Table of Contents:
Honest Whole30 Diet Review | Doctor Mike On Diets | Wednesday Checkup
Video taken from the channel: Doctor Mike
3 Prenatal Nutrition: Vegetarian Diet
Video taken from the channel: My Doctor Kaiser Permanente
Vegetarian Diets and Health: Findings from the EPIC-Oxford Study Prof. Dr. Timothy Key
Video taken from the channel: VegMed
Top 5 Deficiencies in Vegetarian Diets
Video taken from the channel: Majd MD
Vegetarian diets
Video taken from the channel: Nutrition Care Systems
Doctor Mike Goes VEGAN For 30 Days | Here’s How My Body Reacted…
Video taken from the channel: Doctor Mike
LIVE IT: Reduce Risk of Chronic Diseases with a Vegetarian Diet
Video taken from the channel: LLUHealth
On a vegan diet, you can eat foods made from plants, including: Fruits and vegetables. Legumes such as peas, beans, and lentils. Nuts and seeds. Breads, rice, and pasta.
Dairy alternatives such as soymilk, coconut milk, and almond milk. Vegetable oils.Vegetarian diets are characterized by elimination of all flesh foods from the diet (including fish and white meat) and are typically based on the consumption of whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. From: Vegetarian and Plant-Based Diets in Health and Disease Prevention, 2017.
Download as PDF.A few healthy foods to eat on a vegetarian diet are: Fruits: Apples, bananas, berries, oranges, melons, pears, peaches. Vegetables: Leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots.
Grains: Quinoa, barley, buckwheat, rice, oats. Legume.Whole-food vegan diet: A diet based on a wide variety of whole plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.
Vegetarianism encompasses several dietary patterns including the complete exclusion of meat, fish, and dairy produce (veganism), exclusion of meat and fish with inclusion of dairy products and eggs (ovo-lacto-vegetarianism), the exclusion of all meat except fish (pesco-vegetarianism), and only excluding meat from the diet.A vegetarian diet can provide a wide variety of healthful, nutritious foods, but what the person eats will depend on the type of diet they are following and their personal food choices.Vegetarians don’t eat meat, fish and poultry, and neither do vegans.
But vegans go further, excluding all animal products from their diets – even dairy and eggs. If you’re adhering to a vegan die.Vegans are the strictest vegetarians, as they avoid eating or using any products derived from animals, such as honey, milk, or leather. Several related categories exist, including people who eat seafood but no other meat, known as pescetarians or people who eat chicken as well, sometimes called pollotarians.Summary A vegetarian diet focuses on plants for food.
These include fruits, vegetables, dried beans and peas, grains, seeds and nuts. There is no single type of vegetarian diet.This module includes a historical overview of vegetarian diets, information on nutrient needs and sources of nutrients as well as the role of vegetarian diets in promoting and maintaining health and treating chronic degenerative diseases. SKU CTP-VEGETARIAN1.Choose higher fibre starchy foods, such as oats, sweet potato, wholemeal bread, wholewheat pasta and brown rice.
Include good sources of protein in most meals, such as beans, lentils, chickpeas, tofu, soya alternatives to milk and yoghurt, or peanuts. Eat nuts and seeds dail.The simplest definition of vegetarianism is a diet free of meat, fish, and fowl flesh. But eating habits of vegetarians cover a wide spectrum. At one end are lacto-ovo vegetarians, who avoid animal.
A vegan (say “VEE-gun” or “VAY-gun”) diet is a total vegetarian diet. Besides not eating meat, vegans don’t eat food that comes from animals in any way. That includes milk products, eggs, honey, and gelatin (which comes from bones and other animal tissue). There are many reasons why some people choose a.
The earliest records of vegetarianism as a concept and practice amongst a significant number of people are from ancient India, especially the Hindus and Jains, and the ancient Greek civilizations in southern Italy and Greece. In both instances, the diet was closely connected with the idea of nonviolence toward animals (called ahimsa in India), and was promoted by religious groups and philosophers.Vegetarian Diet Overview A vegetarian diet, on the other hand, excludes meat, fish and poultry, but may include some animal products.
There are different types of.
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from History of Soybeans and Soyfoods in Canada (1831-2019): Extensively Annotated Bibliography and Sourcebook |
Vegan diet only works long term for people that hate the slaughtering of animals. If you’re doing this diet only for weight loss, you’re going to suffer and give it up eventually
Bruh what honey is literally a plant product mixed with time and bee spit and bee’s aren’t harmed during the collection process how is it not vegan
As a vegetarian, this still does not apply to everyone unfortunately. Each body is unique with different health needs along with so much we don’t know about the body and health still.
Look I eat enough fruits and veggies I drink milk and kinda eat eggs but I don’t really like them I just don’t eat meat at all I will eat anything else I’m not big on sweats or snacks
In 2008, the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity studied the psychology behind weighing yourself daily. The researchers concluded that daily weigh-ins increased healthy habits. These scheduled weigh-ins can also create self-awareness and keep you accountable. In turn, this can lead to long-term weight loss.
Please share your favorite easy-to-make vegetarian recipe in the comments here! Here’s mine (a pressure cooker recipe):
What a lie. Science has proved the total opposite. What a joke.
Love Whole30. Changed my entire outlook on food. I was absolutely shocked to discover how much sugar; organic, synthetic, or otherwise is in our food products. After doing the Whole30, to the letter, 3x inside of 18 months, I now eat “clean” most of the time and have gladly removed gluten, dairy & sugar from my diet. Shopping and cooking healthy food is a breeze now. Heartburn/acid reflux has permanently disappeared. Aches and pains of middle age have dissipated. Cognitive clarity allows me to be more organized and productive at home and at work. Although I absolutely love Whole30, it’s not for everyone. It’s tough, it’s hard, and frankly, it can be very, very boring. Oh and it can be really hard to eat out, too. 90% of the time I get a mixed salad with salmon; kind of takes the fun out of trying new restaurants…..
Veganism is not about health, it’s about the non-human animals that are abused for non vegan products, including honey. This challenge is not a “vegan” challenge. It’s a plant-based diet challenge.
To be fair if your vegetarian for ethical reasons then your kidding your selfs diary and eggs are just as cruel and go vegan or eat every thing veggie is a bit of a kop out
Hi there, have you considered Custokebon Secrets yet? Simply just do a google search search. On there you will discover an awesome guidelines about how exactly you can lost a ton of fat. Why not give it a chance? maybe it will work for you too.
Well, first of all, you didn’t go vegan for thirty days, you just tried a plant based diet. There is a huge difference between both of them. Vegan means the ethical treatment of animals. Plus, the way you started your diet should have been a whole plant based diet to get the full potency from it. Simple as that.
Doc, can you debunk the myth about MSG? Anthony Bourdain kinda touched upon the subject and said that it’s rooted in racism
Every single “vegan for a month” video on youtube, bar none, even this one from a doctor… “I didn’t prep well”
“It’s a much healthier lifestyle, look at me. I have the pelt of a much younger sloth” Sid the sloth, 2009.
I wanna live longer so I can have a dead end job and pay taxes longer…………
You can get vitamin D in almost any nut milk. Vitamin D is added in dairy milk.
the intro song was made using a sample off garage band lmao i used it for a school project
Don’t vegans and vegetarians eat vegetables and fruits and nuts, seems obvious. Anyone can eat whole 30.
I swear vegans think they the fountain of youth with health, vegetarians can be healthy as well jeez, one is not better than the other they are both good just eat healthy!!!
I’m actually starting my Whole 30 tomorrow, although only because it’s a softer version of the Elimination Diet and I really have some problems (atopic eczema, some PMS and other stuff) and the Doctor told me to figure out what sensitivities I have. I already know of some, but I think doing it a bit systematically.:)
I’m a bit anxious about the “NO Grain”, but I do have some big cravings.
It’s amazing how many people in this comment section are so dependent on grains. A whole30 diet is basically not too dissimilar to a paleo diet, ideally what you are eating are meats, fruits, and vegetables. Pretty much anything you could hunt or forage for if you were in the wilderness would be fair game.
Even if this is true, I would still eat meat. I’m here for a good time, not a long time. That was said by a wise man on youtube prior to me.
Red meat isn’t the only meat, veggies are good but humans need meat too. Ever noticed how sick vegetarians look?
I don’t really care about living longer. I care about having a better quality of life and having more energy
Actually technically honey may be vegan, the thing is it’s not a regular diet it can be a “health” diet however it may also be a “ethic” diet and if your doing it for health pending your opinion eggs could be an acceptable healthy option, if your doing it ethically pending your opinion honey could be ethically okay because the bees make it naturally with vegan or vegetarian diets it really depends on the person with some things
Been a vegetarian for 8 years I am 13 and it is not hard at all I encourage people thinking about it to just go for it
I didn’t have baby for 4 years but after whole 30 diet I have a baby girl who is now 4 yrs I am grateful to this program
Can you rewiew fitline products?? They are vitamins and minerals and there is also a cell cleanse they do, does it work?? Or what actually happens??
To everyone saying that a balanced diet is the only true way to live. Everyone is different, everyone’s bodies are unique. In fact I can’t have a “balanced diet” because I am lactose intolerant and dairy makes me sick. Everyone’s bodies work a little differently.
I actually did a Whole30 a while ago and I’m considering doing one again because I really miss the energy I got from eating healthy and I could really use it right now since quarantine isn’t being nice to my brain. I just really missed coffee (you can have it black, but I hate black coffee, so I just eliminated it altogether). It wasn’t too bad once I found foods and recipes I liked, but there was a lot more cooking involved and I’m not a cook. I’m also really busy (usually…when school is actually on campus) so I didn’t like the cooking part. I honestly think doing this for the 30 days, then having that as your base diet, adding in small amounts of dairy, legumes, etc, but treating yourself every once in a while, is a good way to go, at least for me. I think of this more as a detox.
You can consume foods from a variety of food groups to ensure you get all the essential nutrients
friend tried to pmo, i rather die 10 years early and eat meat in my life then go vegetarian and live that extra 10
The comment about eating healthy is expensive. I hear this a lot, but often find it is due to buying prepared healthy food instead of healthy ingredients and cooking them. Pro home cooks/brothers green have many vids on how to eat healthy on the cheap while eating a variety at the same time.
Why would you say eat fish less but add in a beautiful pic of fish its so tempting
I used to look at vegetarians and consider them wackos. But you guys could be the answer. Since I suppressed all the meat and dairy products in my diet I’ve felt incredibly well. I never thought I’d become one of you. Life is full of surprises. I used to love eating meat.
This video is great. I really can see the basics. To the point.
Vegetarian since 2011. I live in a small Iowa farm community. Trust me…its very hard, but I get by.
The one thing I dont like about Vegan people is that some push it down someones throat without thinking that most people need certain foods as part of there diet.
You Vegan people say animal rights but what about peoples health. I bet none of you will help with someones medical bill if the “lifestyle” almost kills them.
Also there was comment about when Dr.Mike said about his gas. The reason why is because the body is used to non Vegan foods.
The thing with these challenges is that you go cold turkey on the normal food and swich to different foods that might have high or low on what your body needs.
With any food, you need the right balance so with Vegan you prepare. Many Vegans tell newcomer to eat this but dont ever tell them how much to eat as they are not nutritionist. If you Vegans want people to eat Vegan food help them out but setting up a balance.
You cant expect different types of people from height and weigh to be the same, to me thats just lazyness.
Everyone watching saying you need a balanced diet watch a documentary on Netflix called game changers.
Does Custokebon Secrets really work? I notice lots of people keep on speaking about Custokebon Secrets. But I’m uncertain if it’s good enough to lost a ton of fat.
Why can’t they divide the vegans into two camps, high complex carb low protein low fat vs. the others.
I do a primal paleo, very minute amount of dairy, because of my crohns. It helps but doesn’t make it vanish as you stated, I absolutely can not eliminate dairy, last check I had showed d2 at a 12 so my dr insisted adding some dairy and tabs
Every vegan I’ve ever met in person eats and drinks some things they claim are vegan but factually aren’t (like McDonalds fries and hashbrowns and many types of beer and wine), uses various non vegan products without even thinking and is oblivious to the significant harm done to animals and the environment by things like soy farming.
You advise people on whom they should seek advice from, but I recommend you ask actual vegans. They know because they live it. It’s very easy to get a good simple cook book. YouTube is full of menus. A doctor or dietician who has never been vegan, won’t be able to give you recipes. I teach doctors. I assure anyone reading, they know much less about food than you might be giving them credit for. Some don’t even study diet. The very thing that keeps us alive is our fuel. Why would medicine be so deficient in recognition of that fact? Hydration is different, digestion is different, time consumption is different. Your body chemistry is different. If you were heading off on a trip across Asia, you’d do plenty of research ahead of time. Pretend this is your big Asian trip.
I had some concerning lab results come back, and my doctor says I need a low glycemic diet. He suggested the whole30 diet to me because it would help my PCOS and insulin resistance. My insulin resistance isn’t bad yet, but he said if I don’t use this diet, it could get worse and possibly develop diabetes. I wasn’t looking for a rapid lifestyle change, but apparently I need one. I feel like this diet is extreme and that worries me.
I posted a video talking about why I became vegetarian, tips for beginners, and pros and cons. Im a new youtuber and would love for you to subscribe. If you comment done I will be sure to the same:)))
I have stoped eating meat almost 2 months ago and I feel great:D I am finally losing weight (4 kg down, 20 kg to go).
Im not giving up coffee sorry dr mike. I enjoy coffee too much
I’ve been vegan for a week and all that’s changed is my skin is clearing up and I feel a little more energized and out there. My moods changed in general. I’ve been mostly happy you could say, even though I’m a little hungry. It didn’t change my weight though
If you’re a doctor and still thinking the best way to get Vitamin D is. through dairy products, then you have no clue about nutrition and how terrible dairy is for you.
75% of people are lactose intolerant and there’s a reason for that. Humans are the only mammals that drink the milk of another mammal into adulthood. Why are we not drinking monkey milk or horse or rats milk. It’s completely bizarre.
For the deaths from heart disease and stroke why didn’t they factor out the vegans from the vegetarians into their own group, seems to make no sense except if not enough data/large enough sample. Also stroke is not differentiated/clarified into ischemic versus hemmoragic. If you have a processed food high salt vegan diet your chances for hemmoragic stroke are greater but ischemic is less than with standard diet.
What is Custokebon Secrets? Does it work? I hear most people lost their fat with this popular weight loss methods.
That’s because humans aren’t even supposed to eat meat. It is unnatural. Look at the diet of a chimpanzee, our closest relative. They eat fruits, veggies and nuts as their diet because their teeth aren’t able to pierce through the skin of an animal.
The only reason some eat meat today is because we created the technology for fire, knives and the art of husbandry. Before these technologies we were all vegans actually!
As a vegan nurse, I’m honestly disappointed you didn’t go for a wfpb diet and mainly did processed vegan food…also you recommended prepping well and failed to do that. mexican, indian/middle eastern, asian cuisines have lots of vegan options or easy to make vegan. It’s so easy to be vegan nowadays, for the environment, for animal welfare, for socio-political reasons (CAFOs being located in POC communities), and for your health.
so far, both the seventh day adventist health study 2 and epic oxford study find no significant differences in mortality among health conscious people whether they eat animal products or not. This epic oxford study does say vegans have less cancer, cataracts and kidney stones but vegans who are low in calcium have more fractures. For the seventh day adventist health study 2, the 4 super health conscious groups does seem to have slightly better longevity than the typical health conscious omnivore adventists. Most studies agree vegans have lower bmi so maybe vegans are sexier even if they are not living longer than health conscious omnivores.
You mean “get chronic diseases”?:D
Thanks for doing this to yourself though… More meat for us.:D
When you find yourself creeping over Doc’s videos every single day
I would love to see a Zero Waste month (or week) challenge Also vegans can definately suffer from more gas And bloating due to allll the plant fiber. I have been vegan And vegetariër for a while, but unfortunately discussed it with docter And dietitian and for me personality it is impossible in combinatie with my low F.O.D.M.A.P. diet wich I Follow for about 6 years now. I feel like europe And America are super different concearning veganism. Here it is allmost a hype, and for me being lactose intolerant (and more)life has gotten a lot easier
Hey! I have severe allergies to red meat and pork; but also everytime I eat I get rashes on my chest.. I honestly don’t feel inching but people are always scandalous about how red my chest gets. I always have reflux and some sore of light stomachache do you think I should do this diet? Please help.. I honestly want to be healthy and not have stomach problems
Not impressed by the fact that the presenter does not understand the difference between folate (naturally present) and folic acid (man made synthetic supplement) at 21:54 (since apparently this survey did not include supplements and therefore no folic acid was being taken).
Guys stop bashing him, he’s not perfect, he didn’t prepare right and probably ate too many junk vegan foods
40% of Indians (550M) are pure vegetarian from birth and 50% of Indians (680M) eat non veg but not regularly, just once or twice a week and remaining 10% (140M) eat non veg daily.
I was the guy who always made fun of vegans. Now full on vegan and loving it.
The vegan diet is a learning curve… takes a long time to learn how to make good vegan recipes…..but I noticed you didn’t mention cashews or nutritional yeast which are vegan staples
I planned to go vegetarian about a year ago, but instead ended up going vegan. Used to have terrible problems with my skin and bowels, but that all cleared up shortly after the change. The real lifesaver for me was the beans and lentils. Other tricks was eating what is in season, learning how to store my root vegetables correctly, learning how to read nutrition labels and to have a pantry brimming with various seeds, nuts and other dry ingredients.
My bloodwork is excellent, I can still go to the gym, I can still donate blood and I have tons of energy. Staying up to date and researching various resources like you helps out a ton. If there’s was one mantra that helped me out a lot, and still does, it is “variety, variety, variety”.
Also, on top of all of this it also ended up being cheaper then my meat life.
You need to do the supplements and ditch the “vegan” junk food. The gas is normal starting out that goes away. I’m not a vegan but plant based eater. Your review was very biased.
Has anyone tried Custokebon Secrets? (google it) We’ve heard several awesome things about this popular weight loss diet plan.
You need a hair cut. Your hair is like my brothers hair his bushes out.
I am a long term vegan and RARELY, like once every 7 years, get sick. Your gas was probably from the fake meats if they had seitan (isolated gluten) in them. I wish my problem was too much weight loss. I have to strictly limit food even as a vegan to not gain weight. It’s not stressful for me to be vegan now as it just comes naturally to me, so I don’t use up a lot of energy thinking about “what can I eat or not eat” during the day. I have a lot of energy and am known for being hyperactive.
Im vegeterian bc my body reacts supper badly to meat, i get horrible cramps and bad skin but as soon as i became vegeterian it all went away, i even feel more energized
Do doctor mike tries muslim fasting! Not eating and drinking anything (even water) from sun up till sun down:))))
my dad was vegan for a long time and didn’t consider honey nonvegan:)
I think that it’s possible you have the same problem with vegetables that I do. I’m really bad at digesting them, so I only eat a limited amount. If I went vegan and would rely on plants, I’d have the same digestive issues.
Didn’t figure I’d hear a doctor say farts are embarrassing. Haha
Veganism is not hard for me at all but the toughest thing is peer pressure and feeling like a burden when going out to eat with friends.
I did whole30 and had some awesome results….AFTER talking to my doctor. I did it as more of a willpower challenge. The only thing I really hated about it was the fact that some of the people who were doing it brow beated others who were working on it themselves!!! To me, that person is trying to be healthier and you don’t help by sitting there saying they failed!
We need a re-do but with better preparation and wayyy less processed
People actually do have a part in inseminating bees to make honey-google it! But I’ll let it slide;) DR MIKE I will cook you good vegan meals. Just give me a Vitamix and I gotchu <3
Actually, evolutionary speaking, we have a vegetarian digestive system. True carnivores have a very short digestive track so that they very quickly digest their food. Humans have a very long and convoluted digestive system, so basically by the time the meat that you have eaten reaches your lower GI tract, the meat is rotting in your body! That is why people in the USA have such hign incidences of colon and bowel cancer.
Can you do the Daniel fast…I’m currently doing it for 21 days… I want to know how long I can do it for
For people wondering how this appears to contradict Dr Gregor and the Nutrition Facts site, you should realize that ‘Vegan’ is a really bad benchmark for a healthy diet, Dr Gregor promotes a WHOLE PLANT BASED diet, many otherwise Vegan diets aren’t very good at all, perhaps they are ethically concerned about not killing animals without knowing how to do it right, or just deleting meat from an otherwise poor diet. It’s a about time the scientific community opened their eyes to this wonderous fact and study some more meaningful distinctions.
On the subject of ‘mechanisms by which a healthy diet might reduce the incidence of cancer’, don’t we have highly suggestive lab experiments that show that a whole plant based diet turns your blood into a powerful anti-cancer agent?
PS They had two more bowel movements per week in Vegans vs Meat Eaters?? Then their ‘Vegans’ are eating a diet low in fibre. Not whole plant based.
Is Custokebon Secrets helpful to lost lots of weight? We’ve read numerous good stuff about Custokebon Secrets (look on google search engine).
Is it true that if your calorie deficit is too low, your body will burn muscle instead of fat? And is it really damaging if you have a deficit of 900kcal only for two weeks? Because I really don’t see why it should be a problem, because the body is used to not having enough food that’s why we gain fat in the first place
So, did you ever actually try it? I’d love to hear what you thought.
After two miscarriages in a row we are now expecting our first baby girl and being vegetarian helped me conceive
Live a long life even tho I’m gonna be tortured of not eating meat and candy then everyone will bully me or live normal age and have a happy life but disease hmmm so many things happen to me it has somehow not done anything to me
1. You have unhelpful and thoughtless friends 2. Honey production (industrial) is destructive of bees 3.I have been vegan for over 20 years and heal more quickly, get ill much less often
did you consume soy products or something with maltodextrin because that might be the reason for the bloating and gas problems.
When you eat a high fiber diet for a long period of time, you experience no gas and bloating
I’m a meatetarian. It’s a personal choice. I WILL eat vegetables of course as long as they’re wrapped in bacon. Mmmmm….bacon.
Well eating healthy as vegan isn’t sugar puffs nor muesli. I haven’t touched them in over 5 years. There are plenty healthy fast food to grab from store. Years as vegan has modified how I eat, and one year of that intentionally ketovegan. Only now I feel body has fully adapted, any sugary foods are few times in year and most carbs come from starches. I could eat poultry and fish but chose not to, no recycled protein.
I’ve been vegan for about four years. I will say, I think a major disadvantage you had was a finish line. Once you firmly decide that these things aren’t on the menu anymore for good you eventually stop craving it. I used to love sushi and I would look forward to a drumstick for thanksgiving. But I don’t crave any of that anymore. In fact, the idea of eating an animal is just really weird to me. Also all the tendons and bones gross me out.
I do get the whole restaurant thing though. Restaurants are pretty bad at accommodating dietary restrictions. I love gluten but half my family is gluten intolerant so when we have meals we have to coordinate pretty heavily. But when you find the restaurants that are happy to comply you keep going back.
Over all I’ve had tremendous success with veganism. I used to be very overweight and no matter what I did I couldn’t get the weight off. But now I’m in the best shape of my life, my six pack shows, I feel better, my blood pressure has come back down into the healthy range.
About the digestive aspect: you’re gonna poop more with a high fiber diet. I used to periodically do cleanses to keep everything fresh, but now when I do them they’re less… fruitful? I think because my digestive system is so efficient now that waste doesn’t stick around long. Which is a big step up because regularity was also a problem for me before veganism.
Another weird thing I noticed before the change is after eating a big meal I felt gross and bloated and sluggish. I don’t get that often anymore and when I do go really overboard, it’s nothing like it was with meat or dairy.
I think anyone who really decides to take it seriously and get over the initial hump will have a lot of success. But if it’s temporary, you’re just going to be laser focused on getting back to old bad habits.
If anyone’s diet consists of junk food for most of their meals, then yeah eliminating that in itself will make a massive change. The problem is when you DON’T have that in your diet and you don’t know what to do to lose weight
you basically ate junk food for 30 days, no wonder you got sick…next time you wanna make a video about something it may be a good idea to get educated about the subject first…
Please do not change everything. Do it with little steps. Start with your breakfast, there is no need for animal based food if you want to vegan. You can also opt for vegetarian which is easier. But makes sure you do not dramatically change everything, your gut most likely will not handle the change very well, especially the increased amount of fiber.
If you’re following a standard american diet you’ll see improvements from just not eating.
Vitamin D is a poor example. Vitamin D is made from 20 min of sunshine and can be eaten from mushrooms or other foods outside of dairy. Lastly, it is highly NOT nutritionally sufficient because it is natural foods bs supplements. You receive the minerals and vitamins through whole vegetables and fruit verses a simple processed extraction.
I did modified for 30 days. Did not eat or buy any of the items on the list. But if it was in food I already had in the fridge, like salad dressing with soy, didn’t throw it out. I replaced when done. If I went out I’d stay with in parameters as much as possible. Didn’t do this this for the elimination but to eat well without eat the big culprits for me, especially grains and dairy. I loved I could eat potatoes. I felt good and lost 15# in a month.
Quick question. So I did whole 30 for 30 days and 90 % of my psoriasis is gone and I lost 18 lbs. Also exercising 4 days a week. Can I do this for the rest of my life or could there be side effects? So far my doctor said I was in way better shape and keep doing what I’m doing. Went from 260 to 242. I no longer take insulin or any diabetic medication. I did use to eat out all the time. Now I don’t really eat out anymore.
Vegetarian for a month! why is everyone either omnivore or vegan nowadays, vegetarian is soooo easy… or should I say… CHEESY
I did the vegan diet for 30 days last year
I lost fat and I had a ton of unhealthy things like vegan gummies and sodas
ive decided to stop eating meat because not only do I love animals and hate the thought of what goes on in factories and slaughter houses, but also animal agriculture is destroying not only the human species but is having a strong negative effect on the entire world.
man, saying it’s a restrictive diet means you didn’t gather a lot of information about it yet. And a huge problem of most people is thinking vegans do it just for health reasons, what about animal cruelty and environmental problems?
Vegan here, the first 4ish months took a look of re-adjusting to unlearn what I knew about food and nutrition but you get used to it, and cooking became a fun challenge to veganize dishes I had been cooking with animal products before.
Actually I am really disappointed from you.. as a doctor you know that you can be vegan and unhealthy and yet when you tried veganism you were an unhealthy ‘vegan’ and then when there were problems of course the plant based diet were to blame… but if a carnist is suddenly getting sick no doctor will tell him “oh that’s your carnist diet you need to change it to a plant based diet”..
You can check out dr michael klaper he has lots of articles about the plant based diet and about how it is much healthier for humans more than any other diet.
BTW Cinnamon Toast Crunch is not vegan it has vitamin D from an animal source…
Sounds like torture and misery for 30 days way too depressing
I love Thrive Market, but cringed at all the processed foods. Vegan, but not healthy…
I’ve been vegan for over 8 yrs, and my health suffered when I leaned too much on the convenience foods (weight gain, climbing blood pressure). I’ve now been mostly whole foods plant-based for a couple years.
Total night and day. It’s not hard at all. If calories are low, snack on nuts.
Your gut flora was not set up for such an abrupt switch to only plants. It is better to grandually transition into new diets. Over many months, the gas, bloat, cramps, and loose stool will decline. Ideally it will be similar to your baseline prior to the switch. Same goes for abruptly going back to eating animal protein, you might experience some constipation.
Lstl lant im sat bikcoy itank my vicy tntm okbe ok for everting hony cool dowe baby poy poy uk
Yep, not a fan. I have medical issues but decided to try keto to lose weight last year. Within a month, when I went into my doctor for lab work, my liver was being flooded with toxins dumping into it too quickly. I had to immediately get off keto. Sure I lost 25 pounds that month but gained every bit back in a matter of weeks as soon as I started eating a more rounded diet again.
Probably should’ve added sauerkraut or some fermented foods (or probiotics) to help with that gas/gut upset
It takes TWELVE worker bees their entire LIFETIME just to make ONE teaspoon of honey… they actually artificially inseminate the bees to force them to get pregnant and give them sugar water even though they eat honey… humans are stealing their food and keeping them in confined spaces. They even cut the Queen bees wings off… insects are animals.
I have been a vegetarian since 1994 (since I was 19). Now I am 44 but everyone says I look 30. I do not drink milk nor eat egg yolks. I do eat greek yogurt and egg whites. I do not have obesity, cholesterol, diabetes nor heart problems. My brother is a year younger than I am and is overweight (5’9″ and over 230lb) and has wrinkles. I do not have a single wrinkle.
It would actually be very interesting to see your opinion on the more ethical and moral reasons to go vegan
Meals without meat are completely unsatisfying for me, unless I am also intermittent fasting or something.
I’ll be full on vegetables and rice, or vegetables and potatoes. But still have that slight sick to your stomach feeling you get when really hungry.
Ugh! The research showing health benefit for WHOLE FOOD vegan Vs the SAD is fundamentally flawed (It’s whole food Vs processed more than anything else). If you believe that minimal red meat is the defacto way to go, you are reading flawed conclusions and not reading The papers critically. Of course you will have gas and bloating if pretty much all you eat is fermentable
Nope. Honey is apparently exploitive of bees
When considering eating healthy, you must try not to fall victim to modern fad diet plans. Extreme diet plans undoubtedly are a danger for your health, especially ones that seriously limit your every day nutritionary intake. While they might generate fast weight loss, these diet plans are never a long-term solution for your weight problem. You should check out Custokebon Secrets on google as it is not just another fad diet where you starve yourself.
only a true russian would include kefir and buckwheat in that list. Love it.
I spoke to a friend of mine who is a dietician. She said she isn’t a fan of the whole30 because it eliminates everything at once. She said that it’s possible (and likely) that your gut flora will change because you aren’t eating these food groups for so long. She said this makes it more likely that you feel discomfort when you reintroduce them, when it may not actually be what was causing the problem prior to the elimination. She said a better way would be to cut each food out individually, wait a few weeks, and if you don’t feel an improvement, you know that food wasn’t a problem for you. You then can reintroduce that food, and proceed to cut out the next food group, and so on.
Could you please do a video about gaining weight for underweight people? I think this topic doesn’t have a big enough voice even though the issue is often just as challenging as it is for those who are wanting to lose weight. Thanks!
I’m 56 years old and have tried at least 20 different eating plants. It took me two weeks to plan out WHAT I was going to eat for Whole30 because it does take planning out since you can’t just grab pre-made foods. Doing this along with the Nemechek Protocol PROFOUNDLY changed my life. You have nothing to lose trying this for only 30 days. That is the point. You worry about vitamin D? Eat eggs and salmon instead of dairy. You worry about food obsession? Once my nutritional needs were fulfilled and I replaced sugar with healthy fruit for my sweet tooth, it took two weeks for all food cravings to disappear. I ended up losing six pounds without calorie restriction or daily exercise. I am in shock and I am sold. The day my 30 days was over, I ended up in an AIRBNB with four other adults and three children under the age of 8. I didn’t properly reintroduce food groups as outlined. After 5 days, I was back to being chronically fatigued, depressed in the morning, and hungry all of the time no matter how much food I would eat. I’m doing another Whole30 because I felt so great and have planned out reintroducing food groups this time. I am SHOOK.
I really need to stop watching these diet videos at 3am, huh
Thank you for this video! I
I stopped eating meat 2 months ago do to digestive issues, i have started to notice my hair thining is there anything i can take to stop the thining/fall out? Thank you so much!
I’m not living till I’m 90 to see how crappy this planet will be
theres a problem when you lump vegetarians & vegans together & even doing a study on vegans alone is you really need to then also separate out bw those following the far healthier low fat whole food plant based (WFPB) diets & those who are ethical vegans, not a bit concerned about their own health….the really interesting study would include these low fat WFPB eaters, compared to those eating animals…..more & more are choosing to eat like this, so its only a matter of time before there will be large enough studies to inclyde them
im specifically mentioning LOW FAT Wfpb because even many vegans who would definitely cobsider themselves conscious of their diets, are STILL dying of heart disease, according to Dr Caldwell Esselstyn bc of their high fat diets full of nuts..nut butters.. oils…avocado…the higher fat soy products & coconut….whereas at least the low fat WFPB will generally skip oils together & be mindful to limit these other so-called ‘healthier’ fats
I have been trying to switch to a more vegetarian lifestyle and loved these tips. Going to try to cut down to once a week at least.
It seems you always fail to plan your meals be it vegan, keto
Hey doc, how come you’re still not a vegan when there’s so much info everywhere that milk and eggs are not hazardous for health….??? I have a lot of Indian friends who are vegetarians from birth and the only reason is they cannot become a vegan is because of cheese and milk….are you one of those? Shame on you…..pls wean off from cow milk, you’re no longer a baby…..and not a calf in the first place….
LOL those nice college textbooks on the shelf with no crease in the spine.:) I identify with this. Academia needs to figure out how students actually learn things today.
Whole30 kickstarted my 140 lbs. weight loss. Highly recommend trying it.
I would like to make the switch but my girl is not on board..(it is very difficult when only 1 person wants to make the change and the other just flat out refuses) any advice on how to get her to see the light.
Diet has no effect on cancer? This guy needs to see how the Gerson therapy has upwards of 50% cure rate in TERMINAL cancer patients. This guy does not deserve to be doing this lecture. Ignorant.
But if you take the vegans in your study you see 22.5% higher overall mortality rate. But you never publish this, you liar.
Can you do a video on AIP diet?
I’d like to know your thoughts on it.
When i first made the transition from vegetarian to vegan my stomach was very unhappy and it seemed to be the sudden stopping of dairy. I decided to phase out dairy instead which was a lot easier on my stomach and stopped the gas, stomach pains and bloating. I’ve been vegan 6 years and definitely don’t think veganism is for everyone!
Btw bees produce honey for their babies to live in until they hatch therefore if you scrape the honey you could also scrape some babies into the mix. I know that there is a way to make vegan honey because my dad had a friend who had his own bees and made it somehow. I cant remember how but I know that its expensive.
This guy keeps grouping vegetarians (dairy eaters) with vegans and finding no difference. Which is bull crap. He also says “hardly anyone dues if heart disease nowadays “. What a shill!
Vegan = healthier planet, morals, spirit and body!
Eating fruit and veg isn’t that hard. It also tastes better and helps you to learn to appreciate your food more.
Why aren’t the vegans in their own category???????? Rubish. Vegans don’t eat eggs and cheese!!!!!!!!!
God made us to eat both meat and plants,going against nature is bad.
Fish eat other fish,animals eat other animals.
Its nature people,and healthiest diet is balanced diet.
It’s a shame how food habits have turned into a cult! Vegan, Keto, paleo etc….
The question is no animal products, verses animal products. This presentation showed that their research didn’t make that strict differentiation. You put vegetarians who eat animal products along with the vegans, at key points, and then you see hardly any difference. Yeah, duh. So, the question remains why Greger M.D. does see such a sharp line between health of vegans and the others. Maybe because Greger focusses on vegan, as strictly no animal products, versus the rest.
On Uric acid in vegans:
Currently in my 2nd Whole30…it works amazingly to identify what effects your health. I have endometriosis and it has aided in pain management. When I did it last time it was so HARD but the results were amazing!
I think being vegan could be really good both for the health of the person doing it and the environment. But I also think in order to be vegan you need a lot of time to plan meals, check which foods and retsaurants are vegan, etc. and a lot of willpower to do that constantly no matter how tired or busy you are.
In my opinion it’s more important to ask people to lower the quantity of animal foods we eat than to entirely stop them. I think that could help a lot the environment too as more people will be willing to do that than stop entierly. And whoever has the time and willpower to go full vegas it’s a bonus.
You can’t eat pasta as a vegan…unless you found a pasta not made with eggs
You should do being a vegetarian for 30 days. Good meat alternatives to get (if you want meat alternatives) are from Gardenia.
Top Famous Successful people who are or became Vegan/Vegetarian! Lionel Messi Socer footbal, Arnold Schwartzeneger Actor, Miley Cyrus Singer actor, Jarmain Defoe Socer footbal, Nick Diaz and Nate Diaz UFC Martial Fighters, Alex Morgan female USA socer footbal, Venus and Serena Williams female tenis players, Bruce Lee Mix Martial Artist fighter, Mike Tyson Boxer, Alber Einstein Cientist,Lewis Hamilton F1 Champion, Dalip Singh Rana or The Great Khali WWE Universe wrestler, Patrik Baboumian Strongman and Body builder, Michael Clarke Duncan body builder! What; you think about it, do; you think those people are stupid to become vegan, they know very well why the go on this style of living! That is why they are so successful and have good and strong performance, even the strongest animals on planet earth are vegan! Please share this information with your friends and familie, the world need to wake up! Dont believe those people who say the oposite to you and keep eating meat! those people are meat eaters, and they feel bad when people become vegan or vegetarian, because they themselfs don want to be vegan or vegetarian All is a propaganda of them for you not to become healthyer, even the meat industies is againt this! All of them will tell you is not healthy, your body will start to smell bad, your skin will be ugly, you will have hair loss, your stomach will have problems and all those oposite bulshit lies for you not to become Vegan or vegetarian, please dont believe them! All are lies made up from them because they are not into this!
🙁 This is really disappointing. It would have been great if you’re done a WELL PLANNED whole food plant based diet incorporating foods you actually enjoy. I know few vegans who just eat plain vegetables and beans every day and actually enjoy that. There are so many things you could have researched better (for example, the reason for the increased gas when you changed your diet this is completely normal and happens when you drastically increase your fiber intake, and goes away within a month or so depending on the individual). Thanks for trying and there were tons of positives too of course! But it would be awesome if you gave it another go
I did it last year and felt great!!! At first I was going through withdrawal but I lost 11lbs in 30 days but the biggest thing for me was I was craving only healthy meals (even during my cycle) with mental clarity better energy clear skin I could go on!
Good luck! I start again Monday nervous but excited:)
I’ve been wanting to go vegetarian for awhile now but I’m not sure what i can or can’t eat
It’s weird that you call out diets for certain claims but then you give an example of low Vit D which is correlated to a lot of illnesses but not proven to cause any. Correlation does not equal causation. smh shame shame
In your Vegan diet you mentioned a Mediterranean diet. Can you go into that please?
8:00…..sorry but we have been bathing in chemtrails that block the sun which is why almost NO ONE is NOT vitamin d deficient. Ask any docror who has tenor
I’m 20 and already diagnosed with high blood pressure and my doctor wants to put me on pills. I got tests done and everything came back normal she said it’s my “genetics” but I think it’s my shitty diet for sure Im gonna try to stop eating meat for a little bit and see if that helps ♀️
Also the people who are vegetarian have more money which means they will live longer anyway
I’m not trying to hate but you did not include that eating no meat means you will not get vitamin B12. So without vitamin b12 you can develop diseases where your blood cells cant regenerate due to not having enough vitamin B12.
This is why nobody should “diet” unless the consequences of not doing so would be dire. Change your lifestyle over time and you’ll have no issues with calorie deficiency or bloating.
As an Indian I find your pronunciation of “Ghee” very cute and funny
Many first time vegans get gassy.
The one thing it seems like you missed is how to prepare vegan food. The easiest way to do it is making the food you want just cut meat and dairy from them. I found my first month or 2 was the hardest part.
Honey is a grey area, there’s a lot of bee death and mistreatment in the process of making honey in a commercial sense. Some companies clip the queens wings while artificially inseminating the queen.
I’m a vegetarian and I promise you the stomach stuff doesn’t get better lol eating beans all day does that to ya
Not buying what you’re selling, and eating a bunch of processed vegan food isn’t getting the obvious benefits that exist in the diet. Bye!
Yeah eat a bunch of high carb, processed vegetables. I’m sure that’s what we’re evolved for.
I am about to start a carnivore die, if it don’t work I’ll move on to this one.
I would go into detail why I became a vegetarian but it’s just to much
I got vegan for ethical reasons. With 26 I developed Asthma (I always had seasonal allergies). Firstly I thought its the typical development of asthma from traveling from your face (sneezing, runny nose and eyes) into your lungs. But when I started supplementing vegan Aminoacids (high quality product), I could breath again. So maybe that is also something vegans should consider. I am still not sure wether the asthma has any connection to me being vegan, but the amino acids worked.
Your gut goes like that for about a month and then its done. xD it gets use to the foods. probably better if you were on whole food vegan diet. some vegans eat eggs and eat honey just fyi.
I was addicted to sugar and Whole30 helped me kick the habit. It literally changed my life bc now I am extremely conscious about what ingredients I put into my body. I’m on it for the 4th time now BUT I am eating lentils and oatmeal so it’s a tweaked version. As always my energy and moods are improving by the day! ☀️
What do you think of lost a lot of weight with Custokebon Secrets? I see lots of people keep on speaking about Custokebon Secrets.
Whole30 helped me out majorly when my doctor didn’t want to. In fact both times I’ve done it I did not get the cold flu that year.
I may do the whole30 right now.
Personally speaking, I went whole food plant based for a few years. (I hesitate to call myself ‘vegan’ given my intentions were health-based primarily). Did great at first. Very much paid attention to micro/macros to avoid deficiency. Supplemented where necessary (ie omega-3, B12, vit D). Eventually started feeling sluggish and foggy with lower libido despite solid micro/macro intake and well-planned exercise regimen and without any other identifiable variable. Reluctantly reintroduced fatty fish, then eggs, poultry the odd serving of red meat (lamb packs a punch) here and there, as well as grass-raised dairy products, however with a focus on maintaining substantial plant intake. Long-story short, anecdotally speaking, I feel MUCH better with animal products back on board however with a continued foundation of whole plant-based foods. So it’s more of a focus on what IS being consumed as opposed to what is NOT. Take home: not everyone can thrive on a 100% plant based diet. It may very well come down to genotypic differences in metabolic enzymes that prevent conversion to bioavailable forms, for SOME people (eg β-carotene to retinol conversion). Some folks may benefit most from a well-planned omnivorous approach.
Anything that claims to be the answer to every problem is bogus there is your red flag right there don’t waste your time everything in moderation
That with your stomach ache goes away after a while but for some it can take up to 6 months (based on my own and friends experiences)
The flatulence will deminish over time it’s just your body adjusting. Some people have digestive issues when switching diets too, but this passes quickly. I was lucky I didn’t have this, but I was vegetarian for 6 years before I went vegan, so it was a smaller step for me.
People live the longest in Switzerland actually where they eat cheese and beef
what you show it was basically watching that you can be not healthy and vegan. sorry.
I don’t think this diet is for me. Im going to go on the Mediterranean. Diet. Its more flexible than the 30 day diet. I eat yogurt and cheese i cant. Do the 30 day challenge. Its so dumb im not going to starve myself
What is Custokebon Secrets and how does it work? I hear many individuals burn their fat with this popular fat burn methods.
I just asked him on Instagram, and he said that he is filming the Whole30 video TODAY (Jan. 6 2020)!! So if you are wondering where it is, it should be coming in a few days!!
The healthy way to be vegan: plan your diet. Learn what omegas and B12 are. Being a doctor clearly does not make you a nutritionist.
Hello, have you considered this kind of diet plan called the Custokebon Secrets? My mate says it helps people lost a ton of weight. Is that possible? I also read many good review relating to this diet plan. Thoughts?
I went on a paleo diet a few years ago. It completely warped my sense of what’s healthy and not healthy and it took me a looooong time to get over that. Even if I eat legumes, I still feel like a failure. Like my whole day of healthy eating went out of the window because I ate something forbidden. Nevermind that scientific consensus that legumes are healthy for your gut microbiome…the paleo folks are operating on pseudoscience and religion.
As a vegetarian I pretty much live off legumes and grains and only eating vegetables for an entire month doesn’t sound super healthy so I’ll pass ^^
fruits and cereals are sugar. Enjoy diabetes and vitamin deficiencies.
Hi. I enjoy your videos but I find this misleading to new vegans or people interested in a vegan diet. Also cinnamon toast crunch is not vegan its contains vitamin d3. I just wanted to share that information.
Hi dr mike I always watch your viedo as I like to watch u dr mike can u pls prescribe some medicine as my right side of my chest is paining badly as can you give me some drugs as why I get the pain thanks dr mike pls reply me back
It’s still shock me just how a number of people have no clue about Custokebon Secrets although lots of people using it. Thanks to my mate who told me about this. I’ve lost a ton of weight.
Oh dear another vegan talking out of his ass. I have to remember they only do this because their brains don’t work anymore…lack of DEA, no doubt.
Something I’ve learned as someone who has pretty severe intolerances to a few things (including soy), is that soy is in SO MUCH. It took me about 2-3 months to realize that soy is in SOY sauce (brain wasn’t working too well).
Listen I’m 13 I’m going to enjoy my McDonald’s before I turn 18 and go completely vegan
Here’s the situation, from my perspective. Mike was eating what seems like a lot of processed vegan food. That’ll make you pretty tired even on a non vegan diet. You’re obviously going to be better off, whether you’re vegan or not, eating foods that aren’t processed.
If you plan on going vegan, I recommend eating more raw vegetables, and foods that aren’t specifically advertised as vegan. So, maybe avoid ‘vegan cheese’.
If you wanna discredit my vegan diet cuz I ate honey so be it
Me: haha bee
I thought they would exclude chocolate and chips but legumes and grains? Are they insane?
If anybody claims that their diet is a “miracle” then I’m out!
heyo, I’m 12 and I tried the whole30 diet with my mom and it has been so awesome. We make our own almond milk that is delicious and I honestly don’t care for dairy anymore. If you’re exploring health options, you should probably watch some documentaries bc its crazy how much sugar an average american consumes and its scary what sugar does to your body
So eat nothing…
Guess cookies and cream milkshakes r off da table
Vegetarianism is not just collerated with disordered eating patterns, it is an eating disorder in and of itself. There are perfectly valid reasons healthwise to eat less meat and eat more stuff that isn’t meat. But there is virtually no rational reason to eliminate an entire food group from your diet. Vegetarianism is stupid and puts your health and well being at risk.
What about zinc? I have dents in my nails and they reckon online it’s zinc.
Yoooo. Dr. Mike. Where’s the whole30 vid my dude?!?! I wanna hear what you thought after doing it for 30 days!
no grains? no legumes? the healthiest foods on the planet? this diet is retarded
For someone with ibs this was a god sent for me….. its a great way to identify any intolerances. I have now moved to keto for the past 2 years and i feel great
I am really glad I am in India it’s one of the best place to become and stay vegan
This is a great study, but it must be supplemented by a lot of data before any conclusions can be drawn. For example, what if, in the weight gain over time category, it reflects muscle mass, with muscle mass being lost in later years due to loss of testosterone in men? In addition, maybe meat eaters tend to gain more fat, but everyone gains and loses the same amount of muscle mass, accounting for the change in steepness of the curve. I can think of a lot of factors that would influence many of these differences. The B12 difference may reflect not only B12 synthesis in vegans, but vegans may require lower levels of B12 than meat eaters. This can be true of other nutritional differences. The microbiome may be behind most of the differences, with synthesis of some vitamins lower or higher depending on the needs of the gut and other body flora rather than the needs of the human cells.
I haven’t read other comments yet, but I have a wager I will make and then see if I win it (I’m betting against myself so I both win and lose regardless of the result): most of the comments will draw conclusions not warranted by the data in the study but based on their own preferences…oops. only eight comments before mine. Not enough for a real conclusion, but there is a decent amount of thoughtfulness rather than prejudice, though I see one thread is the usual bickering.
i don’t understand omitting legumes from your diet?? aren’t they high in protein and similar to vegetables and fruits?
Thank you Dr. for your analysis I completely agree with you you were very logical and pointed out all of the ridiculous claims that this diet makes thank you
Diseases like cancer are a disease of the soul that manifests in the body. You either solve it or not. So there is just one real reason for not eating meat that comes from these horrible industries: because it is a perverted holocaust. It’s mass abuse and killing of living beings in the most horrible way. We can be killed every day by something and we will all die, like the animals. My shift to a vegetarian diet improved my health a lot and also of my partner, but there is nothing worse than those nutrition freaks who become total psychos and think they’ll live forever if they follow carb-only, or carb-free, or onion-free or gluten-free diet or whatever bullshit comes to the market.
I don’t know what this diet does, I’m on it right now, just had pneumonia, well it’s gone now, I feel amazing, I don’t think I’ll go back to how I used to eat before. I love it!
Do you really not understand the effect that diet has on disease? Maybe before creating a video that says their claims are ridiculous and publishing it you could do more research.
I understand that this is a health and long term prognosis oriented vid, but seems like some folk are taking it as an all round review.
While e.g. the Mediterranean diet (Im from the Mediterranean) can be healthier than the vegan diet, the ecological impact snd ethics is the main drive behind veganism.
Fishing is suffocating the oceans, and meat, milk, egg production is emitting a lot of methane,wasting massive amounts of clean water, statistically more pesticide use, fecal pollution, etc.
BUT so are some vegan foods, like rice. Rice releases massive amounts of methane.
I’m personally flexitarian.
reduce animal products to 100g/day, for now at least, and avoid disposable plastic ofc (bottles, packaging, yadayada).
For ecology, choose local, not imported
I love to see plants grow and I don’t want to kill too many plants
if you would’ve done the vegan diet for longer the gut issues would’ve gone away. that’s only like that for the first few weeks. for me i saw a huge change in my energy. i feel more awake and overall better.
Every day Love to see your happy face, make my day brilliant )