Table of Contents:
Side of the Foot & Lateral Foot Pain [Best Home Treatment 2020!]
Video taken from the channel: Michigan Foot Doctors
Common Running Injuries: Plantar Fasciitis
Video taken from the channel: OhioHealth
Common Foot Injuries for Active Adults
Video taken from the channel: Lee Health
Tendonitis & Stress Fractures are Common Foot and Running Injuries: Symptoms, Diagnose & Treatment
Video taken from the channel: HCA Virginia Health System
Stress Fracture Self Diagnosis for Runners by San Francisco Running Podiatrist.m4v
Video taken from the channel: sanfranciscopodiatry
Common Foot Problems for Runners And How to Avoid Them
Video taken from the channel: TSAOG Orthopaedics
Nearly every runner knows the plantar fascia tendon that runs lengthwise across the bottom of the foot. Plantar fasciitis is that sharp, stabbing pain at the bottom of your foot. As with all tendonitis issues, the beast can rear its ugly head sometimes out of nowhere and drag on for what feels like an eternity.Some runners experience burning on the balls of their feet, between their toes, or other areas of their feet. Burning feet while running might be a result of incorrect running shoes or socks, athlete’s foot, or other health issues, such as metatarsalgia (pain in the ball of the foot).
Shin splints are common after changing your workout, such as running longer distances or increasing the number of days you run, too quickly. Painwise, they can be hard to distinguish from a stress.Common Running Injuries: Foot Pain Running puts extra stress on the foot’s 26 bones and 30 joints, so it is not unusual for overuse and traumatic injuries to occur. Below is a list of foot conditions commonly associated with running.
People with flat feet or high arches and people who over-pronate tend to be at a higher risk for these injuries.Let’s look at the most common foot injuries you can get from running. Heel pain after running. Over 2 million people will get heel pain each year, making it one of the more popular injuries, with running being one of the top causes.Repeated stress (like the continuous pounding of running) can cause a tiny break in the bone, also known as a stress fracture. “The metatarsal bones, which make up the front part of the arch, are a.
Plantar Fasciitis This is one of the more common – and frustrating – foot problems that a runner will experience. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia becomes irritated. This is a band of tissue on the bottom of your feet that runs along the arches, connecting your heel with your toes.In more serious injuries, you may also have a small fracture in your fibula (the outside bone in your lower leg) or metatarsal bones (the long bones in your feet that connect to each toe). Why it happens: Conlon sees sprains most often with trail running (you step on.
Itchy, stinging, and burning feet and toes may be signs of athlete’s foot. This contagious condition appears after you make contact with fungus, usually.Athlete’s foot is most commonly caused by walking in damp areas. It can be highly contagious. Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection of the skin, usually found between the toes.
However, the.If your pain is in your heel, you may have plantar fasciitis. That’s an irritation or inflammation of the band of tough tissue connecting the heel bone to the toes. Usually, it.
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most notoriously nagging injuries, and running through it, while possible, can delay healing. Recovery time can range from three months to a.Foot pain accounts for 15% of all running injuries, with plantar fasciitis at the top of that list. This injury involves small tears and inflammation of the tendons and ligaments of the foot, resulting in pain that might feel like a dull ache or bruise along your arch or heel.
High ankle sprains, among the most common foot and ankle injuries, impact the syndesmotic ligament, which runs from the knee down into the ankle. While most sprains are minor and will heal with rest and ice, if swelling and pain persist, it is important to seek the help of a physician.Listed below are 3 common areas of pain in the foot and their causes: Pain in the ball of the foot. Pain in the ball of the foot, located on the bottom of the foot behind the toes, may be caused by nerve or joint damage in that area.
In addition, a benign (noncancerous).
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Great Video and very informative. I suffer from Pironeal tendonitis. I was shocked that the woman runner was laughing at the injured guy. That is not nice. You have an interesting palm. Nice head line but the two lumps (?) in the middle of your palm could mean a few things tho…anyway, thanks from Wellington, New Zealand…
my left 5th metatarsal hurt when running and a little bit when walking and going up and down the stairs,but certainly not when i am pressing it. is that a stress fracture?
i think i got one in my 3 and 4 metatarsal but i dont have insurance…….this sux man
I don’t have any pain when doing the metartarsal test. Is there a chance it may still be a stress fracture?
My left foot had a stress fractures I went in a cast for 1 month. That was about 1 year ago and now I have noticed brushing and swelling on the right side of my foot. Help
When I move my forefoot backwards and forewards I get a weird, achey vibrating sensation on the top, around the metatarsal area, but when I bend my toes to feel the bone, its not too bad, just when I move the foot itself, and walking on it I get a dull ache as well, am I showing signs?
The head of my. Metatarsal on my big toe hurts on the outside what do I do
i think this is what i have its on my left foot it hurts so bad
last week i was running, maybe slightly aggresively then i felt a pain at the outside of my right foot. i continued running back home. when i compared it to my other foot, the bone (just below the 5th toe) was more red and swollen than my other foot. that area and my heel also started paining. idk it felt more of a nervous system pain (im not sure). i took a rest for 4-5 days and i didnt feel pain anymore. today i went back running and for the first 20-30min i didnt feel anything then it slowly started to come back now its painful again:( im worried i wont be able to consistently do sports now as i think it will comeback whenever i do so. please help me with some advice:(
my hand has no sighn of brusing but inbetween my ring a pinki finger it realy hearts only when i put pressure on it it has been like this for 5 weeks now and its the same amount of pain each time its realy bothering me as i do alot of bmx and its stopping me from dong this can any one help and give me advise as i dont want to see the docter thx
you gotta take it real slow with vibrams and i would go to the doctor just to make sure they are good for you. you could find out you have flat feet and vibrams would not be good to wear.
Last week I noticed there is an area in middle of the top of my left foot sort of where it rotates. It doesnt hurt when walking or anything but when I stand on the affected foot a bit from the side and push up,thats when I feel it. Also when I press it.
This video helped me rule out stress fracture. Thank you. I am now certain my Cuboid either has stressed tissue around it or is slightly out of place. On to the self manipulation!
When i pull my toes downward is there suppose to be bumps in the middle on the 5 and 4 meatarcel?
I don’t know if I had a fracture or not but one morning I woke up with severe pain on the outside of my foot and felt like the center also. I didn’t want to deal with the doctors which I should have but make a long story short the pain would be the worse in the morning and constant pain where having my shoes on would hurt. I am a server so I’m always on my feet. so I had to take some days off and I iced it many times throughout the day and took about 2 weeks to fully heal. there was no lead up to the pain so it scared me a bit. I’m just happy I’m okay now. this is for the people that have similar pain and can’t afford the doctors.
I walk everywhere(I try to speed walk to keep in shape more)I go and recently my heels are very painful when I walk. It’s causing me to limp and I have bruising on my heel and ankle
Wrong. I fractured ONLY my 5th… but the entire foot looked like Braised Pork Feet.
I’ve been limping almost all day I hope I get better BC I have a figure skating performance on saturday
Doc. I have been told that biomechanic of my lower extremities are causing PTTD causing my inside the arch and mostly outside foot (near cuboid and ankle) pain. I was a regular runner. Last few years having recurring of these injuries. Just one foot. Advised orthotic and no long distance running/stress activity. What do you make of it.
Been getting some major outside pain in my foot. Im on my feet all day and wear orthotics! and good shoes:) weight lifting for 30 years no running though. Going to see my doc asap. Did have planters and bruised heel with a slight tear. I was lifting a lot at work so that didnt help. Im in MI also south east.
Is there a particular stride that causes this? It’s weird, I’ve been running outside for almost 2 years with no injuries but 2 weeks on a treadmill and I get this. So frustrating.
I had this yesterday it occurred out of nowhere I jog for like an hour straight I felt it now every time I walk It hurts I tried massaging my foot and applying icy hot I hope this will help me
I feel a good shoe insert will help prevent getting stress fractures and will help alleviate some of the pain if you already have one.
If you are having pain in the ball of your foot and not just the fifth toe: Check out our ball of the foot treatment guide!
Thank you for the info. I was told to rest 8 weeks, but only took about 5 weeks rest, and then started running progressively. at the beginning my foot still hurts a little bit if i make a sudden movement like changing directions when i play basketball. but as time passes the pain goes away slowly. I now don’t feel any pain when running or playing basketball, i think that is a good sign. but recently i pulled my calf when i was doing polymetric. trying to come back as early as 2 weeks
Crap my foot hurts and the bone pushes out like that! Frick I may have a jones fracture!
I had a stress fracture in may and I have had an air boot all summer (11 1/2 weeks) my foot still hurt but not were the fracture was. When should I try and run again?
i’m now 5 days out of my cast after 6 weeks,and today,i was walking and i heard a litle “crack” or something and now i have pain in my fppt aigain hope is not a stress facture
Hi Doctor..I have been sufferring from foot pain for the last 4 months specifically on my right foot. It started as suspected gout since my big toes got swollen and painful initially last June. So I was given colchicine and later on had a febuxostat as my maintenance for uric acid. I was also given a diclofenac and eterocoxib for pain. Since then my pain went on and off and my foot never had been normal for the last 4 months. My big toe is good now but what I notice is that the top lateral part of my foot specifically on the cuboid bone I can feel a lump or sort of a spur that is really painful.. And once it gets painful the whole top of my right foot is swelling..but once I take a pain reliever it looks normal… What might this be? I got an xray yesterday but the results will be up in two uric acid and creatinine is normal as per checking last month. Hope to hear from you. Thanks.
I had a soccer game the other day and another player stepped on my foot during the game, but like anyone would I kept playing since that is a common thing to happen. Of course my big toe and the other toe next to it were throbbing but I just kept going. Later the other night after my game I noticed that my big toe had swollen up and is now bruised purple and blue. It has no bruising on the bottom of my foot. The next morning I woke up and noticed it is very difficult for me to curl or straighten my two toes. I did what you said in the video and pressed on the metatarsal bones (where is it also bruised) it sent up a shooting pain and hurt so much. I also pushed on the outside of my foot and in certain spots it is very painful. I’m going to the doctor but I’m just wondering if it is possible that it is broken or a stress fracture.
SURVIV4R, I’m not a doctor so I urge you see a specialist (podiatrist if possible) asap. I’m not sure of your age, but as people get older, bone density seems harder to maintain. I try to follow the 10% rule to build gradually without going overboard and crack a metatarsal.
Also, I read that stress fractures do not show in x-rays for about 2 weeks. So some other forms of expensive reading might be used if before then. Until then, ice the foot and try not using or stressing it any further.
I’ve had pain that gets worse on the side at the base of my 5th metatarsal. The pain started when I was doing jump rope. I tried to push myself too hard and now I’m concerned I have a stress fracture. There is no bruising but pain when walking too much, and running. Any suggestions?
Hello. A fews days ago I was out and a very heavy male stepped on my foot. I felt the pain then, but continued to walk on it the next day, it was painful but nothing unbearable. The day after I woke in severe pain, with my foot swollon all the way around and could not walk. I have been putting ice on it for pain and swelling. The excruciating pain has went away, but I still cannot walk cause it hurts to apply pressure. Could this be a fx?
I am about 6’1″ and 155, so I don’t think weight loss is an option. My left styloid process has gotten larger and more bulging and painful over the years. I have always been active. My styloid process is 12 cm from the tip of my little toe, and 11 cm from the back of my heel. I have a long foot. Was there supposed to be an arch there that has collapsed, causing it to hit the ground? That is what it seems like. I have an arch from my styloid process to the ball of my foot, and from the styloid process back to the heel, with the styloid process at the lowest point. It feels bruised, and sometimes I get piercing pain in it when I sit down. Back to the podiatrist once things blow over.
This was really helpful. The bottom of my foot on the outside really hurt after I tried to start a walk/run regiment. I limped to day after and it still hurts. I at least know now that was Yoko much too fast with weight gain. I also know I wore the wrong shoes and that I should ice it. Thanks for being so informative and direct.
It hurts when I walk for for more than 5 minutes. Pain on the outside of my foot. Hoping it’s not stress fracture. I started training very hard suddenly for a law enforcement job. Might be the cause.
I have popping on my 5th metatarsal bone but no pain is that good or bad?
Very helpful video! I’m sure my 5th metatarsal is fractured. I tried the pushing tests and ended up yelling so loud I scared my coworkers! Darn it! I was up to 12 miles on my trail running. I twisted my ankle coming down a slope and the pain was instantaneous and excruciating! My foot turned black and blue from the ankle to the toes. As the bruising healed, I noticed that there’s a big “bubble” of swelling on the outside of my foot. I can hardly walk on it let alone run. It hurts like the dickens!! Well…I guess it’s off to the doctor and back to the mountain bike fulltime. Bummer.:(
The outer part of the 5th menetarsel hurts so bad especially when just sitting still! What do I do
i have an injury at the bottom of my big toe. it hurts really bad. and i feel the pain on the top and bottom, and have had this injury for sadly 3 years, i know i should have gotten it checked out. but i hate doctors, but it has been too long and painful, it is pretty swollen at the top, side, and bottom of my foot, any help please?
I’m having a lot of pain on the bottom of my foot (…at the top of metatarsal 1). Is that a common place for stress fractures?
ya this would have been helpfull last summer…at the end of my XC season this year i got my leg checked out and found out my tibia had a stress fracture that broke completely through
I had ankle sprain 1 year ago still having pain outside of foot.. MRI is negative..why there is pain while walking???
I have the same exactly problem… if i push anywhere or whatever on the foot doesn’t hurt.. when i try to walk on it it hurts.. probably minor stress fracture?
Thankyou. I’m sure that I don’t have a fracture, but I do have Pironeal tendonitis instead. You have helped to confirm this diagnosis. I love the comment that it would be difficult to run a Marathon with your foot in a cast. Hilarious. Thankyou from New Zealand. Cheers!
What about the side of the foot, where you should the example
Hello sir…sir since last months m feeling pain…sometime at uppersise of foot sometimes near foot thumb plz sir help docter recommended lornex tab for one week but result was not good
Why don’t talk a bit of some treatments regarding the stress fracture.Thanks.
omgg i was playing soccer and had to run for 30 mins, now the 5th area/jones fraction area kills! im so scared i hope it gets fast soon, i dont wan to miss my season )’:
other than the whitenoise soundtrack, this is a perfect video! thank you!
I donno if you are still in need of this advice/ help. But your issue could be a extensor tendon injury of the foot, which basically, the muscles around your foot are inflammed. You usually have pain on the top of your foot. I’ve had a stress fracture on my right foot. Happened mid run. Just to touch it hurt could not walk on it what so ever. The pain was so bad, I thought my foot was broken. Google extensor tendon injury of foot. I think that might help you. Good luck
The most common cause of outside of the foot pain is your foot flattening out to the side against your shoe. This usually happens due to the gradual progression of tightness in your back, hamstrings, calf and ankles. Get that stretch out!
I did a 5k today without issues at all; which is just extraordinary considering a couple of weeks ago I could hardly take a walk. I`ll certainly be recommend plantar fasciitis treatment “kamfofo space” (Google it) to all my running buddies, try it yourself!
for me i have pain on the side of my foot when i walk happen when i went hiking and walking on a trail dont know what it is. now everytime i try play a sport or going walking on trail it starts to hurt happen 3 weeks ago
I\’m not sure but,if anyone else trying to find out how to cure foot pain at home try Cranstirk Stop Pain Channel (do a search on google )? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my work buddy got excellent success with it.
Which is probably y u’ve been dealing with this for 10+ yrs, it prob. did not heal right initially. Maybe u can consider some sort of out patient surgery to put some plastic darts/screw in your foot? I think i was off for 3 months the 1st time i fractured my foot. It sucks, but it’s worth it to be able to come back w/o any complications. I do understand what you are saying. I’ve been miserable since this issue developed. Running is who I am & what I do. It’s like half of me is dead right now.
I don’t have dark bruiseing but when I run it hurts, when I press on the marble things of my toe it hurts on my big toe and it’s hard to walk without hurting my mom wants me to wait 4 days and if it still hurts she will call the doctor it’s been 1 day and I can’t even have a warp owww
I carried steel scaffolding up and down to build it and just trashed my little toe owie
I was at school and running when we were outside and then I felt pain like in the middle on my foot and it hurts when I run. There is no bruse though.
This doctor gives me a very creepy, like murder doctor vibe. But the info was good. Thanks Murder doc!
@halolord01 Yes, stress fractures of the lower leg are relatively common for runners. If it’s in the lower shin, it could be shin splints, which is a muscular problem rather than bone. Shin splints most often occur on the inside of the lower shin a few inches above the ankle bone. Shin splints will heal simply by not running for a while, but a fracture may require more help. If you have any bruising that isn’t from an impact (like walking into something) then you should see a doctor.
Can you have a stress fracture on your peroneal bone (on the exterior of the leg, right before the end of the bone)?
I stepped on my big toe when i was in the holiday i stepped on it just like that and at the x-ray it appears tht the bones are fone but i can’t move my big toe because it hurts very much i think it’s the ligament i am not sure about that i really don’t know what it is this happenned 3 weeks ago and it still hurts i don’t know what to do
Ffs after diagnosing myself with this I had to walk for a while today and after hours of pain there’s bruising just like in the photo, should I see the doctor? Should I expect to get a boot or crutches?
This was Very informative. Pretty sure I have 3 fractures. That explains why it did not get better in 12 days. Bruising on the little toe in up the side and into the entire middle of my foot. Fractures in each of 3,4,5 metatarsals and pretty sure the little toe bone fully broken, the toe is fat and hard and resists bending… according to my self exam. Ordered a boot. Thank you so much Doctor!
Very helpful. I’ve been off my foot for almost a week and a half now after running too long on pavement with Vibram Five Fingers. Originally i thought it was a tendon injury but even after icing, ibuprofen, and therapy it was still swollen and painful. I’ve had to miss a large portion of conditioning and will miss the first race because of it. Thank you for clarifying that it is infact a stress fracture.
I’ve had pain on the top of my foot for almost a week now. I’ve been running in merrell barefoots but I’ve been wearing these shoes for almost three months now. At first i thought that i should just rest and that it would go away but it hasn’t. When i walk around it feels fine but when I stand on my tippy toes i can feel the pain. The pain is right on top where the middle three metatarsal bones are. Evan from the beginning I didn’t have any swelling or bruising, just constant pain….
The middle top part of my foot below my big toe and the one beside it has been hurting…I keep running and walking on it (which hurts). I play a sport and the pain just keeps getting worse! I’ve noticed that it’s swelling some but no bruising. When I move my toes it’s very painful!! There is also a weird vibration like feel when I’m move my toes and you can feel it with your hand. Do you have any ideas what could be wrong or what I need to do?
thanks for freaking me the hell out with that surgery image…
I had my ankle sprain 1.5 year later.still having pain at the base of 5th metatarsal. I have negative MRI but still having pain while walking. What’s going on
I got a number 2 meditarsel stress frature 3 weeks ago I’m not going to be able to run until December
Who can stay off their feet for 6-8 weeks? And who can afford you?
im worried i might have this,, i first noticed the pain while playing a football game, the folloeing week i got the same pain in training, then yesterday while playing in a game i lined up for a shot and as i went to strike the ball, i was tackled causing me to kick the player full force into the studs, i went down immediately and had to come off, the pain was bad. now i just have swelling on top of my foot and it is very painfull to try walkin on it.. please help, id b very gratefull for advice
Please guide me…! It’s about the left foot. Doesn’t hurt when I run, but when I press with the thumb at the centre of the 5th metatarsal, it hurts. This could be an early stage. What should I do?
I got a stress fracture on the 3th metatarsal to begin with. the bone broke completly later and they tell me to rest for 8-12 weeks but that the running part for me is over.. someone who’s had same problem?
I’m having a very sensitive pain under my big to and there is bruising and swelling on top of it
I have spent months studying plantar foot treatments and found a fantastic resource at Rohon Foot Care (check it out on google)
Anytime. I am currently nursing (what I think) is a minor fracture or muscle strain. I have an apt with my doc tomorrow. But i was thinking about what I told you initially and said, no that was incorrect. B/c sometimes you can walk on a fracture. I was comparing it to the first fracture I had. But that was almost a freak style fracture. Some fractures you can walk on but, my sports med. doc always says never to do this b/c the bone will not heal right.
What if the pain is on the same side, but under the foot? Feels like it moves to the fatty edge of the foot.
I Ran on an uneven surface and injured my foot as it twisted inwards. Now there’s too much pain near the 5th metatarsal area. Guess, i have to avoid outdoors for atleast a week.
Plz sir help me m suffering..even when i wakeup in the morning i feel much pain but after sometime when i walk,pain goes out…but when i take rest for sometime then again i feel pain…plz do help me sir
i was told to rest 4 weeks but i always come back much earlier than recommended since i just can’t live without going to gym. i know i should rest longer, but i been like this for over 10 years, always force a come back as early as possible.
Hey you or he just showed or rather looked and described the foot from an outside ankle, the outside of the foot.
Now I have pain on the inside, so to say the correlate part to the abductor on the inside but rather down under my feet than on the side. So on the bottom of my feet, pretty much in the middle, and on the inside of the foot.
Can anybody perhaps tell me how that is called so I can look for specific treatment for that part.
It got hurt while skateboarding I think and it does not even hurt much, just a little, and only towards the evening.
I feel like I just need to pop my 5th Metatarsal into place and I’d be good. It’s sore to the touch but the pain isn’t crazy. Just annoying. Like a constant 2-3/10
Compression puts me into symptomatic w in mins… that lateral squeeze
So I know this is an old video but please help me
So I’m in 8th grade now and when I was in 6th grade I hurt my ankle really bad it was swollen and I could barely walk. I never went to the doctor but it eventually got better. Something similar happened in 7th grade but noting in particular happened. I am now in 8th grade and the pain came back. My ankle has been hurting for about 2 or 3 months. It seems to be causing other problems too like a very tight calf and the arch in my foot is flattening out. The leg it is on is weaker than the other now. My ankle is typically swollen almost all the time. There is no bruising and not super tender to the touch. I am a gymnast so I can’t get new shoes and I’m scared to tumble because it hurts so bad. I am also a runner and it hurts then too. I’ve iced, been to a chiropractor, and rested but nothing is working. My mom won’t take me to a doctor because she doesn’t think anything bad is happening but I don’t think so because of the amount of pain I’m in. Please suggest something and I can tell my mom to take me to a doctor!!!!
Broke 2 of mt toes 12 yrs ago. been having alot of pain for a week in the top of my foot mainly when I walk. Im not. runner but do walk alot, every were I go. just don’t know why in having so much pain.
no pain when i press anywhere but when i give pressure, the pain comes, especially if i walk sideways it hurts alot, it is alreayd my 8th week of rest. someone please help me, i don’t have insurance
Please excuse me for contacting you so suddenly.
This is Naruhiko Uchida, involved in the development of athletic trainers in Japan. We face the day-to-day student aiming of becoming an athletic trainer.
I would like Japanese students to watch and study with this video created by you.
But, unfortunately students of Japan does not understand much English.
So, If you are interested to allow, I will publish and share this video with a Japanese subtitles on YouTube my channel. Of course, I firmly place the original source, also introduce your channel.
Thank you for your attention.
i had one in my left foot and i didn’t know what it was so i kept running on it. and now i have one in my right foot. what will happen if i dont rest it?
How can I tell if my lateral foot pain is due to a cuboidal issue rather than a stress fracture on the 5th metatarsal? I’ve been having Lateral pain for about a week now out of the blue during a run (no significant injury) and can’t tell what it is, and my tendon in that area is feeling pretty creaky, but I have no past history of tendonitis?
Think i got a stress fracture on my 5th metatarsal, but it does not hurt too much and i think the location is mid shaft rather than jones fracture. I feel some pain when I am pressing the mid-shaft from the side, but I feel fine, everywhere else.
Any idea what this could be?
is it also common for runners to get a stress fracture on the lower shin?
Make sure you get a properly fitting shoe, especially for width! This is probably the #1 cause of outside of the foot pain. This guide shows you how to measure your foot size at home before ordering online!: