Table of Contents:
Health Benefits of Wakame
Video taken from the channel: a2ztube Nutrition
CARBS: How many do you need each day?
Video taken from the channel: Carbs & Cals
Nutritional Calculations: How to Calculate Nutritional Values
Video taken from the channel: ehowhealth
How Many Carbs are there in Avocado?
Video taken from the channel: Anju A T
How Many Carbs Should You Eat Per Day?
Video taken from the channel: Dr. Josh Axe
How to Boost Your Immune System with Wakame Seaweed
Video taken from the channel:
What are the Healthiest Foods?
Video taken from the channel:
Nutrition Facts Calories: 4.5 Fat: <1g Sodium: 87mg Carbohydrates: 0.9g Fiber: <1g Sugars: < 1g Protein: 0.3g.Health Benefits of wakame seaweed. Wakame is a low-claorie and low-fat seafood.
It holds just 45 calories per 100 grams, slightly more than that of nori (35 calories). Wakame seaweed is rich in minerals, anti-oxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins and dietary fiber in ample amounts.Wakame possess low amount of carbohydrates, calories and fats without adding too much calories to the diet. It is recognized for its fat burning properties. Presence of fucoxanthin prevents fat accumulation of fat and triggers fat oxidation.
It adds bulk to density and keeps one full for longer time period with benefits of fiber.Nutrition Facts The scientific name for wakame is Undaria pinnatifida. It comes from the cold-temperature waters off the coasts of Japan, China and Korea. Wakame nutrition is rich in vitamins and minerals, such as folate, vitamin B2 and manganese.
Wakame nutritional properties make it incredibly healthy, particularly for vegetarians and vegans, as it is remarkably high in omega -3 fatty acids. It is a very important source of vitamins and minerals including iodine, calcium, iron, and magnesium. It is also rich in folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, and vitamin B2.CALORIC RATIO PYRAMID™ This graphic shows you what percentage of the calories in a food come from carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and alcohol. If you are trying to achieve a specific distribution of calories, such as the 40/30/30 distribution of the Zone™ diet, or the more traditional 60/30/10 distribution, the Caloric Ratio Pyramid™ will show you how recipes, meal plans, or individual.
Nutritional Value of Wakame Wakame is low in calories but high in vitamins and minerals. It contains essential minerals like calcium, iron, iodine and magnesium which provide a host of health benefits. Wakame also has traces of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K and Vitamin B complex.Miso may offer protection from certain types of cancer.
The first may be stomach cancer. Observational studies have repeatedly found a link between high-salt diets and stomach cancer (11, 12.Total carbs in a Wakame Seaweed is 0.91 (g), 0% of daily value.
Sugar in a Wakame Seaweed is about 0.06 g and the amount of protein in a Wakame Seaweed is approximately 0.3 g. Please refer to the nutrition facts label seen to the left for a full breakdown of complete nutrition found in a Wakame Seaweed.Full nutritional Info, Calories and Carbs in seaweed, wakame by Get the Recipe of Health To Get Fit and Hot.Nutrition facts for Seaweed, raw, wakame, recommended daily values and analysis.
Daily values are based on 2000 calorie diet and 155 lbs body weight. Actual daily nutrient requirements might be different based on your age, gender, level of physical activity, medical history and other factors.According to the Mayo Clinic, the average American gets 3,400 mg of sodium daily.This is much more than the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of.Since the wakame seaweed has just small amounts of fats, calories, and carbohydrates, it is beneficial in controlling the weight. Furthermore, it also helps in controlling obesity because of the fucoxanthin content of the wakame seaweed.Plain polenta without cheese or cream is fairly low in calories and contains negligible amounts of various vitamins and minerals.
Plus, like other grains, it’s a good source of carbs.Find Out How Many Calories Are In Family Mart Wakame Salad, Good or Bad Points and Other Nutrition Facts about it. Take a look at Family Mart Wakame Salad related products and other millions of foods.
Calories 25, Total Fat 0, Total Carbs 4, Protein 2. Cal 25, Fat 0, Carbs 4, Prot 2. Brand: Todays Harvest; Kroger Frozen all natural broccoli.
List of related literature:
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from Nutrition and Functional Foods for Healthy Aging | |
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from Krause’s Food & the Nutrition Care Process E-Book | |
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from Wheat and Rice in Disease Prevention and Health: Benefits, risks and mechanisms of whole grains in health promotion | |
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from Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants | |
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from Nutritional Oncology | |
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from The Dental Hygienist’s Guide to Nutritional Care E-Book | |
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from Encyclopedia of Biomedical Gerontology |
The cholesterol overview doesn’t make sense. Eggs will not raise your bad cholesterol.
I’m trying a new diet(keto) and getting mix information on the amount of Fat,protein and carbs i’m allow.I’m aware of the amount of daily calories I must eat,along with the exercise.Tips welcome:)
Ebv is heroes???? I have Cebv great I had no idea good thing I’m eating lots of seaweed
while the ketogenic diet and the vegan diet seem to be completely opposite approaches to eating, really they agree on the most important point of all, namely to emphasize the good kind of carbs (especially in vegetables) and avoid the bad kind (junk food)
this video is a quick way to explain anyone who is close-minded about the truth behind health:)
Im all for veggies, but people shouldnt stop eating meat. People should reduce consumption bc the problem is too much of it but it shouldn’t be eliminated. What people should be eliminating is processed foods and sugar. I have chronic anemia i vegan diet would kill me, almost did. We need b12 and iron and there isnt enough beans in the world to fix that. Is unnatural to me that people would omit a food group to use a man made supplement to cover what their body needs.
Deep down we basically know whats good and bad for our bodies, its having the will power to stay clear of the unhealthy foods with their heavy advertising and other temptations that get inbeded into some of us more than others, I think theres not enough information on how to prepare healthy meals, its just salads that most people know about but healthy breakfasts and hearty meals….people need educated on preperation of healthy meals.
Should not have sorted the herbs and spices into the per calorie chart, since we can’t really eat a significant amount of calories from herbs and spices. The surely are helpful and healthy, but not nutritious.
Unlike fats and proteins, there are no “essential” carbohydrates. Therefore our daily intake can be as low as 0g carbohydrates. Our body meets its own glucose needs through gluconeogenesis. I’m disappointed that this video seems to promote the consumption of processed starchy food rather than real whole foods. The promotion of eggs, meat, fish and poultry, accompanied by leafy green vegetables would be much better advice in the prevention and control of diabetes.
So wtf do we eat. Can anyone just list it in a 2min video jesus christ
Why is cholesterol in food considered bad?
Your body makes way more cholesterol than you can eat. Typically, 85% of the cholesterol in your blood is made by your liver. If you eat less cholesterol, your body makes more of it. That’s because cholesterol levels are based on how much your body needs. And how much cholesterol is needed depends mostly on inflamation. Damaged cells require more cholesterol because the cell membrane is made for a great part of cholesterol. Inflamation is a sign of more damage.
Just wondering if anyone can explain this need for keeping cholesterol out of the food. (I’m not interested in vegan reasons. I understand those. This video is about health, not about animals.)
What would a perfectly healthy (eats all the right things, manages to avoid cancer from environmental and genetic causes, etc.) person die from? Is there some possible, more pleasant mode of death, or is it all the same (some system is going to break down, heart failure/attack, etc.) and eating/living healthy is mostly about quality of life and adding 7-15 more years?
Yay! Let’s hear it for us vegans…hips hips still healthy, hips hips still painless! Just BSing, but really I enjoy a vegan diet so much more than I ever did an omnivorous diet. While it is true that an omnivore has a maximum of choices from which to dine, American omnivores by and large never do enjoy a variety. Instead, like I did while still an omnivore, they tend to think steak? Seafood? Pizza? Chicken? Pork? All of the above? Just give me a slab of putrefying carcass and a starch to send my glycemic response off the healthy charts and I’ll be so proud, smug, and satisfied. The strangest thing about the SAD is that it all revolves around what piece of carcass I will pair everything else with. It’s inculcated sleep walking, or sleep eating as the case might be demonstrated. No one questions, they just obey the media and continue consuming mindlessly. SAD is sad, and it leads to another SAD, that is the Standard American Death.
Not only are we getting healthier by drinking seaweed, but we also profit from sharing the product. Become a distributor or just consume it. Click here and start now!
wow, if I ate that many carbs a day my bloods would be through the roof. I’m looking forward to the low carb video, in the hope that it will give me ideas that won’t make me ill again.
eating a BLT with bacon lettuce tomato and cream cheese while watching this
What is Your Understanding of #Food?
Food is not just for filling your #belly but to optimize #health and prevent #diseases.
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where does one buy grass fed foods?? Walmart has small packages of beef but it’s lean and very expensive! I know I cannot afford to eat this way with a family of 5! Need a little more realism here.
The study quoted says “Vegan” and DG quotes it as “plant based” this is doing a disservice to Veganism, which kind of sucks.
My cousin told me about the “sowo hope site” (Google it). Inside almost no time, I slipped 15 lbs. This diet program works for almost everyone. Anyone who wants to reduce some serious excess fat without doing harm to the body merely has to try “sowo hope site”. Google it today!
Well, if “common knowledge” is any indicator, then YES please, more nutrition 101!
Thank you for providing evidence based advice. You’re awesome.
Thank you for explaining this! I was so confused on whether or not I should cut out ALL carbs even carbs that come from the healthier foods like certain veggies, fruits with higher carbs, whole grains etc.
@ should post this content on!!!
Carbs are really bad. Don’t eat them unless they’re from vegetables. They are cancer fuel.
I’d love to print that thingy and put it on my fridge. Anyone know where I can get it?..
Thank you so much for all the videos & How Not To Die book!
78kg around 10 bodyfat: about 300-450 carbohyfrates. 3-4 weighttraining. What happens over time? Which diseases
Great Video. This would make a great subject for a longer presentation and in-depth analysis!
I notice the chart lists dairy as a positive source of calcium, but my understanding is we don’t absorb calcium from dairy?!??
mike, you lost 8% of men by using a red/green color scheme for the charts.
This guy is a complete fraud. He doesn’t even sound like a human being. He sounds like an actor trying to come off as an intellectual, but he just sounds like a moron.
Then again you can see that in 3:54 only mushrooms are a (light) vitamin D source so vegans should really be careful about their vitmain D intake. And it’s funny that Vitamin B is not really mentioned in this chart.
HIV may have very well been caused as an unintended consequence of the development of an oral polio virus in the Belgium Congo where the experimental virus was grown in the blood serum and tissue cultures from hundreds of chimpanzees and then tested on millions in a forced inoculation study. See the following documentary:
Yesss…i eat lotsa vege nowadayz…rice only i can lots on daytime…night i eat less…coz i drink coffee to replace sugar carbs…to burn…i do lots of thing to burn fat.
The thing that literally kills is the non-organic food being cheaper and organic being very expensive. How sad that we primates still didnt evolve past this. Poor people are literally condemned to eating non organic, living non healthy lives and eventually perishing.
The vegan cultists in the commentaries have so much more radical views on nutrition than the guy in the video. This is what he says:
“People eating more plant based tend (!) to end up eating a more nutrient dense dietary pattern close to some guideline. And the more plant based we get apparently (!) the better.”
Wow. What a realisation. Then again, it’s “Dietary Guidelines for Americans” Guess it’s big news for many of them that pop-tarts are not an ideal source of vitamin.
2:45 So fruit is a poor source of potassium!? This is bollocks, get some dates and bananas down ya.
My wife Minh has developed a most delicious “Seaweed Chip” made from Wakame. We sold thousands of bags of Minh’s chips at Raw Food Expos, we spent a year trying to get anybody interested in helping us develop our chips for market but could not find any chip manufacturer to partner with us. We have a fantastic Seaweed Chip, but for now, I will be the only person enjoying them.
It is crazy how many people comment argumenting how saturated fats, cholesterol and animal products are amazing for you. But hey, carbs are horrible! But our brains run by carbs, actually. There is a freaking lot of science, and also very good documentaries, showing how consuming animal products is bad for the planet, bad for ourselves, and quite cruel. And ecological grass fed animals are not sustainable for the planet. We don’t have the space. Factory farming uses a big amount of the Earth’s land, including the land used to feed those animals. That is already not sustainable for the planet, imagine if every cow or chicken needed a piece of land. Crazy. If you hate vegans, I don’t get why you watch vegan stuff and then comment and hate. Go and do something useful with your time, I suggest. Dr Greger is not a ‘biased doctor’ anyway. He became a doctor because of his grandmother, and dedicated his life to study nutrition outside of any corporation that could control his movements. That is why is non-profit. He doesn’t want to sell any drugs by lying. Research before saying anything about him. Watch his talks.
i would like a refrigerator size poster of that chart. for many of us subscribers, the basics are stuff that we probably know, but it never hurts to be reminded. and clever new ways of presenting that info. i’ve been doing this stuff for a while, but some of your videos are soooo deep that even MY eyes begin to glaze over 😉 but i still love everything you talk about here.
my answer to your question is a playlist of basics and do more basics videos. as a fellow nutrition evangelist, it really helps to have organized resources to refer people to. thanks again for all you do!
2015 and still thinking saturated fats are bad TOPKEK!!! learn to biochemistry
The Wakame I’ve eaten has tons of sodium which apparently causes stomach cancer and raises blood pressure. ES NO BUENO.
lol, “…ask them about their history…”, indeed, those that forget the past are condomned to repeat it:-) great research and greater interpretation of the facts. Thanks Mike!
Organ meats are the most nutritionally dense foods in the world.. but obviously we’re not going to hear that on a vegan biased channel, should be renamed And dietary cholesterol is good for you Btw, it raises your “good” HDL.. tsk tsk, always w/ the anti-fat/cholesterol brainwashing to please your big Pharma Overlords, huh?!?!?!?
Impressive video with clear, concise and practical education. I recommend all Carbs & Cals resources to my patients, and I will be recommending these videos.
I very much enjoy your work, but it’s a bit annoying how persistent you are in avoiding to include shellfish in your videos. I wouldn’t argue with that most animal-products we can do without, but are really shrimp, crab, crayfish, muscles, etc, equally bad for us?
People can eat anything they want, but I would never trade anything for how great I feel on a plant based diet!! Mental clarity, peace at heart, and I never have to worry about getting fat, lol!
pbs had a program on fasting lowering disease from hormone produced in liver by 50%. an alternative to calorie restricting and going vegan.I would like to know what your thoughts are.
I’ve researched that eggs, as long as the yolk is still runny, is a good form of cholesterol in the body, protein in the white has all the amino acids the body needs and the yolk contains essential vitamins, and also helps eliminate saturated fats ect from the body, but only when not hard boiled.
can’t believe vegan doctors are still selling cholesterol is bad. All those guidelines are to sell you pharmaceutical company drugs and vegan doctors are part of it lol
The purr in this guy’s voices makes it sound as if he’s taking a dump while he reads his script…
The indexing system here looks like a quick way to look at a healthy diet, but it does not account for the studies done that show that those with a Mediterranean diet are longer lived than those on a vegan or vegetarian diet. Nor does it compare the Okinawan diet with the Seventh Day diet patterns. There’s more to it.
Please make a video on the WHO ruling on processed meats and bacon as being carcinogens!!
They are reportedly going to remove the restriction on cholesterol in the next release of the official dietary guidelines. The evidence that dietary cholesterol is bad is not strong enough.
Oh Sh*t! I am now going to have to stop eating all my favorite… wait… I am already vegan:P
Only thing to add is dietary cholesterol minimal effect on blood cholesterol levels. Not saying to eat these foods but the cholesterol effect should be of little concern for most.
1600 calories/day? For a grown man? That sounds very low to me.
for those people that are concerned with pollutants, here’s a comment from an ecologist who happen to be also a Japanese. Pollutants get concentrated higher up in the food chain, like tuna or whales, in a process called biomagnification.
Wakame is pretty much at the bottom of the food chain, so I would worry with pollutants with fish before I would worry about pollutants in wakame.
Kudos for the Video clip! Apologies for chiming in, I would appreciate your initial thoughts. Have you ever tried Dinanlinson Elegant Figure Approach (do a search on google)? It is a smashing exclusive guide for uncovering the secrets behind a highly effective low carb diet minus the normal expense. Ive heard some decent things about it and my best friend Jordan got amazing results with it.
Does seaweed have any contamination issues, like from blue-green algae, etc.?
But how do we know, seaweed doesn’t contain radiation from the Fukushima incident?
You don’t need carbs for energy, ketones provide a better fuel with less byproducts and very low insulin spikes. But if you want to damage your arteries with sugar, be my guest.
What about potential heavy metals being in the Wakame Seaweed from our polluted oceans?
uuuhhhh, you ever hear of fukushima? check your ‘study dates’… i personally didn’t see one after 2012, with the possible exclusion of the ‘2013 american society for nutrition’ paper which as i could see was nothing more than the gathering of older information. so,… unless you have a ‘virgin/organic… non radioactive’ source, what is the point of this conversation? green tea from japan, the same thing. i live in hawaii, we are surrounded and i take a russian ‘geiger counter’ to buy fresh fish, feel the burn!
Great video Chris! It would be great to get a kindle version of Carbs and Cals books and flash cards for health care professionals?
Very interesting. I have some questions: Is there any difference between the effect of Wakame and Kelp in the immune system? Is it known what is the specific compound in Wakame that boost the immune system? Is Iodine related to this boost in the immune system? What about the autoimmune patients? If the Wakame boosts the antibody response (in general?), would it be safe for them to eat it? Thank you.
You can even cut carbs to 0 and your body will be missing almost nothing(fiber might be an issue along the way, that’s why you should, even on keto, eat a bit of green vegetables, fun fact: a red paprika contains 5g of sugar, a yellow one 4g and a green one only 2g -they make up for it by delivering 5g of fiber though) -I personally try to keep carbs below 100g and at roughly 25% of my diet, 25% is protein and 50% fat, I see great results by doing so, all the carbs are coming from fruits or vegetables, I consume 0g of added sugar as I skip processed foods all together.
I freezed the frame at 2.26 of the numbers in the study.. correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t that a chart of different seaweed tested and a lot of them have just the same or even better scores then the wakame? So wouldn’t most seaweed work? Why are you just talking about one? Look at “Hizikia Fusiformis” it’s TWICE the score of “Undaria Pinnatifida”.. Thoughts???
I sprinkle dulse and nutritional yeast on most of my food:)
I wonder if kelp has a similar effect? I have some powdered kelp, but no wakame at this time.
I would like to have a translate choice on your site for the vidéo. ( English to french)
Anything above 50 net carbs stops weight loss for me. Unsubscribing.
So, why not just skip the flu shot and take the seaweed? It appears to have some efficacy on its own. If you read the Cochrane report, the vaccine doesn’t, plus you avoid the nasty adjuvants in the vaccine.
Tasmanian Wakame, amazing, move to the southern hemisphere and consume fresh seaweed that is slightly dried but DO NOT WASH IT WITH FRESH WATER, do not Sun dry for long to retain nutrients Incl, yep cobalamin. boom
Guys, can some of you recommend a brand with international delivery?
Big fan of the way you developed this video with an emphasis on actual evidence. Great work.
But isn’t there dangers by consuming Wakame since it has the functioning to absorb mercury from the ocean?? Sea weeds have the function to clean the ocean.
My husband said you can eat alots alots carb.Low-Protein, High-Carb Diet May Be The Key to a Mentally Healthy Life, Hints Mouse Study, from I want to know about the fact
hi! thanks for the channel it help a lot but.i have a problem(i know tha the average to gain is between 150 and 300 bat 534 g is to hight).. i did my calculation and this are my result: ((per day):3350 calories /534g of carbs/170g of protein /57g of fats if you can help me out ( weight 118/bmr rest 1528/bmr in motion 2875(because im very active )/ body fat 6% and i addd 500calories to gain weight please help me and thanks
This is amazing because I’m obsessed with seaweed salad and homemade sushi lately
Just watched the video. Would have loved a transcript of the discussion. In any case I have a copy of your publication World Foods which I use as a guide. I have benefitted tremendously from the publication.
I’ve seen over 1000 of your vids. Now I find myself watching them again! Hmmm… Maybe it’s just because they’re DAMN INFORMATIVE!!!
Do you recommend using a Geiger counter to check for radioactive isotopes after the Fukushima debacle
I bought the dried wakame recently as a potential source of iodine. It’s very expensive here. Also, I tend to gag after a few seconds when the fishy/seaweedy or whatever taste kicks in.
you uploaded this when I found out I have mono, I think I love you and there are miracles in this world.
Is seaweed considered vegan? Technically they are protists right? Lol
Quarter cup of “sea weed salad?” Does that mean pure Wakame, or does it have other things mixed in with it in the salad? Could you give a more precise dosage?..1/4 cup of pure Wakame? Would that be crushed, dried Wakame?…unless this nutrition thing is doable, these studies only become entertainment. Also, Wakame is several dollars an ounce according to online prices which are probably way cheaper than health food stores…a daily consumption “weight” in grams of this stuff dried (as can be bought in a store) would be helpful. Or better yet, if somebody could just manufacture the pills like was used in the study…(Somebody honest of course, as most heathfood pill manufactures cheat and don’t put the labeled ingredients in the products they sell at inflated prices.
that’s not what dr berg says..i like your balanced insight better though
problem is our oceans are so polluted now that I don’t want anything from the ocean even if it’s vegan
Can you please mention in a future video (maybe the low carb one) that for diabetics on insulin or oral meds that may cause hypos they should work with their health care professional about making changes to their carbohydrate intake? For anyone who doesn’t completely understand the role of their insulin/ medication who greatly reduces their carb intake without medication adjustments they are at risk for hypos. And thank you for this great channel, I always refer my patients to the books and apps and now will refer them here too!
I’m glad to hear that my feelings about seaweeds are being confirmed here.
I’m surprised to hear Dr promote the flu vaccine!! it’s a toxic mix that nobody should be getting
I see seaweed salad in the store and I want to try it, but then I read the ingredients and it is full of fake color and other questionable stuff. And, as others have mentioned, there’s the whole contaminants thing. Perhaps the good would outweigh the bad? It looks awfully pretty…
I used to make miso soup with wakame, but got bored of it.
wakame is delicious in miso soup with soft tofu cubes, a little green onion, sprinkled with sesame seeds.
Do you post these sources anywhere? I would love to check them out!
It seems all studies mentioned here where carried out on Japanese populations, how would a population that does not consume seaweeds cope with digesting and properly reaping the mentioned benefits? It is my understanding Japanese and other seaweed consuming populations produce enzymes such as alginase to help brakedown the seaweed cells membrane and reap the nutritional and medicinal benefits.
is it dangerous to have seaweed that was harvested off the coast of Japan? I’m thinking in terms of the radiation caused by fukushima.
Kombu Wakame Hijiki and Nori are very delicious in Soup the natural glutamat which belongs to the umami taste you definitely need no salt in it!
I’ve been looking for kelp powder locally, but nowhere seems to sell it:(
One thing that concerns me with each study that states “a decline in the elderly” as the majority of the current elderly population has spent the lives consuming a non-vegan diet. Is there a causation between certain declines in human function and lifestyle choices?
Wakame has been very well known for over forty years in Macrobiotics. So has miso the subject of an earlier video.
I tried that diet, and lost a few pounds. When I cut carbs below 50 grams a day I saw a huge difference in my body. It might of helped that I stopped eating all processed foods, and no flours. The wieght came off quick and is easy to keep it off since you are no longer addicted to sugar.
Fascinating, but is that just with Wakame or any seavegetable? Or could it just be the high iodine content?
The problem is sourcing Wakame that is sourced from unpolluted waters and not exorbitantly expenses. I live in Japan and still find this a challenge. Anything from China is worrisome and seaweed harvested in Japan can be quite expensive I’ve found…
How many you want or your life is dependand on some opinion of dude from internet
50 grams of carbs for me. Along with increased healthy fats. I’ve been getting slimmer and leaner since I’ve decreased from 150 grams.
Is it true that carbs are just as important as protein for “feeding” and growing muscles?
Hi Doctor! Thank you so much! Eating seaweed right away!:)
i would say that if you only take in one thing from Youtube this explanation regarding carbs should be it……
i get between 300 to 400 grams of carbs every day from fruits, vegetables, quinoa, rice, potatos, pasta and tofu, is that good or bad?all are whole foods
Thanks friend. I’m 54 years old and been on keto for one year. I’m in great shape and no meds. However if I eat under 100 grams of carbs I begin to have trouble falling asleep. It’s really strange and a little scary.
Does the 120-200 grams of carbs include carbs from fruits and vegetables?
Information, information, information, information… supposition…!!!
It’s true I go with no carbs for a month and another month with 80 grams of carbs per day and I didn’t see no different and still lose weight, this was without any exercise, so far I lose 10 pounds for 7 weeks that’s 1.5 pounds every week so I will be going to the gym, so I have to adjust my diet, losing 1 pound per week will make keep my muscle and burn fat, so I got 15 pounds more to lose, so like in 4 months I suppose to be in 165
…I want to lower my A1C ( it’s currently 5.8, pre-diabetic range ) I recently cut way down on my carb intake..I was 165lbs 5’10”, but after 1 month I lost 15 lbs.( I didn’t want to lose this much weight )…..I have always enjoyed lifting and working out…my problem is I want to lower my A1C without losing any more weight….I looked and felt better at 165…….how many carbs should I consume a day and what type, and still lower my A1C and maintain…thanks
That sounds way too high to maintain my weight after losing over 50 pounds. I heard 50 but more if you exercise. Which I don’t. I’m going to start with 50 and see if I can go higher.
I wish there was a version of you in the female version. However, I thank you for focusing on interpreting the data in health and fitness to be understood by women. Especially since most studies are geared towards men and aren’t completed very well. Thanks Dr. Axe! We need you to make sense of what should be basic education in the public setting.
Thank you, Dr. Greger! You are helping humankind become more healthy through education. We are deeply grateful.
I guess going to the gym to lift 4-5 days a week makes me an athlete considering my maintenance is around 2400-2500 a day. I lost 10lbs over 2 months from eating 2000 calories a day.
This guy is 100% correct. All u need to do is lower ur intake of carbs 150 or 200 a day is what u need to stay lean and look great. Anything over 300grs ur body will use the extra carbs and store it as fat. It’s not about cutting down bread. It’s about control. U can eat junk food but make it a treat. Cutting bread is extremely stressful and difficult.
Cheese! I think not. One of the most processed and calorie dense foods there is.
how many carbs should i be eating if im trying to gain weight/muscle as a 16 year old 145 pound male?
I’m lost weight on low fat diets and on high-fat diets. Most recently I’ve lost 40 pounds during a lazy Keto. The point is I always gain it back. My question is this… Can I lose weight on a Whole Foods diet? Meaning that I don’t need to cut out carbs I don’t need to cut out fat I don’t need to cut out Dairy just as long as everything I eat is very natural?
What about your prior videos about BMAA in certain types of algae/seaweed possibly causing ALS? I hope there’s no BMAA in wakame seaweed.
Excellent Video clip! Forgive me for the intrusion, I would appreciate your thoughts. Have you considered Dinanlinson Elegant Figure Approach (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now)? It is an awesome exclusive guide for uncovering the secrets behind a highly effective low carb diet minus the normal expense. Ive heard some amazing things about it and my mate at last got cool success with it.
So last night I met my dead grandma in a dream and she recommended wakake mushroom ramen soup to prevent pneumonia. Wakake appears to be an African singer, so I’m pretty sure she must have meant wakame (I didn’t know about this seaweed before this dream). Low and behold, this video pops up in my feed today. Not sure what to make of it, but I’ll be looking for wakame today…
I enjoy your channel. Thank you for the explanation about good carbs and the quality of the food we eat.
Some vital nutrients are missing here. For example, iron, B vitamins… Table would look much different with them on it.
if it boosts immunity system, why using it before flu shot and not simply before flu season? avoiding gambling with overstimulation of immunity systeme throught years with unneacessaries virus, toxics and just reliying on long term protection ability only given by natural virus infection?
This has to be “CLICK BAIT” everyone knows carbs are not necessary for energy, even if you are an athlete, and 95% of humans are not athletes. Fat can supply all your energy needs, and ketones, (made from fat) can supply almost all the brains needs. beware CLICK BAIT.
Great video and the charts make it very easy for non vegans to understand. I myself am vegan and feel so much better than when I use to eat meat and dairy.
Person: Why are you vegan thats so unhealthy and deficient
Dr. Axe, What about Carb Cycling? Can you make a video on Carb Cycling? I am not a muscled up bodybuilder but I intend to do some strength training and walking. Most of the videos on this subject I see are made by extreme athletes. I am an average 53 year old guy that wants to lose excess body fat and build some healthy muscle.
I keep my carbs below 25 grams per day. Consequently, I’m not overweight. My blood pressure is low. I don’t have diabetes. If I were to go back to 40% carbs, I’d gain back the 40 lbs that I lost. I’d also have high blood pressure again. Carbs are evil and the source of my health problems.
You can learn more about diet health and bodybuilding with Woo&Pep.
By limit of carbs is from 50-80 grams of net carbs per day, otherwise my sleep gets disturbed if I go higher or lower
Keto is not the absence of Carb, just less! You say one needs to eat 150g of Carbs a day… thats the equal of 600g of Pasta (more than 1 pound). Your insulin will love it!
You do not need carbs for energy. I stopped listening as soon as you said that. Fake News Doc.
I am surprised that dr greger hasn’t done a video on natto yet. It’s supposed to be super healthy for the heart and can even clear up blood clots.
I need like 250.. lol I think i need more but idk. I lift heavy alot
Great video Chris and a good starting point. Looking forward to seeing more videos.
I’m 163 cm 170 lbs i consume 100g of carbs, I thought it was a lot
Stopped watching once I saw “chicken” listed in the sodium category. Two things, chicken does not contain sodium, and second, we need sodium to survive. This channel is full of miss-information. Be aware and use multiple sources.
Wow I try to keep them to 60 to 100 gms when trying to loose weight
Key phrase is “active person” for 40% carbs. Vast majority of people are not active and therefore 40% is way too high. It also depends on the age of the person and hence their metabolism. I’m moderately active and as I’ve gotten older I’ve had to reduce daily carb intake to around 100g or about 20%.
A starch based diet has been the diet of most of the people for most human history. Heck, before being homo sapiens, we see we were already starchivores, eating mostly starches.
Starch should be the base of the diet. Then vegetables and fruits on lower portions. Some nuts or avocados for good health.
So long as you consume almost half…or a significant amount of raw greens( smoothies, chopped raw salads, etc) even slightly cooked greens and other raw plant foods you can definitely consume that bowl of white rice or several slices of a sourdough white bread ( non bleached non bromated), in combinatiojn with meat, healthy fat and or properly prepared beans/ legumes etc…
Appreciate video content! Apologies for chiming in, I am interested in your initial thoughts. Have you heard the talk about Dinanlinson Elegant Figure Approach (probably on Google)? It is a great exclusive product for uncovering the secrets behind a highly effective low carb diet minus the hard work. Ive heard some great things about it and my friend after a lifetime of fighting got great results with it.
Sure, the so called processed foods are actually no food. Soda is poison. For me it equals cigarettes. It is in terms of ease of usage, or accessability for kids, by far the most dangerous thing manhood has invented. It also does not belong in this list. Put cigarettes on the list and it would easily pass the criteria, calories but it is utmost dangerous.
It would be also reasonable to add AGEs, CLA and most of all the Fatty Acids like ALA, EPA, and DHA to the list.
I feel that this information is inaccurate, unless your an athlete No one should eat 140 carbs per day.
I hate answers like yours here, “it really depends on…” blah blah. So weak.
I am so disappointed by this video and I actually feel sick! The idea of eating the 250g meal plan is horrific to me. I was never diabetic and discovered eating low carb healthy fat (LCHF/KETO) initially as a solution to my lifelong battle with being in the overweight BMI category. The benefits I gained were so much more.
Now a health coach, I like to experiment on myself and am currently trialing a continuous glucose monitor to see for real what impact various foods have on my blood sugar and how quickly the spike is corrected. I am not brave enough to eat your ‘ideal’ meal to fully test it!
No wonder we still have so much diabetes and people really not realising they can reverse it and come off their invasive drugs if this is the advice they are given to follow.
Such a shame, as I really like the counter book and encourage my clients to get a copy.
I agree in what you said, eating the whole food, not refined food is key. Eating the blueberry vs. eating fructose alone makes a big difference. Low carb and high protein (70% protein) gave me gout in my toe. Anything in excess isn’t healthy.
150 a day i would feel lethargic i eat around 450 per day low fat and feel amazing, always feel energetic and haven’t gained any fat.
I think Weston Price got it right in the 30s. After examining several primitive tribes across the globe (in various geographical regions) that had not been affected by western industrialization he came to a conclusion that macronutrient ratios were not a main concern in regards to human health. He noted that depending on geographical location some tribes may eat high amounts of carbs and other may eat a high amount of fats. Both high carb tribes and high fat tribes showed superior health compared to western lifestyle. The only thing he did find to be the same across all tribes (regardless of location) were they ate plenty of lacto-fermented vegetables, organs, animal fat instead of industrialized vegetable oils, and if they had grain they ate it sprouted. After analyzing this he came to a conclusion micronutrients, not macronutrients, was the deal breaker. The probiotics, organs, and low phytate consumption led him to believe that superior nutrient absorption in the gut was responsible for these tribe’s great health. Another thing that was established is no tribes really consumed more then 25% of their calories from protein. The average was between 20% to 25% of their total calories from protein. That’s a middle ground number that no one in the western society seems to reach. Either people aren’t eating enough protein (10% is what USDA recommends) or bodybuilders are eating too much (as high as 35%). He also noted dairy should either be raw or your diet should be dairy free.
Half of you can’t even use your brain. Our ancestors would burn hundreds of calories more then us hunting all day, go multiple hours without food (8hours+) and live mostly on meat. Do you think they were skinny and weak? No, because it’s the amount of calories you eat per day that determines your weight. I can still become a fat fuck if I ate 4000 calories of only meat/fat a day and 10% were carbs.
Dr Axe you rock… don’t listen to all the keyboard warriors we all have our own goals and we do what works for us… you do your best to speak in general terms for average Joe well done
I have been experimenting under a doctor’s guidance and I am coming to the conclusion that about 100 to 150 grams of carbs, and 100 to 150 grams of protein daily is best for me. I life weights, do aerobics and I’m 70 years old. Thank you Dr. Axe
Note, the photo is of hiyashi wakame, a fresh form of wakame. It is only sold as a defrosted premade salad in restaurants.
My point was to avoid the aluminum and mercury in the vaccine.
When I ate that many carbs a day I was fat and felt horrible.
I say that if your exercising you should eat carbs especially if your doing intense resistance training.
thank you for the good video. Could you tell me please how to calculate percent daily value, for example how do you get 10% DV from 31 g carbohydrate?
How do u determine the nutritional values for a product you sell?
Be careful with seaweed salad in stores, make sure you read the ingredients!! Also stay away from seaweed salads at Japanese restaurants because they buy it pre-made and it almost always contains high fructose corn syrup (among other ingredients that should be avoided). The best is when made at home.
HI everyone watch my nutrition videos:)
That healthy food matrix would be very handy as a downloadable pdf….hint, hint!
thanks for the video. it surely helped me understand the topic of nutrition facts.:)
Hello! I’m Justin.I did -15 lbs past 30 days.Open\#qPlu
Excellent!!! Happy I came across your channel. You should use smzeus. c o m!! It will help you get your videos into the suggested feed and rank better in the search!!!
Hi guys! i just made a video on the dairy industry in Australia, an industry currently getting a lot of political support and one on the lamb industry, it would be amazing if you could check it out and show some support!:) Thanks x
been doing the slimming world diet which is pretty low carb and I’ve lost three and a half stone so far in just over 9 months
Carbohydrates are not an essential nutrient. I would love to see scientific data for your suggestions. As a registered dietician you must have lots to explain your stance. I believe your suggestions produce a diabetic, inflamed population as can be seen over the last 50 years, but I would love to see data that proves otherwise.
This guy is full of BS… Repeating the standard Gov (pro food industry) outdated crap about food.
Unless you are very active, a labour job, foget this shit.
If you are over 25 BMI (btw largely considered obsolete measire now days), forget this shit.
You can live on 50 carbs a day, no problem
If you want to loose weight (especailly a lot of weight), aim for 20 carbs a day. 6 days a week, 1 day off.(don’t eat stupid) and repeat.
Don’t count calories, they are not all the same. Some have a different impact on your system.
Take a look at the guy, do you think he’s every had any carb, cal or weight issue? Enough said
I need to eat more chicken breast and lean bison meat to repair cellular structure. It will rejuvenate my cells.
I think 1) it is a bit fast and 2) the background music may be quite distracting. If we assume some people have hardly any understanding of the CHO, the speed of the video may be a bit too fast, but 3) the positive is the video can be paused and re-winded. 4) 3 min 41 sec: what is the food in the top left corner it looks like a toffee fudge???? 5) 2min 29sec: you gave an example of the very popular ‘lunch’, however maybe the crisps could be replaced with something containing less salt and SFA (just a suggestion to make people think about the taste vs health)? ‘The crisps component’ of lunch seems to be the problem of the whole nation. =/
Over 60 years ago a wise physician concluded from his research tat (and I paraphrase) ‘You cannot lose weight in the presence of insulin’ and ‘you cannot gain weight in its absence’. Sugary and Starch carbs = insulin secretion. If you have Type-2 diabetes you have a carb’ intolerance disorder. Why treat a diet disorder with drugs; just cut the carbs. The VIRTA clinic in the US has shown that a low-carb diet programme can reverse many cases of diabetes (around 50%) and allow medication reduction in the others. You can check it on Google. Another study of usual (medical) management with usual (high-carb) diets saw a reversal rate of approximately zero (Kaiser Permanente California study). So, why do folk keep plugging this myth about the necessity of large amounts of carbs each day with every meal? There are no essential carbs (there are essential fats and amino acids though). The low-fat approach continues to ploughs the rut of failure. The Diabetes and Obesity epidemics began when (in 1984) the UK changed its advice to low-fat/high-carb.
How many carbs do you NEED?
Answer ZERO. If you never ate another carb for the rest of your life you would be fine. The glucose you need would be synthesised via gluconeogenesis with the substrate being protein and fat.
Lovely educational video on carbs but why is a sandwich and crisps seen to be a staple go-to lunch option high carb with minimal nutrition crisps should be a treat not a daily staple food for someone aiming to be healthy. What about vegetables, salads, and other nutrient dense options. Let’s be a bit more creative please.
Very interesting and informative, my dietitian has put me on a low carb diet, and I can have 70g carbs a day. To manage my diabetes, I find carbs and cals very helpful.
When are you going to do something about the poor quality Android app? It only scores 2.7 / 5 and is not rated very highly.
This is the best video about sorting our food i have ever seen..
Would you happen to know anything about tyrosinemia? a rare disease where meat consumption is apparently essential for survival. Only just found out about it but interested to learn more.
Thank you for this. I’m fed up of trying to sort out my food after 40 years of T1. Maybe this will help me get my brain in gear!
if you eat 50g of sweet potato.30g of jaggery and 200g of bananas in a day, then total carbohydrate intake in a day is tell me ans
I use the app regularly as i am on a balus Bolas method of insulin intake and use this app to calculate how much insulin to take with each meal. However since I’ve updated my phone it keeps saying this app is designed for older smart phones and may not work properly on your device please contact the app provider to see if there is an update due. So is there an update for this life saving app?
Watch those carbs! Insulin resistance is real! See Dr Jason Fung, Dr Ken Berry, Dr Annette Bosworth(Dr Boz)…for excellent low carb recipes go to Diet Doctor website.
Interesting use of the word “need”. Need suggests this is a minimum amount? Why need carbs? What would happen if a diabetic (with the support of a healthcare professional) further reduced their carb intake to say 50grams of carbs a day?
Great video, really informative, well done. Can’t wait for the next one!
Wow this video is great for demonstrating how many carbs we should be eating (please don’t) according to the Government guidelines. I’m sure many of you like me will totally disagree with the recommendations. Actually I’m 100% sure it was this advice that broke my health.
Vegetables got the win. Legumes, mushrooms and nuts come in as being super practical. There’s an empty spot for vitamin D you can do with eggs or dairy. In the winter, I have coffee and peanut butter crackers as my morning snack. In the summer, I go to milk with cereal.
I love the World Foods one…Highly recommend to my patients…
Seaweed tastes like seal shit. That’s the beginning and end to me. Can’t eat it.
I’ve just watched this video. Chris it’s amazing. I love carbs and cals.
This is probably one of the most important videos ever posted to Youtube. Everyone needs to see this video. Everyone.
I went to 50 to 60g of carbs a day no starchy carbs only veggies and plenty of them. Plus moderate protein and healthy fats I am no longer diabetic