Table of Contents:
Running and Training with a Weighted Vest, recommended?
Video taken from the channel: Seth James DeMoor
Home Workout For Running | How To Keep Run Fitness In Quarantine
Video taken from the channel: Global Triathlon Network
30 Minutes Workout Virtual Scenery Treadmill / Exercise Machine (Cotswolds UK) 1080/60fps
Video taken from the channel: Rickvanman Variety Channel
Indoor vs. Outdoor Running [Health & Information]
Video taken from the channel: Learn & Earn
“Inline skating is a great fitness workout, but only if you do it properly”. Fitness Skating
Video taken from the channel: SkatefreshAsha
3 Pros and Cons of Running on the Treadmill
Video taken from the channel: Endurance Hour
Indoor vs Outdoor Running: What’s The Best Way To Train For Triathletes?
Video taken from the channel: Global Triathlon Network
Advantages of Indoor Tracks for Walking and Running. Indoor tracks can be a great solution if you want to walk without worries. Here are some of the advantages. Speed Flexibility: Unlike walking at a mall or getting your walking workout on the sidewalk, you don’t have to feel self-conscious about walking.Here are the pros and cons of exercising outdoors and indoors: OUTDOOR WORKOUTS.
Pros. Soaking Up Vitamin D. The New York Times reported that running or cycling outside actually resulted in a better workout than simply running on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike. There’s something more rewarding about actually moving from one place.
CNN tested indoor and outdoor running and cycling, measuring calories burned, heart rate, likelihood of injury and how they rank on the all-important fun scale.Treadmill vs. Track for Running & Walking: Pros and Cons. If you compare the treadmill to track running or walking at the same speeds, then yes, there is some compromise.
In other words, 7 mph on a treadmill is a bit easier than 7 mph on an outdoor track. Strenuous treadmill workouts will definitely carry over to outdoor running.For most runners, running even a few times on the indoor track per week in winter will not lead to injury – so long as you are smart about it. Runners with previous injuries such as IT band syndrome should be cautious about the indoor track since the turns could exacerbate existing issues.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Walking. Walking is a cardiovascular exercise, but unless it’s done at a very fast pace or a long distance, it won’t burn significant calories. Despite this disadvantage compared to other forms of cardio, there are many good reasons to walk. For beginning exercisers, more intense.
These 6 indoor workouts for runners will provide a quick yet effective cardio and strength workout for those days you just can’t (or don’t want to) run outside. I haven’t used it in a long time, but one of my favorite pieces of equipment for a stuck inside sweat session is a simple jump rope!Pros and Cons of Using Indoor Tracks for Walking and Running Workouts Enjoy a walking workout on an indoor track so you do not have to worry about the weather or security.
Here are the pros and cons and where to find one.Cons: Increased Risk of Injury If you’ve never exercised before, you may not know how to perform certain exercises properly, which can lead to injury. If you would like to start an exercise program, it’s best to consult your physician to ensure you are healthy enough to begin a program and then consult with a personal trainer or coach who can help you design a program specifically for you.Anyone who wears a fitness tracker likely knows — right this moment — just how many steps they’ve taken so far today.
Believe it or not, walking in place is a great way to meet your step goals while burning extra calories and staying active throughout the day.These 30-minute indoor workouts are perfect for the cold winter months and ideal for time-crunched athletes. Use the following moves to customize your workout. Pick 3 to 5 moves; start with a full-body exercise, switch to an upper-body exercise, and then finish with a lower-body move.
Pros and cons of outdoor exercise Pro: Improved mental wellbeing Compared with indoor exercise, a studyshows that exercising in “natural environments” was linked to “greater feelings of revitalization and positive engagement, decreased tension, confusion, anger and depression” and more energy.Cons: You impair the running experience In today’s society, distractions from technology are everywhere, and a person without a phone in their hand is a rare site.The Pros of Running • Running allows you to burn more calories than walking for the same amount of time. This does not really come as a surprise because it is evidently more challenging than walking.The main difference is in your heart.
Running will strengthen it, and clean up a lot of the damage done by the cigarettes and alcohol. Walking will definitely help you recover, but it’s not as good for you. The only time I would suggest walking over running for exercise is if you’re very heavy.
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Video + your voice…so therapeutic…hope i can do this with my RB maxxum 100…im sorry mybe nxt year ill try powerslide swell…love from the philippines:)
What lavalier mic are you using when you’re running outdoors? That thing is crystal clear!
wouldn’t it be more beneficial to run outdoors v. a treadmill since you actually have to propel yourself v. having the belt move on it’s own?
I used to sprint on the treadmill at 4% incline and sprint at 9.3 speed. When I went outdoors I ran like flash without getting tired
I started by 40 lbs, from DICKS:) I won’t move up from there, because that already feels like 80 lbs
Is it just me or does it seem alot easier to run on a tredmil vs outdoor?
Ahh running. One of my favourite things. I love running on the road, track and trails. I’ve never ran on a treadmill though.
I hold onto my treadmill with one hand since sometimes it stops suddenly.
after running on the street for about 2 months 4 times a week 3 -4 miles a day i started experiencing IT band syndrome and even plantar fasciitis so I just went back to the treadmill which hasn’t brought me any discomfort after my runs but i love the outdoor routes
Hey bro
What is the difference in the amount of calories burnt?
I like guides from Unflexal. I learned a lot of new workouts practices there
I would try workouts on the internet. Try Unflexal. This website seems like you would have luck getting some potential. Good luck on your bodybuilding.
Have found it is useful on the treadmill for coping better with over pronating. Can concentrate on it better and control the movement more than on the road. Trying to get back to form after an injury last year and just starting to appreciate the treadmill for the first time. Do love being on the road more though.
Video coverage was awesome paired with the music…of course the run was sick! Thank you for taking us on your journey!
You mentioned it a few times, but I would love to see GTN tackle running in various kinds of weather (rain, mud, snow, etc). Note, I would like to see this done, not just talked about. As an ultramarathoner, I can attest to the fact that Mother Nature does not care what you have trained for, she is going to do whatever she wants. I have toed the line at several events that started with the temps in the mid 30s (Fahrenheit). As the race director said, it is called an endurance event for a reason.
Awesome video!
Running on a treadmill at a 1% grade for extended periods at a time can cause achilles tendon issues. Mix it up with runs at 0%!
Where would you recommend buying skates for beginner adults from? Thanks
I have had IT band issues that I blame on too much time on a treadmill, that being said during the winter months it is a great tool to use. Is Mark running in the sahara? where is he???
Nothing compares to running outdoor. Bad weather, high temperature, rain, whatever, there’s nearly no reason to run on a threadmill.:P
Indoor is better on the joints but its boring, I constantly watch the time. Outdoors have a lot more stimulants and i find myself running for far much longer then indoors.
Mechanics are also completely different on motorized treadmills vs running outdoors or non motorized treadmills. Motorized treadmills pull your feet backwards and you pull your legs forward. Outdoors or non motorized treadmills you primarily are pushing in order to create propulsion. Check out Trueform and/or woodway curve
Where is that trail in relation to La Santa? Flying out tonight:)
Thanks for posting this video. Just finished my workout. This is brilliant. I enjoyed the magnificent scenery at sunset and the music.
Great footage but it unfortunately does not have any interval guidance
“Running” on a treadmill isn’t really running at all. It’s jumping up and down while the track moves under your feet. Running outside you have to propel your weight forward with each leg thrust.
All three are best, IMO. I do all three for a variety of workouts during a training block. Sometimes, I’ll do sprints on the track, long tempo on the treadmill (with GCN or GTN shows), and then long runs on the trail. The next week, I’ll mix it up. But, I do try to avoid sprinting on the trail…that’s not a great idea. I will say that the TREADMILL will keep you honest (once you calibrate it).
Must admit I like a mixture of both indoor and outdoor running. Tend to do short interval sessions on the treadmill and longer easy paced runs outside
I find that running for a long time or distance on a treadmill can be demotivating, but never struggle with this outside. Running down the time on the treadmill offers little relief even when there is a TV available. Running outside on a long route is less monotonous. I therefore like to use treadmills and track for speed interval sessions, which breaks up the monotony, and run trails for low intensity, high volume runs. As a bonus, track and treadmill give a much more controlled environment for tracking speed, while for volume runs, I don’t care if the intensity drifts a bit.
Not very usefull video.
The main question was: What’s the best way to train?
But the unswer is: upon your preferences!
The real unswer is OUTDOOR is much better, but sometimes we have to use treadmill.
I’m still interesting on:
1) How to set up treadmill for better resemblance to outdoor run?
2) How much my run tecknique changes on treadmill?
3) Why PRO use treadmill so often?
I first saw this three summers ago and always remembered it. It is one of the most beautiful cycle rides I have seen online.
trail running is my go-to as well, especially the forest trails. Not only do I have access to cooling fresh air, silence and spectacular early morning sights but I also practice my agility and reaction time because you need to be constantly mentally present to avoid tree roots, holes and rocks. I learned that the hard way, this one time I tripped over a hard oak root sticking out of the dirt and for 3 seconds straight I “became a bird” and faceplanted into a tree..I just wish someone caught that on camera. I remember that my neck hurt like hell but I am fine now
You also have to consider that treadmills are notoriously inaccurate. So either you have to be sure of the treadmill (ie always use the exact same) or use a footpod.
I’ve just read the top 20 comments or so, and it is pretty funny to see, how everybody prefers outdoor:-D I am no exception, I prefer running in the rain over the treadmill too, I’ll just probably chose the road, not the trail. (As I’m lazy to clean my shoes.) I’ve only tried the treadmill twice, barefoot, and in both cases I got blisters in 5 minutes.:-D
My bikes on a turbo and it’s next to my treadmill. I go outdoors to shop for groceries occasionally.:-D
I find myself going into the red even on easy runs. I try to run efficiently but can’t seem to find a good rhythm. Could you do a video on running economy?
Yes, rest by just transfer body weight and let it move forward (strengthen thigh muscle and ankles). Then push again for release energy. Push & Rest in rhythm!!
Running on a treadmill is an impossibility for me. Possibly the most boring activity in the world. Luckily running is even possible in snow.
Hi Asha. Wondering what durometer wheel you use? I’m using 82A but can’t help but feel the skate is gonna slip under me on the set down.
Can you make a video on heel striking while running vs toe striking / mid foot striking? I feel it would benefit beginner triathletes like me a lot. Thanks guys!
Your running technique looks so smooth and effortless. One day I hope to imitate It!
QOD: once per week I do a fasting run. Nothing crazy, just forgo eating anything until the mid afternoon for a 7-10 mile easy run.
One of the american itu triathletes was complaining about some of the pros doing all their cycling on the indoor trainer. could it be possible with a treadmill, turbo trainer and an endless pool to still become a pro?
I have a question on running(again): any tips on running downhill? On my normal route, I have a little downhill section, but I found it actiully very difficult to keep pace, and I get the feeling that I get a bigger impact on my knees, than when running uphill or on a flat road….
Please do note that if you are going to do a trail session outdoors:
1. Let someone know your route
2. Take a mobile with you if you can
3. For longer runs take some sort of hydration system: Camelbak, Bottle in a waist band etc etc..
4. Trail shoes such as Salomon Sense 6 are designed for such activity and have a ‘rock plate’ as part of the sole construction to stop sharp stone intrusion
5. Potentially a torch if late.
6. Stay safe and enjoy yourself.
I personally like both, but prefer Ultra Endurance trail races such as UTMB, Trailwalker myself.
Good video.
Outdoors excepting extreme weather conditions (eg below 0F°). Better for the joints, more realistic for racing, somehow easier despite wind/hills/etc.
Please post a version without music. Real audio of the ride makes it better.
Outdoor is always better. Tredmill really feels like leg exercise or a medium to push your threshhold only but outdoor feels more like a full body workout
Running on Zwift goes a very big way to minimizing the boring factor though.
Look im 56 years old im a quad roller skater ive been skating since i was ten yrs im not a expert but folks it dont take much to skate and stay in shape this guy us making it so technical u have different skating styles all over the world and folks look good and are in shape so just go put on pair of dam skates and start rolling u will be just fine
You can use my 100£ off code TCWPXA for any extra accessories you buy with the bike! ✌
So true. Skating improves my strength alot, especially the legs’ muscle. I notice this because I cycle to work everyday on a Giant bicycle, 10km x2=20km everyday. After 2 weeks, cycling to work becomes easier, better breath control, I can strike through the crowd on the street even faster without any hestitation. Thats the best part, because I fell face to the ground too many times during the first 2 weeks skating, I feel more confident than ever. If I fell again in front of many strangers, never mind, just get back ip and roll.
I got inline skates and my best friend bought rollerskates we also have the same shoe size so I can switch between the two whenever I want:)
I feel this person had never watched aggressive style. This type of skating here is a work out but hardly one… You got to get that heart rate of and push you self
Could I ask what are the sport watches you guys are using can’t decide on the right one yet?
I’m gonna go try this SkAting flow in my roller hockey game.
Learn some advanced slalom moves and you’ll be sweating buckets and your legs will divorce you and leave with the house and the skates due to abuse.
SkatefreshAsha thank you for this video. I started my very first rollerblade in mid May. Your video help me learn some tricks.
At 49 I am in the best shape of my life. Still lots of room for improvement, possibly a weighted vest. I like to do push ups, man climbers, and in and outs every mile and every cross walk I have to wait on for some of my runs under 6 miles. It saves me a gym membership. I don’t see a lot of people doing that. I also have been vegan/plant based for last 2.5 yrs and lost 30-40lbs. Now holding at about 155-160. I hope to BQ on December 1st at Spacecoast marathon!
Nice but don’t do Double Push Technic. It is totally different as what you do or think. It needs a long time training and also understanding.Good Luck. (a speedskater)
Dude you are yolked! Also 115 pounds?! Holy cow! You’re awesome
This is where I started nearly two years ago!
I can’t thank you enough Rick for starting me off on a wonderful journey.
I just finished a two hour virtual bike ride across the alps and before that I did a 6 hour ride along the Autobahm.
But this will always be special.
This was where I broke in my body.
This made everything else possible.
i feel pain on the inner part of my soles when skating for more than 5/10minutes but push through or make slight adjustments till i find something suitable. does this mean i turn my skates out? also my strides are quite short. but then again, i am skating on carpet haha, not confident enough to go outside yet. only been skating less than a week
Amazing video! Great to see some Brisbane skaters getting around ☺️ if anyone is down for a skate along the Brisbane river, let me know!
The title of this video is so snobby and elitist sounding. If you skate and push the speed you’ll get a workout. Who even gets to define what “properly’ means anyways? There are alot of different styles.
Dude getting out of the house for a basic walk is good for your health and even mental health I’m sure hopping on a pair of skates/blades you’ll get a workout form or no form long story short get out the house have fun and stop over thinking it people
I dont get it….whats wrong with zigzag and how to skate properly
I can’t really concentrate on the words, due to that sound.. it’s really not necessary. But I like your videos a lot!
That ( advanced) skating technique is also described as: “double Push”
Yeah i dunno why im watching this, its so interesting… but I have quads, does this transfer over lol
nossaaaa…consigo “sentir” a leveza d deslizar patinando, só em olhar a trok das suas “passadas”….um dia vou conseguir de novo, msmo q ainda demore um pouco!!!
Yeah, well, i ain’t got no problem with 4 min of watching asha’s butt go left and right…it’s a-ok with me!
hi.i just checked your course and im advanced. but i only have 100mm and 125mm 3 wheel skates, i mostly do long distance, and they arent much maneuvrable. will i be able to learn all tricks from advanced course at least on the 100mm ones? (i have rollerblade tempest) thanks!
Thank you for this video! Such beautiful scenery. The music was right up my alley too
Nothing wrong with the stride. Good pushes. Looks like you’re having fun.
Treadmills always make my calves super tight, but it’s less of a problem outside. Not sure why.
First focus on stay at one site of the bicycle road. I’m a former pro cyclist and I did also a lot of skating. One thing that’s very annoying is a skater who taking the whole width of the road. Second, buy a HF monitor and search for proper durability training. Determine your HF segments and make your schedule. It’s not hard to find what meets your goals. Internet is your friend. Pay a bit more for good fitting skates and your good to go. Don’t forget to change your weehls every 2 weeks if you skate every day. 2 at the front turn them and put them on the back. The back ones same but at the front. Every 2 months new set. Learn to breake first and then taking turns, after that go and make those distances. Don’t forget to wear protective gear. Not only because you can fall, but more because of others on the road.
Great information thank you very much
I’ve start skating again after about 10years, I’m enjoying it so much
I didn’t watch lots of youtube video about skating recently but I can feel difference in competence and knowledge in you so from now you are my skating guru:)
Can you please explain about looking back while we are going in backward, I mean where we should focus when we are going in backward or from which side of the body(right/left) we should look back
Thanks again for all your energy and sharing
Arian from Iran
You’ll move faster and better if you use your arms. Is it cool not to?
Seth how many times a week do you run 32k runs, do you still do the standard work outs of a few tempo runs & a slower pace longer run once a week?
Why is this in my you tube feed? Im an old lady and use a walker. I dont roller skate. Im having open heart bypass graft. I just want to see my subscriptions. For some reason nothing I subscribe to comes up in my feed. Why cant you tube show me what i subscribe to?
A suggestion, a link to your instagram on your youtube channel and the other way round.
I disagree that skating is only good for you with the proper technique. Any exersize you do is far better than no exercise and skating is just plain fun that’s what makes it such a great low impact cardio and strength exersize.
Wow, I was thinking that looks just like Brisbane before you mentioned it! Yeay for my hometown!
I love the way you make skating look so effortless & smooth.
FYI: This wind resistance business does not matter for casual runners like you and I. Unless you are faster than 7:09 per mile, you will not notice a difference.
I do agree that long runs are much much easier outside, since treadmill running can be mind numbingly hiring. But honestly when you work full-time, you can’t squeeze in all of your planned runs when it is light/ safe/ warm outside.
I like the message at the end though, that the important thing is to keep moving wherever you are.:)
Why do skaters put their arms behind their back? Is it less tiring? Is it for aerodynamics? Is it more efficient? Is it comfortable? Is it for looks?
You can’t be all over the path like that, there are other people passing etc, it’s rude & dangerous to others, plus you may get hit by a bike!
Nice video, though you do really need to do other exercise too such as stretching or yoga, as skating/running focus on a subset of muscles, and less used ones can/will tighten.
Hey, is back pain just a part of skating or am I doing something wrong
Dude, if you’re going to make a video about something, then start with that subject matter. Put the shots of your run at the end, your fans will stay to watch it. That way, first time viewers, such as myself, won’t have to scroll through 3:45 (Edit: 4:40) of footage we don’t care about just to have our question addressed. For your consideration.
115 lbs?? No wonder you’re so blazing fast lmao. Here I am at 190 trying to crack a 6 min mile! Regarding the QD, I can honestly say I don’t do anything unique in my training. Like most runners I’m self-taught, but I do find myself thinking about the mechanics of running and coaching myself toward correcting form issues mid-run.
Absolutely brilliant Heather. Top production from “at home”. I get the vibe that you’re no stranger to running a class.
Bruh where tf do u find a smooth road with no cars to ride on?!?!
Hi Asha haven’t talked in awhile cause of school I wish u can visit ARncliffe public school I miss u
Asha, you say you are “going really fast.” I’m curious about how fast you are, in fact, going? I have certainly improved my speed by trying to emulate you.
I ran a 10K yesterday in my hallway. Could you please explore the long term health effects of endurance training in a video. I’ve seen in a few places that there actually might be negative health effects from the kind of training involved in Ironman events. See for example
Do you have to hold your hands behind your back to gain maximum speed?
Asha; I love this video….you look so strong, fluid and graceful, and of course, you do the double push very nicely. You’re providing a really excellent learning tool. Thank you.
Do a video about recovery! How to treat trainingrelated “injures”, shin splints etc
I know this is intended for beginners or recreational skaters still… the explanation lacks details. You need to explain the D shape which is the recovery mode, you behind kick is a bit exaggerated here, and there is a lot of upper body movement due to the fact you had your arms locked behind. The arms should go in full swing that will imply working more with the body thus getting that cardio session really punching in. Also, important, once the leg comes from the recovery mode, the skater should push in front (glide) not step on the wheels like walking. This will create momentum and increase speed. The most difficult part will remain the carving, the outside edge and the controlled fall (gravitational force using the weight of the body). Other than this… beautiful video with a beautiful lady:) thanks!
the most important thing on a treadmill? garmin footpod. otherwise, just try capturing ur data. aint gonna happen. with a footpod, u get full data on ur intervals (watch based is rubbish). seriously, a foot pod TRANSFORMS ur treadmill sets
Jogging outside your pushing off of a non moving surface so your body is forced to expend more energy thus burning more cals
Wow I wish there was one for skateboard on a cruiser board. Like proper technique
I got a nasty calf sprain while skating switch. I felt I was getting good riding goofy footed and into my session pushing like normal it just snuck up and bit me in the leg! Now I can still ride in my regular stance but I am afraid to switch due to fear of improper technique and re-injuring the calf
Como se chama esse tipo de patinacao e estiloso lindo Estou treinando
My outdoor running experience in Bangalore
Come on SJD. You should train like me with a 70 pound weighted vest. It’s called my body.
Когда у девушки такая техника это не просто красиво, но и очень сексуально, независимо от внешности. Просто бальзам на душу. Спасибо за порцию красоты
I dont run on treadmills. I walk and fast walk, I like it better cuz it helps me.
I just turned 66 and I just put my occulus on and do some running on the spot.
I was supposed to come over to England this year, so this is the next best thing.
Hi folks, an alternative, brighter version of this same area is available here:
Great Video, ist my choice for 3 month. I’ve found no other one that give me such motivation to hold the speed and fun during my ergometer training. Thank’s for that from Wesel/Northrhine-Westfalia at the river Rhine.
Hope i can visit that wonderful piece of landscape in the future.
Lovely video. I live in Dubai since 14 years and this s the first summer I can’t travel to Europe. I miss it so much. Could literally feel my lungs filling up with oxygen filled air
My new years resolution was to be able to run 5 miles before the end of the year. It’s too hard to run and breath with a mask on and obviously the gyms are closed so I hope this will help me boost my running stamina while I stay indoors.
Muito bom. Estou curtindo muito. Nesse período de confinamento está sendo perfeito. Obrigado. Fique bem. Um abraço
Use it VR machine, did not realize my floor is wet and my clothe drenched in sweat
great video. Gets better without the sun in front of the biker at min 15:15
I started my weight loss journey with this vid 3 years ago. Helped me lose 40 pounds. Now I’m up 30. Just got done for the first time in a long time with this vid. Gota lose that 30 man. Thanks to who ever uploaded this.btw on the treadmill, I’m talking about. Lol
I had to plug in my own music but thanks for making my ex bike more interesting.
Great video for my indoor cycling,, thank you. Not my kind of music, but it definitely helped me cycle harder!
Thank u for this. I love the scenery very beautiful!! Found this the last 10 minutes of my workout and went by super fast. will continue tomorrow thanks!
My workout this morning. This 80 year old doesn’t feel so hemmed in due to the current virus situation, with videos like this. Thanks.
I was watching this and was thinking I wish I had somewhere like that to skate and then realised that I literally live near where it was filmed
Thankyou so much for this. I get on my excerise bike in the morning and go for a ride round the cotswolds. It really does vastly improve a bit of a boring workout
I’m a beginner but I’ve realized that I get sore if i run on a sloping road (camber?). So obviously I’m exercising one side of my body differently to the other so I should at least try to run equal amounts on left vs right slopes (or run the same track anti clockwise). But is this strategy of today this way round and tomorrow that way around an ok plan (well say run 4 days a week) or is it better to find a flatter route?
Great video!Love the music it keeps me motivated during my exercises! Thanks so much!
Bellísimos paisajes, han sido mi motivación, estoy comenzando mis mañanas con éste recorrido, gracias por compartirlo. Soy principiante estoy felíz de poderlo realizar. Gracias
I’m glad someone post this route, but I need the so g name please somebody now??
I bought a roller to bike in my house due to the COVID 19 quarantine I live in Colombia and I am fascinated by this video because it is recorded in England, one of my dreams has been to ride a bike in London because it was what I liked the most when I met him and with this video I feel like I do, I love it. Thank you
very therapeutic.. I use this on my stationary bike’s screen.. the best thing is that you can use such video daily over and over for decades… it’s good for your brain… (cephalonostalgic faculties) gotta have more of these, esp, virtual reality games ^_^
It’s pretty but way too fast for me. Makes me motion sick! If it was slower it would be better.
Great video! This was the first youtube virtual scenery I’ve got for my indoor cycling workouts!!!
my mute/use own music choice is ‘Love On A Real Train by Tangerine Dream, from the Risky Business movie soundtrack. Just sharin’ (p.s: GREAT video!!!)
Exellent, mein absoluter Favorit beim Heimtraining. Wunderbare Aufnahmen, klasse Musik, Entspannung pur beim abendlichen Training. Gibt es noch mehr davon?
The music, the landscape the timing the sunset, this video is perfect; Rick congratulations, please don’t change progressive chill out style, waiting for the new one to come.
I’m doing a four-day hike in a couple weeks and I’ll be carrying a 60 lb pack. So it’s almost kind of the same thing. So I agree there is benefits out there, for a weighted vest. Like Seth said it’s not ever one, but I love pain when it comes to running, so I probably would enjoy it. when I was trying to get my traps bigger, I would do mile farmer walks. And after a while I made it to 35lb dumbbell with straps. It was not easy lol. Great volg today Seth.
Hola,,, soy de Mexico¡¡ tengo 44 años de edad y me encanta estos paisajes¡¡
Hey Seth, Just a simple and direct thank you for all you’re doing and sharing.
Thanks mate, can’t run outside at the minute due to Achilles problem so has this on twice on my cross trainer!!! Great scenery and music!!!
Thanks again
Thank you very much for this video. Recovering from a major operation related to esophageal cancer, I enjoy the images on my air walker (home trainer) every morning in a vacation environment that I love so very much. Like driving in our home made camper van through my beloved vacation landscapes… <3
I do both indoor and outdoor. This week I’ll be indoors because we’re going to have 5 days of 100+ degree weather!!!
Great video thank you! Especially now allowed me to escape the current reality and enjoy a good run.
Thank you so much! Amazing video and the music I used this to walk in my bedroom
Looks more like rock-n-roll, beebop and jive. I can feel the rhythm and swing just by watching. Should even be better with music to (one) ear, not traffic loud off course.
Turned 70 last year and decided I needed more exercise so invested in an exercise bike and now enjoy travelling the world on it.Thank you.
Thanks!! So glad to see this now in quarantine. Great for a nice “ ride” Please upload more. Best regards from Chile.
For me, this is your most effective and beneficial video at my particular stage right now.
You demonstrated what was *not* a good stride first and I was a bit confused. But then with the good stride, it started to click. A repeat of the video a few times and it came clear…. Right now, I’m physical weak and new and can’t probably do a good glide on the outside edge safely… I just don’t have enough control yet. But knowing the objective I think will help me a lot.
The 50/50 “step, glide, step glide” was also key. Your back foot crosses over and I had assume that that was just for show. But it appears to be essential to have a balanced “glide” phase on the outside edge rather than the center or inside edge. I’ve not done it but it appears that you are getting some power from the glide phase as well as the step phase. And that leads me to wonder / conclude if it is a much more balanced exercise because not only do you exercise the push out muscles but also the opposite muscles as you control the glide on the outside edge.
Just a really good video with a lot of information densely packed and a easy to comprehend format.
Thank You for this video. Never Stop Running.♀️
girl is all over the place, would hate to try to pass her and get a body/hip check lmao.
My lockdown virtual exercise! Thanks whoever uploaded this video.
I used my stationary bike. This made it a good ride in the woods thank you
Those are really good drills:) Most of them are part of my own routine too!
Lovely shots but doesn’t work for cycling from home for me. Filming from the top of a van? Doesn’t give me any sense of cycling. Sorry
Way to dark. Would love to see this location in better lighting!
I found this astoundingly more enjoyable than I expected. It’s the first day of Corona lockdown so put the exercise bike I never use Infront of the wall mounted TV and it was awesome. Great music too. Thanks a lot.
a big minus for the treadmill is that tall guys can’t get their full stride length on the treadmill
This is fantastic! I use it on my computer when I’m on my peddler for rehabilitation.I Imagine that I am riding my bike in the Cotswolds, I love it! Thank you so much. And I really like the music too, well done.
Sensacional, domínio das passadas (lado esquerdo e direito) mostra a capacidade em extrair o melhor da patinação!
Thank you so much for this video! I have been looking for a way to keep endurance during quarantine and this is the best I have found!
Guys hi.
I love your crisis management videos
I think its time to start working on recovery and reengagement videos
How do we get back in business when this is over
Cheers from jerusalem
Asha, thanks for the wonderful tutorials. Your strength, fluidity and beauty on the skates is truly inspirational. Thanks Bern
I literally have been running around the house (outside) and/or up and down the driveway.
i’m get it to try. skater speed,high knees,straight leg bound,butt kicks step on chair and other Drills
Es lo que explicabas en la clase con tus alumnos, lo recuerdo muy bien cuando estaba con Ernesto. Lo seguiré y entrenare.
I had a few glimpses of Tour De Quarantine. Funny like hell. Why doesn’t Triathlon have similar?
News Flash: Lionel Sanders kicked some a$$ cycling on Zwift, beating some top level pros
I just run on the spot for 5 hours, 4 in zone 2 and the rest 4/5
Beautiful vlog Seth! That weighted vest is a no from me dawg, I’ve worked too hard to lose weight to slap it back on LOL!
QD: I do all my training runs fasted.
#askgtnanything Hi!! I have lost 10kg (22 lbs) in 4 months by starting triathon (currently 97kg or 214), as I am 1.85m (whatever guys, learn the metric system) tall, what would be a “correct” weight considering I wish to take part in a full distance Ironman in smthg like 2 years? (+ is there any chance I also lose my virginity training really hard, or is that a myth?!) xoxo from France!
Good weather= outdoors, bad weather= indoor, may weather= connor mc gregor
This is pretty much the PE with Joe Wicks I’m doing currently every morning with the kids.
Good video gtn! I have started my own running channel by your partial inspiration, anyone is free to subscribe:)
Can I have the link to that vest? I’ve been looking for weight vest.
Rick is there any chance there’s a link anywhere to download the music on your video?? Can make a donation through PayPal if you’d like… thanks
my hydration pack is plenty right now, 20lbs at your weight is reallly good!
You should do a piece on DYI “endless pools”. Have seen where people are getting above ground pools and using a tether, set up in the garage to swim. Might be a fun how much does it cost and what is the training experience like show.
Weighted vest hell no . I can hardly run with a sweaty shirt on.
Where can I find that weight vest I’ve been going through so many because the straps can’t take the friction and movement so I find myself always holding my vest together this one seems to hold up pretty well in this video! So I’m not losing hope yet
your technic is not good. your upper bodu is moving too much. and many other mistakes. Please do not learn this technic.
At 115lb you are very small, even with the vest on you are lighter than I was in my 20s when I was running at my peak. I was 62kg (137lb) with a skin fold test of 2-3% body fat, so I was always running with “a vest”. Now, at 60 I weight 68kg (150lb). My son, at 19 is 6’3″ and 75kg (166lb), he probably should no wear one. Body composition is important, especially when running, but also the conditions. Good climb though, we have nothing like that where I live.
My running is limited to recreational/flat surface but am thinking that #1 wearing weighted vest once or twice a month would have limited to zero effect on leg strength, and might even be dangerous in terms of injury preventions, and #2 would think that if one were working on leg strenght three weight sessions in gym per week would work wonders.
What’s the song today? Love it! Also, have you checked out the Relive app? Syncs with Strava and might be a nice visual when you’re highlighting the day’s run. Have a great day!
I play ultimate frisbee tow times a week which is a total of about 5 hours. thes sport incorporates a lot of sprinting and jumping wich realy strengthens my legs
One thing I do starting in the late fall as I transition from all running to some running and some uphill skiing, is to start doing weighted step-ups with ankle weights. The usage of the hip flexors while wearing ski boots and skiing uphill is different and I’ve found the weighted step-ups really help prepare for those first few outings. The ankle weights simulate the extra weight of the boot/ski.
I’ll go outside and run on a nice day. In addition to getting my mental health, it couldn’t be better.
I was training for a mountain ultra and had an injury that caused pain when I ran however I was able to walk. My coach at the time got me to power hike with a weighted vest in place of running so that I could build strength and maintain fitness. It worked well and it got me through the injury. I was able to tow the line feeling fit.
QoD: Running in mires, really soft terrain. Great for recovery or for strength.
Bravo Seth! Thank you for stating the obvious, high school athletes are always trying to push their performance development while their bodies are still just trying to develope in a natural progression. It’s difficult enough for our bodies at that age to develope in response to natural growth let alone athlete stress. Pushing performance boundaries while the body is still in a natural growth development is only asking for shortened athletic life later as we age and also risking chronic injury as a result. Thanks for putting it out there, cheers!
I run commute to work with a back pack 2-3 times per week. It weighs around 20 pounds, less or more on certain days. I feel like it makes me a stronger runner. I have more of a 400/800 runner frame but I ran a PR in the marathon, 2:41 and my best mile in years 4:25 after putting in 20-25 miles a week with a back pack out of a total 75-90 per week. Ruck running was a big deal in the military and it used with some very impressive results. I agree Seth, that running with weight really helps out with the mental aspect of running and the ability to keep putting one foot in front of the other!
Fantastic! I weigh 220….do you think my Beacons are the way to go for a big boy on dirt roads? Very inspiring video.
Good attitude…no wonder you have no dislikes. Great energy!…you video keeps my appetite Wet for those EVO Speedgoats…there are on the way.
How was the downhill with the vest on? I’m far less worries about the uphill personally.
At 3:42, all is right with the world, the king has had his head returned!!
Great footage
You need a 40 lb weighted vest to reach my weight
QD: When I wrestled in college I would do interval training on a stationary bike while breathing through a snorkel. My campus was near sea level (Michigan State), so I would joke that it’s a poor man’s oxygen deprivation mask.
115! That’s so light, but you don’t look THAT skinny. How tall are you?
Man 115. I’m 5’1 and weigh 148. I went from the weight room and finally picked up running about a year and a half ago. I thought I was light. I guess not lol
QOD:I do heat training on my easy days. On easy runs I wear a lot of extra layers and even incorporate a sweat suit to improve my sweating cooling during my runs. I’ve been doing this for seven years, because before 2012, I was terrible in the heat. Yesterday, I ran the “hot” Fortitude 10K in Fort Collins, but because of my heat training, I sweated a lot and stayed extremely cool. I actually enjoyed my hot 10K, even though everyone around me was complaining about the heat. I saw a lot of heat related emergencies during and after the race. However, I was oblivious to the heat with seven years of heat training.
I hike with a weighted vest, but not run. I also have used a weighted vest while using my standing desk.
Yoga is what I do regularly. Its amazing for runner’s especially if you tune into what your body needs at that time.
Great fottage Seth!
QD: I was doing CrossFit 4-5 times a week along with running everyday last spring as I was preapring for spring half marathon and a summer marathon, I really believe CrossFit helped improve my anaerobic fitness since I wasn’t doing if any speed workouts!
This immediately reminds me of your 1000 Vlog. Get after it!
Outdoors is way better treadmills are so boring feels like going nowhere
I ran with ankle weights once in high school, it really slowed me down and mashed my legs up for a while afterwards. I do not recommend.
Hey Seth absolutely loved the video. I was wondering how tall you are. You look so fit man it’s amazing. I need to start eating the salads I guess.
Wow you are smaller than me seth. I thought I was light at 126pounds and thought you would be similar or more
Seth at 2:50, what are those creatures?! Mountain Lions? My wife reckons ‘Bears’
And a lot of those “Jr. High Shavers” now also have accompanying back hair, so hey…sometimes it pays off to be in the baby-faced crowd.
Comfort level. Five miles with extra weight is not the same as five miles without, so closely monitor your comfort level and be sure to allow your muscles to recover. Don’t be afraid to stop a run if you know you got a good workout, but be persistent.
As an older runner, I am scared to add extra weight. Seems like it would add too much extra stress on my joints, feet, knees, lower back, etc. 20lbs is a lot of extra stress.
Hi Seth, I am a huge fan … this video is the only one that worries me a bit, though. Aren’t you risking another stress fracture heaving that vest around in the mountains? Would hate for you to miss Amsterdam with an SF. Take care and keep your most excellent videos coming!
Living in Orlando, FL I do one run a week with a long sleeve shirt on. Not sure of the physiological benefit but mentally you harden the mind to handle the heat better. It’s usually my shortest or slowest day of the week between 5-7 miles at around 8-8’15 pace (normal easy days are 7’30-7’45) but the next day you feel way easier out there. You’ll never get used to the heat here physically but you can gain a mental edge over the competition. I’ve ran the Star Wars Half at Disney the last couple years and they always seed your bib number by time, the top 24 being “elite” status and I’ve always had 25-28 as a bib number but have finished in the top 10 twice because most of the others running it don’t know how to handle the heat.
Vest! Sweet edit of the footage! I might try the speedgoat, but other models have been too narrow for me. I like the sound of the new upper though!
very good overview of how to train running / cardio without going out during lockdown love it! thank you for the fitspo!
Vest! Absolutely beautiful footage & lovely tune at the start Seth. What song is it? It’s not in the video description. QD: Rock climbing definitely helps strengthen my feet.
I feel that if i train weighted too regularly i would risk building muscle bulk. I’d prefer to be leaner by around 15lbs, so the daily challenge for me is to get past the snack cupboard at home.
This is the most beautiful video ever made. So picturesque, scenic and pleasing. Loved it.
Has un video en los momentos de cómo detenerse o frenar cuandobhay diferentes personas en un lugar. Si puedes hacerlo en el campo sería genial.
One thing I run my long run in long hills. Half mile or more hills, then uptempo on down.
Seth you should make a video on training with the Keto diet I honestly believe in balance but people are using it for ultra running and are saying it’s effective
First time competitor here. Training for the Silverfalls Trail Half marathon in early Nov. ’19. I am running around 15 miles(highest mpw yet) a week right now, hoping to peak at 25 mpw. I’m just now developing a fueling gameplan. I’m trying to make sure that two of my weekly runs are on hilly trails. As someone who is new to running longer distances and is approaching their first long distance event, your videos have been so influential in my planning, training and motivation. Thanks for sharing your experience and life with us, you’re a bad ass Seth!
Great video. So helpful.
P.s that awkward moment when the camera captures local Brisbane skaters skating wrongly, just as the voiceover describes why NOT to skate like that
Great videography today! Please be careful with the weight vest. An extra 20 pounds means 40-60 extra pounds per foot (2-3 G’s) when landing…and even more than that on the downhills. Could lead to all sorts of foot injuries.
I have a teeters hangups inversion table and hang or rock back and forth a couple times a week. Nice and relaxing
QOD: out here in Texas it’s hard to get good uphill training because we don’t have long tall hills only short risers less that 200ft tall, SO to get around that on my easy/recovery days I’ll go out and did a hill and HIKE (not run) up and down so that I’m not beating up my legs as much as I would running up and down but am still getting good elevation gain at the end of the day without over-taxing my legs
I have several friends that put on weighted vests and get on the stair master to prepare for ultras with lots of elevation gain. I haven’t tried it yet.
I’m a lost GCN subscriber…but this channel had made me start running. I can do about a 9 ish minute pace but when I hit 2 miles or so I start to crap out. Is this just a case of not being used to running?
Seth, how you gettin th ok se aerial shots from up high?
And whose flying it?
I loved the running segment. I watched it three times. Beautiful. Made me smile. Good music, too.
Seth, I’m leaning alot from your videos. Keep up the good job.
I run a mile with a 40 pound weight vest and it fucking kills me
Awesome shots of Torreys. I can’t imagine running up Torreys with a weighted vest. It is hard enough without one. One thing I do for training is long hikes in the mountains. Hiking is often an overlooked part of training and it will be necessary for long mountain ultras.
I have trained with a weight Vest. I dont recommend it. If you are a thogh guy and wants to challenge yorself, OK go for it. But it didn’t improve my running.
Make sure you protect your ankles when you skate. I sprained my ankle for the first time at age 30 a month ago skating. I’ve been skating for over 20 years
once more! I could not agree more. I had to get Ice Hockey weight gear because noone was doing it here in Europe. But yes. Great idea to load your body on specific uphill run. by the way. Are you into Stryd power meter? i started hill repeats (short but bloody step). Tought to run these 10 or 20 times in a row but probably very helpful
VEST! qotd: MIDnight running on the trail. anytime after 00:00. training myself to stay focus and aware on dark trails. fyi, I’m only doing this for one specific ultra marathon that starts at midnight.
What can stop an athlete. Even in quarantine, they’re still on the run!
Me. Most of the time I training to not hydrated my self in long run.. And I find that bad. But it work for me In race. Very well
QOD: Intervall training I do most of the time chancing KOMs. Like this I can push more to the limit. I do this also on my bike when I ride to work. This helped to improve my half marathon time by about 10min and 5k by a bit more then 1min.
Then I do tempo runs on race speed as far as I can. This helps me to push into that pain spot and I get a good feeling where I am at for my training and for race day.
Great video! Question, what are the first 3 songs?! NEED TO KNOW!!
I’m a 37 min 5ker, I weight about 15 stone and am about 5ft 7, I also have incorporated those weight vests for my runs, hope they work
Training with a weighted vest is like hiking with a backpack, isn’t it? I mean, sometimes you just can’t go without that extra weight, so why not just add it every now and then (even for college students)?
Your weak not to be mean but telling people not to use it BC its hard or its not enjoyable that’s pathetic I motivate people top use them I motivate people to work until there so tired that they can’t move until they think there beat if you use this weighted vest your using it to get better so yes u will experience pain but that’s stupid to tell someone not to yes but BC its not enjoyable I don’t enjoy getting up at 4:30 I don’t enjoy training 5 to 6 hours a day I do it to get better and I feel better about myself no wonder you didn’t finish your race
Seth i love those takes with the drone they are really neat and i use a 10 pounds vest sometimes to train and put my body to the limit i’m 39 almost 40 and the body needs to train harder to build strength and muscle but it’s like you say no teenager needs to do this.