Table of Contents:
South Florida Sports Medicine: Prevention and Treatment of Most Common Sports Injuries
Video taken from the channel: Holy Cross Hospital
Ice Therapy for Back Pain
Video taken from the channel: Milton Chiropractic Clinic Cambridge
Coffee Kids and Sports Medicine Sever’s Disease
Video taken from the channel: Scottish Rite for Children
Pinched Nerve In Neck Symptoms & Treatment
Video taken from the channel: Back Intelligence
Physiotherapy Management of Tennis Elbow SingHealth Healthy Living Series
Video taken from the channel: SingHealth
KT Tape Recovery+ Ice/Heat Massage Ball Ice Therapy
Video taken from the channel: KT Tape
Ice Massage for Sports Injuries
Video taken from the channel: Corehealth Studio
How to Do an Ice Massage. Fill the small paper cup three-quarters of the way with water and place in the freezer until solid. Peel off around an inch of the bottom of the cup, exposing the underlying ice. The remaining part of the cup is for you to hold onto. Place a kitchen towel between the skin.
Ice massage is a great way to apply ice therapy to a sports injury. It has many benefits over ice bags, and is especially useful for injuries like shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and hip flexor strains. Read on to learn how to make your own ice cups.
Benefits It allows for a better penetration of the cooling effects of ice therapy when compared to traditional ice bags.The most common and widely practiced method to treat your sports injury is to pamper you with a sports massage. Unlike traditional massage techniques, sports massage varies in its style and usage. It is given after completely understanding your anatomy, physiology and the demand it needs on your body.
Icing may be used along with compression, elevation, bracing, and/or support when treating acute injuries. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can produce a similar effect to icing. However, they may delay healing with acute injuries (like sprains, strains, and fractures). If your doctor recommends medicine, make sure you are aware of the right dosage and when to take it, and if.
First, freeze water in a Styrofoam cup or, if you want to get fancy, make a water popsicle. (I always make sure to Once the water is frozen, tear off the top edges of the Styrofoam to expose some ice. Using the remaining Styrofoam as a handle, apply the ice to the injured area. Have a towel.
As we know, sports massage can assist in treating repetitive physical injuries. It may even be able to stop the injuries from developing in the first place. Causes of Runner’s Knee Foot Imbalance – When the foot makes contact with another object, the foot can rotate too far inward upon impact.
The nonsignificant mode of treatment/assessment time interaction suggests that the use of ice massage, ice massage with exercise, or exercise alone is not effective in significantly reducing the symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness.Minor injuries, such as mild sprains and strains, can often be initially treated at home using PRICE therapy for two or three days. PRICE stands for protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation.
Protection – protect the affected area from further injury – for example, by using a support.Everyone, particularly athletes, is advised to pick shoes that offer both support and comfort. Ice.
Ice baths, ice massages, or cold compresses may be recommended to reduce pain and inflammation in the Achilles tendon. Patients may use ice treatments for 10.Icing is most effective in the immediate time period following an injury. 1 The effect of icing diminishes significantly after about 48 hours. In an effort to reduce swelling and minimize inflammation, try to get the ice applied as soon as possible after the injury.
Perform an “ice massage.” Apply ice directly to the injury.Ice is useful for reducing pain and inflammation associated with an acute injury. Icing is believed to be most effective if done the first couple of days after the injury has occurred.
You can apply ice for 20 minutes at a time and as frequently as every hour. 4 If you prefer, apply it four to eight times a day.Treating Sports Injuries.
The Question: Does cryotherapy, the use of extreme cold in surgery or other medical treatment, improve outcomes for acute soft tissue injuries? I have been playing basketball for more than six decades and although it is purported to be a non-contact sport, I have sustained a plethora of injuries, so I have some experience treating them.Start studying Treatment for Common Sports Injuries. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
Ice is an excellent anti-inflammatory, reducing swelling and pain. For best results, apply an ice pack for 10 to 15 minutes as soon as possible after an injury. Repeat the ice treatment each hour for the first four hours, then four times a day for the next two to three days.
Learn how massage therapy can assist in common sports injuries. Combining four articles written especially for the Institute’s Massage Professionals Update E-newsletter, this brief program will provide insights into: Causes, solutions and sports masage techniques for achilles tendonitis.
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Lovely Video clip! Forgive me for butting in, I would love your opinion. Have you ever tried Kiyaria Yanenry Rule (probably on Google)? It is an awesome exclusive product for unlocking the secret to get rid your tennis elbow minus the normal expense. Ive heard some amazing things about it and my work buddy after many years got astronomical results with it.
I found warm showers to be very soothing for neck muscle spasms…
Tired of following several healthy tips? There is solution to stay healthy and fit. Visit Google and type: “HealthZap99” to find out exciting health tips.
Thank you for the explanation of where the nerve can get pinched.
I just seen a doctor, from the clinic my regular doctor is at (he’s on vacation.)
Can this be diagnosed just by symptoms? My back kills me, throbs so bad, thought I had carpel tunnel too… but he thinks it’s a pinched nerve in neck, and my back.
My back I really want looked at, but don’t want to come off as if I know better than a doctor! I’m just in tears, I don’t even want narcotic pain meds (they don’t work), only Toradol works… what to do.?
Bengkel atlit specialis Hamstring. Enkle, Lutut cidera, kram perut, tenis elbo sembuh ditempat dan recovery atlit. Sport massage Agus Parjito. Wa.087836280086. Karanganyar, Solo. JATENG.
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Lovely video content! Forgive me for butting in, I am interested in your thoughts. Have you considered Parlandealey Flexible Elbow Process (google it)? It is a good one off guide for learning how to cure tennis elbow without the hard work. Ive heard some interesting things about it and my m8 got great success with it.
Sir, how about if the left side of my neck is in pain but only the pulse area. I mean it always (but in a short time like in a seconds) in pain. I can feel the pain that from my pulse area. What is that?
Mine’s from doing a forward roll. My left side of my neck hurts a lot, especially when I move it to the right. Any advice? Please. I’m crying in pain.
Learn 5 Step-by-Step Tennis Elbow Exercise From Home => >
so IM AFRAID i might have some CHronic Degeneration and JUST Want to KNOW who is the best person to help me Diagnose these issues….NEUROLOGIST???? i ve been to multiple chiropractors and all they do is xray oh ok ur good lets adjust U in this section…always same rap and i have just gotten worse….PLEASE anyone HELP. But i just dnt know where to start and especially now COVID Days…and i have no insurance and dont want surgery.
Asian Massage???? Happy Ending??? A Chinese couple is in bed making love. The wife sez to the husband “Honey I want 69!”
The husband replies “You want BEEF AND BROCCOLI NOW???”
very gud techniques but 1 thing i not understood after taping how patient do work? he/she cannot do straight own elbow.
There are many components to relieving tennis elbow pain at home. One resource I discovered that successfully combines these is the Freds Elbow Helper (check it out on google) definately the most incredible blueprint that I’ve heard of. Check out the extraordinary info.
I have problem since one year doctor said to me your muscle have been damaged what I should do I am not able to fix my problem and I have so much pain…
There are a few factors in ways to treat tennis elbow. One resource I found which successfully combines these is the Freds Elbow Helper (google it if you’re interested) definately the most helpful plan that I have ever seen. look at all the great info.
interesting points,if anyone else wants to discover best tennis elbow relief try Freds Elbow Helper (do a search on google )? Ive heard some decent things about it and my brother in law got great success with it.
Nice video content! Apologies for butting in, I am interested in your opinion. Have you thought about Parlandealey Flexible Elbow Process (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now)? It is an awesome one of a kind product for learning how to cure tennis elbow without the hard work. Ive heard some super things about it and my cousin at last got amazing results with it.
I was watching on my phone then my neck started hurting i need this
Interesting points,if anyone else is searching for best tennis elbow relief try Secret elbow tactics (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now )? Ive heard some interesting things about it and my cousin got great results with it.
Lovely Video clip! Forgive me for the intrusion, I would love your opinion. Have you tried Parlandealey Flexible Elbow Process (Sure I saw it on Google)? It is a great one off product for learning how to cure atennis elbow minus the hard work. Ive heard some awesome things about it and my close friend Aubrey at very last got amazing results with it.
Appreciate video content! Apologies for the intrusion, I would appreciate your thoughts. Have you heard about Parlandealey Elbow Strength Process (do a search on google)? It is an awesome one off guide for learning how to stop elbow pain without the normal expense. Ive heard some super things about it and my best friend Jordan at last got excellent success with it.
I figured I’d give this program a try before I got a cortisone shot in my arm. Glad I did because after following the program for 9 days now, my elbow is just like new.
i cant sleep for neck side pain every few second i fell someone give me electric shock.
Wan, a lot of good ideas. I had tennis elbow so bad I decided to invent something that would stretch the muscles while also strengthen them and most importantly get rid of the pain. My device is called Elbow Ease. It’s inexpensive, easy to use and most importantly works.
OMG!!! I’ve been suffering with pain in my front right shoulder, going all the way down to my thumb EVERYDAY, and I tried the exercise you show at the end of this video and IT’S GONE!!! I’m totally flabbergasted. I would have to take muscular relaxant EVERYDAY to stop the pain and today is the first day in almost 3 years that I didn’t. Thank you so much.
Line from Quebec Canada
I’m here because my kitten has a kinked neck and can’t rotate it but he can turn his head….there were no videos on kitten kinks I hope this helps
I have numbness on my legs and it feels like pine and needles is that a pinched nerve
for me, if i try dead hang, i cant hold my weight, my grip shakes and arms shake / tremble, sometimes if i try stretch rotator cuff i get a zing sting in hands. is that prinched nerve… my neck does feel a bit tight too.
i’m a gamer and i slouch when i play, i think it is ruining my neck/back, should i visit a chiropractor?
Excellent videos….. I will benefit from them. Thank you so much!
I was squatting and when I got under the bar and stood up my back cracked and the top of my back started hurting
Could getting hit in your cervical bone cause you to start running fevers and headaches?
Hahahahhhaa!!! I used a head pad on my neck all night….. spent the morning in the emergency room. I didn”t know at that point what was wrong.
Wow instant relief after almost 8 months of pain. I was ready to quit my desk job. I’m still going to see a specialist to confirm what I have. Good luck everyone
I have a neck pain too but i think its making my eyes hurt too
I need help
If you say see an opthalmologist
I cant i dont have money
My pain happens when I wake up after a nights of sleep what could be doing this
mam I am a professional cricketer and I have pain in my elbow doctor advice me to have cortisone shot what should I do man can I able to return on cricket field again
I hv wrist pain and i can’t writte well. How i can reduce it plz tell me
I am literally a fucking paraplegic writing this I cannot move please help please help sir
Thank you very much this really helped. I will stop lying in bed using my laptop.:) The exercise really helped.
hey,if anyone else wants to uncover best tennis elbow therapy try Secret elbow tactics ( search on google )? Ive heard some decent things about it and my buddy got great success with it.
EXCELLENT Video! Thank You!
My posture isn’t great. But now working from home and working off a nightstand looking down and to the left. No wonder my neck can’t get any relief. Thanks for video!
My neck is hurting around the c7. I’m having pains down both arms… shoulders and blades. It’s causing anxiety too. When I massage the area it will hurt when pushed down firmly. I’m a construction worker and lift alot.
I’ve been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease in my neck in 2018 still no surgery in sight. I’ve got drop foot gait in both legs. I’ve got very little movement in both feet when I try to move my feet I get feeling like I’m getting poked with needle and their a time frame from the time your diagnosed to when you soppose to have surgery
i have pinched nerve for over 10 years diagnosed but nobody told me any effective exercise when i get up in the morning it is worse. i am going to try your exercise and see how it goes. Thank you for showing us the exercise and the information. i was using heated pad which never worked but i will go for cold pad now.
pretty girl nice video good information thanks alot for posting.
Got strong pain in my neck radiating to left arm from too much VR use, this exercise helped instantly.
I have had a burning sensations up my neck ever since my last outdoor run; it has gotten much better but it’s still there. I am gonna start applying ice and doing yoga (maybe that might help),; if it doesn’t then I am gonna see a physical therapist in a couple months.
Was taking a shower and pinched a nerve trying to wash my hair. I’m 24….
Funny i instantly realized i needed to do that exercise because i began to get a headache while doing it but it eased up over the course of the reps.
I have stiff neck at the right side of my body and it spread to my jaws and face and spread to my arms. Also my both feets feels tinglings sensation everytime time
Try to talk to my doctor about my neck and the back pain to go to fusion surgery, scary the day light out of me
Does anyone here have symptoms of arms / feet getting numb really quick?
I need help I can’t feel the right side of my brain it’s been like this for 3 weeks now it feels numb
What if someone has neck pain for ten years? The neck makes a loud crack noise how can that be treated?
I have a pinched nerve in my shoulder and it radiates into my neck and collarbone and arms
I was in a vehicle accident n got a whiplash some months later started havin severe headaches numbness burnin tingling in head fa e hands back legs every part of my body been to a charapractor n was told they r not recognize as drs so ive been to many drs n now its over a yr n a half still havin pain upon pain so am goi to try a neurologist again to hear wht will b said any advice will b accepted am from st lucia in the Caribbean
I’m confused do I bend my neck forward or backwards to get pain relief
I’ve had neck pain around a week, hurts when I turn my head to the right. Also if I push my forehead upwards with my hand, the pain is worse, like it’s pressing on it. Does this sound like a pinched nerve?
So my father had a spine injury when he was a teen and now he can’t move his neck at all anymore.
It’s like his bones are fusing together.
I have a pinched nerve it hurts really bad and I think it’s from falling asleep on my hand
I had a neck pain left and right then upper part of my spine almost a year..can you help me to determine what is this….thanks
I had a neck pain left and right then upper part of my spine almost a year..can you help me to determine what is this….thanks
Thank You So Much, I put ice on my neck and not heat it feels a bit better!?
Mine doesn’t hurt that bad it only hurts when I look left (it’s in my right side) and when i sit down or stand up
I am having HUGE problems with my pillow.
I can’t get it right, and I dont know what to do anymore. I tried sleeping with and without it, with a big, medium and a small one, I tried sleeping with a neck pillow, but nothing works.. help
I am suffering from chronic pain in my neck, shoulder blades and back of my shoulders that lead to my left hip and ouch it hurts so bad that I can’t even move. I got this pain under a trauma and I am in this pain for past four years. this never goes away. I have taken so many medicines. consulted different doctors but nothing worked. I don’t know if I am ever gonna overcome this or..
I fixed my bad posture with your videos, thank you, but then next day agonizing pain… 10 years of bad posture, will try this to fix the pain, ice already helped, can feel the nerve activity throughout the arms with this exercise, you guys are miracle workers. thank you.
Cheers for the Video! Sorry for the intrusion, I would love your opinion. Have you thought about Parlandealey Flexible Elbow Process (just google it)? It is a smashing one off product for learning how to cure tennis elbow minus the normal expense. Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my work buddy after a lifetime of fighting got amazing success with it.
How do i hold and look at my phone in the “correct” posture? Im pretty sure mines from looking down at my phone too much, but when i hold my phone up at chin level, my arms start to hurt.
Is thumb twitching a symptom of a pinched nerve in the neck?
My pain is on each side of my neck near the top of my shoulders. Ive been dealing with this for about 6 years now. And it’s getting really bad. Sometimes it burns so bad and I can’t stand the pain I started stretching a couple months ago and sometimes it help my upper back but never my neck and shoulder.
Thankyou Sir, so does Cervial Distonia have anything to do with pinch nerves?
I honestly believe my head is too heavy for my neck and now it’s started to feel the affects.
First of all, really good presentation. Clear, concise, informative. Second, this is a very useful information for relieving the elbow pain, and anybody can do these. The main point is relieving the pain. People come and expect to learn how to heal in 10 minutes, but this is not the point of this video. Thank you, Ms.Xuan!
Had to fall asleep with an ice bag on back of my neck. Actually helped! Tonight putting ice on my right shoulder. So much trouble at night.
I have burning pain on top of my head. Stinging hands, twitching legs and feet. What’s wrong with me?!?! Anyone????im begging here.
Anybody else have this?: whenever i tilt my head downwards, i get a very bad pain in somewhere on the left side of my back, it isnt my spine, it feels like a tendon or something and is very painful and annoying. Can anyone suggest anything?
I think I have a pinched nerve.
Whenever I look down then up it hurts at the right of my neck
We where playing chicken fight in the pool and I have never played it before so then my youngest cousin jumped on my shoulders and we played as we did I had a big pinch in my neck “Owww dat hurt” we lost btw cuz of that: l then I wasn’t able to look to my right or lay my head back without pain:( “god dang it ya brok mah neck “ I said lol but it’s been like a whole day it only got worse:lllll
I have a cervical disc protusion between C5/C6. And a lombar disc extrusion between L5/S1…I have 31 years old. But my nerve system looks older.
When ever I walk around the house my head feels so heavy and its very painful but it’s not because I have a big head. For years now i have been having sharp pains in my neak and sometimes i faint for no reason. The doctors say its iron deficiency but I know for sure I have no symptoms for that. If you have any idea what’s happening, comment your answer. Thanks
Hello chiropractor, my nerves below the centre of chin and neck front face side have become clearly visible. And lower ka ugly. How to fix it.
Good info the best info that ive ever had was by using the Freds Elbow Helper (just google it) I found it thebest idea i’ve followed.
Woke up with a pinched nerve. I can’t turn my head to the left. It hurts to even try.. I got to turn my whole body to look to the left
Good video for many people who experience lateral epicondilitis pain but don’t know what is it and what to do.
I was sitting the wrong position and i felt an electric-like pain in my neck. I really believed it was my pulse and i was gonna have a stroke or heart attack! Now i believe it was a pinched nerve because i feel exactly what this video says.:)
I like this video very informative. I have headaches,my face feels mumbling my right eye hurts, my neck feels burning sensation like someone pinching the trunk of my neck, get nausea and like I have something on my throat plus when I walk my head moves omg so painful got emg done doctor said nothing wrong.
Thanks a lot for your help. You are a true gem, thank you so much now I am much better and can look after my kids without any pain.
Watch “Tennis Elbow Treatment and Cure…..WORKS!” on YouTube
Pls check the above link… My pain became “zero in 7 days”…. I was having too much pain… Was unable to lift even a mug filled with water… Now back to normal.. Hopefully after corona crisis will start my badminton…
Can this happen when u mostly sit towards one side like left or right side. I’m facing stiffness on turning my head towards the right side as I use to work my laptop and phone mostly on left side. Is it also under the similar case?
It is very irritating and I cannot walk with a straight face as the strain pulls my head to the left. Also, I have MS, please help.
It felt like the right side neck bones clawed on something in my neck like with you pick something up with your nails but inside my next.
Going on 4 weeks now some pain relief first 2 weeks were brutal pain into right arm through shoulder tricep forearm. How long does this last?
The posture changes helped alot. I raised my computer monitors at work so i dont have to tilt my head down slightly and i started taking walking breaks every hour or two when possible. I changed from sleeping on 2 pillows to 1, that gave me a ton of relief. Im going to ice it as well but i think its getting alot better now
Every time I run my neck starts thumping on one side help please
I did your stretches and iced the area yesterday and iNSTANT RELIEF! Thank you solo much! Before that it was only getting worse as I was using heat
Having neck pains is scary to me because having a heart attack is one of the neck pain symptoms.
Cervical traction cured my pain in neck that traveled down my arm. I wasn’t able to turn my head while driving due to pain in neck, working, sleeping were all very difficult. I tried cortisone shots, physical therapy ex’s, gabapentin, none of it helped. After a few sessions of Cervical traction, my neck and arm pain were gone.
Do you lose strength in one of your arms if you have pinch nerve?
Can pinched nerve cause left chest pain, and palpitations in Chest, Neck, finger tips that last for months?
I am doing exercise for quite a long time now still then i have back pain issue and neck pain too. Can I use ice pack while I sleep and remove it only in morning??
It’s been 1 year and 2 months since I injured myself it doesn’t hurt so much I can walk but not so much my point is I am in the middle.
What procedure should I go with
1. Should I use ice
2. Or ice + hot water
3. Or only hot water