Table of Contents:
Video taken from the channel: Allana Davison
The SWEATIEST Gaming Setup
Video taken from the channel: Linus Tech Tips
How To Reduce Sweating Bicycle Commuting Tips Bike Blogger
Video taken from the channel: BikeBlogger
Tips for Bike Commuting with No Shower
Video taken from the channel: Bicycle2Work
Surprising Reasons You’re Sweating Through Your Clothes
Video taken from the channel: DoctorOz
Indoor Cycling Kit Choice | What To Wear On The Turbo Trainer
Video taken from the channel: Global Triathlon Network
6 Tips to STOP Your Gym Clothes from STINKING! (Like a DEAD Animal)
Video taken from the channel: alpha m.
Staying in your sweat-soaked indoor cycling clothes can lead to a host of bad hangovers—and we’re not counting body odor among them. For one thing, there’s an increased risk of developing a vaginal yeast infection if you’re a woman, and this is especially true in hot weather.Staying in your sweat-soaked indoor cycling clothes can lead to a host of bad hangovers—and we’re not counting body odor among them. For one thing, there’s an increased risk of developing a vaginal yeast infection, and this is especially true in hot weather.
It controls your body’s temperature, and if you become excessively dehydrated, your sweat response will diminish, leaving you open to heatstroke — which can be fatal in the long-run.Indoor cycling isn’t a weight-bearing workout the way running or walking is so you may be bewildered by how sore your feet are after an intense class. But this can happen if you’re pushing hard on the pedals or spending a fair amount of time doing standing climbs—especially if you’re not wearing sufficiently supportive shoes.
Lisa Ryan, a 26-year-old New York City marketing manager and workout enthusiast, is frustrated. “I exercise every day, and no matter how frequently I wash my gym clothes.The condition is most often associated with sweaty pits, but only two percent of your body’s sweat glands are actually located there. That means hyperhidrosis can also affect the feet, hands.
In most indoor cycling classes that involve upper body action, instructors recommend 1to 3-pound weights. That’s because the exercises tend.After a super sweat-inducing workout, wash clothes immediately. Synthetic fibers, particularly polyester, are breeding grounds for stink-producing bacteria. Hand wash or use the gentle cycle on with cold water so garments aren’t destroyed by high heat or agitation.
Line dry or lay clothes flat to dry.Health dangers of wearing sweaty clothes for too long Working out is certainly a cute and convenient trend, but staying in your workout clothes or any other sweaty cloth for too long could invite yeast infections, saddle sores, and other uncomfortable issues. See Also: 5 Reasons Your Sweat Smells.The nasty truth is that this invisible affront to cycling etiquette is nearly universal—at least some of your riding gear has a stench that just doesn’t go away, even after washing.1. Sweating can clog your pores.
This can potentially lead to breakouts. Shutterstock. Wet, sweaty clothing can trap dust and dirt that clogs pores and often leads to breakouts. Experts recommends that you wipe off sweat using a clean towel during a workout and put on clean clothes after.Cotton absorbs sweat, but it’s not moisture-wicking.
The sweat stays in the fabric, often leaving you soaking wet by the end of a workout. Finding a breathable material is key. If you’re shopping online, look for the words “breathable” and “microfiber.”.Why sweat and rain should be no barrier to cycling to work.
8. June 2017 – Tips & Technology. How to deal with the mass transportation of residents and workers is one of the biggest challenges faced by major towns and cities across the globe.Now, you might be wondering if they can double as your indoor cycling clothes. Most cycling jerseys can also be used indoors.
You might not need the close-fitting feature of cycling jersey since air resistance is not a concern. But you will benefit from the quick-dry fabric of the cycling jersey to keep you cool.Letting sweat-soaked clothes sit for too long is a recipe for lingering smelliness. Try to wash them right for the best chance at removing that sweat odor.
If you can’t wash them right after your workout, hang them up so they dry until you get a chance to wash them, rather than leaving them in a sopping pile in the hamper.
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I sweat very much too. So first of all sweat is absolutely normal!But I know,it makes you a very bad feeling,when everyone can see your sweat because of your shirt color,..So I always wear white shirts under my normal shirt.Nobody can see your sweat and sometimes its like a little accessoires.
honestly some kind of app or internet dongle that tracks physical movement and distance (so you cant just jerk it or spin it around) and converts that into free internet would be great for people who do a lot of travelling or camping, maybe along with a long antennae for the out of zone areas
I FEEL U!!! I live in the Philippines and it’s a constant struggle for a sweaty girl like me
Sweat is underrated. Second day sweat stinks, just shower every day.:)
Stop eating crap and you won’t smell like it. EVEN while sweating profusely. Wanna bet? How much you got? My five million dollar challenge has been up for ten years. Oh but I forget to tell youyou also have to prove that YOUR diet also prevents cold, flu, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, headache, stomach ache, and 100 other chronic disease symptoms for at least three years IN A ROW. Bazinga.
I’ve noticed some people have KFC exhaust scent sweat, I’ve been guilty of that a few times in my life, what’s up with that?
I have a decent ish bike and would like to get a stand for it so I can train indoors. Do you guys recommend anything?
Lol Americans you wear thongs on your feet and a hamper is a bundle of delicious foods. If you throw worn clothes on your hamper what is wrong with you:p
I ( a guy) usually just wear a black t-shirt and shorts
Works well
Here in NZ we have a product I swear by called sudocrem! It’s a baby rash cream but I swear by it for chaffing! If you can get it where you are it is so worth it!
Chaffing gone within 1 1/2 days! And prevents it!
The answer is extremely obvious: you wear your oldest run down kit which you don’t wear outside because it’s in bad shape. You cool yourself with a fan, clothing doesn’t particularly matter.
Never looked at indoor training like that… I’ll definitely give those clothing tips a try. Thanks GTN!
I already wear long ( boy knee shorts) litterally everyday and yours was beautiful!!!
Omg I felt so lonely before this video:)
And also am I the only one who HATES summer??
A Tip to STOP Your Gym Clothes from STINKING:
Don’t work out!
I NEVER wash my gym clothes..keeps the hot chicks from bothering me
tri shorts nothing on top and no fan…if I’m going to suffer I might as well suffer properly
Well, you just use an e-bike? check this out
Okay but why are you talking so much nonesense like literally no one is curious about your sweat problems
Y’all should have just pulled a “Michel Reeves”d it and made it taser them
Some more video ideas (with possible sponcers):
Tips to make breath to stop smelling (Crest, Colgate, Trident, Five)
Tips to make dinner plates look less dirty (Maytag, GE, Dawn, Whirlpool)
Tips to avoid tripping over shoe laces (hard to monetize this one)
Tips to fix messy hair (Pete and Pedro)
Tips to eat without getting messy (Any fork and knife company)
Tips to avoid being cold (Ralph Lauren, Brooks Brothers, North Face, Walmart, Target)
Tips to keep you feet from getting burn by hot asphalt (Rainbow Flip-flops, Nike, Acemarks, Allbirds)
Ugh, yes!! As a fellow sweaty gal, I feel you! Thank you for this
Use his spray that’s hes being paid to promote just saved you 6 mins of your life
This hot chick in my gym walked by me and it smelled like sour feet
Another tip: wear a Tanktop under your clothes which will suck up your sweat instead of going directly onto your dress/shirt/ whatever. I do this and it reallyyyy helps a lot. Yes, it’s warm with an extra piece of clothing BUT it’s just as warm as you would be without too so ♀️
You need to do this with the Zotac PI225 or a very low power laptop. Or just make the lowest power consumption pc that can run a 3D game at 60 fps. (Or just a buyer’s guide of you on your pc sharing your screen.)
That was funny so can I ask you all something, please is all your video scripts just always wondering take care stay inside & safe
I wasn’t able to finish running my first 5k cuz of chaffing in extreme humidity but my dad who’s a runner introduced me to chaffing balms! Like a deodorant stick but for preventing chaffing! Works wonders, just apply really generously and your legs will glide over one another without a problem.
Hey Bike Blogger, how do you manage to find routes that are so free of traffic? Do you have to extend your commute by a ton to take the roads less traveled?
Also do you use Strava or some similar GPS tracking app?
I love your videos, thanks!:)
I go to the gym 5 times a week also doing cardio i always sweat like crazy and i never have this problem
Before anyone asks…
No… no one can run crysis in this thing.
Sweaty Girls Unite! Recommend me a good deodorant/anti-perspirant?
Backpackers have a saying, “cotton kills” in regards to what type of clothes you should wear while hiking, so that’s interesting. Whatever works for your body, though!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE talk about bacterial vaginosis and yeast infection. I’ve had them for years and NOTHING helped.
Please stop making videos like this. Don’t give employers ideas
I sweat so bad everywhere and anywhere especially on my face it’s extremely annoying
Is alpha m still in contract with Barbara “I’m Out” Corcoran?
Hero clean is the best because they are paying me to say so. Alpha would promote Roundup weed killer if they paid him to, and would try put a positive spin on it this will give the best chances of getting cancer IMHO ♂️
Throw em in the washer after your done? Lmfao ur running out of idea’s.
This is why I go to a football only waight room so no one will make fun of my odar
I believe I’m sweatier.
Age 47, hit waves, live in Israel.
Also try talc/baby powder under the boobs
I have spent months investigating the best natural treatment for sweating and discovered a fantastic resource at Sebs Sweat Blueprint (google it if you are interested)
I’d really like to see Alpha’s body rolling routine there aren’t any good guides available currently as far as I can find.
If your clothes smell in the gym, it’s because you are actually working hard and busting your ass rather than just sitting on your phone for 20 minutes in between sets.
Did anybody else notice the sweat was shaped like a heart 0:49
Just ordered the kit from hero clean can’t wait to check it out, everything you recommend works awesome alpha
I’d love to see a V2 model and you challenge @chrisburkard (instagram) to see if he can edit some of his photos on it
Check out Monistat chafing gel, it goes on like a gel and quickly dries to a powder finish and so if you’re fat like me and you chafe far down your thighs, just rub it on!
🙂 60 degrees celcius here in kuwait. Noone knows sweat like us
wow plus 35c° is peak hot?!! honey the temperature usually reaches 48c° in the summer where i live. And we don’t say the weather is hot, we say the weather is burningso unfortunately these tips are probably not gonna work
Could you do a video for spectacle wearers? I can’t use contact lenses anymore, so I need to go back to glasses. I have some troulbe now. For instance I can’t find a aero helmet with visor who allows me to wear glasses. I dunno if there is a helmet who provides enough space for it. Same for the side pices of glasses, sometimes they collide with the helmet.
imagine being in an online match and you just hear a guy aggressively grunting
I live in the northern central valley of California. There’s almost no humidity in the summer. Because of that, there’s much less sweating. In the sun, I always wear a wide brimmed floppy hat. Got to keep sun off the face and neck.
10:52 as someone with a laser cutter, I can verify this statement.
For underarm sweat just try squeezing lemon and putting that juice on your underarms. It literally doesn’t sweat or stink the entire day. Give it a try!
The URL for this video should be provided with each turbo trainer purchase.
It took until I had a power meter to realise that I was overheating and couldn’t hit the same numbers indoors. Smarter clothing choices and a better fan was the solution.
i really thought by “sweatiest” he was referring to…sweat lords lmao oops
What do you mean it has probiotics in it? Why? How would that be a good thing?
I spend quite a lot of time on the indoor trainer. I bought a lot of padded undershorts on ebay that I can use in rotation. There are really cheap, very cool and no one is looking.
Awesome video, I could not figure out how to stop the armpits of my workout shirts from stinking. It was driving me insane because nothing bothers me more than bad odor. Have you found any tricks for preventing or removing the yellowing of the armpits of white t-shirts?
HI Allana, what size did you in Victoria B T shirt? Please and thank you.
I learn something new everyday on Dr. Oz great information about sweating and things that make use sweat material of some clothing
I have this problem but my body is normal and my head is melting! And my hair can never be down:( I wish there is antiperspirant for face
Basically homeless did copy the video, but he did do it better.
I now live in America, I havr come to notice, black people almost always are last in presentation like this clip. Can someone explain please?
Innocently yours.
Wait you wear cloths to the gym only true alphas wear fruit of loom boxer briefs to the gym, you know to be alpha
This is me!! I need this video! I live in a tropical island and the heat is real.
Best way I have found is ride when the temp is 1 degrees Celsius like it was for me riding to work this morning. No sweat ; )
one thing that helped me a lot is have a rear rack and becoming a backpack free ))
I sweat like a pig no matter what little physucal exercise I get in, so I just commit to biking and take a change of clothes and some toiletries (soap, deodorant, a small towel) to freshen up when I reach my destination. One of the most important things I’ve learned is that if you sweat a lot, RINSE YOUR HEAD. Your head radiates off a shit ton of heat by design, so running some cold water on it does that faster and cuts down dramatically on the sweat after you’re done.
After some time, that odor just can’t be washed away.
Get inexpensive gym clothes and when the odor comes kicking in, get new ones.
@ 3:26 when you see the charge ur laser guy from impossible quiz.
just out of curiosity
isnt it pretty unusual to start smelling after a little bit of sweating? as long as you change youre clothes there shouldnt be any problem
and the more you sweat daily the less you smell atleast in my experience
also dont commute in synthetic stuff that shit smells pretty fast pretty bad
i wear nothing on turbo. i dont use fan or air-conditioning though
I didn’t go outside this summer during the because of the heat
Dude just put a pedal sensor to an arduino, that programmed to open a relay to the internet box when the pedaling stops.
Soooo much easier
Just add some white vinegar to your wash, good to go. Old school trick.
Make sure your workout clothes are actual workout clothes and not cotton t-shirts. You can find these shirts at you local sporting goods store or online. Once you have actual workout clothes wash them every time you use them. I have shirts for over 10 years that I’ve sweated in for 3 hours in the summer outside and the only problem they have is they look worn out no odor though.
You can also use rubbing alcohol on a wash cloth to clean up.
Move to The Netherlands. Cycling is Zen out there. No sweat (necessary).
Need to add a flywheel to add momentum and even out the jumps in load resistance.:)
i clicked this video thinking it was going to be a treadmill zip tied and hot glued to a desk, but for oncesuprisingly it went above and beyond my expectations
Slow down is the most accurate answer. Power output goes with the cube of speed, so does sweating.
I want to commute in ordinary clothes and I dont have time to wash and change clothes. So my average commute speed to the workplace is 18-19kph. No sweat, at least in the morning, when is colder. Back to home is not important. I have 11km in one direction, which takes me 35 min.
want to reduce sweat while riding your bike? take the bike on a bus
I find that the worst thing for making you sweat on your commute to work is wearing a frameless backpack with your gear in it. There’s no airflow between the pack and your back.
Thanks for the video and great advice! I found for me that slowing down like a mile or so before work to a very slow pace but enough to still get a lil wind helps alot so when i stop at work i dont all the sudden sweat like mad. Also immediately heading to restroom and changing clothes and toweling off a lil bit with paper towels helps too.
This idea is more relevant then ever. The perfect social distancing / workout computer for these weird Corona times.
If you’re not sweating which will make you smell you’re not working hard enough stay out the gym
Bike blogger I’m sorry but I’ll be drinking my coffee in the morning
Wear merino wool if riding long distances, it’s warm when wet, cool in the summer, and wicks moisture away. It doesn’t get stinky for days, and hand washed easily, so it’s great when touring out in the sticks for days. Take electrolyte drops with you on long rides rather than Gatorade or dry mixes, they work much better and weigh much less.
Great channel mate. I like that you put lots of text in the description as well, it helps.
I am here after watching basically homeless video of this same idea but with a 75 w pc and a treadmill
Have a rear rack and panniers (much better than a backpack) … and if you can swing the money, try an ebike. Best decision I’ve made as far as not getting overheated on my 6-mile commute.
I get ass sweat when i do a 4 hour normal gaming secion. This has to be VERY hard
Hey Bike Blogger, I just wanted to tell you that you are doing a really great job! I really admire your consistency and quality of videos. Your’re doing great, keep it up!
You are not serious about working out If you wear smelly clothes to the gym
simply shows your discipline
I find it extremely normal to wear lycra shorts when i wear dresses it makes me feel more comfortable if suddenly there is a lot of wind or sumthin
It’s an absolute shame that you have to make a video like this, to show people how and when to clean their clothing (sure you need to advertise your $ponsor). Didn’t your mother teach you anything?
it only makes sense to let your clothing, towels etc… hang dry after each use and to wash ASAP to prevent smells from forming.
What idiot puts their clothing in the freezer to prevent smelling vice simply washing? What you say to prevent fading? Didn’t you ever hear of clothing dye? When you get enough of the same color items i.e. black, or blue or green, you simply buy the corresponding clothing dye and your clothing is back to it’s original color once again.
What you should have done is plugged it into a LOUD AF UPS that lasts only 5 mins
every time you stop pedalling it beeps like a siren.
Ok it’s not getting that impressive reviews on Amazon I’ll pass on this brand
But Funkaway looking promising
Just wash it after with a water then hang it for a while, when you have the time, do the proper washing w/ soap. Or leave it soak w/ a water then wash it. That’s it, and is effective
Panier is french meaning basket. It’s pronounced pan-ni-ay. Good video! I think I should bring deodorant to work!
If you like to wear skirts and not wear shorts underneath try rubbing some Shea butter between your thighs. I do it at night and in the morning before I leave the house during the summer. Not foolproof, but better than sweating in shorts for me.
hey bb do you rember a very popular classic tv show knight rider it,s my favorite show with David hasselhoff did you watch it too it was made in the 80,s
do a video how to ride in the wind or how to climb a hill without over exerting yourself and what to do when your legs feel sore and heavy!?
Professional sweater here. I break a sweat vacuuming the carpet in an air conditioned house. When cycling, after about a city block my sweat glands start pouring it on. Besides motorists that don’t pay attention to the road, sweating is the most inconvenient thing in my commuting book. I have to get to work about 45 mins early to cool down, take a sink bath and change clothes.
I found the ideal solution for my commute to work: I ride a hybrid pedelec [Mando Footloose iM] on the commute (no sweating), reloading its battery by using the bike as a workout machine at home (lots of sweating:) ).
Yes!! Too slip shorts!! Makes light summer dresses very comfy!!
Why you did not just put it directly to the outlet and put some relay on it so you dont have to put that converter thingy?
Thank you Alpha!
The Hero Clean stuffs are just Godlike!
I just wanna give you a
You went from 12vdc to 120vac back to 12vdc? There is a more efficient way. As well I agree hooking up to the monitor only, makes the most sense. Plus it saves energy and with the right setup, you could provide all the power you need to game. You do not even need to be biking and gaming at once, but you could “invest” into the bike and then go game in the evening. All basically for free if you had the supplies or access to them. Power the router, pc, monitor, phone chargers, basically anything by this idea. Awesome.:)
Lanacane anti chafing gel will help with the thighs rubbing. No need for Spanx
I usually go bib shorts with the straps hanging down (ie, not over my shoulders) and no shirt. All about not sweating to death.
Thank you for talking so openly about being sweaty and kinda just embracing it! I’ve always been so self-conscious about my ultra-shiny face and body and these tips are much appreciated(:
if your underarms sweat really bad try CERTAIN DRY and follow the directions!!!!
Just fucking shower more frequent. Stop trying to save water dumbasses. Wear deodorant too.
Tip 1(&10), don’t go to the gym.
Don’t wear clothes to the gym
I subscribed just because u r sweaty… Woah…. #sweatygirlsquad
When i’m training indoors i just wear my underwear lol just sayin’ hahha
I’m about to start a bike commute of 40 miles total. It’s going to be tough but I got this.
I have this problem myself, as weird as it sounds I can be just sitting there or put on my work shirt and I just literally starting pouring from my armpits and nowhere else really. I’m so confused and was actually going to get it checked out at the doctor, I dont stink which is a good thing but I hate going through 3 shirts a day!!!! WHAT IS ITTTTTT????
Why mess with inverters and batteries and shit when you could just make it work with a load resistor, a mosfet, a relay and an op-amp? Would have saved like $200
that is too much work. just hire a mexican to turn the router on or off when you stopped pedaling.
If it were me, I probably would just weld another gear set to the other side of the bike & the converter, then use bike chain. But I guess this method doesn’t ruin the bike
There is a problem with cotton.. As you said, a cotton blue shirt will be super wet and maybe during all day long.. That’s because cotton is very water friendy and dries too slowly! So, even if I sweat so much, I wear synthetic clothes or when I wear cotton I choose the white ones!!
Y waste so much time and money can’t we put cloth in running water
13:13 More like a Flux Capacitor that changes blinking rate depending on power
13:15 Large capacitors are expensive, so instead add heavy weights along the rim of the bike wheel, and that by itself would act as a flywheel. Then you could make a Philips Hue that reads the RPM of the wheel and if it goes below a certain RPM, the relay opens.
Today we had sport but i forgot my sportclothes.
Everyone sweat after sport,that’s normal but i’m also sweating.
Try megababe for the thigh chafe situation! I’ve been wearing skirts and dresses all summer thanks to megababe
I remember my school uniform was polyester and in summer I couldn’t even put up my arm when I knew the answer
Good tips. I would add:
If you have a decent length of a commute, go harder/faster in the first 2/3rd and then wind down effort in the last 3rd. Less effort + wind will help you cool down a bit before you arrive at work.
put a gaming laptop instead of the desktop, so when you don’t pedal, you’ll have worse performance
I stress even more because I’m thinking about if I’m sweating through my shirt
Fun fact. The dryer isn’t the reason your clothes are shrinking, the refrigerator is. .
How to stop your gym cloths from stinking
Don’t go to the fucking gym in the first place
I use anti-chafing cream for hiking from a sports dedicated store here in Spain and it has saved my thighs. If anyone here is from Spain, go to Decathlon
Uhhhhhh washemitsthateasydontjustletthemsetthere
Like you’re in the gym for a reason, to get fit, not trying to pick up girls there, if you are then you’re just a douche.
I love your videos, although I need to drop to volume down to 3 to because your voice is so loud.
Remember folks, always stay hydrated with plenty of water. Drink nothing but water. That way, your sweat won’t smell. Eat clean, avoid spices. Keep your internals cool.
Minecraft redston: I am hardest thing in world
Linus and team: are you challenging me
is antiperspirant safe tto use i thought it had aluminium salt or something in to.
but anyways this video is my life saver…i sweat like crazy and am flying to france tomorrow
If your clothes stink it means you smell like a man.
Real alphas embrace this!
Being both a cyclist and and IT tech this was interesting. Cyclist actually measure effort in watts and 400 w is kind of elite efforts. Sprinters can go over 1000 watts, but that is only for a few 100 meters.
how unfit is he, he wasn’t even peddling for that long
no offense
For people with sweaty pits: The ONLY antiperspirant that stopped my underarm sweat is the Certain Dri antiperspirant roll on. I swear by it. There’s literally no other antiperspirant I tried that actually blocked my underarms from being moist (ew) by the end of the day. Literally. Use the roll on at night before bed, make sure you let it DRY first or it will be uncomfortable and probably won’t work as well. Don’t re-apply in the morning because it has already seeped into the skin overnight, even if you shower afterwards. I stopped using it only because I’ve gotten much less sweatier for some reason, but I’ll definitely go back if it comes back. Say goodbye to wearing jackets to hide sweat stains:)
I sweat so much that if you were to ring out my bra from the sweat underneath my chest dumplings, you’d probably be able to hydrate most of Flint Michigan, if not a few blocks
A merino wool undershirt works wonders as it doesn’t hold a smell. Also, in the winter, woolen sweaters work better than jackets as they can actually breathe.
The background music is SO ripped off from Ocean’s Twelve that it’s not even funny. 06:36 especially is just unbelievably similar to one of the themes. Why invent good stuff when it’s faster to copy David Holmes and move on…:)
That was fun to watch, it is a fun and actually interesting idea, I hope you guys perfect it.:)
… ooor did it already?:)
Alex: “This outputs like 24 volts.”
Linus: “You mean 200 watts?”
I actually think leaving out the relay would be better. The battery would let the user take short breaks every once in a while, which would not only be healthier for them but also make it more likely for them to stick with it. The battery size could also be used as a way to change the difficulty!
spicy food doesn’t raise your body temp, it just increases bloodflow to your skin, making you feel warmer but actually increasing heat loss.
Chafing Tip: use deodorant (a creamy stick one, not the roll on and not the spray)
This changed my life, it really works wonders. Imo the dove one works best!
You wouldn’t be able to cycle like that in England the potholes would of swallowed you up.
What is this stick your jeans in the freezer mess? I’ve heard this before but that doesn’t “clean.”
I’m sweating heavily and in the past I was very anxious about this. When I felt that I started to sweat especially on my face I panicked and then I sweat even more.
So my tip are a fan and a spray bottle of cold water these things are my heroes! And in addition I realized that sweat is a normal thing. So don’t be ashamed of it!!!!
Today I learned that whenever Linus says “We’ll do it ourselves!”, RUN.
Dude i have supported your stuff all the way but come on lets focus on whats actually important
Dude, a two and a half minutes infomercial??? That’s a little too much imho. I love your channel and most of the content, but I feel like you’ve been abusing lately.
An alternative would be to just power the monitor, then you don’t wreck your hard drive and lose work progress.
they should make it so the monitor turns off not the pc itself so you dont have to keep bootting up
i love it. id never use it, but watching linus struggle was fun
I love how he got physical feedback when it requires more power. It shows the physical nature of Electronics side….. Cool
LMG should clean up, package, and sell these. $250 price tag cut it? I’d buy.
Things that make me sweat besides working out-
1. Coffee
2. Anxiety
3. Nervousness
4. Stress
5. Crowds
I don’t know if anyone is going to see this but a magical cream is the neat 3B action cream!, absolutely amazing for chafing and sweating and I highly recommend!! I use it for school for my thighs ( we have really short skirts in Australia)
Can’t wait to see when you guys get gtn branded tri kit. That’s gonna look so cool
why not just dim the monitor everytime it runs out of energy instead of turning off the whole system? lol
I love how honest you are!!! heads out the door to shop for cotton/linen patterns
I go to pilates classes. All girls leave the gym with a slight blush, satisfied and happy, but I look like a sweaty pale, but at the same time red monster with wet messy hair. During bending, sweat literally drips from me. So, if you sweat too much during training, know that you are not alone!
I could not relate to a video any more than this one bless you for talking about and providing tips on being a sweaty gal. I’m glad I’m not the only one!
As a soldier who only has two pairs of PTs rolling around in the grass doing PT every morning and sweating from head to toe, I think I might buy this (as well as two more pairs of PTs) also we only have two washers and 2 hours for the entire floor of like 32 people.
Can keeping your heart rate more stable reduce sweating? The idea is that fewer power spikes such as pedalling hard uphill reduces adrenaline production.
Make sure that pre-shower is a cold one. If it’s hot, you’ll be warmed up and ready to sweat before you even start biking.
Hey is it me or is there a whistle sound coming from the bike while you’re riding? I get that on my bike too and I am wondering what it could be?
I think everybody sweats more with synthetic materials cause they don’t really let your skin breathe. That’s why it’s better not to wear synthetic underwear. At least that’s what my mom says lol but moms know better sooo
I’ve stumbled upon your channel for the first time. Gotta say, I really dig this video. Definitely gonna watch more
It’s like we’re the same person lol Jorts and spanx are life saviors!!! I feel less alone now ❤️
Good point about acclimatisation not just when you’re going to South Africa. Using the turbo in the summer, I went from “absolutely cannot handle heat” to “finishes an Olympic at 30 degrees Celcius with a smile on the face”. Next year I spent the summer riding outside only sure enough, the run leg of a hot race was once again a disaster. The turbo is great for running in summer conditions even in Northern countries.
I feel like you dumped a cup of water on you for that “sweaty t-shirt” lmao
didn’t know the pattern thing wow you’ve just saved my sweaty life
So no one’s going to talk about why Dennis is eating a whole cake for lunch?
Yoo specific antichafing shorts: thin, cotton, breathable, don’t roll up, can be pulled shorter
sweet video! I am soon going to begin biking and commuting to work.
I also appreciate your mentality when you ride of exploring, “lets see where this goes”.
Living in a tropical country, 365 days with the sun, really makes me hate the heat. Hair bad day as always, skin burning, sweaty like crazy.
Me: Puts Workout Clothes in the Washer on Hot and With Fabric Softener
Alpha M.: “Wash your Clothes on Cold.. Do Not put your clothes in the Washer with Fabric Softener!”
1:55 its getting freaking hard to watch p*rn using this mechanismus
But what if u can’t wash them every day? (Jiu jitsu uniform)
….Nope. Wear long sleeves soaked in water and wrung out. Do this as well with a T shirt under the helmet. This protects from UV, drops your surface temp, water-cools you through evaporation, doesn’t trigger your body to produce sweat that’s already put in place artificially thus reducing water consumption, fatigue…Gosh I’m smarter than you people.
I used to sweat just by being nervous. After a year of being a plumbers apprentice and spending all day in hot attics my definition of hot has changed entirely and it takes a lot for me to sweat.
The super shakey video is not very pleasurable to watch. Makes my head hurt. Is there anything else you could do? Otherwise good video
Ride slower? Don’t stop frequently? Ain’t nobody got time for that! Pedal to the metal and don’t think about sweat.
instead of deodorant you can use baking soda. Wet your hand with the tap water and sprinkle baking soda on them, then rub your armpits with it.
Omg a video I always needed. I am so so so sweaty like two mins outside and I’m dripping I hate it hahahaha
This is literally me once it gets a little bit hotter. No one understands
Are you riding an e-bike in this video? Keep hearing a whirring high pitched noise, don’t ever hear in your other vids
The fact that you didn’t just have the PC remain as the power source for the nic but with the bike powering a relay to allow the power to make it to the nic really left me disappointed in you guys
EDIT: i am now 8:15 into the video and am now proud that my mental energy retroactively affected your decision in the past to do things the right way
what kind of bike is that because I really like it and I want to buy one
Just use a holo sensor and an arduino to switch a relay. That would cost you about 6-7 bucks…
Hey the universal hand signal is always with your left hand…. I saw you use your right hand… just trying to help
You over engineert this so mutch just put a relay between the switch and the pc so wen you stop pedeling the conection brakes and wen you go you get a conection back
this is so random but u look like Perrie Edwards from little mix
My tip for the #1 thing is to put Vaseline between your thighs and you won’t get rashes.
Add Borax with your other laundry detergent. Also add Borax in your dishwasher with your detergent
Don’t wear grey, also can use panty liners on underarms worst case scenario
I just use lysol to fight the funk but everyones stank is different
Lord another person as sweaty as me I’m in fucking winter right now and it’s cold and I’m still a darn sweat machine and people seem to underestimate that I will have a shower dry myself and sit down and get up like 30 seconds after and I’m already sweaty as hell it’s like for real need another shower
If you have a power meter, one thing that helps me to not be sweaty when I get on the train is that I try to keep power below 150W. It’s kind of like a brisk walking pace.
U powder ur balls? LooooooooooooooooooooL LooooooooooooooooooooL LooooooooooooooooooooL LooooooooooooooooooooL LooooooooooooooooooooL LooooooooooooooooooooL LooooooooooooooooooooL LooooooooooooooooooooL LooooooooooooooooooooL LooooooooooooooooooooL LooooooooooooooooooooL LooooooooooooooooooooL LooooooooooooooooooooL LooooooooooooooooooooL LooooooooooooooooooooL LooooooooooooooooooooL LooooooooooooooooooooL
Ye I don’t powder ma balls.
Skip the HERO thing, to see the real hero. He needs to eat too, so don’t take it bad for him!
Instead of spanx, you should try wearing cotton bicycle shorts under your dresses as they are much more breathable and more comfortable to sweat in. Also,if the dress you’re gonna wear is too short to wear something underneath and you won’t be out of the house for that long then anti-chaffing cream is really useful but after a certain amount of time(for me it’s around 2-3 hours)you’ll have to reapply.
Wow I used fabric softener all the time smh I solved my issue
I know how you feel. I sweat regardless what I do. Why not try Moisture Wicking or Sweat Proof clothes? My partner just bought some from the brand Columbia (Omni-freeze design). They’re actually really good.
Another thing, when you’re over sweating, stick panty liners in the inside of your bra linings & under the armholes in tops. Great sweat absorption.