Table of Contents:
Benefits of Exercise for your Health
Video taken from the channel: Dr. Adeleke Adesina
Distribution, absorption, utilization, sources, deficiency andtoxicity of chloride
Video taken from the channel: Vidya-mitra
Salt Sodium Chloride What is Salt What Is Sodium Chloride How Does Salt Raise Blood Pressure
Video taken from the channel: Whats Up Dude
Mark Kelley on Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) the fifth estate
Video taken from the channel: CBC News
High Potassium and Chronic Kidney Disease: A Patient’s Story
Video taken from the channel: National Kidney Foundation
10.4 Minerals: Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Magnesium
Video taken from the channel: Christine Dobrowolski
Fluid and Electrolytes: Chloride
Video taken from the channel: EmpoweRN
But, if you have any health conditions, you can speak to your healthcare provider about your diet and if there’s any reason to be concerned about your chloride intake. Dietary Reference Intakes 1 to 3 years: 1.5 grams per day 4 to 8 years: 1.9 grams per day 9 to 50 years: 2.3 grams per day 51 to 70 years: 2.0 grams per day 71+ years: 1.8 grams per day Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding: 2.3 grams per day.Dietary sources of chloride are: all foods containing sodium chloride, as well as tomatoes, lettuce, olives, celery, rye, whole-grain foods, and seafood. Although many salt substitutes are sodium-free, they may still contain chloride.Dosages for chloride, as well as other nutrients, are provided in the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) developed by the Food and Nutrition Board at the Institute of Medicine.
DRI is a term for a set of reference intakes that are used to plan and assess the nutrient intakes of healthy people.3 Dietary sources and intake data 3.1 Dietary sources. All unprocessed foods contain chloride, albeit at low levels. The chloride content of unprocessed meat and fish may be up to 4 mg/g, whereas fruit and vegetables contain generally less than 1 mg/g (Scherz and Senser, 2000; UK Food Standards Agency, 2002; Anses, 2016).
Chloride content can be substantially higher than sodium in fruit and vegetable.Chloride as part of sodium chloride is found in many foods. It is particularly abundant in processed foods, and for this reason, it is unlikely that you are not getting enough chloride. Excessive sweating, diarrhea or vomiting may cause a temporary loss of chloride, but actual deficiency is rare.Requirements and dietary sources Average requirements for sodium and chloride are estimated to be about 500 and 750 mg/day, respec-tively.
Normal sodium (mostly from salt) intake varies from about 2 g/day to 14 g/day, with chloride (mostly from salt) intakes generally slightly in excess of.Consistent with the reference values for sodium, these levels of chloride intake are considered to be safe and adequate for the general EU population, under the consideration that the main dietary source of chloride intake is sodium chloride. For infants aged 7–11 months, an.The main dietary sources of choline in the United States consist primarily of animal-based products that are particularly rich in choline—meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, and eggs [4,5,8-10]. Cruciferous vegetables and certain beans are also rich in choline, and other dietary sources of choline include nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
Dietary sources are generally in the form of phosphatidylcholine from lecithin, a type of fat. The richest dietary sources of choline include ( 21 ): Beef liver: 1 slice (2.4 ounces or 68 grams.Dietary reference intakes for water, potassium, sodium, chloride, and sulfate / Panel on Dietary Reference Intakes for Electrolytes and Water, Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes, Food and Nutrition Board. search useful to the panel for setting requirements of sodium and potassium was limited.
In.Product-specific sodium criteria, to enable a maximum daily sodium chloride intake of 5 grams/day, were applied to all foods consumed in the survey. The impact of replacing 20%, 50% and 100% of sodium chloride from each product with potassium chloride was modeled. At baseline median, potassium intake was 3334 mg/day.
Chloride, along with sodium and potassium, is an electrolyte. Electrolytes have electrical charges, so they can move easily back and forth through cell membranes. This is important because as electrolytes move into a cell, they carry other nutrients in with them and as they move out of it, they carry out waste products and excess water.Most people know that the Na is for sodium, but many do not remember that the Cl is for chlorine or chloride.
Sodium chloride is common salt, and it is 61% chloride. Other feedstuffs do contain Cl as well, as listed below: Grass Hay 0.92%.Food sources. Dietary iron is found in two basic forms.
Either as haem iron (from animal sources) or non-haem iron (from plant sources). Haem iron is the most bioavailable form of iron. However, the predominant form of iron in all diets is non-haem iron, found.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of a vegetal source of choline as a replacement of choline chloride in the diet for broilers from one to 21 and 22 to 42 days of age.
List of related literature:
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from Nutrition and Diet Therapy Reference Dictionary | |
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from Foods & Nutrition Encyclopedia, Two Volume Set | |
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from Diseases of Swine | |
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from The Microbiological Safety of Low Water Activity Foods and Spices | |
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from Nutrition | |
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from Discovering Nutrition | |
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from Neonatology: A Practical Approach to Neonatal Diseases | |
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from Nutrient Metabolism: Structures, Functions, and Genes | |
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from Comprehensive Membrane Science and Engineering | |
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from Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats |
Funny how they don’t let anyone give the other side of the story or do any real studies. They just attack it…
This guy is a deep state corporate crony. Big pharma, the WHO, the FDA, the NHI, the CDC and other controlled health organizations that promote the dollar sign over health are being exposed.
Anyone that believes this jerk need a new order of comic books.
Anyone who.denirs it works either has not used it or they part of the system to keep real medical help out of the hands of citizens.
I have used it for years and saved me many hours of suffering as a diabetic.
How? Diabetic food poisoning 3 tiny drops and 3 tiny drops of lemon juice. Set 2 min and then add 2 oz. Of watervor juice and drink it down. 2 hours you ate sleeping like a baby. Go to the ER and get their shot, bloodwork up andx3 tob4 hours laying around an ER in agony that continues for about 16 hours before you get relief. Big Pharma get out of our lives.
Vaccines are given to babies against their will too. And mms has helped these vaccine injured kids, yet you “Believe” the toxic vaccines are safe and effective. What a freaking JOKE!
Just another alphabet soup mainstream media trying to dismiss holistic health care because only Big Pharm pays them off. Don’t believe me, then you haven’t paid enough attention to the commercials between “news” shows.
That’s right…it’s a big problem. For big brother and big pharma. If this guy thinks that MMS is bleach, he understand nothing about the chemical science involved here.
Many foods can tribute to low functioning kidneys. Oranges, bran, oats, wheat, bananas, dried fruit, tomatoes, nuts, beans, avocados, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, cooked spinach all contain high amounts of potassium which are terrible for your kidneys. Be sure to eat cabbage, onions, raw spinach, arugula, cauliflower, pineapple, apples, plums, watermelon, buckwheat, carrots, broccoli, green and red peppers, grapes (especially the red ones), celery which are low in potassium
I have every symptom.. a man I trust lives with me who lies. An he knows I have no family an friends.
So chloride kills germs?
Why didn’t they use this in ww2 against germans?
Asholes making desperate Humans drinking BLEACH because of CASH…… (THEY should drink BLEACH THEMSEHVES!)ccc
Selling EXTREMELY overpriecd industrial bleeching to Humans to DRINK? That’s REALLY EVIL!
FDA jails someone for this, whereas we drink this each day from US tap water as usual with FDA some major contradiction here! And conversely Flouride, a toxin, also fine to be given to humans just as it was given to concentration camp prisoners.
everytime i use mms,my whole body itches and my skin breaks out in a rash.What can I do?
Sodium chloride/Formula (table salt)
Sodium hypochlorite/Formula regular bleach NaClO
Sodium chlorite/Formula Used for the MMS and CDS
Chlorine dioxide/Formula the CDS
It is completely clear the difference between all of them. It is misinformation or ignorance to say that CDS is just BLEACH.
Yeah don’t try better your health and cure your illness are your child’s illness. But the government’s going to mandate that you use a Bill Gates vaccine are your child can’t go to school. FDA and the government Bill Gates and the rest of the Eugenics crowd and the doctors have a proven track record of nothing less than murder.
Yahh! “The big problem” is for the big pharma, coz can lose their billions of dollars poisoning people with drugs approved by corrupted FDA!!
TV personalities are dispicable cowards and paid liars… please don’t gush over them if you chance on one next to you in a store….the responce should repulsion public shuning… did you ever find those weapons of mass destruction you dead dog…. and walk out….they are smileling assines all… ask them if they know were all the ambylical cords all end up…..?? a great source of steam cells…. perhaps a morning crape….. these people are filth!
Isn’t it a miracle that MMS cures Malaria in 24 hours? If you don’t like the name,put another one on it!!!
It causes the lining of your intestines to slough off and when you crap that out they claim it’s “rope worms” being removed from your body. Lol.
MMS and CDS are oxigenative therapies. Vaccines that harm are promoted. This is being persecuted. Put 2 and 2 together. This is not a miracle cure, it is true science. Doctors prescribing drugs to patients they spend less than 15 minutes with this is quackery that kills but makes trillions of dollars for the corrupt and it’s time to put a stop to it.
This solution restored my health. I read many bad things about this solution
and was afraid to use it as it does smell like BLEACH. After being told by
my medical establishment that I would be on medication for the rest of my
life, I decided to try it. It actually made me healthy again. The meats we buy
in grocery stores are cleaned with this solution. Our hospitals are dis-infected
with this solution as well. With very low doses of this solution, it will clean
all your internal organs thereby restoring your health. It’s good for Diabetes,
all cancers, malaria, arthritis, psoriasis, gastrides, Aids, HIV, HPV, Herpes
and more. Even the president said if you choose to dis-infect your body, you
you have the right to do so. It worked for me and I know it will work for you
I would like to thank you ladies, I was recently diagnosed with minimal change disease,I just had a terrible relapse. So second bout in 6 months. The patient in the video nailed everything that I went (going) through. Then you put the medication in the mix, and it’s brutal. But for me it’s the not knowing, I’m kinda stuck in limbo with serious life changing decisions that can’t be made until I know wether or not I am going to be able to keep this at bay. It’s been four weeks and I’m just now starting to do yard work and light duty type work. Please folks take care of your kidneys, this is not something you want to face!
when your fda said something is dangerous, its exactly not, do you know who sit in fda boards? manager of biggest pharma companies, does that comment of 1810 people means something to you, or you want tell me that 11 years I am drinking bleach, and that ” bleach# cures among other things in single day virosis, of flu, list is endless, your fda copy past to all country in the world that its poison, bleach, snake oil ect, to every single country, remove it from Jack the Ripper or Google, removed tons of successful healed interviews of people healed by your bleach. Its so naive statement you scared people and media of the biggest discovery in medicine ever,
WHAT A HIT JOB by the state media! The only charlatan here is this hack Mark Kelly, a poor excuse for a journalist, and a very bad job of covering this product and this researcher. That’s because MK and CBC are first line of defence for industrial pharma which wants to make sure you pay big bucks for their drugs and that you keep making a profit for them as their side effects and ineffectiveness draw you deeper into illness and their clutches until you figure out their racket. The 2nd arm of their strategy is to capture and destroy the products and true health experts, including hundreds of thousands of normally trained physicians and specialists, who are helping people return to actual health.
Most medicines do some sort of collateral damage to your body in the process of working. Chemotherapy is that in a nutshell. Calcium Dioxide is a free radical, like many that enter your body on any given day. This one just happens to be very effective in killing viruses, parasites, and bacteria. Due to your own cell’s antioxidant protection capacities, it probably doesn’t do as much damage to your own cells, unless it’s in a gaseous state, which is from my understanding when it is most dangerous. Regardless, they put the stuff in your municipal water supply because it’s considered to be much safer than chlorine, which I understand isn’t saying much, but it would have to at least make you wonder.
I love how the ppl that believe in this think that vaccines are poison but drinking bleach isn’t.
So high potassium can throw off chloride too? Our horses are getting high amounts of Potassium in their hays. We are seeing Neurological problems, Metabolic syndrome, and cushings. Great clear video.Thank you!!
Totally dishonest review. He said I just wanted to see if it was readily available. He never askes if there were any people saying it worked. If the FDA says no then its the first indicator it might actually work.
And no helmets, no seatbelts, no masks, no drugs are illegal, let the toys have lead if that’s what the parents want, etc. and just wait for the problem fix itself Darwin style.
This stuff really works. I used it on my bone spurs and it got rid of a demon in my house. The secret is to use a lot of it.
MMS isn’t household bleach, that would be clear if you actually can read and understand.
Man!! Nitroglicerine is a powerful explosive. “WHO” the hell authorized it to treat cardiovascular conditions??
Jim Humble has written 4 books on the topic. Google to find them. Do your own research. This is the real deal. It’s how your own immune works. This mms1&2 simply give your or your pets body what it need to heal and cure any disease. It’s sold as a water purifier. MMS1 is Sodium chlorite and MMS 2 is Calcium Chlorite. They are closely related to chlorine but aren’t the same. Vitamin C once ingested become hydrogen peroxide or H2O2. These support your natural immune system. These and the books can help you to restore your own health. These truths will be known very soon now.
Gods blessings are being bestowed upon us all now. Be thankful and enjoy a healthy life.
You people. Its true it works and works good and fast. Think of this your body is 80% water and this cleans your water.
FDA is just protecting the patent for other chemicals. Yes it is all swimming pools in USA, Asia and Europe, drinking water etc. FDA is protecting all the biggest drug dealers in the world. MMS save my life anyway and I should be dead at least 15 years ago if I would believe my “doctors”. I have all the proof I need about MMS, DMSO and much other stuff available on the free market. What about table salt? MMS is just one molecule away from ordinary table salt… FDA is an organised crime syndicate with a lot of money… from BigPharma. There are billions of dollar in stake and they know it.
simple question MMS poisened humanbeings AS THE FDA claimed!!! BUT IT WILL USED To CLEAN THE POOLS WATER, DRINK WATER ETC…IS THAT NOT FUNNY??? they couldnt revealed the truth and saying this cure stuff healed thousnds of individuales who has no interest to tell us lies..unlike the pharmacutical companies who want to treat us not to cure us for thousend of dollars..come on people.
Very inspirational lady. It appears that her dr truly cares for her and they have a great dr/patient relationship.:)
Thank you both very much for sharing this message! I have one kidney due to a nephrectomy done in 1998 my recent labs came back.5 above the normal range which explains a lot of symptoms i have been experiencing. Will meet with my urologist to discuss the levels and go from there, Your message is inspiring.
I have used this for 6 months and I’m still alive! No CHEMO FOR ME! To hell with BigPharma!
“I recommend this guide:
So grateful it exists in 2020.”
The harm from vaccines was so great they had the US government take responsibility financially and judicially. Big Pharma destroys lives for profit. Legalized slavery. Get up, write something down, and do something about it.
What about vaccines it does the same thing and they are not approved it’s just for making money and they have it they can give you anything and not be sued or he’ll Countedable for the damage thing they put together
But 99.9% of viruses and bacteria are killed by chlorine dioxide so if I drink it with water….
This guy is a paid shill to talk out of his neck. They never want to promote real health. Anything NOT big p-HARM-a is against their religion, and drugs have become a religion. Just look at the people who worship it.
The fact a CHURCH is selling this as a miracle cure should tell you all you need to know about this fraudulent “cure”.
To those saying its used to disinfest drinking water, sure it is, in doses not exceeding 0.8 mg/L.
“a May 2010 advisory which indicated that MMS exceeds tolerable levels of sodium chlorite by a factor of 200”
“The use of chlorine dioxide in water treatment leads to the formation of the by-product chlorite, which is currently limited to a maximum of 1 part per million in drinking water in the USA. EPA standard limits the use of chlorine dioxide in the US to relatively high-quality water because this minimizes chlorite concentration, or water that is to be treated with iron-based coagulants (iron can reduce chlorite to chloride).”
“The United States Environmental Protection Agency has set a maximum level of 0.8 mg/L for chlorine dioxide in drinking water. Naren Gunja, director of the New South Wales, Australia Poisons Information Centre, has stated that using the product is “a bit like drinking concentrated bleach” and that users have displayed symptoms consistent with corrosive injuries, such as vomiting, stomach pains, and diarrhea.”
“Sodium chlorite, the main constituent of MMS, is a toxic chemical that can cause acute kidney failure if ingested. Small amounts of about 1 gram can be expected to cause nausea, vomiting, shedding of internal mucous membranes such as those of the small and large intestine (producing so-called “rope worms”) and even life-threatening hemolysis in persons who are deficient in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.”
“In Canada it was banned after causing a life-threatening reaction.”
“During the COVID-19 pandemic many previous promoters of MMS for other diseases, such as QAnon proponent Jordan Sather and the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, began touting it as a cure for COVID-19. However, the claim that MMS can cure COVID-19, or any other disease, is not based on any scientific evidence.”
What a suprise, a church LYING. Well I never, who’d have thought it?
things are only a problem if it cuts into big pharma profits. A healthy population is not a profitable one and cannot exist
It cured me a severe infection inside my mouth some time ago. Search this video:Andreas Kalcker talks on IAMTV about chlorine dioxide use for covid 19
Taking it in large doses? And prescription drugs from doctors don’t have that problem? Ridiculous one side hit job. Probably paid for by big pharma. It’s only religious because the fda cracked down on it and the only way that they can sell it. Not literally a high power type of church.
But what if people give it to someone in small doses and it counteracts the bad effects of vaccines that might have caused kids to be autistic? What if vaccines were designed to harm people and this is a way to undo the damage?
Big pharma will pay to discredit the truth even if that means fabricating “studies”. The love of money truly is the root of all evil. God help us. Jesus loves you and wants to save you and for you to know him!
Big difference between chlorine and cd. This guy is uneducated about what it is; willfully ignorant; or being paid to suppress the facts about cd.
i use mms when i am not feeling well or for a cold or flu…it works for me!
I used chlordioxid preventif against CV19. It is made from sea salt and citric acid.
xanax or GABA makes the chloride anions move faster, calming you down. So does lower chloride help to calm you down or higher or does GABAa receptors make all the difference. I take xanax for severe Anxiety so I hope to hear a responce, please
I was informed by my doctors that I would need to be on medications for the rest of my life. I had a few illnesses that I was on medications for and found that I was only going down hill as the years went by. In searching for natural cures, I found MMS and Jim Humble and I found the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing headed by Mark Grenon. I donated to the church $40 and received the MMS kit for my donation. I watched the free videos on how to take this solution and in 4 days, I was completely healed of one of the major illness that I had. I continued the protocol and within 2 weeks, there was no more arthritis, my degenerate disc disease was gone, I had no more gout and there were no more excruciating sharp knife like pain in my foot. My HPV disappeared and the atherosclerosis of the aorta was gone. I had more energy and my brain fog was gone. THIS IS A MIRACLE CURE. IT WORKS. I introduced it to a family member who had diabetes, another who was suffering from an ear infections, another who had extreme rashes on the skin that would not go away with medications. All of them were healed. Some within a matter of months. TRY IT, YOU WON’T REGRET IT.
MMS WORKS and is SAFE! Several years ago I came down with SHINGLES, nothing worked until I tried MMS and then BOOM it was gone! It’s safe, it cures MALARIA and works for almost everything. 3 drops of 28% Sodium Chlorite & 2% Hydrochloric Acid each, wait 30 seconds for the chemical reaction to happen, add water and drink, BID.
Thanks Mark, the biggest risk involved here with MMS is the huge financial losses that will be suffered by the Pharmaceutical industry as more natural cures without side effects are discovered by humanity.
Quack. If looks like a duck & walks like a duck it probability is a duck
Been using it for 2 years I am now in perfect health, Thank god I have a brain and not like the rest of the sheep who get told what to think and what to do.
you can buy the same stuff in MMS from walmart to purify water to drink yet its poison when you dont go threw the FDA.
CBC Lies the church was formed to get away from the legal sham system,,
Another looser that gets paid by big pharma to keep people in the dark and sick. They should all be put in jail for being accomplices to this horrible scheme to keep humans sick and suffering. Their time is very near.
We just usted and saved my brothers live. Sorry labs, no money to make with us
The FDA also classifies TWINKIES as foodyeah Looking out for our better health & welfare RIGHT
Liked the video. Very informative and straight to the point.
The FDA is all about the money not your health… been proven
and again we smell the same back door destruction stench being carried out by BIG PHARMA, the corporation who will not allow ANY COMPETITION that threatens their own POISON PRODUCING INDUSTRY (under the guise of medicine)….and how totally pissed off Big pharma are now because this guy has played big pharma at its own game AND BEATEN THEM…..MMS is everything that its creator has claimed…..MMS cannot be PATENTED, which is WHY big pharma don’t sell it…it is not good for big pharma’s outrageous profit making scheme (its the same reason that big pharma shut down the cannabis program in the late 1930’s….because cannabis also cannot be patented either (and big pharma wont allow YOU any medication unless it has the appropriate massive overcharge of big pharma profits incorporated in the selling price)….same old greed….
You go to the Doctors and take anything they prescribe with no questions asked, usually. I bet most people don’t read the side effects that these FDA medicines cause. MMS Woks, end of!!!
They just conducted some studies in Ecuador for COVID-19. 100% recovery rate in 4 days!! I’m serious.
Can you please do a video on Acai (
and how it’s pronounced)…..
I got my labs done and they overlook my results. I have protein in urine. My legs hands face and stomach bloated. I feel sick on many mornings. I go to the restroom like a mad pregnant woman. How can I work like this? i get these intense headaches where I don’t want to hear my own voice. This would be my 4 the time going to the doctor and er within a week and half.they saidi have no high blood pressure or diabetics. Last night was the first time it was hard to breathe in short distance. Somebody help me.
I’m sorry Mark but your argument that children don’t have a say in taking this MMS therefore parents should not be giving it to them….well, ummm children don’t have a say when CHEMO is forced into their veins…’s so poisonous that the nurses and Dr’s can’t touch the bottle/containers without hazmat gear……where is the kids choice there? Get a better argument. It is about big pharma.
A well-paid shill for the pharma mofia. Anything that works is a target.
I ingested this solution. Am still using it as a maintenance periodically and am healed. Mainstream media are not telling you the truth about it.
I have spoken with doctors in Central America “Nicaragua” who use MMS to cure Zika and Malaria. So things it works good on curing. No one has been hurt with this in all the years of using it except big Pharma.
MMS has done a lot better than our medical establishment (U.S.A.) has, and it hasn’t killed anyone.
Can’t thank you enough Dr.Osaoji I’m herpes negative now, keep saving lives
Thank you so much for all the videos you do i am excelling in nursing school thanks to you, was wondering would you do a video on action potential of the cardiac muscle, i’m sorry this is unrelated to the video thank you for helping those who really need your help:)
Does anyone know if it helps to cure or alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
I would really appreciate your testimony or advice???? Pleaseeee
the same children don’t have a choice when the are vaccinated with the ingredients that cause their autisim!!! ridiculous!!!
Been taking 5 drops of ea. Feeling great! Took 8 drops yesterday and started throwing up within 5 min. Keep your doses down to 5 drops or less.
Children don’t have a say in the hundreds of “Vaccines” being injected into them. Don’t be bias
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What BS, you cite NOTHING OF VALUE, you assume the government is correct. how about flint michigan, did we learn ANYTHING THERE?? the government lies!!!!!
you said some truth, salt is crucial, where the hell are you getting the BU&&SHIZZ about it is bad for you?? it is a LIE!!!! it is good, ZERO evidence it is bad, tons that it is good, and time and time again wea re suppose to assume moderation!! WHAT THE HELL, is that even science. no it is not. it is a brainwashing technique. the truth is well hidden, and the truth is salt is very good, a lack of it is a killer. for 40 yrs we have been lied to about the low salt diet, and the low fat diet,it is killing millions today and NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT!!!!! F-ing BASTARDS!!!!
Thank you for making these videos. They are very helpful and straight forward. They have been very helpful when added to my regular study habits.
dude you handsome, you should be movie star!! thank you for good info
I worked in pharmacies for years. Did you know the word “pharmacy” comes from “pharmakia” which is sorcery. When you take your prescription to the pharmacy you should always ask for the pack insert that lists all of the horific side effects. Many people have become very sick or worse but they keep peddling their drugs. There is a vaccine court in USA that has paid out 4 billion dollars but they keep adding more to the schedule. Big Pharma does not want us healthy!! They go after any healthy products that will help or cure people. God bless and protect MMS Queensland, Australia and other countries.
Hello Dr. I am a medical student and sometimes it is difficult for me to go to the gym to do exercise because I am in classes and exams. Before going to study medicine i was a baseball player and I had a great physical condition. What do you recommend for me?
Thanks Dr Adesina. Pls can you lecture on thyroid disease and why physicians order more dose if TSH is high. Thanks and am really proud of you.
Fun fact you can tell when something works because the media and paid trolls will squawk to the high heavens about how it does not work.
Anything the FDA condemns must be 100% good for you, especially if you don’t have to pay the criminal govt. To use it!!!
i am in exercise and diet but not strict since 2 years i lost weight and also managed to keep my weight perfect. it is really good for life quality.