprit alone or even at all, perhaps more to do with the excessive amounts of fat these kids are consuming every meal time.
All the fat/cheese in that Taco Bell you were eating was making you fat not just the soda. My guess is if you where to swap for a diet soda there wouldn’t be much difference as kids don’t exercise/playout anymore to burn off the carbs/fructose/sucrose which is the bodies preffered fuel source.
Fat makes you fat. Fat and sugar combined should have a warning sign. Donut anyone! Good presentation though, nice guy!
Special credit to Dr. Robert H. Lustig, Professor of Pediatrics at UCSF, for examples of how sugar (glucose, ethanol, and fructose) is broken down
I would love to use the fructolysis vs glycolysis as an figure in my bachelor degree. but i see a small mistake, its should be glukokinase not hexokinase as the enzyme in glykolysis in the liver, i know its an hexokinase, but the specific is glukokinase.
what about people who are slim? where are all the sugars going when they eat fruit or some other carbs?
The attack against Fructose is misguided. Yes, high fructose corn syrup laced with mercury is horrible for you, but pure fructose from a clean source can be a very medicinal carbohydrate. It’s big advantage is that, unlike glucose, it’s use is not inhibited by elevated free fatty acids aka the randle cycle.
in the real facts, considering a western population for instance. The fructose that would lead to the synthesis of TAG would not come from fruits. It would come from sugar, from HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), which the “food” industry or rather the junk industry uses everywhere, right? I am a fruit eater, never eat industrial “junk”, live on fruits, vegies, some tofu, a few things like that. Would I be at risk for NAFLD? obesity? diabetes?
I hear too often that if you eat fruits, you get fat, you get diabetes, and so on and so on… I think it is very unfair
I got a question. I try to eat healthy & avoid packaged junk food like cookies, chips, etc.
so what i do is buy a lot of fruits at my local grocery store.
Every morning i eat, 10 black berries, 10 raspberries, 10 grapes, dice up 2 kiwis, & slice up a 6inch banana, & mix it all together. I wash the fruits before i eat them. After i eat them, i have these semi stomach pain, & it only happens when i eat these fruits all together, sometimes it gives me diarrhea. Now, i do eat it fast because I’m either usually running late for work or college. I’d say there’ll be days where i finish it in a span of 10-15 minutes. I treat this as my morning breakfast.
So, is it the fruits that I combine together that causes my stomach aches? Is my stomach aches the result of fructose? Or is it the result of eating the fruits too fast?
Would love a response ASAP. Thank you:)
How many apples (or bananas) to eat per day to get a fatty liver?
Why is glucose metabolism regulated by the body? And what is the result of its regulation?
well if you are trying to lose weight it is better to limit some kinds of fruit, but you can have it your way
excellent!!! now if i had known this 20 years ago my liver could have been saved
alright, then we finish the cascade with Acetyl CoA… but i thought that AcetylCoA could enter the Krebs cycle and produce ATP. Can someone explain to me: why the AcetylCoA coming from Fructose could be worse than the AcetylCoA coming from lipolysis or from glucolysis?
I know a lot of diabetic persons to who GP forbade eating fruits and instead recommended cereals! Isn’t that SHOCKING? And you know what? when they did the opposite, their diabetes was much less severe.
This woman is crazy. She acts like an apple is pure sugar. The fiber and other elements slow down the sugar usage.
great video. i have fatty liver disease. and understanding this will make me adhere to a better healtht habit.
ILL INFORMED VIDEO. Please be careful not to generalize for all people! Fruit sends my blood sugar through the roof!!! Your video can do harm to diabetics, dude!
you should take a look at this
Who the faaaaaack is this guy? Is Dave ok? And where the faaaaaack is Lee Priest??????
lol y’all need to learn some real nutrition. Sugar isn’t the problem. It’s too much fat that’s a problem. Look up Drs Michael Gregor and Dr Garth Davis who actually know what they’re talking about when it comes to nutrition.
is whole meat bad for you. I read where liver is full of really good vitamins and minerals.
The drug companies know sugar is poison, but they don’t want you to know. They rely on sugar consumption to sell their over priced symptom masking drugs which come with a laundry list of side effects, and they have more drugs to mask the side effects.
fructose is poison?? isnt everything bad if not in moderation???
Did the study use industrial fructose? Or natural fructose suspended in the fruit
People in the comment section who disagree with this video are stupid. The did say eating unprocessed food and fruits is fine but some idiots miss that part. That’s America for you.
The only problem is table sugar is not just fructose it is glucose. The problem is fructose. Complex carbs are glucose based and very healthy.
If fruit is do bad for you then why does God package it in almost ready to eat versions for people to eat. And also made it tasty and pretty?
Dave, the like to dislike ratio is pretty shitty. You should probably take note of this
Another major factor here is the speed of digesting fructose, hence why fruit over time is usually not a problem but soda is. Fructose is small doses and/or slow digestion is ok in my book, attacking your liver with soda etc. is not ok, it will have the same effects on your liver as alcohol.
It is incredible that they declare fruit to be evil. So many studies have already shown that fat is the cause of poor insulin sensitivity.
Wrong……!!! Then why do you lose weight if you eat only fruits for 1 week.Its been proven time to time like when you do watermelon or fruit fasting you lose weight.That’s because the fruits in the fiber doesn’t spike the insulin up.This guy doesn’t know anything about food chemistry.Do your research…don’t give false information if you didnt try it.
Fructose is metabolized into acetaldehyde, then into acetate, both steps reducing nad+?
He said fruit is fine. I guess many people didn’t watch the whole thing?
Dave got so much younger probably found his means of organizing pills relieved him years of stress
I will definately watch that thanks, knowledge is great., I also agree sugar is addictive. Refined sugar particulary aint good for you but natural sugars found in fruits, vegetables and complex carbs are perfectly fine. Not sure how your going to quit sugar when its found as carbs in most foods. Its the body’s main fuel source not to mention the brains ÓNLY fuel source. Reminds me of my fat workmate who said funnily yesterday he gets all his energy and calories just from protein. lol.
I got in the best shape of my life last year on a diet of fruit, white rice, sugar, and vegetables…
The entire body, brain, etc run on glucose, yet everybody is so afraid of sugar. Fat makes you fat, meatheads.
No way! Show me some studies where participants only ate fruits and gained weight.
Y’all posting other people’s vids now? Feel free to post any of mine:)