Table of Contents:
44 Best Bodyweight Exercises Ever! Gain Strength & Size Using Bodyweight Calisthenics Exercises
Video taken from the channel: Tee Major Fitness
20 Minute Advanced Bodyweight Strength Training Workout
Video taken from the channel: Relentless Muscle
8 Best Bodyweight Exercises Ever (HIT EVERY MUSCLE!)
Video taken from the channel: ATHLEAN-X™
Kelli’s Favorite Bodyweight Workout Total Body Toning & Functional Strength Training Exercises
Video taken from the channel: FitnessBlender
*No Equipment* Bodyweight Strength Workout | Day 1 [At Home Program]
Video taken from the channel: Tom Merrick
Total Body Strength Training Without Weights for Women | Home Workout (No Jumping) | Joanna Soh
Video taken from the channel: Joanna Soh Official
Free Weights vs Bodyweight Exercise
Video taken from the channel: PictureFit
“Bodyweight exercises are suitable for any fitness level and any age. All you need to do to increase or decrease intensity is to modify the rep scheme or timeframe,” says Emory.Our coaching program changes lives. Learn how!
2) Good at following instructions? Check out our self-paced online course, the Nerd Fitness Academy.. The Academy has 20+ workouts for both bodyweight or weight training, a benchmark test to determine your starting workout, HD demonstrations of every movement, boss battles, meal plans, a questing system, and supportive.
Cardio bodyweight exercises, such as mountain climbers and plyo push-ups, can skyrocket your heart rate and throw your metabolism into overdrive. These movements can be more effective for fat loss than steady-state cardio. If you’re a beginner, bodyweight training may help you build mass and strength.If you don’t have much fitness equipment at home, it can be hard to work your arms, chest, shoulders, and back.But this upper-body bodyweight workout.Adding to your arsenal is easy: Though conventional bodyweight training has you using, well, your own bodyweight, you can easily add in a few tools without too much hassle or money.
Kettlebells, bands, weight plates, benches, steps and blocks can be extremely useful pieces of equipment that are not only effective additions but also cheap to boot.Bodyweight exercises have many advantages over traditional exercises like the clichéd dumbbell curl or shiny, chrome machines. For example, bodyweight movements are considered closed kinetic chain exercises.Bodyweight exercises can make you big and strong.
While typically, bodyweight exercises are equated with higher rep schemes and endurance test how many push ups can you do unbroken, for example you can still adopt certain methodologies to enhance muscle growth and achieve hypertrophy without having to resort to weights.A Mini-Library of Bodyweight Exercises. This probably isn’t the first bodyweight exercise guide you’ve seen, so you’re likely aware by now that there are approximately 8,435,907,326 bodyweight exercises that exist.
Whether you’re brand new to this or you’ve been around the block a few times, that can be quite overwhelming.Bodyweight training is one of the most intense and beneficial forms of strength training. Our body was designed to be able to lift and maneuver itself against gravity.
The human body was pre-programmed with biomechanical processes to be able to do tasks such as pushing, pulling, crawling, and walking, but somewhere along this crazy journey of.You’ll use classic (albeit under-prescribed) bodyweight exercises like the bear crawl and crab walk, which you probably haven’t tried since your days in summer camp. As you’ll come to remember, they’re not easy—especially for a grown man well north of 100 pounds. They require a lot of work from your heart, lungs, and core.Strength training can be done at home or in the gym.
Free weights and weight machines are popular strength training tools, but they’re not the only options. You can do strength training with inexpensive resistance tubing or even your own body weight. With proper technique, you may enjoy noticeable improvements in your strength and stamina over.
To use your body weight in strength training exercises, try exercises such as squats, lunges, abdominal crunches, pushups, pullups or step-ups. Keep movements smooth and controlled. Strengthen the opposing muscles, such as the chest and back muscles, and strive for muscle balance.
Unilateral Training: Sure, a pushup or squat with only bodyweight may seem easy — and will eventually get easy. But a single-arm pushup doubles your bodyweight load.Every bodyweight exercise involved utilizes multiple muscle groups, gets your heart rate pumping, and burns tons of calories.
Essentially, circuit weight training, or circuit bodyweight training, burns more calories than interval training, and that in turn burns WAY more calories than steady cardio. When you strength train, you burn calories.10 Trainer-Favorite Bodyweight Exercises to Get Stronger, No Dumbbells Required.
Love It. Favorite It Now. Popsugar; Fitness; Workouts; 10 Best Bodyweight Exercises For Strength.
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One of the best workout videos.. was hurtful and was waiting for this video end. Palms and arms hurts the most! But every bit was worth it. Thank you for this.
I’m just getting started with bodyweight training and I’m so glad I’ve found this channel! Thanks Tom!!!
Damn I remember this video used to have some really good music. I guess it ended up in youtube purgatory.
scorpion rockers straight up took the breath out of my lungs
This is pretty much the perfect non impact workout, short, to the point, great explanations and it burns in a good way! Doing this 2-3 times a week is guaranteed to bring results.
Bro this is bad ass!! Excellent workout I could complete it only after the second try
fuck me sideways. that was brutal. best body weight exercise. thanks
This made my muscles burn, couldn’t even walk properly for three days. It made me realize how much unfit I am
Awesome workout! Would have been better without a billion ads but still good!
Stop wasting your time on calculating every single calorie. Visit Next Level Diet and check your calorie intake for FREE. You can choose any kinds of fruits, nuts, vegetables and meats and get personalized meal plan which contains only food you like.
They exercises he waz doing are not that hard i am doing full planche pushups, look them up they are way harder then triple clap pushups.
+ More creativity with calisthenics
+ natural muscle mass/natural way of training
+ learn useful skills (e.g muscle up)
Hard to isolate muscles
+ Isolate muscles/more mass
Not creative
no skills
doing the same thing all the time
Combine them. Mix it up a bit. It will feel more fun rather than just a chore.
Best bodyweight workout Check my channel and give a subscribe
This was a really good quarantine workout, thank you. Sweating buckets
This is great, thank you so much for this series! My quarantine has been significantly enhanced thanks to you!
Me*: watching video and trying to workout
Ad**: stop excersing
Most body builders can’t pick themselves up easily or run tbh
Oof I know it’s like 3 years ago but it’s like Weights for Simple Muscle Mind, and Calisthenics for Super Complex Muscle Mind so it’s like dumb muscle, smart muscle k bye
All 8 Bodyweight Exercises In Video
1. Pull-up/Commando Pull-ups
2. Chin-ups & Knee-ups
3. Slick Floor Bridge Curls
4. Levitation Squats(Lead in to Pistol Squat)
5. Divebomber Push-ups
6. Mule Kicks
7. Kickthrough Burpees
8. Front Levers
Dang that was amazing. I feel a deep burn everywhere, especially in my legs. This guy deserves a round of applause for giving this out for free!
very excited to start this program tom aiming for the more skills side. thank you so much for helping by providing us with a resource, and not only that but a quality one because your content is always proper & thorough. love u man, one of my favorite calisthenics youtubers & fitness influencers in general.
What is with all the positivity in this comment section? I came here for a long, difficult strength training bodyweight workout with *NO EQUIPMENT*. Not only do you use equipment in this video for multiple exercises, but you took far too long breaks which interrupted my momentum greatly.
Just some constructive feedback, not an attack on you.
I will be trying this later today, wish me luck. I can’t do all of them because they’d be load creaking the floor and my parents would ask what I was doing for the last half hour, but this one seems quiet enough that I can do it.
First day did the first set 193 trying to loss weight very out of shape.
Pow. Ab crunch shredder dips…yup I’ll have that with mayo.
This is a great workout, but it had a little too much time spent on the wrists for me. I powered through the first two rounds, but by the third my wrists couldn’t really take it. I switched to closed fists but it still hurt some:/
I can’t do these exercises.. I don’t have enough strength to do these exercises.. not even a single pushup Need Help.
I think it’s your get on with eeeet attitude that motivates us
This is the kind of work out that will keep you from cheating on your diet. After 30 minutes of this delicious torture aint no way Im blowing away calories on 2 minutes of eating a honey bun!
A lot of free weight lifters who turned into calisthenics said that they hit some muscles they didn’t even know they had
Hi can someone help me, I’m skinny and really need to build muscle/gain weight, will this be able to help me?
I’m commenting to support YouTube’s algorithm in recommending your videos. I’ve been following your routine for the last three or so weeks now and it’s been a big help! I’m seeing and feeling progress in my strength all over, mainly upper body since that’s been my focus but overall I’ve already seen results! Thanks a million for sharing, bud! Stay safe, stay healthy, stay awesome! Cheers from Chicago ☺️❤️
What’s up guys, Jeff Cavalier here, Athlean….. Oh wait wrong channel.
Wow! Now officially one of my favorites! Looked innocent and easy since it wasn’t HIIT, but it worked up a sweat!
Calisthenics is both more interesting and targets more muscles at the same time, it’s the way for me, I have a weight vest and just add weight to it to keep it on the 7-20 rep range, to each it’s own, I find calisthenics more doable for the lonely/independent person, I feel that it can make you more lean too
How do you do these without your wrist hurting? Should you wear some type of wrist support?
I did it yesterday and not even completed all the 4 sets.. I did only 3 sets and i am sore af
There isn’t any fat loss tea or a magic pill. There are only smart dieting and training. NextLevelDiet is a great tool to start with because it gives you everything you need to reach your fitness goals.
Great been following you for the last one month very enjoyable and right scale of challenge too
I tried many workout online and I’m not a beginner. This one is strong and no commun exercises, good
I get heavy lower back pain when doing the reverse plank. I have APT. Any alternative?
Made all the blood rush to my head! Hoping my, ehem, technique improves for the next try!
honestly i thought after i was forced to switch to calithsenthics in quarantine, it was gonna be horrible but then i realized… i would much prefer to be do some of those feats you mentioned in the video. 1.) because it would be benefical to my martial arts trainging as well and 2.) because i only started lifting to lose weight but after i did that i began building muscle and after 2 years i just remeberd i never cared much for big muscles anyways.
Anyone who has problems because of the ads, go to the end of the video and then go back to the start. The ads shouldn’t play anymore. You can also download it on an app called pro recorded and the ads won’t be there and it’ll be in your camera roll if this is going to be a regular workout for you.
I read plenty of great reviews on the internet about how Custokebon Secrets can help you lost lots of fat. Has any one tried using this popular fat burn secrets?
Calisthenics is better, thats just a fact, like most people will say free weights are better just because they dont even want do live, they just want to get big (for some reason), simple as that
I have been searching a legit workout from youtube for a long time and this seems like a very good one, i will try this.
Kelli your body is my goal and my dream. By the way nice workout, I loved it
I can manage to do all the exercises but can’t do pushpus
I was a small kid. My dad always made me do calisthenics as a punishment. So, that’s what I grew up with. My physical stature stayed small but I packed a punch. I would be a target for a bully but I would destroy all the bullies in sports and PE.
I believe calisthenics are way better that free weight. Free weight is good for looking big, but not that practical. First time I tried free weight was in Highschool. My coach would see me excel in pull-ups and push-ups, but I could barely lift the bar.
Eventually, when I got the basis and knowledge of free weights,I was already leaving Highschool. I went back to doing only calisthenics and not one exercise became any easier.
After calisthenics became to easy for me (I could do a set of 100 of most exercise with 2 breaks) I started adding weights to it. Weights could be a backpack while doing push-ups. It doesn’t have to cost much money,
The most practical one would be calisthenics.
Leg exercises were too easy for me but pushups?? I couldn’t even do a single pushups . My upper body strength is too weak
At about 2:30 I was like whoa whoa slow down there champ. Lol
I tried every single diet on the internet and even if I managed to lose few pounds of fat, they would get back as soon as I’m done with diet. I realised that meal plan from Next Level Diet is the only diet I could follow forever. It’s really sustainable and easy to follow.
Hi, I just wanted to ask a question about the reverse planks, whenever I do them my right shoulder tends to hurt a lot, could this be a hand placement/form issue, or just a lack of strength? Any suggestions for what I could do or modifications?
Good ol’ COVID-19 got me here, finding something from Jeff if nothing else.
I mix body weight exercises with elastic band exercises and sometimes free weights
This is my goal to be this strong. Far from it right this moment.
Oh, man! Those plank rotations at the end are 100% killers! 1st round through I’m thinking, “oh, I must be getting better. This workout isn’t going to be too bad.” Pfffffffff yeah right!
I like free weights better and it’s probably a better path to achieving my goals, but I do calisthenics because I absolutely hate the hassle of going to the gym vs just working out in my living room before lunch.
The split squat is piss easy! the hamstring one doesnt do alot either i tried the band & that failed me. Missing a gym right now!
My neighbor basemant gym is 2euro/1 month xd I do both,mixed this to is the best way to progress
Looking for this because my gym closed due to coronavirus, again, thank you Jeff!
Hopefully you are already in the combos, keep improving.
Mine in particular has used superior technics but is basically the same that your singular training.
is all a dance not a demonstration so don’t repeat and progress
Loved it, thanks! Perfect cues and progressions/regressions. I’ve only come across your stuff recently and all of it’s sound. Well done and keep it up, cheers, very inspiring
Soo i can do both of themm ok my schedule is 3 day gym and 3 day calisthetic
Thanks Tom. I like your emphasis on form, rest and modifications for various difficulty levels. I’m going to use this for remote learning with our school’s football squad if that’s okay. Thanks for using gentle language too. If there are any particular tips or advice for teenagers, that would be excellent
Woaah this video was uploaded on my birthday. So happy to see it.
Hiii Jonahyou are awesome, lady I’m inspired by your workout and I’m following your workout from past one month and I’m really seeing difference thank you so much for this wonderful vedio.
Plz keep posting more
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who died and ascended to heaven during this
I remember doing this workout when it first came out. Still a good one, but you guys have come a long way!!
Thank you guys I have been doing the 1000 calories work out for 2 months, I have lost the weight I wanted to loose,… but now I am saggy and I want to tighten my body. Should I do this exercise? What do you guys recoment me for 6 day work out routine!?? thank you
Hi Tom, thank you very much for these videos! I really needed something to inspire me to get back in tuned with my body and you helped me a lot. Just curious are those blue shorts like khaki ones but just blue? Thanks again!! Marcus
The reverse plank gives me lower back pain… What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for this workout video. All the moves are new and I feel it’s impact on my legs shoulders and triceps.
Can you let me know these moves are for which muscles though?
I hated u one bit during those Scorpion rockers. Those killed me. I definitely flopped like a dying fish when those were done. But nah, loved you so much more for this insane body weight workout. I mean there are tons of bodyweight strength training videos out there but this, my friend is insane. Those moves had me questioning my other workouts keep bringing videos like this on!
I can’t do push up properly
Is there any other exercise, i can do instead of push-up
Tom: 4 6 8 weeks of quarantine however long this thing lasts
Me over 100 days in:
Just a question, if you highly suggested us to do 4 or 5 sets, why didn’t you include that in the video? Is it too hard to talk through the workout if you did it like that?
Maybe there is other person who have same problem with me?
My weight is ideal, but not with my shape. I have a thiccc hip, booty, thighs, calves and my upper body is very thin. How do you deal with it? Better do high intense or mild workout?
Love it! For people like me injured for now can’t use weights looking for strength training. Thanks.
For a change I really didn’t mind the ads. You deserve ever bit of money you make for such a quality workout. If I was in government, I would pay you a big fat sum then introduce some from of this into every school and many a work place.:-)
Dont trust youtube trust youself choice and let your dream com true
I always imagine this video with the old song ( Devil’s quid pro quo )
It’s just that calisthenics strength is relative to your body weight, while the strength you build with free weights is just about how heavy a load you can lift. For example: do you think that very invested calisthenics athletes can deadlift 750lbs? No. But can very invested strongmen do a planche? Again, no. It’s all about what you’re trying to achieve by working out
Why can’t people that bench press a lot of KG do that much push ups?
“Bodyweight exercises are better suited to improve functional movement that’s used in daily life”. Well, that’s enough to convince me.
I have lost 10lbs in just one month by following diet plan from *Next Level Diet*. It’s really a great tool. I recommended it to my family members and we all started to eat and live healthier. Long live #*Next Level Diet*.
Love your channel. However could u plzzz edit the videos to allow for the transitions of exercises. I find myself pausing the video several times just to catch-up because the video is moving so fast. Thank u!!❤️
@ 4:00 “Now that you’ve done with your right leg, let’s move on to your left leg”
Me: “what leg?”
Jeff, how do you warm up before you start all of your workouts?
Body weight training while wearing inline skates has helped me tremendously in hockey and just general, confidence building recreational skating… the results: you incorporate harder, more rewarding body weight workouts in your program and you’ll find them way less boring. First, if it’s not raining, you can pretty much go anywhere to train. Second, the ability to go task-to-task while sprint skating in bt tasks is “0” wasted effort. Thirdtry doing burpees w skates it’s intense. I’ve never tried Dive bombers nor slippery floor bridge but those look incredibly difficult yet neat variations.
I do Calisthenics for 2 years now and I got wider but the point is I got much stronger. So calisthenics is better for the Tendons and ligaments. Better for real power Joint-gentle. Just fantastic. One arm pull up. I started with the Gym 2 weeks ago and it’s just awesome more volume bigger muscles new experiences and muscle memory do both and you will be the best. I will keep my calisthenics skills. And I will destroy the gym. Train every part of your body Bruce Lee
Ps: I also play soccer in a Club or sometimes I throw some footballs. Again try everything. Keep fun and progress together. Don’t hide in any Coziness
This video could have been recorded from just his neck down and I would have been cool with it
No homo…
I did my first pull up yesterday this guy is a real inspiration on what the body can do
Hey Tom, thanks so much for putting this doable series together. It is so hard to find a body weight program that involves strength building! Most of the videos are YouTube are just a bunch of fast paced moves that are hard to follow and don’t amount to much. Really excited to follow this through and see improvements.
About 50% of those would result in a faceplant for me. Luckily i know my limits. Sofa get ups, fridge lunge, beer curl, bed lower downs, pillow crunch, chair sits etc
I ripped my socks immediately on the first round of the heel slidings. My home has only this not so smooth tile… Any suggestion for an alternative to this exercise? Thanks!
Done this one for today, I completed 3 rounds and added some ankle weights; It was quite sweaty workout but great:) thank you FitnessBlender ♥
Este es mi video favorito ❤ hagan más videos como este, porfa!!!
I prefer calisthenics but i do weights sometimes for variety,no harm doing both
Too much arm involved, and repeating same moves three sets. Sorry no
I have always thought that dieting is eating only green vegetables and drinking water. NextLevelDeit proved me wrong. I am eating delicious and nutritionally rich food and still reaching my fitness goals.
Oh no, bar mountain climbers, burpees and plank jacks etc I hate getting on the floor to do exercises will have to try this video when I become more fitter
Hey guys thanks for the free videos, this one I couldn’t finish it all because it caused me wrist pain… good one though
I don’t think this is a bad workout, but I don’t think it was the right one for me, personally. I’m definitely not out of shape, and I felt like Joanna moved way to fast for me. I prefer to move a bit slower and really engage my muscles, so I felt like I was more focused on trying to keep up with Joanna than truly focusing on my form or muscle engagement, which was honestly pretty frustrating. Im not hating or saying that Joanna is a bad trainer, because I do think this was a well designed workout (and her energy is amazing!), but I just want other people to know what they’re getting into before they commit to this workout.
Best exercise so far is… 10000 push ups, 1000 pull ups and 10 km daily for 2 years
He’s got another clip out there where he’s doing 50 1080p’s (triple spin pushups) that ends with a 1 hour levitation hold
I was really worried about how I would keep up my strength while the gym is closed This series of videos (I’ve been through the whole 6 days once now and am on Day 2 of this go round) is just what I needed. Thank you for developing and posting these!
If you want to slim down, you need to search Custokebon Secrets on the google search engine. They will help you get the body you need.
I like it, but what are the # of sets/reps you’re supposed to use for it?
LOL.. That front lever move was cut short on purpose.
Cuz he could not hold it more then 1sec
The guy is strong for sure.
But front lever takes a whole other type of beast.
This was mental. I train a lot and do a variety of exercises at home or in the gym but this was another level. I can feel it everywhere. Insane what we can do with just our own body!! Thanks Jake I really enjoyed that.
Am in, making it routeen, lets see how i get in a few months. Awesome stiff, many thanks!
Third tine doing this workout first time i finished it ahahaha
Way too much tension on wrists in one workout. I couldn’t finish it. My wrists gave up.
You need to master 4 years of Denise Austin couch potato videos before even attempting this folks.
Hey Tom, great workout. Do you have any homeworkouts for the app? Or should I just use this?
A real winner. Whenever I feel tired or down for any reason this is a perfect quick fix.
Thank you for this Ive been doing this routine for weeks and increasing the intensity and I love it ✨✨
hello bạn tập hay quá rèn luyện được như bạn quả không PHẢI rễ chúc bạn thành công
Exercises performed by professionals in closed area under supervision. Do not try this at home.
I was so happy because you said no props! And then show up with the thing for chin ups!
Thank you Tom, when I was sick it was comforting to know these were waiting for me, to help me get back in shape.
Ahhh! I was screaming at my laptop screen (in a good way)! I had to take several breaks to maintain form and breathe, and I still couldn’t do quite as many reps. But I’ll be back for more and do it better next time!!! XD
I have allergies on many foods and It is hard for me to find a diet that doesn’t include particular foods. Then my friend sent me link to the website called NextLevelDiet where I can get personalized meal plan only with food I select. My fitness journey has just started, what about you?
These moves are so unique and FREAKING effective! I can barely type dude!
You’re the best man! I’ve been following you for a while now and I can’t thank you enough for all the killers videos you’ve uploaded. Really appreciated
The problem with calisthenics is that you need core strength to begin with. You could be able to bench press a lot of weight but still be unable to do a push up.
Did someone notice his forearms’ size? They are almost as thick as its calf
Great workout however 6 sets of ads. Does youtube think people are really watching ads mid workout?
This was surprisingly tough! Thanks for a great video . I dont ever comment but this deserves a thumbs up
Bruh i dont even really feel the muscle fatigue i feel with weights when doing calisthenics
I’ve used my pullup bar going on six years, but my current apartment doesn’t have leading edges on the doors, so it just slips down
Idk why but i saw this workout and have now been doing it at least once a week or in a couple weeks for like half a year. I was so bad at the workout but now im pretty good at it. I might have cut lunges out and but a differt leg excersize sometimes because i hate lunges lol.
WOW! I’ve got some work to do. This workout is crazy. It was awesome though and I’m going to keep coming back to it to test my levels again. Thank you for sharing this.
For the whole video I was just looking at his triceps. Man thats one hell of long and short head..
I love calisthenics and haven’t touched a weight in over a year but I really like how unbiased this is.
Holy Crap Scorpion Rockers and trap tripod squats or whatever you called them ♂️ You got me sweating, shaking and ready to pass out.. I didn’t keep up up but I was right behind you… Not even going to give up but those swings I wasn’t able to get the swing back together..Next time I gotcha. Thanks bud, this was freakishly enjoyable ♂️
@fitnessblender does this really burn 250 cal for a 120lb person?
I did just 2 sets and I felt sore for 5 days. I don’t think that’s normal, so I didn’t follow it up. For now, I intend on doing simpler exercises, and then when I’m ready, I’ll try to complete this.
Corona virus just came to my town and my parents don’t want me going to the gym, looks like I’m going to be doing calisthenics for 2 weeks lol. A kid in my brothers school got the virus so my family has to stay isolated for 2 weeks ffs
There is a puddle of swear on my mat! I did the all video with more breaks!:)
I’m doing this today. I’m really excited to be starting calisthenics! I’d love to be able to do some savage handstands some day!
Calisthenics trains more compound movement but require higher fitness level/strength in the more advance stages. Also it’s harder to progress if you don’t have the prerequisite mastered. Free weights is easier to get started and easy to progress but you need equipment also if your workout program is too limited you will have a lot of muscle unbalances. Also I notice a lot of oddly shaped weight lifters while calisthenics have a better Physique.
The best option is to do both as there are no reason to limit yourself to one training method. Also calisthenics has a lot of carry over to weight lifting progression.
I would like to do both.
But yeah I am not very rich so calistenics. But actually I like calistenics. I feel more capable of doing things.
for me I would do calithtenics 4 days a week and go 2 days a week to the gym and only do,bench press,deadlift,squat
What is the best way to lost a ton of fat? I read plenty of good reviews on the net about how exactly Custokebon Secrets can assist you lost crazy amounts of weight. Has anyone tried using this popular fat burn diet plan?
Hey! About how many calories do you burn doing this workout?
Anyone have any thoughts on shrimp squats vs pistol squats? I feel like this discussion has sort of been beat to death, but I feel like I still haven’t sorted out different benefits; pros and cons. From what I’ve gathered they’re different in terms of center of gravity (more anterior for the shrimp squat, more posterior for the pistol squat) and thus have different mobility demands and muscle demands, but it seems the differences are slight enough that it doesn’t quite matter which we choose(?) That’s sort of the conclusion I’ve come away with from reading some articles and forum discussions.
WEEK 1: Aim for Set 1 alone
(Start with warm-ups and end with cooldowns…Joanna has a video on those both as well.)
DAY 1: Did the warmups and cooldowns along with the training…i just did 20 reps tho… Yet I feel like dying…nice. Have a looongggg way to go. But I didn’t take that many breaks and had a fairly ok posture.
DAY 2: Did cardio for 15 minutes by puzzle fit (Low impact) but the pain persisted until night came and pain crashed my muscles. I took a hot bath too. I did stop in between… for like 2 times or so.
DAY 3: I couldn’t move at all as the pain was horrible. Walking was harder and I was hobbling and had wobbly legs. So rest day, tried hot packs and hot baths. Had the intake of proteins and tried to walk around and gave the legs a little work.
DAY 4: Another rest day and pain has subsided to an extent and walking has become easier. Will resume strength training tomorrow.
DAY 5: Did the strength training but wasn’t quite satisfied. I am still aiming for set 1 alone and gradually plan on increasing. I didn’t particularly feel out of breath but I took a lot of breaks and my body simply wasn’t ready to do it without constant breaks. My forms weren’t proper as well. I feel like I’m not pushing my body enough…but I will try to improve and not overwork my muscles.
DAY 6: Did cardio for 15 minutes with warm-ups and cool-downs… I took breaks 3 times. A little pain is felt but I felt a little better looking at myself in the mirror doing exercises.
DAY 7: Did the strength training and I was pleasantly surprised with myself. I definitely gained a little endurance. I only took a break 2 times…I could kinda keep up with her for most of the exercises and my posture is improving. I took break for tip toe sumo squat and superman to plank. I normally took breaks in the warm-ups too but I found myself doing it almost in one go today… Cooldown stretches are improving too. Change is definitely progressing and I feel a little motivated now.
WEEK 2: Try to improve my posture and the exercises
DAY 1: Did the cardio for 15 minutes… Only stopped for skipping ropes. Warm-up is definitely getting easier and I improved in my cooldown stretches. I did feel my breath hitch and felt my heart rate high slightly.
DAY 2: Did the strength training and it went on ok. I don’t feel that accomplished today tho but it’s ok. I am going to be consistent anyway. Stretches are getting easier tho.
DAY 3: I made a mistake and did the warm-ups jogs a tad bit harder which ended up giving me pain in my right leg and hindered my workout which was cardio. I took quite a few breaks and couldn’t maintain a proper form. The stretches should hopefully help in the recovery of my right leg.
DAY 4: Took a day off cuz I wasn’t feeling like it…
DAY 5: The rest day was a mistake…today was the strength training and I couldn’t keep up that well… I was slow and tried to maintain a proper form. I hope it gets easier. But I felt out of breath and a little sore after each workout.
DAY 6: I took another day off cuz I had to fast.
DAY 7: Did the cardio today and I took fewer breaks. Stretches are going ok and warmups are also going fine.
WEEK 3: Improving the first rep
DAY 1: Rest day cuz I had some pain in my body and I felt like if I pushed myself, my muscles were gonna scream at me so.
DAY 2: Did the strength training and I have pain in my tummy. In the morning at 6 or so I had terrible hand pain and by 8 it was ok so I decided to carry on. Hope my tummy doesn’t give me troubles.
In calisthenics you will definelty be more fit, benefiting you for years to come if you continue this training. You engage way more stabilizer muscles that are used to obviously stabilise the body and make everyday functionality trouble free.
This one is way too heavy on my wrists, couldn’t complete it
Great program so far, in my second week now. Does anyone have tips on how to keep my lower back on de ground while doing the leg raises? I’m always struggling with this. Which muscles should I use to keep my lower back on the ground?
Hi Tom, liked this a lot but bodyweight rows were confusing. If you could actually show how to do the thing properly with table or chairs would be much better (says this from under the fallen chairs)
Love these follow along videos! Will do all of them. Just one suggestion: do talk during the exercises, a thing I love about follow along videos is that I don’t have to count reps or time, I also don’t look often to the screen so telling me what to do is important, tell us when to switch legs and those things:)
Keep up with this amazing content!
If you’re a person who weighs more bodyweight training can build muscle and strength. I’m 220 and can do 100 chin ups and 300 push ups in a workout (usually 10 sets of 10 on chin ups and 10 sets of 30 push ups) bodyweight training has gotten me great results!
Meir, 68y, from Israel. Tom, your program is indeed the best. Thanks!
Could you please make a bodyweight workout for forearms
For beginners trying to keep up play at.75 speed. You’re welcome!
This guys insane good form good body control using all his muscles as one.
Great workout man, thanks for putting this out there. Love the intensity and the encouragement
I think I have found my anthem for this excercise: “Call me an ambulance, I need a doctor… I can’t control it but I hope I’m gonna be alright… I can’t take it, Ii’s so unpredictable. I can’t take it, makes me want to lose control.”:D (
Could it be possible to have Spanish subtitles? My husband doesn’t speak Engish but he would like to do your rutines
On the lower ab rais no matter what I do I lose some contact with my hands so I’m not sure what to do? Like can I just not manage that exercise? I’ve tried so many times to keep my back pressed flat through the whole thing nothing works
Get bigger = free weights
Increase athletic ability = calisthenics
That video just sorted my head perfectly on the subject. Now i know what i should be doing
Ayy this workout is amazing. Just the kind I was looking for. Cheers mate.
Im having trouble making the first part harder, I’d been leaning a lot in my pushup for a while now and I have no resistance bands here, any ideas?
You all are watching this while sitting in a couch with your beer belly out.
These exercise would help in gaining weight or not??
N we do this exercise after taking some food or not??
Hahah I was looking for a summary of exercises but everyone is to lazy to do that because the video is 40 min No hate comment love what you do keep going
im sorry coach i cant do those scorpion rockers for shit xD i went down to the ground after i jumped 5 times but ill get there tho i wasn’t too fatigued after this i did do all of them except those scorpion rockers them bad boys are tough as hell
the one time i’m grateful for youtube ads is during workout breaks
Tired of “doing both is great” bullshit. İf you dont take a side so why doing this video
Just want to say a quick thank you, currently not aloud in work for 12 weeks due to my asthma(not good with Covid-19). Starting from today am doing this for twelve weeks an see where am at in the end.
during “downward dog leg rise”, I felt a searing pain in the back of my head and felt like I would start bleeding from my nose.
Note to future generations. It was the spring of 2020 when the Coronavirus (aka COVID-19) forced the closure of the gyms. Quarantined people rushed to two internet sites: pornhub and Athlean-X’s bodyweight workout program. On a completely unrelated note, the toilet paper stocks depleted and that caused the fall of the humanity. Don’t let your gains overcloud your judgement so be sure to have a ridiculous amount of toilet paper stock at all times.
I am working out every day for like two years now and I can say that this was the hardest workout that I have ever done. I do acrobatics and dance, but I will do this very often so then I can become stronger. Thanks for the workout! I am wet as hell
I always thought dieting is expensive and ‘healthy’ food costs a lot. Little did I know. I got my diet plan from NextLevelDiet and I was able to select foods that fit my budget.
Working out with weights since 5 years, always laughing at my girlfriend doing Youtube Workouts. Now, 20 minutes later, my body is 120% tired and I’m sweating like hell. And those 10 last seconds of the crouching wolverine ahaha, no pain no gain, still shaking!
How’s that left knee Jeff? Pistol squats! Lol. You are awesome bro. Love your videos!!
Your video is crap too…. don’t demean others.
You don’t know basics of breathing that is the base of the postures you are doing.
I love your workouts and stretching videos! They’re exactly the kind of home workouts I’m looking for , Thanks!
Nice warmup routine! I did 3 sets of each before an intense 45mins of freeweights.
Will incorporate this from now on, thanks.
This is totally insane!! Didn’t know that one human can do all of this craziness… this guy is level GOD
COMPOUND WORKOUT Using body weight(push up based)
To improve
1.Muscle mass
2.fat burning
3.cardio vascular endurance
4.Muscular endurance
Youtube channel name
‘Bfit calicut’
Assistant professor of physical education
Government Arts&Science College,
I was finally able to do the entire thing without pausing!!! also, I was able to do alot more full push ups rather than all half pushups. My goal is to be able to do the whole thing with full pushups! Im sweating bullets right now! love this workout!
this is the best body weight workout.i like your channel.not boring,very challenging
Hello mam.. after loosing weight.. I hv thinner glow.. just look like I m not ill Nd so dull.. otherwise no issues about health..plz help me to out it
Amazing, no bs and straight to the good stuff. I love that you actually get fatigued in your videos, shows you are working damn hard.
Quick question. Any suggestion on painful wrists when doing these? My weak wrists let me down before my muscles do!
My goal is to look good first by doing weightlifting then proceed to calisthenics.
Today is my first day and I only completed 2 sets hardly.
If u do calisthenics u will get good a body but won’t have that much strength but if u do free weights u might not have a good body might be fat and muscle but u will be strong
Great workout! Finally I feel my body really works. Thank you!
I’m a moderately fit male and this kicked my butt!
I thought I’d give it a go after my girlfriend recommended it to me.
Definitely not for the faint of heart and absolutely a solid routine for anyone.
I’m dying but I can’t wait for this again in two days. Next time, we’re doing it together:)
Thanks Joanna!
First-round easy, second-round feeling the sweat, third-round cream crackered. see why you like it, Kelli.
Love the video, but I think that pull up bar counts as equipment
Jake you will be pleased to know it seems like I can only work out with you. I tried another YouTube channel earlier for a bodyweight exercise routine I used to do before with another guy. Well I hated it. The guy was going way too fast and it was certainly not about time and control like you do. I didn’t even have the time to feel my muscles burn it was too rushed. I stopped the video and went back to you. I am afraid you’re stuck with me now… I loved this workout routine and defo felt the burn!!
Is there a better feeling than eating a pizza without a guilt knowing that it wouldn’t mess up your fitness plans? NextLevelDiet, thank you for everything!
Okay. I did not realize how weak my wrists were prior to this workout. HA! It pretty much exploited all of my weaknesses, and I loved/hated it.
I felt this was more of a HIIT strength workout as I feel normally the focus for strength workouts is form and technique and slowing down the repetitions. In my opinion this was a lot higher intensity for a ‘strength workout’. Great workout though
I’ve watched this video so many times now since COVID-19 began. Can you do an updated full body follow along?
Dude why did u name hindu pushups “divebomber”. Not cool. Good vid tho.
Disappointing… variations of extreme pushups.. n extreme ab stuff. Meh
Jake do you mind me asking. Do you know roughly the number of calories burnt whilst doing your 20 bodyweight strength workouts, particularly the advanced ones?
Am I supposed to do a warm up or cool down with this workout?
Question: Do you have breathing recommendations for this workout?
For instance, breathe out as you… and breathe in as you…
I love calisthenics workouts! Great way to be fit with minimal chance of injury.
That really was a great workout! I can see why it is Kelli’s favourite… it is mine now too!
I did one set… Started with set 4… building my way up to set 1…… Sweating buckets…. Muscles ache…
Damnnnn….This workout is a killer…I would have never thought to be so sweaty with such a low rythm…It made my muscles burn in a way… and when I fought it was all over…this crouching wolverine…Wow! So much pain, but definitely in my new routine
when you put in the title, no equipment, I expect to see a video with no equipment at all.
Whether free weight or body weight no point now as cannot go to gym during lock down of Covid-19.
For those knee pushups I can go down and hold but can’t come up!!!! How!!!!
Great video, thanks! Wondering if you have any tips for the tabletop. When I try to squeeze the glutes in the top position, I can’t do so without rotating my feet outwards, which puts a strain on my lower back. I feel like tight hips might be a part of the problem. Would you happen to have any pointers/recommendations here?
I have really enjoyed this series and have followed it religiously for the last 3 weeks daily. Are you planning on creating a second 7 day set? I want to lear more. Thank you for this
Awesome…great! Can u say more about the isometric pose? Cus I don’t find it that challenging…so I think I’m doing something wrong!! Cheers
Hey I came here for the first time and I loved it!! Your energy is great!!! Plus workouts are amazing
I’m a beginner and was wondering if not succeding to reach the 2nd set was normal. I did this workout three times already and I can’t go beyond. I only pointed out my strength growth but no more
I dont see the grip on the front levers exercice: palms in or out? Thank you!
I have always linked word ‘diet’ with starvation, until I discoverd website *Next Level Diet*. With their diet plan, I am never hungry and I am still losing weight. Amazing!!!
I have missed a whole month at the gym because of a lil injury and now when finally I can go back to the gym, it is closed.. I guess it’s time to do home workouts
Love your workouts it has benefitted me a lot. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
i would like to apologize for the profanities ive yelled at you throughout this.
Calisthenics is better because a bodybuilder cannot keep up with a calisthenics in a push up race so they can control their bodyweight but bodybuilding is also betted because someone that does calisthenics cannot lift something that a bodybuilder lifts for 5 years
If you don’t find this workout is hard,…..that’s not because you are in good shape, no, you not working hard enough, this is hard….. thanks man!
you will be stronger lifting free weights. real world strength comes with lifting weights. you might be able to do a flagpole or a one handed push-up with calisthenics but how is that gonna help you when you need to do something that requires strength? if two people of the same weight and height both workout out for 6 months one did free weight and one did calisthenics i can almost guarantee the free weight lifter would be a lot stronger than the calisthenic person.
Thank you Tom! Just discovered your channel, day 1 completed. Is there any other stretching video you have on your channel that you recommend after completing this bodyweight strength workout?
Hi Joanna!
I’m a new subscriber! Thanks for your awesome workout videos!! It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve followed your strength exercises but I’m curious how long it took for you to achieve your ideal weight! I’m 168cm at 62kg (was 66kg two months ago!)
losing weight. Amazing!!!For real transformation you need perfect diet plan and training plan. The website called NextLevelDiet do it for you. I lost 14lbs in one month!!! Isn’t that amazing!?
i love this workout!!! i was sore for like 5 days after, but i love it. lol
Wrists hurt quite a bit after table top, how can I strengthen them? Female in my 50’s.
Did anyone one notice that you have to put in more work to learn how to make body weight exercises harder while free weights you don’t, making free weights better, and then he says a little later, that to not get hurt doing free weights you will want to learn proper form, what a hypocrite.
Why do we have to rest for 45 sec? Is it to slow down our cardio? Thanks
For a person as broke as me This an awesome workout. Thank you.
Or call it the brock shuffle burpee! I watched Greg Plitt years ago perform that with ankle straps between 2 low pulley racks to add intensity. What a great move
Good morning workout! Some challenging movies, bjut felt the burn big time! Been looking for some on-line classes, and this was great!First time here, but it won’t be my last!
Great workout man, thanks for putting this out there. Love the intensity and the encouragement
Thank you! I absolutely LOVE your workouts guys, I can only do two rounds at the moment but I can,t wait to improve my strength and do the whole workout! my floor is so wet right now xD
Sometimes i dont like lifting weights so i go to the calisthenics park and when i go back to the gym im way stronger than before
Anyone else struggle with wrist pain in round 3? Will the wrist pain go away when I’ve gained more upper body strength?
body weight is helpful for me because i can do it in my place
Great I have also completed it.
BTW, I have troubles with Plank knee rotations.
I cannot twist my waist while I put my leg sideways.
My sholders do hurt when I do them.
Why are you even at the gym? You can do all this stuff from home!
doing calisthenics makes me small weight training makes me look bigger
this is good, challanging but good:) just took breaks between rounds
I prefer calisthenics than bodyweight because i was hitting the gym and gained some serious bulky muscles and sooner i realised my movements began to slow down due to mass and afterwards i got fever and was quarantined 28 days @ home then i saw my body shattering, all the gains had gone!! So now due to corona, started home workouts back to calisthenics and i can feel the difference, movements are slowly picking up!! So my point is prepare your body to your liking even if its bodyweight exercises or calisthenics don’t be at bed lazy, wake up and pump ur muscles!!
Stay strong guys!!
Really awesome workout! The comments throughout the video were really entertaining and motivating! Thanks!
What year did he buy the pull up bar?? $10-$15?!?!?!?!
Ummmmm… links please
Me finally realizing soccer fit and fit in general are two DIFFERENT things……..
It was great today….i am just starting and will endeavor to follow through, this July.
I love the advice but could you pull up your pants about two inches. I do enjoy the workouts minus that!
Will this workout bulk my legs as I am a mesomorph??.pls anyone answer
What is that piece of equipment you use for your bodyweight rows? Do you have a link for where you found it?
that guy cavallery more video less talking with your shirt off!! This ain’t a weekend at FIRE ISLAND!!
I’m stunned about how much sweat just happened. I can’t do the scorpion rockers and hardly even the isometric hold yet (arms are definitely my weakest). I tried doing sort of one legged tricep push ups with the knee down, but do you recommend another modification? Thanks! Loved this workout.
U should have added planks and bridges as part of body strength workout…
Found this recently, and I’m glad I did! I completed it once, will do more for sure! It was super intense, but thankfully possible to finish
Interesting exercises, some of them I’ve never seen before! New subscriber is here:)
Implement both in your training. Some from that and some from that. Simple
If you think bench pressing 500pounds is impressive then you never saw a one arm hand stand push upss.. Because that would break physics.
cant go to the gym because of coronavirus, this is very helpful
I’ve lost a lot of upper body strength since I stopped rock climbing and started running, but this seems like a great video to build it back up! Thanks FB. My arms are shaking after all 3 rounds!
RIP lungs and wrist
finally after 2years..finished all 3 rounds..
with breaks in between
Has anyone tried Custokebon Secrets? (just google it) We’ve heard numerous amazing things about this popular lose weight methods.
Found your channel during the lockdown. I’ve done so many of your workouts and love all of them. Will keep trying more. Thank you thank you.
Hi! Is there a preferred time for working out? Like should i do it right after waking up or before i go to bed?
Try my at home workout
It’s kind of ironic that freeweights most of the time aren’t free
Check out my 5 months learning calisthenics video let me know if im doing ok!
Tom, Hi! I’ve been following you lately and thanks for the effort you pur in these videos. Ever thought of a TRX specific playlist? Thank you!
320lbs down to 215. Thanks my friend & all the Free Workout Creators; You’ve given my life back.
Whew those scorpion rockers were killer! Love this workout thanks man
Actually you can easily injure yourself doing dumbbell flys with 30lb dumbbells or heavier
I can’t be the only one who realized they changed the music of the video and removed the intro
Should I do this, I’m a skinny fat guy and I don’t have weights here.
I don’t know what it is but something about this workout just makes me sweat buckets more than any other workout.
I am a kid doing this but I am one of the strongest kids so it is easy
Why do i concentrate on looking his chest instead of the face. It feels like his chest muscle gives out expressions
I had to do this for school, it was kinda hard but I feel great afterwards thanks! (But I also am underweight just got a small appetite) so if your a stick like me it is kinda hard
Can you do a video on fucking? Like the best positions for strength/cardio etc. WOMEN ARE MY FAVORITE EXERCISE EQUIPMENT. ✅
Thanks a lot my friend, it’s being great to follow along this exercises. They are great and you are awesome for doing that
Biceps are hard to train by calisthenics, it seems like no way to
Thank you! I’m currently on my 2nd week. I’m more flexible and more stronger.
I hope you will post another free at home program.
Work out to you everyday. Thank you for these fantastic, FREE workouts!!
Great workout! I found it challenging and that’s exactly what I needed. keep up the good work. I advise anyone to try this it’s 20 minutes well spent!
So how do you do the Front Lever with the assistive band; anchor it to the floor & then try to lift it with the lower extremity?
This is truly the best strength training workout I’ve ever done! It’s intense, sweaty, and always leaves me short of breath!!! Trust me when I say that there isn’t a better workout out there. This is the one!
This guy is so much more genuine than your typical youtube fitness gurus.
The best exercise that will build the most amount of strength: weighted calisthenics.
Screaming keep coming during this workout. I’m dizzy. Ugh..It’s so painful. Great workout as usual, joanna. Thank you. Hugs and kisses from Indonesia:)
I almost collapsed at the end of this exercise haha. This is now my pandemic lockdown home routine!
Bravo Tom! These are excellent videos!!! We love the follow-along videos!!!:)
I do cardio in the morning
Can I do strength training in evening?
Liking and commenting because of the honesty of disclosing that you sell the bands and the transparency of “supporting the Youtube algorithm”. Totally respect that (and a good workout too)!
This guy is a king. This is the single hardest body weight circuit I’ve ever done and I’ve been working out for 10 years.
Feel like I wrestled an NCAA match when this is done! Each time I do it, I get better. First time was a disaster, now after three weeks I’m keeping up with him. My trips to the gym seem like a picnic compared to this. All the exercises are doable, but the workout builds and you definitely feel it. Most productive 20 minutes of my day!
I liked this video BUT. I honestly think you shouldn’t say No Equipment in the title because in actuality you do need minimal equipment and I was hoping to have found a bodyweight workout were I didn’t need anything more than just a mat.
holy shit! i’m locked in my place because of the fucking co-vid19 and this was comparable to any wod at the box! i can’t even tap to write this… thx man!
I thought this would be a fairly easy workout since I did HITT cardio yesterday. Boy was I wrong…
You could also buy a calisthenic workout program, so that costs money.
People in the comments be like “I do calisthenics for workout” and they can’t even do a pull up to the chest
Concise explanations, a video visual, and no music. I admire fitness videos like these.
Cant believe it was this hard wow I would have to say I did around 40% good the rest I struggle and failed a lot especially on those scorpion rockers I doubt I did 5 rocks before I had to drop and reset and my shoulder
hi joanna, i really appreciate your workouts, i hope you will reply me. im a girl, i do keto diet its been 2 months as well as i do 6 days HIIT, body weight strength training, cardio, yoga (sometimes) almost 2 hours back to back, my body type athletic according to your video. i get rest between 2 moves 30 sec & 1.5-1 sec between 2 sets. now the problem is that whenever i follow your exercise video i broke so hard, my insulin spike, i feel dizzy, sleepy for whole day long, though i do almost same moves from the other trainers video i dont feel so. not sure why is that? & what to do with this? have to mention i dont have any other health issues, 32 years old married with no kids yet.thanks
I was training sw for almost 3yrs and 2 weeks ago i started going to the gym so i don’t really care what is better when im doing both
I like you Kelly and your fitness videos.You seem the perfect girl with the perfect body, no huge butt(like some other girls on all those fitness videos showing their pic of their huge butt every 2 sec).
And the voice over guy has a great voice and it’s like you have your pt there with you.
Fantastic job guys!
So in January this year I started doing a lot of cardio, I lost 27 pounds and I hit a plateau I’ve been at the same weight for about 2 months and I think it’s because my body got used to the cardio. I did this workout and I could barely keep up. I only did the first two sets. I also went at my own pace which is WAAAAAY slower than Joana. However I’m not going to give up I’ll continue doing this workout. I’ll come back later with an update.
I did this workout earlier today and it was an excellent morning pump. Highly recommended.
this workout is really hard but if you push yourself you will accomplish this workout, trust me it feels so much better once you finish this workout. make sure to eat healthy and protein rich foods such as yogurt, eggs, tofu, fish, milk etc. x
Just paused the video after set 2 of the first trio of exercises. Love your approach and feel this is WAY more beneficial than HIIT but find the hamstring curls quite strenuous on the lower back. Am I not doing them correctly (easiest level) or is this a place you’re supposed to feel this exercise? Thanks!
Dont bounce your knee off the ground for an exercise, everyone. Your gains at 20 or 30 wont matter when u need knee surgery in your 40s
It starts out like, ok coo…I can do that. Then by the middle of the vid it’s like ummm nah…by the end I just accepted the fact he’s the real life Steve Rogers
I usually never comment, but this routine is absolutely great for these coronavirus times. Thanks a lot
Please don’t include “NO EQUIPMENT” in your title, emphasized even, when you start off saying that equipment will be required.
Just did this after a Muay Thai class, the class itself drenched me in more sweat than I ever have sweated. This was intense too. But man that training got me so tired..
Very nice combination of moves that left me sore all over! I liked that on several of the moves the video suggests ways to make the exercises more or less challenging, so I could hit the perfect level of difficulty.
Thanks a lot for the program, Tom! I was wondering if there’s a way to make reverse plank extensions harder or maybe replace with some exercise with equipment ( I have rings, couple of resistance bands, pull-up bar). also with regards to the lying hamstring curls I’m using the progression that you haven’t mentioned cross-legged (one over the other) cause both legs is too easy and one is too hard for me. anyways, maybe this helps someone else to get the most out of this exercise. Cheers!
Real Talk, This Looks like Kung Fu!
Alot of these exercises are in Shaolin Kung Fu Conditioning….. These exercises are beautiful like a ballet or a dance.
I cant do pushups even with some height as I am very unfit.. so my question is if i lift some weight instead of pushups for sometime will it work?
Great workout. Looked ‘easy’ when I flipped through it before actually trying it. Now after trying it, i can feel all the muscles I worked, haha! I can’t get the shrimp squat though, my knee tells me i’m doing something wrong when I try, so I did some regular lunges with slow negative, still felt a good burn. Thanks Tom! I’ll check out your next home workouts:-)
me thru entire workout: THIS IS TORTURE
yes but thank youu i love it
Thanks for this! I found the reverse plank bothering my elbowsanything you’d recommend to combat this?
What happened to the old song on this video? I liked it better
Hey Joanna, yesterday i remembered that i lost the most weight in 2015 when i followed your routines and i decided to start doing them again. I did this workout today and girrrrllllll, this is the real deal! The push ups especially made my heart rate go up. I’ll keep following your routines and i know I’ll be fit again. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Really nice video but how should these exercises be putted in a week to not get exhausted? If someone can help me or where can i learn how to plan a workout programm
For those asking original music was called the devil’s quid pro quo by butch clancy.
This workout really pushed the strength in my arms. I struggled in the push-ups in Round 3, but am surprised by how many I did manage. The earlier Fitness Blender videos are just as challenging!
Personally take from both worlds and become agile and strong at the same time. Don’t limit urself too just one thing. Don’t be simple minded be an open thinker and transform ur body into something else.
like Uncle Iroh once said “ it’s important to draw wisdom from different places. if u take it from only one place it becomes rigid and stale”
Doing 2 rounds itself was challenging for the first time, but worth trying out. Thanks for this workout
Solid. No nonsense.
I’ve seen every single one of these exercises before but great to see them all in this same video
I was doing this yesterday thinking “what kinda dumbass” exercises are these, what could I possibly be working out right now. And then I wake up with mad DOMS today. Thanks for the workout haha
When someone asks me “How to get a six pack?”, I always recommend website Next Level Diet because you get personalized DIET plan, TRAINING plan, FITNESS tips, and HEALTHY recipes. It’s everything you need to get six pack in one month!
As a veteran i get those empty “THANKS for your service” all the time and its so annoying because it dosnt feel sincere they just say it. Sure you can relate…I wish there was a way to thank you properly brother. For now ill just order some of your gear.
do you think a dip stand station would work inplace of the base blocks?
What person trying to get in shape would do all that Bullshit!
I actually love doing both of these because they both benifit my body one way or the other..
MUUUUUUUULE KICKS!!!! Fuck yeah! Sometimes I walk around in public and get right in front of someone (some kid, a pregnant woman…whoever really) and I MULE KICK them as hard as I can n the knee or leg or whatever it lands. Thumbs up if you wanna give it a go:-)
Weighted calistenics and some specific free weights. Just don’t limit yourself. You can do both, they’re not religions like so many people seem to think.
Who allows ads in the middle of a workout video????? Not coming back to this channel!
It’s a shame of me type of people who just satisfied in 2 or 3 of exercise je showed us and said that’s enough you will be He-Man with 1 month
Meir, 68y, from Israel. Tom, your program is indeed the best. Thanks!
I did this after a month of not training at all and I can’t move for the past two days.During the session I could keep up pretty easily but the next day was horrible.Also my back hurts from the ab workout.I think it needed more warming up and cooling off.If it had I don’t think I would have been so sore.
Me: Wants to start a workout routine, looks for one.
Can do barely 5 pushups
Me part way into video:…I think Im in the wrong place
I can’t do one single pull up because I’m a weakling who needs assisted. And gym’s closed due to AIDS. FML
Omgg at my first try I was able to do 15 mins of the workout. I am proud of myself.
I saw the beginning I was like ok this seems manageable and then he starts doing these workouts that are all level 1000, I’m like yeah, not even happening anytime this life time lol
calisthenics are for general goals, if you want to improve your posture calisthenics are the best choice, you just need to be patient
As a Registered Dietitian I so, so, so appreciate that her language is focused on Gaining things strength, muscle, etc and not on Losing things fat, weight, etc (at least from what I noticed, maybe I missed something while I was having a near death experience around the 3rd-4th set).
Y’all watching this are already perfectly wonderful looking, I hope you can make your motivation for these workouts rooted in having a more powerful, capable, strong body, because your worth is Not determined by how lean, skinny, light you are.
Thanks for sharing this Jeff. I feel like these are going to become very popular over the next few weeks!
Amazingly strong human! TRULY LIKE THIS A LOT! 100% RESPECT to this strong man